#corrupted merge
corruptedcaps · 2 months
Helping Hands
This is a sequel to my previous story 'A Helping Hand'. I hadn't planned on making a sequel but it seemed to be a hit and there were a lot of votes for who the biggest bitch was so it made sense that the winner would get a story of their own. Enjoy!
It had only been a week since Chad had accidentally turned into Chantelle, a bitchy gorgeous brat, but it had been enough time for her to cement her place as the Queen bee. She had beauty and ambition and was intent on getting what she wanted.
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It had helped that the former most popular girl of school, his ex-girlfriend Millie was now a shell of herself. It was bad enough that her beauty had made Chad into Chantelle, but the cherry on top was that she couldn't help but be infatuated with what a bitch Chantelle was thanks to the main person responsible for this whole mess, Maddy.
Maddy had only wanted to become Chad's perfect woman, his equal but instead the magic spell she had gotten had backfired and made Chad into his own perfect woman. Chantelle was a force to be reckoned with.
Every hallway she strutted down felt like a runway, her high heels clicking with an authority that echoed through the school. Her new body, a perfect blend of seductive curves and striking features, drew every eye and silenced every whisper. Chad had used his strength as his weapon but Chantelle used her beauty to get what she wanted.
Millie and Maddy were now Chantelle's loyal simps, dedicated to doing anything she asked. However most of that involved debasing themselves in public for Chantelle's enjoyment. Millie's old friends had at first watched in horror as their former cheerleading head embarrassed herself day after day but they were soon corrupted to Chantelle's side and took pleasure in watching Millie play the fool.
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"We can't keep going on like this." Maddy said one day to Millie while Chantelle was off fucking one of the football players.
"Keep it down, you don't want her to hear do you?" Millie replied with a whisper.
"That's the god damn problem! I do want her to hear. I want her to punish me. I want her to call me names and pull my hair! I'm so infatuated with her and I can't help it." Maddy said frustrated.
"I know. Trust me." Millie said, having the same desires. Suddenly the door burst open and Chantelle strutted in. Her hair slightly askew because of the sex she was coming from but still looking like a million dollars.
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"Millie, lick the cum out of my pussy at once! I have a hot date tonight with Derek and I want my clit to sparkle." Chantelle commanded and Millie dutifully crawled over to her mistress' open legs and began to lick as Maddy watched on jealously.
"Well don't just stand there loser, come her and rub my tits." Chantelle growled at Maddy who quickly leapt to her feet. Chantelle was in ecstasy.
However, as the weeks passed, the thrill of her absolute power began to wane. The excitement of watching Millie and Maddy do anything she commanded was no longer enough. She had practically fucked every guy in school now and had every other girl in the palm of her hand. Chantelle craved a new challenge, something to stir her jaded heart.
That's when she made Maddy tell her about magic. Maddy after all had bought the spell that had made Chantelle in the first place, surely there could be some magic out there that could fulfil her new needs. Chantelle herself wouldn't bother herself with delving into the dark arts, no that's what a lacky was for.
"I found something. This spell… it's supposed to create a worthy adversary for you." Maddy said coming back days later, with a magic book in hand.
Chantelle raised an eyebrow at Maddy. While this wasn't what she had in mind, a wicked idea began to sprout. Snatching the book from Maddy's hands, she flipped through the pages, making note of certain spells.
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"This will do perfectly. Millie! Come here at once!" Chantelle yelled. Millie ran in quickly from another room and stood next to Maddy obediently.
"Girls I have a gift for you two. With this spellbook I will create a link from you to your bitchy selves in another reality. Realities where each of you is the apex predator. It's hard to believe I know, but I am going to siphon their power directly to you, creating formidable adversaries for me at last." Chantelle smirked as the two girls looked at each with a mixture of hope and worry.
Chantelle's fingers traced the ancient symbols on the page as she began chanting the incantation. The room filled with a strange, pulsating energy, and the air crackled with a dark magical force.
A vortex of light and shadow enveloped Maddy and Millie, lifting them off their feet. They felt a surge of power flow through them, a raw, unfiltered strength that was both exhilarating and terrifying. Their eyes glowed with a new intensity, their bodies vibrating with the energy of their alternate selves.
Memories of their alternate selves flooded their minds. They were ruthless and cruel, beautiful and sexy. They were matched by no other, just the way they liked it.
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Chantelle watched with satisfaction as the spell took hold, her lips curling into a triumphant smile as the bodies of the two girls began to change. Their breasts heaved out, their lips plumped up. Even though they were floating in the air, their posture took on an undeniable bitchy stance.
As the changes slowed, they lowered back to the ground. They radiated confidence and power, their former meekness replaced by an air of dominance. They were now Madison and Amelia.
"Welcome girls, together we are going to have a lot of fun." Chantelle purred. Madison and Amelia however looked at Chantelle with disdain.
"We don't have to do shit for you anymore bitch. In fact Amelia, how about we teach this slut a few lessons." Madison said with a grin towards her new bitchy bestie.
"Couldn't agree more babe." Amelia replied, stepping forward with an intimidating presence.
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Chantelle smirked, unphased by their rebellion. "I expected as much." She said, opening the spellbook once more. Quickly flipping to the earmarked page, she began chanting a new spell, her voice steady and commanding. The air grew heavy with magic, and a strange force began to pull at Madison and Amelia.
"What the hell is this?" Madison exclaimed, struggling against the invisible pull.
"Chantelle what are you doing?!" Amelia cried out, trying to resist the force dragging her towards Chantelle.
Chantelle cackled evilly, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Did you really think I wanted two bitches to challenge me? No, I just wanted two evil bitches to add to my power." She taunted as Madison and Amelia were pulled closer, despite their desperate struggles. The moment they made contact, their bodies were absorbed into Chantelle's with a slurping sound.
Chantelle groaned out in pleasure as she felt herself changing, becoming even more beautiful, strong, and powerful. Her already impressive tits grew into two enormous breasts that were barely being held in my her clothes.
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He facial features took on sharper more defined lines, accenting not only her beauty but her intensity. She knew in an instant that she would strike fear into all that looked upon her. Her skin glowed with an ethereal radiance as she felt the combined power of her adversaries enhancing her own abilities.
Chantelle stood tall, her transformation complete. She looked down at her hands, flexing her fingers and feeling the immense power coursing through her veins. She was now an unstoppable force, a true goddess among mortals. With a wicked smile, she whispered to herself. "Let the real fun begin."
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semischarmed · 5 months
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River was a walking enigma. 
Instagram, TikTok, Facebook- hell, I even tried looking for a yearbook. Nothing. I had nothing on the guy. Like an illusion, he merely appeared, did his work diligently and then promptly vanished. In fact, his most common phrase around the office was a “Sorry, I can’t- busy.” His distance seemed to put some people off. That only made me want him more.
When Chelsea threw a quitting party, he dropped in, chatted for a few minutes and then left without saying goodbye- except to Chelsea. He wasn’t rude by any means. I’ve only ever seen the guy be polite. I personally found it quite hot. His mysteriousness brought an allure about him.
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During another quitting party- a dinner for Mark this time, I tried to make conversation, asking him why he was named River. I actually asked the question in a few roundabout ways. Most I ever got was a “just what my parents named me- they thought I’d have brown hair”. I tried to pry for his hobbies, asked what he did for fun and he only responded with a “I watch baseball, go to the gym, watch TV. I guess”, before asking me about mine. The conversation was cordial, and probably a little boring, but I was captivated. This had been the closest I ever sat next to him. 
My breathing quickened, ever so slightly, as I watched his shirt struggle to contain the form within. I traced the vascularity in his hands, the craftsmanship in the sculpt of his neck, the fabric of his shirt stretching taut when he would reach to grab a napkin. There was a full plate of food in front of me but I was only salivating at one thing.
The conditions were not ideal- but what choice did I have? The guy was like a ghost. I laughed a bit at the irony. I sat right across, trying to filter the scents and the sounds of food and camaraderie to focus on him. This would take all my brain power. I steadied my breathing and sharpened my focus, as I continued to answer and ask mundane questions about some work projects we both had. I started my work, mimicking every microexpression, every slight movement. I tailored every word from my mouth- even my delivery to slowly match his. This had to be subtle, of course- I’ve found out the hard way in the past how creepy this process could look in public if done too quickly. 
River’s eyes blinked slower, like a haze was forming in his mind. I followed suit, weaving my slight impersonation in and out of our conversation. Like a pulse, I felt our movements begin to sync. Almost there. Now came the tough part, slowly drawing him out and isolating him without lo-
“C’mon, let’s all get shots- uh… River you ok bro?” Mark asked.
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He shook off his daze, surprised at himself before laughing off the weirdness. 
I was pissed the rest of the night, forcing myself to hide the permanent glare I would have worn for Mark. 
As the night drew on, River left early- of course, and I continued on, staying a bit longer to wish Mark well in one final toast for the night. 
That would be the last time in a while I’d be so close to him. The following drought was unbearable. For the next few months, no one quit. No big holidays were coming up, and our office wasn’t much for parties. Instead, I had to satiate myself with glances and the occasional short conversation.
= = = = 
“Does that work for you two?” My boss asked. I nodded readily, eyeing River’s response. Another nod.
Fuck. I practically jumped when the boss said those words. A presentation. A presentation with River. A chance.
I think I deserved an Oscar for my acting in the few weeks after we were both tasked with the presentation. A wrong font here, corrupted save there, a missed chart. I “worked” tirelessly on the presentation with River, making sure to leave enough mistakes and gaps to drag the process out. 
The guy was too polite, and I knew I had to use that against him. I ran the clock, watching the days progress into weeks and his brow furrow as stress deepened. Of course, I had to play my part, acting innocent at every step. A quick “sorry” for every mistake I planted was enough to ease suspicion. I even faked a confession about roommate drama causing my decline in performance. I thanked how private he was in that moment- I lived alone. Ever the hero, River was quick to take on the responsibility- even covering for me on few occasions. I knew I had to get inside this man.
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Then came the day before the big presentation.
“I- uh… okay. Maybe we can finish this at my apartment,” He stated, clearly uncomfortable. I held back a moan.
= = = =
“You can set your stuff down there”.
It was a bit boring compared to what I expected. He was definitely put together at work, so it was a bit surprising to see some mess littering his apartment. 
A few posters dotted the walls. Some basketball guy, I guess. An action movie. A generic college banner. His furniture boxy and grey, and the carpets running through the floors were in need of cleaning. Perhaps unsurprisingly, his kitchen was pristine, practically sparkling, aside from a small collection of protein powders and supplements. 
“Uh.. sorry I don’t really have any snacks.”
He sheepishly opened the near-empty fridge and offered me a choice in drink. Some kind of pre-workout beverage and water. I took the water. 
“Okay, I need to head to the gym for a bit. You still have a few slides you wanted to add, right?” A Hoodie-wearing, duffel-toting River asked. I nodded, trying not to look too eager and straining to keep my eyes from staring at his well-defined legs. 
And then, there I was. Alone in River’s apartment. Alone with River’s apartment. I ran to his dirty laundry pile. 
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“Mmmphhhh” My eyes rolled back as I took the deepest inhale of my life. These were River’s boxer briefs. The same ones he had just worn. Doused in the scent of a day’s work. It was damp- guess River was a sweaty guy, though the long walk and couple flights of stairs to get to his apartment may have also been culprit. I was paralyzed in bliss, as I took in every note of his natural musk. 
It reverberated deep in my chest as I continued to circulate every ounce of River I could inside me. The underwear was practically glued to my nose and mouth before I finally relented and drew them away, gasping for air. Exquisite. 
My dick jumped at the sight of a single strand of his pubic hair, like flickering flame. A perverse smile planted itself on my face as I gingerly pulled my clothes off. I shivered as the cold, damp fabric that had just touched his bare flesh was now touching mine. I felt his hair on my flesh, now caked in his sweat. The elastic snapped around my waist as I released, a bit tight. My breaths fell shallow, ragged as I sat there basking in his cold embrace.
Next came the tank top. I mentally hit myself for not putting it on first, as it was a significantly less erotic experience. Still, as I slipped my arms through the holes that his once filled, my dick couldn’t help but twitch in approval. 
I ran to his bed, gripped his sheets, and stifled another moan with his pillow. This man had, until today, been a full on mystery to me. And now, here I was- deep in the recesses of his apartment, nestled in the indent on his bed, buried in fabric stained with traces his scent and natural grime. I was drowning in the all aspects of his daily life. It was an intimacy with River previously unheard of and practically a miracle I hadn’t cummed yet. 
The next few moments were sluggish, mind hazy and drunk in pleasure, as I wore my jacket and pants over the River clothes I had already had on me. I mentally thanked myself for wearing tighter clothing earlier today, as I felt them compress River’s undergarments tighter on my flesh. I walked back, sitting on the dining table and pretending to work.
A few minutes later, the door clicked open and a panting River waved. He no longer had a hoodie on and left nothing to imagination. I eyed the feast before me.
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I fucking knew it. This kid was ripped. 
I salivated as my eyes followed every contour of the body that would soon be mine. His flesh was flush and glistening with sweat.
“M-must have been some workout,” I mumbled. I couldn’t stop myself from staring.
“Yeah, fucking kicked my ass today,” River said with a short laugh. My dick twitched. River never swore, never gave off a jockish vibe at work, but here he was, beaten tired and unable to contain his natural state behind a facade of politeness. 
My lip quivered when his post-workout scent wafted into my nose. It was divine. True to his name, River had an earthy, deep musk about him. A delayed, almost sour afternote followed, the kind that clings to the nose. It riled me up, knowing this offensive, raw blast of testosterone had been working next to me for the past two years, hidden by layers of work clothes and pleasantries. River was cleaned, masked and sanitized for corporate America. And now I had a private showing to it. I was feral. I wanted-no, needed to be piloting this hunk for myself.
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My trance was broken when River dropped to his couch, laughing slightly. This wasn’t his normal laugh- it dropped all pretense and I recoiled out of reflex, thinking back to that same laugh that emanated from the football jocks back in high school. 
A lazy pair of eyes drifted up to meet me. “Sorry bro, just new a few minutes.”
I gulped. This was my chance. No need for precision, no need for focus. River was vulnerable. In any other circumstance, I’d be syncing to his movements, slowly, imperceptibly altering his as he would start following mine. Then I could pull him into my trance, lead him to a safe area as I continued the process. This was different. River served himself up on a platter for me, beaten to near immobility by his workout. No way was I gonna miss this. I stripped quickly, abandoning my original plan.
Without a word, I walked closer to him, grabbing his wrists. 
“W-what are you”. In that instant, i jumped on top of him, allowing my body to follow the contours of his.
He grunted in defiance while I began to grind in pleasure. “Ughhh! Fuck bro. I can’t! I can’t wait. I can’t wait to be River!” 
The process was quick- his drenched, energy drained flesh practically grabbed at mine, drawn by my own energy into itself. It was osmosis. I moaned as I saw the process start, and River’ meaty form encapsulate my own. His arms and legs splayed as he screamed at the intrusion. “What the fuck are you-“ He grunted in pain as he felt our two forms begin to meld. I laughed a perverted laugh, eyeing how deep I was inside him. His lack of energy had been his downfall.
I licked the inside of his head, feeling him shiver and whimper at the intrusion. I whispered venomously. “What am I doing?” I thrusted myself deeper into his muscled form, “I’m becoming River. I’m gonna wear you like a fine red suit.” I felt my facial muscles match his and pulled him into a smile he did not intend to make. “You boring prude. This body was built for sex. You’re starving this poor thing. I bet it’s backed up.” I whined in half-whispers. “Let me take you for a ride.” River moaned in horror, kicking his legs into the sofa in discomfort as his muscled back began to close over me. Possessing the ginger felt like a warm, dank hug. “You feel that?” I teased, this time his voice mimicking mine. He could no longer respond as it had become my mouthpiece. Instead, his head repeatedly slammed the sofa in resistance, forced to wear a smile that was not his own. 
I laughed, feeling our combined chest heave in deep pleasure as I jammed my fingers deep into each bicep. I drilled into each arm, relishing in feeling his muscle fibers slip past me. Power. He shook as he tried in vain to resist my fingers filling into his. Putting on those vascular hands like well-fitted gloves. “Fuck yeah bro… that’s the stuff. Dominate me. Command me. Control my every move. My nerves are itching for their owner. Put this ginger meatsuit on…” I mock in his voice. Tears welled in my eyes, as I felt him continue to slam our slowly merging head into the sofa. I purse our lips before moaning further. “Wear my clothes…” My legs wove into his, twisting and binding into one. “Wear my personality…” the bottom half of our merged face laughs, while my new eyes blink away angered tears. I felt his memories begin to flow and surround mine. His rage and desperation flowed through me. The slamming slowed, coming to a complete halt as a reborn River’s eyes blinked into a lewd, sinful glee. “Wear my life.”
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I stood up, piloting my new body towards the mirror. “You’re still in there, aren’t you?” River’s outward defiance no longer showed over his perfect flesh but his mind was a raging storm. “Good.” His body lit in searing pain, sore muscle tendon and fiber forced to flex. I felt the storm calm as he was stunned. I myself winced slightly before my arousal imprinted itself through River’s face. This was my pain now. I could feel every fiber of his musculature tearing and repairing themselves. Building back stronger with the pre-workout mix he had drunken earlier. Building back with me embedded deep inside. Our leg wobbled in pain, before I slapped it back into submission, forcing it to flex. “Fuck yeah, that’s the stuff.”
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I roared and patted my new chest and abs. “YEEAAAH!” Just one last piece of me was left. An intentional dessert I had left not internally bonded with River. 
I let his normally stoic face relay the erotic pleasure I felt in wearing this flesh. I then pulled a “serious” face, bringing pained biceps into a flex. “We gotta live up to our name bro… gotta let the river flow”. A greedy tongue licked the dripping sweat hanging off ginger hairs of his armpit. I wanted to savor this. The tangy, salty nectar lingered in our shared tongue before I began to make out with my new reflection. With a grunt, I slammed River’s pelvis into the mirror, groaning as my growing hard-on began to fill into his dick. At first contact, I felt our senses mingle and the cold metal of the mirror. I grunted, trying to reign in the lust. With our linked sensitivity, I could feel my original body’s dick worming itself into my soon to be River-flavored cock. I thrusted my rod up, relishing in the soothing bare metal beneath the perverse cock and cock sleeve combination.
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I grabbed at my new rod with one hand, while the other greedily dragged across my new body, feeling every new muscle and crevice and damp piece of the hunk. River thrashed inside me, disgusted at feeling his own flesh violate itself. At watching this new carnal entity that wore his face and name.
“S-someone’s gonna find out. Someone will fix this” He threatened in my mind. 
“No bro… you’re the perfect host. No one at work knows a thing about you”. I cooed in his voice. “When we quit, when I take this thick ginger cock for a joy ride-“ tug “No one…” tug “No one will know.” I groaned as the last of his dick bonded to mine. We were complete. “I’m River now!” I shouted before devolving into whimpers of pleasure as I felt River’s warm seed stream out of me. 
River’s softening, sore wood was forced back into full mast as I eyed the full extent of my- now his- depravity. Not wanting to waste a drop, I smeared my new lotion onto my new flesh, caking in layers of his drying sweat with layers of drying semen. I could only hear gagging in my mind as River was forced to taste his own produce. It’s my body now anyways, why shouldn’t it reek of sex and his natural musk?
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ffc1cb · 1 year
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morning in the capital
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inkandpaintleopard · 9 months
I finally did a bunch of Monster drawings like I’ve been wanting to but forgetting to
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And I learned of Smol Monster. Excuse me who is this little dude man
Also did I ever share my concept for unmasked B-Side Redux Skid and Pump
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dutybcrne · 9 hours
Me making a HSR verse for my oc: Hmmm so the plan on this one could maybe be a bad end for her tendency to fuck around and find out—
My brain: So anyways, make her whole deal a fucken horror story-
#Oceanxveiined#//Thas her blog#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//I mean it’s not THAT much of a horror thing anyways. Bordering on body horror ig (warning for that now jic)#//It’s basically ‘in her search for power to rival Aeons; she may or may not have gotten parasitized by monster maws essentially’#//Basically Me.nagerie from Arr0wverse ig? but x4; so ig it’s more like Scy||a from myths?#//Yeah#//Basically it’s 4 serpentine creature things that merged into her body at the lower back& can burst out when they feel like it/in battle#//The way I can best visualize what they look like is like. a combo of the Hydra heads from Hercu/es 1997#//And Ven0m when it pokes its head out of Edd|e lol. Smth like a mix of the two#//But yeah#//She gets so fucked up in every narrative she take part in lol#//Selling soul to a demon for power and slowly gets corrupted against her will by said demon bc they got attached? Yup#//Slowly succumbing to abyss influence and might might a fate like/worse than Jakob or the Sinners of Khaenri’ah? Yup yup#//Made a deal with a death god to save her brother& considering her heritage; it might mean eternal torment to counteract stealing a soul#back; all bc she’d been too desperate to get him back that she didn’t come up with a more clever plan? EYUP#//Those are her Descendants; Genshin; and pjo verses respectively#//And then her bnha au; in which she keeps overusing her Quirk; esp with certain Quirk drug usage; to dangerous extents#//But y e a h#//Its fun#//I love my darling Dani so much#//Byt yeah; back on topic; that ain’t TOO much tho lol right?#//Eh; why not#//The galaxy is FULL of horrors#//I mean did you SEE the sin thirsters and Borisin plotlines??? or the Propagation???? B r u h
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florshedworf · 2 months
i am TRYING to make something for sgrb’s anniversary but the canvas is literally posessed
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blurrymango · 1 year
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Yet another let night MS Paint. This time the Creed siblings as. Vaguely puppety? Cartoony?
It's titled "creed siblings if they slayed" on my computer so.
Also the symbols have to do with the gods they are vessels of. Time for Ty, Space for Charlie, "Void" for Blitz.
#mango man speaks#mango man draws#digital art#digital drawing#oc shit#ms paint#void in quotes because the void does not actually have a god associated with it as it existed before the gods.#it only has a god associated with it because the god of space was consumed by it for. super long. the god's soul. essence. whatever word.#was not consumed. leading to two separate entities.#time and space were the first two gods that sprung into existence. working in tandem to give way to reality.#time is a passive extremely conceptual thing. precise and always in motion. and the god of time was very much consumed by his work of makin#sure every timeline was separate and didnt merge.#the god of space is basically the god of being. of form and shape and color and whatnot. and the void is. well. the void. it is nothingness#incomprehensible nonexistence.#and at the edges of reality the god of space could feel the void. could feel it becoming sentient. wanting complete nonexistence back.#as such he was driven to insanity. the goddess of fate had obviously foreseen ultimate destruction of everything so the gods all had agreed#to scatter their beings across reality.#but the god of space was already corrupted so when the time came he threw himself and the goddess of humanity into the void.#and as for the god of time. having to give up his tangible existence for the the sake of everything. had scattered himself across timelines#the goddess of fate had predicted that even with dispersing across reality the void would eventually be able to catch up to them all so she#set that the gods would all become whole again to attempt to combat it then.#this all leading to ty being aware of and partially merged with other timeline versions of himself.#and charlie being isolated from everyone as the god of space was.#and blitz having no soul when he came back to life. having been fully cemented and decided to be the void's vessel.#... ok i think. the lore dump was uh. haha. a lot lol.
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stormvanari · 7 months
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MAR10 Day today, here’s Dr. Jumpman’s face reveal
head changes color based on the active element she wields for her chemistry attacks [ex: red = fire, yellow = electric], eyes are lighter in color but retain the elemental coding previously mentioned, and head bubbles/boils like Fuzzies
extra roughs:
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semischarmed · 8 months
Thread, Part 2
Aaand the pendulum swings back. This is your warning, this one is (in my opinion) particularly evil. 
= = = = = 
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Charlie looked away, trying to respect his brother’s privacy. His first reaction was to recoil at seeing his naked brother. As if reading his mind, I could feel him flash confusion and then look back to confirm what he had just seen. Joey made a mad dash for his brother, dropping the needle before I tightened my control to freeze him in place.
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“G-get help…” Joey managed to stammer out. “H-he’s controlling me somehow”. I bit my lip. Seeing his brother seemed to have stirred a fight in him. I looked at the needle worriedly, something Charlie seemed to have caught on to. 
Joey looked at Charlie with pleading eyes. Seeing the uncharacteristic vulnerability in his brother seemed to have stirred a rare bit of courage. 
In a speed unbecoming his form, Charlie ran to me, punching me square in the jaw. I recoiled. That hurt. A lot, actually. I looked to Charlie’s heavenly face. Even as the pain stung my cheek, and his eyes burned with a fury that brought a twinge of fear in my heart and a tickle of a little something else in my body, I couldn’t help but look at the younger brother in a new respect. 
I moaned at the pain, making sure Joey mimicked in an off-putting way. “Charlie, don’t hurt him, You’re hurting me too,” I had Joey lie. He spasmed slightly as I had to reassert my control. Charlie closed his eyes for a second, trying to rationalize the situation. His eyes were laser focused on the needle. 
The guy was way faster than his shyness gave him credit for. In a flash, he made a mad dash for the needle, and aimed it right at me. I puppetted brother against brother, pulling Joey’s meaty hand to catch Charlie’s at the last second. Fuck that was close. I sighed in relief.
I eyed the point of the needle, mere inches away from my face. I saw the gears in Charlie’s head spinning, and his determined face after. The momentary weakness painted so clearly on my face seemed to all but confirm what we both now knew to be true. Had the needle pricked me, I would not only lose the gift from the god of flesh but would have been seriously injured. 
I bit my lip. The newfound bravery painted on Charlie’s cute face made me hard as a rock but was troublesome. I sighed, puppetting my new, bicep-laden flesh to walk over and wipe the sweat from my forehead. I surveyed the two brothers. The younger, cute face brimming with determination, needle in hand. And the elder marionette of muscle, face in fear and guilt. Something else shone in both brother’s eyes, something that prompted me to lick the side of Joey’s cheek. Delicious Hope. I wanted to swallow it all for myself. Time to get creative.
= = =
“You’re going to regret doing that, Charles.” I had Joey word sternly. Charlie must not have been used to the coldness I distilled into Joey’s voice, as I saw him look dejected for a moment before eying Joey’s head shaking swiftly and his eyes trying to reassure the younger brother. Not good. My control over Joey was not absolute, and every time the brothers interracted, I could feel it waning. I had to act fast. I motioned Joey’s arm, forcing it to push Charlie back. I could tell it stung him both physically and emotionally from the stray tear that welled in the corner of his eye. Good.
“Charlie, you didn’t get to see all the fun we were having,” I forced Joey to say. Joey began to whimper as I traced my hands over his hips. With a motion of my nerves, I commanded Joey’s plump ass to grind into me. I was instantly hard.
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“Look how good he is at controlling me.” I manipulated Joey’s lips into a devious smile. My hands wrapped around his should blades, then his meaty biceps, before resting on each pec. 
“I love this so much,” Joey whines. 
I furrowed Joey’s brows as I forced him to cast hateful eyes right onto Charlie. They began to tear and redden as I kept them locked onto Charlie in unblinking fury. “Why are you trying to ruin a good thing bro. What kind of brother are you?” 
My fingers delectably traced each nipple of the elder brother’s form. “I fucking want this…” I forced his tongue to hang in pleasure and his biceps up into a flex. 
“That’s it baby,” Joey is forced to say. 
With the power of the needle and my nerves all over his body, I make his head rotate to face me. He is forced to tongue me savagely, and I relished in making Charlie watch a deranged version of his brother satisfying me. The saliva from his mouth flowed past my lips in multiple spots, a testament to the force he was made to kiss me with. I flexed the needle’s power a little, allowing for more flexibility in my own flesh, so that Joey’s exploring tongue could be seen poking and prodding all over my mouth. Joey’s head recoiled back into place, facing Charlie with averted eyes. They shook in struggle but were eventually forced to lock back into him. His hands shook a little before they stroked the red threads connecting us lovingly. “Fuuuuck Charlie. I never want this to end.” I relaxed my grip of control a little, to the sound of a sobbing Joey.
“You’re right, baby. You feel so good Joey, I never want it to end either”. I couldn’t help but put on a bit of a show. That prompted a louder sob from the elder brother, before his face relayed a demented smile. “I’m your fucking puppet. Your Doll. Dress me up, work my body, fuck through me, I don’t care. Every piece of Juicy Joe is yours.” 
I pulled a few nerve endings from Joey, making a point to show them slithering wildly into the air before letting them snake into his mouth. It took a minute to reconnect some of my nerves inside him, but once they had, it felt like home. “I’m ready,” Joey moaned, dragging his fingers across his musculature. He then looked sick to his stomach, as some odd noises emmananted from the depths of his body. Joey made a slick, wet noise as his soulful eyes pulled back into their sockets and he regurgitated a large amount of semi-clear liquid right into my face. I welcomed the shower of Joey-flavored liquid. Lubrication. Joey’s face then pulled into a sneer, “Dominate this flesh. Dominate me. I did some rearranging for you. There’s a hole inside me, shaped just like you. For you. You need to fill it. Fill me. Ingrain in me. Integrate into me… Complete me.” 
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I loosened Joey’s flesh, then sent my control into his meaty arms, forcing them to start stuffing my body into a widening mouth. In turn, I began to loosen my own form. It would still be a tight squeeze, but the power of the needle made one thing evident. It was possible. Charlie began to scream. “FUCK… Joey how do I help?!” 
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More saliva trailed from Joey’s mouth as he pushed a little more of my body inside. “Mmmphhh” was all the older brother could manage, as his mouth fully encapsulated my head. The inside of Joey felt like a warm embrace, his wet lips like sweat laden arms beckoning my shoulders into safety. Thinking back to the needle, that’s what the inside of Joey was to me. Safety. 
For an agonizing few minutes, all Charlie could do was watch in shock, as he watched his older brother’s body force more of mine inside it. From his muffled screams, he was begging the younger brother for help. Charlie ran over multiple times, try to pry me from his brother’s insides, but I only cackled from deep inside Joey’s depths as I willed the older brother’s arms to push him away each time. “C’mon bro, you had this hot bod protecting you all throughout childhood, let someone else be protected for once.” When my arms fully slipped in, I began to grab mounds of Joey’s insides, pulling myself in deeper while he was compelled to continue jamming my flesh into his. 
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Every piece of me was sweating inside Joey. After all, the human body runs quite hot, and I was surrounded by wet, warm flesh from every side. When the last of my toes slipped into his mouth, I had my meat-suit let out a satisfied sigh, like he had just eaten a large meal. Hearing the muted sound of Charlie’s whimpering from inside his dear brother was my dessert. I readjusted myself inside Joey, in the process unlatching every piece of nerve that was previously connected. 
Even without control, my new muscle suit felt heavenly to be inside. Every piece of Joey felt intensified inside him. His muscles slowly writhing as they fought to compress his form back to its normal self which in turn squeezed me tight into him. I slipped and slid, weaving myself into his flesh, as his body’s own hard-earned muscles unknowingly embedded me into their master further. I basked in being able to feel every piece of Joey around me. His raw musk was like a liquid I was drowning in. I didn’t care, Joey felt good to drown in. 
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= = =
The brothers seemed to have easily caught on to my lack of control as Joey cleared his voice and hurriedly asked, “Charlie, what should we do?” From deep inside him, I could hear the younger brother begin to whimper again. ”I-I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything like this”.
“Is he dead?” Charlie asked Joey.
Joey denied this, now his turn whimpering, “No, he’s still moving in here.” I felt him turn to face his brother. “C, It feels like I need to throw up but I can’t. It feels so wrong- he feels wrong in here… I feel wrong. Like he’s all over me. I dunno how to fix this.” He steeled himself before continuing, all the while my writhing flesh inside him was slipping into any pocket of space I could find and making it my home. “Listen, you need to run and get help”.
“I can’t do that to you. What’s gonna happen to you? Can you keep him in like that?” Charlie gulped. “I can see him moving inside you. Maybe we could get a doc-“
“Charlie, No.” Joey asserted as he gripped his right ab. “I’ll be fine, just get help”. I could feel his lips pull into a weak smile. “You ever see me lose a wrestling match?” Charlie’s sniffles and lack of sound told me he was shaking his head in a smile. 
I knew I had to stop him, but my movements inside Joey were restricted. Even when he was under my control earlier, he felt clumsy to puppet as soon as Charlie came in. I sensed a bit of danger as the two continued to plot. 
“It looks like that needle thing only works once. You could feel it too, right? Like it comes with instructions or somethin,” I could tell Charlie was again nodding in agreement. “So if you prick him again, he’ll be stuck in that form. If we could get him like this, he’d be stuck and I could just spit the fucker out.”
“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like a plan”. 
No. They would not ruin this for me. My nerves were having some trouble fishing for Joey’s to bind and connect with. It was easy to see where to connect to before, but now being fully encapsulated by his flesh I needed to find these spots blind.I had to act fast. I slammed against the inside of Joey’s chest, feeling him stumble slightly. “Joey, what was that!?”
Even without my nervous system directly controlling him, I knew it was harder to fight against one’s own internal structure. I instantly slotted my hand into his, using his own skin like a glove. Joey groaned in discomfort. I slammed my face into his chest again, this time making sure to push tight against it, so the imprint of my growing smile could be seen from the outside. “Charlie, I-I….” With my Joey hand glove, I gathered the meat of his abs into a sleeve for my hardened cock. I pushed it forward, relishing in feeling the older brother’s own flesh pleasure me. Joey was now my personal cumrag. “I- FUCK” I heard Joey scream and then cry. Being inside his body already got me hot, so it only took a few pumps before I exploded all over his insides. I could feel Joey gag as he must have felt what I was doing with him. 
“Joey, every piece of you feels so fucking premium” I moaned from deep inside him. This was the chance I was waiting for. Joey still reeled from the sheer disgust and violation he felt. His hands shook as Charlie tried to make heads of what had just transpired. The moment of quiet gave me what I needed to finally find Joey’s nerves. Using the power of the needle, I expanded myself outside my own body, letting all my nerves reach out and connect to Joey. Without a doubt, this was me at my most vulnerable. But deep inside Joey’s flesh, I knew I was safe. This time, I also pulled my brain out, allowing it to touch Joey’s. He screamed at first contact. 
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My plan was bearing fruit as more and more of my brain began to encapsulate his, burrowing deep into his folds and drilling myself into his psyche. “Holy fuck,” I felt myself blurt out. Joey’s wails were confirmation that he felt it too. Experiencing Joey carnally was one thing, but worming and meshing myself into his brain felt like deeper intimacy. I moaned as each memory of his came into view, each thought, each feeling. I felt Joey collapse into the ground, bringing me with him. His legs began kicking wildly in frustration, as his hands were dragging across the floor in front of us. “P-P-Please…. Get out of me”. I internally bit my lip as I wondered if that had damaged my new body in any way. This prime meat was too good to spoil so early.
Joey further jerked across the floor as I continued my onslaught. No aspect of Joey would not have me inside it. I inserted myself into each piece of him, relishing in owning this man to his very core. I felt his fear course through me. Partially at what I had been doing to him, but also because his now partially-corrupted brain was starting to like it, at least in a physical sense. I bonded myself into every nerve, every cell, every minute piece of the man as his toes curled in a mix of pleasure and pain. I felt him arch his back as I worked my way into his lungs and his beating heart, hijacking his athleticism for myself. Joey’s squirming settled down into tired breaths. A cool breath in. I could feel my new lungs drawing in a tremendous amount of air, a testament to Joey’s power. A quick breath out. I could feel his biceps brimming with an energy I previously never had. Another cool breath in. His lips and mine, bonded into one sensation and parting slightly. Then, one last breath out- steaming hot and damp from pleasure. Joey’s beating heart quickened for me as I bathed in the euphoria of being in this body. His eyes opened, now welcoming me to his sight as well, as we slowly focused our pupils into Charlie’s worried face. I pulled his lips into a smile. I had fully integrated into Joey’s flesh.
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= = =
“Charlie.. Please… Run”. I felt myself say. Shock painted my face, and then anger. Joey had more mental fortitude than I gave him credit for. Trying to burrow deeper into his brain was starting to feel more difficult. I reached a point that felt like a wall, an impenetrable piece of him. I addressed the body I now occupied. “Joey, just give up. You don’t want to make this harder for me, trust me.” I felt Charlie hand me the needle, “J, you got this.” I sneered internally, even in his mind, he had remained Mr. Unattainable. Joey struggled, but managed to wrestle control. He opened his mouth to try to find me, holding the needle to it. He frowned, upon feeling how tangled my insides were with his. I felt a flash of fear course through him, then resolve. Without a word, he held the needle near his hand, intending to prick himself with it. This was trouble, I hadn’t solidified my control yet. 
I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt Charlie’s hand stop Joey. “Wait. Don’t do this Joey, we can find another way.”
Through Joey’s eyes, Charlie shone a warm smile. Joey’s face beamed one back, before it was twisted into cruel sneer. The younger brother gulped at the sight. It was tiny, but the sliver of defiance from Charlie earlier had given me the upper hand to usurp control. Joey still fought me, but, at least momentarily his body was mine to control. “J-Joey”? Asked a worried Charlie. I laughed pure malice. “Phew, that was close… Thanks bro”. 
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I felt myself worm a little deeper into Joey’s mind once he saw the fear paint Charlie’s eyes. I placed the needle on the desk before placing my attention back on my younger brother. Maybe a part of me was happy it ended up this way. Oh Joey… you’re being so difficult. Guess I’ll have to break you in.
“Joey, what are you-”. I slammed Charlie’s head into my chest, partially covering him in the musk I now shared with Joey. Without a word, I brought my nose over Charlie’s fluffy hair. I smothered my face, nearly choking myself as I took a deep perverted whiff of the younger brother. “J-Jmppphh”, Charlie said in struggle.
”You smell so fucking cute, lil bro.” I say through Joey’s voice. Internally I felt him recoil. “But you should see how a real man smells.” I squeeze the younger brother tighter to my new musclebound flesh, drenching him in the sweat of his older brother’s struggle.
He eventually pushed me out of the way before looking horrified at the long red thread connecting from Joey to the back of his head. “J-“ was all he managed to say before his eyes rolled to the back of their sockets and he fell to the floor. 
= = =
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Joey’s nerves seemed far more potent, as I flexed them into action, bringing Charlie’s body into life. His eyes were still rolled to the back of his head as he turned to face his older brother’s body. He coughed a little before his timid voice let out a little laugh. I released some control back to Joey as he shuddered. He eyed his younger brother nervously. “Fine, Juicy Joe. Make it difficult then. This boy seems weak, how bout I just take your brother and set you free.” I began to will Charlie to start removing his clothes. 
“W-Wait!” Joey exclaimed. I had the unconscious Charlie lick his lips, as I continued sensually stripping his form. I had to admit, Charlie was fucking cute. Joey gulped.
“Bro, I’m waiting.” I moaned in Charlie’s voice, wiggling the red thread of nerves connected right to the base of his skull. Charlie’s tender hands began to massage and explore every piece of his body. I had him stroke his cheeks and face tenderly. “I bet he doesn’t know what a good fucking body he has”. I say through Charlie. Then I have him slap his hands across his chest seductively. “Lil bro’s got an even tighter fit than you, but I bet he can take it”, I have Charlie tease. The red threads connecting to him wiggled a little more. “I bet I could do some real damage in this thing.” 
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“S-Stop!” Joey screamed. “Okay! Okay! Just leave him alone”. I felt myself burrow another inch into Joey’s mind. Charlie really does make a nice puppet… One more for the road. I gestured Charlie to pinch and twist his nipples, promoting his foot to stomp involuntarily at the pleasure, before I disconnected the threads of Joey’s nerves.
= = =
Charlie’s eyes rolled forward when he came to, nearly crying when he realized he was now naked, nipples sore and body brimming with guilt-stricken pleasure. 
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“Didn’t think I could fight him and win, didya C,” I taunted as I wrestled back control of Joey’s body. It was a little easier this time.
“You’re fucking weak,“ I spat venomously through Joey’s voice. Inside his mind, he was crying. He wanted to reassure Charlie he didn’t mean it, but with my thoughts now partially coursing through his, he genuinely did mean it. I felt Joey’s mind bind to me closer as more of his memories opened up. It looks like that did some damage. “You know what’s funny? He probably could have won,” I cackled. “Even now, he’s fighting me so hard, I can barely keep him contained… He’s got so much fight in him. I can’t wait till that’s mine”.
“Charlie, I love you”. I decided to bury the elder brother’s resolve even further. Using his hands, hands that once protected a younger Charlie from schoolyard bullies, hands that often provided reassurance to the shy freshman, I slammed Charlie to the ground. Hard. Charlie cried out in pain, and I forced Joey’s dick to harden in at the sound. I felt Joey whimper internally, now burdened with the guilt of not only doing this to Charlie, but also liking it. Of course, it wasn’t truly his emotions, at least not yet. But it had been enough. Mind battered and body sore from being rooted into, the once proud Mr. Unattainable, Mr. Juicy Joe himself relented. I felt the barrier in the flesh of his brain burst and his psyche shatter. It was likely only a moment of weakness, but a moment was all I needed. I quickly flooded into the gaps, relishing in becoming an integral part of Joey. Cum sputtered from his dick as I basked in our culmination. Every muscle tensed as we coalesced. Joey’s thoughts and emotions flowed through me, uninhibited. And now, I flowed through them, maneuvering them, piecing into them, making him feel and think my thoughts and feelings. Joey let out one last scream as he jerked his head side to side. “Get out of my head! Get out of my head! G-“ His head slung forward. Then, silence. Then a smile. My smile. I could hardly contain myself. I let out a satisfied sigh, panting from my handiwork. I was now the glue holding Joey, body and mind, together. His brain pulsed, trying to form thoughts, but I constricted, wrapping myself in them, tainting each thought before allowing them to flow back out. Fuck it felt good to think in his head. “Joey… we are one”
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Being Joey’s puppeteer was raw pleasure. But being inside him? Thinking for him? Feeling for him? Knowing we were inseparably one? It transcended pleasure. Every inch of my new flesh moved to my command. No resistance, no delay. “J-Joey?” I heard a voice ask meekly. It was then that I realized I had grabbed onto Charlie to steady myself while Joey was shaking in sheer delight.
“Fuuuck dude,” I sputtered between Joey’s shallow breaths. “He’s so fucking strong”. I panted a little more. It was almost too much for me, “Look, I don’t even need my nerves to hold you down.” I teased with sinister glee. My hand kept Charlie from escaping. I shoved him to the other end of the room, blocking his escape with the body that once protected him in the past. 
“He’s got such a fucking hog too” I grunted in pleasure, as I grasped the dick of Mr Unattainable. I let out a dirty smile at my new brother. Aside from the boundless energy, Joey’s body also surged with testosterone, and it took some time to get used to the intensified essence of man that now coursed inside me. I shuddered. Being Joey felt amazing.
“Joey, Fight it!” Charlie shouted. I moved and leaned into my cute new younger brother.
“Joey’s gone bro,” I huffed nearly inaudibly. I dragged Joey’s tongue across Charlie’s cheek in a sensual perversion. Lick. “Well, not really gone. He’s always going to be with us. A part of me. Just like how I’m going to be a part of you.” Lick.
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“Wanna know the best part? Joey here’s a fighter.” I grinned, first through Joey’s natural smile but then pulled it wider and wider. “Guess what his only weakness was?” I moaned, relishing in hearing Joey-flavored words come out of me. It was intoxicating being in final, full control. “Guess what finally let me take this delicious piece of ass for myself.” I ruffled Charlie’s hair tenderly, a habit I extracted from Juicy Joe’s memory. In any other circumstance, he wouldn’t have minded, as it was almost a ritual of sorts between the two. Here, he shuddered, sickened by the corruption of their brotherly bond. “It was you, bro. You made him weak... Thank you”. 
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I wore the original Joey’s sincerity around me like a mask. It felt natural to slot into his behaviors and mannerisms. “See, tell me you could tell the difference. I’m your big bro,” I taunted as I started clumsily grinding into him. 
“Joey, please” Charlie pleaded. From his face, I could tell he was steadily losing hope. 
“Charlie, I’m so sorry…” Joey’s vocal cords say. “I don’t know how to stop him.”
I watched hope return to his eyes. “J-Joey. Is that you? I knew it! You’re in there! You have to fight this.”
“Charlie…. He’s too strong” Joey’s body cried. I kicked my legs and grasped my throat.
“Fight it!” 
“I don’t know how to stop him!” I repeated, before I callously laughed, eyes rolling back in sinful glee, “Because I don’t fucking want to. I was born and bred for this. Look at my eyes, can’t you tell it’s me in here? I’m Joey. The same Joey that helped you learn to ride a bike, the same Joey that taught you how to read”.
I relished  Charlie’s expression. There was no Joey left. At least, the original Joey. He knew it too. “This is all I’ve ever wanted, C. To be fucking integrated. I wanted him inside me” I huffed, as I sped up. “I wanted him wearing my skin, flexing my muscles… squeezing this hot body deep inside you.”
Charlie looked up in confusion. “J-Joey, what do you mean? 
“Little bro you’re gonna love my power. Look at this fucking bicep. Do you want this? Do you want it inside you?” I mocked as I pricked his flesh with the needle. “This little thing scared the shit out of me! Imagine if you pricked me before I got into Juicy Joe” I pouted, as I squeezed my new body’s left ass cheek. I could tell it destroyed Charlie to watch his ‘brother’ treat his own body like this. “You’re gonna be my little insurance. Mr unattainable’s gonna stay unattainable. Don’t worry, unlike Joey over here, I’ll keep you around. You don’t put up much of a fight”. I could tell each word was like a dagger stabbing into Charlie’s heart. 
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“It’s gonna be a tight squeeze, but I know you can handle it. I believe in you…little bro” I moaned, dragging Joey’s hands all over Charlie’s body sensually. Horror dawned on his face as he seemed to have grasped my plan. “Here I thought Joey was fucking stupid,” I spat in laughter. “But it was his brain cells that came up with this little maneuver.” Charlie’s eyes darted wildly, trying to come up with ways to avoid the inevitable. “All those times this meatpuppet protected you when you were kids… Now it’s your turn to protect us” I kissed his soft lips savagely, dragging Joey’s tongue all over his mouth, wanting to taste every inch of my future home. I pulled from the brotherly kiss in a loud gasp for air. There was a long pause in the air as a trail of saliva hung between our two mouths.
“Now make some room for big bro”. 
Well, what’d you think? There’ll probably be a third part to this, but it might take a minute.
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numelfanclub · 1 year
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ouuuugh here's some gijinkas i made lately also happy father's day yesterday 🩷
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cafeinnewdelsta · 1 year
Not me realising that Temenos would have a hell of a time in Spira
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eosofspades · 2 years
i hate how difficult making massive projects is when it comes to art i am having the GREATEST idea for a video game but the only way it can come to actualization the way it needs to be to make it work is if i could get it picked up by a triple A studio
#its a third-person post-apocalyptic urban(?) fantasy digital!eldritch horror that#doubles as a cosmic horror in that certain characters *understand that they are in a video game*#with a DELICIOUS twist at the end and all these different stories lining up#and a very specific way where you can have multiple saves of different characters - skyrim style -#and different choices you make and the way they impact the narrative from there on out -#literally bleeds across game files. the crux of the plot is that the 'code' of the universe is corrupted and falling apart and#there are all these glitches and if a character gets 'corrupted' - different versions of them from other game files will#merge with them sort of and they react to the player based on what decisions they made involving that character in a different save#AND THERES A WHOLE PLOT WITH THESE TWO PRIMORDIAL BEINGS AND THEIR BATTLE AS OLD AS TIME (THE GAME ITSELF)#AND HOW ONE OF THEM KEEPS RESETTING THE GAME EVERY TIME THEY GET CLOSE TO LOSING#SO EVERYONE'S MEMORY IS WIPED#AND ITS WHY NO ONE KNOWS HOW THEY GOT TO THIS WORLD OR WHY THEY HAVE CERTAIN ABILITIES/ETC#and theres magic but its like shitty unbalanced magic where people can sort of casually fuck around with time loops and vortexes and#give themselves cool body modifications like horns or wings or something (like character creation!!!)#I JUST. ITS SUCH A GOOD IDEA IN MY HEAD I NEED A STUDIO TO COME PICK IT UP P L E A S E#bungie i am looking directly at you i know you'd do my vision justice#mine#hhhhng#the game is called the spider and the songbird btw and i'm going to rb this post with all the tags to my wip blog if#anyone is interested in seeing more. theres not much on there yet but there will be :):)
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legogender · 3 months
just remembered garmadon Day ruined
#ARGHHHH…. THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLEEEE!!!! [sitting completely still]#he is every single one of my most favourite painful tropes.#self fulfilling prophecy doomed by fate failed resurrection etc etc etc.#me when i grow up with wveryone telling me im wvil. and then i become evil throigh my own actions !#garm is interesting to me just in the basic version of it in the show its like. ok well its Evil Magic hes actually good but h got Corrupte#which is. technically true BUT#when hes Purified he makes it clear that he still beleieves all his actions were his own and takes responsibility for them#and in THE BOOKS. its VERY clear that hes terrified of who hes becoming but everyone else being scared too makes him distrusting#like the venom is able to twist wus concern and naive fear into something that garm perceives as wu viewing him as a monster#which drives him deeper into his Evil#ohhhhhhhh i love u so much garm. Explodes#i forgot what hes actually doing rn in the show. ik there was the merge so we technically cant know (unless i just forgot??)#but like. is he still just living his best domestic yaoi life. i hope so#disowned my son! feeling good!!#current garm makes me EMOOOOOOO. truly the most fucked up thing harumi ever did bringing him back#its him….. but so different. and not even bad anymore. just…. not who ppl knew#and its sadddd bc in a way this is wus fear realised… he can no longer recognise his brother#like theres glimpses but most of his memories are gone and he has no personal ties to those he loved… but THEY still do#they atill rememeber the garm they loved. but hes dead. but his body is still alive#btw for the record garm makes me emo but wu makes me SUICIDAL. nobody understnad me 💔#whatever [slamming my head thru concrete]
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endawn · 3 months
it took pax a week ( ref ) to reach haven after leli..ana asked for his help because he was munching on templars along the way and helping the apostates who were simply trying to reach redcliffe. she wanted him there at the conclave but, considering how it turned out, him getting distracted saved him. could you imagine if he had gotten the mark? oh, it wouldn’t have been him.
0 notes
goxjo · 4 months
𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
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↪︎ a nsfw mini-series featuring various haikyuu x f bridesmaid!reader scenarios
A/N. I find myself cowering at the slightest hints of domesticity irl and therefore have trouble writing it so here’s a little idea I came up with that’s (sort of) close enough. AAAND I rewrote parts of something blue & something borrowed ++ they’re about 3-4 years old today sksks. Just wanted to show my earlier works some love that’s all <3
taglist. comment or send an ask to be tagged. please make sure your age is visible on your blog too <33
haikyuu masterlist ∘ general masterlist
꒰ 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬, 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐝𝐧𝐢 — 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 ꒱
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I. Something Blue ⋮ Miya Atsumu
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In which you, a bridesmaid, come across a groomsman who cannot wait to get away from all the drunk and lovesick fools at the wedding reception, much like yourself ⋮ Alternatively, in which you get to know each other while he’s balls deep into you
content. hookups, just a bunch of horny strangers, semi-public touching and grinding a.k.a. inappropriate pda, lots and lots of teasing, cockwarming, wc. 3.5k
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II. Something Borrowed ⋮ Sakusa Kiyoomi
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In which you find no way out of the most absurd wedding tradition of all time — the garter toss
content. light choking, slight humiliation, slight corruption, deepthroating, slight gagging, fingering, cunnilingus, mentions of alcohol, edging, slight praise kink, overstimulation, creampie, aftercare, wc. 6.1k
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III. Something Old ⋮ Iwaizumi Hajime
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In which the marriage of a close friend reunites you with your ex who returns after 3 years of no communication, making all unresolved feelings come to light ⋮ Alternatively, in which an ex tries to win you back
content. angst, exes to lovers, confrontation, quickie (sort of), semi-public sex, creampie, cum-eating
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IV. Something New ⋮ Suna Rintarou
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In which marital inevitabilities — merging families, in particular — force extended relatives to get to know each other. As if that in itself isn’t uncomfortable enough, you’re also forced to bunk with your future sister-in-law’s brother while you’re in town
content. and they were roommates!, reluctant roommates, acquaintances to friends with benefits to lovers, sharing a wall, mutual masturbation, some angst, bridesmaid & groomsman shenanigans
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direquail · 9 months
I think what bothers me most about how John is talked about in the fandom is the implication that a different (implied: better) person would've done things differently and somehow more right than he did.
When the text goes to lengths to explore how suddenly coming into an incredible amount of power in a fatally constrained situation cannot lead to a good outcome.
If you're putting John in dialogue with the concept of the "magical girl", which Muir has said he is (a little tongue in cheek, but)--these are young, often profoundly unready people, who often get taken advantage of by the people who give them their powers. And like, yes, John is not a teenager, but I think that's part of the point, is that at no point is a person really prepared to become as powerful as he did--even before he merged with Alecto. Even when he was fully in control of his powers, even when they were given with honest intent and trust, even when he used them with the best of intentions and tried to do the right thing, there was no way for him to be prepared, especially given the situation he was in.
And it's funny to talk about how bad John must be in bed, but also, this isn't a scenario where John is some self-deluding Elon Musk-like villain or loser. He is genuinely trying to do the right thing, in terms of rescuing the Earth's population, rescuing the Earth Herself, and doing it ethically (see: M--'s insistence that they perfect the cryo containers until they could transport pregnant women).
I really do think this is something people are blocking out, because it is one of the uncomfortable parts of Muir's message with the series. But ESPECIALLY because the people "critiquing" him as an embodiment of patriarchy and empire are failing to see that part of Muir's critique is of human vulnerability to power: That is, that power corrupts.
And this even has echoes with Gideon & Harrow's story! Harrow begins the series in a deeply unequal dynamic with Gideon! And she does horrible things, not just because she is traumatized, but because she is traumatized and has the power to act her desires out on Gideon. She might have the motive (trauma), but that's not enough without the means (power).
And, yeah, I do have a semi-salty angle on this because people are frequently loath to think critically not just about axes of oppression but individual relationships of power when it applies to them and to people they like. ESPECIALLY when there is a very vocal segment of the fandom that is enthusiastically pro-harassment. It's very convenient to villainize John and actively dis-identify with him, because otherwise, you'd have to face the question of whether you'd do any better in his place. But the thing is, the mission of revenge he embarks on is a lot closer to many peoples' hearts than they'd like to consider.
That's the whole point.
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