talltoontales · 6 months
// Kung Fu Panda 4 Rewrite \\
PROMPT: Kung Fu Panda 4 felt a little lacking, wanted to try my hand at maybe making it better.
PROMPT BY: Me (ToonMan)
Alright, Ground Rules:
Jack Black’s cover of “One More Time” by Britany Spears is amazing, and I will not argue otherwise.
This rewrite is coming from my enjoyment of the series, not just bashing a “bad movie” for the sake of bashing. So, if you’re just here to hate, you’re in the wrong place.
I’m not a professional writer. I only started writing semi-consistently this year. So, take this rewrite with a massive grain of salt.
To make this whole process easier on me, no world-shattering changes.
Zhen’s still gonna be chosen to be Po’s successor
No Furious Five for most of the movie
No killing or reviving characters that don’t originally die or return.
We good? Good. Now, let’s get this party started!
So, the opening fight doesn’t need to change much, save for one thing. Tigress fights alongside Po. Seeing that she’s the only member of the Furious Five to get any development in these movies and has the most chemistry with Po, it makes sense. The two beat…whoever Po fought in the intro (I think it was a stingray that could fly) and have a short dialog after explaining that Tigress, along with the rest of The Five, have moved on from being warriors and transitioned into being teachers/masters of their respective styles.
SIDE NOTE #1: I know that Po and The Five are already masters, but in my head, master sounds like a better term for “teacher” than sensei.
I like this better than having The Five be “on a mission” or whatever excuse was used to keep them from helping Po in this movie. Also, seeing that the main lesson Po needs to learn by the end is to move on from being a warrior, having The Five, his long-time heroes, retire around him helps get that ball rolling.
Po is honestly excited for Tigress and offers to support her however she needs it, just like he does with the rest of The Five. However, Tigress uses this moment to, not so subtly, ask if Po has any plans on doing the same. Po gives a vague, jokey answer before the two walk off into the title screen.
Back in the Valley of Peace, everybody’s celebrating Po at his dads’ noodle shop, but the celebration is interrupted by Shifu summoning Po to the Jade Place.
SIDE NOTE #2: Let me just take this moment to say that while their scenes in the movie do basically nothing for the plot, Ping and Li deserve a short or web series or something. They were seriously a joy to watch every time they were on screen together. #CoParentingGoals
First major change is why Po needs to become a master:
“As the world moves on, so must we. As to stand still is to be left and lost to time.”
Right now, Po is at the top of his game. He’s mastered Kung Fu, led and kinda trained The Five, found inner peace, beaten General Kai, and mastered Ki. However, there will come a day when Po faces a foe he cannot beat, a foe that can challenge Po in a way that he can’t adapt to, as Tai Lung did to Shifu or Kai to Master Ooguay.
Those who become Masters don’t do so because they’re past their prime; they do so because they know the world in which they thrived is coming to an end, and in the new world that follows, their wisdom becomes more needed than their fists. To lose such wisdom could be detrimental to the next generation of heroes. Of course, Po denies that he has any real wisdom to give (aside from food), only seeing his value as the Dragon Warrior. However, Shifu has never been a patient man.
The next day, Po is just messing around the palace when four warriors (No Mr. Beast Pig) attack him. During the fight, Po mocks his would-be assassins by pointing out all their errors. Shifu then stops the fight, explaining that this was a test to prove that Po is more than ready to be a master and to introduce Shifu’s candidates for the new Dragon Warrior.
Still firmly in denial, Po and Shifu go through the Peach Tree Scene the exact same way. The only difference being that when Po notices Zhen breaking in, he thinks she’s another candidate who was late or something.
A broad change I’d make that I can’t really put in writing is just to put a pinch more focus on the fight scene. KFP4 had the most out of the series at seven, but they all felt like an afterthought.
To make Zhen a bit more unique, she’s more of a “fight your surroundings” kind of fighter. She’s never standing still, never uses the same weapon more than twice, and never really fights head-on. Po can claim that she’s not fighting fair, which she’ll laugh at before he locks in and captures her. This fight being short is expected because Po is a Kung Fu legend and should have no problem taking down a random thief.
SIDE NOTE #3: Totally a personal opinion, but did bother anyone else that they named the fox Zhen? Not that the name was bad or anything, but we already have Lord Shen and those names are waaaay too similar…You know what, here’s another change. Zhen is now Vox.
Fast-forward a bit, and the two are now traveling together. Po explains how the Staff of Wisdom can’t be stolen; it must be given, and Po shows Vox genuine kindness and generosity. Vox thinks it’s some kind of long con but accepts it anyway.
The Friendly Bunny goes about the same as it did with Vox being the loot goblin she is, but I don’t want this to be an actual fight. It’s more like Po trying to keep the situation under control. Keep Vox from stealing, protect Vox, protect the helmsman, protect the bunnies, and keep the entire restaurant from falling over.
Instead of getting knocked out of the restaurant like a fool, Po uses his weight to force the patrons away from the exit, and with a mighty leap, Po exits the Friendly Bunny with Vox, the Helmsman, and the bunnies and lands on the boat like a boss. While sailing to Juniper City, Po talks about his dads, but Vox doesn’t share her backstory. Instead, mentioning how the Bunnies were safer at the restaurant.
Introducing the Chameleon and Entering Juniper City goes about the same except that Po and Vox get caught because Vox keeps casually stealing, which she does undetected, but the police only notice when Po is trying to return the stolen goods.
In the Thieves’ Den, Vox isn’t hated, but the vibe is still the same. Everyone casually messing with/ stealing from/ hurting everyone else. They find Han, who says something to the effect of “never thought I’d be seeing you again,” gives them a map of the chameleon’s temple and the scene goes on as usual from there.
Alright, time for a BIG change: The Chameleon’s Motivation/ Plan/ New Name
Every other villain in the Kung Fu Panda movies has an actual name, and if I had the power, Chameleon would be named Tai Zhi for reasons that are probably obvious now but will be explained later.
Tai Zhi’s new backstory is that she was bullied, and all she could do was hide, just camouflage, no shapeshifting yet. Until one day, she learned about Kung Fu. Tai Zhi would find a master, they’d train her for a little bit, then they’d sense how evil she was and kick her out before she could learn anything actually dangerous. She then found a dark master in hopes their similar moral alignment would convince him to train her. Instead, he was the first master who refused her outright, verbally destroying her before threatening her to leave.
Tai Zhi then turned to sorcery for her claim to power but could never let go of Kung Fu. So, she found a way to open a door to the spirit realm, but there was a catch. Equivalent exchange, she’d kidnap citizens of Juniper City and sacrifice them to the spirit realm and get a D+ spirit at best in return. To get around this, she’d need the Staff of Wisdom, and she could get anyone she wanted, no matter how strong.
SIDE NOTE #4: Tai Zhi isn’t collecting the money from the mob bosses for any particular reason. It’s just a power flex. I assume she needed the gold and stuff for her cages, but they never made that clear in the original move. Plus, why would she buy the metal when she can just steal it.
Vox finds Po practicing Kung Fu, and Po offers to teach her. Vox doesn’t believe him, but Po reassures her he’s being 100% honest. He teaches her some basic stuff, and she picks it up pretty fast, and when she doesn’t, Po incorporates what he’s seen Vox do into his lesson. This all leads to a short spar where Vox almost beats Po but gets cocky and loses to a good ole’ fashion belly gong.
Vox questions why Po does what he does: He offers a thief a cookie, saves those who want to kill him, and teaches a thief his own moves. Po opens up about how Oogway chosing him to be the Dragon Warrior changed his life for the better. He’s made friends across all of China, found his biological dad and his people, and saved China at least three times—all just because of one moment.
Because of that, Po believes everyone deserves the same chance, no matter who they are. Those words visibly touch Vox as she almost reveals her big secret before the two are kicked out of the Thieves Den. Po and Vox sneak into Tai Zhi’s lair, and things go about the same. Now for how Tai Zhi met Vox…
Vox had been a thief well into her adult years, and a really good one, but she was tired of stealing, tired of watching over her back every second, tired of not being able to walk the city streets without seeing her face on a wanted poster. Vox wanted a new start where no one would know who she was. The problem was that most people in Juniper City were pretty poor, even the mob bosses, and Vox didn’t feel comfortable forcing someone else into poverty. So, the choice was simple: steal from Tai Zhi. Even one gemstone from her temple would set her up for life.
At the same time, Tai Zhi needed to steal the Staff of Wisdom from the Dragon Warrior, but due to all the stories she’d heard during her research, she didn’t want to risk taking him head-on. She needed a thief, and it just so happens that she knows about the best thief in the city. Tai Zhi sets up a fancy trap to bait Vox, who sees it, knows it’s a trap, but falls for it anyway. However, Vox manages to escape without a scratch until the artifact she stole is revealed to be Tai Zhi in disguise.
Tai Zhi marks Vox with a tracking spell, and while Tai Zhi could care less about Vox, there’s a pretty big bounty on her head. Not to mention, she’s stolen from some pretty powerful people who don’t really care about the reward. All Vox had to do was bring the Dragon Warrior to Tai Zhi, and she’d not only lift the curse but also let Vox take whatever she needed to disappear.
SIDE NOTE #5: I’d have Vox always scratching her neck because that’s where Tai Zhi marked her. She’d just play it off as if she had a flea problem.
Now, I don’t hate the “Villain raises a child to betray the hero” thing. It just doesn’t hit the same in the movie. We’re not given enough time to feel Vox and Po bond in the original movie. Also, if you’re like me and are unable to not analyze movies while watching them, you noticed almost immediately the aztech-esq earring Vox wore and figured out the twist.
Plus, I feel like having Vox be a reluctant thief just trying to get out of the game makes it a little easier to explain how she can betray the Tai Zhi in the end.
Now, I obviously cut the amazing Ping and Li scenes so how does Po not fall to his Death? The answer is simple: watch the Po vs Tai Lung fight again.
Seriously, go watch it. I’ll wait.
Done? Pretty awesome, right?!
Anyway, we can have Po swing from tree branches while fighting the lizard soldiers until he hits solid ground, or we can re-do KFP2 and have him fall into a river or large body of water. Back at the temple, Tai Zhi and Vox go through with the ceremony, and we’re keeping the bit about the blood moon—it’s honestly the funniest joke in the entire movie! Now, for the big reveal I set up a while back.
Tai Zhi summons Tai Lung from the spirit realm and calls him “Master.” Before he was freed in KFP1, Zhi broke into Chorn-Gom Prison to free Tai Lung in exchange for training. Instead, Tai Lung verbally destroys her, insulted that Zhi would ever believe he needed her help. Maybe even have him almost brute force his way through his restraints just to scare her.
After Tai Lung’s death, Zhi took the “Tai” part of his name to never forget how weak and powerless Tai Lung made her feel. She steals Tai Lung’s skills and proceeds to wail on the guy, maybe even paying homage to the end of the Tai Lung vs Shifu fight, before throwing him into a cage.
Tai Zhi then releases Vox from the tracking spell and gives her a choice:
“Stay by my side and witness my rule or help yourself to however much treasure you can hold, find the farthest, darkest corner of the planet, and pray I overlook you.”
Then we cut back to Po at the bottom of the temple for the Po vs Vox scene. The only change I’d make here is just making the fight longer, showing off how much Vox has learned on this journey as well as how outclassed she is compared to Po.
Vox reveals that she is gonna to run away, and wants Po to come with her to help save as many people as they can. Po refuses but is proud of Vox and her mission, saying that if he can’t beat Tai Zhi, he’ll buy as much time as he can for Vox to escape with her people.
While Po goes Assassin’s Creed on the temple guards, Vox returns to the thieves' den and tries to convince the criminals to do the right thing because “it’s the right thing to do.” When that fails, she reminds them that if Tai Zhi is taken down, they can loot all the treasure stored in her temple.
As the army of thieves goes to war with the temple guards, Vox sneaks in after Po. Inside, Po sneaks around as Tai Zhi fights General Kai, noticing other warriors and Lord Shen. He’s then stopped by Tai Lung, who’s disappointed in Po and remarks how Oogway may have been wrong in the end.
Kai loses and is thrown in a cage as Po makes his dramatic entrance. Tai Zhi gives the staff back and does her “you and I aren’t so different” monolog, which Po acknowledges. There’s a possibility he could have ended up like Tai Zhi if he never became the dragon warrior (Throw in one of his villains laughing in disbelief), so he offers Tai Zhi a chance to be better than the villain she is now, to learn from him.
Tai Zhi then proceeds to mock Lord Shen, General Kai, and Tai Lung about how Po stopped all of them from achieving their goals. The mocks Po, claiming that for all the good he did, for all his adventures, no one in Juniper City and beyond has ever heard about him and that once she’s done with him, Po will become what he was always meant to be, nothing.
Have Tai Zhi call Po weak because he needed a master to make him the Dragon Warrior. Just to have the line, “Alone I mastered magic, took over the entire criminal empire of Juniper City, defeated all of your greatest enemy and treasured masters, I am my own master!”
Now, something about the original Po vs Tai Zhi fight bothered me. Across three movies, over and over again, there’s always a moment where Po gets to nerd out over Kung Fu legends and flex his knowledge. He even figured out the Wuxi Finger Hold on his own. Yet, he’s going one on one with the ultimate echo fighter of those same warriors and his knowledge does nothing to help him. Let’s fix that.
Here’s how this fight could have gone: Tai Zhi changes into a warrior, Po does his nerd bit while caught off guard, but he then picks up on the fighting style and proceeds to body Tai Zhi in record time. Rinse and repeat that a few times and then Tai Zhi tries to use Po’s old villains which backfires horribly. Eventually, she runs out of warriors and must repeat, and with transformations getting predictable, Po starts winning the fight. Until…
Tai Zhi's frustrated that she has the forms and skills of at least one hundred kung fu legends, but she can’t beat one dorky panda. In that frustration, she loses control of her shapeshifting and mixes two forms together, catching Po off guard. Tai Zhi then starts using chimera forms to gain the advantage, but before she can deal the finishing blow, Vox swoops in and saves Po.
The two hatch a plan to make Tai Zhi so mad that she loses control long enough for Po to use the Staff of Wisdom to return the stolen skills. The plan starts to work as Tai Zhi turns into that chimera dragon form, but before Po can use his staff, Tai Zhi grabs Vox, forcing Po to save her by making Tai Zhi crash.
In the aftermath, Vox finds Tai Zhi transformed into Po, and we could have a short chase before the real Po saves Vox. Po has Vox find and bring him the staff while he fights himself, which does not go well at all. Tai Zhi traps Po in a cage before Vox can get the staff back to him.
Vox is now the only one who can stop Tai Zhi. Vox tries to fight Tai Zhi head-on like Po but fails miserably. However, Vox notices that the entire temple is fit to collapse. So, Vox sticks to the shadows, taking potshots at Tai Zhi, and every time she transforms, whoever she transforms into tells her their weakness/ tell from their cage. This continues until the temple starts to collapse, and as Tai Zhi tries to escape, Vox fights her head-on again to keep her inside (this is where she’d scream, “You fool! You’ll kill us both!”).
As the dust settles, Po stands up from under the rubble and helps Vox up, noting that he could have escaped earlier but she was doing such a good job and didn’t want to interrupt. The other spirit warriors get from under the rubble and thank Po for freeing them. As Po prepares to open a portal to the spirit realm, let’s say Master Wolf tries to sneak attack Po from behind but gets decked by Tai Lung, transforming back into Tai Zhi.
Tai Lung mocks his wannabe successor by saying; “first lesson, know when to quit.” Tai Lung then steps out of the way, and Po returns all of the skills to the spirit warriors. As they return to the spirit realm, Tai Lung acknowledges Po and what he’s become and also recognizes his “pupil,” referring to Vox. Not wanting to be outshined, though, he takes Tai Zhi with him into the spirit world, finally taking her on as his student, whether she likes it or not.
And the story ends basically the same: Vox and Po return to the Valley of Peace, Po offers to train Vox at the Jade Palace to Shifu’s frustration, and credits.
Wait! One more change…
Shifu meditates under the peach tree with Po joining him shortly after that. Po can’t meditate to save his life, so Shifu questions why he’s here. Po admits that Shifu was right, that it’s time for Po to pass the torch, but also thanks Shifu. Po knows it wasn’t easy for Shifu to train someone like him, but he did, and because of Shifu, Po has never been happier with his life.
I don’t know if this will be the last Kung Fu Panda movie, but if it is, I’d like a nice moment between Shifu and Po and maybe ghost Oogway. Just wrap a nice bow on it.
///// The End \\\\\
And that’s it—that’s the rewrite. Wow! That’s a lot of words (3,573, to be exact). Like I said, I’m not a scriptwriter. I’m just a guy with a little too much time on his hands. Kung Fu Panda 4 was, and still is, a solid movie that I’ll definitely watch again, along with the other three, and so should you.
I had a total blast writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
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fiercemillennial · 7 months
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coachrichiepryor · 4 years
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I think we are at the latter. Parents need to be engaged with their teens and be a connected parent so they can be there to help them cope with their emotional pain and be a voice of positivity and optimism about the future. #teenagedrama #teenagerissues #divorcedparents #parentingteensishard #parentingteenagers #coparentingproblems #momofateen #coparentinggoals #divorcedparentsproblems #parentingteens #coparentinglife #momofteens #parentsofteens #depressedteenager #stressedparents ##supportingmoms #Parentingteenssolutions #divorcedmom #momwithteens #parentingsupport #stepmomadvice #consciousparent #beingamomishard #momstruggles #coparentingtips #divorcedparentsproblems #divorcedmoms #divorcedmomlife #raisingteensishard #teenagerrebellion (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CANszUSlWOU/?igshid=1d8no1exfwr9f
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littlebiggsandme · 5 years
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Little Biggs did an amazing job for his first day back to swimming class. I’m so glad me and his dad found a way to co-parent. I believe having us both there have him a lot of confidence and support. If you are having trouble co-parenting and would like to know how we make it work. Comment below or DM me. #coparenting #howtocoparent #coparentingdoneright #coparentinggoals #coparentinglife #us #familylife #familygoals #bloggersofinstagram #singlemom #blackmoms #singledads #blackdads #blackgirlmagic (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwzeGjugiIa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bgvdh37aiiig
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noahsdaddy314 · 4 years
@taylorswift Huge fan of yours.... I just recently found out I was a father to a beautiful 6 year old. I live in Baltimore and he lives in NC. Attached is a video of us meeting for the first time on 3/14/20. Due to COVID19 I’ve lost my job and would do anything, I mean ANYTHING to be able to move close to him. If there’s any possible way you could share my GOFundMe to your massive reach I’d be forever grateful to you Taylor!
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momcave · 3 years
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Bravo! The wisdom of @whineandcheezits !! #coparenting #coparentingdoneright #coparentingwithanarcissist #coparentinggoals #divorcedmom #singlemomsclub #singlemoms https://www.instagram.com/p/CPhNrP8MKna/?utm_medium=tumblr
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grid-style99 · 5 years
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Co-parenting can be a blessing if both parents work together for the benefit of the child. But resentment, selfishness and revenge can make things extremely difficult. Check out the link in my bio on the new blog and ask yourself, Can You Co-Parent? ————————————————— #dads #dad #father #fathers #singledads #singlefathers #singleparent #dadstyle99 #dadstyle #cooldad #daddysgirl #fatheranddaughter #bestdad #orlandocitydads #citydads #orlandodad #orlandodads #singledad #singlefather #singleparents #coparenting #coparenting #coparent #coparentinggoals #coparentingdoneright (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mhWj7BznA/?igshid=1w2dh0ose5m4l
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cakasaka · 6 years
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Noah went to Victoria with his dad and gang yesterday..:this is what he brought back from the @royalbcmuseum Egypt exhibit from an activity. I am so lucky to co-parent with an amazing guy who is always there for Noah and I. Happy Father’s Day #bestdadever #familyfirstandforever #coparentinggoals (at Burnaby Heights)
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coachrichiepryor · 4 years
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#teenagedrama #teenagerissues #divorcedparents #parentingteensishard #parentingteenagers #coparentingproblems #momofateen #coparentinggoals #divorcedparentsproblems #parentingteens #coparentinglife #momofteens #parentsofteens #depressedteenager #stressedparents #coparentinggoals #supportingmoms #Parentingteenssolutions #divorcedmom #momwithteens #parentingsupport #stepmomadvice #coparentingwithanarcissist #beingamomishard #momstruggles #coparentingtips #divorcedparentsproblems #divorcedmoms #divorcedmomlife #coparentingwithanarcissist #teenanger #raisingteensishard #teenagerrebellion (at Plymouth, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_QYHdAFkrd/?igshid=1rar2jgyk1cuq
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littlebiggsandme · 5 years
Just because your separated doesn’t mean you can’t hang out and continue a friendship #coparentinggoals #dadgoals #daddyandme #dadandson #songoals #pawpatrol #pawpatrolgame #dadandsontime #daddy #son #coparenting #parenting #makingitwork #family #teamus #familyaffair #familyactivities #familytime #coparents #mommyandme #us #mylife #littlebiggsandme (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlDiIrAx1e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9e3nz9mf3mdb
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coachrichiepryor · 4 years
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Are you a parent that is always complaining about your children? 😤 Then you are missing those opportunities to create the most magical memories in life. Be grateful for what you have in life and not what is missing. Be a positive parent and your children will model that. There is no better time than now to appreciate each moment and live your life with no regrets. ❤️ #teenagedrama #teenagerissues #divorcedparents #parentingteensishard #parentingteenagers #coparentingproblems #momofateen #coparentinggoals #divorcedparentsproblems #parentingteens #coparentinglife #momofteens #parentsofteens #depressedteenager #stressedparents #coparentinggoals #supportingmoms #Parentingteenssolutions #divorcedmom #momwithteens #parentingsupport #stepmomadvice #coparentingwithanarcissist #beingamomishard #momstruggles #coparentingtips #divorcedparentsproblems #divorcedmoms #divorcedmomlife #coparentingwithanarcissist #teenanger #raisingteensishard #teenagerrebellion (at Plymouth, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NvFLHFUTP/?igshid=59wj73wepmj4
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coachrichiepryor · 4 years
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What did you miss out on when you were a teenager? Are you trying to relive that childhood again through your teenager? Are you pressuring them to do something that you did or failed to do? Parenting pressure on teenagers creates self-esteem and self-confidence issues. So next time you have a disagreement with your teenager about something they are not doing or something you need them to do. Ask yourself. Am I trying to fulfill some type of agenda through my child? Powerful Teenager Parenting Solutions💪 #teenagedrama #teenagerissues #divorcedparents #parentingteensishard #parentingteenagers #coparentingproblems #momofateen #coparentinggoals #divorcedparentsproblems #parentingteens #coparentinglife #momofteens #parentsofteens #depressedteenager #stressedparents #coparentinggoals #supportingmoms #Parentingteenssolutions #divorcedmom #momwithteens #parentingsupport #stepmomadvice #coparentingwithanarcissist #beingamomishard #momstruggles #coparentingtips #divorcedparentsproblems #divorcedmoms #divorcedmomlife #coparentingwithanarcissist #teenanger #raisingteensishard #teenagerrebellion (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NufoeFx9S/?igshid=6di3m0z3hyow
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coachrichiepryor · 4 years
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Well that explains a lot!🤣 Try to tell this to a teenager with raging hormones. Maybe if the study said genital failure in adulthood it would make them think twice. So now the next time you meet someone that is a little off are you going to wonder if they had sex when they were teenagers!🤔#teenagedrama #teenagerissues #divorcedparents #parentingteensishard #parentingteenagers #coparentingproblems #momofateen #coparentinggoals #divorcedparentsproblems #parentingteens #coparentinglife #momofteens #parentsofteens #depressedteenager #stressedparents #coparentinggoals #supportingmoms #Parentingteenssolutions #divorcedmom #momwithteens #parentingsupport #stepmomadvice #coparentingwithanarcissist #beingamomishard #parentingteenssolutions #coparentingtips #divorcedparentsproblems #divorcedmoms #divorcedmomlife #coparentingwithanarcissist #teenanger #raisingteensishard #teenagerrebellion (at Plymouth, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_F7Ut0FWBk/?igshid=k5bn6qsi94im
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coachrichiepryor · 4 years
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When was the last time you did something ridiculous with your teens? WTF are you waiting for? You tell yourself that they don’t want to hang out with you and they prefer their friends? Is that really true? What if you pulled the stick out of your butt and let your hair down for once? What if you weren’t so serious...tried something crazy and invited them to join in? How do you think they would react? That is the way to get back into their world and welcome them into your parenting sphere of influence. Be playful. Be different. Show them you can still have fun.🕺💃🏽🤪❤️ so the challenge for this weekend is to go do something crazy with them. Yes while in the house. Sing karaoke play video games. Use your imagination and just let go.🔥 #teenagedrama #teenagerissues #divorcedparents #parentingteensishard #parentingteenagers #coparentingproblems #momofateen #coparentinggoals #divorcedparentsproblems #parentingteens #coparentinglife #momofteens #parentsofteens #depressedteenager #stressedparents #coparentinggoals #supportingmoms #Parentingteenssolutions #divorcedmom #momwithteens #parentingsupport #stepmomadvice #coparentingwithanarcissist #beingamomishard #momstruggles #coparentingtips #divorcedparentsproblems #divorcedmoms #divorcedmomlife #coparentingwithanarcissist #teenanger #raisingteensishard #teenagerrebellion (at Kilarney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DtGNRFfWn/?igshid=1bv0og9zi6h22
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