#copper coen
milimeters-morales · 1 year
Cooper: *breathes*
Miles teleporting next to him: teach me your ways. please.
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queersrus · 1 year
Hi, Fukase anon here! Sorry, It never occurred to me that people may have a hard time coming up with things for characters they don't know a lot about. Sorry :( /gen
Anyways, I really love the clown and red theme ideas! Also, since Vocaloid is technically a music software, I was thinking some music-themed names as well! Also, as long as this isn't too specific, could you maybe do some X-themed things since there's a lot of Xs in his design?
I also like the idea of the darker, edgier themes, but I'd rather not have anything explicitly horror/slasher/demon related... as someone who kins Fukase, being associated with that stuff brings back some rough memories :( /nm
I'm sorry if I'm being too specific or picky or anything like that, and I hope everything I've said makes sense! Once again, thank you in advance :)
no worries!!
heres some names and pronouns based of red, clown, dark/edgy themes and the letter x!
Music names:
muse, musa, musica, musette harmony melody, mic, major, minor clef, capelle, capella, cord, chorus note key tone, tempo, timbre bar, beat, bridge, bass, blue, blues sheet, strum, song, singer, sang, string, sonata, soul acoust, adagio, allegro, andante, arpeggio, amp, alto, aria instro, instra, instrumenta rythm/rhythm, ryme/rhyme, rock, rocker orchest, orchestra pitch, pop funk
list here, here
red names:
Altemur, altan, autumn, apple, amaranth, alhambra, alroy danla, desire, desiree parichat, phoenix, pepper, poppy/poppie cher, cherry/cherrie/cherri, crimson, clifford, copper, candy/candie, currant, carmine, carmin, chili, coral, corsen, clancy maroon, merlot, mahogany, mohagan blood, brick, berry/berrie, blush, burgundy, barn, burn, blaze ruby, rust, rusty, rose, raspberry, redd, rede, redde, reder, redi/redie/redy, reddet/redet/reddett/reddette/redett/redette, redeta/reddeta/reddetta/reddeta, redin/redine, redina, redino, roso/rosso, rufus/rufous, rowan, rosa, rosie, roisin, rory, radley, rudyard, radcliff, redmond, redman, rumo, russel/russell, rohan, redford, rufina, reeding/reading, reed, rogan, roone, roth garnet, ginger, gough scarlet, sangria, strawberry, sienna, sorrel/sorrell jam wine, watermelon fire, flame, ferrari, flan/flann, flannel, flanner, flannery, flyn/flynn, flanna vermilion, venetia imperia tart, torch hazel, harkin
clown names:
Joseph, john, joey grock oleg emmett/emet/emmet/emett bozo, barry ronald krusty penny, pogo, pinto charles sunshine weary, willie albert, antonio, arthur daniel, david, demitri/dimitri, Demetrius/demitrius tinsel
actually found a whole wiki here
Dark/Edgy names:
dusk, dagger, draven, drake, draco, damon/daemon, damion/damien/damian grey/gray, gunner/gunnar, greer keir, khaos, knox, kestrel umbra, umbro poison, pain/payne asteroth/astaroth, asher, ammo, astrid chaos, crow, coen, chase, casper, caspian, cassian, carter, cage, colton hades, hemlock, hex, hunter, hawk, harper somber, sombre, sombra, serpent, snake, saber, stone, storm, slade/slayde, sparrow, salem, snow, smoke, slayer necro, natrix, nox, nix, nyx, nero, nash branwen, briar, blackwell, blade/blaid, blair, blase/blaze/blaise raven, reven, requiem, rhapsody/rapsody, rogue, ryder, ryker, raze, razer eris, elysium, ebony jinx, jett/jet, jack, jason lucien, lucius, lock/locke viper, venom, vlad, vane/vain/vein, veil, vee/v wolf/wolfe trix/tryx, trixie, thorn, tyren/tyrin, tirent, torrent, tyranny, toxin, tank, tempest, tanner zeke, zena fox, flask, falkner, falkon/falcon onyx/onix, obsidian xena
X names:
xen/xene, xavier, xena, xeno, xenon, xeon, xero, xerox, xyx, xyr/xyre, xyra, xray, xeny/xenny/xenie, xenia, xander/xzander, xyla, xyler/xylar, xia, xavi, xylia, xylitol, xioa, xu, xan, xanth/xanthe, xanthus, xavia, Xinjiang, xinia, xenophon/xenophone, xayvion/xavion, xochitl, xio, xion, xiona, xiomara, ximena, xanthia
many here
red 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
clown 3rd p pronouns:
list here and here
edgy/dark 3rd p pronouns:
list here, here
x 3rd p pronouns:
xe/xem, xy/xem, xy/xyr, xe/xyr, xy/lo, xylo/phone xyi/lotl, x/x's, ex/ex's, ex/exes, xay/xem, xay/xyr, xie/xem, xie/xyr xe/no, xeno/xenos, xeno/morph, cross/crossed, cross/crosses, x'ed/out, exed/out, ex/amble
hope these help!
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noxspost · 9 months
true north
“wait Vese—” she was cut off by him yelling running out of his room to the great hall “Letho get you fucking horse ready wake the other up Jaskeir is going after the bone Hydra!”
Yennifer followed with panic in her bones “what are taking about Vesemir?” asked a very annoyed and slightly panicked Viper as the others with him were walking up “there was a paper about the bone hydra back down the mountain when you came up right!?”
“yes?” he stated as he helped up Triss and Aiden looked at Vesemir “well Jaskier is sumac and he is going after it!” he was yelling now as he was trying to the armory which he was stopped by Letho looks him down and held him by his shoulders. “okay thanks for telling me that our friend is safe,” he narrowed his eyes “I need you to breath or you are going to pass out!” he was louder as Vesemir was making panicked sounds as the others came down. Ciri looked the most sleepy and in Geralt’s arms. Yen looked at Lambert who was mad but scared
“okay Vesemir sumac will be fine he has faced that beast a lot and I am sure he will get the ambrosia and nectar medicine cubes and vials,” he had Vesemir on the ground kneeing and Letho was going to the same “he is a tough bitch who has more beast hunting experience than us since he dealt with more than us. Breath Vesemir, you are okay and he is safe.” Geralt could smell the fear from his dad and he looked to his brothers who look to him. “yeah-h.” Vesemir gulped and nodded “I am so scared, he could be rusty and could die now.” He was hugged by the viper “listen there is a reason why he is named sumac for it is a poison and he is a demigod who parent is the god of madness.”
Then Coen spoke up “who are you talking about was there a man we didn’t was here?” Lambert looked at his friend with confused and disbelief “really we would know if that was the case.”
“well where is Jaskier and who is this Sumac?” asked Ciri and yen nodded Aiden spoke “oh he is a lynx Witcher.” Triss and Yen glazed at the cat and then Letho hums in agreement and then Eskel asked “is Jaskeir sumac the same sumac who taught us?” this makes Geralt and Lambert turned to their brother and then Geralt nods “yeah it can’t be Jaskeir is only 43? How can he be Sumac?”
This makes Vesemir laugh and then starting to cry “Geralt he cares for his skin and also he is older than me.”
He was held closer to the viper and then Yen asked “so we are just ignore the fact that he is a Bacchus child or Bacchus and he is going after a monster in winter and the pass was closed how did he get down there?”
Vesemir got up and walked up to the wall and felt for something on the wall and then his hand stopped and he pressed the stone now and it moved to the left showing a hole big for a good sized box “oh simple Lynx witchers go to hunt for coin more in winter since it is needed and pays more and they are built for the cold so the pass means nothing for Jaskier.” He grabbed the box and blew off the dust on the box and opened it once he put it on the table and they all gathered around the table and they saw the box and it held so much.
Yet they were drawn to the small trinket in the mess and it was made with care and it was a flat disc with a clear dome over the small thin sticks pointing to numbers the short and wider one was slower and the other was faster and thinner. There was a ticking sound as they saw gears and metal moving in a window inside the glass clear dome it was made of copper, gold and white stone.
It looked so pretty and care for. “what is that?” asked Triss who was trying to hold the object when Vesemir grabbed it before her and bark “don’t touch that! It is a gift from Jaskier he got this from one of the tinkering in his caravan of demigods and non-humans. He said it was a pocket watch to tell time.”
He gently held it up with both his hands and then Eskel looked at the back and saw the Engravings on the back and it said time just eats and eats till death comes saving the soul from its maw time does not heal wounds merely numb you to the pain but confrontation and self-growth heals the bones not time.
Ciri saw the engravings and asked “what’s with the engravings on the back?”
 Vesemir turned the thing round and went “I think one of the elders of his school had explained that people off the news the same time heals all wounds as a weak cop out and they’d explained that it merely numbs you to the wrongs and the hurt and the pain which makes sense he was also a child of Hecate a goddess of witchcraft and ghosts he’s a real cool dude from what I remember about him.”
Eskel nodded and then Lambert spoke “let’s go find Jaskier!” he yelled and then Letho looked at him and bark “no just no the pass is too covered and it cold in the morning. Let’s eat and gets some chores done and then we can go.” he got up and went to the kitchen with Aiden and Coen following.
Geralt sighed and spoke “well I think Jaskeir will be fine, he will get back. He has too much self-preservation for his own good.”
this caused Vesemir to burst out laughing which also caused yen to burst out laughing “no he doesn’t and he getting more coin and he will come back later.” the former teacher spoke “he doesn’t he got torture by firefucker. He doesn’t have much.”
Ciri nodded and then she looked at the boxes’ contents and you saw a piece of something shining she reached out for it grabbed it held it above her to see it in the light and it sparkled like a diamond but it was in the shape of a scale she turned over to look at the others and asked “what’s this?”
 Vesemir looked over sighed and said “that’s a hydra scale a hydra scale is actually a diamond compressed and a lot stronger than normal diamonds about roughly same as iron. you get that from bone hydras.” He explained.
yen then remarked “so that explains why you get to keep a dime in death do you kill such a monster after you’re given somewhere between 4000 coin and 15,000 coin.” This makes Lambert looked at Yen “why must it so costly?”
“because the bone hydra is more dangerous than a dragon since it is undead and has four heads next to the normal standard head each one has its own attacks and features I have seen some bear witchers dying to the Magma Spittle. When you weaken it enough the first head which you attacked two other type of the heads will go on the attack same when one third is left.” There was fear in Eskel’s voice who was looking at his brother.
“oh great…”
Well after Jaskier had killed the monster he was breathing heavy and his clothing had blood and gold staining. The gold made him looked gaudy and creepy, he was holding the now the bag of bones and diamonds of the monster. He was in the cave where the beast had taken the father.
There was some blood and he looked down at the freaking out man who was shaking and Jaskier smiles “hey I am sumac I was send by your daughter and I am no threat.” He knees down to seem safe and the man spoke “I am john and thanks.” He was careful to hold Jaskier’s hand and then they walked out to daffodil. “don’t worry I will be fine sir I just worried for you.” Jaskeir spoke when saw the worry in John’s eyes.
 Jaskeir smiled at him who was helping him carry the proof and when they got to daffodil Jaskier was quick to the medic supplies and he gave himself his ambrosia meds and then turned to John and went “okay so I am going to clean the wounds and put cool water on the burns on your arms.” He washed the burns in cool running water and then used the rest to the clean off the blood and then wrapped up the wounds “thank you Sumac.” He nodded and placed john on daffodil who snorted and Jaskier looked at him “play nice daffodil.”
Once he was healed by the ambrosia meds he got on the ram and then they were off to the town and back to his family. there was much Excitement and the little girl gladly was rewarding him with compliments and words.
After about 6 hours of worrying since the pass was too frozen they were in the training yard near the stables when the witchers smell this faint scent of grapes and the sound of a match being lit they turned to where the sound came from and they for moment thought it was just Yen and Triss doing something.
It wasn’t but only Jaskeir dressed in warm clothing on a ram the size of his horse and Jaskier covered in gold and blood with some being from his own body.
His face was bruised and had some blood on his face near his mouth and nose.
There was purple fire behind Jaskier which swiftly was gone. He was on a ram which was grey and white and had a saddle was made of dark leather and near the back was the saddle bags which stored a lot of Jaskeir things. It also was on top of a lynx skin and the head near to the tail and there was a holding for his axe and the other side was a piece of leather made for holding some scrolls, arrows and a crossbow.
there was also some new things like some daggers, an ice spike and some feathers and a stone.
“oh okay I haven’t done that in years.” he cough a bit and wiped away some spit he was holding the reins to his companion. He looked like a Witcher. Yennifer was right there as Jaskier got off the animal “what the fuck don’t you know that was dumb we couldn’t do shit.”
He looked at her and laughed “you could do shit yen.” The sound of coin came from his bag which was on his animal which he undid and smiled as Yen was spitting out words which made no sense as Geralt spoke “why Jaskier just why you could have died!”
Eskel had stopped training with Ciri who was cheering with Jaskier’s return as the ram belting out a cry of distress which made the other stop thanks to Letho call out “leave the poor demigod alone he just got back.” He was soon in the arms of Jaskeir in a hug which lifted him off the ground.
“Hello again dears.” Jaskeir said as daffodil was walking to Letho and Vesemir waiting near the doors. “You still are very strong Sumac. I missed these hugs.” He hugged back and lifted Jaskeir off the ground.
Vesemir went to check Jaskeir when he was let go “I hope you had Nectar and Ambrosia meds right? And did you get the money you are going to get?” Lambert and Coen looked at Jaskier’s outfit which was like a bear’s but also a wolf.
“Yes, Vesemir I did I got about half of it and then the big diamond and the rest when I got back.” He turned to Lambert and Coen who swiftly asked “so you do contacts in winter?”
“Yeah, it is fun and reminds me of home.” Then Eskel asked, “what was fire and you getting back?” he got a confused looked from Ciri who nodded with Eskel’s statement and Yen nodded too and asked, “yeah why?”
“oh right I forgot to tell Geralt and Yen. I am a demigod to the god Bacchus.” He smiles “which one of the powers I have is teleporting in a burst of purple fire and it followed by a faint scent of grapes. It drains me more than the other powers, so I have to be careful.”
“Okay all the powers drain you?” asked Eskel and then Jaskier smiles "yeah so i don't try to use too much. please be careful around Daffodil he isn't used to teleportation because we haven't done it in a while." he said as they were going to the stables to untacked the ram and put him back in the stables.
"I thought your horse's name was Pegasus?" spoke Aiden Jaskeir turn to him "of course it does that's his middle name it's also his code name anyway what's for food?" as they get back to the doors they see Letho just glaring at Jaskier "fucker." Letho spoke to Jaskier before getting a kiss on the back of the hand from Jaskier "i know, we will have money for spring and there is a reason why i go out during winter."
Geralt sighed and Eskel smiles and making a aww sound which get Coen to Jab him in the side with his elbow. which get Lambert to laugh. "oh please. calm down you two." spoke Vesemir as Triss then spoke "well i was thinking some stew and some rolls."
this makes Jaskeir smile She told smile as warm as the sun and he goes "I remember that was a common staple on the caravan travels really spoke one of the other witchers yeah we called it monsters too because we often used the meat and organs from some types of creatures in our stew combining with shrimp and cow or pig the rolls often had a meat or vegetable inside and cooked hard on the outside but be very chewy and doughy on the inside so we called them turtle rolls because they were often shaped like a turtle as well."
he explained as they went inside then Aiden asked, "so we know somewhat about the schools on this side of the continent what are some notable trials for your school?" everyone looked at the cat Witcher confused and a little bit scared.
they all sighed  when their friend explained "well there is the trial of the iceberg the trial of the night escape and the trial of Half Moon half Moon was testing your abilities with everything to do with an apothecary," he explained they walked to the Great Hall they were intently listening "the trial of the night escape was how to survive in... it's been a while since I've had that trial but most the time it was going on a quest for a powerful being and how to escape most of time we did at night the trial of the iceberg was a lot like the trial of the grass is for you guys but ours is much worse or equally as worse depending how you see it that's all I'm going to say."
he was sitting down as he was carrying the bag with the Reward but also a couple other things most of the time the items that he was putting on the table were from his own pouches and bags around his waist and hips thanks to his belts he looked tired in a way they saw a couple other scars specifically one that was peeking out on his neck. It looked like an ice burn.
They see his cloak which around the collar area where the wolf fur was had animal and human skulls on it but the rest of the cloak was made of bear hide the outside had the bear fur and the inside was while the inside of the bear fur it looked terrifying when Yennifer had asked what's with the human skulls?"
Eskel nodded and then Jaskier turned his head and spoke "simple they're from mages who tried to kill me don't worry I didn't kill them too brutally only after they died I cut off their heads ripped off their skin, hair and eyeballs only having their skulls remaining fix the skulls so they don't leak everywhere," they all were Shocked and uncomfortable looking at him as if he was dangerous except for Vesemir and Letho. "I buried their hearts as a sign of respect have acknowledging the life that I have taken I do that with beasts that I kill. i am not completely heartless."
Coen then asked "why burying the heart? it sounds like you leave the rest of the body out for the wild to take."
the  Witcher reaches down to his water skin drinks it and thinks for a moment obviously still sitting down but everyone waited with faded breath Geralt specifically same with his surprise child Ciri who was watching patiently "well in my school specifically," Jaskier states his tone now turning serious "we learn that no matter what you do for coin may that be assassinating Or doing anything that involves taking a life you're supposed to bury their heart in the ground decent way down you're supposed to wait 10 minute is the common number, then you walk on it symbolizes you understanding the life you have taken we did that with everyone May they be really terrible May they be not but with a really terrible people and the people we just don't like we're very passive aggressive about it well we do the bare minimum by digging a shallow grave and lightly covering up with our heart and then when you leave the elements and the animals to deal with it." 
he smiles "our teachers and elders were very strict about it and Chiron would take a bottle of white gull a cloth and the lights the cloth which is half way in the bottle and throw it on the ground near us when training when We're disrespecting the dead because in In the Lynx School there was an abundance of non-humans demigods specifically who had ties to all the different underworlds not just the Slavic or Greek underworlds and we don't like accidentally piss off the wrong underworld deity."
he chuckles "i never got it but Leo taught me the alcohol bomb after he got the treatment as well." then Aiden sits down next to him as Triss and Yen were off to make food. Ciri asked Jaskeir "what is the trial of the Iceberg?"
Geralt and then Eskel went "yeah what is it? it sounds intriguing." Jaskeir rubbed his chin a little bit and rubbed his mouth from the excess water that he drank and he said It is a trial that involves you being on an iceberg at 10:30 35 ish at night during winter you brought a thick bed mat a thick blanket a slow flower lantern which does not burn like normal fire you're supposed to survive till 2:00 AM in the morning and then they come to you with a nice pike a very thick and long rope two nails that are twice as long as the ice Pike and a hammer and you're supposed to climb up to halfway up the iceberg," he saw the disbelieving looks from Lambert before he went on to explain how tall the icebergs usually were "and by the way these things are way taller than you think so the above ground is tall and just seems to get halfway up there and you're supposed to do that before sunrise usually people if they survive the crime get up there around 4:00 AM and they're supposed to climb it down without breaking their chunks on the way down and they're supposed to do that before 6:00 AM we only lose like 6 students every two years to that trial before the school went under heavy revision we lost more." 
And they all knew how I got cold how cold it got during the night it was terrifying they were all stunned then Vesemir walked over holding Jaskier's pocket watch "thanks i thought i told you that was your now?" Vesemir smiles and then put it around his neck "thanks also i would check on Letho he is speaking in that one tongue of elder what is it called?" they all listen to the sound of someone speaking in another tongue it was really yelling but quieter.
"oh my goodness he is speaking and oh my goodness he is speaking in Spanish again oh no. yeah i am on it." Jaskier takes off his cloak and then his boots and walks back into the kitchen where Triss is talking "yeah i don't know what he is saying help Yen."
"well i don’t--" she was quiet when Jaskeir was yelling in the same language "¿¡Te callarás por el amor de los dioses!? ¿Por qué estás gritando?" this makes Letho glare and then place down the dish and points to it "Jodieron el guiso poniendo primero la carne del conejo y sin esperar a que hirviera el agua y el aceite así me enseñaste." he had stopped yelling.
Jaskeir spoke "yeah but it is still going to work Even though the vegetables and the seasonings supposed to go in first but let them do it and stop yelling."
and then he walked straight back out and Letho turned to both women and apologized obviously explaining that he had been taught how to make this specific stew a couple other times and usually the vegetables and seasoning oil and water goes in first then the meat. they nodded and understanding. Letho was following Jaskeir when Letho picked up Jaskeir and So my you've gotten heavier."
 he turned Jaskeir's body to face him Jaskier looked down at him slightly and said of course I have I've been eating healthier and more gotta make sure that I stay Insulated he joked as he leaned closer to nuzzled his nose with his own which got Letho to kiss him on the nose a couple times "I missed you." he said sweetly.
Jaskier smiles. as he heard Ciri asking Vesemir about how he knew Jaskier and why his Witcher name was Sumac "do you want to sing True north?" asked Vesemir when they both got back.
"sure." he smiles as he got his Lute and then Letho sat down next to the cloak and then resting his bones. as Jaskier was singing and Eskel was happy to hear this for he had only heard his father Vesemir singing the tone.
"They say it's a cold place Icy and grey With a wind that cuts through Marrow and bone I've heard the earth cracks open wide Before your eyes and might." he sang as he was Strumming along on his loot as lethal provided the drums by tapping his foot to the rhythm.
"Swallow you whole They say you can get lost for days In landscapes of big emotions In the endless night when the sun doesn't care To crawl out of bed behind the oceans." he sang low and soft but they were Intrigued to listen all their eyes including the two mages that were making dinner we're all listening and had their eyes on him as he was enjoying preforming for his family in the winter.
"We never learned to use a compass We never learned to read these maps We always yearned for far-off kingdoms We never found a straight way back And it's a miracle A miracle." his voice was higher now as His magic which was showing small coffee cup size spectacles of what he was talking about, and they were seeing on how they travel not relying on compasses maps or anything like that but pure instinct in far off kingdoms.
"We found true north True north." he sang with Letho as they saw the moose and siren hunts same with the trials of flesh and bone. they saw the demigod wars mixing with Elven wars. they were seeing the caravan which would put the cat school to shame.
"They say it's an old place With ancient tales Of violence and war Passion and soul But I've seen the West Bleed into the East." they saw the monster hunts and then the bone hydra hunts and such they were amazed as they saw the Place called Coldora which was filled with wars, blood and death yet life hidden in snow and winds.
"Like a slow breeze Blowing ripples of hope And I know I could get lost for life Inside these stories I've heard 'Cause it all just shows that what we know Is just the tip, the tip, the tip of the iceberg." then they see the trial of the iceberg. he was smiling as they see eyes around his head which looked around and Ciri was laughing as they saw the witchers were chasing around each other’s.
"We never learned to use a compass We never learned to read these maps We always yearned for far-off countries We never found a straight way back And it's a miracle A miracle We found true north True north." then he smiles as he ends his singing and then Aiden asked "so how bad is being a lynx?"
Jaskeir sits and then drinks some more from his water skin and then he laughed "a lot more than you think for demigods leave a scent behind demigods often leave a strong scent for monsters and beasts and creatures to find them oh woo," he chuckles as he drinks more "also the ones that don't have the sin but still are demigods their souls are tracked by their monsters relating to their pantheons challenge yourselves lucky at least you ain't constantly being hunted by creatures and beasts trust me it's much worse than you think."
they nodded and the Yen asked "is it worth it?"
"yeah of course you just have to more vigilant when it comes to where monsters can be commonly found so a lot of demigods have this ability hard wired into their genetics when they're born that makes them vigilant and have easier time fighting so we more prepared for battle but at least all of us can walk on the snow only and only sink two inches to three inches into the snow which is very useful."
"really any stories?" asked Vesemir and Jaskier laughs "yeah there is this game called capture the flag where all the demigods who share the same godly parent or immortal parent team up with others and then they go up Popular team which is made up of different groups of demagogues that share the same godly or immortal parents like we had Demeter Kids Apollo kids Ares kids and one team and then we got Leshy kids hades and Poseidon kids on a other team and then we fight to take the other team's flag.
But what are my favorite stories is about the one time Perseus the second and I got in a fight he couldn't leave the infirmary for weeks because I actually caused him to go mad because he was saying some really nasty things about me and my family and they can fund the fact that my godly parent was a washed up god his quote not mine I got really mad I punched him in the face and then I caused him to go mad okay unconscious with nightmares for about a week because we had to go get Poux from camp aka the other school building we have."
He was laughing "but there's also another time where Zeus Jupiter and Hera Juno all got cursed out by Letho we were in one of the camps and Vesemir was hiding in the corner panicked behind me as Zeus phase got more and more twisted as if he sucked three-week-old lemons it was so funny we finally got a slight cut to the head as the four gods went away after being humiliated."
Letho was laughing and then spoke "right there was the one time All three of us got in a town fight and Vesemir looked like he just walked out of a war demigod kids blood fight fest. there was so much blood everywhere and you were laughing like a maniac." the others were stun as they were about to eat when they heard these stories and Yen was trying to cover Ciri's ears.
and then Vesemir spoke "ohh my goodness I missed I missed those days well we didn't have to worry about leading our respective schools we could just be absolutely chaotic but we did have to hide it occasionally because of the other masters of the schools holy crap they never liked you they absolutely hated you."
he slapped his knee as they were laughing Vesemir accepted some food from one of the mages and said "of course I couldn't have my gremlin ears I had to be mature and I had to be Mature before i could raise those four." then  Jaskeir laughed and then spoke "remember when i was on a quest for Celtic goddess and it landed me here and then I crashed through the ceiling that was a very confusing time because me and Letho were running after a chicken that just was been mutated really badly and it had the item we wanted but we had to go get it for like a deity who had another item we needed for the Celtic deity we terrified so many young butchers in training ohh I didn't explain to them but no we did not just mutate this chicken to chase it around the place ohh my goodness and some visiting bear witchers we even screaming like young girls and it wasn't even a spider."
the three nodded as the others were quiet and Lambert was just standing there holding his cup of white gold and it plate of food stunned because of what he just heard "wait remember that bathhouse quest oh was so uncomfortable so many nymphs so few missed it would be really useful to just like block that out of my memory why did you have to drag us along on that quest?"
"I told you guys not to follow me interjected Jaskier "but of course you did because you guys are like no you can't go on a super dangerous quest for Poseidon we have to come with you and they got traumatized we had to fight against a yokai it was terrifying so weird ohh the smell of that guy was disgusting." the Geralt turned to the bard and asked "do you get paid for the quests?"
"well Yeah but we didn't get paid for the requests besides having our own lives till like 500 years ago yeah." the Grimace really told the rest what and why that was really sad till: "really why?" asked Coen "because the gods and immortal beings giving us those quests and give us money or payment that actually was worth crap till 500 years ago because of Percy Jackson and sally Jackson who is the grandmaster of the school."
they nodded and then Triss spoke "well i am glad you guys are getting paid." she got smiles from Jaskier who went to the food and ate. he swore he saw a Wolf Witcher smiling waving in the window and Jaskier nodded to the window. the smell of family was thick and welcomed.
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scavengedluxury · 3 years
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I’ve wanted to see Wolcott for a while and here it is!
Starring George Harris (probably best known for playing Kingsley Shacklebolt in the Harry Potter franchise), this 1981 miniseries was the first UK TV drama with a black lead. Intended as a pilot for a 13-part series, Wolcott was never renewed as Central TV thought the premise of the show (black cop confronts racism deeply entrenched in the force) too much of a political hot potato after the Brixton, Dalston and Toxteth riots that took place within a few months of the show airing. A skeleton in ITV’s closet, Wolcott was never repeated and was only released on DVD a few years ago.
George Harris gives an intense performance as Wolcott, a very nuanced delivery of a flawed, complex lead. Who else is in it? There are some interesting cameos. A very young Rik Mayall plays a racist policeman, Alexei Sayle plays a hawker of a Socialist Worker type paper and Keith Allen plays a National Front thug. In the supporting roles, Hugh Quarshie is memorable as Wolcott’s childhood friend, now a youth worker who pricks his conscience about how the police treat the local kids. Warren Clarke and Chris Ellison both chew the scenery as an old school East End gang boss and a bent copper. In many ways it’s a very brash, sensationalist, pulpy show. The dialogue has dated very badly in places and it’s never going to pass the Bechdel test. The violence and frequent racial slurs would never be allowed on TV today, but at the same time Wolcott is very ahead of its time, with morally ambiguous characters on both sides of the law and in black and white communities. The language is hard to take at times but the show takes a hard and unflinching look at institutional racism that modern TV usually shies away from.
The whole production was shot on 35mm film and the transfer looks great. The production values are very high with lots of atmospheric location shooting in Hackney and Dalston (amazing shots of Wolcott patrolling brutalist walkways!), very 80s interiors and Wolcott’s dapper Burberry fits. Cinematography is by the great Roger Deakins who went on to give the Coen bothers’ films their unique look and you can definitely see his visual style developing with lots of great use of colour and shadow. It’s a very pacey and slick show for the era and the casting of Christine Lahti as an American reporter in London suggests the producers had an eye on selling it to the US. I wonder if it ever aired there? The ending was clearly meant to be a cliffhanger, leaving the viewer wondering where the show would have gone. Wolcott is worth watching for Harris’s magnetic performance and the stunning visuals.
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trans-advice · 4 years
i’m sad and dysphoric and i need a name so i’m trying to do that instead of just being a blob so,, idk wanna help me? my given name starts with c and i think i want to stay in that area so my initials don’t change (i really like carter or copper) but i don’t really know and i might go with something outside of that. so yeah any help would be appreciated!! tysm
so starting with your given name, i would try to figure out what sounds you miss the most when people mispronounce your name & then use names that involve that sound. the good news is that the letter c has many sounds related to it which i will spell out as k, s, sh, ch, ts, even a raspy h.
now idk if you have a middle name, but for my chosen name, i decided to drop my middle name since i had hated it for a very long time & i made my middle initial start the same as my given name. so when i have a debit card for example my old initial is now my middle inital between my first & last name. i’ve found it a cool way to do that.
also here are some names inspired by carter & i assume you typo’d cooper, but i’ll also include copper just in case. i focused mainly on k sounding names with c initials due to carter & copper/cooper starting with k sounds.
- cartier
- cody
- cory
- charlie
- carl
- clark
- coen
- chuy
- chase
- casper
- clifford
- crimson
- colby
good luck, peace & love,
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intransigent-boy · 5 years
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My Top Ten Films of The Decade.
10. Her
Okay, so whether you like it or not, this movie is about the present. This movie tells a very powerful story with an embarrasingly personal narrative. You feel sorry for the main character, it makes you so uncomfortable. And the reason is, because we are all in some sense are like this guy, Theodore. We have better relationships online, and with our advices, than with real people. It’s a really bizarre conception, but we should face it, and ask ourselves: Where is the limit?  The script is just brilliant, but also has very controversial scenes. Joaquin Phoenix is simply the perfect choice for a lonely man, like Theodore. Melancholy everywhere, and great visuals. Arcade Fire made the music for this, and it was pure melancholy. Very interesting film.
9. The Place Beyond The Pines
Derek Cianfrance is an exceptional director. He can wonderfully create an atmosphere with great lighting techiques, unique musics, and of course with talented actors. This movie has a linear, but quite unusual story-structure. The main theme haunts you after you watched this. Legacy! 
8. Nightcrawler
Louis Bloom is something of a loner who is unemployed and ekes out a living stealing and then reselling copper wire, fencing and most anything else he can get his hands on. When late one night he comes across an accident being filmed by independent news photographer Joe Loder, he thinks he may have found something he would be good at. He acquires an inexpensive video camera and a police scanner and is soon spending his nights racing to accidents, robberies and fire scenes. He develops a working relationship with Nina Romina, news director for a local LA TV station. As the quality of his video footage improves so does his remuneration and he hires Rick, young and unemployed, to work with him. The more successful he becomes however, the more apparent it becomes that Louis will do anything - anything - to get visuals from crime scenes. The conception is just brilliant, and screams to your face, what kind of society are we living in. I think Psychopathy is going to be one of the biggest issue in our generation asides with mental illneses. And this movie reflects perfectly. You understand the character, which is geniusly performed by Jake Gyllenhaal. 
7. Inside Llewyn Davis
The Coen brothers' exquisitely sad and funny new comedy is set in a world of music that somehow combines childlike innocence with an aged and exhausted acceptance of the world. It is a beguilingly studied period piece from America's early-60s Greenwich Village folk scene. Every frame looks like a classic album cover, or at the very least a great inner gatefold – these are screen images that look as if they should have lyrics and sleeve notes superimposed. This film was notably passed over for Oscar nominations. Perhaps there's something in its unfashionable melancholy that didn't hook the attention of Academy award voters. But it is as pungent and powerfully distinctive as a cup of hot black coffee. This movie is about sacrificing everything for your art, directionlessness  (is there such a word?) , and finding the right path. Existential theme, with surpisingly good acting from Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, and Justin Timberlake. This is an Odyssey-story from the 1960′s America. What more you could ask for? 
6. Dunkirk
Reinventing a genre is quite exceptional. And Nolan did it. The best war movies of the last 20 years, including Saving Private Ryan and Hacksaw Ridge, have also placed viewers in the centre of battle. Nolan has not reinvented that immersive approach, but he comes close to perfecting it. The story structure is-again- brilliant. There’s no main character in the movie-just like in a war-but only  scared people. They want to go home. But they can’t. We’re with them with their struggle, and fears. We’re in the air, land, or water, it’s just a haunting terror.  And the soundtrack from Hans Zimmer is really remarkable. You hear it, and you recognize the movie. That’s what I call a score. Reflects perfectly, and holds the attention throughout the whole movie.
5. Hell or High Water
Another genre-twister masterpiece. This Neo-Western is just pure art. Hell or High Water is a film about a criminal  who commits the ultimate offence of putting his gorgeous and much nicer brother in a ski mask for several minutes of this film. Okay actually it’s about a career criminal brother and his he-wasn’t-but-he-is-now criminal brother who team up to commit a series of small-scale bank robberies across Texas, with the aim, finally – after several generations – of lifting the family out of seemingly inescapable grinding poverty. The part of Texas they live in is dying on its feet so career criminal is pretty much the only career left open that doesn’t involve serving in a diner or herding the few remaining cattle. It would’ve been easy for Hell or High Water to to turn out a cliche-ridden double bromance as there are quite a few movie tropes in this love story / revenge thriller, so it’s a tribute to director David Mackenzie that it’s actually a very touching, at times funny, at times quite brutal story. With a bit of grudge-bearing thrown in at the end to stop it being too redemptive. Memorable scenes, great acting, and a deromanticized western-feeling. After this film, you want to live in Texas, where everything’s slower, but sometimes you can chase criminals. It’s nice, isn’t it? 
4. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Martin McDonagh’s fiercely written, stabbingly pleasurable tragicomedy stars a magnificent Frances McDormand; watching it is like having your funny bone struck repeatedly, expertly and very much too hard by a karate super-black-belt capable of bringing a rhino to its knees with a single punch behind the ear. He’s a scriptwriter genius, it was shocking, how perfectly the dialouges and the actions were constructed. It is a film about vengeance, violence and the acceptance of death, combining subtlety and unsubtlety, and moreover wrongfooting you as to what and whom it is centrally about. The drama happens in a town with an insidiously pessimistic name – Ebbing, Missouri, a remote and fictional community in the southern United States, where the joy of life does seem to be receding. There is a recurrent keynote of elegiac sadness established by the Irish ballad The Last Rose of Summer and Townes Van Zandt’s country hit Buckskin Stallion Blues, a musical combination which bridges the Ireland which McDonagh has written about before and the America he conjures up here, an America which has something of the Coen Brothers. The resemblance is not simply down to McDormand, though she does give her best performance since her starring role as the pregnant Minnesota police chief in the Coens’ Fargo in 1996. It was brutal, controversial, and violent. 
3. Midnight in Paris
The definitive poem in English on the subject of cultural nostalgia may be a short verse by Robert Browning called “Memorabilia.” The past seems so much more vivid, more substantial, than the present, and then it evaporates with the cold touch of reality. The good old days are so alluring because we were not around, however much we wish we were. “Midnight in Paris,” Woody Allen’s charming film, imagines what would happen if that wish came true. It is marvelously romantic, even though — or precisely because — it acknowledges the disappointment that shadows every genuine expression of romanticism. The film has the inspired silliness of some of Mr. Allen’s classic comic sketches (most obviously, “A Twenties Memory,” in which the narrator’s nose is repeatedly broken by Ernest Hemingway), spiked with the rueful fatalism that has characterized so much of his later work. Nothing here is exactly new, but why would you expect otherwise in a film so pointedly suspicious of novelty? Very little is stale, either, and Mr. Allen has gracefully evaded the trap built by his grouchy admirers and unkind critics — I’m not alone in fitting both descriptions — who complain when he repeats himself and also when he experiments. Not for the first time, but for the first time in a while, he has found a credible blend of whimsy and wisdom.
2. Beautiful Boy 
This supersensitive and tasteful movie is all but insufferable, suppressing a sob at the tragedy of drug addiction afflicting someone so young and “beautiful”. It is based on what is effectively a matching set of memoirs: Beautiful Boy, by author and journalist David Sheff, his harrowing account of trying to help his son Nic battle crystal meth addiction, and Tweak – by Nic Sheff himself, about these same experiences, the author now, thankfully, eight years clean. Steve Carell does an honest, well-meaning job in the role of David and the egregiously beautiful Timothée Chalamet is earnest in the part of Nic, David’s son from his first marriage. This is like a modern-day Basketball Diaries. Honest, and Raw. Most underrated movie of the 2010′s, with an unquestionably important topic. 
1. The Social Network
Before Sorkin wrote the screenplay, Ben Mezrich wrote the book based on Mark Zuckerberg and the founding of Facebook titled: The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal. It was published in July 2009, and most of the information came from Facebook “co-founder” Eduardo Saverin, who in the film is played by Andrew Garfield. The screenplay that Sorkin wrote was blazing, he wrote the characters like they were in a William Shakespeare play, with a story full of lies, jealousy, and betrayal. I especially love how Sorkin balanced the story between 2003, 2004, and then 2010. It goes back and forth between the past when Facebook was just an idea for Mark, and in the current day when he is being sued by Cameron & Tyler Winklevoss for, in their minds, having stolen their original idea, and by his former best friend Eduardo for having him pushed out of the company. In fact, some of the very best dialogue (and the film is full of great quotes) happens during the deposition scenes. Well-recognizable, rapid-fire dialouges, wonderful directing, with Trent Reznor’s greatest soundtrack. The movie’s probably going to outlive the Facebook itself, and that’s just great. 
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pebl-design · 5 years
Dupont Avenue: A Long Time Coming...
Before there were kids involved we just sat on the front porch, ignoring the derelict status of our backyard. Our tall fence shielded the neighbors view and, in kind, hid our shame as Landscape Architects, filling out the stereotype of designers who live in un-designed spaces  We knew the potential for our space and yet time is and was always the challenge; when and how do you carve out the time to escape work and family priorities in order to redirect the effort necessary to “make” your own space.
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We didn’t need much, simplicity and function, with a well-crafted frame would do the trick. I proposed to my family a concept of five rectangles: wood, concrete, copper, turf, and meadow. The children countered with a pirate tree house connected to a princess tower via a rollercoaster... Dad won!
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Without a budget to support our vision, we made several decisions that kept costs down. 1. We did all the planning and had everything streamlined in order to ensure an efficient construction process. 2. We took on as much work as possible, from demo to planting. 3. We leveraged our friendships for help with the concrete and sod installation. 4. We recycled the copper screens from a project being demoed downtown. 5. We utilized seeds and propogation for nearly all plants. My wife thought I was crazy the day I showed up and started jabbing sticks into the “meadow” rectangle, I had harvested the “free” tree whips from my cousins property in Frontenac and they quickly established a beautiful scrim of sumac. 
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The design provides subtle privacy and programmatic clarity...a fancy way to say that I can play catch with my kids and enjoy a glass of wine with my wife. The perforated copper screens were reclaimed from Minneapolis’ Westminster Church, via the demolition of a project that my former office (Coen + Partners) had designed.  The materiality and formal organization reflect our personal love for modern design and (we believe) complement the scale and craftsmanship of our classic Lowry Hill home. The resultant space is contemporary, tranquil, and provides the kids a stellar place to roast marshmallows or create their own art!
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merryfortune · 7 years
princess tutu: ever after high au
shut the fuck up we all know ever after high is my guilty pleasure so aLL ABOARD THE AU TRAIN
In addition to “Royals” (those who accept/like their fate) and “Rebels” (those who fight fate) there are now Comedies and Tragedies. .
Comedies: fairy tales/characters with happy endings, tragies fairy tales/characters with fatal endings. Originally, most sutdents were tragedies but as their stries evolved, a divide emerged but there are “neutral” students who have odd fates or do not have the full story yet
Ahiru Tullebody: daughter of Princess Tutu [real name Odette Tullebody] was a neutral Royal until she discovered that should she act on her love for her crush, she would turn to be a speck of light, she became  tragic Rebel but what’s this...? The strange forces of day to day life have pulled her and her arch nemesis Fakir together... what cOuLd PoSiBiLy hApPeN nOw?
Fakir Coen: son of Lohengrin [real name Sloane Coen] is a Neutral Royal. He hates the meddling of the girls and wants their story to stay on track regardless of what tragedies may come.  However, as he becomes closer to Ahiru for plot reasons, he comes to terms with the fact that he’s closer to Tragic Royal on the aligment chart than anything else as he’s petrified of his ending and slowly falling in love with Ahiru too.
Rue Blackwing: daughter of Princess Khaehe [real name Odile Blackwing] is a Tragic Rebel determined to make sure that she becomes the one who controls hr fate and ensures that Mytho remains in love her and that she cuts the nasty parts of her story out; such a rejection from her father and rejection from Mytho. Contrary to popular belief, no relation to the Swan family
Mytho Siegfried Goodman: the lost heir of Prince Siegfried [real name Siegbert Goodman] is no where to be on the alignment chart because his story has started whether he likes it or not. That means, he has no memories and no emotions and hasn’t registered that this is not a normal high school (for both lols and angsts). 
Pique Copper: daughter of Coppelia [real name Hilda Copper] and cousins with  the Tin Man and his family. Her name in this instance is a reference to how books can pique one’s interests. She is a Comedy Royal destined to gain all emotions and become a bookkeeper in a high tower who will attract requited love from Autor... except, she’s not sure if Autor is The One
Lilie Clearwater: daughter of the Nixie In The Pond [real name Nyx Clearwater]. Lilie is an agent of chaos and considers herself Neutral Royal and has no qualms about the fact she is something of a villain in her story but is somewhat sympathetic towards the rebel cause as that brings about a new type of chaos. Nothing makes her happier than spreading a bit of bad luck and confusion and something about Ahiru and Pique’s has really caught her interest.
Autor Franz, son of Franz [real name Francis Franz] is more obsessed by the books that Pique keeps than Pique herself and has a crush on Rue. He does a lot for the AU’s plot as he is a trigger for when Drosselmeyer is involved
I have no clue what the plot is but there will be plot, probably and I want to come up with character designs
Part 1 | Part 2
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klassy-kk-blog · 7 years
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Coen Table Lamp In Copper With White Cotton Shade ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more geometric table lamps)
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keenkylook · 7 years
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Coen Table Lamp In Copper With White Cotton Shade ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more geometric table lamps)
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Coen Table Lamp In Copper With White Cotton Shade ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more copper lamps)
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nouphabdulla · 7 years
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Coen Table Lamp in Copper with White Cotton Shade ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more copper table lamps)
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enricaelle · 7 years
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Coen Table Lamp in Copper with White Cotton Shade ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more geometric lighting)
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ciera-ci95 · 7 years
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Coen Table Lamp in Copper with White Cotton Shade ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more copper lamps)
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upthereandback · 7 years
09/08 After the Glass was replaced we got a Polycarbonate sheet for the rear window and replaced the damaged tyre of Coen gutter fame. Linda had a hair cut, shopped till we dropped at Coles and got ready to head west.
10/08 Chillagoe is another historic mining town with limestone caves of fame.
Did a tour through Donna cave, with 12 other nomads and promptly got a cold.
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Guess where the cave got its name
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Bedroom Curtain
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Exit stairs
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Rocks above too!!
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Balancing Rock is another Geo feature of the area.
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Archways 15k west has some Rock Art
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The discovery of Copper, silver, lead, zinc & gold, the Smelter opened in 1901 after the Mareeba-Chillagoe railway was completed.
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klassy-kk-blog · 7 years
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Coen Table Lamp In Copper With White Cotton Shade ❤ liked on Polyvore (see more copper table lamps)
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