#contra og
kei-nova · 5 months
Contra: Operation Galuga - Classic Action Returns Contra is back! Is it any good?
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zeromaster · 5 months
🔴#ZeroStreams IS LIVE!!!🔴#VTUBER Real Men Wear SKIRTS!!! | #ContraOperationGaluga #ContraOG #keymailer | !throne !patreon
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capsulecomputers · 6 months
Contra: Operation Galuga - Story Mode Full Playthrough
The elite Contra unit may be used to taking on various military forces but when the organization hears that the Red Falcon terrorists are mobilizing on the Galuga Islands, the group finds themselves in for far more than they bargained for in Konami and WayForward's complete re-imagining of the run-n-gun classic.
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The legendary Contra series returns! This reimagining of the classic run-'n'-gun action game from the ‘80s features new stages, new enemies, new play mechanics, and co-op combat for up to 4 players!
Contra: Operation Galuga Developer: WayForward Publisher: KONAMI Platform: Windows, PlayStation 5|4, Xbox Series X|S Release Date: 12th March, 2024
Available here - https://www.konami.com/games/contra/og/us/en/
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concord-and-cliches · 2 years
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sartorial distress [x / x]
[id in alt and under the cut!]
[Image ID: A Disco Elysium fancomic featuring Harry Du Bois, Cuno, Cunoesse, and Kim Kitsuragi. Panel One: Behind the Whirling-In-Rags, Cuno shouts at Harry: "You got fake FALNs, f[asterisks]t!" Behind him, Cunoesse is laughing. All that can be seen of Harry in this panel is one of his shoes--he is wearing FALN sneakers. Panel Two: Harry looks sadly down at his shoes. Kim is looking off to the side, ignoring what is going on. Text in the panel reads: "ENCYCLOPEDIA – Oh shit. He's right. Authentic FALN "Ultra" Series Sneakers are defined by their--" "REACTION SPEED – No time for that! Think of an *epic clap back!* Panel Three: Harry, with a more thoughtful expression, brings a hand up to his chin and nods. He says: "Hmm true, but in time all shall become dust." Kim gives Harry an exasperated side-eye. Panel Four: Cuno and Cunoesse look at Harry with annoyed/concerned expressions.
A Disco Elysium fancomic split up into two images featuring Harry Du Bois, Cindy the Skull, and Kim Kitsuragi. Panel One: Cindy, with a smug expression, says to Harry: "Your outfit is ugly." Harry has a comically sad expression, and further text in the panel reads: "PAIN THRESHOLD – You're worthless." Panel Two: Harry puts his head in his hands while Kim. blank-faced, gives him two pats on the back. Text in the panel reads: "INLAND EMPIRE – Depression." Panel Three: A repeat of panel one, except Harry is much more confident. Cindy the Skull says: "Your outfit is ugly." Harry responds: "It's camp." Panel Four: Harry points his finger guns and is surrounded by sparkles. Kim looks on with a stoic expression. Text in the panel reads: "VOLITION – No depression!" /end ID]
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salty-an-disco · 5 months
What did warped Contrarian do with normal Hero when he and his counterpart got swapped. Just stand around like “well damn this place is boring (…and sweet)”
OK, I gotta put this one under the cut, cuz uhm– CW: Dubious Consent (also, catfishing, technically?)
In this AU, default Hero and Contra are already a couple, have been dating for a few months, at least, and already moved in together.
So, when Warped!Contra suddenly fell in in that universe, with only his relationship with Warped!Hero as reference to what an intimate relationship is like, he was very intrigued (and very confused) about by this Hero. Who looks so much like his Hero, but is also nothing like him.
So– to be very straightforward, if crude, yeah, they banged. The Warpeds never defined their relationship, so this isn’t cheating to W!Contra, and it’s a Hero, so it’s all good, right? (Meanwhile, in the Normal Universe, Hero is having several crisis over the fact he didn’t notice this wasn’t his Contrarian and fucked them).
W!Contra didn’t go in unnoticed tho, Hero definitely noticed smth weird with them the first few days, but he could never guess this was an entirely different person and just assumed there was something going on with Contra and tried to be there for them.
But, well, eventually he got suspicious there was smth else going on and got Hunted to sniff them out, who comfirmed this isn’t their Contrarian at all, and– well, the rest is implied by our fic.
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mari-lair · 4 months
Let's talk about Teru and Aoi and how interesting Teru behavior with Aoi is.
Teru is on a mission to see what has changed from the original timeline to this one, he said so himself.
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But he makes a strange move and completely ignores the very big change he was presented with: His engagement with Aoi. The plan was to abandon his 'brand new fiance' and go look for other changes.
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Aoi holding his armband, asking for his attention in a very Aoi way and showing a willingness to go on a date with him shocked Teru less than the engagement news but it stuck to him in a way the engagement did not.
Just compare how Teru go 'welp it is what it is, what a strange timeline,' with a level of dismissal that makes him talk to Akane instead of Aoi about the situation.
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To how he takes this Aoi at least seriously enough to question her request for them to go out.
So the idea Aoi wants to date him is more confusing to him than being engaged. So much so he does what he does with the original Aoi and starts asking her questions, even picturing the old Aoi as he ask for her hand, adding a lot of '...' in it.
It feels like a test.
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A test Aoi failed by accepting his hand, doing something the Aoi he knew never would.
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Teru is closed up during his date with Aoi.
He goes with the flow because he needs answers to go back home, he needs to figure out why she is so different but he is tense about this date. His sword bag is a tight fist, pulling at the strap when she clings to his arm.
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During their entire date, he keeps this fake little smile on. Avoiding to touch her as much as he can, and not having much to say despite usually not only being good at acting like a flirty prince when people want him to, but having fun in the role.
So Teru isn't indifferent in his date he is tense as fuck.
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When he decides he'll send the picture to Akane and Aoi breaks character from lovey dovey fiance, Teru shows a hint of interest again, he goes "ohh? is there a problem?"
It's another test.
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She fails but her panics about hurting Akane must either remind him of the og aoi or entertain his more sadistic side, so he goes 'hmmm', which is unimpressed for sure, but still a far more positive reaction than the "unease" that popped up when aoi had held his hand.
By the end of their date i'm pretty sure Teru comes to the conclusion Aoi likes him. I believe this for two reasons.
First, he start playing along with his fiance role instead of being guarded and silent, asking her to feed him with a smile that doesn't feel fake or tense, it's his usual :D expression instead of the :) he has been wearing this whole chapter.
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The second thing of note is that this is the first time he actually touches Aoi.
During the entire manga, even in the old timeline, Teru never even poked her shoulder, but this time he lightly holds her hand to stabilize the snack.
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He seems bothered by people crowding them and he actually perks up when Aoi asks him to go to a more isolated place, his smile feels somewhat casual at the invite too, not like his tense ones from before.
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When Aoi slaps him he is surprised.
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And this part only further suggests that when he had asked Aoi to fed him, he was under the impression she genuinely likes him in this timeline.
So he doesn't have a problem doing couple things like being fed by Aoi as long as he believes Aoi enjoys it too.
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But she doesn't like him.
Just like the Aoi he knows doesn't. It feels right.
Teru is happy.
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Immediately after learning this Teru tries to find more similarities with the old Aoi, asking about her crush on akane and going back to his mission of determining why changes happened.
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Aoi mentions they are both unhappy in this arranged marriage and that they are only playing along to appease their families. Teru is surprised that he is unhappy too.
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I am not entirely sure what this means but it is noteworthy that he seems genuinely surprised the 'him' of this timeline is opposed to the marriage Aoi.
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This little Teru is a brat, but his smile and blush contrast with his word. Either he is displeased greatly by this but refuses to 'play victim' like Aoi, or he cares more than he lets on.
He was the one who found her when Aoi admitted her intention was to hide. So he went out of his way to find this "annoying victim blaming girl"
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Maybe this means his parents ordered Teru to go find her fiance, make a good first impression, and put on appearances, maybe he went to find her himself for some reason?
As of now, it's hard to say, we don't have enough info about this new timeline to guess very well, but it is food for thought.
Now back to the old timeline, with the Teru we are familiar with: Aoi asks about his family, about expectations and performance, and that isn't a topic he is very comfortable with, just look at his face.
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But he does answer her.
He is very awkward, but he doesn't lie, it feels genuine.
He even mentions his mom, which he hasn't mentioned to anyone before, not even Akane.
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sukirichi · 3 months
I physically need to drop by your ask box to tell you I LOVE YOU. AND I LOVE DUSK TILL DAWN. I love you so freaking much and I'm sorry if that is weird but you have such a big brain that I just can't!!!! I'm the definition of gnawing at the bars of my enclosure right now. Dusk till Dawn makes me feel alive in a way I haven't felt in a long time, and just by that I think it's such an excellent workpiece. It stirs so many emotions but that's because you write it so well. If my memory serves right I have been here since the very beginning, back when the first chapter was out. But I have always been kinda wary about it since cheating!!! and it's hard to stomach it sometimes. But good lord does it make for a good plot, satisfies that good dose of angst I crave from time to time. Like scratches that itch in my brain just the right way, so it's impossible to stay away from the fic. I'm so sorry if I said so much nonsense, I'm just a woman spiralling after reading the latest chapter😭😭😭😭 and I needed somewhere I felt understood to pour all my emotions.
Feeling: HEARTBROKEN!!!!!😭 and FURIOUS.
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omg hello 😭 i am absolutely over the moon by your kind words and the support, thank you! this means a lot to me more than you’ll know. and an og reader too, omg 🥹 so sorry it took my years to update but i think it was necessary because i’m enjoying dtd a lot more than i used to and being able to share it with you guys feels even greater. also pls don’t feel like you have to apologize! i appreciate you taking the time to send me a message and i couldn’t stop smiling the whole time i read this. i get the wariness of cheating too - it is very hard to stomach but writing it definitely changes things plot-wise 🤧
Oh! También leí tus etiquetas y me divertí mucho. ¿Dijiste que Rintaro merecía una piña? Me reí mucho con esa parte, y lamento mucho la agenda contra el perfume de vainilla en la historia 😩
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jonnychuone · 6 months
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Akauritale papyrus: male(the youngest but tallest of the skelebros) lil brother to sans and Chara. Bff with plowey and asreil. Also not effective by the darkness since he was to innocent and gold heart he wasn't effective at all.
The magical papyrus like to draw and make plan to trap or befriend the human whatever comes first, he will date the human not force but ask first if they want to hang out at grillbys/watch mtt/ show him his game, hobbies and plans/drawing. He will make lasagne for everyone, even if there rude but he happy to help anyone include the human like toriel he will call at lot if he need help or want advice.
He even has his own comic hero persona called starbones he make comic and do hero dutys, he get more comfortable and more convinced in the suit. Like undyne.
Some genocide routes he will first start like the og run but will block and fight frisk, but later get harder some sans will join in the fight, he also dress as starbones to stop you and some sans can take the blow to be disfaith au and be extra hard for you over time papy just a sweet heart trying his best for everyone
Papiro akauritale: masculino (el más joven pero más alto de los skelebros) hermano pequeño de sans y Chara. Bff con plowey y asreil. Tampoco fue efectivo por la oscuridad, ya que era inocente y de corazón dorado, no fue efectivo en absoluto.
Al papiro mágico le gusta dibujar y hacer planes para atrapar o hacerse amigo del humano, lo que sea que ocurra primero, saldrá con el humano, no lo forzará, sino que le preguntará primero si quiere pasar el rato en grillbys/ver mtt/ mostrarle su juego, pasatiempos y planes/ dibujo. Él hará lasaña para todos, incluso si es grosero, pero está feliz de ayudar a cualquiera, incluido el humano como toriel, al que llamará mucho si necesita ayuda o quiere un consejo.
Incluso tiene su propio personaje de héroe cómico llamado Starbones, hace cómics y cumple con sus deberes de héroe, se siente más cómodo y más convencido con el traje. Como undyne.
En algunas rutas de genocidio, primero comenzará como el og run, pero bloqueará y luchará contra frisk, pero luego se volverá más difícil, algunos sans se unirán a la pelea, también se vestirá como starbones para detenerte y algunos sans pueden recibir el golpe para ser desleales y Será muy difícil para ti con el tiempo. Papy es solo un dulce corazón que hace lo mejor que puede para todos.
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nyknicksbrasil · 6 months
Retorno de OG Anunoby e Julius Randle não está claro
O New York Knicks está caminhando para a fase final da temporada regular da NBA com duas incertezas – o status de OG Anunoby e Julius Randle. Tanto Anunoby quanto Randle perderam o último jogo da equipe contra o Golden State Warriors na segunda-feira. Segundo Adrian Wojnarowski da ESPN, este não será o único jogo que Anunoby perderá. Anunoby foi submetido a uma cirurgia no início de fevereiro…
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beevean · 6 months
Thanks for answering, i see maverick Hunter may not be the only game being like this.
for context: there the newly released contra operation galuga which is a reimagine of the og game and this game remind me of what I'm hearing about maverick hunter.
Ps : i discover the antifandom, I'm gonna use this, thanks again.
You're welcome! MHX was meant to be a reboot of the first Megaman X games, complete with reimagining the story, but it sold poorly so the project was cancelled.
Antifandom is a great way to avoid all the clutter of Fandom Wiki lol. I installed an extension that replaces "X.fandom.com/wiki/" links with "antifandom.com/X/wiki/".
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risu5waffles · 11 months
High TENsion Hazard
Oh what? A TEN spot on time?
Oh my gods... i came across this collab project mentioned in some article on some gaming site i'm not going to bother looking up. i thought "hey! That looks neat!", and it was just so much pain. Now, i don't want to discount the ambition of the project; an 8 level adventure spread between 6 creators, it must have been just awful to organize. And it must be said, some of what they pulled off is really pretty impressive for fairly early-on LBP1. But even taking all that into account, these levels have not been at all kindly treated by the various updates, bugfixes, and engine changes; and they're all broken in sometimes fundamental ways, that just makes the experience a chore. Plus, two of the levels are missing, and the last level is mistitled, so it doesn't come up wiv the others when you do a search for LittleBig Contra. This first one does a pretty good job recreating the look and feel of the OG's first stage, and that is legitimately really cool. Unfortunately, they put all these sticker interactables in the level, i'm guessing there were supposed to be guns behind them, like in the NES game. Well, they're not there anymore. And your only spawn & paintinator pedestal is on the helicopter, so if you try to pick any of the boxes up, you have to die or you won't be able to do anything against the enemies. Also, did i mention the base version is a five life checkpoint? Ope. Thankfully they give you a sticker wiv the Konami Code on it for an infinite life one, which you will probably need against the boss. Who is very cool, but also kind of bullshite if you don't know what you're doing.
There's a stage missing between these, so you have to do the fuckers back-to-back. Well, you don't have to. You could be sensible and say nuts to them and skip ahead. Or you could be like me and locked into archiving the lot of these damned things. Which is why one of us has a life, and i don't. The concept here is pretty cool. A camera-behind-the-player forward scrolling level. The way they pulled off the effect of proceeding through the halls is really quite cute and inventive. However... Let's start wiv you can miss the jetpack you're supposed to auto-equip that will let you control the character, which throws you onto electricity, which ends the stage instantly. Well, not instantly. You'll spawn in a chute that leads to a flaming pit until you run out of lives, but you'll have no chance to actually play. i'm still not certain if that was a purposeful design choice, the one chance thing, or if something's gone fucky. You can only take one hit, you maneuver like a boat that's been dipped in concrete, and sometimes your character/puppet/thing just dies, but you don't. They don't respawn either. There's no feedback on if you're actually hitting anything until it just blows up, so you just kinda have to spray and pray (the mooks only take one hit, so they're not a big problem at least). Also, after the boss fight, it just ends, but it keeps on spawning bullets, so you don't know it's ended. You have to pop yourself, which usually sends you to the fiery pit, except this time it will take you to the exit hall. i figured that out by accident. i kept quitting back to pod from the menu 'cause i didn't want to sit through the pit death. i probably beat the first one three times before i figured out what to do, and i think i only did that because i said "fuck it, some of our archive episodes are uncompleteable, and that's life" and popped myself just to get a game over screen. Did i mention you have to beat these wivout taking a single hit?
A break from our regularly scheduled whinging for a level we talked about last week. Bask in the simple joys.
And we're back! All i remember about this one was the electrified tanks would not die, and i had to pull some weird-ass trick jump off a mob spawn to get up on a wall i wasn't supposed to be on, so i could get enough breathing room to kill a boss i wasn't even sure if i was dealing damage to.
i... don't remember anything anymore aside from the fact this one looked kind of neat? And there was a giant guy? i think they were buggy? Or maybe there were two giant guys, and only one of them was fucked up? At this point i was in the homestretch, and i purely had my eyes on the prize of never fucking having to play any of these levels again.
This one's honestly the best of the lot, and to think i almost missed out on playing it. That probably sounds like i'm being snarky, but i honestly liked this one a fair deal. The inside the alien biome was pulled off pretty effectively. i really liked the creature designs. Nothing was too broken, tho' i definitely could have used a few more lives. i feel like i struggled a bit telling what layer the projectiles were going to be in, but that's pretty small potatoes compared to all the bullshite i put up wiv getting here. The alien heart was really cool, and the little scorpions it spawned were real cuties. And i never. Ever. Have to go back to Stage 2 or 4. Ever again. But you know, i never did beat Contra as a kid. A friend and i rented it, like, a dozen times from the local mom and pop, but i don't think we got past stage three. That was... 1987? Sweet Sonny Chiba. i was fucking 9yrs old? Can you imagine little 9yr old me, getting her ass handed to her up and down the block by fucking Contra. Fuck you Contra! i finally beat you! Take that motherfucker!
This one was cute enough, if a little overmuch for a race. i think if you know the layout well enough, you can probably finish wiv a few points on the timer, but it'll be tight. The swimming sections do it, really. Swimming always, always slows things to a crawl. Or maybe a backstroke. Not that kind. The swimming kind. Get your mind out of the gutter.
i really wound up enjoying this one. Clean, straight-forward presentation. Good momentum. A little challenging, but nothing that's really going to make you sing for your supper. Lots of little mechanicals and level interactions too. The giant crate bounce pads really worked for me. Dunno why, but i've always loved homebrew bounce pads, even if they're hella fiddly to get working right (i've yet to make a set myself that really felt satisfying).
Oh. Right. The glass/grass glitch. i forgot how that was pulled off. The level's a touch overbright in presentation, but i did find myself enjoying the gameplay a fair bit. Aside from the glitch, there isn't that much to write home about, but it was fun, and it's hard to ask for too much more than that.
So there you have it. On time and under budget. And i've got to hop into the shower right now if i want one before stream, so, you know, there's that.
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greenbagjosh · 2 years
Wednesday 20 November 2002 - return to work - the car still smells of fresh paint - Adam Sandler’s animated holiday film premiere at the Kabuki in SF
20 November 2002
EN   Hi everyone!  I had returned from my November 2002 vacation, and brought candies to my work colleagues.  I also noticed the progress made, after my car had time to sit and allow the paint job fumes to dissipate.  There would be no further journeys outside the USA until late April 2003.  The family saw my presents the following Sunday the 24th November.
DE   Hallo allerseits! Ich war aus meinem Urlaub im November 2002 zurückgekehrt und hatte meinen Arbeitskollegen Süßigkeiten mitgebracht. Ich bemerkte auch die erzielten Fortschritte, nachdem mein Auto Zeit hatte, sich hinzusetzen und die Dämpfe der Lackierung zu zerstreuen. Bis Ende April 2003 gab es keine weiteren Reisen außerhalb der USA. Die Familie sah meine Geschenke am folgenden Sonntag, dem 24. November.
DK   Hej allesammen! Jeg var vendt tilbage fra min ferie i november 2002 og bragte slik til mine arbejdskolleger. Jeg lagde også mærke til fremskridtene, efter at min bil havde tid til at sidde og lade lakeringsdampene forsvinde. Der ville ikke være flere rejser uden for USA før sidst i april 2003. Familien så mine gaver den følgende søndag den 24. november.
SE   Hej allihopa! Jag hade återvänt från min semester i november 2002 och hade med mig godis till mina arbetskollegor. Jag märkte också framstegen efter att min bil hade tid att sitta och låta lackeringsångorna försvinna. Det skulle inte bli några fler resor utanför USA förrän i slutet av april 2003. Familjen såg mina presenter följande söndag den 24 november.
FR   Salut tout le monde! J'étais revenu de mes vacances de novembre 2002 et j'avais apporté des bonbons à mes collègues de travail. J'ai également remarqué les progrès réalisés, après que ma voiture ait eu le temps de s'asseoir et de laisser les vapeurs de peinture se dissiper. Il n'y aurait plus de voyages en dehors des États-Unis jusqu'à fin avril 2003. La famille a vu mes cadeaux le dimanche suivant, le 24 novembre.
Guten Morgen!  Good morning!  
Wednesday the 20th November 2002 I returned to work.  I had been away for almost two weeks.  It had also been about a month, since my car had to go into the repair shop because it was rear-ended.  I had a 2003 Ford Escort US fleet edition for the time my car was in the shop, but it was good to have it back.  I would go back to my parent's house on Sunday the 24th November.
About 5:30 AM I woke up, took a shower, dressed up for work, and took my gifts to work - and of course, I brought my work ID, necessary to enter the secure area of the office.  I had not seen my car for two weeks, and had wondered how much the paint smell had gone down.  I opened the car door, and could still smell the paint.  I had to crank down the windows while driving.  I drove to the office which was, at the time, 303 Twin Dolphin Drive, in Redwood City, not particularly far from the Redwood Shores Lagoon.  I made it to the office about 7 AM.  
Once I was inside the office, I let my supervisor know, and put my assortment of chocolates and similar snacks out for people to enjoy.  Everyone was pleased to sample the snacks.  At times, I would tell people where I went.  
I did not return to Europe until August 2003.  Also I did not leave the USA until at least April 2003, in that case, I went to Canada.  The 24th November 2002  I went to see my parents, and give my mother the Schwibbogen that she asked for.  She really liked it.  Everyone else enjoyed the Lebkuchen and similar.  And of course I did my laundry.  It was good to be back home.
The only other adventure until the end of the year, was going to Contra Costa County by car on 29th November 2002, and playing a couple of my cassettes that I recorded off the radio when visiting Copenhagen and Malmö.  I even remember hearing "Did anyone approach you" from A-Ha's then-recent "Lifelines" CD.  That same night, I drove to San Francisco's Japantown, have some sushi and go to the Kabuki Theater and see the Adam Sandler animated film "Eight Crazy Nights".  Not to have seen it, would have been a technical foul, as stated by one of the characters, Whitey.
So now the November 2002 vacation is over.  Hope you enjoyed reading about it, and I hope to write again towards the end of 2022 about December 2002.
Gute Nacht!  Good night!
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lerbibliatododia · 3 days
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beastofmetal666 · 9 days
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖊
12 𝖉𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖊 𝖉𝖊 1994
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𝖃𝖃𝖃 𝕬𝖓𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔 del lanzamiento del segundo álbum de Satyricon "The Shadowthrone", grabado en los Waterfall Studios en 1994, producido por el mismo Satyr y lanzado por su mismo sello discográfico Moonfog Productions. El total encumbramiento del black metal noruego, un total clásico, la cumbre de la escena. Satyricon estaba en su punto más álgido y produjo una impresionante y majestuosa obra maestra. Satyricon nos había entregado con su debut una oda de odio anticristiano y descomunal oscuridad, esta vez todos esos sentimientos llegan a su cenit. Las influencias están: el legado de Euronymous y del sonido de los Grieghallen con Pytten a la cabeza es visible, pero Satyricon quiso aparte crear su propio mundo, su sonido, su mitología, basada en la historia pagana noruega y la lucha contra el cristianismo. La música de Satyricon se vuelve algo único, algo en verdad imposible de discernir sin ellos, Satyr crea una total obra épica de oscuridad y mitos nórdicos envueltos en un fascinante misticismo. Empieza con "Hvite Krists død" (La muerte del Cristo blanco) y una imponente declaración de guerra "Kampen mot Gud og hvitekrist er igang!" (La batalla contra Dios y Cristo comenzó), a partir de ahí queda todo claro, no hay puntos medios, esta es una guerra cultural total contra el enemigo invasor, la bastarda y decadente ideología cristiana, es necesaria una purificación que tiene que ser llevada a cabo con el fuego y el martillo. Los pasajes de intensidad black se suceden con atmósferas impresionantes, realmente nos trasladan a otro mundo, al reino de los dioses y reyes nórdicos, al gobierno de la noche y de los espíritus y criaturas que moran el bosque, simplemente un alucinante viaje del que no quieres despertar. Hablando del desempeño de los músicos es algo igualmente abrumador, Satyr es un genio componiendo e invocando su legado, tocando ese poderoso y veloz riffeo, ese sonido "blacker" frío y mordaz, Frost en la batería se supera a sí mismo, su variación de tiempos y su intensidad es algo en verdad único. Un álbum en verdad increíble, apabullante, genial, grandioso, con una producción excelente, y una música que nos transmite la inextinguible pasión, la verdadera llama que incendia los corazones nórdicos.
¡𝐒𝐢́𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐞𝐧 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐞! 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐋
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Glenn E. Plummer (born August 18, 1961) is a film and television actor. He was featured as “OG” Bobby Johnson in South Central, James Smith in Showgirls, Russ Stanhope in Nasty Boys, and Vic Trammel in Sons of Anarchy, among others.
He was born in Richmond, California.
He attended Contra Costa Community College and San Francisco State University.
He appeared in numerous films and television series. He portrayed the role “High Top” in Colors, and Timmy Rawlins partially in ER. He headlined Black Lies.
His prominent roles came in Menace II Society (as Pernell), Speed (as Jaguar Owner), Bones (as Harold Overmeyer), Showgirls, South Central, Roland Emmerichs’ The Day After Tomorrow (as Luther), The Salton Sea (as Bobby), and Saw II (as Jonas).
He was nominated for the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Male for his 1991 performance in Pastime.
He produced and became a collaborating writer for the horror thriller film Teeth and Blood. He starred in Bikers vs. Werewolves.
He married DeMonica Santiago (2000-14). He has two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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diariomacho · 6 months
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