#corpo stellare
thedeadthree · 2 years
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SCARLET; the corpo -> CYBERPUNK 2077
— OCS + THE HOLIDAYS // for @marivenah and happy birthday!
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teknah · 2 months
[[ Key Original Setting Notes to put onto a blog page later for Nero's sci-fi mainverse:
Earth is mostly the same despite the advent of FTL space travel and other technologies. Even the irradiated "Wasteland Country" regions and cyberpunk mega-cities have lost their luster, treated largely as fads. Alien contact has been established. There are also robots and mutants running around.
Most major corporations have seceded from Earth and formed nations using their deep space colonies. Some companies are still active on Earth, if kneecapped. All of them still hold a fair bit of influence and make most of their biggest gains under-the-table.
INTERPLAN is shorthand for the self-defense/exploratory organization [INTERPLAN Command], United Earth governments as well as a stellar alliance with other planets, realms/dimensions, etc. [INTERPLAN Alliance].
Nero's starship is the UFV (University-Fleet joint Vessel) "Wishbone," a refurbished piece-of-shit 22nd Century freighter fitted with state of the art research gear, some standard fleet weapons (the rest substituted from old mining equipment). It is crewed by the dregs of INTERPLAN officers, disgraced university faculty/students, and corpo-colony prisoners on work-release.
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mybittersweet · 8 months
La cosa più bella che qualcuno mi abbia mai scritto ❤️
Anima immersa in cupi pensieri
La ninfa nuota nel vuoto core, crepato ma in cerca di quella vera fiamma, persa nelle colossali mani di quel krono ormai dimenticato
Nuota nelle pure lacrime
Mani sul suo soave petto, di quella bellezza assai unica
Carnose labbra donano perdizioni al sol pensiero
Sensuale e dai prometei occhi
Fuoco divampa nella carne
Una supernova di emozioni e di passioni, nel suo angelico sguardo, ricolmo di quel vino così tanto bramato dal antico uomo
Come venere, tra i suoi pensieri, mostrandosi all intero mondo
Il suo corpo idilliaco fa brillare i miei stanchi occhi come stelle nel cielo
Pensieri vagano tra la tua pelle
La dolce Era di quel greco fulmine
Un dipinto triste ma sublime
Ti porterei sulla mia barca come quel Caronte, cantando e immolando la tua bellezza senza eguali
Note e testi ricoprono le tue linee e le tue diaboliche curve, assai bramate da molti ma possedute dal vero prometeo
Navigo tra le nubi con la mente alla ricerca della tua sublime immagine
Come una stellare volpe tra le indecifrabili comete
Solco i mari dell infinito pur di raggiungere la tua immagine senza pari
Remo tra i cieli del nulla e del vuoto cosmico, ove dei abbandonarono l umana speranza
Senno, quel senno che sono disposto a perdere come quel Orlando del passato
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sherlockholmeson · 1 year
Because of Step by Step and people's opinions I more accutely realize I have different beauty standards. For me Pat(Ben) is more attractive/beautiful than Jeng (Man). But that's just a matter of personal taste I still recognize that Man is generally handsome man, but his face is not doing it for me. However I think his acting is stellar. And clearly his previous acting experience pays off.
Those things aside I think they have great chemistry together and I love watching that emotional journey. Jeng fell in love despite his professionalism. And Pat is confused fluff ball living in a cave next to river called denial. I think the work relationships status overruled any feelings he might have for Jeng. He is his superior and role model. He put him on pedestal and just adores him as a boss/co-worker. But before he knew him as a boss we know he was attracted to him. Pushed down all those feelings, and is now cause of workplace dynamics and constant learning curve confused as to what make of Jeng being so friendly (hitting on him). Like he constantly asks himself is this his boss acknowledgment of him as employee. Cause he feels self doubting himself as a proffessional and instead of reading it as Jeng hitting on him he thinks his boss likes him as a coworker/ looks for approval like that. So when Jeng finally told him he likes guys he finally could add 2 and 2 together and saw that Jeng is acting towards him out of something else than just proffessional liking. But at the same time thinks it might be Jeng just playing with him cause he thought him unattainable. There's also power immbalance and like Pat said he can't say no to his boss. But going out to restaurants outside of working hours in other capacity than digital marketing teammates is crossing/blurring the lines.
Pat meltdown during his birthday with parents is so understandable. He worked his ass off to prove himself at work. And it was hella stresfull. That's why I think I would not fit into corpo environment cause you have to make it big part of your life and so if you don't like it in some capacity it becomes unbearable quickly.
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susieporta · 10 months
Se conoscessi il potere del sesso, non avresti bisogno di terapisti, né di sostanze con cui eccitarti alla gioia.
Non apriresti a chiunque le porte della tua vita, alla ricerca di quel qualcuno che vorrebbe amarti.
Se conoscessi il potere del sesso, sapresti che il tuo corpo è un tempio, e non lasceresti che niente e nessuno lo profani.
Il cibo sarebbe di energia pura, i sentimenti puri e d'amore per tutti.
Non lasceresti l'ingresso a tossicità né nelle relazioni malsane né ad altri veleni (come molti di quelli che tu chiami medicine o alimenti).
Se conoscessi il potere del sesso sapresti che il corpo guarisce se stesso.
Ancora di più, non saresti mai stato malato. Perché? Perché il corpo si nutre di amore, si nutre di piacere, di gioia... e questo è il vero sesso.
Un portale all'amore più grande che ci possiamo dare, un'emulazione dell'estasi primordiale. Un'evocazione all'origine dell'essere stellare, un frattale della creazione in cui ricrearci.
Puoi ri-crearti attraverso il sesso.
La sessualità repressa, la sessualità risentita, ci ha portato a oscuri estremi.
Ha riempito il sesso di mente e non di Spirito, ha profanato il più sacro trasformandolo in fonte di dolore, di tortura, di distorsione, di autopunizione.
Chi consegna il suo corpo senza desiderio, senza amore, si condanna.
Chi cerca palliativi per il suo ego, per la sua solitudine o il suo dolore, attira solo più mancanze che arrivano immancabilmente dopo l'atto sessuale, e ciò che rimane è il vuoto.
È così che degenera la materia.
È così che appare la malattia, la depressione, la dipendenza, la stanchezza, l'apatia.
Ecco come si perde il potere personale specie con le finte coppie.
Così è come l'essere sacro, l'essere spirituale rimane sprofondato nell'oblio.
Il sesso è bellezza.
È purezza.
È la forza che ti dà la vita, che percorre il tuo corpo in questo momento.
Quando neghi il sesso stai negando la tua stessa energia vitale, la tua connessione con il tutto, con la vita stessa.
Quando esalti il sesso fisico, stai negando una parte (la più importante) di te stesso, e con questo ferisci la tua energia e il corpo fisico stesso.
Quindi, se desideri riprendere il buon uso della tua energia sessuale, devi ricordare che sei Spirito.
Che chi condivide con te ti sta consegnando il proprio essere, il suo stesso tempio sacro.
Entra pieno di umiltà e di rispetto, onora l'immenso atto d'amore di quel momento, di quel contatto.
Il sesso per essere "buono" deve iniziare nel cuore, né più in alto né più in basso. Deve essere impregnato di sacralità, non di lussuria.
Può essere morbido oppure selvaggio, finché segue il ritmo che i corpi e i cuori chiedono.
Ricorda anche che c'è sesso nel respirare, nel guardarsi e anche in una carezza.
Che il tuo modo di onorare la tua espressione sessuale e il tuo modo di onorare la vita sia pieno d’amore...!
Goditela, osa, ama...!
Porta il tuo partner sempre più su...
Senti, cerca, esplora, prova e non darti limiti.
Togli la mente e mettici il cuore ma sopratutto divertiti!
Si un bambino che gioca eternamente.... con responsabilità e amore.
Buona Pratica
- MonolituM
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gonagaiworld · 8 months
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Il videogioco Stellar Blade deve la sua sensualità a una modella in carne e ossa Il corpo di Eve è stato creato sulla base della influencer coreana Jae-Eun Shin. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/il-videogioco-stellar-blade-deve-la-sua-sensualita-a-una-modella-in-carne-e-ossa/?feed_id=429241&_unique_id=65c377d5183a9 #PlayStation5 #StellarBlade
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elvenbeard · 1 year
9, 28 and 50 for the ask game for Vince! :D (i love knowing more about him! wondering a lot about 9 especially with how his experiences with doctor pre-Vik hadn't been stellar...)
Aaaahhhh!!! Thanks so much for asking :D Will do my best to go into detail without going overboard too much xD Also no worries about sending in 50 again! XD I'll do 49 as well and ramble a bit more about what I love about him for 50 :3
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9. When they’re sick what do they do to feel better?
Honestly, Vince doesn't have the best coping strategies to being sick. Working for Arasaka and his own restlessness and ambitions kind of ruined him a bit here, and he'll just pump himself full with painkillers and whatnot and push through somehow. As you said and as I mentioned, he doesn't like hospitals and doctors much (he has made a handful of good experiences, but the bad ones outweigh them by far sadly). So, unless he's actively dying from a gunshot wound or incapable to make decisions for himself for whatever reason you're not gonna see him go to a doctor out of his own free will xD
When he's really sick but not dying, but to a degree so he just cannot get out of the house or the bed even, like sometimes when the Relic is messing him up real bad, he'll follow the same basic strategy of knocking himself out with painkillers or other meds that help with whatever is bugging him and trying to sleep it off.
He wouldn't admit it without being sarcastic (at least initially), but the first time he was really sick after getting together with Kerry, and Kerry was all worried and doting and taking care of him... he really loved that and it made him fall for him even more xD
28. Are they a #gamer?
He is! XD But a very casual one. I'm 100% basing this off of Corpo!V having a retro gaming magazine in their office desk drawer, but it works for him. When he gets home late after an exhausting day of gigs and seeing all kinds of horrors, he likes to play games to wind down. I think he probably has a handful of retro consoles, too, that he keeps in good shape, and his favourite type of games are strategy-games that require lots of planning ahead and thinking, and on the other end of the spectrum he loves racing games (and he loves complaining about how some of them are very unrealistic).
49. Do they have trouble keeping their enemies and their friends straight?
He kinda does struggle with that actually, yes! As mentioned before, he has some trust issues, particularly when he doesn't know someone that well yet or cannot read their intentions well because they're a little unpredictable. Johnny and Goro are prime examples here I think, for different reasons.
After their first interaction the night after Misty brought him home, Johnny was marked as "enemy" in Vince's book, even though he knew in the long run they would need to work together if they wanted to make it out of the whole mess alive. But Johnny being the unpredictable mess of a person struggling to open up and be honest, he kinda played himself here for a long time. They ended up becoming friends in the end, but from Vince's side it was never as genuine a friendship as Johnny would have wanted (or deserved). With Goro it was kind of the other way around. Deeply connected to Arasaka, loyal to a fault, highly unpredictable as well even though he gave off professional vibes at first. He should have been the last person Vince should get himself involved with, and yet he couldn't help himself but relate to Goro on a multitude of levels and wanted to be a friend to him (surely also with the ulterior motive of getting rid of the Relic at first, but as he got to know him better that moved to the background a bit).
I mentioned this in a previous post, the one thing Vince really would like to change about himself or get rid of is his trust issues. He has them even towards people he genuinely likes and cares about, considers friends. The doubts will creep into his mind and a minor thing could happen or be said by someone that would make Vince question whether or not they're really a true friend or also just using him like a lot of other people did in his past. The other way around, he has a tendency to fall for the wrong people, be lured in by great promises and whatnot, only to deeply regret everything in hindsight.I guess it's an issue not only of being unable to trust others, but also his own intuition sometimes, and so yeh... he definitely struggles with recognizing who really is on his side and who isn't.
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
Here I shared what I love about him as a character/ personality-wise, this time around I'm gonna talk more on a meta level!
Vince is kind of... very very different from the OCs I usually make when playing RPGs. Most of my characters are usually good just out of the bottom of their hearts, some more on the lawful spectrum, some more chaotic, but kind of the type of person most people would aspire to be.
Now, not to say Vince isn't in many ways also someone I aspire to be, I think that's normal with making protagonist-type OCs xD There's gotta be something in yourself about them that you genuinely like enough to spend playing them 50+ hours. I was *this close* to making him a nomad when I first booted up the game, but in hindsight I probably would have just remade my Dragon Age Inquisitor in a dark future setting, and I'm so so glad that I went for the corpo lifepath instead on a whim and made a little fucked up bastard with a shit-ton of issues but also a soft heart under his slick shell.
Vince is unapologetic, sarcastic, flamboyant, self-serving and a little self-centered, but he's authentic (around the people that he deems worthy of knowing his authentic self), confident in his skills and himself. He's manipulative and sometimes messes with people in mean ways just because it's funny, he's a chronic liar, he has mommy and daddy issues, he has a temper, but he cares deeply, he's passionate, ambitious, and he'd run himself into the ground for his friends. He acts on what he thinks would be the best outcome for himself and his loved ones, not for the greater good or a higher purpose, he's morally grey and has done and will continue to do shady stuff because he sees no problem with it. A job's a job, and he's fucking good at his. Go ahead, try and stop him and see how that'll end for you.
He's just a very multi-faceted, multi-layered character that I sometimes struggle a bit to understand myself - or at least struggle with describing occasionally XD He's also the first trans OC I ever made in a game (simply because the CC actually would let me, and yes, I still can't quite believe that and love it so much), and that also majorly contributed to catapulting him to the top of the list of my most beloved OCs ever xD
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tau1tvec · 2 years
hi! i love your blog so much and all the games you play always look so fun through your pictures! i wanted to buy cyberpunk 2077 but i'm hesitant because i've heard mixed reviews on it and it's pretty expensive. i would like to know your thoughts on it if you don't mind sharing them since i really respect you as a gamer! <3
Oh wow, ty.
I'm kinda finicky about which games I play tho, mostly bc I'm limited on time these days, but also bc they are indeed way to expensive, esp in this economy.
So I find I tend to play games that are more... versatile? Like, I can get plenty of hours, and uses out of it I guess, and luckily Cyberpunk 2077 mostly scratches that itch, and by mostly I mean... eh, it has it's downsides, so I'll go through those below.
Well it's gorgeous, so it will require a pretty beefy computer to run it, but I was able to play it with a 1060 GTX pretty okay, using the AMD Fidelity thingy in the settings helped a lot with keeping it playable, without losing quality.
Otherwise, as for the quality of the game, and gameplay itself, it has improved drastically since it first launched. The bugs are pretty far and few for me now, even before I got my RTX card, and CDPR has done a pretty swell job adding a lot of the features fans asked for, which is cool.
I still highly suggest that if you do get it, get it on a PC... it's alright to play without Mods, but Mods in general just add much longer life to games, the modding community is also pretty active rn, and so many mods have truly managed to make it the game people wanted it to be from the start.
There are plenty of difficulty options, if this is a concern, and I'm pretty sure you can change the difficulty while playing. The gameplay is simple enough otherwise, as it's FPP at all times, even in cutscenes, so you never see your V, unless you're in Photomode, but there are mods out there to allow you to see your V in third person as well.
I personally enjoy using AMM and a camera mod.
Otherwise the gun combat is stellar, I rather enjoy it, and the stealth is pretty fun esp with the use of your hacking abilities. Learning it all was pretty easy... mostly, it took me some time to figure out how the skill tree worked, but much of it is certainly a lot more straightforward than CDPR's previous titles imo.
Melee combat on the other hand... is... meh, but first person and melee is kind of a tough concept for me to wrap my head around sometimes, lol.
Missions, are a give and take depending which mission it is. The main story missions are gr8, lots of cutscenes, lots of action, lots of twists, but the further you get down the ladder, they tend to get repetitive don't involve a lotta story, or cutscenes, and the characters you meet during them aren't all too memorable, unless you loot the reading material you run across while doing them. Leveling is based on how much you do combat, or hack, so... there are times where I felt like I was just killing random gang members for money and points, then emptying out my inventory... wash, rinse, repeat.
Now as for the other aspects of gameplay, the character creation is okay... like it isn't the best, you can't do much with your V beyond choosing from a set of presets Potato Head Style, but similar to The Sims 4 it's quite easy to make a very pretty V with little to no effort... though it's likely they'll still end up looking like everyone else's. For a more unique looking V however, mods would help.
The world isn't as interactive as it should be either, which in a way I can understand bc it's a pretty big, densely populated, and highly detailed open world, but idk... perhaps Bethesda has spoiled me.
I rather enjoy breaking into people's houses CDPR, tyvm.
Dialogue options are... limited, but it is a voiced protag... the voices are well done tho, and depending on the path you chose at the beginning ( street kid, corpo, etc. ), you will occasionally get options that differ from the others, so this does help a bit with replayability.
Now speaking of replayability, I weirdly don't find it as replay friendly as other games, like Skyrim, I guess bc it's a bit more linear, and although you can change how you play, what you say, and how you build your character, the story kinda still pans out the same way really... it's also super short. The main story is anyway, I've literally just been spamming side missions with my Corpo V, bc I'm just not "emotionally" ready to play the final mission, but even though I felt I kinda paced myself, I still somehow got to the end mission waaayyy too quickly, and now I'm running outta side missions to do.
Some of them... luckily, are pretty interesting, and will string you through three or four more missions to complete their own little story, but idk... some felt a bit underwhelming in the end.
They're cute, but there could've been more. I've romanced Panam and Kerry, and I enjoyed both, and they offered some fun missions leading up to the romantic portion as well so it doesn't feel rushed... sadly not all of the romances are like this. They've got preferences as well, so depending on your V's gender and path, some you'll find are able to be approached, but might not be interested.
There are plenty of other really amazing relationships in the game that aren't romantic too, and that's honestly where this game truly excels. Despite what's going on, it's obvious the core focus of the story is more about the people you meet, and connections you make along the way, so it was really cute watching my Corpo V's interactions with Judy blossom into a very sweet brother/sister type relationship.
Final Word
Honestly if you enjoy roleplaying games, it's a pretty good one, you assume a role, you play it... it's a game ??? Sadly, again, due to the relatively linear story, it still doesn't feel as much like an RPG as it should, esp if your idea of an RPG is more Bethesda or BioWare, and less Final Fantasy.
Now if you've got an imagination however, and plenty of time to download mods it can absolutely scratch that roleplaying itch, but much if it will be in your head, if what the game offers isn't doing it for you.
My suggestion... wait until Black Friday rolls around, and get it on sale.
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therealnightcity · 1 year
For Hiro 🍙💻🔮
Character asks for @fly-amanitaa 💕💕
🍙: Goro--
Hiro's relationship with Takemura is...complicated. The two are like oil and water, and although they're capable of working together towards the same goal, both have different motivations and an incredibly different outlook, and methods with which they work. Hiro struggles with Takemura's blind loyalty to Arasaka, and ties to the Corpo lifestyle, and way of thinking, and Takemura sees Hiro as a loose canon, with even looser morals. One of the things Hiro has the hardest times coming to terms with is that Takemura calls his morals and motivations into question--they're the things that he takes pride in, and to have some Corpo accusing him of not having them causes contention, and ensures that while they may be capable of working together, true friendship is harder to come by. Granted, Hiro doesn't make himself easy to get along with, and sees it as his personal mission to get under the man's skin, and see if he can incite a reaction, other than 'coolly disapproving grandfather.' Despite their marked differences, the two occasionally find things they can coexist on, particularly their love of food.
💻: Judy--
Out of all the NPCs Judy is one of the people Hiro is the closest to, and one of the few he knew from before he was in the Claws, and stayed in contact with after he left. He sees her as a younger sister, even though they're only a year apart. They were fast friends, and they're quick to argue but make up almost as quickly, and tease each other a lot. It's usually fairly good natured, and Hiro's very protective of Judy (especially given her less than stellar line of partners), and the two of them spent many lazy nights with pizza, and beer, gossiping and catching up--about clients, or life or tech. She knows that he'll always be there for him, and likewise, and is one of the few people who noticed he went missing in there, and the only one still looking for him. She was furious with him when he turned up later, not even a call, but she could never be mad with him for too long, especially when an explanation was forthcoming, and a promise not to disappear like that again. She routinely throws clients his way, knows that in addition to being a good friend, he's also a very skilled merc. Hiro admires her drive, and warmth, even if he does admit she can be a little reckless at times.
🔮: Misty--
Hiro thinks Misty is a little odd, but he appreciates her, both as an individual and how kind she was to Jackie. Hiro always worried about the latter ending up with someone shitty, but he never did with Misty. He admires her steadiness, she's a source of calm he seldom sees in Night City, and offers an unexpected perspective, that's usually not the first one he comes to. He doesn't share her spirituality, but he's glad it works for her, and he's the last to judge on what makes someone happy. He's come to know her very well through his friendship with Vik, and although they're an odd pair, they're some of the first allies he made after leaving the Claws. They see a lot of each other, between him visiting the clinic, and his past friendship with Jackie, and she's the one who encouraged him to start celebrating his birthday, albeit indirectly. She mentioned that he gave off scorpio vibes, and Jackie ran with it.
Thanks for asking!!! This was so fun~ :3
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levysoft · 2 years
In una puntata di Star Trek originale che si chiama “Una guerra incredibile”, due fazioni dello stesso pianeta combattono virtualmente con i computer. A fine guerra, vengono calcolati i morti, e le vittime hanno ventiquattr'ore per recarsi a una stazione di disintegrazione in modo da far registrare i propri decessi. Questa soluzione asettica preserva la civiltà, nonostante il costo in vite. Il grande senso del dovere di quelle popolazioni era giustificato dal fatto che se le persone non si recassero ai disintegratori, allora una fazione sarebbe obbligata a lanciare vere armi, e l’altra dovrebbe rispondere, ed entrambe le civiltà e popolazioni andrebbero distrutte.
Da recuperare su Netflix 1x24
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Steph's Gay Mini Movie Reviews: Boy Kills World
Boy Kills World was a decent movie, but would've been a banger 6-8 part series. Characters and emotions and the world just all needed more space to breathe to go from cool ideas to killer storytelling, especially since his relationship with his sister was such a pillar of this film. Spouse and I were thinking Mike Flanagan style (a location/arc of mission for each episode spliced with flashbacks to flesh out each major player) would've hit it out of the park.
If you like the idea of Borderlands style murder humor and corpo mixed with some Hunger Games flair and Fallout inspired drugs, you'll have fun. But it lacks the stellar world depth it *could've* had in a series setting.
Movie verdict: 7/10 probably
Gay verdict: Not very gay, but very gay headcanon-able. Basho and Benny would be such a cute couple.
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overcentral · 6 months
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veritanascoste · 9 months
Tutto ciò ha la Funzione di OPPRIMERE intelligentemente, astutamente.. la Coscienza Spirituale delle “Anime detenute”❗
  Da un certo punto di vista, la terra è un Pianeta PRIGIONE nel Cosmic Game [Gioco Cosmico], Uno dei Quattro Prison-Planets di Questa Galassia (forse il Più “Importante”). 
   Questo significa che Gaia viene  usata come un Luogo di SOSTA FORZATA per Moltissime Anime che sono state catturate in Guerra…. Tutti gli Esseri fatti Prigionieri dalla Oscura Fratellanza di Orione , dalla Corporazione dei Grigi, e da Altre Società Predatorie create dagli elohim genetisti,come  Rettiliani, insettoidi .Generalmente vengono TRATTATI elettronicamente per Mezzo di impianti e poi spediti sistematicamente sulla Terra in Corpi di Carne o letteralmente gettati in Qualche Oceano attraverso Cubi di Ghiaccio (Acqua, Elio e Glicolo)…. 
   Il Fatto che nell'Universo Ci siano Pianeti prigioni, dovrebbe farvi dedurre che avvengono delle vere e proprie CATTURE, catture che sono intrappolamenti per Esseri Spirituali❗ Perché gli Esseri vengono intrappolati, catturati, impiantati e gettati in un atollo ❓
   Perché è in Corso una Guerra, una Serie di Conflitti che riguardano le  INVASIONI dei Pianeti e dei Sistemi da Parte di Alcune Razze Predatorie. 
   COME HA FATTO GAIA A DIVENIRE un pianeta prigione ❓
   Semplice: così hanno stabilito gli Oscuri Signori del karma , Draconiani ,ovvero gli Arconti ❗ (i Tiliani  Rettiliani e le loro stirpi . Prima la invasero ,poi distrussero i loro pianeti e successivamente la colonizzarono trasformandola in ciò che è oggi: un pianeta prigione, " Alcatraz" ,di TERZA E QUARTA DIMENSIONE❗
   Come Ci sono riusciti❓
   Esiste una Intera Divisione della Corparation dei Grigi (sotto il Dominio Tiliano [Rettiliano]) che Si occupa esattamente di SCARICARE le “Anime Scomode” in Questa simulazione olografica, è un lavoro enorme❗
   Questa Divisione è composta da  Centinaia, forse Migliaia, di Piccoli-Grigi che scaricano le Anime Disincarnate su Gaia… PER LASCIARCELE…. 
   Molti di Voi sono entrati in Questo Universo [K S M 1 6] Miliardi di Anni Terrestri Fa O MOLTO PIU'…. anche Trilioni, le Anime Più Antiche. Saranno Circa Mezzo Miliardo di Anni [500.000.000] che Molti di Voi  " ritornano " in Questa Galassia [G L X 1 3]… e ALMENO Decine di Migliaia di Anni che avete a che fare con la Terra con Corpi UMANI-TERRESTRI…. I Più “Giovani” di Voi saranno qui da Circa 5.000 Anni, Qui su Gaia, intendiamo… i Casi RARI Alcuni sono Qui solo da Tre Mila Anni Circa…. 
   Come Si evade  da Alcatraz ❓
   Ecco perché è necessario diventare CONSAPEVOLI degli Impianti e RESPONSABILI della Loro Rimozione…. (o quantomeno, Disattivazione). 
   La causa ❓
Un'AMNESIA ARTIFICIALE…. L'Essere, una volta identificato nel Corpo di Materia, NON rammenta più nulla o quasi di Sé e della Sua Vera Natura Spirituale…. NON ricorda la Sua Origine, la Sua Provenienza Stellare, la  sua VERA Famiglia Divina… e Si trasforma in una Specie di UMANOIDE❗
   Così potete osservare come TANTI Umani Se ne vanno in Giro per il Pianeta totalmente inconsapevoli di star vivendo cicli e cicli di vita nell'incoscienza❗ 
   Possiamo RIMUOVERE Questi Impianti nel Corpo Astrale/Mentale (con Localizzazione nel Corpo Fisico)…. E permettervi di “evadere” da Questa realtà olografica.
Oppure…. di trasformarlo. in un  posto decisamente più accettabile per coloro che ci vivono.
   I “Detenuti” che vengono abbandonati sulla Terra ricevono un impianto  che cancella ,una vera Amnesia  che OCCLUDE IL RICORDO COSCIENTE DELL'INTERA TRACCIA DEL TEMPO. 
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gaetaniu · 10 months
Un grande design ma .. imperfetta
Con le sue braccia vorticose e il suo nucleo luminoso, NGC 5364 è inequivocabilmente una galassia a spirale. Ma non è solo una galassia a spirale qualsiasi quella raffigurata dalla Dark Energy Camera (DECam) sul Víctor M. Telescopio Blanco di 4 metri al Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO). Questo corpo stellare accattivante è classificato come una galassia a spirale di grande design.…
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libroazzurro · 10 months
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L’attesa stupita dell’inevitabile; l’estremo spavento chiuso in ogni pensiero; i segni ominosi trasmessi con intermittenza stellare dal corpo di tutte le cose; il fasto terribile dei giorni che scivolano fra le maglie del tempo; il vuoto sottostante il vuoto come un sogno sottostante un sogno; infine il chiarimento, la restaurazione e di nuovo, perennemente, la nascita: tutti conoscono lo splendore.
Nell’immagine, “Fenice che risorge dalle ceneri”, miniatura tratta da “The Aberdeen Bestiary”, manoscritto inglese del XII secolo, custodito nella Biblioteca dell’Università di Aberdeen: folio 56 recto (immagine nel pubblico dominio, tramite Wikimedia Commons).
Testo di Pier Paolo Di Mino.
Ricerca iconografica a cura di Veronica Leffe. Potete trovare questa nota archiviata su:
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Vicenza, il poeta Fabio Pusterla sarà ospite alla rassegna di incontri con poeti della città
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Vicenza, il poeta Fabio Pusterla sarà ospite alla rassegna di incontri con poeti della città.   Fabio Pusterla, uno dei poeti italiani più apprezzati e riconosciuti, è il prossimo ospite della rassegna di incontri con poeti a Vicenza intitolata “Io guardo il cielo, il cielo che tu guardi”, a cura di Chiara Spadaro e Stefano Strazzabosco. L’appuntamento con l’autore è in programma per mercoledì 30 novembre, alle 18 a Palazzo Cordellina, in contra’ Riale 12, ed è organizzato in collaborazione con la Biblioteca civica Bertoliana. Pusterla presenterà i suoi due libri più recenti, proponendo anche alcune letture poetiche: la raccolta “Tremalume”, edita quest’anno da Marcos y marcos, e l’antologia “Da qualche parte nello spazio. Poesie 2011-2021”, pubblicata da Le Lettere sempre nel 2022. A dialogare con l’autore sarà Massimo Natale dell’Università di Verona, che ha curato il saggio introduttivo all’antologia de Le Lettere. L'ingresso è libero fino all'esaurimento dei posti disponibili; ai partecipanti sarà donata una poesia inedita di Fabio Pusterla, "Schizzo metropolitano”, stampata artigianalmente dai torchi di Giovanni Turria de L'Officina. Sarà, inoltre, possibile acquistare i libri presentati. Fabio Pusterla (Mendrisio, 1957) ha esordito nel 1985 con la raccolta “Concessione all’inverno” (Marcos y marcos; Premio Montale e Premio Schiller) pubblicando in seguito, sempre per la stessa casa editrice, “Bocksten” (1989), “Le cose senza storia” (1994), “Pietra sangue” (1999; Premio Schiller), “Folla sommersa” (2004), “Corpo stellare” (2010), “Argéman” (2014), “Cenere, o terra” (2018) e il recentissimo “Tremalume” (2022). Einaudi ha allestito la sua prima antologia “Le terre emerse. Poesie 1985-2008” (2009); Le Lettere la seconda, “Da qualche parte nello spazio. Poesie 2011-2021” (con un saggio di Massimo Natale e un autocommento dell’autore, 2022). Tra i suoi saggi ricordiamo “Il nervo di Arnold” (Marcos y marcos, 2007). Ha tradotto poeti come P. Jaccottet e A. Emaz, ed è stato tradotto in francese, tedesco, inglese, spagnolo. Vive ad Albogasio, sulla frontiera tra l’Italia e la Svizzera. “Io guardo il cielo, il cielo che tu guardi” è una rassegna di poesia itinerante nella città in programma a Vicenza fino al 16 dicembre 2022. I poeti e le poetesse ospiti propongono letture dai loro libri editi quest’anno, sul tema degli ecosistemi in un mondo minacciato e instabile, o sul rapporto tra l’umano e il sovrumano (libera traduzione di “more-than-human”, l’intreccio multispecie in cui non siamo più i soli a dettare le regole del rapporto tra natura e cultura). Il percorso si snoda in sette tappe a ingresso libero, ciascuna con almeno un libro di riferimento, ed è resa possibile grazie al contributo di Biblioteca Bertoliana, cooperativa sociale Insieme, Sirces s.r.l., Meccano 14, Legambiente Vicenza, Rete GAS Vicentina ed EQuiStiamo e il sostegno di Ronzani Editore, ExOfficina, Unicomondo e ViCult. Tutte le informazioni sulla rassegna sono disponibili sul blog https://direpoesia.wordpress.com/ Evento facebook: https://fb.me/e/2gL1hb7vr Per informazioni: [email protected]    ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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