#corky II
Please, please tell me there are reasonable people in this world who realize that Corky’s situation is nothing like Tokitae’s. Please tell me they aren’t serious about wanting to recreate the trauma she endured as a youngster by taking her away from her family a second time.
And please, tell me SeaWorld will protect her.
Don’t let them take her.
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saltycetaceans · 1 year
The difference between Tokitae and Corky, when it comes to moving them to Sea Pens is that: Corky II lives with other killer whales, she lives with whales that have become her pod, she has become a prominent foster mother to a lot of calves, a lot of who she still lives with.
Tokitae wasn't with another orca for well over 40 years, she was the only one at the Miami Seaquarium, minus a few lags she lived with, which is much different than 7 other killer whales whom an orca has bonds with that stem from decades of interaction and care for one another.
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littlewalken · 8 months
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for a photo reference for someone
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fierce0111 · 1 year
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myfancastings-blog · 2 years
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In My opinion I think marvel should go back to their original mission statement when they first started marvel studio, which was “we’re not just making superhero movies, we’re making genre bending films featuring Marvel characters”.
It’s gone to the point where now superhero movies had become their own genre. Which is kind of a bad thing because now there’s a level of expectation that warrants a unenthusiastic response from the ongoing audience.
The first Iron Man movies was a character story about redemption of oneself. First Captain America was a World War II era adventure film, that later became a espionage thriller. And Guardians of the Galaxy is a space rock opera.
But now they’re just marvel movies.
Marvel studios need to go back to what they originally promised. Genre bending movies with completely different tones that fit into a shared universe. Just like the comics they originated from.
Ant-man can still be a comedy, but keep it what it originally was supposed to be, A comedy heist movie. Maybe Kang kidnaps Cassie and forces Scott and the rest of the Ant family to team up with Bill Murray and other unsavory corky characters of the quantum realm to steal a item from the new evil dictator terrorizing the quantum realm named MODOK!
Upcoming blade movie should be a straight up horror film. They’re already on a good path with werewolf by night. But it could be something like a horror slasher film.
Fantastic four should not just be a superhero movie, but a family exploring adventure film, within the same vein as “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” or “Adventure to the center of the Earth”.
Upcoming Captain America four can be a political charged film, that tackles corruption within the government and racism within the country. We now have a black man who is a symbol of American pride. There’s gonna be a lot of evil white men who don’t like that. Like The serpent society that be a metaphor for right wing white nationalist groups.
Filmmakers need to play with the genres and play with the tones. We could have movies for the entire family, that’s OK. But also have a few movies that you and you’re friends of the same age can only watch. Not everything has to be funny. It should be funny, serious or thought-provoking.
As of now marvel studios is safe in terms of what they’re doing right now, for now. If they continue doing this same formula then they’re going to prove Steven Spielberg right about comic book movies being a fad that’s going to die.
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Playlist (15): Great Big Hoping Machine (Radio Plastique), Nov 27 2022
Jason Collett "Everyday Sunflower" Head Full of Wonder
John Showman and Chris Coole "Don't Leave Your Records in the Sun" Much Further Out Than Inevitable
Plains "I Walked With You a Ways" I Walked With You a Ways
Elijah McLaughlin Ensemble "Wheel" II
Ruby Gill "In Time With the Engine Turning Over" I Forgot to Be Profound Today
Abigail Dowd "Diamond" Beautiful Day
Hilary Hawke "Jack of Diamonds" Lilygild
Dan Mangan "In Your Corner (for Scott Hutchinson)" Being Somewhere
Anna Bates "Something Greater" Here's to the End
Noah Reid "Statue's in the Stone" Adjustments
Jphono1 "Taco Ma Park" Low Key Companion
Madi Diaz, S.G. Goodman, and Joy Oladokun "Be Careful" single
Corky Siegel "Cool Fragrant Breeze" Songs for Truth and Harmony
Lars Nagel "Old Photographs" Tomorrow Never Knows
Brady Rymer "Mail Myself to You" Keep Hoping Machine Running: Songs of Woody Guthrie
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iamkateygretchen · 2 years
How many Y2K babies are known for the cheerleading teams the Goats and the Oxen?
Karly Kunisaki: MM•VII•XX (July 20, 2000)
Corky Tapper: MM•IX•XVIII (September 18, 2000)
Roary: MMI•II•XVI (February 16, 2001)
Naija Kim: MMI•V•XVII (May 17, 2001)
Jessie Minato: MMI•XII•XXVI (December 26, 2001)
Elliot Song: MMII•III•XVI (March 16, 2002)
Willamina Hwa: MMII•VII•III (July 3, 2002)
Alley Park: MMII•VIII•VIII (August 8, 2002)
Sunghee Bang: MMIII•III•X (March 10, 2003)
Britnee Tham: MMIII•VIII•XVII (August 17, 2003)
Heather Misaki: MMIII•VIII•XX (August 20, 2003)
Candy U.: MMV•II•I (February 1, 2005)
Star Malee: MMVI•VI•VI (June 6, 2006)
13 were born in the 2000s
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@shitsngiggles666 Here’s an example of research that can only be performed in a managed setting! Basically anything that requires invasive testing of a live orca (bloodwork, urinalysis, internal imaging, ECG as seen here) can only happen at a zoological institution. In the wild, you’re limited to skin and blubber samples and fecal analysis. Another example is in-depth reproduction studies (tracking a pregnancy from conception to birth) and certain cognitive tests!
I’ve seen this quote by filmmaker Gabriela Cowperthwaite (the director of Blackfish) recited over and over again: “The most important thing that we’ve learned from having whales in captivity is, ironically, that they should not be in captivity.” That’s just plain not true. To fully understand a species and what we can do to help them, it’s best to be able to study them both in zoos and in their natural environment.
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namu-the-orca · 3 years
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“Forever yours”
And now, for something different in between the salmon: a very special and beautiful commission. A little while back I was asked to paint Corky II, swimming underwater with a trainer. She’s a special whale to many, including the client, and is well known for her kind and gentle personality. New trainers learning about waterworks for the first time were usually paired up with Corky because of it. She’s an older lady now, coming up to 57, but hopefully she’s many more years ahead of her.
For this piece the client wanted to show Corky in a serene, almost magical setting, which I think worked wonderfully. This was so fun and relaxing to paint, I really loved the colours and killer whales are of course always a treat. I’m very happy I got asked to paint this special whale. A lot of work went into making Corky look right, so I hope she’s recognisable to those who know her.
Also, I know cetacean captivity is an emotional topic for some people. Please just try to appreciate this for what it is - a nice picture of a beautiful whale - and refrain from getting on your soap box. Play nice, I’ll be keeping an eye on things ♥
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littlewalken · 4 years
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Some good news Northern Resident Midsummer (neice of Corky II) had a third calf. As her mother Ripple’s only surviving calf this is great news for their family. She already has a son and a daughter.
This is also the matriline that has bad luck around boat propellers, so when you hear a blow, go slow.
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swampgh0stt · 6 years
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Oct 2018
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the-cetacean · 6 years
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Marineland of the Pacific (Whale of a Tale)
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fierce0111 · 1 year
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tepiddreamer · 6 years
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Corky II candid shots. While the topic of tooth wear in captive cetaceans is still heavily debated, it is incorrect to place 100% blame on Seaworld. Both Corky II and Orky II had their bottom teeth drilled down while at Marineland, and Corky II did not start showing wear on the top teeth until coming to Seaworld. It is not known why these two whales had such bad teeth, was it stress from their smaller tank, or Corkys many failed pregnancies? Today it is known that whales will chew on the concrete pools and objects inside the pool, like rock work and pull on gates. It is also unknown if EEDs have a detrimental effect on their teeth. Because captive cetaceans spend more time at the surface, exposure to air from gaping mouths may speed tooth decay, or the fact that the animals are hand fed, instead of grabbing their prey. In some cases genetics may play a part, Ikaika in particular has bad teeth, as his father Tilikum had similar issues.
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3 age groups in comparison from 2017, Kalia (teenager), Amaya (Calf), Corky (post menopause adult)
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ginalover · 5 years
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These Two
They always look like they’re up to something.
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See? Always up to something.
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ciaoteamo · 2 years
☎️ Telephone ☎️
pairings: corky x f!reader
summary: Corky and (Y/N) are phone buddies that plan to hang for the first time.
part II
warnings: probably spelling errors
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╔═════════☆♡☆ ═════════╗
further warnings: none
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“i’m just saying, pineapples belong on pizza, it’s for the finest of people” You hear Corky chuckle through the phone.
“you’re saying that you’re one of the finest people?“ You tease.
“…what if i were? would you stop making excuses to not let me over?” She teased back.
“you know my reasoning… plus i have nothing fun over here” You almost pout as you look around your boring home.
“we can always improvise, i’m lonely (Y/N)” She pleads. You giggle at her behavior and roll your eyes.
“well then… have any plans for tomorrow?” You ask.
“none whatsoever” She answers.
“well be here at around… 9. i should be off by then” You reply.
“well then…” Her sentence halted as she yawned. “it’s a date”
“okay, goodnight sleepyhead” You joke.
“goodnight, (Y/N)” She says and you hang up. You tuck yourself into bed, barely able to calm your nerves about what was to come tomorrow. Your first hangout with your crush.
You rush into your apartment with your arms full of groceries, almost dropping them a few times. You reach your small kitchen island and place the heavy bags down with a sigh. Here goes nothing.
A knock is heard at your front door just as your timer goes off for the food. You hurriedly open the oven door and grab the heavy tray of food with your mitts.
You rush towards the door and take a deep breath to calm your nerves. “it’ll be fine” You say quietly. You open the door to reveal Corky leaned up against the door frame, flowers in hand.
“good afternoon, beautiful” She grins.
“good afternoon, are these for me?” You say, shifting your weight onto one leg.
“nah, i just like to carry roses around” She replies.
“okay smart ass” You both laugh and she hold the bouquet out for you.
“may i?” She asks, glancing behind you. You hum and step to the side, closing the door as she walks in.
“where do you want these?” She asks, slowly walking as she looks around your humble home.
“you can sit them on the table, i’ll put them in a vase later” You answer.
You head back towards the kitchen and peel back the aluminum that covered your famous lasagna. You’ve gotten a lot of complements for it over the years so of course it would be your go-to.
“i hope you like lasagna” You say aloud before grabbing two plates from your cabinet.
“not a big fan, actually, but maybe yours is different” You hear from behind. You turn ti see her walking towards you, her leather jacket she wore at the door, now gone. Allowing you to see her tattoos and slim body.
You fix the plates for the two of you and lead her to the dining table. “want a drink?” You ask as she sits down.
“….have any beer?” She asks.
“of course” You grin and shake your head.
“what?” She asks.
“oh nothing… nothing” You chuckle. You grab her a beer and yourself a water as you head back out. The two of you reminisced on conversations you’ve had on the phone, resulting in small breaks of laughter and/ or embarrassment.
Eventually, the room got quiet aside from the clanking and eating noises that occurred.
“thanks for the flowers, they’re really pretty” You say.
“oh yeah! i came across them after work” She says.
“how is work?” You ask.
“pretty good, nothing to really complain about… it’s simple. what about you?”
“only thing i can complain about is the lack of flexibility, i can hardly go anywhere fun, you know?” You pick around at your food with your fork, no longer feeling hungry.
“we can always bring the fun to us” Corky retorts. You look up from your plate to find her looking at you with a devious smile.
“you’re bad” You laugh.
“well, bad girls have all the fun” She shrugs. “this lasagna is absolutely amazing by the way. the last time i had it, it tasted like shit” Corky says with the straightest face ever.
The fact that you could tell that she was being serious made your cheeks tingle as you became bashful. “stop” You look away before going to collect the china.
“i’m serious, i usually hate this stuff” She raises her eyebrows.
“well i’m glad i made it enjoyable, i have strawberry shortcake in the fridge for dessert if you would like a slice?”
“did you make that too?” She asks.
“nope, not that much of a cook” You joke. You toss the dishes int he sink and pull out the cake. You grab two more plates from your cabinet and take a knife to the table.
“looks good” Corky states. You hum in agreement and pop the top off.
“so…” You start as you cut her a slice. “you mentioned bringing the fun earlier. care to give a few examples? it gets boring pretty quickly” You say.
“sure, there’s plenty to do… you can paint, work out, do some yoga, make a meal you’ve never made, call a friend, binge movies, play games..” She lists.
“well, what do you usually do?”
“i mainly go out to bars or eat at restaurants “
“i see… did you want to do any of the things you listed tonight?” You speak before taking in a forkful of cake.
“i say watch a movie and play a game” She finished her cake.
“i don’t have any games though, it never crossed my mind to grab any” You admit. Plus you’re here alone all the time, why would you need a game.
“that’s okay, there’s verbal games” She gets up and takes the cake into the living room, sitting in on your coffee table. You open up an entertainment center drawer and pull out your collection of movies.
“which one?” You ask as you present her the bin. She digs through a bit before quickly lifting one from the pile.
“awe man, i like this movie” She says.
“Dirty Dancing… i like this one too” You smile. You put the movie in and turn off any unnecessary lighting.
“you really like that cake huh?“ You joke.
“i do, you might have to take it away” She chuckles.
“by all means, eat as much as you want” You surrender.
A while passes and the whole time all you could think about, was how your crush was in your living room, basically having a date with you.
“truth or dare” Cory says out of nowhere.
“uhh.. truth”
“have you ever done it with another girl?” She asks.
“nope” You answer simply.
“… are you trying to go more than once?” You ask.
“are you a virgin?” She asks.
“truth or dare, corky” You smile.
“…truth” She chuckles and shakes her head.
“is there anyone that you’re interested in?” You ask.
“ not too sure, we should come back to that.” She answers. You hum and she does the same. “truth or dare?”
“what about you?”
‘Should I? It’s not like she’ll know for certain.. i don’t want to embarrass myself and lose my chance though..’ You think.
“…yeah… there is” You direct your attending back to the TV feel her eyes on you. Looking you up and down. “truth or dare?” You ask, trying to keep your cool.
“i say dare”
“i dare you…” You look around the house for an idea. But something better popped into your head. “i dare you to show me your best fake O” You grin.
“that’s heavy” She scratched her head. “don’t think i do this often” She points at you. You put your hands up as if surrendering.
“wouldn’t dream of it” You reply. She knits her eyebrows and slightly parts her lips before making the most exotic expression. She starts breathing heavy and put and arm on the table to keep herself upright.
She suddenly stops and goes back to her first position. “and scene, legs would be shaking of course, but, can’t do that in jeans” She shrugs.
“ top notch performance” You joke.
“ thank you thank you” She bows with a laugh.
“alright, truth or dare (Y/N). careful what you pick” Corky teases.
“why do you have to sound like such a menace” You jokingly roll your eyes. “dare”
“… let me pick what you wear for the rest of the game” She tilts her head, mockingly.
“sure, let’s go” You reply, seemingly unprovoked. Deep down, you were hoping that she wouldn’t pick something provocative. Or maybe you were hoping for the opposite.
“don’t talk about my bed sheets, they were my grandmas” You start off.
“i can tell” She chuckles and you walk her towards your wardrobe.
“ha ha.” You mock dryly. “ there are clothes here and in my drawers, do your worst” You sit on the edge of the bed, tilting your head as you watch Corky sort through your clothes.
A few minutes later, she’d found the small section of your mothers old clothes that she handed down to you. She held up the dress your mother used to love most.
It was all black, sweet heart collared, off shoulder, maxi, and paired beautifully with her pearls. You remember when she’d tell you about how she met your father while wearing that dress.
“oh man” Corny says before looking at you with an excited face. It made you smile to see her like that. “this is the one” She nods. You take the dress from her and head to your bathroom to put it on.
Once you got it adjusted, you walked back out, only to find her no where around the room. You walk into the hall and out into the living room.
There she was, ‘man spreading’ on the couch with yet, another slice of shortcake. “you’re gonna regret eating all of that later” You put a hand on your hip.
“well let me be the judge of th…” Her speech fades as she turned her head to look at you. The way she stared directly at your face, mouth agape, made you shy.
“is it not what you expected?” You ask, confused.
“not at all… in a good way, i mean” She gets up, looking you up and down as she makes her way over.
“is Corky the player blushing right now?” You grin at her.
“ *pshh* you’re seeing things” She denies. You hum and she sets her remaining cake on the table. Her hands find your waist while your arms subconsciously wrapped around her neck.
I've been meaning to tell you
I've been meaning to tell you
I look at you and I fantasize
You're mine tonight
Hungry Eyes plays from your television as the two of rock side to side. “heh, this is so cliché” You shake your head.
“well i’m loving cliché” She says, looking into your eyes with her infamous grin.
“mm” You try to match her boldness by carrying out the game. “so… truth or dare Corky” You keep the eye contact.
“Dare” She answers. You look up while you think briefly look down at the coffee table.
“okayy… grab your plate” She stares at you and you avoid her gaze. You could tell she was confused. But regardless, she granted your wish.
“now what?” She asks. You dip her fingers in the whip cream frosting and rub the white substance onto your collarbone.
“you know what to do” You grin at her.
“you’re somethin’ else” She shakes her head. Her eyes were focused on yours while she took her time getting close, building up your nerves.
Her tongue ran over your skin as if it’s been doing it for years. You knew she was experienced, she applied pressure, and traced every dip in the area.
Once the cream was gone, she pulled back with a smirk, and you put one on as well. “ i think i have my answer now” She starts and you look at her in confusion. “to your truth?”
“ohh, what is it?” You ask.
“definitely interested in someone” She answers, waiting for a response from you. You felt your heart skip a beat as your confidence slowly shrank.
“that’s funny..” You take the hand you dipped and raise it to your face. “ i’m interested in someone too” You say before sucking her fingers clean, earning that devilish smile from her.
This was, hands down, the best game of truth or dare you’ve played.
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(A/N): this is a brain fart write, just smile and wave😭
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