#cooking with the Akatsuki? I’d 10/10 watch that show!
ladykissingfish · 4 years
The Great Akatsuki Bake-Off
*this was a request in my inbox, I’m so sorry Anonymous I accidentally deleted it before I could reply, but I saw your message and here’s the response! ❤️*
Premise: The Akatsuki is broke af (again), and Pein comes up with the idea of having a bake sale to earn money. Every member of the Akatsuki makes a dessert to sell; chaos (or hilarity) ensues.
**Also I picture them setting up tables outside of one of the Akatsuki hideout caves which of course is equipped with a fully functioning kitchen because why not Jim**
It was his idea, he’s the leader, so naturally he ain’t cooking. The most the Pein-body will do is sit in the kitchen with Konan while she cooks, offering his opinion or praise.
Kisame isn’t the biggest fan of sweets, so is at a bit of a loss for what to make. In the end, he decides to go with something that’s decidedly more savory than sweet; bacon-flavored scones with a maple syrup glazing. This requires some kneading and precise shaping, the latter of which requires small, delicate fingers that Kisame borrows Konan for. Should be noted that he wears a pink Kiss The Cook apron, and he blushes like crazy when Konan reads it and delivers one to his cheek. He gets a bit over-exuberant with the icing, getting more of it on the table than the actual scones. However, the end result is light, fluffy, and absolutely delicious. Deidara especially loves the bacon aspect, and is able to snitch a great number of these until Kakuzu catches him and forces him to pay up.
Deidara would make a classic lava cake. He’d know absolutely nothing about this dessert beforehand; he’d be going through a cookbook, his eyes would fixate on the word “lava”, and he’d be sold. Sasori insists that he put on rubber gloves beforehand, because “Nobody wants your hand-drool in their food, brat.” Lava cake requires a very delicate touch and precise timing, something that Deidara has had to become familiar with when deploying his arsenal of bombs. Yet despite being careful he would have to start and re-start this mix many times; maybe he gets eggshells in the batter here, or mistakes oil for milk there. The inside of a lava cake has to smooth and liquid-y but the outside has to be soft yet firm; a single minute in the oven can make the difference between wonderful and awful for these little cakes. When he finally perfects one, he’s ecstatic; but the rest of the group is horrified, at how destroyed the kitchen is. Chocolate batter and powdered sugar covering every wall; yet, somehow, the guy himself remains spotless. Also, Deidara has made another critical error; he assumed that because the recipe was for a cake, it was for a LARGE cake that he could cut into sections and sell piece by piece. However, lava cakes are always small, individual desserts ... and Deidara has only made ONE. Still, he’ll take his one beauty and sell it almost immediately, leaving him time to wander around and filch “free samples” from everyone else’s dishes.
Nobody wants Zetsu trying to cook, because everyone is terrified of what he’d put into his creations. However, White Zetsu insists that (t)he(y) wants to participate, so the others hesitantly let him do so (with everyone periodically coming in to monitor him). His contribution? Pie. Zetsu knows that the key to delicious pie is in the light flakiness of the crust, and he creates several pies that literally melt in the mouth. And he doesn’t just do one flavor; he does apple, blueberry, cherry, and something he calls “surprise berry” ((which is really just a mix of raspberry, blackberry, and strawberry). Before Tobi goes to help Itachi, he’s in charge of helping Zetsu gather up the fruit, and he helps to peel and core and pit and wash until “my hands are really sleepy Zetsu-san!” Zetsu thinks his pies are perfect creations as a whole but Kakuzu insists he cuts them into individual slices to maximize profits, which White Zetsu balks over but Black Zetsu tells him to be quiet about.
Konan is a delicate, beautiful flower, so naturally anything she makes would reflect this. After much deliberation, she decides to make her version of a layered lemon mascarpone cake. The cake itself is a wonderfully moist vanilla sponge infused with lemon curd, layered with a thick lemon, honey and mascarpone cream, topped with fresh berries, and a light sprinkle of chopped pecans. At first she was only going to make one cake and portion it out into about 20 small pieces; but the demand for it was so high that Kakuzu told her he’d stay and sell the rest while she got back into the kitchen and made another. She’s by far the neatest chef in the kitchen, as she cleans up her mess as she goes so when she’s through, all she has to wash is the empty cake pan itself. She makes sure to save a large piece to secretly take to Nagato later; it’s been a long time since he’s had anything sweet to eat.
Kakuzu doesn’t want to cook; he’d rather be the one running the sale. However he recognizes that the more desserts they have the more profit they can make, so he grudgingly makes a few trays of brownies. His secret ingredient? Sour cream. At first everyone sees him putting this into his mix and think he’s gone crazy; however, after they try one ((and don’t think for a second he’s not charging his fellow teammates for even a tiny sliver)) they’re blown away by how good they are. After he sets his items on the table, he’s the one who collects the money from the customers. Has to be talked down from the exorbitant prices that he tries to charge people at first. “How much for a piece of blueberry pie?” “500,000 ¥.”
He really isn’t into baking (because why would he be? he doesn’t eat) but he knows how to read and follow a recipe. After some careful thought, he chooses to make cupcakes. At first he resolves only to make a dozen, and to keep it all one simple flavor: the chocolate with vanilla frosting that’s in the recipe. Yet as he stands there, a feeling takes hold of him; he remembers happier times, perched on a stool in the kitchen and watching/helping his grandmother as she cooked. That nostalgia drives him to get more creative, and make MUCH more than intended. Some of his creations are great; such as his ginger-chocolate cupcakes with fudge icing. But others, like his broccoli and carrot cake topped with “spicy” cream cheese, not so much. Regardless, the majority of his creations sell, which Sasori’s pleased about. Should be noted that Kakuzu did not entirely trust Sasori not to put some kind of poison into his dessert, so he forced Hidan to sneak and taste-test everything (as he’s the only one who would regenerate from certain death). But Hidan wouldn’t know arsenic from cinnamon; and he winds up with a hell of a stomach-ache after his forced culinary servitude.
Itachi and Tobi
Seeing as how he loves dango so much, Itachi decides to make several dozen sticks of the tri-colored sweet rice dumplings. He keeps the pink dumpling the common strawberry flavor, and the white plain, but he does something special with the green ball, flavoring it with vanilla extract and green tea. Because Tobi is a nightmare in the kitchen (and because he needs supervision when it comes to sweets), Itachi allows him to help, mainly in the form of sticking the dumplings neatly on the stick once they’re shaped. He’s a good helper, except for when Itachi takes his eyes off of him, as he likes to add icing, sprinkles, and a variety of decadent extras that don’t belong on this simple dessert. And it’s a good thing that Itachi makes so many, seeing as they BOTH sneak and eat quite a few when the other is distracted. Tobi is very helpful when it comes to pushing their wares, as his carefree, childlike demeanor attracts customers to their table.
Hidan wants something that’s visually representative of him, so what does he make? Red velvet cake bars. The outside is covered with a white-silver frosting, but when you cut into it, the deep red of the cake greatly resembles blood. Hidan isn’t the best at baking (or cooking in general) so he asks Konan to help him when she’s not occupied with her own dish. He’s surprisingly calm and conscientious in the kitchen, keeping his swearing to a minimum and being extra-careful with measuring out ingredients and waiting on the oven to do its thing. He borrows Kisame’s Kiss The Cook apron, only he crosses out the second O and replaces it with a C. His bars come out slightly uneven but really good nonetheless. However, being Hidan, he can’t resist throwing in a prank; he saves some of the cake batter and holds it in his mouth, then, after taking a bite of someone else’s fare, claims that it’s poisoned and spits “blood” out of his mouth, which freaks out their early customers until Kakuzu catches him and exiles him back inside.
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noboundar1es · 6 years
11 Questions Meme~
Thank you for the tag, @sandreeen! This was fun. :)
1. What fandom(s) are you active in right now?
Technically, I’m a “multi-fandom” blog, but recently I’ve been pretty much devoted solely to Arashi. Some other fandoms that I consistently reblog are Marvel and Final Fantasy XV (such a fun game <3). And while I’m not as active in the fandom as I’d like to be, I’m still a huge fan of everything Hakuouki.
2. What TV shows/dramas are you currently watching?
Currently, I’m in the middle of the last season of 12 Monkeys. If you like time travel stories that are done well, then this series is definitely for you. I’m also 9 episodes into Violet Evergarden. I’m not sure what I think about the series yet, but it has an interesting premise, and it’s good practice if you’re trying to learn Japanese. Of course, I also recently finished Black Pean, and I am very sad that it’s over... T.T
3. Any TV series/dramas/anime/manga you recommend?
Besides 12 Monkeys and Black Pean? XD This is actually pretty hard, since I tend to forget a lot of what I watch/read after it’s over. That being said, I’ll always recommend the manga Akatsuki no Yona. I’m a little behind on the updates, but I love the story and the characters. I really want to see how the rest of the story pans out.
4. Which do you prefer wearing, heels or sneakers?
Definitely sneakers. I’m clumsy enough without wearing shoes—me wearing heels is just a disaster waiting to happen. -_-;
5. Do you play any sports?
No sports, although I used to be in marching band. I played the mellophone (which is the marching version of a French Horn, and looks a little like a pregnant trumpet >.<).
6. Do you exercise regularly? If so, what sort of exercise do you do?
Nope, not really.
7. Are you an outdoor or indoor person?
Hmm... It really depends. I really hate the heat (also bugs >.<), so in the summer I tend to escape inside. And if I want to watch something Arashi-related, that usually happens indoors. But I do love being out in the sun and surrounding myself with nature.
8. Do you cook? If so, what dish are you particularly good at?
I’m not much of a cook, but I do like making a nice stir fry. Not sure how good it is, though. -_-;
9. Are you the type that only posts everything in one blog, or makes sideblogs for each fandom?
Oh goodness, I definitely post everything on one blog. Which is why it is such a mess. Although, lately most of my content is related to Arashi...
10. What superpower do you want to have?
I never know how to answer these kind of questions... I do know which superpower I wouldn’t want to have, though. The ability to hear peoples thoughts would be terrible, I think. I feel like it could be confusing—and possibly hurtful—to be around a loved one when they have a passing thought that really doesn’t reflect what they really think (if that makes sense lol). And it definitely wouldn’t be fun if you weren’t able to filter people’s thoughts at all.
...I think I put too much thought into that question...
11. What pet would you like to have (or already have I guess)?
I used to have a yellow lab, so I definitely wouldn’t mind another one. I’ve always wanted a husky, though, so I’ll go with that one. ^^
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I’m in the middle of traveling, so I won’t add questions of my own. That being said, if any of my mutuals/followers see this, feel free to answer the same questions. I’d love to get to know all of you! ^^
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The “no hallyu” about me tag
No one tagged me, but it looked fun and thought it would be nice to introduce myself a little better! I hope you enjoy reading it :) 
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop?
1. Backstreet Boys (forever & always, even if I’m “dating” myself) 2. El Cuarteto de Nos 3. Campodónico 4. Marian Hill 5. BON.IVER. 6. Kiiara 7. Cœur de Pirate-everything she’s ever done. 8. The Weepies <3 <3 <3 (one my mom and I listen to together) 9. The xx (they were in my city recently but I had my night class ☹ ) 10. Older Jack Johnson- Constellations is so nostalgic for me.
10 favorite non-kpop songs?
1. “Pa’ Bailar- Siempre quiero mas”-Bajofondo & Julieta Venegas 2. “Gotta Have you”-The Weepies 3. “Lo Malo de Ser Bueno”- El Cuarteto de Nos 4. “Technicolor Beat”-Oh Wonder 5. “Printemps”- Cœur de Pirate 6. “Danse et Danse”- Cœur de Pirate 7. “1987”- Campodónico 8.“Kill vs. Maim”-Grimes 9. “Shelter”-the XX 10. “Better Togther”- Jack Johnson (makes me think of road trips in Hawaii with the fam)
And way too many others. I have an #aRMyMusic based Twitter account! Find me @armymusic13 if you want more <3
10 favorite movies?
1. Princess Mononoke (also: the best Halloween costume I ever did) 2. Spirited Away (wasn’t Haku everyone’s first crush?) 3. Laputa/Castle in the Sky 4. Howl’s Moving Castle (really anything Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli) 5. 10 Things I hate about you (<3 Heath <3) 6. any superhero movie!! (JK, where you at?) 7. Pirates of the Caribbean (just the first two, they should have stopped while they were ahead) 8. Beauty and the Beast (the 90s one, haven’t seen the new one yet) Lion King (the first movie I ever saw in theaters) 9. Sidewalls (an Argentine movie about two neighbors who would perfect together but their paths don’t cross…or do they?) 10. And because I’m bad at following directions, any Wes Anderson movie (I once wrote a paper on The Darjeeling Limited). 11. And because I’m really, really, bad at following directions, old movies like Charade (feat. Audrey Hepburn & Cary Grant), Rebel Without a Cause, and any Alfred Hitchcock.
10 favorite TV shows, including animes and cartoons (I almost never watch TV, bc I don’t have the attention span for it. )
1. Avatar the Last Airbender- I’ve watched every season multiple times, and remember watching them with my friends on Friday nights in HS. What can I say-we were super cool ☺ . See also: ZUKO.)
2. Pushing Daisies- somehow super dark and super cute at the same time? I’m rewatching it with my friend now, and it was such a tragedy that it was killed off by the 2007 (?) writers’ strike. It has a really retro feel, not to mention all the awkward puns and sexual tension.
3. Inuyasha-I somehow watched all like 250 episodes of it.
4. The OC- I watched the first season with my best friend in HS. Aside from these top 3, this is where I begin to struggle (lol). I got too involved in their lives/plots and started to get stressed out though. 
5. Star-Crossed. A really short lived CW show.
6.You’re Beautiful (pushing the boundaries here bc it’s a kdrama). It was the first one I ever watched, and I’m still waiting to find one I like as much.
7. Heartstrings (see above. The main actors were in both series together)- I guess I’m a Park Shin Hye and Jung Yong Hwa fangirl?
8. The Scholar Who Walks at Night (currently watching)
9.Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (currently watching)
10. Ingobernable (currently watching)
10 favorite manga/comics-this is a slippery slope. I had a short lived shoujo manga blog. I haven’t been reading manga as much, so most of these are older, but still near and dear to my heart.
1. Kanata Kara/From Far Away-Seriously, go do yourself a favor and read this series, even if you don’t read manga. Honestly, everything by Kyoko Hikawa is great. 
2. By the same author-Miriam. The American Old West in a shoujo manga? Weird but cute.
3.Fruits Basket-One word: KYO. First series I ever read all the way through. I own physical copies of all the volumes. I remember picking them up from Barnes and Noble the first day they were released in English, and plowing through them in half an hour. 
4.Kamisama Hajimemashita- clearly I have a fantasy/supernatural bent, lol.
5. Saga-future/sci-fi. Not as teen-friendly as the other series on this list  🙈.  I’ve been reading through these more recently with my friends.
6. Alex + Ada- A newer take on the robot-girlfriend/android theme. It’s more interesting than most though because it deals with questions of the self, free will, and societal discrimination.  
7. Akatsuki no Yona- again with the fantasy! this one was amazing, and i still check for updates periodically. Haven’t watched the anime though.
8. Love So Life- I have no idea if this one is still ongoing (Google tells me it’s finished, so I have to catch up), but it was a cute, slice of life family drama/comedy about an orphaned babysitter, and an uncle who has taken in his relatives’ kids. Unsurprisingly, romance ensues.
9. Beast Master- a super short series about a girl who is able to control a boy raised by wolves (lol). If you have seen the Korean movie A Werewolf Boy it has a very similar vibe. 
10. Horimiya- a cool inversion of gender tropes in shoujo. The characters felt like real people to me-the scary guy ends up being a huge squish (cough, Yoongi, cough), with the girlfriend being the one that is tough and outgoing.
These are just the ones that I remembered in particular/came to me, but I’m sure there are many more that I loved!
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the list above. 1. Reading- I’m currently in the process of starting a coffee/book blog in my city!
2. Coffee-see above!
3. Hanging out with friends! I’m just as happy going out and staying in with dinner and a movie.
4.Dancing-I’m not good, but I have fun with it when I go out with friends or just when I’m  home alone ;) I also have taken a lot of Zumba, but idk if that counts as dancing, haha. 
5. Cooking-I rarely do though. Too busy, and I’m lazy when it’s just me. I like cooking for others though. 
6.Traveling-I’ve lived in Argentina and Spain, and traveled to Uruguay, India, Mexico, Portugal, Italy, Canada, Ireland, the U.K, and various countries in the Caribbean. I haven’t been to Korea or Japan yet, but hopefully they are up next! I’d also love to visit Australia with my younger brother. I’ve also traveled within the US quite a bit.
7. Learning languages-I speak Spanish  & English, a little bit of Galician from when/where I was living in Spain, and am currently working on my Korean.I took Chinese briefly before, but didn’t make much progress :( 
8. Listening to new music on Spotify. I was a 90s kid so I remember dial up, Napster (a little, lol), buying songs on iTunes and Pandora. It’s crazy how much variety is out there now to listen to!
9. I’m trying to learn how to make mashups-I think it would be fun to mix BTS with Western or Latin Pop. Haven’t made much progress on this yet. 
10. Most recently, writing for this blog, and spending a lot of time on tumblr :) 
I hope you all feel like you know me a little better now! Feel free to message me if you want to nerd out about any of the above <3
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