#coral island: princess miranjani
Round 1 Match 7 - Final Match
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In-game character blurbs under the cut.
A Royal Gatekeeper. She carries on her family's proud legacy of safeguarding the Kingdom.
-Princess Miranjani
She's a royal and a door knob aficionado. Her fascination with the human world and their customs never fails to entertain and amuse her.
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coral-myland · 2 months
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Coral Island 1.1 update is here!!! Cannot wait to play!
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archonfurina · 10 months
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Coral Island (2023): Merfolk Kingdom
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I was watching one of Sarah Sunstone's Coral Island streams a while back, and someone threw out the idea of taking the merfolk around the island via wheelbarrow.... and well i couldn't resist!!
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I wish I can see the spouse's dialog about farmer's 'cousins' keep showing up at the island. Since they are in-law kinda thing. funny thoughts.
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pinayelf · 8 months
coral island musings
I giggle when Noah is at the beach w/o his glasses bc as a glasses wearing person I know he can't see...my poor bb
I literally cannot stop thinking abt franklyn and Betty making the kids their Halloween costumes...I know Noah wanted to be something like mothman as a kid
Leah thinking theo is hot....same girl same
it's so funny when anyone mentions spirits and merfolk to the farmer...I know something u dont...I know something u will never know
Ling is definitely princess miranjani's aunt liang...cause she slips up a couple times talking abt the ocean...
the beef between Sam and mayor Connor abt Halloween decorations is so funny to me
I kinda ship millie and Scott they have that banter thing going on
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chuthulhu-plays · 2 months
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Oh my god she's SO fucking cute I'm SO glad I can finally wife her as of the latest update <3
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Asra propaganda:
“He GIVES AWAY HALF HIS HEART TO REVIVE YOU okay but like. He's the MCs roommate and they were together for a few years before the MC caught a plague and died and he obsesses over a way to bring them back before succeeding by making a deal with a god to trade half his heart for MC and betraying the emperor. And then when MC comes back but without any of their memories, he takes care of them and teaches them how to live all over again and he never asks for anything in return. On all the routes where you don't choose him he's really supportive and helps you out despite your history and overall he's just really nice and supportive of the MC and is their rock no matter what route you go down. Also he has a pet snake named Faust and I love her she's so <33 
Idk I just appreciate him so much”
"He gave you half his HEART!! He would literally go to hell and back for you!! He wants to take you on adventures all around the world—doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s by your side!! AND he’s nonbinary!!!"
Miranjani propaganda:
“I am laying down in a pool of tears, look at her please.”
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pastelskyesblog · 11 months
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fyreiswriting · 11 months
Welcome to my writing tumblr!
Find updates for my current/future WIPs here.
My current stories on AO3 as of 7/31/24:
Baldur's Gate 3
Future, Past Present: Rated T, main pairing Gale/Named Tav. In Progress.
Nyrra wakes up in a pod with a tadpole in her head. She seeks a cure, finds companions, saves some lives, falls in love. She fights. She fails. She dies. ———————————— Nyrra wakes up in a pod with a tadpole in her head. This time, she vows, she will not fail. (Or, a storm sorceress wakes at the start of her journey with all her memories and powers intact. The only problem— she’s the only one who remembers.)
Coral Island
What Lies Below: Rated T, main pairing pre-relationship Female Farmer/Semeru. Complete.
Something from the depths is stalking the Merfolk Kingdom. Patrols report the feeling of being watched as they swim through the reef; the Solar Orbs the land-dweller farmer Imogene is activating begin turning up deactivated. After an ‘accident’ that nearly kills Princess Miranjani and severely injures Imogene, it finally becomes clear that whatever it is, it wants the Merfolk Kingdom drowned in the corruption that has been plaguing their lands. As Captain of the Guard, Semeru tasks himself with finding out what it is and putting a stop to its machinations – alone. … though not if Imogene herself has anything to say about that.
Five Dockside Rendezvous: Rated G, main pairing pre-relationship Female Farmer/Semeru. Complete.
If pressed, Imogene would swear she isn’t *trying* to meet up with Semeru at the end of the dock after each festival; the first time during the New Year’s firework show was a complete accident, after all. The second time after the Tree Planting Festival was, too. And the third after the Beach Cleanup. Beyond that? Well, she’ll plead the 5th if anyone bothers to ask. Meanwhile, Semeru decides he’s fine with seeing the strange land-dweller Chosen in more neutral territory when work doesn’t strictly demand their interactions. He’s just not sure what to do with how he’s found himself looking forward to these little meetings – or how his heart starts pounding every time he sees Imogene’s smile.
To Swim, Perchance, To Dream: Rated G, main pairing pre-relationship Female Farmer/Semeru. Complete.
A mysterious visit to Cho Oyu; a hasty exit from the Kingdom; a days-long disappearance. Semeru isn't sure what's going on, but Imogene is certainly excited about something - and that feels concerning for the status quo he's gotten used to. Meanwhile above the water, Imogene tries to stay patient while collecting a variety of items that could change her life forever. Or: what does it take to turn a land-dweller half-Merfolk? [This story contains MAJOR spoilers for the Merfolk questline.]
Rock and a Hard Place: Rated T, main pairing Female Farmer/Semeru. Complete.
Imogene has gone on dives hundreds of times before; there’s no sign that this time should be harder than usual. After she leaves early one morning to collect kelp from the depths of Lima Pulu, though, an earthquake shakes the reef and Kingdom alike. When the resulting rockfall destroys any hope of her escaping from the cave by herself, all she can do is wait and hope someone in the Kingdom will remember she’s gone, let alone bother to come help her. … perhaps she hasn’t noticed just how beloved she is in the Kingdom – beyond one Merfolk captain in particular.
Better Nature: Rated T, main pairing Female Farmer/Semeru. Complete.
Just because Imogene has healed the reef doesn’t mean all danger has passed. Unfortunately, if anything, it’s invited old ones not seen for years back to the table. After a Merling girl goes missing late one night, Imogene and Semeru must hunt down leads, follow trails, and track down both where she’s gone and the reason for her disappearance — even if it takes them far from the safety of the Kingdom and reef.
Resident Evil
part time soulmate, full time problem: Rated T, main pairing Female OC/Leon Kennedy. Complete.
Two years ago for River, Raccoon City did its level best to kill both herself and Leon. They made it out alive – barely – but were separated in the chaotic aftermath. Now, their paths have finally crossed again in a small village in Spain, as Leon investigates a lead on the President’s kidnapped daughter and River simply wanders to offer help where she’s needed. He wants her to leave, insistent she’s in over her head; she isn’t going anywhere, equally insistent she can handle herself. As they navigate a living nightmare in search of Ashley Graham, three things they’ve tried to hide from each other slowly reveal themselves, despite both their best efforts to keep them concealed: One, River knows more of the situation at hand than she should. Two, she’s capable of things no other human is capable of. And three, those old feelings for her Leon pressed down in Raccoon City haven’t actually gone anywhere.
going neon in the nighttime: Rated T, main pairing one-sided Female OC/Leon Kennedy. Prequel to part time soulmate, full time problem. In Progress.
River had dealt with zombies before; when she ended up killing one within a minute of arriving in Raccoon City, she figured she knew how the night was going to go. Her assumptions went out the window within another half an hour, though – after she met both Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield, encountered far too many monstrous, mutated creatures, and had more than a few close calls with her own mortality. As the night wears on, it becomes clear there’s way more at stake here, and the simple zombie-killing exploration she was counting on is a fight for not just her life – but the lives of those around her.
Stardew Valley
New Americana: Rated T, no romantic pairings. Complete.
Rae Carriker finally managed to expand her farmhouse after nearly three season in Pelican Town. The roommate she acquired immediately afterward was a surprise, but it doesn't end there. The saying everyone knows is "blood is thicker than water" - but it's the expanded version, "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", that proves true in Rae's case. After all, she'll need all the help she can get to save the valley from a corporate takeover. A found-family fic of the bachelors and bachelorettes in Pelican Town finding friendship and family in each other, and the young woman who brings them together.
more than a drop in the sea: Rated T, main pairing Female Farmer/Elliott. Complete.
Elliott has spent a year in the Valley already -- a year of frustration, crumbled pages, and desolate hours spent staring at the crashing ocean waves. The advent of the new year brings changes and a fresh chance, and he's determined to take it with both hands. He didn’t anticipate the appearance of a new farmer would turn his world and life alike upside down. Over the course of the new year as the seasons change, so too does their relationship -- one smile, one conversation, one chance encounter at a time.
infinite tonight: Rated T, main pairing Female Farmer/Elliott. Sequel to more than a drop in the sea. Complete.
After a full year of pining and uncertainty, dancing around each other and trying to play it safe, Elliott and Katrionel have finally decided to take their first steps forward together. New relationships take time and energy, though, and each bring their own baggage and goals to the table: Katrionel recalls the pain of an old relationship and fears stagnation — for both her and her farm. Meanwhile, Elliott is consumed by the worry he’s not good enough for her and distracted by the completion of his debut novel, with all its challenges and triumphs. It's the start of a brand new year, which brings both new opportunities and endless possibilities -- but will their newfound status as a couple survive?
Original Works
The Valiantgarde Chronicles, Book 1, Chapter 1: The first chapter of my original novel from 2019. Outdated but still available. Complete.
An odd dream sets Ravara Zaluanes on a path she never expected - that of an adventurer, thrown together with four other odd characters. What at first seems to be a straightforward single mission quickly spirals into a complicated web of mystery and intrigue - and through it all, she struggles to determine who the strange woman she keeps seeing in her dreams is.
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coral-myland · 2 months
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I am SO close to this! I cannot wait!! Also, I want merfolk style land clothes, they are badass!
(I am glad not all of the updates come after town rank A.)
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coral-myland · 2 months
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They have winter outfits! But we don’t get a detailed look at them. I can’t wait for when we do.
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coral-myland · 2 months
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Dancing, petting flamingos, being soup. What good days are made of.
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Dorn propaganda:
“The og evil bisexual man of bg series”
Miranjani propaganda:
“I am laying down in a pool of tears, look at her please.”
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Yuzuki propaganda:
No Yuzuki propaganda :(
Miranjani propaganda:
“I am laying down in a pool of tears, look at her please.”
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coral-myland · 2 months
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Denali and Mira really getting into winter land actives ⛄️
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