#control his temper and see things more logically ( save for his revenge )
ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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not me thinking about how i probably...have to do, like a revamp write up of alfred's personality bc?? he's actually a lot more chiller in my head than i initially thought he'd be :'D
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nikethestatue · 3 years
ok so u know these posts where azriel is made out to be toxic? and they say he does it with mor and elain. let’s say that’s true. literally what makes them think the same thing wouldn’t happen with gwyn?? if he had this so called toxic behavior with 2 women what makes gwyn so special he wouldn’t do it with her? like why are they acting like gwyn is prythian’s therapist? i find it very hypocritical and i promise you gwyn isn’t special.
He is only toxic when he is with the 'wrong' woman. All his toxicity disappears when he is with Gwyn. But let's examine, shall we?
Let's recall the times he was 'toxic'.
He told Mor that she cannot/should not go to the Human Lands and try to infiltrate the Human Queens' palace, because she'd be caught and strung up.
Rhys agreed with him.
Cassian, by the way, told her a similar thing, later on, when he told her that he didn't want her to go to the continent, and needed her with the army.
Rhys agreed with him.
Are they also toxic?
Azriel lost his temper against Eris during the HL meeting. He didn't lose his temper against Mor. He didn't say anything to her at all. She was insulted and he assaulted the person with whom he had a very bad and turbulent history.
He was the only one who spoke up against Tamlin when Tamlin was insulting Feyre, his High Lady. He warned Talmlin, another High Lord not to speak to Feyre the way Tamlin did.
Perhaps, he doesn't like it when women are insulted? Maybe it goes back to watching his mother who was abused and insulted and tormented by his father and stepmother? Perhaps it's knowing about what happened to Cassian's mother too? Perhaps it's watching what happened to women in Illyria, how they were clipped and treated in general?
Maybe he attempts to protect and defend and save females, because there is residual guilt of a son who couldn't protect him mother?
Going back to Mor. He clearly had feelings for Mor, at least back in the day, when they were teens. She and his 'best friend', both knowing of his feelings for her, still went ahead and slept together. Not only did they betray him as a friend/brother, but also put Mor in grave danger. The whole affair resulted in Azriel volunteering to go into AC and rescue her. It was he who found her with nails embedded in her womb. So, did 'toxic' Azriel go on some crazed revenge journey? Did he guilt Mor for sleeping with Cassian? Did he challenge Cassian? He did none of those things. He wanted to evoke the BD against Eris and Beron, perhaps wouldn't mind killing Keir, but he was so toxic and completely incapable of controlling his emotions and behaviours, wouldn't he have done all of those things? What's more, knowing that it's Mor's right to call the BD, he, and Cassian, stepped back, letting her deal with the situation as she saw fit.
Beyond that, with Mor--what did he ever do to her? He sat next to her at the dinner table? He looked at her? They do live as a family unit, and it would be hard not to glance at her. From what we know, it was Mor who begged him to go and finally dragged him to Rita's, it's Mor who was capable of getting him to talk, it was Mor who held his hand, who had no problem sunbathing in front of him and Cassian when they were sparring. It was Mor who had an assigned chair in HoW with a golden pillow. If she was so disturbed by him and he was so threatening in his actions, wouldn't we logically assume that perhaps she'd avoid him like the plague? She never did. In fact, she very much did the opposite.
Lastly, Elain.
So his toxicity stems from the fact that unlike Amren and Rhys he doesn't want to send someone he cares for and someone who is not tested at all in any kind of combat/scrying to find objects so powerful that they had to be 'forgotten' by the world?
He voiced his opinion, not even in front of her, but to his HL and part of the IC who are making these decisions. Did Cassian want Nesta to go? Or scry? Not so much.
What else did he do? He armed Elain with TT? Did he say that she should be hidden somewhere? No. He did what he could for her, and that was that.
Now, curiously, the same people who claim that he is possessive, domineering and toxic towards Elain and Mor, in the same breath claim that him not reacting to Gwyn being in the Blood Rite and caring little about her, and sort of forgetting that she was part of the whole deal was because he felt that 'they trained her well' and she was in no real danger.
So which one is it?
I think that the most honest answer would be--he does care for Mor and Elain. Doesn't want them to get hurt. But doesn't curtail their freedom or capabilities. He doesn't really care about Gwyn in the same way. He doesn't want her to be hurt, I am sure, but she in not front and center in his mind. He isn't 'changed' with Gwyn, isn't better --he is just not into her.
Bottom line is that I refuse to qualify him as misogynistic or toxic. I feel like he respects women much more than some other, very prominent, male characters in the books. Not wanting to see the woman you love/like in danger isn't some flex on her autonomy. It's a pretty normal thing that men are conditioned to do.
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danyka-fendyr · 6 years
Scar Tissue Chapter 2: Dynamic Du-OH- A Sudden Realization
A/N: I’m posting this without editing because I hate myself. I will eventually come back and fix my many sins. Tagging @writingtheworks the works again. Do I think that Bruce Wayne invites his butler to family dinners? Yes, yes I do, and Gotham’s snooty societal standards can’t stop me or him. Take that you elitists. Rorie was exhausted. You really couldn’t blame her. She’d been listening to Jason monologue Romeo and Juliet repeatedly for about an hour now. She loved her best friend, but she was ready to stab Shakespeare. She understood this was his masterpiece, but did he have to do this to her?
“Jay, I promise you, you will get the part. The first 5 times, heck, the first 10 times, this was the most beautiful performance I had ever seen in my life,” I told him.
Jason broke character, collapsing out of a dramatic pose, arm extended, head held up, looking to an imaginary balcony.
“You cried the first time,” he said, grinning.
Rorie had never seen someone so pleased over her tears. ...Well, okay, that wasn’t necessarily completely true, but she’d fought the Joker, alright? He was pretty sick, and not in the good way.
“Yes, because it was amazing. We’ve been over this. You are amazing,” she said.
Jason blushed under the praise, his neck, cheeks and ears tinting pink. When Jason blushed, he blushed with his whole head. It was sort of cute. Or at least, Rorie assumed it would be cute if you were like, into that kind of stuff. Rorie, of course, was not.
“Anyway, you should try to get some sleep. We have patrol tonight. Plus, you wouldn’t want to look burned out for your audition. It’s no good having a Romeo who looks sleep deprived,” Rorie tried to reason with him.
“What if he’s sleep deprived because he’s been up all night thinking about his Juliet, and how she refuses to audition, despite Alfred’s best efforts,” Jason teased.
“And you. Don’t forget you,” Rorie sighed. 
Alfred and Jason hadn’t gotten off her back about this since they first started holding auditions for Romeo and Juliet. Rorie refused on the principle that the characters made a long series of stupid decisions ending in a tragedy that could have been completely avoidable. Jason had countered with the fact that he had caught her reading it out loud, rather passionately, mind you, when they had been assigned the story for English class. It wasn’t Rorie’s fault that the story was still emotionally compelling, despite entirely lacking logic. Juliet admittedly had some pretty lines.
“This is too cliché. Why couldn’t the school play be something prettier, like Wuthering Heights?” Rorie objected.
“Your obsession with Wuthering Heights will never end, will it?” Jason asked.
“The writing is beautiful Jason!” Rorie cried, more passionate even then when she was playing the part of Juliet.
“Maybe if you get the lead role this year they’ll choose it next year. You could get friendly with the Mrs. Dowly, convince her it would be a good idea.” Jason carefully dangled the carrot in front of his prey’s face.
There was a pregnant pause while Rorie considered.
“You really think so?” she questioned, shooting him an uncertain, slightly untrusting look.
Jason nodded, his enthusiasm making the gesture comical so that he resembled a bobble-head. “Absolutely! Mrs. Dowly always considers how her leads feel.” 
Jason would know. He was the theater teacher’s pet, and had been the lead many, many times. All the other theater nerds were jealous of him, if they didn’t absolutely hero worship him (something Rorie found ironically humorous, considering their nightlife).
Rorie sighed, the sound deeply resigned. In contrast, Jason whooped.
“I will only be auditioning,” she warned him.
“Absolutely,” Jason said.
“You will in no way try to convince Mrs. Dowly to show me any kind of special favor.”
“Of course not.” More bobble-headedness, this time a vigorous shake, like he was a wet dog.
“If I do, by some miracle, get the part, you will not gloat, tell me you knew it, or anything of the sort.”
At this, Jason pouted. Rorie glared.
“Can’t I be proud?” He gave her the puppy dog eyes.
He gave her the puppy dog eyes. Jason knew she couldn’t resist the puppy dog eyes.
“Fine. A little pride. But none while we’re in school!” Rorie caved.
“Yay!” Jason chirped, wrapping his arms around her, trapping hers by her side.
Rorie pouted, and Jason celebrated. It was at this moment that Bruce walked in, Alfred following closely behind with a curious expression on his face.
“What’s going on here?” There was a tone of deep, rich amusement to Bruce’s voice, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards in what was usually about as close as he came to a smile (unless he was playing the role of ‘Brucie Wayne’).
“Rorie’s going to audition for the school play!” Jason cheered.
“With conditions!” Rorie added, seeing the look of excited shock on Alfred’s face and the knowing approval on Bruce’s.
“Well, miss, I suppose we’ll have to get you in shape!” Alfred declared.
“Oh no.”
“O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.”
“Wonderful, miss! The way you sigh it out is beautiful. Very wistful. Now if you could just make it a little bit less breathy,” Alfred instructed.
Rorie puffed a sigh, and Jason tried not to laugh at her. She looked frustrated. Not as frustrated as she could be, since she wasn’t doing math, but her hair was messy and her posture slumped, face red from trying to hold back an oncoming temper tantrum. Alfred had this tendency to sometimes work out the details a little too much when it came to Shakespeare, or really any kind of play or production. He was a man of the theater indeed. 
Jason decided Rorie might need a rescue.
“Maybe I could work with her for a bit Alfred. You could take a break, maybe make some snacks?” he suggested, knowing Alfred would never leave drama without a specific task and purpose.
“Cookies?” Rorie asked, a forlorn hope swimming in her eyes.
“Ah! Of course! You lot do look as though you could use something to munch on. It will raise the spirits!” Alfred clapped his hands, looking as invigorated as he always did when he was allowed within range of fine art. “I’ll prepare some fruit, and perhaps some cookies if I feel it is warranted.”
By that Jason was pretty sure Alfred meant that Rorie ate too many cookies and that she was going to get cavities. He was trying to be nice right now though, since it was obvious that Rorie was seriously considering dropping out of the school play.When she got the part, the entire household had been elated. Well, Jason and Alfred had been elated, and Bruce had been smugly pleased. Emphasis on smug. That was his adopted daughter, after all.Jason was pretty sure that if ‘Brucie Wayne’ wasn’t supposed to be keeping up his eligible bachelor status, Bruce would have posted his pride all over ever social media platform he knew how to work. Jason’s phone pinged, and he checked his notifications.
Scratch that. Bruce wasn’t able to keep it in anymore now that he had not one, but two children in theater. He had just made the dorkiest post Jason had ever seen in his life on Twitter. 
“So proud of @jtodd and @roreo for scoring roles in the school play! I look forward to seeing them play Romeo and Juliet, respectively. If you have the time, come down to @gothamacademy and watch. #Illbesittingfrontrow”
Jason hoped none of the other kids at school saw that. Jason knew every one of the other kids at school had seen that, even the ones who weren’t theater geeks. Jason was pretty sure any kind of a reputation he had was gone now.
“Oh no,” Rorie groaned.
“Oh no what, Miss?” Alfred said, poking his head into the room at the first sound of oncoming disaster.
Rorie extended her phone to him, letting him see the tweet Jason himself had just been looking at.
“All the kids at school will see this, Alfred! We’re done for.” Rorie exchanged a look of horror with Jason.
Alfred looked thoughtful.“We shall see, miss.”
And see they did. 
Arriving at school the next day, Rorie did her utmost to go incognito. Sunglasses and a dark hoodie obscured her figure, and she kept her head bowed as she walked through the halls. Jason didn’t bother with this. His strategy was to not show any kind of weakness.
He strutted down the halls, trying to appear more confident than ever before, his hair slicked back with gel he had stolen from Bruce a while back and his favorite leather jacket on. He would have been wearing sunglasses, but Rorie stole his coolest pair.
As it turned out, Jason’s strategy worked better, unfortunately for Rorie. Some of the boys tried to pick on him, it was true, but he just ignored them. If you looked closely enough, you might be able to see that he was riled up, but only if you knew him well. He kept his anger close and in check. He could always exact revenge later if he still thought they were worth it.
Rorie was taunted mercilessly though, since she reacted a little volatiley to the whole thing. The second someone had insinuated that her rich daddy bought her spot, she was spitting words that were dangerously close to obscenities, a seething pot ready to boil over. Jason had swept in several times that day to save her when it looked like she might not be able to control herself. In thanks, she gave him his sunglasses back.
Now, Rorie was sitting in the library, the only place where people would leave her alone, it seemed. She was reading through Jane Eyre again, trying to distract herself from the snake’s nest of anxiety, self-doubt, and bitter, petty rage boiling in her head. It wasn’t working that well.
It worked less well when Amanda Bixby sat next to her. Rorie didn’t dislike Amanda particularly, but she also didn’t particularly like her. Amanda was...Well, Amanda was a bit of an airhead. She didn’t mean to be, but she just happened to be that one girl that never thought about anything but makeup and boys. There was nothing particularly wrong with this mindset, but it simply didn’t mesh with Rorie’s more practical attitude. 
“So, Jason’s like, your brother, right?” Amanda said, her tone friendly yet suspiciously slimy sounding to Rorie.
“Yeah, I guess. More of a best friend, really.” Rorie shrugged.
“But you’re super close, yeah?” Amanda confirmed.
“Well yeah. We live in the same house.” Rorie didn’t feel it necessary to mention that they had shared a bathroom until last year when she had demanded Bruce let her have her own. 
Rorie was prepared for a plethora of things. Amanda was into theater, so it was entirely possible that she was hoping Rorie would be able to share some of Jason’s acting secrets with her. Or, it could be that she needed help with her English homework, something Jason also excelled in. As it turned out, Rorie was woefully unprepared for what actually happened.
“So what kind of girl does he usually go for?” Amanda asked.
Rorie choked a little bit. “What?”
“Like, does he have a type?” She twirled a strand of long brown hair around her finger.
“Umm….I don’t really know. He doesn’t talk to me about girls,” Rorie said, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable.
“Yeah, but I mean, you’ve got to know something about his girlfriends. Are they tall? Short? Blondes, brunettes? C’mon, gimme something here,” Amanda said.
In truth, Rorie was unsure that Jason had ever even had a girlfriend. He was only 15 after all. 15 was a bit young for a girlfriend, wasn’t it? Rorie felt like 15 was young.
“Why do you ask? I mean, it’s not like Jason’s particularly attractive or anything.” Rorie laughed nervously.
“Are you kidding me? He’s a total dreamboat. All the girls know it. Plus, have you ever seen his arms when he takes off that leather jacket?” Amanda bit her lip in a way that Rorie definitely did not like. “I bet he’s ripped. Not to mention that he’s tall. And he’s only going to get taller you know.”
Amanda was clearly not in the building anymore. Her eyes had glazed over dreamily, and Rorie took that as her cue to be anywhere but where she presently was. Sneakily, she made her escape, mumbling under her breath about some urgent play preparation she had to do.
Rorie raced out of the library so fast it was almost superhuman, forgetting to put her sunglasses back on as she went. They were perched on top of her head when she crashed into someone, causing them to clatter to the floor, and her to nearly follow. Fortunately for her, someone had good reflexes and caught her, a warm, firm hand holding her back and pressing her against a lean, muscular torso.
“I am so sorry, you have no idea how mortified I am, rea-” Rorie stopped short when she realized that the person who was holding her was rather familiar.
She pulled back, peering into their face to find none other than Jason Todd himself. Rorie wanted to say “speak of the devil,” but she was a bit distracted at the moment, because at it turned out, it would seem that Amanda Bixby was right. Jason Todd was a dreamboat.Rorie was unsure how she hadn’t noticed it before. It wasn’t like anything had significantly changed between now and an hour again, when Rorie had last seen Jason. However, now that it had been mentioned to her, he had very nice, well-defined cheekbones, a strong jaw, incredibly long black lashes, and the prettiest pair of blue eyes Rorie had ever seen in her life. She swallowed heavily as she realized that, prior to knowing who was holding her up, she had been appreciating their toned body structure as well.
“Careful there, Rorie. You’ll get hurt.” Jason smiled at her, revealing a blinding white set of perfectly straight teeth that seemed intent on sinking themselves into Rorie’s heart.
Oh no. Oh no.
Opening night had finally come, and Jason was bouncing around with excitement. He had no reason to worry. He had done this dozens of times before, and he had every confidence in his leading lady.
He was watching her right now, mumbling her lines under her breath and coughing as hairspray was applied rigorously to her carefully created Shakespearean hair. 
“Oh, Romeo, oh Romeo,” Rorie said, rocking back and forth slightly, to the deep consternation of the girl working on her hair.
“Actually,” Jason said, watching himself appear in the mirror behind her, already in full costume, hair done, “it’s ‘Oh Romeo, Romeo’.”
“I’m gonna fail. I’m gonna fail in front of everyone, and they’ll all laugh, and this will be the end of my acting career, and I’ll have to switch schools.” Her eyes, previously closed, snapped open. “I’ll have to switch schools Jason. I’ll have to go to a boarding school in Scandinavia where nobody knows my name.”
“You’ll be fine,” Jason reassured her, placing both his hands on her shoulders and shooing the irate amateur hairdresser off.
“But what if I’m not?” Rorie asked desperately.
“Then I’ll fail even more epically. I’ll say lines from Napoleon Dynamite instead, and then I’ll trip and fall on my face, and then I’ll roll over and start making snow angels, except there will be no snow, at which point I will have made my first mistake as it is obvious that one cannot make snow angels without no snow.”
“That is the stupidest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Rorie dead-panned.
“See! It works!” Jason grinned broadly, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Rorie, on her part, tried to look slightly less miserable.
“You’re on in 5,” someone informed him as they passed by.
Rorie gave him an unsure look, seeking a few last moments of reassurance.
Jason walked around until he was facing her, crouching so he could look her right in the eye. “You’re gonna be great, don’t worry.”
He smoothed down a few stray pieces of her hair, giving her one last strong, certain smile before heading to the wings. It was showtime.
Acts 1-4 went flawlessly. Despite her nerves, Rorie was a natural on stage. She sounded like Shakespeare had written her himself, and Jason was matching her ever move. They were a perfect pair, naturally, and they had the kind of trust most lead actors could probably only wish for. This came as a package deal with the many shared near-death experiences.
It was Act 5 where things began to get sticky. Specifically, the death scene. Everything had been going fun. They had rehearsed this scene in bits and pieces plenty of times before, and everything was timed perfectly. The grief they portrayed was stunningly believable, the laboured breaths and the hasty tears working together to paint a picture of gut-wrenching agony. Jason had caught a glimpse of Dick crying in the audience.
Specifically, it was Act 5, scene 3, line 125 that was giving Jason a good deal of trouble. He had said all the lines leading up to it, and now he found himself agonizingly close to a “dead” Rorie with the task of kissing her.
He had known, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he would have to kiss her for this performance. Maybe some tiny part of him had even looked forward to it, entirely without his knowledge or consent. They hadn’t practiced this particular scene, however, and Jason had conveniently forgotten about it until now. Or rather, he had been making a conscious effort not to think about it at all.
He hovered over her, his mouth inches away from hers. She was so warm underneath him, hair splayed out and hands neatly folded over her stomach, eyes lightly shut. Jason tried to steady his heart rate, failing miserably, and after running through a plethora of alternative scenarios in his mind, each more wild than the last, he determined that he would just have to do it. If she hated him afterwards, there was nothing he could do about it.
Gently, he connected their lips. It was like a revival. Her lips were soft and warm against his, and she tasted like oranges and cinnamon. Her body, almost unconsciously, craned into him, kissing back so softly and subtly that the audience couldn’t have noticed, but Jason most definitely did. Without thinking, one hand reached into her hair, cradling her head as he kissed her like Romeo would kiss Juliet, like a man would kiss his lover with his last dying breath, slightly clumsy, but intimate and gentle, with a fervor Mrs. Dowly had probably not foreseen.
He broke away, rushing through his poison scene and dying as quickly as possible. It felt fitting, since he was pretty sure he was already dead. Then, it was Rorie’s turn. What she did next was not entirely expected.
She worked her way through her lines with an untold urgency, weeping at the sight of her Romeo lying dead below her. Her performance was like nothing Gotham Academy had ever seen before, as emotionally charged as it was. And then, he broke from script. She kissed Jason.
It was similar to the first time, but less clumsy, and Jason nearly broke character out of sheer shock. He didn’t have the time though, with the brevity of the kiss. It was hard and fast, and then she stabbing herself with a fake knife as ripples of surprise waved through the audience.
The last few scenes were played out, and everyone took their final bows. Jason could see Dick sobbing at this point, overcome by emotion. Jason felt similarly overcome, unsure of what exactly had just happened. He rushed his way backstage, finding Rorie in the mess that was the closing of opening night. He grabbed her arm, whirling her around.
“Rorie,” he breathed out her name, still stunned even now.
She turned pink, staring at her feet as she answered. “Yes.”
“You kissed me,” he stated.
“You kissed me first.”
“On script,” he said.
“Are you mad?” Now she looked up at him, twinges of hurt flecking her eyes and accenting an ocean of bright green worry and fear.
“Am I mad? No, I’m definitely no mad.” Now, Jason grinned. He grinned like a fool. “Just wondering if you’ll do it again.”
Rorie smiled shyly, starting to look as giddy as Jason now felt.“At least buy me dinner first,” she said, mischief in her eyes and tugging at her mouth as she shrugged in feigned nonchalance.
“I’m pretty sure dinner is on Bruce tonight, but if you think I’m not going to buy you dinner at the next available opportunity then you are very, very wrong,” Jason said.
Rorie laughed, reaching up to hug him in his favorite way, the only way he ever wanted to be hugged by her ever again.
“Deal, boy wonder,” she whispered in his ear.
Dinner was awkward. Dinner way very, very awkward.
It wasn’t that Bruce disapproved, after the two stumbled through an explanation of their budding relationship. It wasn’t that Alfred disapproved, or Dick, even. No. Horrifyingly, they were all delighted.
“What do you mean you knew?” Jason and Rorie shrieked in unison.
Bruce tried to bring the table back to some form of decorum, since Dick’s exclamation of, “I knew it!” and small victory dance coupled with Rorie and Jason’s indignant screams was slightly out of place in one of Gotham’s nicest restaurants.
 “I mean, it was obvious. You two are always all blushy and cutesy around each other whenever I come over,” Dick explained, cutting into his steak.
“We are not!” Rorie protested, burying her face into her bouquet of brilliant red roses, of which it had turned the same hue.
Jason in turn felt like burying his face into the orchids he was currently holding for her, a gift from Dick. The roses were from Bruce, of course. Alfred had simply baked cookies back at home.
“I’m afraid you are, miss. It’s rather endearing, if it’s any comfort to you,” Alfred reassured.
“This is so embarrassing. You all knew?” Rorie said.
“And now the whole school knows, after that display.” Dick grinned. “You two got so lucky Mrs. Dowly didn’t tear you to pieces.”
As it happened, Mrs. Dowly had rather liked the show. She said that Rorie’s improv had been so impassioned Shakespeare should have written it into the original. Rorie had wilted into the very bottoms of her shoes, looking as though she were trying her best to melt into the floor.
A waiter came by to check on them as they were finishing up, Dick shoveling the last bites of his steak into his mouth. 
“Any dessert?” he asked politely, no doubt with good intentions.
“No!” Jason and Rorie shouted.
The last thing they wanted was more awkward dinner conversation.
“It would seem not,” Bruce said, smiling his, “people are watching,” smile. “We’ll just have the bill.”
“Yes, sir.” The waiter ran off to retrieve the bill, leaving Jason and Rorie to suffer once more.
“So how long had you been thinking about that kiss scene, huh Jay?” Dick asked, waggling his eyebrows.
Jason groaned, his face turning red in that full-flush way that he had about him. Rorie, on the other hand, decided to change tactics. If you can’t beat’em, join’em.
“You know, it’s kind of cute when you do that,” she said.
“What?” Jason asked, confused and slightly alarmed.
“Blush. You do it with your whole head. Neck, face, ears. It’s cute.” Rorie shrugged, trying to hide her own blush.
“Ewww, this is officially too sweet for me now,” Dick said, feigning a gag.
“Please Dick, try to behave like an adult,” Bruce said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
The waiter came by and Bruce quickly paid in cash, clearly having come prepared for an outing with his children. Rorie could only guess how enormous the tip was.
“Alfred?” Bruce said, raising his eyebrows as he looked at the man.
“I have already informed the valet that the car is to be brought around, sir,” Alfred said.
“Thank goodness, because I could use a good night’s sleep,” Bruce said.
Rorie and Jason grinned at each other. Bruce Wayne might get 8 hours, but his alter ego never did. It was time for the Bat to roam the streets of Gotham, Robin and Batgirl at his side. It was time to be a hero. 
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Shivagami’s Brain Waves Deciphered (Thoughts Shivagami thought throughout)
It’s okay, really. So what if my husband has a slightly dysfunctional left arm (well, not THAT dysfunctional after all). My brother-in-law is a just king and his wife is a king hearted person. They work for the welfare of the kingdom and that’s all that matters. When it comes to the matter of the kingdom, nothing else matters.
The king, my brother-in-law has passed away. And so has his wife, leaving behind a son. *The maid brings the son of the deceased king* Such a pretty little kid. But he has no parents. All alone in this world now. *Holds his hand but he grasps her index finger* WTF ! Which new born has such strength that even I, a 30-40 year old cannot free my finger. I need to name him a name that suits his game man ! “Baahubali”
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But what now ? *Sits in a yogic posture* *In deep thought* 
Both the boys are way too young to be named as king. My husband ... Oh no ! The constitution doesn’t accept that. Martand and his men are approaching the throne sooner than I thought. I have Kattappa and Kattappa be the best so my and the  kids life is safe. Screw the husband. He’s of no use. I’ll turn Martand’s men to my side and have him killed. I’ll rule in the stead of the future king. *Phew* Well, one thing is fixed now at least.
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Well, now that it’s all on my “Vachan” and since my “Vachan” is the “Shasan”, time to take serious decisions. I need to educate the kids myself apart from what the “Guru” teaches them since mother is the first teacher. But I need to remember : no discrimination between the kids. They are both mine. *Expression of determination*
I will teach my children to walk on the path of “dharma” and “truth” and to always follow the constitution. It doesn’t matter where they land up. People shouldn’t get a chance to point out that they haven’t been brought up well. *Taught them/work done*
Kattappa will teach them weapons. Kattappa be the best so my kids be the best. Amrendra loves him, it’s good they have a bond. The child is too kind and helping and too sweet for his own age. And too understanding according to his maturity. A perfect blend of his parents. I wish he becomes the king of this “mahaan saamrajya” some day. *The fuck. Where did that come from. Well, for one, even my heart knows he is deserving. I can’t believe I love him more than my own son. Then again, he deserves that. Always there.*
*Kaalkeya attacks*
Since he spoke in derogatory terms to the “Rajmaata” of this “mahaan samrajya”, whoever brings his head becomes the king. *Yeah man ! Time for some revenge* *Rubs hands in anticipation*
Bhallal Deva killed him. Agreed. He brought me his head. Agreed.
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But I want Baahu to become the king. Therefore, a person who kills enemies is a warrior but if he saves the life of even a single innocent, he’s a king. Therefore, Amrendra Baahubali will be the king. *Logic applied*
I have to walk for the festival. The elephant has gone mad. Let Kattappa save the common folk. My son will save me. 
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See. My hero. Parmeshwara is taken out on yatra before festivals so that he can bless the people and take away their pains and since my son is no less than Parmeshwara himself, he will do the same. Let Kattappa go with him.
Bhalla doesn’t talk to me much. But I am the first in the “family” to know that he is in love. Cool ! So, now he gets the wife he wants. Do the preparations.   
The girl refused. WTF. How can she say no to the “Rajmaata” of this “mahaan saamrajya”. Ask Baahu to imprison her and bring her here.
*Sees her* *Well, she is beautiful af. So it’s okay. But need to keep her under control*
Go and stand next to your deemed-to-be. *Starts her walk towards Baahu* The fuck that is wrong with her. I mean, okay, he is hot and happening. I agree. Sugar, spice and everything nice, I agree. But this is too much.
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   I want her imprisoned. *Baahu took her side* The fuck that’s wrong with him now.
5 incidents later :
Well, now that Baahu is gone, I think I made a mistake. Baahu could never be his parents. Gotta have him killed but with cunningness. Gotta keep my hands clean. 
Kattappa ! Kill Baahubali !
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 *Kattappa return with bloodied hands. He’s dead. Shivagami is wrong. The truth of the game opens*
Man ! I have been a real bitch. Killed my own son. Well, technically not my own still very much my own. Gotta save the kid now.
My own son is a tyrant. I killed the one I thought was Parmeshwara. Now gotta save him. Dying in process is acceptable. I did commit a crime after all and “Mahishmati ka dand samvidhaan sabhi ke liye ek samaan hai” as said by myself. *Feels super duper, overly, head achingly, heart breakingly guilty and runs to save the kid*
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 “......Mahishmati ke liye. Iss balak ko jeena hoga. Amrendra Bahubali ko jeena hoga.”
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30 years later, up in the skies ....!
Well, Amrendra, I know i was despicable, but .....
*Mother and son share an emotional moment*
Anyways, my grandson is so perfect. And look, he even uses my words - Ye hai mera vachan aur mera vachan he hai sashan ! 
Such an adorable kid he is. Devasena looks so regal in the royal attire after so long. And Avanthika, doesn’t she remind you of Devasena when you met her. All fiery and full of energy. You Baahubali men. You always go for women with temper. Anyways, I think I can die peacefully now. Oi wait ! I am already dead. Imma forgot that. *winks*
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