shadowtearling · 6 years
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Continuathon: A readathon to encourage reading/finishing those series you fell behind on! Also the funniest, stupidest name for a readathon ever probably. It sounds like you’re saying continuation but with a lisp. I promise I’m not mocking anyone. I’m just bad at coming up with names. 😂
This readathon will run from Sunday, July 1st, to Saturday, July 7th. This is a pretty standard readathon as the others in the past! A full week of reading, daily prompts, and some challenges if you’re struggling with a TBR (if you’re not like me with a stupid large pile of unfinished series). Neither are mandatory for you to participate in the readathon, and you can pick and choose which challenges/prompts to respond to. 
Use the tag #continuathon so we can all find each other’s posts (be it daily updates, pictures, or prompt responses)! I will be tracking it, and doing my best to respond to posts (note: I said try please don’t hurt me if I don’t get to yours; I am terrible and easily exhausted... like a child!)
Schedule / Daily Prompts
Day Zero (June 30) | Before you begin
I’m stealing @bibliophilicwitch‘s idea and starting the prompts a day before the readathon. Post your TBR! What are you reading, do they match up to any of the challenges, and why are you reading them?
Make predictions for your upcoming reads. Whether it’s on opinion or what will happen in the series. Just remember to tag your spoilers!
Day One (July 1) | Let’s get started
What is the best series starter you’ve ever read? Worst? 
Write a one-minute speech (or a love letter) for your favorite series (if you’re brave you could upload a video or audio).
Day Two (July 2) | Sophomore Slumps or Bumps
What’s a series with a second book that ~sucked~? 
What’s a series with a second book that was absolutely amazing? 
Take a series and recommend a song for every book in that series. Alternatively, put your playlist on shuffle and recommend a book based on the song(s). Do as many as you like.
Day Three (July 3) | Inhale Reads
What series did you inhale read? 
What series went uphill from the first book? Downhill?
Write a poem/short song about a series you love or that you’re currently reading!
Day Four (July 4) | Give and Receive 
Take a picture of your favorite bookish map(s)! OR Take a picture of a bookish blueprint(s)! OR Show us any book merch you have.
Sort the characters in a series into their respective Hogwarts houses. Tell us why!
Recommend middlegrade, YA, and adult series.
Day Five (July 5) | Unpopulars
Share a series that everyone loves but you hate. OR Share a series that everyone hates but you love.
Which do you prefer: duologies, trilogies, quartets, or more? 
Write an obituary for a character who died. Tag spoilers!
Day Six (July 6) | Marketing Strategies
What’s a series that you think should get a spinoff? Who/what should said spinoff be about? 
What series didn’t deserve a spinoff?
What spinoff series is better than the original?
Make a bookish rainbow, take a picture, and share it with us!
Day Seven (July 7) | Enders
What are the best and worst endings you’ve ever read?
Revive a dead meme and apply it to a book/series of your choosing.
Make a moodboard / edit for your favorite read for this readathon or for a series you love.
Day Eight (July 8) | Wrap Up
What did you read? Did you get to everything on your TBR or did you get sidetracked? Tell us about them! 
Summarize your reads using gifs! 
Start and finish an entire series during the course of the week (can be duology, trilogy, quartet, or, if you’re adventurous, a 5 or more book series).
Re-read the first book(s) in the series and continue. (If you don’t want to, search here and here for recaps of books with plots you forgot) 
Finish a series whose last book came out more than a year ago.
Finish a series whose last book came out this year.
Continue/finish a series with a book that’s less than 250 pages.
Continue/finish a series with a book that’s more than 500 pages.
Reread a series you love!
Read a non sci-fi series!
Get caught up with an unfinished series.
Bonus: Admit to yourself that you’re not going to finish that one series you’ve put off for seven years. It’s not going to happen.
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aliteraryprincess · 6 years
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Day 3: Inhale Reads
What series did you inhale read?
I absolutely flew through all of these in high school.  I remember people coming up to me and saying, “Weren’t you reading a different book yesterday?” and “Wait, weren’t you reading a different series yesterday?”  I just really loved Tamora Pierce’s world and characters.
Reading Update:
One book down!  I finished The Hero and the Crown, but I made almost no progress in The Winter King.  Hopefully I’ll be able to read more of it tomorrow and start Demelza.
The Hero and the Crown - finished
The Winter King - page 48 of 489
Demelza - not started
Enemy of God - not started
Excalibur - not started     
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readingaway · 6 years
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Continuathon, Day 6: Marketing Strategies
All I have is this rainbow of books since I don’t have any opinions on spinoffs for book series
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Continuathon July 2
Series with second book that sucked? One that was absolutely amazing?
I can't really think of any second books that sucked... Shadowblack was the weakest entry in the Spellslinger (Sebastien De Castell) series, but it was still pretty darn good! I've pretty much decided that ACOTAR is a series not for me, and I liked the first book, but couldn't get into ACOMAF that much.
Amazing second books? Man, it has been a long time since I've read a lot of different series, and I accidentally missed the second book in the Witcher series. I don't think it had been translated when I started reading. I remember the second book in the Second Sons Trilogy by Jennifer Fallon being pretty awesome.
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Continuathon Day Eight| Wrap Up
Books read: 7.5
Pages read: 3056
I am so proud of the amount I read this week! I could have finished my last book if I didn’t get distracted by moving my furniture around, but I am still happy with what I did.
I managed to complete four of the challenges throughout the week which were:
Start and finish an entire series
Continue/finish a series with more than 250 pages
Re-read a series you love 
Get caught up with an unfinished series
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As you can see, The Rose and the Dagger is the book I am half way through. 
All in all; a very successful week for me!
I want to give a big thank you to @shadowtearling for organising this. It gave me a great excuse to reread a series that I completely forgot just how much I love; The Wind on Fire trilogy by William Nicholson, and I just had so much fun doing this!
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jorammiireads · 6 years
continuathon! Before you begin
Day Zero (June 30) | Before you begin
Okay so another week and another (slightly less) ambitious TBR!
in honor of @shadowtearling ‘s continuathon though, I will only read books that are part of a series :)
First is finishing up A Reaper at the Gates! I’m on page 298/458 so really close!
[No spoilers but I’m dying okay. (I got my book signed last week at an event with Sabaa Tahir and Roshani Chokshi!)]
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And since I didn’t start Seraphina last week as I had hoped....
I still gotta read it for the traveling book club...I’m doing it soon I promise!
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I’d also like to start and finish Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!
My goal last week was to finish Prisoner of Azkaban, so this week is Goblet of Fire! (I actually let a friend borrow my copy of it so here’s a picture of all my other loved HP books)
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I’d also like to reread Nyxia so I can read Nyxia Unleased by Scott Reintgen! 
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stvrmwitch · 6 years
CONTINUATHON || day zero 
a day late
make predictions you say?? I predict my messy ass will be a big Failure to Comply by the end of the week because noah fence to my mama but she absolutely did raise a quitter. 
still. an attempt will be made. 
and that’s the best I can do!!
🌺 🌺 🌺 🌺 🌺
T B R . T I M E , T O A D S
The Magicians Trilogy Start and finish an entire series during the course of the week (can be duology, trilogy, quartet, or, if you’re adventurous, a 5 or more book series).
The Last Star Finish a series whose last book came out more than a year ago.
Saga vol. 1-8 Reread a series you love!
The Bone Witch & Heart Forger Get caught up with an unfinished series.
Note to self: that’s literally 14 separate pieces of fiction, Camille. Good luck, you dumb goat.
Well. Because they fit with the readathon’s series theme and they are currently in my possession. I’m easy like that.
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ihaveseenthedragons · 6 years
When read-a-thons make you feel like you do not read enough books, because you always want to use the same 10 books for the prompts  😂
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becomingomnilegent · 6 years
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Day Three (July 3) | Inhale Reads
What series did you inhale read? Quite a few when I think about it, but some of them required waiting for the next book to come out... The Bartimaeus Trilogy, Lockwood and Co. series, Graceling, Divergent, The Dark Tower series, Virals
What series went uphill from the first book? Downhill?  The series listed above pretty much went uphill from the first book. The Dust Lands and The Mortal Instruments are series where I read the first two books and just stopped. If I remember right I enjoyed them, but likely got side tracked. Would definitely give them another go.
Reading Update The Demon King: finished (yay!!) The Exiled Queen: pg 88
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shadowtearling · 6 years
The Crown’s Fate
will i forgive Pasha ever? tune in to find out!
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aliteraryprincess · 6 years
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Day 1: Let’s Get Started
What is the best series starter you’ve ever read?  Worst?  
Picking one is way too difficult, so here are a few of my favorite series starters. I adore all four of these series, and the first books pulled me in instantly.  If you held a gun to my head and told me I had to pick an absolute favorite, I’d probably go with Wintersong.  But it’s a really tough choice!
For the worst...hmmm.  Some of the worst books I’ve read that were the first in a series are Jenny Pox and Marked.  Both were terribly written.  Marked had the most obnoxious main character I’ve ever encountered in my life.  And Jenny Pox...ugh, just ugh.  I can’t even say anything more about it than that.  I never read the sequels to Jenny Pox since it was so awful.  I did read the next few in the House of Night series, and they were all just as bad as the first one.  I wish I could get the time I spent reading those back.   
Reading Update:
I’m not off to a great start.  Today was really busy and I had basically no free time.  But I did get to start The Hero and the Crown.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more productive. 
The Hero and the Crown - page 38 of 246
The Winter King - not started
Demelza - not started
Enemy of God - not started
Excalibur - not started
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readingaway · 6 years
A Love Letter for Anne of Green Gables
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I first picked you up when I was ten years old, not an orphan myself but still a lonely, feisty little redhead. It took a month for me to get through the first three chapters of you but once you were settled into your new home I was somehow wrapped around your little finger. I followed you through all your adventures and misadventures from breaking your slate over Gilbert’s head through high school and beyond to your teaching career, college, and establishing your own “little” family. I was with you through your ups and your downs and you helped me through my own ups and downs. I expect that should I live to be a hundred I’ll still think back fondly on that little redheaded orphan girl with her huge imagination and a bad habit of getting into all sorts of trouble.
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Continuathon- July 1st
I know I'm behind. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up! I was going to post a video for this, but it turns out my video is too big, so I'm writing it. The prompt for July 1st was to write about your favourite series. I have way too many, so instead, I'm going to write about the series I'm reading; the Witcher series.
The Witcher series follows Geralt of Rivia. He is a Witcher, mutated from childhood through various drugs and trials, to be strong and fast enough to fight monsters. He his paid for his services, and people generally hate witchers, but they still need them, which is an interesting dynamic.
Witchers are supposed to remain neutral in political and wartime matters, but Geralt's commitment to this comes into question when he adopts Ciri. She is young, and doesn't understand. I think the concerns that come from this are interesting. What does it mean to be neutral? Can you be truly neutral? Your actions may be neutral, but your thoughts and emotions may not be.
So, we have Geralt and Ciri. We also have Yennefer (one of my favourite female characters of all time). She is a very morally grey character, which I really love. And of course Dandelion, the bard who loves stories. There are plenty of other fascinating characters, but the above four are my favourites.
I can't wait to keep reading and learn more about the world!
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Continuathon Day Six| Marketing Strategies
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A series that should get a spin off:
I would love to see a spin off from the Sabriel series by Garth Nix. There have been a few one offs since the series about side characters, but I am imagining a series following Mogget either pre-servitude to the Abhorsen, or following his exploits after he has been freed; post-servitude. I do love going back to that world every so often. Definitely one of my favourite series.
A series that didn’t deserve a spin off/ A series that is better than the original:
I don’t have an answer for these two, so I’m going rogue and I’m going to talk about a spin off that I like which is Fantastic Beasts by J.K Rowling. In case you’re wondering; yes, I’m talking about the screenplay. And yes, I’m counting it as a book spin off rather than a film spin off because I read the screenplay before I saw the film. I’ve always been interested in scriptwriting, it was actually my favourite module in university, so I found it really interesting to read and I could easily imagine what was happening. 
I love that this is completely different from Harry Potter so I never compared the two. Even though it is clearly in the same world, it feels like a different story and I am loving the backstory that we are getting. I can’t wait for Crimes of Grindlewald later this year! And the cover is going to be another Art Deco beauty which I love.
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ihaveseenthedragons · 6 years
Continuathon - Day 1
Today’s prompts:
Day One (July 1) | Let’s get started
What is the best series starter you’ve ever read? Worst?  I am not sure if I really have a “best series starter”, but a few that really had me looking forward to the sequel where: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas, Eragon by Christopher Paolini and Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. Worst series starter: Interview with a vampire by Anne Rice (see my continuathon day 0) I found to to be dull and difficult to follow (but mind you I was 15 at the time, so I do not know if I would enjoy it better at this time) as well as City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Characters did not speak to me at all, the writing annoyed me, I read the 2nd book for the heck of it. Was even more dissapointed.
Write a one-minute speech (or a love letter) for your favorite series (if you’re brave you could upload a video or audio). Definetly not brave enough to upload audio, but I’ve written a (kind of) love letter for the Eragon-series by Christopher Paolini. It was extremely funny to do :D (for the record, I love this series and I still do, even though the movie was still better of not existing, or at least written better)
Dear Inheritance Cycle, 
I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I still remember meeting you, almost 10 years ago. Your gold flickering eyes, and the faint blue glow on your skin, whenever I picked you up and held you in my hands. I thought you were pretty on the outside already, but the day I really felt like a started to like you has when you started telling me about yourself. You had been through a lot and had long and detailed and sometimes difficult stories to tell. When you told your stories, it felt like I was there too, imagining and touching the architectural structures, feeling the magic through my veins and flying through the sky on shiny and scaly dragon backs. 
You went through a lot of phases, changing your appearance multiple times, but you never ceased to amazing me and intrigue me. I thought I had found the one I wanted to be with the rest of my life. But then, it happened. More people started to show interest in you and you got asked to play in a movie. The world we had shared had been ripped into pieces by ugly script writing, bad acting and horrible feathery dragon wings. We lost contact, I did not want to see you again. You betrayed my trust. 
But lately, just lately, I’ve been thinking about picking you up again. Caressing your pages with my fingers, reading your biggest secrets once again. I see now you could not help it either your time on the big screen was so displeasing. So maybe, could we leave all of this behind us and start over again? I miss you IC, let’s fly again together in the clouds and explore the world again, just you and me. 
XOXO, your #1 fan
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becomingomnilegent · 6 years
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Continuathon: Day Two (July 2) | Sophomore Slumps or Bumps
What’s a series with a second book that was absolutely amazing? I’m still reeling over Crooked Kingdom so I’m probably biased, but I love this book to pieces. Six of Crows was amazing and Crooked Kingdom took that whole universe and its characters to another level. Can’t recommend enough.
Reading Update The Demon King: pg 373  Hoping to get to the second book tomorrow!
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