ditusanexus · 4 days
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The #Sciograft Mineralized Cortical Cancellous Particulate Jar is 70% Cortical and 30% Cancellous, now available online at https://bit.ly/3R0RMap
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bonitosurgitech · 1 year
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.3.5 mm Cortical Screw is made from pure Titanium and SS . Any additional length sizes of this screw will be made on demand. This is Self Tapping Screw. Self Tapping Screws cuts its own thread while being driven into the bone.
. .
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lets-try-some-writing · 2 months
Hail to the King: Snippet
Megatron intends to use Smokescreen to torture Optimus. How does he plan to go about this? Simple. Make him the very thing Optimus fears most.
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“You bucket helmed piece of slag! I won’t give you anything!” He struggles against his bindings, his wrists and ankles burning with the effort. He fought with all his might, trying to thrash. All it earned him were a few scuffs that ached with every movement. 
“Good. Then you will have more to give to your new master.” No no no. He wouldn't serve the Decepticons. He wouldn't give them anything, not even the color scheme of Optimus's windshield. 
“What?” His voice shook and his door wings, pressed awkwardly as they were against the slab, twitched in response to his growing fear. This wasn't what he was trained to handle. How could he fight against someone tampering with his processor? That sort of thing only happened before the war with the old Council of Cybertron.
“Optimus Prime, my ancient nemesis. He claimed he had no interest in claiming the Matrix. I remember quite vividly how he denied any desire to take it.” Megatron met his terrified gaze with a smirk worthy of Liege Maximo himself. Smokescreen could only watch in horror as Shockwave, now visible at the far corner of the room, prepared a series of needles and cords.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Keep him talking. If he could just keep Megatron talking, maybe he could still get out of this.
“Optimus claims he does not want to be seen as a god. He preaches that he is a mere mech, despite the relic he carries. He despises the worship of the faithful. Truly a humble mech to the bitter end.” Megatron's gaze felt like a hot iron against his plating. Smokescreen wanted to run, he wanted to phase through the walls and into the ground where it was safe. And yet, he could do nothing except shake faintly as Megatron circled him, his clawed digits running along the slab that bound Smokescreen in a threatening manner.
“And yet, he took the Matrix anyway. He never even considered stepping aside so that real change could be enacted. We all would have been so much better off if he’d put down his arrogance and allowed those more suitable to step up.” The screech of Megatron's claws tearing through metal assaulted Smokescreen's audials along with the sheer venom in his captor's voice. For a moment, he couldn't vent. He expected white hot pain to overwhelm him, but when he worked up the courage to look, he saw that Megatron's claws were dug into his slab, not his plating.
“He took a role he was never meant to fill, and now he heralds himself as a leader, a commander and vessel for ancient wisdom. And yet, he refuses to take responsibility for all he’s brought upon himself. He won’t accept the praise of the faithful like a good puppet Prime. But he also refuses to silence the whispers about his supposed divinity.” One by one, those claws pulled out of the slab, leaving terrifying gashes in their wake. Smokescreen had to fight back the urge to cry out in terror as Megatron's voice edged into something even darker. He was practically seething as he ranted. Smokescreen could hardly understand all of it.
“He stole a station he was never meant to take. Maybe he did it to spite me and is now too devoted to back down. Perhaps he truly thought, in his naivety, that he was better suited for the role. Whatever the case, I will abuse his humility. I will make him pay for taking the place that was rightfully mine.” Megatron's arms raised to the skies, almost as though he were preaching to a crowd. His back was to Smokescreen, but his words were still just as cruel and wicked. He spoke Iaconian common for Smokescreen's sake, but it was so heavily layered with Kaoni sub glyphs that Smokescreen could sense every last iota of emotion.
Megatron was truly bitter. It had been generations since the start of the war, and still Megatron was clinging to an ancient conflict. Smokescreen wouldn't dare claim to understand it all, but he knew for a fact that Optimus was a better Prime than the crazed warlord ranting before him. It didn't matter if Optimus got the Matrix through underhanded means, he'd long proven himself worthy of the title in Smokescreen's mind. The fact that Optimus refused worship merely showed his humility and devotion to the cause. He expected nothing, save for the cooperation of those around him.
A true Prime did not enslave. A true Prime was kind and commanded respect through actions, not words. Optimus didn't need to be worshiped. He had long since become a mech worthy of respect far exceeding the bounds of religious bindings.
“He will become the thing he sought to escape, and you, guardsmech, will be the key to all of it.” Smokescreen gawked as Shockwave began to gather up the cords he was working with. Megatron grinned in a convoluted fashion, almost as if he'd already won. What were they planning? What could they possibly want if not information?
“I won’t do anything for you! Never!” He thrashed against his bonds again. It did nothing but prompt Megatron to laugh.
“Struggle as much as you want. It will yield you nothing. In the end, you will make Optimus squirm and drown in his guilt.” Megatron stood like royalty, but to Smokescreen, he looked like nothing more than a mad ghoul eager for its next hunt. Smokescreen would rather die than betray his team and Prime. Whatever Megatron had planned, it could not be allowed to succeed.
“The patch is prepared, Lord Megatron.” Shockwave approached the Lord of the Decepticons, a threatening series of cables in his servo. Smokescreen could see a needle on the end of one, likely meant to stab directly into his processor. 
“Excellent. Begin uploading the simulation schematics. I want him fully engrossed in it until Optimus agrees to a conference.” A simulation? Were they going to try and turn him into a Con or something?
“Optimus won’t ever surrender to you!” He flailed, fighting desperately enough to tear his armor around his wrists as he fought to be free. He wouldn't become a weapon. He refused to become a tool for Megatron to use.
Despite how hard he tried to get away, it wasn't long before part of his slab was removed, leaving his helm exposed from the back. He tried to move, but he could do nothing except bite back a scream as something sharp and painful jabbed directly into the back of his helm. Coolant threatened to gather in his optics as his systems were thrown into overdrive, trying to find the source of the problem to little avail. All the while, Megatron continued his mad monologue.
“The Primes of old were heralded as gods. The Primacy was devoted to their every wish and fancy.” The warlord paced, his sickening smile still ever present. Smokescreen could feel a faint buzz at the back of his mind, the beginnings of the patch's work, no doubt.
“It is ancient history now, but before the war began, every Prime was given devotees who were meant to serve them.” Smokescreen's optics trailed the leader of the Decepticons, observing with growing horror how much emphasis Megatron put on the word 'serve'. Just what was Megatron hoping to make him into?
“Mecha personally trained to meet their Prime’s fancies.” No. No, Megatron couldn't be trying to change him. Information fishing was one thing. But changing his mind? 
“Warriors brought low through humiliation and submission so that their will could become an extension of their Prime.” This couldn't be happening. He wouldn't succumb to Megatron's twisted will. He had to keep himself composed. 
“The most loyal and submissive servants. Just the kind of subordinate Optimus fears and despises in equal measure.” Megatron loomed over him, his gaze knowing and expectant. Smokescreen wanted to spit curses, but everything was starting to feel fuzzy, almost as though he were drifting into recharge.
“He fears becoming corrupt if given such devotion.” Twisted laughter bubbled in Megatron's vocalizer. His amusement rang out in the air as Smokescreen frantically tried to keep coolant from gathering in his optics. He couldn't show how scared he was, even though his shaking door wings betrayed him.
“Let’s see if his fears become reality.” Red optics glared down at him, demanding results. Smokescreen wanted to cry. Torture, interrogation, suffering of all kinds, he could endure those. But changing his very core? His mind and his beliefs? How was he to withstand that?
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tumblingxelian · 2 months
Cortical Cocoon AU:
Actually, on the subject of food, how do you see various Imago going about getting it?
I mentioned the Infestigator setting up a dead drop or clandestine rendezvous with a delivery guy, or just going ahead and casually buying food like they don't probably have a warrant for all the hostage taking during their emergence.
But how do you see other Imago going about food acquisition?
Good question and hilarious mental images regarding the Infestigator.
"Well technically it was my human host who took the hostage not me." "That means you killed the man yourself after driving him crazy!" "We can't help how we're born." "So wait, are you that guy or a new guy?" "Excellent question! One you should perhaps also direct towards Miss Rossi . Normally I'd not interfere but Chameleons tend to eat insects you see."
As for other Imago, I think it'd depend a lot on their type, personality & obsessions, as well as how much destruction they are prone to cause on their own.
Like, Startrain probably has to grudgingly come back to earth and raids a space station to steal all the "space food" & takes off again.
Style Queen just orders the nearest server to bring her food and then maybe doesn't kill them if she thinks they did a tolerable job.
Princess Fragrance sends her loyal lovelies out to collect her food, or has her adoring attendants make her home cooked meals.
You get the idea.
Some of the more rational one's may even be willing to pay people!. Ya know, in theory, an autograph from Anti-Bug counts as money!
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bucketwingthoughts · 5 months
Sorry if this an out of the blue question but do starscream in your aus have fetishes? fantasies?? You know when he humping on megs? 👀👉🏼👈🏼
nsfw warning clearly
Starscream has a lot of fantasies with Megatron that he doesn't share because he doesn't want Megatron to think he's an animal. Starscream is so in love with and obsessed with Megatron (mind, personality but frame type ofc) that any time he is near him he has to calm himself down. Since Starscream doesn't have a heat cycle or anything like that, Megatron often times cannot actually feel what Starscream is thinking so that's good on Starscream's part.
Because Starscream wants Megatron to throw him over the counter and fuck him senselessly, or Starscream wants to ride Megatron so hard Megatron passes out and then Starscream passes out. The fantasies Starscream has of dominating Megatron's spike are actually insane. ESP in my post IDW aus, Starscream has animalistic tendencies since he was revived.
Like Starscream will go to great lengths in his mind to sit on ride that spike like a surfboard.
And then Starscream wants Megatron to get a little rough too like his biggest kink/fantasy is Bomber Megatron coming back to fuck him. Like he wants him to be ROUGH, or his worst kinks are plainly being fucked by all Megatron's at the same time, preferably in his mind tied up.
Then he also wants to see Bomber Megatron fucking current Megatron too???
And he tells Megatron none of this, and he never will.
Also Megatron being like millions of years older than him turns him on.
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r4v3nzcr0ws · 16 days
halloween costume ideas:
- cortical humunculus
-eraserhead baby
-hal 9000
-dr frank n furter
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mindriz · 13 days
Infestigator HC, but given you said he always has to be broke, I am just imagining that he's subconsciously turned a couple of moths into drones (The way Jagged turns Fang into a dragon) & they just float around his nest and wallet eating money and ensuring all his clothes are suitably raggedy.
Huh. Hadn't considered the idea of non-humanoid drones.
Does seem rather interesting though.
Of course, those moths would provide an advantage (possibly unknowingly) to Infestigator, quietly watching things, resulting in the Infestigator having strange bursts of insight he claims as 'hunches'.
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nonspeakingkiku · 1 year
Kiku is moving very soon. And it is scary but also exciting.
One of the things Kiku is planning on doing after Kiku loves is making a CVI friendly calendar/schedule. It's probably gonna be tactile as well as visual, but Kiku isn't exactly sure how Kiku is going to do it. Kiku is excited though. ☺️
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Honestly, if I could change one thing about Arcee and Airachnid's history, I'd cut Tailgate out entirely. I know it's been said before, but Tailgate is just Cliffjumper but again. Like, both his toy and character model are just different recolors of Cliff. Hell, the character model is just a different shade of red and scratched up to hell and back.
The way I'd have done it (Or rather the one way I can think of), Arcee still would have been captured and interrogated, and her hatred of Airachnid would come from everything she endured before being rescued. Cos like, I know that wasn't the only time Cee's been captured during the war (Hello, Out of the Past), but Airachnid seems far more adept at torturing prisoners than Starscream. Yeah, they both draw out the process, but Airachnid keeps her eye on her prey and makes them suffer instead of gloating and taunting them.
I imagine that Airachnid's methods would stick with anybody who survived them, and Arcee would want to pay her back in full.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
You know I've thought of situations where Megatron was successfully shadowplayed, but like. a half assed job of it, and he ends up sliding back into "hey wait shit's fucked and we can do something about it" mode much later on than in most versions of canon.
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ditusanexus · 2 months
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The #Sciograft Mineralized Cortical Cancellous Particulate Jar is 70% Cortical and 30% Cancellous, now available online at https://bit.ly/3R0RMap
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cosmogenous2 · 4 months
you don’t literally look like that
im pale w blue eyes... so i think i look pretty similar
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tumblingxelian · 2 months
Hey did I ever get around to asking you about your thoughts regarding Marrinette's mindset of separating the Akuma from the host in the context of Cortical Cocoon?
I don't believe so, but it is an interesting question, I think Marinette would really struggle with Imago on a conceptual level for many reasons.
Off the cuff, Marinette is a problem solver who feels responsible for everything. As a result if she can't fix something or a problem seems insurmountable she starts to catastrophize things.
So she's already gonna be super anxious about them.
Add in that she sees Akuma as basically people possessed and otherwise rendered unto as tools and thus not remotely responsible for their Akuma's actions be they good or bad. IE to her the Akuma does not reflect anything about the person so Chloe not killing Chat Noir doesn't say anything more about Chloe than Nathanial trying to murder Chloe & Marinette says about him.
When in reality that are people transformed and exaggerated by external stimuli, IE magic drunk/steroids that births an alternate persona but one they are still part of...
Its entirely possible she views becoming Imago as death.
The Imago is not a person its a monster that festered inside someone and ate them from the inside out and now they are dead and any resemblance between the two is happenstance.
Which to be fair is not 00% inaccurate depending on the type of manifestation, but is also not the case 100% of the time and more to the point, even unhinged and dangerous, Imago aren't inherently evil, in fact some are less-so than Akuma, though this is rare to be fair.
So, yeah I think she'd both feel immense guilt about anyone who becomes an Imago but also low key view it as a death sentence and would not see the Imago as an evolution, successor or continuation of the person in question.
At least not at first, no one's thinking is so rigid that they can't find exceptions or grey area even if they won't acknowledge it.
So like, if Chloe went through the Chrysididae transformation, Marinette would try to give this new being the grace of a fresh start but would also REALLY STRUGGLE not to just see Chloe pretending to be someone else.
In contrast if Alya transformed into Lady Wifi she'd want a complete 100% discontent from this thing puppeting around her friends corpse and want to destroy it, but probably while crying the whole time. & 50/50 on whether she could actually go through with it.
Basically, she'd be super fucked about them and struggle a lot.
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ratchetonsteroids · 2 years
okay, somebody had probably already said this,,, BUT.
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this image is suuper low quality but hang in with me here. so, my friend sent me this image, and it's like some sort of sneak peek for upcoming earthspark episodes. but hold on. just going to ignore the fact he is hanging with a bunch of the blue tendrils from the arachnomechs from the (ceiling???) but hoooold on. what is that.
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i may be wrong, but a theory/guess of mine is that that is some version of a cortical psychic patch. (Sorry if i spelled it wrong.) here's an example from TFP. (Other shows may have this, but I'm not sure.)
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a purple-lined wire that connects to the back of the head. now if you look closely at the picture above this one, you'll see that the thicker wire keeping him mostly upright snakes up his body and looks like it ends at his neck, but i have a guess that it actually curls around his neck instead and connects to the back of his head.
who knows? this may not be it. but maybe Mandroid and his little minions wanted some info, or they allied with the cons. so they captured Bee to get it.
I know this sounds really far-fetched, it is, but remember, this is just a guess/theory, so don't go shitting on me.
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dire-straits-fn8ic · 8 months
When the Crane Wives sang "I once knew a man who was all lips and hands" I bet they were referring to the Cortical Homunculus we learned about in psychology class
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mindriz · 8 days
Stumbled on this song again after ages and was like "I could see an Imago having this as a rally cry kind of" XD
"Heroes Falling"
Alright, that does seem pretty fitting. I also went ahead and looked up who Nine is for additional context.
I could definitely see a similar sort of character as an Imago, who would likely cause a massive conflict.
Definitely a season finale level threat. Or tie-in movie, I suppose.
Odds this Nine!Imago would be able to attract a decent following of Imago to their side, although plenty would likely try to stay out of it.
Maybe even fleeing Paris entirely for a period.
I suppose if we go a bit further with making this character an expy of Nine, we could incorporate the Organization by making it so that this Imago happened to be taken by the Organization, who managed to enhance their abilities as part of an experiment.
This naturally backfires on the Organization's part, and ultimately sets up the entire conflict.
Also, apologies for taking a while to answer. Got somewhat distracted these past few days.
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