#context to no. 8 is like. so i thought mini figurines of characters were so fucking cool
skeletalheartattack · 2 years
what's your top ten cringe moments?
let's see... in no particular order:
10. slipped my dumb ass in the shower and slid around like a bar of soap recently.
9. the time i tried to bribe our school librarian into giving me the spongebob pc game for free during a scholastics book fair. this was like 2nd grade.
8. i lost vegeta to the drain
7. mistaking a kid i knew in my 7th class for another dude and insisting he went to my cousins birthday party one year. don't be white and i won't mistake you it's that simple
6. taking the tire off of one of my classmates rims only to have the machine for taking the wheel off get stuck somehow. i took an automotive repair class in high school for 3 years. ive already forgotten all i learned in that class.
5. insisting to my 4th grade teacher that we watch what i called "mousetrap videos" in class. i meant rube goldberg machine videos.
4. showing my cousin the intro to Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, which involves robot Bill and Ted peeling their faces off to reveal their robotic heads. i think i wanted to show him the scenes with the grim reaper but didn't think about what happens before that. at that time i was age 7, and he was 6.
3. telling one of my brothers "I'll kick your ass" at the age of 6, due to him telling me he wouldn't work on our treehouse. that was my first swear.
2. paying at the register and not doing the math properly and standing in silence as i thought i paid the full ammount while they're waiting for the last 5 dollars. i only do self checkouts now. drud embarrassment.
1. i want big huge big boobs. that's not the cringe part. what's cringe is no one wants me. so huge and no one's paying attention. absolutely insane. 🙄💅
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