#corbyn besson stories
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
Why Don't We
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The Non-romantic/Platonic/Family stories will all have (xchild!reader), (xbaby!reader), or (Platonic)
Corbyn Besson
Sleepy Time (xchild!reader) You won’t go to sleep no matter how hard Corbyn tries to get you to.
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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kym-truestory · 3 years
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Just so you guys know, that number is 10 quadrillion
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greenplace19 · 3 years
I've never had pride
for myself
and I'm proud of that
'cause I know that I'm just somebody else
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thedragonastrid · 3 years
Misunderstandings, Capturing &...WHO IS SHE
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Daniel's Pov
RP: excuse me I am here to give this phone as lost property.
I took the phone out of his hand and opened it, I saw that this phone belonged to Sabrina. I looked at him  with suspiciousness
D: how did you get this phone?
RP: I found it in my store yesterday when I was checking the garage.
D: oh ok don't worry we got it from here
RP: ok
I thought to myself that this girl has made Jonah's life a living hell so if I go and give it to her myself maybe Jonah would be out of this mess. So I went to her house I knocked on the door but no one answered.
Sabrina's Pov
I look out to see Daniel. I get scared, the person was right he is about to kill me 😨😨😨😨😱😱. But the question is........ WHY!! I have to get out of here.
Daniel's Pov
she isn't answering. there has to be something wrong so I decided to break the door down. when I broke the door down I saw her running through the window.
D: hey why are you running?
I followed her
Sabrina's Pov
He broke the door down. I ran and saw the police I go over to them
Zach's Pov
Z: You messed up everything
J: WHAT!! how was I supposed to know which letter was for whom from the outside they all looked all the same. If someone had written the names this would not have happened.
he said looking towards me. and I knew he was right. I gulped
Z: A-A-A you focus on getting there
Then suddenly out of nowhere, Sabrina came in front of the car. It was night but we could see the frightening emotion on her face. We quickly stepped out of the car went over to her.
Z: are you ok
S: no the- the killer is in my house
I look at Jack and he nods at me
Z: You do one thing u see that old rickety house go and hid over there and we'll come and get you after we arrested the Killer.
S: ok
She goes to the house, then suddenly Daniel came running
J: Woh woh where are you coming from
D: Sabrina's house
I looked at him then at Jack. We both took out our Guns and pointed at him
D:*raising his hands* woh why at you guys pointing at me
Z: why were you at Sabrina's house
D: what?
D: to return her phone
he showed us the phone. I took my gun down and took the phone from him, unlocked it to see Sabrina's photo
Z: *sigh* Jack put your gun down
He puts his gun down.
D: btw may I ask why was I at your gum points
J: we thought that you were the killer
Daniel looked at us all confused.
Z: there is a police officer who is going to kill a lady we thought that was u
D: why would I kill her
Z: I don't know, we have to get Sabrina out of that creepy house
J: yes and tell her that Dani here is not trying to kill her
D: yes before she spreads that rumour around
we all went into the house
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((the house^^^))
J: we should definitely bring Jonah here on Halloween this years
We all agreed on this. we went inside
Z: let's go upstairs if she wants to hide upstairs is the best luck.
they nod and we started going upstairs
Z: check every room carefully
J&D: yes
I went into a room with nothing but felt like someone was in the room with me. Then suddenly it felt like someone was behind me (( ooohhh ghost  😨😨😱😱😱😱😱😱😂😂😋😋👻👻)) I turned around to see
Z: *whisper yells* WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??
J: what are you doing here
Z: I asked first
J: are you seriously using that against me
Z: yes, yes I am
J: *sigh* intelligence report came in it' said that the guy Jonhja is in this house
I was processing the information when suddenly we heard
JA: GABBIEE!!!!!!!
I and Jonah looked at each other then ran towards Jack's voice. we reached the room to find Jack untieing Gabbiee and Lavender out of a chair.
JO: what happened here
G: I don't know this creepy guy came into the house out of nowhere and kidnapped us
JA: Are you two ok?
G: yes.
L: dada.
Ja: yes baby.
L: I'm swred.
Jonah's pov
ok, that's it kidnapping a woman and her sweet little girl is only in the hands of a monster looking at Lav's scared face really broke me. ugh, how could someone be so heartless? I was busy thinking about what I would do if I got my hands on him when suddenly Corbyn Came running in ........ scared?
Z: woh what happened to you?
just then Franny came running in with a baseball bat in her hand. Dani ran and stopped her
D: woh woh woh came down
C: WHAT!!! I am about to kill you, you are the one who was hitting me with a baseball bat!!!!
Jo: ok ok hold on what is happening here?
F: I got a letter saying that Corbyn was coming to kill
F: that's the question
wow I have never seen Zach so angry before. This is something else.
Z: Franny Corbyn is not trying to kill you.
F: wait what
Z: yeah, It all started during the party when Jack heard someone talking that a girl was going to be killed, he told me the next morning in the headquarters, so we decided to take the matters in our own hands, we send letters to Christina, Sabrina and Franny to alert them, but when we were delivering them they got mixed up.
JO: wait wait wait hold on that's why Christina was saying that i was going to kill her ??
J: yeah
Z: but now that we are here we know that who they were talking about.
C: wow you guys' mistake brought us to the real victim and we were able to save them. well done guys
Jo: what I found this on my own
C: you to Jonah, you and Zach are partners, and now both of you have shown me that my decision was right
I made a disgusted face where Zach was proud. Suddenly we heard a sceram
Z: oh shit Sabrina
Jo: what you brought her here
Z: HEY!! in my defence  at that time i didn't know that this was "the lair".
C: boys we have business
J: I am staying here
C: yeah great idea
??: no need
we all turned our heads to see Sabrina who had a gun on her head and was held by ...............
Boys: JHONSON !!!!!!!!!!!!
JH: yes it's me it was me all along.
C: but why
Jh: oh sweet sweet Corbyn, it was a plan all along
JH: ahh Jonah really look around you no one is coming to get you, and if you even try to move I will not hesitate to fuck her head with bulets
All of us were scared, no matter how much I hate he i can't let citizen die. I was trying to figure this delima when suddenly there was a sound like someone shot. we all see that his gun was on the ground
??: not so fast
It sounded like a woman's voice. Do I see a smirk on Corbyn's face. All of us see  a brunette girl with brown eyes. Sabrina runs over to the other girls. On the inside I was so happy, I turn my Attention to the girl she seemed like a FBI badge, I reconiged that badge, u get that while you are still training and at a stage where you have 2 years as tranies and you are on missions. So she is tarine. Suddenly she shoots his shoulder.
J: why did you do that
??: I shoot a certain that he will faint and would be quite until we take him back
I was about to speak when Zach opened his mouth. I swear I saw Corbyn roll his eyes
Z: Hey I am Zach, what would be your name* took his hand out to shake hers*
??:* takes it* Astrid Hofferson Besson
Everyone except Corbyn:  WAIT BESSON !!!!!!
C: yes she is my sister
J: Wait Wasen't she the one you mentioned on your Anniversary
C: yep that was her
Jo: so Christina knows about her
A: actualy I met her before her before this lover boy
G: wow
J: yeah srsly wow
L: *goes and hugs Astrid's legs* thank wou
A: * gets down* awwww What's your name
G: Lavender may avery
A: oh wait she is Lavender I swear You are cutter than Corbyn described
J: wait you told her about Lav
C: techanly Chris did
A: umm guys we should get him back to the headquater to investegate him
Jo: Finally someone who cares about work
yay Astrid is finally introduced. so guys the cloths she is wearing are in the photo above
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hemmingshouse · 4 years
Here’s the link https://my.w.tt/dpQwkrn3Pab
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tiwexi · 5 years
[Corbyn] Blissful Morning
I turned around facing the person who was still sleeping quietly beside me. Whenever I wake up, staring at this gorgeous face of his was like a blessing.
His long eyelashes were remarkably breathtaking.
Every time he blinks an eye at me with those captivating eyes, my stomach churned badly from the butterfly effects he gave.
His perfectly carved lips were ment to melt this poor heart of mine.
A decent smile crept across my lips while adoring his sleeping face. My heart started tingling when he suddenly snuggled his head into the fluffy pillow. Such a cute boy!
I shot a glance towards the clock.
It's almost 8 a.m. but he doesn't seem to wake up from his deep slumber.
I shifted and pulled the comforter higher so that it'll  cover our whole body from the coldness of the aircon.
Although the temperature was at 21°C, my body was freezing to the bones.
I gently put my cold hands onto his cheek and rubbed my thumb against his soft cheeks.
He really took good care of his skin. Extremely soft and clean.
I remembered the time when we're on our way to my house for my mom's birthday, I told him there was something on top of his nose bridge.
After telling him that, he shot me a terrifying look which was so cute.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Just a pimple."
"What?!" His eyes widened.
He immediately pulled over his car by the road.
"What's wrong?" I asked him concerned.
"We're meeting your mom."
"Yes. And..?" I gave him a strange look.
"I'm hideous!"
I was struck dumb.
"I have a pimple!" He put on a sour-faced expression.
"Oh my god..! Corbyn!" I laughed so hard which made my stomach churned so bad.
"God! It's just a pimple!" I stated clearly with a giggle.
He let out a sharp breath and opened the door beside him. "Let's go."
"Where?" I asked while chuckling.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me beside him before crossing the road.
My brows furrowed. "Where are we going?"
"There." The car keys were dangling from his hand when he pointed towards a convenience store.
As we got into the convenience store, he quickened his pace towards somewhere at the corner. I followed his steps like a loyal little pup.
"Are these okay?" He turned around with a pair of white glasses on his face.
I lift my face up to see it and he looked down at me to give an accessible view.
"Well.." I looked at him and took a slight glance at the stack of glasses beside him while pursing my lips.
"Does it cover the zit?" He gave me another question.
I took a step closer towards the stack of glasses and went for the large black framed glasses.
"Try these on." I hand him the glasses.
He obediently wore it without hesitation. "So.. Are these the one?"
I gave him a satisfying look and smiled. "Yeah. Those are  the one."
I turned around and took the same pair of glasses but slightly smaller than his.
"I think I'll take one too." I showed him the glasses I took and wore it.
"Were're definitely going to be the cutest couple on your mom's birthday today." He stated teasingly and gave me a gentle pat on the head.
I shot him a sweet smile.
"We'll see." I said with a chuckle.
Honestly, he looks damn adorable with those huge glasses on.. I can't take my eyes off him!
I snapped back to reality when I heard a soft growl beside me.
Corbyn got up and propped himself up on one elbow as my hand fell off his cheeks.
His face came closer to mine and he gave a gentle peck on my lips. "Morning, sweetheart." His tone was low and husky.
"Morning." I said and kissed him back.
I hung my hands around his neck when he suddenly deepen the kiss.
He kissed me passionately. Keeping it slow and gentle.
After a moment, he stopped and rest his forehead onto mine. We we're desperately craving for air.
He abruptly landed a kiss on my forehead.
"You look sexy this morning." He said with a sweet smile on his face.
"How about yesterday morning?" I teased him cheekily.
He rolled his eyes playfully.
" You look gorgeous and sexy everyday." He stated.
"Please keep that in mind, will you?" He said with a pleasing tone
"I'll gladly do that." I simply answered.
He laid closer to me and landed a few kisses all over my face before lowering his head to kiss my neck.
"No..! Stop!" I laughed when I felt a ticklish sensation on my neck. "Sto—Hahahah!"
"I won't." He gave me a quick peck on the lips.
I stopped laughing and giggled. "You are."
He chuckled and snuggled into my neck. "What shampoo did you use?" He asked.
"Vanilla Coconut."
"It smells good. I like it." He snuggled deeper.
"Umm.. Thanks?"
"So.. Don't you wanna eat breakfast?"
He shrugged lazily. "No.." He paused. "Can't we just stay like this for 2 more hours?"
"Nope. I'll probably die of hunger any minute now." I said.
He ignored my answer and asked, "How many kids do you want?"
"Corbyn, I'm hung—"
"No, no, no! Shh!" His arms tighten around my waist. "Quiet, princess.."
He pulled the thick comforter above our head and stared deeply into my eyes. His eyes were glistening and luscious.
"Let's see how many kids we can make for two hours straight?" He planted a sweet kiss onto my collarbone.
I chuckled seductively. "Well, look who's hungrier?"
He shot me a bright smile and pulled me closer into the warmth of his body.
"I love you so much, sweetheart." A soft whisper came out his red lips as he leaned closer to me.
Hello, lovely Limelights! Love all of you ! :) -KayHani
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lipstickbisous · 5 years
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my beautiful baby.
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danielseaveyupdates · 2 years
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kimskais · 5 years
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come to brazil acoustic version
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bbyrxd · 6 years
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bringing this back bc we love a supportive friend💞
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lyricalcorbyn · 5 years
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corbyn besson snapchat / instagram stories
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taesugakookiess · 7 years
Impulse|J.A| PART TREE
On my story streak. This one gonna snatch weaves😈
@majesticmarais @jackslittleavery @samithepixie
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"Jack, pick up the phone," I said to myself driving to Daniel's house. I've been calling Jack since yesterday's incident. I saw the message Edwin sent me, it had me shook. Edwin Mind if I come over? I miss you Sent at 6:23 PM Like, Edwin, we're FRIENDS. I had a crush on him before but it's gone since Jack and I became close. Jack is very jealous and sensitive. How am I gonna explain THIS to him? I have to talk to Edwin, too. I want something serious with Jack and he needs to know that. But, I'm really bad at explaining stuff. 
I drove into Daniel's driveway and got out the car. It was lights on in the house so they must've been there. I knocked on the door gently, "Who is it?" Someone said through the door. "Um, is Jack there?" I said standing on my tippy toes for no reason. It got quiet for a second, then someone opened the door, it was Corbyn, he had a disappointed look, "Yeah, he's here." I fiddled with my fingers, "Can I talk to him?" "He doesn't wanna talk." "Please, Corbyn." He sighed, "I don't think he's ready." I slumped, I felt so bad, "Tell him I'm sorry and I love him." I just walked away and got in my car. When I drove out of the driveway, I saw Jack at the door with Corbyn watching me drive away. I felt my eyes water up, I was frustrated. My throat was hot and fuzzy, it's all my fault. I got a text from Edwin again, I didn't really wanna talk to him but I looked at the message. Edwin You aight? Sent at 8:21 PM I didn't answer. But while I was driving, something made me change my mind.  I was going to talk to him when I got home, I needed somebody to talk to. He's my best friend, I can't just cut him off for nothing. He probably doesn't even know what's going on. When I got to my house, I was about to walk inside when a car drove into the driveway, it was Edwin. The lights were blinding me so I shaded my eyes. He got out and jogged up to me, "Aye, I been looking for you."
“We need to talk Ed,” I said nervously. 
"No, I know we do. I have to tell you something," He smiled. His smile beamed at me, making me feel so bad. I twisted my face, "Ok." We walked to my backyard, I slumped in my hammock, "Edwin-" I began, he cut me off. "We've been best friends for a while now, right?" I froze, "Yes?" I hope he wasn't about to tell me what I THOUGHT he was going to tell me. "Well, I really care about you, a lot." He said getting all happier. "Edwin," I said, getting all fidgety. He leaned in on me, "I like you. Differently than when we first met." I was speechless, I don't know why but I was leaning in, too. We were almost nose to nose when a familiar furious-sounding voice interrupted us, "I knew it." I turned my head to see Jack standing in the pathway of my backyard. It was dark outside, but I could see his face was red with anger. ~
😱😩 Part Four?🤔
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thedragonastrid · 3 years
Jachary creates chaos
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Jack's POV
after telling Zach my theory
J: yes it true I heard it with my own ears
Z: ok let's assume that your theory is true but why would Corbyn kill Christina
J: simple remember yesterday when Corbyn mentioned a girl named Astrid we don't know who she is but it seems like Christina does that is why she got angry and took Corbyn to a corner and had a fight
Z: Ok I suppose that makes sense but what About Jonah why would he murder someone and specifically Sabrina
J: simple because she embarrassed him in front of the whole headquarters
Z: true but Dani and Franny what about them
J: Dani did mess up big time because he knows that she had a bad past with alcohol and she hates it and Franny had a fight with him in front of all of us and as far as I've known Daniel he really cares about his reputation and at the party, all his Juniors were there
Z: OK now I am getting worried but we cannot arrest them without any evidence
J: so what do we do
Z: maybe we can prevent them from conducting the crime but alarming the victim
J: 🤨🤨 Meaning
Z: meaning we write a letter to all of them, warning them letting them know that their lives are in danger
J: that's a pretty good idea, I"ll get the pen and paper
after a while
J: ok done
Z: let me see
the letter
dear Ma'm
your life is in danger, you are going to be killed but the only
Corbyn Besson/ Daniel Seavey/ Jonah Marais
( each letter for the three in order)
Z: alright phase 1 is done now time for phase 2
J: ahh Question what is phase 2
Z: * slaps the back of his head* diverting the letters duffer
J: oh *realizes * sorry
Z: let's go
(skip after they gave the letters to the girls )
Authors pov
Jack and Zach delivered the notes but while delivering the notes Zach got a msg from Corbyn that Corbyn needs them. So because of the rush, they mixed up the notes so Christina got the letter that says that she was going to be killed by Jonah which was suppose to go to Sabrina, Sabrina got the letter that says that she was going to be killed by Daniel which was meant for Franny and finally the letter which was supposed to go to Christina which said that she was going to be killed by Corbyn was reached to Corbyn
Zach's pov
I reached Corbyn's cabin where I find that Jonah was already there
Z: Good Afternoon Sir * while saluting*
C: Good Afternoon Zach nice of you to join us
He said while laughing
Z: Sorry sir got held up in the traffic
C: Ahhh I am just teasing ya, OK so back to the point I got a call from my spies that there is a terrorist named Jhoja the Terminator. He is planing on bombing the city so our Job is to make sure he doesn't. We have to find him in the lockup for good. GOT IT
J&Z: YES SIR! C: And Jonah Can you go to a florist and get Christina a bouquet of roses for me and say that I am sorry please I really don't wanna die today maybe she'll listen to you
J: Yeah sure no problem
( Meanwhile, when to girls got the letter)
Christina's Pov
AHH, there is another mail shit I might have forgotten. I walk over to the mail on the door to get it, I walk inside and look at the envelope it was assigned to me I thought that I was from the job I was applying for but what was written inside shocked me to the death. It said that I was going to be murdered by non-other than Jonah Marais the one who I thought as a brother to me was going to kill me, and I am pretty sure that he was doing it because Corbyn said so he was too angry on me just because I got jealous. After all, he was talking which seemed more like he was flirting with her ex on our anniversary party I mean like every girl would do that am I right. OK, I am going to rant on later, but I first got to close all the doors of my apartment.
just then the doorbell rang
Sabrina's pov
I was busy dreaming about the love of my life, my boyfriend Joshua Bassett
then I realise that I haven't read today's mail
I go over to the bundle of mails and start checking them
junk, junk, junk, junk
then my eyes caught a letter that was handwritten who still sends handwritten letters nowadays but let's just read it
dear Ma'm
your life is in danger, you are going to be killed but the only
Daniel Seavey
haha like what a police officer why would he kill me
get then the doorbell rang
Franny Pov
I was going through the mail when I saw a handwritten letter so I decided to read it but when I read what was inside it I was shocked it said that I was going to be murdered by non-other than Corbyn Besson but why would he murder me what have I done to him. but I need to protect my life so I decided to call the Police
Author's pov
Franny's call was sent to the Headquarters but what she didn't know was that her request was sent to Corbyn himself
Jonah's Pov
Ugh this Corbyn If he wasn't my head I would have killed him I mean if he is scared of her killing him that doesn't mean that he goes on and tell other people to do his work for him and he sits in an AC cabinet
anyway I reached his house I knocked on the door but she didn't open it I wonder why
Christina's Pov
I saw Jonah outside I am freaking out now Ugh what do I do now. Ugh I can't believe this but it seems like I have to call Zach I mean he is his partner right maybe he can help me .... somehow
Zach's Pov
I get a msg from Christina saying that the killer is at her house I call Jack and raced to her house to find Jonah outside the door telling her to open the door. I walk over there
Jo: Oh thank god you're here look at this Christina isn't opening her door for some reason
Z: hey don't fear when I am here. Let me talk to her.........  Christina, please open the door see it's me Zach I am here
Ch: no I am not opening this unless and until Jonah is out of here, he is here to kill me
Jo: wait me I am here to kill you nonono there has to some mistake I am here to deliver the flowers personally to you which were sent by Corbyn as an apology to you
Ch: but the letter says that your here to kill me * as she opens the door*
I quickly recognize the letter, It was written by me which was suppose to be for Sabrina
I turn my toward Jack to see a guilty look on his face as I give him a death glare
Ja: sorry that was a mistake
I thought of something really quick to cover this up
Z: hahahahahaha that means someone played a prank on you Christina
Ja: yeah these types of pranks are really becoming popular these days
Ch: yeah u guys are probably right btw did you say that Corbyn sent me flowers
Jo: yes yes he did he wanted to come here by himself but couldn't so he sent me
Ch: awww that's so sweet of him tell him that I accept his apology
Jo: will do
then we left
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What a cutie
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