#best job posting sites for employers
boldrecruitment · 1 year
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Bold Recruitment Agency is a staffing and recruitment agency based in Brisbane, focused on providing small businesses with the tools they need to build a skilled workforce. We are passionate about helping businesses grow and thrive, and we believe that a strong team is the key to success.
Our team of experts specializes in identifying and recruiting top talent in a range of industries, including trade industries such as construction, manufacturing, and engineering. We understand the challenges that small businesses face when it comes to finding the right employees, which is why we work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and goals.
At Bold Recruitment Agency, we believe that every small business deserves access to the best talent available. We offer personalized staffing solutions that are tailored to each client's unique needs, whether they are looking for temporary staff, permanent employees, or contract workers. Our goal is to help businesses implement their growth strategies, while focusing on what they do best - their trade.
As a leading staffing and recruitment agency in Brisbane, we use the latest technology and innovative techniques to source, screen, and select the best candidates for our clients. We are committed to providing exceptional service and building long-term partnerships with our clients, so that they can achieve their business objectives and succeed in today's competitive marketplace.
If you are a small business looking to build a strong, skilled workforce, contact Bold Recruitment Agency today. Let us help you implement your growth strategies and take your business to the next level.
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labordoctor · 9 months
Maximizing Your Recruitment Strategy: The Power Of Free Job Portals
In the old days, online recruitment was practiced only by the technologically savvy, the ultra-sophisticates, and the curious. However, with the technological advancements in the field, online recruitment has become much more accessible. This form of recruitment has been tried, tested, and proven to show incredible results and has become an indispensable tool for all business owners out there.
The human resources market is enormous since it attracts many people each year ready to embark on their professional careers in the corporate world. Several experienced employees are looking for change after getting tired of working for the same firm. They might also look for better opportunities that help improve their portfolio, increase their income, require onsite roles, or some other pressing need.
However, tracking these employees can be difficult if you don't look for them online. Today, we will tell you about the top advantages of using free job portals for employers to hire new talent for your company:
A Broader Reach For Both Employers And Employees
Unlike traditional hiring methods, which are restricted by geography, career level, or industry, online job portals generally have an active database that covers all career levels, regions, and industries. These portals do everything they can to maintain a diverse database that's relevant, high-quality, and updated regularly.
Candidates also benefit significantly from this broader scope since they can now access jobs in industries, companies, and locations they might have yet to learn of. Not to mention, applying for a job is as easy as clicking your mouse. By posting their resumes online, they can be contacted by interested employers directly for opportunities that might still need to be advertised!
It's Available Everywhere.
Ever since the dawn of technology, the internet has replaced dogs as our best buddies since it's always available. You can easily visit and upload a facility management job posting anytime to take care of your business needs. For an independent freelancer who likes to operate remotely, online job portals are a blessing in disguise.
These portals allow employers and employees to post and apply for job openings without leaving the convenience of your home, vacation resort, coffee shop, or wherever else you might be.
It Helps Promote Your Firm's Name!
Online job portals also help you encourage your firm's name is a better light online. Whenever a job seeker is looking for job opportunities online, they will first check your firm's background. They would like to learn more about your office's work culture, environment, and career development opportunities.
This is why you must always put in much thought when writing your company and job description. With that, a job portal can help your firm leave an optimistic impression on potential employees.
These are only some advantages of working with an online job portal to hire talent. If you want to learn more about how they work, consider signing up with a free job portal today! It will give you a guided tour of the website and show how effectively it can help you hunt talent.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
did nie mingjue give jin guangyao a 'new life' after his mother's death?
okay i'm not trying to call out one post specifically or anything but this is definitely not the first post on this site to call jin guangyao the cruelest character in MDZS, and that is such a reach, especially when both xue yang and jin guangshan are, you know, right there. but i also want to dig into one of the points raised about jin guangyao and nie mingjue's relationship, and what they owe to each other, because i could not disagree with the principle assertion more.
so, did jin guangyao "[kill] the man who gave him a new life after his mother died"?
I assume we are discussing nie mingjue here and not jin guangshan lmfao.
okay, let's for the sake of argument assume your assertion that jin guangyao owes nie mingjue a life debt is correct. to be clear: I don't think it is. i do not think that meng yao owes nie mingjue a life debt when he comes into his service, nor do I think that he accrues one after receiving his courtesy name and title of lianfang-zun. but let's just pretend anyway.
JGY LIFE DEBTS OWED TO NMJ (STARTING TALLY): 1 - because nie mingjue gave him a job NMJ LIFE DEBTS OWED TO JGY (STARTING TALLY): 0 - how nice for him
I also want to emphasize that nie mingjue's attempt to help creates additional hardship for meng yao that he likely wouldn't have experienced if nie mingjue had stopped to ask him what he wanted before deciding he knew best. recall that he did not offer meng yao a promotion after overhearing his cultivators mocking his low birth: he just gave it to him, without considering how this promotion might (and in fact did) cause the bullying and harassment meng yao received from the nie sect cultivators to escalate. please also remember that meng yao does not ask mingjue for a letter of recommendation to take to jin guangshan to seek his recognition--he does not even want to leave! in fact he is explicitly telling lan xichen in that moment before nie mingjue interrupts their conversation that he feels obligated to remain with nie mingjue! it is nie mingjue who decides to send him off to jin guangshan with a letter of recommendation, and while meng yao expresses his immense gratitude for this gesture in the moment, it is so important to emphasize that he not only did not ask for this, but he was not asked if he wanted it, either. even then, the letter of recommendation that nie mingjue sends along with meng yao when he opts to release him from his service does not open any doors for meng yao at all. in fact, jin guangshan seems to use this as the perfect opportunity to eliminate another inconvenient bastard son during war time, and assigns meng yao--a weak and self-taught cultivator--to the front lines under a captain who not only beats and abuses him, but also forces him to come up with military strategies for the jin sect's successes, which he then takes the credit for when reporting to jin guangshan. if meng yao had not killed this captain, it's likely he would have died on the langye front during the sunshot campaign. meng yao gives himself a new life as jin guangyao and lianfang-zun because he is the one who kills wen ruohan during the battle for nightless city, and he does this entirely on his own (making use of deceit and trickery that nie mingjue finds dishonourable, in fact).
but anyway. after presumably giving meng yao this 'new life' in the form of the impromptu field promotion that meng yao did not ask for, meng yao repays his, um, debt (is that what we owe our employers when we are already providing them our labour?) to nie mingjue in full (??? only in full? he isn't, you know, maybe owed some change?) when he saves nie mingjue's life from wen ruohan at the battle of nightless city. and to save myself a lot of stress and frustration, let's all just collectively agree that, while the life-debt ratio of "giving someone a job" vs "risking your life to save else's" is absolutely not 1:1 in the real world, we're just. assuming it is, for the sake of this argument. the salient point is jin guangyao's ledger is now clear. he's back in the black, as it were.
JGY LIFE DEBTS OWED TO NMJ (UPDATED TALLY): 0 - he saved the life of the guy who gave him a job NMJ LIFE DEBTS OWED TO JGY (UPDATED TALLY): 0 - and the guy who gave jgy the job does not owe him anything in return for having his life saved, since jobs and lives are interchangeable and of equal value apparently
that's it, y'all, they're square.
except nie mingjue then explicitly attempts to murder meng yao/jin guangyao three times before jin guangyao even begins to play the song of spirit turmoil for him. which means we need a new scoreboard for keeping track of the mutual-murder attempts that define the rest of their relationship, beginning immediately post-sunshot campaign. here's where the mutual-murder attempt tally stands:
JGY'S ATTEMPTS TO MURDER NMJ (STARTING TALLY): 0 - he did literally the opposite of attempting to murder nie mingjue NMJ'S ATTEMPTS TO MURDER JGY (STARTING TALLY): 1 - nie mingjue tries to kill meng yao (who is not fighting back!!) with baxia, prior to being stopped by lan xichen (chapter 49)
that's explicit attempt #1! but if we believe that part of lan xichen's intent with all three of them swearing brotherhood to each other was to, in essence, provide jin guangyao and nie mingjue a clean slate upon which to rebuild trust in their relationship, then let's go ahead and reset that scoreboard. even though that is not how reconciliation between human beings actually works, particularly not when mutually-inflicted trauma is at work, but. whatever.
JGY'S ATTEMPTS TO MURDER NMJ (UPDATED TALLY): 0 - by the power vested in zewu-jun as the first jade of lan, apparently NMJ'S ATTEMPTS TO MURDER JGY (UPDATED TALLY): 0 - zewu-jun now pronounces u both even stevens, you may put baxia down. ..put it down, mingjue.
nie mingjue does not put baxia down, figuratively or literally. explicit attempt to murder jin guangyao #2 happens after they have sworn their binding oath of brotherhood to each other, and is the infamous "what else should I expect from the son of a prostitute" confrontation at the top of the jinlintai tower steps. nie mingjue literally kicks jin guangyao down 50 solid stone steps, which could easily have broken his neck or spine (or both). please note that this was an unprovoked act of violence against a much, much weaker cultivator whose only offence[1] against nie mingjue--arguably the strongest cultivator and martial artist of his generation--at this point was… saying words nie mingjue didn't like, and not killing xue yang when nie mingjue told him to. time to update the scoreboard again!
JGY'S ATTEMPTS TO MURDER NMJ (UPDATED TALLY): 0 - no, jin guangyao has not begun playing the song of spirit turmoil for nie mingjue yet! (chapter 104) [2] NMJ'S ATTEMPTS TO MURDER JGY (UPDATED TALLY): 1 - kicks nmj down the jinlintai steps, which, yes, is attempted murder (chapter 49)
which brings us to explicit murder attempt #3, which happens immediately after nie mingjue kicking him down the stairs. while jin guangyao is still recovering and picking himself up off the ground (in other words, not retaliating in any way or provoking further violence) nie mingjue unsheathes baxia to finish the job, and would absolutely have done so if lan xichen had not, yet again, intervened to protect jin guangyao. you know what time it is now.
JGY'S ATTEMPTS TO MURDER NMJ (UPDATED TALLY): 0 - nope, still has not begun playing the song of spirit turmoil between getting punted down the stairs and standing back up again NMJ'S ATTEMPTS TO MURDER JGY (UPDATED TALLY): 2 - yes, this is a second attempt at actual murder, I am not going to argue about this with anyone
all of this happens /gestures @ literally all of that, while jin guangyao is continuously traveling back and forth between jinlintai and qinghe to play the unaltered version of cleansing to help stabilize nie mingjue's qi. we know this because lan xichen explicitly tells us this in chapter 49, and nie mingjue agrees with him. we also know that this unaltered version of cleansing is having a positive impact on nie mingjue's spirit and his relationship with jin guangyao, because wei wuxian remarks on this while experiencing nie mingjue's memories in empathy. to be very clear: before jin guangyao has played the song of spirit turmoil for nie mingjue even one time, nie mingjue has already tried to kill jin guangyao three times. he is actively attempting to murder jin guangyao while jin guangyao is actively working together with lan xichen to repair their relationship and forestall nie mingjue's inevitable death by qi deviation. and we can go around in circles all day about whether jin guangyao ultimately kills nie mingjue solely because he is defending himself against a man who will not stop trying to kill him, or whether he's doing this because daddy said jump, or if it is a bit of both--I fall into the "it is always a bit of both" camp with jin guangyao--but that is actually beside the point.
the point: if we are keeping score about who has attempted to murder whom (and how frequently) by the time nmj ultimately kicks it, the final tally is nie mingjue 3 - jin guangyao 1. if we include his attempt to kill jin guangyao at the point of his qi deviation, the final tally becomes nie mingjue 4 - jin guangyao 1. so, even if i didn't disagree with the principle assertion made here, i would argue that jin guangyao not only squared that debt to nie mingjue years ago by saving him from wen ruohan, nie mingjue in fact now owes a life debt to jin guangyao for all the attempts to kill the guy who literally saved his life.
tl;dr these are the actions of a man who gave his subordinate a lot of trauma and anxiety, but not a new life.
[1] I am shelving any discussion of what meng yao does or doesn't owe nie mingjue within the context of his time spent undercover in wen ruohan's court because I feel there is nuance enough in that situation to justify its own post. meng yao and nie mingjue both deeply, irreparably traumatized each other in that situation and should never have been let within 6 li of each other ever again after the end of the war, much less pressured to swear brotherhood to each other. (grips lan xichen's shoulders, stares deeply into his beautiful eyes: wtf were you thinking, er-ge)
[2] even if I were to agree that he obtained the song of spirit turmoil in advance of the stairs incident and had already begun playing the song for nie mingjue (which I do not), it is clear that mingjue is improving, pre-stairs. this implies that jin guangyao, while he may have prepared a contingency plan, has not been putting any spiritual power into the portion of cleansing that contains the altered bars of the music. we know that he is capable of altering which parts of the song receive spiritual power because both wei wuxian and lan xichen confirm that this is possible in their (emotionally fraught, for poor xichen) conversation inside the cloud recesses library pavilion after the torn page is discovered. this, combined with the two to three month time frame that the altered song requires to trigger mingjue's qi deviation, plus the two month time frame that jin guangyao presents disingenuously to nie mingjue regarding xue yang, are clear textual evidence in support of my position. the music changes after the stairs.
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kedreeva · 5 months
hi Ked! congratulations on your word count milestone! that is amazing, especially with a full time job.
I was wondering if you had any thoughts or advice on writing regularly when you're tired from work. I'm a slow writer myself, and it's very frustrating to finish a work day and realize that I gave the best of myself and my energy to my employer.
Thank you!
I can't really say what will work for you, but for me, it helped to designate a time and space for writing. Human brains LOVE a good pattern, and setting up a time and space instigates pattern recognition. It's why you're not supposed to, like, do other stuff than sleeping in your bed space, because if the only thing you do in your bed space is sleeping, then when you enter bed space at bed time, your brain goes Ah ha, it is time for sleep, PREPARE and it becomes easier to fall asleep (typically, obviously).
Designating a time and space ALSO means you are specifically making time for writing (rather than just "I'll do it at some point") and that it has a start time and a stop time. LOTS of brains don't work well without a deadline, and "I'm gonna sit down to write" doesn't push the same button as "I will sit here for 15 minutes and write, then writing time is over." It's why racing others is so effective most of the time- because there's a time limit. Often a brain can rally easier if the task has an endpoint to look forward to or "beat" so to speak.
If you don't have friends to race with (you can join my writing discord and do races there), then there's always sites or programs like written? Kitten! or 4thewords or Fighter's Block or Write Or Die. Personally I prefer WOD2, I purchased the app and it's a good way push solo. You set an amount of time, you set a word count you want to reach, and you set a stimulus you do not want to receive for stopping writing. For mine, the screen begins turning red and if I stop writing long enough, the program starts eating my words. So the task goes from "write" to "play game called keep WOD from eating my words."
The thing about the above stuff is that the ACT of writing can feel very unrewarding when you're just writing and not getting anything- it's part of why we share fanfic and stuff online, because then we're getting the reward of comments or discussion. Before you post or publish or otherwise share, you're just.... doing a task. and not getting anything from it, except getting it out of your system or getting to read what you wrote and sometimes the latter feels more like a chore than the writing did. But writing socially (finding a writer's group, finding friends to share with, finding a fandom to talk about your work with etc) or making writing a game or at the very least getting little treats for accomplishing words can alleviate some of that, and make it easier to do.
So, sometimes i do races, sometimes I play games, sometimes I give myself little pictures of kittens or puppies, sometimes I set out a row of small candies (like jellybeans or m&ms or something) and I get to eat one for every sentence I write. Sometimes I frame writing as the reward; "okay, me, we are gonna put away clean dishes, and load the dishwasher, and then we can write for 10 minutes!"
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skylermadness · 8 months
Hunter's Tales I: Bitten (Human TF/MC/AP/WG)
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(Original Date of Upload: October 31, 2022)
Original Description:
Happy Halloween! I admittedly don't care a lot about this holiday. Personally I prefer the post-Halloween candy sales. But I do care enough to write something silly to commemorate the occasion! A few weeks ago someone asked if I liked werewolves or vampires more. Personally, I might like werewolves a bit more. I say this because I actually wrote this story out as part of a planned series I want to do featuring Argent and various monster hunting failures he endures. It likely won't be a very long series, nor a frequently updated one, but it's one I've been thinking of writing for a while now. Especially since I loved the idea of a werewolf TF but you're changing into the human form rather than the wolf one. Also just for everyone's information, fight scenes are fucking ass to write. I still don't think I did it that well, but I tried. Anyway, I hope people like this one! It is a bit different from my normal works.
Mission No° 479: October 31, 20XX
Target Name: Roland Forrester
Target Species: Lycanthrope
Hit Orderer: [REDACTED]
Reason for Hit: [REDACTED]
Agent On-Call: Agent No° 47 ~ Argent Chandler
Status of Mission: Unfulfilled
   The night is moonless.
   In the dead of this midnight a boot stamps on the ground of a muddy runway. Said runway is located within the bowels of a sprawling woodland. With the exception of the sounds of bootclad feet hitting mud, it is quiet. 
   Argent Chandler takes a deep breath as his eyes scan the site that lays in front of him. To a normal person they'd see a wooden cabin. Secluded and off the grid, in the middle of nature for none to disturb. With the exception of some creepy vibe to it, it seemed unsuspect. 
   Argent exhaled, nodding. This was the right place.
   His trenchcoat swished behind him as he continued his trek down the runaway. Judging by the small pickup truck nearby he could tell his target was obviously located in this place. Although that wouldn't be very easy to tell by the fact that any lighting inside the cabin seemed inactive.
   His trek easily shifted into a saunter once his now muddy boots reached the steps of the cabin. Each one creaked beneath his weight. Although at this point stealth was foregone a long time ago. Argent wasn't the kind of hunter that dealt in stealth, no. Especially since all his arsenal was silver. The creature within this dwelling likely smelled him before he was in a ten foot radius of this place.
   It doesn't matter though. It never does. He always gets the job done and has been since employment. There's a reason he's considered the best hunter within his Guild.
   Atop the stairs, he pulls out his gun and begins to twirl it in his hand. What would the number be now? Fourty? Forty five? At least half of those missions were probably some kind of therianthrope. 
   Wood continues to creak beneath him, Argent walking up to the door. The hunter stops carelessly twirling his weapon and extends his free hand to grasp the doorknob. After a cursory jiggle he finds it to be unlocked. With a nod, he confirms this to be a trap of some kind. Predictable.
   Doesn't stop him from kicking the door open anyway, following it up by a gunshot to the ground in front of him.
   "Let's see how your fragile ears handle that…" he whispers with a smirk on his face.
   The cabin interior was dark, but was actually pretty nice looking. He presumed himself to be in the living room, considering the furnishment was a couch of some kind. His original perceptions of the place being off the grid was disregarded at the sight of an old-fashioned box TV cushioned in the corner of the room, but at this point he didn't really care. None of these creatures worked in covertness now, did they?
   Another floorboard creaks, and mud begins to track into the place as he casually walks around. He holds an arm up, his gun in hand as he starts twirling it again. His other hand moves to the inside of his trenchcoat and slowly positions itself to one of his many daggers. There seems to be two major rooms he could enter. Left and right.
   His gaze slowly moves rightward, and he is greeted with the sight of two beads of glowing yellow. No doubt the eyes of the very creature he came here to kill. But his ears then catch a sound. Wood creaking from the leftward room instead. Smiling, he turns around to locate the source. The place was small, there couldn't be any way for anything in here to hide efficiently.
   He begins to walk to the room the sound was made in, his own steps being an obvious alert of his presence. "No use hiding, freak," he says aloud, voice filled with malice. Animosity. "We both know we're in here, so why don't you come out and…" 
   He stops twirling his gun right when it's upward and pulls the trigger, firing another bullet. He then finishes off his sentence with a smirk. "...play."
   He doesn't get a response at first, silence filling the area in the seconds after he fired his second round. Face lacking all emotion now he continues to stand at the room's threshold. Cold, calculating. 
   Frontward attack, dagger thrust. Left arm disabled, forgo gun and try to utilize the other. Both arms disabled, go for a groin kick. Multiple plans fire off in his head as he awaits his prey.
   What he didn't expect was the light in the room in front of him to turn on, revealing the room to be a kitchen. No one was visible within it for a couple moments, but then the sound of creaking wood pierced the air again.
   "I really need to get these things replaced!" a second voice says casually, the person whom it belongs to walking into view on the other side of the threshold.
   The being stood in front of Argent, smiling. The man looked to be in his mid thirties; rectangular face, scratchy beard, faint etchings of age beginning to crawl in his face. His hair was well kept with two lupine ears poking out of it. He also lacked a shirt, giving his musculature and hirsuteness visibility. Most of his hair, both head and body, was bordering between black and dark grey, although this was indubitably not because of age. The only clothing he wore was a baggy looking leather jacket and a torn pair of jeans. His tail swished behind his legs calmly. He was also barefoot as well.
   Argent's first reaction was to reposition his gun to point at the man. Smirking, he's the first to engage. "I'm taking it you're Roland Forrester."
   Roland nods, extending a hand and placing a finger on the bottom of the gun's barrel. "It seems you caught me red handed, Argent."
   In an instant a simple finger quickly switches to the man's hand cupping the gun's barrel, Roland using his supernatural strength to squeeze it into uselessness. He grinned, baring his sharp teeth and growling. His irises began to glow a bright gold. "So, I heard you wanted to play."
   Argent's mouth twists into a manic grin. He unhands the gun and begins to step back. "I see you're one of those kinds of fleabags…" He then moves the hand downwards and into his trenchcoat, grasping a second gun. "This'll be fun!"
   And in that very instance, a fight breaks out between the two.
   Argent is the first to break linearity as he repositions himself away from the front of the kitchen's threshold. Pouncing out the threshold was Roland, having shifted to wolf form in the past few seconds. Fangs bared, the creature turned its head to glare at Argent, its eyes filled with aggression.
   It proceeds to pounce and Argent quickly moves out the way causing it to bang its head on the couch. As the wolf begins to reorientate itself, the hunter starts formulating a plan.
   Six bullets, he needs to be sure he shoots to kill.
   Room size is definitely an advantage. Perhaps he could… DAMN-
   Caught off guard, Argent is pinned down by the lycanthrope. For a few seconds it growls, but Argent cuts it off by discharging his weapon. Its strength wavers for a moment as the noise of the firearm rings in its ears allowing Argent to give it a strong kick in the gut.
   It unhands him and he rolls out from under it, quickly pushing himself upright. Stupid mistake, won't happen again.
   The wolf quickly regains its bearings, although it's still noticeably in a daze. "Could've… gone for a finger there, hunter," it growls out.
   "Could've gone for the neck as well, filth!" Argent dashes to the creature's side and pulls out a dagger from his trenchcoat, priming to hurl it into the abomination's leg. But just as he hurls it the wolf pounces out of the way and back into the kitchen, the dagger lodging itself into the floor instead. Positioning both hands on his gun, the hunter then moves back into the doorway's view and haphazardly fires into the room. 
   He misses.
   Backing up a bit, Argent jumps over the couch beside him just as the werewolf pounces towards him again. The couch doesn't last very long though as the beast takes a moment to stand upright and hurl it to the other side of the room, which wasn't exactly very far.
   Argent is quick to turn around, eyes widening as he realizes the chance he's given. He lifts the gun again and fires at the beast. Unfortunately, his trigger happy tendencies cause him to miss the chest and instead he hits the being in the shoulder.
   It's still a win though as the creature backs away and forcibly deshifts back into its human form, holding a hand to where he was shot. The smell of blood and burning flesh begins to waft through the air as well.
   "Nice aim." Roland seems to taunt Argent. In retaliation Argent fires another round, but Roland is quick to dodge. His dodge is sloppy though and he tramples into the adjacent room.
   Argent's face shifts into one of annoyance and anger. He takes his other hand off the gun and rifles through his trenchcoat, pulling out a second (and his last) dagger. He then hurls it into the wall on a whim, hoping it'd be enough to perk up whatever instincts Roland had and force them to pounce prematurely.
   It doesn't work.
   At this point Argent is already tired of this bullshit. Usually his mission is complete by now and he's heading back home to clean off the stench of beast filth from his clothing. But no, for some reason he keeps missing his killing shots.
   Two bullets. Two more chances.
   …and why hasn't Roland left that room yet?
   Argent slowly skulks into the open again, eyeing the room that Roland tripped into.
   He can see Roland's glowing lupine eyes in the dark of the room. Cockiness overtakes Argent again as he presumed this would be his chance. Shooting the damned abomination square in the head!
   Argent starts to walk towards the threshold quickly, arm outstretched and gun lined to fire directly at the werewolf's head. For once in his life he doesn't take the chance for a one-liner. He just pulls the trigger and…
   …hears the sound of shattering glass.
   "What the hell?"
   Briskly, Argent walks into the room and investigates the scene. The very figure he shot at stands motionlessly, staring at him. Mocking him wordlessly. He goes to give it a good punch, but right as his hand meets its body he finds that it phases through the entity. The light of the room then turns on and Argent finds himself eye to eye with some kind of entity of shadows.
   "...fuck," he mutters to himself. He's done for.
   "You know…" Roland's voice begins to ring from behind him. The wolf man begins sauntering over to the hunter, prying the bullet out of his shoulder as he walks and disregarding it on the ground. "I'm going to have to reorganize this place again after this whole stunt. And blood is a bitch to clean…"
   Argent turns around, but is barely given a chance to react as Roland seems to pin him in some kind of bear hug. The lycanthrope's superhuman strength constricts Argent.
   The hunter tries one final measure. If he can at least escape, he won't have lost now. Would he? His finger twitches and one final bang blasts through the air, a bullet lodging into the ground beside him.
   Roland didn't let go.
   "That trick might have worked twice but I ain't one to get fooled more than that. Even if gunfire fuckin' hurts my ears."
   Argent grunts. "Why not kill me already, bastard."
   All he gets as a response is a smile from Roland before the older man instantly shifts into wolf form and picks the hunter up. The large beast lessens his constriction on Argent just enough to move him to a more comfortable position in his arm…
   Then proceeds to throw Argent across the room.
   Stings of pain run through Argent's body as the breath is knocked out of him, the man hurled straight into a wall. In contrast, his body collapses onto something soft.
   A bed…
   He shifts around, moaning out in pain as he forces his body to turn away from the wall. He tries to get himself upright, but can only shakily push himself up from the bed.
   "I was hoping not to get any blood on the bed," Roland says, "but this will have to be how it's done unfortunately."
   Argent is barely given any time to react. In the span of a single second he's pierced with a flash of pain as his right shoulder is given a single, gaping bite. His eyes roll upward as pain surges through his body, the only sight given to him being the visage of Roland's beastly form.
   Roland is quick to disengage from the scene. Once Argent was adequately bit, the lycanthrope steps away and shifts back to his human form. "Good God the taste of blood is atrocious…"
   Argent just huffs out a breath in pain as he rolls himself off the bed. It's a pitiful twenty seconds of pain and grunting, the hunter landing front first on the floor before he shakily stood up. "A-ahhh… but it's… not the full moon…"
   "I know, but something a lot of hunters seem to neglect is how other moon phases seem to work." Roland walks towards Argent again, the hunter taking a step back. To Roland, he could smell fear from the once supposedly fearless hunter. "Magic isn't a very common practice in these parts, so I wouldn't say it's surprising your guild never taught you about it."
   "It… it was a footnote- supposedly impossible to learn and function!"
   "To the average human, yes. Most of what you call supernatural entities can learn it pretty well though. It's just not the most common practice." Roland snips his fingers and the shadow entity that stood at the adjacent wall of the room dispels revealing a shattered window.
   Argent shakily tried to walk, but found the pain he was in a little too unbearable to move properly. He begins to tip over, but his fall is swiftly stopped by Roland.
   "The wounds should shut pretty quickly."
   "W… why are…"
   "Don't think of this as some kind of 'I care about you' bullshit. Frankly, I'd have ripped you apart ages ago. But you hunters seem so easy to fool, and I was getting a little lonely out here."
   Argent's mouth hung open. "E-excuse me?"
   "Hey, magic can do a lot of shit! I thought 'why not use it and get myself a guy!' Admittedly, it took months of preparing and learning how to enact such a spell that'd be done through bitten transfer. And then there was…"
   Argent pulled away. "What the hell are you talking about??"
   Roland let out an exasperated sigh. "Yeah, I think I'm done with this." He walks away from Argent and leans on the opposing wall, golden eyes piercing into Argent's green ones. "I'm just going to forgo any explanation. You won't remember it anyway once the transformation starts."
   At that very comment the pain in Argent's arm slowly begins to subside. Turning his head his eyes widened at the sight of his shoulder which was now visible through the rips in his clothing caused by Roland's bite. Blood was coagulating at a rapid pace, wounds quickly filling and scarring over. 
   "This… this can't be…"
   It only took a few seconds before scars dispelled and healing on the surface finished. Pain continued to fade as the bones in his shoulder realigned and healed as well, the region quickly looking good as new. He then started feeling a warmth in both of his arms…
   His hand trembles as he lifts it up into view, small spasms coursing through it. Watching fearfully, Argent witnesses his nails extend slightly into blunted points. They don't become claws, but there's a certain bestial tone to them. The back of his hand gains a similar tone as the smoothness of his skin begins to dissipate into a coarser look. Upon it sprouts deep brown hairs that trail across the back of his hand.
   Flipping it over doesn't give him any respite either. The skin on his palms darken slightly, getting puffier and rougher. A hardness forms within them as well, caused by the formation of calluses. At the same time the size of his hand seems to increase as well. Fingers got thicker and fatter, the hand itself swelling in size as it got increasingly meatier.
   His arms seemed to follow in an instant, Argent groaning as he started to feel his trenchcoat tighten around the limbs. "H-how-" he grunts out, feeling his muscle mass increase with each passing second. The rest of his clothing also felt like it was getting smaller as his entire body size seemed to fluctuate, although it was at a much slower rate than his sleeves. 
   "You wouldn't understand," Roland responds with a shake of his head. "All I will say is you aren't becoming a wolf yet. Just the man who contains it." Roland then smirks. "I also feel you'll grow to enjoy it~"
   And Argent was indeed growing. His forearms thickened, bulk and muscle laying on them where such amounts of it wasn't there before. He could feel his bones creak and pressurize as they extended alongside them, shifting into a size better equipped to handle his inevitable new form. His biceps and triceps bloated as well, the ridges of their musculature steadily etching into the fabric of the sleeves of his hunting attire. His undershirt was growing uncomfortable at a rapid pace, and his trenchcoat was following that example.
   Away from his eyesight beneath the stretching fabric came an additional swath of changes. Age creeping in his skin, hardening it and giving it an almost leathery texture to it. Arm hair grew plentiful on the back of his arms, starting off as a sparse growth before it blossomed into a thick forest of curly brown hairs. Grays also speckled these hairs, further showing his shift in age.
   His muscles continue to balloon, rips beginning to form in his undershirt as things continue to process. He could hear a chorus of tears ring from the left half of his trenchcoat as well as his delts followed swiftly behind, broadening his shoulders to a thickness akin to that of his arms. The arm holes of his undercoat began to constrict as a result.
   Aggression soon started to seep into Argent's emotions. He lifts up his head to look up at the creature that's done this to him. He shakily begins to try and walk over to Roland's position on the other side of the room, body trembling beneath its increasing weight both physically and emotionally. "Is this… vengeance?" he spits out, his breathing growing labored as the changes begin to enter his chest. The sound of one of the many belts surrounding his torso tightening, the metal creaking for a few seconds before snapping fills the air as Argent awaits a response.
   "You could say that. It's less vengeance and more… vindication? Justice? The right words are so hard to find these days."
   "Stop fucking dancing around the question and answer me you flearidden piece of-"
   "See, there it is. You hunters seem to have this whole issue with us for… no good reason? I could never tell. Perhaps it's some underground war caused by predecessors long gone. I'm just trying to subdue that!" Roland stops leaning on the wall and takes a step forward. "Us so-called 'monsters' are people just like you. And yet, so many of you seem so… obsessed with wiping us out."
   The sound of metal snapping as a second belt buckle on Argent's body breaks pierces the air.
   "I hope that's not silver…" Roland says with a hint of concern.
   Argent just growls as his balance finally destabilizes, the man stumbling sideways and banging his right arm on the wall. The meatiness of it mitigates whatever pain he would've gotten from it though. Even then, he's too focused on trying to breathe as he feels the belts and undercoat of his attire continue to constrict his body in what practically feels lethal.
   The zipper of his undercoat begins to move downwards as his torso barrels forward. Thick muscle swelled it in size, mass filling them out as he was given hefty pectorals. However, their musculature seemed to fade almost instantaneously as a softness accumulated around them. A tear quickly formed in his undershirt as fat bubbled into existence in his torso. A thick bush of hair was also growing across the area as well, overtaking the skin as a coarse fluffiness sprouted across his chest.
   The zipper of his undercoat continued to move downwards before it was stopped by his third belt, which was located on his abdominal. Both his third and his fourth belts were all that remained, stretching and attempting to contain his thickening form to the best of their ability. Argent began to slump, body sliding down the wall as his oxygen intake was beginning to seem insufficient to his body's needs. 
   Luckily, all of that was about to be alleviated.
   The zipper was the first to break apart as his abdomen started swelling in size. Abdominal muscles were the first to form, rippling outsides and etching into the fabric and leather of his clothing. His frame even was broadened to accompany this, the fourth belt being the next to snap and fall away. 
   His belly then bubbled. Much like his torso, his stomach was gaining weight as well. Fat filled the area, his belly going from toned to pudgy in seconds, then pudgy to chubby. Fat continued to accumulate in the area, constantly filling his belly until it was given a sizable gut that shattered his third belt and completely broke the zipper of his undercoat. It continues to extend beyond that, his undershirt riding up his belly to reveal thick hair growing across it. 
   The button holding his pants together was the next to snap under the pressure of his belly. Argent, breathing heavily now as he looked down at it. He was trying to keep it together, but there was obviously fear in his eyes. He then noticed the floor starting to get further away from him, a chill entering his legs as his height seemed to begin to shift. This was accompanied by the feeling of pressure in his back and legs. 
   That feeling in his back only seemed to build up more and more. Constantly and feverishly, it felt like something was trying to bust out of the base of his spine. 
   "A tail…" he whispers, the pieces falling into place.
   "Yup. I do suggest you lower the seat of your pants a little just to let the little thing flow out more freely." Roland nonchalantly advised, as if he's trying to help.
   Argent begrudgingly accepts, shakily moving a hand to his behind and lowering his pants a little. The building pressure seems to subside as he feels a more slithery feeling then come from the base of his spine. He didn't want to watch, but he knew what it was. The tail extended from his rump, growing and expanding as short fluff and fuzz sprouted from the flesh. It continues to extend until it reaches the length to brush the crus of his leg. Shortly after that the fur bushes out, thick in fluffiness and dusty brown in color. A proper wolf's tail.
   Argent's breathing slows, getting heavier and deeper. It was almost guttural. "What will you… gain from this…" he says between breaths. "Once this is over I could still kill you where you stand!"
   "Could, but not would." Roland says coyly, laying back on the wall he stood in front of. "There's a few things that still need to be put in still, but I think you'll be reconsidering those thoughts."
   "Shut up!" Argent yells, his voice noticeably deeper and more bestial. He momentarily regains the strength to heave himself from the wall and move forward a few steps, but his new weight throws him off balance again and he quickly stumbles to the other end of the room. He's prompted to hold the sill of the window he shot through. 
   The sleeves of his trenchcoat finally break apart as his skin begins to show, and his chest continues to gain visibility as his body continues to bloat and fatten. It seems to slow, though, as if it were finally reaching its apex. Thick hair carpets his chest even more, an almost furry look seeming to envelope it as brown and grays spiral around the region. It looked to be even thicker than what Roland possessed.
   He tries to readjust his legs, his pants tightening even more as the muscles within that area begin to bulk up as well. The seat of his pants filled out more and more, his rump plumping as fat filled it out. It was becoming big, round, and squishy. The expansion of his rear got to a point that the seat of his pants split rather quickly, his underwear struggling to stretch themselves over his buttocks.
   At the same time the seams of the sides of his pants started to tear apart, his thigh muscles swelling in size. Quads and hamstrings working out in tandem, thickening and bloating with increasing muscle mass. A softness rounded out the ridges as fat accumulation soon followed. And much like his arms, the bones in his legs shifted structure, lengthening and strengthening in order to support his weight better.
   Similar changes were being mirrored beneath his knees, his calves growing larger and pushing up against the leather of his boots. Their swelling pulled against the strings of his footwear, pulling at them and effortlessly snapping them. Thick hairs also grew plentiful around his legs as well.
   His boots were already pretty tight but as the final swath of changes reached his feet his footwear was pushed to its limit. The toecaps bulged, his toes pushing up to them as his feet grew even larger. He could feel pressure in his nails, no doubt them gaining the same dull claw feature as his fingernails. His soles itched, hardening with calluses and etching with scars. It wasn't long before his boots finally gave way, feet bursting out of them, crawling out the fractured brown leather and feeling the chill of the air. Dense, curly hairs grew upon the back of his feet as well.
   The remains of his boots easily slipped off as Argent started stumbling around again. He wasn't acclimated to this weight, this size. His pants tore against his moving legs, the sleeves of his shirt tearing apart as well. His uniform was in tatters at this point.
   His footsteps are heavy on the wooden floorboards of the bedroom. His mind races as he begins to realize only one part of his body is left unchanged. His head…
   "Here…" Roland says as he walks towards the worried hunter. Sharpening his claws, he grips onto Argent's undershirt and tears off a large chunk of it. He does the same to the hunter's overcoat, but leaves the trenchcoat on. "Consider this an exoneration of your sins, best hunter of the guild."
   Now Argent's newly formed, hairy chest and belly were mostly visible to the world. "That's a body I like…" Roland whispers lustfully.
   Argent lets out a shuddered breath, but tries to put up a front. "B… big mistake…"
   "I think the only one who's made a mistake here is you." Now Roland is the one with the cocky smile. Despite Argent's new height, towering over Roland by a little less than a foot, Roland doesn't seem to care. He doesn't seem to care that Argent could go toe to toe with him on equal footing. He doesn't care about anything at all. Instead, he embraces Argent in a hug, nestling his head into the hunter's burly chest. 
   "Wh- what the fuck are you doing-" Argent says with a literal growl escaping his throat. 
   Roland only gives him a single response. "Your voice is so deep. So sexy…"
   Argent's chest warmed at the… the compliment? What the…
   One of Roland's hands starts to slip downward, trailing down the larger man's spine. It's soft. It's sensual. It's…
   "Your heart is beating faster," Roland starts. "I can smell it off you as well. You can sense it too, yeah?"
   Argent just swallowed a lump in his throat. "I… I…"
   Roland's hand then dashes upwards and onto Argent's head. He begins to ruffle the man's hair. "Why don't we speed this up. Go on, hunter. Give in. Well, you won't be a hunter anymore after this…"
   Argent shuddered, but he was finding it hard to be afraid. He doesn't want to admit it, but he's… enjoying it. "Nngh, must… resist…"
   It became hard to do so, though. Argent's ears started to sharpen to a point, shifting in structure to become more triangular. Lupine. They pulled upwards and after a few seconds sat atop his head. Brown fur practically covered them in an instant after that. Roland then repositioned his hand and… started scratching behind one.
   "You love this, don't you Bertie…"
   "Mmph… yeah…" Argent's cheeks flushed. "W-wait, no… can't… nngh…"
   "Stop resisting," Roland uses his strength to grip Argent's body closer. His head positions itself to look at Argent's face. "Don't you feel it? Everything finally kicking into gear?"
   Argent's face itched, and from this itch came longer stubble. His previously light stubble grew longer, curling in on itself and getting denser. Thick hairs grew into a mustache above his lip. Thicker hairs conglomerated into a beard. Even after forming a beard it seemed to get thicker, denser, longer and fluffier. It has the same fur-like density as his chest hair, it had the same coloration and scale of grayness to it. It was a beard that felt so… so fluffy…
   "My… head's hurtin'..." Argent says. His voice seems to lower more, a husky tone gaining prominence than it did before. Roland then stops scratching his ear in order to reposition the hand under his chin and scratches that instead, stimulating the beard fur and his mind.
   "A good scratch always makes you feel better, Bertie." Roland's voice seems so filled with fondness.
   "That's not my…"
   "Oh but it is," Roland interrupts. "Bertolf Forrester."
   Argent's head slumps at the sound of the name. It sounds so… good. Proper. Correct.
   His head starts to restructure, face growing wider and rounder, cheeks filling with fat as it becomes squishier. His nostrils flare up as his nose expands, rounding out. His youthfulness also starts draining, skin gaining age as it gets rougher and older. Signs of aging crept besides his eyes and mouth, circulating around his face. His eyebrows become thicker. His eyes become a little wider. He goes from looking like a cocky young adult to a friendly older man. 
   His age has been shot up; twenties, thirties, fourties. His face, his body, settles at being in his early fifties with small amounts of gray etching into the hair on his head. As for the remainder of the hair on his head; the dirty blonde changes shade into a deep brown. The fringe style of it shortens, follicles twisting as it becomes a shorter, curlier style.
   "K…keep goin'..." the now older man whispers, almost pleasured by this.
   "Feeling any better, Bertie?"
   "I…" Argent squeezes his eyes. "I can't… I need to…"
   In a second the positions of Roland's hands switch. One remains around the body of Argent, but the other switches back to behind him and moves downwards to his butt. Roland then gives it a firm squeeze. "Let. It. All. Go."
   Argent begins to slump, something possessing him as his back arches and his face grows closer to Roland's. Resistance is getting harder. That urge to give in increases with each act Roland does to him. He wants to hate the werewolf but something in his mind was preventing him. He's getting filled with affection for Roland. To…
   A part of him tries to escape one final time. A futile attempt to pull away, but he finds himself confused. He finds his entire sense of self confused. Why is he… why is he so afraid? Why doesn't he want to give in? What stops him from giving in?
   Something shifts within him. He begins to move closer, his fears subsiding rapidly. Technically, his whole identity subsides. Years of hunting and killing unjustly. Years of satisfaction at the sight of bloodshed. They are washed out of his mind in an instant. The only hunting he seems to care about is going out into the forest and looking for a good deer to slay.
   His eyes snap away from Roland's, he looks to where his… weapon was meant to be. He doesn't know what to expect, but he finds a weird conglomeration of wood and metal that seems to be growing larger. It looked less like whatever it used to be. It looked like an axe.
   Something on his body shifts as well. Tightness alleviating, material getting slightly more comfortable. He doesn't look, but part of him knows what's happening.
   The bottom of his trenchcoat slinked upwards until it nestled at his hips. The buttons of it shifted from metal to plastic, growing slightly smaller. The material softens, thinning out into something more cottony and casual. Then there's the coloration, dull brown becoming a red, gaining a pattern as bold red lines of various shades criss-crossed around the new material giving it a plaid look. The trenchcoat's collar shrinks as it's lapel dissipates, and the collar itself folds downwards into a different kind of collar. He can feel shreds of clothing slink away from his arms as well, his new flannel being given a torn sleeve look.
   His pants are the only other article of clothing that shifts. Size altering to fit his new meaty legs, deep brown shifting into a dark blue. The material hardened as it altered, becoming denim as multiple pockets seemed to fade into the material with only two front pockets and two back ones staying. The bottoms of the new jeans wear and shred, the denim clearly having gone through many arduous experiences. All that remains is a belt, one of the only ones that remained on his body slithering around it and nestling around the loops of his jeans. It remains unbuckled, and the jeans unbuttoned. 
   Shreds of his former clothing still do remain, though, but all of the significance of them fades. All Argent can think of is Roland, love welling up within the man. 
   Roland uncups the man's butt and lifts his hand to the back of Argent's head. "Let's finish this…" he says with a smirk as he begins to lower Argent's head to his own. After a few seconds of leaning in…
   Their lips finally touch.
   Bertolf's eyes flitter as his head is filled with memories. New information was given to him at a rapid, near instantaneous pace. His life as a lycanthrope, his job as a lumberjack. Everything associated with that as fifty two years of information was shoved into his mind. His personality was altered, his emotions were altered. Everything was becoming this new being, the former monster hunter being erased completely from the mind of this man. This continues for a minute. And in that minute, everything is set in stone within Bertolf. 
   They then break away, both participants breathing heavily.
   Bertolf takes a few moments to take everything in, but once he comes to his senses he speaks. "Wh… what was I talkin' 'bout again?"
   Roland shrugs. "I don't think it'll matter."
   Bertolf tilts his head, a brow raising, but doesn't question it. With a deep laugh he says, "Can't even remember what we were doing!"
   He then takes a few steps back and looks around. "The heck happen to the window? And why do I smell… silver…"
   Roland just walks closer to him. "While you were out I had a little skirmish with an intruder. They were dealt with rather quickly, though…"
   Bertolf eyes Roland. "Rolly, please don' tell me ya' killed 'em."
   Roland rolled his eyes. "No, no! Just gave him a good bite. You know I hate the taste of human blood anyway."
   "Yuh, yuh, you always say that. Good thing it ain't a full moon or you woulda made a powerful new enemy, heh."
   Roland just nods before his stomach growls. One of Bertolf's ears flick at the sound, the man smiling. "Ough, guess someone's hungry!" 
   "Then I'll start preppin' dinner! Should have some leftover deer meat in the freezer."
   "Heh, you always make the best deer, Bertie."
   "Awh, thank ya!"
   Bertolf takes a few steps, but stops when he notices his trusty axe on the ground. He picks it up and eyes it, sniffing an unfamiliar smell from it. "That guy who snuck in here tried to use this as well, huh?"
   Roland took a few seconds to come up with a response. "Yyyep. Shot- I mean, sliced my arm pretty good."
   Bertolf questions the legitimacy for a moment, noticing the lack of blood on the axe's blade, but chooses to ignore it. Turning around he heaves the axe onto his shoulder and smiles. "I'll find a better place to put this then. For now though: deer!"
   The older man then leaves the bedroom, ideas running around for how to prep dinner. Roland can hear an exasperated sigh as his husband enters the living room, presumably noticing the mess he made in there earlier. With a soft chuckle he says something before Bertolf could comment. "Sorry about the living room by the way! Things got feisty."
   "And I thought it was only us who got feisty in here!" Bertolf yells back, then follows up his comment with a deep laugh. It fills Roland with warmth. Amorous warmth.
   Tenseness drains from him as he truly calms down. He looks around at the bedroom. Glass shards strewn across the floor, blood pooling near and on the bed. Both are going to be bitches to clean.
   He then eyes a single hole on the floor, nose scrunching up as he smells the atrocious odor of silver. He walks over it and bends down, unsheathing his claws and digging them into the hole. He pulls out a single silver bullet.
   "We both took a gamble here. Seems like you were the one that lost."
   He stands back up and begins to saunter towards the door threshold. He deposits the bullet in one of the few things that remained upright in the room, a small trash can beside the doorway, and then walks out.
   His plan was successful. It likely won't be one that would be repeatable, but it was successful nonetheless. He managed to take down one of the most prolific hunters in the guild. The very thought made him shiver with pride. Spells like the one he used were always unpredictable, and that was if they even worked. He's not sure what he expected as a result, but a new husband was at the very least a desirable option.
   He peers into the kitchen, his golden eyes watching Bertolf pull a slab of deer meat out the freezer and stare at it in thought. The man was ignorant of who he was. Who his ideals used to be. Who his allegiance used to be to. 
   Was this result too much of a reward for the acts he committed? Maybe it was. But does it matter? Argent Chandler is just a faded entity now. Gone from this world. In his stead was someone better. Someone loving, someone caring.
   Roland inhales, then exhales. Then smiles. Loneliness is long forgotten now. He has someone he loves, and someone who loves him back, and…
   And there was no taking that from him now.
Mission No° 479: October 31, 20XX
Target Name: Roland Forrester
Agent On-Call: Agent No° 47 ~ Argent Chandler
Status of Mission: Unfulfilled [ICED]
Date of Icing: December 1, 20XX
 Reason of Icing: Agent No° 47 (Argent Chandler) was dispatched to take out the target at roughly 11pm on the date shown. His last message to any other agent was at 11:32pm. Since then he has gone missing for roughly a month. Agent No° 52 (Mariana Gigan) was dispatched to the location fifteen days after Agent No° 47's disappearance with the intent to locate a possible body. All she found was a cabin with two noticeable lycanthrope members. She did not engage and instead left unnoticed.
It should be noted that the cabin was stated to only have one inhabitant until fairly recently. We theorize that the original lycanthrope in question (Roland Forrester) managed to conduct a turning that seemed to shift Agent No° 47 in a different manner than usual. We are unsure how such an occurrence could happen, nor do we wish to investigate it unless we are prompted to by an orderer. As a result this case is now iced and will not be reopened further_
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jobsyousearch · 1 month
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asksoldieron · 3 months
SO-24: Whatever Happened to Poor John?
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
No art, but I am working on it and I will add it retroactively. The eyes are letting me draw, just real slow.
Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for La Goualante du Pauvre John (253|24) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
Woo! We just got back from a 2 night stay on a houseboat, it was definitely trying to kill us (I'll do a post on the main blog later, I have so many scary pictures), and we loved it anyway. So I'm distracted, but I did manage to unwind a little. No wifi, only phones! But I think I got pretty much everything formatted OK before we left. We'll see!
Now it's time to back up and see what happened to John after he smacked into the Elysium Inn's glass door and escaped into the wild! His friends picked him up and they're ready to do more terrorism together! ...Well, maybe in a little bit. They all need a break to unwind, too, but they're not gonna get it. Jenny will put her big brother back together as best she can, but she's going to be a little irritated with Erik and Co. and everyone else who allowed him to break down that badly.
And we end on a cliffhanger! The "real spy" is suddenly revealed! Unfortunately, that'll be all you get for about two months, unless I can put something cool together for our birthday in April. It's doubtful.
The spouse and I are about to have the most stressful two months of the year (probably... hopefully). He's got to prep for his CPA exam, which is 8+ hours of testing over multiple days. They will require him to do two practice cases a week, timed, the longest of which will take 5 hours. We expect adding that much fake accountant business on top of his actual job and everything else we gotta do will fry his brain. And there's the added stress that the test costs thousands of dollars. If the unlikely happens and he fails this time, taking it again will hurt. We can swing it, but it'll hurt.
It looks like his current employer has his back, though. The capitalist exploitation is different up here! A promotion to a better-paying position that will qualify for the experience he needs to be a full CPA (he needs 2.5 years) is in the works. If he gets it, he can stay with them, and they'll pick up his school costs. His dream job is still doing actual, meaningful work for a nonprofit of some kind, but he can hack this one for another 2.5 years if necessary. As long as we can still afford food and housing! I think we can. The whole immigration thing seems a bit backed up, but when we're allowed to own property, we can afford a floating house like that houseboat we stayed at. Not exactly like it, dear god no, but similar. That may be what our future holds.
But we gotta make it to June, first! I have no idea what my internet life will look like or how often you'll see me, but I'll try to get some stuff done. Hopefully, I can come back with another six, illustrated, as soon as the stress abates. Thank you for your patience until then!
[Back to Site?]
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daveofthedead · 6 months
Hi David!
I was given your name by another David up in San Francisco. He’s a game programmer.
I’ve been chiseling away at this art thing for a while now: from graphic design to character design. Now, since I’ve been researching animation gigs, a more realistic option seems to be storyboard artist (more jobs).
I do have to reconfigure my portfolio as I have mostly character design work on there (abewitz.com if you’re curious). I’ll probably just use tumblr for my storyboard work (got a few but need a lot more)
Anyway, that brings me to my question: any advice on landing a storyboard job? Open to series animation or feature (I know, I’ll need both versions in my portfolio).
Thank you and love your stuff,
Hi Abe!
Landing a storyboarding gig is tough these days since the industry is in a bit of a dip. The best way to get a gig though is to post your art on social media and build that out, in conjunction to your portfolio site. It’s a great way for prospective employers to be introduced to your stuff (sorry if this is super obvious lol). Making connections with other artists online is also great.
The usual way to land boarding and revisions gigs is by taking storyboard tests. Studio sites will usually post openings.
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kushitworld · 8 months
Offer Tips And Guidance For Aspiring Web Developers
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Web Development Career Advice: Offer tips and guidance for aspiring web developers, including learning resources, career paths, and job market insights. 
Web development is an exciting and dynamic field that offers countless opportunities for aspiring developers. Whether you’re just starting your journey or looking to advance your career, this article provides valuable advice and guidance to help you thrive in the world of web development.
1. Learn Continuously
Web development is constantly evolving, with new technologies, frameworks, and best practices emerging regularly. To stay relevant and competitive, it’s essential to commit to lifelong learning. Here are some tips:
Online Courses: Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, edX, and Codecademy offer a wide range of web development courses, from beginner to advanced levels.
Documentation and Tutorials: Read documentation and follow tutorials for the technologies you’re interested in. Official documentation is a valuable resource.
Books: Invest in web development books that cover fundamental concepts and provide in-depth knowledge on specific topics.
Online Communities: Join developer forums, participate in discussions, and ask for help when needed. Sites like Stack Overflow and GitHub are great places to start.
2. Choose Your Path
Web development offers various career paths. To determine which one aligns with your interests and goals, consider the following options:
Frontend Developer: Focuses on the visual aspects of websites, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Backend Developer: Works on server-side development, handling databases, servers, and business logic.
Full-Stack Developer: Manages both frontend and backend, offering a comprehensive understanding of web development.
Specialized Roles: Consider roles like mobile app development, DevOps, or UI/UX design, which require specific skills.
3. Build a Strong Portfolio
A portfolio is your professional identity. It showcases your skills, projects, and capabilities to potential employers or clients. Here’s how to create an impressive portfolio:
Include Diverse Projects: Showcase a variety of projects that highlight your versatility and expertise.
Keep It Updated: Regularly add new projects and skills to your portfolio.
Detail Your Process: Explain the problem, solution, and technologies used in each project.
Share Your Code: Provide links to GitHub or other version control repositories to demonstrate your coding skills.
4. Gain Practical Experience
While learning theory is essential, practical experience is equally crucial. Here’s how to gain hands-on experience:
Freelance Work: Take on freelance projects to apply your skills in real-world scenarios.
Open Source Contributions: Contribute to open-source projects to collaborate with experienced developers and improve your skills.
Internships: Internships provide valuable industry experience and the chance to learn from professionals.
5. Networking
Building a strong professional network can open doors to job opportunities and collaborations. Here’s how to network effectively:
Attend Meetups and Conferences: Participate in web development events to meet like-minded individuals.
Online Communities: Join forums, Slack groups, and social media channels dedicated to web development.
LinkedIn: Create a professional LinkedIn profile to connect with industry peers and potential employers.
6. Stay Informed About the Job Market
Web development job trends can vary by region and industry. Stay informed about the job market by:
Research: Explore job postings on various job boards to understand employer expectations and trends in your area.
Consult Industry Reports: Industry reports and surveys provide insights into in-demand skills and salary trends.
7. Soft Skills Are Important
In addition to technical skills, soft skills like problem-solving, communication, and teamwork are highly valued by employers. Cultivate these skills to become a well-rounded developer.
Conclusion: Your Journey to Web Development Success
Web development is a dynamic and rewarding field, offering opportunities for those with passion and determination. By continuously learning, building a strong portfolio, gaining practical experience, networking, and staying informed about the job market, you can embark on a successful web development career.
Remember that success in web development requires commitment and persistence. Keep learning, adapt to changes, and stay passionate about creating innovative web solutions. With dedication, you can thrive in this exciting and ever-evolving industry.
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queencatherynerhys · 2 years
Taken - Part 13
A/N: It has been a really LONG time since I updated, but now I am pretty much finished with college. I recently moved to Italy with my husband for our new duty station. I am not working. I am completely bored. I recently replayed The Royal Romance, and here I am. If you are still following along, if you are new, thank you for your interest. I feel that the next chapters are more like a different section of the story. We will be exploring in detail what happens to Catheryne as she left Cordonia. We will not forget Liam’s perspective during that time either. This is completely turning into a longer story than I originally planned. As for the tag list, it’s been a long time since I posted on Tumblr, so I am just going to use the tag list that was already pasted on past chapters. Simply let me know if you would like to be added. I am also thinking of adding my stories on Fanfiction.net, Archived of Our Own, and ChoicesFanfic.com
Summary: On the night of the Homecoming Ball, Duchess Catheryne was taken and kidnapped. What will result from this devious plan? In this Chapter, we will explore what Catheryne has been doing since she left Cordonia after being rescued.
Tag List: @devineinterventions2​ @madaraism​ @theroyalweisme​ @drakewalkerwhipped​ @laniquelove-blog​ @hhiggs​ @hellospunkiebrewster​ @mrswalkerreynolds​ @mfackenthal​ @simplyaiden-blog​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @blackcatkita​ @cocomaxley​ @boneandfur​ @lizeboredom​ @crayziimaginations​ @umccall71​ @zarina-x-zig-blog​ @ranishajay​ @heatherfilliez​ @kingliam2019​ @texaskitten30​ @mom2000aggie​ @ao719​
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine. They solely belong to Pixelberry. Also, credits for the image used for the book cover.
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2 Years Later
Catheryne sits atop a quiet temple on top of a mountain, concentrating on feeling her breath and connecting to the nature around her. She relishes the rare, short vacations before heading to take on another job for her employers.
With her eyes closed and mind focused on meditation, she feels the reality slip away and find her center. She has had to fight, literally and figuratively, to achieve where she is now regarding her state. Here at the peak, she breathes in crisp, fresh air and finds peace within her mind. She enjoys this time she rarely gets to herself. It shocks her still when she finds herself enjoying meditation since there were constant battles and demons clawing their monstrous influences in her mind. As she breathes deeply, she recalls the time she spent wandering after leaving her heart’s home.
When she decided to leave Cordonia, Catheryne thought the best way to find healing was to travel the globe, visit various temples and sites of enlightenment. After 3 months of wandering, she ends up in a female monastery in Romania. The nuns were initially suspicious of her. She couldn’t blame them, really. Any girl who shows up at the doorstep of a monastery dirty and with nothing to give should be given some level of skepticism and curiosity. She was just thankful that after a week the sisters let her stay.
The first month there was an adjustment, but not impossible. The nuns could be harsh at times, but she enjoyed the rigidness and routine she was subjected to live accordingly. Her day always began at 6am and ended at 10pm. Her schedule consisted of her meals, physical exercise, prayers, meditation, religious studies, and her work chores. She was grateful for the distraction. It took her away from the problems she didn’t want to face.
It was at night after her long day when her troubles would plague her. She found it hard to sleep when she always saw his face behind her eyes. It made her heart ache in ways she did not know was possible. She missed him terribly. Every night all she wanted to do was pack her things and come home to him, but she knew she could not because her horrible memories would follow.
She painfully remembered all that she had endured being trapped and tortured in that hellish cave. She remembered coming home thinking she was free, and that thought soon became her nightmare. She became enraged knowing Amir is dead, yet he won at the end. He poisoned her mind and turned her into his weapon. She wondered if she will ever be free of it.
It was at the monastery where she first learned how to properly meditate. The sisters taught her that healing and enlightenment can only come when we can find our center. During those first few months, it was horrible. Every time she tried to concentrate and let her walls down, the memories of hurting Liam would come back, and she would begin to feel the first symptoms of a panic attack. Some of the sisters tried to help by suggesting she talked about it, but how could she? How could they understand what she went through and what she continues to fight through?
When talking about it was not an option, they suggested to learn how to forgive herself for things she could not control. It took her a long time to come to terms with that lesson, but soon she was able to see the truth behind it. All that had happened to her, and the results afterward were not in her sphere of control, she was not to blame. Six months of long hours of meditation & rigorous schedules would prove to be the start of her journey to healing, until one day a face would walk into her sanctuary of peace. A face that she thought she would never see again.
“Uncle Johnny?” she was shocked to see in the head mistress’ office. She could not believe he was here. Her only surviving relative was here. How did he find me here?
“Hello, Catheryne,” he said nonchalantly as if he had been in her life all these years. She did not know what to say or think about his presence here. How could she? She had not seen her uncle for more than a decade!
“How did you find me?” she asked.
“Sister, may I please speak to my niece in private?” he asked the head mistress, ignoring her. The older lady nodded curtly and walked out of the room giving the small office to themselves.
When the door clicked close, her uncle finally got up and walked slowly closer to her. He circled her as if she was a specimen under his scrutiny and she glared at him.
“You’ve grown taller, squirt,” her uncle observed.
“What? Did you expect me to stay the same after my parents died?” she angrily spat back as he came face-to-face with her. She saw her father’s feature in his uncle’s face. She saw the same hazel eyes and brown hair. The same smile lines that lined his face. Her father and uncle could practically be twins in the similarity of their features. It tugged painfully at her heart. It’s just another reminder of what life had taken from her. She saw her uncle’s mouth begin to form the words of reply, but she didn’t give him the chance.
“Where were you, Uncle Johnny? Why weren’t you there to take care of me when Mom and Dad died? Why did you leave me all alone? Why?” she tearfully screamed at him. She hated herself for crying in front of a man she barely knows, but she could not contain the loneliness and resentment that she felt inside after being in the monastery for such a long time with no one who knew her.
When she blinked the tears away, she saw the first sign of genuine emotion in her long lost relative. She saw pain and regret behind his honeyed eyes. Then, he did the unexpected and closes the distance between them and enclosed her in a tight embrace. An embrace that when she closed her eyes and allowed her other senses in the forefront, reminded her of her father’s loving hugs. She gave in and wrapped her arms around her uncle. She had forgotten what it felt like to have family, and she was grateful that at least she still had someone left to care for her.
“Would you take a walk with me?” Uncle Johnny asked after he had let go. She nodded as she wiped her tears away. She led him out of the office and into the gardens. They walked silently to their destination. All around sisters of the monastery glanced at her uncle. It is rare for men to step foot in this enlightened piece of earth.
Most of the sisters that found their way here were to escape the clutches of men’s wrath and influences. Most have found forgiveness and healing and didn’t hold grudges toward the opposite sex. But there were still those who were rather new at the monastery that had anger, and their eyes showed it. If her uncle saw the glare, he did not show it, but stoicism always did run in their family. One learned to hide their thoughts and emotions when working in the clandestine field.
When they arrived at the gardens, they sat at a bench overlooking the valleys below the mountain where the monastery is perched. The sun rested at its peak and bathed them in its bright rays. Even though the last of the spring is upon them, a cool breeze still remained where Catheryne lived, high above the altitudes. She will not miss the winter weather here. It was harsh and bitter. She had to live off of endless, bottomless cabbage soups for weeks on end because it was all that could grow in their small garden. Yet, she was still grateful for the minimalist lifestyle. It was a good contrast to her previous life where she almost became queen. The thought brought with it the never-ending sadness and heartache. She needed to forget.
“So, what are you doing here, Uncle Johnny? And how did you find me?” she asked to distract herself. Besides, she needed to know how her relative found her all the way here in a remote mountain monastery.
“I came to recruit you. The Shadow Order could really use your talents. Our resources are global and it’s how I found you here. Agents are everywhere and nowhere. Shadows for a reason.”
“Recruit me? What makes you think I would go? Or want to live the life my parents died for?”
“I…I saw what happened to you in the news. I heard about the…lingering side effects. You need help and resources to properly heal. The Order has been experimenting on counteracting the brainwashing methods that Amir similarly used on you. Besides, it would be nice to have my niece again. We’ve been far apart for too long. Family should stick together. I regret not being able to be there for you after your parents died.”
“Speaking of, why were you never there? I thought you would have custody of me after my parents passed away, but instead I went into the foster system!” she asked, the previous anger rising back from deep within her. She watched as he thought of the right thing to say. His face showed hesitancy before finally releasing a deep sigh.
“After your parent’s passing, I was determined on leaving the Order. I knew that your father would never forgive me if I did not take care of you. But I did not want to have part of the Order if I was going to take you in. I wanted to leave it all behind, and I was almost finished in the transition before I found out the truth,” he explained.
“Oh, you mean the truth, that my parents were murdered instead of the lie that they died in a car accident? I never thanked you for finding the people responsible and making them pay for it,” she casually said as she stared at the expanse of the landscape before her. She quickly glanced at her uncle’s shocked expression before he fixes it back to his stoic demeanor. He did not need to say anything else, so they both just looked down at the grasslands below and reminisced on their loved ones.
After a while, her uncle turned to her.
“I think it’s time to discuss the other reason why I came to find you,” he says.
“What is that?” she replies.
“Like I said, I would like to recruit you to the Order.”
“Oh right, I almost forgot,” she finally looked over to her uncle to reject his proposal, but before she could her uncle interjected.
“I know what you went through, the reason behind why you sought refuge here in the monastery, but The Order can help you. We know about the faction that took you. We know about their…unorthodox methods, and we have been experimenting on countermeasures. We would like you to join so we can study it, and we can continue helping with the healing process and cure. We also have another reason we think you would like to join. I don’t know if your parents explained what The Order really was about,” he waited for her to acknowledge.
“Not really. Mom and Dad trained me, but they really only told me that it’s because they gain a lot of enemies from the work they did.”
“Well, The Order is a shadow organization tasked on protecting world leaders by taking down their enemies quietly. Recently, we have heard chatter of a sub-faction of the group that Amir was part rising out of the ashes you, quite literally, burned and exploded to the ground,” he explained.
“So, you mean, that if I join The Order, I will be tasked with protecting…” she could not quite say his name.
“Well, usually, The Order is careful about assigning agents to projects they have personal relations, but your dear uncle has some connections in the organization. It doesn’t hurt that you are a prodigy born from two of the best agents The Order has produced. You have been trained all your life. You will have no problem with the transition. Although, you would still have to go through the recruit program. The favoritism can only get you so far, but I am confident you can sail through that with flying colors. So, what do you say?” he asked.
Thoughts flew through her mind. She loved the peace and enlightenment she had found living here in the monastery for the past six months. Yet, joining her uncle could help her find healing and provide her an opportunity to protect her loved ones. To protect Him. She could put the skills her parents ingrained in her to good use. She could step back into the light by hiding in the shadows.
“I’ll do it.”
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mixingpumpkins · 1 year
Hi, I just graduated university recently and will likely be doing some remote part-time freelance proofreading and editing while I search for something more permanent. Because I believe I saw that you do similar work yourself, is there anything I should know that might help me prepare for early obstacles if I’ve never been paid for this work before? Any tips? I feel as though I’m a fairly talented writer and editor, I’m just wondering if there’s anything I should be looking out for outside of my own skills.
Hi! Congrats on your graduation. :)
Honestly, it depends on what kind of editing you're doing. Books? Resumes? Blog posts? Technical writing? Content mill-type articles from all the outlets that are putting things like "5 Reasons We Can't Wait to See the Next Marvel Movie (and 5 Reasons the MCU Should Die in a Fire, Actually)" on your Google feed?
Also, is this freelance editing like... you set up shop on your own site, you're on a platform like Fiverr, or doing contract work with a media company? They're all different animals, so I'll answer like you're applying for part-time contract editing work. (If it's one of the former, lmk.)
Overall tips...
You probably already know this, but have good samples both for things you've edited AND things you've written (and ideally, links to where they're published online). If you're applying to edit at a specific outlet, try to pick samples that are similar to their vibe. Don't stress if they're not a 100% match, but it certainly helps. (Do NOT send 5 million sample pieces unless the application asks for it. Just pick the best you have that's similar to what you'd be editing for the job.)
Don't stress about an interview. Chances are, they already feel you can do good work – they've already seen your samples. Now they just want to see how much of a fit you are for the people you'll be working with.
Generally, people who hire editors want to see 1) can you spot when a writer isn't following a style guide/other standards and correct them on it, 2) can you do this while meeting a certain productivity standard, 3) can you not constantly fuck up with any tech you need to use, and 4) can you be pleasant and communicative with anyone you're required to work with. If yes, you're in good shape. BUT...
...These are hard things to tell from an application and interview alone, so you'll probably have a probationary period to this end. There will probably be at least one other editor who looks over ALL your work during this period to see if you're meeting their standards. DO NOT DO THIS FOR FREE. Do not do anything "here, edit these 3 articles/these 5 pages as a trial" for free. Shitty companies and people do this to use applicants and trainees for free labor. If you're doing work while you're in training, they should be paying you.
Do some research on average pay rates for the kind of editing you're doing. If you can set your own rates, you'll know what to shoot for (adjust for your experience). If you can't and you're hunting on job boards, you'll have a better idea of which employers are trying to rip you off.
If you can, avoid working with people and companies who accept, encourage, or are interested in using AI in any part of their content generation or creation process. (The reasons why are a rant for a different day.) If you get to a job and your "editing" is to essentially fact-check and rewrite AI content to make it sound more human, fucking run.
Be prepared to check for AI-generated content if you're working in a circumstance where human writing is still valued.
Get very comfortable with giving and receiving feedback, if you're not already. Be kind, but don't stress too much about stroking egos. Most pro writers (well, outside the book publishing or screenplay world) won't fight you – they just want to get their pieces out there and get paid, especially if they work on a per-word basis.
Get REALLY comfortable with editing to strict word count standards. (My first book had +/- 3 words of wiggle room around certain sections' target word counts.) Yes, you will probably have to cut something that you love or reword it to something worse a few times. No, a publisher/printer/higher-up editor will not usually let you make an exception. Mourn these instances and move on.
Writers will sometimes get mad. Some of them will try to bully or steamroll editors they've never worked with before. Don't let them. Give them grace because you know what it's like to have to kill your darlings, but remember that you were hired to hold them to certain standards. It doesn't matter if they've been published in Forbes or the New York Times and you're a new face – if their current work isn't meeting the standards it needs to, hold them to it.
Try to develop a good rapport with any writers, editors, or others you work with, even if you're only doing this as a part-time, temporary thing. You never know what opportunities may come down the line if you cross paths with these people again.
Try not to do what I do on Tumblr, aka word-vomit all over everything every time I answer an ask. ^^^^^^^^
Best of luck!
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rao645 · 1 year
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Online Job At Home Earn Daily 50$
A major number of understudies use to look free of charge online work at home in Pakistan without speculation after matric, middle of the road, or graduation. The best source to bring in cash online in Pakistan at home without venture is online information section work. However, other than this, there are bunches of other internet procuring thoughts for understudies at home are accessible that permits you to begin an attractive vocation for procuring great to meet their costs as a whole. In Pakistan, other than instructive costs, understudies are likewise drawn in with different liabilities to meet their home costs. In these results, our youths like to do a web-based seasonal occupation for an understudy with the goal that they can proceed with their examinations and occupation together. On the off chance that you are likewise among such understudies, here we are giving you various choices for online positions for understudies in Pakistan at home without venture. Understudies as well as different applicants who are not even understudies however great in the PC can likewise select these locally situated web-based positions without venture. 
Free Web-based Work At Home In Pakistan Without Venture
There are bunches of understudies even young ladies are doing these free web-based work at home in Pakistan without speculation and procuring up to Rs. 50, 000/ - each month. Also, there are classes and working rules which choose the proportion of acquiring. Beneath of this entry, you are getting this large number of fields and nature of works with how to apply process. Continue to peruse… 
There are such countless web-based positions for the understudies in Pakistan through which one can procure an attractive sum on everyday, week by week or month to month bases. It relies on one's capacity to work which is given beneath.
Online Information Section Occupations In Pakistan Without Speculation:
The information passage implies you need to reorder a given information by the organization and simply send back the document. Indeed, even a matric or bury pass understudy who can reorder in PC and can utilize Microsoft word or succeed can hold this work. There are different web-based organizations extending to online information section employment opportunities for understudies in Pakistan without speculation. Most importantly, the organization will keep confirmation by you and take an example test work. from that point onward, they will show you the functioning measures. One who meets the functioning qualification models and qualification standards will be selected to work with that organization. In the arrangement free web-based work at home in Pakistan without venture, this would be the most ideal choice for you. 
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In this sense, the independent article composing position in Pakistan for understudies are accessible en masse. Online article composing position mean to compose on various subjects sent by the proprietor. You can look online for that theme however you need to compose a post containing 400 to 600 special words. Your substance should not be a duplicate from some other site. Different site proprietor expects individuals to compose an article which they post on the site for their benefit. The essayist is being paid for his substance composing on the norms and rate set by both the gatherings before the beginning of the task. The individual can compose the substance structure his home and can mail to the proprietor. For the most part a single men pass understudy can accomplish free web-based work at home in Pakistan without speculation while on the off chance that you are bury however you are great at looking through a subject on the web and you are great in English or Urdu then you can compose an article.
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The following are not many references of such outsourcing site through which the understudies can make they're procuring through being on the web and with no venture:
Script spear
Joined Wellbeing Gathering
First Information.
Free Web-based Work At Home In Pakistan Without Speculation:
So these are the most ideal choices for online positions for understudies in Pakistan at home without speculation. There are loads of different works like Youtube channel, Facebook page enjoying, and considerably more works yet this large number of works are simply an issue of venture and much experience. I have quite recently composed those Free Web-based Work At Home In Pakistan Without Speculation at home which are absolutely for a rookie. On the off chance that you have any further idea connecting with online positions for understudies, you can share your remark in the accompanying remark box.
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cyphertripping · 2 years
Hello. I'm new to your blog and love your cypher post. Can I have an where the reader is filled with despair and wants everyone to feel the despair?Cypher knows how it feels, having faced despair so many times in his past, and wants to fill the reader with hope. Of course, this is a bit difficult because the reader is filled with despair and too ready to kill for despair.Let's overcome despair and take steps towards a hopeful future with Cypher. I hope I have been able to express my request in the most correct way because it is not my language and clearly too much danganronpa came to my mind when making this request.
sorry for the wait! i hope you like the direction i took the fic with :) (i’ve never played danganronpa tho sorry :,D)
Word Count: 1k+
Angst (happy ending)
In your line of work, there’s not much room for socialization. You get the job, get the kill, show your employer, and get the money. Rinse, wash, and repeat.
But somewhere over the years, the grief and blood stopped washing off. Until, you met him.
At first, the Valorant Protocol was just another job with a slightly longer timeline. Get in the site, kill the mirror agents, get out. Nobody blows up, and you stave off the despair a little longer. Everyone goes home happy, except those on your list. Every mission was a purpose, otherwise, you might just spend the rest of your day in bed.
You run into Cypher for the first time in the common kitchen, at 3 am. 
“Another sleepless soul?” He asks, over a steaming cup of black coffee. It’s a bit overly masochistic even for you to drink coffee at that time— you’re intrigued.
You stay silent, nodding. You know his name from the briefing Brimstone gave you. You know enough not to poke the sleeping dog— Cypher, Moroccan information broker. Has dirt on everyone, probably even you. You head back to your room, forgetting what you had come out for in the first place, and that was it.
The two of you keep meeting, at the base, on missions, at odd hours. Always a kind or teasing word from Cypher— you find it hard to believe this man takes anything seriously at all. You tell him as much one night, over drinks and cheap wine bought from an inconspicuous corner store near the place you’ve been sent for the mission.
He laughs. “Sometimes. Always have to keep them guessing, hm?”
You scowl, clearly not satisfied with the answer. “It’s hard to trust someone who doesn’t take themself seriously. You’re going to hurt someone someday with that attitude,” you warn.
Something blue glimmers in his hands— a tripwire, you realize. He flicks it around, toying with it like a coin. “At some point . . . you learn to take things less seriously, hm?” he finally says. He shakes his head. “Ah, there I go lecturing again. I’d best get back to my room. We’re still working on that blackmailer issue.”
You frown, concerned. You know lots of sensitive information has come out about the agents. None about you so far, but you knew Cypher had been exposed. Lately, he was working around the clock to try to track the blackmailer down, and always seemed more tired.
But you couldn't find the words to say and instead watched him walk away— his back suddenly seemed quite small.
Something changes one mission. You freeze at the edge of a wispy path of red tendrils that slowly disappear. You know it’s one of the enemy agent’s abilities— a new one— and think nothing of it, when you hear a loud cry.
It’s quickly muffled, but you recognize the voice— Cypher.
You see a trail of red leading somewhere and follow it to where the man is crouched. He’s huddled behind boxes, his chest rising and falling. The light behind his mask’s goggles seem dim, like he’s somewhere else.
“Nora,” he whispers, unseeing of you.
You’re starting to get concerned. You kneel and grasp his shoulder, “Cypher? Can you hear me?”
He sits, unresponsive but for a pained grunt. You quickly look him over— he seems uninjured, but for the trail that leads to him.
“Agent! Do you copy? Some mirror agents are heading your way,” your comms buzz.
You answer, “yeah, I copy, Brim. Cypher’s out though— one of the agents got to him.”
“We’ll have Sage head over to you, make sure to watch yourself,” Brimstone warns.
Immediately after, you hear the crunch of footsteps on gravel. They’re here. You turn around and the red trail has faded mostly, but Cypher remains frozen, trembling slightly. The desire to protect him wells up in you, shocking you in its strength.
It’s more than just the sense of obligation of a job, for money. You . . . want to protect this man— who you’ve shared drinks with, occasionally laughed with. 
You hadn’t wanted to protect anyone or anything for a long, long time.
You readied your rifle, positioning yourself away from Cypher so he didn’t get caught in the crossfire. You shot a couple of bullets in warning. You had a feeling those red trails had led them right to you, but that wouldn’t stop you from trying to hold them off.
The first agent to clear the corner, you nail in the shoulder and then the chest— they stumble back. 
“Come on! Get me, I’m right here!” You scream, not caring anymore.
But then two more round it and you feel the bullets rip into you. Your shoulder, then your stomach. You can’t move, lest they find Cypher. You fire the rest of your magazine and reload as fast as you can, ignoring the trickle of blood down your arm. 
God, the pain burns, but a part of you is . . . relieved. Dying meant the pain was over, the nightmares over. You get ready to take aim and make one final stand, when a wall of white covers your vision.
You blink, looking up, realizing it’s the barrier of Cypher’s cages.
“Come— quickly. It’ll drop soon,” he whispers, grabbing you and heading down the back site.
Once the two of you have found a different position, you look at him again.
“What . . . happened back there?” You finally say.
He laughs dryly. “Well, you saved my ass. Then I saved yours. Also, here— for the bleeding.” He offers you a thick pad of bandages, which you press to your stomach, hissing. At least it didn’t feel like it hit anything too major. Sage wasn’t going to be pleased though.
“But, what happened to you? You were saying something about ‘Nora’?” You ask, knowing you’re touching a difficult subject. With all the jests and conversations you’ve had with Cypher, you’ve never heard him actually mention someone from his past.
You can sense the tension in his frame.
“Nora . . . she was someone very close to me, once. But she’s gone now,” he says, soft. “Whatever that agent’s abilities were— I saw her. But it wasn’t the same— it wasn’t them . . .”
You feel the dam break in you and suddenly tears are welling up in your eyes. “I— I’m so sorry, Cypher. I said so many rude things to you. I didn’t realize—”
Cypher cut you off with a tutting sound. “Ah, shh, it’s okay. It’s in the past, hm?” He pauses, looking at you solemnly. “It’s all in the past.”
He grasps your shoulder and hoists you up as Sage and Brimstone round the corner. “We move forward together, yes?” he murmurs to you.
You look back at him, reevaluating. Amir el Amari— not the man you were expecting him to be.
Yes, one day you would move on from everything, from your past. Learn to live with it all. And you wouldn’t be alone. 
For the first time in a long time, you feel hope.
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
Indeed you DON'T!
So get this shit.
I use exclusively indeed when looking for jobs.
It has the best search engine, some of the clear pay listings, I ACED their testings for the most part (I look like a GM when I haven't been), and it is what you see is what you got.
...but about....2-3 years ago, I started noticing not only shittier jobs (minimum wage, bad reviews, go to our website bs), but, I was not getting a ton of interviews. And my friend says it's my large gaps in unemployment, but...there's almost no time I didn't choose that. I wasn't being turned down for jobs; I wasn't TRYING for jobs. I had enough money, I didn't want shit pay, etc.
So I asked him what sites he used (cuz he gets interviews quite regularly). I hadn't used any of them ever or in a decade (or two).
I told him I used indeed and he laid it on me: they are a craiglist garbage site now.
He said his sister, a small business person, thinks it is bs. The testing results you can look up (I did NOT. Proud of that), there's a lot of employers who PURPOSELY do not use it, and it...scavenges from other sites. She said she never used it for a job opening, but she got a notification from them she had some resumes to look at from 3 months ago (again, she NEVER put up a job posting on that site. They STOLE it from another site).
So I am done with indeed. Going to snag a job, monster, maybe even career builder...
I just...how come capitalism ruins everything? You know indeed is a for profit machine, so why make it so shitty? <Fairly, they have some of the largest paying, most experience required jobs I EVER saw....but....I'm sorry? You need a masters, 10-20 years experience for 100k? THAT IS STILL CHUMP CHANGE!!!>
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lordgudyne · 2 years
Yes! You can generate income online
This article is for you if you've ever considered earning money online. You can definitely earn money online! There are numerous options, and it's not necessary to accomplish it in a conventional manner.
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Offering services to clients online, such as content writing and graphic design, is known as freelancing. This can be done either full- or part-time.
How to Start a Freelance Career:
There are many websites out there that will walk you through the process step by step if you're interested in freelancing but don't know where to begin. Popular websites include Guru Jobs, Fiverr, and UpWork (the official website). In order to be paid for their services online through PayPal payments or local bank transfers like Western Union and Moneygrams, websites offer job advertisements where users can post their skillset and bid for employment possibilities with clients that require them.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing: What is it?
Affiliate marketing is the practice of promoting goods or services on your own website in return for a commission when a customer uses your link to make a purchase. Your affiliate links direct users to the product page where they can make the recommended purchase when they click them (like Amazon products). If enough customers purchase from that vendor, then you earn tons of money
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selling digital goods
A wonderful approach to generate money online is by selling digital goods. Any kind of digital product is available for sale, including software, ebooks, and online courses. Digital goods are simple to promote, deliver, track, and price.
For those looking to launch an internet business from beginning or add value in their leisure time, digital products are very helpful.
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The craft of writing convincing information is known as copywriting. The copywriter creates copy for a variety of platforms, including websites, blogs, and sales copy. If you know what you're doing, copywriting can be a highly lucrative career, and there are lots of ways to get started.
If you know what you're doing, copywriting can be a highly lucrative business—and there are lots of opportunities for that.
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Create a Course Online
An online course can be made as well. An online course is a collection of instructional texts or videos that show individuals how to accomplish something, like earn money online. The majority of people are eager in learning more about how to make money online, so they'll undoubtedly want to purchase your product even though this may be your first time developing an online course and you have no idea what kind of content would be best for it.
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Consequently, let's begin by taking a look at some of the sites where we can host our content:
I hope this post has helped you gain some understanding of how to earn money online.
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