#control 2019 spoilers
soft-jay · 5 months
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Jesse Faden in Yellow/Sunlight | Control (2019)
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bryndeavour · 11 months
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randomsufff · 2 months
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My through process as I played through Control for the first time after getting into Alan Wake II
Btw this is not me bashing on any ships- tbh they’re both good in my opinion - I just thought it was funny how I thought I immediately clocked Darling and Trench (which- if we’re going by Ao3 statistics I did), got blindsided by Darling and Zane, and then immediately understood why they were on the top of the tag after watching them interact for literally 1 minute 💀💀💀
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velvetjune · 5 months
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the reason why control is one of the best games is because they’ll show you the most gorgeous sequence of the foundation of the oldest house overlapped with the beauty of the world, its oceans, forests, rivers. then the scene will conclude with Ahti saying “did you have piss in your sock” and I think that’s beautiful
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whippoor-wont · 2 months
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in case any of you were not aware Control is one of my favorite games on the planet and i've fallen back into the remedy pit big time lately, Expect More anyway essej my beloved
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mad-lad-1667 · 3 months
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screencaps and photo mode photos i've taken while playing Control
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fras-redacted-shapes · 11 months
Time is weird within the Oldest House
Spoilers for Alan Wake 2 and slight speculation for Control 2
Alright so. According to Estevez, HQ went dark and while she gives no hint as for how long it's been like that, it's safe to assume it's been four years due to how consistent the each Remedy game has been about the years they take place on.
Besides that, nothing is ever hinted at what's going on with the FBC's headquarters.
We know now time loops and spirals inside the Dark Place and that changes done there can bleed into reality (Jesse being told by a psychiatrist Zane is a filmmaker and not a poet, as she remembered him).
From the AWE DLC we know Jesse briefly witnessed Alan meeting Zane ("The Meeting" from now on), which came full circle in AW2.
From this event it's not unreasonable to assume two things:
1. The Meeting happened back in 2019.
The AWE DLC takes place before the ending of Control's and Foundation's story. This can be seen in the reports Emily writes about the new hiss enemies introduced in each dlc.
For the one introduced in AWE her title is still Research Specialist.
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For the one in Foundation, her title is Head of Research. (also she got her Doctorate, you go girl!)
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If this is holds up, Alan's timeline in AW2 has been bouncing back and forth way back from 2023.
Or, if you want a headache, even farther back given his role in Tom the Poet which came out before Zane disappeared. This is the poster in the Suomi Hall in Watery.
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There's no hint yet if this change/addition of Alan writing a novel that inspired the film has made it past Watery and Bright Falls into the real world or was cleared at the end of the game.
This would also mean Ahti has been on vacations for four years.
2. The Meeting happened in 2023.
At the end of AWE dlc Langston says they're receiving an AWE alert from Cauldron Lake that is set a few years into the future. But is it?
What if it's actually the present, my dear beautiful Langston?
This would be consistent with the lack of any visual indication of the passage of time during the main story. There's none. And then, the Foundation DLC ends, and we see Dylan has grown hair and a beard.
Cute. But you know, Remedy has weaponized easter eggs. So no, I don't think Mr. comatose baldy growing a beard is a cute little detail they spent resources on.
We know by the time The Meeting takes place, Alan has not gotten out of the Dark Place yet, hence the alarm has not been activated (it goes off in the FBC monitoring station as soon as Alan/Scratch is transported back to the shore where Saga meets him for the first time).
If this holds up, then the timeline is more or less like this:
Ahti lets Jesse into the Oldest House in October 29th, 2019.
While Jesse is dealing with the Hiss, Alan unlocks Investigation Sector in the elevator.
Alan Meets Zane .
Jesse gets a glimpse of The Meeting.
Ahti gives Jesse his cassette players, goes on vacation.
Alan/Scratch gets out of the Dark Place (September 13th, 2023).
The AWE alarm sounds - and the signal made it into the Oldest House (September 13th, 2023).
Jesse takes down the Projector and deals with the Nail.
Dylan has grown hair.
Between point 4 and 5 more time could've passed, otherwise those are some short vacations for Ahti, it sounds like he's been in Watery for a while.
Therefore, during Control's main story, time was halted or passed very, very slowly when compared to the world outside.
How come?
With Remedy integrating their own alternate version of Quantum Break they might as well start using some of its harder science fiction approach. Alan has already mentioned the Dark Place as Dark Matter in one of his rambling videos. And well, this seems to have been the plan all along. From the chalkboard in Quantum Break:
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There's been no text about black holes or matter density affecting space-time in any game as far as I remember. However, the imagery has been there with the Dark Presence vortex and certain images looking like event horizons.
So this is pure speculation:
The Oldest House is massive, it shifts, it expands and contracts. Could it be dense enough to affect space-time? could it do this on command?
It could be so dense that to those within its walls it'd seem like little to no time has passed, while outside at least four years have gone by.
The entire story is written in present tense in the missions menu, even after a mission has been completed (and the way the collectibles/mission menu was integrated as a world-building element with the Mind Place in Alan Wake 2, I don't think this was meant to be a cute weird little detail even back then).
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Something happened during or after the events in the Foundation dlc, something shifted and now time is passing more or less normally. Or at least it is showing its effects on people.
Alice was seemingly cleansed from the effects the Dark Place had over her memory as soon she was brought inside the Oldest House. It's not unreasonable to assume this effect expands to protecting those within (those that are not too far gone, like Hartman). So the Oldest House would deal with time in its own terms, while the Dark Presence could make retroactive changes to certain details in the reality outside of it, like Zane going from poet to filmmaker.
Dylan's hair growth would indicate a month or two have passed at the very least by the end of Foundation. And from the one Control 2 concept art that has been shown so far, there are orange leaves in the pavement.
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So Remedy could be planning to lift he lock-down during autumn. Autumn of what year? Heh, that's gonna be a fun one to find out.
As a counterpoint one could point at the game cinematic shots of the Oldest House from outside, they're always set at night across the story. It's just a detail that could've easily be a result of resource constraints. Yeah, not that it implies the story could've happened within one night.
Like with the clocks! You can point out at time being weird inside the Oldest House because none of the clocks are working! Time is literally frozen teehee, static textures on 3D assets, except for uh
Darling's Office in Central Research? Is that-
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Or you know, Control 2 will deal with the main cast enduring years of lock-down and the concept art is actually the end or middle of the game, and everyone exits the building on the year Control 2 releases.
Kind of lame in my opinion, but would make sense I guess.
Of course, there's another possibility I don't feel like following through:
The Dark Presence succeeded in changing the entire world and only The Oldest House and those inside remained intact. I mean, Dylan's easter egg in Foundation has some images
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(that better not be a frozen ocean NO)
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(NO, do not tell me this is the Huotari Well omg)
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Hiss/Dark Presence became besties
And maybe, count Dylan's cut Hotline call. But that's cut content so strictly speaking, not canon (imagine it gets restored between Alan Wake 2 dlcs and the next Control game haha).
There are some things that should be brought full circle about the AWE dlc.
Alan is already aware of the FBC thanks to Estevez and Alice.
The sound fx aspect of the Hiss chant is basically lifted from the Cult of the Tree chanting (or you know, if you want another headache, it could be the other way around). And there are hints of verses from the Hiss incantation said out loud here and there. So pre-existing elements to give shape to a dadaist poem attributed to a hostile extra-dimensional resonance complete!
Has he yet come across the information from the FBC, that Hartman became a Taken?
He also kind of knows about the general plot of Control given he wrote a screenplay for an episode of Night Springs that was never produced.
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It became clearer that Alan doesn't write whole new things or realities from scratch (shut up), that he writes from "visions" and vivid "nightmares" he's had. If that screenplay is a vision of the future of the events within the Oldest House, then that could be it.
However we haven't seen him become aware or gain knowledge of Polaris or Jesse herself beyond her extremely brief appearance during The Meeting.
This information has yet to make it outside the Oldest House (as far as we know) and only Dylan and Emily know about Polaris so far. Ahti too, maybe?
Sure, Alan could've somehow glimpsed something through the Oceanview Motel, he's got a door there anyways and he's gone through the Dark Place version of it (the Hotel), but this has not been made explicit like The Meeting.
Maybe The Lake House dlc will clear up that connection.
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I mean yeah, that'd be fitting.
Don't forget one of the cut pieces from Control was The Oldest House opening a passage to Ahti's cabin in Finland, so The Oldest House being able to making an opening to Cauldon Lake is in Remedy's toolbox.
(I also think it'd be fair to see more of Jesse since Alan got a whole new 3D model in Control's AWE)
I'm missing a lot of things here I'm sure, I put this together more or less from things off the top of my head. I haven't gone through Control in a while so there are probably a more and clearer hints regarding time shenanigans within the Oldest House.
Also, AW2 timeline needs to be put on a wall to make sense of it. It'd look like a spiral, because of course.
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almightyrozenidiot · 11 months
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This came to me in a vision
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proxentauri · 1 year
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yea ahti really just went "ight ima head out" in the middle of the hiss invasion huh
thanks @radlovedetective for the control art request!! :) i haven't drawn ahti before but he is one of my favourite characters...if i knew finnish i would put something funny here
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Every time!
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percivals-barrel · 5 months
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Dr. Casper Darling - Final Message
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soft-jay · 5 months
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Control | Yellow/Grey/Red ⚠️🔽☎️
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anniecrestawhitestrips · 10 months
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velvetjune · 1 month
control 2 ideas:
more dylan and ordinary backstory
saga anderson
more scientists that are so unethical and lacking in morals that it’s absurd
somewhat related to the last point, but dr darling shirtless and still put in cosmic time out in the dark place oceanview
🫣emily pope + jesse faden😳
jesse awkwardly dancing (musical! musical! musical!)
new FBC employee: fra mauro
ahti jumpscares
langstons cat, alfred
threshold kids stage play
thank you.
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So a friend and I were having a long talk about Alan Wake 2 because he just finished playing the game and we were talking about Zane and Darling and how they could come back in the future. So then we started talking about the possibility of them showing up in Control 2.
Then my friend said what if you're just playing the game as Jesse and then all of a sudden a new mission pops up on screen titled:
'The Filmmaker and His Muse'
and i have not thought about anything else since afhshkwndk
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dougielombax · 7 months
Fuck it
Control Spoilers without context.
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Bottom text.
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