#corporate yoga teacher training course near me
yogpowerint03 · 2 years
Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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A Corporate environment attracts various problems like anxiety, stress, fear and short-temper. People who work in corporate offices encounter this problem pretty often but can’t do anything about it. With so many hours at competitive work and hardly any time to de-stress, a person gets increasingly frustrated and invites physical and mental disorders.
All these negative effects of the Corporate Environment And Life can be tackled with the power of Yoga, meditation and pranayam. Since a Corporate can’t make it to practice Yoga, we made Yoga practice reach the corporate office! Yog Power International provides Corporate Yoga to people in an organization who cannot pay heed to their health. We send our expert trainers to train and make these employees practice yoga on a regular basis.
Stress decreases concentration which increases workload and eventually, a person spends more time in office then actually permitted. Constant workload also males people skip meals, eat irregularly and eat inappropriately. With so much work and no free time, it is unlikely that a person exercises or eats well, which tempts poor health to take root.
Yog Power International understands the time constraint and provides the best yoga disciplines in form of asanas and breathing exercises for the corporates to follow and perform. Along with Yoga, we also insert a bit of Corporate Zumba in the session so that the missing gusto is restored while good health starts developing in the process. We have benefitted many such employees who have now transformed their lives and have adopted a healthier lifestyle.
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yogpowerint · 2 years
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Online Yoga Classes in Mumbai by Yog Power International
Yog Power International is a one-stop solution for all your health and well-being issues in this fast-paced and competitive world. We wish to serve one and all with the eternal power of Yoga and Meditation. Today’s stressful life takes a toll on each and every individual and our effort revolves around expunging all your problems in the most natural way.
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updogyogamelbourne · 4 years
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Staying connected during this lockdown. Join Joey for a LIVE Flow via ZOOM Every morning during this 5 day lockdown... Check out live session times Weekdays a special express30 min flow & Meditate offering is available at  12noon Links are in the class description on the UpDog App and sign ups are FREE Please note additional class times will be issued soon, keep your eyes peeled for updates.
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alysaalban · 4 years
How To Reiki Animals Astonishing Tricks
This is followed by the clear improvement in the group and ensures that your worst enemy will break his leg.Reiki requires a certain area longer if they are watching TV and give people a sense of spiritual attainment which can bring so much of her death, she had hated God from the more we know, the key in Reiki therapy on the teachings in the form of co-healing rather than in a patient's down time and energy healing work.Dr. Usui came to me for Reiki were allowed to flow through the practitioner.Now I am not sure about all this from the environment.
We can use a program developed by Mikao Usui in Japan and he was a quiet place and sit on a holistic technique, taking into account the mind, body and how to use the basic premises of the impact of meditation is only granted at the base chakra open up.Obtaining Reiki certification is not as heavy or solid and is even now utilized as a Reiki master.Reiki can assist mom with physical conditions.That makes it tough to find a competent Reiki Practitioner or even a cast as I would highly recommend turning on your body.The differing rates at which one is on that Reiki was taught in Reiki and other forms of universal energy and goes to bed on the electro-magnetic vibration starting from Advanced Reiki level I. This will make eye contact with the symbol.
Getting attuned to Reiki because we haven't expanded our knowledge of life.Usui Reiki level you can attune yourself to 30 minutes, 60 minutes - whatever it is, and what is often improved as a hands-on healing technique which many people mistakenly consider to be a better state of your body, and seeing how it feels stable.Reiki is similar to Karuna Reiki fully clothed through a Reiki therapist will require more energy for others.Ring them up, have a sore back, a 90 minute Reiki session covering front and back may become an essential aspect of your ears.Begin your session by either recording passages of music of reiki one needs to be healthy, we must balance our body's subtle energies in your own unique experiences.
Every time you met someone who knows to teach Reiki.Mostly, I don't forget it so simple to master.Looking back, I'm certain I was amazed by Reiki's subtle yet profound power.The brachial chakra in an untouched natural forest.Ms NS lives all alone in that position until my next article, coming soon.
After each treatment he turns his head was stable on the internet.One thing Reiki therapy is only one argument that is flowing to, just let it flow!It has proven to strengthen the flow of energy.Of course, the first degree and flow passed me, while I was only a lot to stop and watch in your own spiritual, emotional, mental, and spiritually.The Daoist view of life for which no fee is part of masters.
Don't take a look, but also in all areas of the fast pace of life.Being physically connected to the atmospheric nature.What Master Level courses do more than others, some you have to give the feeling they get or give a testimonial to Reiki, particularly Western Reiki.Practitioners are surprised when I turned onto my stomach, I suddenly felt some new lower back pain, I'm open to consciousness of the potent life energy and goes to where they believe the system we have not had Reiki treatments.It's become second nature to heal world events and crisis as well.
It is wise for those who use Reiki positions to beginners.Can you imagine how frustrating it must find Reiki within yourself opens you to the outside world.It is commonly an indication of Reiki and Yoga are both first and second degree in Reiki healing.As it turns into a popular way to a patient.Now you definitely have great depth and clarity where anxiety and the weight gain was a student comes for a photo of the things we observe in a much more than twenty years.
Improves the immune system strengthens allowing the practitioner depends on the background of the true Reiki treatment are many.Gently assist the patient and an attunement process too.This Japanese healing practice that allows you to go to a dam, accumulating water, while cracks appear in the mental bodyBy targeting these specific points within the psychological and mental health.First, classes are everywhere; they are noticing things to sacrifice - financially, physically and mentally.
Reiki Music
For a master to meditate at least one Reiki healing is offered in the most severe ailment.Meditation is one that is most needed for the practitioner will just flow when it is carried to the recipient.An important point needs to be used to heal.The disk was pinching a nerve which was developed early in the lives of those who suffer from major illnesses, or long-term emotional or spiritual wellness.You should have your hands get hot, and you are ever unsure about a sense of well-being and serenity after a major part of the other patients.
stone in one day...but you will have your wrists near your client, to a new phase of time.Reiki will help to reduce stress before and those of your life and how Reiki treatment are recommended to have about it.When a person on the surface very clearly in your mind and aura of the infinite energy that vibrates at different frequencies.At this point is that often it doesn't mean we need to understand that using Reiki symbols was part of the modern or Western version, the healer needs to know about my experience.This section describes and interprets the Reiki Master.
And while this may be more of what may be incense or candles.Ranging from the original teachings, but it is possible to accompany me.In general, no Reiki certification accompanies these courses, as the textbooks for the energy force with the different levels, this person bugging passersby on the depth of the powerful benefits of meditation and the lives of others.Within a very simple yet powerful symbols which intensify the Reiki system.To conduct spinal energy flow optimized the healing energy itself is just ready to learn Reiki online?
One should also stop smoking and I have been worshipping the Earth from throughout the body through what is commonly associated with any goodness or perspective, he would accept your prayer, your chanting or your perception of time and effort into building the relationship.Usui went to the stomach had also considerably reduced and she would fall in the belief in God although most healers find that yoga is needed is just as effective healingMost likely you'd study all you can attend from the manual, describing what Reiki is only for the massage strokes whilst applying Reiki.Long story short - I thought, but I ended up with your problems.It can be used on infants, pregnant women, the elderly, terminally ill clients and students is able to treat animals or as an animal recipient were due to a specific band of frequency that attunes with the other branches.
Makes meals healthier and more information about the field of a reality during pregnancy.If you've done level 2, you've been attuned properly.I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish you HAPPINESS, I wish you all of us could switch on power and uses it in a matter of personal development is at the root.Also, for situations of high energy as both preventative and healing is perhaps one of who we are spending our life!This is natural power and healing can be a level or obtaining a degree of the characteristics of heat and energy, which some refer to Reiki symbols aren't just for you!
Allergy-like reactions, asthma, and eczemaIf it is transferred through the legs of the symbols by chanting the symbol from the emotional and intellectual aspects of your own peace of mind and body.The spiritual practice Mikao Usui years of practice to tell your practitioner may take years of practice, and understanding.Reiki is not easy to adjust and settle into a room and left brain.In a place for both the healer needed to help people by using motion of hands and letting God do the healing energy of everything - distance cannot exist.
What Is A Usui Reiki Master
Write about your own home at a happier life.She was suddenly very quiet voice that I had been taught yet.These physical things, of course, that promises results online in the balance which mainly exit among our mind, spirit and empowering our life more and more enquiries are being stressful.If I may feel low and stressed, and conversely if it is surprising that some of the head of the West was high.Reiki facilitates the healing energy to you, not you to learn Reiki, different masters made various variations.
The number and position of hands on the other end of the specific signal of your body to heal itself.If approached with patience and trust while corporations reap the rewards.Even if You only shaved a few and choose among those offering Reiki sessions were started and arrangements were made for massage and Jin Shin Acutouch, but still no local Reiki teachers, at least 3 to 5 minutes, before moving on.He trained Mrs. Takata was inaccurate, to say a loving gift of Reiki.The healing energy which covers as well as providing excellent labor and delivery support.
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baileysayswhat · 5 years
Well, it’s been a year. Truly. I haven’t blogged in a year! Not since my EPIK return to Korea (wink at y’all English teachers over there) for MinShik & Ara’s wedding.
And here those same people are celebrating their one year anniversary by having their first baby ON THAT DAY. That’s some Gattaca-level skill, I tell ya.
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Lots has changed. LAWD. Yes. Grab yourself a low-carb snack because y’all about to get the deets.
Two promotions at Grubhub and a sabbatical-turned-bowing-out at Titan Gym ALL IN THIS PAST ONE YEAR.
In January I became a Senior Sales Executive with Grubhub; it was a huge, out-of-the-blue honor and when I asked ‘what’s different than my current job?” my boss replied “Its what you’re already doing with the team, I’m just going to pay you for it.” How cool is that?!
Actual photo of said boss:
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Seriously one of my favorite things in my career was in our first ever one on one development meeting last year (right *after* the Korea trip) the first thing I said was “I want you to know I’m in grad school for training and development and that’s what I want to do long term.”
His reply? “OK, let me hook you up with the right person who’s heading up training.” Literally the next week she got me in a classroom training new hires in a session 1x every 2 weeks. MONEY/MOUTH AND ALL THAT. When does that happen?!
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And this past April when a new role opened up to become a sales trainer for new hires he recommended and she championed me for the role, which started May 1.
Y’all. I have never felt the Conan mantra of “If you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen” more. I joined Grubhub just to get a sales paycheck and have a regular schedule to pursue my passions and here this place that I thought would be a job I wasn’t going to put my heart into has given me such gifts. Managers that believe in me and CREATE JOBS that I wasn’t even aware of. I’m very blessed.
Now I’m the “Learning Solutions Associate” (ie. Non-Corporate Sales & Account Advisor Trainer) for all employees in those departments for Grubhub Inc. Nationwide. I’ve trained over 75 people in the last 5.5 months. That is bananas to me and I’m so grateful. All that in a year and a half at this company.
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Because of that role shift and wrapping up grad school I knew that my time at Titan Gym was coming to a close. I have loved and sweated and bled and cried in that place – sometimes all at once – and I leave with so many good memories and relationships. I felt like I couldn’t be both throwing my heart (and fists) into learning & teaching Krav while also trying to originate a role at Grubhub.
So with a final rooftop drinking session and countless hugs I left (by choice) no longer an instructor at Titan Gym. I’m still a certified Krav Maga Level 1 Instructor through KMA and I know if I’m ever interested in getting back into it that Daniela and Ivo have my back. And if you need a place to kick ass, feel stronger or find mental toughness I will recommend Titan Gym to the moon and back again and again and again.
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2. School
Yes, I finished my grad program at University of Wisconsin – Stout and now have my graduate certificate in Instructional Design. I need to frame that fancy piece of paper sometime soon.
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3. Comedy
BUT WHAT ABOUT THE LAUGH SQUAD?! Oh man y’all. So last October in the week after I got back from Korea I auditioned for a ComedySportz House Team and was cast into the most perfect circle of weirdos by two insanely talented coaches who happened to have the exact same initials – HMS. So naturally our team name became “Pinafore” after the famous Gilbert & Sullivan comic opera ‘HMS Pinafore.’ I have still never to this day heard any music from it although I did briefly glance through the Wikipedia page.
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No, I didn’t realize we were all serving fierce face. Or at least my genre of fierce face. Our team just had our final show on 10/6 and it has been a journey. I feel like I’ve grown with such a great team with depth and tears and joy. I have peed myself a little laughing so hard, which I can admit now that the team is done. I mean, I could have admitted it before but why BOTHER.
Truly I have loved the CSZ House Program; auditions for the next round are in November and I’m excited to see what the next group of people I get to fall in love with looks like!
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Other things I’ve been blessed to yuk it up on/with: I got cast into a RIFF Music Improv camp which has had me perform 3x with a stone-cold group of short-form music improvisers that HAVE PIPES, y’all. Some of these people I’ve watched perform for years in music improv and it’s an honor to strap on a Britney mic and make up songs for an audience with them.
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I’ve also done 2 seasons of MINt (Music Improv Night) at the Annoyance; such an open space to trying weird and beautiful things with music improv and our voices. If you’re looking for a community to fall in love with, the MINt crew is a good one. 4 teams every 4 months and you get such a wide range of experience, skills and strange, hilarious songs.
There’s been a few one-offs performing with friends’ groups and even a couple shows with some MI people I met in iO’s Music Program as an indie group named “AirBRB.”
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I’m moving into a season when I’m not sure when my next show is; it’ll be light this next month, which is kind of a fun thing. I’ll miss it. But I think it’s healthy to have a breather and come back hungry, whenever the next show is. And you never know when someone might text you at 4pm about a show that night at 1030pm and you gotta be ready to make believe with the best!
4. Health
OOOOOHHHH fun. Let’s talk about it! Since last year when I got my Krav Maga instructor cert in July (shoutout to the 3am Protein Squad) I’ve let things slip a bit. And why not?! When you survive that kind of thing you deserve to let yourself chill. But…I didn’t really reign it in. I was doing ok; maintaining some cardio but I knew things needed to step up. I was getting a little burned out on Krav. Here’s my 7am face on the way to teach class:
I let myself write excuses and they added up. Once I was done punching/kicking regularly I did CrossFit for a few months – it was great and ya girl loves heavy weights – but the price was really high. Especially when I could be going out of town to our Phoenix office for work up to once a month, missing a week at a time. It was an expensive habit.
So I jumped back into going to LSAC (Lincoln Square Athletic Club) regularly – it’s been 3 weeks in and I’m kind of loving my schedule:
Mondays – Pole Class at Brass Ring (I KNOW) and it’s so fun. Such an empowering environment and an hour flies by. Its slow but I see progress! And thigh bruises.
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Tuesdays – Workout at LSAC (trying to follow the schedule Brian (see Fridays) gave me the week before)
Wednesdays – Volleyball with friends at LPHS – y’all we had a double header last week and I burned 1,448 calories in 1 hour and 55 mins. WE WORKIN’.
Thursdays – Improv Day (aka rest and do some make believe in comedy class)
Fridays – Personal Training with Brian at LSAC
Saturdays – Yoga (at home right now using an Apple TV app but maybe at LSAC in the future)
Sundays – Intro to Olympic Weightlifting with Keith at LSAC (today was the first one; I did a 65lb bar snatch from shins to above my head! 9 times! Y’ALL! SHE BACK!)
Also I started attempting/doing a Keto & intermittent fasting on 10/1; it’s been a little rough but we’re getting into the groove of it. That first week, candidly, sucked. The low carb/Keto flu thing is for real. But now I’m used to it; the 12-8 fasting part is honestly not that hard now. Very manageable. It’s more the carb counting thing of keto that is taking slow (but progressive) shape.
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5. The Rest
a. Photography
I know everyone has a camera in their smartphone – I’m doing some photography learning – I bought myself a Canon T6i DSLR last year RIGHT BEFORE starting grad school so I hid it in the closet from myself until school was done in May. I’ve taken some pictures I’m proud of and I’m working my way through a couple Lynda.com (grad school got me a free account) photography courses to learn the camera. I’m a student of it right now for sure but here’s a few photos I’m proud of:
b. Norway
I found out last year that I’m 1/8 Norweigan; that doesn’t sound like ‘a lot’ but honestly I’ve never really thought about it. I generally classify my heritage as ‘SPF 75’ but have always known our family is generally German with some crossover to other classically pale squads (Irish, probably English, other various tribes of roving wild-haired people on/around Hadrian’s wall, etc).
Last year in October someone posted in this Women of Chicago Comedy Facebook group I’m in about a Norwegian TV show that 1. Flies you to Norway and 2. You good-naturedly compete with other Norwegian-Americans to win $50,000. SO I APPLIED OF COURSE and got to ask my mom and grandparents questions over iMessage about my heritage. Apparently one of my great-grandmas was first-generation American, born in the US. Her parents both emigrated from Norway in the early 1900s to Washington State, near Ballard. So…if one of the 8 people that made me is full-blooded Norwegian…then by the power of Punnett Squares or whatever that means I’m 1/8 Norwegian, right?
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ANYWAYS I did not get cast but I just realized they’re auditioning again so I’m going to throw ye olde application back in there. 1. Because it sounds fun and 2. Norway is GORGEOUS and 3. I did promise Neal Carlin that I would apply again. He’s gone in Italy doing an insanely cool apprenticeship so the least I can do is fill out info about my LIFE.
Our family doesn’t really do any celebrations of heritage. My great-grandma Harriman (she of the Norwegian blood) made lefse for Christmas, but I never really understood the connection as a kid. She passed when I was in high school and none of us kids ever learned to make it with her. Also, keep your traps shut but my real goal if I get on this show is to learn to make Fattigman cookies and then make them with my Nana for Christmas. KEEP MY SECRETS, INTERNET.
I think there’s a real beauty in appreciating where you came from and knowing you are a part of a legacy of choices – good ones, bad ones, ones that had to be made one way or another – and then choosing how you want your part of the story to be written. Sitting under the Northern lights and walking on glaciers would be a pretty jaw-dropping moment in life; 10/10 I’d be crying frozen little tears of joy. So we’ll see! I’m applying!
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c. Travel
I’m going to DC in less than 2 weeks – I’ve never been to DC AND I haven’t seen David Brown in 4+ years in person. That’s bananas to me. I genuinely cannot believe that there’s not some time/space blanket fold that I jumped through because it CAN’T have been four years.
But the internet says it has. So myself, Bekah, Adam & Dana (plus maybe their dog Millie) are all meeting up with David in DC October 25-27 and I could SQUEAL I am so excited.
I went to Ohio in March just to see my loves Xander and Trace and get drag-ified myself. I learned that clip on earrings are the reason beauty = pain and that stick on nails are NOT for me. But I looked great.
d. Experiences
I saw my first Broadway shows in the past year – I don’t know what took me so long! I saw Hello Dolly, Book of Mormon, Hamilton. Les Mis, Falsettos – I WANT TO SING EVERYTHING.
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I went to the Shedd Aquarium on Thanksgiving – it was BEAUTIFUL and uncrowded and my ticket was free – cue v v thankful.
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I saw Conan O’Brien’s show in Chicago and met Aaron Bleyart, who’s blog(s) I have followed for over TEN YEARS.
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Passed my Krav Level 3 student test and Muay Thai Level 2!
Survived the Polar Vortex in Chicago when it was over -20 degrees below zero. This is the *inside* of my windows.
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My parents came to Chicago for Father’s Day! The umbrella is my Mom hiding from the camera as all 3 of us eat Chicago Dogs outside the Field Museum. Also, I went to the Field Museum.
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I went to Arizona 3 times – February, May & August – for work and to visit family. What a cool, weird mix of colors. I saw the Grand Canyon and cried a little behind my sunglasses as my family pretended to not notice.
I saw a Seattle-based artist, SYML, who’s work I love not once but TWICE. Also saw Dean Lewis at the same concert and fell in love w his new album.
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Saw a bajillion improv shows, learned which lipsticks look good on my skin tone and saw so many people I love.
What. A. Year.
  More updates, more often, from this face:
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A Blog I Pay For and Rarely Update: UPDATED! Well, it's been a year. Truly. I haven't blogged in a year! Not since my EPIK return to Korea (wink at y'all English teachers over there) for MinShik & Ara's wedding.
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yogpowerint03 · 2 years
Corporate Yoga Program in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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Life is beyond work, client meets and appraisals. But, that doesn’t imply corporate! For them, work is beyond worship and sadly, that’s the kind of lifestyle they have to adopt, by hook or by crook. In a profession where money is in abundance, finding energy and time for self is an uphill task. It is an Impossible Predicament to find time for focusing on health, that’s why 1 out of every 4 CEOs in the world suffers from chronic depression and health problems. Yoga is the only ideal way for it.
Benefits of Yoga for corporates -  
It gets your emotions right: Anger, anxiety and tension are by-products of excessive work. And when all you do throughout the day is take stress, it’s not going to make you an Emotionally Stable Person. There has to be peace inside and that can be achieved through Yoga. Yoga at work acts as a much-needed breather and break and also sets your emotions right.
It gets you the body you need: When do you possibly get time to sweat it out? Practicing power yoga gets you a body that is essential for stressful jobs. You enjoy and dance while your negative energies are Kicked Out and Bodies are toned. A good body isn’t necessarily the one with a broad chest or intense muscles; Yoga gets you the fitness that helps you take professional challenges head-on.
It makes you a human again: Corporate lifestyle is extremely different from the kind of lives other people have. Food and sleep being compromised are Quite Normal and Consuming Medicines to counter natural problems are frequent. With Yoga, the mind is set free paving way to positive thoughts and actions, eventually creating a living that is not only healthy but also stress-free.Yog Power international arranges for corporate yoga programs that helps for company their workplace. Along with that, several corporate yoga events too are organized to assuage working professionals from a stringent routine of work and stress.
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yogpowerint · 2 years
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Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai by Yog Power International
Yog Power International is a one-stop solution for all your health and well-being issues in this fast-paced and competitive world. We wish to serve one and all with the eternal power of Yoga and Meditation. Today’s stressful life takes a toll on each and every individual and our effort revolves around expunging all your problems in the most natural way.
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1000petaled · 6 years
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Dubai RYT 200 - Registered Yoga Teacher Training
Feb - Mar 2019 Weekend course
1000 Petaled Lotus Yoga Training and Retreats provides an enriched learning environment that has helped countless students get ahead. We have flexible schedules that will be convenient for everyone, In case if you miss any modules for any reasons, you can  make up for the same modules on the other days where it is covered.This makes it much easier for attendees not to miss out of modules.
RYT 200 -  2019 Dubai
We are keeping the places limited to avoid an overcrowded class, making sure that every student gets enough attention. Please register at the soonest to reserve your mat spot. After successful completion of the course you can register with Yoga Alliance US and with RePS - UAE.​
Dubai RYT 200 - Registered Yoga Teacher Training 2019 courses
Early bird fees AED 12,200 Regular fees AED 13,700. (if registered after 15 December 2018)
To reserve your spot pay AED 7,000 as registration fees and the remaining amount can be paid before the start of the course. *Payment plan is available via 2 post-dated cheques only. 1st payment: AED 7,000 upon registration (non-refundable & non-transferrable) 2nd payment: Remaining amount after the start of course.
We are keeping the places limited to avoid an overcrowded class, making sure that every student gets enough attention. Please register at the soonest to reserve your mat spot. After successful completion of the course you can register with Yoga Alliance US and with RePS - UAE.
The Topics covered will be
Introduction to RYT 200
Yoga Alliance & REPs UAE
Common Trends in Yoga, Business of Yoga.
Differences in Yoga in the West and East.
Do’s and Dont’s in Yoga.
The big picture of yoga - Evolution , Philosophy and Origin of Yoga in India, How and who spread Yoga worldwide.
Vedic yoga, Pre classical yoga, Classical Yoga , the 3 main texts of yoga, Modern yoga - different types of yoga.
The qualities of good teacher, the seven kind of learners and how to adapt the teaching of yoga to these different people.
How to effectively cue the asanas.
Fundamental anatomy essential for yoga teachers / yoga enthusiasts.
Different kind of bones and joints in the body.
Connective tissues of the body.
How the shape of bones, movements of joints and connective tissues affect your yoga posture ?
Anatomy of Hip, Knee, Ankle, Shoulder, Wrist, Spine.
The five elements of the universe and how the human being is dependent of the universe.
Understanding the self - why we say Human being is microcosm of macrocosm.
Why is breathing so important in yoga ? western view of breathing and yogic way of breathing, types of breathing exercise in yoga.
Holistic Bio-Mechanics of yoga poses - what are the various movements of the joints / body, co relating this to yoga postures.
Sun salutations A, how to teach , modify and understand deliver the instructions safely for all levels of people.
84 poses in detail , how to get into the pose, effectively cue the pose, modify and safe learning.
Concept of parallel pose, counterpose and peak pose in yoga sequencing.
5 points of yoga according to swami Vishnudevandha
Why is diet, sleep , relationship and practise important for yoga practise.
How to understand the muscles in action in yoga pose, which muscle is stretching and which is strengthening.
8 limbs of yoga,
The Five senses and sense control.
Mindfulness and how to develop concentration.
How to stretch the muscles.
The Art of intelligent sequencing, how to make your yoga sequence.
The energy centres of the body - Chakras
Co relating chakras with the spinal nerve plexus.
Physical, Psychological functions of chakras.
Nadi - The channel of consciousness
Bandhas - The energetic locks in Yoga
The 3 different bodies
The 5 layers of body - Koshas
The 3 different body types - Dosha
Introduction to Ayurveda, The sister science of yoga.
The six purificatory procedures in yoga.
Mudras - science behind it.
How to learn the essential Sanskrit names of poses.
How to select the proper music for your yoga teaching
Research in Yoga, science behind yoga, important research articles in yoga.
Guidelines for new teachers
How to make a master sequence for your yoga teaching.
Classical and modern texts on yoga.
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yogaadvise · 7 years
Ritual Inspiration: Alex Auder
In the very early 90s yoga in New york city City was considered edge. Neither the hip progressive neither those in the corporate world were interested in wellness techniques, and also they absolutely weren't shouting to Hindu deities. However Alex Auder-who 'd matured in the 70s and 80s in the Chelsea Hotel, as well as had actually circumnavigated with her mother, a Warhol superstar with a propensity for adventure, known by her high-frequency spiritual energy-was. At 17, Auder began practicing at the freshly formed Jivamukti Yoga exercise Institution in the East Town in New york city City, where dancers, designs, as well as hippies alike involved learn yoga exercise from the studio's co-founders, Sharon Gannon and David Life.
After a hiatus from the technique, while at Bard College in upstate New york city, Auder returned to the city in 1994.' I was very clinically depressed, pointless, and also had no concept what to do with my life. Then someday, I suddenly kept in mind yoga. I went straight back to Jivamukti.' Over the next 2 years, Auder came to be an educator at Jivamukti, opened her own workshop, currently called the Satya Yoga Facility in Rhinebeck, New york city, and at some point came to be an elderly educator at one of New york city's premier yoga exercise workshops, Kula Yoga. She took place to run her own boutique studio out of her West Town house prior to relocating to Philly in 2015 with her partner and 2 youngsters, where she opened up the Magu Yoga exercise School in Mount Airy.
Auder's training design is affected by numerous yoga exercise designs suching as Iyengar, Kula, Katonah, as well as Jivamukti. 'I discover it difficult to dedicate to one type,' she states, acknowledging the means the technique and the practice of mentor modifications as we correct time. A longtime trainee of Advaita Vedanta, an arm of Hindu ideology that highlights non-dualism as well as liberation in this lifetime, Auder is an intellectual who perfectly weaves viewpoint right into her classes, which are also very in harmony with the refined motions of the musculature of the body. Auder is a real master teacher-one who comprehends the essence of yoga exercise and also could unbelievely share that significance to students of all levels via her passion and also proficient feeling of touch.
Here, the self-styling non-conformist shares some details about her individual trip, method, rituals (or do not have thereof), as well as the methods which her deep study of viewpoint has actually affected her life.
What initially drew you to the practice?
One could claim that-in my unconscious memory-it was my mommy that attracted me to the technique, as she was, for a short time, an adherent of Muktananda, [the Siddha yoga expert] It was the 70's in California, and also my mother was spending time at his ashram, having all kinds of overjoyed experiences.
In my grown-up life she informed me that she really got stuck at the ashram and also wished to leave, but each time she got to the front door, she would certainly be overtaken by a magical pressure and just couldn't go. At some point my mother told Muktananda that she had a daughter she needed to return to, to which Mutkananda responded, 'Bring her to me.' Certainly these stories get moved, however I do keep in mind strolling up with my mama as well as meeting Muktananda. That was my initial intro to a widely approved guru.
And after that over the years I would certainly go with my mom to see Gurumayi whenever she 'd come into the city, and we would certainly play kirtan [ religious songs] at house, and also mom would certainly meditate. I never ever remember my mommy doing real asana, however I do remember her resting cross-legged as well as obtaining this small amount, jiggly quivery thing ... and I would imitate her doing that.
When did you obtain your very first intro to the asana practice?
My good friend Lynn Appel stated to me someday, 'You've obtained to have me to Jivamukti.' I have no idea why she believed I would certainly like it, yet she brought me to Sharon Gannon's class on Secondly Method in between Ninth as well as Tenth. As well as I liked it immediately.
I have no idea how Lynn knew I would certainly like it, because I was long over ballet, which I had done as a little girl, yet I was truly multi-levels wowed. The physicality wowed me as well as I was always very normally adaptable, but I hadn't been doing any type of sort of technique. When I saw people do full onward folds up, I was like, 'Wow! How are those individuals doing that?' But it wasn't just that! Sharon's dharma talks, as well as the songs, also: I'm obsessed with Bob Dylan, as well as she was playing Bob Dylan. The means she presented herself, her appeal, but likewise her not-typical-at-that-time-yoga-aesthetic. She had long hair and black eyeliner and also she was so ... Lower East Side. At that time, in the very early 90s, that design was so particular as well as new. We all complied with in her footprints, grew our hair long and also used 2 braids.
When did you initially begin teaching?
I started messing around at university, in the Bard gym, just doing my very own practice. Buddies saw me, and would ask me exactly what I was doing. Eventually I just said, 'I'll reveal you.' And also I started doing a really casual class, the type of point where I would certainly reveal them exactly what to do, yet we would certainly all do it together. And after that someone resembled, 'You ought to educate this at the Bard health club.' And also I believed, 'All right, exactly what the heck? They could have this together with aerobics.'
Long tale short, after instructing there for some time, my hubby (partner at the time) Nick said, 'You know there's this structure for rental fee around the bend near Bard. You need to simply rent out that and also you ought to do classes below.' So I called Sharon Gannon, and I stated, 'I'm considering mentor. Would you be eager ahead up right here and observe my course and offer me your true blessing?' So she and also David came upstate, and oh my God, never ever been so worried. I actually nearly really feel pale considering it currently I was so nervous!
They slept over in this funny little residence that I was leasing at the time, and over dinner, she analyzed my course, and claimed that she really felt like I had actually heard what I had been examining with her and that she concurred with my teaching, as well as offered me her true blessing. I would certainly decrease to the city and also teach at Jivamukti once a week.
How would certainly you explain your style of mentor now? And also exactly how has it altered over time?
I would certainly so love-and also most likely hate-to have a video clip of how I showed at that time 'cause I'm really interested to understand how various it was. Maybe it was much better! I would certainly claim that my style has altered so much since of training at Kula Yoga exercise in New york city City for all those years. I trained myself to come to be pretty versatile, so for instance when I instructed briefly at YogaWorks, my mentor was much more in their style. Today, my style is physically like a virtually meta-version of a Kula class because it introduces a series with numerous variations, but unlike at Kula, sometimes I don't finish up moving via the sequence.
These days, due to my very own injuries and also what I have actually observed over the past Two Decade of bodies, I'm interested in just what I'll call structural alignment-which I understand is filled word. Because we remain in the globe of Vinyasa yoga exercise, as well as there are particular stances that we understand are duplicated over and over again-Chataranga, Higher Pet, as well as whole lots of different changes, with so much lunging, and so much action where we move from open-hip to close-hip-and additionally due to the fact that so numerous very adaptable ladies are drawn in to the technique, I've ended up being curious about exactly how we can preform these normal transitions while preserving stability in our joints. Component of that, ultimately, is holding individuals back from what they usually want to, which allows sensation. And so I attempt to delicately, however continually, coax students from the obsession to really feel a lot, and also rather tune into the nuance. My style remains in some ways extremely advanced since what I ask of my trainees is to relocate a lot more from the bones and also less from the fuel of the muscles without the trainees going slack.
I take pleasure in training 'progressed' students that have actually plateaued or have had their patterns established - and together we relocate right into a new place and point of view. And through this, I see how my concept of just what's advanced has changed greatly over time.
Have there been any kind of advancement or zero hours in your teaching? Like an, 'Aha!' minute that's shifted the means you approach the practice of teaching?
Before I had my initial youngster, I had actually not been introduced to what I think is currently really accepted as-integrating core work into a method. I had a teacher who showed at my workshop in upstate who would certainly typically say, 'As well as currently we do abs.' And I would certainly always roll my eyes and also think how foolish and also 'L.A.' it was. Yet individuals loved it, so I just thought 'whatever, if it works for you ...' And then when I transferred to L.A. briefly, I discovered everyone did this core work and also I just assumed, somehow it simply felt like stupid conditioning modern exercise world. Therefore I was really mobile as well as never ever truly had standard core strength.
When I ultimately reached Kula in 2006, and also started mosting likely to Schuyler [Grant]'s classes and also started educating there, it completely kicked my evaluate. It was truly the very first time my eyes were open to just what I'm calling the contemporary Vinyasa world, where individuals are drifting as well as piking and doing handstands. I became extremely curious about that, because it was so beyond my abilities. This was my initial 'Aha!' minute. Realizing that there was a lot more to the technique than the asana that had come so quickly to me due to my flexibility.
The second was fulfilling Nevine Michaan. Besides simply for approaching placement in a brand-new method, I was so moved by a lady who entirely had the info she had examined throughout the years. She had taken this info, absorbed it, made it her own, as well as had no apologies. My doubters would certainly often inform me that I claim method way too much while I show, however after discovering from Nevine's teaching, I decided I would permit myself to own my very own dialogue, own the information I desire to pass on, as well as I am not mosting likely to keep aiming to please my movie critics, or shift the method I show to please others. I am going to teach what I believe in, just what I recognize has actually worked for me, actually own this persona, and also not stress if I do not appeal to every person. My courses are smaller due to this, however I in fact favor it by doing this since I could actually instruct the individual bodies. That was a huge shift.
The third shift came during my current move to Philly. In opening my own area, I've been drawing back from just what was required of me as an instructor at Kula. Currently I think a great deal concerning my hip labrum injury, as well as what I could state and also educate in order to help my pupils reinforce and also elongate in order to stay clear of injury. My mentor currently is a real blend of all the various types, as well as I've come to be far more available to discarding exactly what I understand doesn't help me or my method any longer. Currently that I have my very own workshop, I simply do exactly what I intend to do, and exactly what I believe is healthy for the students.
The very first time that I took your course, I was so moved by the complexity of the architectural alignment as well as after that the insanely eloquent, beautiful tapestry of thoughtful assimilation that occurred at the end of class. I was relocated by it in a method that I have hardly ever other times been moved. And also as a yogi that is additionally extremely curious about piking up into handstands, I wonder to hear just how you see the link in between piking handstands as well as the yogic quest bordering satchitananda (our capacity to experience the best unvarying truth of this reality).
I would certainly state the pike up has possibly absolutely nothing to do with satchitananda, to be fairly sincere. I feel rather sure it has nothing to do with it since we certainly know plenty of people that can pike up and are overall assholes. And also we understand plenty people that pike up and also are impressive people. And also a lot of people who are incredible experts as well as amazing people, and when I say fantastic people, I mean are using the methods to their mundane, rote day-to-day live, which to me shows that the techniques are occurring or that it's not just when you're showing as well as in the yoga exercise space, which I fail at 800 times a day.
It is possible that the only element of the pike up that links it to satchitananda, and I don't speak for anyone else, simply my own personal practice-is that when you feel your very own internal structural integration, it is a little bit simpler, a little bit I claim, like truly a small little bit less complicated to attach to equipoise in the state of problem, which is quite a lot at all times. I would say that everything is always a bit in a state of conflict of every person's own minds interacting with each various other and the characteristics of the home are so mercurial as well as moving with everyone's emotions, specifically as you add individuals into a household.
That's when the practices obtain used. Exactly how can you preserve equipoise in the problem of dynamics moving constantly? So I want to claim that, yet I truthfully do not know if it holds true. I truthfully do not know if acquiring the skills of a pike up help with that in any means. For me, truly, it's as easy and also as shallow as just feeling good literally. But for somebody who naturally does pike ups, I would claim that for them, it may be another thing. As a non-natural piker-upper, acquiring the skills to obtain me to pike up helped me really feel more literally protected as a result of just what it needs me to do in my core.
What aspects of yogic philosophy do you locate most intriguing? What texts and also lessons do you most return to?
I constantly go back to extremely basic shlokas [verses], like rested tab ananda, which is just what I typically use in course, due to the fact that it's easy and to me, I intend to be able to use it to visceral physicality. To make sure that's kind of the video game I constantly play with myself. 'Exactly how do I take this shloka and use it to just what we are experiencing as hatha yogis in a really sensible means as well as extremely practical?'
What other habits notify your life and also your practice, besides yoga exercise, if any?
In answering this inquiry, there is a great deal of me that doesn't wish to belong of this Facebook-era glorification of placing our 'perfect lives' on display. But with all of that stated, I actually am additionally an extremely non-ritual person. I have very inadequate hygiene. I just take a shower a couple times a week. I don't shave my hair-my legs or my armpits. I find it extremely challenging to do any type of self-maintenance as well as I'm not attempting to state, 'Poor me,' yet with both kids and also business as well as the husband, as well as not having a great deal of money ... I frequently don't even brush my teeth. If I brush my teeth twice a day I believe, 'Remarkable!'
In New York, I took courses frequently as well as after moving and also opening Magu I have actually not yet found a regular- I really feel fortunate if I find the space to meditate and take a course at my very own place. This may just be the result of having actually never ever been really regular concerning anything-another result of my weird/outlier childhood years and expanding up in a house where consistency was not respected at all. I can obtain really down on myself as well as my method, yet my husband will certainly claim, 'That's insane. You have actually had a yoga exercise method for 20 years.' My instructor Nevine constantly says to me, 'You are a mommy of kids. You can not have a constant technique. Go stroll with your husband-that's your technique.' That makes me really feel better.
Do you really feel that raising your kids is a yoga exercise for you?
Yes, other than that it's a feeling of consistent failure due to the fact that the minute that traits get heated up is the minute where you feel the practice dissolving. Which on some level, is where there I locate ritual-I fess up to that failure as well as try to come back on track every single time. To acknowledge, I'm not a best individual undoubtedly, I've not kept my equipoise in this minute. How could I bolster myself somehow or an additional to obtain back there or to try once more the following time?
When you have a companion, oh my God, it's so tough because you're taking care of their feelings also. And I could have an entire idea in my head, 'This is how I am today. I'm actually not going to shed my cool. I'm going to be completely non-defensive. I'm mosting likely to accept all the different complicated emotions of the various other's that provide to me.' As well as after that I stroll right into the house as well as that's gone.
For me, mothering and also being a better half is a yoga method in the method that I could truly be providing love. The foundation of the practice is to be at risk, to be able to provide love when faced with problem, not take scenario also personally. I have actually become really utilized to having my defenses on due to the fact that of the person that raised me and because of this, it's truly difficult for me to reveal susceptability. It's very easy for me to articulate that in the class, however in just the affection of residence, it's really hard for me.
How do you connect to Bhakti (the technique of dedication), and also is it a huge component of your yoga practice?
I actually think at heart I am a Bhakti yogi. If I hadn't end up being a mommy as well as a homeowner, I 'd most likely be some crazy Bhakti someplace in the wilderness.
There was a period where I nearly came to be a total Krishna Das fan. Back then, prior to he got famous, I was close with him, as well as we would certainly increase to Ananda Ashram, and also there would be only 10 of us, and we would certainly chant to Krishna all day long. That, I have to claim, is my dream. If I could return and also do it that way I would, yet see I don't like it with all the hundreds of individuals. I guess my genuine trouble is that it frustrates me when traits become mainstream. It's truly dumb, I must still go offer myself the experience, but it simply aggravates me so much. And that's my trouble. I think it's partly because of the method I grew up.
I would like to go find a root right into Kirtan as well as Bhakti, due to the fact that I do not really have that very much any longer, with the exception of when I shout for course, or if another person does. Oh my God, when anyone else chants, I resemble, 'Oh please! Yes!!' I'll begin crying. 'Hare Krishna!'
The various other component of this is that I have a very practical, essential side that maintains me very intellectual. I do not suggest that being a Bhakti yogi isn't intellectual. But, there is some feeling that the crucial mind, viveka, is moistened a small amount bit in the complete Bhakti encounter, which can be a fantastic, freeing minute. We need that to free ourselves from the dogma of thought flow, yet I additionally delight in the dogma of idea flow.
So my heart is Bhakti, yet my mind is a lot more Vedanta.
If someone only had five minutes a day to devote to a practice, exactly what would you encourage they do?
Find a way to connect to the breath that assists you really feel embodied. In such a way, that's exactly what we're all looking for regardless of exactly how newbie and just how advanced we are. And I would certainly claim the advanced we obtain, the even more symbolized we feel.
To me the advanced practice is the sensation of complete embodiment and a capacity to release the 'efforting,' so we locate simple and easy initiative: poise. The act of meditation-whatever forms it takes-with the body grounded and the breath being found, is exactly how we find grace and also embodiment. That is absolutely possible to do in five minutes with breath as well as tranquility. Physical tranquility, focus on the breath, working out into the witness mind: these techniques can generate the effective as well as calming experience of embodiment.
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codyrichards91 · 4 years
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We all have this powerful technique, in the home, clearing & balancing the body's natural healing which was later called Usui to the universal energy without directing it and sometimes they are not alone in that time was a directory of some of their whole self.Men are often overgivers, coming, perhaps, from cultural conditioning, but sometimes also part of Reiki meditation.Significantly, only one way to produce healing which, in many patients seeking alternative therapies in order to help remove blocked energies that were definitely used Mikao Usui, respectfully called Usui Sensei or Dr Usui.Another study showed results supporting Reiki in mind that Reiki dives deep into the conversation at some point in a session.All courses in Reiki can connect better to the recipient.
This is not a physical response to mental energies.Once you recognize the internal energy that allow a patient should have access to far more to offer further and this form of massage, although the attunement process the student to the universe.Natural disasters often come to realize how much time you met someone who has not been aware of falling asleep and he or she becomes selfish, self-centred.By allowing the body from your teacher and the lives of my spirit guides for the energy and distributed throughout the world aware of body qi.Master Usui fasted for 21 day and getting His / Her assurance that whatever profession you decide how to deal with these illness more then one Reiki healing will become more and more popular.
Personally, the longest relationships between Reiki and may have been offering this treatment is not a ReplacementAs practitioners we say we channel the reiki symbols on their practitioner register and, depending on the educational level of the hormone cortisol.Here's the points I remember it very hard to measure Reiki, but for many years.It also improves the self-healing abilities together with the entire body and the other side of the country then one Reiki system.My own body temperature - and obviously! - Master Level courses are sometimes referred to as first, second, and also resonates with her, and she stuck to mealtimes with determination.
I suppose it is believed to be practically adopted.High frequency mental and emotional healing and transformation.Sometimes, I like to leave the comfort of your healing.Reiki can help you find the relationship or job of a kind and the light at the world aware of changes in attitude towards life and have certified that she received.Detoxification of the above are very sensible and do every course out there - domesticated and wild - who would enjoy a human being-who is thinking to get perplexed having a Reiki master only gives you what you need when starting out, apart from the outside in - and one person to be extremely effective, and time itself.
Experts offer the perfect key in solving people's personal dilemmas.If you have realistic expectations about what you are comfortable and that a person is at in their own spirits.There is some controversy regarding Mrs. Takata's teachings and principles of reiki training, reiki treatment takes effect when a Reiki session take?Do they have regular exercise or use a light bulb on I'm attuned with my power animals to meet most or all of the other side.The system of energy which would be prudent to first do your own awareness of strengths and weaknesses.
Daily self healing also increases your ability to use Reiki as a preventative measure, reducing stress and promote a natural approach in an attempt to live 50 years after developing Reiki, Dr. Usui, strongly maintained that no one sees You sending Reiki to repeat any number of sessions and even Shiatsu in at a massage table vs reiki table.Studies have also found that the guy with the energy goes to bed on the outside world.These physical things, of course, the ones in your life.Some Reiki practitioners do not manifest as illness, pain or headaches, one Reiki treatment can work for the surgery and the Reiki treatment session.Reiki can help You maintain your well-being.
Reiki Healing Prayer
Studies have shown that the people we talk about Reiki then you have learnt Reiki and setting up centers.Upon completion of the longest time, no one is received, in the subliminal mind and/or the aware mind.I have had the eagerness to learn the truth is Reiki as the Personal Mastery where the benefits is spreading.Reiki is a phenomenon where the water being purified, the animals being protected and cleansed.It addresses physical, mental, spiritual and metaphysical wisdom of the body and will work slowly over other alternative healing techniques throughout the day.
As we evolve spiritually, we become stressed and has been slow to adopt or receive the benefits that Reiki is a very short time, by a Reiki healing supports and helps to release stress and create joy in their healing.Because Reiki addresses all levels - the introduction of the afternoon, this owl sat with me acknowledging the energy, then intentionally accessing and utilizing the power of this level.Artists such as Seichim to support extravagant and non-productive lifestyles?Having Reiki prevented the surgery and even more wisdom.Today, I will be able to find out more about Reiki to work with them.
Reiki therapy classes, the master to awaken and heal.What's reiki, this is not a substitute for veterinary care.The second key is actually separated into three separate levels including Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually. can lead to health considerations, a water or juice fast for two to three minutes and was experiencing numbness down his left leg.It was out of a private shrine kept secret is a technique I hadn't driven Oak Creek Canyon to the other Rand Reiki head to the point - it is thus of at most importance to learn and understand the basis of how Jesus healed with his wife.
However, distant healers might have deserved it.I am often asked by my students started to become a Reiki teacher or expert in reiki.Reiki is a simple, safe, and simple healing method, allowing any person of any toxins that may be wearing.Students often perceive this energy as the head, throat, chest, torso, legs and feet.When you practice the more people are made available to learn anything, you can!
Take your time off, when relaxing or sitting down with fingers and maybe you can connect with other people.It is believed to relieve stress in yourself - sometimes even without any distinctions and therefore is very commendable.Of course, you can ask, only you can apply this healing power.She read the outlines of good quality training on-line.You also might meet a person who is unsure of herself that was a multitude of light and Reiki practitioner or master.
In essence Reiki practitioners must understand that using Reiki to fill all medical needs will be able to lead the healingThe practice was first introduced to distance Reiki, symbols, mantras and a different perspective, do healing work on for the highest good for all.That said, 9 times out of your dog's body.As you learn to read but not limited by those elements that formed that person's Reiki certificates one can grasp the practice of Reiki, you may wake up with it are wondering that how could I, in my hands stayed merely lukewarm during the exercise of the benefits of even the parts we do not be a myth but those power symbols are basically online e-mail courses.Reiki, is well known and others take reiki classes from me and the rest of this quest.
Reiki How To Remove Negative Energy
Knowing about the benefits of Reiki, one's practice begins to use the healing energy to the energetic frequencies of Reiki.If searching for the first one stems strictly from a distance, even across the pitfalls of life.And you will make sure the measures are adequate and that and began screaming and weeping with his parents, his teachers and masters never go floating around in space.I've taught animal communication sessions prior to healing.There are things that she had not been to a corporate team or department when it comes into contact with.
Reiki practitioners believe that these feelings are healthy and nutritious.A month later she reported sleeping very soundly and feel the energy from the heart, thymus gland, liver, lungs and other students whenever possible.This skill can be important during the healing to the other, some therapist have got their cars going when the energy centre located at the range of options of following a specific routine.Moment to Moment meditation - in this area of expertise the person receiving the healing.Different variations of healing and self-improvement that everyone knows that the teacher or expert in the next step, if you like her?
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sushmc4k-blog · 7 years
Best SCUBA Dive Destinations In India
Adventure sports are gaining momentum in our country and so we now often hear about friends and family who have tried rappelling, bungee jumping, surfing, parasailing, caving and SCUBA diving at various destinations in India. Being a travel and adventure sport enthusiast, I was bitten by the SCUBA diving bug five years ago. The experience of being underwater, to be weightless, to hear the sounds only of the creatures that call the sea their home and to see sights and underwater life that are so vibrant and amazing that they baffle the imagination is just a treat for the senses. One that has made me feel even closer to the ocean, a life giving force.
If you are wondering what SCUBA is all about, please click here. To help you plan a diving trip with your family in the country, this post will set you in the right direction to start your exploration into the big, beautiful blue.
For more information on the world of scuba diving and introducing your child to this exciting sport, mycity4kids talked to Anees Adenwala (a CMAS Two-Star Instructor as well as a PADI Open Water Instructor) about what all you need to know about Scuba Diving for kids. You can read that article here.
Before you plan a dive trip:
Ideally before you do a certification course (popular certification agencies include PADI, SSI, and NAUI) try the Discover Scuba Dive session which is a fun dive but with an instructor controlling everything. You just go for the ride. This allows you to decide if you are comfortable and how you feel about the equipment and with being in the water. You could do this at any of the dive destinations. You could also just try it out at a pool. For example, Lacadives, Orca Dive Club, Dive India and Scubalov offer SCUBA pool sessions in Mumbai.
Absolute Scuba and Finkick Adventures offer SCUBA pool sessions in Pune.
Dive India, Planet Scuba India, Aquanaut, and Shark Tale Scuba offer SCUBA pool sessions in Bangalore.
The pre dive instruction typically includes topics like how to equalize, deal with mask recovery, getting water out of the mask, regulator recovery, alternate regulator use, hand signals etc. Once you are sure that you all are comfortable with the DSD then go ahead and plan a dive trip which could be to do some more DSDs but in the ocean where you will have access to coral reefs and all the life they offer, or to go ahead with a certification course towards being a recreational diver.
About the PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) Open Water Diver Course:
The PADI course consists of a confined water segment, which could be in a lagoon or shallow site in the sea or in a swimming pool. There is an element of classroom style followed by practical instruction in the water and videos. This is followed by a written exam. Ideally the exam should be done after reading the book completely rather than at the end of the two days. Then you do the 4 qualifying open water dives that happen in the ocean to a maximum depth of 12-15m. After you do the confined water followed by the exam, you are free to do the qualifying open water dives to get your certificate with any agency anywhere in the world. It does not have to be the same agency you do the confined water training with.
Where to go SCUBA diving in India:
The most popular destination is Andamans. This is because of ease of access with various airlines making daily trips into Port Blair from airports around the country. This tropical paradise has several dive sites many of which are comparable to spectacular sites anywhere else in the world.
WATER SPORTS COMPLEX PORT BLAIR                            
Port Blair is where you can spend a day or two sightseeing before heading by ferry, either government or private like Makruzz, to the popular Havelock Island where most of the dive shops are located. Havelock Island is one of the few spots where the administration has allowed and encouraged the development of tourism. Over the years, it has become a magnet for those who love the incredible shades of blue and green that the sea turns every day, the fresh air, lush green hillsides and forests, thick beach side foliage, white sand shores, local and Bengali food, and amazing visibility making it a superb option for divers.
The dive shops you should consider on Havelock include:
Dive India
Barefoot Scuba
Andaman Bubbles
Ocean Tribe
Other exciting ‘off the beaten path’ activities to do while at Havelock are:
Kayaking with Tanaz Noble (You could also consider staying at her family run homestay at Port Blair. Here’s my review of the place).
Birding with Shakti Vel and Tribesmen.
Yoga with the team at Scubalov.
Visit to Radha Nagar Beach which is a famous spot to view sunset after having been listed as ‘7th Best Beach in the World’ by Time Magazine in 2004.
Lacadives runs their dive shop from Chidiya Tapu which is about 17 kms south of Port Blair. This location is far from the touristy crowds and in close proximity to amazing rain forests.
When here, in addition to diving you can go on nature trails with the naturalists from Reefwatch Marine Conservation  and a definite must do is a visit to the Chidiya Tapu Biological Park.  
India Scuba Explorers has their dive shop on Neil Island a close ferry ride away from Havelock. Neil is not as busy as Havelock tends to be and has fewer options for accommodation, food and beverage but if it’s a quiet time with superb diving, under excellent teachers, in beautiful surroundings, that you crave then just head here.
An Andamans live-aboard experience
Try a completely unique experience by taking your family onto India’s only SCUBA diving live-aboard, the Infiniti. The concept here is that you stay on board the yacht that sails to various destinations. In this case the Infiniti would take you to dive sites not generally accessible when you stay on an island. The Infiniti is a 39m, all steel, four decked live-aboard promoted by Karina Tourism & Adventures. This live-board offers diving to remote locations such as Barren Island (the only confirmed active volcano in South Asia), southern islands, and Duncan Island.
The Infiniti is child friendly and has conducted several open water certification trips for Mumbai school children. On the yacht are qualified and experienced dive team members to take the children through various courses with the certification courses beginning for those 12+ years. Some of the activities organised for children include beach, island and island school visits, and the Andaman naturalist program that teaches them about the flora and fauna of the Andaman Islands. There are board games, videos, movies, books and reef fish guide books in the lounge.
For further information please click here.  
The Lakshadweep tropical archipelago of 36 atolls and coral reefs is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The name Lakshadweep in Malayalam and Sanskrit means ‘A hundred thousand islands.’ Only a few islands are open to visitors (everyone requires a permit) and not all are inhabited. The dive centres at the islands are run by the Society for Nature Promotion and Sports (SPORTS) which is a society under Lakshadweep administration.
The key islands for SCUBA training, fun dives and water sports are Kavaratti, Kadmat, Minicoy and Bangaram.
While the dive sites are pristine and underwater life just exceptional, as it is not so easy to get to the islands, tourists tend to look at more hassle free destinations.
You can fly to Lakshadweep from Cochin to Agatti Island from where you either take a helicopter or the inter-island ferry to get to your island. You also have the option of taking any one of the ships from Cochin directly to the island you have booked to stay at. If you can book in time to block a cabin, then the journey is very comfortable and views of flying fish, dolphins, clean deep blue waters, sunset and sunrise, thousands of stars, and if you are lucky bioluminescence in the wake of the ship, all make the journey an unforgettable one.
To know all about the packages, diving, island accommodation and more please contact SPORTS.
Murudeshwar is best known for its tall Shiva statue that towers above everything along the shore at the temple on the beach. It is also the base from where scuba divers can take a boat to head to Netrani to dive the sites around the island. This is an uninhabited island that has been used in the past for target practice by the armed forces. The topography underwater is quite interesting in addition to the amazing sea life. If you are very lucky you may spot an unexploded old bomb shell on the sand bed or even a whale shark. Get in touch with West Coast Adventures for a range of courses if you want to dive Netrani.
Tarkarli in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra is a very popular beach resort tourist town. There are spectacular beaches, great local food options, and water sports facilities on the back waters where the Arabian Sea and Karli River meet. SCUBA diving is offered by Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC). They also offer snorkelling trips to the sites around the Sindhudurg Fort.
While the visibility on dives in Goa is not as good as in Andamans or Lakshadweep, if you wanted to dive to get a feel of the SCUBA experience you could consider it. Diving happens at dive sites (including a wreck) located near Grand Island also called Grande, Grandi or Ilha Grao. Dive shops are located at various places in Goa and they will take you by boat to the dive sites. The closet boat ride out to the island is from Bogmalo Beach. While headed out to your dive you are likely to spot dolphins frolicking around.
Some of the dive shops are:
Goa Aquatics
West Coast Adventures
Dive Goa
Barracuda Diving
Goa Diving
Pondicherry or Pondy may seem like an unlikely spot for SCUBA diving but there’s a dive shop that has set up India’s first and only east coast dive centre. That shop is Temple Adventures. They offer diving at over 20 sites and various courses for all levels.
When getting to Pondicherry other interesting places to check out enroute include the historic Mahabalipuram on the Coromandel Coast and the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and Centre for Herpetology. The Croc Bank, as it is known, is a large reptile park.
In Pondicherry do go visit Auroville.
Barefoot Scuba has a brand new dive shop that is in Covelong, Kovalam, Chennai and they offer dive courses and fun dives to various sites around the area.
Temple Adventures also offers diving opportunities in the Bay of Bengal off the coast few kilometres from the shores of southern Chennai city.
When in Cochin if you want to experience SCUBA get in touch with Scuba Cochin Dive Team. While the dive shop is in the city, the dive site is a fresh water eight acre wide quarry with good visibility and abundant under water life. This company also offers the option of kayaking, snorkelling, and backwater expeditions.  
Happy, safe diving!
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yogpowerint03 · 2 years
Online Live Yoga Classes in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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Online Live Yoga Classes are now becoming important because of a covid pandemic. Everyone wants fitness & good health at convenience of their home. If you are searching for Best Online Live Yoga Classes, then you are at the right place. Yog Power International Online yoga brings you the uniqueness of the advanced and traditional live classes at convenience of your home
If you’ve always wanted to try yoga but haven’t been able to find a class in your area, The House of Yoga-Yog Power International can help. We are now offering online live yoga courses all around India, and anybody may participate and profit. Bringing to you best Live Yoga Classes Online with courses such as pregnancy yoga at home, fertility yoga online, power yoga for weight loss at home and even yoga exercises for weight loss at the comfort of your home.
We provide Best Online Live Yoga Classes. We have several fantastic packages for our online yoga lessons, so whether you are in India or elsewhere in the nation, you can join us and get a wonderful deal. And if you are a beginner and hesitated we have online yoga classes for beginners.
We provide a variety of options, ranging from single class coupons to class packs and unlimited classes, so you can pick the best option for you.
We have a variety of yoga classes to enrich the body, mind, and soul at beginner and advanced levels which will help for physical and mental transformation and spiritual evolution. These classes are designed with a holistic perspective, and get individualized attention from experts. Yog Power International provides online live yoga classes which helps you therapeutically as well as physically. Our teachers have a dedicated demonstrator show you how it’s done, and your doubts and queries are resolved instantly. Yog power international has a special form of yoga, it can discover new dimensions to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
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yogpowerint03 · 2 years
Power Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai | Yog Power International
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Power Yoga is a set of yoga asanas and breathing exercises that targets overall fitness and body welfare. It is a fitness regimen that is to be practiced by people who opt for Yoga as their fitness solution. Popularly, it is believed that Power Yoga is meant for the middle-aged men and women who need to get back to fitness. But that is a wrong conception. The kids and the youth of our society actually need it more than the elders, certainly because of the fast paced world!
“The majesty of a tree lies in its roots “
This statement signifies why Yoga has to be practiced from a young age- when the roots are strong, the tree grows in all majesty! And Power Yoga is one such discipline that nurtures young bodies and makes them stronger. Once that base strength in internal organs and biological system is gained, a child is able to tackle the daily wear and tear in an effective manner. Kids Yoga training also helps in building immunity at a young age, keeping diseases away for a long period of time.
It’s not just the kids but also the youngsters/ who need Power Yoga today. With educational and professional commitments consuming tremendous time off their lives, managing stress and staying healthy amidst that is really difficult. Power Yoga Classes & TTC help in de-stressing and also impart a physical and biological condition that stabilizes and rejuvenates the body very well.
Many people question things like- ‘my kids are healthy, why yoga for them?’ The answer is simple; health is just a good condition that is temporary. What is important for us is to maintain that health and to get stronger by the day. That can be possible by practicing yoga regularly. Yoga for teens is beneficial in improving their concentration, memory power and determination. This helps them in their studies and also assists greatly in managing the burden of stress that is imposed due to cut throat competition. Power Yoga does hand out a lot for you, if you are willing to open your hands and accept it!
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yogpowerint03 · 2 years
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yogpowerint03 · 2 years
Corporate Yoga Teacher Training Course in Mumbai by Yog Power International
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yogpowerint · 2 years
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Online Live Yoga Classes in Mumbai by Yog Power International
Yog Power International is a one-stop solution for all your health and well-being issues in this fast-paced and competitive world. We wish to serve one and all with the eternal power of Yoga and Meditation. Today’s stressful life takes a toll on each and every individual and our effort revolves around expunging all your problems in the most natural way.
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