#corpse mutilation
gleamintomurk · 3 months
we vibe with corpse mutilation for symbolism purposes heren
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casualmelody · 1 year
Genocide of the Jiaoren
CW: Genocide, death, gore (medium), corpse mutilation, heavy subject material ...Dead Dove Do Not Eat on this one. I’m not entirely certain I tagged everything, so warning this is very heavy subject material
All was chaos and screams of fear and agony. The dragon armies had launched a surprise attack upon the Zhēnzhū Capital, and now thousands of men, women, and children were swimming in a massive school trying to flee the danger. One noble was swimming as hard as their body would allow, in the midst of the said school. Blood littered the water as harpoons suddenly shot down from above, pulling innocent souls to their final resting place in a torrent of agony. Orphans cried for parents, lovers called for one another in the cacophony of chaos. As the noble tried to fight the crushing weight of bodies, they spotted a familiar sapphire tailfin.
“MOTHER! FATHER! WAIT! I’M HERE!” With all of their might they shoved violently with their elbows against the bodies crushing against them. They reached out a hand, their fingers nearly grasping the sapphire tailfin…
All of a sudden a gigantic weight slammed down upon them, a scream ripping from their throat as something collided with the back of their head. They were falling…they could feel their body being violently bumped and jostled by the fleeing civilians as the water rushed by them. They felt as if their ribs would break and impale their lungs…but all of a sudden the crushing force was gone. They had fallen out the bottom of the panicked school of Jiaoren. Before their eyes closed, the noble thought they could see two familiar sets of eyes peering down. The shorter of the two turned to her husband, shaking her head. Without a backward glance, they turned to swim with the school.
All became dark. Hours later, through a haze, the only royal child of Hong opened their eyes slowly. Something was wrong, something had happened…they rolled over and came face-to-face with a dead Jiaoren, their body being feasted upon by the bottom-feeders of the sea. They opened their mouth to scream, but found no sound coming out. They tried to move their limbs, but found their arms were too heavy. Even drawing a small amount of breath took great effort. Closing their eyes, the royal steeled themselves, trying to probe their battered body’s nerves to assess the damage. Several bones felt broken, not to mention the back of their head felt….and then suddenly their eyes snapped open again. The red that should be leaking from the corpse before them…why was it blue? Why was everything so blurred? Something had happened, and something bad. They fought the urge to give way to panic, forcing themselves to try to push themselves up to no avail. They were simply too weak…
Suddenly, the monarch felt something begin wrapping itself around their body. To anyone else this would have been cause for panic, but as the battered Jiaoren felt themselves being lifted, they could have cried with relief. The squid was massive, about 40 feet long, its dull colors a welcome sight. As gently as it could, the squid began swimming while carrying the wounded victim. As it did so, the monarch could only look down at the thousands of corpses of their people being devoured by the sea’s carrion eaters. Tears went down their face as they saw how many little bodies were scattered amongst the carnage and how many faces they recognized. Friends, teachers, comrades in arms….all gone in what felt like a matter of seconds.
It was unknown to the Jiaoren how much time passed when at last the Zhēnzhū Capital came into sight. They were carried to the familiar Zhùfú Shēngtiān Palace, the Palace of Blessed Ascension, where a shoal of smaller squids were swimming about. The giant squid lowered the Jiaoren into their hold, where the squids quickly moved them into the palace’s bedroom. Once laid upon the bed, the monarch felt their eyes slip closed once more.
Hours more later, two aurulent eyes opened, their slit pupils adjusting to the minimal light of the room. This time sitting up was a tad more bearable, but they felt their body scream in protest as several wounds were strained. Looking down, the Jiaoren saw the light was coming from a congealment of cuttlefish gently making their way around the bed. At the movement, they turned to look up at the 7’0” monarch. In a hoarse voice, they spoke, “You must know what happened to everyone but…what has happened to me?” One of the cuttlefish swam up to gently boop against their head, where the monarch felt some rather sloppily wrapped bandages. At the kindness, tears filled those yellow eyes. “Dear ones… even now you are the only ones to care for me. Do not fret, I will recover.” With a simple flick, their long eel’s tail turned to the legs of a human. They swung their legs over the edge of the bed and woozily stood. Taking a deep breath, they commanded the currents to gently guide them forth, making them float through the lavish halls. Memories came back to them: the corpses, the screams, the pain… Why? Why was all of this done? The Jiaoren had begun discussions of peace with the dragon kings! A cease-fire had been set in place!
As the back of their head throbbed, a more painful memory came to the Jiaoren. Those four eyes staring coldly, judging them, and finding their existence not worth saving. More tears fell down their face, intermingling with the ocean. As they reached the palace’s Imperial Physician’s workroom, they tried to shove such thoughts from their mind as they began trying to re-patch themselves up. Try as they might, though, each bump, bruise, and break brought to mind the scattered bodies on the ocean floor. With each drop of blood wiped clean, they thought of the sharks tearing into flesh, of the screaming, of the cries of fear as pandemonium tore the world apart.
It was a difficult task, mending themselves. Something was wrong with their eyes….objects that seemed close were surprisingly far, and at times when they went to grasp something their hand would meet the edge of a table instead. This made stitching up wounds a very excruciating, nasty business, but they were a General. They could stand pain. Once they were done, they allowed the currents to guide them once more, this time to the Cǎihóng Palace in the center of the capital. They floated through the sacred halls towards the throne. They paused before it, staring at where their father once sat. Those heartless eyes, the shake of the head…
The ocean began vibrating around the monarch. “They looked back. They saw me, yet they did not think to rescue me. It was a dire situation, but could they not have fallen back? Could they not have swam to the bottom to at least try to resuscitate me? Did they even CARE?!” They felt something burst from them, sending ripples throughout the water. Turning, the monarch would see that the little sea friends kept to the open doorway of the palace. Temporarily, they forced down their anger. In a more controlled voice, they said, “My ire is not directed at you. Please, come forth.” They held out a hand. After a few moments, the cuttlefish and squids approach and swim around them, gently bumping against them, being sure to avoid the wounds. The Jiaoren gently petted them, smiling gently.
“Of course, changes will have to be made.” They stared back at the throne. “I am sure none would mind if I were to take up the dear old man’s throne, and in that spirit…” The monarch suddenly sweeps their hand, the surrounding waves throwing the throne against the wall and wrecking it. “Much better.”
They then stood where the throne once was and turned, facing the large, empty hall where ministers and militants alike once stood. Those days would nevermore come to pass, but a part of the monarch wondered if that were not for the better as they recalled their life behind these walls. Perhaps a change in management was exactly what was needed. Taking several deep breaths, they closed their eyes and began to shut out their five senses. Once done, they followed the iridescent thread of their soul to the well of power awaiting their command. They called upon the power, pulling it forth as their arms raised. When they were thrown forward, a massive golden bubble closed around the capital. The once tortuous home would now become the monarch’s hidden sanctuary where none would find or harm her, be they mortal, infernal, or celestial. With the bubble set in place, the royal opened their eyes and began to work.
It took several days and several pauses for rest, but soon new paintings lined the halls….portraits depicting the monarch in battle, their trident covered in the gore of their enemies. In all of them, the face was scratched out. The old robes they’d worn had been removed and destroyed, now the monarch wore an elegant dress of a pearl’s rainbow iridescence. The center of the dress held an ornament with a simple peony in its center. The flower also decorated the sleeves and collar of the outfit, a darker light purple than the fabric. Their waist-length hair had been taken down from its topknot, allowing the curls to flow in the current as they walked. Instead of the single pitiful golden hairpin, many now decorated her hair, gemstones of varying size and rarity dangling from their ends. A new throne had been placed in the throne room, and upon it they now sat, in one hand gripping their new staff of office: a double-sided trident made of pure diamond. Filling the empty space were several creatures of the midnight zone, all staring with their grotesque countenances upon the monarch before them.
“You, my dear companions of the deep, know me. You know the contents of my character. I ask that you place trust in said character as I lead you into this new age from the ashes of our falling kingdom. From now on, all will know me by my true title: The Rainbow Crown Princess, new master of Cǎihóng Palace and supreme ruler of the Jiaoren. By my honor as your ruler, I shall provide succor and protection against any who raise a weapon to you. The dragons might have the blessing of Heaven, but you all witness how the seas themselves bend to my very will! The Unfathomables themselves place their blessings upon me, and should any proof be needed any who doubt me need only look upon my eyes! Here, within these walls, I will ensure that not even the most microscopic organism meets such a twisted fate!” Slowly, the princess stands, trident glowing in both of her hands. In a voice magnified by power she proclaims, “THUS I HAVE COMMANDED, SO MOTE IT BE!” There was a clap as loud as thunder. To any outside observers, the bubble around the capital would shimmer before disappearing, as if it had never been there at all. In the bosom of the deepest seas now rested the fallen kingdom. Thus it would be for over a millennia, with stories of the Jiaoren being reduced to myth, the massacre disappearing into the sands of time. A relic of those ancient days remained in those waters, biding her time and awaiting the moment to once more bring the mortals to their knees and force them to witness the full might of the seas.
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lorddoodle · 2 months
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my sister and i, they dropped our living husks into tanks and stole our bodies, silenced our cries and claimed it was for the greater good.
bonus line art because i like it :]
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mmelolabelle · 3 months
Louis de Pointe du “You know what? Extreme violence and gratuitous arson got me into this mess, and by god, extreme violence and gratuitous arson will get me out of it”
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baejax-the-great · 27 days
Really have to assume that anyone saying hector didn't deserve to die the way he did didn't actually read the Iliad
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unremarkablehouse · 2 months
who’s gazing who?
One of my favorite things about The X Files is watching Scully watch Mulder and watching Mulder gaze at Scully. Why is it so damn entertaining and adorable?! I’m torn between GA and DD being great actors and adding these micro expressions in naturally; or that they get bored listening to the dialogue so they just entertain themselves by staring at each other. Both actors seem to legitimately enjoy looking at each other acting or not (David talks about how Gillian’s nose moves when she talks and he loves watching it), so it could really go either way. To their acting credit GA doesn’t seem to stare at costars in her other roles and DD does a modified version of the pining gaze after Karen in Californication but it is definitely distinguishable from the Mulder stare. Would love to hear thoughts on this, but I definitely appreciate there are other MSR voyeurs in the fandom because the gifset creators deliver incredible gaze content.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 7 months
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canadiannationalfox · 13 days
Murder Drones - TessaJ Posthumous - Her Blessed Remains
(takes place during the events of Episode 3)
J awoke in the pod. She gasped for air as her internal compressor kicked on. She had some burn marks on her legs where the railgun had injured her that were starting to fade. J wrapped her tail around herself for comfort, her footsteps making the tin floors of the space-ship let out a metallic 'tap' with every step.
Once J reached the control helm, she looked upon the girl in the spacesuit. Normally around Tessa, she would be herself and more loosened up, but she felt something was wrong, she could tell something was wrong, but her memory was too foggy. She stood back, hunched slightly to appear more apologetic, she greeted somberly, "I'm sorry for what happened back there... That you had to repair me."
The Aussie voice came through the helmet with a slight metallic echo, "S'alright, J. We are heading there now to take care of things."
J sat at the second-in-command seat to the left of the woman in the spacesuit. She sighed, looking away, not wanting to make eye contact.
The woman released the pressure from her helmet and took it off.
J heard the hiss of the nitrogen escaping the helmet, she dreaded the next part, but she had to look, she had to face her boss. If she had a stomach and a gag-reflex, J would've retched at the sight, it wasn't fully Tessa anymore under the helmet, it was a twisted amalgamation Cyn and Tessa.
The deceased looking woman trilled in a monotone voice, "[giggle] and what were you ex-expecting, J? Your little princess?"
J glared at her boss, she didn't want to talk. "Let's just get back to Copper 9 and finish the job like you want." She felt like crying, she wanted to be sad so badly, but, she couldn't cry, not in front of the current CEO of JC Jensen.
Cyn smiled a wicked grin, the greying skin on her face made her smile look even more twisted and deranged. She mimicked in the Tessa voice, "Oh come on, Jaybird, aren't you happy to see me?"
J hiccupped in sorrow, she barely made eye contact with the Tessa and Cyn amalgamate. "I... I am, just... I want to be done and over with this. I want to go back and kill that purple toaster. Then we can move on to the next one..." She scorned as she insulted bluntly, "That is if you don't wipe my memory again."
Cyn teased again in the Tessa voice while tapping her fingers together wickedly, "Why, because you think then that I'm your precious Tessa, so you obey and treat me better?"
J was more dulled to the memory resets now, and she had faint memories from them, even if it was fuzzy.
Cyn saw this now as a game, she stated in her normal voice as she picked up a knife, "[Grab] [giggle giggle]" She laughed as she held the knife up to a matted onyx section of her vessel's hair.
J slapped the knife out of Cyn's hand. She growled defensively, "Don't you fucking dare."
Cyn laughed before saying in a slightly-less monotone voice, "What? Does it bother you?"
"It does, a lot!" J screamed back, she couldn't hold her emotions in check any longer, her eyes streamed LED tears.
The cyborg mocked with a sickening laugh, "Did it bother you when Tessa made that precious wig you wear every day?" She teased cruelly as she reached to the back of her head and pulled a small chunk of ebony hair out and threw it at J's face, she heinously smirked at J's dismayed expression before she taunted, "I thought you had a thing for Tessa's hair, right?"
The disassembly drone leader growled with vendetta, she couldn't stand the complete disrespect for Tessa's body. The emotionally wrecked J exclaimed, her core aching with sorrow, "You killed her, Cyn! You killed the only person I cared about! She was my everything! TESSA WAS OUR EVERYTHING! SHE SPARED YOU, AND YOU COULDN'T SPARE HER!"
Cyn smiled wickedly as she picked the knife up again, she now pointed it at J's throat.
J didn't flinch, she was too distressed to care. "Go on, do it then! Kill me off, see if I care!" J shouted, her LED eyes going into the oval light mode, she shook slightly as she was consumed with sobbing and tears. She breathed heavily, her insides were running hot now, and there was no oil to drink.
"Are you done your little tantrum?" Cyn teased in the Tessa voice as she set down the knife.
J breathed heavily and responded, "While I have to obey you... just know if something happens and you perish... I WILL give Tessa a proper burial." She admitted nobly, despite her shaken emotional state, "Her blessed remains deserve respect and rest. My princess deserves that at very least."
Cyn was tired of J's noble streak and stabbed a USB flashdrive into J's hand.
J screeched in pain as she held her hand. She felt dizzy and started to sway before she collapsed onto the floor.
Cyn mocked once more in the Tessa voice to her strongest disassembly drone that was losing consciousness, "Sweet dreams, Jay-bird, let's hope you forget this by the time we get to Copper 9."
The End
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arcanespillo · 6 months
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Your knowing changes nothing.
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dailykugisaki · 2 months
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Day 278 | id in alt
At least one of the students is a horrid menace to both curses and curse users. I was beginning to lose hope.
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mylordshesacactus · 5 months
Our rogue is still a relatively inexperienced player who's still getting his feet under him with the notoriously slippery Sneak Attack mechanic. Thus, the end of a werewolf ambush:
DM: It's dead. Rogue: Okay, and then I get Sneak Attack--I remembered this time! DM: Yes, but it's already dead-- Rogue: So that's an additional-- DM: YOU KILLED IT ALREADY IT'S DEAD! Rogue: That's--Sorry, what? Cleric: STOP STOP HE'S ALREADY DEAD!!!
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rhinestonesox · 5 months
doggystyle, sideways, frontwards, backwards, upside-down, 360 degrees, no condoms, skin on skin, on the living room, on the bedroom, on the fridge, on the closet, on the ceiling, on the walls, on the bathroom, on the couch, on the car, on the street
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yakketymax · 24 days
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Mugzy but the second time! I wanted to update him to look like how I actually dress instead of his previous design But Longer.
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apalestar · 9 months
@never-surrender sent It wasn't often that Halsin got the chance to leave the Grove and bask in the beauty the great oak father provided in the forests around, but when he does, he took full advantage. He expected a chance to unwind, to have alone time. What he DIDNT expect was to run into somebody else hunting either. "Apologies my friend. I didn't realize there were others hunting in the area.." he didn't mention the man looked ill fitted for hunting.
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Oh shit.
Caught in the midst of a vulnerable moment of blood induced euphoria. The stag’s blood smeared across his chin from his feeding. Back presented to this intrusion to his meal. Were his heart capable, it would be beating rabbit fast in his chest. Perhaps rightfully so, people did terrible things to vampires. Stakes. Beheadings. Any sort of not so pretty death awaited his kind. He had reason to be fearful.
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Astarion was particularly keen to remain alive. Now his mind was clear. His eyes no longer gleamed blood red-orange in his master’s compulsions. From Baldur’s Gate he fled. Ran and ran until hunger drove him to hunt. To replenish lost resources. The stag one of two meals he imbibed since his departure. Quickly, his hand swiped away at the crimson on his face. The sleeve of his ruined attire soaked the remainder. A facade of normality for the man who found him. He repressed the instinct to lash out with his stolen dagger coated in the creature’s blood. Without an idea if the man was alone, a preemptive strike seemed a terribly rash decision.
He stood, brushing the dirt from his pants. A pivot on his heel to finally determine the identity of his interloper. An elf. A large one at that dressed rather curiously. A wood elf? He spotted them as occasional visitors to the Gate. Were he under Cazador still; a perfect target.
As for him? The road had not been kind to the garments he was adorned in whilst escaping. The gold embroidery unraveling in places. His sleeves frayed at the edges. His pants torn where brambles and thorns snagged and ripped. What a sight he must make like a completely desperate vagabond. A part he hoped to play to the fullest extent. He painted his expression with a curve of a smile on his lips. “Yes, well, no harm done as you can tell. I doubt his brethren are still around.”
The stag was practically mutilated from how he butchered the whole hunt. Fell it by jumping from a tree onto its back. Not his wisest idea, but he was starving. “You came from a nearby town?” He inquired.
Without a map to guide him, Astarion had no way of knowing where he was let alone how close to any kind of civilization.
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marcusagrippa · 20 days
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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ℭ𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔟𝔞𝔩 𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔭𝔰𝔢 - 𝔗𝔬𝔪𝔟 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔲𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔡 (յգգշ)
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