lizziethereader · 5 years
Happy birthday, you gem 💎 of a human being! May your year be a great one! 🎉🎈🎂 -@shadowtearling
pffff, YOU’RE the gem! But thank you so much! :)
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relevy · 5 years
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Another legendary Queenie AKA @shadowtearling AKA the purest salt shaker quote. #1
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qwordy · 6 years
25 Days of Booklr Day 13
Did you participate in any Booklr events this year?
This is the first one I did this year that involved other people but I held my own Color challenge a while back featuring some of these guys:
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magnetarmadda · 6 years
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Day 13: Favorite Booklrs
It wasn’t easy to pick, so I went through and looked at the top 10 I’ve reblogged from this past week (based on what I could tell from the mobile app)
@shadowtearling, @anassarhenisch, @the-bookie-monster, @magic-in-every-book, @bookcub, @bibliophilicwitch, @librarianlirael, @heretherebebooks, @lizziethereader, @blackgirlslit, and @ablogwithaview
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bibliophilicwitch · 6 years
Happy Birthday, my love!! i hope three-o brings you lots of happy memories and less stress! 🎁🎉💖✨ (also happy spring! lol) - @shadowtearling :D
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letthebookbegin · 6 years
11 Questions
Answer the 11 questions you’ve been asked
Nominate 11 other bloggers
Ask your nominees 11 questions
Let them know you’ve nominated them!
i was tagged by @shadowtearling. thank you! x (finally got to it haha)
1. What’s your Most Anticipated Read of 2019? king of scars! (also the only thing i’m anticipating haha) i’m in the middle of reading it right now
2. Who’s your favorite Disney animated character? (Can include Pixar) mulan! i love her she’s great, and the scene where she figures out how to climb the pole with the weights attached to her arms will forever be iconic
3. Do you play Super Smash Bros? Who’s your fighter? (Or Mario Kart? Who’s your racer? OR if neither, your favorite video game as of late?) i’m generally always kirby in super smash bros! i find it easiest haha, and in mario kart i usually play as botw link!
4. What’s your favorite aspect of a book cover? colours maybe? and i don’t really like when covers have faces on them or just ordinary pictures of a person, i prefer art
5. What are your three favorite books/series of all time? (Which one would you Burn, Reread, and Rewrite?) ooh tough question, i have a lot of favourite books/series but i’ll go with the ones that first popped into my head: six of crows (burn, but i am NOT happy about it) the raven cycle (rewrite - a few things in trk bugged me so i’d change that) a series of unfortunate events (read - it’s got so many mysteries i wished i knew the answers to, but it’s because of those mysteries that i can still rant about the series today)
6. What book do you want to be turned into a graphic novel and why? hm, i’ve only recently started getting into comics/graphic novels, off the top of my head i think a graphic novel based on the night circus would be cool!
7. Who’s your least favorite character? apart from, like, genocidal maniacs, one character that really irks me and that i want to punch every time he comes up is mr poe from asoue
8. What book/series do you NOT want adapted into a show/movie? i’ve gotten to the point where i’ve just accepted the adaptation will never be how i imagined the books so i’m pretty chill with them now! either i never watch them, or i do and just try not to care about it much ‘^^
9. Can you read backwards?  yeah, pretty easily! can’t remember how i learned to do it, but the earliest i can remember doing it is when i was reading the penultimate peril by lemony snicket and it had random sentences backward (i would’ve been younger than 10?) and then getting bored of that and holding it up to mirrors instead haha
10. Spill the salt! Rant about the last book you really hated. hm, i haven’t read a book i’ve really hated in a while! because i haven’t been reading much in the first place ‘^^
11. Who’s your favorite author that you don’t care about? (To explain, it’s really easy nowadays to get updates from authors we love thanks to social media. Which author do you love but don’t care to follow and stay up to date with book news?) i actually don’t really follow any authors on social media, except for steifvater for some reason haha
i tag: @booklion23 @bookperson917 @magnesiumflares @queensweasley @listentothepages @seriouslyremus @icameheretowinry @janeandthehivequeen @dreamworrks @bisexual-evanhansen @the-forest-library @inejsghcfa (no pressure to do it!)
My questions are:
What’s your favourite trope?
What’s a vague childhood memory you have?
Using the pictures saved on your phone, which picture fits your personality the most?
Write a one sentence review for the last thing you read/watched!
Do you have any hobbies?
What’s your favourite quote?
What would your ideal house look like?
What’s something popular you can’t stand?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and how would you get there? (quick airplane ride, road trip, etc)
What advice would you give your younger self?
What’s something you like about yourself?
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lorlocks · 6 years
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@shadowtearling with the biggest mood
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Continuathon Day Eight| Wrap Up
Books read: 7.5
Pages read: 3056
I am so proud of the amount I read this week! I could have finished my last book if I didn’t get distracted by moving my furniture around, but I am still happy with what I did.
I managed to complete four of the challenges throughout the week which were:
Start and finish an entire series
Continue/finish a series with more than 250 pages
Re-read a series you love 
Get caught up with an unfinished series
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As you can see, The Rose and the Dagger is the book I am half way through. 
All in all; a very successful week for me!
I want to give a big thank you to @shadowtearling for organising this. It gave me a great excuse to reread a series that I completely forgot just how much I love; The Wind on Fire trilogy by William Nicholson, and I just had so much fun doing this!
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luluvonv · 6 years
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I’ve been tagged by my favourite bookworm @shadowtearling to do this and I am so grateful because it’s book related. My bookworm heart is jumping with joy! :) Thank you. 💕
Now I am ashamed to admit that I am sooooooo behind my planned reading so my answers will be short and plain.. Half of the year is gone now and I have barely read anything. :( Right now I am trying to catch up with my to-read list as much as I can and I will hopefully fullfil my goal for new books.
Best book you read so far this year
Hard to say, I haven’t been lucky yet from those few books I’ve read. I finished reading Harry Potter and the Complete Filmaking Journey this January and I loved everything about it. 
Worst book you read so far this year
The Winner’s Kiss, third instalment of The Winner’s Series by Marie Rutkovski. The first two books were somehow enjoyable, there was something that convinced me to give it a chance - though I don’t know what that was. But this third one was so bad, so childish, so pathetic in characterisation. Urgh...
I’ve read some good reviews by common readers, no wannabe professionals, and I got burned.
Completed any series?
The above mentioned Winner’s series. And I regret the time spent on it. :(
Anticipated read for the second half of the year
So many books on my list!!! Just to list few I am most excited about.
- Four Pilgrims by Jakub Trpiš: a Czech fantasy book. It’s sad but as a Czech I rarely read books by Czech authors. But I am about to change it.
- Scythe by Neil Shusterman: dystopia about post-mortality society. Hope I won’t be disappointed.
- Queen Margot; Twenty Years Later; The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas: classics that do not need any introduction .. And I am ashamed I haven’t read them yet!
- books by Peter May - my bf, that had read like 5 books in his life before he found out about Peter May, has been reading every day for like three months - he reads more than I now! So I need to find out what is so magical about May’s worlds that has gripped my bf so much.
- The Iron Trial (Magisterium series) - I’ve heard so much about it, especially my dear @a-super-evil-cat-who-murders loves it and spoke about it so nicely... I have to dive in it eventually.
A book that disappointed you
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert - the main character got on my nerves so heavily. 
How many books for have read so far this year?
Only 5. If I don’t count my rereadings of @positivelyamazonian books/stories - If I do, then  plus 2 books and 5 stories.
A book that made you laugh
None actually. Maybe I laughed only with disdain over the Winer’s Kiss scenes, honestly.
Estimated read count for the year?
Counting only new books, I have a goal of reading 25 new, never read books from my to-read list. 6 months left and 20 to go... 
I tag @positivelyamazonian because she has always something interesting in her list I am so keen to read about :) And also @a-super-evil-cat-who-murders because he has such a fine taste for books.
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So who’s TBR has grown exponentially this week because of Recsmas and 25 Days of Booklr?
*raises hand*
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My most recent used books haul!
There’s the sequel to My Name is Asher Lev which I am super excited about, a copy of Hamlet because having the side-by-side text saved my ass with Othello this year, These Vicious Masks because I vaguely remembered wanting it, and two of the Tearling trilogy books! (The Queen of the Tearling is an arc clearly labeled “not for sale” which i thought was hilarious so of course i bought it)
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relevy · 6 years
@shadowtearling I legitimately had a moment last night where I was filled with drive and motivation to finish and publish Hawthorn Throne specifically so you can read it and made edits/review posts about it so. Do with that what you will.
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qwordy · 6 years
25 Days of Booklr Day 6
Share a book that deserved the hype
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I finally read The Martian this year and I absolutely loved it.  I tore through this one so fast because even though I don’t normally read a lot of sci-fi, I just devoured this and loved every minute of it.  
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typewritermcgoverns · 7 years
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25 Days of Booklr: Day 4 (Weirdest Book)
Reading Pratchett trying to write Dickens was an…odd experience.
Money makes people rich; it is a fallacy to think it makes them better, or even that it makes them worse. People are what they do, and what they leave behind.
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lilymaidofgallifrey · 7 years
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@shadowtearling August Selfie Challenge Day 8 - Shelfie If I look dead inside, it's because I'm wearing my 'I was at uni for ten hours' face. Glad to be home and out of the rain.
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literarystorm · 7 years
shadowtearling reblogged your post and added:
if you haven’t picked up The Gentleman’s Guide to...
I’ve seen this pop up soooo many times and I think it’s finally time for me to order it for myself!
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