#cookie kid rambles
in honor of raksha bandhan (which is an Indian festival separated in honor of sibling love), you guys are getting a regulus and Sirius angsty little piece of writing tomorrow :)
also if you want to ask about raksha bandhan please do cause its one of my favorite festivals to talk about.
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daearfhungurzzzz · 4 months
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friend of mine really wanted me to draw him like this
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anonymoususeru · 5 days
Screw it, I'm joining in a "what-if" kinda thing for my OCs in @cuppajj Beast Ancients AU
Bittersweet Choco Cookie - Despite being Frigid Cacao's daughter, she no longer feels any loyalty to him as she had already ran away years ago. Bittersweet Choco would have tried to reconcile with Cacao but feels like there is no use now. She's currently alive and is part of a resistance group. Worries for her daughter and her daughter's girlfriend back in the Dark Cacao Kingdom.. Status, Alive
Cocoa Powder Cookie - Aforementioned daughter of Bittersweet Choco Cookie. Still alive for now, but her already waning loyalty to Dark Cacao Cookie had led her to escape the Black Citadel. She is trying (and currently could not) to contact her mother to say that she's okay and safe. Unfortunately, her girlfriend did not manage to make it out alive.
Vanilla Orchid Cookie - (She is my PureLily kid but this is factor isn't important) She's doing fine but Matcha had to take her to the Cookies of Darkness place for her to remain safe. Still looks up to Midnight Lily, seeing her as an even cooler hero. Not truly aware of the huge impending doom. Is doing well and managed to be on Dark Enchantress Cookie's "good" side for now, despite Vanilla Orchid being a product of Dark Enchantress' "weaker half". Status, Alive.
Panko Cookie - Even though she was not truly an enemy, she suffered from the Permafrost from Frigid Cacao. Even as a status of a Former St. Pastry Order member, Panko Cookie wasn't prepared to take it on. However she managed to write a note to Cocoa Powder Cookie to run and that she'll love her always. Status, Deceased.
Cacao Flower Cookie - Living the best they can in the Black Citadel, increasingly concerned for both Frigid Cacao and the deja vus they had with the pale ailment had increased by a tonne. Status, Alive.
Misc OCs:
Caramel Milk Cookie - Alive, is trying to find a way to help with the Permafrost.
Luminous Tide Jelly Cookie - Is very alarmed with the growing Licorice Sea, is currently staying in one of their moms' (Moonlight) domain more than the sea due to the increasing trouble.
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chibifox2002 · 9 months
I'm bored so here's my list of the top ten plus sized characters that I want to hug/believe would get awesome hugs.
This will contain ramblings for each character, so everything is gonna be under the cut!
#10: Sam from Sam & Max
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He seems like he'd LOVE hugs. Plus since he's a dog he'd probably let you pet him if he's in the mood. His hugs would be soft as fuck and nobody can tell me otherwise.
#9: Leatherhead from TMNT (2003)
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This guy NEEDS a hug and will absolutely accept one with zero hesitation. Will probably even lift you up while hugging.
#8: Doctor Vargas from Knack
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HAH, Y'ALL THOUGHT I WAS GONNA SAY KNACK HUH?! You wouldn't be wrong. Dr. Vargas is very dad coded to me and is a very kind man who loves his family. Plus this science family canonically hugs each other so yeah. Hug the scientist.
#7: Raphael from ROTTMNT
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Fucking look at him. Need I say more? Precious baby boy who's doing his best to protect his family. Hug him. Hug him you sick bastard. His hugs are immaculate and safe. FUCKIN' HUG HIM-
#6: Hollyberry Cookie from Cookie Run
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She's a grandmother, you are legally not allowed to say she gives bad hugs. Jail. Right to jail if you say that. Her hugs are warm and loving. Best granny.
#5: Kratos from God of War
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Now this is probably VERY random, but whenever I think about this man's backstory and what he's gone through I think "this man is VERY OVERDUE for a hug." Even though he's probably not that much of a hugger, only hugging those close to him. His hugs feel earned and validating.
#4: Barnaby from Welcome Home
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#3: DBK from Lego Monkie Kid
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He may not be one of my favorites, but I still wish to hug him! He's yet another man who loves his family and would probably give his own life to protect them. Started off as a bastard, still kinda is, but has grown into an amazing father. Is hugs would absolutely be warm! But that's mostly because of the fact that he lives in a lava castle.
#2: King Dedede from Kirby
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Of course this dude was gonna be on here. We all knew. But, again, LOOK AT HIM. How could you not wanna hug this cool dude! He'd pat you on the back and everything. Safest hug you'll ever be in. Also he loves his Waddle Dees so of course that's a plus!
#1: Scarlet from Sackboy: A Big Adventure
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She's Sackboy's mentor in this game, and, as me and my sister screamed out every time she was on screen, gives off vibes of a grandma who's a veteran and who adventured all over the world and tells her kids all sorts of stories from her 'ventures! Her hugs would be soft, safe, and warm.
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cookie-dough-writes · 2 months
They should make a support group for kids who had too much unrestricted internet access as a kid because it is just so complex. I also do not want to bring up pony.MOV in an expensive therapy session.
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nevermore-selfship · 9 months
Sorry if this is a personal question but i noticed you reblog alot of proship related things and was curios if you wer proship yourself
I honestly was wondering if I was ever gonna get this question considering antis have already shown up here prior-
Now I'm not really the biggest fan of labels pertaining to the whole thing of selfshipping (you're a person who wants to hug fictional characters, familial, platonic, romantic, that's the gist of it), but I'm gonna explain how I am as a person with this stuff and if it does make me proship, then so be it it's not like antis haven't pathetically tried shit with me before laksjdljkgalkd
I know what I like, and I know what I dislike, but I don't purposefully go and attack the people who do things that I'm not the biggest fan of, the block button in a wondrous instrument to weed out the things you *DONT WANNA SEE*, and I use it when I need to.
I'm also a MASSIVE advocate of "if you're not hurting REAL ACTUAL PEOPLE, then do what you want, I don't care", and everything in this selfshipping place deals with characters THAT DO NOT EXIST, we fabricate stories that we can daydream and retreat to when we need to and when we want to, but at the end of the day, they're just that, they're stories and imaginations we find comfort in, and if you're okay with it, you can share them with other people.
If this makes me proship by definition, then it does, but I can confirm and guarantee something, that my blog is unapologetically proship safe - I'm not gonna judge you or berate you or threaten you if you don't fit my norm, I don't control you in the slightest, so proship selfshippers, please don't hesitate to come here and interact with me, I promise, you're safe here-
And if you're an anti thinking about attacking anyone or myself on m blog's ground, then do yourself a favor reserving the one brain cell you have in the shriveled up raisin you have as a mind, and get the fuck off of my blog 🖤
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joculatrixster · 1 year
do ppl honestly think lychee is a kid??? their character revolves around ppl falling in love w/ them, if lychee is a child that's super creepy??? lychee is clearly not ment to be a child but an adult who usaed a child disguse to gain the trust of others for their own gain???
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designernishiki · 1 year
hc: majima can cook a surprisingly wide range of cuisines very well, but always fucks up somehow when he tries to bake. kiryu can’t cook above the level of a broke college kid but has an odd innate gift for baking.
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anyone has those days where the words don't float like they usually do and you are suddenly gripped with the fear of being completely shit at the one thing u thought u were meant for?
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eyestrain-addict · 21 days
Just accidentally axed my 7-8 year old Cookie Clicker game. Whoopsie.
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roguelov · 9 months
I never realized how quickly the pipeline of doodling one spicy art becomes because it feels like I need to draw more I need a fix
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tinfoilbutters · 1 month
Redownloading Sims 4 so I can give Butters the life he deserves
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EVERYONE. be quiet and just look at white lily’s report card :)))
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thewindbandit · 2 years
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Silly dumb AU where these 3 are siblings
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qsmprambling · 7 months
If cookie access is going to be a big concern with holidays and such coming up, maybe it's worth flagging it with the admins. Maybe add some kind of banker to the bakery that only eggs can access and parents can give cookies to? Or just make it easy and have it that everyone's cookies are worth 1 point.
#Honestly I'm not a fan of the cookie system#and share the general opinion that it sort of takes away the opportunity for bonding that the previous system encouraged#but I also understand this eliminates the need for admins to track player activity#but with the amount of people away and off and especially with holidays coming up#the half-points from anyone but parents is going to put a lot of pressure on people to stock up for themselves and others#which involves them playing extra days#which reducing the checkmarks to 3 was supposed to help reduce#honestly they should just switch it back to everyone being able to do anyone's quests#because there are times parents simply can't help being away#and that puts a pressure of other islanders to save their kid#which takes a lot more work than it does the parent#Like it would take someone 6 days to save enough cookies for an egg that isn't theirs#what about their own?#what about multiple eggs?#There have been actual days where Bad has had to complete quests for 6 eggs AT THE SAME TIME#again I get this also encourages involvement from more people on the island#but the quests aren't even fun for people so the motivation to do them will probably fizzle out with time#and thus fewer extra cookies#right I'm rambling stopping again pfft#tl;dr interesting system but will need tweaks I think @_@#like before this people only needed to log in 3 times a week with their egg to keep them safe#and STILL there was at least one egg almost every Sunday doing their quest last minute with a babysitter#just making it so anyone's cookies will add up to 1 point will alleviate a lot of the stress I think#even if it does mean that 1 person can only take care of max 2 eggs a week (and half of another)#ramble
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shining-gem34 · 10 months
🕯️ / for Dan Heng!
🕯️ Accepted! @pitchdarkhook
The Archiver Thoughts Opinions of People: Hook (I)
First impression: Mischievous, but lively
Later impression: Mischievous, but lively with a heart of gold. Hook is just a sturdy girl who won't hesitate to fight back if you wrong her.
Despite my initial concerns, I'll admit I've grown fond of Hook.
When she wants to learn, she'll behave and follow the rules. She puts the books back where they belong. She doesn't hesitate to ask me for help. She's asks alot of questions, but she is surprisingly patient while I try to answer in a way she'll understand.
For an energetic child, Hook doesn't appear to get bored of staying indoors and reading books for a few hours. Or she's that studious to learn...
Anyway, I asked PomPom for help to bake some cookies for her. She told me she recently passed a "mock" test that Natasha made for her and the other orphans. Apparently, Belebog is reorganizing their education system to include people from the underground...
It isn't the final challenge, but I figured it help motivate Hook to be ready for the real test.
Children do love treats and sweets after all.
Additional notes:
I still believe that Trailblazer and March 7th are better suited to handling Hook. Their energy matches after all.
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