#and share the general opinion that it sort of takes away the opportunity for bonding that the previous system encouraged
qsmprambling · 7 months
If cookie access is going to be a big concern with holidays and such coming up, maybe it's worth flagging it with the admins. Maybe add some kind of banker to the bakery that only eggs can access and parents can give cookies to? Or just make it easy and have it that everyone's cookies are worth 1 point.
#Honestly I'm not a fan of the cookie system#and share the general opinion that it sort of takes away the opportunity for bonding that the previous system encouraged#but I also understand this eliminates the need for admins to track player activity#but with the amount of people away and off and especially with holidays coming up#the half-points from anyone but parents is going to put a lot of pressure on people to stock up for themselves and others#which involves them playing extra days#which reducing the checkmarks to 3 was supposed to help reduce#honestly they should just switch it back to everyone being able to do anyone's quests#because there are times parents simply can't help being away#and that puts a pressure of other islanders to save their kid#which takes a lot more work than it does the parent#Like it would take someone 6 days to save enough cookies for an egg that isn't theirs#what about their own?#what about multiple eggs?#There have been actual days where Bad has had to complete quests for 6 eggs AT THE SAME TIME#again I get this also encourages involvement from more people on the island#but the quests aren't even fun for people so the motivation to do them will probably fizzle out with time#and thus fewer extra cookies#right I'm rambling stopping again pfft#tl;dr interesting system but will need tweaks I think @_@#like before this people only needed to log in 3 times a week with their egg to keep them safe#and STILL there was at least one egg almost every Sunday doing their quest last minute with a babysitter#just making it so anyone's cookies will add up to 1 point will alleviate a lot of the stress I think#even if it does mean that 1 person can only take care of max 2 eggs a week (and half of another)#ramble
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danteinthedevildom · 3 years
yes! i hate it when people say belphie doesnt care for mc, this is a personal opinion but i feel like even if we werent related to lilith (and somehow we came to life again) he would be close to us, and try. seeing how the people he cares about the most react to someone he thought was just a human dying would probably push him to get to know MC. i know some people also think and argue that beel sees MC as a replacement for lilith too; but i know 100% he doesnt, he hasnt been able to verbally talk about his sisters passing to anyone, i mean almost right after she died belphie was taken away and beel assumed he was in the human world on "buisness", so for beel to openly talk about lilith with us as much as he does it feels special. i know he sees mc as their own person because of how much hes able to share with us, beel talking with mc about his feelings means hes able to finally move on, not to say that he'll forget about her, but he knows hes ready to finally stop beating himself up for it yk? i feel like people were also conflicted about seeing belphie as someone who cares for mc, especially the 180 he does when he finds out we're liliths relative; but belphie has had so much trauma, seeing the person he loved the most die, being separated from his brothers for years and years, etc. he was locked away with his mental illness for a long time, the anger bottled up and he took it out on mc, of course it explains it but it doesnt excuse it, you can still continue to hate belphie idc but i feel like he loves mc more than the other brothers do because of it, its the same thing with beel, mc allowed both of them to cope and talk to them about their sisters passing, yk?
Honestly the whole of Chapter 16 and associated fallout is p. controversial simply bc of it being us that it happens to; the game's written for us to imprint on the MC, and because of that, some scenes - like Belphie's betrayal and his glee at having killed MC - becomes very, very personal. It's very easy after that to become biased against a character, because there's genuine emotional scarring that we're left with as players that the game then just... fails to acknowledge to its fullest. (Which is why we get so many "MC might have forgiven Belphie but I haven't" fics on AO3.)
But to say that Belphie doesn't care for MC is just. Wrong. And I can def. get your annoyance on that!
He didn't care for MC to begin with, yes; MC was a random human he knew nothing about, a ticket to freedom and the first step into enacting revenge for something he's carried with him for millenia. They didn't matter to him outside of that because he never got to see them - or spend actual time with them - outside of the short visits they could afford to update him on their pact progress. That's undeniable.
But to say that he still doesn't ignores the entire point of the Lilith revelation. Being related to her gives Belphie something to connect with MC over. It gives him a reason to overcome his hatred of humanity and to bond with MC in general - which is selfish, yes, and kind of shitty, true, but so much of Belphie's (admittedly misplaced) anger comes from being a survivor of an incredibly one-sided war and (arguably, in his mind) the reason Lilith died to begin with. Because Beel saved him instead of her.
It's not like any of them were ever given a good way to cope with the trauma of the Fall, or Lilith's death. It's not like any of them even knew her actual fate until Chapter 16. Belphie's way of coping was to become apathetic, and to try and place the blame onto something he could take action against.
To him, that meant humanity. Because she fell in love with a human. Because they'd already fought God and lost, so he wasn't going to get closure there - but maybe ending the cause for her death would help the hurt.
He hated humans because of Lilith. In the realm of good story-telling, the best way to end that hatred is likewise through Lilith. Stories are best when they have that cyclical nature to them - especially since it can then transition into Belphie overcoming his trauma (and Lilith's death) through humanity.
So, yeah; it's a selfish reason to get close to someone, to take back the really horrific thing you were going to do, but all of Belphie's anger stemmed from the Fall and what he perceived as her death. Finding out that she didn't actually die? That she became human - became the very thing he wanted to destroy - and lived out a long life? That she had children, and that her family line is still alive in MC? Of course that's going to stop him dead in his tracks. And of course he's going to want to get close to MC, the last remaining fragment of the sister he's dedicated his entire life post-Fall mourning.
Belphie's an incredibly apathetic character by nature. He doesn't care about a lot of things, and everything he cares about is overshadowed by how much he loves Lilith. He needs that connection to get him out of his natural apathy. He cares about Lilith above all else; he'll care about MC at the drop of a dime if they're anything to do with her.
But that's not a bad thing. It means there's an opportunity for him to genuinely get to know who MC is, in a positive light.
It's an opportunity for him to try and make a connection with MC that simply wouldn't have existed otherwise, and through them, to finally, finally put his memory of Lilith to rest. And he does! He gets to know MC, gets to know why Beel adores them so much - outside of just being "Lilith's descendant" - and ends up loving them for who they are.
He puts his hatred of humanity and his single-minded attachment to Lilith behind him, and he still cares for MC. He wouldn't do this if he'd really not formed some sort of bond with them before that point. If he only cared for them because they're a fragment of Lilith, then they'd mean nothing to him once Lilith wasn't such a fervent part of his daily life.
I think the game's just... really bad at showing that, however. You put it really well when you called it a 180, because in all honesty? The game glosses over it much too quickly, and doesn't do a totally good job explaining the logic behind why he'd change his mind so fast.
There's not enough time spent on allowing MC - and the player - to overcome the emotional wreckage of Chapter 16 + fallout. We're not given the chance to process it before Belphie has, to build up a natural relationship with him that transitions slowly from him seeing MC as a Lilith-connection to him seeing them as their own, defined person. It's way too easy to still be emotionally hung up on it while he seems perfectly fine and dandy.
On your bit abt him overcoming it even without the connection to Lilith - I agree tbh! There is a lot Belphie would do for Beel, and I genuinely think seeing how against him Beel is after killing MC, even if they're brought back to life, would ruin him. Belphie being locked up, trying to convince Beel that he was doing the right thing, only for Beel to disagree with him and show genuine anger/disgust, would knock the world from under his feet. If he thought trying to hurt MC would make him lose Beel too - if Beel pleaded with him to just play nice, because he can't choose between them both, not again - he'd likely (albeit begrudgingly) postpone his intended revenge plot.
And he'd try to stay bitter, and for a long time he likely would - but then he'd see how happy Beel is with MC around, and how much it means to Beel that they seem to get along, and how much Beel opens up to them about Lilith, and he'd start to... reconsider. Just a little. Just a bit. Moment by moment, day by day, until he realises that MC isn't a replacement for Lilith, but that they bring something to the table that the brothers have been missing for a long, long time.
Which would afford Belphie the moment of catharsis; where he finally, on a quiet night, opens up about the Fall. How he felt, how angry he is, how helpless. How much he misses her, how the pain and hurt consumes his every thought. And then the player would get the chance to overcome the emotional strain with Belphie, showing him that his anger shouldn't be aimed at humanity when his Father is the one at fault, and Belphie, very quietly, admitting that they're right.
It could work, and work well. It's just a point of finding - and hitting - the right story beats.
On the topic of Beel - honestly, the concept that he sees MC as a replacement for Lilith is just... I personally couldn't imagine it. I can see how someone else could - being her descendant, the attic sandwich club, their little escapade together once Belphie's back in with the family - but that includes seriously misreading/ignoring a lot of Beel's character arc/development.
Beel talks to MC about Lilith and Belphie way before he knows anything about their relation to her. He sees a lot of her in them, yes - he mentions this a few times, I think, in relation to little things they do - but he also sees a lot of what he wants to be in them - which is best seen in their ability to defend both himself and Luke, which be very subtly compares to his own inability to save both Lilith and Belphie.
To Beel, MC stands as something a little idealised. MC is everything good he saw in Lilith (as well as some of the things he loves most about Belphie), and everything he wishes he could have been. MC is a reason to be better, stronger, more capable - both so he can protect them the way they protect others, and so he can feel as if he's on their level.
But that doesn't mean he sees them as a replacement to the people he's lost. It's arguable that he's projecting, sure, I'll admit that; he sees things he misses most of the people he's lost in MC, and I'm sure forming a bond with them helped him cope while he was without Belphie. But MC is still always MC to him. They're always still their own person, and someone he cares for because of that fact.
Beel cares too much about his family to replace them with someone else. Lilith meant too much to him as a person for him to look at MC and actually see Lilith. He misses her, not the idea of her. He feels guilt that he couldn't save her. His trauma revolves almost entirely around the failure of (self imposed) duty and the subsequent loss of life. His Survivor's Guilt is the main reason Beel can't put her memory to rest - because he's constantly haunted by the thought that he could have saved her.
His trauma, the way it is, does not create a setting where he would believably see MC as a replacement for Lilith. He's all too aware that she's gone. He's all too aware that he lost something he can never get back that day. Her memory is special to him, and being unable to talk about her hurts him because that's a bit like killing her off for good.
MC can't replace Lilith, even being Lilith's descendant, and I genuinely can't believe that Beel would even want them to. He's so defensive over Belphie and Lilith, even just over the memory of them; to suggest that MC could replace one of them I feel would anger him more than anything. Not only because it's an insult to Lilith, but because it's an insult to the person MC is. To the person Beel admires.
With just how much he cares about Lilith, I think Beel's enhanced attachment to MC is more the steadfast defence of her lineage to make up for what he couldn't do for her. He still sees MC as their own person, it's just that now... now he has a chance to make up for what he failed at before. And bit by bit, he can learn to forgive himself. Can learn to stop blaming himself for something that was never his fault to begin with.
Belphie and Beel have a special relationship with MC because MC is a direct link to Lilith that helps them overcome their individual Lilith-related traumas. They're naturally going to be closer to MC due to this, yeah, but that's... not the only reason they're close to MC. To try and push down everything they feel and do with MC to "it's only because MC is Lilith's descendant" is to. Well. A) make an incredibly unsatisfying story and character development, but also B) completely ignore that MC helps them bury the memory Lilith. MC helps them move on. Their care and love for MC is what helps them finally let go - to stop living in the past, in hurt, and to finally take a step forward to a future without the weight of Lilith's death constantly burdening them.
Like. If Solmare had just spend a little more time on these two, that might be clearer. Because it's definitely there! And it's why I love Belphie and Beel so, so much. But it's also fully understandable why some players still really dislike Belphie, or why they're not convinced that Belphie/Beel see MC as anything outside of Lilith, bc the game does kind of fail on that a little by rushing a bit too much. Just. Aagh!! You know?
I could honestly go on abt them for hours. So I should prolly stop here before I go on too long adfgh.
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aprxl-showers · 3 years
klance x pirates of the caribbean
bc apparently when i'm upset i listen to newsies live and think up weird klance aus
in my head this could go one of two ways:
keith and lance as will and elizabeth
keith and lance as jack and will (i'll explain later)
a lot more under the cut bc i got a bit carried away...
if it follows the canon love story i picture lance as will and keith as elizabeth. (i could see it the other way around bc keith could be the orphan pirate boy but i’ve written too much to go back now).
when they were young, keith was on a ship with his father and he spots lance on a piece of driftwood. they save him ofc and keith spots a jewel necklace around lance's neck. he takes it and later has it fused in the hilt of his mother's knife that is now his.
keith hates being the governor's son with a passion. he hates the formality of it and how restrictive it is. lance is the weaponsmaster's apprentice (that's how he gets good with a gun) and he is always under appreciated! give this guy some recignition!
anyway, he has been silently pining for keith for ages. little does he know, keith kind of likes him too. a lot of mutual pining has been going on for longer than either can recall.
anyhoo, pirates invade the town and kidnap keith. he puts up a fight but in the end he's outnumbered and taken aboard the ship as leverage. he says his surname is mcclain bc it's on his mind. wink wonk. captain of the evil pirates is zarkon and when the pirates who kidnapped keith hand him the knife he realises it is the jewel that can break their spell. since keith uses lance's surname, he also thinks it is keith's blood they need to finish the ritual since lance's family are the one's who sent the jewel away with lance. but it's not. obvs.
lance, after saving a baby, watches keith get taken in horror and tries to call out but is knocked out before he can act. once he's awake he hears that there's a pirate who was caught in the dungeon. that's allura. yes, eccentric captain allura is a choice i am making.
lance manages to break her out of jail, thinking she is one of the evil pirates and he can persuade her to help him. she is not but decides to help him anyway in an attempt to retrieve her ship 'the voltron' from zarkon. the two of them go off on a quest to save keith.
meanwhile, hunk and pidge are guarding keith. they are new recruits to zarkon's crew after their other crew threw pidge out when they discovered she was a girl (silly pirate superstitions). hunk went with her. they are easily persuaded to help keith bc zarkon's a meanie and promise that they'll help him out when they make it to land.
lance and allura arrive on an island and find coran who is allura's closest friend and ally. shiro is also there. he has a peg arm (is that a thing? idk it's a weird mechanism but it does the trick). coran explains that the ship keith is on is cursed and they will be going to the mysterious isle of daibazaal to break the curse.
they get there and watch zarkon attempt to break the curse using the jewel (which he pried out of the blade) and keith's blood. nah, it don't work. they still turn into creepy looking skeletons in the moonlight. damn. he threatens keith and then all hell breaks loose bc lance shoots him. it would have definitely killed zarkon but he can't die bc... the whole undead thing, and in doing so all lance does is reveal their position. they fight a bit, as you do. keith gets hold of a sword and kills three evil pirates in about five seconds. lance falls a little bit in love with him.
in the midst of the battle, lance makes a deal with zarkon that he will stay if keith and the others can go (this now includes hunk and pidge bc they helped keith get free). lance is stripped of visible weapons and zarkon agrees to break the curse immediately. lance cuts his hand and drops the jewel into the chest.
then he grabs keith's jewel-less knife from where it lies beside the chest. zarkon, distracted, doesn't notice until the blade is buried in his gut. he dies. keith and the rest act immediately and kill any other pirates who don't surrender. keith kills an evil pirate about to shoot lance.
they return keith in exchange for allura, coran, shiro, pidge, hunk and lance's pardon. keith expresses his wish not to be governor in the future and allura invites them on 'the voltron' ship with her since she reclaimed it from zarkon. keith and lance then have a moment where they thank each other for saving each other's life. keith thanks lance for coming after him and lance confesses. it's all very sappy and they kiss for ages.
lance is still will. i stand by everything i said about him in the previous version. his parents caused the curse to endure and sent him off. but instead of keith finding him, it's allura. she's the governor's (in this case, alfor's) daughter. she takes the jewel and keeps it as a necklace. lance and allura are more like besties but they're not really allowed to see each other because of their differing classes.
keith arrives and escapes the navy. hides in weaponsmaster’s shop. lance tries to fight him but he’s not as good with a sword as he is with a gun. lots of sassy banter where lance is tryna be noble and keith doesn’t care for it.
anyway, we sort of know what happens. allura gets kidnapped and uses lance's surname bc they had a conversation beforehand. lance stresses, hears about a pirate they captured, assumes it's one of the evil ones he can persuade to help him.
but instead he gets keith who he met earlier. in the time they’ve been apart he’s got himself landed in the dungeon. and he’s notoriously one of the most stubborn, grumy pirate captains in all the seven seas.
he's overall unimpressed with lance as a person and with his plan, only agreeing when he realises he might be able to get his ship, this time called 'the red lion', back. lance decides he's going to prove himself to keith. he doesn't know why he's so offended by a pirate's opinion but he just is. hmmm...
they pick up shiro and coran, pidge and hunk promise to help allura out yada yada yada and they start making their way towards the island.
they run into lotor and his crew (acxa, ezor, zethrid etc) who are unrelated to zarkon and that whole... thing but they're your typical pirates and they want their stuff. which is annoying af bc allura is missing and they have somewhere to be thank you very much.
they put up a good fight. lance has plenty of opportunities to impress keith with his pistol skills. consider keith very impressed and mildly enamoured. but he doesn't do feelings so he stuffs them down inside him as you do. they win and move on. afterwards keith asks lance where he learned those moves and lance tells him stories of his time in the weaponsmaster's workshop. they bond.
they get to the island and find allura. they fight and keith and lance save each other's backs too many times to count. lance has a revelation (inconveniently mid battle) that he actually really likes this. this is fun. this is exciting.
then keith fucks up. he says that he'll hand lance over if zarkon gives him his ship back. lance is fucking fuming and feeling very betrayed and hurt bc he actually felt like he was getting somewhere with keith. keith gets what he deserves though bc zarkon dumps him and allura on an island and takes lance away.
while they're on the island allura knocks some sense into him regarding his life generally and lance specifically. she tells him loads of cute lance-as-a-teenager stories and keith feels awful. he helps her light a signal fire using some rum he has on his person.
they spot the ship alfor sent to find allura. they persuade them to go to where lance and the rest of the crew is. keith tries to act like he's on zarkon's side when they get back to the cave and then he takes one of the cursed jewels so he's now immortal. aha! while this is happening allura has infiltrated zarkon's ship, 'the red lion', so shiro, coran, pidge and hunk can be freed.
allura then frees lance from where they were keeping him in the hull. lance runs to where keith is. they share a look. keith cuts his hand and throws the jewel to lance who does the same and drops it into the water. the curse is broken. keith goes to grab zarkon's sword so he can kill him but zarkon grabs him by the throat. lance shoots zarkon in the side before keith can pass out. he runs to keith who has collapsed. keith apologises and thanks him and promises not to betray him again. lance laughs, says he better not and helps him up.
they return allura safely in exchange for their pardon. keith asks lance to join the crew of 'the red lion' and gives him loads of reasons that are really just disguised compliments. safe to say lance kisses him senseless and they run away together, sailing off into the sunset. bc. klance. there's got to be a sunset somewhere.
hope you liked my what-were-meant-to-be-headcanons-but-just-became-plot-summaries!! i promise i’ll post some general pirate voltron headcanons unrelated to this au at some point. i wrote a pirate au piece for klance au month on my ao3 so some might be related to that?
if you want to send asks or whatever that would be cool - even if they're just random ideas for the au or changes/additions to the plot. i also might write little snippets for this at some point (i’ll tag them under ‘kl potc au’ like this post) bc i'm suddenly crazy invested so if you have any scenes from this you want (from version 1 or 2 or any scene in the plethora of potc movies) send a message and i'll probably get around to it :))
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I think aqua mercury
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Hey!^^ Welcome to your reading. Please remember to send feedback.
First impressions when looking at your chart: 1st house stellium, two planets in an anaretic degree, bucket chart shape with Saturn being the focal point.
Pisces is the oldest sign of the Zodiac. The fact that your Sun is placed in this sign may imply that you've learned the lessons of all the other signs, which could make it easier for you to manifest the Sun's traits. It is a Sun sign often more concerned with others, rather than the self, perhaps due to being the last in the Zodiac. You're probably quite intuitive and dreamy, ethereal, even. Caring, sensitive and compassionate are words that are often attributed to this Sun sign as well. However, I've noticed that, along with Cancer, these natives often serve as the "therapist" friend. Nothing wrong with that, but, due to their nature, they can soak people's negative energies, which may severely affect their sensitive personalities. You should take care to balance the amount of time spent around these sorts of people; don't let others dump their traumas on you unannounced. You're quite the idealist, and your creativity is out of this world. You're probably very spiritual (astrology or other subjects).
The 1st is the house of the self. It is ruled by Aries, the sign of exaltation of the Sun; therefore, it is a positive house for it. It balances nicely your Pisces Sun. Here, you acquire that optimism, confidence and positive self-esteem that Pisces isn't great at providing. It also makes it so that your personality is quite easy to perceive; in other words, your Sun shines brightly. This placement can grant you popularity and make you stand out in a crowd. Unlike Pisces, the Sun placed here could lend you that sense of leadership and taking initiative. However, like Aries Sun, you could, if you haven't developed the placement, show tendencies of egoism and vanity.
Your Moon is in Virgo, although it's at the anaretic degree; therefore, it also takes traits from Libra. As a Virgo Moon, you should try to find activities that allow you to be occupied and to do good, which allows you to avoid thinking too much. Failure is a fear of yours. You can truly be your own enemy. You need to understand that there is no such thing as perfection in the universe and that you yourself are no different. There is a tendency to rationalize your feelings; know that to feel is to be human.
With Libra being so close, you may acquire some of its traits. You may shy away from confrontation and seek balance in every area of life.
This placement goes well with your Pisces Sun, in the sense that it strengthens your interest in the occult and secret. It is a karmic position for the Moon; perhaps you have a very strong relationship with your mother. Additionally, it ties in with the idea of Libra's desire to find someone who balances you. You seek someone with whom you can form a deep emotional bond, someone with whom you can be vulnerable and share your secrets. It is also a good position for therapists because it allows you to connect well with people's feelings and needs.
Mercury is in detriment in Pisces. Whereas Mercury is all about rationality and logic, Pisces prefers to be creative and emotional. Therefore, your speech is very connected to your feelings and ideas. Once again, you're intuitive, but your rapid thoughts may cause your speech to be fragmented and incoherent. You may speak in a vague or poetic way. Daydreaming is a coping mechanism, so you may have trouble connecting to Earth. You may also struggle with other people's criticism.
Placed here, you gain ease of putting your thoughts into words. You are curious and love to learn and may be versed in many different fields of knowledge. Talking to people is important to you. These abilities of yours may be quite important in your career, as networking is crucial to advance in any field. Open-mindedness and analytical thinking are other traits you may possess. However, you may be prone to distracting yourself with anything around you. Work on your attention span, it is important.
Here we have the second planet at an anaretic degree. In love, you are probably drawn to intellectual, quirky people. Aquarius Venus is known to be quite flighty and non-committal. That is just a stereotype. You can actually fall in love a lot; however, you may think that, more often that not, pursuing crushes isn't worth it. If you do decide that the relationship should be given an opportunity, you can be one of the most loyal and caring lovers. You want a partner who understands you and who won't judge you for being "different". Nevertheless, your personal space is important to you and your partner must respect your independence. You hate to be told what to do and how to think. Being friends first is probably something you value a lot. Like Virgo Venus, you should try to be less rational sometimes.
The proximity of Pisces may give you that ease of feeling and empathy that Aquarius doesn't have.
Here, Venus grants you a general sense of a harmonious, charming, alluring individual. You may focus a lot on the artistic and beautiful. You are probably someone who desires to connect and help everyone. However, you may struggle with accepting and loving yourself, which may cause you to "fish" for compliments from others. Loving yourself is essential. Additionally, you could use your charm and beauty to manipulate, even if you do so unconsciously. Finally, you may lack assertiveness and determination sometimes, which may lead to laziness and just waiting for good things to come your way.
Mars is exalted in this sign. This is generally a good placement: Mars is about action and Capricorn is quite a determined sign. Your goals and ambitions are quite important to you; you have a natural way to achieve them because of your hardworking, disciplined nature. You set concrete objectives and deadlines for yourself and you usually achieve them. The downside is that you can be cold and detached. Aditionally, you have a deep desire of recognition. You love to work on your goals, but you also want to feel appreciated and that your work is meaningful. Usually quite in control of your emotions.
This can be a difficult placement. On one hand, Mars can manifest in an unstable way, tricked by Neptune. Your emotions can be bottling up inside you and no one would ever know, until you explode. Something else that comes to mind regarding this placement is how you can spend too much of your energy thinking about how you can improve yourself; on the other hand, something can occur that makes you shift onto someone or something else. It is a bit paradoxal. I also associate this placement with people who go through situations of great importance, but whose outcomes may be tragic. You need a great deal of courage to deal with the challenges that life throws at you, which aren't few or small.
You seek harmony and happiness. With your attuned sense of justice, you are the right person to find middle ground between two polar opposites. You draw a very clear line between what is right and what is wrong. You probably have good taste in just about everything. Relationships are important for your spiritual growth; however, your excellent and fair sense of justice does not apply to relationships. You may get into partnerships that seemed perfect at first but then disappoint you. Additionally, take care not to wander from relationship to relationship. Being in retrograde, you may withhold your true thoughts and opinions out of fear of hurting the other person.
Traditionally, Jupiter ruled Scorpio, which corresponds to the 8th house. A theme of this house is money, particularly other people's money, as well as inheritances. You may get lucky in this department, or you may marry someone who's extremely well-off. People may even trust you with their money. Jupiter's philosophical side offers you a good understanding of human nature and its deepest characteristics, as well as the occult and religious matters. Lastly, like all 8H placements, you strive to find a deep attachment to people. Beware of getting seduced into entering sketchy and dangerous situations, for the 8th is the house that rules everything dark and deadly.
Saturn is in detriment here. You may feel a strong need of emotional safety, which could manifest as a fear of abandonment. There may also be some emotional blockages present that you struggle to overcome. Saturn retrograde, being the planet of Karma, may difficult your mission in life. You could be stuck on an unresolved trauma from a past life. This may be represented by a figure of authority in this life, perhaps your father. Instead of attempting to reconcile your past, try to accept the world changing around you. You may be too afraid to venture into the world and to open your heart; accept that it is part of life. Find people that give you that security, but don't pour out your entire soul to them; find a balance. Not everything can be kept in our hearts, but not everything should be shared, either.
You can feel responsible for other people, especially your coworkers, even if you struggle getting along with them. There's a need to serve, to be of use to others; you may find it hard to relax. You are quite organized, so you'd do well to make use of it. You could also be the type to help others in the way to their goals. However, you should also understand that, sometimes, you should just let go and go with the flow. Not everything in life is about hard work, routines or responsibilities. Find something that excites you; try some meditation. There may also be some health issues, perhaps you had them in your childhood. ⬛
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my-darling-boy · 4 years
im wondering if you think that edward brittain and geoffrey thurlow were lovers. because i know the movie implied that perhaps there was something more there, bu from reading the book as well as 'letters from a lost generation' i didnt get that impression. just wondering your thoughts!
Right okay I’m about to InfoDumpᵀᴹ because the love Geoffrey and Edward had is one of the main things that got me into learning about WWI years ago!!! So allow me to shed some light on these boys specifically!
So firstly, Geoffrey Thurlow was inserted swiftly into Edward Brittain’s life and the two got on INSTANTLY in early 1915 after Edward was commissioned to the Sherwood Foresters. For a long time, Victor Richardson had been Edward’s trusted friend, as of course they knew each other from their Uppingham days, but it’s apparent in Testament of Youth, Letters From a Lost Generation, and the other works by the family’s historian Mark Bostridge, that Geoffrey and Edward became VERY close VERY fast. And while it could be written off as a friendship..... there is a lot of evidence that, even ignoring my own conjectures, is hard to dispute the fact that their relationship was more than friendship, even if it never became sexual or explicitly physical.
On top of the two becoming quickly inseparable, they also frequented expression of their desire to be with one another while the other was away, Thurlow often sending Edward very affectionate and borderline romantic letters and postcards on a whim, even sending him one rather Cryptic postcard on Valentine’s Day one year. The two insisted on doing many activities together, and many found them a perfect fit, Geoffrey a rather dreamy, expressive, and emotional young man, while Edward was practically the opposite; it’s suggested that they adored each other so much due to their personalities complimenting the other’s quite well: Edward was able to provide Geoffrey with reassurance and That Officerly Gay Protectiveness, while Geoffrey’s understanding and soft demeanor provided an open window for Edward to share his insecurities when he couldn’t show them to the other men. And while it could be said that Edward was more hesitant to be with Geoffrey in such a manner, even if Geoffrey felt no personal conflict, the two wanted to be very, very personal.
Both boys stayed connected regularly, no matter where they were, through intimate correspondence. As I mentioned, a good majority of their letters involve either one of them, but specially Geoffrey, longing poetically to be out in nature with the other or wishing they were together, but not at present, not wanting the other to be in harm’s way. A lot of Geoffrey’s letters to Edward, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, are signed “Him that thou knowest thine” or just “thine”. Of course this means “yours” or “you who know that I am yours”. And while this sort of thing, at least in my latter wording, was not an uncommon expression between men at this time, it’s..... the first way it’s worded that surprises me. For lack of a more eloquent explanation, it’s Gay as Hell to be THAT poetic to your new soldier friend, even for 1910s standards. One might ask why he simply wouldn’t just write “yours” instead of adding the special style, and making the extra effort to imply “not only am I yours, but you know as well as I do that I’m yours”. One might even ask if it was to refer to a special meeting, or inside romantic reference, such as the way in which Roland and Vera signed their own letters to each other, “au revoir”. Literally one letter from Thurlow to Edward simply ends with “In Life, in Death, Yours”.
There were also several letters marked “private” sent to the Brittain residence from Geoffrey in the span between 1915 to 1916 when Geoffrey would have occasionally been on leave, and could write whatever he damned well pleased to Edward without fear of the military censors poking around. What makes this crucial evidence to support they were having homosexual correspondence is the fact that Vera burnt the private letters before she died to protect the boys’ wishes to keep them private, if not by Edward’s direct request for her to do so, something which by itself doesn’t seem so odd given the fact letters were burnt all the time for a number of reasons, but is especially compelling given the fact other evidence makes a strong case that they were together. What was contained in those letters is lost to history, but they shouldn’t be confused with the letters taken off the censors which later may have began the domino effect to Edward’s untimely death, as that was in 1918, over a year after the death of Geoffrey, and were about different homosexual matters with other ranks at the time.
Additionally: while Edward’s reaction to Geoffrey’s death is argued not to have been as strong as his response was to, say, Victor’s death, as support for the fact he didn’t actually care much for Thurlow, he wrote to Vera “I have been afraid for him for so long and yet now that he is gone it is so very hard—that prince among men with so fine an appreciation of all that was worth appreciating and so ideal a method of expression . . . Always a splendid friend with a splendid heart and a man who won’t be forgotten by you or me however long or short a time we may live. Dear child, there is no more to say; we have lost almost all there was to lose . . .” In my own mind, this letter is just the tip of the iceberg to how he felt. It’s clear that Geoffrey’s death had a greater toll on him in the long run, while Victor’s death seemed to affect him immediately. I can only assume this is due in part to Edward being so emotionally invested in Geoffrey versus Victor, and that Victor’s death evoked an immediate and present sadness, while Geoffrey’s was so difficult to handle, he couldn’t think but to react in a collected but sorrowful manner, one I feel was meant to conceal just how heartbroken he was, as though he was worried if he showed as much outward devastation as he showed for Victor, he feared one may speculate why he held so much sadness for Geoffrey...as though he was afraid people knew what was between them.
Geoffrey’s death seemed to CRUSH Edward, leading him down this path of dark despair and depression following his passing, and it lead to a lot of misdirected tension between he and his sister at times, and he subsequently turned far more reserved, uncommunicative, and apathetic than ever before. I’d even go so far as to say that Edward might have felt guilty about his own relations with Geoffrey after he died, possibly believing he could have done more to be closer with him, or felt guilt in having distanced himself from him in some way later in 1917. And after such events, he showed more distaste for the war, more lack of emotion towards his own life and its worth, and his letters often took a downhearted turn towards the end.
When he died, Geoffrey’s letter, the last one he sent to Edward in 1917, was found in his breast pocket, and I would assume this to be over his heart. It ends by saying “Till we meet again, Here or in the Hereafter,” and it’s speculated he carried this ever since the day Geoffrey died, and, most defintely, died with it close to his heart.
By my own conjecture, I say that Edward felt that he was both conscious of and without objection to his homosexuality, most likely because it was suggested in private schools at the time (take Evelyn Waugh’s comments on being interested in boys at boarding school as a phase that one grows out of) that it was a passing curiosity, and that such interests would diminish when one reached adulthood. I felt that he did romantically love Geoffrey, even if it never had the opportunity to become sexual or physically intimate. And because our own understanding of homosexuality did not exist at the time for him to have any model from which to reference comprehension of his own sexuality, I believe, that like most of his queer contemporaries, he had a rather ambiguous—near procrastinating—outlook on his own sexual orientation and relationship status, along with his view concerning his future life and possible wife.
The war created a near diversion from having to consider the possibility of being with a woman, and he could instead allow to let his homosexuality subconsciously flourish while being in the presence of so many men, and allow his romantic love for Geoffrey to remain raw and intimate without having to confront the implications such a future would hold for him socially, all due to the war being the only thing on his present mind. And furthermore, I firmly believe that Geoffrey held a deep admiration for him: he looked up to him as well as loved him. Though he was training to be a priest, he seems to express no distaste—rather the opposite, based on his letters to Edward—for flirtatious relations between men, and remains such a gentle and deeply poetic figure to Edward I have only seen reflected in that of homosexual bonds. In my opinion, being gay myself, and with having delved into scattered studies of male affection in earlier centuries, they were in love. It’s a story I so often encounter between men of their class in this era, specifically during the war.
I will also admit that, for some reason, from standing afar, the recollection by itself of what information is told to us about Edward and Geoffrey is rather.... timid...in some instances amid the background of Vera and Roland, of Malta and France. And the ones provided alone from most books are merely the “friendly” letters. The ones I’m sure we would really like to see were lost on Geoffrey’s side and burned on Edward’s side, and what others remain are held in private facilities and university archives, and only available in brief mentions online. However, looking closely, reading sections purely between the two boys, isolating only their letters, their language, and even digging further into works written from Mark Bostridge and other minor historians piecing together dots not having previously been connected, what love they shared feels warm and strong, if not simultaneously distant and foggy at times: such is the way the world remembers homosexuals unfortunately.
These boys never got the oppertunity to be with each other in the way we would like to see historic gay people, the way we swoon over the way Maurice and Clive or Alec were together in Maurice for instance. Geoffrey and Edward were in the middle of war, and there’s both so much poor documentation on homosexuals and so little chance in the chaos to a have a ditch-lectures-to-go-on-a-motorbike-ride-into-a-meadow relationship we expect to see, compared to other circumstances where it would obviate the way they felt about each other. But because of the war, it made it even harder to progress gay relationships due to combat, death, anxiety, and just a general lack of space and oppertunity to be with a man all the time without someone seeing.
I later discovered a while back this historian’s articles about the lives and intertwining of Edward and Geoffrey and they are packed with a brilliant compilation of sources and their own take on the relationship, which I was quite excited to have the pleasure of reading, for we share very similar viewpoints on the matter and even caught onto hints and details during our own reading of the sources no other readers seemed to talk about!
Edward’s || Geoffrey’s
What fragments which are left to us, if we understand just how forcibly hidden life had to be for these men, letters marked “private” and passing remarks of desiring to walk among trees with someone special speak of a louder and more profound story buried deep beneath them. It’s important to take into account that many of the known gay relationships we have record of today are not as well documented as Oscar Wilde. Sometimes, the only record we have of their love lost to time is held in the way it’s held here, in the signing of “Thine”.
I can only hope now that since they could not hold each other in life, that in death, they could finally be together.
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Anyway, there’s my Novel, thanks for the ask!
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solohux · 4 years
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We’re almost halfway through the year so I felt in the mood to make a rec list, and what better fics to rec than the ones which have possibly been overlooked in 2020!
Please remember that this is my own rec list and not being on here does not reflect skill, enjoyment or anything else. It’s just my opinion!
Enjoy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
• Pretty Little Bunny by funnylookinfella (2.2k, E) Kylo makes the 'mistake' of telling Hux he thinks bunnies are cute. Just a silly little smut fic for springtime!
• Kitten by koi_boi (3k, M) Hux sleeps in an orange cat onesie (which happens to match Millicent). Kylo catches him snoozing in said onesie. They cuddle.
•  Paintball Warriors by @rudbeckiasun​ (2k, E) Supreme Leader Kylo Ren decrees that all officers must have shore leave. Then someone suggests teambuilding activities. Hux isn’t convinced, but paintballing turns out to be far more entertaining than he ever imagined.
• You're My Fucked Up Remedy by @nonsensicalsoliloquy​ (15.7k, E) For years now, Hux had plans. For so many long, arduous years he’d schemed in the shadows, waging a silent war with the men who’d taken his life and diligently strived to have it suit their every desire. He thought himself prepared for anything. However, what Hux hadn’t planned for, what took over his messed up existence like it suddenly had any other meaning beyond vengeance…was Ren.
• Revenge is Best Served with Hesitation by @heresetrash (4.6k, E) Hux had never been one to do his own dirty work. He preferred to send others to perform those tasks for him. Not because he couldn't do them himself - he was more than capable - but such work was time-consuming and messy, and he had better things to do. Kylo, however, was different. This was personal. Hux didn't just want to kill him himself, he needed to.
• Matters of Efficiency by mundanecactus (4.3k, T) A diplomatic mission goes awry, and General Hux is forced to admit that maybe he doesn't have a protocol for everything...
• Sick Day by newh0pe (2.3k, T) Kylo Ren has killed Supreme Leader Snoke and become one of the most powerful men in the galaxy... but his boyfriend still has to drag him out of bed when he isn't feeling well and baby him.
• We Remain by @drxcomxlfoys​ (1.1k, G) Kylo finds Hux in the holding cell after Pryde shot him. They both decide to leave the First Order.
• Smirks and Cigarettes by @ashenpages​ (1.8k, T) The first time Hux has Ren light his cigarette, it isn’t planned or discussed, or even a sensible time to be smoking.
•  ghosts from the past by morlawny (<1k, T) It was the same nightmare he had been having for the past few months, and it was haunting him. His father’s voice, the look he gave him… The way his hand touched his face... Kylo released a deep, heavy sigh, causing the body next to him to stir.
• Regeneration by DaisyChainz (3.8k, E) Hux discovers Kylo Ren out in the woods practicing a local ritual to welcome their current planet's Vernal Equinox. Somehow he gets drawn into the rites and finds that, while he objects to the mess, there might be something to the idea of 'renewal'.
• You're Making Fun of Me by DeviantDarkBelle (<1k, M) Kissing something that shouldn't be kissed.
• A Murder on Starscatter Isle by @theweddingofthefoxes​ (WIP, 8.2k, M) Detective Armitage Hux has volunteered for the case of a lifetime -- solving the murder of Snoke, the leader of a mysterious and isolated commune. If he succeeds, he's sure to get promoted. But if he fails, he could be in for more than he ever expected. Is the new leader, Kylo Ren, a friend, a foe, or something else entirely?
• By the Grace of the Fire and the Flames by Mothwing (11.1k, E) The sight of the pale, sunken chest lifting, pausing, falling again as the valve released. Air escaped the slack mouth with a little huff. Hux’s eyes were sunken and closed. He looked so much smaller than Ben remembered, vulnerable, almost soft around the edges, all his wiry strength gone. Ben had strangled him with both the force and his bare hands before, in anger and in a lust that felt very much like anger. And even though it could have never been easier to end his life, something stopped Ben just as it had always stopped Kylo. Something about the dry patches on his hands. Something about the blue shadows under his eyes. It felt odd to say this, but there was simply no honour in killing this man. Nothing good would come from ending this life, even though, and Ben knew that, they both deserved to die. A little balance. A little justice. And you could not tell a corpse that it’d lost. Ben dismissed the thought. No one was even keeping score any more.
• Whole Worlds Fade by boomsherlocka (34.5k, M) Their first meeting was not noteworthy. Hux was not yet General, and Ren was not yet what he would eventually become.
• Watch This by DaisyChainz (2k, E) Hux had never had a lover like Kylo before: someone that wants Hux, and not just a random warm body. So Hux Really wants to give Kylo what he's asking for, but he's just so damn exhausted. Luckily, Kylo has a stimulating solution.
• Aural by @kyluxtrashpit​ (2.7k, E) Hux fucks Kylo's ear.
• let go by DarthKyloRen (1.8k, G) “You’re in pain,” Ben’s small voice broke the silence. Kylo nodded in agreement. “I am.” “You don’t have to be.” “Yes I do.”
•  The Bidding by tsar_saltans_swan (3.4k, T) "Going once, going twice, won't these gentlemen suffice?" Armitage, a young lawyer, is suddenly thrown into an auction house to atone for the crime of not finding a wife by 25. It's a living hell... until he meets Ben.
• My Jolly Sailor Bold by @ellalba​ (<1k, G) A ship wonders into the Knight’s of Ren territory and get taken down by Kylo and his knights. Kylo has always been fascinated by humans but never really gotten the opportunity to actually interact with one in a way that doesn’t end with bloody murder. So he spots his opportunity to keep one when he sees a survivor getting away in a rowboat. A survivor with red hair.
• Take A Jump And Pray, May The Force Guide You by @ggerisminth​ (5.5k, M) The Resistance won, there is peace, well their version of peace. It isn't peace, it isn't even stability. It's just as worse as it was if not worse. But the far greater tragedy is the death of her family, and she will do everything in her power to get them back, even if that means using a technology created by the Sith to take her back in time. Even if it means that it might not work, or that she can never come back. She will never stop fighting to get them back, that is a promise. A promise to the Force, the Stars, and the Moon.
• Stay or Go? by Lokisbestgirl (5k, M) Hux enters into an arranged marriage with General Pryde for power and protection, but he's not getting any satisfaction in the bedroom. When Kylo comes around, they start sleeping together behind Enric's back and Hux finds out he is expecting. The trick is to get Pryde to sleep with Armitage again before suspicion arises. Will Pryde find out or will they get away with it all?            
• Fixed by Offing (<1k, T) There was a small bottle sitting on the side table. It was clear, filled with a yellow liquid, and labeled simply, “Happiness”. A hypodermic needle sat next to it.    
• I Really Wish I Hated You by inquisitor_tohru (1.5k, T) In another galaxy far, far away, Kylo Ren becomes aware that the voices he's hearing may not be aIl that they seem and comes to the unfortunate conclusion that Hux may be his only hope.              
• Caim by Eiramma (20k, T) Hux is stolen from his academy bunk late one night and is dumped on the frozen waste land that is Ilum along with a small handful of his other classmates. Despite never having dreamed a night of his life, on his first night on this frozen planet, Hux finds himself in the body of an angry padawan, Ben Solo. As his stay on Ilum continues, it becomes apparent that pair of them share some sort of deep connection forged through mysticism of the Force, that permits them spend their dreams in one another's waking lives, and Hux has no idea why. But with danger lurking around every snow covered tree, Hux begins to wonder if he will be able to live long enough to understand the mystery of their bond, never mind deal with the growing fondness for the other boy that has begun to bloom in his heart.
• A War of Wages by R_Quarion (2.9k, M) When Kylo Ren kills Palpatine and the power is passed onto him, the Rebellion becomes a story of the past. With the First and Final Order in control of the galaxy, Hux cannot believe that he doesn't even have control over his own paychecks. Phasma is stubborn.
• Wookie Wash by @bostarsky​ & @sunnywritesstuff​ (5.6k, E) There had been posters, propaganda on the minuscule level. Nobody had been bold enough to do anything directly, but Hux could tell the decision had not been taken well by his men. That was when he had prompted the head of morale on base to do something about the insurrection, and she had told him she would fix it. Hoping he had finally washed his hands of the matter, Hux had gone back about his day as normal. That had been three days ago, before all the racket. The issue with the campaign was that the model who had been shown in the ad was... Incredibly attractive, to say the least, and apparently the morale officer said that that man was none other than Kylo Ren. Now, nobody had ever seen his face before, but everyone always assumed he was ugly. Hux loathed drama and gossip of all kinds, it distracted his officers from their important duties... But even he couldn't get over the ridiculousness of the new advertisement. There was no way in the galaxy that such an attractive man could be under that mask, and Hux wanted to get to the bottom of it.
• To be Licked, Topped and Loved by hexgoldyloins (2.1k, E) Ren wants to be licked, topped and loved. Hux is willing to explore that.
• For This One Night by Lady_Faulkner (<1k, T) As Starkiller Base nears its completion, Supreme Leader Snoke orders General Hux to go on vacation. The general isn’t pleased. At least he has Kylo Ren in a speedo to look at.
• Halloween Candles by @paperprinc3​ (1.3k, M) Ben convinces his friend Hux to help him with a ritual so that Ben can try and talk to his dead grandfather Anakin. The ritual requires a virgin host to take the spirit however Hux didn't think that it was meant literally.
• Fate Is A Cruel Thing by shinogi (<1k, T) What would happen if Kylo was on the steadfast during the events that took place to Hux?    
• An Eros Festival Gift by Lady_Faulkner (<1k, T) Hux has been away for two weeks, but he’s due back on the start the Eros Festival, a galaxy wide festival of love, and Kylo has the perfect gift for him. That is, he hopes he does.
• An Earned Reward by PrincessDesire (5.2k, E) Hux rewards his sub Ren for a successful mission.
• Snow Powered by IsaiahVirus (<1k, G) Kylo finds comfort in the snow and in Hux.
• Calligraphy by @emperorsvornskr​ (1.1k, T) Kylo goes back to an old form of meditation assistance, and asks Hux to participate to give them both some stress relief.
• He's Got the Whole World in his Hands by undernightlight  (<1k, G)   Finally, he is the Supreme Leader. He has the power he’s always deserved, the power that was promised to him, so then, why does he still feel hollow?    
• Twin Crowns by kylux_nonsense (<1k, G) Twin thrones, one black marble on white floor, one white marble on black floor. Twin crowns, one rests amongst long, dark hair, one sits atop fiery red. There is but one galaxy, and in all its infinite variety every corner owes its allegiance to one or the other.
• Eh, it's love by @abboh​ (<1k, G) Hux was never one to show love of any degree but then there was Kylo, who showed his love in his own little ways.
• Castles in the Sand by orphan_account (2.4k, T)   A depressed General Hux and his secretive obsessive pining for Kylo Ren.      
• The Duel of the Fates by mheb (31.2k, E) Hux’s datapad chimed again, a call from Kuat this time, and he sighed aloud at it, exasperated. “What?” Hux leaned back in his chair, eyeing the holographic figure seated across from him, the shadowy form of their TIE cockpit barely visible around their body, the entire image emitted from the steel inlay in the far wall that Hux used to transmit his speeches. Hux carelessly knocked over a good half of the physical chess pieces in front of him, putting his bare feet up on his desk. His projected guest scowled at him. But Hux paled at the words that met his ears through his datapad. 'Jedi are with the rebel group that bombed the fueling station...the girl is here.' He ended the call without a goodbye, returning to the other conversation he’d been having, up until this point quite pleasant. “Ren.”
• And They Were Bottoms! (~oh my God, they were bottoms~) by   Ki_Ken_Tai_Ichi (<1k, T) Kylo and Hux both had very similar -and yet very different- plans for how their first night of intimacy was going to go.
• Tough Games by ouigeneral (4k, E) Kylo Ren and Armitage Hux have been participating in a secret relationship for a while. Both men love power play and experimenting with bondage. One night Hux organises a surprise for Kylo. Kylo certainly is surprised.  
• Hate until you love by SuperEllen (<1k, T) Can you hate someone so much that you actually love them?            
• Mark Me, Burn Me (the sun is nothing compared to you) by                 DiamondCrystalInk (1.7k, T) Enjoying a morning on Coruscant, Hux gives Ren a proposition. It's time Hux leaves his mark.
• Put Your Money on Me by Asrael_Valtiri (2.5k, E, WIP) He felt Ren press against his back, wrap his arms around his waist. He couldn’t help himself; he leaned back into Ren’s broad chest. Hux was glad their full-length mirror was behind them; he didn’t want Ren to see his face. So Hux closed his eyes a moment, let himself pretend he possessed all he’d ever wanted. Power, security, order, galactic peace--and above all, Ren.
• deep by g4t1t0 (2.9k, T) snoke dies and kylo ren is lost. hux hates to see him this way, but for a reason he cant name/hux prefers to see ren enraged, violent, hungry/he gets what he wants
• Heads Will Roll by @pizzzazlut​ (2.3k, M) Hux and Kylo decide to venture into the notoriously haunted Arkanis Asylum one night to try and see if they can get actual evidence in their ongoing investigation into the question, are ghosts real?
• Grandfather of the Century by ashangel101010 (<1k, T) The Emperor of the Seven Sith Hells does his best to protect his grandson.
• Love and Fear by @abboh​ (<1k, G) Sometimes it is better to be feared than loved by your people. But, gazing down from above, love can be found amdist all that fear.
• Take A Moment To Ask Yourself, Is This How We Fall Apart? by @bumblebae8​ (1k, T) Take a moment to ask yourself… if this is how we fall apart?
• You Ruined It by ravenlights (1.1k, T) Kylo Ren is serious about home-baked muffins, and Hux, well. Hux ruins it.          
• Crevices Of Sanity by WynneWritesHQ (<1k, T) How late the hour was, or how ramshackle the small room in which General Hux had decided he would spend the night, did not matter anymore. Not when everything he could think about was the man kissing his neck, carrying him aloft and onto some crates that, miraculously, withstood the general disorder better than the dusty residues beneath his always-well-polished boots.
• Pygmalion by orphan_account (17.4k, T) This is a story inspired by the theme of artificial intelligence and explores Armitage Hux's feelings of loneliness and isolation in the First Order. Unable or unwilling to seek out human connections and relationships, Hux turns to a company which provides custom built androids as personal companions to satisfy his need for intimacy.
Adjacent Ship Recs
• Home for Dinner by DaisyChainz (2.9k, E) Matt is always so sweet and attentive to Techie. When he's having a bad day, Techie tries to be brave enough to make things better for him.
 • Icing on the (Strawberry) Cake by Luxuria_Ira (3.6k, G) On a rainy night in June, Clyde takes Stensland up into the rolling hills of West Virginia and asks him a question that's been on the tip of his tongue since they met.
• Better, Ren? by DeviantDarkBelle (1.5k, E) Before Hux and Kylo have to return from leave, Hux hopes he can treat Kylo to something nice. Of course, Thomas and Charlie are more than willing to help out.
• Someone could see us by DeviantDarkBelle (<1k, E) Thomas McGregor is on vacation in NYC. He runs into Charlie Barber. Somewhere along the way, feelings are caught.     
• Horny Hearts by Rattlesnake (9.5k, E, WIP) Techie has a new flatmate called Matt and all he can really think about is doing it with him.
• Leaving It Up to You by undernightlight (8k, E) Henry Beard had been staring at him all day - Flip wasn't blind. Once it was just the two of them in the office, Flip decided to casually confront him about why. He had a mild suspicion, but he wanted to know for sure. He likes to be proven right.
• The Might and Measure of Love by @atlinmerrick (1.2k, E) A clearer invitation to go poking around inside Mr Cheung's house was never made, so a minute later and sure enough Clyde found Stens in the bathroom making weird little frantic noises. Clyde knew those noises. They were 'trying desperately to get off because of awkwardly-timed stiffy' noises.
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flovey-dovey · 5 years
Part 2 of my thoughts on Klaus
Spoilers! Did I mention that already?
When they watch Margu playing in the light of dawn, Jesper puts his hand on Klaus’ arm and keeps it there rather than excitedly pat it once or twice to get his attention like a simple platonic friend might. And while Jesper watches her, Klaus watches Jesper with a very warm, affectionate look that Jesper doesn’t try to shirk or shrug awkwardly off.
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When Klaus puts his hand on his back, Jesper just smiles wider, and when they return to Klaus’ property the look on the woodsman’s face as he listened to Jesper talk like a doting parent and his solid “I do” in reply to what he was saying says even more.
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Heck- part of Klaus’ tragic past was that he and his wife never got to have children no matter how much they wanted and waited, and here comes Jesper with every child in Smeerenburg and beyond at his heels. Klaus even tells him this past, openly, freely and even with a chuckle or two, and right after saying how his life had fallen into aimless misery turns to say “and then you came along.”. Klaus even has Jesper blindfolded before showing him the sleigh with both their names carved into it at what was most likely his request.
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Very couple-like and very sweet in my opinion. After the “liar revealed” scene, Klaus sees his name as he climbs in and hesitates, clearly thinking of him.
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(also, notice in this shot how Jesper is centered with Klaus- not Alva)
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And let’s not forget the mountainside scene after the big chase or the look on Klaus’ face when Jesper echoes his wife’s words with full conviction: “A true selfless act always sparks another”.
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Now we’re nearing the end of the movie, so let’s talk about Jesper’s father some more. In the last quarter of the movie, his father comes back and he and Jesper go to the boat that would take them back home. Before they cast off, though, it’s said not long later that Jesper told his father “everything” and how he thought he’d be mad at him. Why? If it was work related, why would Jesper be afraid his father would get upset by him wanting to stay and do the job he gave him? That he wanted him to have? Why would he be afraid his father would get mad at him for finding love in Alva, if that truly was the case? Could it be that part of “everything” was how Jesper did find love, but that it was in someone who didn’t fit into society’s unrelentingly heteronormative mold (gonna be using that word a bit but I’m tired so bear with me), and as a result meant he wouldn’t fit either? Which brings me to a minor point of my opinion: did Jesper ever fit? It could’ve been another reason why his father was trying so hard to impose socially acceptable opportunities on him, or why Jesper had rebelled against them so stubbornly. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
(also, notice the look on Jesper’s face here when confronted by his father’s silent urging for him to come out with whatever he knew he had on his mind)
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Before I wrap this up, here are a few other bits and pieces I wanted to mention:
* When Jesper talks at Margu after realizing their toy inventory was running low, he says “they” were running out of toys rather than “he” (Klaus) was running out of toys, which his arrogant self in the first half-ish part of the movie would’ve surely said.
* During one of the times Jesper talks at Margu and asked what he was supposed to do if he failed, he mentions Klaus and doesn’t even bring up Alva.
* Jesper, while talking to Alva about the school’s turnaround and her own change in outlook, looks and sounds more confused/baffled than teasing, flirty or pleased.
* The strongest moment Jesper and Alva share, emotionally, is never more than the one they share while helping Margu write her letter to Klaus. To my memory, he and Klaus share two very prominent ones, with a possible third or fourth (or fifth or sixth) on top of that.
* Alva gives Klaus a peck on the cheek instead of Jesper, who she presumably now has romantic feelings for. Why don’t they kiss before the ending “where are they now” bit? At all?
* Alva, when watching the townies ice skating with Jesper, doesn’t move to pull him out onto the ice for some potentially romantic happenings if she had turned to see the troubled look on his face, laughing and smiling to try and cheer him up or going out on the town to partake in the festivities. This could’ve shown us more of Alva’s character and it would’ve been better than just NARRATING IT AT THE ENDING. And, yes, I know movies have deadlines, but it didn’t have to be more than ten seconds long and could’ve given a look into the town’s culture as it started to reform, and afterwards Jesper could’ve still gone back to the post office to build Margu’s little sleigh, possibly with some encouragement from Alva. Nothing had to change, but it wouldn’t have hurt to at least show their romance forming since a few seconds can go a long way.
* During the ending chase, Klaus and Jesper are literally having a lover’s quarrel.
* Klaus acting like an embarrassed husband when he steps up all covered in red from head to toe and Jesper joking with him about it, earning another hearty laugh from Klaus with ease, and Klaus’ apparent concern when Jesper urges his father outside to talk privately.
* The entirety of the reindeer scene and as they ride off, laughing, when their eyes meet and they realize they were having fun in each other’s company- very naturally, at that.
* Klaus lamenting how their time working together was coming to an end and with it their main reason for being with each other, as underplayed as the both of them make it seem.
* Jesper makes Klaus laugh; them sharing laughs together where I don’t recall seeing Jesper having the same thing with Alva, nor do I remember seeing her making him laugh.
* Klaus picking up and just holding Jesper will never not be cute to me.
So, in short, I hate heteronormative romances- especially when they come out of nowhere and have to be NARRATED at the END of the movie with little to no prior build up or implications that, yes, this is how you should’ve been expecting things to end up (yes I’m still upset about the ending). I saw it coming the second I saw the official trailer and after witnessing all the bonding between Klaus and Jesper I can’t help but feel cheated- dragged along for the ride like I was watching the Titanic sinking as someone was describing an entirely different outcome at the same time. They built Klaus and Jesper’s relationship- romantic, platonic, what-have-you- and then ripped it away to shove something completely unwarranted into my face instead.
If they’re going to have the guy get together with the girl, if they have interactions that show the feeling is mutual and more than friendship, trust and respect (which every good romance should have by default), if they WANT to be together and feel attracted and desire to be together, then I’m all for it- that’s what I expect love to be. But I still feel betrayed and sad and angry at the ending, especially since I feel like Alva and Jesper got together for the simple reason of deterring people like me from thinking Jesper and Klaus would or should end up together, even to the point of killing him off. I can’t prove it, and I’m sure that’s not why he died, but I’m going to say something that I know sounds mean but I don’t mean it spitefully:
I don’t care.
I don’t care if Klaus’ death and the ending it was attached to was poetic or happy-sad, bittersweet or what-have-you. I can’t help but not care because I literally haven’t seen anything break the relationship mold in a movie since I was shown my first movie or read my first romantic novel.
In any case, this movie came so, so close to being the most cathartic thing I’ve ever seen and it makes me so, so sad to have it fall prey to a completely standard method of storytelling endings when it presented such a vibrant and unique setting with the done-to-death theme of Christmas. You don’t even know how sad it makes me where, in this world of cowards afraid to make art for fear of losing money (which, I understand, everybody needs) or properly represent underrepresented groups of individuals or have a man and woman become friends and REMAIN purely friends- maybe even being the wingman/woman for their own relationship- I, against my fears, genuinely thought this film, this beautiful, inspiring masterpiece of animation, would be able to give me the shameless, unabashed and genuine non-heteronormative love I have still yet to see in a movie that doesn’t end in tragedy or act to disgrace anyone from that spectrum.
Klaus and Jesper saw parts of each other- ugly, angry, funny and secret- that nobody else saw, did things for each other that for the life of me I couldn’t find being done for the romance we were “supposed” to root for or even see coming (but, come on, “of course” they got together- what were you expecting, you wishful idiot?). For a movie with the underlying theme of how love was always better than letting spite fester into hate, it sure didn’t give me much to believe in terms of Jesper and Alva hooking up in the end. They could’ve had a friendly sort of love, but we can’t always get what we want. On that note, Pumpkin and Olaf (if that’s what his name is- I forget) getting married in the ending could’ve posed to the two clans “you hate each other, but don’t you love me?”, putting the leaders of both clans in the position of questioning their history and tradition of generations past so they didn’t lose the bonds they have in the present and that new traditions could be worth the effort for the sake of a better future. It’d be nice to see.
Anyway, no matter how it ended, you can’t tell me that Klaus and Jesper weren’t pining for each other more and more throughout the film. You can’t. Because I saw it, and no amount of ham-fisted “oh by the way” narration had to tell me it was happening or was planned “all along”.
Peace out and Merry Christmas to you all, gosh dang it.
- Flovey~Dovey
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cin-dy-moon · 4 years
touch // tai x mc
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AN: so, I needed to take a break from writing my other projects and I was struck with inspiration elsewhere… so: I present something filled with angst and longing instead. I just KNOW physical touch is Tai’s love language. No one will be telling me otherwise lol.
Rating: No actual smut, but Tai is a grown man so… his thoughts aren’t exactly always PG-13. Sexually explicit themes. Cursing.
Words: 3,639
Synopsis: After the waterfall, Tai has been holding himself back from touching you all the time. He didn’t want to disrespect Camilo, at least not to his face. But without even trying, (some trying) you were becoming more and more irresistible.
My MC: Minji Song, 24, 5’6”, a conservationist researching how to prevent coral bleaching for her PhD, moved to the UK from Korea for university, she had lived in the US for 8 years during her teenage years, yawns at recouplings, a firecracker.
Tai was genuinely excited to have a sleepover with the boys. It was a good way to get to know everyone and have a chance to bond with the guys. Coming into the Villa could be pretty intimidating, especially when you come in later. Tai wasn’t afraid of being liked or not. He was already a pretty likable guy. But on Love Island, sometimes the difference between winning and losing was about who liked you. Bonds were important to form.
It was fun, lots of laughs and time to get to know one another better. Tai was sure that there was plenty there for the show runners to use for content. Bill was curious about how everyone was coming off outside, but Tai could tell that he just wanted to know if he was popular. Honestly, Bill was a mixed-bag. People either loved him or hated him. When Tai told him this, he was pretty chuffed about it, finding the mixed reviews as something to take pride in. It was a pretty Bill reaction; he lived in polarized opinions.
Bill was the reason the pillow fights started.
The actual sleeping part was where Tai found his trouble. The quiet and the darkness only amplified his thoughts. They were all drifting to her.
Nicky seems like a really great guy. He’s loyal to the people he attaches himself to. He’s really made himself an older brother/father figure in the Villa. He’s fiercely protective of Minji… Minji.
Harry’s a cute kid with wild ambition. He needs a strong work-ethic to pull it all off. Minji works so hard… Minji.
He suddenly had become hyper-aware about how the sheets felt against the palms of his hands, his legs, his stomach. They were soft and smelled like fresh linen. He closed his eyes and thought of the way she smelled. Peach. A hint of musk. Some kind of flower. With her sweat, it morphed into something that reminded him of something nostalgic, something he couldn’t put his finger on. Like picnics on the beach. Salt. Sunshine.
His eyes shot open, startled by the intensity of this connection to her. Realistically, they had one morning with a good conversation and a really great date that resulted in some… pretty big bits. He’s had one-night-stands before, but he rarely ever had such an instantaneous connection to somebody. He never had that connection lead to sex so quickly. Mind-blowing, earth-moving, award-winning sex.
Tai ran his hands over his face. He needed to get some sleep, but his slong was starting to get other ideas. The pulsing was getting more intense. There had to be something else he could think of.
Ciaran seems like a great guy, also a potentially great work-out partner. His eyes just light up whenever he starts talking about his dog or dogs in general. I like my fair share of pups, but Ciaran was on a whole other level. In fact, sometimes his nose will scrunch a little as he’s speaking and the smile on his face is so wide and contagious…
He turned so that he was on his side, staring blankly into the night. His imagination was in full gear with the wondering of what it would feel like to have her arms snake around his waist right now, to fall asleep to the feeling of her nuzzling into his chest, to wake up with her absentmindedly kissing up his jaw. He closed his eyes again determined to chase away the ghostly memories of her touch.
Count sheep, Tai. He was maybe too familiar with the operations around sheep, how dorky they looked without their wool coats fully grown, how they smelled. The smell of barnyard was certainly a boner-killer. He settled better into his pillow. The memories of his time spent volunteering at a sheep farm the summer before secondary school crept into the forefront of his brain. The sun and the shit mingled together to create the worst smell in existence. The heat and the air thick, stuck to the insides of his lungs like tar.
And then it was morning.
He awoke to chatter, something he might have to get more used to considering that he was going to be sharing a bedroom with twelve people. He yawned and stretched his large arms across the bed. Camilo said something about making breakfast for the girls as a surprise. With that suggestion, Tai had to suppress the instinct to grimace. He didn’t want to be obvious about his disdain at them being together. But he sure as hell wasn’t smiling.
He knew that Camilo wanted to make breakfast for Minji specifically, to woo her. Tai couldn’t blame him, though. Minji was something else. A clear and vibrant color against softer hues, like the bright orange in a sunset. There wasn’t much competition when it came to her. Honestly, a lot of the commentary from before he came to the Villa seemed to be about who Minji would win with. She was a blazing inferno. The others were great, but…
She lit up every room she was in.
After getting ready in the bathroom, they made their way into the kitchen. Ciaran exchanged looks with him, both unsure of what to do with themselves.
“Why don’t we tag-team breakfast for you, me, and Yasmin?” Ciaran suggested. Tai smiled, grateful for the way that the three of them had bonded, and nodded in agreement. They got to making scrambled eggs and avocado toast. Ciaran looked contemplative as he watched Tai cooking and then grabbed some fruit out of the refrigerator, taking blueberries to the sink to wash. It was easy to forget about the cameras in some moments, but when the entire kitchen was crowded and bustling and hot, it was painfully obvious. He was just going to make the most out of it, doing his best to make the most aesthetically pleasing and Instagram-worthy dish.
As Tai was plating things, he looked up to see Minji making her way across the lawn towards the kitchen. Camilo jumped to his feet to greet her, and Tai couldn’t ignore the small pang of jealousy he felt in his chest. The slices of avocado on his toast got mushed up more than normal. He let the corner of his mouth pull down slightly.
Her lilted voice carried across the lawn loud enough for him to hear her excited chatter but not what she was saying. Her checkered bikini hugged her ass like it was molded onto her. How do you go about knowing what someone looks like in their most vulnerable and intimate state and then have to go about pretending like you haven’t? She looked up at him. They made eye contact for a moment. Time halted to a standstill, like it was giving Tai the grace to let her warmth shine on him for just a little longer.
She looked away first.
He cleared his throat lightly and brought out the plates to Ciaran and Yasmin, who both gave him a short applause for his work. He grinned, flooded with appreciation for his new friends. Something was going to go well this morning. Then, he noticed that the only seat with them was near Camilo and Minji.
“It was weird not having you in bed last night,” Camilo muttered. Tai mentally rolled his eyes. They shared a tent together. “Also, I made you some food.”
Minji took her plate gratefully, eyeing it down without glancing back up.
“Perfect timing,” she was bursting. “I was so hungry.”
“Well eat up then, babe.”
Tai lost his appetite.
Actually, who was he kidding. He would be hungry in five minutes if he didn’t eat now. He picked up his fork and started to poke at his eggs before putting a small bite into his mouth. There was a little too much pepper in the eggs, but it was still good. He glanced at Bill, who was heartily helping himself to his fry up, mayonnaise in the outer corner of his mouth. Tai sort of just stared for a moment at Miki wondering how on earth she was sitting there eating her own food and smiling at him. She reached over to wipe his lip, and he just muttered a thanks before delving into what rules of etiquette were “actually important.” Abort. Shift attention to anything else.
Tai watched as Minji started to go in on her own breakfast. He knew that Camilo was a great chef, but there was some instinct to hope and try to out-do him and cook something Minji could gush over. Maybe it had something to do with his pride or with him being a Leo, but he wanted to be the best for her. He knew he could be.
His eyes honed in on her hands, the way they held her fork, how they absentmindedly held her cheek as she listened to the banter between all of the islanders. She was calculating the best way to reveal their antics from last night.
“We gave each other oily massages last night,” Minji divulged, a mischievous sparkle in her eye. “It got handsy.”
That peaked everyone’s attention, whether or not they believed it was actually true. Ciaran and Harry both fell for her joke, ever so naive and young. It made him wonder how Harry was going to succeed and not be taken advantage of.
Tai sat up straighter. Of course, she had to mention massages. He swallowed the food he’d been chewing, remembering the way her hands felt in his hair, the way that her fingertips trailed lines of fire across his body, the way her ass felt in his hands, the feeling of her around his—
“I’ve never had a massage before,” Ciaran admitted. Tai couldn’t pass up the opportunity to flirt a little with Ciaran. He was too precious to leave alone. He blushes so easily.
“Don’t worry, I have experienced hands,” Tai said with a smirk. “I’ll give you a good kneading if you’d like. I’ll leave you feeling very satisfied.” He winked. Ciaran blushed and the conversation continued, mainly light and still about the respective sleepovers from last night.
“I crushed everyone in a pillow fight,” Minji said, a fiery look in her eyes. She certainly had a competitive streak. It was hot. Her eyes met his, and for a small moment, he felt a rush in his veins and warmth spread all through his body. Her eyes left his, and then it was all gone. Like the worst kind of instant withdrawal.
All he did was crave her. The touch of her soft hands on the nape of his neck, her lips on his, her legs wrapped around his waist, her body pressed against him, his fingers curled in her hair.
He wondered if she ever felt the same.
“Why are there bean bags everywhere?” Miki asked.
“We jousted with them,” Nicky explained, but there was still confusion.
“One boy, the knight, sits on the back of another boy, the horse. Then they face another team. The bean bags are used to knock each other off with,” Tai gave them a shrug and chuckled lightly. “My mates and I made this game up when we were smaller.”
“Harry got destroyed,” Camilo added. Tai forgot that he existed for a moment. It was nice while it lasted.
“Oi, it was because Bill was a rubbish horse!” And the arguing started. Tai couldn’t help but look between the two of them and be reminded of the kids he coached. In petty arguments like these, it was best to just deflect.
“It’s not all Bill’s fault,” he interjected. “Ciaran and I just made a great team.”
“Sounds like I could kick your ass at jousting,” Minji chimed in, eyes challenging him. Sparks.
“Oh ho, tough talk from Minji,” he raised a cocky eyebrow. “We’ll see if she can back it up.”
“Keep talking smack and you won’t have to wait,” Minji retorted, eerily calm. “Pressure’s gonna be riding you just like Ciaran was last night.”
“So, you just assumed that I was on the bottom?”
“If you weren’t, you will be.”
“Is that cause you’ll be the one doing the riding?” he was getting dangerously close to revealing too much. Minji’s expression didn’t change, but she couldn’t do anything about the blush that appeared on her cheeks. She leaned back in her seat.
“You wouldn’t be able to handle that,” she was careful in her words. “Besides, I wouldn’t want you to go home early before any of the fun really begins.”
Tai was smoldering. He could’ve gone further. He was so tempted to. But the atmosphere had already gotten weird with this challenge-flirting that the two of them were doing. Camilo shifted in his seat awkwardly before clearing their plates.
Minji glanced around, only now seeing how people were slowly finishing up and cleaning around them. The cameras had been focused on their conversation, probably keeping a close eye on the two of them because of their exploits behind that waterfall. She bit her lip like she was trying to stop herself from laughing. When no one was looking, she winked at him. Then, she walked away.
“Let me do the wash-up, since you guys were kind enough to cook,” Yasmin said, her voice was like spiced apple tea. Cinnamon. Clove. Nutmeg. He said a quick thank you while his eyes followed Minji, who’s been pulled to the side by Nicky. Their friendship was instantaneous. People on the outside appreciated how they challenged each other, or rather, how she challenged him with his outlook about his sister.
Tai glanced away quickly, asking Ciaran something about his dog. That would get him talking for a while, and it would make it seem like he was having a conversation rather than being a weirdo and just staring at Minji. Nicky teased her about something and she laughed. God, what a laugh. Unrestrained and inelegant, it threw her head back a bit. She winked at Nicky, who took his turn to laugh.
“Kelly is so smart, I swear,” Ciaran’s voice interrupted his people-watching. It had more of his Irish sing-song quality whenever he got excited about something. “She can tell when you’re speaking to her and what you’re saying. One time, I was trying to…”
Tai’s eyes darted back to Minji. Her mouth pulled down at one corner, annoyed by something Nicky said. Her eyebrows furrowed a bit, listening to whatever Nicky was saying. Tai would bet money that he was talking about his sister again.
All at once, it hit him just how much he was into her. There was no one else on the island for him. Honestly, he should have known that as soon as he heard her voice for the first time, since before she discovered them in that tent.
Knowing how she acted, she was probably snooping outside of it. He knew it was her from the sound of her sneeze. Tai could pick out her voice in a crowd. Minji’s voice was coated thick with honey, fresh and ripe watermelon that dripped down your hands, the pleasant warmth that bloomed from inside when you’re drunk, the song that you play when you’re driving late at night with your dearest friends.
Little things like that hook him so easily. The last time he felt anything like this, it was three years ago. Thea’s eyes sparkled all the time. They made him feel like he could achieve anything as long as she kept looking at him like that. Of course, that didn’t work out at all. Breaking up had incapacitated him for a while. How was it that he was so enamored by Minji after knowing her for such a short period of time?
His heart wanted to leap into the entirety of her, but his head still had some reservations. He can get so caught up in the imagination and perception of a person that he forgets that they are just human. There was still so much of her that he didn’t know, that he wanted to get to know. Uncover her hidden truths and secret desires. Figure out what she was keeping behind the facade in her eyes.
A cacophony of burps completely derailed any more thoughts. Minji chuckled, “Maybe we need to work this off.”
Tai lit up. He quickly convinced them into doing “Tai” chi, something he first started doing to mess with his teammates.
“Tai is the best!” He shouted, delighting in the idea that every islander was just praising him for no real reason. He slowly shifted his weight from one foot to the next.
“Tai is the hottest,” he heard her voice float through a knowing smirk. He could’ve kissed her right then. His expression was completely smug before his gaze even met hers. She was stirring the pot by grafting on him in front of everyone again, and he was welcoming it. Nothing big had happened in the villa yet. Wouldn’t it be interesting for the audience to see how far he could push this? The temptation was too good to pass up, and the way she was looking at him made it harder to restrain himself.
“Think we need another waterfall to cool down with, Minji?”
She fought back her smile, though her eyebrow was still arched and her eyes still held that tempted look. He knew: she had a taste and she wanted more too.
“Tai’s got the cutest bum here!”
Everyone was amused when Seb was the first to affirm, especially with how certain he was about it.
Tai wanted to see if Minji would take the bait again, “Tai’s an incredible and passionate lover!”
“He sure is…” she mused, almost like it was just a thought accidentally said out loud. But she was looking right at him, eyes bored into his innermost being. For a moment, he wondered if it was a dare, egging him on to take her again there on the lawn. Prove it to them, to everyone.
But he didn’t, he resigned himself, “How could you possibly know that?”
Before Tai could say anything else, Camilo whisked Minji away. Tai chi was officially over for the day.
He made his way over to the kitchen determined to make his perfect cup of tea. It would help him feel better about this whole morning. Plus, holding it should help preoccupy his hands and mind from drifting into the memory of what it was like to explore her body, to make her utter his name.
It was at the point in the morning where it was too warm to have a hot drink, but there was something almost meditative about the whole process. Waiting for the kettle to reach its boiling point, measuring out the perfect amount of tea leaves, watching how the tea stained and spread in the water. He took a long and slow sip. It was perfect.
Camilo rushed by him with a grimace on his face. The space between his eyes knotted with frustration. He glanced at Tai for a moment. His eyes were cold. Instead of saying anything, Camilo just made his way inside. Tai stared at the place where Camilo had disappeared and then to the direction of the loungers. He placed his mug on the counter and abandoned it there, the cup half-full.
He saw her lying down, an arm draped over her eyes to block out the sun. Tai nudged her foot with his leg. When she saw him, a smile broke out on her face. It was wide and bright. His heart leapt.
“Well, hello,” Minji spoke and he drank in every word. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“I make it a point not to leave beautiful women unaccompanied,” he told her, sitting himself down on the lounge chair next to her. He stretched his body across it, making sure to lightly flex as he did. He could feel her gaze on him. His smirk found its home on his face.
“I see that,” she said simply, and then she laid her head back down. A silence fell on them like a blanket, but it was getting hot out laying in the sun. Tai let the silence continue, curious to see what was going to happen. The silence continued, though. He wondered if she was doing it on purpose.
“So, did you only come here to lay down next to me?” She was fishing for something. Tai turned his head towards her.
“Did you want me to do something else?”
She smiled but didn’t say anything at first. He could see her thinking about something. Her eyes pierced him, exploratory and unfamiliar. He wanted to know what she was looking for; he wanted to know if he would be willing to give it to her.
Her head snapped to the lawn and her smile dropped. A cameraman was making a beeline towards them. Exploration over. No discoveries could be made.
Tai glanced between her and the cameraman, unsure of what to do himself. He wasn’t happy. Clearly, there was something she wanted, but she couldn’t do anything with their privacy invaded. He was frowning.
“I want to know you,” she said simply. She was quiet and resigned, not at all like how she presented herself normally. Her voice was the same kind of honey-comb comfort, but it was more clear, ringing like a bell. It resonated so deeply in him. He didn’t know what to do with it. With five simple words, he was left without his footing.
Her phone went off. The moment was over for her. Wordlessly, she gets up to go. Minji let herself get one more look at him before she left, a small smile on her face.
And then, she was gone.
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savagesbonergarage · 4 years
Hi! I’m the anon who asked about savages s/o and maul after his death and I’d love to hear your thoughts! Go for it!
I have...so many...
I really have no idea how I'm even going to organize all of them, but I'll try.
So, for this particular scenario I have a multitude of things I've thought about when it comes to Savage having a girlfriend. I've thought of integrating her in a canonical way (meaning she wouldn't be around for the events we see on-screen, or if she is it's inconspicuous and her existence doesn't alter the canon events that take place) and also the opposite in which she's there for everything and influences changes in the canon timeline, and what those changes are etc.
When I first go on a little daydream adventure about this, I decide what the overall goal is for the particular story I play through in my head: Do I just want Savage to have known some semblance of romantic love before he died? Do I want him to survive and live out the rest of his days with her on some backwater planet after casting away any connection to his old life? And if I want to go beyond Savage and integrate Maul into things... God, there's so many possibilities, and I guess it depends on who I want the s/o to be and what I want out of her connections with both of them. For this I'm going to focus on what can happen with her and Maul after Savage is killed.
Again, what goes down kinda depends on who this girl is and what she was to them. In my opinion, I think Maul would need a little more incentive than her just having been close with Savage to keep her around once he's gone, and there's so many routes to take with that. (I really don't think I'm even going to get to all of them, so I'll go with some general ones that can make for all sorts of scenarios.)
The consistent thing no matter the events that take place at this point is that Maul and Savage's s/o are somewhat involved in one another's lives, and that can either remain stagnant in it's most basic form or it can develop. Going off of the initial ask implying that she's already around and doesn't want to leave, I think we can establish that Maul tolerates having her near him. For storytelling reasons, I think we do need her to serve some sort of purpose (whether that be direct or implied, for fodder for potential character development) and as more incentive to Maul, bc let's be honest, he's initially a self-centered bastard man despite the fact they both loved and mourn the same person and that alone isn't going to cut it if she's gonna essentially be living with him.
So, what is this extra incentive? Overall, I believe there are two main enforcers here: Vengeance and Legacy. In any case, I think it starts with some resentment. What are the girl's thoughts here? How is she feeling about this? Personally, I think she holds Maul in contempt for indirectly causing Savage's death (which Maul is aware of himself as well, so this is extra ouchie if she's going to be reminding him of that). His recklessness attracted his former Master's attention, and now the one person the both of them loved is gone. They're both angry, and they're both hurt. So where do they go from here?
Arc 1: A plausible take is that they both have the same thing on their mind: revenge. Obviously, we already know Sidious killing Savage is what convinced Maul to recognise that Sidious had been his true enemy all along, so of course he's more than ready to seize an opportunity to take him down if it presents itself. Is the girl force-sensitive? If she's got midichlorians and a thirst for blood, I think they'll become reluctant partners in vengeance. Whether she becomes his new apprentice or not can be debated, but if she does, that fills in the legacy portion of this particular scenario. Also debatable is the potential of them ever actually becoming strong enough to enact their plan. (But deep down, we know that isn't the point, is it? This is their way of seeking comfort and coping with what happened together).
This formula has potential to develop of course, and if it does, they ultimately form an emotional bond in one way or another. Does it extend beyond mutuals with a common goal? To friendship? To found family? To lovers? Friendship, sure (which on its own is kinda sweet, we all know that all Maul ever wanted was a friend, and to gain one after the loss of his brother is poetic and fulfilling). Family? Possibly. I think it would take time, and a culmination of things that required them to be vulnerable with one another would have to happen first before that kind of closeness can be achieved, especially in the case of Maul. But, the potential is there. Lovers, however... That's tricky. I agree with what @fallenrepublick said in the first thing, I don't think Maul would try to get with her out of respect for Savage, even if those feelings were mutual. Like with the friendship thing, that same culmination of events would have to occur but on steroids. Their worlds would need to get shaken enough to the point that they'd try it, and even then - I don't think it would be healthy. It certainly wouldn't be romantic.
Personally, I don't think they'd be able to get past a kiss without the pain they've endured for so long preventing them from really coming together in the way their hearts need to heal and to love. If we're just talking sex, again, I don't think it would be healthy. It would come from that resentment, for each other and themselves, and from that anger and pain and desperation for a resolution that never comes, and ultimately they'll feel even worse than before. But maybe, just maybe, against all odds, they'll eventually be able to reach a place where they can say "I love you" genuinely, and be able to turn to each other for the love and support and guidance they've been starved of for so long.
(I was gonna add the arc 2 here and so on but this is already long, so I'll share even more thoughts in a separate post or even it's own thing if you want to hear about it!)
Dude, this is just the tip of the iceberg with all the thoughts I have here. Maul and Savage are *chefs kiss* my boys, and I'm not kidding when I say I could go on forever about this stuff, so I'm gonna stop here for now. Thanks for wanting to hear about it 😭 Lord knows I always want to talk about it.
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Answering All Questions from a Prompt Cos I Do What I Want
1. What’s one experience your character had that made them very afraid?
The first time he woke up to find that what he’d dismissed as being entirely the formation of one of his nightmares - was very much real. Prompted the realisation of just how much harm he was capable of doing.
2. Does your character have a deep and/or dark secret? If so, what is it?
Leo doesn’t let people know that his sire & grandsire never entirely aligned themselves with the Camarilla. Considering it took him some time to work that out himself he holds hope that at his current age people simply won’t go digging. There is also generally a lot of things he’s done in the name of fulfilling some role or another that he feels deep shame for. That’s less kept secret and more... he just doesn’t speak about it.
3. Have they ever lost a loved one? What happened to them, and are they the same as they were before they lost them?
Many. Regularly. Loss is simply part of un-life for him. The fact he hasn’t lost anyone near and dear to him over the last half a century hangs over him like a bad omen. He’s waiting for the other shoe to drop. But a short list of the most notable losses that had an summary of their impact on him:  - Eldest brother : sickness/starvation ~1510 - resulted in Leo taking on a survivalist ‘me before others’ attitude. - Best friend : first feed post-embrace 1516 - made him terrified of himself for several years - First wife : Mother order him to burn her to death late-1520s - made him highly aware of the fact that he can be turned on people he’s cared about  - Ell (one of his ‘siblings’) : sent on a suicide mission Mother had him sign off on ~1630?1620? - was the last straw in hammering home what he’d already seen over the course of being blood bonded. They were all disposable to her, and it was only a matter of time before he’d meet the same fate. - Nossie he’d fallen for : execution 1940s - after he had committed several masquerade breaches Vindr ordered Leo to use trust he had with him to follow through with the execution. It’d been a long time since he’d killed someone that dear to him and the ease at which he did it unsettled even himself. 
4. Has your character ever been hurt or betrayed by someone they thought they could depend on? What happened?
Yes. He’d had ‘siblings’ try to double-cross him on plenty of occasions. Usually was via trying to pin the blame for something on him.
5. Would they ever turn on someone they just met in order to save themselves?
6. Have they ever committed a crime, or something they felt was wrong? What was it?
The entire Crimes Act. At least, as far as he has the capacity for doing so.
7. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would it be and why?
Vindr. The time spent blood bonded to each other between 1860 - 1989.
8. Does your character have any enemies? If so, who and why?
There are several hunters based in the country he’s trying to figure out how to get rid off without causing a scene or draw any attention to. They’re a threat to his community. 
9. Is the character a victim of abuse?
10. What were the character’s parents like? What was the affect the parents had on the character?
His father was a minor merchant managing the coming and goings of goods from his home village. His work placed them above standard serfdom allowing him the chance to learn basic reading and writing before his sire (Mother) adopted him. Any influence they had on him has long since been overshadowed by other things.
11. What are your character’s coping mechanisms?
Burying himself in work and activities. Finding relatable aspects in fictional characters. Joking around and making the most of opportunities where he doesn’t have to take things too seriously.
12. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
After lifetimes of suffering he’d prefer to avoid it. However he does have a cruel streak and enjoy seeing other people suffer. Has that ‘it’ll build character’ and ‘it’s not that bad so suck it up’ sort of attitude towards other peoples shit. Sometimes he just wants someone to suffer as a way to exercise control over them.
13. What does it take to make your character cry?
Simultaneously a lot, and also real minor stuff. Ya know, the standard shit to come from suppressing/bottling up your reactions to incredibly straining situations. He’ll be cold and apathetic in some incredibly horrible situation he ought to cry about. Then some time later break down post screaming fit at some inanimate object because it wasn’t cooperating with him.
14. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
Other than his prioritisation of maintaining his own power and survival over anything else? The fact he’s stuck at 16 years old. That’s an incredibly difficult thing to work around - even when in a relationship based purely on romantic feelings. These modern nights he feels that both physical and overall age lock him out of legitimate relationships entirely. To the point where he doesn’t even play at stringing people along on one sided things ~for the drama~ like he used to. 
This particular reason is what’s had him friendzoned by the twins, despite them being the best probably candidate and him pulling kind of a Edward on them.
15. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Biggest fear is hard to pinpoint, but in general the concept of being completely helpless and not in control of his own actions. When scared he gets paranoid and hyper-vigilant of his surroundings. Very on guard towards any threats and looking for away to run away.
16. What are your character’s vices and bad habits?
Impulsiveness. Knowingly causing harm. Smoking.
17. Is your character afraid of death? Why/why not?
Absolutely. He doesn’t even like to think about what final death will have in store for him.
18. Would society call your character a good guy or a bad guy? what would they say they are?
From societies perspective from everything he’s been involved with - 120% a bad guy. He’d say the same and mark himself down as being an Anti-hero at best. 
19. What is your character insecure about?
His own paranoia causing him to flip from being impulse to being incredibly indecisive at times.
20.  What was something they struggled with greatly and how did they overcome it?
Being blood bonded. Overcome through a mix of share force of will and personal introspection.
21. Does your character have anyone that they really care about, to the point that they would give their life for them? If so, who are they and what is your character’s relation to them? If not, do they wish they did? Is there anyone they wish they could build such a relationship with?
While he doesn’t think he’d give his lives for them because that sort of behaviour is incredibly foolish in his eyes - his current found family from the past century. His central coterie of the twins and Alexandra in particular. He will throw just about everyone in his city under the bus in the name of protecting them. And, they’d do the same. In post-prince verse when his city falls Alex ends up the one sacrificing her life for him and god the guilt is sickening.
He’s quite happy with his current little familial circle but he’s hoping to get closer with Danny. Get him to be part of that found family circle properly.
22. If they could change just one thing about themselves, what would it be?
He’d like to have the capacity to care for people without feeling like he’s going to inevitably be their downfall.
23. Is your character more physically or emotionally strong? Why is this?
If we’re talking strong in terms of taking blows that can be taken I wanna say physically cos despite it being his lowest stat his Fortitude is high so he soaks damage fairly easily.
24. What is your character’s most important possession? Why?
He still has his signet ring from when he fled his Mother. Not even he knows just how much that it means to him. It’s intensely sentimental to him as the only physical possession he has left of that era of his life. Someone stole it from him while he was living in London and he made quite the mess of them to get it back.
25. Do they find that they care what others think of them? Or do they not really mind how others view them?
He flip flops wildly between caring intensely about what others think of him and not giving a singular shit. It depends on the crowd and his motivations. In general his preference is to have people to like him and see him as above them in some way.
26. What, in your character’s life, puts the most pressure on them?
The community he’s Prince of. He sees his role as being to protect them at the end of the day and sometimes that means doing things they don’t like. But doing things they dislike gets push back and push back de-legitimises his power as Prince.
27.  What would be the worst way to die, in your character’s opinion?
How he almost died when I used him briefly as a PC. Disgraced. Looked down upon with no dignity by everyone around him in a city he’s unfamiliar with. Nobody. Nothing. The last of his city. A waste of the self sacrifice from those he loved. Crying, screaming desperately trying to claw his way out of capture at the hands of those that don’t know tossing him in a holding cell where light can get to him will kill him.
28. What is your character’s greatest strength?
In mun’s opinion, the fact that despite everything he’s been through and seen...the fact that he just keeps going.
29. What is their weapon of choice, and what weapon do they dislike using the most?
Social manipulation so that combat is avoided in the first place. But, he’s always had a liking for firearms and actually quite likes using them. He dislikes fighting with his bare hands.
30. What makes them feel safe or secure? What makes them feel insecure or unsafe?
He feels most safe when either alone or the only people around him are those he has blood bonded. He feels deeply uncomfortable around kindred that are of a lower generation than him. With dominate as a main discipline he finds that not being able to resort to it suddenly makes all interactions with the person he’s interacting with very threatening.
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For You
Chapter 7: Love
Taglist: @jineunwootrash​
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Laying with Taemin should have been uncomfortable because a) I always slept alone, b) I had never been so (willfully) close to another person, and c) we hadn’t known each other long enough to justify my wish to stay so close forever.
When I pointed out in a whisper that we had only shared our first genuine conversation under the moon a few nights ago, I saw the outline of Taemin’s frown in the dark. His voice created small vibrations in his chest (where my head laid over his sky blue pajama shirt) when he asked, “Do you think I’ll have to love you for years before my feelings count?” 
As evidenced by the ragged breath that fell from his mouth, I hurt Taemin’s feelings without even trying. All that kept me from apologizing immediately was the fear that whatever I said might deepen his frown; so, instead of speaking, I felt around for his hand, pressed my freezing palm against his— warm— and threaded our fingers. 
“I really want to know what you think, Lei.” He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. 
What did I think? 
People rarely asked me, yet I tended to overthink my position on a given issue until I had exhausted every possible opinion. Maybe I was preparing for the occasion that never came— when somebody other than Lucas may value my outlook— until Taemin decided to wear my ribbon. 
Although I had thought of little other than Taemin since that night in the garden— or maybe it started that night by the lake— I had no concrete thoughts. That’s why I stuttered, “I— I don’t know. I want you to love me or like me—” 
Taemin said, “I do,” and I imagine that should have been the happiest moment of my life. 
So why wasn’t it? Why did that ache in my chest return? Why did I long for him as if he were worlds away when I was in his arms? When would this— our bond— feel real? 
“Then I want to believe you when you say that—” I didn’t pause to consider that I sounded like I was calling Taemin a liar— “but it sounds too good to be true.” 
Taemin must have realized that there was nothing he could say. We were at another impasse. Silence fell over us, and I didn’t want it to stay, so I spoke through the discomfort. 
“You have to understand who you are to me, Taemin.” Calling him an idol— stripping him of his humanity in such an intimate setting— was the worst thing to do. 
Tracing my thumb along his knuckles, trying to feel that he was real, I carefully continued, “You are somebody I’ve admired for years. Yours is a voice I cherished long before you had anything to say to me. I loved you before I met you, and—” I hoped he wouldn’t think less of me for believing, “the problem with dreams coming true is that you always wake up or the dream becomes a nightmare.”
Taemin must have been shocked by my honesty. Seconds or hours or eternities passed quietly before he said, “I think that you should learn to enjoy dreams— if that’s what we are— as they happen. I think you can ruin the night if you spend the time worrying about what could happen when the sun rises.” 
Of course, it occurred to me before that worrying achieves nothing. On some level, I always knew that I could benefit from learning to live in the moment— finding that balance between being a successful idol and being a happy person. Yet, it was as if Taemin had turned on the light with his gentle warnings that were always prefaced by the phrase, “I think,” because he was too humble to boast, “I know.” 
I already decided that I didn’t want to be lonely. 
Then, as silence fell again, I decided that I didn’t want to be incapable of appreciating beauty until it had faded out of my grasp. That’s why I lifted my head from Taemin’s chest: I wanted to admire him. I wanted to really see him clearly. 
I didn’t expect that he would be looking at me as if patiently waiting for me to return his gaze. 
Before I could sort through my thoughts, I was saying his name. “Taemin, I just really want you to be here when the sun rises.” 
If he was as shocked by the mid-night declaration as I was, he certainly didn’t show it with that radiant smile. “Okay,” was all he said before holding my head against his chest where I heard it: his heart was soaring, racing, beating for me like mine was for him.
. . . 
Interviews— although often uncomfortable— were never as unbearable as a solo artist as they were as a member of SuperM. Part of the issue was that, without my phone, I couldn’t scroll through social media to educate myself on the popular topics of gossip. 
It wasn’t so shocking when the first interviewer asked if Lucas and I were a couple. That question had been following us for years and (I guessed) the rumors about our supposed undying love were amplified by LX2’s existence. 
I was winded, however, when the rumors started to stray from Lucas. Almost daily, in my place between Ten and Mark (or English line, as the fans called us, since our knowledge of the language facilitated the American interviews), I sat with my hands clenched into tight pale fists, jaw set, as I waited to discover which member I was alleged to be sleeping with this time. 
The interview started, as they usually do, with a relatively unoffensive question: “Who from Korea do you keep in touch with while you’re on tour?”
The host was a middle-aged man— bearded and wearing glasses and a t-shirt— who twitched with every frequent sip from his coffee mug. He listened with feigned interest to the other members who answered with some variation of the fact that they stayed in contact with the members of their individual groups (except Baekhyun, who replied, “Super Junior’s Donghae,” just to watch my fists tighten in their place in the lap of my black skirt), before fixing his stare on me. 
“What about you? You’re a solo act outside of SuperM, right?” It was promising at first, the realization that he had done some research, but my hopes that maybe— finally— I was participating in a legitimate interview crashed with the following question. “Do you have a boyfriend back in Korea that you text every night, you know, just to tell him, ‘hi, I love you, I promise I’m not hooking up with any of my superstar bandmates?’”
Questions like that made my blood boil. He didn’t want to know my answer. He didn’t care who I talked to or who I loved. He just wanted to watch me squirm as he pried into my personal affairs. 
“Yes,” I said as calmly as possible, “I am a solo artist. No, I do not have a boyfriend in Korea—”
He raised his eyebrows, probably, in preparation to ask if my boyfriend was touring America with me, but I continued, “When I’m on tour, I try to find time to talk to Joy of Red Velvet or Amber Liu. If I need advice on something related to my performance, I’ll waste no time in calling Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon.” 
Why didn’t anybody ever ask about my friendships with those girls? It seemed wrong that everyone should be so fixated on my romantic relationships — of which there had only been one that was held as our precious secret— when I would have been more than happy to share the friendships that shaped me as a person and as an artist. 
That interviewer seemed to share Baekhyun’s recently developed interest in making me as uncomfortable as possible. He asked the group, “So, was it hard to teach your new girl all of the choreography? Just how long did it take her to get it?”
In situations like that, I liked to think that I was somehow misunderstanding the question or mistaking the tone. Sometimes, that was the only way to keep myself from snapping. Sometimes, that was the only way I could sit there, legs crossed, without shattering my perfect posture and perfect smile. 
Ten’s temper was as bad as mine— worse, actually— so I didn’t fully succumb to my irritation when he rolled his eyes at the question. I didn’t acknowledge that I had a right to be uncomfortable, that the interviewer was truly being rude, until Kai leaned forward to tap Mark on the shoulder and request, “Translate, please.”
As soon as Mark translated the question, Kai replied in rapid-fire Korean that I couldn’t quite keep up with, “That’s a stupid-ass question. Lei isn’t in the group just because she’s a girl or because she’s pretty or because she’s popular. She’s here because she’s talented. And we’re not here to answer stupid questions that belittle our members.” 
We all stared at Kai as he sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting his lips. Ten and I, wearing twin stunned expressions, looked (along with the interviewer) for Mark to translate Kai’s answer.
“I — uh—” Mark stuttered— “Kai said, no offense— I added that part— but that question is kinda— no, really disrespectful to Lei.”
Ten agreed, jumping at the opportunity to strike the interviewer with his sass. “Yeah. For us NCT guys—” he gestured to the other NCT members— “although some of us are older, Lei is, like, our senior because she debuted first. We didn’t have to teach her anything. She teaches us.”
Mark translated Ten’s comment for the others, and Lucas and Taeyong murmured in agreement. 
I shook my head despite the affection swelling in my chest. “No, that’s not true. You guys teach me a lot.” 
The interviewer’s stare was all that kept me from saying that Taeyong taught me about leadership, integrity, and honest communication. Ten reintroduced me to the joy in dancing, which (for me) had become less of a soulful expression and more of a mechanical execution of choreography. Lucas taught me so much— too much to describe with words— but the most important lesson was to laugh like nobody is watching even though somebody was always watching. Mark reminded me that people— some people— even in the entertainment industry are good just for the sake of being good. 
And I loved them for that, so I declared, “I love my members,” including (of course) Taemin, Kai, and Baekhyun (even though he was a little demon). I meant it so earnestly that I forgot to consider how my words could be perverted. 
“Yeah, but which member do you love most?” The interviewer winked. 
Gathering from my glare at his perversion of “love,” the interviewer redirected the question to the other members, asking, “So we all know it’s happening— who’s sleeping with Lei?”
Granted, I was technically sleeping with Taemin. We would never admit it in an interview, but we had fallen into the habit of falling asleep in the warmth of each other’s embrace. Maybe, then, my blush was caused by the embarrassment of a) having such an intimate aspect of my life aired publicly and b) having it questioned with so little understanding and respect. 
Before I spoke my mind, Mark said the stupidest sentence in recorded history: “Look, man, as bandmates we’re all involved with each other, but we’re not, like, involved.”
Ten started growling, “What—” before I cut my eyes away from Mark to tear into the interviewer. 
Of course, he didn’t shrink under my stare or burn from the flames flung by my narrowed eyes. It didn’t matter that he seemed to delight in my reaction; I spoke the truth not for his benefit but for mine. 
“Aside from being disgusting— the fact that you can only look at me and see my worth as some sexualized creature— it’s appalling that you spread these rumors with absolutely no regard for how it affects my image and my career. These guys—” I shrugged in reference to the other members— “are expected to priorities their relationships with their fans above all else—”
“Don’t you think that’s a little ridiculous, though?” The interviewer slurped into his microphone as he took a sip of his coffee. “Don’t you think these guys should date if they want?”
Yes. Of course, I did. They deserved to do whatever would make them happy. 
“What they do is none of my concern.” The words were diplomatic, but my tone was not. “It is a problem for me, however, that this narrative painted by those, like yourself, in the media depicts me not only as a disgraced idol but— more importantly— as somebody willing to squander artistic opportunities by sleeping with everybody in a band. Learn to respect me as a woman, an idol, or a human being. Take your pick.”
My hand raised to detach the microphone from the collar of my white button-down top cut just above the navel, but it paused when he asked, “If the standards are so harsh on idols— especially women— don’t you think you’re obligated to challenge the standard?”
His question— spoken so casually as if he weren’t advocating mindlessly for the impossible— should have stunned me silent. It didn’t.
“No,” I said not because I was the perfect idol, not because I wanted to uphold that illusion in that moment, but because I was emboldened by the reality, “I am an artist, not a revolutionary.” 
Before the interviewer could challenge me further— before I could act on the pulsating desire to rip the microphone off, throw it onto the ground, and stomp it under my unnecessarily high red heels, Mom intervened with the muttered excuse that we had other events to attend. She even thanked that bastard for his time. 
I know that was her job— I knew that then— but I felt too angry, too betrayed, to look in her direction afterward. Our relationship wasn’t even remedied in the car when she returned mine and Lucas’s phone with the instruction, “Behave from now on. And brace yourselves for the incoming social media storms when that interview is broadcast.”
Lucas was so thrilled to have his phone, his true best friend, returned that he dropped his arm from its protective place around my shoulders. 
Instantly my screen lit from notifications of fans’ reactions to that interview. It must have been a live broadcast. Not quite ready to face praise or criticism, I locked my phone and shoved it into the narrow space between mine and Lucas’s body. 
With my face burning from the realization that there would be no opportunity to edit or retract any part of my outburst— not that I really wanted to— I rounded on Mark, who sat right behind me (beside Taemin who, of course, sat beside Kai). 
“What the hell was that about, Mark?” My imitation of his voice was so accurate that in the seat ahead of me, Ten threw his head back in a bitter sort of laughter. “‘We’re involved, but we’re not involved? What kind of stupid shit—”
Taemin had been smiling when I first turned around, but his expression turned to one of complete bewilderment. His understanding of the incident must have been limited by the interview’s language barrier. He whispered to Kai, “What’s wrong?”
As Kai (who had been donning a scowl that rivaled mine since his outburst) tried to explain the situation to Taemin, Mark stared at me with eyes so wide and guilty that I would have forgiven him instantly if I hadn’t spent so many years swallowing my frustration that I could no longer package my emotions back into their appropriate internal boxes. 
“I’m sorry,” Mark stuttered, “I didn’t mean to say something so stupid—”
“Well, you did!” Ten whirled around to yell at him, brows angled and ears crimson. “If that’s going to be your contribution in interviews, I’m kicking you off English line!”
Mark argued, “You can’t kick me off English line! That’s not how it works! As long as I know English, I’m on English line—” he laughed nervously and reached for my shoulder— “right, Lei?”
Usually, I probably would have laughed along with Ten before siding with Mark. Even in that moment of rage, I worried that I was being too harsh on Mark. It wasn’t really his fault that the media (and that interviewer in particular) was so problematic. Still, that concern didn’t prevent me from crossing my arms, turning around and tugging sharply out of Mark’s reach, and fixing my gaze on the back of Ten’s seat.
As if sensing that I wanted nothing more than to go deaf to Ten’s bickering and Mark’s incessant pleas for me to “please turn around” and forgive him, Taeyong tossed me a pair of earphones and an apologetic grin— if you can really call it a grin. 
Even after I plugged the headphones into my phone and tried to drown my anger in the music flooding into my ears, I rolled my eyes when Mom’s voice raised to snap, “Be quiet back there! I’m on an important call!” before saying into the receiver, “I’m back, Heechul.”
I could only vaguely hope that neither she nor Heechul would say anything loudly enough for Baekhyun, sitting in the passenger seat (one of the perks of being the leader), to hear.
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Although Amber, Joy, and Taeyeon had brightened my day with their support, I didn’t feel like running to the pool with the guys when we returned to the hotel. While they were immersed in excited chatter, I beelined to the elevator, rejoicing when Baekhyun told Lucas (who must have been trying to follow me), “Give her space. If she’s anything like Momager, you don’t wanna be around while her temper is flaring.”
I wanted to be alone, but not because my temper was flaring. My furious blush had been abandoned in the car hours ago. Mostly, I was sorry for snapping at Mark— too sorry to look at him or even think of him without picturing the pained expression that settled on his face when I yelled at him— and bothered that my relationship with Taemin had been so misconstrued by that gross interviewer. 
Bothered wasn’t a strong enough word, but I don’t know how else to describe how I felt. It wasn’t quite anger; my face would have been burning still, and I would have been grinding my teeth and balling my hands into fists as I pressed my back against the cold wall. It was more like sadness (but without the pain in my chest) because tears were blurring the edges of my vision, and my lips were trembling. 
The tears weren’t quite ready to fall, so I was standing there with hands ready to catch them when he forced his way through the closing elevator doors. I don’t know if the doors were even closed before Taemin had his arms wrapped around me. 
Because I hadn’t expected him to be so close again until the moon rose, I gasped at the contact, too stunned to return the affection. It was over as soon as it started, over well before the sounding of the chime announcing that we had arrived on our floor. 
Neither of us spoke until we were inside the room, safe from prying eyes. Although we were still wearing our clothes from the day of interviews, although the sun had not yet set, Taemin sat on the bed we called ours— which was still unmade because we had to run downstairs after ignoring our first alarm that morning— and opened his arms for me. 
The version of me who crawled to him wasn’t the same person I had been for most of my life. The version of me who was comfortable with wanting Taemin, who didn’t feel weak for leaning on him— she was a good person. I wished to be her all the time. I was hurt by the outside voices that said I couldn’t be. 
Taemin didn’t ask me to explain why tears were swimming in my eyes, but I did. “I know that we can’t tell other people what we have. I don’t want to waste my breath explaining things nobody can understand anyway. But why do people who don’t even know us have to try to take what’s our and make it into something— something less than what it is?”
Taemin’s fingertips that traced the skin below the hem of my shirt were uncharacteristically cold; they made me shiver. “I don’t know,” he mumbled, “and I’m sorry that happened. I’m sorry I can’t carry more of the burden for you.” 
I looked at his face and saw it in the tensing of his jaw: the frustration that he hadn’t been able to understand when I was under attack, the bitter knowledge that (even if he had known) he couldn’t have defended me without arousing suspicions that we were in a relationship. 
Unlike the Lucas rumors that, despite persisting through years of rejection, carried no real weight because they were untrue, rumors about Taemin would have been suffocating because, to some degree, they were true. How would I be able to deny an outright allegation against us? Even if my words lied, my face would convey the truth that Taemin was my first love. 
I was going to tell Taemin that he didn’t have to carry any burden for me— I only wanted him to hold me like this every night to brace me for the next day— but when I looked at him, I couldn’t speak. He was dressed as Taemin the idol, and for a fleeting second, I transformed into the version of myself who couldn’t believe that he was real and in this place with me. 
“They can’t take what’s ours, though.” He linked our hands, smiled brightly, and he was real. “And that means nobody can make it less than what it is.”
Taemin pressed his forehead to mine. I imagine that he was giddy with the realization that our relationship— although unconventional and undefined (‘soulmates’ who weren’t ‘dating’)— was as significant to me as it had always been to him. I imagine that he might have kissed me if Mom hadn’t knocked on the door. 
As I leaped from the bed to answer the door, Taemin snatched something from his suitcase, slid into the bathroom, and locked the door. 
I carefully swallowed the red-hot anger I had been harboring toward Mom (since she thanked that interviewer for his time) before opening the door. She was on the phone again, but she held it away from her ear when I ushered her into the room. 
She sat perched on the edge of the still-made untouched bed, placed the phone by her side, and said, “You know, Lei, as your manager, I have to discourage you from ever repeating your behavior from that interview this morning.” 
Had I been able to find my voice as I stood there, staring down at her with tightly clenched fists, I would have wanted to spit back that I would say exactly what I said that morning every day for the rest of my life because it was true. The thing is, though, I think that kind of honesty was a once in a lifetime thing. The circumstances that prompted that outburst were a perfect storm; placed in an identical situation tomorrow, my voice might fail me. 
“But as your mother—” a bright smile overwhelmed her stern expression— “I have to say that I’m very proud of you for standing up for yourself!”
When Mom flew off the bed to throw her arms around me, I wrestled with the thought that maybe she struggled to find the balance between mom and manager as much as I struggled to find the balance between human and idol. I thought she was a good mom and a good manager, and I might have told her if she hadn’t released me to grab her phone from the bed. 
“There’s somebody else who wants to speak to you too.” 
From that mischievous glint in her eyes, I should have expected Heechul’s voice to burst through the speaker when I held the phone up to my ear. 
“KID—” he would always call me ‘kid’ no matter how old I was— “I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! NOBODY HAS EVER BEEN AS PROUD AS I AM OF YOU—”
I smiled as I held the phone away from my ear, squirming at the realization that if Heechul was congratulating me, I must have been a rogue idol.
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Had anyone been paying attention to us, they would have noticed that Taemin and I walked to the pool together. Of course, we were careful not to hold hands or allow our gazes to linger, but whenever Taemin was near me, I felt that there must be some outward evidence of our bond. 
I knew that it was better that the others were too engrossed in their volleyball game (except Ten, who sat on a sun chair in a well-shaded corner) to notice us until Lucas and Kai wildly beckoned for us to join the game. Yet, although I hadn’t so much as whispered to Lucas that there was something between me and Taemin, I was always slightly disappointed when none of these people— who were my closest friends— noticed what (to me) was impossible to ignore.
Taemin, clad in black swimming trunks, dashed to Kai’s side, but I explained my reluctance to join the game. “I don’t wanna get my hair wet.” Really, though, I didn’t want to shed my denim shorts. 
As I walked to claim the seat next to Ten, Baekhyun cupped both hands around his mouth and yelled, “Lei! Bring me a drink!” and pointed to a small blue cooler. 
When I held a freezing Sprite out to him, standing a safe distance from the edge of the pool because I expected him to pull me into the water, I teased, “You should really use your manners, Baek. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ are nice words.”
He swam over to me, opened the drink, and winked. “Thanks. Ya know, you should follow your own advice and go thank Ten over there.”
I wrinkled my eyebrows at Baekhyun as he gulped the drink down in one sip. “Why?”
“Ah!” Baekhyun beamed at the can as if it contained the best drink he had ever tasted or as if it had been his first drink after months of wandering through a desert. I rolled my eyes at his theatrics, and he laughed. “Oh! Because he came up with the best plan to get Momager and Donghae— Momhae, as I call them— together!”
Miraculously, nobody turned their head at Baekhyun’s hollering. I blinked at him as if that were an adequate defense against his devilish smile and feigned ignorance as best as I could. “What?”
Knowing that he had done enough to get under my skin— he had done enough to flash his hand without showing all the tricks he held up his sleeve— Baekhyun shrugged. “Why don’t ya ask Ten about it?” He suggested before swimming back to the volleyball game, leaving the Sprite can empty at my feet. 
After tossing Baekhyun’s trash into the bin, I sat next to Ten. Pulling my sandaled feet onto the chair, I tried to study his expression to gather whether he actually knew about “Momhae.” Because he was wearing huge black sunglasses that covered most of his face, I couldn’t piece anything together.
I didn’t even know if Ten noticed me until a smirk tugged at his lips. “Like what ya see?”
I hadn’t even been looking at Ten like that, yet the suggestive lilt of his voice painted my face a pale pink. Maybe Ten couldn’t see my blush through his sunglasses, but I tore my gaze away anyway and sat back in my chair, arms crossed over my short cropped t-shirt. 
Ten lowered his glasses to delight in my reaction to his teasing. Something about that sparkle in his eyes annoyed me— emboldened me to reply, “No, not really.” 
Realizing that I wasn’t playing along with his flirtations, Ten’s jaw dropped (maybe to ask what was wrong with me), but I didn’t give him a chance to speak. “You shouldn’t be talking about my mom’s personal affairs with Baekhyun of all people.”
Ten only said, pitch high from confusion, “What?”
And I realized that Baekhyun tricked me into bringing Momhae up to another member. When he waved at me (just before Taemin launched the volleyball at his obnoxiously large head), I thought I could have murdered Baekhyun. 
Ten knew absolutely nothing about Mom and Donghae. He probably hadn’t considered anything about Mom’s life outside of being a manager until I opened my big mouth. Now, he was looking for me to explain my outburst, and I only had time to briefly thank God that I hadn’t mentioned Donghae’s name before Lucas plopped down onto the foot of my chair. 
I could have barked at Lucas for shaking his head like a wet dog and soaking me with pool water, but I was too grateful that he had come to dig me out of this awkward situation with Ten. Once he opened his mouth, however, I realized that Lucas was there to worsen matters. 
As if Ten wasn’t sitting right there, still staring at me, Lucas said, “Dude, Lei, I’ve been meaning to tell you since, like, the start of the tour that Taemin likes you.” 
Had I not known, I might have been as shocked as Ten, who sat up so quickly that his sunglasses fell onto the ground. “What? Taemin likes Lei?”
When my instinct was to hiss for Ten to be quiet, Lucas narrowed his eyes at me. “Wait. You’re not surprised enough. Did Taemin already tell you he likes you?”
I never stopped being surprised by how perceptive Lucas was. Usually, that trait made him a remarkable best friend because it enabled him to know when I was troubled without requiring an awkward exchange of feelings. In that moment, however, I wanted to kick Lucas for somehow knowing everything. 
I didn’t lie exactly. “I don’t think Taemin likes me.” I didn’t think; I knew.
Neither Ten (who just liked to tease everybody) nor Lucas (who just wanted to know every intimate detail of my life) was satisfied by that response. When they continued to pester me about Taemin, I had to adopt the same tone I used in the interview to scold, “Cut it out, guys. I still have to sleep in a room with him tonight and for the rest of the tour, and you’re making it weird!”
My heart was still racing after they ceased their demands for more information. I was so overwhelmed by the fact that I had almost shared my two deepest secrets— Donghae’s love for Mom (which was directly related to her true identity as the idol who never debuted) and my love for Taemin— that I retired to my room early without apologizing to Mark, which was the entire reason why I walked down to the pool in the first place.
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astrolovecosmos · 5 years
The 8th House and Resources, Sharing, Giving
We are going to talk about the 8th House and giving and sharing. Many times people concentrate on the physical realm with this but I want to remind people that the 8th also deals with intimacy and emotional bonding, here is where sharing and giving is also very important. The 8th encompasses both the trope of “a partner’s wealth” or “joint finances” as well as giving and sharing on deeper levels. Also I want to take a second to talk about “magnetism”. You see a lot of people talking about the 8th house like it is ALL about ATTRACTION. When really it goes back to the core theme of merging, connection, bonds, sharing. This house is about intimacy and while in synastry it does point to areas of great magnetism, the house on its own is more about reading/using it to find out what type of bond people can create rather than just being mysteriously pulled to each other.
Aries in the 8th: We start with a placement that tends to be more self-oriented, even when talking about shared resources. In terms of a partner’s resources or family - they have good luck with attracting a partner that will give to them, maybe provide for them. This is looked at in a few ways. 1. You will see references to Aries in the 8th almost “taking” these resources. Demanding it from a loved one, because it is the right thing to do or it is their privilege.  2. Aries risk-taking trait is seen in being brave with joint finances or sharing property with others. 3. The leading side of Aries can be seen taking the lead on family resources or even a community or company. Resources are likely distributed to the underdog or underprivileged. The idea of gambling away resources can exist here. Opportunities to give or receive resources tend to be plentiful for this individual. In terms of sharing and giving, this person tends to be more about what they can receive from others. BUT they can share themselves passionately and impulsively, being open with what they have to give.
Taurus in the 8th: Possession, owning, territory - associations with Taurus. In the 8th House in terms of resources we see someone who can get possessive over what should be shared. When making decisions on sharing or distributing they tend to be practical. The gathering or collecting side of Taurus can be seen here as someone who intentionally is on the look out for resources in others.  This can extend to “emotional resources”. Meaning they may seek out people to depend on or they may seek out people who give them comfort or make them feel confident. When it comes to resources in general, whether tangible or not, lines can be blurred between what is shared or what is theirs, mostly due to their desire for security and a possible nature to hoard or to own. They are cautious in what they give to others. They can fall into “giving” in a material sense more than emotional sometimes.
Gemini in the 8th: Possibly scattered with shared resources and joint finances. There is a superficial or possibly detached approach going about sharing. Here is a person who may underestimate how much depth and responsibility there is in sharing resources, money, property, etc  With their open mind and objective nature this person can be altruistic towards giving and sharing. This person may swing back and forth from being overly concerned about frivolous resources to being progressive and open about sharing their stuff, themselves, and even more so their wisdom or knowledge.  When I say superficial in terms of sharing I mean they get hung up on the distribution of gifts or compliments among friends or always seeing affection or praise as a game or competition with a lover. When Gemini in this house “shares” it is likely sharing what they know or sharing their mind more than anything.
Cancer in the 8th: Here is a cautious person in terms of sharing, can be practical towards joint finances, and they approach sharing very emotionally. When they do “share” they tend to really share themselves - their insecurities, their wants, their deepest thoughts and feelings. In terms of what is shared there is a big emphasis on inheritance. Meaning this person may have to share a lot due to inheritance or because of their own passing their resources, even their influence is most impactful on heirs/next of kin. What is to be obtained and what is most useful to them for growth may mostly come from an inheritance of some sort. A possessiveness and jealousy can exist for this person towards giving or what might be shared.
Leo in the 8th: This can indicate a very generous person both in the tangible or within intimacy. Not only do they give material goods or affection, but creative energy as well. Due to Fire’s connection with opportunity this can be seen as a “lucky” placement for inheritance or joint finances. Leo is connected to groups and leadership. Here is one who may take charge of distributing resources or making big decisions financially for a group or for inheritances. Will give in a big way but expects others to return the favor. May refuse to share or more likely accept what is given to them out of pride. May pass on or inherit things that give them authority/power. Transparency about what is being given or divided is important to them.
Virgo in the 8th: We see someone who likely “gives themselves” to others through service or help. However this can get quite physical due to some of Virgos’ themes. Giving themselves to others at times can really mean surrendering to physical intimacy. In terms of sharing and shared resources, Virgo wants to be fair but can sometimes fall into being overly practical or logical in how they give, share, and divide, sometimes ignoring the feelings or sentiments of others. They want clear communication and boundaries when it comes to shared resources, finances, dept, etc. Must be careful of being overly materialistic or picky when it comes to approaching shared resources.
Libra in the 8th: Here is a placement that is all about sharing. Sharing is usually among partners, between two people. Although there is a sense of teamwork and fellowship that this person holds in high regards. When giving or giving themselves they tend to “give” in forms of cooperation, adaptability, peace making, networking, or admiration. There can be idealism towards joint finances or shared resources. This person demands fairness and is objective towards distribution. They can fear sharing their flaws or hidden self, sometimes avoiding intense intimacy.
Scorpio in the 8th: Being decisive and controlling about what is shared can happen. The desire to master, understand, and to take hold of what is happening in this house exist. When they give themselves they do give fully and ardently. They honestly sacrifice themselves in many ways in terms of what they give to another. Desire, power, control, obsession, these traits of Scorpio can be roadblocks or even paths to destruction in sharing and bonding. Here we see someone willing to give it all but needs to learn sharing is also about receiving and not being able to control what is given and sometimes what is taken.
Sagittarius in the 8th: There is a giving of optimism and trust. This person has a lot of faith in others and their ability to give or share. We see someone who can run into disappointment or be led into harm at times because of this. Financially they can lack focus or be too risky. This is the same for resources in the material world. There is an association with “luck” or positivity towards what is going on in the 8th. This is someone who can over share or over promise. There can also be a firm philosophy they follow in terms of joint finances, opening up intimately, or approaching shared resources.
*Sagittarius and Gemini in this house are both associated with the possibility of persuading others to share or to give them resources. They can also talk their way out of debt or promises.
Capricorn in the 8th: There is a focus on defining what is theirs and what is others. We see some control issues regarding what is shared and what is given. Providing is a theme and might be what they “give” the most of. They give to others through responsibility, working, giving purpose. They can be restrictive of what they give of themselves, causing limitations to intimacy.  Fear and loss can create issues of security in this house. Laws getting in the way or even saving them somehow is associated - especially when taking about things such as inheritances.
Aquarius in the 8th: Can be opinionated or even philosophically fixed in how resources should be shared or about wealth. There is certainly a part of them that might not care about wealth or possessions at all. They are likely to donate an inheritance or on another spectrum - undervalue shared resources and therefore give things away that isn’t always helpful or isn’t well understood by receivers. In terms of sharing and “shared resources” we see someone who is more about shared values in a community or the collective. What they share is usually on a bigger scale with ideas, inventions, innovation, or change. In a more intimate setting they give new ideas and perspectives. They may also give freedom or liberation in some way.
Pisces in the 8th: A placement that isn’t always wrapped up in money or things. When it comes to shared resources it is more about shared feelings or shared faith. Giving to them is more along the terms of sacrifice, believing they need to truly give it all to be able to connect.. A manipulative side can come out in terms of joint finances or gaining resources. A spiritual view can also change how they give, take, or share. There is fear of being left out as well as owing someone something. Guilt can surround inheritances or shared resources too.
Sun in the 8th: Ego and identity is shared above all else. This can be looked at in many different ways. On one end there are times they sacrifice the self, bend or mold the identity as a way of giving to others. This can also mean someone who values pride and ego above sharing and intimacy. May also "share" or take on financial debt, responsibility, etc. to become the "hero", to become the "strong one" or "responsible one", or to bolster their ego.
Moon in the 8th: Safety, security, comfort - here is what is wrapped in shared resources. This person could become cautious about sharing or try to take more than their share due to these needs. Things are taken personally in terms of sharing, both physical or emotional. Dependency is a big theme here. Those with Moon in the 8th may become very familiar with shared debt, resources, responsibilities, and care due to co-dependent relationships. This person may be the one in charge of shared resources too, giving a part of them or giving financially to support others. Reflecting a partner, friend, or family member's way of connecting is associated. What is being "shared" might be a mirror to what another person is sharing with them.
Mercury in the 8th: Inconsistencies and flightiness can exist towards sharing. The trickster stereotype can come up here in "tricking" people into giving them something or finding loopholes in laws. Closeness tends to be created through communication. This is a person who can carry lessons in this area of life and share them. What they say tends to come back to haunt them or help them. Through thought and sharing information is where they connect and how what is given back to them will manifest/form.
Venus in the 8th: There is an inclination to easily share with others. In fact sharing and giving may be one of the main ways they show affection, especially when it comes to buying things for others. Balance, harmony, fairness - these are all things they desire in terms of connecting and sharing. There will be plenty of lessons on how to balance and get a hold of "give and take" in emotional bonds. Venus in the 8th is very well known for marrying into wealth, status, or prosperity. There is a warning of "marrying" into other associations of the 8th house with other people such as obsession, fear, or secrecy/hidden taboos. Venus in the 8th can be vulnerable to being used or tricked by others for their resources. Venus is looking to expand their awareness, to trust, to bond, to merge through relationships and is doing so in a house that is also known for loss and crisis.
Mars in the 8th: Here we see someone who is hesitant to share and to give. They want to take complete control over their destiny and can find it hard to share this mission with others. Intimacy can be met with passion and honesty but they want to take what they believe is rightfully theirs. This is an independent person who takes what is given to them and benefits from it right away or ensures that the property, wealth, or even a secret is for them and them alone. There is an association with fighting for resources or inheritance. Using shared resources to settle a fight can also happen. They may use physical intimacy to gain. A lot of energy can be burning in this area of life.
Jupiter in the 8th: Much like Sagittarius, this indicates luck and prosperity towards inheritances and what is given or shared. This tends to be a generous person and the more they give, the more they are likely to get back. We see a lot of Jupiter's connection with abundance in the 8th. Be careful of over indulging in more heavier emotions of the house, leading to heated obsession. Bonding tends to come from sharing beliefs, ideas, and dreams. There needs to be a spiritual connection between those they get close to or share with or a lively intellectual connection.
Saturn in the 8th: Here is someone who could try to take control or authority over shared resources or inheritances. Inheriting something or somehow becoming in charge of shared resources can become a burden or challenge for them. Struggles also tend to pop up whenever they want to connect with others. Life might always seem to get in the way of their attempt at intimacy. Strong intimacy may be found later in life. There is a big lesson on self-reliance and learning to let go. Giving may need to be much more internal and focused on giving unhealthy attachments or values away. There is a feel of "helping themselves" when ti comes to gaining resources or even closeness with others.
Uranus in the 8th: Possibly radical in their ideas towards intimacy, sharing, giving, and what is shared among family or businesses. Unexpected inheritances or even emotional bonds is associated. In the material realm beware of things getting lost, stolen, or borrowed and never returned. This stems from the unpredictability of Uranus. A large focus on the collective could exist. They make look at "sharing" and "connecting" on a much larger scale than just one-on-one. Healthy detachment and accepting change as a constant are very important lessons and themes for someone with this placement.
Neptune in the 8th: Many tend to talk about deception, illusions, and manipulation towards resources, intimacy, and inheritances. Before getting worried that you are going to be tricked know Neptune can indicate strong intuition and receptiveness towards the areas in the 8th. One might be able to quickly and easily pick up on others' bad intentions. They can be disconnected from the material side of the house. Intimacy must feel spiritual to them. They give their energy and feelings to others. Giving and having something taken from them can be blurred.
Pluto in the 8th: Inheritances and/or intimacy tends to signal a new door, a new life for them. They give with intimacy but also sometimes they may unintentionally give the darker side of their personality. Obsession and focus on what other's have can manifest. Intuition is heightened but may be tied to a manipulative side. They may use shared resources or giving and taking in plays for power. This person can both boost as well as drain other's energy - giving and taking energy as part of how they "give, connect". They can play off other's desires but also fulfill them. There is no fear of closeness, in fact there is a huge drive for it. Merging with another is an intense but natural feeling. They are in tune with the complexities of this house. They give to others emotions and attachment.
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
GOT: The exhausting march towards the dramatic TWIST
I think I’m going to shock people with this statement but ... out of all the season 8 episodes we’ve seen so far, episode 4 is by far my favorite. 
Now don’t get too excited by the seemingly warm tone ... what I mean by favorite is that I hated it less than episode 1 through 3, which is about as high a praise as I’m likely going to have for this debacle that is season 8. 
General impressions:
There are two reasons why I felt this episode was better than the last 3: 
1. It was more focused, with 3 clear storylines: D*ny’s war for the crown (story A), Jon’s and his family continuing to be dead inside (story B), Jaime’s return to his sister-lover (story C). This kind of focus and definite structure should be a given. However GOT decided to go all yolo on our asses this season and as we’ve already covered in my other reviews, it’s gotten to the point where I’m genuinely shocked to see an episode that doesn’t jump from plot point to plot point like an enraged orangutan on ecstasy. 
2. It was centered around this woman: 
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Look at that face... Holy Shit! She’s going to give me nightmares!
Now, normally an episodes focused on D*ny would be bad news for me because I don’t particularly care for her, as half of my list of metas can conclusively prove. 
However, since she’s the only character whose POV isn’t hidden and her scenes aren’t cut short or drained of any and all possibility of actual human emotion, she’s become the only character that I can watch without feeling frustrated, confused or on the verge of an anxiety attack. I actually like to know what the hell is happening on screen and what the character wants in any given scene. Call it a pet peeve of mine. 
Although even D*ny, as well rounded a character as she is, suffers from the Ds oscillating trend this season. Last episode, D*ny stood her ground against the NK, committed herself and her armies to the defense of the realm and saved Jon’s life. This episode, she’s back in full Mad King’s daughter mode, with a pinch of Viserys on the side. 
But that’s a quibble, honestly and you can always argue that Jorah’s death really pushed D*ny into a dark place in which the crown of Westeros and her war against Cersei becomes more important than her own humanity. 
However, what isn’t a quibble is that death seems to have become a shorthand device the Ds employ to signal D*ny’s eventual rise as Queen of the Ashes. She loses Jorah in episode 3 and by the end of episode 4, she loses both Rhaegal and Missandei as well, leaving her in a seeming cliffhanger over whether or not to put the Red Keep to the torch as revenge. 
The problem is that D*ny had been chopping at the bit to burn down King’s Landing since season 7 when she had to be talked out of doing just that TWICE. This episode Tyrion once again has to put the breaks on D*ny’s fiery fantasies. 
This scene right here is a treasure trove of Mad D*ny clues. But let’s focus on two of them. Firstly, the impetuous to burn KL is stil there: 
D*ny: We will hit her hard. We will rip her out root and stem. 
Tyrion: The objective here is to remove Cersei without destroying King’s Landing. 
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That is not a happy face ...
As D*ny put’s it, they need the capital because otherwise Cersei can continue calling herself the queen of the 7 kingdoms. 
That’s D*ny’s priority, folks: the acquiring of that stupid title. 
And if she has to march her weakened army, her sick dragon/child for thousands of miles and burn thousands of innocent people to get that title, she’ll do it. 
Considering this set-up, why exactly did we need Missandei and Rahegal to die? One day into Tyrion’s proposed blockade and D*ny would be roasting giant marshmallows in the Red Keep gardens. 
In my opinion,  the reasons for killing Rhaegal and Missandei are not tied to the dark!dany arc at all. Instead, Rhaegal gets killed because they want to make the D*ny/Cersei conflict as even as possible so they’re eliminating one of D*ny’s weapons of mass destruction. 
And Missandei ... poor Missandei gets killed in order to shock the audience. There is absolutely no reason to kill her in this way ... If she was to die, the time for that would have been in episode 3. They have to actually push the suspension of disbelief in order to convince the audience that somehow Euron got a hold of this girl from an armada of wrecked ships, instantly knew how important she was, dragged her back to the Red Keep and then brought her up on that wall expecting .... what??! 
Euron and Cersei are far too smart to believe D*ny will give up her war for Missandei so why kill her so publicly? To intimidate D*ny? They didn’t need Missandei for that. They could have just as well beheaded all of the hostages they took from the ships. 
They kill Missandei because that’s the easiest way for the Ds to surprise the audience and for them to garner some sort of sympathy for D*ny when she eventually does end up going all Pablo Escobar on a city filled with a million people. 
The other glaring Mad D*ny moment in the scene and one that plays straight into political Jon, is this: 
Sansa: The men we have left are exhausted. Many of them are wounded. They will fight better if they have time to rest and recuperate. 
D*ny: How long do you suggest? 
Sansa: Can’t say for certain. Not without talking to the officers. 
D*ny: I came North to fight alongside you. At great cost to my armies and myself. And now that the time has come to reciprocate, you want to postpone?
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Jon: The Northern forces will honor their promises and their allegiance to the queen of the 7 kingdoms. What you command, we will obey. 
I’ve seen a lot of people being angry at Jon for “taking D*ny’s side” in this conflict but in order to understand how this plays into political Jon, there are 2 things you need to keep in mind: 
The first is exactly when Sansa intervenes in the conversation. She steps in directly after both Tyrion and Jon manage to convince D*ny not to burn down King’s Landing. D*ny reluctantly agrees to the blockade because that would mean having to wait to take the crown and as she puts it: 
D*ny: The longer I leave my enemies alone, the stronger they become.  
Now Sansa wants to delay her even further. This is not acceptable to D*ny. 
In addition to that, I don’t think Sansa appreciates just how dangerous and volatile D*ny is. She doesn’t know about the men being fed to dragons, or the 163 crucified masters or how close she was to jumping on a dragon and burning down KL in the past. 
Jon, however, does understand D*ny quite well by this point. I don’t buy his speech as him agreeing with D*ny at all in this scene and considering this is the face he puts on to silence Sansa: 
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I’d say this is a guy desperately trying to keep a bomb from exploding directly in the face of someone he cares very deeply about. 
Narratively, I believe this is supported by the Sansa/Tyrion scene later on when Sansa is surprised to realize that Tyrion is actually afraid of D*ny. She simply hadn’t considered that people are scared of what D*ny might do. 
As interesting as D*ny’s descent into madness is (despite Missandei’s useless death), it’s counterbalanced by the shit show that continues to be Jon Snow. 
Watching Jon’s arc this season, and by extension all the Starks, is like banging your head against a concrete wall over and over again, without making a dent. It’s pointless, exhausting and painful. 
At this point I don’t care if he’s in love with D*ny or Sansa, if he’s pol!Jon or idiot!Jon, if he wants to be king or fuck off beyond the wall. I genuinely don’t care anymore. What I do care about is being given access to Jon’s story enough to figure out what the hell he wants and what he’s doing. 
It’s one thing to keep a character’s POV hidden for an episode but we’re going on almost 2 seasons now. And Jon isn’t a secondary character like Littlefinger where you can get away with hiding the POV because he’s not as big a part of the plot as a main character is. 
But Jon is a main character and this effort to keep him enigmatic and mysterious isn’t only wreaking havoc on his arc but it’s also affecting the rest of the Stark family. Case and point: 
In case anyone is keeping score, this is actually the first and only scene all the Starks have together in 4 episodes, amounting to 5 hours of footage. 
And just look where they decide to end this scene! Right when we’re going to see Arya and Sansa react to the parentage reveal and see what they and Jon discuss next. They gave us the mere bones of this scene and left us without the meat. 
The important part of the scene, the emotional underbelly, the opportunity to see these people come together and support and embrace Jon as the Stark they still think he is, is taken away from us. Because that would chip away at the mystery surrounding Jon’s arc this season. 
I’d argue depriving Jon and the Starks of the emotional bond they share is way too steep a price to pay for what is essentially a cheap thirll that becomes cheaper and cheaper by the minute considering they’re delaying whatever reveal they’re planning on making past the point of me giving a shit!
This episode did, however, give me the perfect visual way of describing Jon’s storyline right now. Jon is basically stuck between: 
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and he chooses neither. 
He sends Ghost away (without patting him because having KH and the wolf in the same frame would be too costly for the overly expensive GOT) and refuses to ride Rhaegal because ... reasons. 
So instead of seeing him choose between being a direwolf and a dragon, we’re seeing him do nothing, while looking overly enigmatically blank for 5 hours straight. I just .... I’m sooooo tired of this. Can this be over now?
PS: I’d discuss Jaime’s storyline this episode but I don’t want to say: I told you so ... Well ... ok, if you insist:
a little sour milk dribble on Tormund’s beard and a silly giant story isn’t going to make me forget that Jaime has arrived in Winterfell on the coat tails of a 20+ year toxic relationship with a woman who is not only his twin sister but is also currently pregnant with his baby.
Jaime: She (Cersei) has always been good at using the truth to tell lies. Don’t be too hard on yourself. She’s fooled me more than anybody.
Tyrion: She never fooled you. You always knew exactly what she was. And you loved her anyway.
Yeah …  Imagine entering a relationship with a guy exiting THAT. Dealing with sour milk beard is mild by comparison.
Favorite scenes
The “If you love me, you’ll erase yourself” scene: 
There is something so deeply disturbing about this scene that I can’t help but be fascinated by it. The J0nereys relationship has always been toxic and this scene right here encapsulates just why: 
In order to be with D*ny, Jon needs to give up everything that makes him who he is. In season 7, he was forced to bend the knee and suffer the ire of the entire North for it. Now D*ny is asking him not only to give up his claim but also lie about who he is and separate himself from his family in order to make sure that D*ny gets to be queen. 
No one, not one person in this world, no matter how beautiful, rich, good in bed or seemingly in love with you, is worth you giving up who you are and removing yourself from your family (provided said family is not toxic, of course). And anyone that would ask you to do that, should be dumped on their asses pronto.
Jon can’t do that, unfortunately. Because he’s brought D*ny here to fight “his war” and pretended to be in love with her. And also because D*ny simply isn’t rational anymore. So he’s stuck apologizing for people liking him (just think about that!) and having to put up with her saying things like: 
D*ny: It doesn’t matter what you want! You didn’t want to be king in the North! What happens when they demand you press your claim and TAKE WHAT IS MINE? 
Except the crown isn’t D*ny’s. It never was. Logistically speaking, the crown belongs to Cersei right now. Legitimately, the crown is Jon’s. It’s D*ny that is actually taking what is his, not the other way around. Imagine making someone apologize for you doing that to them. That’s all kinds of messed up. 
Speaking of which: 
Jon: You are my queen! I don’t know what else I can say!
D*ny: You can say nothing! To anyone! Ever! Never tell them who you really are. Swear your brother and Samwell Tarly to secrecy and tell no one else!
You know what she sounds like? Like Tangled’s Mother Gothel convincing Rapunzel that she’s better off being her prisoner. 
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Yikes! She’s genuinely terrifying!
D*ny: Sansa will want to see me gone and you on the Iron Throne. 
Jon: She won’t. 
D*ny: She’s not the girl you grew up with. Not after what she’s seen. Not after what they’ve done to her. 
2 things: 
1. I hope every D*ny stan in the universe either denounces D*ny for victim blaming or closes their mouths about feminism, misogyny and pitting women against women for the rest of time. If you support this woman and consider her a positive role model, you are not allowed to discuss these subjects in public ever again. 
2. Can you really blame Jon for taking D*ny’s side against Sansa in the council meeting? He already knows just what D*ny thinks of Sansa and what she’d like to do to her if she is given the opportunity. Hurting Sansa’s feelings is preferable to her losing her life. 
The “This better not be unrequited love, Ds!” scene: 
This face right here ... this face: 
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It’s heartbreaking. And what really angers me about this scene is that it could have been all the more meaningful had the parentage reveal been played in full. Actually seeing Sansa reacting, hearing Jon’s fears or his anguish, would make her fighting for his crown when he refuses to do so even more powerful and romantically charged. 
Still, this scene comes in direct contrast to the Jon/D*ny scene. While D*ny wants to force Jon to live a lie for the rest of his life, to humble himself and make himself small so she can have all the power and the love of the people, Sansa not only shoots down the possibility of her being the only one in charge of the North and holding steadfast to the idea that Jon will stay in Winterfell. She goes as far as tell Tyrion Jon is the rightful heir when she realizes that despite his supposed loyalty to D*ny, Tyrion is actually afraid of her. 
She sees an opening to ensure Jon’s freedom and she takes it without hesitation. 
If, at the end of all of this, Jon ends up going beyond the wall instead of staying with a woman who loves and values him this much, then Westeros truly is a cruel and horrible place and I’ll be sorry I invested so many years of my life to it.
Episode MVPs
Euron “Best General in fucking Westeros” Greyjoy: 
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Euron gets to be MVP this episode because in one fell swoop he destroyed D*ny’s fleet and brought down one of her dragons. What can I say ... Competency really turns me on. 
Too bad Cersei doesn’t love him. If these two actually cared about each other, they could be the McBeths of Westeros. Nothing could stand in their way!
Lord “What an Icon!” Varys: 
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What can one say about this glorious man? He is MVP for the second time in 4 reviews and somehow I think he’s not done yet. 
Varys and Tyrion got down to some realpolitick this episode. But Varys had some truly outstanding lines, like: 
Varys: How many others know? 
Tyrion: Including us? Eight. 
Varys: Well, then it’s not a secret anymore. It’s information. If a handful of people know now, hundreds will know soon. 
It’s so rare to find a man that understands gossip so well!
Varys: I’ve served tyrants all my life. They all talk about destiny. 
As a person born under a communist regime, I concur, Varys. 
And my personal favorite:  
Varys: You know where my loyalty stands. You know I will never betray the realm. 
Tyrion: What is the realm? A vast continent, home to millions of people, most of whom don’t care who sits on the Iron Throne. 
Varys: Millions of people, many of whom will die if the wrong person sits on that throne. We don’t know their names but they’re just as real as you and I. They deserve to live. They deserve food for their children. I will act in their interests, no matter the personal cost. 
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If this show doesn’t end with a 7 foot, cockless statue of Varys presiding over the whole of Westeros as the ICON that he is, what was even the point?!?!?
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arthurjdrake · 4 years
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A chance bonding experience over pie, tea and haunted tape recorders with @damn-fine-cup-of-tea
“February twenty-ninth, it is 9.30am. The air still reeks of fish although I could swear that it has gotten better since I first got here. I still haven’t managed to get the name for those beautiful pine trees they have here. I was told they had moose. I must see a moose before I leave this town. I’m going to the bakery. Carol, if you ever get up this way, the apple pie at the diner is to die for. I must find out if they make it themselves, or if it is the same as the one from the baker. They don’t have proper tea here, and I had to go to Bangor to get my hands on tea leaves. Remind me to tell you how much that was. The people here are quite lovely, although I will have to notify the ATF and possibly the NSA about some of the inhabitants.” The agent stood still in the office they had given him at the police station. A tape recorder in his hand, Javier glanced and nodded politely at a police officer passing by the door before he went on : “I had the strangest dream last night. One of the deceased, a woman called Catherine Brissaud visited me in my dreams and kissed me. She looked beautiful but there was something off about her voice, she spoke gibberish. Then, she opened her mouth and a man’s voice came out of it telling me that it would kill again. There was this music in the back I cannot get out of my head, Carol. This is all very upsetting. I still have no clue on who could possibly have done it, why, or how? None of the victims showed wounds, and still, their entrails are all missing. All of it. I might need to stay here a bit longer than we imagined.” Grabbing his coat from the back of his chair, the man decided to head to the bakery by foot, his thermos of tea in his hand. At last, a good proper cup of tea. Pushing the door to the bakery, he waited in line, glancing around the shop, searching for something, anything that would possibly catch his eye. That man in the corner with a cockatiel pattern on his tie surely seemed interesting.
With the recent keying of his car, Arthur had taken to walking places. Better that than risk further damages to his property from Freyja’s vague and self-serving ire. The very thought of everything that had happened online was enough to send him stir crazy if he stayed inside any longer. No, he needed a trip out to one of the few places he found some peace in this mad place. There was also the current issue of sorting out Nadia’s identity and Adam’s current curse from that blasted chalice. Jobs and side-tasks were stacking up faster than he could keep up with but in a way he was thankful for the distractions. Explaining how he ended up joining the queue tapping out a couple of quick replies to several of the emails in his inbox. With those sent he tucked his phone away and he could turn his attention to a few of the other patrons of the quiet bakery and associated coffee shop. He looked at the display case and hummed in thought unsure what to get - he never had been very good at making decisions. “Sorry,” he said to the man in front of him hoping it wasn’t a real bother “excuse me, I’m rather stuck on what to go for… Do you think the apple or the passionfruit one is better?”
“No harm done,” Javier turned around and gave the man a thorough look, his eyes travelling all across him before he gave him a pat on the arm. “I think, and this is only my opinion, that there is nothing better than a good, old fashioned, properly made, apple pie,” he released the man’s arm to point his finger at the pie behind the glass. “And this, looks exactly like a good, old fashioned, properly made, apple pie.” The crust/filling ratio appeared to be nearing perfection, as did the cooking of the apple, or the color of the dough that covered it all. And, this was really the cherry on top of it all : the pie was decorated very tastefully. Maybe this would help him forget about the town’s apparent aversion for a proper cup of tea. “You are British, aren’t you?” Javier was sure of that, but it never hurt to ask. “What do you think of the tea situation in this town?”
Arthur was quite accustomed by now to being inspected by strangers, and in a town like this his accent tended to make him stick out like a sore thumb. He didn’t mind, so he waited and smiled politely taking in the other man’s appearance in kind, at a guess he seemed of an age to himself - at least physically. The greeting was friendly in kind, which settled any initial concerns that he might have bothered this stranger with his question. It was a nice change considering it seemed a majority of those he’d met significantly younger. At least beyond Carrington but that was another dynamic entirely and gave merit to the fact that you could hardly tell people’s actual ages from initial observation. “I think you might be right,” Arthur found himself agreeing tapping his bottom lip thoughtfully “especially with this wintery weather.” The cold hardly bothered him but it hardly meant a warm treat every now and then wouldn’t go amiss. “I feel like I haven’t had a good apple pie in ages,” baking hadn’t been the highest of priorities on his list lately but it was something he was keen to get back into. His smile grew a tad wry at the stranger’s next question, “damn, what gave it away?” he asked in light jest. “Definitely not the accent, was it my fondness for weather discussions and freshly baked goods?” His grin turned to a mournful look though the humour remained in his tone, “oh gods it’s atrocious. Don’t even get me started. I turned up for my first day and asked where the kettle was - they didn’t even have one. They microwave it.” He shook his head in mild disbelief over this “have to get people from back home to send me yorkshire brew or else I’d lose my mind.” He glanced at the thermos, “I’m guessing you feel the same?”
“The weather is quite something,” Javier commented, idly tapping his finger on top of his thermos, in tune with that song he had heard in his dreams. God, that thing was stuck in his head. “Talking of which,” it may have not smelled like fish in the shop, and in fact, the whole place smelled very nice, but the agent had to ask about that damn smell. “Does it always smell like fish in this town?” It seemed odd to him that people would ever decide to settle and live in such a place. He kept a stern look on his face, although there was always a hint of playfulness in his eyes as he spoke. “Then you must have a slice of apple pie. Maybe you can sit with me. I’ll share the tea,” he offered. It would be a great opportunity to discuss with the locals, who, even if they were not connected with his case, helped him draw a better picture of the town and what could possibly be insidiously corroding, gnawing it. “I will say, that the accent sold you out, and the talk of weather and pastries confirmed my doubts,” he politely replied, glancing over the man’s shoulder to have a look at someone who had just walked in. Their socks did not match. He wondered if this had been done on purpose or not. “Funny.” He said, turning his attention back on the British man. “Of course they would. I have had people tell me that tea in bags was not so bad. It’s atrocious !” He shook his head, clearly disapproving of that kind of affirmation. “You are the third person who tells me they have to order tea from across the sea. I’m sure there’s a lot more of upset tea lovers in town.” Something had to be done about this. As it was his turn to order, the agent turned toward the saleswoman with a bright smile. “I will have a slice of pie, please,” he glanced at the man. “And the man after me, will have another one of those.”
Arthur had become relatively accustomed to the smell, but at least it had stopped raining fish. Small mercies. Yet, as the other man asked after it he shrugged. “I have no idea honestly… There was some weird meteorological event… Raining fish. Whole town was covered. But it’s definitely been getting a damn lot better since that stopped.” He didn’t mention the chest, or the fact that since he’d heard through the grapevine that it’d been opened that the weirdness had stopped. “How can I deny an offer like that?” he smiled, genuinely grateful for the offer this stranger extended out. “Then at least let me buy you some of the apple pie to say thank you for the kindness of sharing the tea,” it was the least he could do. The laugh that was drawn from him was light, “ahhh, guilty as charged.” It wasn’t entirely true, but true enough for this lifetime that he’d subscribed to the general notion. “Heathens, the lot of them. I’m telling you.” The disapproving look the stranger got was rather amusing overall. “Oh, most definitely. We should start a club.” They moved up and Arthur let the other man order for them both, taking his card out to cover the payment “I’m Arthur by the way, I didn’t catch your name mister-?”
Raining fish. It must have been a local expression, a derivative of it’s raining cats and dogs. Although, Javier could imagine that a storm could cause fish to end up in the atmosphere and rain down on a coastal town such as White Crest. There was nothing too weird here. “That’s funny,” he let a thin smile tug the corner of his lips upward. The town seemed to be rather normal, but the people here were a bit odd. The man he was talking to seemed quite normal, compared to the rest of them, although it was a bit early to be certain about that. “That is a very kind offer,” he nodded politely and moved aside to let his new tea friend pay for the pie. Javier wondered whether he should be introducing himself as an agent or as a citizen. It was unlikely that this person would have anything to do with his case, or he was truly the luckiest investigator this town had ever seen. “Javier, I’m Javier Sterling,” he had made his choice. Little did he know that he would not be able to be just a citizen for long, or that his tape recorder had developed a mind of its own and decided to record his conversation with Arthur. Sitting at a table by the windows, Javier walked back to the counter to ask for cups. If he clearly disapproved of paper cups, he did not comment on it as the saleswoman handed him those, and he walked back to the table to pour them each a cup of tea. This one had been advised by one of the people he spoke to online, and he had high hopes and expectations about it.
“You think I’m joking?” he glanced at the man, and the look on his expression earned a momentary thought of ah, of course you do. A majority of the cod and salmon had been cleared away from the streets, but Arthur still noticed the occasional one dotted around down. One had even been on the spear of a statue in down, talk about being skewered. “Least I can do,” Arthur said pleasantly as Javier stepped aside and he could pay for the two slices of pie. With the introduction Arthur offered an extremely warm hand out for a polite greeting “Arthur Drake if you’re going for full formality.” Once they were cut and served on plates with a couple of forks, Arthur picked them up and carried them over to the table. “So, what brings you to White Crest?” he queried as he slid into one of the seats at the table pulling one of the two plates over as Javier sorted out the tea “I mean, beyond the picturesque scenery and excellent apple pie? Somehow you don’t strike me as the small town kinda guy.”
Javier looked at the man with a perplexed look on his face, trying to figure out if this was some sort of elaborate joke. The puzzled look on his face did not really fade away until Arthur held out his hand and Javier shook it firmly, hoping that this conversation about the falling fish would stop now. “Drake. El dragón,” he commented, before he turned his back on the man. Sitting at the table, he took some time looking outside, although there was nothing special that caught his eye this time. Getting his coat off of his shoulders, the agent unbuttoned his suit’s jacket to get more comfortable. Besides, nothing looked worse than a man sitting with a closed jacket. “What brings you to White Crest?” The question was repeated, with echo, the chatter of the bakery amplified. Javier had just opened his mouth to reply, but the sound did not come from his mouth, but rather from his coat. The agent frowned, glancing at the piece of clothing. Could he have both pushed the record and play buttons by accident? There was a sound of rewinding tape for a couple seconds before the tape recorder started saying : “ get out of my head, Carol. This is all very upsetting. I still have no clue on who could possibly have done it, why, or how? None of the victims showed wounds, and still, their entrails are all missing. All of it.” When Javier got his hands on the tape recorder, he realized that none of the buttons were pushed, and still the tape played. Great, the damn thing was broken. “Excuse me,” he said, ejecting the tape and putting it away in a case. “I’m here with the FBI,” he sighed.
Ah well, he would learn soon enough. Arthur was hardly here to blow the man’s mind, so left him to his ignorance for the time being. “Indeed,” the translation that Javier picked up on was just part of the irony of each name he picked. Though most tended to overlook the fact. Pulling the cup towards him he first took a sip and hummed quietly in appreciation. Just the right strength. He waited on Javier’s response to his question, but what happened next had Arthur furrowing his brows in confusion. Victims, wounds, entrails missing? He looked to the coat in question suspiciously and then at Javier frantically fiddling with it once he’d pulled out the apparent recorder. “Uh…” he blinked a little caught off guard while Javier dealt with his screwy technology “sure…” Though he couldn’t help but frown a little with the clarification that Javier was with the FBI, “I see…” he caught himself and sat up a little straighter already having a suspicion this man was here for more than just the apple pie “well, seems like something important brought you to town.” He tilted his head in mild curiosity, “a case?”
Javier pursed his lips. Putting the tape recorder next to his cup of tea, he grabbed the latter and took a sip of it before he answered Arthur's question. Judging by the look on the man’s face, it was necessary for Javier to explain himself. He idly snapped his fingers, staring at them as he focused on what he would tell him. “A case.” He repeated, grabbing his fork to take a bite of the apple pie. His eyes shut closed as a pleased expression erased any trace of worry the tape recorder had given him. Groaning happily, the agent snapped out of it after a few long seconds. Right, the case. “We have five people with their insides missing,” he added, having swallowed his bite. “That apple pie is, excuse me, fucking amazing,” he stared at his place with the most delighted look on his face. “What about you? Where do you work?”
Arthur couldn’t entirely help how his eyes flickered to the tape recorder, a paranoid part of his mind wondering whether their conversation had been recorded. Were there others in town like him? Did that mean that other people might’ve been recording and documenting things? It was a slight worry inducing thought and he couldn’t help the slight tap of his foot. He’d forgotten about the apple pie in his minor moment of paranoia, but as Javier began to explain why he was here he felt some of the knotted tension ease. Well, at least they weren’t here for other reasons… At least not yet. “Sounds rather suspicious…” he remarked as he thought on the roster of things that might be capable of such violence or potential feeding habits, though admittedly he didn’t know them off by rote “but… the recording said there were um-- no wounds did it say?” It was only at Javier’s remark that Arthur remembered that he too had some, picking up his fork he cut through the pie and had a bite pleasantly surprised at the explosion of cinnamon and sugary apple that hit his palate. “Damn… You’re right.” He took another bite, but at Javier’s question Arthur swallowed and took a sip of tea to clear his mouth. “Ah, just up at the college... I lecture in the history and mythology department.”
Javier pointed at his face, his round cheeks suggesting that he was in the middle of eating another bit of that superb pie. Chewing slowly, he took his time to finish his bite as it took more than a discussion about missing guts for the agent to lose his appetite. “No wounds, nothing in common between the victims, no traces of effraction. It’s as if a ghost murdered them all,” picking up the paper napkin to wipe at the corner of his mouth, he glanced again at the tape recorder. He could have sworn that he had seen it move. He did not recall pushing any of the buttons, and yet the pause button was pressed in. And now the stop button, without him touching it. “Well that is odd,” he took the machine in his hand, inspecting it closely. “I’ll have to order a new one,” he thought aloud, putting it away in his coat. "That sounds fantastic,” he gave the man a thumb up, picking up his cup to take a sip of tea. “I find both of those subjects to be absolutely fascinating,” he explained. Javier was delighted that he had had the chance to run into a teacher as he believed that this was one of the most generous professions one could have.
He didn’t particularly wish to rush the pie as it was exceptionally good, so he took to sipping on his tea mulling over the tidbits of the case this agent was working on. This was hardly the first time he’d discussed weird and gruesome things over food so he wasn’t particularly put off by it. “Strange, is there any sort of similarity between the victims? Gender, ethnicity, age?” Most killers had some sort of profile that they worked to, Arthur might not have been in the service in this lifetime but he knew the protocol. Had stuck to it himself in recent lifetimes. As Javier picked up the tape recorder that had seemingly pressed its own buttons, Arthur narrowed his eyes a little suspicious of the little device that seemed to have developed a mind of its own. “Can I have a look at that?” Javier had taken the tape out so Arthur hardly saw any harm in asking to have a closer look. The thumbs up earned a humbled smile, “ah, they certainly are that. Though the FBI seems like a fascinating job. Serving your country and keeping people safe, I’m sure there’s nothing else quite like it.”
Javier rubbed at his chin for a moment as he thought about the different victims. They had nothing, truly nothing in common, aside from being found dead, with nothing left inside their abdomen. Thinking about this reminded him of his dream and that woman he saw. Catherine Brissaud. Shaking her out of his mind, he sipped silently on his tea. “Nothing, absolutely nothing. Ethnicity, age, gender, hair color, fragrance, occupation, hobbies. I have been looking at their whole lives and nothing is similar so far,” he explained. He had not expected that Arthur would find his tape recorder to be so interesting, and now that there was no tape in it, what wrong could it do. He handed over the device, not sure what the man could probably do to fix it, although maybe Arthur had a few other skills up his sleeve. “It is an amazing job. I do not think I could really make a change any other way.” Javier had considered working as a police detective a long long time ago, but travelling and working on cases like this one was a lot more gratifying to him.
“Well… That sounds both horrifying and utterly perplexing,” Arthur couldn’t help but be equally fascinated and terrified by the thought of something like that. “And you’re certain it’s the same…” he caught himself from saying thing “person… doing this? What about location? No apparent circle theory?” Arthur knew a little about psychological models of criminal behaviour, having studied history of different eras it was pertinent to have some understanding of how criminals behaved and acted in their attempts to avoid capture. As Javier retrieved the tape recorder, Arthur slid it over and turned it over thoughtfully inspecting the buttons. Pressing one to let it play though no sound came out (as he expected) considering there was no tape. He tested each button individually, finding nothing out of the ordinary about it. Interesting. “I suppose most people think of the police or the army when they think about serving their country, but the FBI is pretty darn impressive.” As he spoke, Arthur ensured all buttons weren’t pressed or locked and set it back down on the table in front of him mostly to keep an eye on it. “How’d you come into that field? Not something you just walk into surely? If you don’t mind me asking that is.”
“The way of killing is too specific to be done by several people, unless we’re looking at a cult, of course.” Javier rubbed his fingers against his jawline for a moment. “Considering the murders have been taking place in the same town, there is not a lot we can do to establish a possible location for the culprit’s home.” Obviously whoever was doing this must have been from White Crest, but drawing a profile for them was nearly impossible. “I expect that they’ll make a mistake. They always do,” serial killers were not very original, but how long it took them to start being reckless, to start playing with the press, or law enforcement, was never a set number of days. If only it had been so simple. Javier watched Arthur inspect his tape recorder. He remained quiet, although he still wondered what it was the man was trying to achieve, pushing buttons and staring at them. There was no judgement in his eyes, and he looked at him with marvel in his eyes. “People tend to forget that we also serve our country and not just the Bureau. We have to thank television for this,” looking out the window, his eyebrows raised as he saw a familiar silhouette standing on the other side of the road. Once again, they disappeared the moment something blocked his view. “I’ve always wanted to work in law enforcement. Back when I was a child, we used to hear about the FBI a lot on television. I started sending letters to the FBI director that summer.”
“Not something you could rule out I suppose,” Arthur remarked as he mulled over the few bits and pieces that Javier had provided regarding his reasoning for being here. “I mean if it’s in the same town then surely the culprit has to be living within the vicinity of the town? So, it narrows it down at least in that regard…” He looked out the window towards the street, watching as a couple of people walked by unassuming. How many people could this case put at risk? Too many. Perhaps it was a good idea to offer assistance and simply observe this agent’s progress. Putting such a creature away would likely benefit everyone, but there was a small concern in the back of his mind that innocents could equally incriminate themselves considering the… special population variation that White Crest possessed. “Perhaps, but how long do you wait until that happens?” Arthur completed his inspection and frowned, turning his attention to Javier with his remark. “Yes, television provides a great many unhelpful stereotypes. Perhaps success will make some think differently at least?” He could understand the draw of law enforcement. It was a noble profession. “That’s quite a direct approach, I guess you made quite an impression if that’s how you got into the business,” Arthur grinned wryly at the thought of a young boy writing to the FBI asking to join them one day. It was rather endearing in a sense. “And you’ve been with them ever since? That’s rather impressive.”
“It has not been ruled out.” Javier had, over the years, specialized in working on crime related to those sort of organizations. All these grotesque deaths, however… Those didn’t happen all too often. Usually with them, it was rituals that ended up in an accident, or, a human sacrifice. This seemed different. There seemed to be nothing that indicated a freak accident or a sacrifice. There were no signs, sigils, drawings, books. He took out his notebook and wrote himself a memo to have a look at all the books in the victims’ homes. A chore, but one that he would do anyway. “Maybe they’ve already done it,” he looked up from his notebook as he closed it, putting it away. He probably had missed something, a detail, when he went to those crime scenes. He would have to be more thorough. “Well, I only joined when I finished training at the academy,” he scoffed. The thought of 11 years old him running around with a cardboard badge after his older brother came back to his mind and he laughed some more, shaking his head. Boy, did he bore his brother to death with his stories back then.
“How long has all this been going on for?” he asked curiously “no symmetry with calendar dates or lunar cycles?” There was always some sort of pattern that came with things like this, or at least there tended to be. It was simply a matter of finding it that was the issue. Arthur lightly drummed his fingers on the table in thought. “Are all the crime scenes in town? Perhaps there is something that might have been overlooked?” While he had no particular investment in assisting, a part of him couldn’t help but be curious as to what might be responsible for these murders. “Perhaps you need another set of eyes aiding you with the case?” In a past life this had been the exact same sort of work he’d been employed to do. To locate and track moving targets and attempt to pinpoint their location, admittedly on a larger scale than a single murderer or cult potentially responsible for such things. “Was there any sign of forced entry at the properties?” Of course, he knew Javier had no particular reason to divulge any information regarding the case at all but it never hurt to ask. Did it?
“There is some sort of regularity to this,” it had nothing to do with the moon, or with a day of the month in particular, but there was indeed a pattern. More or less every three weeks, a person died. This comforted him in his idea that he was dealing with a cult. They killed when they needed to, no more, no less, taking only what was necessary. The agent finished his slice of pie and wiped his mouth with a lot of attention before he replied. “There is no doubt that we missed something. Either that, or we are dealing with a ghost,” he shook his head and sighed. Rubbing at his face, Javier looked at Arthur through his fingers for a moment, entirely still and silent. “We’ll see. We don’t usually ask our consultants to inspect crime scenes. But if you find something interesting, I might have to make you tag along,” his hands dropped down onto his lap. He shook his head at Arthur’s next question, a thin smile appearing on his face. He could tell that the man was interested, but Javier wondered if his interest would falter as he found out that there was, so far, no way to identify the killer, or even start drawing a loose portrait of them.
“Oh? And what’s that?” considering they were already discussing this at length he didn’t see any harm in asking. It was only in the interim of discussion that Arthur chose to look down at the tape recorder and frowned a little at how a couple of the buttons he’d unpressed earlier were now pressed and the little cogs turning inside of the machine. Interesting. “You know, in this town I wouldn’t say that too loudly… Some people might really believe you if you said you were dealing with a ghost… Lots of folks believe in that around here, maybe it’s why your killer is getting away with things so freely hm?” he smiled a touch wryly at the agent, more in good humour the man sat opposite him was painfully human in his limited mindset. It was unfortunate really, he wouldn’t catch anything with that sort of mindframe. Arthur reached for a napkin which he unfolded and set on the table on top of which the recorder was placed. Next, he took one of the salt shakers and carefully unscrewed the lid and made a ring of salt around the device. A rite was spoken under his breath, and a grey cloud of something intangible shot out of the little speaker of the device. With this done, he picked up the recorder and inspected it once more. “I know you don’t,” Arthur said in simple understanding, he knew the protocols perhaps not the modern day ones but things hadn’t changed all that much in a century. The objective was still the same, gather the relevant evidence and hunt down the killer in question. “But, and correct me if I’m overstating - but I’m not sure the typical means of case operation will solve this mystery and I think you might’ve already begun to realise that… Plus, if I find something - it gives you a lead. If not…” he tilted his shoulder a little “no harm done. So, what do you say detective?” The question was posed with the offering of his tape recorder back - likely in fully functioning condition now if what Arthur suspected had been inhabiting it was right.
“I think it will happen again. In a week or so,” Javier replied, picking up his cup of tea and frowning at it. Lukewarm. Wrinkling his nose, he looked away from Arthur as he emptied a salt shaker on the table, too busy pouring himself a new cup of tea. If could see what he was doing from the corner of his eyes, it was not until he had put his thermos away that Javier looked at the state of the table then up at Arthur’s face. If he remained completely silent, you could tell from the look on his face that he disapproved of this. Picking up the napkin carefully, he wrinkled it in his hand so as not to make a mess, and put it in his plate, making sure that not one bit of salt would fall to the floor or on the table. “There was no need to pour out the salt shaker. I better not start mentioning folklore monsters that require being stabbed to you,” not that they had cutlery that could cause a problem, but Javier had already been stabbed with a fork in the past, and knew that this was far from pleasant. “So, people think ghosts are real then. What else?” Vampires, fairies, Big Foot, el Cuco? Having spent quite some time near New Orleans, Javier was used to people believing in weird stories, or telling them to their children to traumatize them (which was a custom Javier did not understand). Having taken care of this salty mess, the agent took his tea cup and listened to the professor’s explanation. It was not an unexpected offer, and on other occasions, he had been given the same one by other men and women before. All he needed to know was whether or not Arthur would pose a problem in the future. He did not seem like someone who would get in his way, or do dangerous things for the sake of helping him. First taking the recorder back from Arthur’s hand, he nodded quietly before explicitly replying : “Alright. I suppose we have an agreement here.”
His point made and task completed, Arthur looked slightly amused at the disapproving look Javier fixed him with. “Just trying to make a point at the strange thing people will do if you mention stuff like that around here.” The act was both meticulous in its layout and answered certainly enough what he’d suspected about Javier having no clue about the truth of this town. “Actually, most folklore indicates that beheading is usually the best course of action against most of those tall-tale beasties.” But he tipped a shoulder as Javier mentioned about ghosts, “I’ve actually found the people here believe in a lot more than just ghosts…. You’ll see soon enough.” He clasped his hands in front of him on the table waiting quite patiently, Javier didn’t have to take him up on the offer but it was there regardless and his interest was quite plain to see. “Very well,” he took out his wallet and fished out a simple black card embossed with his details in calligraphic silver script which he slid across the table with his index and middle finger. “Contact me a time that suits, I’ll be happy to come and offer any assistance I can that might be of any pertinent use.” He stacked the plates and cutlery, picking up the spare cup. “Thank you again - for the tea and the company. I look forward to hearing from you,” with a polite dip of his head Arthur delivered the plates to the counter to save the waitress from collecting them, collected his bag and made for the door.
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maplewind-au · 4 years
Retrospective Author’s Notes
I just crossposted this note to the Wattpad and AO3 copies of Maplestar’s Light, but I’m going to post it here, too.
Hi there! My name is Razeru. First of all, thank you very much for reading my story!
I think, if you've read my story, you can surmise that I love Mapleshade. She's grown to be one of my favourite characters in Warrior Cats; her story, narratively, is written the best - in my opinion - out of most of the super editions and novellas.
Keep in mind, these words are coming from someone who grew up with these books, and also gets big mad about the things the Erins have pulled on other characters, like Squirrelflight (specifically Squilf, actually. They keep doing my girl dirty, and I'm so angry).
I took a read through my story again recently, and passed through the comments both on this Wattpad copy of the story, and the AO3 mirror. I really and truly appreciate all the love, but some people did seem to misunderstand the intention behind some things in my story, so I feel like I owe a bit of an explanation to you, my readers.
I offer this explanation because I've chosen to abandon the MapleWind AU entirely. There's too much in retrospect that I'm unhappy with, too many story ideas that don't connect narratively - it just makes a poor story. So, this is basically a big spoiler chapter for what would have happened, if I continued.
The remainder of this letter is just going to be me giving a word vomit about this story, so feel free to skip down to the bottom if you're only curious about closing remarks or projects surrounding other upcoming warriors works.
Alright. First and foremost, I want to address something specific. Mapleshade's story, as it was in canon, is a multidimensional story that a lot of people see as black-and-white. I, personally, see it as a fantastic narrative where not a single character is in the right, at least not in the context of the Clans - or morally, in some cases. This being said, a lot of the arguments about Mapleshade are usually "she's absolutely terrible and deserved what she got" / "she did absolutely nothing wrong and everyone else should be suffering" - both of which are... Very, very dangerous views to take on any person or character. When I wrote Maplestar's Light, my intention was to explore the idea where a few cats stepped out of the norm that seemed to affect this specific generation of the Clans and offered sanctuary.
WindClan has always felt like the most lax Clan out of the four, to me. With their history of welcoming in strangers and making kindly bargains with the other Clans in their times of need, it made sense to me that if a wandering cat passed out on their territory, they would reach out and help them. I chose Heatherstar specifically for this story because she was such a revolutionary, and wasn't afraid to shoot down any cat's words if she felt someone was going to get hurt.
Moreover, this AU explores the idea that instead of sleeping in Myler's barn and then going on her rampage, Mapleshade simply collapsed into grief - so Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk all survive. Temporarily.
While Mapleshade is taken into WindClan, Mapleshade's kits are restless, and it's their turn to be angry - assuming StarClan spirits know everything (and it's heavily implied, in the first series, that they do), they pull strings just like the canonical iteration of their mother would. Ravenwing, Frecklewish, Appledusk, and - moreover - Oakstar, all suffer painful deaths as a result of the angry StarClan kits. To add insult to injury, all four lose their lives to the river while patrolling it - or are tricked into falling in. The kits drag them down until they drown.
Ravenwing and Oakstar are the only two who are able to make it to StarClan themselves, if only because of the good acts they've done to balance out the karma. The kits, however, are able to swing judgement on Frecklewish, who attacked their mother, insulted them, and was fine to watch them die, and Appledusk, who was willing to have them to begin with, who failed to save them.
This is unhealthy point of view, but they died as kits. All they know is the anger and betrayal.
On to the future.
Maplestar and Palebird have the three kits; Finchkit, Larkkit, and Firekit. Some people didn't seem to get it, and I thought I wrote it to be obvious, but Firekit is supposed to be THE Firestar in the future. With Maplestar at the helm of WindClan, ShadowClan is unable to drive them out. ThunderClan, however, is much weaker after their constant battles with RiverClan and the loss of not only Redtail, but many other great warriors. ThunderClan is driven out instead; WindClan, in their graciousness, would allow them to share the territory until something can be done about ShadowClan's terrible leader, and three Clans would unite against the one to protect their way of life.
During their time in WindClan's camp, Firepaw would grow close to the ThunderClan apprentices Ravenpaw, Graypaw and Sandpaw. Following the battle against Brokenstar, not only do Firepaw and his siblings get their warrior names, but so do the ThunderClan apprentices who participated (Sandstorm and Dustpelt included). Fireheart realizes during the night of his vigil that he doesn't want to lose his ThunderClan friends, and while meeting his family on the battlefield would be painful, he would feel worse fighting Graystripe or Ravenflight - the latter tom being the only cat Fireheart has met that makes his heart flutter.
The following day, as ThunderClan returns home, Fireheart goes with them. Yellowfang, in turn, has joined ThunderClan, having been a crucial asset to getting them in and out of ShadowClan. In return for the WindClan warrior, Spottedleaf stays; Spottedleaf had been attacked by a ShadowClan warrior the day before the battle, but Hawkheart protected her with his life. Feeling indebted, she swore to finish training Barkwing and serve WindClan just as she did ThunderClan.
The rest of the story would have gone similarly to canon, with a few minor changes; for one, WindClan and ThunderClan would forever have a close bond, not only through the blood of their Clanmates, but also through Bluestar and Maplestar, who exchanged each other's stories and bonded over how similar they were. Cinderpelt would have still gotten disabled, but through saving the ShadowClan apprentice Littlepaw from a monster; while she picks up healing from Yellowfang, she remains a warrior in spite of her leg. Swiftpaw narrowly survives, and Brightpaw lives with her scarring still, taking inspiration from Cinderpelt. Fireheart and Ravenflight become mates and have kits - Squirrelflight and Gingerpool.
I had further plans for TNP and PO3, but they're sort of lost to time at this point. The general ideas surrounded Brambleclaw - renamed Brambleflower - taking after his mother instead of his father, and being close friends with Squilf, but not mates. Gingerpool and Crowfeather do have kits, and Squilf does take them, but claims they were loner kits that she chose to raise. Bramble was their nursery parent, having chosen to be a queen instead of a warrior, and took care of them while Squilf went about being a warrior, only tuning in to feed them and sleep with them. Jay would have become a warrior named Jayclaw and Holly, an albino in this AU, would go on to be Gingerpool's apprentice and become Hollysnow. Jay is blind, and Holly is a selective mute. Lion would still have his powers of strength, but use them unwisely, and he would be the one to wind up having a crisis and revealing the secrets of his origin before disappearing into the caves.
The general idea for the OOTS arc of this AU was to give Ivy powers and still have her train in the Dark Forest, under Lionblaze - who is very much still alive, but misaligned. Dovewing would be given the opportunity as well, and only take it when she learns Tigerheart is also training there. Their struggles would surround a constant sibling rivalry, one that would deepen once Jay and Holly figure out Ivy is the third cat. I also threw around the idea of a deaf Ivypool, either from birth or caused by something much later - just to complete the "See/Speak/Hear No Evil".
The underlying, long plot to the AU was that Petalkit, Larchkit, and Patchkit effectively replaced Canon Mapleshade. Maplestar recovered, then seemingly forgot about her previous kits and replaced them with Fire, Finch and Lark. Petal, Larch and Patch want stupid, special Firestar and his bloodline to suffer for being their replacements. Technically, they were still spirits of StarClan, but pulled the strings in the Dark Forest.
Oh, boy. Those sure were a lot of words, huh.
I hope I'm not disappointing anyone by discontinuing this story. Again, looking back on it, I'm very unhappy with the way I was handling certain subjects and aspects of the story - and I'd rather kill it before I get carried away again. I've always held the belief that taking time and writing a more consise and well-placed narrative is much better than writing it quickly and breaking characters and morals. Mapleshade is a character I do want to do justice by, and Warrior Cats is a great sandbox to play in!
All that being said, I am still writing Warriors works. On AO3, I've published a couple smaller one-off stories that explore the idea of Tigerclaw not getting twisted up by Thistleclaw, and getting Scourge to join ThunderClan instead. You're welcome to read them if you haven't yet!
And I'm not done with Mapleshade, either. I'm currently working on a new, seperate Warriors rewrite based on the same time (with better allegiances); the working title for it, right now, is Falling Petals. I don't want to give too much away, but if there's enough interest, I might post a teaser excerpt to this story! There's no telling when I'll be finished with it, but I would much rather publish a finished work in full than post it by chapter and run the risk of losing interest or being unhappy with what I've put out.
A final project I'm working on is a personal Warrior Cats story called Rising Storm - it'll surround some OC Clans and Characters instead of rewriting canon material, and I'm looking for a main platform to post it on when I crack into it! If you're interested, I could use some beta readers when I start working on it, so please get in touch if you want to help out! If you know any non-Wattpad or AO3 websites I could publish the story on, please do let me know. I'll likely crosspost here, but I don't actively post on here too often, so I'd rather it not be the primary host.
I think that's everything I wanted to say! Again, thank you so much for your continued interest in my work. If you'd like to see more of what I do, look for the user 'ghastimafrix' on Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, deviantART, AO3, and toyhou.se! I do a lot more than just write Warriors, and I'm always happy to chat.
Stay frosty, y'all!!
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ask meme: ❝ could you play with my hair? ❞ (erica & grace, @inxbreakableheaven​)
Keeping secrets from others ran in Erica Wright’s blood. Her mother, her father, her grandparents-- certainly her Babushka --and of course, her siblings all had their own special, little secrets that they liked to hide from not only the general public, but from one another, as well. For good reason, too. The family’s latest generation had been raised like Spartans; taught to fight, to kill, to manipulate, to be as cold-blooded as was deemed necessary when it came to growing up near the epicentre of a supernatural war. Natallia’s idea, of course. And Erica, at the very least, had learned very quickly that emotions and connections did not matter within the household, nor within their pack. No, what had mattered above all, was their unquestioning loyalty toward their Alpha, their family, their pack, their allies and their friends (in that order), as well as their unquestioning hatred for the Avery alliance.
Oh, but how inattentive all four Wrights had been that day. They had been told so many things about their supposed ‘enemies’, cruel warped lies and incorrect facts that she could only describe as propaganda. The fact that they had not only formed friendships, but deep bonds with quite a few people of similar age that they were meant to despise truly showed how much the siblings had valued those words of ‘wisdom’.
And perhaps Erica, their eldest child, the one who was supposed to be setting the right example, was the worst offender of them all. She, a woman who presented herself as a cold, unfeeling and malicious bitch, had committed the most dastardly of sins when it came to war; she had fallen in love. So deep, in fact, that she had been in an on and off again relationship with Grace Thomas for the past eight years. Two young women, both heirs to their respective factions... What had started as a rather oddly matched friendship (considering their contrasting personalities) had quickly taken a left turn into everything that could not matter, a lesson that had been all but beaten into the she-wolf and her siblings alike.
Eight years. Not months, not days-- years. There were times when she wondered where all the time had gone and how it had passed by so quickly, some when she ruminated over and over about why; why Grace had even bothered with her in the first place, why she wanted Erica of all people (because honestly, it was so very obvious that the witch could have whoever she pleased), why she’d stayed-- and others still where she could recall every single moment they had shared together, the good and the bad, treasuring each of them as if they were a piece of beautiful sea glass that the blonde had managed to get her hands on, one way or another. It likely would have made sense to have conflicting feelings about their relationship, but Erica, in her time with the witch, had learned to trust her heart over her head when it came to the other woman. Thank the Gods she had, too: she really had never felt more secure, nor more loved and valued than in belonging as entirely as she could to Grace. That, more than anything else in her life, made perfect sense.
Of course it did. Why else would she have a box containing a ring tucked away amongst her other things? Her own special little secret that she kept even from the blonde, stashed somewhere in the depths of the backpack she’d brought along with her to the Losers’ clubhouse.
The shack wasn’t the most ideal place to spend the night, that much was obvious-- the outside still looked incredibly rundown and to anyone who might have spotted it, it would seem abandoned thanks to a few spells here and there, but the interior... now, that was where the group had really shone. Fairy lights strung along the edges of the ceiling, a multipurpose couch-- hell, Marcus in his ingenuity (though it was hard for Erica to ever really compliment him), had even fixed up a TV for them to watch while also having sorted out the electricity with a little bit of magic and a portable generator --and the walls, littered with photographs, posters, artwork, anything that even slightly pertained to their rebellious gang was stashed in this little shack-- this little house they’d laid claim to so many years ago. The she-wolf knew it was dangerous-- there were piles upon piles of evidence of the countless days they’d all spent together. Evidence of their betrayal toward their respective alliances and factions. Was it reckless? Without a doubt, but none of the group cared enough to be scared, too young, stupid and high on the thrill of their secret friendships to consider the consequences, the wrath that would come down upon them if they were ever caught.
Even Erica, despite her purported wisdom, was no better than the rest; she had been craving some alone time with her lover and so had suggested that they have a little ‘adult sleepover’ at the clubhouse, refusing to inform the rest of the gang about their (hopefully) romantic rendezvous. They all knew well enough that the two were together; the Losers were the only folks in town with whom their secret could be kept, neither party having to pretend the other was a stranger or enemy, and both definitively able, should they wish, to truly be and act like the couple that they had been for so very long, now. She’d made an effort for this to be special, too: she’d made some dinner and packed it up, bought some drinks, pulled out a couple of their favourite movies should they feel like watching one, and in no time at all, their 'sleepover’ was in full swing.
Eight years.
It had been long. Long enough to completely change the she-wolf’s opinion on marriage, and long-term romantic commitment, and every time that they had the chance to steal away with one another like this, she brought that ring as well, so intensely certain of what she wanted to ask-- though she didn’t feel as though any of the scenarios they so often got themselves into had ever been the one. And a question like that... a promise like that, it deserved the perfect moment, deserved the right time and place. Grace deserved that. But one could never truly predict when or what that would be like... hence the habit she had developed in carrying it with her whenever and wherever the couple went together.
She felt no fear or worry when it came to the thought of asking the question of the blonde, contrary to how she presented herself; it only served to fill her with confidence, excitement... happiness. Thrill. Some day, some time, some place soon, she’d ask Grace to be hers for the rest of their lives with a ridiculous grin, content in the fact that this path with the blonde was the one she wanted to stay on forever. If she hadn’t been so certain in this, nervousness over the witch rejecting her would have been a more prominent thought-- but the possibility of ‘no’ being the answer she would receive was so... inconceivable. So unthinkable her mind was begging to just yell it out every single time her senses were overcome with the comforting, sweet scent, the beautiful, lovely sight and the heightened thrum of her heart whenever she found herself in the presence of the woman she so wholly loved.
Would it be Thomas-Wright-- or Wright-Thomas? Wright? Thomas? What about Thomas-Markovy-Wright?
... All in good time, Erica. All in good time. It’s better to focus on the present moment than to fixate on the uncertainty of the future.
Being the self-proclaimed intelligent individual that she was, the wolf had had the foresight to set up a few places to sleep within the clubhouse, one of those a bed proper that acted as a secondary couch for the group when their little space had become rather crowded-- twelve people sat on chairs in a tiny shack was quite difficult to manoeuvre around --though tonight it was going to be laid in, Erica taking the opportunity to ensure that it was used for it’s intended purpose, at least tonight.
Truth be told, their evening together had been just what she’d needed. A reprieve from all the pretences, a break from being forced to speak so cruelly of the Averys and their allies when she knew none of it was true. Dinner, good conversation, the best company, a movie and then some music playing to fill the natural gaps of silence between their chatter as they lounged about the clubhouse. Everything about it was so undeniably right. All the while, the brunette unabashedly basked in the glow that the blonde always seemed to give off; it came off of her in droves, filling Erica with a sense that she could be, and would be, so much more than what she had been raised to become. She gave her a sense of hope that there was still good to be found in Windham, even if it was few and far between.
As if Grace Thomas herself wasn’t the perfect example of the good that resided in their town.
The conversation died down naturally, leaving empty spaces of quiet, hushed music between their words. Times like this... they always got the she-wolf thinking. That, or she became overly-affectionate. Even both, depending on her mood. And, true to form, Erica was quick to stand and clumsily tumble onto the couch-bed, sinking into the cushioning with hands outstretched in a request that her lover join her, wanting that closeness she always seemed to crave. “C’mere, sweetheart. It’s late; we should get some rest.” It was plain from her tone that she had no intention of stripping down, perfectly happy to just lie there and talk before they slept. Not every single date had to devolve into sex, after all.
“Gods, you’re warm,” The she-wolf murmured into the crook of the blonde’s neck once she’d joined her on the mattress, gaze briefly darting away from the other woman to look out the window, realising just how much of the night had passed. It was so easy to lose track of time when Grace was there. Minutes, hours, days... Eight years, and she’d never once found herself to tire of the witch’s company-- instead, she savoured it. Every second they shared, every kiss, every touch... even their passing glances at each other in the street were what Erica coveted the most. “And comfy. So very beautiful, so very comfy.”
... Maybe this is the one. I wanted it to be just the two of us, something we could have for ourselves, with no one else to watch. And it is just the two of us... And tonight has been more than perfect... Quiet, simple, an evening for us to be us. Maybe--
She could have gone on and on, convincing herself that now was the time, but her train of thought was derailed in hearing her lover’s soft, calm, almost musical voice utter a request, one she couldn’t say she wasn’t expecting, but one she was more than happy to fulfil; ‘Could you play with my hair?’
Mock grumbling softly as she readjusted her position so that Grace’s head was nestled against her collarbone, Erica sighed out of brief disappointment. This did mean that her attention would be taken away from the thoughts of taking that little box out of her bag and asking the question, but... there would always be another time. Many more opportunities, most likely just as perfect as the moment they were having now. And beside that, she’d settled down enough in the bed; she really didn’t feel like getting up again, for any reason. “I think,” The she-wolf began to speak, acting as if she actually had to consider whether or not she would say yes to the blonde while pulling the covers over the pair in a smooth movement, the hand that had been holding the sheets already betraying her with fingertips grazing over long, golden locks, “That I would love to do that.”
Slipping an arm underneath Grace’s waist in a lazy embrace, she began stroke through the other woman’s hair with a soothing rhythm to her movements, letting her touch speak for itself as she briefly caressed the nape of her lover’s neck, the length of her jaw, the tip of her nose, and her bottom lip in between idly playing with and running fingers through her curls. “I love this,” Erica murmured, pressing a soft kiss to the other woman’s neck. Her eyelids started to grow heavy-- though her hands didn’t still just yet --as she allowed herself to truly sink down into the reassuring sounds of Grace’s heartbeat and breath, to be placated in inhaling her irresistible scent, and to find solace in her warmth.
“We should just... be this. Like-- forever. Be us, forever. All of it’s so... perfect. We’re perfect. And we’re-- ... mm. ... You’re making me so sleepy. Super unfair...” Yeah, right. She wasn’t complaining, nor was she even the tiniest bit annoyed about it. Actively snuggling up against her lover just that little bit more only served to prove it, mind, with Erica leaning down to deliver a chaste kiss to the corner of Grace’s lips the best she could.
But before the silence finally set in and they both drifted into unconsciousness, she couldn’t help spouting out a quiet, likely nonsensical ramble that was followed by a contented sigh; “... I am in stupid, crazy love with you, Grace Thomas-- even when you’re being unfair. And I love it. I love you. I’m still gonna be in love with you when we wake up tomorrow, same goes for the day after. Next week, too, next month-- that’s gonna be a great month for being in love --and next year. So-- I’m fully booked for the foreseeable future; I’m just... gonna be in love. For-- ... forever. Yeah-- yes. I, am gonna be in love, with you, for forever. And forever... Gods, it’s just-- ... it’s... gonna be amazing. Perfect. Incredible. Awesome... so many good things you don’t even know... It-- it’s just... gonna be perfectly amazing. So great. ... So amazing.”
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