#construction traffic to and from has been bad lately
swankpalanquin · 19 days
working from home today :D
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keldabekush · 1 year
its 2:46 am and you just made it home from your shift at the 24 hour Spurger King (Space Burger King).
you kick off your grease-eaten work shoes and flick on the radio for some background noise while you struggle out of your ugly fucking polo shirt that will never not smell like hot fat and sweat no matter how many times you wash it and your jeans that have split at the crotch four times, including tonight.
The radio sputters to life, gushing static and fits because you knocked it off your dresser this morning in your hurry out the door, so you adjust the dial until the crackling stops and a voice emerges from the wall of fizz; three days to go til the end of the week, folks, its not looking so bad -
the voice is still a little distorted and you fiddle with the dial for a frustrating handful of seconds til you realise the DJ is just using a voice filter, and there’s nothing wrong with your signal. it’s some program in Basic, just a guy talking away in the typical cadence that most late-night DJ’s adopt - ebbing and dipping rhythmically like circular breath - and you zone out to the steady flow of the one-way conversation, voice filter and all. The sibilant sounds are a gentle fuzz, buffed out by the filter and the signal interference and you fiddle with threading the emergency needle you keep in your sock drawer, performing first-aid once again on your franken-jeans.
the DJ talks about the upcoming weather. complains about construction going on in level two-oh-seven-four that blocks off the main catwalk, plays a couple of easy-listening tracks. It’s easy to let the program fade into the sound of traffic outside the shatterproof crystaplast window as you get lost in the simple repetition of stitching the tear shut for another day of work tomorrow.
It feels like a long time later that you finally realise that the air has gone dead - but the weird half-unconscious-still-functioning doze you’ve lulled yourself into means you aren’t sure how long its been, actually, since the DJ stopped talking, because you only realize it in increments.
You must have missed them signing off for the night.
You listen to the traffic and the gentle crackle of the dead air until you tie off the thread and throw your jeans at the corner of the room. You’ll leave the radio on, you think; the static helps you sleep, and you can’t bring yourself to reach all the way over there anyway.
You’re almost all the way asleep already when the voice whispers over the waves again, softly.
Good luck out there.
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aydann-runs · 7 months
This one is set between Season 3 and Season 4.
Alex is just about to walk away from–or throw into the wall–the Project Shepherd artifact he’s been researching when his phone rings. It’s Michael’s ringtone, so he swallows down his frustration before answering.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Is this a bad time? I can call back?” Michael says, sounding hesitant. Apparently, Alex hadn’t concealed his frustration as well as he’d thought.
“No, it’s probably good that you called,” Alex reassures him. “I was just about to break something, but I’ve been told that isn’t a constructive way to deal with strong emotions.”
“I’m here to help,” Michael chuckles. “So, uh, I wanted to take you out tonight. Nothing fancy, just burgers at the Crashdown and a drive out into the desert. But if you’re not up for it…”
“Yes, please,” Alex says as Michael trails off. “Honestly, that sounds perfect.”
By the time he hangs up with Michael, Alex’s frustration has faded to a manageable level and he makes it through the rest of the project without tossing the artifact at the wall. He suspects that the flirting he and Michael had done on the phone, along with the upcoming date, may be responsible for his greatly improved mood.
They flirt some more throughout dinner, and by the time they take their milkshakes to go, Alex feels pleasantly warm and happy. It’s a similar feeling to being a couple beers in, buzzed but not drunk, except it’s all because of Michael. He climbs into the passenger side of the old Chevy, and after a moment’s hesitation, slides across the bench seat so he’s pressed up against Michael. Michael grins and starts the engine, and once they’ve pulled out into the sparse traffic, he slings his arm around Alex’s shoulders and tugs him that little bit closer.
They’ve got the windows down, so they don’t talk much, content to sip their milkshakes and unwind in comfortable silence. The late spring air flows through the cab, and Alex closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He's always loved the smell of the desert, clean and pure. He picks up on earthy sage and the sweeter agave. Maybe a bit of creosote, too. When he opens his eyes, Michael is watching him, the hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
“Eyes on the road, cowboy,” Alex teases, and Michael spares him one last look before turning his attention to the highway.
Before long, Michael takes an unmarked dirt road. It should be a rough ride, but the truck’s suspension is good, absorbing the worst of the bumps. Alex isn't surprised. It may be old, but Michael's always taken good care of the Chevy.
At some marker Alex doesn't see, Michael leaves the road–such as it is–and heads out across the desert floor. They gently coast to a stop and Michael cuts the engine. He spins the keys around his finger once before pocketing them.
“Wanna watch the sunset and then make out for a bit?” he asks. “I tossed some blankets into the back before I picked you up. Should be comfortable enough.”
When Michael finally drops Alex at home, it's late, and he's exhausted in the best possible way. The whole date with Michael–dinner, the drive, kissing in the desert under the stars–had been exactly what he’d needed.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On December 14th 1896 Glasgow District Underground opened.
Originally built for the Glasgow District Subway Company, the railway first opened in 1896 as a cable-hauled system. Propulsion was provided by stationary steam engines and the railway was hailed as the first of its type in the world.
After five years of construction, and a final bill totalling £1.5 million pounds, Glasgow’s Subway system went live for the first time on this day in 1896, entering the history books as the world’s third municipal underground railway system after the Budapest Metro and London Underground. But it would be a troublesome baptism for the fledgling tube service.
The brainchild of civil engineer Alexander Simpson, it had been built to serve a rapidly-expanding industrial city with a population fast approaching 1 million people.
The first carriage of the new Glasgow District Subway, as it was originally named, departed Govan Cross at 5am. The first cars were cable-hauled and would remain so until electrification was introduced in 1935.
As dawn broke it seemed the whole city was out in force and directors and officials were soon congratulating themselves on the success of their new system. However, any fist-pumping or back-slapping was to prove premature.
At around 3pm a complete breakdown occurred on the outer circle, causing momentary chaos. Stranded passengers were forced to walk along the lines back to the nearest station.
A few hours later, as normal service resumed, one man suffered a horrific foot injury as the huge swell of people forced him between the carriage and platform.
As if that wasn’t bad enough for day one, worse followed at just before 11pm when a stationary carriage awaiting the signal to approach St Enoch Station from Bridge Street was hit by another car running at near full speed.
The two carriages were carrying roughly 50 passengers each at the time of the collision and 18 were reported as seriously injured.
One 14-year-old boy was rendered unconscious and taken to the Royal Infirmary, having suffered a severe cut to his left temple.
The accident made headlines up and down the UK, forcing the closure of the Subway until January the following year.
An enquiry into the collision concluded that defective electrical connections between the signals had been the cause, although private trials in the weeks leading up to the opening had failed to flag up any major issues.
The driver of the approaching car claimed that he had spotted the stationary carriage but had been unable to stop in time to prevent the collision.
Despite the accident, the vibe was mostly positive - one of the main complaints being that the number of cars available on day one had been “hopelessly inadequate”. Subway directors countered this by stating that the extreme “rush of traffic” had exceeded all expectations.
They weren’t wrong - over 9 million passengers travelled on the Glasgow Subway in its first full year of operation.
When the Subway opened, a fixed fare price of one penny allowed passengers to travel around the six and a half mile long subway as many times as they wished. Many passengers had taken full advantage of this on the inaugural day - including the 14-year-old boy who suffered the severe head injury at 11pm, who, it’s said, had been travelling round and round the system for 8 or 9 hours prior to the collision. The fixed rate was soon abolished in favour of a fare stage system to avoid future congestion.
Save a refurbishment in the late 1970s which saw the system nicknamed “the Clockwork Orange” on account of its circular route and bright new Metro-Cammell orange carriages, the Glasgow Subway remains largely unaltered. Expansion of the six and half mile long, fifteen station circuit has been discussed on numerous occasions but has never come to fruition.
Recently Subway bosses gave a sneak peek inside new driverless trains set to be on the tracks next year, get a glimpse of it on the video below.
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m0ssybricks · 2 years
Proposal and Promises
Word Count: 1838
Life could not have become better for Corey Cunnigham. He had finally left the town that caused him so much suffering. Your relationship has been incredibly healing to him and yourself.
The two of you have been a couple for over three years by now and both of you are so happy together. Growing together, exploring each other emotionally, intellectually, and physically. Being able to show each other the love you both deserve. Showering with all sorts of affection. Everyday you both grew closer together.
Lately Corey has been acting somewhat jittery, not completely anxious or excited but more in an anticipatory manner. You chalked it up to problems at work and took a mental note to talk to him about it.
During your lunch break at work your usual scrolling through your phone while eating lunch (today was a strawberry salad and a chocolate milk you stole from Corey) was interrupted by the notification of Corey texting you
sweet boy <3 : Hi love, are you having a good day? Did Jessi steal your lunch again ? I wanted to ask if we could go out tonight to this nice restaurant I've been wanting to try out. It recently opened and looks good.
sweet boy <3 : We could give it a try. I looked at the menu and everything looked good. I'm thinking we could walk around the city after.
You smiled at the sweet message your boy sent you
Me: absolutely that sounds wonderful love. I get out around 4 so schedule reservations about 6 ?
sweet boy <3 : Sounds perfect love, i miss you
Me: Miss you too baby see you tonight
The day seemed to move at a snail's pace as you kept anxiously looking at the clock waiting until you finished your shift so you could just go home and be with your sweet boyfriend. As soon as the wooden electronic clock on your desk flashed 4:00 p.m. you bolted out, nearly knocking a Dollar Tree pen cup over. Swiftly grabbing the black coat from your door hook and locking your office door.
“Why are you in such a rush today? '' Your coworker Jessie asked, her voice was rich with suspicion and humor.
“Going out with Corey at 6!” You called out.
Driving through Chicago's rush hour traffic has never been easy but today it seemed crappier. Despite staying in a stalemate for over half an hour the traffic wouldn't even budge so the first
place for half an hour. 4:56 . Checking the time won't make it go faster. You kept reminding yourself. The second traffic started moving, you exited and took the streets praying for a lack of red lights. The universe worked in your favor and you made it to yours and Corey’s shared apartment. The soft glow of the string light on your balcony shone bright as the sun came down and the sky turned into an orange hue.
Rapidly you climbed up the iron stairs to enter the apartment via the balcony because you needed a quicker way in aka avoiding conversations with neighbors. Finally, after making it up three flights of stairs, you unlock the sliding glass door, careful not to knock over the several plants and Corey’s red bicycle.
When you got inside Corey was in the kitchen, his work clothes still on
“Hey” he said pressing a kiss on your cheek
“Hi hon”
“I just got here a second ago traffic is horrible”
“I know right! I had to take the streets which weren't too bad but the freeway was horrendous!”
“Okay I've got to shower, I smell awful, we were out on a construction site all day” Smiling at Corey's comment you were overwhelmed with a sense of pride in your boyfriend. He had finally become a civil engineer and was in a job he loved.
“Alright baby go do that I'm showering too I smell awful”
He planted a small, chaste kiss on your head and went into one bathroom while you went into the other
While Corey and you were showering the both of you kept anticipating the evening and what you would wear. Corey knew that he would be loved even if he was wearing a potato sack but he wanted to look extra nice today. He felt very indecisive on what to wear- a problem he normally did not face but tonight felt stressed in doing so.
“Hey” a voice interrupted his thoughts. His sweet partner
“Do you need help picking something out?”
Their voice was so soft and caring Corey felt tears almost well into his eyes.
“Uhm yeah I actually do.”
“How about your brown coat, white button up, black slacks, and the navy tie.
He nodded and swallowed thickly. His lover pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“I'm going to get dressed okay?” You said
A few minutes passed and you both trotted to the living room revealing your outfits to each other.
“Shit you look beautiful…” Corey mustered out looking very flustered. Some things never change. He was flustered when he first met you and you will always make him soft.
“You look perfect.” That's all you could get out. He looked handsome, radiant, beautiful. Perfect.
Corey broke the silence. “Hey we should get going, we don't want to be late.”
Huffing out a laugh you replied “Yeah lets get going baby.” The entire car trip Corey had one hand on your left thigh, your hand over his. By the time the two of you arrived it was 6:03 and were immediately seated. The restaurant was beautiful, it looked like it came straight out of a European resort. The walls were beige and had a gold trim, the floor was checkered pattern, and the tables had ivory table cloths and maroon chairs. For the rest of the time at the restaurant the both of you talked about the smallest things, Mr. Logan's new cats making a home on your balcony, old memories, shared funny stories from your day, caught up on work disscusions, the sci fi movie you watched last night, and an upcoming vacation to Canada. The entire time Corey was smiling bigger than he had before. Whenever he smiled his hazel eyes would crinkle.
“Alright that was one of the greatest meals I have ever had” Corey told you as he finished up his food.
“Absolutely we have to go again, everything about this night is so perfect.”
At that comment Corey sweetly and nervously smiled and fiddled with the ring box in his pocket. The two of you have had several discussions about spending your lives together, how you two would work out together, your values and beliefs, what your experiences with families are, etc. But Corey is quite timid and passive and you never thought that you two would actually get married.
The waiter came to place the bill at your table as soon as she placed it down, in typical Corey fashion he rapidly pulled out his wallet.
“Hey I’ll pay! You invited me out!”
“Of course I did you are the best partner, now let me pay so we could get out and walk around before it gets too late”
“Core that's so sweet but-”
Your speech was interpreted by Corey handing his card to the waitress and tossing you a little mint that came with the check. He gave you a toothy grin opening his mouth which revealed the small, green candy.
“I'm covering tips.”
“Okay that will be our deal from now. I pay you cover tip”
As the two of you were packing up you couldn't help but notice Coreys fingers jittering -something he does when he is nervous but you were confused as to why that is.
“Now come on, let's go.”
Chicago nights were beautiful. The city lights and moonlight reflected upon the Chicago River and the night life was somewhat minimal. A street musician playing jazz could be heard in the distance. The two of you lovers walked hand in hand chit chatting softly about how nice the night was and how much you both love each other. All of a sudden Corey stopped walking, letting go of your hand.
“What's the matter babe?”
“ I want to tell you something.” Corey replied, anxiety wavered his voice. He grabbed your hands, you felt his slightly calloused palms rub against your own. You saw tears well up in his eyes
“I have never, ever been happier with a person and in life than right now and every moment I am with you. You saved me. I never thought I would be alive today but when you came into my life I made the choice to live. I felt like a monster, an outcast ever since the accident. I got used to the feeling of being unloved until you came into my life.”
At this point tears were freely falling down his face.
“Honey, you are so incredibly beautiful. I remember our first meeting at the gas station. How you helped defend me, comfort me at the clinic and it wasn't a one time thing. You have always been so caring with me and everyone you encounter. You have a zest for life and are beautiful inside and out. We have grown so much together in all ways: emotionally, intellectually, and socially. I never envisioned leaving that town and going to college, becoming an engineer, making an apartment our home, loving someone, and being at peace. I feel so happy and safe with you and all I want to do is to make sure you feel the same way. I wanna live my life with you. Kiss you, sit on the balcony watching the sunset, read comics, share chocolate milk, vacation with you, cuddle and watch movies every Friday. These past three years have been the highlight of my life.” His voice wavered from the tears.
“Angel, I always tell you are that you are the best person everyday and the reason for that is because you are my person.”
By now you were crying, allowing the tears to fall freely since both hands were holding your boyfriends’.
Corey got down on one knee, pulling a ring box out which revealed a gold band with a small diamond. Your heart just about exploded out of excitement and admiration.
“Would you marry me?” Corey asked, passion dripping from his voice. The world fell quiet.
“Yes” you answered quietly, still in shock.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes” nodding rapidly
Corey placed the ring on your finger and bolted up to hug you. Tears spilled on each other's jackets-but nobody cared, you two were going to spend the rest of your lives together and that is the only thing that mattered at that moment.
Later that night when you two were in bed, legs and arms tangled. Corey was running his fingers on the small of you back. He looked at you, his hazel eyes illuminated by the blurred glow of the string lights hung on your window, filled with love.
“Thank you.” Those two words came out as a breathy whisper.
“For what?”
“For being you, for accepting my proposal, for everything. You are the most beautiful, intelligent, kindest person I have ever met and I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you.”
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anyalovesu · 4 months
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tolerate it.
v. when you were out building other worlds, where was i?
— “maybe in another life, i never had to leave the band and i was there with him all throughout that career. maybe he still would’ve been the person i wanted to fall in love with. maybe it would be easier to love him now. but i am just as much a stranger as he is to me. But I've been told I haven’t changed much. I was still childish and immature, he said.”
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Elijah woke up earlier that morning, getting ready and dressing herself up earlier than she usually would so she could make breakfast for the both of them in high hopes that Leon would be the same person as he was if there was food on the table when he wakes up.
The smell of pancakes filled the kitchen as she plates them up nicely on the table. Making sure that everything they could possibly need was on the table—syrup, butter knives, even two insulated flasks of coffee for the both of them that she freshly brewed that morning—you name it, she made sure it was on the table. All Leon had to do was to sit down and munch on the breakfast that she prepared.
Eli was anxiously pacing around the dining area, waiting for Leon to come down. But maybe it was wishful thinking that Leon would be the same version of himself as he was the night before. When he got down, he seemed to have woken up to the bad side of his king sized bed, hair still a little bit tousled as he swiftly made his way down the stairwell. 
“Ruby, tara na!”
“Nag gawa ako ng almusal, kumain ka muna,” Elijah replied dejectedly, sighing as once again, she found herself avoiding his gaze.
“Something came up sa office, kapag hindi pa tayo umalis, male-late na ako!” Leon argued, not seeming to give a flying fuck about how much of Elijah’s effort he’s trashing once again. “Tara na.”
“At least take your coffee,” Elijah snaps at him, taking one of the flasks and slams it on the table. Thank God for rubber stoppers for these flasks because she would’ve broken the glass from how hard she slammed it on the table. “You fucking ingrate.”
Elijah wordlessly stomped towards the living room where she had left her belongings before she started cooking that morning. Leon also just wordlessly walks over the dining table and takes the flask before turning towards him. “Ano masaya ka na? Napaka-immature mo naman.”
“Fuck you, Leon,” she hissed at him before making her way out of the door. 
The car ride was as hellish as the both of them expected it to be. Elijah was pissed, Leon was severely annoyed by how Elijah was acting, and no one could bother to at least turn on the radio to diffuse the tension. 
For the meantime, Leon kept his eyes on the road, refusing, at all costs, to purposely glance over Elijah’s direction to see if she was still as upset as she was. He didn’t need to look at her to know she was still fuming at him though, only her shaky breaths that she has been attempting to calm down has been the only thing filling up his ears the past 30 minutes, what else does he need to confirm his theory?
It only got worse from there when they got stuck in a traffic jam when they were only about 5 minutes away from Yang ENT. Out of frustration, and in an awful attempt to escape the atmosphere that has been strangling her for the past hour, Elijah unlocks the door.
“Maglalakad nalang ako. Dumeretso ka na sa Park Group,” she says and then leaves, without even a proper good bye or telling him to take care. She knows she would regret not doing that if something does happen, but for now, she just walks away to save what sanity she has left. 
Hot on her heels, Eli finds her way to the sidewalk and makes her way towards the front of where the Yang Construction ENT. stood in all of its glory. Decades of history cemented this building to the floor where it was built. Somehow, it was understandable why both of her parents were so insistent on doing whatever it takes to keep the company smooth and easy sailing. Even the slightest threat is still a threat not only to the pristine reputation of a decades old construction firm, but also to the legacy of all the Yangs that have reigned over the company. However understandable, it still wasn’t justified what they were willing to do at the cost of the happiness of their own daughter. It seemed like the company will always be more important than anything.
“Bakit ganyan ang mukha mo?” Architect Yves chuckles at her as soon as he sees him enter the elevator with him. “Ang aga mo rin, for someone na sa Makati na nakatira.”
“Nakisabay lang ako, mabait ang kapatid mo eh,” she scoffed, rolling his eyes at him. She’s always treated Yves Hwang as her own brother as well, since they met through Ynes. It only became more convenient when she found out that he is actually close friends with her own brother as well. “Ayaw ako sunduin.”
“Napakalayo mo naman nga kasi, Eli,” he laughed.
“Kahit na! Hinayaan n’ya akong magdusa kasama ang hayop na ‘yon,” she ranted. “Napakasama ng ugali. Pinagluto na ng almusal parang ako pa ang mali na pakainin s’ya!”
Elijah is like clockwork. She had a schedule for everything and did everything at the time she designated for it. Perhaps it was one of the reasons why everything is so shocking for her recently. She never planned for any of these things to happen and now that she constantly has to give up her personal time and even some of her working time for appointments that were, mind you, very inconsiderate of her work schedule, she feels the need to be constantly in a rush to finish her dues while still living up to her own standards when it came to its integrity. 
And Leon being so unpredictable just puts her in such an overwhelming position.. 
All these, on top of trying to put up with his constant hostility towards her, she might just throw herself off the building for how much distress the entire situation is causing her.
Eli couldn’t help but lean back against the cold walls of the elevator to try to feel something else. “I’m so fucking tired, kuya.”
“Hmm,” he chuckled, though it seemed like it was out of pity. He reached for the top of her head and patted it, trying to give her as much comfort in the most modest way possible. Word spreads fast in the office, especially if you’re meddling with either of the Yang siblings. The last thing Architect Yves wanted was to pile something on top of Eli’s already overflowing worries. Plus, he’d very much want to keep his job. 
Working with the Yangs has taught him one too many things about the elite family. 
That is, if they perceive you as a threat, you might as well find your way out yourself than let them do the deed in eradicating you from their company, possibly even the next few companies that you’ll be applying to.
“Sasabihan ko si Ynes,” he smiled at her. “Things will get better, okay?”
“Sana nga.”
“Tara na, OT ka na,” Santi playfully pushes Eli’s head with his pointer finger, making her glare at her older brother before turning back to her digital sketches on the table. “Ihahatid na kita.”
“I don’t want to go home pa,” she whined, slapping his hand away when he tried to do it again, groaning as she stared in dissatisfaction at the already 6th draft of the sketch that she was doing. “Una ka na. Maggrab nalang ako.”
“Ayaw ko ngang sumasakay ka ng grab mag-isa,” Santi sighed at him, leaning over her table to look at the digital sketches on her computer. “Masyadong madilim, Eli. Anong personality mo ang nagddrawing n’yan?”
“Pagod na ang creative personality ko,” she scoffed, slightly banging her head on the table as she opened a new file to redo everything she had already finished.
“Alam mo ang unfair mo naman sa sarili mo kung papalitan mo ‘yung colorful na branding n’yo dahil lang hindi nagustuhan ni Leon yung mga kulay sa bahay n’yo,” Santi looked at her in pity. It’s clear that being around Leon has been rubbing her the wrong way and it’s taking up even his little sister’s color, quite literally, by how dull and lonely her sketches looked.
“Hindi naman kasi ‘yon,” she groaned, forehead still resting on the table. There were tears already forming in her eyes and gaining even more of Santi’s pity would only make her cry even more, so she stayed like that. “Napapagod lang ako. Kahit anong gawin ko, hindi ako maging mabuting anak, hindi ako maging mabuting asawa, hindi ako maging mabuting tao. Tapos ngayon I can’t even do my job gaya ng dati. It’s only been a day, how bad is it going to get?”
“Tumayo ka na d’yan,” Santi proceeds to pull his sister up from her office chair. “Tara na. Patayin mo na ‘yan. Kanina pa naghihintay si Cielo sa baba, kung ayaw mong maging hindi rin mabuting kapatid, tumayo ka na d’yan.”
Santi could not help but not feel guilty at how much hell Eli is going through. He would’ve taken her suffering if he could, just like a good big brother would but this is out of his hands. 
“Bakit and’yan si Cielo?”
“Sinundo ko, ayaw daw magstart ng sasakyan n’ya kanina sa school,” Santi replied to her. “I had to call the towing services to bring it sa casa. Bukas ako nalang din ang susundo sa’yo, daanan na’tin yung sasakyan mo pagkahatid kay Cielo.”
Somehow, the thought of her not enduring any more of those dreadful car rides with her fiance made her feel better. The morning was a complete mess and the tension becoming too thick for her to breathe properly was something she is not willing to do again if it can be helped.
“Kaya tara na,” Santi repeated again, reaching for her mouse to save her work and turn off her computer himself. “Magligpit ka na ng gamit mo.”
Cielo went up to hug his older sister as soon as he saw her walking out of the elevator in the parking lot. “Tagal mo!” He whines.
“Bawasan ko allowance mo sa akin eh,” Eli playfully laughs at him as she hugs him back. There was some sort of relief from being around her family’s arms. 
This was how it was supposed to be, she thought. 
It was quite impossible to treat someone who treats her as badly as Leon as family. It oddly made her feel uncomfortable to be expected to form a family with him when that’s how it is between them. There was barely even love to begin with.
“Do you think you’ll ever fall in love with Kuya Leon?” Cielo blurts out as they get stuck in traffic. Cielo leans in between the center console as he cranes his neck towards his sister, who seemed taken aback by his sudden question.
Maybe 5 years ago, that would’ve been an easy yes. Leon wasn’t hard to love back then. He was sweet, kind, and gentle. He was also a fairly attractive teenager. Many girls fawned over his charisma during highschool, especially when they played. 
Before there was a Midnight Covey, there was The Loophole. It consisted of Leon, Eli, Tobi, and Amir. Leon still played bass. Tobi played drums, Eli played the electric guitar, and Amir still sang. Girls fawned over her bandmates, and while she’ll often get talked about for her closeness with the other members of the band, she never really minded it because Leon always protected and fought them in her place. But regardless, music made her happy, and she was there to keep that happiness going.
But that happiness did not last very long. 
Soren Yang wasn’t as fond of performing as his own daughter. He solely believed that the band would be Elijah’s very own downfall. He refused to believe that it would ever get her anywhere and that Elijah would end up jobless and sad by the time she turns 50. And so Eli left the band.
Eli was merely 15 when it all happened. Leon was 16, Tobi and Amir were both only 18. Even after convincing their parents to talk to Soren about letting Eli back to the band, the youngest’s father was beyond convincing. And if that was the case, what weight would their words value to Soren Yang?
Leon, Tobi, and Amir stayed out of the music scene after the abrupt exit of their guitarist for a good 3 months, before they decided to start the Midnight Covey. A band they started with two more members from different schools. 
Looking back at it, Eli rarely ever played after that. Maybe an occasional classical piano piece during family reunions, and quiet singing to herself, but other than that, she can barely remember the last time she touched her guitar to play it. Being forced to leave the band hurt her more than she liked to admit and even though she was happy that they got to start again and gain recognition they deserved now, it bothered her that she could’ve been there too. 
The first few months of the disbandment, all three of them consoled her about it, making sure she did not think they thought bad of her for leaving the band abruptly. Leon especially, he would still bring her to practices and their gigs to watch them. He took care of her during shows very well, making sure her ears were always protected knowing very well that his best friend had a sensitivity to loud sounds. Although Eli was no longer a member of the band, she was still there. She stayed with them. She supported them while they were building a whole new world with Midnight Covey’s music. She was there.
Leon never made her feel like she was a bother for a decision that wasn’t hers to make. But not anymore.
It would make sense how easily it would’ve been a yes back then, but right now… Leon wasn’t Leon she wanted to fall in love with anymore.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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(cue Nasira's Spidey-sense going off)
Samira, concerned: Habibti (darling) are you okay? You're shivering really bad, are you feeling sick?
Nasira: Oh, ah I'm just feeling a bit cold. I'm going to head back upstairs to grab a jacket real quick. You head on out, I'll meet up with you later.
Samira, with Mom BS sense going off: Just don't take too long. You've been so absent-minded lately I'm worried. You've been running late and forgetting appointments without so much as a call or text. You were so responsible when you were still in school...
Nasira: No, no! Wallah (I swear by God), I'm just going to grab my jacket, and head straight out.
Cut to Nasira pulling on Spider-woman costume while climbing out a window: This better be something quick like a robbery. If I got to fight another super villain in city traffic, and show up late. Mama's going to be so pissed!!
After watching Across the Spider-verse with my family, I've been inspired to create my own Spider-verse oc/spider-sona. Introducing Nasira bint Asim Najjar aka the Amazing Spider-woman, aspiring Palestinian-American Archetect by day webslinging superhero of New York by night. She's intelligent and driven, but like most superheroes, she has trouble balancing her Spider-woman identity with her family obligations and internship at an architectural firm. Her dating life is nonexistent, other than attempts at matching making by well-intentioned but nosey relatives. Who's got time for that?! Nasira wants to start her own Archetect firm and make safe, affordable housing for NYCs rapidly increasing homeless population before she's 45! She doesn't have time to worry about dating or acknowledging the complicated feelings she's developing around her two dearest friends, MJ and Harry, or why certain villains she encounters leave her flustered like Black Cat, and this new Green Goblin acting like he's got an obsessive crush on her!
I've included traditional Tatreez embroidery onto her costume, and the pattern on her hijab is inspired by mosaics found at Hisham's Palace in Jericho.
I've also created concept doodles of iconic webslinging poses and a little chibi version of her in a hard hat and vest mimicking those little construction site figures you see on safety signs. I've also included little concept portraits of her parents and friends.
Asim Najjar, Nasira' Baba (dad) he was a construction worker who often took his daughter on tours of his construction site when she was little. Helped inspire her desire to become an architect. Tragically died when he and another construction worker, Flint Marco, were building an expansion to a laboratory and accidently learned about some shady experiments the scientists were performing. So, an accident was staged to keep them both quiet, but Flint survived and became The Sandman.
Prof. Samira Najjar, Nasira's Mama, and a teacher who works at a prestigious private school in New York. Samira got her current job when Nasira turned 13 and transferred her daughter to the private school. It would offer her a better education, and Samira's position as faculty means they can get a much needed reduction on tuition. Nasira had a hard time fitting in at first. Unlike the rest of her classmates, she was raised in a working class family, and her mommy is a teacher. Until she befriended Harry Osborn, he was also picked on a lot, and they shared similar interests. Samira has been worried about Nasira's changed behavior recently. At first, she thought it was Nasira grieving after Asim's death. Samira herself was also a mess for months after the funeral. It wasn't unreasonable for her normally responsible daughter to start showing up late or even forgetting appointments... but still something is off. Nasira's keeping secrets and even lying to her, and whatever is going on, even MJ has been keeping things from her as well.
Mojdeh "MJ" Mahri, Nasira's BFF, MJ is a redhead Iranian American girl whose family attend the same mosque as Nasira's, and they've been friends ever since they were 7 years old. MJ eventually starts working as an investigation blogger for The Daily Bugel and helps Nasira investigate the truth about her father's "accidental death" when the facts don't add up. During this investigation at the accident site, Nasira accidentally knocked over a terrarium containing an experimental spider, and the rest is history. MJ is one of the few people who knows Nasira's secret identity and helps her endeavor as Spider-woman, with her journalist connections. As well as trying to counter act her boss, J. Jonah Jameson's bias against Spider-woman when she can.
Harry Osborn, Nasira's school friend and Oscorp heir. Harry never had many close friends until Nasira transferred to the private school they both graduated from. They both shared similar interests and her mother, Prof. Najjar taught his favorite class. They grew close over the years, especially since Nasira's family treated Harry better than his own distant and domineering father. A few of their classmates and even MJ would ask if Harry and Nasira were dating, but they both denied it repeatedly. They're just friends! Although after high school, Harry started dating women that greatly resembled Nasira: tall, with dark hair, very career driven and intelligent. Nasira is the only one who hasn't noticed this pattern to Harry's love life. She just assumed he has a thing for Amal Clooney! Harry hasn't said anything out loud about his feelings, but the fact that his friendship with Nasira is the only functional relationship in his life is telling.
Norman Osborn, Harry's father and CEO of Oscorp. Norman and Harry have had a very strained relationship. He expects a lot from his son and worries that Harry doesn't have the stomach to do what's necessary to make the company successful after he's retired. After all, you don't become as wealthy and powerful as Norman Osborn without doing unsavory things to ensure success. Although he's noticed his son has become more serious and hardworking since he's befriended Nasira Najjar. In addition to having a good influence on Harry, Nasira is a very driven and intelligent young lady herself, if a bit idealistic. Still, Norman prefers her to the other girls his son used to date and would often half "jokingly" ask them both when Harry will make Nasira his new daughter in law. Of course, they're both very embarrassed and uncomfortable whenever Norman makes those kinds of jokes. Sure, they insist they're just friends for now, but Norman is willing to bet money, Nasira will probably wind up his son's 2nd wife in 20 years. Don't think too much about what might happen to your hypothetical 1st wife Harry. It's nothing the police can prove anyway...what?! He's joking, of course! Although it is a shame her father was involved in that tragic "accident." Norman genuinely felt bad about that, but he couldn't risk it getting out that his company was secretly connected to the lab they were expanding. It would have stayed secret too if Filnt Marco had also died instead of getting mutated and getting that meddling Spider-woman involved. Sure, she's been useful, especially when she saved Harry when he was targeted by one of his many enemies, but he can't risk Spider-woman connecting Oscorp to those experiments!
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moocho feeding milligan fic
for @mvshortcut <3
“Ah, Milligan. Good morning to you,” greeted Moocho, who was midway through flipping a panful of eggs. He had already prepared an array of delicious looking breakfast foods. Waffles, sausage, yogurt, granola, fresh fruit, and tea surrounded multiple place settings at the family table. Milligan’s mouth watered. He was running late— as always— and grabbed a piece of sausage to munch on as he ran out the door. 
“Uh-uh,” Moocho scolded, grabbing Milligan’s wrist and pulling him back inside. “What has you in such a hurry you can’t eat breakfast?”
“Murderous businessmen,” Milligan muttered, although he couldn’t bring himself to be too irritated. If he had to be bullied, at least was to eat more food. Moocho practically pushed him into a chair.
Soon he was digging into a plate of waffles, scrambled eggs, and strawberries, as well as another sausage link. He had no trouble making his way through the plate— the stress he was under had been distracting him from things like sleep schedules and regular meals, and, well, the long and short of it was he was hungry. Soon he was commenting to Moocho how talented he was and how much clearer his head felt.
“You,” he said through a mouthful of waffle, “have a gift.”
Moocho smiled.
“Hmm, perhaps. But I imagine any sort of calories will help you brain focus. It’s science. I’d tell you to ask Nicholas, but he’s almost as bad as you are.”
When Milligan had nearly finished, the radio in his pocket chirped voraciously. Milligan’s eyes widened. He replaced the fork in his hand with the radio and responded hastily with something that sounded like “on my way” and “miserable traffic this morning.” 
Radio turned off, Milligan got up from his chair.
“I’ve got to go. Hardy and Gristle are under the false impression I’m sitting in gridlock right now.”
Moocho handed him a fully packed lunch bag and water bottle. 
“Right you are. I’ve heard there’s construction on Maple Street.”
Milligan laughed, lighter and looser than he’d been in days, and swung the bag in his hand on his way out the door.
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dankusner · 20 days
After 55 years, iconic Doug's Gym in downtown Dallas to see its last weight lifted
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"I can remember the day I walked in here," Doug said Monday. "And if you told me I was going to be here 55 years, I'd have ran out of Not much has changed inside Doug's Gym since he bought the gym from National Health Studios in 1962.(Ben Torres / Special Contributor)
A few weeks back, a handful of regulars crowded into Doug Eidd's office for a late-afternoon bull session with the man whose name is on the sign outside the 55-year-old downtown Dallas gym.
I couldn't hear much of what they were talking about — I was strapped into the vibrating-belt machine next to the office, trying to loosen a bum back with the antique once marketed as a weight-loss miracle.
Then, over the din — the clank of the half-century-old weights, the whir of the jiggling machine, the thwack of fists connecting with the punching bag — I could hear Doug loud and clear, his voice a raspy boom bouncing off the sagging pressed-tin ceiling.
"Some people think time doesn't even exist," said the strongman philosopher who presides over a business that looks today as it did when Jack Ruby was still spinning the Carousel Club a few blocks down the street.
I cut off the machine.
"You're proof of that," I told him, marveling, as ever, at the 87-year-old man who moved to Dallas from Corpus Christi in September 1962 to run the Commerce Street gym that withstood countless downtown busts and booms. For the last 20 years, I was sure Doug and his gym would outlive us all.
But one week from Saturday, the unthinkable will happen: He will cut off the lights, walk down those creaky stairs in that narrow corridor, lock the door, and that will be that. Doug's Gym — which opened the same year John Glenn orbited the planet and the Beatles released "Love Me Do" and the U.S. and Soviet Union stared down the Cuban Missile Crisis — will close for good.
And not because Doug wants to shutter his no-frills (and, for that matter, no-air-conditioning) gym, not really. But because he has no choice.
Doug has been operating without a lease for a year and spent the last few weeks in limbo, unsure whether his landlord, in the process of selling the 107-year-old storefront to foreign owners, would let him stay a few more weeks or months or maybe even a year. He discovered in recent days that he has only until March 31.
He is being run out, in part, by downtown's resurrection. Rent, which was $250 in 1962, recently skyrocketed to $3,400 — a hard nut to cover with a shrinking clientele paying around $40 a month for the privilege of working out in a time capsule owned by a grizzled sage tougher and kinder than anyone you will ever know. And surrounding construction has chased off some clients who don't want to tangle with traffic and parking.
The building is too valuable now for what the U.K. version of Men's Health called in 2016 "5,000 square feet of fitness history that may be the most durable monument to physical exercise still extant outside of a museum."
Doug never meant to stay. Fifty-five years later, he can no longer stay.
"I can remember the day I walked in here," Doug said Monday. "And if you told me I was going to be here 55 years, I'd have run out of the building. I woulda run out! I wouldn't have stayed here! I woulda thought, 'I couldn't be in that building 55 years.' But nothing bad ever happened to me here to make me want to leave."
Word began circulating among the regulars Monday that there were just days left; the gym, often sparsely populated these days, was a little more crowded than usual. Regulars said their thank-yous between squats and bench presses; former clients stopped by to take selfies with Doug. We knew about the lease and the landlord. Didn't make the inexorable any easier.
A lot of people are upset you're closing, I told him.
"I know they're upset, but life is made to upset you," Doug said. He laughed, or maybe it was a cough. "I remember when my father died, I was upset. When my mother died, I was upset. So there you go. Life is full of things that make you upset. That's the way it works."
"You made a lot of people look good, and there's nothing sad about that," 59-year-old Victor Zimmerman told Doug during a break in his workout. Zimmerman first came to Doug's about 30 years ago, weighing 130 pounds after a bout with testicular cancer. Doug helped him put on weight, build muscle, regain his confidence.
"This man has given me really good advice — financial, romantic," Zimmerman said, speaking for all of us fortunate to have spent time under Doug's tutelage. "He's been a mentor since I was in my 30s. Helped me keep my head on straight."
The gym's demise was always inevitable. Doug ran the business alone for all of its 55 years — counted every penny and every rep. The longest he ever closed was the one week after his wife died shortly before Doug turned 70. For a moment, he considered shuttering the gym then. Coming back, he said this week, was a hard decision.
"But when you sit down and contemplate on it, you realize you have to continue the life," he said. "So I chose the other."
But now the choice has been made for him. There will be a public farewell for him on March 31 at the gym. Then he will spend a week clearing out the place. Doug will sell some of the equipment to clients; the rest he will take to his home in Hurst, where he plans to build a backyard gym.
On Monday, we sat in his office talking about the end of Doug's Gym. I reminded him of that comment he'd made about time not existing. He smiled, said he meant it. Absolutely.
"The [last] day I walk down the stairs, it'll be 55 years — like nothing, like it never happened," he said, puffing on a nub of a cigar. "Looking forward is an enormous amount of time. Looking back, it's nothing. It means nothing. The time goes like that."
And one week from Saturday, so will Doug's Gym. Like that.
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tha1troy · 8 months
Good Morning,
Today is Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 9:25am. Here I am, just another day starting off at work, I have now been at work 7 days straight, 1 more to go.. I am feeling kinda tired and drained from working so much the past week, it’s not a bad thing, I love to work and you know I love money lol, but I would kinda like a little break. It gets more tiring just coming here every single day more than the work I have to do here.. The traffic in Las Vegas has been so bad lately, as they prepare for F1, MSG Sphere Opening, and the SuperBowl. Growing up in Vegas there was nothing as a kid, literally nothing. No sports, not many shows or anything for kids. But now it has changed so much, there is definitely a lot more to do.. It’s pretty cool to watch the world and the city grow and evolve but what it takes to get it all done like all this repaving and construction is annoying. It’s been taking me forever to get to and from work lately because of it.. Normally a 20 min drive has turned into a 40-45 min drive and having to take different routes.. But whatever. It is what it is. At least if I had a better car that I enjoyed and loved more I probably wouldn’t even care about sitting in traffic or driving a lot, but since that’s not the case anymore I hate driving and definitely hate sitting in traffic lol.. Anyways, yesterday at work I wrote another dope song, my lyrics are getting better & better.. I really love doing this music, it’s always been my love & passion ever since I was a kid. I’m definitely ready to start taking it to the next level & way more serious! I know I got this, it just sucks when you feel you don’t have any support or a team around you & like your doing everything on your own.. But these battles & struggles only are making me stronger, wiser, and believe me I’m going to get this done! I AM A STAR. IT IS MY TIME! 💫 Have an amazing day everybody. Let’s get this money, stay positive, and focus on the goals. LØVE
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fluffy-critter · 10 months
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mybrainonthewall · 11 months
I just met with my therapist and I have some new things to talk about regarding the last 2 weeks or so.
I’ve struggled with talking to my sister because lately I’ve been feeling as though she’s my second mother, as in she’s always telling me what to do and how to do it and I feel kinda talked down to. For instance, last week I was late for work, I’m talking like 15-20 minutes late, which NEVER happens. The area where my job is located has been under heavy construction for months, which means roads are blocked off and you have to make frequent detours and traffic is BAD, and everyone who works there knows it. When it hit the time when I should’ve been at the shop, my sister called me and asked where I was, which I thought was weird. Turns out she was watching me on Life360 because she was bored, which I found out from my coworker because he was watching too. 
The next day, when I got to the store (on time), she made a comment about being late, and later that night when I asked her and my mom not to make those comments, she remarked, “Then don’t be late.” The thing is, when you have anxiety like I do, you tend to beat yourself up over mistakes way more than the average person, which I was already doing. My sister harping on me and making belittling comments stacks on top of the self-depricating talk, and isn’t as productive as some may think. She acts as though she’s never been late in her life, which fuels my fear of never being as good as her. 
I’ve recently struggled with coming to terms with the fact that I’ve been sheltered my whole life, and my sister’s comments and watching me only made me feel even more smothered. When your sister is always on your ass and always telling you what to do, and harps on you for making mistakes, it’s easy to feel like a bad person and like you have no freedom. 
My therapist suggested I set a boundary with my sister of not watching my location and not making belittling comments, which I want to try to establish. She also suggested re-framing the situation when my sister asks me to do things, so for example, instead of thinking “My sister is telling me to do this because she thinks I’m dumb and lazy”, I can instead think of it as “My sister wants some help cleaning and isn’t trying to make me feel a certain way”, which is helpful. 
I do recognize that it is easy to misconstrue requests as bossiness and passive-aggressiveness, which I admit is something I can do easily. I feel that this happens because I’ve lived so much of my life doing things for my sister that it immediately comes off as the older-sister bossiness, even if it isn’t meant to be rude.
It sucks because I genuinely have good times with my sister and can enjoy her company, but there is a lot of built-up resentment from the past that overshadows the good. My therapist recommended thinking about what I want the long-term future to look like, and what relationship I want to build with my sister. There is a lot of work to be done with my sister and I, and time will tell if I can let go of old grudges and anger.
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peakwealth · 1 year
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Detail, National Museum, Songkhla, Thailand. February 2023
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You blow into Southeast Asia, your head spinning with worry about the war in Ukraine, about inflation, about the decay of democracy and about the climate crisis of course. And then, nothing. It is as if those things didn't apply once you are in Asia. As if they weren't for real. Bad dreams that only happened to old countries full of old people.
If there is any existential angst about the climate here, it is hard to detect. Granted, the afternoons may be getting a little hot, but these are the tropics after all and you just turn up the aircon. Problem solved. Why agonise over it?
As for Ukraine, where is that?
Aside from Japan and South Korea, countries in this part of the Asia still consider themselves 'under construction'. They are free to industrialize, to build new cities, oil and container terminals, airports, motorways, whatever. China's growth may have slowed recently, but the Asian frenzy of development is not over yet. Forests are still being cleared (1), thermal power plants are being built. Solar farms and wind turbines are not yet a common sight around here. More than 90 % of electricity in peninsular Malaysia comes from fossil fuel, mostly coal. Malaysia is 'losing' forest cover at a suicidal rate. (2) The clock isn't ticking loud enough.
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Mural, backstreet, Hanoi, Vietnam. February 2023
I had never seen a actual Rolls Royce SUV until yesterday when one pulled up across the street. It looked a little chunky for such an exalted limousine but out stepped an elegant women in green. She was met by an attendant, in black, who had been standing by on the sidewalk with a parasol. Together they hurried up the few stairs to the door of the imposing Lavender-by-Chang Luxury Spa in Saigon's third arrondissement.
Such is Saigon today.
To think that the USA waged war to prevent Vietnam falling into Communist hands.
The pursuit and display of conspicuous affluence remains a no-brainer in Saigon, just as it is elsewhere in Southeast Asia. Status seeking is everywhere, it is manic and it drives development. Nothing symbolizes it better than having a limo, black as a matter of course, preferably a Mercedes-Benz S Class parked in front of a luxury hotel. (A Rolls or Bentley may be a touch over the top.)
Back in the eighties, I witnessed how the infatuation with lurid wealth took root in China. Soon it spread all over the neighbourhood. Vietnam may have come a little late to the party but it has made up for it in sheer get-rich enthusiasm. Consumed as it is with the unrelenting fantasy of luxury and ostentation, life in Vietnam can appear far from zen. But, clearly, this is not how it is perceived here.
Today Vietnam has one of the fastest growing economies anywhere. The country is hoping to multiply incomes by a factor of eight by the year 2050, raising the GDP from not quite USD 4000 to USD 35 000 per person and per year. For now, the economy is expanding by around 8 - 10 % a year. That translates into gogo capitalism. In practical terms: Saigon is drowning in nonstop traffic and the air pollution is off the scale.
The question is if anyone cares? When Greta Thunberg, the West's favourite climate activist, reminds us that "the house is on fire", it cannot be assumed that her words resonate much in Asia.
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Low lying land south of Saigon. February 2023.
It is no secret that Vietnam is a country particularly exposed to climate change, particularly to rising sea levels. A large part of the south, around the Mekong delta, is projected to be under water by the end of the century. Encroaching salinity is a further threat to agricultural production, beginning with all-important rice cultivation in the delta.
Even though Vietnam has formally committed to carbon neutrality by 2050, there is little sign yet that the economy can or will be rewired for decarbonization. An analysis by the global consulting firm PcW found that the country had no net-zero policy in place at the end of 2021. Nor did any large corporation. Vietnam also remains one of the top-ten coal power generating countries in the world.
Like neighbouring countries, it is dragging its feet, waiting for foreign funding to implement greener climate policies. The logic is that since the West caused climate change to begin with, it should pay for the damage control.
Asia is looking for 'non-disruptive' ways to meet climate targets. You can interpret that as business as usual or else as a gentle energy transition that will create new opportunities for growth rather than interfere with it. Dire predictions about rising temperatures and how they will depress economic output have not as yet been, well, internalized.
In the meantime, the economy motors ahead. Limiting growth, lifting the foot off the pedal of progress and affluence is not a popular concept here. The music must keep playing, 24/7.
____________________________________________ (1) Vietnam enjoys a grace period to stop deforestation until 2030.
(2) source: www.globalforestwatch.org
See, as an example:  https://www.globalforestwatch.org/map/?analysis=eyJzaG93QW5hbHlzaXMiOnRydWUsImhpZGRlbiI6ZmFsc2V9&map=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%3D%3D&mapMenu=eyJzZWFyY2giOiJtYWxheXNpYSJ9&menu=eyJtZW51U2VjdGlvbiI6IiIsImRhdGFzZXRDYXRlZ29yeSI6IiJ9
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kerlonnc · 2 years
Jbl charge 5 vs flip 5
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#Jbl charge 5 vs flip 5 driver
#Jbl charge 5 vs flip 5 series
One person is dead and three others are hurt after a multi-vehicle crash overnight in Bluffton. 170 at a standstill after Sunday morning crash in Bluffton. 48 HOURS dives into SC’s ‘Murdaugh Mysteries’.
Traffic report and news from the Hilton Head Island Packet.
Hampton Roads Virginia and Northeastern North Carolina News, Weather, Traffic and Sports. However, they were conscious at the scene. The person that was injured was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Police received the call at around 8:30 p.m. (WTOC) - Pooler Police are investigating after a pedestrian was hit by a car on Highway 80 coming off of I-95. Columbia, MD traffic updates reporting highway and road conditions with real-time interactive map including flow, delays, accidents >, construction, closures, traffic jams and congestion, driving conditions, text alerts, gridlock, and live cameras for the Columbia area including US 1 and the I-95 corridor as well as other hwys and roads within. Police say they were first dispatched to the area between Bluffton Parkway and Hampton Parkway late Friday night for reports of a single-vehicle collision. (WCSC) - The Bluffton Police Department says they are investigating a fatal car crash that was caused by a shooting. () Students family of Hilton Head teacher lose exceptional educator and mother-to-be in Bluffton crash. child, was involved in a three car accident on U.S.
Expectant mother and Hilton Head Island Elementary school teacher Jessie Floyd wrote letter to paren.
Car accident in bluffton sc yesterday bmw e60 szl module coding Bluffton, South Carolina Auto Accident Doctor By Car Wreck Doctor Getting Treatment After an Automobile Accident in Bluffton, South Carolina Seek medical attention if you were in a car accident in Bluffton, South Carolina, to determine the extent of your injuries. A.The South Carolina Highway Patrol is investigating after a three- car crash left a person dead in Sumter County on June 19, 2022. The Bluffton Police Collision Reconstruction Unit says one vehicle was turning left from the side street onto SC Highway 278 westbound. The crash reportedly happened at 8:30 Sunday morning. meet is the most dangerous intersection in Bluffton with a total of 8 accidents with injuries. (WSAV) – Where Highway 278 and Buck Island Rd. by another motorist, according to Colleton County Fire Rescue. The crash, which happened along Ritter Road, was reported just before 2:30 a.m. (WCBD) - A 24-year-old Beaufort man was killed after being ejected during a high-speed single-vehicle crash early Sunday morning in Colleton County. (WSAV) - Where Highway 278 and Buck Island Rd. The South Carolina Highway Patrol says the crash happened around 5:35 p.m.
#Jbl charge 5 vs flip 5 driver
A driver was killed in South Carolina after troopers say the car hydroplaned on Highway 170 in Okatie Tuesday. The map is interactive and information on the incident may be obtained by clicking on the pins or sorted by geographic region (Troop). Real-Time Traffic Information Click here for Real-Time Traffic Information about current traffic incidents being investigated by the SC Department of Public Safety. 278 in Bluffton has been identified as a 22-year-old mother, according to the Beaufort County Coroner's Office. 25-The woman who was killed Friday on U.S. Emin Johnson, 20 and Zachary Love, 21, have been booked into the Hancock County Justice Center following the chases and deadly crash Thursday, state.
#Jbl charge 5 vs flip 5 series
(April 1): State troopers have released the names of three men accused in a series of high-speed pursuits that resulted in the death of a Bluffton police officer Thursday. good credit, no credit and bad credit! 1321 n okatie hwy, okatie, sc PHOTOS: Dayton police investigate after shooting on Wyoming Street. Woman dies after 4-vehicle hit-and-run crash in Dayton. Suite 444 Tampa, F Coastal South Carolina. When the car accident statutes of limitations may be shorter. good credit, no credit and bad credit! 1321 n okatie hwy, okatie, sc The crash reportedly happened at 8:30 Sunday morning. Read More Accident News Reports Traffic still backed up through Bluffton hours after crash on Hilton Head bridges Tuesday South Carolina US 278Coastal South Carolina. A Bluffton man on Friday was sentenced to 18 years in prison after he was convicted of drunk driving in an accident that killed a 7-year-old boy and his stepmother in 2019.
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crownedinstars · 2 years
This meme is just a laugh on a Saturday afternoon… And the back story #fiction 📜
Honestly, Sheila didn't feel like leaving the house today. It had been a hectic week with extra hurdles thrown in work-wise and not to mention the issues with the construction company working on her house. However, duty calls and Sheila had committed to picking up her nephew from soccer practice on this #blessed Saturday afternoon. While driving to the field, Sheila started thinking about a conversation she had with a colleague earlier in the week. They hadn't seen each other in a long time but happened to be picking up lunch at the same spot. While in conversation that started off on a casual to business level, the person had somewhat broken down and started speaking heavily on their personal life - and it had thrown Sheila for a loop. Lately, she had been inside her own head so much that she hadn't remembered that her friends were going through stuff also. What a bad friend I am, she thought. Mental note to do better, by Sunday afternoon deadline reach out and touch a few friends. By Whatsapp, of course 💯
Almost at the field, just a little bit of traffic by the intersection. Sheila thought again of her chat with the old colleague, and considered the advice she felt compelled to murmur in the wake of unsolicited revelations by someone she really didn't know that well. Clearly this person needed support and now Sheila wasn't quite sure that what she had said was… enough. She decided to make it a point to reach out and check on this person, in person during the next week.
Finally reaching the field, it was time to get out of the car. Wow, she thought, it must be 120°F out here. But she could see her nephew's curly head bouncing around the field and felt excited to get out and watch him play. Sheila reached into her Chloe bag and pulled out her Isa Knox Anew Solaire #sunscreen - 😎 only the best for her face on this very hot afternoon. Still sitting in the car trying to catch the last few seconds of air conditioning, Sheila texted her sister and let her know she was at the soccer field, and would be by later to drop off her nephew along with some Skin-So-Soft oil for their aunt to take on her upcoming trip to the island.🦟
100 thoughts were running through Sheila's mind that she got out of the car, but as she drew near to the edge of the field, her nephew saw her and his face lit up. Aunty Sheila! He shouted as he ran towards her, you came to watch me play. Seeing his cute little face all full of smiles on such a bright sunny day, her heart failed with joy and Sheila's vibration increased threefold as she leaned into what was going to be an awesome day.
Advanced sun protection and luxury skin care in one.Isa Knox Anew Solaire has our highest SPF protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays, with hydrating panthenol, niacinamide and peony extracts to help keep skin feeling hydrated, soft and smooth. It’s a great complement to any skin care routine. Wear alone or under makeup. 1.7 fl. oz.
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whisk3yteacup · 2 years
For the first time in our not brief relationship, my dominants lightly chastised me the other evening. Recently, I have been late in meeting him, walking in flustered and anxious from the unpredictability of traffic (it's construction season in Michigan....yes,it has its own frikken season). I hate being late. I hate traffic in general. I am not a good judge of traffic. He was very kind. He simply said "you need to be better about managing your time". I actually felt my stomach lurch. Took me a long time to get into the right headspace and everything I could do to not cry. I'm not one of those pretty criers....vanity was the only thing that made me keep my shit together. The guilt sent my brain into overdrive. I'm curious how other submissives handle this sort of pain? When you know you've disappointed someone you love and you're totally at fault. How do you recover quickly enough to move on with the important stuff? It's not a feeling that I am used to in my D/s relationship. Maybe this old, bad Catholic needs an act of contrition? Serious suggestions are welcomed. Thanks!
#useless guilt
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