#copywriting vs copyrighting
awaketake · 2 years
What is copywriting and why should you learn it?
Copywriting will allow you to make more sales with the same budget.
Or boost your service fee and salary. By increasing conversion rates, you are bringing more sales.
And getting more sales for businesses is one of the most valuable skills in the world!
We will start by defining what copywriting is, what it is not and what you can use it for.
Then you will see an example of a sales funnel. It will put everything into perspective and show you what can happen when you write great copy.
Once you understand why learning copywriting is so important… You can start using the AIA framework to write copy that converts.
None of these matters if you don't put it in practice. So, you might want to put it into work by creating some campaigns to learn what works best.
We will close with some great books and tools to help you improve your skills and write faster.
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Logo wars: the unicorn vs. the griffin
Ever since August, the battle between the Warchief and the Sassenach has been lurking somewhere, on the outskirts of my radar. While some still deny there is anything going wrong between S and McTavish, I have strong reservations it's all about sunshine, lollipops and roses in that department. And I couldn't help but wonder if the key to the problem was not to be found in the very disingenuous way Graham chose to build the marketing strategy of his products and to update his own personal brand, in the process.
So I took a deep dive into socials and this is something that is going to take some more time to complete. If this kind of content is not your jam or you disagree with my premises, it's totally fine with me, but maybe you should skip these posts. And since we have to start somewhere, let's start with their companies' logos: they have a lot of things to tell us.
Soon after the Remarkable Week-end, S finally unveiled a business project he'd been alluding to for quite a while (if anything is wrong in here, kindly correct me in comments). This was the logo and the slogan they are still using until today:
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The Sassenach Unique Spirits. Spirit of Home.
As compared with what McTavish released this summer:
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McTavish Spirits. A Scotsman's Dream of America.
First logo: clean, sober lines. A Unicorn, whose contours seem more aptly designed for a sports car or a new, innovative line of home equipment (think rather audio systems, not refrigerators). Or even an elegant, country life oriented clothing line, with all the paraphernalia (gloves, scarves, etc - but we already knew about the First Love tartan, then, so it's still a possibility).
Unique spirits, with all my deep affection and due respect for a real effort, is not the best they could have come up with. You see, that's hardly a sales argument or an efficient pitch. Just like any dog owner on this planet would tell you that Bebe or Fido or Snoopy are 'the best dogs ever', a new entrepreneur would confidently tell you his booze is 'unique'. The effort S put into patiently educating his passion for whisky and creating something personal out of it deserved better. Not the completely expected and almost meaningless 'unique' - this is very lazy copywriting, I think (not a copywriter, just an exacting client, here). It spells low budget where we needed something irresistible.
Onwards to the Unicorn. Of course, it's all about Scotland - it's whisky, for Christ's sake. But, it's also about this:
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This is the sixth panel of one of the most moving, exquisite things that ever graced this planet: The Lady and the Unicorn cycle of Flemish tapestries, now making the pride and joy of the Cluny National Museum of the Middle Ages, in Paris. A place I know well and was a very frequent visitor of, when I was living just about three blocks away from it. Its story has to do with the Five Senses and this is the last panel, featuring a mysterious message on that lavish tent's roof:
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A mon seul Désir. It's French for: "To my sole desire". Unique, indeed.
Let's let things flow a bit in free association mode (I know Puffy did it on her blog with the Barbour project, but she didn't invent it and she certainly has no copyright - so yeah, waiting for a couple more idiots to block right after posting this):
Unicorn... Scotland... legend... purity...even Mary Queen of Scots asked for a unicorn horn to make sure the water was not poisoned, while in prison... untamed...chivalry.... woman...only a woman can tame and lure a unicorn... Medieval...Cluny... desire... sole desire... soul desire (heh)...unique...passion.... statement... labor of love... personal testimony...first love and we wrap it up nicely with a smile ('she is the original Sassenach', ahem).
That was the first set of (genuine) talking points he went with. Now, we deal with a contorted & painful explanation: Scotland is an inclusive nation and land, I am the Sassenach, etc. What do our unsuspecting American friends know, after all? But to a #silly European, it makes no sense: yes, Scotland is a very inclusive, open and even avantgarde society for many things, but this is whisky and should spell tradition, not innovation. It should spell mystery and something that comes (at great costs) from a faraway, fabled land of mists and druids and lochs. Not from a blaring EDI crossroads, where people are gathered to protest against global warming. Then how about that unnecessary 'I am the Sassenach' - no, Sir, you aren't, plus I hope you know how we, shippers immediately interpret it ('blood of my blood and bone of my bone' - 😁).
But your main problem with the name and the brand that goes along with is not even this. The problem is that a unicorn is always female. You have a feminine brand for a masculine product.
So instead of a haphazard explanation which smells of improv, why not just take the second, abstract, meaning of unicorn and just say cheekily something along those loose lines, for example:
'Well, we are a new, innovative enterprise which aspires to be a smaller unicorn in the world of spirits. Maybe we'll never make it to 1 billion dollars, but it's the bravery and the innovative spirit that we bring with us from Scotland, our home (cue in waxing lyrical and fill in the blanks with all the tropes you can think of). So we're the new kid on the block, the outsider, the underdog set to conquer new lands and new opportunities, exactly like Jamie Fraser, the character I play in OL does (cue in credible retconning of your initial strategy: you need a new client base to generate sales volume & secure or even multiply returning sales and those people DGAF about OL).'
Granted, you'll totally throw under the bus the whole initial plan, but hey - it's an elegant way out of a conundrum.
Second logo, quite a different situation. It's busy, busy, busy with the kind of motifs that make one immediately think of an engraved Colt grip. Something like this, perhaps, only stylized:
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Instead of the Unicorn, we have a double beast: a Lion and an Eagle. In Ancient Greece, this mythical combo was called a  γρύψ (gryps), which later gave 'griffin' in English. It is a hybrid, but then so is bourbon. The Lion is a symbol for the European roots of the brand and the Eagle, well - easy, America, pointing West and meaning new perspectives, freedom, etc. But the brand is McTavish Spirits, in a very personal approach: this is my bourbon (isn't it ironic, for a white label project?) and this is my story and these are my (a Scotsman's) dreams of America. Transparent. Legible. I mean business - this is not a labor of love.
Free association again:
The Lion self... the Older, Wiser Guy... the Leader... the Statesman... Dougal MacKenzie...the (hello) Warchief...but this is America... so I am also the Lonely Gunman... I am exploring a New Frontier... bringing my past with me (all the classy, gentleman-like persona)... telling my personal story, too, in the process... from my Scottish roots to making it in Hollywood... so I am also The Storyteller (unlike that young nincompoop, who just goes zorbing and chases barmaids) ... so, maybe, just maybe if you listen to my stories, you will forget I put zero effort into trying samples and touring the whole land looking for perfect balance, and just went for the easy solution and a quick buck... buy my booze and I'll tell you more... I am reliable and tried and tested and still young enough and strong enough and determined enough (the Eagle) to have a new wife and new plans.
Plus: a masculine brand for a masculine product. I won't keep scores for a while, but pfff... point taken.
This is not only logo conception copycat and shameless, reactive competition, on very thin ice and on a (at this point in time, at least) very slim portion of the market. This is, mark me, war between two people who still have some gigs together.
We'll see next time who shows up at their parallel events and buys their booze and also how they choose to engage (or not) with these people. I think I begin to understand what McTavish's brand strategy is, but I need to have a second, closer look. More on this, tomorrow.
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dc-polls · 10 months
"That Really Happened?!" DC Comics Tournament Round 1 - Match C3
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[ID: Two images of cropped comics panels. The first is Disappointment, who wears a red cape but it otherwise a white silhouette with "Withheld due to copyright" stamped on it. The second image is a close up of young Lex Luthor's displeased face. /END]
Submission Witheld Due to Copywrite
Lex Luthor Stole 40 Cakes (And That's Terrible)
Make sure to follow the links above to read more about each event!
Which one is more shocking, unbelievable or just plain wild?
As always you can find all posts related to the tournament using #dc-polls-trh
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
what’s the deal with china copying some things b/c i was really surprised to find out that one of the jttw movies imitated azura’s wrath with the giant being vs. “hero” scene. buddha’s palm > wukong turns into a giant ape > wukong gets crushed under palm scene in the movie. i honestly don’t know the chinese laws or culture to this type of thing.
I’m sorry to say that I have no idea what Azura’s wrath is? Is that a video game or something?
But in any case… what you just described as like pretty one-to-one with what’s in the book with a few liberties. Buddha's palm crushes Sun Wukong yes. Sometimes moves or shows have them fight a little bit more. I think I know which movie you’re talking about and while it is heavily CGIed It isn’t too unusual when it comes to more dramatic Xiyouji takes.
I’m sorry to say, but if it’s just one scene that’s close to some kind of video game move then all I can tell you is that when it comes to subduing enemies they’re only so many ways to make a dramatic and a single fight scene. It’s a one-hit-kill move and I think in order to make it look more like a “fight” they bring out the big monkey… which also can be used in Xiyouji media depending on the show or movie. And I don’t think I can fall under copyright as a copywriter covers more about like dialogue or plot not finishing moves. unless they use the same animation from the video game I don’t think that could be really a case.
So I would just say… what a neat coincidence!
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100 blog topics for a content writing course
Here are 100 blog topics for a content writing course:
Basics of Content Writing
Introduction to Content Writing: What You Need to Know
The Importance of Content Writing in Digital Marketing
Different Types of Content Writing
Essential Skills for Content Writers
Understanding Your Audience: Key to Effective Content
How to Research for Content Writing
Creating an Effective Content Strategy
SEO Basics for Content Writers
The Role of Keywords in Content Writing
How to Write Compelling Headlines
Writing Techniques
The Art of Storytelling in Content Writing
Writing Engaging Blog Posts
Crafting Effective Web Content
How to Write Product Descriptions
The Power of Persuasive Writing
Writing for Social Media: Tips and Tricks
Email Writing: How to Craft Emails that Convert
Content Writing for E-commerce Sites
Using Visuals to Enhance Your Content
How to Write Case Studies
Advanced Writing Skills
Mastering the Art of Copywriting
Writing for Different Platforms: Adapting Your Style
How to Write Long-Form Content
Creating Evergreen Content
The Role of Tone and Voice in Content Writing
Writing for International Audiences
How to Write Engaging Video Scripts
The Impact of Content Writing on Brand Building
Developing a Unique Writing Style
How to Use Data to Enhance Your Content
SEO and Analytics
Advanced SEO Techniques for Content Writers
How to Use Google Analytics for Content Writing
The Role of Backlinks in SEO
Writing Meta Descriptions that Boost Click-Through Rates
Understanding Content Metrics: Measuring Success
SEO Tools Every Content Writer Should Know
How to Perform a Content Audit
Using Content Writing to Improve Website Ranking
Local SEO and Content Writing
Content Writing for Voice Search Optimization
Content Planning and Strategy
How to Create a Content Calendar
Brainstorming Techniques for Content Ideas
The Role of Content in Customer Journey Mapping
Content Repurposing: Maximizing Your Efforts
How to Develop a Content Marketing Funnel
Collaborating with Other Writers and Creators
Content Gap Analysis: Finding Opportunities
How to Write a Content Brief
The Role of User-Generated Content
Building a Content Marketing Team
Specific Content Types
How to Write White Papers
Crafting Effective Press Releases
Writing Technical Content
Content Writing for the Healthcare Industry
How to Write Testimonials and Reviews
Writing for the Finance Industry
How to Write Educational Content
Content Writing for Nonprofits
Writing Content for B2B vs. B2C
How to Write Legal Content
Content Promotion and Distribution
Strategies for Promoting Your Content
Using Social Media for Content Distribution
How to Leverage Influencers for Content Promotion
The Role of Email Marketing in Content Distribution
Creating a Content Distribution Plan
Paid Advertising for Content Promotion
Building an Audience for Your Content
Content Syndication: Expanding Your Reach
Using Forums and Online Communities for Content Promotion
Measuring the Success of Content Promotion Efforts
Productivity and Tools
Time Management Tips for Content Writers
The Best Tools for Content Writing
How to Avoid Writer’s Block
Creating a Productive Writing Environment
Using Content Templates to Streamline Your Writing
How to Stay Updated with Content Writing Trends
Managing Multiple Content Projects
The Role of AI in Content Writing
Freelance Content Writing: Tips and Tricks
Balancing Creativity and Deadlines
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Understanding Copyright and Plagiarism in Content Writing
The Ethics of Content Writing
How to Source and Attribute Content Properly
Writing Accurate and Reliable Content
Data Privacy and Content Writing
Handling Negative Feedback and Criticism
The Role of Fact-Checking in Content Writing
Writing for Sensitive Topics
How to Handle Content Revisions and Edits
The Importance of Transparency in Content Writing
Career Development
Building a Portfolio as a Content Writer
How to Pitch Your Writing Services
Networking Tips for Content Writers
Continuing Education for Content Writers
Building a Personal Brand as a Content Writer
Finding Content Writing Jobs
How to Price Your Content Writing Services
The Benefits of Joining Writing Communities
The Future of Content Writing
Success Stories: Interviews with Professional Content Writers
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stepphase · 2 years
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Content Writing Vs. CopyWriting : What Will Make More Money
Hello Friends…..sometimes you must be in confusion that what can make you more money content writing, copywriting or both. Be with me through this article to find out which will pay money more..! Today i will help you make more money on your own terms.
In this article, i am gonna be discussing which form of writing can pay you the most amount of money. Before that just note that more money does not equal to more happiness.
"Happiness lies in the joy of achievements and the thrill of your creative efforts"
What Will Make More Money? Conetent Writing or CopyWriting
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Now there's a lot of people who learn content writing with copywriting because these two skill sets actually go hand in hand. I found many peoples who moved on from content to copywriting. Because so on the surface level copywriting does pay you more money. But there are also a lot of peoples who did not go for copywriting. Because copywriting is kind of dependent on how good you are as a writer? Who is capable of getting results? So if you are not capable of getting results, if your strategies don't work then copy may not be a good choice for you even though it is pay more money.
In that case you must stick to content writing, that is literally the gist of this, you will get a lot of idea in this article. You will find which one should you choose for yourself. And yes guys as a bonus, if you read whole article carefully till the end you will get a helpful and worthy ideas. That is definitely gonna make you a lot more money than you're making right now.
Let's start with first, what is content writing and what is copywriting and where do these two meet?
Both content and copy are forms of writing. The core difference being that content writing is more informative. It's more engaging and it is usually written to educate or entertain someone and bring them to websites social media etc platforms as traffic.
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On the other hand copy is written with some kind of strategy to make the person who has come as traffic. Let me explain in very simple words. When you're watching a youtube video from your favorite creator. They are telling you about five things they bought from their local mall that is usually content but if they say stuff like buy this from the link in the description. And they are asking you to take some sort of action. Maybe that is their affiliate link that is copy because that is going to benefit them. More often than not in a financial manner but it can also be like some sort of free registration etc etc.
Example of CopyWriting:
Another great example will be, let's say you have a party. To attend and you are searching for 10 things to wear at a party. Google suggested you a blog post of 10 things that you can wear. When you're reading that article, that article is usually content because it's suggesting new stuff. But let's say that article is posted on the website of a fashion store. And they are asking you to buy that dress from their fashion store. So click here buy this dress right now. Right..? That kind of stuff is usually copyrighted. So, yes i hope that paints a picture for you.
Now to explain even more simply, the first three instagram posts that you see on your feed from creators or influencers or friends. You may follow is usually content. But the third post or the fourth post where you see the advertisement for something that you might have been checking out recently and the post is saying buy this. Now that is copy my friend….!!! And copy is actually hard to write. Likewse businesses invest in good copywriters. So that they can get them sales. So from my side i belived that Copywriting is more important than Content Writing.
Why is copywriting is more important than content writing?
Well traffic is relatively easier to drive. All right it is easy to drive traffic just by running ads or making some sort of trendy viral content. But taking this traffic and converting this traffic into clients or customers is hard. Okay. So content writers do the first part of this and copywriters make these leads into clients. And that this part is actually very hard that converting the person into a buyer. That's why if you are capable of making someone buy your product or your clients product then you become an invaluable asset to the whole world to be honest.
Because persuading someone to buy is the biggest skill in this world. And when you do that in writing that is basically copywriting. So i hope that makes sense to you why copywriting. i feel it is more important than content writing. But as of now, if i can say both do go hand in hand.
Let me give you a quick and easy example of coaching and learning industry. And let's take example of health and fitness coach. Now the health and fitness coach had a program of about five thousand dollars all right. Which is a lot right. Now this person first of all needs to have a lot of free content available.
It's very very unlikely that someone will just land on their sales page and buy a 5000 course or a product without even checking their social proof. So they'll probably check out their free content on youtube, on their blog, on their social media etc.
So for these platforms they need a content writer to create this. Because they have their own business of health coaching right. They cannot be expected to also write the content and create the content. So they will probably hire a content writer to do that content for them. This content is going to not only act as social proof. But also drive more traffic to this health coach's website or social media. So that person can make the sales.
When these people are finding out about that person's expertise in health coaching. When these people are finding out about how good he/she is at certain areas of health and fitness they will probably be intent on learning more from their especially if they are intent on learning more about fitness and in this at this point they can present them with their offer of this five thousand dollar course.
Now people may love this coach, they may love their free product but people don't buy something worth five thousand dollars just by reading a few lines right..! They need to read a lot about, who this coach? Is what does they exactly help? People with like you may love this coach. But let's say this coach helps you lose weight and you actually want to gain weight then there's gonna be a contradiction right. So you will be reading this offer, you'll also be probably willing to read about other people who have already worked with this coach because it's a huge investment.
All right you may also want to know about what the refund policies are like if there are any you may also want to know about what's the technique in which this. This coach works different, and the coaches have different techniques.
Let's say this coach has more of a nutrition focused technique and you don't really want to do that. You are more into workouts then this may not be a good fit for you. So they has to communicate all these things in their landing page as their sales copy all right.
I am giving you an example of this also, so that you get an idea of what it may look like. But this is actually copy and not everyone can write good copy all right. That's what this is why copywriters are hired not to write uncertain number of words but rather to create sales for the product or the service they are writing for and here a conflict arises because most often content writers are paid on the number of words they write.
But copywriters are paid on what is the effect of the words they write. In fact top copywriters often don't charge for their words but rather a base fee plus a percentage of the income they will get for or rather their client will get using their copy.
Why CopyWriters are so important?
let's say your website gets about 1000 visitors every month okay..! That's a very practical number and out of those thousand people, 10 people buy your 10,000 rupee product, that means you're making one lakh every month from your current visitors.
If you are investing in a copywriter and they give you a very good piece of copy it's very likely that instead of one person conversion you might get two or three person conversion that basically means instead of 10 people buying you might get 20 or 30 people buying. That will mean your income will skyrocket to two or three lakhs instead of just one lakh you just doubled or tripled your income and this is very common. In fact in many campaign we tried out different variations of copy and some didn't convert at all. While others got so many leads and conversions, that it was crazy.
So, testing is the way to go so and this is why copy is really important because it may directly result someone making much much more money with the same amount of traffic. So this is the basic importance of copy.
Now that i've told you the importance of CopyWriting. i need to also tell you about the importance of Content Writing itself all right.
Content Writing:
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Content writing and CopyWriting can not exist in isolation they actually perform best together okay. If there's a business which only has copy that is basically a sales page and all they are doing is say buy my product….buy my product. I don't think anyone is going to buy right.
Know more about Content Writing : Certified tips to write effective and creative content
But if a business has only content that is they are just sharing free on information and they have nothing to sell they are not trying to sell at all, then they may not be making any money. Because no one knows about their offer itself. So no business can work only with content because then they can't make sales or only with copy because then people may not trust them right. So any good business needs both content and copy.
I hope that you've got a clear idea of what is content and copy content. Copy is all around us, anyone can be creating either just that in content you need research and writing skills in copy. You also need strategy and power of persuasion all right. You need to know what are the things you need to say in order to make someone buy something and that is a skill that takes years to master.
Also Read : Eassiest Way to Make Money online 2021
In coclusion, i hope that you found this article informative and helpful. I hope that you'll be able to take a decision on whether you should be a content writer or copywriter or actually both. In that case, if you will able to choose any option please let us know in comment section. We will become happy, if one can choose inspiring from our information. And regarding any other queries feel free to drop a message to stepphase. Thank You.
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so, i want to take a little time to discuss the demo for "he's a liar" and what it shows us about their process. what we hear is a little bit of the existing backing track, the vibe in place, and barry laying down the framework for the entire melody, including instrumental solos. we are very fortunate to have this and other pieces that show their writing process, but this one in particular is such an early form of the song, this is being written in real time. we hear the song in such infancy that very few words are in place other than the hook, the melody isn't solidified, and as barry is the only one singing, no harmony is in place. this is still just an idea. it'll be crafted into a song as each brother gives their input on the rhythm, melody, instrumentation, and lyrics, and how their own voices will be utilized.
so, if you can pardon the watermark, this is another phenomenal showcase of what their writing procedure was like, this time with all three brothers in view, with the rest of the band. this shows us a great deal of the process, but knowing this was filmed for the spirits having flown special, this *cough cough* may have been a little more staged than the very raw demo we get in "he's a liar." however, it shows much more of the song crafting process. since the brothers did not "write" music, by way of transcription, their writing has to be live, and the song has to take shape not just as notes on a page, but as melodies formed and taught vocally to other personnel. we see them in the booth, directing each other, figuring out sounds and production and every little piece. if we pair what we see here with the demo, we get a pretty good picture of what writing looked like for them.
in that regard, i want to talk about "song creation" and "music writing." in the 1983 selle vs gibb case, a songwriter claimed to have written the melody to "how deep is your love" two years before the song's release, having published sheet music and copywriting his work. the gibbs, unable to write or read music notation, had no access to this work, and offered their studio tapes as evidence--hearing as they worked out "how deep is your love" note by note. the jury ruled in favor of the plaintiff, because his work had come first and they were unmistakably similar. however, no criminal act had actually occurred, as they had no way of copying it, no way of ever accessing, hearing, or reading this man's work, and the judge threw out the jury verdict. the melodies were similar, but there was simply no crime committed--they were coincidentally the same. having to prove they "wrote" how deep is your love, while unable to formally write or read music notation was held against them, because up until that point, copyright law didn't account for songwriters who used other means of bringing their ideas to fruition, or for songs that bore similarity coincidentally. the appeals court upheld the judge's decision, in favor of the gibbs, because while the melodies were similar, there is no way criminal copyright infringement could have taken place. proving pieces are musically similar is not proof of a crime, and the crime is what must be proven in court. (interestingly enough, Led Zeppelin lost this part of their court case, the judge deciding that they absolutely had access to the music they were accused of copying, just that the music wasn't similar enough to consider infringing.)
what makes a song a song, however, is not just the notes on the page, but how they are performed, produced, and treated, which we see heavily throughout the gibb's writing process. they know how they want guitar solos to sound, where they want horns, what synth sounds and percussion and other sound effects they want, what the levels of each track should be--it's all there from almost the very beginning. it just has to be formed, to come from thought to reality, to be communicated and translated and crafted. after robert stigwood stopped producing their tracks, they were able to work with some of the best producers in the business, and become producers, getting involved in every stage of their song-crafting.
so, i have a lot of thoughts about robin's posthumously released "50 St Catherine's Drive" and most of them hinge around the fact that his very clearly unfinished demos were put out into the world with a few sound effects slapped on. while i do not doubt in the least that he would want the world to hear this music, i don't think he'd like knowing that everyone hears "Sydney" as the last pained vocals of a dying man struggling to sing. if you want to hear his last real vocal performance, listen to "Don't Cry Alone" from his magnum opus, the Titanic Requiem. That's his voice, that's completed work. "Sydney" sounds the way it does because it was taken from his garage band files, from either his phone or his computer, as an extremely early demo. it was completely unintended to be heard by others as a finished product at that stage--it was perhaps less developed than the demo we have for "He's a Liar," but was released to the public to judge. the lyrics to "Sydney" speak of triumph, of love, of still having each other despite struggles and loss. if you listen to it as the demo it is, you can hear the broad warmth he meant. if you listen to what was released and judge it as a finished work, you're doing the music (and robin) a disservice. (note: i care too much, but that should have been evident multiple paragraphs ago.) certain pieces on 50 were a little further along, a little more polished. "Wherever You Go" had a full melody line performed, the beginnings of more developed harmony. you can hear him on both the low and high harmonies, not refined performances, just sort of getting them in place. he likely envisioned additional vocalists, backup singers. we have no idea how much of the instrumentation was in place, but i'm guessing a fair amount was. RJ is not my favorite character in this story, but there is no telling what he was met with when he opened his father's files. i know what my voice memos and demos sound like. god only knows what robin had lurking in garage band. that being said, i refuse to believe RJ's choices were good ones.
anyway there's some thoughts for you about bee gees and song writing and lawsuits and posthumous albums and production.
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dogeabone · 2 years
AIT Blog Assignment 2
Blog 2: Image Regulations Please respond to the following.  
1. Explain what copyright means.  
Copyright is when a person claims legal right to print, publish, perform, film or record any number of books, art or musical pieces for a set number of years.  
2. Why do we have copyright laws?  
As of 01/10/2021, the Copyright Act of 1968 has been in force in Australia. 
3. How long does copyright last?  
Copyright periods last for 70 years after the year of the creator's death, even if the creator doesn’t own the copyright. 
4. What will happen if you break copyright laws? Find two (2) examples of when copyright laws were broken, and what action was taken.  
Example #1: Modern Dog Design vs. Target Corporation. The Seattle design firm, Modern dog. Created a series of sketches depicting dogs faces in different breeds, shapes and sizes. They had them in their compendium by Chronicle Books in 2008. They said that their designs had been using in a T-shirt produced by Disney/Target for sale, they filed a lawsuit in 2011. Unfortunately, the battle of the design and copywrite infringement has yet to be decided, so the case is still ongoing, but Modern dog had to sell their firm to cover the costs associated with the lawsuit.  
Example #2: in 1991, Vanilla Ice the singer, created a hit song by the name of “Ice Ice baby” it sampled, but didn’t credit the song “Under Pressure” by David Bowie and Queen. He denied sampling it, saying that it was “a joke”. He faced a lawsuit by the duo, only afterwards did Vanilla Ice confess to sampling the work. The case was settled outside of the public eye, privately between the 3 artists. He ended up paying an undeclared amount of money and having to credit both David Bowie and Queen on the track. 
5. What percentage, if any, of a copyrighted image are you legally allowed to use in your artwork?  
There is a “30% rule”, meaning that you can use 30% of a copywritten image. 
6. What are moral rights?  
Moral Rights is when a creator of art has protection in the personal relationship between them and their creation, even if they don’t own the artwork. 
7. How can you assert your copyright and moral rights when publishing your original artwork? 
If, per say, the artwork is able to be copywritten, then legally, it is already protected by the copyright law. With the use of a symbol, others will know that it is copyright protected however. The symbol in question is this. “©” 
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digitalnomadcafe · 5 years
EP34- Tips To Grow An eCommerce Email Marketing Agency with Daniel from thebudaimedia.com
Hello and welcome to another episode of the Digital Nomad Cafe Podcast I’m your host Adam Finan & todays guest is Daniel Budai from thebudaimedia.com 
Daniel specialises in helping eCommerce store owners with email and messenger marketing and provides a ton of value in Facebook groups. I met him at Affiliate world in Barcelona in 2019 and wanted to bring him on to share his store.
I help ecommerce business owners to get to the moon with email marketing. 🔥🔥
Daniel lives in Budapest, Hungary & you can connect with him on LinkedIn
We discuss:
How Daniel studied Geology in Budapest and then moved into Freelancing on Upwork!
The challenges of being a copyrighter as a non-native speaker.
Scaling your clients on Upwork
Niching into eCommerce copywriting for email marketing and landing pages.
The power of email marketing to grow your business
Hiring a sales person to grow a business
Why Upwork still works for agencies!
Why email marketing is crucial for creating the best customer experience.
Building a team of individual experts vs hiring generalists.
Why you should hire Eastern European Freelancers!
Hiring staff on Linkedin.
Using Linkedin to grow your business and get leads.
Voice messaging on Linkedin
Voice messages in email or short videos - via Tony Robins!
Tips for up and coming digital nomads from Daniel 
Connect online at https://digitalnomadcafe.com/
source https://www.digitalnomadcafe.com/podcast
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manuelozom575-blog · 5 years
20 Questions You Should Always Ask About copyright Before Buying It
And eventually, the really like you make, is equivalent towards the like, you're taking. ~Lennon and McCartney~
I use to have aggravated by Valentines Working day. I regarded it a dollars get perpetrated with the greeting card, floral, lingerie and confectionary industries to get American shoppers to pay $18.6 billion (according to the Countrywide Retail Federation) in an effort to materially express our like for our partners. A ritualized instance of commercial hucksterism.
When reflecting on Valentines Working day and the earnings derived from your notion of love, it transpired to me that if firms truly "occupy" the notion of love within their company cultures, revenue would prosper, leaders would be more fulfilled, as well as ripple effect would transform the social and environmental crises struggling with the World today.
The Enterprise of Love
Why is there no really like in companies? Why is adore all but stricken from the corporate lexicon?
Initial, as business enterprise people today we have been mired within the distorted paradigm that we must "contend" for "our reasonable share" - acquire/drop considering, and that is dependant on the belief that there aren't more than enough resources for everybody to are in material abundance. Scarcity relies on worry - panic that there won't be sufficient. And worry and appreciate - as opposing polarities, simply cannot co-exist.
Second, adore is misperceived as "smooth" in a hard corporate world, when in actuality, to lead with the open up coronary heart - the supply of love, have faith in, link and empowerment - calls for serious courage, and is the only legitimate supply of power. A way more skillful technique to live and guide.
At last, the product of capitalism was crafted within the confined notion turned self-satisfying prophecy that self curiosity drives human conduct. From there it's got grown into a pathological pursuit For additional, perpetuated by an epidemic of panic.
Subsequently, enjoy in enterprise is a misconceived anomaly - Peculiar bedfellows that almost never exist in-tandem. But that may be transforming. We're at the precipice of a social transformation in capitalism, and leaders that disregard this do this at their peril.
A Demand Bravery
Envision a courageous CEO, a conscious leader, prepared to function from his heart along with his head. A CEO that has asks the concerns - how am i able to provide? What exactly is our purpose and what is the goal of small business? What on earth is driving my lifestyle - my ego, or an intelligent drive subject dependant on adore? And what if I check out on adore as a corporate mantra - compassion and caring for all my stakeholders - workforce, clients, suppliers, shareholders, Local community, even my Opposition? Consider a corporation with a higher perception of intent, that is totally endearing to all its stakeholders. What would that appear like concerning income, industry value, Pleasure, peace, fulfillment!?
Heartshare Equals Marketshare
Professor Raj Sisodia wrote a fantastic ebook, identified as Companies of Endearment, the place he profiled 30 businesses operating from this area of compassion and repair, and empirically shown that not simply were being their employees happier plus more engaged, but their stock current market benefit outperformed the S&P 500 over a ten 12 months period of time by a factor of 8.
As human beings, irrespective of whether we acknowledge it or not, our biggest need to have is connection and romantic relationship, the supply of that's really like. That supply can be happens being the strongest creator of business value. Personnel want appreciate - caring and relationship - to each other and also to the next intent - to go the extra mile. Clients want to be in enjoy. The models of Starbucks, Google, Whole Foods, Harley Davidson, Apple may very well be thought of "Lovemarks" in lieu of "Emblems". And if buyers are unable to uncover really like, they'll settle for the cheapest price as an alternative to having to pay you a top quality.
There are many terrific pioneers in private and general public providers who realize that emotionally clever Management is at the guts of the new value revolution. They know that "heart-share" is a more skillful intention than "wallet-share" - ultimately bringing about the best earnings and price development. Underneath can be a handful of:
Innovators Embrace Adore and Make Excellent Wealth
• Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi, one of several worlds greatest marketing companies described the very best volume of branding as creating a "lovemark" vs. trademark, service mark or copywrite.
• Southwest Airways, NYSE ticker image, "LUV", known as "the enjoy airline" is the only airline that has been successful annually because it commenced in 1973. CEO Gary Kelly describes his differentiator as "Individuals working collectively, lovin' each other, men and women respecting each other".
• John Mackey, CEO of Total Foods labored together with his crew to produce a "Declaration of Interdependence", which acknowledges that all stakeholders are just like a family whose members depend upon one another.
• Honda "marries their suppliers for life"; The moment suppliers make admittance into Honda's offer chain, they're supported in improving their top quality and profitability.
The reality is capitalism, in It is current kind, isn't really Performing. But capitalism can get the job done. And financial gain growth can catalyze vital equilibrium in the environment outside of buy. It just requirements appreciate. We need to action exterior our paradigms of scarcity and Levels of competition, and move within a whole new paradigm of company, of offering, of caring. We have to grow to be informed the unconscious push of self interest only leads to wanting and dissatisfaction, and switch it with "enlightened self curiosity", aligning and serving stakeholder pursuits. Why? Simply because it works. It is really by far the most skillful way to build value, and develop what is copyright happiness.
R evol ution is really an within task. But right up until we go previous our possess indoctrination, embedded by a planet which is mentally sick, we can't determine what re evol ution is. We have arrive a good distance, and Obviously the beginning is in the vicinity of.
As portion of the strategic approach, I invite you to definitely check with yourself how one can Develop far more appreciate into your manufacturer and company approach - by aligning, caring for and serving your stakeholders - customers, staff, investors, suppliers, community and world alike.
The generation of potent yet simple duplicate starts With all the famous 1st Theory: The goods and services presented have to satisfy a genuine need to have. This can be simple and easy to try and do, In line with Susan Gunelius, author of Kick Ass Copywriting in 10 Quick Ways. The 1st Basic principle Of Copywriting suggests "Your product or service is much less important than It is potential to meet your buyer's desires." Keep an eye on this idea simply because a goods and services has to meet a should be of desire into the obtaining public. If it does not fill a need no-one will want it or buy it.
In order to promote a product with basic but efficient copywriting we check with ourselves who would like to purchase our item and why. There's two different types of want we are interested in; urgent will need and mere perceived want. We tackle our copy to possibly a person. The one person very likely to invest in our services or products is an individual by using a require for it. So we pitch to the need. Any issue that triggers Severe distress and/or threatens the daily life and contentment with the prospect and his skill to function absolutely is definitely an urgent have to have. But perceived will need refers to requirements that aren't Severe but never the fewer make the prospect not comfortable. His discomfort is this sort of that he definitely wishes relief but will endure no potent hurt if his satisfaction is sluggish to reach. Because urgent will need is among the most persuasive it is actually simpler to supply a service or product that should get rid of the urgent threat promptly. Though most items accessible to the public handle lesser perceived requires. But we might be wise to make or advertise an merchandise that removes urgent have to have. This is clear more than enough.
Urgent require is always the necessity to offer productively having a risk to survival or maybe the ability to survive in the short term that also triggers physical or psychological irritation. The necessity for food, air, h2o, local climate and alternatives to daily life threatening illnesses are its main characteristics. Items enabling the prospect t to earn income also strongly relate to survival plus the appropriation of comfort. Copywriting tackled to what's termed "perceived have to have" discounts with less quick sources of pain, lots of which may be typically psychological. The most powerful copywriting aims at urgent require . Giving to satisfy any need to have is the initial principle of copywriting. We may even intend to make use of your list of the various typical needs, urgent and perceived. Copywriting seeks to strike the concentrate on strongly with persuasive text. That is the way of impressive copywriting.
After Understanding each standard copywriting theory in the whole Kick Ass Copywriting eCourse we must always take a look at true existence advertizing and get Be aware of how the basic principle is getting applied by Specialist copywriters. Take some time to take a look at a Television set advert, a newspaper ad, magazine ad, or Website product sales website page, and hear an audio advertisement right after Mastering Each and every theory. They're great real lifetime samples of the principles we discover below and present particular ways of how the pertinent demands are qualified, as well as the type and truly feel from the presentation. We are able to find out a great deal at no cost by researching ads that we find everywhere you go. In fact, we might be difficult pressed to stop them.
0 notes
The Next Big Thing in what is copyright
And in the long run, the like you make, is equivalent towards the love, you take. ~Lennon and McCartney~
I exploit to acquire aggravated by Valentines Day. I thought of it a income grab perpetrated through the greeting card, floral, lingerie and confectionary industries to get American buyers to pay for $18.six billion (based on the National Retail Federation) in an effort to materially Specific our enjoy for our associates. A ritualized instance of economic hucksterism.
When reflecting on Valentines Working day and also the revenue derived through the notion of affection, it happened to me that if organizations definitely "occupy" the Idea of love within their company cultures, gains would prosper, leaders will be additional fulfilled, along with the ripple impact would remodel the social and environmental crises struggling with the planet today.
The Organization of Love
Why is there no love in corporations? Why is love all but stricken from the corporate lexicon?
Very first, as company men and women we have been mired while in the distorted paradigm that we must "compete" for "our reasonable share" - acquire/eliminate wondering, that is based on the assumption that there aren't plenty of means for everybody to reside in materials abundance. Scarcity is based on anxiety - panic that there won't be sufficient. And panic and appreciate - as opposing polarities, can't co-exist.
2nd, really like is misperceived as "tender" in a tough company globe, when in fact, to lead by having an open up heart - the supply of appreciate, belief, connection and empowerment - necessitates actual braveness, and is particularly the only real legitimate supply of power. A much more skillful strategy to Stay and guide.
Eventually, the model of capitalism was constructed within the minimal notion turned self-satisfying prophecy that self interest drives human behavior. From there it's got grown into a pathological pursuit For additional, perpetuated by an epidemic of dread.
Due to this fact, love in company is often a misconceived anomaly - Peculiar bedfellows that not often exist in-tandem. But that's modifying. We're for the precipice of a social transformation in capitalism, and leaders that ignore this accomplish that at their peril.
A Call For Bravery
Envision a courageous CEO, a conscious leader, prepared to function from his coronary heart and his head. A CEO that has asks the concerns - how am i able to provide? What on earth is our reason and what is the purpose of company? What exactly is driving my life - my ego, or an intelligent drive industry depending on like? And what if I test on adore as a corporate mantra - compassion and caring for all my stakeholders - staff, clients, suppliers, shareholders, Local community, even my Competitors? Consider a business with an increased sense of objective, that is totally endearing to all its stakeholders. What would that seem like regarding financial gain, market place value, joy, peace, fulfillment!?
Heartshare Equals Marketshare
Professor Raj Sisodia wrote a wonderful reserve, referred to as Firms of Endearment, where he profiled thirty corporations functioning from this area of compassion and service, and empirically shown that not merely had been their workers happier and more engaged, but their inventory market place benefit outperformed the S&P 500 over a ten yr interval by a factor of 8.
As human beings, whether we acknowledge it or not, our greatest will need is relationship and connection, the source of which happens to be really like. That resource is also occurs to be the most powerful creator of organization worth. Staff members want appreciate - caring and relationship - to one another and to an increased purpose - to go the extra mile. Buyers want to be in love. The makes of Starbucks, Google, Whole Foods, Harley Davidson, Apple could be deemed "Lovemarks" in lieu of "Trademarks". And when prospects won't be able to uncover love, they're going to accept The most affordable price tag in lieu of having to pay you a quality.
There are numerous wonderful pioneers in personal and public firms who realize that emotionally clever leadership is at the guts of this new worth revolution. They know that "coronary heart-share" is a more skillful intention than "wallet-share" - in the long run leading to the best financial gain and worth development. Beneath are a couple of:
Innovators Embrace Adore and Build Terrific Prosperity
• Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi what is copyrightin and Saatchi, one of the worlds largest marketing businesses explained the best degree of branding as creating a "lovemark" vs. trademark, support mark or copywrite.
• Southwest Airways, NYSE ticker symbol, "LUV", generally known as "the like airline" is the only real airline which has been worthwhile each and every year because it commenced in 1973. CEO Gary Kelly points out his differentiator as "Persons working with each other, lovin' one another, persons respecting one another".
• John Mackey, CEO of Full Foods labored with his group to create a "Declaration of Interdependence", which acknowledges that all stakeholders are similar to a household whose customers depend on one another.
• Honda "marries their suppliers for life"; When suppliers earn admittance into Honda's offer chain, they're supported in enhancing their excellent and profitability.
The truth is capitalism, in It is recent sort, isn't really Performing. But capitalism can get the job done. And financial gain growth can catalyze vital equilibrium inside of a earth from get. It just wants like. We have to action outdoors our paradigms of scarcity and Competitors, and step inside of a brand new paradigm of service, of offering, of caring. We must become aware which the unconscious drive of self fascination only brings about seeking and dissatisfaction, and exchange it with "enlightened self curiosity", aligning and serving stakeholder interests. Why? Simply because it works. It truly is essentially the most skillful way to create value, and generate pleasure.
R evol ution is really an inside job. But right up until we move past our own indoctrination, embedded by a globe that may be mentally sick, we won't really know what re evol ution is. We've appear a good distance, and Evidently the start is in close proximity to.
As component of your strategic plan, I invite you to inquire on your own how one can Construct additional adore into your brand and company tactic - by aligning, caring for and serving all your stakeholders - clients, personnel, traders, suppliers, Neighborhood and world alike.
The development of impressive nonetheless very simple copy commences with the renowned First Basic principle: The products or services supplied have to fulfill a real will need. This can be basic and simple to do, Based on Susan Gunelius, author of Kick Ass Copywriting in ten Simple Ways. The First Principle Of Copywriting suggests "Your product or service is far less significant than It is capacity to fulfill your customer's desires." Keep an eye on this idea mainly because a services or products has to fulfill a have to be of curiosity on the buying general public. If it will not fill a necessity not one person will want it or purchase it.
So as to sell an item with easy but powerful copywriting we request ourselves who wants to get our products and why. There are two sorts of need we are interested in; urgent will need and mere perceived need. We deal with our duplicate to both just one. The only individual likely to obtain our product or service is anyone which has a will need for it. So we pitch to the need. Any problem that causes Severe discomfort and/or threatens the life and contentment in the prospect and his potential to function totally is undoubtedly an urgent will need. But perceived need to have refers to desires that are not Severe but under no circumstances the less make the prospect unpleasant. His distress is this sort of that he surely would like relief but will endure no sturdy hurt if his pleasure is slow to reach. Since urgent will need is considered the most powerful it truly is more practical to provide a service or product that will get rid of the urgent risk speedily. Even though most goods accessible to the general public tackle lesser perceived demands. But we would be wise to produce or endorse an merchandise that removes urgent will need. This is obvious adequate.
Urgent want is often the necessity to deal properly using a risk to survival or maybe the potential to survive while in the short term that also triggers Bodily or mental discomfort. The need for food, air, h2o, local weather and methods to life threatening illnesses are its most important traits. Merchandise enabling the prospect t to get paid funds also strongly relate to survival as well as the appropriation of comfort. Copywriting resolved to what is termed "perceived need" bargains with significantly less fast sources of discomfort, lots of which can be generally psychological. The strongest copywriting aims at urgent need . Featuring to fulfill any want is the primary basic principle of copywriting. We will also need to make use in the listing of the varied popular wants, urgent and perceived. Copywriting seeks to hit the focus on strongly with powerful text. That is the means of impressive copywriting.
Right after Mastering Every single simple copywriting principle in the Complete Kick Ass Copywriting eCourse we should have a look at true life advertizing and just take Observe of how the basic principle is being applied by Skilled copywriters. Make the effort to have a look at a TV ad, a newspaper ad, journal advert, or Site revenue web page, and pay attention to an audio ad after Mastering each theory. These are typically good true lifestyle examples of the rules we discover listed here and present distinct ways of how the pertinent wants are targeted, and also the design and really feel from the presentation. We can easily learn a great deal at no cost by finding out adverts that we find everywhere. In fact, we might be hard pressed to prevent them.
0 notes
dc-polls · 9 months
"That Really Happened?!" DC Comics Tournament Round 2 - Match C2
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[ID: Two images of cropped comics panels. The first is Disappointment, who wears a red cape but it otherwise a white silhouette with "Withheld due to copyright" stamped on it. The second image is four versions of Donna Troy Wonder Girl looking annoyed. /END]
Moving on from their rounds against Lex Luthor and Animal Man we have...
Submission Witheld Due to Copywrite
Bob Haney Doesn't Know Who Wonder Girl Was Supposed to Be
Make sure to follow the links above and check the notes to read more about each event!
Which one is more shocking, unbelievable or just plain wild?
As always you can find all posts related to the tournament using #dc-polls-trh
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spitech · 6 years
PLR Articles
Posted under Content on July 7, 2007
Need to build-up content for a new site FAST? Sure, you can hire a copywriter and pay them to write unique articles for you. That's always ideal. But what if you're low on time? budget? or both? PLR articles to the rescue. PLR stands for Private Label Rights. PLR articles are a group of articles, typically purchased in bulk for $0.10 to $2 per article, where you get a non exclusive right to use and distribute the articles as if they were your own. PLR articles, or private label rights articles, are a good way to add useful, interesting, search engine friendly content to your website. Using PLR articles we often build content sites with hundreds of pages, in less than two weeks and without spending more than $1,000. Search google for PLR articles and you'll find dozens of sites offering these packages. There are a few things you should be aware of - #1. PLR Membership sites - some PLR article sites require that you join and start paying a monthly membership. The "hook" is, you'll keep getting updates to the PLR articles and keep building your site. While it's obviously best to continually build and expand your content site, most PLR membership sites are a scam. #2. Exclusive vs Non exclusive - Some sites offer you pay slightly more and gain exclusive rights to the articles, where they will remove those articles from their site as soon as you purchase them. In some cases this is worth looking into. #3. Reputation - We've seen some PLR article sites, selling articles that don't belong to them. Do your homework so that you don't end up getting hit with copyright infrignment. #4. Duplicate Content slap - Google (and other search engines) automatically remove listings from their directory where page content matches the same content on other sites. PLR articles are often purchased by multiple users, making it more difficult to avoid the duplicate content slap. When purchasing PLR articles, always make sure you rewrite the content so that it becomes unique. One quick solution we found is WhiteSmoke. WhiteSmoke lets you enrich content, adding adjectives and nouns throughout the text, making your articles unique. Here are some recommended PLR article sources that we've used: Constant Content PLRBuyer EasyPLR PLRMiniMart Please use the comments section to recommend any additional sources for PLR articles.
PLR 2008-12-16
PLR is an excellent way to add content to your website. It can be added 'as is' or rewritten. I prefer to rewrite it a bit so that it is unique to my site. It really cuts down on the the time needed for research.
Private Label Rights 2009-06-07
I also recommend my website if You're looking for free PLR articles and products.
Helen 2011-06-22
Really useful tools for rewriting, I’ll try to use them. By the way, I'll also use <a rel='external nofollow' href="http://www.synonymsfor.com/">synonyms finder</a> to improve my writing skills and making my articles unique.
0 notes
stepphase · 3 years
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Content Writing Vs. CopyWriting : What Will Make More Money
Hello Friends…..sometimes you must be in confusion that what can make you more money content writing, copywriting or both. Be with me through this article to find out which will pay money more..! Today i will help you make more money on your own terms.
In this article, i am gonna be discussing which form of writing can pay you the most amount of money. Before that just note that more money does not equal to more happiness.
"Happiness lies in the joy of achivements and the thrill of your creative efforts"
What Will Make More Money? Conetent Writing or CopyWriting
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Now there's a lot of people who learn content writing with copywriting because these two skill sets actually go hand in hand. I found many peoples who moved on from content to copywriting. Because so on the surface level copywriting does pay you more money. But there are also a lot of peoples who did not go for copywriting. Because copywriting is kind of dependent on how good you are as a writer? Who is capable of getting results? So if you are not capable of getting results, if your strategies don't work then copy may not be a good choice for you even though it is pay more money.
In that case you must stick to content writing, that is literally the gist of this, you will get a lot of idea in this article. You will find which one should you choose for yourself. And yes guys as a bonus, if you read whole article carefully till the end you will get a helpful and worthy ideas. That is definitely gonna make you a lot more money than you're making right now.
Let's start with first, what is content writing and what is copywriting and where do these two meet?
Both content and copy are forms of writing. The core difference being that content writing is more informative. It's more engaging and it is usually written to educate or entertain someone and bring them to websites social media etc platforms as traffic.
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On the other hand copy is written with some kind of strategy to make the person who has come as traffic. Let me explain in very simple words. When you're watching a youtube video from your favorite creator. They are telling you about five things they bought from their local mall that is usually content but if they say stuff like buy this from the link in the description. And they are asking you to take some sort of action. Maybe that is their affiliate link that is copy because that is going to benefit them. More often than not in a financial manner but it can also be like some sort of free registration etc etc.
Example of CopyWriting:
Another great example will be, let's say you have a party. To attend and you are searching for 10 things to wear at a party. Google suggested you a blog post of 10 things that you can wear. When you're reading that article, that article is usually content because it's suggesting new stuff. But let's say that article is posted on the website of a fashion store. And they are asking you to buy that dress from their fashion store. So click here buy this dress right now. Right..? That kind of stuff is usually copyrighted. So, yes i hope that paints a picture for you.
Now to explain even more simply, the first three instagram posts that you see on your feed from creators or influencers or friends. You may follow is usually content. But the third post or the fourth post where you see the advertisement for something that you might have been checking out recently and the post is saying buy this. Now that is copy my friend….!!! And copy is actually hard to write. Likewse businesses invest in good copywriters. So that they can get them sales. So from my side i belived that Copywriting is more important than Content Writing.
Why is copywriting is more important than content writing?
Well traffic is relatively easier to drive. All right it is easy to drive traffic just by running ads or making some sort of trendy viral content. But taking this traffic and converting this traffic into clients or customers is hard. Okay. So content writers do the first part of this and copywriters make these leads into clients. And that this part is actually very hard that converting the person into a buyer. That's why if you are capable of making someone buy your product or your clients product then you become an invaluable asset to the whole world to be honest.
Because persuading someone to buy is the biggest skill in this world. And when you do that in writing that is basically copywriting. So i hope that makes sense to you why copywriting. i feel it is more important than content writing. But as of now, if i can say both do go hand in hand.
Let me give you a quick and easy example of coaching and learning industry. And let's take example of health and fitness coach. Now the health and fitness coach had a program of about five thousand dollars all right. Which is a lot right. Now this person first of all needs to have a lot of free content available.
It's very very unlikely that someone will just land on their sales page and buy a 5000 course or a product without even checking their social proof. So they'll probably check out their free content on youtube, on their blog, on their social media etc.
So for these platforms they need a content writer to create this. Because they have their own business of health coaching right. They cannot be expected to also write the content and create the content. So they will probably hire a content writer to do that content for them. This content is going to not only act as social proof. But also drive more traffic to this health coach's website or social media. So that person can make the sales.
When these people are finding out about that person's expertise in health coaching. When these people are finding out about how good he/she is at certain areas of health and fitness they will probably be intent on learning more from their especially if they are intent on learning more about fitness and in this at this point they can present them with their offer of this five thousand dollar course.
Now people may love this coach, they may love their free product but people don't buy something worth five thousand dollars just by reading a few lines right..! They need to read a lot about, who this coach? Is what does they exactly help? People with like you may love this coach. But let's say this coach helps you lose weight and you actually want to gain weight then there's gonna be a contradiction right. So you will be reading this offer, you'll also be probably willing to read about other people who have already worked with this coach because it's a huge investment.
All right you may also want to know about what the refund policies are like if there are any you may also want to know about what's the technique in which this. This coach works different, and the coaches have different techniques.
Let's say this coach has more of a nutrition focused technique and you don't really want to do that. You are more into workouts then this may not be a good fit for you. So they has to communicate all these things in their landing page as their sales copy all right.
I am giving you an example of this also, so that you get an idea of what it may look like. But this is actually copy and not everyone can write good copy all right. That's what this is why copywriters are hired not to write uncertain number of words but rather to create sales for the product or the service they are writing for and here a conflict arises because most often content writers are paid on the number of words they write.
But copywriters are paid on what is the effect of the words they write. In fact top copywriters often don't charge for their words but rather a base fee plus a percentage of the income they will get for or rather their client will get using their copy.
Why CopyWriters are so important?
let's say your website gets about 1000 visitors every month okay..! That's a very practical number and out of those thousand people, 10 people buy your 10,000 rupee product, that means you're making one lakh every month from your current visitors.
If you are investing in a copywriter and they give you a very good piece of copy it's very likely that instead of one person conversion you might get two or three person conversion that basically means instead of 10 people buying you might get 20 or 30 people buying. That will mean your income will skyrocket to two or three lakhs instead of just one lakh you just doubled or tripled your income and this is very common. In fact in many campaign we tried out different variations of copy and some didn't convert at all. While others got so many leads and conversions, that it was crazy.
So, testing is the way to go so and this is why copy is really important because it may directly result someone making much much more money with the same amount of traffic. So this is the basic importance of copy.
Now that i've told you the importance of CopyWriting. i need to also tell you about the importance of Content Writing itself all right.
Content Writing:
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Content writing and CopyWriting can not exist in isolation they actually perform best together okay. If there's a business which only has copy that is basically a sales page and all they are doing is say buy my product….buy my product. I don't think anyone is going to buy right.
Know more about Content Writing : Certified tips to write effective and creative content
But if a business has only content that is they are just sharing free on information and they have nothing to sell they are not trying to sell at all, then they may not be making any money. Because no one knows about their offer itself. So no business can work only with content because then they can't make sales or only with copy because then people may not trust them right. So any good business needs both content and copy.
I hope that you've got a clear idea of what is content and copy content. Copy is all around us, anyone can be creating either just that in content you need research and writing skills in copy. You also need strategy and power of persuasion all right. You need to know what are the things you need to say in order to make someone buy something and that is a skill that takes years to master.
Also Read : Eassiest Way to Make Money online 2021
In coclusion, i hope that you found this article informative and helpful. I hope that you'll be able to take a decision on whether you should be a content writer or copywriter or actually both. In that case, if you will able to choose any option please let us know in comment section. We will become happy, if one can choose inspiring from our information. And regarding any other queries feel free to drop a message to stepphase. Thank You.
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Copywrite case studies task
Roger vs coons 
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Rogers who is a professional photographer took a black-and white photo of a man and woman sitting on a bench holding 8 puppies called “Puppies”  He used this photograph on various greeting cards and other generic merchandise.
Jeff Koons, one of the most important living contemporary artists found this postcard and made a sculpture based on the photograph.
The resemblance between the photograph and the sculpture is undeniable. However, there are some subtle differences.
Once Rogers discovered the existence of these sculptures he went on to sue Jeff Koons and the gallery that represented him during that time, Sonnabend Gallery on the grounds of copyright infringement. 
Koons did not deny that he copied the photograph; however he claimed that it was fair use by parody. 
In October, 1989, Rogers sought at least $375,000 in compensatory damages, and $2.5 million in punitive damages. 
Additionally, there was proof that Koons didn’t merely want to appropriate the photograph but to copy it, as per his instructions to the craftsmen who were constructing the works he specifically instructed them to do the work based exactly on the photograph. 
 Koons’ defense argued that he merely borrowed information from the work and not any expression. Koons sold the allegedly infringing works for $375,000. 
The outcome-
On December 10, 1990, It was taken to court the judge denied Koons’ claims of fair use. Koons was ordered to turn over all “infringing materials,” including a fourth edition of the sculpture, an artist’s proof.
(Copyright in the Visual Arts, 2017)
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thisadschoollife · 11 years
when people confuse "copywriting" with "copyrighting"
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