vegehana-food · 4 months
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✿ 包丁いらずの簡単お豆腐スープ
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moonlightspread · 3 months
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dietcooking · 6 months
2024/04/04 朝ごはん
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玄米ごはん(ごま塩 ねり梅) 具沢山味噌汁(白菜 えのき 長ねぎ 油揚げ ほうれん草) 温泉たまご ほうれん草の白和え(既製品) きゅうりとわかめの酢の物 豆とキヌアのサラダ(既製品) 浅漬け(かぶ きゅうり 人参+昆布茶と塩昆布) 麦茶
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cyunley · 2 years
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なう(2022/10/11 20:32:46) 鶏と蕪の柚子胡椒炒めと里芋の煮物は 私作でゴボウのサラダは旦那作で高菜の 常備菜は向かいの婆ちゃん作で河豚の 赤ダシは山口からの贈り物🐡✨ 里芋は庭で育ったモノで形が不揃いかつ 大きさもバラバラやけど味は中々よき😙 #鶏と蕪の柚子胡椒炒め #里芋の煮物 #ゴボウサラダ #高菜の常備菜 #ふぐの味噌汁 #休肝日 #禁酒中 #おうちごはん #おうちごはん部 #おうちごはんlover #今日の晩ごはん #TodaysDinner #晩ごはん記録 #献立記録 #てづくりごはん #てづくりごはん365 #cooking #cook365 #タベリー #フーディーテーブル #クッキングラム #キッチングラム #夫婦ごはん #ふたりごはん #豊かな食卓 #夫婦作ディナー #cyuley 肩が凝り過ぎて首が取れそうや😵💧 朝は寒いし昼暑くて夜また寒かったりで 体調もおかしくなりそうな🥺 冬の到来やなーテンションだだ下がり😵‍💫⤵⤵⤵ https://www.instagram.com/p/CjknNfYvUH3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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najia-cooks · 8 months
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[ID: First photo shows a mixed seaweed salad topped with toasted sesame seeds; in the background are bowls of pickled daikon and kake udon. Second photo is a close-up showing light shining through the seaweed. End ID]
わかめと昆布サラダ / Wakame to konbu sarada (Seaweed and kelp salad)
A wide variety of seaweed-based salads are made by Japanese home cooks. They may contain only a mix of seaweeds and a dressing, but may also feature vegetables including cucumber, carrots, lotus root (レンコン / はす), daikon (だいこん), corn, edamame (枝豆), or onion. Dressings are as varied as cooks, and may be based around sesame oil (ごま油), rice vinegar (米酢), miso paste (みそ / 味噌), ponzu sauce (ポン酢), or mayonnaise (マヨ).
This recipe is a good way to use up reconstituted kombu and wakame that were steeped to make soup stock. It includes instructions for two dressings: one based on rice vinegar and sesame oil, and another with a sesame-mayo base.
"わかめ" or "ワカメ" ("wakame") is likely from "若" ("waka," "young") +‎ "海布" ("me," "seaweed"); it is a particular species of edible seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) that is farmed in Japan, Korea, and China. It is sometimes called "sea mustard" in English. Without further specification, "wakame" in a culinary context is taken to mean the leaves of the seaweed; these are the same leaves that are eaten in miso soup (みそ汁).
The etymology of "昆布" ("kombu" or "konbu") is unknown. It may be a phonetic Japanese reading of the Middle Chinese "昆布" (Mandarin: "kūnbù") (itself from "綸布" "*krūn pās," "green ribbon" + "cloth"), used to refer to various types of kelp and seaweed. In Japanese, the term refers to any of a few species of edible kelp from the Laminariaceae family.
Dried kombu is steeped to make one type of dashi ("出汁" / "だし"), a stock that is used in various soups and sauces. Once reconstituted, it may be steeped again to make 二番だし ("niban dashi," "second dashi"), sliced and simmered as one ingredient in a 煮物 ("nimono," simmered dish), or roasted and combined with other seaweeds and spices to make 振り掛け ("furikake").
"サラダ" ("sarada") is probably derived from the English "salad."
Note that the "seaweed salad" served at Japanese restaurants in the U.S. is not commonly eaten in Japan. It is shipped out to restaurants and stores pre-packaged, and is made with colored オゴノリ ("ogonori"; "agar" on ingredients lists), きくらげ ("kikurage"; "wood ear mushroom" or "fungus" on ingredients lists), and byproducts of wakame including 茎わかめ ("kukiwakame," wakame stem) and メカブ ("mekabu," wakame sprouts; both listed as "wakame" or "seaweed" on ingredients lists). You may be able to find this salad in the freezer section of your local Asian grocery store. If you want to approximate the texture of this salad at home, try buying some mixture of ogonori, kikurage, kukiwakame, mekabu, モズク ("mokuzu"), and/or ひじき ("hijiki"). Instructions for the dressing are below.
Recipe under the cut!
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For the salad:
2 cups total reconstituted kombu, wakame, hijiki, or other kelp or seaweed
Vegetable additions to seaweed salads are possible and common. Try adding some cucumber, julienned carrots, sliced lotus root, sliked daikon radish, corn, edamame, or sliced onion that's been soaked in plum vinegar for 15 minutes.
If you're including cucumbers, slice them, salt them, allow them to drain in a colander for about 10 minutes, then gently squeeze them of excess liquid, to avoid making your salad watery.
For dressing 1:
1 Tbsp unseasoned rice vinegar (米酢)
1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil (煎りごま油)
1/2 kosher salt
1/2 tsp vegetarian granulated sugar
1/2 tsp Japanese soy sauce (しょうゆ / 醤油) (such as Kikkoman's)
2 tsp toasted sesame seeds (いりごま)
To make U.S. restuarant-style seaweed salad, omit the soy sauce; replace the sugar with high fructose corn syrup; and add a pinch of cayenne pepper, 1/4 tsp of onion powder or yeast extract, and a pinch of MSG.
For dressing 2:
2 Tbsp vegan mayonnaise
1/2 tsp unseasoned rice vinegar (米酢)
1/4 tsp dried ground shiitake mushroom, or vegetarian dashi powder
1/4 tsp vegetarian granulated sugar
Drop of djion mustard
Pinch kosher salt
1 tsp Japanese soy sauce (しょうゆ / 醤油) (such as Kikkoman's)
Drizzle of mirin (みりん)
2 tsp toasted sesame seeds, ground in a mortar and pestle or spice mill
If you eat eggs, you can replace the first five ingredients with 2 Tbsp Kewpie mayo (キューピーマヨ).
For a halal version, replace the mirin with an extra pinch of sugar.
For the salad:
1. Slice kombu into very thin strips. Slice wakame into thin strips, or leave as-is, as desired. Slice other flat dried seaweed into thin strips or bite-sized pieces.
For dressing 1:
1. Whisk all ingredients except sesame seeds together in a small bowl. Toss with seaweed. Top with sesame seeds and serve cold.
For dressing 2:
1. Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl. Toss with seaweed. Serve cold.
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Purslane and Mozuku salad (cooking) My original!
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Purslane is an edible summer weed. It has a slimy texture and is delicious. After lightly boiling it, I mixed it with the seaweed mozuku, dashi stock, ponzu sauce, and shichimi pepper. Purslane contains oxalic acid, but I hoped the calcium from the mozuku and the acid from the ponzu sauce would mask it.
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dempameat · 8 months
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(Xユーザーの東山 広樹 | Cooking Maniacさん: 「香川のうどん再現度100% 飯田橋トーキョーサンフラワーはいいぞ… 僕は香川のうどんで育ったのですが… マジでリアル香川うどん!! 麺の表面の滑らかさがケタ違い!東京トップクラスだわ そして本物のコシがあるよ…噛みしめると小麦の甘さが凄い いりこ出汁も完璧、天ぷらも揚げたて 絶対行くべき https://t.co/6hurnMWcy8」 / Twitterから)
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lazypot-kitchen · 2 years
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【南瓜西米露汤圆 | Pumpkin and Sago Dumplings or ”Glutinous Rice Balls” 】
Homemade and Sticky glutinous rice balls, a traditional dessert that must be eaten during the Winter Solstice. It tastes glutinous and sweet, and it feels full after eating.
【食材| Ingredients】
南瓜 Pumpkin 半个 Half cut
西米 Sago 适量 Moderate amount
牛奶 Milk 适量 Moderate amount
蜂蜜 Honey 适量 Moderate amount
糯米粉 Glutinous rice flour 适量 Moderate amount
班兰叶 Pandan leaves 适量 Moderate amount
糖 Sugar 适量 Moderate amount
【准备南瓜西米的部分|Preparation Pumpkin and Sago Part】
1. 将南瓜去皮,然后切成小块蒸熟。 Peel the pumpkin, then cut it into small pieces and steam it.
2. 把锅里煮至沸腾,把水烧开后倒入西米用小火开始煮,边煮边搅拌以免糊锅。 After the water comes to a boil, then pour in the sago and start cooking on low heat, stirring while cooking to avoid it become mushy.
3. 煮到西米中间有一个白点后就可以关火了。 Cook until there is a white spot in the middle of the sago and turn off the heat when done.
4. 关火后焖五分钟让西米中间没有白点就可以了。 Turn off the heat and simmer for five minutes so that the middle of the sago is not white spots can be.
5. 将西米捞出来后,用凉水降温,在用滤网筛里沥干水分备用。 The sago will be fished out, cooled down with cool water, in a drainage net to drain the water spare.
6. 将班兰叶烫过,然后把斑斓叶搅成湖,过后过滤出斑斓汁备用 Scald the pandan leaves, and then stir the glistening leaves into the lake, after filtering out the glistening juice spare
7. 接下来,将蒸熟的南瓜块,适量的斑斓汁,和适量的牛奶倒进搅拌 Next, pour the steamed pumpkin pieces, the right amount of glistening juice, and the right amount of milk into the mixing cup.
8.开始搅拌,把南瓜混合物搅拌成糊糊备用 Start stirring, stir the pumpkin mixture into a paste and set aside
【准备汤圆的部分|Preparation Rice Balls Part】
1. 把糯米粉加水揉匀。 Knead the glutinous rice flour with water well.
2. 取出适量,捏一捏,再揉圆。 Take out an appropriate amount, pinch it, and then knead it round.
3. 然后,捞起来备用。 Then, fish up and set aside.
【汤圆混合的部分|Rice Balls Mixtures Part】
1.把西米和南瓜糊混合在一起,加适量蜂蜜和糖搅拌均匀。 Mix the sago and pumpkin paste together, add the right amount of honey and sugar and mix well.
2.然后, 放入已煮熟的汤圆一起搅拌。就可以开吃啦! Then, add the cooked dumplings and mix together. Ready to eat!
汤圆的故事之一 Story of Tangyuan
冬至节的故事由来 Origin of Winter Solstice
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skgt01 · 2 years
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お好み焼きと焼きそば 正月で家族が集まるのでお節料理を作ろうかと思ったがお好み焼きパーティの方が盛り上がるだろうと思いしっかり仕込み。 昼からキャベツ2玉を千切りにザクザク切って下ごしらえ、モダン焼きを作る時の焼きそばも同時進行で作りつつ、豚、エビ、牡蠣、チーズ、大葉などの具も下ごしらえ。 生地に混ぜる出汁を取りつつ、粉をふるいにかけて準備をすすめる。生地に混ぜるとろろや裏漉し豆腐もバッチリ。 いつもの仕込み量を1.5倍ほどにしたのでなかなか大変。合計22枚のお好み焼き、3人前の焼きそばは多少骨が折れたが僕ができる正月の振る舞い、親孝行を考えると苦にならない。 毎回思うのだがどんどんレシピが研鑽され美味しくなってきてる。自分の料理が美味しいって手前味噌も甚だしいが自分で食べても美味しい。 命のスープで有名な辰巳芳子先生曰く「料理は素材の良いものを使いなさい」だ。基本的なレシピは出来上がってきたのでここからは素材の吟味をしていくことで自分のお好み焼きのてっぺんを目指したい。 いつの日か鉄板焼きのお店が1日借りれたらみんなにお好み焼きを振る舞いたい。 食べたい人は探偵ナイトスクープに依頼してみてください。 今年は自分の人生の後半戦をどうやって生きていくかを考えてまとめて動き出すようにする。今まで仕事に命を捧げてきたが仕事はほどほどで良い気がする。 #お好み焼き#焼きそば#粉物#粉もん#炭水化物#豚#エビ#牡蠣#探偵ナイトスクープ#料理#cooking #food#foodie#foodies#foodgasm#foodgram#foodphotography #foodporn#delicious#yummy#yum#tasty#gastronomy https://www.instagram.com/p/CnBz2b-yb3l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Japanese home cooking as seen from the world is apparently 'high spec! おうち外食『自家製だし香る和牛の肉吸い小鉢定食』 大阪のご当地グルメになりますものを上品にスッキリ仕上げました。 お献立 ◉和牛肉吸い肉吸い 無添加で仕上げて少し具材を加えてちょっとグレードアップに。 香り高いお出汁です。 ◉自家製発芽玄米の雑穀入りごはん。 ◉自慢のスペアリブ梅肉グリル〜春スプラウトとキャベツを添えて ◉国産無添加らっきょとプリーツレタスのプチサラダ ◉株なめこのとろろ小鉢 ◉菊菜と春人参の味噌きんぴら ◉茹蛸鳴門わかめの三杯酢 ◉自家製菜っぱの漬物 ◉新鮮生卵 ◉清美オレンジ ◉アイスコーヒー やっぱりちゃんと自分に優しいお料理を手がけ楽しむことが嬉しいものです。 こんなお食事でおうち外食。 そしてご当地グルメは大人のグルメ。 自炊上手は暮らし上手。自炊上手は暮らしが楽しい。 そんな素敵な日々を手に入れていただけたらなと思います。 料理研究家 指宿さゆり ーーーーーーーーーーー #料理研究家指宿さゆり #レシピ開発 #レシピ制作 #レシピ制作専門スタジオ #料理は教養 #食は品性 #おうち外食 #孤独のグルメ #和食ランチ #朝食モーニング #お昼ごはん #おうち定食 #おばんざい #幸福度 #肉吸い #今日のランチ #京のおばんざい #小鉢 #食べスタグラム #グルメ #グルメ女子 #インスタグルメ #神戸料理教室 #神戸グルメ #ご当地グルメ #おうち外食 #和食 #定食 #おうちごはん #小鉢定食 (Kobe, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSVgkqy9m-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vegehana-food · 4 months
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✿ トマトポタージュ ✍️ バター抜き,コンソメ小1
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Check out this noodle soup recipe for your 10+months, from fresh ingredients to a meal in about 10 minutes, simple yet delicious!
The preferred noodle used for this recipe is salt-free and thin noodles; although you could choose to cook together with the soup, I prefer to precook it in water to get rid of the wheat smell and excessive starch. Just cut the cooking time in half in water, and let the noodle cook in the soup until your preferred texture; in this way, the noodle can be slurpy and absorbed the soup at the end. If you like the baby being fed or self-feed using a spoon, break down the noodle before boiling it; the length of the noodle will become spoon-friendly.
The mushroom is the soul of this recipe, and I specifically like shiitake mushroom when it comes to soup or braising. It releases unique umami and earthy flavor into the soup, which will elevate the taste. Before tossing it into the oil or water, stir fry it without oil to intensify the flavor and color.
Most of the time, you need hassle-free preparing stocks for the soup; Nanimom Chicken Powder is made for that purpose. It contains only organically raised and antibiotic-free chicken breast without any artificial flavors and MSG. A dash of the chicken powder will enhance the soup flavor instantly.
For more information about Nanimom Seasoning, Spice Kids & Pasta, check out https://nanimom.sg
Raising a Healthy Happy Eater
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dietcooking · 6 months
2024/04/02 朝ごはん
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玄米ごはん(のりジャンキムチ シラス) 具沢山味噌汁(大根 白菜 長ねぎ えのき ミニ豆腐) ニラとえのきの梅和え ほうれん草の白和え(既製品) ほうれん草の胡麻和え 豆とキヌアのサラダ(既製品) 麦茶
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cyunley · 2 years
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なう(2023/02/20 20:45:54) 旦那がまだ帰って来んからお先にお独り様Dinner🙏 エビチリにしたけどチンゲン菜なかったから 小松菜で代用😅汁物は大阪のソウルフード 肉吸い😀今日も雪がシンシンと降って寒かったので お腹の底からあったまった☺️♨️ #えびちり #海老チリ #エビチリ #焼飯 #肉吸い #大阪のソウルフード #うさぎりんご #家呑み #おうち居酒屋 #おうちごはん #おうちごはん部 #おうちごはんlover #今日の晩ごはん #TodaysDinner #晩ごはん #晩ごはん記録 #献立記録 #てづくりごはん #手作りごはん #てづくりごはん365 #cooking #cook365 #タベリー #フーディーテーブル #クッキングラム #キッチングラム #いいね返し #夫婦ごはん #ふたりごはん #豊かな食卓 今日観た日本映���「PLAN75」面白くはなかったけど 色々考えさせられる映画やた。自分の将来を みている様な…🙄💦💦 旦那より一日でも長生きする事が旦那孝行と 思てたけど旦那より一日でも早く死にたくなった😅 https://www.instagram.com/p/Co4hoxZSAt1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angel-petals · 2 years
to taste:
food vocabulary
1. 食べ物 たべもの tabe mono Food
2. 日本料理 にほんりょうり nihon ryouri Japanese Cooking / Japanese Dish / Japanese Food
3. 朝食 ちょうしょく chou shoku Breakfast
4. 朝御飯 あさごはん asa gohan Breakfast
5. 昼食 ちゅうしょく chuu shoku Lunch
6. 昼御飯 ひるごはん hiru gohan Lunch
7. 夕食 ゆうしょく yuu shoku Dinner
8. 晩御飯 ばんごはん ban gohan Dinner
9. 夜食 やしょく ya shoku Supper
10. おかず okazu Side Dish
11. お八つ おやつ oyatsu Snack / Refreshment
12. 弁当 べんとう bentou Box Lunch
13. 駅弁 えきべん ekiben Train Station Box Lunch
14. 御飯 ごはん gohan Meal / Cooked Rice
15. 刺身 さしみ sashimi Sliced Raw Fish
16. 寿司 / 鮨 / 鮓 すし sushi Sushi
17. 天婦羅 てんぷら tenpura Tempura / Deep-fried Fish and Vegetables
18. 牛丼 ぎゅうどん gyuu don Rice topped with Beef and Vegetables
19. 親子丼 おやこどん oyako don Rice topped with Boiled Chicken and Eggs
20. 天丼 てんどん ten don Rice topped with Deep-fried Prawns & Fishes
21. 鰻丼 うなぎどん unagi don Rice topped with Glaze-grilled Eel
22. 鰻 うなぎ unagi Eel
23. 豚カツ とんカツ tonkatsu Pork Cutlet
24. カレーライス kare- raisu Curry and Rice
25. 鋤焼き すきやき suki yaki Thin Slices of Beef cooked with various Vegetables in a Heavy Iron Pan
26. お好み焼き おこのみやき okonomi yaki Thin and Flat Pancake cooked on a Hot Plate with bits of Meat, Seafood and Chopped Cabbages
27. 鉄板焼き てっぱんやき teppan yaki Grilled Meat cooked on Iron Plate
28. 焼き鳥 やきとり yaki tori Grilled Chicken / Broiled Chicken
29. 蛸焼き たこやき tako yaki Octopus Dumpling
30. 焼きそば やきそば yaki soba Pan Fried Noodle
31. 餃子 ギョウザ gyouza Dumpling stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetables
32. 茶碗蒸し ちゃわんむし chawan mushi Steamed Egg Custard in Tea Cup
33. しゃぶしゃぶ shabu shabu Japanese Style Hotpot
34. 味噌 みそ miso Miso / Bean Paste
35. 味噌汁 みそしる miso shiru Miso Soup
36. ラーメン ra-men Ramen
37. うどん udon Noodle made of Wheat Flour
38. 蕎麦 そば soba Buckwheat Noodle
39. 餅 もち mochi Sticky Rice Cake
40. 餡パン あんパン anpan Japanese Bun filled with Red Bean Paste
41. 牛肉 ぎゅうにく gyuuniku Beef
42. 豚肉 ぶたにく butaniku Pork
43. 鶏肉 とりにく toriniku Chicken Meat
44. 羊肉 ようにく youniku Mutton / Lamb
45. 魚 さかな sakana Fish
46. 海老 / 蝦 えび ebi Prawn / Shrimp
47. 蟹 かに kani Crab
48. 豆腐 とうふ toufu Tofu / Bean Curd
49. 卵 たまご tamago Egg
50. 食パン しょくパン shoku pan Plain Bread / White Bread
51. 玉葱 たまねぎ tamanegi Onion
52. 胡瓜 きゅうり kyuuri Cucumber
53. 醤油 しょうゆ shouyu Soy Sauce
54. 酢 す su Vinegar
55. 山葵 わさび wasabi Japanese Horseradish
56. 油 あぶら abura Oil
57. 砂糖 さとう satou Sugar
58. 塩 しお shio Salt
59. 胡椒 こしょう koshou Pepper
60. 調味料 ちょうみ
りょう choumi ryou Seasoning / Condiment / Flavoring / Spices
Japanese English
1. yasai Vegetables
2. daikon raddish
3. nasu egg plant
4. nin jin carrots
5. bareisho(jagaimo) potato
6. satsuma-imo sweet potato
7. negi onion
8. tama-negi onion bulb
9. nin-niku garlic
10. kyuuri cucumber
11. kyabetsu cabbage
12. kabocha pumpkin
13. tomato tomato
14. kinoko mushroom
15. toomorokoshi corn
16. sato-imo taro
17. mame beans
18. daizu soy beans
19. shooga ginger
20. takenoko bamboo shoot
21. niga-uri bitter guard
22. horensoo spinach
23. seri parsley
24. hakusai chinese cabbage
アスパラ asparagus
おくら okra
かぼちゃ pumpkin
きゅうり cucumber
ゴーヤ bitter gourd
ごぼう burdock
さつまいも sweet potato
しいたけ shiitake mushroom
じゃがいも potato
ズッキーニ zucchini
だいこん Japanese radish
たまねぎ onion
ちんげんさい bok choy
トマト tomato
なす eggplant
にんじん carrot
ネギ leek
にんにく garlic
ピーマン green pepper
ブロッコリー broccoli
まいたけ hen-of-the-wood
モロヘイヤ Egyptian spinach
ルッコラ arugula
れんこん lotus root
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Yamakake gohan :Yam topping-rice (cooking)
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Yamaimo is one of the few plants that grows naturally in Japan. It can be divided into several types. Wild yam, Japanese yam (Chinese yam), Yamatoimo, etc. Of these, wild yam and Yamatoimo are very sticky, so they are grated raw with a grater, mixed with dashi stock and wasabi, and eaten over rice.
This is the moment when I feel glad that I was born as a Japanese. In addition, if you use yamakake gohan, the yam helps digest starch, so there is an advantage that you can digest the rice even if you don't chew the rice too much. By the way, I used Yamatoimo this time.
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