#king krakatoa
archonfurina · 6 months
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Coral Island (2023): Merfolk Kingdom
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penelopetheconartist · 10 months
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I'm looking respectfully...........
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catmanbowser · 7 months
The..the..the mermaid queen in coral island is a fucking milf.......
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pastelskyesblog · 7 months
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crescent-lockhart97 · 10 months
Random First Class Trio + Zack Headcanons #3: Crack Version
His favorite workout song is "YMCA" by Village People.
He's definitely knocked out Wutai soldiers like this:
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Somebody once mistook him as Zack's father due to similarities in their features. He didn't even try to correct them.
His sneeze is louder than the Krakatoa explosion.
Rickrolled everyone by singing "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley at a company gala while he was drunk. (Sephiroth and Genesis didn't speak to him for a month. 💀💀)
Makes terrible dad jokes that even Zack cannot stomach. (He's definitely done that "Hi, hungry! I'm dad!" shit with Zack. 😂😂)
He is a big Fergie fan and knows her songs by heart. He can also rap that part in "Fergalicious."
He did an iconic dance number to "Umbrella" with Andrea Rhodea at the Honeybee Inn like this:
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He also likes Lady Gaga and blasts "Bad Romance" every time he and Sephiroth spar with each other.
He hates horror movies. He's the loudest out of the trio when watching them (he's either screaming at the characters or at the monsters/ghosts).
Aside from LOVELESS, he also quotes "Mean Girls" on the regular. (Guess who he quotes the most... 😉😉)
Totally has a blog for Shinra blinds just because (basically who's dating or fucking who, juicy stuff on important Shinra officials and staff, etc.). He once published a blind on Rufus defacing one of President Shinra's statues with a drawing of a dick. No matter how many times Shinra has gotten it shut down, Genesis somehow manages to keep on reviving it. Recently, Kunsel and some members of Red Leather have joined his team.
Can't stand spicy food. He avoids it as much as he can. Eating spicy foods will cause his eyes to water and his nose to redden like this:
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(Genesis managed to snap an unfortunate photo of him dying from the spiciness of the curry and sent it to the Silver Elite fanclub with the caption, "IS THIS YOUR KING???" 🤭🤭)
Somehow, he has the most wins in UNO and Monopoly.
Catwoman is his favorite DC character; Black Cat is his favorite Marvel character. (Gee, I wonder why... 🤔🤔)
Whenever he goes outside, a horde of cats just mysteriously flock to him. Genesis and Angeal find it both amusing and creepy. (My aunt is actually like this. Wherever she goes, cats mysteriously gather around her, it's so freaky! 😭😭😭)
He can actually do the lazy eye trick, and loves to freak Genesis out with it.
He once dressed as Sadako/Samara Morgan from "The Ring" for the Halloween costume contest... and WON.
Has sung "Jenny" by The Click Five using a shortened version of Genesis's name to annoy him. ("I'm standing still, Genny!" "Be quiet, you overgrown mutt!" "You got me on my knees, Genny!")
(This ends up with Genesis summoning Ifrit on Zack's ass 😂😂)
He and Kunsel quote Vines all the time, usually around any of the First Class Trio or Lazard just so they could revel in their confused faces.
Zack and Kunsel: *to Angeal* You are my daaaaad! You're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!!!
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Once, after getting drunk during the SOLDIER game night, he and the lower-class SOLDIERs thought it was a good idea to go sledding down the building stairs, so they brought mattresses from their dorms to use as makeshift sleds. Needless to say, the infirmary reached full capacity that night.
On April Fools' Day, he somehow managed to hijack Shinra's PA system and started playing "Careless Whisper" on full blast.
He's a massive Pokémon fanboy and knows the Pokémon Theme Song by heart. In fact, he has his contacts named after Pokémon: Angeal is Machamp, Sephiroth is Mewtwo, Genesis is Charizard, Tseng is Umbreon, Aerith is Jigglypuff, Cloud is Pikachu, etc.
Threw an apple at Hojo and left a shitload of Legos all over his lab for subjecting Sephiroth to a particularly painful physical test.
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leftyoudreamless · 1 year
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Pompeii/Ingeborg Bachman trans: l am writing with my burnt hand about the nature of fire (taken from Anne Carson’s TV Men: Sappho)/Fire of Love (2022)/Lava, King Glizzard & the Lizard Wizard/Eruption of Krakatoa/Wife of Brain, Red Doc by Anne Carson
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hornkneebee · 2 months
// talking about nipples //
Theory but Agung is one of the few characters out there that might have inverted nipples!
Yes, I did looked a lot of the other characters' nipples because I was curious.
Yes, he is not the only one, but the only merfolk to have inverted nipples.
Yes, the other land-dwelling inverted nipple-er is Ben.
Case in point:
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Comparing King Krakatoa's and Semeru's nipples, we can see that their nipples are protruding based on the lines drawn in their nipples. The game is IMMACULATE in their details, and I don't believe this is the case of artists forgetting to draw the line.
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On another note, we can also see how Ben's nipples (picture on the bottom right) doesn't have the same line as Surya's and Kenny's (respectively, on the top left and top right) nipples, which perhaps indicative that Ben's nipples are in fact inverted.
That being said, I also noticed that Pablo's nipples are drawn differently than others, and may perhaps show that his nipples are flat.
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belle-keys · 6 months
As you said in a post about Conor and Kel, “Does anyone really want to see Kel and Conor turn on each other ... The inherent toxicity in there is so appealing to me.” Just want to say, yeah, same. I'm all for a messy fight and then a brotherly hug, in the end.
I'd just really rather have it based on everything that's been going on between them, including the “one day there will be something of yours he wants badly enough to betray you for it. And you will hate him then. Hate him enough to wish him dead” warning but not over a girl; not over Conor finding out Kel and Lin kissed, not because Conor got jealous, etc. etc. Misunderstandings and toxicity would be great to read based on anything else (secrets) but not over a girl (Lin). I also think it'd be interesting if Antonetta (another girl, yeah) ended up being the one creating mistrust and misunderstandings between Kel and Conor, though I don't really see it happening, just a probability in my head.
But do please elaborate on what you had in mind when you said that. Would love to know how you think the toxicity might go boom 🙈
What I had in mind was a kind of Victor and Eli situation from VE Schwab’s “Vicious”, mwahaha. I want to see them full on exploit the intimacy between them to the fullest as they turn on each other, each for semi-valid reasons.
I can see Kel coming to resent Conor for all the power he’s had over him his whole life and Conor’s general irresponsibility. And I can see Conor coming to be envious of Kel’s freedom as a “nobody” and resentful of Kel trying to build a life outside of the Hill. If Conor finds out Kel is working with the Ragpicker King, that could be a possible catalyst for this.
That being said, while I just love the animosity and toxicity, I want them to make up in the end. Mostly. I mean, my Shakespeare-loving ass loves doomed tragedies and ruptured bonds. But I know Cassie doesn’t love that, lol, and so it’d be nice to see how they could reconcile after Krakatoa.
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relecturas · 1 year
Es la boca de un volcán. Sí, boca; y la lengua de lava. Un cuerpo, un monstruoso cuerpo vivo, tanto masculino como femenino. Emite, arroja. También es un interior, un abismo. Algo vivo, que puede morir. Algo inerte que se agita de vez en cuando. Que existe solo de forma intermitente. Una amenaza constante. Aunque predecible, por lo general no predicha. Caprichosa, indomable, maloliente. ¿Es esto lo que querían decir los primitivos? Nevado del Ruiz, Monte de Santa Elena, La Soufrière, Montaña Pelada, Krakatoa, Tambora. El gigante soñoliento que despierta. El gigante soñoliento que te dedica sus atenciones. King Kong. Vomitando destrucción y, luego, sumiéndose otra vez en la somnolencia.
El amante del volcán, Susan Sontag
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1, 2, 13, 20, 22?
I dropped the ball on this @eyes-of-the-fox
What was the last book/s you read
Yeager by Chuck Yeager and Leo Janos
2. What book/s are you reading currently
Stephen King: On Writing (again)
13. Which book did you instantly fall in love with
Krakatoa by Simon Winchester. I grew up fascinated by earth sciences (also disasters).
20. What's a book/book series you regret buying
Every college textbook Honestly I don't think I have one
22. What book/books would people have not expected you to read
Probably the Tao Te Ching. I was trying to get my life together post-high school and I was willing to try anything to make me feel focused
Ask list
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mrleopard25 · 1 year
Doctor Who Regeneration Series Revisited: The Ninth Regeneration
The Old Warrior: “Well, gentlemen, it has been an honour and a privilege.” The Tenth Doctor: “Likewise.” The Eleventh Doctor: “Doctor.” The Old Warrior: “And if I grow to be half the man that you are, Clara Oswald, I shall be happy indeed.” Clara: “That's right. Aim high.” The Old Warrior: “I won't remember this, will I?” The Eleventh Doctor: “The time streams are out of sync. You can't retain it, no.” The Old Warrior: “So I won't remember that I tried to save Gallifrey rather than burn it. I'll have to live with that. But for now, for this moment, I am the Doctor again. Thank you.”
Story (from “The Day Of The Doctor” and “Rose”):
After countless years of the Time War between the Time Lords and the Daleks, with weapons of mass destruction on a temporal and galactic scale, the Old Warrior once known as the Doctor has finally seen enough. War crimes of horrific proportion have been committed by both sides. Weapons and tactics used included the Skaro Degradations, the Horde of Travesties, the Nightmare Child (and, apparently, its jaws), and my personal favourite the Could-Have-Been King with his army of Meanwhiles and Neverweres. The Time Lords resurrected the Master to use as a fighter, only to have him desert them when the Cruciform fell.
And at the end of it all, during the last great push by the Dalek to annihilate Gallifrey, the Old Warrior could say just one thing: NO MORE. Taking the the streets, a hero to many, the Warrior picked up a gun and blasted that message into a stone wall. Then he left and broke into the Omega Arsenal in the Time Vaults - the holding place for their most dangerous weapons.
There in the nearly empty collection was the most dangerous of them all: The Moment. Also known as the Galaxy Eater, it had been developed by the Ancients of Gallifrey in their final days. The Moment had become so powerful in its manipulations and control over time that it had achieved sentience. Not only could it end the war in an instant, but it could try to talk you out of it.
Bundling up The Moment in a burlap sack, the Warrior piloted his TARDIS out to the desert wastelands of Gallifrey, before walking the rest of the way to a barnyard from his childhood. He placed the weapon on a stand and began to look for how to activate it...
Story (Original Timeline):
The future was in flux. There were countless scenarios that could arise that would kill the Doctor or otherwise impede his travels through time and space. With so much of time in question, and so much of the future resting on this decision, The Moment did not hesitate in granting his interface. The weapon was activated, and the Doctor scarcely had time to leave before Gallifrey and the whole of the Dalek race were obliterated.
With the stress of what he had just done overwhelming him, the Old Warrior regenerated into the Ninth Doctor. Alone, he felt a terrible burden of responsibility to mitigate and heal some of the damage that he was a party to. We can’t say for sure that it was during this brief period that he sailed on the Titanic, witnessed the JFK assassination, and found himself stranded on a beach after the eruption of Krakatoa, but certainly they were presented as during that period by Clive to Rose (in “Rose”). That being said, there’s nothing explicitly saying that they weren’t from later in his travels with Rose.
It wasn’t much longer that the Doctor became wise to the reappearance of the Nestene consciousness on Earth, following the destruction of their homeworld in the Time War. Again, as the Doctor felt partly responsible for the situation, he began an investigation that would hopefully end with the Nestene leaving peacefully. And also hopefully not resurrecting an army of plastic mannequins to conquer the world...
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Story (New Timeline):
After hundreds of years, and several regenerations, worth of adventures, the Eleventh Doctor is called to (well...dragged to) the National Gallery by Kate Lethbridge-Stewart and UNIT to investigate a strange three dimensional painting surrounded by broken glass. The Doctor begins to surmise that the painting in question, a depiction of the final moments of Gallifrey’s destruction, is actually a piece of frozen time and that the glass was from the painting - something was waiting inside the painting and has broken out.
Meanwhile (not really) in 1562 the Tenth Doctor is investigating a Zygon plot to impersonate Queen Elizabeth the First, and pretends to be a suitor to expose the alien. When Elizabeth accepts his wedding proposal, the Tenth Doctor takes it as proof that Elizabeth is an imposter. He is soon chagrined to discover that Elizabeth’s horse is the imposter, and he is now engaged to Elizabeth.
Back on Gallifrey, as the Old Warrior examines The Moment for an interface, The Moment is able to see its place in time and the future is no longer in flux. Because it’s now the present, and The Moment is in the past (just go with it). As such The Moment assumes the form of the Bad Wolf entity due to the significance of the entity to the Doctor. Unfortunately the Warrior has yet to encounter Rose or experience the Bad Wolf, so this reference is lost on him.
The Moment asks the Warrior why he has decided to commit genocide and unleash armageddon upon Gallifrey and the Daleks. He explains the devastation of the Time War upon the universe, and how this is the last resort. The Moment offers him an alternative, then breaches time to allow him to join the Tenth Doctor in 1562. There he also finds the Eleventh Doctor, who has also been brought to that time.
The three Doctors uncover the Zygon plot in both 1562 and 2013 to make Earth their new home, as the Time War had destroyed their world. All humans would be enslaved or killed to make way for the Zygon invasion. The Doctors are able to convince the Zygons to simply live on Earth in peace, hidden from society as they are chameleonic. It’s not a perfect solution, but negotiations can continue.
The Moment breaches time further and brings all three TARDISes back to the barn where the weapon is ready to be deployed. With some prompting from both Clara and The Moment, the men devise a plan to not activate the weapon but to hide Gallifrey in a time bubble. Meanwhile the Dalek forces would have accidentally destroyed themselves firing at a target that would suddenly vanish. The Doctor reaches out to all his past selves, and one of his future selves, to aid in creating the bubble, but it is difficult to say if the plan was a success.
The Doctors share some tea, then both the Warrior and the Tenth Doctor realize they will not retain their memories of this event, as The Moment had only been able to act based on the “present” of the Eleventh Doctor (as such, they are out of sync with time).
The Warrior, now satisfied that he may still be called the Doctor, departs in his TARDIS, and begins to regenerate. His only memory is activating The Moment and seeing Gallifrey vanish and the Dalek fleets destroyed. He decides to go and make amends for his activities by helping those across space and time. And it’s not long before he finds himself investigating the Nestene arrival on Earth...
So how in the world do you undo seven years of continuity?? By using an absolute blockbuster of an anniversary special. It had been 50 years in total since Doctor Who had first aired, and the production team led by Steve Moffat knew they had to make it a phenomenal story.
I already wrote about the lead up in the last article, with the mini-episode “The Night Of The Doctor” which paved the way to this story, but it’s worth mentioning that although David Tennant was on board to reprise his role, this is an Eleventh Doctor story and it’s his version of the character that moves to resolve the conundrum and the prompting of Clara, his companion, to do the right thing.
“The Day Of The Doctor” was a complete success in terms of story. Homages were rife in the story ranging from Totter’s Lane to an outrageous scarf to even the Peter Cushing movies (being referenced as actual films) in the Black Archive. But they never detracted from the story, with the whole Zygon invasion arc even continuing into the Twelfth Doctor’s run. It had huge ramifications.
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Another surprise the production team had in store was the appearance of Tom Baker as the Curator... and we’ll chat about that in a moment (har har har). It was during this whole 50th anniversary that not only did viewers get a tv movie called “An Adventure In Space And Time” celebrating the very beginnings of the program, but that curiosity was piqued on the exit of Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, and what this would mean for the program going forward.
Finally, as for the regeneration itself, it was sort of a tease like the last one in that we see the beginning of the process with the light effect and the blending but we don’t see the end result. It wasn’t a total surprise, as viewers already knew Christopher Eccleston would not be reprising his role as the Ninth Doctor, but seeing the characteristics of his face coming in through the video mix was still exciting.
Although the canonicity of the Eighth Doctor’s appearance was never in question for me, when that incarnation of the Doctor was shown in the Tenth Doctor story “The Family Of Blood”, a lot of fans breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he was a fan favourite even if there were many questionable aspects to the tv movie. His repeated throwback appearances during the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor’s run further solidified his continuity, and kept fans happy with how the show was honouring its past.
But it left the lingering question of what exactly happened to cause the regeneration from the Eighth to Ninth. What was the total involvement of the Doctor in the Time War? That is, was he always involved or did he come in just to end it? It was explicit in dialogue in “The End Of Time” that the Time Lord High Council was fully aware that the Doctor has stolen The Moment, and this created a countdown for any action they could take. But which Doctor?
Then once “The Name Of The Doctor” premiered, suddenly there was an upset in the community - what was the story with the John Hurt incarnation?? Speculation abounded as to where in continuity he fit, and one of my favourite theories was that he was the Second Doctor from Season 6B. After all, we knew that the Second Doctor had aged significantly between “The War Games” and “The Two Doctors”, and we never saw the Second Doctor regenerate into the Third. And we also knew through dialogue in “The End Of Time” that the Time Lords had done remarkable (and highly questionable) tactics in their battles against the Daleks, including resurrecting both Rassilon and The Master. It wasn’t outside the realm of possibility that they brought the Second Doctor forward in time to use as their agent.
I also knew that the writers would never ever ever ever use that approach. Not a chance. But a fun thought anyway.
I’ve already mentioned that the original draft had Eccleston as Nine fulfilling that role, but having “The Night Of The Doctor” come out to fill in that gap was truly a joy. Then for “The Day Of The Doctor” to finish up on the regeneration into the Ninth Doctor just wrapped it up in a bow.
So why did the War Doctor regenerate? Pretty simple - he was old! Hundreds of years old. We know his body is hundreds of years old because his regeneration from the Eighth Doctor showed a much younger body (granted, obscured in a reflection) than what we saw in this story. In the context of the story we see that he is worn out by the war on a physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual level. It was exhausted him. Then to cap that whole experience with the most difficult decision to commit genocide, and not know whether he succeeded in saving or killing his people, would further exacerbate his physical health. So, as with the First Doctor, he noted his body was “wearing a bit thin”.
Okay so this leads directly into whether or not this story invalidates that last seven years. After all, the Time War and the Doctor’s choice to use The Moment haunts him and influences every decision he had made. It lent gravitas to his character and stories. And the short answer is, no it doesn’t.
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This is kind of a hard idea to articulate, but bear with me. I basically outlined it in the story section above, but you have to approach time as that wibbly-wobbly ball AND accept that time is in flux. We know this because the series has repeatedly and explicitly mentioned that certain events were supposed to have happened, but when the Doctor goes to visit those events, something has changed (hey, even go back to “The Long Game” and “Bad Wolf” - Humanity was supposed to be in the midst of a golden empire, but that had changed). Further to that, we know the Doctor has in the past visited alternate futures that never came to pass, such as when the Seventh Doctor speaks to the Ancient One, the old haemovore, in “The Curse Of Fenric. The Ancient One was from an alternate Earth that had become corrupted by pollution and reduced humanity into vampire-like monsters. This means TWO important distinctions: 1) Time is never set in stone, and 2) Canon doesn’t exist in the time lines, BUT it does exist for the characters because it influences their decisions (so all those people arguing canon doesn’t matter? Yeah it kinda does!)
Okay, continuing on... The Moment is considered one of the most dangerous Time Lord weapons because it is sapient and has a degree of morality. It will allow itself to be used but only after forming a relationship with the user. We’ve already seen some killer Time Lord weapons (esp. The Hand Of Omega in “Remembrance Of The Daleks” and The Nemesis in “Silver Nemesis”), but none had that level of sophistication. The Moment even has the power to break the Time Lock surrounding the Time War. It was mentioned countless times in dialogue that no time traveller could reach the Time War anymore due to this lock.... which makes sense because I believe The Moment was the one that time locked it in the first place. If there is a war being fought between two time travelling sides, what keeps an outcome as final? To truly end the war, the deciding factor would have to cut off all other influences.
So the initial story takes place in the Doctor’s present, as the War Doctor or the Old Warrior (whichever - the script calls him Warrior, but all other media plus the resolution of the story reinforces his moniker of the War Doctor). Because that present has no set future, again due to time being in flux, The Moment would allow for its use. So the Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Doctor operated in their time streams having known the truth: The Doctor used The Moment. Gallifrey, the Time Lords, and the Daleks were all destroyed. Now the new story takes place in the Eleventh Doctor’s present. Now that The Moment is in the past, it is no longer in a place of flux and can change the outcome.
So Gallifrey was always saved... but was it always saved before that story? Ugh, temporal mechanics.
But why doesn’t the Doctor remember it?? Because of the flux issue, and we’ve seen this in other multi-Doctor stores (except for “Time Crash” but I’m thinking that’s an exception because it exists within the TARDIS while it is in the time vortex). Remember, the Eleventh Doctor doesn’t remember any of it until the wormhole created by The Moment is opened. And only then does the Eleventh Doctor remember - notice the Tenth does not.
This is the same sort of deal with stories like “The Three Doctors” and “The Five Doctors”. Wouldn’t it make sense in those stories if the current incarnation of the Doctor immediately knows how to deal with Omega, or that Borusa is behind the Time Scoop, since the past versions find out? And there’s two ways to look at it: 1) They DO know, but forget as soon as they’re pulled out of their time streams to deal with the crisis. I don’t put too much stock in this one, but it’s possible. 2) Because the Doctor travels through time, his time stream is constantly under flux, so any crossing of the time stream with himself means that the encounter both did AND did not happen, so it’s an anomaly. This would also explain why we have an alternate Ninth Doctor in “Scream Of The Shalka” (as marvelously performed by Richard E. Grant) - given the context of that story, he was almost certainly the original Ninth Doctor when a previous version of the Time War ended with the Time Lords victorious. Or maybe from a time line with no Time War?
Okay you’ve seen me say “flux” a bunch of times now, so what am I talking about?? Let’s go to an outside source of fiction for an example (and one that the Tenth Doctor used in “The Shakespeare Code”): Back To The Future. When Marty went back in time and saved his father from being hit by the car, he created a whole slew of possible futures. The two primary futures (but certainly not the only ones) were one where George and Lorraine do not get together, and one where they do. Both have their own details that are fleshed out with slight changes to the developing situation (indeed, the “new” present Marty goes back to is a variation on one). When Marty notices his picture has his siblings vanishing, and he himself is beginning to vanish, this is due to that flux. The future is in the process of being changed with no set outcome defined.
Does that make sense? I hope so. Anyway that’s why canon does and does not matter, and why the previous incarnations don’t keep their memories. And that’s why Gallifrey survived even though it didn’t.
And Another Thing:
The Tenth Doctor saying “Cause I don’t want to go” is just awkward fan service.
The Ninth Doctor: “You think it'll last forever. People, and cars and concrete. But it won't. One day, it's all gone. Even the sky. My planet's gone.  It's dead. It burned like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust. Before it's time.”  Rose: “What happened?” The Ninth Doctor: “There was a war. And we lost.”  Rose: “A war with who? What about your people?”  The Ninth Doctor: “I'm a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. They're all gone. I'm the only survivor. I'm left travelling on my own because there's no one else.”
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thenixkat · 1 year
Pokemon games that I became Champion in
Kalos Region
Starter: Zira the Hydregon (F)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Jolly- somewhat vain
Item: Leftovers
Hyper Voice
Rock Smash
Dragon Pulse
Draco the Charizard (M)
Ability: Blaze- powers up fire moves when hp low
Nature: Lax- very curious
Item: Charizardite Y
Fire Pledge
Heat Wave
Buck the Gogoat (M) (MVP)
Ability: Sap Sipper- boosts attack when hit by grass moves
Nature: Adamant- quick tempered
Item: Miracle Seed
Horn Leech
Leaf Blade
Nazca the Sigilyph (F)
Ability: Magic Guard- only takes damage from attacks
Nature: Hardy- alert to sounds
Item: Amulet Coin
Air SLash
Sky Attack
Dazzling Gleam
Zoro the Aegislash (F)(MVP)
Ability: STance Change- changes forms depending on what moves used
Nature: Serious- hates to lose
Item: Black Belt
Iron Head
Night SLash
Sacred Sword
Toxic the Dragalge (M)
Ability: Poison Touch- may poison if touched by physical attack
Nature: Hasty - quick tempered
Item: N/A
Dragon Pulse
Sinnoh Region
Gondwanna the Torterra(F) (partner)
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Calm
Item: Soft Sand
Giga Drain
Leaf Storm
Ducky the Golduck (M)
Ability: Damp- prevents self destructs
Nature: Modest
Item: Amulet Coin
Rock Smash
Kur the Giratina
Ability: Pressure- raises PP usage of foes
Nature: Rash
Item: Soothe Bell
Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Force
Bird?Yes the Porygon (MVP)
Ability: Download- adjusts power according to foe’s ability
Nature: Impish
Item: Razor Fang
Tri Attack
Signal Beam
Champ the Machoke (F)
Ability: No Guard- all attacks always land for everyone
Nature: Quirky
Item: King’s Rock
Rock Climb
Cross Chop
Wake-up Slap
Carcaridon the Garchomp (F)
Ability: Sand Veil- boosts evasion in a sandstorm
Nature: Serious
Item: Quick Claw
Rock Slide
Dragon Claw
Hoenn Region
Tyson the Blaziken (M)(partner)
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Lax- highly curious
Item: Blazikenite
Blaze Kick
Brave Bird
Sky Uppercut
Lobobo the Lombre (M)(MVP)
Ability: Rain Dish- gains hp in rain
Nature: Timid- highly curious
Item: Eviolite
Nature Power
Grass Knot
Shout the Exploud (F)
Ability: Soundproof- immune to all sound based moves
Nature: Quiet- thoroughly cunning
Item: Silk Scarf
Rock Smash
Zapp the Eelektrik (F)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy- capable of taking hits
Item: Bright Powder
Wild Charge
Skitch the Sableye (M)
Ability: Keen Eye- no one can reduce accuracy
Nature: Quiet- likes to fight
Item: Sablenite
Night Shade
Shadow Ball
Foul Play
Eo the Latias (F)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Naughty- somewhat vain
Item: Latiasite
Dragon Pulse
Alola Region
Strix the Decidueye (F) (partner)
Ability: Overgrow- powers up grass type attacks when hp is low
Nature: Modest
Item: Grassium Z
Leaf Blade
Grass Pledge
Spirit Shackle
Sucker Punch
Krakatoa the Toucannon (F) (MVP)
Ability: Skill Link- maximizes number of hits from multi hit moves
Nature: Bold
Item: Fightinium Z
Hyper Voice
Brick Break
Bullet Seed
Beak Blast
Ex the Vikavolt (F) (MVP)
Ability: Levitate- immune to ground type moves
Nature: Naughty
Item: Electrium Z
Charge Beam
The Mistress the Salazzle (F)
Ability: Corrosion- can poison anything regardless of type
Nature: Naughty
Item: Firium Z
Leech Life
Dragon Pulse
Kaiju the Wishiwashi (M)
Ability: Schooling- in schooling form when hp is high; solitary form if low hp
Nature: Jolly
Item: Waterium Z
Hydro Pump
Beat Up
Feint Attack
Danny the Darkrai (gift)
Ability: Bad Dreams- reduces hp of sleeping enemies
Nature: Careful
Item: Dragonium Z
Spatial Rend
Dark Pulse
Dark Void
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 8.27 (before 1900)
410 – The sacking of Rome by the Visigoths ends after three days. 1172 – Henry the Young King and Margaret of France are crowned junior king and queen of England. 1232 – Shikken Hojo Yasutoki of the Kamakura shogunate promulgates the Goseibai Shikimoku, the first Japanese legal code governing the samurai class. 1557 – The Battle of St. Quentin results in Emmanuel Philibert becoming Duke of Savoy. 1593 – Pierre Barrière failed an attempt to assassinate Henry IV of France. 1597 – Jeongyu War: Battle of Chilcheollyang: A Japanese fleet of 500 ships decimates Joseon commander Won Gyun’s fleet of 200 ships at Chilcheollyang. 1600 – Ishida Mitsunari’s Western Army commences the Siege of Fushimi Castle, which is lightly defended by a much smaller Tokugawa garrison led by Torii Mototada. 1689 – The Treaty of Nerchinsk is signed by Russia and the Qing Empire (Julian calendar). 1776 – American Revolutionary War: Members of the 1st Maryland Regiment repeatedly charged a numerically superior British force during the Battle of Long Island, allowing General Washington and the rest of the American troops to escape. 1791 – French Revolution: Frederick William II of Prussia and Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, issue the Declaration of Pillnitz, declaring the joint support of the Holy Roman Empire and Prussia for the French monarchy, agitating the French revolutionaries and contributing to the outbreak of the War of the First Coalition. 1793 – French Revolutionary Wars: The city of Toulon revolts against the French Republic and admits the British and Spanish fleets to seize its port, leading to the Siege of Toulon by French Revolutionary forces. 1798 – Wolfe Tone's United Irish and French forces clash with the British Army in the Battle of Castlebar, part of the Irish Rebellion of 1798, resulting in the creation of the French puppet Republic of Connacht. 1810 – Napoleonic Wars: The French Navy defeats the British Royal Navy, preventing them from taking the harbour of Grand Port on Île de France. 1813 – French Emperor Napoleon I defeats a larger force of Austrians, Russians, and Prussians at the Battle of Dresden. 1828 – Brazil and Argentina recognize the sovereignty of Uruguay in the Treaty of Montevideo 1832 – Black Hawk, leader of the Sauk tribe of Native Americans, surrenders to U.S. authorities, ending the Black Hawk War. 1859 – Petroleum is discovered in Titusville, Pennsylvania, leading to the world's first commercially successful oil well. 1881 – The Georgia hurricane makes landfall near Savannah, Georgia, resulting in an estimated 700 deaths. 1883 – Eruption of Krakatoa: Four enormous explosions almost completely destroy the island of Krakatoa and cause years of climate change. 1893 – The Sea Islands hurricane strikes the United States near Savannah, Georgia, killing between 1,000 and 2,000 people. 1895 – Japanese invasion of Taiwan: Battle of Baguashan: The Empire of Japan decisively defeats a smaller Formosan army at Changhua, crippling the short-lived Republic of Formosa and leading to its surrender two months later. 1896 – Anglo-Zanzibar War: The shortest war in world history (09:02 to 09:40), between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar.
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / "a white marble sculpture of a sea anemone, highly detailed" via nightcafe )
2 Wizards.
"One does not ask the social value of mountain climbing: and there is a kind of poetry corresponding to that--autotelic, intolerant of ease." --Krakatoa E. Simoleon, Azazel (1933)
Zany landscape.
"Requiem for the Plantagenet Kings
For whom the possessed sea littered, on both shores, Ruinous arms; being fired, and for good, To sound the constitution of just wars, Men, in their eloquent fashion, understood.
Relieved of soul, the dropping-back of dust, Their usage, pride, admitted within doors; At home, under caved chantries, set in trust, With well-dressed alabaster and proved spurs They lie; they lie; secure in the decay Of blood, blood-marks, crowns hacked and coveted, Before the scouring fires of trial-day Alight on men; before sleeked groin, gored head, Budge through the clay and gravel, and the sea Across daubed rock evacuates its dead."
--Geoffrey Hill, For the Unfallen
Sculptural face.
"How can people think that artists seek a name? A name, like a face, is something you have when you’re not alone. There is no such thing as an artist: there is only the world, lit or unlit as the light allows." --Annie Dillard, Holy the Firm (1977)
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pastelskyesblog · 7 months
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More Liang lore
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equatorjournal · 3 years
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Lorne Blair, Indonesia, 1986. Anak Krakatao', Child of Krakatoa, during its eruptive tantrum of 1983 - exactly a hundred years after the world-shattering performance of its mother. From the book "Ring of fire" by Lawrence and Lorne Blair, 1988. "Here is the real-life story of two brothers who left civilization behind to follow in the footsteps of the world's greatest explorers and adventurers. They penetrated the last uncharted region of our planet, a land of living cannibals and kings, pirates and dragons, mystics and magicians...a land of waking dreams." https://www.instagram.com/p/CKcEpz0g7Vy/?igshid=jz6uhmjz3x8m
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