#yog power
yogpowerint03 · 1 year
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Best Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai by Yog Power INT
Yog Power International offers a comprehensive 200-hour yoga teacher training course designed to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective yoga teachers. The course covers a wide range of topics, including yoga philosophy, asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, anatomy, teaching methodology, and more. Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their own yoga practice and learn how to teach and guide others in a safe and effective manner. The course is conducted by highly experienced teachers. It prepares you professionally to teach students and is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners who wish to pursue a career as a yoga teacher or simply deepen their knowledge of yoga.
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yogpowerint · 2 years
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Yog Power International
Yog Power International is a one-stop solution for all your health and well-being issues in this fast-paced and competitive world. We wish to serve one and all with the eternal power of Yoga and Meditation. Today’s stressful life takes a toll on each and every individual and our effort revolves around expunging all your problems in the most natural way.
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I want to ask you questions about yoga and the best yoga to do (feel free to answer when you have time or not at all, I’m just curious)
I've been doing Yoga with Adriene videos on youtube for like 7 years now. She's very minimal on the ~spiritual~ stuff and high on the practical. My friend thinks she talks too much but I like it cause I can absolutely zone out to her voice and not get stressed from silence :P she does a lot of shorter videos for specific purposes, so you can pick like hips or neck or energy. I also love her 30-day programs that she posts every new year, cause then I don't have to spend any time thinking about what kind of video I want to do, I just do the next one!
When I get bored of Adriene, which I sometimes do, I like Darebee workouts (darebee.com). A lot of their stretching workouts incorporate yoga poses, and actually the first yoga I started doing was a quick morning routine of theirs. It doesn't have the breath and flow and downtime incorporated that Adriene does, and I honestly find that those things make a big difference to my mental health over time, but every now and then a Darebee break is nice.
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cacy11 · 4 months
consider this, timetravelling/ dimension jumping chara (for the yogs and hermit idea)
(writes this down)
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cookiesandkatanas · 11 months
I'm having..... Will feelings. The heart wrenching yearning in "touch me"
They tell me, "Keep it simple," I tell them, "Take it slow"
I feed and water an idea, so I let it grow
I tell them, "Take it easy", they laugh and tell me, "No"
Pain pills, nice clothes
If I fall, I think I'll fly
Touch me, Midas
Make me part of your design
None to guide us
I feel fear for the very last time
They tell me that I'm special, I smile and shake my head
They tell me I'm so humble, I say, "I'm turning red"
They give so much to me, I'm losing touch, get me?
Served on a silver platter, ask for seconds, they just let me
They tell me I'm a god, I'm lost in the facade
Six feet off the ground at all times, I think I'm feeling odd
No matter what I make, they never see mistakes
Makin' so much bread, I don't care that they're just being fake
They tell me they're below me, I act like I'm above
The people blend together but I would be lost without their love
Can you heal me? Have I gained too much?
When you become untouchable, you're unable to touch
Is there a real me? Pop the champagne
It hurts me just to think, and I don't do pain
Lay still, restless
Losing sleep while I lose my mind
All thrill, no stress
All my muses left behind
World is below
So high up, I'm near-divine
Lean in, let go
I feel fear for the very last time
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hellosweetart · 3 months
Hey hey whats your headcannon of yog's relationship with Ishtar?
My headcanon is that Ishtar may have done something filthy to Yog's eyes (probably filthier than the pests she causes to humans), so he had to break it off and took custody of Quachil. When Ishtar asked if he will ever forgive her, he just answered with a cold "I don't know." So the poor lady has been holding on false hopes, thinking he will come back to her. But surprise, surprise! He found a replacement for her. To add insult to injury, its her human counterpart.
Here is the comics:
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While some of the nightmare counterparts are evil, I want to write something different where a some of them are more of a neutral type; Quachil sees that her parents are still not getting along well, so to avenge herself for all the misery they've caused, she let the human family escape from Astral Circle. She can easily create a portal back to human world, but the cost of that power is that it will drain all her energy and will get sick.
Here are the previous pages:
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thecreaturecodex · 2 months
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"Rose" © Sandra Duchiewicz, accessed at her deviantArt here
[It's been a long while since I posted a unique monster intended for the Age of Monsters campaign. And clearly there's still interest--my precis for that campaign, and the article about how the Mythos deities fit into it, are still getting likes.
Briarpatch is a character whose seeds (hah) have been planted in several other entries, such as Dr. Shiny and the Vermilion Mother. My inspirations came from all over the place. The sexy, spooky plant girl art of Sandra Duchiewicz was always something I wanted to incorporate. There's a growing idea in ecological and archeological circles that plants domesticated humans as much as the other way around. And I wanted to make a version of Poison Ivy who is genuinely evil.]
Briarpatch CR 27 NE Plant
This woman is beautiful, but alien, with chlorotic skin like the surface of a diseased leaf, and flower petals in place of hair. A collar of brambles grows from her neck and extends into long, thorny vines. She has piercing yellow eyes and an appraising expression.
The Elder Goddess Shub-Nugganoth has many epithets, but her most famous is “Black Goat with a Thousand Young”. In truth, her spawn number far more than one thousand. The creatures known simply as dark young are the most common of her progeny, but unique individuals are her offspring as well. One of these is Briarpatch, a green woman laden with occult intelligence and a profound disgust for urbanization. It is Briarpatch’s goal to see cities crumble and mortal civilizations reduced to decentralized subsistence farming once more, and she is going to use plants as her tools to achieve this.
Unlike many evil creatures of a druidic nature, Briarpatch does not disdain farming. Far from it; she believes humanity exists to serve plants, and that by distancing themselves from the soil, they have betrayed their roots. As such, she both exalts farming and farmers while simultaneously using domestic plants as weapons. Sometimes this is as elaborate as encouraging farmers to plant crops that will use more water and resources than the environment can support, forcing governments into subsidies and increasingly desperate acts to avoid famine. Sometimes this is as simple as distributing seeds of man-eating plants mixed in with garden plants or birdseed. Briarpatch’s cult includes a number of neutral farm-folk, who see her as salvation to their local communities, even as the nation-states that collect their taxes suffer as a body with a parasite does. Her cult often refers to her as the Pale Lady, especially among outsiders.
Briarpatch’s domain is the Forest of Veils in eastern Ustalav, and she communes and coordinates with the mythos horrors that live there. She is allied with the Vermillion Mother and Diceid as a coven of divinities obsessed with invasive species and reshaping ecosystems. She and the Vermillion Mother have a sexual relationship, and treat Diceid as something like a nephew or son. Briarpatch has an entitled personality and considers herself Shub-Nugganoth’s favorite child. She is convinced that if she does enough to deform society in the Inner Sea region, her mother will favor her with a promotion and transform her into an emissary Great Old One, similar to the relationship between Yog Sothoth and Tamir at’umr. Whether this ambition is achievable or is merely one of the Pale Lady’s delusions is hard to say.
Briarpatch rarely participates directly in combat, but when she does, she is a terror to behold. Due to her occult origins, she has access to a wider array of spells than a typical green man. She uses these to inflict overwhelming euphoria or grotesque physical transformations. Sometimes both simultaneously. If she actually wants to kill, rather than toy with her victims, she combines powerful area of effect spells with her tendrils and thorns. Briarpatch is acutely aware that she can still be slain permanently, and will retreat from a battle that turns against her to recuperate and plan revenge.
Briarpatch CR 27 Variant eruphyte green man XP 3,276,800 NE Medium plant (augmented, shapechanger) Init +16; Senses darkvision 60 ft., greensight 60 ft., lifesense 60 ft, low-light vision, Perception +30, thoughtsense 60 ft.
Defense AC 54, touch 36, flat-footed 41 (+12 Dex, +1 dodge, +13 insight, +12 natural, +6 armor) hp 663 (34d8+510); regeneration 20 (deific or mythic) Fort +34, Ref +23, Will +24 Defensive Abilities wilderness insight; DR 15/epic and slashing; Immune ability damage, ability drain, daze, electricity, petrification, plant traits, stagger; SR 37 Offense Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. Melee 2 slams +46 (1d8+21/19–20 plus 1d6 acid and absorb magic), 6 vines +46 (2d6+21 plus grab) Ranged 6 thorns +41 (2d6+21/19-20) Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft. (30 ft. with vines) Special Attacks absorb magic, constrict (2d6+15), grab (Colossal), thoughtspear (17d8, DC 39) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 26th; concentration +37) Constant—pass without trace, speak with plants At will—plant growth, transport via plants 3/day—summon plants 1/day—awaken Druid Spells Prepared (CL 20th; concentration +33) 9th—antipathy (DC 32), extended control plants (DC 32), foresight, greater siege of trees, rival’s weald (DC 33), telekinetic storm (DC 32) 8th—euphoric tranquility (DC 31), horrid wilting (DC 31), mass cure serious wounds, stormbolts (DC 31), sunburst (DC 31) , vinetrap (DC 31) 7th—quickened cure moderate wounds, heal (DC 30), greater scrying, transmute metal to wood, waves of ecstasy (DC 30), waves of exhaustion 6th—antilife shell, greater dispel magic, green caress (x2, DC 30), mass inflict pain (DC 29), primal regression (DC 29) 5th—baleful polymorph (DC 29), cure critical wounds (DC 28), death ward, quickened ray of enfeeblement (DC 24), synapse overload (DC 28), extended thorn body, wall of thorns 4th—arboreal hammer, command plants (DC 27), confusion (DC 27), dispel magic, explosion of rot (DC 27), freedom of movement, strong jaw 3rd—cure moderate wounds (DC 26), excruciating deformation (DC 27), protection from energy, quench (DC 26), spike growth (DC 26), thorny entanglement (DC 27), vampiric touch 2nd—alter self, barkskin, fog cloud, harvest season, resist energy, warp wood (DC 26), wilderness soldiers 1st—cure light wounds (DC 24), entangle (2, DC 25), faerie fire, longstrider, snowball (x2), touch of the sea 0—create water, detect magic, guidance, light
Statistics Str 44, Dex 35, Con 40, Int 35, Wis 36, Cha 33 Base Atk +25; CMB +42 (+46 grapple, +44 sunder); CMD 85 (87 vs. sunder) Feats Combat Reflexes, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous Item, Defensive Combat Training, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Psychic Sensitivity (B), Quicken Spell, Spell Focus (transmutation), Spell Penetration, Stand Still Skills Acrobatics +44 (+48 jumping), Appraise +26, Bluff +40, Climb +54, Disguise +40, Diplomacy +40, Fly +30, Intimidate +43, Knowledge (arcana) +46, Knowledge (geography, history, religion) +41, Knowledge (nature) +46, Linguistics +19, Perception +30, Sense Motive +42, Spellcraft +46, Stealth +44, Survival +42, Swim +35, Use Magic Device +44 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Daemonic, Druidic, Infernal, Mi-Go, Sylvan, Zern, telepathy 100 ft.; speak with plants SQ bardic knowledge +29, change shape (Colossal or smaller tree [tree shape]), deific, green empathy +45, occult gifts
Ecology Environment any forests Organization unique Treasure staff of heaven and earth, belt of physical perfection +4, headband of mental superiority +4 (Knowledge [arcana], Use Magic Device], amulet of mighty fists +4, wings of flying, bracers of armor +6, ring of the ecclesiarch, ring of mind shielding, rod of empowered spell (normal), deliquescent gloves, 11,000 gp worth of material components and miscellaneous treasure
Special Abilities Absorb Magic (Ex) When Briarpatch strikes a creature with her slam attack, she immediately attempts to absorb one magical effect from the target. Treat this as a targeted dispel magic (CL 20th), with Briarpatch preferring to target effects that prevent his vines’ grapple attempts, like freedom of movement. When Briarpatch absorbs magic in this way, she regains a number of hit points equal to double the level of the spell effect she absorbed. Deific Briarpatch grants divine spells to worshipers. This does not require any specific action on her behalf. Briarpatch grants access to the domains of Evil, Plant, Strength, and Weather and to the subdomains of Decay, Growth, Resolve, and Seasons. Her favored weapon is the sickle. If a druid worshiping Briarpatch chooses to take a domain, the druid must choose the Plant domain, regardless of alignment. Her holy symbol is that of a feminine face made of leaves and rose petals, facing to the left. Green Empathy (Ex) This ability functions as the druid’s wild empathy, save that the green man can only use this ability on plant creatures. A green man’s green empathy check bonus is equal to his HD plus his Charisma modifier (+43 for the typical green man). Occult Gifts (Ex) As the daughter of Shub Nugganoth, Briarpatch has abilities of an occult nature, and blurs the line between plant and aberration. She has the class skills of an aberration, although her total skill ranks are still those of a plant. He gains Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat, and adds psychic spells from the Abomination, Pain and Psychedelia psychic disciplines to the list of druid spells she can prepare. Lastly, she gains the benefits of her wilderness insight ability in any environment not subject to a dimensional lock effect, as alien spirits whisper these insights to her as much as natural plant life. In exchange, Briarpatch does not have the green caress aura of a typical green man. Spells Briarpatch can cast spells as a level 20 druid. She does not gain a domain, or other druid abilities such as an animal companion, unless she takes levels in the druid class. Summon Plants (Sp) Three times per day as a swift action, Briarpatch can summon any combination of plant creatures whose total combined CR is 20 or lower. This otherwise works like the summon universal monster rule with a 100% chance of success and counts as a 9th-level spell effect. Thorns (Su) Briarpatch’s thorns are ranged touch attacks with a range increment of 120 feet. A creature damaged by her thorn moves at half speed and can’t take 5-foot steps, fly, or use air walk, either naturally or magically, until the target or another creature pulls out the thorn as a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Thoughtspear (Su) Once per hour as a standard action, Briarpatch can direct a blast of disorienting mental energy at a creature within 120 feet. This attack deals 17d8 points of damage, and the target cannot attempt Knowledge skill checks for 1 minute afterwards. A target that succeeds a DC 39 Will save reduces the damage by half and negates the skill disruption. This is a mind-affecting effect and the save DC is Intelligence based. Vines (Ex) Briarpatch can extend up to six thorny vines from her body to attack foes. These act as primary natural melee attacks that deal bludgeoning and piercing damage and have a reach of 30 feet. Wilderness Insight (Ex) Briarpatch gains an insight bonus to her AC and CMD equal to her Wisdom bonus.
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goodluckclove · 4 months
Some Loose Thoughts on Queer Rep (Specifically Aspec Rep)
(Just in advance I'm going to dunk on Alastor from Hazbin Hotel like a lil' bit, as a treat. Mainly the team that made him and what he represents, but still. If that's rage bait for you, I suggest maybe dipping out now)
I have a theory that queer media needs both queer characters and queer genre characters. The difference is very important.
I think a queer character would be a character in a story about their queerness. For some reason the only two characters I could think of are the guy from Love, Simon (What was his name again?) and the protagonist from Rubyfruit Jungle, which should express the weird and complicated relationship I have with this particular archetype.
Queer stories centered around queerness are definitely needed, but at the same time I feel like we're just starting to come to terms with the desperate need for the alternative, which are queer characters in genre media that contain overarching plots larger than their sexuality. Not separate, necessarily (Their queerness certainly influences things), but just beyond. This is more accessible for a variety of artists, which is also the reason why it can be a flop or a massive success.
We get more of this than ever for gay and sapphic characters, as well as some trans folks and occasionally non-binary. It's definitely way less seen in aspec characters, and even less respected. I started thinking this way because the internet is flooded with references to fucking Alastor from Hazbin Hotel as an aroace character and - like - god, I don't get it.
Like you can have your serial killer comfort character, that's fine. But latching onto him as representation for the entire aspec community when he was only confirmed to be aroace through a reference in a livestream and the weakest joke onscreen is pretty disheartening. It definitely reads like this part of his identity was added pretty late in his character development, and by a team of people that didn't seem to consider what the response and reaction would be and how they'd handle it.
I also wish the newest aspec icon in media wasn't created by a team so adamant on encouraging shipping culture above actually respecting the identity they've decided to provide representation for. Like I see it means a lot to people to have an aroace character doing something cool in a fun TV show that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with their identity. Then there's like four other people right behind that person who really wants that person to be romantic and fuck.
And like, yeah, aroace people can do that sometimes. It's a spectrum, I know. But can't we start with a baseline representation before providing proof of fluidity?
I just think we deserve better. Like a character who in the media is established to be aspec, and people are like "great" and move on to fight robots or do magic or whatever. And the person can be morally grey, or even a total dick, but like I'd personally prefer something with a little more depth than Hot Topic genericism.
Like don't get me wrong, I'll take some sort of eldritch horror as my representation, but...make him at all horrifying? Like everyone talks about how he has Eldritch powers, which I know to mean unfathomable and maddening. But I've seen everything he does in the canon of the show and it is both incredibly fathomable and makes me feel normal and sane. Yog-Sothoth this man is not.
But yeah, I don't think there's a solution here besides more aspec artists creating aspec characters in their work. That way people can still like Alastor if they want, but he's not like the only viable option in terms of representation in the media. Let me see lovingly-crafted cool guys and dipshits and chaos goblins and little babies and True Horrors, all of whom have varying degrees of distaste or indifference towards sex and romance.
Do it. We need it. Please.
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yogpowerint03 · 1 year
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Best Yoga Studio Franchise in Mumbai by Yog Power INT
Yoga Studio Franchise in Mumbai is a great opportunity for those looking to become part of a growing industry. Yog Power International, one of the leading yoga franchise partners in the city, provides a range of services including franchise opportunities and training. With their help, entrepreneurs can open their own yoga studio with access to the latest equipment and experienced instructors. Not only do they provide support for setting up your business but also offer ongoing marketing and promotional activities to help you reach your target audience. This is an excellent opportunity for those looking to start their own business in Mumbai and make use of the booming yoga industry
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silly-sobber-69 · 1 month
First time ever drawing quachill, she's actually a lot of easier to draw than I thought which is probably what kept me from drawing her in the first place
I think it'd be really stinkin cute if Quachill had more bat parts to her
To reference yog, cuz technically she's a biblically accurate angel which references her mom Ishtar is a goddess, and she wears jewellery similar to her mom's
So it'd be neat if she had some goofy bat features
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She has bat legs and smol bat wings she's silly
While I don't think Yog has bat legs because he's a vampire
I like to think when quachil was being born genetics got freaky, because Ishtar goddess of the pests and creatures and Yog is a Vampire with a bat form
So quachill came out lookin like a creature
Ishtar told Yog to get freaky with her in bat form trust 🗣️🗣️🗣️/j
So the vampire genes came out funny on quachill she has bat legs, wings, and long stringy fingers to match her batty toes
Yeah I made the hems of her skirt and ends sleeves look like bat wings too
She's a lovely kid
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Lamprey ahh, she only opens her mouth to eat, people? Maybe probably yeah they eat people
She can talk telepathically without opening her mouth tho, it sounds echoey and grand to humans
But to the astrals she just has a regular kid tone, still says whatever too fr
Head canons: she likes cheezits, and she wrecks misfortune and disaster on earth, she's a thrones angel and angel of misfortunes
She acts all high and mighty around humans and tries to speak fancy (since astrals see humans as lesser, yes they all act high and mighty around humans and then just become goofy as hell when among themselves
except dagda he's like the cheshire cat, and abdicus doesn't speak with people much but if he does he goes into a psychotic ramble but otherwise he's basically a feral human
Also yeah he's also human but he matches the astral freak so no one touches him 💀 except zoth yk yk)
But really to the astrals she's just a little guy
Yog doesn't exactly support it, but he looks Sus and sissy when teaching quachil this so he doesn't exactly bother
I like to think the astrals are all ridiculously powerful to different levels and quachil being an angel she has big potential
Like my friends and I had a head canon that quachil plays with meteors 💀
She's the reason why meteor showers happen guys
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Unexpected Cultists Of The Great Old Ones
Cthulhu: Cthulhu made it big so he doesn't have cults anymore. He pretends he doesn't recognize his former cultists when he bumps into them at the store. Fame changes you, man.
Azathoth: Up and coming flutists aiming for the biggest nobody-to-superstar story theoretically possible.
Nyarlathotep: Me.
Shub-Niggurath: One guy who's not a monsterfucker and is worried someone might figure him out.
Hauster: Producer of the King In Yellow Extended Cinematic Universe.
Yog-Sothoth: Kid with a bubble-blower who is sure that's they're responsible for this and has gone completely mad with power.
Ithaqua: Santa Claus.
Nodens: Some goody two shoes asshole, who gives a shit?
Yig: Worms with confidence.
Dagon: Exactly one person who actually wanted to worship Dagon rather then failing to worship Cthulhu and having to settle for their second choice.
Hziulquoigmnzhah: Come the fuck on, you're telling me you want to hear about Hziulquoigmnzhah? Sorry to the 5 people on the entire planet who would get a Hziulquoigmnzhah joke but be honest. If you didn't google it, you assumed that was a keyboard smash didn't you?
Y'golonac: Wait shi
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grayrazor · 1 year
While I am a hard sci-fi fan at heart, there is something special about a good old “I found this big robot in a junkyard and patched it up in my garage. It’s powered by antimatter, vacuum energy, blackholes, and my dad’s ghost. I’m gonna go use it to deck Yog-Sothoth right in the kisser.”
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rkart221 · 4 months
Lyf's metamorphosis
This is an unstructured rant!! TW for lots of gore and unpleasant imagery
I think Lyf goes through a metamorphosis. While he survives the Bifrost and escapes the Yggdrasil system, he's hardly unscathed. Seeing the effects of the great old ones and directly staring into the eyes of Yog-Sothoth changes him in a way I think about often. I think he very much could've died, though due to the nature of his survival and the fact he is now rapidly travelling through the cosmos, with the knowledge of the great old ones, they keep him alive. He's insistently their unknowing vessel, subconsciously spreading their powers further and further into the galaxy. Anyway onto his metamorphosis. It starts off small. Mild headaches and aches of the body as his cells and skin struggle to compute with the sudden environment shift that happened on Midgard. Pains that only grow. I like to think being around him gives people headaches too. A sort of unexplainable crawl of the skin, an itch that doesn't go away. Taking inspiration from the Dunwich horror I like to imagine animals start to resent him, dogs growing aggressive in fear, rats and other urban animals fleeing weeks before he arrives. People start to associate him with the dread inducing call of a Whippoorwill.
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After he leaves people tend to feel ill, falling sick, feeling like their insides are melting. Depending on how long they were around him it ranges from a mild headache to multiple organs shutting off as the aroma of his presence melts the body from the inside out. No matter what Lyf does he cannot stop what he causes, instead opting to keep travelling, only continuing the great old one's plan. Now on to his body. The headaches are constant, though sometimes they're weaker than other days, allowing him to think. Other days they're so bad he fears his brain will explode. Cracks start to form, his skin rotting and starting to fall off. Bald patches in his hair grow as the skin grows weaker. There's an unbearable itch beneath his skin that he's never able to get rid of no matter how hard he scratches. His bones ache, body sweats with thickening pale mucus, obviously he's sick, throwing up rather a lot. His sick is black and has the residue of oil, staining whatever surface it touches. Perhaps by occasion, eyes glance back, hidden in the inky black mucus.
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Additionally taking inspiration from Wilbur Whatley, he gets the whole tendrils in the stomach thing. I like to think he binds them to still appear somewhat normal.
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Whenever he gets cut or hurt by any nature it's healed. Despite his body rapidly trying to die he cannot, the old ones will not let him. The rotting is a reflection of his body unable to keep up with his mind. If he were to get a deep cut black tendrils would morph out of his skin, wrapping it air tight. Over the next few days it'll remain, slowly melting away his skin, bones, veins as it rebuilds whatever is hurt back from square one. If someone were to somehow get it away from his skin then they'd be met with a strong acid and a significant lack of skin underneath.
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Anyway I wanna slowly explain all my Lyf lore because theres alot!! I think I'll just do unstructured rant posts like this, doubt anyone will care much but if anything it's useful to have all my information together :)!!!
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macabrecabra · 11 months
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The King in Yellow, The Unspeakable One
Affiliation: The Court of Yog-Sothoth
A fan favorite makes his debut! Hastur, the King in yellow is finally on the scene at last!
The design for Hastur was taken from the fact he is often shown manipulating artists or involved in the arts, so I felt he fashioned himself after classical Greek statues, wearing a mask to help give the appearance of one who is vain with appearances. Also, has arms for days and can manifest just as many.
The Golden sun of the Court of Yog-Sothoth, the most active and powerful spawn of Yog, Hastur takes immense pride in how he conducts his business and mortal followers, spreading his sign across the universe. Known to be a bit of a show-off, not taking things seriously at times, and obsessed with well...himself, sometimes he can come off as annoying to some of the older horrors out there. Very defensive of his kin though and does not hesitate to throw down with elder gods when he's in a full fury. Just don't mention a certain someone's name or he can get very depressed and upsetti very quick....
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gmanwhore · 4 months
Alright. Nightmare Mode headcanons because I CAN and I have been thinking about it.
In their world, the Nightmares are actual demons and creatures of the night. There are humans but none that live in the apartment.
The "apartment" is actually just a front so humans don't enter the domain of the Nightmares. The actual building is a huge castle with everyone having their own rooms. Really the floors are just for formalities as many people switch rooms or end up living with other people. The castle encloses a huge courtyard with an altar and plenty of space for rituals. A forest surrounds the whole grounds.
The Clown is also technically a nightmare but isn't part of the main group, it is particularly for the doorman
The rest of the Nightmares are distorted versions of the neighbours, based off the outside world's perspectives on them
Yan Luo Wang Diyu is the leader, but her very inner circle consists of the other four horsemen of the apocalypse: Shub (famine), Ishtar (Pestilence), and Teutates (War)
The next closest circle is the lovers and family members of the four: Orcus, Quachil, and Ah Puch (Yog was in here once but he's fallen out of favour)
The next circle are the ritual performers: Chaugnar, Zoth, Lilith, and Anazareth. Barbatos and Abducius are also included here are they provide sacrifices and kill sacrifices respectfully, even though Abducius isn't really seen as an equal to the rest.
The most outside circle is everyone else. They are treated with the same amount of respect as the other circles but are often not privy to the inner secrets of the groups.
There is a large ritual held every full moon to replenish everyone's power, and the group spends a lot of their month preparing for it. It usually includes a bonfire and a dance which is fun.
I still believe the couples in "real life" are still couples in the nightmare. Yan Luo and Orcus are just married now. All family relations also stay the same.
The D.D.D. guy's head can just come off. He's actually chill with the clown they are buddies.
42 and Peach Peach are just sort of. Guys that hang out around the place. They are regarded as like. Stray cats you aren't meant to feed.
The Mask Ghost is a former nightmare. No one knows what happened to her but it is theorized that she has some relation to the doorman.
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ohmerricat · 28 days
what did i do on the plane journey, apart from reading? i relistened to the bifrost incident, of course. funny how two years ago i was obsessed with it solely owing to my lovecraftiana hyperfixation, and didn’t care about the norse mythology side of things at all, and now it’s kind of the opposite. proof that the mechanisms were artificially synthesised in a lab to hog all my autism to themselves
i don’t know WHAT compelled them (ha) to decide to veer into abject yog-sothothery halfway through what originally pretends to be your standard fare “what if this historical mythos was actually Steampunk Sci-Fi In Space!!” mechs concept record, but it was absolutely the right decision. playing this fast and loose with mythological figures is justified when your story quite literally goes off the rails
also fascinating how this was a magnus s5 trial run. lyf is a jon clone just as much as she-odin is a jonah clone. black box audio recordings transmitting messages from eldritch dread powers that will end the world? all the doors are open now? you don’t say??
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