#corporate yoga teacher training
yogpowerint03 · 2 years
Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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A Corporate environment attracts various problems like anxiety, stress, fear and short-temper. People who work in corporate offices encounter this problem pretty often but can’t do anything about it. With so many hours at competitive work and hardly any time to de-stress, a person gets increasingly frustrated and invites physical and mental disorders.
All these negative effects of the Corporate Environment And Life can be tackled with the power of Yoga, meditation and pranayam. Since a Corporate can’t make it to practice Yoga, we made Yoga practice reach the corporate office! Yog Power International provides Corporate Yoga to people in an organization who cannot pay heed to their health. We send our expert trainers to train and make these employees practice yoga on a regular basis.
Stress decreases concentration which increases workload and eventually, a person spends more time in office then actually permitted. Constant workload also males people skip meals, eat irregularly and eat inappropriately. With so much work and no free time, it is unlikely that a person exercises or eats well, which tempts poor health to take root.
Yog Power International understands the time constraint and provides the best yoga disciplines in form of asanas and breathing exercises for the corporates to follow and perform. Along with Yoga, we also insert a bit of Corporate Zumba in the session so that the missing gusto is restored while good health starts developing in the process. We have benefitted many such employees who have now transformed their lives and have adopted a healthier lifestyle.
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lifestyleyogauae · 3 months
Lifestyle Yoga –Best Yoga Studio for Inner Peace and Physical Wellness
Lifestyle Yoga is a haven of tranquility and well-being, dedicated to fostering physical, mental, and emotional wellness through the transformative practice of yoga. Nestled in the vibrant city of Dubai, our studio offers a sanctuary where individuals can rejuvenate their bodies, calm their minds, and nourish their souls amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Empower your team with our bespoke corporate wellness programs in Dubai, designed to enhance employee well-being, productivity, and morale. At Lifestyle Yoga, we understand the importance of nurturing a healthy work environment, and our customized programs aim to promote physical fitness, stress management, and team building within corporate settings.
Immerse yourself in the restorative practice of Yin Yoga at our specialized yin yoga studio in Dubai, where gentle movements, long holds, and deep stretches help release tension and restore balance to the body and mind. Our Yin Yoga classes at Lifestyle Yoga provide a serene space for practitioners to cultivate mindfulness, flexibility, and inner peace.
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Unwind and Rebalance - Join Lifestyle Yoga for Ultimate Well-being
Embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a certified yoga instructor with the best yoga teacher training in Dubai offered at Lifestyle Yoga. Our comprehensive training program combines ancient wisdom with modern techniques, equipping aspiring teachers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead impactful and inspiring yoga sessions.
At Lifestyle Yoga, we are committed to creating a supportive and inclusive community where individuals of all levels and backgrounds can explore the profound benefits of yoga. Our experienced instructors are dedicated to guiding and inspiring students on their wellness journey, fostering a sense of connection, growth, and empowerment.
Discover the joy of yoga in Dubai at Lifestyle Yoga, where we offer a holistic approach to well-being through yoga classes, corporate wellness programs, Yin Yoga sessions, and teacher training.
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wyogaonline · 2 years
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Want to help the world and pay it forward by teaching yoga? Often touted as the hidden gem of local Westchester Yoga Teacher Training programs, at Westchester Yoga we pride ourselves with our legendary course with top level faculty who love what they do. Meet like minded yoga peeps, learn how to teach yoga confidently and along the way discover the transformational philosophy. The course includes online content and is a remarkable value for money spent. Change the world one yoga class at a time, by become a yoga teacher. Visit our website now! Follow us on instagram @westchesteryoga.
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yogpowerint · 2 years
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Yog Power International
Yog Power International is a one-stop solution for all your health and well-being issues in this fast-paced and competitive world. We wish to serve one and all with the eternal power of Yoga and Meditation. Today’s stressful life takes a toll on each and every individual and our effort revolves around expunging all your problems in the most natural way.
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blackstarmylove · 2 months
Jobs (HC)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: No pairing.
Warning: None
Prompt: What if they had 'normal' lives where Starless never existed, and neither did the sketchy organizations behind the scenes? What non-sketchy careers would they pursue?
A/N: Assume older age for the younger characters; they're not in school/college anymore.
Celebrity - Actor/Singer/Model (of course, lol)
CEO & Founder of a Corporation
Owner of a Movie Production House
Stockmarket Investor
Professional Poker Player
Detective/Private Investigator
Professor (his class 99% female students, lol)
Chess Player
Owner of a small business (inn or restaurant - girls flock there just to see his cuteness)
Celebrity (Model/Actor)
General Manager in a big company
Skateboarder or Snowboarder
In short, Athlete
Captain in the military
Personal Trainer (A LOT of the women want him to train them)
Boyband Member
CEO of a big company
Head of a Secret Service Agency
Runs a computer repair shop
PCP/Family Doctor
Pediatrician (all the moms loooove going to him because he takes care of their kids really well...yeah, let's go with that.)
CEO of a company
Fashion Blogger
Music Composer/Singer
Professional Mattress Tester
Applier for every clinical sleep study possible
Real Estate Agent
Working for a non-profit
Caretaker in an elderly home (the grandmas and grandpas love him to death)
Surgeon (would you trust him? XD)
Police Officer
Professional Food Taster
Dancer/Dance Teacher
Food Critic
Beauty Pageant/Model Trainer
Professional Makeup Artist
Fashion Designer
Controversial YouTuber
Therapist (would you trust him?)
Software Engineer
Founder of a business
Researcher at a large institute
Secret Agent for the government
Martial Art Instructor
Physical Therapist
Fashion Designer
Nurse Practitioner
Yoga Instructor (his calmness makes me think this😂)
Food Taster
Bad Cop
Professional Chef
Gym Trainer/Bodybuilder
Wrestler (of course lol)
Underground Rapper
Dog Trainer
Personal Fashion Designer
Casting Director
Basketball Player
Tattoo Artist
Gym Instructor
9 to 5 Office Employee
Manager in a small company
➣ BlackStar Theater Starless Masterlists [1][2][3][4]
➣ Main Masterlist
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janekim · 8 months
Pursuing the Ritual of Discomfort
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Only thing I’m scared of is staying the same. Denizen Kane aka Dennis Kim
Four months into the pandemic, I finally accepted that the gym was not opening again soon and even if they did re-open, I was not ready to heave and gulp air in a humid, unventilated indoor space with other sweating beings.
In good news, I was doing yoga three times a week without worrying about running late from a meeting and borrowed weights (remember when you couldn’t buy weights anywhere??) from my friend @photomatt who graciously loaned me his lighter weights.
But I wasn’t getting my heart rate up.
Since I was young, the activity I dreaded most was running.  Running has always been hard for me— the difficult breathing, heart pumping uncomfortably, and undefined goals.  There was no ball or punching bag to fixate on.  Running in pre pandemic days was limited to catching buses and trains, often in heels. And I swore my ancestors did not run or my lung capacity was smaller than average.  
In the midst of the pandemic, a friend I admired wrote a beautiful longform article about his 30 year journey as a runner. In my many years of knowing him, I did not know that he was an accomplished amateur runner with corporate sponsors. 
So I researched how to start running as an adult.  The most helpful instruction I read was simple— run for 20 minutes without tracking speed.
So I laced up and ventured to the Embarcadero to join the ranks of the “active”people I had never identified with.    
At first I was running 13-14 minute miles. A few friends teased me that they could walk alongside me.  But I was out and moving.  
I committed to running twice a week— no matter how I was feeling.  I sought beautiful places to run to distract me.  I discovered Mount Sutro behind UCSF, Rodeo Beach by Marin Headlands and the coastline of California.  I created energetic playlists I could only listen to while running.
I got faster. And soon I was running two miles- unimaginable to someone who couldn’t run a 1/4 mile continuously.
But it never got easy.  I kept waiting for this elusive runner’s high or the day I would become the friend who gushed about how much they love running.  Worse, I would get better and then experience my speed and distance decline precipitously again.  I would see friends on social media, who also announced they had embarked on the same brilliant pandemic endeavor, planning their half marathons after two months of running.
I was struggling to get to 3 miles.  And I still hated the act of running.  
I grumbled to my yoga teacher, a lifelong runner who writes about exercise and longevity, and he described it as the ritual of discomfort.
These three words transformed my approach.  I don’t have to enjoy running.  And there is a value in the practice of doing something uncomfortable— pushing past the imagined limits of my mind and body.  
So I kept running.  I ran in the snow (with tractions on my sneakers), summer rainstorms, up mountainous hiking trails and under showering cherry blossoms.
I pack my sneakers when traveling— and have discovered it is a delightful way to enjoy a majestic landscape or observe how people move in a city.  I logged miles in Seoul, Tokyo, Paris, Vancouver, Mexico City (yes with its altitude of 7350 ft!), Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Honolulu, Jackson and New York City. I saw 9p workout classes lit by the summer sun along the Seine River, a 7a picnic date on the Han River, and a foggy, muddy, tree tangled forest in Honolulu. 
And it’s free.
I recently hit my three year anniversary and while I am not where I hope to be, I can coax my mind to run 6-8 miles weekly at a pace ranging from 8.5-10.5 minute miles- spending more of my time on the less hurried end.
I am no longer always the slowest runner but I am still sometimes the slowest runner.
As is often said in Buddhism, our time on earth is made up of the 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows. Life can be unforgiving in teaching you these lessons. Yet both the blissful joys and unimaginable grief have shaped my spirit and soul in beautiful ways.  
And I am stronger.  I can feel how much lighter my legs and more expansive my lungs are.  My last bloodwork was off the charts.  I devote a small part of my week to exploring this container, my physical body, something I am always with but am not always present with. And I am more in awe of this gift which holds and carries my spirit.
The ritual of discomfort has become my practice.  
I acknowledge three inspirations for this post— Nick Thompson, Jai Sugrim and finally Matt Mullenweg, who took me on my first adult run in Seoul and inspires me to write
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carlyhunteryoga · 1 year
A Glimpse: The Journey Towards Teaching Yoga and Embracing the Eight Limbed Path
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Q: How did you get started with yoga?
I was introduced to yoga as a somatic technique that was intended to support my dance training while earning a BFA in Dance Performance from The Ohio  State University. My first consistent classes were in 2001, 7am twice a week, in the Dance Department taught by a graduate student.
Q: Did you embrace doing yoga at the beginning?
I hated it actually- mostly because waking up early, hiking across campus in the dark winter months, and motivating my body to move in a cold dance studio felt like a chore. Each time my alarm would go off for yoga class, I questioned “how is this good for me?”, yet afterwards I somehow felt better than when I started.
Q: As a dancer did the practice come easily to you?
The asanas did not come easily for a long time which is another reason I didn’t enjoy doing it. Downward dog was especially challenging at first and my mind was all over the place from thinking about breakfast to drafting essays for my other classes! It’s almost comical how my first experience with yoga was anything but peaceful.
Looking back on those days, I practiced with far too much muscular effort and without concept of breath.  The chanting, breathing with sound, and terminology seemed so peculiar.
Q: What kept you returning to the practice?
By the end of my first quarter taking yoga, I started to balance effort with ease. Yoga was not only helping my dance, but more importantly it supported my overall wellbeing. I still didn’t know a thing about yoga, or why I was reaping benefit, but I knew it was unlike anything else.
Q: Did you set out to teach yoga as your profession?
When I enrolled in my first training in 2012, I already had an established and demanding career in corporate advertising sales in NYC. At that time I did not want to teach or set out to do so.  I simply wanted to direct my energy towards something that was beneficial for me - yoga always seemed to be the right thing.
My intention for the training was to deepen my understanding, however, the experience didn’t deepen anything, rather it broadened my perspective, exposed me to ideas, and showed me how much I didn’t know!  It was just the beginning.
Q: When did yoga become a lifestyle for you?
I meaningfully embraced the practice and lifestyle of yoga when I worked in advertising and dance was no longer my life.  I couldn’t wait for 5pm so that I could go to yoga class and move my body.
Yoga served as a momentary escape from the misery in my work life as it was the only time of day that I felt peaceful.  Eventually I would take class twice a day-before and after work-I simply couldn’t get enough.
I was curious about everything that had to do with yoga from the physical practice, philosophy, to the diet and lifestyle. Finally, I realized that I couldn’t escape my work life so I set out on a quest to find yoga when I couldn’t be in class. I began to wonder “How can I sustain this yoga feeling 24/7?” I understood for that to happen, peace had to come from within, which is why I began to embrace the yoga teachings and philosophy.
Q: How did you get started with the Ashtanga practice?
I started a traditional Ashtanga practice in a Mysore room shortly after finishing my first teacher training. I dedicated myself to this 6 day a week discipline-waking up at 5am to be on my yoga mat by 6am before work. (Ironically this was reminiscent to my first yoga experience in college that I hated.)
The Ashtanga practice was the outlet and culmination of my interest to that point. I found a practice and path that resonated deeply and had so much meaning. The Ashtanga system is straightforward, logical, and intelligent and everything yoga related finally began to make sense. I took to it like a magnet and advanced quickly through the asanas due to my background in gymnastics, dance, and many years of yoga.
Q: If you participated in your first teacher training without the intention of teaching, then how exactly did you start teaching?
In 2012, 6 months into the Ashtanga practice, my teacher asked me to assist him in the Mysore room. Although it was an honor, I didn’t want to assist because it took away from my own time to practice.
I started to realize that teaching wasn’t taking away from me, but instead adding a richness to my life. The fact that I could share something meaningful and perhaps shape someone else’s experience was profound.  Teaching seemed like a worthwhile investment of energy.
Q: What was the process of leaving your corporate job and leaping into a full time teaching role?
I was frequently approached by other teachers to sub their classes.  I was still working in advertising, but trying to juggle teaching on the side, as well as tend to my own practice. Work was starting to get in the way of all the yoga!
One thing led to another in my personal life that made it easier for me to step away from my advertising career and teach yoga full time. It was still a very risky move.
I was offered a position as Private Practice Manager at a large corporately owned yoga center in NYC in 2015. In this role I focused on teaching one-on-one, but also ran a business. Half of my responsibilities were administrative, managing other teachers, and growing the private yoga/wellness business, and the other half was teaching.
I developed a clientele, honed my teaching skills,  while applying my business background. It was a perfect bridge from corporate advertising into the yoga world.  I spent 3.5 years in this role, and finally stepped away from the yoga center in 2018 to establish myself independently as a private yoga teacher.
Teaching yoga for a living wasn’t something I could have imagined in 2012. To this day I sometimes pause and marvel in disbelief about how different life is from the days when I was running to yoga from work and crying about life in a corporate cubicle.
Q: Do you only teach in a private setting?
I teach one yoga class weekly in a group setting, however, I feel most effective working with students in an individualized manner.
Many of the students that I teach one on one have been working with me since I made the career shift in 2015.  I’ve developed deep and dedicated working relationships and learned my about my students’ bodies, minds, families, and values.  Teaching privately has allowed me to pass along a practice that has changed my life and hopefully brings meaning to theirs as well.
I feel passionately about sharing the gift of yoga.  Although it is a responsibility to inspire people to move, challenge their body, and expand their mind, I am grateful to do this work.
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Examples of tamasic foods - Oceanic Yoga
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There is no doubt that eating raw vegan/vegetarian will improve your mental and physical well being. Let me show you how.
Hippocrates taught this message in 431BC. For thousands of years cultures have been aware that the food we eat can have a profound effect on our mind.
The Greek Historian Herodotus found that cultures with a mainly vegetarian diet were more advanced in art and spiritual development than those who ate a mainly meat based diet.The latter tended to be much more aggressive. It could be said that the diet a whole nation follows will have a profound effect on that country’s mental well being.
Ayurvedic yogis have known this for thousands of years and have divided food into three categories: sattvic,rajasic and tamasic food. A sattvic state of mind is common amongst religious groups with a prayer and meditation tradition.
A rajasic state of mind tends to be active, restless and aggressive.This would be typical of a warrior or the high flying corporate executive.
A tamasic state of mind belongs to one who is cruel and morally degenerate.People who resort to criminal activity fall into this category.
For a western person the sattivc diet would be one that is vegetarian and would consist of 80% raw food and 20% cooked. Examples of such food would be greens, grasses, honey and some rice. Rajasic foods stimulate the nervous system and include meat, coffee, garlic and peppers butter eggs cheese and sugar.It will leave people with a sense of restlessness and eventual burnout.
Such people tend to be adrenalin junkies seeking pleasure in skydiving or white water rafting or other risky sports. Tamasic foods tend to be the worst of the lot, what we would call fast foods, heavily processed and full of preservatives, additives and colors.
Foods eaten in this category would include flesh that has not been recently killed i.e. all the meat you see in the supermarket.
We often hear how ancestors ate meat and this is used as a justification for a meat based diet.However the meat they ate had only recently been killed so had some life force left in it.
Also our ancestors ate all the animal, not just the muscle which is high in protein,hence a more balanced diet. Living on such a diet will make meditation and other calming activities almost impossible. Research has shown that people who have a history of violence display a marked drop in such activity when switching to a diet based on fruit and vegetables.
The bottom line is a switch to raw food eating will boost your well being both mental and physically.
Yoga Teacher Training in India | Yoga Teacher Training India | Yoga school in India | Yoga school India | Yoga Teacher Training in Goa | Yoga Teacher Training Goa | 200 Hours Yoga Teachers Training in India
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Career Opportunities in Yoga Teaching after Your Certification
Many people in our country are becoming health conscious. They are joining a gym or some other fitness centre to keep their body in shape. Moreover, they also want to be in optimal health. Therefore, we see there is a huge demand for yoga instructors. This ancient Indian exercise is quite easy to perform. Fitness enthusiasts also like the versatility of yoga. They also like that yoga doesn’t strain the body too much. It has a healthy balance of stretching and endurance. 
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It is evident that you will also thrive as a yoga instructor. It is quite an unconventional job but very rewarding. You will also have a proper work-life balance with a good income. All you need to do is join a yoga training institute in Pune. Their certification will make you eligible for yoga instructing jobs. 
Types of Yoga Teaching 
There are different types of yoga teaching jobs that you can pursue after your certification. Each one has its merits. However, you should choose the one which suits your lifestyle. 
Private yoga Instruction
You can become a personal yoga trainer for clients. These clients prefer having privacy for their fitness sessions. Some senior citizens and patients also need personal training as they can’t leave their homes. Therefore, you can help these people recover. Many private trainers charge on an hourly basis. 
Yoga Studio Instructor
You can also join a professional yoga institute that conducts classes all day. You won’t have to search for clients and have a group of fitness enthusiasts joining your classes. Moreover, unlike private yoga sessions, you will be able to conduct classes on a strict schedule. 
Corporate yoga Instructor
Corporate offices also hire yoga instructors in their private fitness studios. They look after the well-being of their employees through such activities. Yoga is an excellent form of employee engagement. You will be able to charge a high fee for corporate yoga classes. Corporates like Google and Apple have the best yoga studios and teachers. 
Yoga Retreat and Workshop Leader
Wellness centres also hire yoga instructors to conduct sessions. You will get to design a holistic yoga programme for these clients. You can include all types of yoga, diet, and meditation exercises in these programmes. Retreats also pay their instructors well, as all their clients are well-off. 
Online yoga Instructor
The pandemic has given rise to online fitness instructors. Yoga is not left behind. People are booking yoga classes on fitness apps. You will be able to conduct classes from the comfort of your own home. You will reach a global audience with this gig. 
Yoga teaching offers a diverse range of career opportunities for certified yoga instructors. There is always a path that suits your individual preferences. A career in yoga teaching can be both fulfilling and rewarding. You will never feel like working a job. Instead, you will find your purpose in healing people’s lives. Therefore, join a yoga certification program in Pune today and start your wellness career!
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n0resistance · 2 months
   The word for this age should just be cautious. Where you’re okay with being boring. Staying home watching movies and cleaning your house. You don’t party because you’ve had health issues and would rather eat at home. You like being on time. A full fridge, clean laundry, and clean floors make you happy. You love and need coffee. It’s bad but it’s the only thing you aggressively drink. 
    Seeing family is a luxury. You don’t care about drama. You’re not attached to a lot. You think about marriage and having a dog, living by the beach, and 1 day when it’s alright a baby. You are finally thinking about having kids. But still aren’t ready, you think maybe a dog first. Or a better career first. Or let’s get married first. Or if you stay in the city there’s always a cat.
    You think about taking on another side gig or career like yoga teacher training or getting your real estate license. You also really want to finish your feature film. But being disciplined and paying off debt has kind of been the center focus. 
    You don’t care for traveling as much just do it for special occasions only. You really enjoy drinking water and sleeping early. Playing volleyball or going to a yoga class. Hanging out with people one on one. 
    You have the luxury of working near your house and walk there. It makes a big difference. Not living as fast as you used to either. Drinking, Ubers, eating out, flights, buying people extravagant gifts. All add up. Which actually made you need to have a higher salary. Work hard to play hard. 
    The hustle and grind of working for tips in the city can give you bad energy sometimes. Takes away your peace of mind. It takes away your physical health. I was always sick. You literally need to run away from the job to feel better. 
    You don’t wana be home and hate your home that you need to go to Amsterdam to feel better. 30 year old me. The thing I wish I did was Invest more. There’s still time though. 
    That’s another thing about growing up you want to take care of yourself. Your physical, mental, and financial self. That your future self thanks you for it. 
    When you work strenuous hours, or your understaffed, and you have issues with management or other staff. You actually don’t feel good at all. Isn’t it more important to take care of yourself. In corporate that really hurts but what else hurts is working in very monotonous routines. Being bored equals death to me and I wish it didn’t. You find ways to cope. Like listening to music or watching shows. Drinking coffee. Writing like I do now. Drawing. At the same time as doing the  boring thing so it’s not so bad. . I’m happy I’m not really materialistic. 
    As I get older I’m happy that my issues are what am I doing as an artist.
    It took time. My household was harsh. My mom died in 7th grade and I ran to my friend’s house to get stability and then I ran to New York to be on my own. I went from boyfriend to boyfriend. My issues at first were them cheating on me but because I would not tolerate that, I dealt with narcissism and emotional abuse. Guys that were just about appearances and would lie to get there.    
    You know every time something like that happens in your life it is an opportunity for you to say no and leave. That’s important. Family, fake friends, fake relationships, jobs that are unhealthy, your home. An over priced home where there’s mold but looks modern on the outside. It happens in Brooklyn. Going for things because of appearance. Always feeling like you’re scammed. 
    So yeah 33. Maybe the year of finally not being so naive. The year  of stability and trying to work for yourself. The year I finally finish a feature film. The year I get married. I hope for only good things to come. At this 33. And I do want to travel and party selectively. I want to get through all my debt and focus on investments. And finally be this grown up I’ve so avoided being for these 33 years. I’m middle aged yet feel so young. 
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yogpowerint03 · 1 year
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Best Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai by Yog Power INT
Yog Power International offers a comprehensive 200-hour yoga teacher training course designed to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective yoga teachers. The course covers a wide range of topics, including yoga philosophy, asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, anatomy, teaching methodology, and more. Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their own yoga practice and learn how to teach and guide others in a safe and effective manner. The course is conducted by highly experienced teachers. It prepares you professionally to teach students and is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners who wish to pursue a career as a yoga teacher or simply deepen their knowledge of yoga.
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lifestyleyogauae · 7 months
Best Yoga Classes in Dubai - Nurturing Body and Mind
In the bustling metropolis of Dubai, where the pace of life can be relentless, finding moments of peace and balance is essential for maintaining overall well-being. Enter Lifestyle Yoga, a beacon of serenity amidst the urban hustle, dedicated to nurturing the mind, body, and soul through the transformative practice of yoga. At Lifestyle Yoga, we believe in the power of yoga to elevate every aspect of life, from physical health to emotional resilience, and we're committed to sharing this ancient wisdom with the vibrant community of Dubai.
In a city as diverse as Dubai, finding the right yoga class can be a daunting task. That's where Lifestyle Yoga shines as the beacon of excellence, offering the best yoga classes in Dubai. Our studio caters to practitioners of all levels, from beginners to seasoned yogis, with a diverse range of styles to choose from. Whether you're seeking the dynamic flow of Vinyasa or the gentle embrace of Yin yoga, our experienced instructors guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Join us on the mat and experience the rejuvenating power of yoga firsthand.
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Corporate Wellness Programs Dubai - Fostering Healthier Workplaces
In today's fast-paced corporate world, employee well-being is more important than ever. That's why Lifestyle Yoga offers specialized corporate wellness programs in Dubai, designed to foster healthier, happier workplaces. Our programs go beyond traditional yoga classes to include meditation sessions, stress management workshops, and ergonomic assessments, providing holistic support for employees' physical and mental health. By investing in the well-being of your workforce, you're not just nurturing individuals – you're cultivating a culture of vitality and productivity that benefits the entire organization.
In a city known for its fast-paced lifestyle, finding moments of stillness and surrender is a precious gift. That's where Yin yoga comes in, offering a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos of everyday life. At Lifestyle Yoga, our specialized Yin yoga classes in Dubai provide a haven for relaxation, deep stretching, and inner peace. Through gentle, sustained poses and mindful breathing techniques, we invite you to release tension, restore balance, and reconnect with your innermost self. Step onto the mat and discover the profound serenity that awaits within.
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Dubai - Empowering the Next Generation of Instructors
For those called to share the transformative power of yoga with others, Lifestyle Yoga offers a comprehensive 200hour yoga teacher training program in Dubai. Accredited by Yoga Alliance and led by experienced instructors, our program equips aspiring teachers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to lead inspiring classes with integrity and authenticity. Whether you're embarking on a new career path or deepening your personal practice, our teacher training program is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment unlike any other.
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yogachaitanyain · 3 months
Embracing the Spirit of Yoga: A Journey through India’s Premier Yoga Teacher Training
India, the birthplace of yoga, offers an unparalleled experience for those seeking to deepen their practice and share the wisdom of yoga with others. Embarking on a Yoga teacher training India is more than just a course; it’s a transformative journey that immerses you in the rich culture, philosophy, and spirituality of yoga.
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The Sacred Land of Yoga
India’s spiritual heritage is deeply intertwined with yoga. From the snow-capped Himalayas in the north to the serene beaches in the south, the country is dotted with countless ashrams and yoga schools. Cities like Rishikesh, known as the "Yoga Capital of the World," and Mysore, the home of Ashtanga yoga, are magnets for yoga enthusiasts from around the globe.
Choosing the Right Yoga Teacher Training Program
Selecting the right YTT program in India is crucial. Accredited by the Yoga Alliance, many programs offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, anatomy, philosophy, and teaching methodology. Research thoroughly to find a program that aligns with your yoga style and goals. Consider the following factors:
Location: Whether you prefer the spiritual vibe of Rishikesh, the traditional atmosphere of Mysore, or the coastal tranquility of Goa, the location significantly impacts your experience.
Certification: Ensure the program is recognized by the Yoga Alliance, which will allow you to teach globally.
Teachers: Learn from experienced and renowned teachers who embody the true essence of yoga.
Curriculum: Look for a well-rounded curriculum that balances physical practice with philosophical teachings.
Immersive Experience
A typical day in a YTT program in India is rigorous and structured, starting early in the morning with meditation and pranayama, followed by asana practice, lectures, and workshops. The environment is often immersive, with students encouraged to adopt a yogic lifestyle, including a sattvic diet, which is light and nourishing, fostering clarity and energy.
The Transformative Journey
Beyond physical training, YTT in India offers profound personal growth. The serene environment, combined with the ancient teachings of yoga, helps in cultivating mindfulness, self-discipline, and a deeper connection with oneself. The communal living aspect fosters a sense of camaraderie and support among fellow trainees, creating lifelong bonds.
Embracing Indian Culture
Participating in a YTT program in India also means embracing the rich Indian culture. From participating in traditional ceremonies and rituals to exploring local markets and historical sites, the experience is holistic. Learning the basics of Sanskrit, the language of yoga, and understanding the cultural context of yoga’s origins enrich your journey.
After the Training
Completing a YTT program in India equips you with the knowledge and confidence to teach yoga globally. The certification not only enhances your credibility but also opens up opportunities to teach in various settings, from studios and wellness centers to schools and corporate environments.
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Embarking on a Yoga teacher training india is a life-changing journey. It’s an opportunity to deepen your practice, immerse yourself in the authentic teachings of yoga, and embrace the spirit of India. Whether you seek personal transformation or aspire to share the gift of yoga with others, India offers an unparalleled setting to begin your journey.
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tmahlotra-blog · 4 months
🌟 Discover Holistic Wellness with Priyanshi Yoga Center! 🌟
Transform your mind and body with expert yoga training at home in Dwarka, Delhi NCR. We offer personalized sessions, corporate yoga, group classes, and online yoga tailored to your needs. Our experienced female yoga trainers ensure a comprehensive and rejuvenating experience for all ages.
🧘‍♀️ Services:
- Yoga Trainer at Home
- Female Yoga Trainer
- Fitness Yoga Trainer at Home
- Yoga Teacher for Kids
- Corporate yoga classes for employee wellness
- Group yoga sessions for friends and family
- Online yoga classes for those who prefer virtual instruction
Embrace a healthier lifestyle today!
📞 Call Now: 9999676804
#YogaTrainerAtHome #FemaleYogaTrainer #FitnessYogaTrainerAtHome #YogaTeacher #FemaleYogaTeacher #YogaTeacherForKids #YogaDwarka #YogaDelhi #HolisticWellness #PriyanshiYogaCenter
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sense22yoga · 7 months
Sense22Yoga is the largest yoga venture in India. Here, you can find the best-quality yoga products and receive guidance from expert yoga teachers through our online and offline classes. We run a Yoga teacher training program. We organize Yoga retreat programs and corporate yoga workshops.
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samsara-wellness · 7 months
The Benefits of Hiring a Corporate Yoga Teacher
In today's fast-paced corporate world, stress and burnout have become all too common. Companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to improve employee well-being and productivity. Enter the corporate yoga teacher – a valuable asset for businesses looking to promote wellness in the workplace.
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What is a Corporate Yoga Teacher?
A corporate yoga teacher is a certified yoga instructor who specializes in bringing yoga and mindfulness practices directly to the workplace. These professionals are trained to tailor sessions to suit the needs of busy professionals, focusing on stress relief, relaxation, and mental clarity.
Why Hire a Corporate Yoga Teacher?
Boost Employee Morale: Offering yoga classes as part of corporate wellness initiatives can significantly boost employee morale. Taking a break from the demands of work to engage in a rejuvenating yoga session can leave employees feeling refreshed and motivated.
Reduce Stress and Anxiety: The modern workplace can be a breeding ground for stress and anxiety. Regular yoga sessions led by a skilled corporate yoga teacher can help employees manage stress more effectively, leading to improved overall well-being.
Increase Productivity: Studies have shown that employees who participate in regular yoga practice are more productive and focused. By investing in the services of a corporate yoga teacher, companies can help their employees stay energized and alert throughout the workday.
Improve Physical Health: Sitting at a desk for extended periods can take a toll on physical health. Corporate yoga classes incorporate movement and stretching exercises that can help alleviate common issues such as back pain and stiffness.
Foster Team Building: Participating in group yoga sessions fosters a sense of camaraderie among employees. Sharing the experience of practicing yoga together can strengthen bonds and improve teamwork within the organization.
How to Choose the Right Corporate Yoga Teacher
When selecting a corporate yoga teacher for your company, it's essential to consider factors such as certification, experience, and teaching style. Look for instructors who are certified by reputable yoga organizations and have experience working with corporate clients. Additionally, seek out teachers whose approach aligns with the values and culture of your organization.
In conclusion, hiring a corporate yoga teacher from Samsara Wellness can be a game-changer for your organization. By prioritizing employee well-being and investing in wellness initiatives, companies can create a more positive and productive work environment. Take the first step towards a healthier workplace today by enlisting the services of a certified corporate yoga teacher from Samsara Wellness.
Samsara Wellness No. 35/1, Apartment, Ranka Nest, KKS Rd, Okalipuram, Sevashrama, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560021 Branch Office: Goa, Reg. Office: Bangalore 63601 98390 [email protected] https://maps.app.goo.gl/s1U7PCSkfoxfrdQb6
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