#corona vaccine to children
amaranth-devi1 · 8 months
What do you still remember from that time?
Summer/autumn/early winter 2021-22, when COV-19 non-vaccinated people tried in every way to warn people about the harm. They were attacked on various discussion platforms by ordinary citizens as well.
The unvaccinated were told they were tinfoil hattes, conspiracy theorists, pro-vegetarians, jerks, held others hostage and were even expected to die.
They wanted to shut them out of society, they even planned a vaccine passport.
Information about the disadvantages was already available at a very early stage if you wanted to find it. Everyone has decided what and who to believe, e.g. against Dr. Malone was widely attacked.
The majority have taken the vaccines completely voluntarily.
By the end of autumn 2021, most of the population had been vaccinated. However, infection statistics increased. They pretended that the vaccinated wouldn't get infected. The infections were blamed on the unvaccinated.
However, there were so few unvaccinated people that everyone would have had to realize for themselves that the infections were not caused by unvaccinated people.
It was already known at a very early stage that Corona was not dangerous for children and young people. Their vaccination was justified by the protection of others.
The unvaccinated tried to the last to prevent the vaccination of children and young people. However, children and young people have suffered. Young healthy people started dying suddenly.
Now even the mainstream media has reported that the spikes do not prevent infection and that it was already known early on.
But how will the people react? Deep silence!!!
Omicron changed the playing field and the majority of unvaccinated people have focused on living forward.
Those who have been harmed are now on their own and no one wants to listen to them. However, it is not the fault of the unvaccinated.
Even memory disease is noted as a cause of death for the elderly. Which in itself cannot be the cause of death. Excess mortality statistics are higher than ever in history. (over 40% in Finland) The cold rooms are full of corpses and some corpses are at normal room temperature for days. Due to jams, burial times become really long. The wrong bodies are placed in the graves. (in Finland).
WHO is preparing a pandemic agreement and forced strikes. Very likely the following spikes will be even more "powerful".
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tubelight-404 · 5 months
Me spitting out several, heavily detailed points agreeing with some of the most heinous, despicable, downright abominable beliefs on why women don't deserve rights, all immigrants should die, gay people will go to hell , racism is valid and climate change doesn't exist but was instead made by China alongside Corona so that vaccines become mandatory thus implanting a little chip into your children to force then to become part of the woke mob. (I can't think of more than 2 points against it)
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ruthfeiertag · 2 months
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The White House just announced that President Biden has contacted COVID. I wish him a speedy and complete recovery. Because the President has been fully vaccinated (and because he has access to levels of health care few of the rest of us enjoy), he is likely to be well again soon. But even a mild or asymptomatic case can lead to Long-COVID, and we should be protecting ourselves and each other from catching this corona virus and possibly developing a permanent, debilitating condition.
Apoorva Mandavilli, writing for the _New YorkTimes_, reminds us that “for some people with certain risk factors — age, pregnancy, chronic conditions or a compromised immune system — an infection may bring serious illness.”1
If you want to know what it’s like to live with a post-viral chronic illness, read the Tumblrs of people enduring them (see the tags below), particularly those of us living with myalgic encephalomyelitis (me/cfs), the condition closely aligned with Long-COVID. (“The illness [Long COVID] is similar to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome [ME/CFS] as well as to persisting illnesses that can follow a wide variety of other infectious agents and following major traumatic injury.”2) And while some of us are more susceptible than others, ANYONE, no matter how young and healthy, can develop Long-haul COVID:
“Long COVID occurs more often in people who had severe COVID-19 illness, but anyone who gets COVID-19 can experience it, including children.”3
The CDC article also highlights the way that “Living with Long COVID can be difficult and isolating, especially when there are no immediate answers or solutions.” It does not describe the devastating possible “side effects” of losing the ability to work, to enjoy activities, to be independent, nor of the experiences of having doctors refuse to believe one’s condition is real, of the near-impossibility of getting to a doctor who specializes in post-viral diseases (and who won’t accept insurance)4, nor of the feeling of being an inconvenience or burden to those who care for us.
“In every age group, even a mild illness may trigger a lasting set of problems. Nearly 14 million Americans, or about 5.3 percent of adults, may now be living with long Covid, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”1
Wearing an N95 might not be the most comfortable fashion accessory, but putting one on when we will be among others can save lives and the meaningful existence of the people with whom we come in contact. The inconvenience is far less than the loss of income, health, and happiness Long-COVID can bring.
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1. Apoorva Mandavilli. “Long Covid and Vaccination: What You Need to Know,” _New York Times_, July 17, 2024, 6:03 p.m. ET
2. Anthony L. Komaroff and W. Ian Lipkin. “ME/CFS and Long COVID share similar symptoms and biological abnormalities: road map to the literature,” Front Med (Lausanne). 2023; 10: 1187163. Published online 2023 Jun 2. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1187163
PMCID: PMC10278546PMID: 37342500
3. https://www.cdc.gov/covid/long-term-effects/?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html
4. “There are only a handful of specialists and clinical centers that specialize in ME/CFS around the country. Many of them do not take insurance and most have waiting lists that can be years long.” https://solvecfs.org/me-cfs-long-covid/patient-and-caregiver-resources/
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Along the high street where I live, there is an advertisement on the side of one of the bus shelters. It features a woman, heavy-set and pictured from behind. The text reads Get Your and then On Board, placed so that the woman’s ample posterior lies between Your and On. 
Get Your Ass On Board? 
Get Your Butt On Board? 
The small print reads Get Your Bum On Board. 
Bum. Gentler than Ass and Butt. The kind of word that we use with children.  
Nothing sinister, then. 
Unless we recall those Corona emojis that festooned our recent incarceration. Or those cutesy feet stuck to pavements, prising us apart. Or those cartoon syringes directing the masses to their mandated ‘vaccine.’
The state-corporate nexus likes to address us as children who have yet to arrive at reason. Their message is pure steel notwithstanding.   
Get Your Bum On Board drips with their disdain, reducing us to our most culturally denigrated body part which is to be hauled about on command as a slab of meat.
The advertisement is for GoNorthEast – a regional bus company administered by The Go-Ahead Group, which runs transport links across the UK and Europe. 
But do not imagine that it is a promotion of bus travel. 
Relatively few people now take the bus – like all aspects of metropolitan life, it is an ailing practice unlikely to be bolstered by artwork pinned to its infrastructure. 
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mediamonarchy · 2 months
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/20240731_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Hydrothermal explosions, meat heists and different allergies + this day in history w/eating a brain-eating amoeba and our song of the day by Johnny Cash on your #MorningMonarchy for July 31, 2024. Notes/Links: Air NZ becomes first big carrier to drop climate goal https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czrjzvep41ro Documents show citizens’ concerns ignored as Biden administration moves forward with offshore wind https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/documents-show-concerns-ignored-biden-administration-charges-forward Gov. Newsom Orders California Officials to Remove Homeless Camps Deemed Unsafe; Encampments on state property that pose an imminent threat to public safety will be removed. At other camps, a notice to vacate will be posted. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/gov-newsom-orders-california-officials-to-remove-homeless-camps-deemed-unsafe-5693659 Hydrothermal Explosion At Yellowstone National Park Sends Tourists Running https://www.themeateater.com/conservation/public-lands-and-waters/hydrothermal-explosion-at-yellowstone-national-park-sends-tourists-running Video: Hydrothermal Explosion Sends Yellowstone Tourists Fleeing (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypubbsWCuP0 Beachwood Sparks – “The Sun Surrounds Me” (Audio) https://www.allmusic.com/album/once-we-were-trees-mw0000015189 // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU4PJCLW4LY McDonald’s executives admit diners think prices are too high, say they’re working to create value https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/29/mcdonalds-earnings-executives-say-prices-are-too-high.html Video: 400 cases of beef stolen in string of Philly cargo thefts (Audio) https://youtu.be/iuvxBjSBTz8 ‘Boneless’ chicken wings can have bones, US court rules https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4ngyely232o Video: Over 200,000 lbs. of deli meat recalled in listeria outbreak (Audio) https://youtu.be/Cu25lw7k1zs The Beef Initiative – Championing localized food supply https://beefinitiative.com/ The return of Masque Obligatoire! Behind the scenes of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games: wearing a mask is compulsory to protect French athletes https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/paris_75056/dans-les-coulisses-des-jo-de-paris-2024-port-du-masque-obligatoire-pour-proteger-les-athletes-francais_61388923.html The mask becomes compulsory again in certain areas of the Tour de France: “We see cases of Corona almost every day” https://www.msn.com/fr-be/sport/other/le-masque-redevient-obligatoire-dans-certaines-zones-du-tour-de-france-nous-voyons-des-cas-de-corona-presque-tous-les-jours/ar-BB1pXyPg?ocid=BingNewsVerp Peaty tests positive for Covid after winning silver https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/articles/crgl6n0x39eo Triathlon swim training scrapped because of pollution https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/articles/cn05nxv2z9po France recalls contaminated Olympic-branded water bottles https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cllyg5n7emvo Navy To Expunge Records For SEALs, Sailors Who Refused COVID Vaccines https://www.zerohedge.com/political/navy-expunge-records-seals-sailors-who-refused-covid-vaccines WHO to send one million polio vaccines to Gaza to protect children https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/07/1152551 Former CDC director, Robert Redfield, blows the whistle at senate hearing when questioned by Sen. Ron Johnson on officials purposely withholding data on COVID vaccine harms. https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/redfield-goes-rogue/ Video: What is Teflon flu? The illness caused by non-stick pans (Audio) https://youtu.be/9fz0vL7DFvM Norma Jean – “The Kind Of Needin’ I Need” (Vinyl // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/10814894-Various-The-Best-Of-A-Great-Year-Volume-I // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norma_Jean_(singer) // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGFKXG2XvtM Janet Yellen Seeks (Just) $78 Trillion To Fight Climate Change https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/janet-yellen-seeks-just-78-trillion-fight-climate-change Survey: 9 in 10 Americans support proposed worker hea...
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bopinion · 2 months
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2024 / 28
Aperçu of the week
"How can you govern a country with 246 varieties of cheese?"
(Charles de Gaulle, founding father of the Fifth Republic)
Bad News of the Week
For me as a father, the question has never arisen: when the health service and my personal pediatrician advised me to vaccinate my children, I was always there. That's how it was when I was a child, it's simply normal for me. Besides, even without vaccination I am largely immune to being infected with a conspiracy theory from some bubble. When my daughter did a social year in a kindergarten, I also got to know the context, such as how vulnerable a group becomes when just one child brings in an infectious disease. To prevent measles outbreaks, for example, a vaccination rate of 95% is required.
The UN Children's Fund UNICEF and the World Health Organization WHO are now sounding the alarm. Despite all efforts, the vaccination rate is falling internationally. In the past five years, more than 100 countries have been affected by measles. "Measles outbreaks are an early warning sign. They highlight vaccination gaps and affect the most vulnerable in particular," said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The rate has recently fallen to 74% - yes, that is significantly lower than 95%.
The reasons for this all come from the same absurd direction: during the corona pandemic, the number of people who are skeptical about vaccinations has increased. In addition, misinformation about it has persisted. In addition, healthcare facilities are often mistrusted, especially in poorer countries. Behind this, of course, are Bill Gates, the Deep State, Freemasons, Transsexuals, Jews and extraterrestrial lizard creatures. Which brings me back to my daughter. Who believes that access to education is the most basic human right. Because anyone who takes an interest, informs themselves and then processes the information rationally - after all, media literacy is also part of education - will no longer believe the Easter Bunny's ugly cousins.
Good News of the Week
Tough times for Marine Le Pen. First, the leader of the French right-wing party Rassemblement National (RN) fell back from the expected first place to third place in the parliamentary elections. And now she is in trouble with the justice system. The judiciary has launched a preliminary investigation into Le Pen due to the alleged illegal financing of her 2022 presidential election campaign. According to the public prosecutor's office in Paris, the investigation concerns a campaign loan and the misappropriation of funds, among other things.
Her election campaign in 2017 was already criticized by the campaign accounting commission. And in June, she was sentenced to a fine of 250,000 euros for violations during the 2012 election campaign for the National Assembly. But the traces of Le Pen's corruption are not limited to France: in the fall, she and 24 other defendants will have to stand trial on suspicion of embezzling EU funds.
It is often said that politics is a dirty business. But a banana republic is not usually located in the heart of Europe. I expect the rule of law to function in a country like France. Without exception. It is already clear that Marine Le Pen will run for the presidency of the Grande Nation again in 2027. I am counting on the fact that the stains that the current legal action against her will leave on her clean slate will not (or cannot) be washed out so quickly. And that the French electorate will be more impressed by the legally questionable behavior of a presidential candidate than the American.
Personal happy moment of the week
Last weekend was exhausting. Partly because I walked a good 35,000 steps according to my Apple Watch. But I did it with my children in the beautiful three-river city of Passau on the border with Austria and the Czech Republic. With good weather, a good mood, a decent dose of culture and, above all, lots of food, we spent a lovely dad-kids weekend. Thank you very much!
I couldn't care less...
...that the Kremlin once again claimed that Russia would not attack civilian targets. The images of the rubble on the site of Ukraine's largest children's hospital, Ochmatdyt, the helpers and the terrified children have caused worldwide horror. And the culprit is absolutely clear. The first casualty in war is always the truth.
It's fine with me...
...that Spain won the UEFA 2024 European Football Championships on Sunday evening. They were undoubtedly the dominant team throughout. And it wouldn't be surprising - after all, they are still quite a young team - if they set a new gold standard to measure themselves against in the coming years.
Post Scriptum
You shouldn't wish anyone bad. Not even those who you dislike for good reason or who are even dangerous for the common good. In this respect, the question does not arise, as many critics argue, whether Donald Trump might even have deserved to be shot at. Of course he didn't. Nevertheless, he has to accept that he has also contributed to the "brutalization of the political debate". That he has polarized, vilified, lied, insulted, belittled. And also called for violence in a barely veiled manner. I therefore hope that his now more presidential, moderate, conciliatory tone will continue after this attack. Likewise that of his fellows and opponents. So that political discourse becomes more civilized and cultivated again, as it should be in (not just sporting) competition.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Vivalis, the government body responsible for health in Brussels, confirmed 42 cases of measles in April, 51 in May and 42 in June, BRUZZ reports. Meanwhile, the Flemish Care Department has counted 64 reports of confirmed or probable cases this year, almost twice as many as last year. Most reports of measles in Flanders are in Flemish Brabant.
Leuven’s Rega Institute has been testing sewage water for the presence of viruses since the Covid-19 pandemic and its researchers found the measles virus in Brussels in March. The virus has now also been found in sewage water from Bertem in Flemish Brabant. No new samples from Brussels have been investigated since April.
Because vaccination coverage is lower in Brussels, “it was somewhat to be expected that measles would reappear”, Elke Wollants, lab manager at the Rega Institute, told BRUZZ. “But I didn’t expect that it would also appear in the area around Leuven.” The presence of the virus in sewage water indicates multiple infections, she said.
Both Wollants and Vivalis have called for parents to ensure their children are fully vaccinated against the disease. “There has been some vaccination fatigue since the corona pandemic, but it is hugely important to vaccinate children against measles,” she said.
In most people, the disease causes a rash, a cold and fever, but one in four develops complications including eye, ear or lung infections and in some cases a potentially fatal brain infection.
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buzz-london · 6 months
Please send it all your groups, known and related people. Please target atleast 1000 people by each person. The domino effect of your action will be that in one week it will reach 10 crore people and in three weeks 100 crore people ● Pakistan wants BJP to lose ● China wants BJP to lose ● Arms lobby wants BJP to lose ● Pharma lobby wants BJP to lose ● Radical Islamist wants BJP to lose ● Anti-Nationals want BJP to lose ● Missionaries want BJP to lose ● Leftists want BJP to lose ● Muslims want BJP to lose Because... BJP fulfilled its promise of... ● Ram Mandir ● CAA / NRC ● New Education Policy ● Article 370 ● Strengthened Defense ● Tightened NGOs ● Tightened Naxals ● Tightened Missionaries ● 5th Largest Economy ● CORONA vaccination ● Kashi Corridor ● Conquered SPACE ● Erasing signs of slavery ● Infrastructure ● IITs ● AIIMS ● Zero Corruption at the ministry level ● GST ● DeMonetization ● Zero Bomb Blast ● Peace in Kashmir ● 2nd in mobile manufacturing ● 100% Electrification of Railways ● Complete elimination of Railway gates ● Vande Bharat Train ● Destroyed Pakistan without firing any bullet ● Contained China ● Water at every household ● Medical insurance under Ayushman Bharat ● Char Dham Yatra for senior citizens And... ● BJP won't sell the nation ● BJP won't sign a secret deal with China ● BJP won't go soft on Pakistan We Have to ensure BJP wins again and again. 2024 BJP🚩 2029 yes, only BJP🚩 2034 BJP🚩 And beyond...... Educate atleast 11 People around you and turn Non BJP to BJP Votes then Our Children are Safe Our life is safe for ever We have lived a Good safe happy Life We have to Give a Secured safe Society Secured safe Life Secured safe Future For our Next happy safe Generation Understand this and Share it in 11 Different Localities Group and Share it with 11 Friends and Explain them the Necessity Thank You
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datenarche · 10 months
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smallnetbusiness · 11 months
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prrtshatri26 · 1 year
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Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause respiratory illnesses in humans. They are called "corona" because of the crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and the common cold are examples of coronaviruses that cause illness in humans.
SARS-CoV-2, a brand-new coronavirus strain, was first identified in Wuhan, China, in the month of December 2019. Since then, it has spread to every country on earth.
Coronavirus is likely spread:
The virus travels in respiratory droplets released into the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, sings, or breathes near you. You may be infected if you inhale these droplets.
You can also get the coronavirus from close contact (touching, shaking hands) with an infected person and then touching your face.
Disadvantages Even though COVID-19 doesn't appear to have a significant impact on children, many pediatrics wards have been more concerned with the emergency of COVID-19-related problems. Because of this, many other acute and chronic diseases, especially those that are more uncommon, might not receive enough attention. This lack of interest could result in serious issues or even death, especially in children. Politicians, medical professionals, and even parents of young patients who have COVID-19 may be sidetracked by COVID-19-related difficulties since they may be only paying attention to COVID-19-related news and information, misinterpreting some symptoms, or neglecting their (chronic) illnesses.
There are numerous steps you can take that will protect you, your family, and your neighborhood from COVID-19. Based on the most recent data and information from your area, the CDC's COVID-19 hospital admission levels assist individuals and communities in determining whether to take action to protect themselves and others. At all COVID-19 hospital admission levels, the CDC advises taking several preventative measures in addition to maintaining current COVID-19 vaccinations and fundamental health and hygiene routines, including handwashing.
Stay six feet away from others whenever possible.
Wear a cloth mask that covers your mouth and nose when around others.
Wash your hands often. If soap isn’t available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Avoid crowded indoor spaces. Open windows to bring in outdoor air as much as possible.
Stay self-isolated at home if you are feeling ill with symptoms that could be COVID-19 or have a positive test for COVID-19.
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amaranth-devi1 · 2 years
The scandal continues. The Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare - THL admits that it knew all along that the corona vaccine does not prevent the spread of the disease.
The speeches of the Pfizer management about the tests aroused criticism, but in fact the information was not new, writes the newspaper IL. Although the matter has been discussed on social media as a revelation, the information is not new, confirms THL chief physician Hanna Nohynek. When applying for an emergency sales license for the gene therapeutic injection, priority was given to the safety and immunogenicity of the vaccine, as well as the protective effect of the symptoms against the disease, Nohynek continues. In order to get the permit, the pharmaceutical company was obliged to collect additional information afterwards.
Where is this data collected after the fact? Are they part of the same research data that Pfizer wanted to keep secret for 75 years until a US federal judge denied the request? When this information became public, it revealed several very serious errors during the investigation.
If THL knew that the vaccine was unable to prevent the spread of the disease, what do they mean by their video tweeted on October 21, 2021, where they say that by taking the vaccine you protect others?
On November 9, 2020, newspaper IL told Finns that according to an extensive, third-phase vaccine study, Pfizer's experimental corona vaccine prevents the transmission of COVID-19 by more than 90 percent. Does this article cite a study that didn't study the spread of infection - at all? The same study was the shortest in the history of vaccines, phases 2 and 3 were combined, no animal experiments were performed, subjects significantly younger than the risk group were selected for the study, and the blind study was stopped.
On June 8, 2021, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tweets: "Although data shows that severe COVID-19 is rare in children, large-scale vaccination is a critical tool to stop infection." However, on 10/10/2022, Pfizer's manager Janine Small told the EU Parliament that there was NEVER any valid evidence that mRNA vaccines stop the spread of the virus.
The images below show, The darker the red land area, the greater the vaccine coverage. The darker the green, the more corona. Compare the pictures yourself and draw your own conclusions.
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stevenhaard · 1 year
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                                     John 8:32
save yourselves from the pit of sorrow and unimaginable suffering
                                   Ephesians 6:12
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
Air Pollution Affects Antibody Response To Covid19 Vaccine Here Is What An Expert Says
Air pollution reduces effect of corona vaccine:We all agree how dangerous air pollution is. This is one of the biggest health problems in the world. As a result, about 70 lakh people die annually, also involving 6 lakh children. This report is from the World Health Organization and now another danger related to air pollution has emerged. A recent study has shown that the spread of pollution in…
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24x7pharma · 1 year
How Do COVID-19 Antiviral Pills Work & Who Is Eligible to Receive Them
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COVID-19 was a globally spreading pandemic, and since it is a new species of virus, it doesn't have any proper treatment or medicine. However, now most people are vaccinating as a precautionary measure to avoid the coronavirus risk. 
Besides all of the vaccines, there's a chance that you can have this virus; however, that chance is meagre. Similarly, now biologists have discovered many other antiviral drugs for Corona. 
But do you know that you can only prevent the virus attack by consuming some pills? Yes, and here I will tell you How COVID-19 Antiviral Pills Work & Who Is Eligible to Receive Them?
Eligibility to Orally Consume Anti-COVID Pills 
The medicines for COVID-19 are usually not accessible without a doctor's prescription. For the following purpose, the two standard tablets used are called Ritonavir Paxlovid. 
Moreover, its best and most affordable alternative is Paxzen, a generic version of the respective medicine. 
Both of these medicines have different eligibility criteria; however, it also depends on the condition and age of the patient. Similarly, it would be best if this medication is used only after the advice of a doctor. 
Paxzen is Suitable for: 
Older than 12 years old, having a weight of a minimum of 88 pounds. 
Those who have tested positive for COVID-19 and those with a high risk of rapid viral growth can take this medicine for cure. 
Molnupiravir is Effective for: 
Patients having severe development of the virus should use this. 
Children below 18 are not allowed to consume this drug. 
If the doctor suggests you this to them, you can use them. 
Why are These Two Medicines Distinct from Each Other? 
Besides the similar purpose, both medicines are still slightly different in working. Both are very effective for preventing Corona and its symptoms; however, the conditions to consume it also vary. 
Paxlovid is taken with two more medicines and only then works effectively. These two pills are named Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir. 
Both are prescribed by doctors in combination, where one prevents replication of the virus, and the other supports Nirmatrelvir Tablets from breaking down until their work is finished. Studies on this medication set show that it has reduced almost 90% of Corona cases from hospitalization. 
Similarly, the other medicine is given with a combination of four other tablets. It also prevents the virus from replicating; however, these are taken every 12 hours for five days. 
Which One is the Best Medicine? 
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Paxzen Tablet is the best medicine for COVID 19and it is also readily available. This drug is produced by Zenara Pharma, a very well-known pharmaceutical in India. 
It is also available easily from any medical store, online or offline. Moreover, you can Buy Paxzen Tablets at a very reasonable price. 
It has 30 medicines in total, which includes combination medicines of 20 & 10, respectively. Each box is bought for a maximum of 4800 INR. Similarly, as compared to Pfizer's drugs is 70% cheaper. 
You can buy the substitute of Paxzen Tablet from 24x7 Pharma which is Primovir 150 mg, Movfor 200 mg and so on.. Just check it out. 
Are There Any Harmful Side Effects of Paxzen? 
Common Side Effects 
Every strong antiviral medicine has some mild side effects, and so as this medicine has. Usual side effects of Paxzen include: 
Diarrhoea & change in taste 
Increased blood pressure 
Slightly muscle pain 
You don't have to worry if you have any of these side effects; however, you may need help if these symptoms last longer. 
Rare Side Effects 
Some rare side effects that need immediate medical help are: 
Serious Allergic reactions 
Itching & Swelling 
Severe dizziness 
Swelling of face, tongue, throat 
These are the side effects discovered by doctors to date. However, there might be more conditions, so if anyone has any symptoms, they should discuss them with their doctor. 
The medication should be stopped if any of the symptoms are found in the patient; otherwise, it can worsen. Moreover, you can treat these side effects if treated on time, so don't ignore them. 
Do I Still Need to Take Pills When I Don't Have Symptoms? 
One of the most common mistakes is that people don't start treatment as soon as they are tested positive and wait for the symptoms to be shown. However, no one should wait for treatment if he's tested positive for Corona because early treatment can reduce health loss. 
Since the virus replicates rapidly, it is perilous to wait for the symptoms. However, the reason for not feeling symptoms can be because you have better immunity, so the virus couldn't damage much, but it can become severe if not treated. 
Doctors also suggest you get treated as soon as you get the test results, even when you don't feel sick. Similarly, it will be good for your health if you call for early treatment to recover faster from the immunity damage. 
Is There Still a Need to Get Vaccinated? 
These oral medicines can never work as a vaccine because these cannot be consumed as a precautionary measure. Vaccination is essential even when you're not tested positive because it will reduce the risk of getting attacked by the virus and strengthen your immunity. 
Similarly, pills are not post-exposure prevention of Corona. There's no medicinal alternative to the vaccine, and there are many conditions for taking pills; therefore, unlike COVID-19, they are not suitable for everyone. Furthermore, you can take a vaccine even after you are attacked by the disease. 
Although there are many rumours about vaccination, and you may be hesitant to get one, please ensure that the information is accurate and do some research. You can also consult your doctor if you are still avoiding vaccination. 
Bottom Line
No doubt medicines are very effective but only when you are infected, not before. Similarly, COVID-19 vaccination is a must, and no one should avoid it. Protect yourself and your family, and vaccinate to prevent health issues. 
As it is said, "Prevention is better than cure", so we should not wait for the virus to attack, and beforehand, we should take precautionary measures. However, research shows that an unvaccinated person is twice as likely to be infected by coronavirus than those vaccinated.
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usfreehealthcare · 1 year
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