#yog power international
yogpowerint03 · 1 year
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Best Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai by Yog Power INT
Yog Power International offers a comprehensive 200-hour yoga teacher training course designed to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to become effective yoga teachers. The course covers a wide range of topics, including yoga philosophy, asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, anatomy, teaching methodology, and more. Participants will have the opportunity to deepen their own yoga practice and learn how to teach and guide others in a safe and effective manner. The course is conducted by highly experienced teachers. It prepares you professionally to teach students and is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners who wish to pursue a career as a yoga teacher or simply deepen their knowledge of yoga.
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yogpowerint · 2 years
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Yog Power International
Yog Power International is a one-stop solution for all your health and well-being issues in this fast-paced and competitive world. We wish to serve one and all with the eternal power of Yoga and Meditation. Today’s stressful life takes a toll on each and every individual and our effort revolves around expunging all your problems in the most natural way.
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macabrecabra · 11 months
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LOVECRAFTOBER: DAY FIFTEEN: Yasonog; Lord of the interns, Keeper of the copier, Coffee Master (titles in their own head...)
Affiliation: The Court of GLORIOUS Yog-Sothoth!
Yasonog is the lifeform that attends Yog-Sothoth and makes sure to complete the outer god's every whim! Their entire species was made to serve and serve they do, enjoying ever minute! To be an intern is of greatest pleasure! Yasonog was picked at random by Yog-Sothoth after becoming agitated with the previous intern close to their side.
Yasonog thus thinks of themselves as the lord of interns...even though it not official title. They tend to be very grandiose and act powerful when they are about as useful in a fight as a wet paper bag.
Still Yasonog tries their best, wears their intern tie with pride, and continues to troubleshoot the outer god wi-fi with all due diligence!
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So in the 1960s American International Pictures made a whole series of movies based on the stories of Edgar Allan Poe.  Sometimes the movies were rather loose interpretations, or not even based on any Poe stories at all.  The studio would simply include Vincent Price reading a line of poetry by Poe, and that would suffice as the Poe-related link.  This movie is actually an adaptation of “The Case of Charles Dexter Ward” (1927) by H.P. Lovecraft, and includes probably the first on-screen mention of Cthulhu.
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Anywho, we start off in colonial times in New England, in the village of Arkham.  A bunch of villagers watch as a young woman wanders up to the grand house (“palace”) of Joseph Curwen.  Inside the house, Curwen (Vincent Price!) and his mistress, Hester, lead the young woman down to a subterranean altar.  She is tied to some posts, Curwen opens a grate, and the woman yells at what she sees.  Meanwhile, the villagers have formed a mob and march on the house.  Curwen opens the doors to them, they call him a warlock, and then they tie him to a tree.  Curwen curses them and their bloodlines, and they burn him alive!
We jump to the late 19th century, when Curwen’s descendant, Charles Dexter Ward, played by Vincent Price, and his wife Anne arrive in Arkham because he has inherited the house.  The villagers, played by the same men as before, try to dissuade him from staying, but he arrives at the house anyway.  He looks at an old portrait of Curwen, and it begins to possess him!  Vincent Price performs well with this, changing from a nice middle-aged dude to a demented maniac with a few changes of his expression and facial muscles. 
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The couple hang out with the local doctor, who lore-dumps for them, explaining what happened to Old Man Curwen at the beginning of the movie.  The doctor continues that Curwen had gained possession of the “Necronomicon,” a book that “held enough secrets to give a man absolute power.”  He mentions, “the Elder Gods, the dark ones from beyond who had once ruled the world, but now are merely waiting for an opportunity to regain that control.  Cthulhu [with a silent ‘c,’ apparently], Yog-Sothoth.”  Curwen, along with two others, “was trying to mate those being with humans, to create a new race, though which the gods could regain the control.” 
Curwen exerts more and more control over Ward, and he is joined by his two former companions, who have also possessed their descendants!  They dig up dead Hester’s body and take her coffin down to the subterranean altar so they can reanimate her.  Curwen-as-Ward also acts creepily toward his wife.  He begins to take vengeance on the townspeople.  First, he unlocks the door holding back someone’s deformed mutant son, and that son kills the father!  Next, he burns another man alive!  He attempts to rape Ward’s wife.  To get rid of her so that he can complete his plans in peace, he convinces the doctor that she’s going crazy, and the man agrees to take her away.
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Curwen-as-Ward and his buddies complete their resurrection of Hester.  The doctor and Ward’s wife go to the village, where the villagers have discovered the burned body!  They begin to form a mob to attack the mansion, and the doctor and Ward’s wife race there before the crowd to try to save Ward.  They find the secret passage to the subterranean altar, and they are captured by Curwen-as-Ward and his companions!  Curwen explains that they’re trying to complete their project.  “What sort of project?” the doctor asks.  “The most important ever attempted of humans,” Curwen says, “more important than you can ever imagine.  Therefore, I fear beyond your understanding.  As a matter of fact, we don’t fully understand ourselves.  We obey.  That is all.  We obey.” 
Ward’s wife is bound to the altar, much like the girl from the first scenes of the movie, and Curwen chants some stuff to summon the monster in a pit below the woman.  It’s a green humanoid thing with too many arms!  Meanwhile, the mob has arrived, and the villagers break into the mansion.  They take the portrait of Curwen and toss it into the fire, and that frees Ward from his ancestor’s spell.  He frees his wife and then grapples with Curwen’s companions.  The doctor and Ward’s wife flee through the burning mansion, and then the doctor returns to collect Ward, who is alone at the altar.  They run to the burning tree and Ward looks and his wife and says that he’s “perfectly sure” that he’s alright, but he isn’t!  Because he’s actually Curwen!  Vincent Price then reads a few lines of a Poe poem and that is the end.
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This…was ok!  It’s moody and weird, and there are the first hints of the modern cosmic horror that we know and love, but the film does suffer from not having any particularly striking set pieces.  Apart from the final scene at the altar, perhaps the best is a scene where Ward and his wife go to the village to call on the doctor, but they are suddenly surrounded by a number of deformed mutants, including a little girl, people without eyes or faces, all shuffling silently toward them.  The film could have used some more weirdness like that.  Vincent Price delivers a solid dual performance as the naïve Ward and his deranged ancestor.  As Curwen, he’s a man bewildered by the evil he performs.  He can’t understand it.  He must simply obey.
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maashaktiyogbali · 10 days
The Origins of Yoga: Tracing Its Ancient Roots
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Yoga, for many of us, is a way to find balance, peace, and connection. Whether it's through a few sun salutations in the morning or a calming meditation before bed, yoga has become an essential part of daily life. But where did it all begin? How did this ancient practice, now loved by millions around the world, come to be?
At Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we believe that understanding the origins of yoga is key to fully embracing its depth and wisdom. Yoga isn’t just about physical postures—it's a rich, spiritual tradition that stretches back thousands of years. Let’s take a journey back in time and explore the fascinating roots of yoga, from its early beginnings to its modern-day practice.
The Birth of Yoga in Ancient India
The story of yoga begins over 5,000 years ago in Northern India, within the Indus-Sarasvati civilization, one of the world's earliest known cultures. Archaeologists have uncovered stone seals showing figures in yoga-like postures, hinting that people in ancient India were practicing some form of yoga as far back as 3000 BCE.
Yoga was first mentioned in the Vedas, a collection of ancient texts that laid the foundation for Indian philosophy and spirituality. In those early days, yoga wasn’t about bending and stretching—it was deeply spiritual, focused on rituals, meditation, and connecting with the divine. While the physical side of yoga would come later, these early practices set the stage for the holistic approach we know today.
The Upanishads: A Shift to Inner Exploration
As time went on, yoga evolved. The next key moment in yoga’s history came with the writing of the Upanishads, around 800 to 500 BCE. These texts shifted the focus from external rituals to internal self-exploration. The Upanishads introduced the idea that we are all connected to a greater universal consciousness, and through meditation and self-discipline, we can achieve unity with this higher power.
This is where many core concepts of yoga, like the idea of prana (life energy) and chakras (energy centers in the body), first appeared. The Upanishads helped shape yoga into a practice that isn’t just physical, but one that also encourages reflection, mindfulness, and spiritual growth.
The Bhagavad Gita: Yoga as a Way of Life
Fast forward to around 500 BCE, and we arrive at one of the most important texts in the history of yoga—the Bhagavad Gita. This text, part of the epic Mahabharata, is a conversation between Prince Arjuna and the god Krishna about life’s biggest questions—duty, morality, and spiritual purpose.
In the Gita, yoga is described as a way of life, not just a physical practice. It outlines four paths of yoga:
Karma Yoga (selfless action)
Bhakti Yoga (devotion)
Jnana Yoga (knowledge)
Raja Yoga (meditation)
The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes balance and mindfulness in all aspects of life. Whether you are working, meditating, or helping others, you can practice yoga. It’s about how we live, how we treat ourselves, and how we interact with the world around us.
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: The Blueprint for Yoga
By around 200 CE, the sage Patanjali took all the various aspects of yoga and put them into a clear, organized system in what’s now known as the Yoga Sutras. This text introduced the Eight Limbs of Yoga, a roadmap to living a life of purpose, balance, and peace. These eight limbs are:
Yamas (ethical guidelines)
Niyamas (self-discipline)
Asana (physical postures)
Pranayama (breath control)
Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses)
Dharana (concentration)
Dhyana (meditation)
Samadhi (enlightenment)
At Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we teach our students that yoga is much more than asana (postures). It’s a journey inward, guided by these Eight Limbs, helping us cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.
Hatha Yoga: The Physical Practice Takes Shape
It wasn’t until the 11th century that Hatha Yoga emerged, bringing more attention to the physical side of yoga. Hatha Yoga emphasized postures, breathing techniques, and cleansing rituals that helped the body and mind prepare for deeper meditation.
The physical postures (asana) in Hatha Yoga are designed to remove blockages in the body’s energy pathways, allowing prana (life force) to flow freely. This practice laid the groundwork for the more physically oriented yoga styles that many of us are familiar with today.
At Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we integrate Hatha Yoga into our teachings, allowing our students to experience the full spectrum of yoga—balancing physical strength and flexibility with inner calm and mental clarity.
Yoga’s Journey to the West
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, yoga began to make its way from India to the West. Swamis and yogis like Swami Vivekananda and Paramahansa Yogananda played pivotal roles in introducing the spiritual side of yoga to Western audiences. Then, in the mid-20th century, the focus shifted more toward the physical aspect of yoga, thanks to teachers like Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, who is often called the father of modern yoga.
Krishnamacharya’s students, such as B.K.S. Iyengar (Iyengar Yoga) and Pattabhi Jois (Ashtanga Yoga), helped popularize yoga in the West, teaching that yoga was for everyone—regardless of age, body type, or background. Their teachings continue to influence how yoga is practiced worldwide today.
Honoring Yoga’s Ancient Roots at Maa Shakti Yog Bali
At Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we honor yoga’s ancient roots by teaching it as it was originally intended—a holistic practice for body, mind, and spirit. Our Yoga Alliance-certified teacher training programs are steeped in the traditional teachings of Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, combined with the wisdom of the Yoga Sutras and other ancient texts.
Located in the serene beauty of Bali, we offer students the chance to step away from the busyness of life and dive deep into the true essence of yoga. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, our programs are designed to help you grow, both on and off the mat.
Conclusion: Yoga’s Timeless Relevance
Yoga’s journey from ancient India to the modern world is a testament to its timeless relevance. Whether you practice for physical fitness, mental clarity, or spiritual growth, yoga offers something for everyone. By understanding its ancient roots, we can deepen our practice and appreciate the wisdom that has been passed down through generations.
At Maa Shakti Yog Bali, we invite you to embark on your own journey with yoga—exploring its history, philosophy, and practices, while discovering the profound peace and strength that lies within.
Whether you're just beginning your yoga journey or have been practicing for years, knowing where yoga comes from helps you connect more deeply to the practice. By blending the old with the new, yoga continues to be a guiding light for many, offering peace and balance in a chaotic world.
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maashaktibali · 1 month
Experience Serenity and Transformation with Maa Shakti Yog's Yoga Retreats in Ubud, Bali
Escape to the tranquil beauty of Ubud, Bali, with Maa Shakti Yog’s yoga retreats in Ubud, Bali. Our 5-day, 7-day, and 10-day retreats offer a rejuvenating journey in a serene environment, perfect for anyone seeking peace, wellness, and personal growth.
What We Offer:
Private Accommodation: Enjoy comfort and privacy in our carefully selected lodgings that complement the peaceful setting of Ubud.
Nutritious Meals: All meals are included, featuring delicious and vegetarian-friendly options that nourish your body and soul.
Excursions to Iconic Places: Explore the cultural and natural wonders of Bali with guided excursions designed to enrich your retreat experience.
Airport Transfer: Convenient airport transfers are available to ensure a smooth start to your retreat.
English Instruction: Our retreats are conducted in English, making it easy for international guests to fully participate and benefit from the sessions.
Our skilled teachers and yoga masters will guide you through a transformative experience, helping you unlock the true power of yoga and embrace its many benefits. Whether you’re new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, our retreats are designed to cater to all levels and provide a profound journey of self-discovery and well-being.
Join us at Maa Shakti Yog Bali and embark on a transformative retreat that will leave you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and deeply connected to yourself and the natural beauty of Bali.
Book your retreat today and experience the magic of yoga in Bali!
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🌟 Join the Indian Yoga Association in Celebrating Yog Shaktis! 🌟
🧘‍♀️ International Day of Yoga 2024 🧘‍♂️
🗓️ June 15-21, 2024
✨ Experience the power of yoga and embrace a journey of transformation. Don't miss out on this incredible celebration of health, wellness, and inner peace.
📅 Mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate!
#YogaDay2024 #YogShaktis #IndianYogaAssociation #WellnessJourney #CelebrateYoga #shailajamenon Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation - KHYF Nrithya Jagannathan SVYASA-Deemed to be University Ammaji Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani The Yoga Institute
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baliyogashala · 4 months
Paschimottanasana for Holistic Health and Vitality | Bali Yog Shala
Start a journey to holistic wellness with Paschimottanasana, the yoga asana that stands out as a beacon of health. This powerful pose is not just a physical stretch; it’s a gateway to invigorating your life force, known as prana, through the sushumna channel. Regular practice promises a plethora of benefits, from igniting your digestive fire to sculpting a flat abdomen, and setting you on a path free from diseases.
Paschimottanasana is a key to unlocking the manipura chakra, enhancing the strength of your digestive organs and ensuring a smooth flow of energy that revitalizes your entire system. It’s not an overnight miracle but a commitment to daily practice that stretches and tones your spinal column, shoulders, arms, and legs, while also massaging your internal organs like the pancreas, spleen, and kidneys.
This asana is particularly beneficial for those managing diabetes, constipation, and appetite loss. It also supports reproductive health, easing menstrual cycles and sexual disorders. Beyond physical health, Paschimottanasana is a stress-buster, regulating adrenal glands to release tension from both body and mind. With each stretch, you’re not just shedding excess fat but also cultivating balance and harmony within. Start your practice today and feel the transformation unfold within you.
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janicefer7890 · 5 months
Incorporating yoga into your home gym routine
In the realm of physical fitness, the pursuit of health and vitality extends far beyond mere physical exertion. It encompasses a holistic approach that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit in harmonious unison. While traditional gym routines with equipment or exercise bikes in Sri Lanka predominantly focus on muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance, the integration of yoga into your home gym regimen introduces a multifaceted dimension of wellness. This essay delves into the profound advantages of incorporating yoga into your home gym routine with the best fitness equipment in Sri Lanka, emphasizing its transformative effects on physical health, mental equilibrium, and spiritual harmony.
The Physical Benefits of Yoga.
Yoga, with its rich tapestry of postures, breathwork, and meditation, offers a diverse array of physical benefits that extend beyond the superficial realm of muscle tone and flexibility. At its core, yoga serves as a catalyst for holistic health, engaging muscles, joints, and connective tissues in a manner that promotes strength, flexibility, and balance. Unlike conventional weightlifting exercises that often isolate specific muscle groups, yoga fosters full-body integration, enhancing functional fitness and mitigating the risk of injury.
Through the practice of asanas (postures) such as the plank, downward-facing dog, and warrior poses, individuals cultivate muscular strength and endurance while simultaneously improving joint mobility and stability. Each posture is meticulously designed to engage multiple musclem groups in a synergistic manner, fostering a balanced and harmonious development of the body.
Moreover, the dynamic flow of yoga sequences stimulates circulation and oxygenates the body, promoting cardiovascular health and enhancing overall endurance. Asanas like the sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) elevate heart rate and metabolic activity, generating a cardiovascular workout that complements traditional aerobic exercises.
Additionally, the emphasis on proper alignment and mindful movement in yoga cultivates body awareness and proprioception, empowering individuals to move with grace and efficiency both on and off the mat. By incorporating yoga into your home gym routine, you not only enhance physical strength and flexibility but also foster a profound connection between mind and body.
The Mental and Emotional Resilience of Yoga. In the modern-day milieu characterized by incessant stress and societal pressures, the practice of yoga emerges as a sanctuary for mental and emotional well-being. Beyond its physical benefits, yoga serves as a powerful tool for cultivating mindfulness, resilience, and inner peace.
Central to the practice of yoga is the integration of breath awareness and mindfulness meditation, which enables practitioners to cultivate a deep sense of presence and equanimity amidst life's myriad challenges. Through focused breathing techniques (pranayama) and guided meditation, individuals learn to navigate their internal landscape with compassion and clarity, fostering emotional resilience and stress reduction.
Furthermore, yoga offers a holistic approach to mental health, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of psychological distress. Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of yoga in alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health conditions, making it a valuable adjunct to traditional therapeutic modalities.
By incorporating yoga into your home gym routine, you create a sacred space for self-reflection and introspection, where you can cultivate inner peace and emotional balance amidst the chaos of daily life. Whether you are holding a restorative pose like corpse pose (Savasana) or engaging in a guided meditation session, the practice of yoga offers a refuge from the tumultuous currents of the mind, fostering a deep sense of relaxation and serenity.
The Spiritual Dimensions of Yoga.
Beyond its physical and mental dimensions, yoga encompasses a profound spiritual aspect that transcends the boundaries of individual identity and ego. Rooted in ancient wisdom traditions like Hinduism and Buddhism, yoga offers a pathway to self-ealization and spiritual awakening.
Central to the spiritual teachings of yoga is the concept of unity consciousness, which posits that all beings are interconnected and inseparable from the cosmic whole. Through practices like chanting (mantra), visualization (dhyana), and self-inquiry (svadhyaya), ndividuals can transcend the limitations of the ego and experience a profound sense of oneness with the universe.
Moreover, the ethical principles of yoga, known as the Yamas and Niyamas, provide a moral compass for living a life of integrity, compassion, and inner peace. By cultivating virtues such as non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), and contentment (santosha), practitioners can align their actions with their deepest values, ostering harmony within themselves and with the world around them.
By incorporating yoga into your home gym routine, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution, where each posture becomes a meditation and each breath a prayer. Whether you are seeking to deepen your connection to the divine or explore the mysteries of existence, yoga provides a sacred space for inner exploration and self-transformation.
In conclusion, the integration of yoga into your home gym routine offers a holistic approach to health and well-being that nurtures body, mind, and spirit in harmonious unison. By embracing the practice of yoga, individuals can unlock the full potential of their being, embodying a state of balance, vitality, and inner peace. As you embark on your journey of self-discovery and transformation, may the wisdom of yoga guide you towards wholeness and fulfilment in every aspect of your life.
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kicksaddictny · 8 months
1,000 days to go to the first Olympic event in Africa: the Youth Olympic Games Dakar 2026 are coming
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As the Senegalese capital prepares to welcome the world’s best youth athletes aiming to create a positive impact for young people throughout the host nation and the African continent, the Dakar 2026 Organising Committee (YOGOC) celebrates 1,000 days to go until the Youth Olympic Games Dakar 2026 (YOG). This event holds historical significance as it will be the first Olympic event to be held on African soil.
“We cannot wait for the moment to enjoy the first Olympic event on African soil, an event for Africa, with Africa, that will welcome the youth of the world in Senegal,” the IOC President, Thomas Bach, said.
Reflecting on the 1,000 days-to-go milestone, Kirsty Coventry, the Chair of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s Coordination Commission for Dakar 2026, highlighted the impressive efforts that have already been made to engage and mobilise local youth in Senegal.
“Dakar 2026 represents a unique opportunity to spread the Olympic spirit throughout Africa and inspire not only young athletes, but also local youth,” she said. “Already, thanks to the collaborative efforts between the YOGOC and IOC teams, we have seen how engagement initiatives like the Dakar en Jeux Festival are reaching thousands of young people in Senegal and building the legacy that the YOG will bring to the local communities.
She continued: “We look forward to working closely with the Dakar 2026 team over the next 1,000 days to deliver transformative and inspiring YOG, showcasing the unifying power of sport and the rich cultural heritage of Africa.”
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Ibrahima Wade, General Coordinator of the YOGOC, said: “1,000 days separate us from the Opening Ceremony. It's a symbolic date for us because we are little by little getting closer to welcoming the world and celebrating with the youth of the world — the African youth, the Senegalese youth — the first African Olympic event.”
He continued: “The countdown has begun for the rendez-vous with the world”.
Planning and preparations progressing at full speed
With 1,000 days to go, progress continues to be made in planning and preparations for the YOG, with the renovation of the Iba Mar Diop stadium recently commencing, marking a significant step in infrastructure development for the Games. The refurbishment of the stadium is part of a broader initiative to ensure state-of-the-art facilities for Dakar 2026, which will rely mainly on existing and updated venues, ensuring a sustainable legacy for the YOG.
Recent efforts have also included a comprehensive review of the sports programme, focusing on disciplines, events and athlete quotas, with the Games Master Plan subsequently being adapted to optimise the use of the Youth Olympic Village and prioritise elite athlete development pathways. The process included valuable input from the International Olympic Sports Federations to finalise competition sites, with the IOC Executive Board set to confirm the final sports programme and athlete quotas shortly.
In addition, the YOGOC held a training seminar for Senegalese sports journalists in December, helping to equip local media with comprehensive knowledge of the plans for Dakar 2026. Focusing on infrastructural plans, the principle of co-construction with the IOC, spreading the Olympic values, and the Dakar en Jeux Festival, the seminar aimed to foster greater public engagement and awareness for the YOG.
The YOG Dakar 2026 will take place for two weeks from 31 October, bringing together the world’s best young athletes. The Games will be held across three host sites (Dakar, Diamniadio and Saly), and aim to serve as a catalyst to transform Senegal through sport, while becoming a blueprint for future YOG hosts.
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yogpowerint03 · 1 year
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Best Yoga Studio Franchise in Mumbai by Yog Power INT
Yoga Studio Franchise in Mumbai is a great opportunity for those looking to become part of a growing industry. Yog Power International, one of the leading yoga franchise partners in the city, provides a range of services including franchise opportunities and training. With their help, entrepreneurs can open their own yoga studio with access to the latest equipment and experienced instructors. Not only do they provide support for setting up your business but also offer ongoing marketing and promotional activities to help you reach your target audience. This is an excellent opportunity for those looking to start their own business in Mumbai and make use of the booming yoga industry
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marwahstudios · 8 months
Renowned Media Personality Dr. Sandeep Marwah Honored for Spiritual Involvement
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New Delhi: In a momentous ceremony of Karuna Diwas held at Adhyatm Sadhna Kendra New Delhi by Ladakh Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre, His Holiness Bhikku Sangasen bestowed an esteemed honor upon Dr. Sandeep Marwah, the President of Marwah Studios and Chancellor of AAFT University. Dr. Marwah’s extensive contributions to spirituality, peace-building, and cultural exchange were acknowledged during the event.
As the President of the World Peace Development and Research Foundation, operating in 156 countries, Dr. Sandeep Marwah has been tirelessly working towards fostering global harmony through the mediums of art and culture. Additionally, he holds the position of President of the Asian Unity Alliance, dedicated to promoting love, peace, and unity among Asian nations.
Dr. Marwah has played a pivotal role in internationalizing the practice of yoga, having reached out to 30,000 students from 145 countries through the Prithvi Yoga Centre. His commitment to spiritual causes extends to his patronage of several organizations, including the Confederation of World Religion, Global Yog Alliance, ISKON, Brahma Kumaris, and his association with the Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre in Ladakh.
Addressing the audience, Dr. Sandeep Marwah shared profound insights into the essence of spirituality and its transformative power in shaping a harmonious world. He emphasized the role of art, culture, and yoga in promoting inner peace and fostering understanding among diverse communities.
In return, H.H. Holiness Bhikku Sangasen, the spiritual leader of the Ladakh Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre, acknowledged Dr. Marwah’s significant contributions and presented awards to spiritual leaders from various parts of the country and abroad.
The ceremony served as a testament to Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s unwavering commitment to spiritual values, peace, and cultural exchange, reinforcing his position as a leading figure in the global pursuit of harmony and unity.
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ravifuke · 8 months
The Healing Harmony: Exploring the Profound Connection Between Yoga and Mental Health
In the fast-paced world we inhabit, where stress and anxiety seem to be constant companions, the pursuit of holistic well-being has gained significant traction. One practice that has been gaining recognition for its profound impact on mental health is yoga. Originating in ancient India, yoga is not merely a physical exercise but a comprehensive approach to achieving balance and harmony in mind, body, and spirit. In this blog, we will delve into the deep-rooted connection between yoga and mental health, exploring the mechanisms that make this age-old practice a potent tool for cultivating psychological well-being.
The Mind-Body Connection:
At the core of yoga philosophy is the recognition of the mind-body connection. Unlike conventional forms of exercise that often focus solely on physical fitness, yoga is a holistic practice that integrates breath control, meditation, and physical postures. Through the synchronization of these elements, yoga encourages individuals to be present in the moment, fostering a heightened awareness of both their physical sensations and mental state.
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Scientifically, the mind-body connection in yoga is supported by the understanding that the mind and body are intricately linked through the nervous system. Practices like mindful breathing and meditation, integral components of yoga, have been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for the body's rest and relaxation response. This activation counteracts the sympathetic nervous system's fight-or-flight response, reducing stress hormones and promoting a sense of calm.
Stress Reduction and Cortisol Regulation:
Stress has become a pervasive aspect of modern life, with detrimental effects on mental health. Yoga, with its emphasis on conscious breathing and mindful movement, has proven to be an effective stress-reduction tool. One of the key hormones associated with stress is cortisol, and numerous studies have demonstrated yoga's ability to regulate cortisol levels.
A 2017 study published in the journal "Psychoneuroendocrinology" found that regular yoga practice was associated with lower cortisol levels in participants. The study suggested that the combination of physical postures, breath control, and meditation in yoga contributes to a decrease in overall stress levels, offering a natural and accessible means of managing stress-induced hormonal responses.
Anxiety and the Role of Mindfulness:
Anxiety disorders affect millions worldwide, and the quest for effective coping mechanisms is ongoing. Yoga, particularly mindfulness-based practices like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), has emerged as a promising intervention for anxiety-related issues.
Mindfulness, a central component of yoga, involves cultivating awareness of the present moment without judgment. By training individuals to observe their thoughts and feelings without becoming entangled in them, mindfulness helps break the cycle of anxious rumination. The mindful approach in yoga encourages practitioners to focus on the sensations of each breath and the movements of their bodies, creating a mental space where anxiety loses its grip.
A systematic review and meta-analysis published in the journal "JAMA Internal Medicine" in 2014 examined the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation programs in reducing anxiety. The findings indicated that mindfulness meditation significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety, supporting the idea that incorporating mindfulness into yoga practices can be a valuable strategy for managing anxiety disorders.
Depression and the Therapeutic Power of Yoga:
Depression, a prevalent mental health condition, often requires a multifaceted approach to treatment. While medication and therapy remain crucial components, the therapeutic benefits of yoga in alleviating depressive symptoms have gained recognition.
Yoga's impact on depression is attributed to its ability to modulate neurotransmitters such as serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which play key roles in mood regulation. A study published in the "Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine" in 2017 explored the antidepressant effects of yoga in individuals with major depressive disorder. The results indicated that participants in the yoga group showed significant improvement in depressive symptoms, suggesting that yoga could be a valuable adjunctive therapy for depression.
Furthermore, the physical aspect of yoga, with its focus on gentle movements and poses, provides individuals with depression an accessible and non-intimidating form of exercise. The mind-body connection fostered by yoga contributes to a sense of empowerment and self-efficacy, crucial elements in combating the pervasive feelings of hopelessness often associated with depression.
Enhancing Emotional Resilience:
Emotional resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity, is a key component of mental health. Yoga, with its emphasis on self-awareness and emotional regulation, plays a pivotal role in enhancing emotional resilience.
The practice of yoga encourages individuals to approach challenges with a sense of equanimity, teaching them to acknowledge and process difficult emotions rather than suppress or avoid them. The combination of physical postures, breath awareness, and meditation in yoga provides a structured framework for developing emotional intelligence.
A 2018 study published in the "International Journal of Yoga" explored the impact of a yoga-based lifestyle intervention on emotional resilience in healthcare professionals. The results revealed a significant improvement in emotional resilience among participants, highlighting the potential of yoga in cultivating emotional well-being, particularly in high-stress environments.
Yoga as a Complementary Therapy:
While yoga is not a replacement for traditional mental health treatments, it has increasingly been recognized as a valuable complementary therapy. Integrating yoga into treatment plans for various mental health conditions can enhance overall well-being and contribute to more comprehensive recovery.
Incorporating yoga alongside psychotherapy, medication, and other therapeutic modalities provides individuals with a diverse set of tools to address the multifaceted nature of mental health. This integrative approach recognizes that mental well-being is a dynamic and interconnected aspect of human health that requires a holistic treatment approach.
The profound connection between yoga and mental health is rooted in the holistic philosophy that addresses the intricate interplay between the mind and body. Scientific research continues to uncover the mechanisms through which yoga positively influences mental well-being, offering a promising avenue for individuals seeking natural and accessible ways to enhance their psychological health.
As we navigate the complexities of modern life, incorporating yoga into our routines can be a transformative journey towards balance, resilience, and inner peace. Whether through mindful breathing, meditative practices, or gentle physical postures, the healing harmony of yoga extends an invitation to explore the vast landscape of our own well-being, paving the way for a more centered and mindful existence.
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omshantiomyoga · 9 months
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kalsarpujjain · 1 year
Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja
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The "Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja" is a special religious ceremony performed in Vedic astrology to mitigate the effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh. This puja is conducted by qualified priests or astrologers and is believed to help neutralise the negative influences caused by the positioning of Rahu and Ketu in a birth chart. The primary aim of this puja is to seek blessings, appease the planetary energies, and bring harmony and balance into the individual's life. During the puja, specific rituals, prayers, mantras, and offerings are performed according to the guidelines mentioned in ancient scriptures. The puja's effectiveness is a matter of faith, and individuals who believe in its power undertake it as a way to address the challenges associated with Kaal Sarp Dosh.
What happens to a person with Kaal Sarp Dosh?
The Kaal Sarp Yog is a scary phenomenon that can cause utter misery in one’s life. A person under the affliction of this yoga leads a life of pain and misfortune. This yoga has the capacity to cancel out all the good Yoga’s of the chart. A person having the Kaal Sarp Yog in his/her Kundali often dreams about snakes. They visualise themselves getting bitten by such reptiles and get the feeling of someone trying to strangulate them. They also repeatedly see their deceased relatives or their corpses in their dreams. A possible solution to get rid of this problem is conducting a Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja.
Who Should Perform This Puja?
Individuals who possess this Dosh or Yog in their natal charts should revere this Pooja.
The one who is terrified of high-altitude places and has a fear of the dark should perform this Pooja.
An individual suffering from Partial Kaal Sarp Yog or Dosh should observe this Pooja.
If a young child suffers from Kaal Sarp Dosha or Yog, then the Pooja can be performed by his parents.
Benefits of Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja
The main objective of performing this Puja is to reduce and reverse the ill or negative effects of the Kaal Sarp Yog into positive ones.
The puja also provides personal and professional stability.
It removes possible hurdles and obstacles in the path of one’s success.
It also promotes harmony and peace of mind.
It solves problems related to delay in marriage.
It eliminates hurdles in one’s education field that may be caused due to Kaal Sarp Dosha.
It resolves all issues related to finances and properties.
Aacharya Sagar Ji is an International Celebrity Astrologer. For all kinds of Dosh Nivaran Poojas contact Aacharya Sagar Ji. Aacharya Sagar Ji has been successfully conducting Dosh Nivaran Poojas for a long time. He prosperously brings joy, spirituality and harmony to their client's lives. For the last 17 years, he has been organizing Pujas. He also has a Big team of Specialized Pundits for different Poojas. Best astrologer on astrotalk.
We have a team of Pandits in Ujjain for both Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja Ujjain and Mangal Dosh Puja Ujjain.
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Meditation Class for Mental Health by Yog Power International
The mere mention of meditation can induce a sense of calmness and relaxation. Despite its very old origins, its use is definitely important in the modern era. To suit our needs, we have shaped and varied the shapes that meditation takes.
In the modern world, meditation has become increasingly important because of our busy, sedentary lifestyles, stress, mental health problems, and many other factors. Meditation techniques that are most frequently used include mindfulness, guided meditation, spiritual meditation, visualization, mantra, kundalini, sound, chakra, and more. Savasana, Yognidra, and many more sleeping positions are among the many types of meditation positions! These will improve your physical health in a beneficial way.
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There are specific kinds of meditation that are designed to enhance your mental health. These put a lot of emphasis on engaging your mind fully and coordinating your ideas with your everyday activities. In addition to its many advantages, there are a few misconceptions about meditation that need to be dispelled. These include the ideas that it must be done in silence, that there is only one position to meditate in, that your mind must be clear of all thoughts while you meditate, that meditation is merely a religious practice, that one must meditate for hours every day, etc.
Yog Power International provides its members with a variety of meditation techniques to select from, so you can find the one that best fits your needs and interests. You should practice various forms of meditation on a daily basis to witness some profound but potent changes in your body and mind.
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