#coroika straps
octorocktopus · 1 month
team Gloves? :3c
Gloves - Transguy, goes by He/It. Gay and Queerplatonic
Halfrimz - Nonbinary Transfem, goes by They/She. Queer Demissexual (Prob dating Headphones)
Straps - He/Him Lesbian (Had a crush on Metry once)
Clip-ons - Demigirl, She/They. Unlabeled and prob Queerplatonic, also Cupioromantic
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midnapanda · 2 years
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Straps stimboard / moodboard 🐢 🔊 🥎
x x x ▪︎ x X x ▪︎ x x x
{ Gloves | Half-Rim | Straps | Clip-Ons }
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Voice claim time! Ft. Team Gloves.
Gloves: Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5)
Half-rims: M!Byleth Eisner (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Clip-ons: Morgana (also Persona 5)
Straps: Ibuki Mioda (Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair)
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rorotoru · 1 year
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2023.02.09 - 2023.05.22
Guys my girlbestie is kinda cool (affectionate)... Guys my girlbestie is my girlfriend now!!!
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Guys I fukcing evaporated.
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violethursday · 2 months
Didn't realize until now that my Captain 3 (Masahiro) and his twin sister Riko sorta look like Half-Rim and Straps from Gloves' team.
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mcwoomy · 1 year
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sawdusst · 10 months
The Rainmaker Heist Chapter 5 (Coroika Pirate AU)
Sorry about the late update again, I realized I messed up on a thing and I had to restart the whole thing ;-;; I was very indecisive about what I wanted to happen in this chapter because I also didn't expect the poll to turn out the way that it did ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
But it's all good :D I improvised and uhhh-- yeah :" I hope you guys like it! :]
For anyone new to the AU, here's the main thread for previous chapters + background info on the characters!
TW// Violence , I guess (?)
Word count: ~2,012 (I did some editing on my phone so idk how much exactly)
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[Decline Hivemind’s Offer]
“I think we’ll have to pass on that offer,” Gloves said with a nervous laugh, “I don’t think we’ll need any help getting the Rainmaker… thank you for the offer though.”
Hivemind’s smile faded almost instantly. He huffed, folding his arms across his chest. “I see, I understand.” Hivemind replied with a smile, “Well, that really is a shame, you know. I was kind of hoping we could work together somehow... oh well."
“I’m sorry,” Gloves said awkwardly, “Hey, I mean, we could still be friends— I think that’ll be cool! It’s just that—”
“Friends, right,” Hivemind interrupted, then shrugged with nonchalance, “I guess that’ll be one way to describe it.”
Hivemind laughed, before turning away from the ship’s railing. As he turned to leave, the rest of his crew stood up— each of them with a weapon in their hands. Hivemind glanced over his shoulder, looking Gloves in the eye. 
“Sink their ship and bring the crew to me,” he muttered. 
“Crap, we’re outnumbered,” Half Rim said as he took a hesitant step back. “Do you think we could—”
Half Rim was cut off when a splat bomb flew towards their ship and landed on the deck. Gloves flinched, running over to it. He picked it up and threw it overboard. There was a small burst of pale ink in the tossing seas below. Gloves sighed a breath of relief, then looked over at the rest of his crew. 
“Clips! Straps! Get us out of here!” Gloves ordered. From a holster on his belt, Gloves pulled out a pair of dualies, “Half Rim and I will—”
There was a loud boom that rang through the air. Gloves jumped up as a splash of blue ink landed at his feet. He looked up to see an octoling with a charger aimed at him from the other ship. Gloves dashed out of the way as the charger fired a couple more shots.
Half Rim quickly picked up his splatterscope that was leaning against a couple of crates. He turned around. “Captain, leave the charger to me. You take care of the others trying to get on our ship.”
Gloves nodded as an inkling leapt onto their ship. A splattershot in their hands, they dashed forward. Gloves dodged to the side, barely missing the splattershot’s volley of ink. Gloves raised both of the dualies, splatting the inkling quickly. Gloves turned around to see a splat roller hanging above his head.
Another inkling with a splat roller swiftly swung the roller at Gloves, flinging a volley of pale blue ink at him. Gloves rolled to the side and fired back at them. With a couple hits, the inkling was splatted in a burst of pale blue ink. A few more jumped across, all of them carrying a weapon in their hands. Gloves dashed forward, rolling forward and raising both of the dualies. He splatted two more inklings. The ship rocked back and forth on the tossing waves as it began to drift away.
As the ship drifted away, grappling hooks were thrown— punching through the hardwood ship and pulling them closer.
“Captain!” Half Rim exclaimed, firing a shot from the splatterscope, “We have a problem, we can’t get away. We need someone to cut those ropes!” 
Half Rim quickly ducked as a burst bomb flew over his head. He glanced over his shoulder. “Someone cut the ropes! We need to get out of here!” 
“I’m on it!” Straps responded. 
Gloves dodge rolled to the side, splatting another pair of inklings. He paused, sensing someone creeping up behind him.
“Give it up, Captain.” 
Gloves turned around to see the pointed end of a Kensa Charger between his eyes. Gloves took a hesitant step back.
“Your crew is vastly outnumbered, you’ve held up well so far— but you’re going to fall apart easily,” Hivemind said, lowering the sniper, “Just take a look around, your ship’s almost entirely painted. You have an awfully small crew, I doubted they would have put up much of a fight.”
“What are you talking about? My crew’s holding up just fine—” 
“Listen, Gloves,” Hivemind cut him off, “It really isn’t anything personal. Your crew’s so small in numbers, I figured this’ll be an easy win. So I hope you understand that I couldn’t just let you get away like that. I really did want to be friends, in fact you could’ve even joined my crew.”
The loud snap of a rope echoed through the air. Gloves took a hesitant step backwards. 
“If you surrender now, maybe you could come out of this unscathed,” Hivemind suggested with a shrug. “It’s your choice, Gloves.” 
“Never,” Gloves scowled, then pointed to Hivemind with one of his dualies. “And it’s Captain Gloves to you.”
Hivemind frowned. He jumped back, raising the charger aiming it towards Gloves. Gloves dashed to the side as a splash of blue ink hit the side railings. He rolled forward, aiming the dualies at Hivemind. Just as he was about to fire, another inkling with a roller ran in front. 
“Shoot!” Gloves cursed as the roller slammed into the ground.
A shockwave of ink splashed Gloves, knocking him backwards. Gloves hit the hardwood floors. He winced, staggering to his feet. He looked up as another roller was raised above his head. Gloves rolled to the side, turning around and splatting the other inkling. 
He heard the whirring of the charger and another shot was fired. Gloves stumbled out of the way. He looked around, running over to a couple of crates and ducking behind them for cover. Gloves took a second to brush himself off, before standing up again.
He turned around to see Hivemind aiming up towards the helm where Clips stood. 
“Clips! Look out!” 
Clips ducked as a shot was fired above her head. She sighed a breath of relief. She quickly picked up a splattershot next to her. 
“Don’t worry about Hivemind!” Gloves ordered, “Leave him to me, you focus on getting us out of here!”
Clips nodded. She hurried away from the helm to help Straps with cutting the ropes. Gloves sprinted towards Hivemind, twirling both dualies in his hand. He lunged towards Hivemind, ready to splat him. 
Suddenly, Gloves saw a colorful circle around his feet. A bright green circle with little rectangles coming off the side of it. 
“Uh oh,” Gloves whispered.
He looked up in the air to see a volley of pale blue tenta-missiles flying towards him. Gloves jumped out of the way as they crashed into their ship. Half Rim also dashed out of the way, raising the splatterscope and hitting the octoling who fired them. Gloves then looked back over at Hivemind, who seemed to have his back turned.
“Oops, didn’t mean to do that,” Hivemind said with a smile, “Sorry Captain, but I did warn you… it’s still not too late to give u—”
Gloves quickly made a dash forward, twirling the dualies in his hand and lunging towards Hivemind. In an instant, Hivemind spun around. Gloves’ eyes widened with shock as Hivemind swiped the pointed end of the charger towards him. The sharp end of the Kensa Charger slashed Gloves across the face. Green ink splattered on Hivemind’s face as Gloves fell to the ground.
A loud shot rang through the air. Hivemind was suddenly splatted from a shot of green ink to the head. Gloves fell onto the hardwood floors, more green ink splashing on his face. He looked up to see where the shot came from. 
“You talk too much,” Half Rim mumbled, lowering the splatterscope. 
Their ship was already a safe distance away from Hivemind’s. Straps quickly cut the last of the ropes, running over to fix the sails.
“Captain, we’ve shaken most of them!” Clips said, “We should be getting away in no time at all. Are you alright?” 
“I’m fine, it’s just a scratch,” Gloves replied as he stood back up. He wiped some of the ink off his face, “Doesn’t hurt at all.” 
The last few of Hivemind’s crew were splatted. Gloves looked around their ship, covered in a mix of green and pale blue. As the waves below grew more and more, it pushed their ship further away. It seems like their ship moved a bit faster. Hivemind’s ship in the distance grew smaller and smaller. 
Gloves sighed a breath of relief as he collapsed back onto the deck. He laid on his back and stared up at the night sky. “Is everyone okay?” 
The rest of his crew nodded. For the most part, they were stained with pale blue ink and a couple minor bumps. Half Rim marched over and hauled Gloves back to his feet, “Let’s get the scratch on your face taken care of first.”
Gloves got a bandage on his cheek. He sighed a breath of relief.
“So much for having it ‘handled in a cool way’,” Clips mumbled sarcastically. 
“Hey! I had it handled— for the first half,” Gloves retorted, “How was I supposed to know Hivemind was planning on capturing all of us?” 
“Uh huh,” Straps chimed in, “You’re lucky we managed to get out of that mess.”
“I’m exhausted,” Half Rim muttered, “I think we’ve all had a long day, we should just head to bed.” 
Gloves laughed to himself as Half Rim left. Then, he looked over at Straps and Clips. “You two should head to bed too. We could talk about the Rainmaker in the morning! I’ll just steer and keep an eye on everything.” 
“Are you sure?”
Gloves nodded, walking over to the helm. He lit a small lantern, setting it next to him. “You guys get some sleep, I’ll wake you if I need anything.”
Clips and Straps exchanged a look. They both walked below deck, leaving Gloves alone at the helm. Once everyone had left, Gloves pulled a crate over to the helm and sat down. He set the lantern next to him and took out Army’s manual from his pocket.
He flipped through a few more pages, until he found the chapter on the Rainmaker. He looked at the scribbled handwriting, reading from where he left off. 
The Rainmaker is also not easy to access. Even if you were in possession of it, there is still a protective bubble around it that has a deadly explosion if you stand too close to it. 
Because it’s so destructive, it’s mostly used in cases of emergencies or just as a trophy. I like to think of it as a scarecrow. Sometimes pirate crews will have a fake Rainmaker on the bows of their ships in order to scare others. 
It’s easy to tell if a Rainmaker is a fake or not. Fake Rainmakers will never shoot. They will not have any weight to store ink nor will they have any way of firing it. The real Rainmaker has a chute/tunnel in its mouth where the ink is fired from.
Gloves turned the page, realizing the entry was unfinished. There were a few pages that were ripped out right after the Rainmaker’s chapter. 
“Huh, that’s weird,” Gloves said to himself, “I don’t remember that being there before—” 
Gloves looked around. The ship seemed to be drifting along in the sea with no specific direction. He sighed to himself, looking back down at the manual and stuffing it in his pocket. 
It was a calm night, there was a light breeze hitting the sails while the ship aimlessly drifted. Gloves stood at the helm, leaning on the ship’s wheel boredly. In the far distance, however, there was a dim light coming from a nearby island. Gloves picked up a telescope and looked through it. 
The bare outlines of an island were slowly starting to come into view. Gloves perked up with interest, but then looked over at his crew.
"I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we stopped at land for a bit, but we've barely been at sea," Gloves thought to himself.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you so much for reading if you've made it this far, I really appreciate the support <33
Have a nice day/night!
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t4tklonoa · 1 year
I'm gonna talk abt team Gloves bc I lov them
the team is integrated by Gloves, Half-Rim, Clip-Ons and Straps... THEIR DESIGNS. are all based on promotional inklings from splatoon 2... Gloves beinf one of the closest ones :] green squid...
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^ look atthem... colored art... it's kinda rare that side characters that aren't. their captain. getting those so. awin for the sillies
they. went thru appearance changes for some reason. Half-Rim got its clothes changed and Clip-Ons got her weapon changed (even in the cover above she has the wrong one).. no idea why
Gloves isso silly. she can't stand being called uncool so she goes to the mountains to think abt how he can b more fresh, this sounds silly without context. also she goes bald in multiple occasions. don't ask.
Half-Rim is so funny. it makes fun of ppl alot ina light hearted way.. and it's rll inexpressive. it couldbe laughing its ass off but it keeps a B| face. autism swag. it also appears on two of my favorite extra stories.... the charger and glasses one :]
unfortunately Clip-Ons and Straps don't get much personality :( but. I headcanon. Clip-ons is v organized and plans most of their training sessions... green also is v supportive and gives somuch energy totheteam. Straps is opposite to Half-Rim, they are really expressive and talk a lot, it is responsible for coming up with strategies..
for tha. hcs. Gloves is transfem anduses she/he/it/shiny/armor pronouns !!! Half-Rim is genderfluid and uses only it/its pronouns. Clip-ons is agender and a lesbian, she uses she/green pronouns. anddd Straps is unlabeled and uses any pronouns !!! Gloves and Half-Rim are also both aro and qpps :3
Clip-Ons choose their ink color bc green. loves green
Me thinks. Gloves considers Emperor, Prince, N-pacer and Eging as her older siblings... shiny tends to train witthem alot
Armor is siblings with Metry so team cardigan, rider, and inkfall (I decided. I don't wanna add inkfall to the s4 poly. so now he gets to b their wingman(kinda bc he's cringe fail)). recent headcanon btw. that's why ididnt include it when I talked abt Metry.
Armor also spends alot of time with Goggles... besties
Anddd I think that's it ??? I <3 family headcanons as u can see. making it my mission 2 make Metry's family sofucking big
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ame-yuurei · 3 years
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their ship name would be strap-ons
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sunshowersz · 4 years
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was this was an excuse to draw gloves team? maybe.
Team Name: Gloves’ Team
Alt Name: The Fresh4
Half-Rimz (splatterscope, kensa splatterscope)
Gloves (splat dualies, bamboozler mk II)
Clips (splattershot, dualie squelchers)
Straps (splat roller)
[Blue Team] [Yellow Team] [Yellow-Green Team] [Orange Team] [Green Team] [Pink Team] [Dark Green Team]  [Cyan Team] [Purple Team] [Gloves Team] [Hockey Team] [School Cardigans] [Team Retro Gamer] [Inkfall’s Team] [Monarch Team] [The Stray Squids] [Octo Team] [Team Costume Lovers] [Team Worker Headtowels] [The X-Blood] [Iromaki Rangers]
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skullphones · 4 years
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gloves team everyone
yes I know that you can’t see straps’ face I made some bad sketching decisions
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ask-the-fresh-4 · 5 years
yo!!! how'd y'all even get together as a group, anyway? I keep theorizing that you're childhood friends- like us! - but it's nice just to hear from the nerds themselves! (Bobble)
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“Both a good and terrible decision, to be entirely honest” - Gloves
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straps appreciation post, will add more
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yamuraiiha · 4 years
oh dude i have No Clue for an au how about a human one?? if not go off
[Straps = Carmen, Rims = Damien]
"Can you please stop taking pics of me failing at making a cup of noodles?" Damien sighs for what feels like the hundredth time today, despite only having woken up three hours ago. Carmen snorts, only zooming in the camera further at the request, making sure to capture his defeated eyes in the cracked lens of her phone's camera as she watches him stab another knife into the dried block of noodles.
"no can do, unfortunately." She grins, continuing her make-believe game of cameraman. "If we're stuck in here for the next month and a half, I'm documenting every stupid thing you do."
"It's not stupid, Carmen." Damien insists. Carmen says nothing as he goes back to trying to cut the thick cube into smaller slices with a butter knife.
"...not stupid." She reiterates, side eyeing him suspiciously. "Huh. I don't think I've seen you this deep in denial since you had that crush oh—"
Damien reaches for the worn phone in her hands, cutting off whatever she was about to say quite abruptly. "—And that's enough of that!" He says loudly, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he does so. Carmen whines loudly.
"Give it back dude!" She gasps, watching as he tucks it in one of the many pockets on his cargo shorts, and promptly turns back to his...his....
She didn't even know what it was now. His disaster?
"Nope." He sneers.
She glares at her roommate from underneath her visor, "Bitch."
Damien shrugs, forcing the butter knife back through the noodle block. "Love you too bestie." He says flatly.
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sawdusst · 10 months
The Rainmaker Heist: Coroika Pirate AU Chapter 4
HI sorry this update is like--- a week late, I've kinda been procrastinating and also stuck on how to write this update lmao. Not much I want to say this time around, so please enjoy! :D
Here is a link to the main thread + other chapters!
Word Count: 1,768
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[sail towards the ominous clouds]
“I hope you know what you’re doing Captain,” Half Rim mumbled.
“Of course I do!” Gloves reassured him as they sailed towards the ominous collection of clouds. 
As the ship slowly approached the shadowy cloud, it began to rain pale blue ink. Confused, Gloves held out his hand.
“Oh, it must be an ink storm,” he commented, “That probably means there’s pirates nearby…” There was a long pause before Gloves widened his eyes with shock. “There’s pirates nearby!”
“Well, judging by the direction the cloud is going… I say it’s recent and it’s almost straight ahead,” Straps chimed in, “We could turn around now while there’s still time-- or, we could keep going. So far I'm not seeing anything up ahead."
Gloves was handed a telescope. However, there was not much to see other than the bare ocean. “Let’s keep sailing forward,” Gloves insisted, “But slow down in case there’s something hiding under the water. So far I’m not seeing any other ships out here.”
Gloves handed the telescope back to Half Rim. He then reached in his pocket, pulling out Army’s manual. The ship slowly sailed out of the ink storm as the pale blue ink on board began to fade. Gloves spared a glance towards the pale blue ink on the ship’s deck. 
“I wonder if it’s written anywhere who’s ink color this belongs to,” Gloves wondered out loud. He flipped through a couple pages. There was a section with different pirate crews and a small swatch of their ink colors. Half Rim wandered over and peeked over Gloves’ shoulder. "I wonder if I'm in the manual. That'd be pretty cool."
“The ink color looks like— The X Blood’s,” Half Rim said as dead crept in his voice, “Captain, maybe we should head back—“
“The X-Bloods have bright cyan ink, not pale blue,” Gloves replied, “I don’t think any of them have an Ink Storm anyways. I would think they have something a bit more destructive, y’know? They’re cool like that.”
“Uh huh—”
“Captain! I see a ship!” Clips exclaimed, “Sea vessel at Twelve O'clock! It looks like… they’re parallel to our ship. They’re heading straight towards us. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that flag before… it’s— different from the ones we usually see.” 
“What? Can I see?” Gloves ran to the side of the ship. 
Clips handed him the telescope as Gloves peered through it. It was a black flag with three pale blue squids painted on it. The pale blue was the same as the ink storm from before. 
“Huh, that’s a flag I’ve never seen before,” he said, lowering the telescope. “Let me check the manual.”
As Gloves flipped through the pages, Half Rim walked over too and took the telescope from Gloves. 
“Interesting…. It might be a cargo ship of some sorts,” Half Rim suggested, looking through the telescope, “Sometimes they hang pirate flags up to make them less of a target. Pirates would rather go after people who don’t know how to fight back, rather than someone who does.”
“Aw man, I'm not in the manual” Gloves said as he flipped through the pages, “Wow, I would think I have a page or two in here— Maybe I should write--“
“Would you please focus on the task at hand!?” Half Rim exclaimed, punching Gloves in the shoulder. 
“Right, right I know,” Gloves replied with a roll of his eyes, “So far there’s nothing, it might be a cargo ship like you said. But with that flag, I’m getting a feeling that’s not the case.”
Gloves snapped the manual shut and shrugged with nonchalance. He handed the manual to Half Rim, “Besides, even if they were some big scary pirate crew, it would already be in the manual!”
“Yeah, I would think so too,” Half Rim mumbled, “How interesting.”
Gloves looked up as the Ink Storm from earlier began to clear. He looked down at his hand at the pale blue ink. 
“Why don’t we steer around them?” Gloves asked, looking over at Straps who was steering the ship. He reached in his pocket, pulling out a compass, “It’s a bit too late to turn around—"
Gloves looked at his compass. Somehow, the bright red needle seemed to be spinning wildly. 
“What the— Is anyone else’s compass acting up or is it just me?” Gloves asked, looking around. 
Half Rim took out his compass. The bright red needle was spinning around in a disorderly manner. “Nope, it’s not just you, Captain.”
The crew perked up as the sea vessel in front of them drew nearer. Gloves squinted, noticing a large satellite dish tied to the crow’s nest of the ship. Gloves tucked the compass away in his coat pocket and looked over at Straps.
“Just hang on a second! I could try talking to the other pirates to see if they’re friendly,” Gloves said. He shrugged with nonchalance, “I mean, I guess it’s worth a shot."
The large ship rocked the waves back and forth as it approached. The sun was beginning to set, the orange skies reflecting onto the violent waves. Gloves took a deep breath as the ship slowly steered parallel to them. The vessels were so close they could almost place a wooden plank down and walk across.
“You sure you know what you’re doing?” Half Rim asked.
“Oh yeah, of course,” Gloves reassured, adjusting his coat, “I can handle this— in a cool way. Just— Keep the weapons prepared in case I mess this up."
Gloves walked over to the side railing of the ship. The other ship was mostly covered with the dark shadows casted by the setting sun. There were some inklings aboard but their faces were mostly covered by shadows casted from the sails. But, from what Gloves could tell— there was no emotion behind their eyes. Their eyes felt lifeless and monotonous. 
“Hello!” Gloves waved at the inklings, then pointed to himself, “My name is Gloves! Captain Gloves of the Dualie Pirates! Who are you guys? I don’t think I’ve ever seen your flag before.”
The other inklings didn’t respond, only staring back at him. Gloves tilted his head with confusion, looking at Half Rim and shrugging. 
“…Did I say something wrong?” Gloves asked with a puzzled expression on his face, “Which one of you is the captain of the ship?”
Gloves was met with nothing but silence. The inklings aboard all exchanged a look, but still didn’t say anything. Gloves couldn't tell if it was confusion or they were just choosing to ignore him.
“Ah… the silence treatment,” Gloves lowered his voice, looking over at Half Rim “Alright then… um— maybe they speak another language? I don’t know much of—“
Gloves was interrupted when a door opened on the other ship. Out walked a pale blue inkling wearing a peculiar looking headset. A visor covered his eyes with two antennae sticking out on either side of it. He looked different than the other inklings aboard. He wore a golden armband along with a black vest and black pants. He walked over to the side railing where Gloves stood.
“Oh! You must be the Captain!” Gloves exclaimed, “Nice headset, it looks cool.”
“I am! and thanks! I made it myself actually,” the latter replied with a smile. He spared a glance over at Gloves’ crew, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before around here, who are you?”
“My name is Gloves! Captain, Gloves of the Dualie Pirates!” He smiled, “Who are you?”
“Oh, pirates,” the latter mumbled under his breath. However, he gave Gloves a reassuring smile, “You can call me Hivemind."
“…You’ll have to excuse my crew as well,” Hivemind continued, “They don’t like to talk much. But don’t worry, they’re nice once you get to know them better.”
“Oh, I see,” Gloves said, “…So, Hivemind— I don’t think I've ever seen you around… or have heard about you before. Are you guys pirates too or—“
“I don’t like that word, pirates are nothing but filthy thieves,” Hivemind simply replied, “I wouldn't necessarily call us that. We just consider ourselves a... sailing crew, instead."
“Ah— Right—“
“What brings you out to sea? Are you looking for treasure?”
“I’m looking for the Rainmaker,” Gloves answered, “I read about it in— a book. I heard it used to be in the possession of the Headband Pirates but it was stolen, I don’t know by who though. It would be really cool if I could find it though!”
“The Rainmaker? Oh! I’ve seen it before!”
Gloves lit up with excitement, “You have?! Where?!”
“Of course! The Wireglass Pirates and I are good friends,” Hivemind grinned, “I remember they were telling me about the Rainmaker. It was aboard their ship, last I saw it.” 
“Woah!! Cool!!” Gloves replied, “I really want to see this thing for myself, I’ve only heard rumors about it! Where can I find the Wireglasse Pirates?” 
“Oh— That’s the thing,” Hivemind sighed with disappointment, “The Wireglasse Pirates… they recently got into a conflict with the S4. I’m sure you’ve heard of them too. It was a terrible fight, it left all of them badly wounded... I haven’t heard from them for a long time now.” 
Gloves was taken aback by Hivemind’s answer. He exchanged a look with Half Rim, then looked back over at Hivemind. “What? They were— defeated? By the S4?” 
Hivemind nodded. “From what I’ve heard, they hid the Rainmaker on their ship as a last ditch effort to keep it safe.”
“How long ago was this?”
“Months ago,” Hivemind replied, “I haven’t heard a single thing from them ever since. I really am worried about my friends, I hope they’re doing okay…” Hivemind sighed and rested his cheek in his palm glumly.
Gloves looked over at Half Rim, then back over at Hivemind awkwardly. Gloves looked behind him at his crew, who had been listening to the conversation.
Hivemind then perked up as if an idea had popped into his head.
“Hey, since you’re looking for the Rainmaker and I want to find my friends,” Hivemind began, “I’ll make you a deal. You help me find the Wireglasse Pirates and I’ll help you get the Rainmaker.”
“You said you wanted the Rainmaker, right?” Hivemind said with a smile, “We both want to find the Wireglasse Pirates for different reasons, but why not work together? I could help you get the Rainmaker, the Wireglasse Pirates are my friends after all— it’s not like they were using it anyways. I just need you to help me find them!”
‘You— You think that would work?”
“I mean, it’s worth a shot,” Hivemind laughed, “Once you find them, just bring them to me. I’m sure they’d be more than thrilled to see me after so many months apart. Then, I help you with the Rainmaker. What do you think?”
TL;DR: Gloves meets Hivemind, who says he's friends with the pirates that have the Rainmaker. He offers to help Gloves get the Rainmaker if he can find them.
Thank you for reading!!! :D I'll hopefully have the next update out-- on time, sorry to keep y'all waiting :"
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octoling-disaster · 5 years
Any Gloves team hc?
I recieved to of these asks, and you are in luck because I do have a few for them. So these are for you Anon and @silverninja48!! Hope you enjoy!
Team Gloves Headcanons:
▪︎Half-Rimz is just exhausted, please give them a vacation. Not only do they have to keep up with Gloves and his pursuit in cool, but he also has to deal Clip-on, Gloves, and Straps picking at each other like children.
▪︎Seriously, they're the adult of the situation.
▪︎This team meet fairly early on and had been friends for awhile. However, they all used to be on separate teams starting out. None of them were happy with their respective teams and during a hangout, all agreed and decided to form their own team together.
▪︎Gloves cherishes his dualies to the point of sleeping with them, which of course his team teases him about.
▪︎Clip-on is a bit of a prankster. Specifically, since Straps and Gloves are easily freighted, she likes to take a noticable object and move it around without them noticing, until they both start freaking out. Half-Rimz usually tells her to cut it out after awhile.
▪︎Straps is a wild child, and easily excitable. She's also the first to want to get into a bit of trouble. Like, think Gloves alone is wild, wait until these two out of game gets an idea... Usually it ends with them in a holding cell and Rimz having to bail them out.
▪Since the water issue is different in the manga, they've tried swimming before. Gloves and Straps bought a whole bunch of floaties, and they tried to see of they would just sink like a rock. Clip-on and Gloves did, but Straps was able to prolong her sinking, while Half Rimz fished them out.
▪︎At the end of the day, we need to give Rimz a vacation because their team is a team of loveable goofs.
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