#corporate yoga teacher training course in mumbai
yogpowerint03 · 1 year
Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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A Corporate environment attracts various problems like anxiety, stress, fear and short-temper. People who work in corporate offices encounter this problem pretty often but can’t do anything about it. With so many hours at competitive work and hardly any time to de-stress, a person gets increasingly frustrated and invites physical and mental disorders.
All these negative effects of the Corporate Environment And Life can be tackled with the power of Yoga, meditation and pranayam. Since a Corporate can’t make it to practice Yoga, we made Yoga practice reach the corporate office! Yog Power International provides Corporate Yoga to people in an organization who cannot pay heed to their health. We send our expert trainers to train and make these employees practice yoga on a regular basis.
Stress decreases concentration which increases workload and eventually, a person spends more time in office then actually permitted. Constant workload also males people skip meals, eat irregularly and eat inappropriately. With so much work and no free time, it is unlikely that a person exercises or eats well, which tempts poor health to take root.
Yog Power International understands the time constraint and provides the best yoga disciplines in form of asanas and breathing exercises for the corporates to follow and perform. Along with Yoga, we also insert a bit of Corporate Zumba in the session so that the missing gusto is restored while good health starts developing in the process. We have benefitted many such employees who have now transformed their lives and have adopted a healthier lifestyle.
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yogpowerint · 2 years
Yog Power International -Corporate Yoga TTC Mumbai
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A Corporate environment attracts various problems like anxiety, stress, fear and short-temper. People who work in corporate offices encounter this problem pretty often but can’t do anything about it. With so many hours at competitive work and hardly any time to de-stress, a person gets increasingly frustrated and invites physical and mental disorders.
All these negative effects of the Corporate Environment And Life can be tackled with the power of Yoga, meditation and pranayam. Since a Corporate can’t make it to practice Yoga, we made Yoga practice reach the corporate office! Yog Power International provides Corporate Yoga to people in an organization who cannot pay heed to their health. We send our expert trainers to train and make these employees practice yoga on a regular basis.
Stress decreases concentration which increases workload and eventually, a person spends more time in office then actually permitted. Constant workload also males people skip meals, eat irregularly and eat inappropriately. With so much work and no free time, it is unlikely that a person exercises or eats well, which tempts poor health to take root.
Yog Power International understands the time constraint and provides the best yoga disciplines in form of asanas and breathing exercises for the corporates to follow and perform. Along with Yoga, we also insert a bit of Corporate Zumba in the session so that the missing gusto is restored while good health starts developing in the process. We have benefitted many such employees who have now transformed their lives and have adopted a healthier lifestyle.
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viveda-wellness2580 · 5 months
Empower Her - Yoga Retreat in February-2024
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We invite you to join our "Empower Her - Yoga Retreat" in February-2024 -  a transformative weekend designed exclusively for women, centered around holistic wellness and self-empowerment. This retreat provides a nurturing and supportive environment for women to reconnect with themselves, cultivate inner strength, and foster overall well-being. Here's an outline to guide you in creating a memorable and impactful experience: This retreat is arranged at Viveda Wellness, Nashik in February 2024.
What to Expect 
1. Yoga asanas and Poses:
Schedule yoga sessions led by experienced instructors Sneha Meghe and Jahnavi, catering to all levels.
Offer specialty workshops like restorative yoga, yoga nidra, and breathwork.
2. Pranayama / Breathwork:
Pranayama is the science of breath control and expansion, offering a gateway to  profound self-discovery and holistic well-being.       
Immerse yourself in carefully curated and expertly guided breathwork sessions.
3. Meditation
Explore mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and transcendental meditation to cultivate a rich tapestry of inner serenity.
Integrate mindful movement practices such as walking meditation and gentle yoga to harmonize the body and mind
4. Face Yoga
In this retreat, we integrate the art of face yoga, a holistic approach that rejuvenates not just the body and mind but also the face.
5. Yoga Kriyas
Immerse yourself in Yoga kriya sessions, carefully guided by experienced instructors. These sessions encompass dynamic movements, breathwork, and specific postures designed to stimulate energy flow and release blockages.
6. Women’s Circle:
This is designed to create a nurturing space where women come together to celebrate, support, and uplift one another.
7. Cacao Ceremony:
​​Rooted in ancient traditions A Cacao Ceremony is a spiritual ritual that involves self-discovery, and communal unity,healing, and self-exploration.
8. Journaling
This involves you to find deep into the art of journaling as a powerful tool for introspection, clarity, and personal growth. 
9. Massage Therapy:
Under the skilled hands of experienced therapists, explore the healing power of touch and discover a profound sense of balance and rejuvenation.
Specialized Yoga trainer 
Sneha Meghe is our master yoga teacher and the founder of SnehYog. She has been a dedicated practitioner with a strong yoga practice of 12 years and teaching experience of 7. She is certified in Ashtanga, Hatha and Yin yoga and Applies the techniques of these three styles according to her student’s individual needs.
With a plethora of yoga teacher training courses under her belt, Sneha has taught in the most prestigious and well known studios in Mumbai and now runs her successful yoga & wellness retreat company.
Jahnavi is a former advertising professional who embarked on a transformative journey to rediscover well-being through the healing power of yoga. Her personal experiences navigating the demands of a fast-paced career made her realize the importance of holistic wellness, inspiring her to step off the corporate treadmill and onto the yoga mat.
Rooted in the wisdom of classical yoga and the dynamic energy of Ashtanga Vinyasa, her teaching style weaves together tradition and innovation. With an RYT 500 certification, she specializes in Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Aerial Yoga. yoga therapy, face yoga, and prenatal yoga.
Join us for a transformative experience that celebrates the essence of womanhood and empowers you to thrive. For more information visit us @ Beze Village, Trimbak Road, Nashik, Maharashtra 422213
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5 Major Health Benefits of Yoga
Yog turns out to be exceptionally famous among people of any age, because of its benefit towards wellbeing. whenever dynamic yog, you are feeling revived and recharged from your hot way of life. In present day word right now, people have gotten aware of yoga and start making transporter in yoga. India is the best spot to prevail in Yoga TTC. There are different yog focuses in India that are enlisted underneath the Yoga Alliance and given the instructing of yoga courses like a hundred, 200 hour yoga teacher training online. The yoga bosses of those organizations are incredibly qualified and drilled. In India, you'll get modest yoga instructor preparing when contrasted with various nations.
In the event that you start to follow yog consistently, you'll essentially protect yourself from minor medical conditions like lower the glucose level, headache, and uneasiness, and so forth a few specialists also recommend dynamic yoga stay solid or work. There are a few superstars and sportsperson follows yoga to make their perseverance and actual strength that lessens the opportunity of injury. In the event that you face the question of not acquiring the right rest, then you want to start dynamic yoga. it's undeniably true's that follows yoga helps you in acquiring the right rest. In yoga there are breath procedures, reflection helps you in feeling loose and control your brain.
Yoga is a magnificent way to compositions in your adaptability and power. Just around everything individuals can make it happen, as well - - it is presently as of now not just for people who can contact their ft or have to ponder.
A few assortments of yoga are roughly unwinding. In others, you pass more. Most sorts consideration on acquiring information on presents, alluded to as asanas. They moreover by and large envelop interest to relaxing.
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Yoga for Flexibility
Yoga presents canvases through extending your muscles. They grant you to pass higher and experience substantially less firm or tired.
At any level of yoga, you may more then likely start to know benefits soon. In one review, people advanced their adaptability through as much as 35 ter best two months of yoga.
Pause dramatically for Strength
A few kinds of yoga, including ashtanga and energy yoga, are exceptionally physical. Rehearsing this sort of examples will help you upgrade muscle tone.
Be that as it may, even considerably less lively kinds of yoga, including Iyengar or hatha, can offer power and perseverance benefits.
A large number of the postures, including lower canine, up canine, and the board present, build upper-outline power. The status presents, for the most part on the off chance that you safeguard them for various extensive breaths, build power to your hamstrings, quadriceps, and abs. Represents that harden the diminishing again envelop up canine and the seat present.
1. Fix Hangover: If you show signs of life inside the morning and having a headache, then do yoga it helps you in acquiring block the medical issue. playing out some particular yoga asanas helps you in alleviation from a migraine in a really regular means. Headache is the most awful element will happen to you when the Fri night. everyone partake in the end of the week and beverages heaps of liquor that is risky to wellbeing. at the point when the unnecessary savoring the dull, people face the headache disadvantage beginning inside the morning. arousing inside the following morning and having a headache is that the most obviously terrible a piece of your day. to instigate deter this medical issue will yoga starting inside the morning.
2. Further develop Memory: that's what the new examinations shows on the off chance that you wear yoga customary for straight 3 months, it'll help you in upgrading your memory. a few investigations show that yoga is far higher than riddles, crosswords, and Sudoku for up memory. Improving memory is the best benefit you'll have the option to get from yoga. it's a characteristic clinical guide to broaden the memory of the mind that is useful for the wellbeing.
3. Higher Immune System: during this time microorganisms and infection are everyplace and on the off chance that you might want to stay safe, support your framework. the individuals who don't eat as expected and quality food can deal with the issue of the hazardous framework. Yoga helps you in making your framework powerful and furthermore gives you inner harmony. On the off chance that the framework works appropriately, you'll feel dynamic and revived day in and day out. This aides in you working appropriately at your work environment.
4. Great Blood Flow: Yog is best for unwinding and keeping the psyche quiet from pressure, melancholy, and uneasiness. during this period, a large number of us deal with the issue of the mental state, heart drawback, headache, and bunches of various issues. These issues are exclusively happening attributable to unfortunate blood flow into the body. at present, curious method for upgrading the blood course inside the body? the arrangement is yoga confirmed you hear it right yoga is that the normal clinical guide for expanding the blood course into the body.
5. Further develops Balance: The everyday yog practice helps in up the body balance. The person who contains a perilous or inappropriate stance could deal with the issue of joint agonies, a knee issue, and lower back torment. to help the body stance of your body, you'll have the option to do yoga that might be a characteristic treatment for the right body pose.
For more details, visit us :
Yoga ttc course with certification
online 200 hour yoga teacher training
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aerialyoga · 5 years
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What is Aero Aerobatic Yoga?
The Acrobatic AeroYoga®  is the variant of the AeroYoga method, more physically and mentally demanding. Developed by Rafael Martinez since the last decade, it is dedicated to the increase of strength, resistance, self-awareness, proprioception, coordination and psychomotricity.
This article is part of the ongoing training of Aero Yoga Institute, accredited by YACEP (Continuing Education Provider) of Yoga Alliance.
Acrobatic AeroYoga®  is one of the variants of the AeroYoga® system focused on the most spectacular  postures, without detriment to the development of inner awareness in relation to the environment (proprioception)
.LOOK MORE IN OUR BLOG https://www.aeroyoga-official.com/aerialwellness/aerial-yoga-discover-the-acrobatic-aeroyoga/  
To whom is this practice directed?
The AeroYoga® Acrobatic is aimed at students with extensive experience in aeroyoga in their intermediate and basic levels and to practitioners of asthanga yoga, hatha yoga or advanced acro yoga. Also ideal for practitioners and professionals of artistic gymnastics, classical and contemporary dance, acrobatics or climbing for example.
The AeroYoga®, thanks to its progressive teaching system, will allow the student to experience postures and acrobatics, from lesser to greater degree, for everyone. 
The important thing is a calm and progressive practice.
Unhurried and guided by a certified Aero Yoga and Aero Pilates International teacher.
What techniques have influenced the development of this method?
Apart from Hatha Yoga, Asthanga, Contemporary dance and Creative Yoga ©, one of the great bases of the method is Mallakhamb rope. 
It is a combination of traditional yoga and aerial gymnastics with ropes that has its origin in the twelfth century in Mumbai. 
This practice includes fabulous acrobatics and is famous in India for helping to gain agility, strengthen the mind and body coordination, which makes it a true integral fitness.
How much does breathing influence Acrobatic AeroYoga®? 
We say that for AeroYoga® breathing is located before the swing itself as the main tool.
We use the breath as a physical element to generate concentration, a sensation of cellular 'nutrition' and also as a creative element essential in the AeroYoga® Acrobatic practice for a safe practice.
On a physical level, weightlessness favors the release and isolation of each area of the respiratory system, which favors the work of conscious breathing.
For its part from the creative point of view:Just as an artist uses paint to create a painting, a mural, AeroYoga® uses breathing as the main material for the development of creative abilities in the student.
And the mind what place it occupies in Acrobatic AeroYoga®?
The mind plays a revealing role. In fact, the first exercises consist of working the body in a certain way, with techniques so that the mind is silent doing priority to the corporal expression with full consciousness of the exercise, although this is demanding.
The game of the body and mind breathing  in AeroYoga® allow the student to "disconnect" and then "reconnect" and strengthen the body-mind dialogue. Thanks to specific exercises specially designed for this purpose the effect is always palpable and often surprising.
AeroYoga® can bring us many benefits * and help us:
· Improve blood circulation throughout the body, clear the mind and promote anti-aging properties ...
· Benefits for the body and mental system
· This aerial exercise can positively affect all body systems:Endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic or digestive systems.
· This helps strengthen the spine and improve postural awareness.
· Helps to strengthen the respiratory system by forming the basis of a multitude of pranayama (conscious breathing) exercises, which are favored by suspension work.
More info about ours teachers training contact by
WHATSAPP+34 601083313
WEB www.aeroyoga-official.com See in this link all the courses and dates scheduled for this 2019 https://www.aeroyoga-official.com/curso-presencial-de-instructor-de-aeroyoga/
If you want to know more about online certification (available in Spanish and English - also very soon in French), click here https://www.aeroyoga-official.com/cursos/curso-online/
Aero Yoga Institute is the first institution dedicated to aerial yoga, accredited Yoga Alliance (diploma 200 h). AeroYoga is a method of personal and professional suspension development.
Our contents are related to health, well-being and exercise, as well as artistic expression throughout the body. AeroYoga® is an international registered trademark, also in USA, UK, Canada Ireland or Australia.The experience cannot be improvised: Join the original aerial yoga and pilates method with more experience in training for your personal and professional growth! * Consult your doctor about any health problem and the convenience in your case to perform a demanding practice such as aeroyoga.
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exampappa · 4 years
Daily Current Affairs 30th April 2020
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AP Govt Launched Jagananna Vidya Deevena a fee reimbursement scheme
AP Govt Launched Jagananna Vidya Deevena a fee reimbursement scheme Andhra Pradesh government launched a fee reimbursement scheme called Jagananna Vidya Deevena for college students Jagananna Vidya Deevena scheme with an alotment of Rs 4,000 crore to provide full fees reimbursement to about 14 lakh college students, including those in professional courses About AP Capital– Amaravati State Flower– Water lilies State Bird– Indian roller State Animal– Black buck State Tree– Neem What is the main objective of the scheme? Jagananna Vidya Deevena scheme provides help for the financially weak students who wish to study but unable to study due to lack of finance Jagananna Vidya Deevena scheme Promotes Higher education in the state Jagananna Vidya Deevena scheme encourages the youngsters for further education. Notable points To support this scheme AP govt also released pending due of Rs 1,880 crore during the previous Telugu Desam Party (TDP) government The amount directly credited into the accounts of the students’ mothers The CM also launched a helpline number that is 1902, for parents of the students to lodge a complaint if the college management does not provide quality education or better facilities to their children. Jagananna Vasathi Deevana (JVD) Apart from above scheme, another scheme, Jagananna Vasathi Deevana, also launched which will take care of hostel and mess charges.
Madhya pradesh Govt Launched Jeevan Amrit Yojana to help people fight against COVID-19
Madhya pradesh Govt Launched Jeevan Amrit Yojana to help people fight against COVID-19 Madhya Pradesh Government on April 28, 2020 launched ‘Jeevan Amrit Yojana’ scheme to boost the immune system of people to fight the deadly virus COVID 19 MP Chief Minister launches Jeevan Amrit Yojana scheme About Madhya Pradesh Capital– Bhopal Governor– Lalji Tandon Jeevan Amrit Yojana: Under Jeevan Amrit Yojana the state government freely distribute an ayurvedic product called ‘Trikut Churna (means three peppers)’ It is prepared by the AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy) What are the natural elements used in Trikut Churna? They used naturally available at home elements used such as Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) Indian Long Pepper (Piper longum) Ginger (Zingiber officinale) A target has been set to distribute this packet of 50 grams to 1 crore families of the state. Accordig to AYUSH it is claimed that drinking Trikut Churna increase immunity and has no side effects Govt provides kadha (or decoction) to the people of the state, irrespective of whether they are from rural or urban areas.
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Report 2020 on Religious Freedom Released
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Report 2020 on Religious Freedom Released Why in News? The US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its 2020 annual report What the report says? The USCIRF listed India under “Country of Particular Concern” on religious freedom for the first time since 2004 What is US Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)? USCIRF is an independent, bipartisan U.S. federal government commission It is first time in the world which releases its kind of report It is dedicated to defending the universal right to freedom of religion or belief abroad. The commission makes policy recommendations to the President, the Secretary of State, and Congress. Notable points of the report? India categorised as a “Tier 2 country” in last year’s listing What are Tier 2 countries? Tier 2 countries are those countries engaged in serious violations or tolerated by the government  and characterized by at least one of the elements of systematic, ongoing, and egregious. This is the first time since 2004 that India has been placed in the “Country of Particular Concern” category. India is placed alongside countries, including China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. 14 countries designated as “countries of particular concern” (CPCs) because their governments engage in or tolerate “systematic, ongoing, egregious violations.” Nine countries earlier in the list of December 2019 are also included those are  Burma China Eritrea Iran North Korea Pakistan Saudi Arabia Tajikistan Turkmenistan Along with these five other countries are India Nigeria Russia Syria Vietnam What are the Reasons shown to downgrade India? India enacted the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, which provides a fast track to Indian citizenship for non-Muslim migrants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan already residing in India which act as a bias towards one particular community The unilateral abrogation of Article 370 in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and activities aftermath India used its strengthened parliamentary majority to institute national-level policies violating religious freedom across the country, especially for Muslims The national and various state governments also allowed nationwide campaigns of harassment and violence against religious minorities to continue with impunity, and engaged in and tolerated hate speech and incitement to violence against them US government’s action on the report’s recommendation: In 2005, Prime Minister Narendra Modi who was at the time the Chief Minister of Gujarat was censured by the USCIRF. The commission had recommended sanctions against him for the 2002 riots and the U.S. government had subsequently cancelled his visa. India’s response: India has objected to the commission’s biased and tendentious comments against it.
Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan passed away at 53
Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan passed away at 53 Famous Bollywood star Sahabzade Irrfan Ali Khan on April 29, 2020 passed away due to cancer in Mumbai, Maharashtra Movie Career Slumdog Millionaire Life of Pi The Amazing Spider-man His birth details Born on January 7, 1967, in Jaipur Rajasthan About Irrfan Khan: Irrfan earned a scholarship to study at National School of Drama (NSD) while pursuing his MA (Master of Arts) degree Irrfans first screen debut in the 1988 Mira Nair directorial Salaam Bombay After struggling for many years, success finally came to him after he starred in AsifKapadia’s The Warrior (2001). He was starred in the movies like Haasil, Maqbool, Life in a Metro, Paan Singh Tomar, The Lunchbox, Haider, Piku and Talvar He has acted in over 50 Indian films. Irrfan was also known for his work in international projects like The Namesake, The Darjeeling Limited and Jurassic World among more. Khan was last seen in Bollywood comedy film, Angrezi medium, which was released in March 2020. His awards Irrfan Khan was honoured with Padma Shri by the Government of India (GOI) for his significant contribution to arts and cinema. He also won the National Film Award and 4 Filmfare awards. After Saeed Jaffrey, Roshan Seth and Om Puri the latest actor who earned reputation in Hollywood movies is Irfan Khan He also collaborated with Oscar-winning directors such as Danny Boyle, Ang Lee and appeared in the HBO (Home Box Office) show In Treatment
CRISIL Research Report Released on Total Installed Renewable Capacity
CRISIL Research Report Released on Total Installed Renewable Capacity Karnataka tops in total installed renewable capacity: CRISIL Research report CRISIL Research report released on April 28, 2020 According to this report Karnataka retained its 1st position in terms of total installed renewable capacity in FY20 About CRISIL: Headquarters– Mumbai, Maharashtra Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)– Ashu Suyash Chairman– John Berisford After Karnataka Tamil Nadu(2nd) & Gujarat(3rd) The top 3 states in overall solar energy capacity addition are Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka The top 3 states in overall wind energy states are Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. Position             State                  Total installed renewable  in Mega Watt (MW) 1                 Karnataka                                  15,232 2                 Tamil Nadu                                 14, 347 3                 Gujarat                                      10,586 How Karnataka retained their position? Many SECI (Solar Energy Corporation of India)-led schemes enabled commissioning of projects in the Pavagada solar park with the capacity of 2,050 MW of solar projects. The state enabled the commissioning of several rounds of solar schemes under its solar policy (Karnataka Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd-led rounds), which boost additions over the past 3 fiscals. The state also exploited wind capacity, particularly in the districts near Ghats, and facilitated a favorable open access policy capacity until FY18 which helped capacity additions.
Uma Balasubramaniam book on The Maharaja Of Baroda Sayajirao Gaekwad III
Uma Balasubramaniam book on The Maharaja Of Baroda Sayajirao Gaekwad III Sayajirao Gaekwad III: The Maharaja of Baroda, New book by Uma Balasubramaniam published by Rupa Publications About Uma Balasubramaniam: She is a history graduate from the faculty of arts of the M.S. University of Baroda. She began her career in 2002 as a freelance writer for publications like The Hindu, The Indian Express and the Deccan Chronicle What is this book on? It is an epic biography titled Sayajirao Gaekwad III The Maharaja of Baroda Elaboration of the book on? Uma Balasubramaniam gave brief on How a 13 year old Maratha farmers (Maharashtra) boy became the king of baroda Also gave on how the fate twists for the favourite son of the British empire gets himself to the brink of being deposed by the British Focus of the book The book focuses on his ascendancy to the throne, his association with the British government in India, his administrations like schools for girls and training institutes for female teachers and reforms like abolishment of child marriage and reintroduction of widow remarriage Reason behind publishing this book? This book written for the people to understand about one of India’s unsung heroes who worked to build a free and modern India.   Read the full article
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letsdiscussmagic · 5 years
Neccessity of Yoga practice in metro cities
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In contrast to some other physical activities, yoga chips away at a person's general advancement including one's psychological, enthusiastic, and profound prosperity. In kids experiencing ADHD, yoga improves ability and achieves a parity along these lines helping them adapt new fundamental abilities. Today, when everything on the planet is economy driven, we need this old science to light our ways.
Holding fast to this thought, Prakriti Bohra, a software engineering engineer, quit her place of employment in the wake of going through 10 years in the corporate field.
"I deserted everything and now I am a full-time yoga teacher," she said.
As indicated by her, single word that depicts her purpose behind the vocation switch is satisfaction.
"I was working in a 9-5 move and it was distressing. There was no placidity in me as I believed I was not doing what's needed. Originating from a family where both my folks are specialists and kin are in the Armed Forces, I needed to contribute something to the general public. Yoga came into my life similarly as a movement, which later transformed into enthusiasm. Presently it has turned into my life," said Ms Bohra.Taking Yoga Classes is best way to start yoga practice.
At the point when asked how she adapts to the weariness of rehearsing yoga consistently without getting any every day rewards, she stated, "For me, it's the exact inverse of fatigue. It's convincing to such an extent that I won't miss my training in any capacity whatsoever. A couple of years back, I was the polar opposite. I used to rest at 4.00 am and get up at 10.00 am. Be that as it may, presently consistently I get up at 3.45 am. In the first place, I spruce up, wash up, and afterward start my training. For the most part, I ruminate for 25 minutes and complete 20 minutes of reciting, which is trailed by a 1.5 long stretches of asana practice every day.
"Who says you don't get any day by day compensates? You do get compensated every day as far as turning into a more joyful, more quiet, and tolerant individual. This is significant for individuals living in Metro urban areas like Delhi or Mumbai. After yoga, you feel overly enthusiastic for the whole day."
For Jassi, another cutting edge yogi who is a RJ with BigFM, yoga is significant in light of the fact that it encourages her stay in shape and doesn't make her worn out.
She stated, "In contrast to other physical exercises, yoga isn't body-driven. When you work out at the rec center, do cardio, or run, you will see that you get worn out before the finish, all things considered, In any case, that is not the situation with yoga. Rather than getting worn out, you feel revived and restored. Consequently, I chose to do a course in yoga."
Like Jassi and Prakriti, there are bunches of individuals who practice yoga at their homes, parks, or studios. They are in a manner the watchmen of this well established craft of living and being.
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ipsedu-blog · 7 years
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TOP MBA COLLEGES in INDIA: -In the realm of a fanatic career, you need to be precise while choosing the institute you are going to be bind up with, if we read the facts, interestingly there has always been a trend of occupations. Earlier Engineering was on peak, Time took a drift and a number of management colleges came forward in the verge of providing business education. No doubt, none could take the place of IIM (A, B, C).  Perhaps, it won’t be wise enough to rely on the interview call from IIM, A number of great institutions are practicing MBA/BBA, et cetera.Among them we have listed the best colleges to go for MBA: -
1.   Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research, Andheri West, Mumbai.    
Faculty: The teaching methods include presentations, guest lectures, and pen and paper based learning. Constant feedback sessions are held where the students review a faculty member's performance on a particular subject and proper corrective actions are taken wherever necessary. The student-faculty ratio is around 8:1.      
Infrastructure: Although SPJIMR is not known for its infrastructure, there have been a lot of developments happening to improve the same. A new academic building is being constructed which is scheduled to start functioning from the next academic year. Hostels are present in the campus on 2 and 3 sharing bases.
A canteen named Spice and Spoon is present on the campus and offers good quality vegetarian food. The classrooms have been revamped recently. There has been a great deal of investment made by the college authorities on the same. The course curriculum is very useful and we get varied knowledge on the subjects taught.
2.   Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune      
The campus is blessed with a sprawling campus of 300 acres. It's a destination of top recruiters across India for various management profiles ranging from marketing, operations, finance, etc. The college provides a residential MBA only. All the recreational activities like gym, yoga, Zumba, etc. are present.
The student life is a bliss here. The campus is located on Lavale hill and the institution is many times called - 'The crown of the hill'.
IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL – JAIPUR: - The IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL is a management college established in 2007 in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The Institution is affiliated with Rajasthan University, and is approved by All India Council for Technical Education. IPS beholds all the executive programs of IIMs as well as XLRI in its campus. IPS gives a certification course to the students interested in executive programs of IIMs & XLRI.
The Director of IPS, Mrs. Deepti Agarwal initiated a unique idea of OJT (ON JOB TRAINING). This concept was made to enhance the practical knowledge of the students by acknowledging them of the corporate world with Data, practice & perseverance.
Placements: The placements last year were really good. Around 90-95% of the students got placed from the campus itself. The highest package was 14.14 lakhs per annum for marketing by Amazon. The average salary was around 6.7 lakhs. The roles varied from manager posts to senior level manager posts.       Faculty: The faculty members for the general subjects of MBA are admiring & when it comes to the specialization teachers, they are highly qualified and are very confident in their teaching methods, they are approachable outside class hours. The course curriculum is very rigorous and covers a broad area of study but is very useful when it comes to the practical aspect.
4.   Institute of Management, Christ University, Bangalore
Placements: The placements vary for each specialization, which are finance, marketing, lean operation, and human resources. The placements are satisfactory for marketing and finance, whereas a little lagging for HR, with LOS a little decent. The packages vary from 3-11 lakhs, having an average of 6 lakhs.
Infrastructure: With the Kengeri campus, the biggest advantage is the infrastructure they provide! The Wi-Fi is stable and easy to use, although the ban on most of the sites can be frustrating. Most of the important sites can be used. The classrooms are wide and spacious with quick replacing if any damages are there. The canteen is satisfactory and offers variety.
Faculty: The course in itself is very inclusive, including more than what one can learn in undergrad, along with enough focus on all the necessary aspects. The course with the CIAs ensures no time to laze around, with each CIA having multiple components including presentations, that helps especially in communication aspect as well as interpersonal skills. There are also intense mentoring programs that take place twice a week. The faculty is very approachable and quite competent. The heads of the department are quite accomplished and make it easy to view them as a guide. Definitely good.
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sushmc4k-blog · 7 years
Best SCUBA Dive Destinations In India
Adventure sports are gaining momentum in our country and so we now often hear about friends and family who have tried rappelling, bungee jumping, surfing, parasailing, caving and SCUBA diving at various destinations in India. Being a travel and adventure sport enthusiast, I was bitten by the SCUBA diving bug five years ago. The experience of being underwater, to be weightless, to hear the sounds only of the creatures that call the sea their home and to see sights and underwater life that are so vibrant and amazing that they baffle the imagination is just a treat for the senses. One that has made me feel even closer to the ocean, a life giving force.
If you are wondering what SCUBA is all about, please click here. To help you plan a diving trip with your family in the country, this post will set you in the right direction to start your exploration into the big, beautiful blue.
For more information on the world of scuba diving and introducing your child to this exciting sport, mycity4kids talked to Anees Adenwala (a CMAS Two-Star Instructor as well as a PADI Open Water Instructor) about what all you need to know about Scuba Diving for kids. You can read that article here.
Before you plan a dive trip:
Ideally before you do a certification course (popular certification agencies include PADI, SSI, and NAUI) try the Discover Scuba Dive session which is a fun dive but with an instructor controlling everything. You just go for the ride. This allows you to decide if you are comfortable and how you feel about the equipment and with being in the water. You could do this at any of the dive destinations. You could also just try it out at a pool. For example, Lacadives, Orca Dive Club, Dive India and Scubalov offer SCUBA pool sessions in Mumbai.
Absolute Scuba and Finkick Adventures offer SCUBA pool sessions in Pune.
Dive India, Planet Scuba India, Aquanaut, and Shark Tale Scuba offer SCUBA pool sessions in Bangalore.
The pre dive instruction typically includes topics like how to equalize, deal with mask recovery, getting water out of the mask, regulator recovery, alternate regulator use, hand signals etc. Once you are sure that you all are comfortable with the DSD then go ahead and plan a dive trip which could be to do some more DSDs but in the ocean where you will have access to coral reefs and all the life they offer, or to go ahead with a certification course towards being a recreational diver.
About the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) Open Water Diver Course:
The PADI course consists of a confined water segment, which could be in a lagoon or shallow site in the sea or in a swimming pool. There is an element of classroom style followed by practical instruction in the water and videos. This is followed by a written exam. Ideally the exam should be done after reading the book completely rather than at the end of the two days. Then you do the 4 qualifying open water dives that happen in the ocean to a maximum depth of 12-15m. After you do the confined water followed by the exam, you are free to do the qualifying open water dives to get your certificate with any agency anywhere in the world. It does not have to be the same agency you do the confined water training with.
Where to go SCUBA diving in India:
The most popular destination is Andamans. This is because of ease of access with various airlines making daily trips into Port Blair from airports around the country. This tropical paradise has several dive sites many of which are comparable to spectacular sites anywhere else in the world.
WATER SPORTS COMPLEX PORT BLAIR                            
Port Blair is where you can spend a day or two sightseeing before heading by ferry, either government or private like Makruzz, to the popular Havelock Island where most of the dive shops are located. Havelock Island is one of the few spots where the administration has allowed and encouraged the development of tourism. Over the years, it has become a magnet for those who love the incredible shades of blue and green that the sea turns every day, the fresh air, lush green hillsides and forests, thick beach side foliage, white sand shores, local and Bengali food, and amazing visibility making it a superb option for divers.
The dive shops you should consider on Havelock include:
Dive India
Barefoot Scuba
Andaman Bubbles
Ocean Tribe
Other exciting ‘off the beaten path’ activities to do while at Havelock are:
Kayaking with Tanaz Noble (You could also consider staying at her family run homestay at Port Blair. Here��s my review of the place).
Birding with Shakti Vel and Tribesmen.
Yoga with the team at Scubalov.
Visit to Radha Nagar Beach which is a famous spot to view sunset after having been listed as ‘7th Best Beach in the World’ by Time Magazine in 2004.
Lacadives runs their dive shop from Chidiya Tapu which is about 17 kms south of Port Blair. This location is far from the touristy crowds and in close proximity to amazing rain forests.
When here, in addition to diving you can go on nature trails with the naturalists from Reefwatch Marine Conservation  and a definite must do is a visit to the Chidiya Tapu Biological Park.  
India Scuba Explorers has their dive shop on Neil Island a close ferry ride away from Havelock. Neil is not as busy as Havelock tends to be and has fewer options for accommodation, food and beverage but if it’s a quiet time with superb diving, under excellent teachers, in beautiful surroundings, that you crave then just head here.
An Andamans live-aboard experience
Try a completely unique experience by taking your family onto India’s only SCUBA diving live-aboard, the Infiniti. The concept here is that you stay on board the yacht that sails to various destinations. In this case the Infiniti would take you to dive sites not generally accessible when you stay on an island. The Infiniti is a 39m, all steel, four decked live-aboard promoted by Karina Tourism & Adventures. This live-board offers diving to remote locations such as Barren Island (the only confirmed active volcano in South Asia), southern islands, and Duncan Island.
The Infiniti is child friendly and has conducted several open water certification trips for Mumbai school children. On the yacht are qualified and experienced dive team members to take the children through various courses with the certification courses beginning for those 12+ years. Some of the activities organised for children include beach, island and island school visits, and the Andaman naturalist program that teaches them about the flora and fauna of the Andaman Islands. There are board games, videos, movies, books and reef fish guide books in the lounge.
For further information please click here.  
The Lakshadweep tropical archipelago of 36 atolls and coral reefs is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The name Lakshadweep in Malayalam and Sanskrit means ‘A hundred thousand islands.’ Only a few islands are open to visitors (everyone requires a permit) and not all are inhabited. The dive centres at the islands are run by the Society for Nature Promotion and Sports (SPORTS) which is a society under Lakshadweep administration.
The key islands for SCUBA training, fun dives and water sports are Kavaratti, Kadmat, Minicoy and Bangaram.
While the dive sites are pristine and underwater life just exceptional, as it is not so easy to get to the islands, tourists tend to look at more hassle free destinations.
You can fly to Lakshadweep from Cochin to Agatti Island from where you either take a helicopter or the inter-island ferry to get to your island. You also have the option of taking any one of the ships from Cochin directly to the island you have booked to stay at. If you can book in time to block a cabin, then the journey is very comfortable and views of flying fish, dolphins, clean deep blue waters, sunset and sunrise, thousands of stars, and if you are lucky bioluminescence in the wake of the ship, all make the journey an unforgettable one.
To know all about the packages, diving, island accommodation and more please contact SPORTS.
Murudeshwar is best known for its tall Shiva statue that towers above everything along the shore at the temple on the beach. It is also the base from where scuba divers can take a boat to head to Netrani to dive the sites around the island. This is an uninhabited island that has been used in the past for target practice by the armed forces. The topography underwater is quite interesting in addition to the amazing sea life. If you are very lucky you may spot an unexploded old bomb shell on the sand bed or even a whale shark. Get in touch with West Coast Adventures for a range of courses if you want to dive Netrani.
Tarkarli in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra is a very popular beach resort tourist town. There are spectacular beaches, great local food options, and water sports facilities on the back waters where the Arabian Sea and Karli River meet. SCUBA diving is offered by Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC). They also offer snorkelling trips to the sites around the Sindhudurg Fort.
While the visibility on dives in Goa is not as good as in Andamans or Lakshadweep, if you wanted to dive to get a feel of the SCUBA experience you could consider it. Diving happens at dive sites (including a wreck) located near Grand Island also called Grande, Grandi or Ilha Grao. Dive shops are located at various places in Goa and they will take you by boat to the dive sites. The closet boat ride out to the island is from Bogmalo Beach. While headed out to your dive you are likely to spot dolphins frolicking around.
Some of the dive shops are:
Goa Aquatics
West Coast Adventures
Dive Goa
Barracuda Diving
Goa Diving
Pondicherry or Pondy may seem like an unlikely spot for SCUBA diving but there’s a dive shop that has set up India’s first and only east coast dive centre. That shop is Temple Adventures. They offer diving at over 20 sites and various courses for all levels.
When getting to Pondicherry other interesting places to check out enroute include the historic Mahabalipuram on the Coromandel Coast and the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and Centre for Herpetology. The Croc Bank, as it is known, is a large reptile park.
In Pondicherry do go visit Auroville.
Barefoot Scuba has a brand new dive shop that is in Covelong, Kovalam, Chennai and they offer dive courses and fun dives to various sites around the area.
Temple Adventures also offers diving opportunities in the Bay of Bengal off the coast few kilometres from the shores of southern Chennai city.
When in Cochin if you want to experience SCUBA get in touch with Scuba Cochin Dive Team. While the dive shop is in the city, the dive site is a fresh water eight acre wide quarry with good visibility and abundant under water life. This company also offers the option of kayaking, snorkelling, and backwater expeditions.  
Happy, safe diving!
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yogpowerint03 · 1 year
Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai by Yog Power International
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A Corporate environment attracts various problems like anxiety, stress, fear and short-temper. People who work in corporate offices encounter this problem pretty often but can’t do anything about it. With so many hours at competitive work and hardly any time to de-stress, a person gets increasingly frustrated and invites physical and mental disorders.
All these negative effects of the Corporate Environment And Life can be tackled with the power of Yoga, meditation and pranayam. Since a Corporate can’t make it to practice Yoga, we made Yoga practice reach the corporate office! Yog Power International provides Corporate Yoga to people in an organization who cannot pay heed to their health. We send our expert trainers to train and make these employees practice yoga on a regular basis.
Stress decreases concentration which increases workload and eventually, a person spends more time in office then actually permitted. Constant workload also males people skip meals, eat irregularly and eat inappropriately. With so much work and no free time, it is unlikely that a person exercises or eats well, which tempts poor health to take root.
Yog Power International understands the time constraint and provides the best yoga disciplines in form of asanas and breathing exercises for the corporates to follow and perform. Along with Yoga, we also insert a bit of Corporate Zumba in the session so that the missing gusto is restored while good health starts developing in the process.
We have benefitted many such employees who have now transformed their lives and have adopted a healthier lifestyle.
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yogpowerint03 · 2 years
Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai by Yog Power International
Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai, Yoga, Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course, Yoga TTC, Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course in India, Yog Power, Corporate Yoga Teacher Training, Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course Near Me, Best Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course, Best Corporate Yoga TTC, Online Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course, Online Corporate Yoga TTC, Offline Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course, Offline Corporate Yoga TTC, Best Corporate Yoga Teacher Training, Offline Corporate Yoga Teacher Training, Online Corporate Yoga Teacher Training, Hourly Basis TTC, Power Yoga TTC Levels, Ashtanga Yoga TTC, Corporate Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga TTC, Kundalini Yoga TTC, Aerobics TTC, Online Yoga Classes. Online Live Yoga, Zumba, Titli Yoga, Corporate Wellness, Therapeutic Yoga, Weight Management, Meditation, Zumba Classes, Yog Power International.
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yogpowerint03 · 1 year
Yoga Studio Franchise in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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Become a franchise partner
Franchise is the practice of using the brand, business of the model. The franchisor grants an independent operator the right to distribute its products, techniques, and trademarks for a percentage of gross monthly sales.
Benefits of franchise
The success of franchising as a business system can be attributed to several factors. The most obvious is the brand name. In today’s consumer market, brand names are worth a lot. Every year, billions of dollars are spent on Advertising and Marketing the brand name of companies. This is because a good brand name means consistency, quality and consumer trust. Also, more importantly it is the proven business system.
On the contrary, franchise business gives you the advantage of not having to reinvent the wheel when it comes to handling the various aspects of business right from marketing to human resource management, from accounting to distribution. A proven system enables you to avoid the traps or mistakes a new business makes.
Yoga and Ayurveda industry The yoga and Ayurveda industry is experiencing an increasing influence on the franchise trend over the past few years. The Public Health Initiatives that always emphasize on remaining fit, fighting health issues like obesity, diabetes, have helped the franchise industry to proliferate across the world. People are getting more and more health-conscious. Yoga studio’s growing demographic has encouraged the proliferation of yoga fitness.
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yogpowerint03 · 1 year
Corporate Yoga Program in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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Life is beyond work, client meets and appraisals. But, that doesn’t imply corporate! For them, work is beyond worship and sadly, that’s the kind of lifestyle they have to adopt, by hook or by crook. In a profession where money is in abundance, finding energy and time for self is an uphill task. It is an Impossible Predicament to find time for focusing on health, that’s why 1 out of every 4 CEOs in the world suffers from chronic depression and health problems. Yoga is the only ideal way for it.
Benefits of Yoga for corporates -  
It gets your emotions right: Anger, anxiety and tension are by-products of excessive work. And when all you do throughout the day is take stress, it’s not going to make you an Emotionally Stable Person. There has to be peace inside and that can be achieved through Yoga. Yoga at work acts as a much-needed breather and break and also sets your emotions right.
It gets you the body you need: When do you possibly get time to sweat it out? Practicing power yoga gets you a body that is essential for stressful jobs. You enjoy and dance while your negative energies are Kicked Out and Bodies are toned. A good body isn’t necessarily the one with a broad chest or intense muscles; Yoga gets you the fitness that helps you take professional challenges head-on.
It makes you a human again: Corporate lifestyle is extremely different from the kind of lives other people have. Food and sleep being compromised are Quite Normal and Consuming Medicines to counter natural problems are frequent. With Yoga, the mind is set free paving way to positive thoughts and actions, eventually creating a living that is not only healthy but also stress-free.Yog Power international arranges for corporate yoga programs that helps for company their workplace. Along with that, several corporate yoga events too are organized to assuage working professionals from a stringent routine of work and stress.
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yogpowerint03 · 1 year
Online Live Yoga Classes in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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Online Live Yoga Classes are now becoming important because of a covid pandemic. Everyone wants fitness & good health at convenience of their home. If you are searching for Best Online Live Yoga Classes, then you are at the right place. Yog Power International Online yoga brings you the uniqueness of the advanced and traditional live classes at convenience of your home
If you’ve always wanted to try yoga but haven’t been able to find a class in your area, The House of Yoga-Yog Power International can help. We are now offering online live yoga courses all around India, and anybody may participate and profit. Bringing to you best Live Yoga Classes Online with courses such as pregnancy yoga at home, fertility yoga online, power yoga for weight loss at home and even yoga exercises for weight loss at the comfort of your home.
We provide Best Online Live Yoga Classes. We have several fantastic packages for our online yoga lessons, so whether you are in India or elsewhere in the nation, you can join us and get a wonderful deal. And if you are a beginner and hesitated we have online yoga classes for beginners.
We provide a variety of options, ranging from single class coupons to class packs and unlimited classes, so you can pick the best option for you.
We have a variety of yoga classes to enrich the body, mind, and soul at beginner and advanced levels which will help for physical and mental transformation and spiritual evolution. These classes are designed with a holistic perspective, and get individualized attention from experts. Yog Power International provides online live yoga classes which helps you therapeutically as well as physically. Our teachers have a dedicated demonstrator show you how it’s done, and your doubts and queries are resolved instantly. Yog power international has a special form of yoga, it can discover new dimensions to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
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yogpowerint03 · 1 year
Power Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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Power Yoga is a set of yoga asanas and breathing exercises that targets overall fitness and body welfare. It is a fitness regimen that is to be practiced by people who opt for Yoga as their fitness solution. Popularly, it is believed that Power Yoga is meant for the middle-aged men and women who need to get back to fitness. But that is a wrong conception. The kids and the youth of our society actually need it more than the elders, certainly because of the fast paced world!
“The majesty of a tree lies in its roots “
This statement signifies why Yoga has to be practiced from a young age- when the roots are strong, the tree grows in all majesty! And Power Yoga is one such discipline that nurtures young bodies and makes them stronger. Once that base strength in internal organs and biological system is gained, a child is able to tackle the daily wear and tear in an effective manner. Kids Yoga training also helps in building immunity at a young age, keeping diseases away for a long period of time.
It’s not just the kids but also the youngsters/ who need Power Yoga today. With educational and professional commitments consuming tremendous time off their lives, managing stress and staying healthy amidst that is really difficult. Power Yoga Classes & TTC help in de-stressing and also impart a physical and biological condition that stabilizes and rejuvenates the body very well.
Many people question things like- ‘my kids are healthy, why yoga for them?’ The answer is simple; health is just a good condition that is temporary. What is important for us is to maintain that health and to get stronger by the day. That can be possible by practicing yoga regularly. Yoga for teens is beneficial in improving their concentration, memory power and determination. This helps them in their studies and also assists greatly in managing the burden of stress that is imposed due to cut throat competition. Power Yoga does hand out a lot for you, if you are willing to open your hands and accept it!
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yogpowerint03 · 1 year
Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai | Yog Power International
The best way to convey gratitude is to serve!
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Teaching is not a profession; it’s a way of life. And when Yoga is being taught, it comes out of unadulterated compassion and will to serve others! Yog Power International gives you the opportunity to become an excellent trainer right under the guidance of Yoga experts.
Our Teacher Training Course is designed to mould you into a fine yoga practitioner before you can get into the shoes of a trainer. We teach you the Advanced Echelons of Yoga so that you can master it like the back of your hand. Our emphasis during the course is not to make you powerful, but to make you so eligible that you can empower others! We just don’t teach you the techniques as they are; we go one step Further and Explain the science behind it so that you are clear in your teachings.
With tips, advice and practice, we instil the Yogic lifestyle that is not only beneficial for your well-being but also for your personality. A lot of theory is elaborated while practical exercises are followed. We ensure that you are well-versed with the Principles and Fundamentals of Yoga so that you are looked upon as an inspiration by your students. We provide this course along with a valuable Teacher Training Certification for the disciplines of Power Yoga (Basic), Power Yoga (Advanced) and Aerobics. On receiving this certificate, you will be a certified Yoga trainer! You can choose your field of interest and start off practicing under our Teacher Training Course.
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