#coronavirus music
lindsaywesker · 9 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting in my study, fully dressed and ready to go!  Welcome to 2024!
Welcome to the working week although, for those of you working in the NHS, welcome to just another day.
It’s currently 2.30 a.m.  The cab will be here at 3.30.  By the time most of you are reading this, I will be at Heathrow Airport, killing time.  Flight leaves at 8.00 a.m.  Ten-hour flight.  Arrives Montego Bay 1.00 p.m.
I’m going to spend a few days with a mate.  The rest of them are going to the family house.  I will join them in time for the wake.
Many thanks to everyone that listened to the radio show.  If you missed it, it’s up on Mixcloud.  It gave me a lot of pleasure to feature three acts that don’t get enough recognition: Sly & The Family Stone, Sylvester and The Salsoul Orchestra. 
My father in law’s funeral is on Saturday, January 6th, which is why I won’t be able to do my radio show.  I’ll be back live in the studio on Saturday, January 13th.
I wouldn’t describe this trip as a ‘holiday’.  The Trouble is there to bury her dad and give him a good send-off.  She’ll be fragile for a while. 
Definitely looking forward to some sunshine.  It’s 26 degrees in JA today, rising to 31 on Saturday.  I plan to be outdoors as much as possible and get some colour on this sad, pasty skin.
I’m taking my laptop, so I should be able to do some kind of status every day.  I’m looking forward to spending time with my JA family, who will ensure that Daddy’s funeral is a memorable day.
I hope your New Year’s Eve went well, whatever you did.  Some people like raving, while some are happy to drink (and fall asleep) in front of the TV.  I had fun at The White Lion, as you can see from my pictures.
2024 will be whatever you want it to be.  Yes, there will be challenges and disappointments (just like 2023) but that’s life.  Like Frankie Beverley said, life is a subtle balance of joy and pain, sunshine and rain.  Outside of the inevitable ups and downs, 2024 is down to you.  If you work hard and work smart, 2024 will be a brilliant year for you. 
Have a marvellous and momentous Monday.  I love you all.
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itsbansheebitch · 4 months
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how are celebrities even human wtf???
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senatortedcruz · 2 years
“Only 20 minutes to sleep but you dream of some epiphany, just one single glimpse of relief to make some sense of what you've seen” knocks me on my feet every time
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natethreepoint0 · 1 year
Yo! That's My Jawn: The Podcast - Ep. 4.21 - Julia Pratt
What’s up? Nate is back with another episode and kicks things off recapping the 2023 Xponential Music Festival presented by Subaru. Then, Nate sits down to chat with singer/songwriter Julia Pratt. They talk about growing up in Philadelphia, learning to play piano, cello and saxophone, adding guitar, combining her love of peoptry and music, playing original songs out, the jazz influence in her…
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American Tumblr concert peeps, especially MCR Fans; can I get some help here? I'm trying to figure out what my chances are of avoiding covid, as a fully vaxxed and doubled boostered person possibly going to an indoor MCR concert.
How many of y'all have been to concerts and got covid? Which state were you in?
What was your vaxxed status ( one shot, fully vaxxed, fully vaxxed and one boostered, fully vaxxed and double boostered) and did you wear a mask??
What was your venue like? indoor or outdoor? And where were you located in the venue (boxes, nose bleeds, pit, standing, etc)? Comment or reblog with comment :)!
For those of you who didn't catch covid, the same questions apply :>!
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officialkrubs · 2 years
so I recently discovered Pelican by Corwin which featured the lyric '2020's gonna be my year' and now i want a playlist of songs where the artist is very optimistic about the year and completely unaware of the upcoming pandemic. Anyone have song recs or an existing playlist?
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versatileer · 2 months
Happy Lollapalooza! – 2024
Lollapalooza 2024 ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟ ♠  ♣  ♥  ♦ Finally. . .August 1st to August 4th! Lollapalooza 2024. . . It all started with the 1991 Farewell Tour of the grunge band Jane’s Addiction–AND we have come a long way! Here we are, with a total of 160 acts. . .A very large event to take us right out into 2024. The Chicago annual event is starting today, on Thursday, and goes until Sunday. .…
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thenerdsofcolor · 4 months
FDI Cast 192: Treat Your Mother Right
Welcome to our Mother’s Day special! Continue reading FDI Cast 192: Treat Your Mother Right
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lindsaywesker · 9 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Welcome to Throwback Thursday.  On this page, Throwback Thursday is about memories triggered by words.  So, if I was to say the word EDUCATION, what memory immediately come to mind?
I was a woeful student.  Struggled to concentrate.  I got one ‘A’ level, I think.  I can’t remember, it’s so bloody long ago!  I don’t have a degree because I didn’t go to university.  I don’t have any formal teaching training.  In short, I am a dunce.  An uneducated pleb.  Formal education missed me.
I was too busy with my nose in Black Echoes, Blues & Soul, Black Music & Jazz Review, Melody Maker, Sounds and New Musical Express.  Not really academic writing and the subjects weren’t always interesting (never meet your heroes) but, with every, grubby page I was absorbing information like a sponge.
So, the day I joined Black Echoes (1981), I knew about artists, studios, producers, guitarists, re-mixers, songwriters etc. and I was able to interview anyone about their life.  I was a nerd!  In a way, my own mad, self-taught education has got me most of my important jobs.
Prepping and teaching involves research and I love it.  I really enjoy acquiring and sharing knowledge.  Who’d a thunk it?  I appreciate education now.  The other day, I did an online course on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, I did a 20-question multiple-choice test and I got 100%.  That felt good!  Education has come to me late in life.
So, on this Throwback Thursday, what memory does the word EDUCATION bring back?
Yesterday, as you know, there was quite persistent, cold rain.  Did the white boy still go out in his shorts?  Of course, he did!  Everyone in Harlesden just looked at me like I was mad.  (Not wrong, are they?)  I had to go to Blue Mountain to pick up some Noni Juice (Google it!) for The Trouble.  Much better for her than all that pharmaceutical poison!
Have a throbbing and thrusting Thursday (with hopefully a few thrills through your thoroughfare?)  I love you all.
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tungstenbeach · 7 months
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2020 Coronavirus Relief Compilation By Tapeandcdrecords
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natethreepoint0 · 2 years
Ep. 4.6 - Taylor Goldsmith (Dawes)
Back with an all new episode. Nate welcomes listeners new and old to the show with a reminder of the website content, and talks about the new shirt design before being joined by Taylor Goldsmith of the band Dawes, ahead of their show in Philly at the Fillmore on 3/16. They talk about David Letterman, Bruce Springsteen and receiving praise, overcoming negative biases, paying tribute, growing up,…
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lindsaywesker · 9 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Too Much Information Tuesday happened yesterday, so let’s just reflect on a fabulous long weekend, which continues today!
Friday was pretty normal.  Saturday was superb, as ever.  Many thanks to everyone that listened to the show.  If you missed it, it’s available on Mixcloud.  My team played well and won.  Top 6 at Christmas.  After years in the doldrums, I’ll take that.  We just need a few new players and we’ll have a decent squad.
On Sunday, as predicted, I did a huge shop at Sainsbury’s.  Cashed in all my Nectar points and got £30 knocked off my bill.  Many will say it’s a false economy, as Sainsbury’s is one of the most expensive supermarkets.  Yeah, maybe it is, but we like their food.
The queue to check out was 30 minutes!  As I queued, I talked to this woman, and we couldn’t remember the last time Christmas Eve was on a Sunday, definitely contributing to the congestion!  The Trouble wasn’t really feeling Christmas Eve and dozed most of the day, only waking up at midnight to start wrapping presents.  Best to let her work to her own rhythms. 
Christmas Day was brilliant!  We had ackee, saltfish and hard dough bread and butter for breakfast.  Including all the kids, we had 24 for dinner!  More than we’d expected.  The dining room was a glorious cacophony of very loud teasing, insults and laughter.  There was no room for me at the table, so I ate in the front room.  Vegetable soup for starters, roast lamb, roast chicken, BBQ ribs, roast potatoes, fried plantain, macaroni cheese, stuffing and gravy for mains.  Trifle for dessert.  Nobody went home hungry and that made me very happy.  I love my family and I love feeding them!  The Trouble out-did herself & cooked up a veritable storm!
We’ll be off to Hove soon, to see Lady Wesker & my brother, in from Leipzig.  That will involve eating more food, so I’ll make sure I walk down to the sea front on Wednesday morning.     
Have a tremendous & tumultuous Tuesday.  I love you all.
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lindsaywesker · 3 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.  Welcome to the weekend!
Wow!  Here we are again: Friday!  Where did that week go?  No, seriously, where did that week go?
How was your Thursday?  Mine was good!  Got more than eight hours’ sleep on Wednesday night so, come morning, I was good to go!  Went to the park, stretched my legs, breathed some fresh air, contemplated life.
We are part of the system.  1% of the population own most of the wealth in this country.  Why?  Because we give them our money every day.  We’re addicted to giving rich people our money.  They don’t need it but we give it to them anyway!
It’s really not necessary.  Certainly not every day.  Every day, once in a while, you should go without.  I do it every so often.  Obviously, standing orders leave my bank account when they are due but, some days, I don’t spend a penny.  We eat what’s in the fridge and the cupboards and, as it’s quite warm, I don’t even have the heating on.  And there are other things we can do without.  Think about it.
A day without spending any money.  A day without drinking any alcohol.  A day without smoking any cigarettes.  A day without being angry.  A day without feeling any regret.  A day without feeling any envy.  Try it!  You can do it.  Some of us could even go a day without eating any food, just drinking water.  Try it!
Hope you can join me tomorrow for ‘The A-Z Of Mi-Soul Music’.  The Letter W (Pt. 3).  Coming to you LIVE from Summer Soulstice.  Please come and find the Mi-Soul stage, so we can grab a squeeze and a selfie.    
Also looking forward to broadcasting live from The Margate Soul Weekender on Saturday, August 3rd.  And looking forward to the Soul4U weekender at The Aloft Hotel in Birmingham between September 13-15, with a superb line-up of DJs and a live set from The Brit Funk Association.  Check out the Soul4U Facebook page for all the details. 
Have a fabulous & funky Friday!  I love you all.  You’re probably thinking, “You don’t even know me!” but, if people can hate for no reason, why can’t I love?
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lindsaywesker · 1 month
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
We have now reached a new low.  This is where we’re at: people of colour – workers and students – are now being offered the option of staying at home if they don’t feel safe.  This is where we’re at.  British-born, lived-here-all-their-life people of colour are now being given that choice.  That is how bad things have got.  That is how low our society has fallen.  Dictated to by far-right thugs.  Not protestors.  Thugs with swastika tattoos and a poppy in their buttonhole.  Don’t they realise British soldiers died fighting the swastika? 
So, this is the new normal?  It’s pretty sad.  Some foreign countries have even issued government warnings, telling their citizens NOT to travel to the UK.  Not good for the tourist industry.  Not good for our global standing.  Having left the EU, many foreign countries are still laughing at us. 
Those ‘protestors’ that broke into Greggs and Shoezone and the phone shop, don’t they know how that’s going to affect their ability to get a job or travel abroad?  Probably not.  Looting is never a good career option.   
The Fash tried to go to Liverpool, Birmingham and Nottingham last night.  Outnumbered.  Tried to go to Walthamstow.  Shut down.  Tried it on in Brighton.  They just laughed at them.  Young Muslims marched through Accrington in Lancashire and the locals came out of the pubs to embrace them.  Ultimately, The Fash are a very vocal minority.  In the major cities, we know what we’re doing.  We don’t need your help.
Yesterday, I had a lovely walk in my local park.  As you know, temperatures are slightly down, so it was great walking weather.  I feel healthy.  I am so, so lucky.  To be this age and be this healthy, I am bloody lucky.  I definitely do not take my good health for granted.  I’m not an athlete but, within myself, I feel very good.  How blessed am I? 
Have a throbbing and thrusting Thursday (with hopefully a few thrills through your thoroughfare?)  I love you all.
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lindsaywesker · 8 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
There is no other word I can use but … wow!
What the hell happened?
Yesterday’s status was very late because, basically, I was wiped-out!  Horizontal.  Virtually comatose.  Lifeless.  It wasn’t an out-of-body experience; it was very much inside my body.  As if all the life had been sucked out if me.
I guess it began over the weekend, as my son and I tried our best to get the house clean and organised, ready for the return of La Grande Dame on Tuesday.  Hoovering, recycling, putting Christmas decorations back into the loft, moving furniture, more hoovering and, as we were still recovering from having no hot water for three days, there was rather a lot of clothes, crockery and cutlery that needed washing.
Got up at 6.00 on Tuesday, just in case the girls landed early.  They did.  Cold car parks, humping huge suitcases, crawling along the M4.  By the time we got though the front door, we were both ready for sleep, although The Trouble was hungry, so we ordered some pizza.
We slept most of the day, woke up, but I wasn’t really awake. I was still tired.  Spent most of the evening sleeping.  Just couldn’t move!  Still tired, I got into bed but didn’t even set the alarm.  I slept until past 10.00.  And, when I got downstairs, I got into my favourite armchair and fell back to sleep for most of the day.  That’s a lot of sleep and I still felt tired!  So, what caused my body to shut down?
I guess ‘trauma’ comes in all shapes and sizes.  Death, funerals, long-haul travel, three visits to Terminal Three in a month, extreme weather conditions, no central heating and hot water for three days, then add in the working day.  All of these things will combine and conspire to completely wipe you out!  And I still feel tired!
And, no, I won’t be posting a photo of an ill Lindsay.  Hell, no! 
Have a throbbing and thrusting Thursday (with hopefully a few thrills through your thoroughfare?)  I love you all.
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Happy Hump Day!
About midday yesterday, a weird feeling came over me. I know I’m not in control of everything. In fact, I’m not in control of anything but, yesterday, I felt as though I was ahead of the curve. Do you know that term? It’s a baseball expression. It means you can see what kind of pitch has just been thrown. In baseball, it happens in a split-second but, in that split-second, you know you’re going to hit the ball. It means that you feel on top of things and (sort of) in control.
Which reminds me of Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs. At the very bottom are our basic, physiological needs (air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, reproduction.) Once those needs are met, you can move up to safety needs (personal security, employment, resources, health, property.) Once you feel ‘safe’, you can move up to love and belonging (family, friendship, connection, intimacy). And, when you feel loved, you can move up to esteem (respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, strength, freedom.)
Anyway, at about midday yesterday, I was one rung above ‘esteem’; I was on a higher plain and feeling pretty good about myself. I had beautifully engineered my Tuesday to be a day of nothing to do and nowhere to go. Aah, it felt sweet! I began to feel whimsical. I began posting silly things that amused me. I don’t really do that anymore. And I awakened the whimsy in myself and others. It’s fun being silly and carefree every now and then. Nothing to do and nowhere to go.
And, then … blam! Miss Last Minute wants to go to Watford to pick up some tiger’s eye. In an instant, my Tuesday peace and calm lay in pieces on the floor, and I was thrust out on to the ugly, violent and lawless roads of London but, as we drove up the M1, headed for Exit 5, I thought to myself, “This is how it should be. This is how it needs to be.” If my Tuesday had been chock-a-block with last minute activity, how could I be Mr. Reliable? Ying and yang. One person, super organised, calm and collected; the other person, frantically and admirably juggling 95 jobs. This is how it needs to be.
So, going back to Maslow, this is really a diagram you should stick on your wall. Before you make that move on that person you think is so hot, find out where they are on the hierarchy of needs. If they don’t even feel ‘safe’, there’s no point talking to them about intimacy! You’re on different plains!
And I never forget about my place on Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs. Yes, today we feel safe and loved but, in the blink of an eye, our lives can change and we’re kicked down a few notches. I protect my castle and I protect my people, and that’s the reason I’m able to be so happy and positive. I’m not happy and positive for no reason; I built these solid foundations and they allow me to be kind and generous (and tolerate narcissists!)
Have a wonderful and well-endowed Wednesday. I love you all. Yes, a crazy, bald man loves and cares about you.
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