#controlling and ungrateful and a piece of SHIT
falling-endlessly · 8 months
Boomerang (part 2)
Vox x Female!Ex!Overlord!Reader
Summary: After being faced with a dilemma, Vox tries a new approach to get you back. All hell breaks loose.
<—Part 1 Chapter Index Part 3—>
"You're shitting me right now," Velvette's eye twitched as she stared at the snoring TV demon sprawled across your bed. "For fuck's sake, what am I? A babysitter?"
"At least he's knocked out," you crossed your arms, raising a brow. "You won't have to listen him try and tell you that he lost his hat, only to realize it was on his head the whole time, and then start crying because he forgot he owned such a cool hat."
Velvette smacked her forehead audibly, dragging the hand down her face. "Jesus Christ," she hissed under her breath, before glaring at you in irritation. "You know, none of this would have happened if you hadn't left, right?"
"Vel," you said tiredly, rubbing your temples.
"Do you know how fucking annoying it is to hear him bitch all goddamn day about you?" She growled, waving her hands around aggressively. "I'm this close," she held her fingers a millimeter apart. "To pouring water all over his monitors. This. Close."
"And then there's Valentino, who's also in a fucking mood. You know what? Forget about the water. I'm going to shoot both of them in the—"
"Velvette!" You raised your voice, making her grit her teeth. "I'm not coming back. He made his choice," you glanced at the demon in question, currently drooling all over your pillow. "It's not my problem anymore."
"Is that what you think?" She snapped, crossing her arms. "That you can just, what, leave your shit in a mess and walk out? Sorry to burst your bubble bitch, but you aren't fucking Cinderella. Things aren't just going to magically work out if you hide from them."
"I'm not hiding—"
"Bullshit!" She growled.
Your jaw set tightly as you both stood in a tense silence, glaring at each other.
After a few seconds, you sighed, shaking your head. "He already knows what he has to do if he wants to fix this," you said firmly. "I'm not going to change my mind."
Velvette pressed her lips together, before letting out an irritated breath. "Always fucking cleaning up everyone else's messes," she muttered angrily under her breath as she roughly hoisted Vox's limp body over her shoulder. "I'm going to kill him. Pathetic piece of shit—keep up a good image my ass."
She was almost out of the window when you called out, "Vel."
Velvette turned to give you an annoyed what now look over her shoulder, scowling impatiently.
"Thanks," you said sincerely.
She didn't answer you, instead turning and vaulting herself out of the window, disappearing from sight.
Vox woke up feeling like his screen was being forcibly bent in half. "What the ungodly fuck?" he whimpered, grabbing fistfuls of his sweaty bed sheets as he tried to control his breathing.
His stomach roiled ominously, making him gag. "Nope, nope. Not here," he stumbled out of bed, staggering to his attached bathroom like a desperate zombie and nearly running face first into the wall.
Vox dropped to his knees, flipping open the toilet lid and shooting out an unholy amount of chunks.
"What the—ugh, holy shit!" Velvette coughed from the doorway, shielding her face. "God, that smells worse than that skit when Angel got shat on."
Fuck you, he wanted to say. What the fuck are you doing in my bathroom?
But instead what came out was: "FUghhhuckk!"
Velvette watched him, unimpressed and disgusted. "You're an idiot."
"Not. Helping." Vox growled miserably, screen flickering as he gripped the edges of the toilet bowl.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Velvette jeered unsympathetically. "Who dragged your pathetic drunk ass back here last night? Oh, that's right!" She snapped her fingers in a mock eureka! moment. "I did. How about a little gratitude?"
Vox lifted a weak, trembling hand and flipped her off.
Velvette rolled her eyes. "Ungrateful bitch," she muttered under her breath.
Vox heaved loudly into the toilet, making her cringe. Gross. She grabbed the hand towel off of the rack, before throwing it at his head. It landed on the top of his monitor, hanging off the corner, before he grabbed it and sluggishly wiped his mouth. "I th-think I'm sh-short circuiting," he groaned, gripping his head in pain.
"You'll be fine," Velvette closed her eyes in frustration, but internally her thoughts took a different turn. She hadn't seen Vox this fucked up in ages. Val maybe. But not Vox. He cared way too much about his public image. This erratic behavior was very, very unlike him, and it was starting to become...concerning.
"What happened?" Vox coughed, leaning his monitor weakly against his forearms. The last thing he remembered was the fight with Val, and then—a garden...? The hell?
"Well, apparently, your dumbass thought it was a good idea to pay Y/n a visit—" Vox froze at the sound of your name "—to personally deliver her flowers at three in the morning. Then you cried about your stupid hat, passed out in her room, and she called me to pick you up like an incompetent child. The end."
By the end of her rant, Vox's expression looked even more pained, if that was even possible. "Shitttt," he moaned, curling in on himself. "Fuck. Shit. Fuck."
He looked so pathetic and distraught that Velvette almost felt bad for him. Almost.
For a long moment, the only sounds in the room were Vox's labored breaths and Velvette's judgmental stare. The silence was starting to border on stifling when Vox finally broke it.
"Did she like it?" He asked quietly.
"What?" Velvette scowled, crossing her arms.
"The roses," he continued, making her raise a brow. So he did remember buying the flowers then, she never told him what kind they were. "Did she like them?"
She was about to dismiss it when a sudden memory struck her, making her pause. "She kept them. In a vase on her night stand."
Vox slowly lifted his head, a warmth (not bile this time) blooming in his chest. You kept them. Even though he'd made a fool out of himself and probably ruined your night. And you didn't kick him out, either.
You still care, he realized, with a fragile, growing hope.
And that meant—he had a chance. Not baseless hope this time, an actual, legitimate chance to win you back. A slow, goofy grin started to climb his face.
"What—what the fuck? What's with the idiotic look on your face?" Velvette cringed away, disturbed. Then realization hit her as her eyes rolled skyward. "You're going to do something incredibly stupid, aren't you?"
"Maybe," he grinned, before another bout of nausea hit him, making him retch violently into the bowl.
"Idiot," Velvette reiterated.
"Oh, hell no," you heard Vaggie say, making you glance up. The moth demon looked incredibly hostile, spear pointed at whoever was at the door.
Concerned, you lifted from the lounge chair you were seated in, taking a few steps towards them, only for a firm hand to land on your shoulder.
"Toots," Angel Dust laughed nervously, moving to block the scene with his body. "Maybe you should let the others sort this one out, yeah?"
"Angel, I know I don't look like much, but I'm an overlord," you raised a brow, peeling his hand off of your shoulder with ease. "I can probably help."
"Shit! Wait, you're not going to like this," Angel groaned under his breath, but it was too late. You'd already seen him.
Vox caught your eye, a charming smile quirking his mouth. "Hey, doll."
Your fists curled by your sides, eyes flashing dangerously as you started to dematerialize, glowing green code dancing along your skin. You glitched out, growing substantially in stature as your mouth distended horrifically.
"Ohhh shit," Angel cursed, taking cover behind the bar counter.
"What's wrong?" Charlie's confused voice came from the stairwell, only to gasp at your demonic form, glitching horribly as your voice raged like gravelly static. It almost sounded like there was another, deeper voice speaking in tandem with yours.
"Woah!" She bolted to the scene, catching sight of a pale Vox, shocked Vaggie, and gaping Niffty. Husk, Pentious and Angel had done the smart thing and taken cover behind the bar.
"Y/n," she smiled placatingly, raising her hands in a show of non-aggression. "What's going on?"
"Gonna kill him," you spat, making everyone wince. "Can't have one goddamn moment to myself without this fucker appearing like a fucking genital wart—"
 "Hey," Vox laughed nervously. "I'm not here for any of that, I promise. Just—sweetheart—could you maybe not hover over me like that—"
"O-kay Y/n," Charlie stepped between the two of you. "Maybe just calm down, take a few deep breaths, and let's hear him out."
"Charlie, he blew up the hotel two days ago," Vaggie hissed through gritted teeth.
"Yeah, well, so did Pentious," Charlie raised a brow, wincing at said demon's faint protest.
"Pentious blew a hole in the wall," Vaggie argued. "This guy blew up half of the building!"
"Charlie!" Angel yelled, voice strained. "Do something before we all die!"
"Alastor's going to kill him," Niffty said cheerfully.
"I'll kill him first."
"Guys—" Charlie pleaded.
"I'm here for redemption!" Vox's voice cut through the air, making everyone freeze. It even shocked you out of your demonic form, the glowing code disappearing as you shrunk to normal proportions.
"You what?" you snapped.
"I want to...make things right," he glanced at you, making you grit your teeth and turn away. "I'm not here to cause trouble I swear—"
The door slammed in his face, cutting him off.
"Charlie," Alastor grinned, finally pulled from wherever the hell he'd fucked off to in his free time. "Tell me you're not thinking of letting this mongrel stay, are you?"
"What is this?" Vaggie hissed, dropping her head in her hands. "Overlord central?"
Charlie looked down, pursing her lips. "Well, it would be wrong of us to refuse anyone. It is open to everyone, after all."
"Think of Y/n!" Alastor said desperately, smile twitching as he clasped his hands on your shoulders, holding you out like some sort of charity case. You gave him an unimpressed look. "It's obvious he's only here to harass her!"
"And what were you here for again?" Charlie raised a brow. "To see demons trip and tumble down into the fiery pit of failure," she deepened her voice to imitate his, making him let out a screech of radio feedback.
"Look, I appreciate the concern, but I can take care of myself," you said, disgruntled as you shrugged off Alastor's uncomfortably tightening grip. "Charlie, do what you want. But I can't promise I won't kill him."
You were starting to accept the fact that there was nowhere in hell you could possibly go to escape your ex if he didn't wish it. That didn’t mean you wouldn’t put up a fight, though.
"Oh fuck," Angel dragged a hand down in face. He already knew what Charlie was going to decide. "Shoulda fuckin' stayed over with Cherri."
Charlie took a deep breath, and despite everyone's silent pleas, reached for the door handle and twisted it open. Vox perked up, turning towards her attentively.
"Welcome to Hazbin Hotel!" She attempted an awkward, welcoming smile.
<—Part 1 Chapter Index Part 3—>
Taglist: @pooplyface1423 @spookysisters @that-one-weeb-buts-its-the-main @neito327 @hxzbinwrites @coleisyn @bababahannah
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sniigura-archive · 4 months
running ; leaving ; no one will stay
Adam x Fem! Reader
Summary: The only condolences you have is that Adam is worse than you.
Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4
CW/TW/Tags: COLLEGE AU!!!, Male masturbation, stalker behaviour, TW Adam, adam is really weird ok, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, slight vvoilence (against adam), toxic and abusive elements , nudes (conseual), tell me if i missed smth!!, obgyn appointment, copper iud, (nothing detailed)
Adam was sure that he hates you.
His teeth bit down on his lip, nearly drawing blood. The picture in his hand crumbled, while the thumb from his other hand massaged his tip. He threw his head back, into his pillow. If he tried hard enough, he could still catch your scent on his pillows.
You have been plaguing his mind since the first fucking semester. It’s pathetic, really. He should get his shit together. How he tried to get you out of his mind, with other girls.
He remembers one who used the same perfume as you, how he pressed her against an alley wall after a concert. Turning her away from him, because she might have smelled like you, but she wasn’t even half as pretty. Another one who looked similar enough, with enough drinks in his system it was easy to imagine. He might have looked into her face while fucking her, but he still commanded her to shut the fuck up. Her voice was grating his ears.
There were many more situations like that, one time he recalled, how he slipped up and called a girl by your name. That shit sure was humiliating, he had to give her a pretty sum to shut her up. He was sure that he didn’t bother to make any of them cum. He wished to overstimulate you back tho.
He squeezed the base of his dick, feeling how harder he got at the thought of you. Adam wasn’t sure what he preferred, having you be in control or him controlling and bending your fuckable body to his will. Both are amazing views, which come with mind blowing pleasure.
Adam groaned while focusing his eye back on the bikini pic in his hand. Fuck. He wouldn’t have to be a common thief, if you posted more on your social media. It wasn’t his first time attempting to follow your account, it’s just the first time you accept his request. He follows already all your friends, he screenshots and screen records whatever he can get his hands on and, oh, how much he wants to beat Judas ass for still having couple pics of you posted.
He’s one pussy whipped fool.
Jesus, he’d much prefer your pussy sucking him in, with that vice fucking grip it got. Adam sped up his hand motions, the fantasy of simply you and your pretty pussy got him close. His cock was leaking pre cum, helping him to smoothly run his fingers over his veins. He needed you, badly.
But someone has been ignoring him for what now? A week? Unanswered messages and calls, straight up not even looking at him when he looks for you on campus. It pisses him off beyond belief. He extra bought you a new phone, and he knows it arrived at your place. Still, you’re walking around phone-less. Stubborn whore. Don’t bitches usually love pink? Ungrateful as fuck. Especially since it’s the newest model out there, way better than whatever piece of shit you got.
Judas gets a scowl, an eye roll when you see him. Him tho? He gets nothing. Not your hate, not your love. Pure horrible indifference. He needs you to look at him, it doesn’t matter why or with what intention. If Adam isn’t the center of your attention he feels like he might actually die.
Adam’s breath hitched at the feeling of his thumb playing with his prince albert piercing, he remembered the feeling of your tongue playing with the piercing. Your teary eyes looking up at him, gagging and choking around him, while he bullied his thick cock further down your throat.
He dragged the nails of his other hand across his thigh, trying to hold out longer. The effect the simple thought of you has on him is downright humiliating. His thoughts started to wander, to the fight you two had. Ugh. He wishes the mere mention of the guy wouldn’t tick him off like that.
Adam thought of a time before you, when he still lived with his father and life was great. When Eve didn’t betray him and he could stick his head in the sand. Before he became aware. Sometimes he considers sleeping with another girl, one of your look alikes, but when he thinks about it he feels sick to his stomach. At least he had his list of porn stars which look familiar enough to you.
Once he learned about Eves cheating, when he tried to forgive and forget, he tried to get revenge. In the end he couldn’t pull through, not even showing up for the date with another girl. Ghosting her completely. He remembers literal bile raising up in his throat, even though Eve hurt him like that, he couldn’t do the same to her.
So now, because of his hardcore monogamy ways, he can’t even sleep with a girl that isn’t you.
His mind wandering back to you caused his dick to twitch involuntarily. Adam bit his lip, focusing his movements towards his tip. He won’t last for much longer.
It never really matters what Adam thinks about, in the end he always ends up thinking about you.
Adam groaned when he felt the known feeling of euphoria wash over him, making sure to cum all over the picture. Covering your picture form made him feel some what better, imagine the real you marked up like that made him sigh. Another thing to put on his mental list of to dos with you.
If you take him back, that is.
He has to get a solid plan done, or else it’s over for him. He’d have to move back in with his mother, to keep his sanity. That would be horrible, having to tell Sera of all people about his heartache. He’d rather fight against Lute blindfolded with his hands tied behind his back than to open up to that tower of a woman.
Adam groaned while looking at his dirty hand. Damn it. He would have rather have his cum inside your pussy, or your mouth or all over your skin. He would have loved to have you beside him. Fucking hell. IF ONLY YOU WOULD ANSWER YOUR FUCKING PHONE.
Your friends were constantly nagging you about what the fuck happened between you and Adam. You’re surprised they haven’t notice the bruise on your wrist yet, maybe they did and just have the decency not to ask you…….No, they would have put one and one together and would have straight up jumped Adam in some random alley way.
So, like, hurray for concealer and chunky, cheap, bracelets.
Well, at least Adam looks to be miserable. From what you have been told, he’s more pissy than usually during training. He’s constantly venting to Lute, who is always rolling her eyes, sadly your friends can’t quite make out what he’s always complaining about.
To be honest, you’re also miserable. There’s only so much your fingers can reach, and non of it are the places Adam rubs his base against. UGHHH, you can’t get that asshole out of your head. God, who the fuck breaks a phone and punches a hole in your wall??? Your security deposit…………
The phone Adam sent to you was pretty, pretty expensive. Jesus. The note attached to it read “pussy too good not to text her back”. What a charismatic guy! Very much marriage material. Fucker.
Avoiding him was hard too, for a big guy he’s pretty sneaky. You have to be hyper aware of your surroundings. Or, well, you try to be. Big emphasis on try. There’s only so many times you see his car drive past your apartment complex and place of work before you were starting to lose your mind.
Feeling someone tap you on your left shoulder, you quickly turned around only to see no one. Your brows furrowed before you heard a familiar laughter come from your right side. Ah, shit. Men really can’t leave you alone. Maybe your pussy is that good……..
Looking into the warm, brown eyes of your exes made you frown. You need some sort of men repellent.
Judas was 5”11 tall and he tells everyone he’s 6”3, he had brown, bronze skin and shoulder length, wavy, dark hair which he wears in a middle part. He was build rather lean, with some sort of muscle definition. Man, you really have a type. Tall, dark and handsome. No wonder Adam was able to spin your head around like that. It’s either good or bad for you that Adam excepts a certain aesthetic in the band, so Judas had a similar style to Adam.
Fuck, they really conditioned you to like rock guys who are sexy and toxic.
Who is they you might ask? My chemical romance when you were 13, mostly.
“What the hell do you want?” You couldn’t help but hiss at Judas.
Your nerves were fried. You’re done for, if Judas can sneak up on you, so can Adam easily. You should stay at home to recalibrate yourself. But Uni doesn’t wait for anyone, at least your assignments got done during your attempt to get negative energy out of your body.
“Woah! What’s up with you? I come in peace, I prommy! Wanna hear what wild thing just happened to me?” He smiled at you, while he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Ugh, if you fuck off forever after telling me, I’m all ears.” You massages your temples, while making your way to the bus station to get home.
Judas laughed at you, “You have to image, sweetie, I was at band practice. Right, and fucking Adam is throwing one of his famous temper tantrums. Can you image that he attempted to beat me up?? I swear on it! He accused me of hitting woman? Dude, what the fuck, am I right?…How could he think that? I’m genuinely so fucking lost….” He was scratching his head.
Oh my fucking god.
One thing Adam is talented at sure is jumping to conclusions. Ohhhhhhhh. What the hell. He wanted to beat up Judas??….Well better Judas than you. Man you’re a horrible person. You and Adam it’s a match made in hell. Back to therapy.
Halting suddenly in your steps, you immediately turned around.
You’re all about avoidance. It’s not because you’re not into confrontation, its simply because you lose your shit easily. Embarrassingly easily. And you were going to lose it on Adam, for real now. He’s done for, you were going to murder him. Where the fuck is he?
“Judas, I wish he would have smashed your lying mouth in. Leave me be now.” And with that you left for your pursuit on Adam.
Adam studies Economics and Management, the building is all across campus for that. Ok, think. Judas just came to you, probably directly from band practice. The room for that isn’t far. Time to embarrass yourself and Adam in public by yelling at him till you got ride of the anger cursing through your veins. God you wanted to smash his face in.
With quick and long strides, you made your way towards the practice room. Your angry steps echoed trough the empty hallway, since it’s evening most students are gone by now. The sun started to slowly set. All you wanted for today was to go home, watch porn ( while thinking of Adam) and pass out. But no!!! The universe punishes you. What did you do to deserve someone like Adam. He’s pure temptation. UGHHHHHH………Worst part of it all is, is that you still want Adam.
Reaching the practice room, you heard a guitar riff come from the inside. So Adam should be in there. Besides the guitar, you could hear some voices talking. You couldn’t make out what is being said. It doesn't matter to you anyway.
Throwing the door open, it crashed carelessly into the wall. Adam and Lute both looked rather surprised at your appearance. Adam more than Lute. Before Adam could open his mouth to say something, you decided that Adam shouldn’t speak,
“What the hell is wrong with you, huh!? You tried to beat up Judas? For what?! Some crazy delusions you made up in your twisted fucking mind?!” You couldn’t help but yell out. Your whole body was on fire and you felt your stomach fill with lava.
Still, you felt cold to your soul.
“…That fucking snitch.” Was the only thing Adam muttered, after making eye contact with Lute.
Taking a book from the shelf beside you, you made sure to aim at Adam’s head when you threw it at him. He was barely able to dodge, “You bitch! I think you threw enough fucking things at me, ungrateful cunt!” He quickly put his guitar away, throwing it beside him on the couch.
He stood up now, pointing a finger at you while he glared at you. In your opinion, he has no right to be mad, while you have EVERY right to be mad.
“I think not! Your head needs to be fucking….Adjusted! Ugh! Are you insane?!” Your hands were moving wildly, while you tried to search for words.
“Well, he fucking deserved it didn’t he?” Adam’s voice was sharp, while he took a few steps forward.
“Let me tell you this, Adam, between the two of you assholes, you’re the only one who left bruises one me!” While you spoke, you pushed down your bracelets. Even though it has been a week, it your skin was still tinted in an ugly colour, “Stay out of my life!”
Without bothering to see their reactions, you turned around, leaving the room. Slamming the door shut behind you, for extra dramatic flair.
That went
You were going to end it, for real. You’re so done with being alive. Fuck this. You need to quickly get home. Dragging your hands over you face, you took deep breaths while making your way out of the building.
If you weren’t so focused on leaving and calming down, you probably would have heard Adam following you, with his own quick steps. Sadly for you, Adam is fast and silent. A deadly combo.
Before you could properly react, Adam had you trapped in a small broom closet with him. Great.
He was breathing rather heavily, while his hands grasped your shoulders gently. Probably to make sure you wouldn’t run away,
“I gotta give it to you, baby, you really know how to get my attention.” Adam smiled at you, while his hands were rubbing at your shoulder. His hands started to wander, from your shoulder to your waist, briefly brushing over your breasts,
“Let’s make up, sweet thing…I know you want to.” His voice was a purr, right besides your ear. He smelled good. Grasping Adam’s own shoulder into your hands, it really was a shame for him to you don’t easily forgive and forget. Since you aren’t Jesus.
Shoving at Adam, his back and the back of his head hit the wall. Before he could react, you got on your tippy toes, to bit his neck. Hard. While you dug your nails into his arms.
“Fucking hell!” Adam grasped your arms into his hands, forcefully tugging you away from him, “The fuck is wrong with you?!”
“What?! Isn’t that what you wanted, huh? I agreed to sex, not affection.” You grasped Adam by the collar of his shirt, tugging at it with all your might. Showing off more of Adam’s skin, you were ready to bit down again.
Adam shoved you away, before you could bite him again. He held you at an arm length distance, looking into your wild eyes. Adam took a few breaths, trying to calm himself down. His brows were furrowed, while he studied your face intensely.
“..What’s up, baby?” Adam quietly asked you, as if he had fucking amnesia.
You couldn’t even form a proper word, you stuttered around, before you winded yourself out of his grip and turned towards the door. The door opened barley a gap, before Adam’s hand came down, right besides your head and slammed the door shut. Jesus. You flinched so hard, you think you realigned all your chakras in that one move.
When you turned your back towards the door, looking up at Adam with big eyes. He quickly removed his hand from the door, pinching his nose bridge. He carefully put his open hands in-front of his body, before he slowly exhaled his breath through his nose. Nothing makes him more sick than to see you scared.
“Okay, fuck, alright…” Adam slowly got on his knees before you. He looked into your eyes while he lowered himself to the floor.
The moment seemed frozen like that, Adam kneeling down while looking up to you. While your breathing calmed down, you felt the tension leave your body. Slowly but surely. You flexed your dominant hand, while looking at Adam.
Adam carefully moved his one hand, holding it open before your bruised wrist. You swallowed heavily, your fingers twitched, moving it towards Adam’s hand. You flinched away for a moment, before exhaling heavily and putting your hand into his.
Adam felt the stress evaporating from his mind, he can still safe this. He kissed your knuckle, as a gesture of thanks. Gently moving your bracelets to the side, he took a look at the fading bruise. He frowned, while brushing his thumb over it.
“..Does it hurt?”
“Not anymore.”
“Hmm, don’t worry about, baby, we can cover this up with some pretty pearls.”
“Dude, no.” You started to shake your hand out of Adam’s grasp. He didn’t seem to want to let you go.
“Why? You more of a diamond type of girl?” Adam let your hand reluctantly go, his hands went to your thighs.
“No, I’m more of an apologise kind of girl.”
“Ughhhh, I did nothing fucking wrong! You bitches and your fucking apologies…Have you thought about apologising to me, bitch?! Who fucking laughs at someone when they get asked out on a date?! Of course I only end up liking cold hearted whores…” Adam, after his little outburst, catches himself again. He nuzzled his check into your stomach, with his bend back. Alright.
“Well, then at least tell me what freaked you so out? Like, I still don’t know what even happened! Big words from you..” You told him sternly. Adam looked at you like you just shoot him.
“Babyyyyy, let’s just forget this whole thing happened,” Adam started tugging at the waist band of your sweatpants, the smile on his was more of an painful grimace “Let me eat you out till you can’t think anymore. I’m sure I can make you cum at least three times before my jaw locks in…” He was already shoving his face into your crotch. He reminded you of a dog.
Adam nudged his big nose right against your clit, making you moan. Shit. You grasped Adam’s hair and tugged him away from your clothed pussy. He straight up whined at that. Oh my god……He needs to stop being so hot. You’re dying. Where’s the version of you who wanted to pull through on that celibacy promise? You need to channel her.
“Stop that.” You simply hissed at him. You let get off his hair.
“What the fuck do you want from me?! You don’t want me to buy you shit and you don’t wanna fuck! What fucking else can I give you?!” He yelled at you. His fist hammered against the door, you felt the vibrations against your back.
You couldn’t explain why, but your heart tugged for him, “What was on my phone?” You decided on carefully asking him.
“That fucking bitchass Lucifer! As always, out to ruin my fucking life! He already ruined it, thrice! Can you fucking believe that?!! And he’s still slobbering all over my dick and sloppy seconds!”
“………….Lucifer, like, the devil…from the Bible…?” Maybe Adam is more unwell than you thought………..Can you leave safely through the door?
“No!..Fuck, maybe he is….Well, he’s just as fucking horrible as the devil!” That sure was a statement!
“I need you to, like, start from the beginning.” You took his face softly into your hands, brushing his nice cheekbones with your thumbs.
“..My last two girlfriends cheated on me with Lucifer. You probably already know that, from those gossiping bitches you call friends. That fucking cunt also texted you,” He took a shuddering breath, while nuzzling his nose against the palm of your hand, “Worst of fucking all, he used the same exact text I found on Eves phone! Can you fucking believe that?! How can he be so fucking confident that same fucking scheme will work on you too?! UGH……Fucking Judas also gave him your number….”
You nodded your head while he spoke through his monologue. You brushed his hair strands away from his face, he finally made eye contact with you.
“..But I don’t think I ever met him? Why would he text me?.. Is that why you wanted to beat up Judas?….You don’t need to worry, Adam, I already have my hands full with you.” Adam scoffed at your words, but his brows weren’t furrowed anymore and his breathing calmed down.
“I wanted to beat that fucker up for hurting you…Fuck, you’re…You only deserve the best.” Adam pulled out his phone, opening up instagram. You saw him switch from his main account to a burner account, which is real as fuck of him. He showed you an instagram account of a weirdly pale blond twink.
“….Ah. Okay, he was in the store. Hmm, I kicked him out when he flirted with me though. He’s married, isn’t that weird? Yikes.”
“That cunt flirted with you?! Motherfucker…Him and Lilith are in a weird open marriage. I would rather cut my dick off than have my wife fuck another guy, behind my back. Pathetic cuck..” Adam got up from his kneeling position, resting his chin at the top of your head, “How about you tell me how you kicked him out? That would surely put me in a better fucking mood..” Hands wandered across your back, towards your ass and giving it a rough squeeze.
He moved his head, so he could brush his lips against your ear, “Or you could take me up on that offer to eat out your pussy until I get you to squirt all over my face?”
Jesus fucking Christ, he’s giving your pussy butterflies.
“….How the fuck did you even unlock my phone?” You asked with a shaky voice.
“Don’t have your passcode be your birthday, baby. Not my fault you’re so easy to fucking hack.”
Ok. That’s a mistake you won’t make in the future, for sure. How does he even know your birthday?? Even Judas forgot your birthday.
“Alright! Well…No sex!”
Adam looked shocked at your words, “Till when??”
“Till…..You’re forgiven!” You decided on.
Adam straight up pouted at you.
“And you can’t sleep with other girls!” You quickly added in. You hope he dies off blue balls or something.
Adam snorted at your words, “Haven’t been doing that anyways, baby.” He took your face into his hands, “Have you been fucking around behind my back?” He sharply asked you, while looking at your face.
“The only thing fucking me are my fingers.” You decide on telling him.
“God, I wish those were me…” Adam sighed heavily, “…..Am I right to assume that you won’t send me any nudes? Won’t you help a guy out? Please, babe come onnnnnnnn.”
You successfully got out of Adam’s grasp, winding and wiggling your body so he would let his grasp fall from you, “I’m going home.”
“Sexy, you don’t even need to take the pic yourself! We can do it right fucking here, pull up your shirt and show me those perky nipples.” Man, he was very persistent, “Or a panty shot! That’d be hot as hell. Fuck, only the fantasy of you naked got me already all hot n bothered…”
Adam gave your cheek a sloppy kiss, while whining into your ear, “Forgive meeeee, you know no one else can make you cum. Forgive. Now.” He tried to order you.
You simply giggled at his antics, while holding his face in your hands. You gave his cheek a kiss, but Adam was anything but opportunistic, he quickly captured your lips in a hot french kiss. Adam grasped your hips into his hands and rolled his hips into your own. He sucked your tongue into his own mouth.
Yeah, if Adam asked you again to fuck you would say yes immediately.
Adam disconnected your lips, while smirking at you. He grasped your face fully into his big, warm hands and oh so romantically told you, “Baby, if you ever fuck another guy, I will ruin your whole fucking life. I mean that.”
You dumbly nodded at Adam, while looking up at Adam’s burning, golden eyes.
He patted your cheek, “Hmm, good girl. Let’s get going, I will drive you home. Oh, and also, start using that fucking phone I brought you. Stop being so damn stubborn. Let daddy take care of you.” He winked at you after that last sentence.
You just rolled your eyes at him, “Yeah, yeah.”
Adam made a tch sound, but smiled at you. He slung his arm around your shoulders, leading you outside the broom closet, before he got out he adjusted his bulge in his pants. Man, he’s oh so fucking forgiven. You were so weak. Time to become a nun or something.
He wrapped his hands around your waist, dragging you into his side. He kissed the side of your head while he walked you to his car.
Man, how were you going to explain this to your friends?
“By the way, you have to tell Lute that we are good again. She attempted to murder me when she saw that bruise.”
You sat in the waiting room of your OBGYN, nervously fiddling around with your phone. Your period came early, for once, Basically right after you made up with Adam. Probably because it was stressing you out so much. Or something like that, you weren’t really in tune with your body.
So! You weren’t pregnant! Yay! Now, you get the copper IUD inserted. Only so Adam can fuck you raw. Great. Maybe you should have never forgiven him.
[Adam Godfree]: what r u doing bae 2:14 PM
[Reader]: About to get my cervix pierced. 2:20 PM
[Adam Godfree]: by some guy who isn’t me??? 2:20 PM
[Adam Godfree]: who do u fck when i’m not there to stuff that greedy pussy 2:21 PM
[Reader]: Copper IUD lol 2:21 PM
[Adam Godfree]: oh 2:21 PM
[Adam Godfree]: right 2:21
[Adam Godfree]: well at least tell me the doc is a woman 2:21 PM
You sighed heavily while rubbing at your forehead.
[Reader]: Gtg. Kind of scared. Let’s hope I won’t pass out. 2:22 PM
Right on time you got called in. Thank fuck. You didn’t bother looking at Adam’s response.
The appointment passed by you, like you were in the passenger seat of your own body. Your doctor inserted the horrible thing and at first you thought it’s like a period cramp. But then it fucking hit you. You were done for. This was the first time you ever actually passed out.
At least everyone was nice about it, you lied in an extra room on the floor, with your legs up in a chair. After another wave of a cramp passed you, you were a goner again. Nurses and doctor assistants kept going in and out, checking in on you. You kept your eyes closed, while focusing on your breathing, you heard someone else enter the room. Nothing new.
“Sooo, are you the boyfriend?” A female voice asked into the room. You heart two distinctive foot steps.
“Yeah, I’m the boyfriend.” Oh my god, that was Adam’s voice.
“Aww! That’s so cute. You’re suchhh a good guy!” Adam’s answer was a simple grumble.
Keep calm. Be cool. You kept your breathing even, while simply having your eyes closed.
You heard and felt Adam crouch besides you, together with the assistant. Letting your eyes flutter open, you made eye contact with Adam and the assistant. She had a coke can in her hand.
“Hi there! I got you this, to get your circulation going again. You’re doing much better than me when I got mine inserted, I was passed out for 30 minutes straight! Anyways, I gotta go again. Hope you recover quickly.” With that she went away as fast as she arrived.
You held the can in your hand while laying down, “Help me up?” You eyed Adam.
Adam grasped a hand below your back and held your other hand, while helping you up. He’s so sexily strong. While sitting like a wet rag on the floor, you let Adam open the can and then sipped at it.
Adam brushed your hair away from your face and watched you, “Baby, you really know how to scare a guy. Really that bad, huh?”
“…Image if someone shoved something up your urethra.”
“Fuck, babe, you don’t know how happy I am that birth control is a woman’s job.” Yeah, yeah.
You let your head hit his shoulder, letting it rest there. He carefully petted your hair, while kissing your forehead. His hand slipped from your back towards your ass, “..So, when does it start working?”
You reached out to pinch Adam’s cheek, “I am on my period. I just got something pierced through my cervix. The more you annoy me the less I want to fuck you.”
Adam nuzzled his nose against the top of your head, “…You know what helps against cramps? Orgasms. Trust me, baby, I can make all that pain disappear.” Sleazy guy.
You swatted him on his chest, “Leave me be.” You were going to turn away from him, but another wave of nauseous and vertigo hit you.
Adam quickly caught you and pulled you into his lap.
“Alright, lovely, I got you.”
“…Why did you come?”
Adam looked at you like you were stupid, “You said you were scared? Why wouldn’t I fucking come?”
You simply shrugged. Adam pressed you more against him. You smelled good, you always did. Adam wishes he could keep you like this, forever. Where it’s safe. Where he can watch over you.
The doctor walked in, smiling at you.
“Are you feeling better? When you feel ready, I would like to do an ultrasound. To confirm the place meant of the IUD.” She told you, in that customer service voice you know from yourself.
You nodded at her and got up, with Adam at your side. Following her, you told Adam to wait outside. Which he seemed unhappy with, but whatever.
Quick in and out. Removing the gel from your stomach, you made your way out. Adam was waiting with your bag in his hand by the door.
“Ready to leave?”
“Uhh, in a bit. Sorry, I have to make an check up appointment. Will be quick!” You walked towards the reception.
Chatting with the woman at the desk, you made another appointment.
“Oh, could you guys send me an invoice, like usually?” You asked her, while your fingers thrummed against the wood.
“No need, mam, your boyfriend already paid for today.” Ah. Of course he would.
Thanking her and wishing her a good day, you walked back to Adam.
“I’m ready now. Sorry.”
“ ‘S okay, baby, I like watching you.” Adam intervened your fingers and walked you to his car.
In the car, Adam glanced at you, “..When did you wake up, anyway?”
Here it was, the perfect opportunity to talk about relationship. Now was the time to talk. To establish everything.
“ ..When you two were already crouching down besides me.”You decided on telling him. Fuck. What are scared off?
Adam nodded his head at you, while driving you to his apartment.
He parked you on the couch and told you to watch whatever the hell you want, he’s going to take a quick shower. Apparently he came to get you right after the gym.
Laying on the couch with mind numbing shows running in the background, you heard a phone vibrate. That wasn’t yours. Looking around, you saw Adam’s phone lay on the couch table infront of the sofa. Well, if Adam can’t respect your privacy……But are you as bad as Adam?
Yeah, you’re even worse than Adam.
Taking his phone into your hands, making sure you remembered the exact way the phone laid there, you swiped to unlock his phone. Shit, his passcode is one of those pattern drawing things. Ugh. Okay. You held his phone against the light, so you could see the pattern on his phone screen.
Of fucking course it’s an A. Why did you even have to think about it?
Okay, you are in. What now?
Opening his messenger App, you were surprised to see that you and Lute were at the top of his chats. That’s nice. When you scrolled down to see contact names like “Amelia. BJ 2/10” “Olivia. Ok tits.” “Alice. Lesbian” made you want to jump off a building. At least your contact name was simply your name?? Jesus.
Making sure that Adam was still showering, you decided on opening his gallery. Whatever possessed you really wanted to hurt your feelings, apparently. Man.
Well, his gallery seemed normal? Hm. Scrolling through his folders, you saw one that catches your eye. The title was a simple heart emoji. Opening it, because you hate yourself, you came to face the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. She had deep, dark, brown skin, with coily black hair put into nice box braids. She was short, and her body reminded you of that of Venus of Willendorf, with wide hips, big breasts and an ample stomach. You really should know the comparison was accurate, since she was completely naked.
(How will you ever compare?)
The stretch marks complimented her beautifully. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You shoulder really learn how to mind your own business. It was full of nudes of her, obviously taken by her and she seemed completely enthusiastic. Scrolling a bit further, you saw a video. Making sure the phone volume is silent, you opened.
You were going to be sick, actually. You aren’t stupid, you knew that it would be a sex tape of Adam and his ex Eve. Adam and Eve. That’s cute. You hoped it would be pure filth.
Of course it had to be the most romantic sex video in the whole universe.
Alright! Let’s ignore the fact that you were slightly turned on and more on that your heart was broke. From an guy who’s not even your boyfriend.
Making sure the gallery app is closed, and whatever was open before you got your hands on the phone was open, you laid it back down from where you grabbed it. Exact same placement. Deep breaths. Why would you even look, are you stupid?!
Laying fully back down, you took deep breaths, while rubbing at your forehead. During your silent breakdown, Adam finished his shower and got dressed. Seeing you like that on the couch, he was kind of confused.
“Everything good?” He leaned down to get a better look at you.
“… ‘M getting a migraine.” You decided on telling him. Not a lie and not the truth This should pass without alerting Adam.
Adam clicked his tongue and sat down at couch, and tugged you into his lap. He massaged your forehead, temple and scalp gently.
“You’re doing so well, sweet thing. Get some rest.”
Even though he’s horrible, Adam is still warm, big and soft. He makes you feel safe, which is why you started to nod off.
Adam laid carefully down on the couch, and you stirred slightly awake. He quickly moved to calm you down again, to get you back to sleep, which succeeded.
He loved nothing more than to have you with him. Shit, he had you. Basically. At this point Adam considered you to be his.
It had to be worth it, after all, that he sabotaged your relationship with Judas.
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daichiduskdrop · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 10
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none!
Words: 3668
A/N: 10 chapters in!! :0 Thank you so much for all the support with this story :)) I value you a lot.
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashion @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
Blushing at what the alpha said, you slurped up a bit more of the stew. There were a few greens and vegetables in it, and with quite a bit of kimchi that was cut into bite-size pieces, the meal had a strong flavour.
The broth tasted a little like seafood but was also meaty, and it was just good. You enjoyed the meal.
„Babycheeks, here have some of this. It's good for you.” Taehyung said, chopsticks already right in front of your mouth. Biting into the daikon, you let the crunchy vegetable calm your slightly burning mouth.
Humming softly, you nodded at his watchful eyes. „It's nice; thank you, Tae.” Smiling at you widely, the alpha softly patted your head.
„Is the stew too spicy, princess?” The other alpha asked, noticing how your nose scrunched up a little with every other bite. You didn't want to seem disrespectful towards them; they prepared a meal for you so nicely, and you didn't want to seem ungrateful.
Smiling a little, you were just about to shake your head before you were interrupted.
„It definitely is, isn't it, Pup?" Namjoon answered instead of you, his voice going into a more worried tone. Looking towards his eldest packmate, who sat a few seats away from him, he stood up quickly.
„Shit, I'm so sorry, baby cub. I didn't mean to make it that spicy; here, let me help, sweetie...no peaches, let alpha do it.” Jin said, bending over you and scooping up some of the kimchi pieces into one of the empty bowls lying around.
Whenever you attempted to do so too, going to dig around with your spoon to also place the pickled vegetables in the dish, your hand was gently pushed to your lap, Jin tutting at you softly.
Yoongi too stood up, and a cup held under the faucet was quickly filled with warm water. Once the other alpha stepped out of the way since he got a big part of the main spice out, the younger man poured the water into your bowl, filling it back up again.
Now it was a lot less seasoned, so it was a lot milder for you. Thanking him softly, you felt him gently rub his chin over the top of your head, caressing you lovingly.
„It's okay, kitty. Try it now; is it better?” Tasting it again, you nodded your head gratefully. It helped a lot, so you continued on, chewing on pieces of boiled onion and tofu.
„Im glad cub.” Smiling at Jin's comment, you finished up the dinner with no problems. Making light conversation with the other men about your favourite movies and such, the evening continued calmly.
Finishing the peach juice you had been so nicely poured, you let Jungkook take a hold of your palm, slowly pulling you out of your seat.
„Do you want to play a game with me, Tae, and Jimin? We have a completely new one; would you like to see, baby?” Bending over you, he ruffled up your hair before he tamed it back down and brushed it behind your ear.
„What game is it?” You asked, already walking with the alpha towards the couch. The TV was turned on, the menu shining brightly with the settings turned on.
Taking a seat on the couch next to Jimin, you watched over the two other men sitting before you. Taehyung already had a controller in his hands, smiling when he saw you. His eyes were excited.
„It's Resident Evil 7, babycheeks. It came out a few years ago, but we didn't play it yet.” Tae murmured, adjusting the brightness of the screen and the loudness.
„Yah, you know it's a horror game, Kook-ah. Let the poor thing rest; she will get scared like this. Princess, go run up to the other alphas now; this won't do you any good, baby.”
Jimin frowned at his packmates. They knew more than well how sensitive omegas can be about this stuff, especially right before bed. He didn't want you to have bad dreams.
„But hyung! We are here; it won't be that scary!” Jungkook whined, his voice loud. He wanted you to see how good he was in games, plus, this was one of the easiest ways to also show just how fearless he was.
He won't get easily startled, even with jump scares around, and that should surely impress you; he was sure of it.
„No, Jungkook, absolutely not. Come here, peaches, do you want to see the music studios we have here? You'll like them; there is a lot of interesting stuff. Here, I'll take you, sweet cub.”
Quickly shuffling over when he heard the light commotion, Jin could understand Jimin's worry. This could end very wrongly, and they were taking no chances.
Walking over from cleaning up the kitchen, the alpha picked you up easily, hands under your arms, and pulled you to his chest, securely holding you up.
Without having any time to even protest, you just complied, smiling sadly at the forced whine coming from the two youngest alphas. Resting your cheek over the wide shoulder Jin had, you let him walk towards the walkway that was to the right of the stairs.
There were quite a few rooms in the house with a lot of different purposes, but the outside heated pool was Jin's personal favourite. They had a large garden that Namjoon enjoyed taking care of so much, but the 20-meter-long pool was just perfect.
It was covered, but now it was way too cold out to go swimming. The air was icy, so there was steam coming out of their mouths whenever they were outside.
Plus, even if they did take you right now, the snow that covered everything in such a thick layer would be just too harsh on your bare skin when you were on your way back inside.
They could carry you back inside, though, the thought had the alpha rethink his decisions. They just might take you swimming some time when they all have a few free hours.
Smiling at you when you looked at him and noticing the thoughtful gaze he held, Jin knocked on the first studio doors that were in the hallway. Snuggling closer to his neck, you breathed in the soft Yasmine smell, the warmth from the alpha's chest comforting you even more.
After a few seconds, the frosted glass doors opened, and Hobi in blue light-blocking glasses appeared before you two. Immediately, when he noticed you in his older packmate's arms, he smiled widely, cooing at you.
„Aigoo, did you come to visit me, sunshine?" Chuckling, he lifted you up from Jin, holding you to his chest himself. Combing his fingers through your hair, the eldest let the smallest bit from his wrist's scent glands linger.
„I'll go finish up in the kitchen now cub, okay? Call if you need anything, peaches. Stay with Hobi for now, though.” Smiling sweetly at you, he caressed your cheeks gently. Nodding up at him, you held onto the red hoodie Hoseok was wearing.
Paired with a pair of cotton off-white loose sweatpants, he only had white socks on, comfortably clothed for the finishing touches he still had to do for one song tonight.
He and the other rapline members had a planned session tomorrow morning at BigHit with a few of the managers, so he needed to prepare some stuff for him to be able to show them.
Closing the doors after himself, the alpha whistled a tune he made into a song a few days ago, easily carrying you with only one hand and pulling the turning chair out.
Taking a seat, he placed you on his lap, letting you loop your legs through the arm rests, loosely hanging them by the sides of the chair.
Patting your lower back in a settling pattern, you rested your body fully against his chest, just breathing in his scent and presence for the moment.
There were a lot of things around the studio; the large wooden desk had a bunch of things carefully placed on it, and the two large speakers on the sides of the monitor quickly pulled your attention when you first looked over the room.
Hobi had an almost black beanbag chair on the floor, close to the entrance, that had a giant red and white SUPREME cover that moved in the breeze. Behind the pillow chair was a standing black shelf filled with many colourful dolls and statues.
Gently turning from left to right in the chair, the alpha swayed you both around.
„Hm.. do you want to listen to the song I'm working on, bub? It's almost done; I just need to fine-tune a few things.” Looking over, you let the man help you sit so you could face the big monitor yourself.
Placing a pair of big headphones over your head, he adjusted your hair so none would be caught under them, itching you. Any sounds from outside were suddenly blocked out so well that you were stunned a little.
You loved listening to music; you did it very often when creating, at school or at home, when you were walking anywhere or just in the bus; it just eased your mind a lot.
But since you didn't have much money to spend on any good headphones, you were left with a wire pair of black earbuds that sometimes just stopped working.
Still, you did use them quite often, even when they would push at your ears after a long time of wearing them, making your ears hurt a little.
You heard about the sound-blocking effect a few higher-quality headphones had, but you never had the chance to try it out yourself, so this was very new for you. You liked it a lot, though.
Hearing only the lightest sound of the man's laugh, he turned on the track, music playing in his ears. It sounded like it was being played for you live with how high quality the audio was, your lips parting slightly at that.
The song itself was awesome too; the singing was great and the rap even better. You enjoyed it a lot. When it ended, you looked over at the alpha, and your eyes widened with wonder.
Taking off the headphones for you, he placed them gently back on the desk. Looking at him immediately, you were amazed.
„What is the song called? It's so nice, Hobi! It's really soft!” You said, your voice happy and excited.
„We are naming it Take Two. I'm happy you liked it! I still need to finish some stuff off, though." He murmured, his eyes already focused on the screen again. While typing a few things on the keyboard here and there, the mouse clicking wasn't too loud for it to be annoying.
With his arms outstretched around you, you took the headphones off the desk again, looking over them. They really had a lot of nice stuff; Jin wasn't lying at all.
„The sound from these is so good..!" Not being able to hold back, you gently whispered, turning them into your hands.
Looking back down at what you were talking about, he giggled softly at you. „Is that so sunshine? They are ok, Yoongi hyung has a much better pair though. I lended mine to Namjoonie for a little bit, he lost his own somewhere. These are only for a little while.” 
„He lost his headphones? Oh no, how will he make music now-” Your voice was bewildered, quickly taking your attention from the device in your hands you stared up at the alpha in shock. 
„No, no. Its alright bub. It's not that big of a deal, it happens a lot.” Laughing loudly at the end of the sentence he carresed your head, gently shushing your worries. 
Pulling your face to his chest, your knees went over his tights, loosely hanging by his. Gently gripping onto his hoodie, you closed your eyes for a little bit. 
Rubbing your back occasionally, the alpha cuddled up to you closer, squeezing you to his body. Putting on the headphones himself, he got back to work. Breathing in your sweet scent, he felt calm. 
Any nerves he felt about showing the new track to his managers he felt earlier had quickly disappeared, and so after a short while he finished up fully.
Saving all files, Hobi looked down at you, only to see you already long asleep, your breathing prolonged and calm. He smiled softly at you, finishing up on his computer before he pulled you back up in his arms again. 
Stirring a little, you whined softly, having the alpha shush you quickly. Patting your lower back gently, he walked out of his studio doors, walking back over to the kitchen again. 
„Hush sweet baby. It's alright, alpha's here.” He murmured, carresing the top of your head with his cheek. Entering the kitchen, he turned the lights on, noticing the loud sounds coming from the TV. 
Looking over, he saw just how dark the game was and decided that just wasn't for him. Pouring himself and you a glass of cold water, he woke you up softly, helping you hold the glass while drinking. 
Waking up a bit better, Hobi placed you on your feet again, brushing his fingers through your hair. Looking over at the digital clock on the wall, it read 21:49. Mumbling about how you still had to shower, you walked up the stairs slowly, hearing Hoseok call about you being careful while walking still so tiredly.
Making your way to the furthest room from the stairs, you walked in, turning on the lights. The dark, clean sheets greeted you kindly, shuffling over to the bed you went through the clothing pile Jungkook and you earlier pulled out. 
Taking out your sleepwear and a fresh pair of underwear, you walked over to the adjoined doors leading to a bathroom, secluded for the guest room. It wasn't the biggest, but considering how it was all for yourself only, you were more than satisfied.
Still it was much bigger than your own you had at your apartment. Placing your clothes on the white counter top next to the sink, you stripped from your outfit you wore earlier today.
Stepping into the marble tiled shower, you pulled the glass doors after yourself, turning on the shower above you. Washing away any sweat and grime you shampooed and conditioned your hair, the strawberry scented bottles calling out your name. 
You were more than sure that the alphas weren't planning on stopping spoiling you rotten any time soon. Noticing the bottles were named of an expensive brand you just shook your head slightly. 
After the short shower you dried your body you pulled on your pyjama pants, the light blue and white gingham pattern matched to the blue short sleeve loose t-shirt you had with yourself.
Toweling your hair dry, you pulled open one of the drawers, the black air-dryer intimidating you a little. Taking it out, it felt much heavier than any other one you had ever held.
Walking from the now warm and steaming room, you took it with yourself, rearranging all the stuff still placed on your bed so you would be able to get comfortable later on. Walking out of your room, your bare feet slapped against the cold floors quietly.
Noticing Yoongi walking towards his room before you, you called out his name softly, pattering towards him. Turning to you immediately, the alpha watched over you as you walked to him.
„Hm? Kitty? What's wrong? Where are your socks, baby?” Taking one look at your bare feet, he could already imagine you getting a cold like this. Absolutely not.
Still, you showed him the hairdryer, your wet hair dripping a few water drops on the ground here and there.
Sighing out, he nodded before walking with you back to your room. Gosh, the things he would do for you. Even prolonging his much-wanted sleep? He was more than whipped for you already.
Closing the doors after entering, he motioned towards your bed, already looking for a plug to get the small device working.
„Hop up 'mega. Alpha will dry your hair, baby.” Taking a seat, you pulled the soft brown hoodie from Hoseok to your lap, your fist closing over the fabric softly.
Sneaking his arms around your waist, he pulled you back a little, so you were closer to him. The wire wasn't that long, after all. Turning it on, he let it be on cold air settings, gently combing your hair out with his fingers before he started drying it for you.
Minding your hairstyle, he worked well and fast. With one knee placed over the mattress, the alpha allowed you to rest your lower back fully against him.
Making quick work with it, your hair was soon dry, and the obnoxiously loud noise was turned off too. Ruffling your hair, he gently turned your face to check over the front of your hair. Satisfied with his work, Yoongi nodded softly.
„Okay kitten, all done. Here, let me help you to bed. You should go to sleep now, or you'll be tired by tomorrow, and we can't have that, sweet kitty. Come on, let's see about these covers." Unfolding them, Yoongi gently shook them out, being careful to let only the smallest bit of his scent linger.
Crawling in, you took a seat at the top of the bed, your back resting against the headboard while you watched the alpha. Gently throwing the heavy duvet over you, he patted it down, ensuring your warmth.
„Come on, kitty, settle down now. It's time to sleep, hm?” Coaxing you gently to rest down, you layed on the mattress, your head hitting the pillow softly. Rubbing your shoulder gently, he smiled at you, his gums showing.
„Do you want me to get the other alphas before you sleep, sweet baby? I'm sure they will love to tell you goodnights.” Nodding unsurely, the man left quickly. Folding the hoodie to your chest, you breathed in Jin's scent, which lingered over it just the smallest bit. It comforted you a little.
It took only a minute or two before the room's door opened up again, the packmates filling in one after another. The first to come was Taehyung, smiling widely at you.
He couldn't help but coo at how cuddly you looked, all soft under the heavy blankets, with only a bit of your face peeking out.
„Babycheeks, you are just the cutest thing possible, aren't you? You'll give me a heart attack soon like this! Hm... Babycub, sleep well tonight, okay?” His voice already went deeper than it was; even if it wasn't that late into the night, he felt a bit tired himself.
Nodding at him, you let him hold your hand for a few seconds, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, his eyes calmly looking over you.
„Okay, Taehyung-ah, let me have a bit with her now too, gosh.” Pushing him out of the way gently, you were faced with the eldest packmate. Jin too stared down at you lovingly for a few seconds before he went on to caress your cheeks and temples.
Crouching down next to the bed, he came face-to-face with you, his scent more prominent than earlier. „Sleep well, baby peaches. If the storm wakes you up, come to us right away, okay ? We will keep you secure. It could get a little scary; it's loud sometimes...”
Voicing his running throught, he soon pulled away, allowing the next man to tell you his good nights.
„My princess. Rest well tonight, hm? We will wake you up tomorrow morning, so don't worry about anything. You just sleep well, okay?” His knuckles went softly over your warmed-up cheeks, your eyes fluttering closed for a small second.
„My baby Omega, if you need anything, alpha is always close, okay? You just call, and we will be here in a second, sweet baby. Close your eyes and rest for now; don't worry about a thing.” The youngest spoke, his voice gentle and calming.
Patting over your shoulder, he too stood up after a few seconds of watching over you. They felt the need to know about your wellbeing before going to sleep themselves, so while the other men were still saying their good nights, the rest went over the room, making sure the window was tightly shut and sealed, the curtains drawn close with no chance of seeing inside.
„My sleepy sunshine. It's time for good nights now, yea? You have to sleep lots and lots, so you won't be all tired tomorrow. If you need anything, just come to one of us.” Rubbing his chin over the side of your head, Hoseok smiled brightly at how you were holding the hoodie tightly to yourself.
„Good. Keep a hold of that for me, bub.” The alpha realised how much an object you would grow attached to would keep you calm and settled, so after having that jumper around for when you had your omegadrop, he knew well that it should help with any future ones.
„Okay kitty, it's time to sleep now, yea? Be a good girl for alpha, and don't stay up. Don't be on your phone or something; just rest your eyes. You had a long day, my kitten.”
He himself yawned, feeling tired already. Running his fingers through his hair, he pulled you further into sleep with his soft words.
„My small pup. Sleep lots and lots tonight, alright? And if you wake up, come to an alpha right away, do you understand, baby cub? This is important. ...Okay, good girl. Sleep now, sweetheart. Alpha's will keep you safe.”
Pulling the duvet closer to your chin, he patted it down to make sure you'd be warm throughout the night. And so, with the heater turned on fully and a glass of water placed on your bedside table from Jin, you were soon lulled to sleep, the men all waiting to see you fully rest before they all left to go to bed themselves.
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
How would the TCE boys hold up in a zombie apocalypse?
Putting aside the fact that Krulu and Miara would never let that happen.
[A zombie apocalypse setting is very intriguing, because you have to ask yourself a series of questions here. Are there only human zombies or monster zombies too? What properties do monster zombies have in particular? What has started the apocalypse? How does it spread?? It'd take so incredibly long to piece this all together coherently. So I'm going to go with something quite generic.]
TW: Mild gore; Unsanitary acts; Mild angst.
Morell has a very unique skill in this bleak scenario. Provided the zombie isn't too old, Morell can probably cook it in a way that still provides some type of nourishment and doesn't infect you. Or maybe it does... Just a little bit at a time. Maybe that's why he's been a little more bloodthirsty and twitchy lately. Is that a dark patch spreading around his cap? Zombies have began to avoid him, perhaps because he's a freak even to them. A zombie that eats zombies...
Grimbly is not having fun. But for one reason only mostly. Undead blood doesn't taste good, and it hardly sustains him. Depending on the scope of the invasion, he may die of starvation, or simply have to target survivors. Otherwise, he'd likely have an easier time avoiding zombies due to his speed, and killing them likely isn't that big of a hassle either. Grimbly could make a living wiping out groups of zombies for people and getting paid in blood.
Gallon would move to water bodies and mostly remain there. Zombies are sluggish in water generally. Slimes can remove nutrients from a surprising amount of things, so his biggest fear Iis only getting distracted enough to get bitten, and that the infection starts rotting his slime too fast for him to regenerate in time. He's so alert he's going vastly insane and extremely murderous towards most.
Santi is... Existing. He fucked a few zombies, don't judge him! Some of them are entertaining and clean, others just kinda... Well. He doesn't really find them to be ideal meals. Especially when he has to crush their jaws and break limbs so they don't infect him during coitus. He doesn't exactly feel threatened, but he does feel lonely and always a tad hungry. He's waiting to attach himself to someone and gain a steady stream of food, preferably someone weaker so he can act as their guard dog. Please he's so tired of limp zombie dick and lumpy pussy. They can't even suck.
Vinnel is getting a little too silly with it. Zombies can't pierce his suit, it was made by a God, after all, no rotted teeth and claws can ruin it. So he just floats around, picks some of them up and performs for absolutely no one but himself. The jester has put clown makeup on at least five zombies. They have names and they're his best friends! Except Pogo, the little shit keeps tearing the tutu off. Ungrateful fuck. Not everyone has the privilege to look good during the apocalypse, Pogo. Vinnel is also always starving to a degree. He doesn't kill survivors anymore out of desperation for genuine conversation. Most people just run from him.
Nebul, as an undead, has nothing to worry about. He will actually weaponize large hordes of them using his abilities as a wraith. Nebul is a creature to be feared during an apocalypse. He's likely the mastermind behind organized zombie attacks. His goal? To establish control of sizable portions of land and inflict total submission on those living he comes across. It may devolve into an apocalyptic cult. He's having a grand old time really! You may find him walking around with several bare humans in leashes crawling by his side. Somehow, someway, Purpur can eat zombies and be perfectly fine.
Patches, likewise, is not a target. Except he's less preoccupied with domination and more so trying to fight his instincts to put the living dead back into their graves. It's strange, his dullahan instincts don't usually react like this to other undead... He's holed up somewhere like a hermit, trying to study the source of the infection and keeping Stitches from exhausting himself in an effort to kill all zombies. Curiously, the sound of his yelling as a dullahan causes great confusion and fear in these particular types of undead. He has succeeded in controlling at least one zombie, but killed it shortly afterwards.
Belo is devastated, like any angel ought to be watching the Earth get populated by corruption that Dorem ought to have fixed. He kills most zombies he comes across and cannot be infected as far as he knows. Zombies avoid him, actually. Belo spends his time finding groups of survivors and attempting to help them fortify their bases. After all, they're all that's left... Even if they're demons, anything is better than those rotting husks. In a way, Belo feels as if he's been abandoned a second time, his existence is vastly miserable.
Sybastian is having a strange time. The zombies that have a fainter sense of smell don't pick up on him when he mimics them, the rest do, forcing him to be very careful. He's not having an easy time considering his method of dispatching zombies is very physical and he could get bitten in zones of his body that he fails to harden. Sybastian has lost many a mimicling to the apocalypse and lives mostly to protect the remaining ones, who have managed to survive alongside him. He too wants to find a group, in spite of adult mimics not being pack species.
Fank-e is having a... Boring time, mostly. He's not a target, in fact, he's loud and grating enough to drive zombies away. He doesn't need food or water. But he does need maintenance, so it's imperative he finds someone who can work in robotics minimally well or he'll perish eventually. Truth of the matter is he can't exactly die from battery loss, he may just lie dormant collecting moss and dust until someone with enough resources finds him. It's just as likely that he'll get torn into pieces and reused as armor or plating for other important machinery.
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lisafrnkenstein · 1 year
steve's not a religious man, for all the years he spent being dragged to mass by his parents. but if he was, he'd want to ask god why he let someone like eddie die for this piece of shit town that didn't deserve him.
steve had watched from across the room as dustin handed over eddie's necklace, in tears. as wayne clutched it in his hand and brought it to his lips, like a rosary, eyes closed in prayer; and steve had broken a little.
growing up the way he had, he was no stranger to guilt. guilt was a steady undercurrent, a familiar beast he long learned how to wrangle, to compartmentalize.
but not this.
this guilt is a serpent, rearing its ugly head in his chest and constricting around his lungs until he can't breathe. it makes him uneasy, agitated. like he's filled with an energy he needs to expell.
the same kind that made him pick a fight with jonathan byers.
the same kind that made him crash his car into billy hargrove.
he knows there's something wrong with him, but he's never learned how to handle his emotions; he just does his best for having been a kid who was handed a bat studded full of rusty nails to solve his problems.
but guilt is not a thing you can beat down like some bloodthirsty monster from another dimension, no matter how it eats him.
so steve does what he does, and he swings his fists at the next best thing.
it's some buzzcut, blonde asshole from the local church, the older brother of one of carver's guys. a few years older than steve, even. he's mouthing off, worked up and angry. if steve was more rational, more gracious, he'd give leeway for the man's own grief, his own emotional response to loss and terror. steve's been through enough to know what it's like, to crave control.
but he's feeling neither of those things, and the man is sending specks of spit out of his mouth as he yells about searching the rubble of the town for eddie munson, the murderer, the satanist.
steve's jaw tenses. his hands clench tight, and before he knows what he's doing, he's rounded on him and socked him square on the jaw.
there's a beat where he processes, where he makes the conscious choice whether to step back and assess his actions, or to follow through.
the man snarls at him, and the moment passes. steve takes two fistfuls of his shirt and slams him to the ground, shouting as he goes.
"don't you dare open your mouth about him again, you ungrateful -" he cuts off with a growl, slamming the man forcefully against the earth again. "you'll never know, you'll never fucking know what he did for you! nobody will fucking know, they won't ever know now, they won't-!"
steve stops when he feels warm, wet trails run down his cheeks, tastes the salt on his tongue.
he stumbles back off the man, hands touching his face.
he hasn't been able to cry yet. it hasn't come, no matter how much it hurt, no matter how many times steve played that last look eddie gave him, over and over in his head, thinking about the fact that the next time he saw those eyes, they would be vacant and lifeless.
he could never cry, because he blamed himself, and what right did he have to cry over what was his own fault?
he'd had crying beat out of him at eight years old, when his father was on edge from his mother's nagging, and steve had been upset about something or other.
he'd smacked him, pinched the bridge of his nose, and shaken steve's head until he'd stopped, wide eyed and scared.
"men don't cry," his father had sneered, dragging rough thumbs across steve's eyelids, drying them of the evidence.
steve turns his head up, up, up, now, bare and facing the heavens, where god looks disinterestedly on from, and he screams. he runs his voice hoarse, the sobs tearing violently from him, wracking his body with sorrowful tremors.
his face is wet, and it's too salty to be rain.
he doesn't feel like a man.
not when he'd left eddie behind and run off to play hero, only to watch helplessly as the people he loved were choked by vines.
not when eddie had been left to make the hard choice, the sacrificial play, just to get them the win; and they hadn't even defeated vecna, only bought them all some more time.
he's not a man, but a failure.
somehow, in the midst of this, steve drags himself back home. manages to climb into his bed, and pull out what he'd stuffed underneath.
he sits there, numb fingers clutching a swathe of bloody denim, and he cries.
he cries until there's nothing left, until he feels like his whole body is dried and and empty, a husk curling in on itself.
he fades into sleep, too quickly to catch the reflective, red glint that enters his bedroom as the the sun sets, or to catch the way a figure moves through the shadows, perching at the end of his bed.
he doesn't hear the low rumble of a voice, raspy and trying to whisper.
"I thought I was the animal now," eddie says, sharp teeth flashing. "but you're a regular guard dog, aren't you, harrington?"
his eyes glow in the moonlight as he watches the sleeping figure below him with intensity.
"will you fight everyone that badmouths me, I wonder?" eddie laughs mirthlessly. "your work will be cut out for you."
his eyes travel over steve's full form, pausing with surprise when he catches the vest he's clinging to like a security blanket.
steve doesn't wake to see the winged body take off out of his upper story window.
he does wake, however, and find that the item of clothing he fell asleep with is conspicuously missing; and, even more alarming, what's been left in it's place: his yellow sweater, the one abandoned to the upside down, swallowed up when lover's lake split apart.
the one he never expected to see again, because things don't just come back when they've been lost like that.
except, maybe, he thinks, running over the golden fabric with disbelieving fingertips...maybe, there is a chance that they sometimes do.
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dcrkfics · 2 years
Saved by your stepdad
summary: Your stepfather saves you from going to prision but at what cost? 
warnings: smut, non con intercourse, stepdad trope, penetration, choking, infidelity, begging, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
a/n : I absolutely love fast and the furious and especially Brian so Imma start writing him more
word count | 1.3k
pairings | Step Father!Brian O Conner x stepdaughter!Reader.
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“I can explain!” You yelled as your moms husband practically dragged you through the door.
“I literally caught you helping your boyfriend flush tons of cocaine down the toilet in your apartment. There isn’t any reasonable explanation for that.” Brian slammed the door. You stepped towards the living room. “Did you also help him murder that guy too?” He asked. “No Brian listen Mark is innocent I am innocent. Mark told me he was forced to carry the drugs with him he didn’t want to!” You explained. “You know that piece of shit was lying to you. Its what hes been doing for the past two years!” Brian yelled.
“Your lucky I was the one who walked in. The one who saw you because if I didn’t you’d be rotting away in a prison cell by now.” Brian exclaimed as he walked towards you. “I'm sorry” you mumbled.
Brian sighed and took off his jacket. Still contemplating what he was gonna do about you. “So what's gonna happen to Mark is he going…” “You're still thinking about that stupid boy after everything he did to you?” Brian asked. “Well…” “Don't even answer that” Brian yelled. You jumped when he yelled all the emotions you experienced tonight we're making you jittery and seeing Brian mad at you made you even more nervous.
Brian barely married your mother last year. You decided to move out with your boyfriend because you didn’t want to be a burden to your mom and her husband. Brain has always been respectful and kind towards you. Always welcoming you. You never saw him this angry then again you gave him all the reason to be.
“Is mom here?” You asked. You hadn’t heard her footsteps but her car was in the driveway. “My god you don’t even know?” He scoffed, shaking his head. His fingers grazed his chin looking at you.
“What kind of daughter are you? One thing is not answering your moms calls but not even reading her text messages? Grandma is sick and your mom went to visit her for a couple of weeks.” Brian shook his head. Your stomach churn. You had been so caught up in your boyfriend's mess that you didn’t even make time to call your mom back. You hated yourself right now you felt the tears forming and you couldn’t control them as they raced down your face.
“You were the most well behaved and sweetest girl when I first met you.” Brian walked towards you. His fingers collected the tears that spilled from your eyes. “All of sudden you ignore your mothers text, you dont visit her anymore, you are doing drugs now or worse dealing them?” He said as his hands stroked the side of cheek. “Either your incredibly in love with that son of a bitch or he fucks you so good your a cock dumb whore that does whatever he says” Brian hand was now around your neck choking you as you struggled to breathe. “Please Brian” You gasped as you grabbed onto his arm trying to move his hand but it was no use he was stronger.
“Not to mention your so fucking ungrateful.” Brian’s hands gripped your throat tighter as you tried to gasp for more air. “The first thing you do when we get here is ask about him. Fine you want to be with him we can take you to the station.” Brian's hand moves to your hair pulling it to drag you out the door.
“No Brian please! I'm sorry thank you thank you please don't take me I’ll be good I'm done with him please” you begged. Brian let go of your hair, smirked at how easy it was to get you to beg.
“You want to thank me? Then get on your knees.” Brian practically pushed your head down forcing you to get on your knees. “Brian please not this I’ll do anything else I’ll pay you money… or something else but not this please what will mom say?” You cried looking up at him through your lashes.
A dark chuckled escaped him as he unbuckled his pants. “All of sudden you care about her opinion” Brian taunted. “If you really care about what your mom thought you wouldn’t have even interacted with Mark. Why dont you be a good girl and open your mouth.” He said as he pulled down his boxers to free his springing erection.
You did as he said and opened your mouth wide enough to try and accommodate his size. You cringed at the fact that you would be sucking off moms husban. You closed your eyes as you took him in. Your tongue licking the precum. Although you were freaking out you had to control your breathing as you slowly wrapped your mouth around him. Tired of your slow pace Brian grabbed your hair and began to fuck your throat at a faster pace. You gagged repeatedly as he continued with no remorse for your throat. Your eyes filled with tears while drool seeped out of your mouth. You silently curse your body’s reaction as you felt yourself growing wet. You weren’t enjoying this but rather it was a reflex your body had everytime you sucked someone off it usually led to sex you were hoping this wasn’t one of those times. Brian's breathing labored. You felt him shake as he came inside your mouth, some of it drooling out. Brian removed his dick from your mouth as his finger guided whatever fluids had escaped from your mouth back into it. He didn’t even tell you to swallow you just did. “Already becoming such a good girl for your daddy…” He smirked at you as you looked up at him.
“I still dont feel appreciated enough… on your hands and knees.” He demanded. Your eyes widened but you were still obedient turning around and balancing on your hands and knees. Brian slowly lifted up the knee length dress you wore.
He pressed himself against your clothe core and leaned towards your ear… “Ungrateful girls get fucked on the floor… hope you can handle the rug burn.” He smirked as you tilted your head down accepting your fate.
“Fuck your soak” He commented as he inserted a finger inside you. “What do you think your mom will think if she knew you got wet just by sucking off her husband huh?” He teased. You felt him insert an extra finger and you welcomed him. You bit your lip trying to gulp down any moans. You weren’t enjoying this but your body seemed to and you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of thinking you were.
He removed his fingers expecting his cock you were surprised when instead you were met with his tongue. Brian's tongue went to work. Licking your juices and yapping at your core. Just when he believed you were ready for him he removed his tongue and aligned his cock with your entrance. 
You gasped as he forced himself inside you. Not leaving you room for your body to get used to him. He began to thrust, a hand on your hip to keep you still while the other hand was on the back of your head forcing your cheek to touch the carpet beneath you. “Fuck your clenching so hard around me.” Brain breathed as he slammed into you. “Your so quiet… its okay to enjoy this… I know you do.” Brian said. You didn’t reply, you thought it would be safer to stay quiet. “But your silence just proves that I can fuck you when your mom is around your such a good girl not making any sounds.” He talked. You tensed at that statement dreading to think that he was going to do this again. “Damn you clenched even harder. You like that idea? You want to get your brains fuck out by stepdad when your mom’s around.” You tried to shake your head no but it was useless. He continued to thrust into you before he slammed his hips one last time and let his release inside you. “You on the pill baby girl?” You shook your head no. “We’re going to have to fix that.” Brain said as he pulled out of you and placed his jeans back on. 
“Tomorrow you're moving back in here. Unless you want to spend 20 years of your life in prison you will do as I say. Understand?” He asked. But it wasn’t a question, it was a demand. You nodded your head insinuating that you understand. 
buy me a coffee <3
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archivalofsins · 1 month
I don't ship things in milgram but I do gotta just pay some respect to myself real quick for having amazing fucking taste and impulse control.
Me in high school mid watching the Ben 10 and Generator Rex crossover. They had these fuckers wear the others iconic jackets. Why the fuck did they do this? Is it what I think it is- Climax let's merge our powers by me literally going inside you alien stuff nothing else. It's just alien stuff this is to save the world. These writers knew what this would cause there's no fucking way they didn't.
Awkward that I'm pretty sure Ben is in a relationship when this happens, but alright. Nanoha and Fate from Magical Girl Lyrical, they gave each other ribbons.
Just look at how those ribbons are highlighted. Years from now they should get married adopt a daughter and live in a suburban home together. And then they did!
Because that was the right fucking course of action! It was the only option.
Orihime my older brother gave me these haiclips I thought they were childish at the time. I was pretty bratty and ungrateful but they mean everything to me now. If anything happened to them I don't know what I'd do.
Still wearing them when she's an adult with kids of her own,
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Meanwhile in the ocgram Vance gave me this bracelet I take very good care of it and it's important to me. Me yeah that's the shit articles of clothing to denote bonds and affection YESSS-
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Let me use your jacket to keep me warm-
Q.23 Is there anything you’d like to have sent to you there?
Yuno: A blanket!
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Gotta be one of my favorite tropes right there. This extends to Mu giving people articles of clothing as well.
God, if that ain't the way to say I love you, I always want you to have a piece of me/me to have a piece of you by my side. Then I don't know what is.
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bardicbeetle · 10 months
Holidays are fucking weird.
Probably not for everyone, but they’re weird for me, the eldest daughter turned eldest disgrace. The queer one who “hates everyone” now. The trans piece of shit who changed their name and won’t stop shaving their goddamn head and keeps bringing home that quiet tall boy. The eldest grandchild on one side and the eldest grandchild with a cunt on both, the one who is supposed to be popping out grandchildren of their own by now because you’re 26 and you’ve had a partner with a cock for nine years, hurry it up already. The displaced and back in their shitty ass hometown, the jobless and the liar and the ungrateful irresponsible mess.
Holidays are weird for me.
I don’t get along with a lot of my family, I can play nice for a few hours but it’s exhausting. I don’t like the urge I get to hypermasculinize myself when I have to be around them just for the hope that I will maybe get misgendered and misnamed 10% less if I do. I don’t hate them, I am angry with a lot of them but that is not the same as hate. Hell, a whole half of my family barely knows who I am at this point. Seeing my maternal side over the summer for a funeral was a strange dance of this is not the place to come out. Because I do not want to be the one in trouble for starting “Drama” at an open casket. It’s easier to swallow a name that isn’t mine anymore when I know they don’t know. When the only person who could have told them is not even bothering to try. But. I never expected much from Sabra.
Holidays are weird.
I don’t know who I am right now and that makes it harder. I think maybe this year has just been too much, and in trying to escape it I have twisted that into needing to escape my own self alongside it. I cut my hair to control something. I eat food I enjoy. I write until my fingers ache and my brain feels like it’s melting. I scream and I cry and I test out names and clothes and characters and nothing quite sticks. I am throwing spaghetti at the wall knowing it’s still raw, and trying my best not to resent those around me for whom progress seems as easy as breathing.
I’m not going this year.
Not to my family’s anyway.
I will go with my partner to a smaller gathering, where I will be called the right name (or whatever passes for it right now) closer to 90% of the time, even if the gender thing is still understood to a degree of zero. And it will be easier. Lighter. Less judgemental than the people nearer by. And I will miss my brother and my best friend (who he is married to, what luck), and maybe a little bit I will miss my parents. But everything else is a fuse I do not wish to ignite.
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bored-frog · 10 months
Born and Raised
When I blew up at you, I was unable to properly express myself and how I felt, I let my anger take over, causing another drift between us because I can not be mature and maintain all the feelings coursing through me, ready to leap out of the prison that is my skin.
You don't know how guilty I feel for yelling, for arguing with you over something like this, a topic so delicate and important, I deeply apologize.
I am emotionally stubborn, everything I feel is felt strongly, nothing is half-assed inside my heart, which is why I'm so upset.
I understand that we walk in different shoes through life, you didn't ask for your pair and I didn't ask for mine, you don't know the pebbles and splinters tightly strapped beneath the material of mine, I don't know the full extent of what goes on beneath the surface of your socks and laces, but sometimes I feel that you judge me, that you compare yours to mine and get hostile with me because I must be walking on a fucking cloud; Appearances deceive.
When the world is throwing shit, you don't have to throw it at me too, I am not your enemy, I do not view you as less than, so why does it feel like you look down in disgust at me for the things I have no control over?
I feel positively shitty, I must be the dirtiest asshole bundled up in name brand toilet paper, right?
"You don't understand, but you can empathize."
"You'll never fucking understand, but I'm sure you can imagine the dirty caked up shit path I'm forced to walk through, while you glide through in a carriage you don't even have to work harder than everyone else to earn, don't insult me and say you do, how the fuck could you possibly get it?"
I hate it when you do that, when you say that, I am not riding on some high and mighty horse, my situation is just different, it's so god damn infuriatingly-annoyingly-frustratingly unfair when you do that, when you compare the two, it's as if I'm getting the biggest scowl from you every single time you bring it up; A "snobby brat" whining about her basket of lemons to an "untouchable."
I get nasty, snippy, and rude because of this sneering chokehold in the air between us when talks of the future is brought up, I dread the conversation every time, I don't want to discuss any of it, about me and "oh the places I can go," I try to give you hope and you roll your eyes at me, scoffing.
I'm a pretentious dick wasting the privilege I walk around with, this prized gift, this golden ticket that I want nothing more than to toss out because it feels awful to have; A worthless piece of shit wins the lottery but spends her life watching TV, a fucking insult.
I don't like the way you mentally side eye me, as the clock of aging ticks, you get more and more passively bitter with me, I uncomfortably twiddle my thumbs, wanting nothing more than to deal you a new hand of cards, for Life is a terrible dealer.
I understand and empathize that the fissured road you walk on isn't easy, nothing about the journey is brisk and fun, that it feels so demeaning, and that you have put in all your efforts alone as ungrateful assholes with birth rights and money drive around and honk at you, that they view you as this dirty dog beneath them, but don't look over and assume that mine must be a fucking breeze.
My cracked piece of opaque rubble carries it's own challenges, ones that I do not share, I sweat and moan in silence on this bumpy ass path, I trip and stumble, mentally scuffed and bruised as I force myself to keep going further down, I want to just stop dead in this traffic, shriveling up into a pathetic ball of tears, because I too am dealing with my own shit and it's not fucking easy, but you make me feel like it's nothing, that I couldn't possibly have problems.
I know you don't believe it, but I fully believe things are going to work out for you, right now it just feels like some asshole has set your lawn of potential on fire, I promise you it will get better, you are strong and beautiful, I know it feels like the world is against you, that no one is on your team, I am there, I'm the weirdo cheering and rooting for you from across the street, who will help you put out the fire.
With mastering the toughest task of patience, I assure you things are going to work out, that you are cable of so much more than what people assume based off of looks because they are jackasses living in the past, so please, have faith, don't lose hope in your future, and I beg of thee, stop telling me I don't understand, because I do, because I understand you.
- Autumn(Me)
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z-spy · 1 year
i have seen these replies under the video of alexander saying «no, don't do that!» to daniel who is ruining pylones in orb chamber and then i realised that this is not only amusing how he desperately tries to rule the situation while daniel is compeletely MAD and would not stop just because alexander commands him to but it also looks a lot like the moment when child is grown up and their abusive parent still tries to manipulate them but now it will not work because this person HAS REALISED what kind of shit their parent did to them in their childhood
this is the literally what had happened in amnesia between daniel and alexander--
daniel only trusted alex because alexander was his father figure (because daniel would trust any older man who will show him affection lol) and dan was literally fully depended on him and could not stand up to his suspicious "ways to remove shadow far away from them"
therefore when he arrived to brennenburg and alex started to support him danny was in his childhood phase aka when he was controlled by his shitty father being a child so he could not do anything to protect himself and move anywhere from the abusive parent and had to obey BUT with his biological dad he felt much more despair and disgust because he was openly abusing him and dan knew this however alexander did it in the way so the boy could not realise- so logically daniel felt kind of sypmathy to alex seeing how the baron cared for him genuinely THIS POOR BOY COULD NOT EVEN IMAGINE HOW AWFUL WAS THE IMPACT OF THIS OLD PIECE OF SHIT so alexander continued shamelessly manipulating him until danny became compeletely insane and possesed and would obey alexander unconditionally THEN alexander knew that he has superiority over a boy and he really thought that he will always be in charge-- NO WAY
it shows how daniel was in his childish state when he was helpless dependent trusting the tales alexander was telling him but when HE FINALLY REALISED which shit was happening around him all the time then he moved into his grown-up state and felt WRATH even frustation and hate and THEN HE MIGHT UNDERSTAND THAT THE SCENARIO REPEATED and feel genuine sorrow dissapontment and spite towads alexander the man who he trusted in the man who raised him and cared for him like a true loving father would....... and daniel felt himself being used and abused by the figure who he relied on AGAIN
and this is so painfully,,
but alexander still beileved he had power to subdue daniel like an abusive parent thinks he has abylity to put down their child in any situation and any age but now the child grew up and will not listen to commands this hell giving them so now daniel understood EVERYTHING and craved revenge and he will not obey anymore
these words of alexander which has a matter then have no matter now
and by the way basically abusive parents think and say what a child have i raised when their child being mad at them or simply not doing what they have been said to AND ALEXANDER LITERALLY SAYS SOMETHING LIKE THIS IN THE END OF THE GAME I SWEAR I REMEMBER and the actual point is YES what a child YOU have raised because they usually believe they did nothing wrong and their "creation" just being ungrateful and disrespectful they just believe that this cannot be! if their creation blaming them which means it is the mistake of this parent or if their child being just like them SO DID ALEXANDER.
andd that is the end thank you for listening to my sudden monologue <3
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by the way dan's father and alexander with their actually HUGE impact on their son are really alike especially in this contest--- oh godness
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On the matter of this reddit post:
someone posted this:
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For anyone that isn‘t aware of the story
A man sells his golden watch to buy his wife a comb for her long hair, and a woman cuts and sells her hair to buy him a watch chain, and THEY ARE HAPPY. None of them go "aCtUaLy I wanted a face cream", "And I told you I want a new tie! PURPLE one! PURPLE, WOMAN!!! CAN YOU SEE OR WHAT?".
I don‘t understand where the connection is
If you wanted to compare the story to the reddit post you would have to tell the story like this:
The man deliberately tells his wife to NOT SELL HER HAIR because he plans to sell his watch to buy her „a set of ornamental combs“*
And then wen he comes home to give her the set she has cut her hair to buy him a watch chain for the watch he told her he would sell.
Slightly taken aback he still gifts her the „set of ornamental combs“ because hair does regrow.
She asks him if he is disappointed because he isn’t vocally happy about the watch chain
He answers yes I am disappointed, I specifically asked you to do something and you didn‘t.
And now she is angry because he is an ungrateful piece of shit who wants to control her …
*(It wasn’t just a comb to comb her hair, it was a full set of hair jewelry)
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They appreciate each other, because attention and love are more important than going full *insert Harry Potter character whose name I forgot* screaming "But I wanted 25 toys this year and not 20!".
Exactly, paying attention to what someone says, wen specifically asked is an important part of love :-)
But if we pull out the fairytales … don’t mind if I chime in
Cinderella’s father showered the step-sisters with gifts as he traveled, but Cinderella simply wanted “the first twig that brushes against [his] hat on [his] way home.” When her father returned she placed the twig on her mother’s grave and wept over it. Her tears watered the twig so that it grew into a beautiful tree. The tree watched over Cinderella as her mother had promised, sending white doves to her to watch over her and grant her wishes.
So by the logic of some peoples in regards to the AITA, bringing her a random ass stick is even better even though a random ass stick would not grow in to a dress making tree
Because a random ass stick is bigger and therefor better then a specific twig.
Because clearly daddy knows best … and the ungrateful brat should be happy she gets anything at all.
It is the thought that counts after all.
Second story:
This one was recorded by John Rhys in Celtic Folklore, considered by him to be the most complete and representative of its type.
My original link no longer works, but this page here has the same version:
Now the long and short of the story is that:
Man meets supernatural maiden
Man falls for supernatural maiden
Man married supernatural maiden
The maiden's father gave her a dowry of as many sheep, cattle, goats and horses as she could count of each without drawing breath, and reminded the young man that if he ever struck her three times without cause then she would leave him forever and the dowry would be forfeit.
(… )
They were happy (…) but the wife continued to exhibit strange fairy behavior such as weeping at weddings (because marriage often brings trouble) and laughing at funerals (because death brings release from trouble).
At each instance of this her husband struck her a blow, not an angry or harmful one, but enough to break the terms of their marriage contract. Upon the third one she left him forever and took all their livestock back with her to the fairy realm. However, she did not completely abandon her sons.
I have known a variation of this story as long as I can remember
Man meets supernatural maiden
Man married supernatural maiden
Man is told specifically not to use a whip where she can hear it
Man uses a whip where she can hear it
She leaves
Though she comes back once a week on Sunday wen he is in church to do the chores and look after the children
Not good enough for him, so he takes mortal women
And ever since then, all the man in his family are born with a crippled foot …
And I hear you say, no fair you brought magic in to this
Well, you brought stories in to this and an artificial one at at that … barely a century old …
I brought stories in to this that have withstood the test of time for centuries, because they ring true for the experience of thousands and thousands of people …
The clash of cultures between people who are very specific about things and people who decide that they can interpret specific boundaries has been immortalized in countless stories.
Maybe it is time we remember these stories
Maybe it is time we remember
how hard seemingly small challenges can be, but how important they are to happiness.
how differently the same event, can be viewed.
how at times we fail to be fully present and aware of another’s feelings and needs.
Everyone has boundaries, it is NOT ON YOU to interpret them.
Vanilla in a chocolate cage might seem insignificant, same as using a whip where someone can hear it … but the issue is not the vanilla the issue is the breakdown of communication.
The issue is that:
She asked what he wanted
He said what he wanted, very specifically
She then decided to do what she deemed correct, interpreting what he wanted.
He ate the parts of the cake he actually wanted
She demanded to know if he was disappointed, in front of the children, instead of asking him later.
He gave her an honest answer
She din‘t like that.
Those are two people who do not fit together and will never fit together and who would be much much happier with different partners.
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neverchecking · 1 year
This is actually really funny to me because both Tia and Aaliyah are going to have two completely different experiences.
Aaliyah: Growth! Healing! Perhaps some closure. Learning that the world isn't all that bad! Cookies and Sweet Buns!
Tia: *has Sage wrapped in a blanket burrito like those feral kitten videos* I will not go Ape Shit. I will not go Ape Shit. I will not go Ape Shit.
Because while it wasn't as bad, Tia's Hyrule still went through 100 years with the Calamity. And the only one a vast majority of people blame is Ganon. (Of course, there's some resentment towards the King since 'Why the fuck didn't you listen to your daughter?!' and some issues with the past Sheikah but Ganon gets the majority of the blame.) So a lot of interactions Aaliyah might have with the alive Champions are reassurances that there was nothing any of them could have done. It was Tia's plans and sheer dumb luck that they made it out relatively in one piece. Same with the Upheaval. Preparations and luck.
Meanwhile, Tia is slowly having to grip harder and harder onto her Softness because are these people really that fucking blind?! Sure this isn't her Hyrule, but she's here and she will not stand for it. She is in the same boat as Aaliyah, but Aaliyah has to remain civil. Tia has no problem sinking the boat and redirecting the blame. Because while she acknowledges she has an 'unfair advantage' (ie her past life), that's no excuse to make things harder on one person.
Once this whole Ganon thing is over and done? She's not giving Sage or Aaliyah back. And the only ones who can tell her otherwise are those two themselves.
Those two are suffering in two completely different ways.
I feel like Aaliyah is stuck being wrapped up in a giant blanket (that may or may not be held shut with chains because when it was rope she chewed threw them), forced to sit at a tea party while the champions try to figure out what went wrong and where all while she sits >:(
Tia is tryna figure out the same thing, only how much damage control can she do before she looses her shit. She understands the devastation that the Calamity brought, but she also understands where the blame needs to be placed. Unlike her Hryule, in Aaliyah's everyone blames the champions, the hero, anyone but Ganon. Those who fell to the evil were to blame instead of the evil itself. So when faced with the 'it's not your fault' bit, Aaliyah is probably like '...Your pranking me rn, right?'.
Bc in their world luck isn't a thing. You survive on wit and skill alone. If you lack either of those, you're eaten by a Lynels or killed by the Yiga.
Tia seems like the kind of girl to get so furious with the people in Aaliyah's Hyrule. Which probably just eats at her. Because who are they to blame the people who saved their lives? Ungrateful fools. And this is what makes the switch so glorious. Because Tia doesn't have Sheikah constantly watching her every move, waiting for her to slip. Tia doesn't have a reputation to uphold of being the partner to the once great Knight, Link. Tia doesn't have any reason to not rock the boat here. No, instead she's not only rocking it, she's tipping the damn thing and demanding a new, better boat be built.
JHOFHF Imagine it's time to switch back and Sweetpea just looks over and is just 'What-uhh-what cha' got there?'
And Tia just holds Sage and Aaliyah like '...New friend! :D'
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
Captivating, Corrupting and Controlling 2/2
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“Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha” my voice echoes.
“Bastard no matter what you can’t beat me
“Arrogant piece of shit”
“I am a mountain of power”
“Look where that got you in my trap Boy Scout”
“Are you proud Steve?”
“I am a Avenger ”
“Were an Avenger the whole world saw you fall to and leave with me.”
“Do you honestly think they will trust you again?”
“I will escape this trap, I will end you”
“Lofty goals”
“They are facts”
“Why are you smiling then?”
“I — I — I am not”
“Uh huh! Stop being hard then”
“Aaaahhhh fuck”
“Your cock is pumping, your mind is addled and you are open to me”
I love how easily Clark Kent waltzes into the doom undoing the straps as Steve attacks him but he bends his arm and yanks him on up his back.
Moving to the back of the laboratory thrusts into action he is swinging the door open to my private closet undressing Steve he reach out onto a shelf.
He dresses Steve quickly guiding him back to the slate he drops him onto the slap them back off a bit I smirk greatly seeing Steve is so sexy unconscious.
Clark takes task to hand smashing out of the laboratory into the sky to cause more damage to his county and I let my gaze settle in.
My app stops beeping allowing alerts to see he is awakening to a whole new world like he has never seen before he signs so deep in sound.
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“Aaahhhh….my head it hurts ooohhhh…fuck” he says a hand on his forehead he falls back.
“You fiend, tell me where are my friends “
“Fiend? What am I criminal now?”
“Your friends as they were are gone”
“I am here for you Steve, always have been and always will be.”
“I know, you think I am liar”
“Go check seriously”
“Bullshit, I am well aware of how evil you are and what you are capable”
“Excuse me! I have made every attempt to
to be nice. Guess what? I am done”
“Why couldn’t you work with me?”
“We could have a life long understanding”
“Instead you fought me”
“I’ll give you what you want then and here it is activate Endgame”
“What? Why am I here?”
“Is this heaven or hell?”
“Did he kill me?”
“I underestimated him, disrespected him”
“Oh God! He must hate me”
“I am disgusting so ungrateful”
“What am I doing? Why am I agreeing with
“Such a defeatist”
“He is right”
“They all were using me and manipulating”
“Peggy, Bucky, my family and Them”
“The Avengers”
“I love you Steve”
“He is on my side”
“Join me”
“I must obey “
“You are so right”
“Oh Master Lawrence “
“Hail Blue Haven”
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The end
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 @hellsgreatestshow : Random drabble
who  did  this  to  you  ?
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「🕸️ This fucking shit happened all the damn time that sooner or later the capability to resist aggression would dwindle. Since his arrival in hell he tolerated the shittiest of his family in hopes that a single ounce of purpose would materialize in this shithole. He was fucking tired of carrying their supply and being bossed around like a mutt, only to deal with the ungrateful remarks and insults to his character. Why can't you be this? Why can't you act that like? Fuck you! The only two people worth it in that ill led life were too good for this place. The confirmation that his sister had succumbed and wasn't residing here told him everything. She was up there. And, currently, their grandmother was still keeping. So, why the fuck was he hanging around here anyway? He left them and never looked back.
But from one shithole came the next. He became famous; a sex symbol. But there was a heavy cost that he endured time and time again. The manipulation leading into the contract. He knew he fucking signed it, though. He thought things would be better. But this was hell. And tonight had been really fucking awful. It was a frenzy that left him collateral damage. He was tired of the tantrums, and some asshole got him in trouble with the moth and he had to play nice to get the hell out of there. But everything still fucking hurt. He had little control over his own after life. People adored him but didn't know the first fucking thing about him. His legs, wrist and neck were bruised. Everything hurt. He hated this.
In a fit of impulsive rage he flung his shoes directly at the mirror in his dressing room, watching as the glass shattered into dozens of tiny little pieces. The items on the makeup dresser were harshly shoved aside by his arm. The glass pieces invading his skin from the motion went unnoticed. He hated this. How much longer could he deal with this imprisonment of his own making? Even the emotional toll over the years was unraveling his mind. A hidden bottle of booze opened and with hardly any decent judgement, he shallowed a few pills hoping they would ease his nerves. Sometimes he wished Val would just fucking die, but other times he hated that the thought even crossed his mind.
When the door was opened and he heard a voice, without a thought he threw the bottle towards it. If anything, it shattered against the frame, missing the intruder. A slight bit of realization who it is leaves a small amount of regret, but he says nothing. Instead, he turns around and inhales deeply, followed by a soft exhale. ❝ It ain't a big deal. I'll cover it up an' be fine by tomorrow. ❞ But even as he said this and tried to collect his knocked over cosmetics, his hands slightly trembled. He sat down in the chair and tried to focus his attention on the mirror. A slight flinch as he starting to apply foundation to his neck. Like hell he would fucking cry. Men didn't cry. He could hear and see his grandfather in the glass that somehow remained in the upper corner. He sniffled, holding back the emotion he felt as he worked through the pain. When he felt like he was finished concealing the spots, he stood up and choked by a sniffle as he looked at Vox. ❝ How do I look? ❞ 」
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skylordhorus · 1 month
i pretty quickly decided that vahriel disbands the inquisition (he is anguished, furious, and these people are so fucking ungrateful- he is DONE with this shit) and meerah keeps it around as a smaller peacekeeping force (she’s a former mercenary captain: this is familiar territory, but she’s also feeling vulnerable and she really needs to feel that she’s in control of something),
but i struggled with caspian’s choice because on the one hand, he does not enjoy the pressure and power that comes with being inquisitor; of feeling like he’s a prize chess piece being bandied about the board, and he is just so fucking Tired, but on the other, he’s made his first home here.
he has a support network and his own room, he can eat when he wants, and go outside etc and he’s just terrified of being uprooted. Again. and he is terrified of being left behind. everyone has plans and/or places to go and he doesn’t- why would he? he’s a circle mage. he has never had any modicum of control over his life, and that includes being inquisitor lbh
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oddsocrate · 3 months
Whenever i am about to forgive my dad, i hope this post will remind me how much of a piece of shit he is. Literally there is no bigger hater than he is. Cant wait to put him up in the nursing home.
(Before anyone can scream at me for being ungrateful. This is a healthy reminder that no parents should call their child a slut and trying to control every part of the child's life. Dehumanizing and degradation is not a proper way to treat a human being and neither does occasional abuse. Talking shit behind and being a fake ass human is also not advisable. Yeah, they pay the fee for you to have a normal life, but man, that is what they should do since they are the one who think it is great to have seggs like monkey without protection in the first place. I do not even ask to be here in the first place. 20-25 years of investing in a child and you get 30+ years of well paid life when you are older. What the fuck do they even want???)
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