#cos its after midnight here
pjisskullourful · 1 year
might fuck around& post something new tomorrow too
7 notes · View notes
gammasnippets · 7 months
Drive T
SNSD Kim Taeyeon x Male Reader
12,260 words (Co-edited by @capslocked and @sparkynsfws)
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Wimbledon—one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world, known for its rich history and iconic traditions. It's the highlight of the tennis season, where the best players from around the globe compete for the coveted title on the hallowed grass courts of the All England Club. This is where names are made, and where legends are born. From casual fans to hardcore tennis enthusiasts, everyone is eager to witness the thrilling matches and the breathtaking displays of skill the players unleash on the courts. And with only a few months to prepare, you do your best to be in your best physical and mental condition for the coming tournament.
That is… If you're one of the qualifying players.
Something suddenly hits your head, snapping you out of your daydreaming. It was a tennis ball, rolling down your face. It's not even a hard hit, but it sure is enough to knock you back to reality. You then scan the tennis court looking for the culprit. Not far from you stands a woman, one hand on her racket and the other on her hip, and she doesn't look pleased.
"Hey! Quit your daydreaming, will you?" says the woman, sounding annoyed.
"That was uncalled for, you know?" you retort as you rub the point of impact, a spark of irritation in your voice.
"I just finished warming up here and the next thing I know, you're in your own world!" she snaps back, clearly unapologetic for her errant shot.
"Well, if only you didn't arrive late, we could've started our practice session on time," you reply, trying to maintain your composure.
The woman doesn't seem to like your response and walks towards you, her face slowly turning red.
"So it's my fault that you scheduled our practice session at such an inconvenient time?"
"What? You told me that you're only available today and that you really wanted to practice," you protest, feeling both confused and frustrated.
"At fucking midnight?" she exclaims, raising her voice.
"Well, it's only an hour after…"
"11 PM, 12 AM… Whatever! It's late in the evening, you dumbass!"
She kinda has a point. Despite the great discount you received for renting the tennis court at nighttime, you begin to realize that scheduling a session close to midnight wasn't the wisest decision.And she has every right to be angry about the inconvenience.
You take a step back, realizing that this argument is getting out of hand.
"Alright, alright… I'm sorry, Taeyeon-noona. I should've checked with you first."
To your relief, her anger softens slightly, and she sighs.
"Well, we're way past that now. Might as well make use of the time while we're here."
"Thanks for understanding…"
"Just don't you ever do this again," she says as she points her racket at you, her tone still sharp. "Or I'll make sure to hit you harder next time."
"Okay. I get it," you reply, feeling intimidated by her fiery demeanor.
You were always intimidated by Taeyeon's fiery demeanor. As your former teacher and tennis club advisor, she's known to be as strict and disciplined. You can't forget the torture she put you through, but that didn't sway you from leaving the sport you're passionate about. And for better, or more likely worse, you and Taeyeon are still in touch after all these years. Maybe you could've found a better partner, but you've never been more comfortable with anyone else other than her.
You and Taeyeon proceed to continue your practice session on the tennis court. Both of you are determined to make the most of the remaining time and improve your skills, ignoring the tension that still lingers in the air. The court fills with the sound of powerful swings, focused footwork, and the occasional grunt of exertion as you both push yourselves to the limit. Well-deserved breaks are taken to catch your breath, sip some water, and exchange a few friendly jokes amidst the intensity.
After a few rounds of intense practice, the two of you decide to take a much longer break.
"Fuck… I need a break," you pant, collapsing onto a nearby bench.
"Jeez. You're tired already?" Taeyeon teases you, as desperate for air as you are.
"You're the one to talk," you retorted, throwing the tease back at her.
"Well, you're the one who keeps on making me run all over the court!" she grumbles as she retires beside you, pouting her lips.
"You gotta do what you gotta do," you reply, smirking.
"Yet I still won," she boasts, a smug grin spreading across her face.
"I only let you win, you know?" you shrug nonchalantly.
Taeyeon laughs out loud at your cocky remark.
"As if! You always trip when you're returning my drop shots."
"Hey… It only happened once."
"More like twice!"
You raise your hands in mock surrender.
"Okay… It happened twice. Happy now?"
"You bet," she continues to laugh. "God, that was funny."
Taeyeon can't help but giggle at your mistakes during the game. As much as you find her laughter infectious, her teasing you might have hit a nerve. You want to retaliate by telling her how equally awful she was at returning her serves. But maybe she deserves this after the earlier exchange.
"So, wanna do a few more rounds?" you propose to Taeyeon, eager to win against her.
"Already? Can't we relax a bit more?" she asks, her body still slumped against the bench.
"Come on. We still have a lot of time left," you urge her, giving her a good nudge with your elbow.
"Exactly! Can't we use the time to rest longer?" she complains, faking an exhausted expression.
You sneer at her, raising an eyebrow.
"Noona, please. Don't be such a baby. You're too old for that," you tell her.
She then lets out a loud gasp. You obviously hit a nerve.
"Hey! I'm not old, you fuck!" she exclaims, raising her voice.
You chuckle. "Yeah, but you're definitely older than me."
"I'm only 34!" she yells, her cheeks turning slightly red.
"You can even pass as my aunt," you joke, unable to resist pushing her buttons even further.
In a hurry, she ejects herself from the bench, ready to argue back.
"Listen here, you little shit. You can joke all you want, but I can kick your ass right here, right now."
Seems like your teasing had the wrong effect on Taeyeon. As if a fuse inside her was lit, she's ready to fight you with words, fists, and probably anything else she can get her hands on.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," you apologize, trying to appease her.
But Taeyeon's not having it, and she's still fuming.
"That's not gonna cut it, you asshole," she continues to rant. "Y'know what? Let's make this interesting."
You don't know what's going through her head, but whatever it is, you don't like it.
"What? Interesting, how?"
"Since you think I'm such a weak old lady, even though I've beaten you many times…"
"We're almost even," you interject, but she's quick to cut you off.
"Shut up! You're not helping your case," she barks, glaring at you.
You shut your mouth and let her finish.
"Anyway, I bet I can beat you in a singles match," she declares, her tone serious.
The proposition sounds appealing to you, but it does feel like you're being manipulated.
"You can't be serious, right?"
"Do I look like I'm not?"
You scan her face carefully. Her expression doesn't waver and looks dead serious. You begin to regret messing with her earlier, and you're unsure what to say next.
"Well?" she asks again, expecting a clear answer.
You can't help but let out a deep sigh.
"Okay… What's on the line, then?"
"The loser has to follow the winner's every command."
You're a little taken aback by the wager, not because it's particularly absurd, but rather that you can't believe how quickly she's able to come up with this kind of proposition.
"That… That's quite a bold bet," you say, feeling a bit intimidated by the conditions.
"Are you backing out already? I thought you're a better player than that."
"No, I'm not! I'm just… Surprised," you stutter, unsure if you're able to take the challenge.
"Don't be such a chicken," she taunts you, a devilish smirk forming on her lips.
The teaser now becomes teased, and her expression is the one that you would never want to see. She's ready to fight you, and not just with her words. You can sense her desire for victory emanating out of her, and that scares the hell out of you.
Suddenly, immense pressure is crushing you down, and you begin to doubt yourself. Taeyeon's always been a formidable player, even with her age and size. If it weren't for her teaching you, you wouldn't have learned all the tricks that you've used to win many matches. You start to regret your decision to play with her, and you have no choice but to swallow the lump in your throat.
"Alright… You've got a deal," you agree, taking the challenge.
She gives a smug grin.
"That's what I wanted to hear," she chuckles. "Well, we've got plenty of time. Shall we have a nice game?"
"I guess so…"
The two of you prepare for the match, putting your rackets and other equipment away. As you're preparing, a thought pops into your mind, and you have a burning question to ask Taeyeon.
"You do realize that a singles match is longer than doubles, right?"
"Well, we can adjust the rules. This isn't an official match, after all."
"Alright. So how do you want to do this? Best out of three sets?"
"Sounds fair enough."
With the agreement, you and Taeyeon prepare to take the court once again. Both of you are determined to win and get the advantage over the other.
You set off the game with your first serve, hitting a fastball to the far corner of the service box. Taeyeon returns with a strong swing, hitting a high-speed shot that you're unable to defend. She takes the first point.
"Shit," you curse under your breath, as the scoreboard shows 15-0.
You try not to lose your focus as you return to the baseline and prepare for the next serve.
You decide to be more careful, not wanting to repeat the same mistake. Your next serve is a lot slower and hits the back of the service box. Taeyeon's return is weaker, allowing you to defend easily. With the advantage, you go on the offense and score a point.
"Yes!" you celebrate, pumping your fist.
"Hey. Not bad," Taeyeon concedes, not wanting to praise you.
"You can't expect me to let you have the advantage all the time," you brag, not letting her dampen your spirit.
"Try me."
Those two words somehow have a strange effect on you, and your confidence quickly wavers.
You try to be a little bit more aggressive on your next serve, and she's forced to make a mistake, throwing the ball off bounds. The score is now tied at 15-30.
The two of you continue your game, fighting tooth and nail to get the advantage. You give your best and so does her. Neither of you are willing to let the other gain any sort of upper hand.
The score eventually reads 40-30, with Taeyeon holding the lead. A single point would end the set and give her a huge advantage.
The volleys between you and Taeyeon are fast and aggressive, but with a strong swing, she manages to catch you off guard, scoring the winning point. She wins the first set.
She cheers at her victory, a wide grin spread across her face.
"Not bad. Didn't think I'd get the first point, huh?"
"Yeah, but the first set doesn't matter," you retort, not wanting to get discouraged.
"Is that so, hotshot? You can try."
You grit your teeth, and you're not sure whether Taeyeon's taunt was meant to annoy you, but her words had its desired effect. You're now ready to prove her wrong and win the second set.
She starts off the second set, preparing for her next serve.
"Let's see if you can return this one," she challenges you with a sly smile on her face.
"Bring it," you reply, your focus unwavering.
Taeyeon lets out a fast serve, aiming for the corner of the service box. Luckily for you, you manage to read her serve and position yourself perfectly to return it with a strong forehand. A few quick exchanges later, you score with a cross-court shot to start the second set with a point in your favor.
It's now your turn to serve. You perform a tricky flat serve, hoping to catch Taeyeon off guard. She anticipates your serve, returning it with a well-placed backhand slice that lands just over the net. In your hesitation to reach the ball, you mistakenly returned it too high and Taeyeon seizes the opportunity, smashing with a powerful overhead shot. The score is now tied at 15-15 in the second set.
You didn't let this setback discourage you. Instead, you double down on your serve, determined to not repeat the same mistake. Taeyeon is also focused and prepared to return your next serve.
With a swift motion, you throw another fast serve, and Taeyeon returns it with a powerful forehand, forcing you to make a mistake. But you managed to return the ball at an awkward angle, giving her a difficult ball to return. You seize the opportunity and score the next point.
The tension between you and Taeyeon is at an all-time high as the second set moves closer to its conclusion. Each point is fought fiercely, and there are a lot of close calls. Neither of you is willing to concede even a single point.
With both of you on the verge of exhaustion, the match is now coming down to the wire.
The score is now 15-40. You need a single point to win the second set.
You have the opportunity to serve. Taeyeon prepares herself, ready to receive your next serve.
"Here goes," you mutter, trying to psych yourself up. With a powerful serve, you launch the ball over the net. You watch anxiously as the ball flies toward the opposite side of the court. She reacts quickly, running towards the ball and returning with a strong forehand. You are forced to return the ball with a lob.
In the air, the ball curves towards the left, landing just outside the lines. You can only hope that Taeyeon isn't able to return it. But with her usual finesse, she returns the ball with a backhand lob, landing just in front of you. It's your turn to seal the deal with a powerful backhand of your own that hits the corner of the court, earning you the final point of the second set.
You try to keep your composure despite the win, but deep down you're ecstatic.
"Nice job," she compliments you.
You only give her a nod in return.
"So, shall we start the last set?"
"Yeah. Let's."
The chill of the midnight air dissipates as the final set begins. With both of you equally fired up and determined to win, you prepare for the final round.
This is it. The last set of the match. There's no time to lose.
You take the serve, performing a tricky jump serve that she struggles to defend. With a powerful swing, you hit a fastball that she's unable to return. You take the first point.
Taeyeon's serving next. With a fast serve, she catches you off guard and you're unable to defend her serve. The score is now 15-15 in the final set.
The pressure is mounting on you as the set progresses. You want to win. You both do. But there's something in her that drains you of your will. You're not sure if she's just playing a good mind game, or if she really has the upper hand.
The turn to serve goes back to you. You're determined not to let Taeyeon get a free pass. With a slow flat serve, you try to catch her off guard. She returns it with a well-timed forehand. You quickly move towards the ball and return it with a sharp topspin that lands just inside the line. She's unable to return the ball and you score a point.
The score is now 30-15 in your favor. The momentum is shifting in your direction. But it feels as though it isn't.
Taeyeon's serving next, and she looks determined to break the momentum. She hits a fast serve, hoping to catch you off guard. You return it with a powerful forehand. But her next shot is even faster, hitting a topspin that forces you to return it with a weak lob.
At that point, she brandishes her trademark move.
She rushes towards the ball, winding up for a smash. You prepare yourself to counter her attack… Only for Taeyeon to swing her racket sideways as it falls down, hitting the ball with a strong topspin. In a rush, you chase after the ball, but it bounces erratically, almost at a 90-degree angle. Before you can do anything, the ball lands outside the line.
“Drive T” is what she calls it. Not only does she swings her arms in a T shape, but the topspin she generates causes the ball to draw a cross, or rather a small letter T, as it bounces uncontrollably on the court. It’s a move that is very hard to predict, both to the players and spectators alike. You’ve seen her used that technique on many occasions, both to intimidate her opponents and to finish the game quickly. It is her dangerous weapon.
And she just used it against you.
Your jaw hangs open in shock. You can't believe she did that.
"Now that's a topspin!" Taeyeon boasts, laughing.
As much as you want to respond to her, you're not sure if you can. As "friendly" as this game is, you can't help but feel a creeping sense of dread at how serious this is turning out.
The score is now tied 30-30. The tension is getting even higher, and your mind is racing. You want to win. You need to win.
You take a deep breath as you prepare for your next serve. As calm as you can be, you send the ball towards her with a powerful serve that sails all the way to the other end of the net. But with her quick reflexes, Taeyeon effortlessly returns the serve with a perfectly executed backhand. You send it back with a swift backhand of your own, making her chase the ball towards the sideline. She manages to get to the ball just in time, and with a flick of her wrist, she sends a sharp topspin towards your corner.
Your heart races as you anticipate the spin and speed of the approaching ball, adjusting your movement to counter her shot with a controlled forehand. However, as you send the ball back, she has positioned herself near the net, swinging it downwards with incredible power and speed. You already put all your strength in returning the previous shot that you have no more time left to react accordingly, making the ball slip past you and land out of your reach.
Taeyeon grunts with satisfaction as her shot gives her a crucial point, bringing the score to 40-30 in her favor.
You curse under your breath, realizing that you may have bit off more than you can chew. But you have no option to back down now. All that's left is to turn the tables and win.
You take another deep breath as you wait for her to make her next move.
Your eyes remain locked on Taeyeon as she prepares to serve, her intense focus indicating that she's not going to make this easy for you. What happens next is like a blur as the ball immediately zooms towards you the moment she tosses it into the air, not even letting it wait for gravity to pull it down. With her on match point, she has all the reasons to end this game as quickly as possible.
You quickly run to intercept the ball, swatting it with a powerful forehand. She stays on her toes, moving swiftly to return your shot with a skillful backhand slice that barely clears the net. The distance is quite the challenge, but it's something you can still manage. You make a sprint towards the net, just in time to hit it back with a drop shot that catches Taeyeon off guard. With her nimble feet, she manages to reach the ball, though she has to dive in for the last few inches just to keep the rally going. And with a desperate lob, she sends the ball soaring high into the air, giving you enough time to deliver a crushing overhead smash that lands just inside the baseline, completely out of Taeyeon's reach.
As the ball connects with the court, a sense of triumph washes over you, pumping your fist in the air. You managed to buy yourself some room to breathe in this fiery match and gain a much-needed point, leveling the score at 40-40. Taeyeon recovers herself from her dive, letting out a sigh as she recovers her breathing. You're exhausted yourself, struggling to catch your breath after the intense rally. But there's no time to rest. You lock eyes with her, both of your eyes burning with determination to win over the other. The next serve could very well be the turning point of the entire match.
Once again, it's your turn to serve. Everything is suddenly hazy as if the world around you blurs into a complete mess of colors. All that's clear in your eyes are the ball in your hands, the lines on the court, and the woman in front of you. It could be the adrenaline. It could be the fear of losing. It could be anything. But none of that matters. Send the ball her way, swing it back if she dares to return it, repeat.
The next few rounds are nothing but intense back-and-forth as you and Taeyeon fight for every point. The ball flies across the court in a flurry of precise shots and strategic placement. You're tired as hell, and maybe, so is she. But neither of you can afford to let up even for a moment, not even an inch, as the score remains neck and neck.
After a few deuces and grueling rallies, the tension on the court reaches its peak. She has managed to bring the score to what could potentially be the final point of the entire match. You're both sweating profusely, your bodies glistening under the harsh stadium lights. The cold air that should be a reprieve feels suffocating against your heated skin. She could be on her last legs, but you're kind of on the same page.
You prepare yourself as Taeyeon prepares her to serve, her eyes locked on yours like a hawk, unwavering and intense. Her serve is swift, darting through the air with deadly accuracy. You react quickly, heading forward to meet the ball with a powerful forehand return. She then easily steps into position, returning the ball with a soft backhand shot. You match her shot with a well-executed slice, aiming to throw her off balance. But she still manages to reach the ball with a quick flick of her wrist, sending it sailing over the net with surprising speed and precision.
As the ball hurtles towards you, you summon every ounce of your pent-up aggression to smack the ball back with an explosive topspin shot, making the ball draw a sharp curve towards the sideline. This is all you have left. You can feel your strength draining as you shout your heart out with that final, desperate shot.
Unfortunately… Your tough opponent, Taeyeon, is right there, ready and waiting.
In a matter of seconds, the distance between her and the ball closes as she lunges forward, her body contorting with the grace and agility of a seasoned athlete. And as she swings her racket in a cross through the air, you know that she isn't just going to return the ball - she's sealing the deal with her Drive T. She hits the ball with such power that it spins wildly as soon as it's airborne. You watch it making its landing not far from you and with your heart pounding, you scramble to retrieve it. But with the ball's unpredictable spin, it bounces away from you instead of it landing in your control.
And as the ball bounces down to a stop, Taeyeon wins the match, winning 2 sets to 1.
"Yay! I won!"
She screams in joy and hops up and down with excitement as if all her exhaustion has instantly evaporated. Meanwhile, you collapse to the ground, completely outplayed and spent. As she celebrates her victory, she notices that you've been anchored to the ground. She makes her way towards you, skipping lightly in joy.
Trying not to feel bitter about your defeat, you raise your hand, giving her a thumbs up and a genuine smile. She responds in kind, before extending her hand to help you up.
"Well, looks like you took the match. That was nice," you say as you sit up, catching your breath as you try to compose yourself after the intense match.
"Thanks. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just need a moment to recover. My legs feel like they're burning, though."
"Oh. Same here… But I'm good."
"Damn. How do you even do that?"
"I told you many times to work on your legs! I always tell you to do more than just jog," she scolds you as if losing to her wasn't enough.
"Alright, alright," you reply, rolling your eyes. "I'll start next week."
"Well you better be," she chuckles, tapping her racket lightly against your shoulder.
You chuckle amidst the exhaustion, the frustration you felt at losing to Taeyeon fading away.
"So, is that your dare for me?" you ask her.
"You won, right?"
"Oh! Right! The bet!" Taeyeon's eyes then widened in realization.
You shake your head lightly, amused by her sudden forgetfulness.
"And you still deny that you're old—ow!"
She smacks you again with her racket, albeit harder this time.
"What did I just say about calling me old?"
"Okay, okay! Jeez, what a killjoy," you mutter, rubbing your shoulder.
"What was that?" she taunts, preparing to hit you again.
"Nothing! I said nothing," you quickly respond, trying to diffuse the situation.
"Good!" she exclaims, giggling.
"Now, what do you want me to do?" you repeat, trying not to provoke her.
Her attitude changes quickly.
"You're actually gonna go through with it?"
"I mean, you won, so…"
"Are you sure?"
"Come on, just tell me what you want me to do," you urge her.
She pauses for a moment, contemplating the terms of her victory.
"Well, since I beat you pretty badly…"
"That was close," you protest, only to earn a glare from her.
"It wasn't. Now shut up and listen."
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod.
"Y'know what? You look like a tired mess right there. Let's head over to the bench and I'll think of a good prize."
"But my body's still—"
She lets out a loud, exasperated sigh.
"Alright. Get up, you lousy ass," she extends her hand, offering to pull you up.
You take it and let her lead the way to the benches. It's not that far, but the short walk to the benches is enough to make your knees wobble and legs ache. The two of you collapse onto the bench, finally able to relax and rest for a bit.
"Jeez, I didn't think the match was gonna be that hard. You did really well," she says, giving you a soft pat on the shoulder.
"Well… I was against you, after all. Of course, it'll be hard," you respond, your tone slightly annoyed.
"Hey! Don't get me wrong. It's still a nice game."
"I guess. Thanks," you say, shrugging.
A moment of silence ensues, and the two of you sit quietly, basking in the cool air. Despite feeling sore, a little break is all you need to recharge after the intense game. You then look at Taeyeon, and she doesn't seem to show any signs of exhaustion, despite sweating profusely and having her breath ragged after the match.
"Say, how come you don't look as tired as I am?" you ask her, breaking the silence.
"Well, for starters, I've got a lot more years of experience than you," she quips, grinning smugly.
You roll your eyes and sigh, too tired to give a smart retort.
"But seriously, though. You should take better care of your body. You're still young," she says, her tone sounding more like a concerned mother than a friend.
"You've been saying that for a while now," you grumble.
"Well, that's because I was your teacher! Jeez! Don't be so stubborn," she protests, giving your shoulder a light shove.
"I'm not being stubborn. I'm just tired," you then let out another deep breath. "You took all the air out of me"
"Exactly. And that's why I'm telling you to take care of your body better," she says, her tone firm.
"Okay, fine," you concede.
"Now, shall we move on?"
"Sure. Let's talk about my dare," you say, eager to finally know what she wants.
"Right. Are you sure you're in on this?"
"I'm sure. Yeah," you assure her.
"100%? No take-backs, okay?"
"If it's not anything too extreme."
"Don't worry. It's nothing like that."
You look at her, and she smirks at you. Something tells you that you'll regret this, but curiosity gets the better of you.
"Fine. Shoot it."
"Pull down your shorts."
Your jaw hangs open. You expected her to ask for a silly dare, like a funny photo or something along those lines. But this? You didn't expect this at all.
"H-huh? W-what did you just say?" you stammer, your cheeks burning red.
"Come on. It's not gonna kill you."
"But… That's—"
"Just a little fun, really."
You're speechless, your eyes wide as you process the words.
"I… I don't think I can do that."
"Hey. The deal was the loser has to do everything the winner asks, right? You lost. So, do it."
You swallow the lump in your throat and sigh. There's no getting around this.
"Okay… Fine," you reluctantly agree, slowly sliding down your shorts.
The fabric brushes against your skin, sending shivers up your spine. Your heart beats fast, your palms sweating profusely as you slowly reveal more and more of your bare thighs. Your boxers are the only thing separating your modesty from the woman sitting beside you, and you can't deny her the sight of your growing erection.
Taeyeon's lips curl into a satisfied grin, and she bites her lower lip as she sees the tent forming between your legs.
"You're really turned on by this, huh?" she says, teasing you.
"It… It's not like that, I swear."
"Sure, whatever you say," she giggles.
"So… Is this it? Did I pass the dare?" you ask, trying to change the subject.
"Well, technically… But now I'm interested in something else," she replies, her voice dropping an octave.
"And? What would that be?"
"Let's just say I want to see what's underneath those boxers."
Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach, and you instinctively cross your legs.
"Noona… There could be people watching us," you tell her, scanning the entire area.
"It's 3 AM. Do you think those guards will even bother walking around at this hour? No one's gonna see," she reasons.
"The deal?"
"Okay, fine. I'll do it."
Slowly, you take a deep breath and reach down for your boxers.
"Ugh… What am I doing?" you mumble, cursing at yourself.
You grab the hem and pull down the fabric grazing against your shaft. Your erection springs up, freed from the confines of your underwear.
"Wow. Now that's quite a view," Taeyeon chuckles, ogling your exposed member.
You turn away, too embarrassed to look her in the eye.
"I'm sorry. This is so embarrassing," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Hey. Don't be. Especially when you have this…" she bites her lip, her eyes fixated on your dick. "Big thing right there."
Your cheeks burn a bright red, and you feel like you could explode.
"You're kidding me, right?"
"Of course not! Come on, you can't tell me it's not hot."
You stay silent, unable to answer.
"Alright. Lemme suck that," she says, leaning in closer to you.
"W-what? Y-you can't be serious!"
"Hey. No take-backs."
"But this is—"
"Listen. You clearly look like you're not in on this."
"I… I didn't say that…"
"So? What's with the hesitation?"
"I-it's just that… This is kind of sudden," you reply, unable to think straight.
"Then let me ease you into it," she says, grabbing your dick with her hand.
Your breath hitches, the sudden contact of her soft hand against your sensitive shaft taking you by surprise. She slowly moves her hand up and down, gently massaging your dick. You can't help but let out a low moan as her fingers run across the tip, sending shivers down your spine.
"How does that feel?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I-I don't know…" you manage to say, your mind in a daze.
She smirks at your reaction, totally getting turned on by your response.
"You did your best so… I'll give you a consolation prize."
"H-huh? What do you mean?"
Before you can say anything, she leans in, her face just inches away from your cock.
"Wait… You can't be serious. You're going to—"
"Let me give you a little treat. You can tell me to stop after, but I hope you won't,” she says, her warm breath brushing against your shaft. “It'll be a shame, really,"
You're speechless, your mouth hanging open as you stare at her in disbelief.
"Well, here I go," she announces, leaning forward and enveloping your cock with her lips.
The sudden warmth sends a shock through your body, and you let out a moan, throwing your head back in pleasure. She starts sucking on the tip, and her tongue swirls around the head, lapping up the beads of precum. You can't believe it, but it feels so good. Your breathing quickens as she continues to suck, taking your dick deeper into her mouth. She moans against your cock, and you can feel her voice vibrating through your shaft.
"Oh, fuck…" you curse, the pleasure driving you insane.
She then grabs the base of your shaft with her hand and starts stroking you in sync with her mouth. The sensation is overwhelming, and you can't help but grab a fistful of her hair, gripping it tightly. She picks up the pace, her hand moving faster as her head bobs up and down. Her eyes lock with yours, and she's clearly enjoying this. You can see the lust in her eyes, and it's all too much for you.
The pressure builds up, your mind goes blank, and all you can think about is the intense pleasure coursing through your body. Your muscles tense up, and before you know it, your body starts shaking uncontrollably. You can feel your balls tightening, and the urge to cum is overwhelming.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"
With one final thrust, you unload your seed into her mouth. Taeyeon suddenly looks surprised as you unleash a torrent of cum, filling her mouth. She then pulls out, coughing, the excess dripping down her chin.
"Sorry! I didn't know if you were ready," you apologize, worried that you might have forced her.
She continues to cough, and she wipes the excess cum off her face, taking a moment to catch her breath.
"It's okay. I was kinda taken by surprise, but it's fine," she manages to say, giving you a reassuring smile.
"I'm so sorry. I just couldn't hold it any longer," you apologize again, embarrassed by what happened.
"I told you it's okay," she tells you.
"Well… If you say so."
"And besides… It's not every day that I get to do it with a virgin," she winks as she lets out a soft laugh.
"Hey! I'm no virgin!" you protest, trying to defend your ego.
"Is that so?" she teases, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"I… I've experienced this before," you mutter.
"Sure, and that's why I got a mouthful," she chuckles, licking her lips.
"I was… I was holding out!" you retort.
"But of course," she laughs. "Just admit that you're a total virgin."
You're left speechless, unable to defend yourself. She just grins at you, clearly amused by your reaction. You want to say something, but she has you beat.
"Alright… Off to the next one!" she then exclaims, looking rather excited.
"Next one?"
"You didn't think I was just gonna leave you like this, did you? We're just getting started," she winks, giving your dick a squeeze.
"Wait, what?"
"That was just the warm-up. I have a lot of other things planned for us."
"Like what?"
"Let's just say this is gonna be the night of your life. And by the time the sun rises, you'll be thanking me,"
"I'm not so sure about this…"
"Trust me. I know what I'm doing," she reassures you, flashing you a devious smile.
She lets go of your dick. You feel relieved that her tight grip is no longer on your throbbing cock, but also a bit disappointed at the loss of her warm touch. She then takes off her clothes, exposing her voluptuous body. Her breasts are barely covered by an orange lace bra, and her hips are accentuated by a matching thong. You gulp as you take in the sight, and you can feel your dick getting even harder.
"What's wrong? Getting nervous?" she asks, giggling.
"Uh, yeah. This is really sudden. I'm not sure what's going on," you admit, unable to look away from her gorgeous body.
"Come on, it's nothing you can't handle. Just enjoy it," she says, grabbing your hand and placing it on her waist.
You can't deny the electricity that runs through your body the moment her skin makes contact with yours. Her body is so soft and warm, and it feels so good to touch her. It's intoxicating at the least, and you can't help but be swept up by the moment.
"Now, I'll let you have a taste of my body. You better make the most of it," she whispers, her lips brushing against your ear.
You let out a soft moan, the sensation driving you wild.
"So? What are you waiting for?"
"It's okay. You can touch me," she assures you, guiding your hands towards her breasts.
"But, Noona…"
"Touch me more."
You hesitate for a moment, but she urges you on, and you give in.
Your fingers trace the outline of her bra, feeling her erect nipples through the fabric. As if by instinct, you gently squeeze her breasts, eliciting a moan from her.
"Mmmh… That's it. More," she purrs, arching her back.
Your heart races as her breasts push against your palms, her nipples rubbing against the thin material of her bra. The friction feels incredible, and the pleasure drives you crazy. You're not sure how much longer you can hold out, but you don't want it to end.
"You're so cute. You look like you're enjoying this," she teases, smiling.
Guilty as charged.
"Just relax. I'll take care of everything."
She then presses her lips against yours, her tongue pushing past your lips. Your tongues dance, and you savor her sweet taste. She then nibbles on your lower lip, and you can't help but moan.
"Nggh! Noona, wait," you breathe out, pulling away from her.
"Hmm? What's wrong?"
"I… I think this is too fast."
She giggles. "Awh. Poor thing."
She then cups your face with her hand and kisses you again, a much slower, passionate kiss this time. You feel her smile against your lips, and it sends a shiver down your spine. It feels so good, so addicting. Yet you don't want to admit it.
"Taeyeon-noona, I…"
"Do you want to take it slow?"
You only gave her a nod.
"There. Just tell me what you want."
She then reaches back and unhooks her bra, tossing it to the side. Her bare breasts glisten under the dim lighting, and you can't help but stare in awe.
"There. I hope this evens us out," she smirks. You can see her cheeks blushing as she puts her magnificent assets on full display.
"Y-you don't have to, y'know? I'm fine with—"
Before you can utter another word, she pulls you towards her, pressing your face against her plump, supple breasts. Muffled, you try to push back, but she holds you firmly against her, not letting go. The warmth of her skin and the softness of her breasts overwhelm your senses, slowly melting your hesitations away.
Before you know it, you feel your hands explore the rest of her exposed body, gliding across everything you can reach.
She can't help but laugh and moan simultaneously as you explore her body.
"Getting braver, aren’t we?"
You choose not to answer and instead let your actions speak for you.
Taeyeon's skin feels so soft and smooth, and it's a wonder to touch. You can't help but want to touch her even more, to explore every inch of her. You suck on her erect nipples, and her breath hitches, letting out a soft moan.
"That's it. Take it all in," she whispers, running her fingers through your hair.
Your heart races as her scent fills your nose, and it's driving you crazy. You can't help but want more, and you feel yourself getting lost in the moment.
"Shhhh… Don't say a word. Just enjoy it," she replies, her voice low and seductive.
Obliging, you continue to taste her, relishing in the sweet, salty taste of her skin. Your hands travel across her body, touching every inch of her. She bites her lip and arches her back as you trace the curve of her spine, and her breathing quickens as you explore her thighs.
"Oh, fuck…" she breathes out, her voice barely above a whisper.
Your hands then find their way to her butt, and you squeeze her cheeks, feeling the soft, firm flesh in your hands. She looks at you with lustful eyes, and you can see the desire written all over her face.
"Oh, my… You're getting good at this," she purrs, smiling seductively.
You blush slightly, her compliment clearly lifting your confidence. You shoot a smile back at her, fueled with confidence and hunger for more. She smirks at your newfound boldness, welcoming your hunger with equal enthusiasm.
Your lips lock with hers for another round of torrid passion, the heat between your bodies intensifying with each passing second. Your tongues dance in a fiery tango, exploring every crevice and making each other elicit a fervent moan. Neither of you is backing down, eager to win over the other as if your earlier spar wasn't enough.
"Noona, you're… Amazing," you manage to gasp between heated kisses, unable to contain the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
She smirks. "You're no slouch either."
"But, you… I…"
"Mhhh… Don't stop now," Taeyeon whispers, her voice dripping with need.
"But let me just…" you struggle to remove your shirt despite the urgency of the moment.
With her expert guidance, you quickly shed your shirt and throw it aside, giving your partner an unobstructed view of your bare chest.
"There we go. Better?"
"Yeah. You were on top of me so I had trouble taking it off." you jest, a playful smirk spreading across your face.
She then chuckles, hitting you playfully on the shoulder.
"And you blame me for that?"
"Why not? You keep on pushing me down."
"Jeez… I'm not that heavy, you know?"
"I know, I know. You're just so aggressive," you tease, running your fingers through her skin.
Taeyeon coos at your touch, her body pulsating with desire.
"Hmmm? Is that your way of flirting with me?"
You shrug. "Well… It's worth a shot."
She replies with a soft chuckle.
"Consider it a successful shot," she breathes, her voice laced with lust.
You blush, feeling a surge of pride at having successfully aroused Taeyeon.
"Well… Thank you."
"Then let's get back to it, shall we?" She purrs, her hands eagerly tracing the contours of your chest all the way to your abdomen. You shiver at her touch, goosebumps appearing on your skin.
She then looks at you with an inviting gaze, and her lips curl into a sly grin. You can't help but stare in awe, mesmerized by her beauty.
"W-what? Do I have something on my face?"
"No, silly," she giggles. "I want you to touch me, too."
"Oh. Right."
"I can't be the only one enjoying this, y'know?"
"My bad, noona."
You resume your passionate makeout session. The two of you moan against each other's lips, exploring each other's bodies. The two of you are so lost in the moment that the world around you begins to fade, and all that matters is the heat, the electricity, the passion.
"Fuck. You taste so good," Taeyeon moans, her voice dripping with lust.
"Mmmh… You do too. Fuck," you reply, the heat and desire growing within you.
"But seriously…"
"Learn to get a hint," she giggles.
"Heh. Sorry," you mumble, trying to regain control. "I was kinda lost."
"Understandable," she snickers. "It's your first time, after all."
"H-hey. You're making me sound like a virgin."
"Well… You kinda are."
"Come on now…"
Taeyeon can't help but chuckle at your response, amused by your reaction.
"Fine. Let's not talk about that."
"I'm not that innocent, you know," you retort, pouting.
"Really, now?"
"Y-yeah. Really."
"So you wouldn't mind if we take things further… Right?"
You gulp, suddenly aware of what she means.
"Well… I guess?"
She then reaches down and slowly pulls down her panties. You just realize how wet she is as you stare in awe. She then grabs your hand and leads it to her core. You hesitate for a moment, but she guides you, urging you to take things further.
"It's okay. You can touch me."
You gently cup her mound, feeling the slickness of her wet folds. Her pussy is hot, and her juices flow freely. She shudders as your fingers brush against her sensitive bud, and her body tenses up.
"Yes… That's it!" she moans, biting her lip.
"Is this it? Are you sure?"
"Mhmm… Just go ahead."
Your fingers explore her core, and you find her swollen clit. You rub her bundle of nerves in a circular motion, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
"Oh, fuck! That feels so good."
"Are you sure? Am I doing it right?"
"Yes! Just keep going," she moans, her voice barely above a whisper.
You increase the pace, applying a bit more pressure. She writhes under your touch, her body trembling with pleasure.
"F-fuck… Y-yes!" she moans, her voice shaking.
The heat is building within you, and you can't hold back any longer. You decide to switch positions, with Taeyeon now resting her body on the bench. At this view, she looks so small, so inviting. You proceed to kiss her thighs as your hand continues its assault.
"Mmmh! Oh shit! Yes! Keep going!"
You then kiss her core, licking her wet folds. She shrieks, her voice ringing in your ears. She grabs a fistful of your hair, holding on for dear life. You then lick her clit, eliciting a loud moan from her. She can't hold on much longer, her body writhing in ecstasy.
"Fuck! You're so good! I'm… I'm close!"
You can't help but be proud, and you redouble your efforts, sucking on her clit. She arches her back, and she screams, her orgasm tearing through her body.
"I'm gonna cum! Shit! I'm gonna fucking—aghh!"
You watch as her body spasms, and her legs quiver. She rides out her orgasm, her body trembling with each wave of pleasure. She finally collapses, panting, her body slick with sweat.
"Holy shit. That was… Amazing," she breathes, her voice shaky.
"Did… Did I do good?"
"Of course, you did. Not bad for a first-timer."
"Well… Thanks."
"Now, let me return the favor," she says, a smirk spreading across her face.
"What do you mean?"
"It's your turn now," she says, licking her lips.
"B-but I already—"
She interrupts, putting a finger against your lips.
"I know you have some left in you" Her hands move down towards your privates, massaging every bit of it. "And besides…"
She then leans over and whispers to your ear, her voice seductive.
"I'm still not satisfied."
As if on cue, you can feel your member throbbing in response, as if beckoning her to touch you even more.
"Looks like someone's ready for more," she giggles.
"Hey… I'm just sensitive," you protest, looking at her with your best puppy-dog eyes.
Taeyeon lets out a laugh, seemingly caught off-guard by your adorable attempt at innocence.
"Oh, cut that out. That doesn't suit you in the slightest," she playfully retorts.
"I just thought I'd give it a try," you reply, looking disappointed.
"Don't you ever do that again, alright?"
"Why not?"
She then pulls you closer. You can see the sheer desire in her eyes burning through her gaze. She seems to want more from you than just a casual encounter.
"I don't want cute and innocent from you."
"Then what do you want?"
"I want you to be as fierce as you were earlier," she whispers, her tone low and seductive.
"As you wish, Miss Winner," you say, a cheeky grin spreading across your face.
"Show me what you got," she says, her tone challenging.
Without a moment's hesitation, you crash your lips against hers for yet another round, kissing her passionately. She reciprocates, and her hands grip your body, her nails digging into your skin. It hurts, but the pain is drowned out by the intense pleasure.
You break the kiss and attack her neck, nibbling on her soft flesh. She moans, and her hands wrap around your back, pulling you closer. You continue your assault, and she writhes underneath you, her breathing ragged.
"Ooh, shit! Yes! That's it!" she gasps, her voice cracking.
You continue your trail down her body, planting soft kisses along her collarbone. She whimpers, and her hands run through your hair, encouraging you to keep going. You then move further south, planting a soft kiss on her chest, right between her breasts.
"Yes… Yes! Please, keep going," she whispers, her voice breathy and needy.
You then plant another kiss on her left breast, followed by a soft bite on her nipple, making her whimper.
"Ahh shit!" she groans, her body shaking with pleasure.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No… Please don't," she pleads, her voice dripping with need.
"Well then," you say, kissing her other breast, biting her nipple.
"Oh, fuck!"
"Like that?"
"Yes! I like that!"
"What about this?"
You move further south, trailing kisses down her belly. She moans as your lips caress her skin, her body writhing with pleasure. You then reach her thighs, and you give them a soft kiss.
"Yes! Oh, god!" she moans, her body trembling.
You then spread her legs apart, exposing her pink pussy, glistening with her juices.
"Oh, fuck. Look at you," you marvel, staring at her womanhood.
"I know. It's fucking amazing," she says, a satisfied smile on her face.
You then move closer, and your tongue finds her slit. You slowly drag your tongue along her wet folds, eliciting a moan from her. She throws her head back, her eyes closed, as she relishes in the sensation.
"Shit! There it goes again! That fucking tongue!"
"Do you want me to stop?"
She opens her eyes, staring right at you.
"No! Don't you fucking dare!"
"Alright," you chuckle, continuing your assault.
You lap at her wet folds, lapping up her juices. You savor her sweet, musky taste, and it makes you feel drunk.
"Ooh, shit! That's the spot," she gasps, her hands gripping the back of your head.
You continue your assault, licking her clit and teasing her wet entrance. Her body trembles and her moans get louder.
"Ooh, fuck! I'm getting close," she pants, her voice shaky.
You intensify your assault, sucking on her clit while inserting two fingers inside her.
"Are you gonna cum?" you ask, staring right into her eyes.
"I'm… I'm close," she whimpers, her voice barely audible.
"Do you want to?"
"Yes… Yes! I want to cum!" she gasps, her hips bucking.
As her screams go a few pitches higher, you let go of her. Taeyeon is left hanging, her body shaking with frustration.
"Huh? W-what the fuck?"
"I don't want you to cum yet," you explain.
"But I was so close, you fuck! You could've—"
You withdraw fully from assaulting her core, only to show her your own erection standing at full attention.
"I could've just let you cum…"
You position your shaft against her pussy, brushing her entrance.
"But I want to do it…"
You rub your shaft against her wet slit, making her groan.
"When I'm inside you."
"Oh f-fuck," she bites her lip, anticipating your next move.
"This is what you wanted all along, right?"
You press your tip against her entrance, and her eyes widen.
"Yes. You finally get—ooh!"
You continue to tease her, rubbing your cock against her entrance.
"Then, shall I?"
"Yes. I want you to—agh fuck!"
"Tell me how much you want it."
"I… I want it! I want you to fuck me!"
You continue to tease her, pushing the tip of your cock into her, making her moan.
"I don't think you're sincere, noona," you tease, pushing your cock further into her.
"Fuck you! Stop teasing me and start fucking me, you asshole!" she cries out in desperation.
"Then tell it to me like you mean it," you tell her, tapping her entrance with your length.
Her hips then shake as if begging for something. Her breathing is heavy, and her eyes are filled with lust and need.
"Please… I need it," she whimpers, her voice shaking and full of need.
"Then say it, Taeyeon."
She grits her teeth, and her eyes glaring at you, filled with both anger and frustration.
"Fuck me, alright? Fuck me like you mean it! I want you to fill me up and make me cum! Make me scream! Make me fucking lose my mind! I need it! I need your fucking dick inside me! Right. Fucking. Now!"
Without warning, you push your cock into her, eliciting a cry of both pain and pleasure from her.
"You mean like this?"
"Ah! Ahh fuck!"
You slam your cock into her, and she moans, her body shuddering.
"Enjoying this, aren't you, noona?"
"Fuck… I'm really gonna cum!"
Her back arches and her hands grip the bench. You continue to fuck her, and her moans get louder. You can feel her pussy tightening around your cock, and her body trembles.
"Shit! Shit! I'm cumming—ahh!"
Taeyeon screams, her body quaking in pleasure as her orgasm rocks through her body. Excess fluids gush from her core, coating your shaft and dribbling onto the bench, until it creates a small puddle underneath. You can't help but smile as you watch her, her expression filled with pure ecstasy.
She then falls limp, her body relaxing as her orgasm subsides. She looks at you, a satisfied smile on her face.
"How was it, noona? Was it good?"
"That was… Incredible," she manages to say, her voice still shaky.
"I'm glad I was able to satisfy you," you chuckle, pulling her into an embrace.
"Yeah… You did good for a newbie," she smirks, chuckling.
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. But you still have a lot to—ooh!"
You slam your cock into her, catching her by surprise.
"You say that but…"
You thrust in and out, and her eyes widen.
"Looks like you're losing your mind…"
"Oh fuck."
"To a virgin," you slam your cock deep inside her, her body shaking.
"Ahh! This fucking cock! Ahh!"
"So, tell me… What was that you said again?"
You pound her relentlessly, and her moans get louder. Her body shakes, and her breathing is ragged. For a stick-up mentor and tennis partner, she sure is enjoying her role reversal.
"I… I can't… Fuck! Oh, shit!"
"Pretty please?" you ask, slowing down the pace of your thrusts.
"N-no! No! Please don't slow down!" she pleads, her voice trembling.
"Then say it."
"Oh fuck you—ahh! I can't take it anymore!"
"I can do this all day."
"Agh! You asshole!"
You slam into her, and she screams, her body convulsing.
"Fuck! Not that spot!"
"Say it, Taeyeon. Say it."
With her face painted red in anger and embarrassment, she gives in.
"F-fine. Fine! You… I love your fucking cock! Your fucking virgin cock!" she screams at the top of her lungs, her voice echoing through the court.
"That's it. Let everyone hear you."
"Oh, fuck. I fucking love you," she moans, her voice dripping with need.
Her last few words catch you off-guard, but the sight of her drunk-hazed face and her pleasured moans make you forget it almost immediately.
"Then I'm yours."
You slam into her once more, and her eyes roll to the back of her head. With arms around your back, she pulls you in as she incoherently screams into your ear. Taeyeon has finally lost her mind, and you love to see it.
"Oh fuhg… It'sh sho gud!"
"What is good, huh? Tell me."
"Y-your cock… Your cock ish sho gud," she whimpers, her body spasming.
"And how does my cock feel inside you?"
"Sho big… It'sh filling my pusshy sho mush!"
"And whose is it?"
"Yoursh! All yours! My pusshy ish yoursh!"
"I can't quite hear you, noona."
"Your pusshy! It'sh all yoursh!"
"Good. Keep telling me. I love to hear it."
"Aahhh… Y-your cock… Fuck me more!"
You fuck her senseless, and her body writhes in pleasure. She continues to babble nonsense, her mind gone blank from the pleasure. You continue to slam into her, her tight cunt sucking in your shaft. You can feel her walls clenching, her pussy desperate to milk your cock.
"Taeyeon-noona, fuck… You feel so good."
"Aah! More! Give me more!"
"You want more? How about this?"
You then pick her up and fuck her as she's suspended in the air. Her eyes widen, and her mouth is agape.
"Oh fuhk… No. No!
She screams, and her legs wrap around your waist. You hold onto her tight, and your pace quickens.
"Oh, shit! You're sho deep!"
"You like that, huh?"
"Ahh… Y-yesh… More… Harder!"
"As you wish, noona."
You increase your pace, slamming into her faster and harder. With her light, small frame, you can go deeper than before, as if it's nothing. Or maybe all that rigorous training is finally paying off.
"Oh fuck! Fuck!"
"You like that, huh?"
"Y-yesh… I like it…"
"Good. Now, let me give you a reward."
You thrust faster and deeper, and her moans get louder. And as you do, you can feel your balls churn, the pressure building within them.
"Oh, fuck. Taeyeon-noona, I'm going to cum soon," you warn her, feeling the sensation rising.
"Yesh… Ghiv me your cum!"
"Are you sure? Are you sure you can handle it?"
"Yesh! Let me have it!"
"Alright then."
You amp up the pace as you reach your climax, and your thrusts get harder and faster. Her body is shaking, and her voice cracks as she moans uncontrollably.
"Oh fuhk! Here it cumsh!"
You slam into her one last time, burying your cock deep inside her. With a loud moan, you erupt, unloading a torrent of hot, thick cum. She screams, her voice ringing through the court, as your load fills her up, flooding her womb with seed. She clenches her eyes shut, and her hands grip your shoulders, holding on for dear life.
"Shit, noona… I can't stop!"
"Jush giv it all to me!"
You keep pouring into her, not stopping for a moment. Her body shakes, and her pussy tightens, squeezing out every last drop. You feel like you're being squeezed dry. Painful, yes, but you can't help but moan at the overwhelming pleasure.
"Oh fuck… I think I'm done…" you finally gasp, your thrusts slowing down.
"Ahh… So mush cum…" she sighs, her voice breathy and sultry.
You pull out of her, and her eyes are unfocused. A deluge of white ooze seeps out of her pink hole, a mixture of your fluids and hers. You can't believe the amount you have ejected, and neither can Taeyeon, as it creates a larger puddle on the ground.
"Holy shit," she gasps, her glazed eyes widening with disbelief.
"Fuck… I think I went overboard," you tell her, watching your semen flow out of her.
"You let out… So much…" she breathes, her weak body barely holding her upright.
"Well, I couldn't control myself. Not with you."
"Hahh… Thanks," she smiles, a hint of pride in her tone.
You both catch your breaths, the smell of sex hanging heavily in the air. Your body tells you that you've exhausted your reserves, and maybe so did Taeyeon's. But the sight and sound of your previous actions still linger in your head and your desire for more remains.
"Say… Noona…"
Your shaft slowly stands back up, throbbing at her entrance and eager to continue. She lets out a soft gasp as she notices your eagerness. You can see the hesitation in her eyes, fueling your hunger even more.
"Can we?"
"You're restless today, aren't you?" she giggles.
"Can't help it," you grin, rubbing your length against her slit.
"Fuck… That feels so good," she moans, closing her eyes.
"So? Can we?"
"Hmmm… Alright. I guess one more time wouldn't hurt."
"Thank you," you tell her, a big grin forming on your face.
"So, what do you want to—whoa!"
Before she could finish, you swiftly lowered her to the ground and spread her legs apart. You position yourself in front of her, your shaft poised and ready. She looks at your erection, her face flushing a shade of red.
"Fuck… Here we go again," she sighs, anticipation in her eyes.
You then guide your shaft into her, and she whimpers, her pussy swallowing you whole.
"Urgh! You're so fucking tight, noona!"
"More like you're too fucking big," she grunts, her walls straining to accommodate your girth.
"And you're loving it," you reply, smiling sheepishly.
"Mhmm…" she nods, biting her lip.
"That's what I like to hear," you smirk, and without warning, start thrusting.
"Ahh! Oh shit! Fuck me harder!"
You comply, slamming your cock into her at a rapid pace. Her voice echoes through the court, a melody that fills you with immense satisfaction. The sound of her skin slapping against yours only adds to the pleasure, and you find yourself thrusting even harder.
"Fuck… Yes… Harder! Fucking pound my pussy!"
You slam into her faster, harder, and deeper. Her body writhes with pleasure, her hips bucking and her legs quivering. She can't help but wrap her arms around you, her hands digging into your skin. Her legs also have you locked in, the intensity of her hold surprising.
"Shit, Taeyeon-noona… You're so good," you groan, relishing the tightness of her pussy.
"Yes! Fuck! Right there! Keep fucking me like that!" she cries, her voice cracking.
"Here? Like this?"
You hit a spot inside her, and her body jolts.
"Aghh! Yes! There! Right fucking there!"
"You like that?"
"Yes! Fuck! I fucking love it!"
You continue to slam into her, wild like a beast in heat, hitting the same spot over and over again. She can't stop screaming, her voice cracking and her body shuddering with pleasure. and her pussy clenches around you, tightening even more. You can't help but let out a groan, the sensation driving you mad. You feel her orgasm coming, and you're not far behind.
"Shit… Noona, I'm gonna cum again!"
"Me too… Me too!"
"Hrgh! Here it goes! Take it all!"
"Yes! Cum with me! Cum inside me! Fill me up with your fucking cum!"
You feel the pressure rising, and you can't hold it any longer. You ram your cock deep into her, and with one last thrust, you let out a primal roar, releasing a torrent of hot cum into her. She screams, her voice ringing through the court as your thick load fills her up once again.
She cums right after, her pussy convulsing around your cock, unleashing a flood of her own juices. As if a dam had been burst, her fluids flowed freely, gushing out of her pussy and coating your cock. It's as if you're drowning, the intensity is overwhelming.
"Oh fukh! There'sh sho mush!"
"Taeyeon… You're so… Tight!" you gasp, your cock trapped by her pussy.
Not that you can, nor that you could. Your hips continue to buck, the pleasure almost unbearable. It's as if her cunt is trying to squeeze every last drop out of you, and it's succeeding. You keep pouring into her, filling her womb up to the brim.
"Ahh! It'sh not shtopping! Your cum ish sho mush!"
As your thrusts come to a halt, you slam your cock one last time, burying yourself deep inside her. Excess fluid squirts out of her, adding to the already impressive puddle underneath you. You can feel her pussy milking your shaft, squeezing out the last drop of cum.
After what seems like an eternity, your orgasm subsides, and you slowly pull out of her, your cock still oozing with cum. She sighs, and a copious amount of white liquid drips from her entrance. A mixture of both your cum and hers. After your earlier outburst, you can't believe how much you manage to let out, and neither could she.
"Fughk… Sho mush…" she pants, her eyes glassy.
"Noona… That was intense," you tell her, trying to catch your breath.
"Fuhk. Yes… I feel sho dihzzy."
You can't help but chuckle at her expression, her face flushed with exhaustion.
"Hey. Are you okay?"
"Yeah… I guesh," she mumbles, a sleepy smile spreading across her face.
You then carry her as you sit on the bench, her exhausted body resting against yours. With her remaining strength, she slowly wraps her arms around your back, pulling herself closer. You reciprocate, enveloping her in a tight embrace.
"Ow, ow!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"You're hugging me too hard!"
"Oh. Sorry. I went overboard, noona."
"Heh. Don't be," she laughs, nuzzling against you.
The two of you spend some time recovering from your intense session, the cool breeze a nice reprieve from the sweltering. She then looks up at you, her eyes full of desire.
"What? Do you want more?" you ask.
"No, I'm tired… Just hold me, okay?"
"If you say so," you chuckle, giving her a soft peck on the forehead.
She giggles, snuggling against you.
"We were kinda loud, weren't we?"
"Do you think someone saw us?"
"I hope not," you chuckle, rubbing her shoulders.
"I do!"
From somewhere on the bleachers, a man's voice suddenly blurts out, emerges, the sound of his shoes echoing through the court. Your heart sinks as the two of you search for the source, finding a man sitting on the bleachers.
"Oh shit. There was someone," you gasp, your face flushing with embarrassment.
"Sorry for not telling you two," the stranger, wearing what might me a janitor's uniform, apologizes, looking rather bashful.
"How long were you there?" Taeyeon asks, yelling, her voice tinged with embarrassment.
"I heard screaming and moaning, so I went to check it out. And there I saw the two of you going at it."
"And you didn't stop us?" she retorts.
"Why would I? You lovebirds seem to be enjoying it," the stranger says, his tone nonchalant.
You and Taeyeon then exchanged glances, your faces blushing red.
"And besides…"
The two of you look back at the stranger.
"Security here doesn't give a shit during these hours."
"Really? Do they not monitor the cameras?"
"They do."
You both shudder at his response.
"But they'd rather get some shut-eye than deal with any after-hours shenanigans," he answers, chuckling at his own statement.
"So… Do they not care about what happens here?"
"Are you crazy? We've seen enough of that stuff already! It's common during these hours."
The stranger's words echoed in your ears, leaving you both stunned and relieved by the realization that your bold escapade wasn't as discreet as you
"Heh. I guess I did pick the right time---ow!"
Taeyeon suddenly hits you in between your playful comment with a playful yet embarrassed smirk on her face.
"You sonovabitch! You let people watch us? In public, of all places? I hate you!"
"Hey! Hey! It was your idea to have some fun in public," you protest, rubbing your arm where she hit you.
"But you made the reservation! You sneaky fuck… You probably knew about this!"
She continues to scold you, her words laced with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. For such a soft punch, they sure are quite painful.
"No, I swear! I didn't know anyone would be here!"
"I swear, the next time you have your way with me, I will…"
"Hey. Don't blame me! You pulled me in on this!"
"Why you…"
"Before you lovers continue to be all playful and whatnot…" the janitor interrupts, "You might want to pack things up."
"Huh?" the two of you ask in unison.
He then points towards the sky as the dawning sun begins to peek over the horizon. You quickly check the time on your phone and realize that the time you reserved for your outdoor rendezvous is nearly up. With your exhausted bodies and flushed faces, you hurriedly gather your belongings, discarded clothes and all, trying your best to fix yourselves as fast and as composed as possible.
"What about the mess?" Taeyeon suddenly blurts out, her cheeks still flushed from the recent activities.
"What mess?" you ask, your focus shifting between the looming sunrise and Taeyeon's concerned expression.
"This mess!" She gestures towards the puddles of sweat and other bodily fluids that soak the bench and the concrete ground beneath it.
You exchange a panicked glance, realizing the evidence of your passionate encounter is scattered for all to see.
"What are we gonna do with this?" she exclaims, worry evident in her voice.
"Fuck… Uhh, shit! Gimme a sec…"
You quickly think of ways to resolve the situation.
"Hey! Don't worry about that," the janitor calls out, waving his hand dismissively.
"What? You're gonna clean all this?" you ask, a mix of relief and surprise in your voice.
"Uhh… Yeah! That's my job," he chuckles.
"Well… Thank you, sir!" you yell, waving your hand at him.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!" Taeyeon cries out, her voice ringing with relief. She then pulls your arm, nudging you to leave the scene with her. "We have to go!"
You and Taeyeon then rush towards the exit, your hearts pounding with a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. From what was initially a harmless tennis practice session, things took an unexpectedly erotic turn, allowing you and your partner to unleash all your pent-up desires in a frisky and uninhibited display of passion. Fucking on a public tennis court was definitely not part of the plan, but it was an experience neither of you would soon forget.
"Ugh… Walking without underwear is the worst," you groan as you and Taeyeon hurriedly walk outside of the building, your exhausted dick swaying freely beneath your shorts.
"You think? I haven't even put anything underneath in a hurry!" she replies, frustration lacing her voice. Her breasts bounce under her clothes with each hurried step. "Hngh… I can feel some of your cum dripping down my thighs."
"It does?" you ask, shocked and curious, leaning in to inspect her arousing situation. "Lemme see…"
She then prepares to swing her arm to hit you. Her face furious yet blushing.
"Don't you even dare!"
"Alright, alright. My bad," you chuckle, raising your hands in surrender.
As the sight of the parking lot comes into view, the two of you sprint towards your car, not minding of anything else around. You quickly open the passenger door for Taeyeon, and she jumps in eagerly. You then jump into the driver's seat, heart pounding with nervousness and you start the engine and leave the place for good.
"Right," you breathe out as you adjust yourself in your seat.
"Let's go to my place," she tells you.
"Well, duh. Of course I'll drop you at your place, noona. Where else would I even…"
"Huh? What do you mean ‘no’?"
"I mean, you're all sweaty and whatnot, so…"
Twiddling with her hair, Taeyeon then looks at you with a coy expression on her face.
"If you want… You can take a shower at my place. I wouldn’t mind.”
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Author’s Notes:
And that's another SNSD member written down! I'm halfway there... Maybe. I really can't imagine her other than the "Noona You'd Like to Date" and with my renewed interest over the "Prince of Tennis" series, I thought I'd give this idea a shot. I don't know much about tennis tho... So I hope I did a decent job at least. 🙏
Also... Some of you may not know this, but a few hours from now is my Queen Taeyeon's birthday! Going 35 and still one of the hottest idols in the industry. God-fucking-damn. 🥵
I have more stories lined up (and waiting to be written by yours truly OMFG I hate myself) and I'm very eager to share them to everyone. The "Spotlight" series is still. Don't worry. I didn't forget about it and hopefully I don't. I just thought of making stories of other idols in between to break it up a bit.
Once again, thank you to @capslocked and @sparkynsfws for your help in polishing this story, as well as to @braaan for yet another fire poster. Thank you so much! 🤗
Thank you for reading! 🙇
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ozarkthedog · 6 months
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summary: while doing a deal with Marc, Joel comes to collect your debt.
pairing: (mob enforcer!Joel Miller x afab!reader) x dealer!Marc Spector.
warnings: 18+ mdni. dub con -> read responsibly. alt universe. soft!dark. no physical descriptors of reader. power imbalance. threats. debt to the mob. weed. no m/m. oral sex (f&m). rough sex. dirty talk. spit roasting. shotgunning. aftercare. w.c. 4.2k
author's note: honestly, this started out as pure filth/pwp, then it turned into so much more. there is potential for multiple parts, mostly revolving around Joel x reader. don't hold me to it, but like i said, this took on a life of its own, and now i'm madly in love with mob enforcer!Joel.
huge thank you to @ghotifishreads for beta-ing and being such a wonderful, supportive friend.
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♁ 𝐎𝐳𝐳𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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The carpet in your tiny living room was slowly developing a hole from your pacing back and forth. You love this apartment. Sure, the faucets drip, and the dingy wallpaper started peeling the day you moved in, but it was all yours. 
Since you moved to the big city after leaving home, you took any job you could find. You knew starting out on your own would be tough, but you could grin and bear it. Anything was better than small-town life. You wanted adventure, to see what the world had to offer.
What you didn’t plan on was getting involved with the wrong kind of people. 
When you fell months behind on rent, a co-worker mentioned she knew someone who could help. 
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It was too good to be true, you thought, as you slowly walked into a smokey nightclub around midnight. Uptempo Spanish music played in the background as patrons drank at the bar, loudly singing and chattering. You tread deeper into the club, entering a VIP section where multiple gorgeous women sat on the laps of intimidating, finely dressed men in expensive suits. 
Various sets of eyes spot you the moment you cross the threshold, but only one set feels like they’re burning into your soul.
An unnerving man with piercing brown eyes holds your wary gaze. He’s draped in a long, brown leather coat, and streaks of gray pepper his temples. He stands to the side, leaning against the wall, and watches with intrigue as you shift nervously on your feet. 
His arms are crossed. A mustache tops his lips, which are etched in a permanent scowl as if he’s a dog that’s been kicked too many times. Still, he’s among the most handsome men you’ve seen since coming to the city.
He pushed off the wall with his broad shoulders, finally breaking his stare, and leaned down to whisper in the ear of a younger man seated at the head of the table, presumably his boss. 
“You need a little help, Sugar?” the younger man asked. 
His dark hair is a mess of curls, and his cheekbones look like they could cut glass. “I could use some help around the club. There’s always a gentleman in need of some company.” His fingers traced along a woman's nylon thigh as he looked you up and down. His coy lips tugged into a smirk as the group quietly laughed. 
The brown-eyed man's face grimaced at the younger man's tone. You want to curl in on yourself. The smoke in the air makes it hard to breathe. “Uh, no,” you start, tonguing your dry lips. “I just need to borrow some money.” 
The younger man purses his lips and nods. “That can be arranged. Joel here will take care of you.” He motioned to the older man on his right and looked you over with a curious gaze before waving you away.
Joel, the mob boss's right-hand man, meets you in the dingy alley behind the club. Water drips off the corner of the rooftop from the storm that blew through earlier in the day. A gust of cool fall air blows through, and you hug yourself to keep warm.
You learn that Joel was a no-nonsense man, straight to the point. Clear and precise.
He thrusts a heavy bag into your hands, and the leather handle creaks under the weight. “You sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?” he asks, lighting a cigarette. Orange hues lit his features sinisterly as if he were a demon or creature from hell's depths.
You stood your ground, but the tremble in your voice gave you away. “Yeah, I know what I’m doing.” 
Joel’s eyes go soft. It’s the first time he looks human since you first saw him. “That’s what I thought,” he muttered, shaking his head. He blows a long gust of smoke from his nose. “He expects to be paid, with interest, by the end of the month.”
You teethe your bottom lip with a nod as nauseous worry swarms your belly.  
“I’ll be keeping an eye on you,” he states, thumbing at his lips. “Just so we know you haven’t run off with our money.”
Your eyes widen, and your knees slightly buckle. “No! I don’t plan on taking off. You don’t have to worry about that.” You trip over your words, frantically making sure he knows you won’t rip them off.   
He chuckles at the sight. It’s a deep, dark rumble from years of smoking and drinking, and it makes your cunt throb. “We don’t think you will, but it’s part of the job. Besides, having to keep track of such a pretty face ain’t so bad.” he muses, a light smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.
An anxious, breathy laugh puffs from your chest. You hesitantly wring the leather handle as your eyes fall to the wet pavement.
A horn blares in the distance. Angry drivers yell into the night, breaking the perilous spell between you and the enforcer. 
“If you ever need help with anythin', let me know, okay?” he offers before turning on his heel and returning to the club.
“How will I contact you? With a bat signal or something?” You asked quizzically.
He chuckled again, and it set your heart on fire. “Just call the club and ask for me, sweetheart.”
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You were truly and utterly fucked. 
It was the end of the month. Joel would arrive at 5pm to collect, and you had $50 measly dollars left in your bank account.
You’d squared up with your landlord and then some, paying for a few months in advance to show how grateful you were that he didn’t kick you out on the streets. What you didn’t plan on was getting fired from your job. You desperately tried to find another one, but you knew it was pointless as the end of the month slowly crept.
A knock on the door jars you from your thoughts. You scramble to open it, thankful your dealer was around today. You badly needed a smoke to curb your anxiety and impending doom.
Marc stands on your doorstep, beaming with his classic lopsided smile. “How’s it going?” He asks, making the short trip over to your couch, unbuttoning his long, black, and gray tweed coat before plopping down with a sigh. 
“Uh, fine,” you reply quickly. “You know. Same old.” 
“Same shit, different day, as I like to say.”  He scratches his trimmed beard with a coy grin. He looks really good today. Dark gray hair gelled and tousled. 
Nerves tug at your belly. You can taste the bitter doubt in the back of your throat.
Marc was a decent dealer. He let you start a tab when funds were low and gave you extra lighters and papers when needed. You knew to avoid crossing him, so what you had to do was extra tricky.
You sit on the floor across from him as he chucks a bag filled with joints onto the coffee table. Your body itches to feel the smoke burn your lungs.   
“Wanna hang for a bit? Smoke with me?” you offer, already reaching for the joint with a timid smile.
Marc quirks a brow. He digs his phone out of his tweed jacket and checks the time. “Uh, yeah, sure. I can hang for a bit.”
You try to light the joint, but the lighter won’t spark.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Marc asks, taking the lighter from your shaky hands. 
You silently nod and press the joint between your lips. Just as he lights the spliff, a knock sounds on your door.
You curse under your breath and hand the unlit joint to Marc. “Sorry. I’ll give whoever that is the boot.” He nods and sparks the joint, taking a long drag as you cross the distance to the door.
You yank open the door without thinking. “I don’t want anything you’re selli-”
“Hey there, Sweetheart,” a familiar, deep voice drawls.
You stand like a deer in headlights before the intimidating mob enforcer. 
He wasn’t supposed to be here so early. That’s the last time you open your door without checking the peephole.
“What’re you doing here, Joel?” you inquire, leaning in close so Marc doesn’t hear. "I have until tonight to give you the money."
The older man's leather jacket is pulled tight around his rugged shoulders as he leans in your doorway. His salt and pepper curls look damp as if you were his first stop after he got out of the shower.
“The boss has plans later and wants to ensure you're paid up.”
You wanted to scream. 
“This isn’t fair.” Your fists clench at your sides.
“That’s life, Sweetheart’.” Joel shrugs. “So, where’s the money?"
It takes every ounce of courage you have to stand your ground. 
“No. The boss said I had until 5pm, so I won’t give you anything until then. Now kindly, leave.”
You slam the door, but not quickly enough. A worn boot slides between the frame and the door, halting your escape.
“God dammit,” Joel fumes, shoving the door open, sending you flying back into your living room.
You catch yourself before you fall and watch as the enforcer makes his way into your sacred space. Now you know what it feels like to be on his wrong side. He kicks the door shut with his foot, ready to pounce, but freezes when he sees Marc.
“Miller.” Marc acknowledges from his laid-back position on the couch, joint pinched between his fingers.
Joel’s jaw twitches. “Spector.”
“So, what’s going on here?” Marc asks, gesturing with a curious wave. He then blows a lungful of smoke into the room and flicks bits of burning embers into an ashtray.
“None of your business,” Joel grits before focusing his attention back on you.
You do your best not to cower in front of the large man as he stalks closer. “You don’t want to make the boss angry.” He says, in an eerily calm voice, one that makes your hair stand on end. “Where’s the money?”
“I don’t have it.” You admit, barely louder than a whisper.
His jaw clenches hard. He shakes his head in disbelief, hands perched on his hips. His eyes grow scarily dark. "That’s not what I want to hear.”
“I don’t know what to say. I have a few dollars left in my account,” Your voice wavers.
Joel drags a heavy palm over his face and sighs. “What were you thinking? How were you going to pay him?” He hooks a thumb over his shoulder to your dealer.
“I, uh, I had a plan.” Your fingers wring at the seam of your shirt, and nausea swarms your belly.
Marc stands and finally joins the conversation. “Yeah, I’d like to know how you intended to pay me.”
You shift on your feet, eyes darting between the two more prominent and influential men. 
“I was going to offer to blow you.” The words tumble out so quickly that you wonder if they even heard you.
You wish the floor would open up and suck you in. It was bad enough that you had to resort to blowing your dealer, but now Joel was here to witness everything and most likely drag you to a certain death.
“For fucks sake,” the older man groans. 
Marc’s brow shoots into his hairline. He whistles as his eyes drag down your body. “You sure got yourself into a real jam here, huh?” He licks his bottom lip and steps closer. “I think something could be arranged, at least on my end. What about you?” He claps a hand on Joel's back, barely moving the powerhouse of a man. He was an enforcer, after all. This job wasn’t just for anyone. 
Joel shakes his head in dismay. His leather jacket creaks as he moves, lightning fast, quickly pinching your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Here’s what’s gonna happen, Sweetheart.” He informs, “Since I’ve taken a likin’ to you, I’d hate to see you get hurt. I’ll pay off your debt.”
The heavy weight you’d dragged around for the last week falls from your shoulders. You didn’t realize you’d stop breathing until the sweet air rushed into your lungs.  
 “But,” he continues, rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip, “you’re going to pay me back in kind.”
The heaviness returns, except now you’re afraid the extreme weight will crush you.
Joel notices your racing thoughts. “Shh. No need to think,” he murmurs, letting his hand fall to your hip and making himself comfortable. “Just be grateful you’ve got to deal with only me and Spector.” 
His eyes are solemn and tender, lost in his thoughts; his gaze travels across your face. You raise a cautious hand to his chest, feeling his heartbeat under the smooth leather. That magnetic pull you felt the first time you met him pulsed through your veins again, and you think he felt it, too. 
Then, his features twisted with remorse. "This wasn't what I had in mind, but you've left me no choice, Sweetheart."
In a flash, Joel drags you across the worn floorboards and carelessly tosses you over the back of your couch. The air knocks from your lungs. Your ribs flash bright with pain. He moves too fast for you to protest and tugs your leggings off, throwing them across the small room. 
“Best get to work, Spector, if you plan on getting your end of the deal,” Joel threatens the dealer as he crouches down, giving himself a front-row view of your exposed cunt. 
“Let’s get a look at the goods.” His large, warm hands roughly spread your cheeks apart. “Fuck me. That’s a sweet looking pussy.” He drags a thumb up the slice of you, making your spine bow as your hands press into the cushions. “Already wet, too. My kinda girl.”
Unconsciously, you strike an elbow back, but an imposing figure grabs your flailing limb, halting your retaliation.
You forgot about the other man in the room. 
“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t ever wonder how you’d look with my cock in your mouth,” Marc admits while fisting his length out. 
He’s half-hard and already intimidating. You stare up at him incredulously while he grasps his veiny girth and traces your tightly closed mouth with the weeping, dusky pink tip. He smears his pre-cum on your skin, marking you before he begins his corruption.
Joel smacks your ass hard, making you yelp and shoving you onto the dealer’s awaiting cock. You instantly gag as Marc's hips pitch forward once he feels your warm, wet mouth. He curses under his breath, cages your head between his hands, and begins sawing his cock back and forth over your tongue. 
His brute thrusts make you gag and spring tears to your eyes. “Come on now. Why the waterworks? This was your plan, after all,” Marc teases, patting your damp cheek.  
Without warning, Joel’s tongue dives into your heat. A blazing heat erupts in your belly as he licks from end to end, wild and ferocious, not stopping until he tastes every inch of you. 
You instinctively moan from the blissful arousal that begins to pulse from his treatment. He laves at your taint and tickles your untouched rosebud for a beat forcing your mind to somersault before traveling south to circle his tongue around your clit. 
“Could eat this cunt all damn day,” he slurs against your throbbing core like he's drunk off you. “God damn, s’fuckin’ delicious.”
Joel sucks the tiny button into his mouth, earning a whole body shiver as you writhe against the couch. He rubs his nose against your soaked folds, making sure to take deep breaths while he eats you alive. 
Marc leans to his left while he works his cock ruthlessly down your throat, making you sputter as the bulbous head prods your tonsils.
You hear a click. The sound of paper igniting and then a long, deep breath.
Marc leers down at you while holding the smoke in his lungs. He curls a hand around the back of your head and presses until the auburn wiry strands littering his girthy base tickle your nose. Then, he exhales, blowing a long, winding breath like a dragon down into your face. 
Your vision blurs from the vapor. The trapped oxygen burns your lungs, and your body quivers from your helpless position while you gag sickly around his cock. Joel winds his arms under your belly, keeping you steady as you thrash anxiously. 
When Marc finally lets you free, you sputter and suck down as much air as you can. A glossy strand of drool connects your lips to his throbbing cock. You sniff and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand as his fat length bounces in your view. “You look fuckin’ wasted, Kitten.” He quips with a languid laugh and takes another hit. 
Joel stands behind you, knees cracking as he towers over your vulnerable body. You warily look over your shoulder when he grinds his against the soft skin of your ass.
You’re caught in his wretched stare like a deer in headlights. “Best hope this pussy fucks as good as it tastes,” he threatens, tapping his bulbous, weeping crown on your sticky folds.
Joel gives no warning before he steadily pushes his obscene length into your heat. Your jaw drops with a raspy wail, allowing Marc to fill your mouth again and mute your frantic moans. You feel every vein and girthy inch of Joel’s cock splitting you open, as well as Marc's, as he glides his thickness over your tongue.
It seems to go on forever until they bottom out harmoniously. Joel presses his hips against your ass, and his plush lips pull into a sneer as your core stretches to accommodate him. “Oh, Sweetheart. This cunt is practically chokin’ me.” He provokes with a ragged groan, rubbing his thumb along the glistening, excessively stretched skin that embraces his cock.
A high-pitched whine slithers from your throat before it’s quickly cut off by Marc snapping his pelvis. Joel licks his creamy thumb with a dark chuckle before caging your hips in his steely grasp. He sets a steady rhythm, entirely withdrawing before shoving his cock back in, giving you no reprieve as Marc continuously thrusts his dripping length between your spit-coated lips. 
Your body burns. Your mind is warped. Joel's cock keeps brushing against that spongy spot behind your clit. It's all too much. You feel yourself losing strength, giving in. Either from lack of oxygen to your brain or your greedy cunt that's feeding off their wretched pleasure. 
"You gonna come, Sweetheart? Can feel her milkin' me real good. Shit-" Joel hisses as your velvet walls squeeze him tight.
Both your holes lock around their cocks as you come. Your eyes roll back, your spine bending like a bow as the harsh wave of desire ripples through you. 
Both men curse at the sight and feel of you. 
It shouldn’t feel this good being used and tossed around like a toy, but a thick, syrupy heat steadily gathers in your belly. With your head in the drug-induced clouds, every illicit touch sends you higher into a euphoric atmosphere.
“Wanna hit?” Marc offers, holding the joint between his fingers to the enforcer.
Joel finally tears his eyes away from where he’s spearing you open. He nods, stilling his hips, and extends a hand before pressing the joint between his lips. He takes a long drag before splaying his broad body over yours. 
You notice him in your peripheral as he watches you choke down Marc’s cock. “What a fuckin’ sight,” he drawls, joint bouncing between his lips. “Swallowin’ his cock like your life depends on it.” He roughly drives his hips forward, his leaky crown cruelly kissing your cervix, making you gag from the agonizing bliss. “Kinda ironic that it does.” 
You feel their cocks pulse in unison when you start writhing at Joel’s threat. You knew they wouldn’t hurt you, but the thought was too much to bear in your current state. They quickly make work of your flailing limbs; Joel grabs the back of your neck with a heavy paw, and Marc traps both your hands in his own, caging them against his stout stomach.
They set a brutal pace. You no longer feel in control of your body as they use you to get off. The room echoes with the sounds of gluttony, like feral animals staking their rightful claim on lowly prey. 
Marc comes with a growl, caging your head between his hands as you push against his abdomen, and fucks his salty release into your mouth. He collapses onto the couch with a ragged sigh, his engorged cock a shiny mess as he catches his breath. 
“Gotta get used to this, sweetheart,” Joel gloats in your ear, working an arm around your collarbone to pull you back onto his cock, forcing you to meet every one of his brutal shoves. “Your pretty pussy is gonna be ruined by the time your debt is paid in full.” 
Marc cups your jaw in one of his hands and takes a puff of his joint. He slides a thumb between your sticky, come coated lips and blows the smoke into your mouth. You gladly inhale, letting the drug work its magic. Joel grabs your hips and picks up his speed, greedy for his pleasure. 
He comes with a gruff, dark groan, snapping his hips hard against your ass until he's buried to the hilt and pumping his sticky load into your fluttering core. 
You collapsed onto the cushions once Joel let go of your hips, your body too weak and drugged to care to move despite your vulnerable state.
“We’re square, Kitten.” Marc grazes your cheek with his knuckles, and a sly grin tugs at the corner of his lips. “But anytime you want a hit and can’t pay, I’ll be more than happy to help you out,” Marc quips before silently nodding at Joel and leaves with a bounce in his step.
"Come're, Sweetheart." Large hands slide under your belly and help you stand on your feet. His eyes soften as he looks over your puffy eyes and swollen, slick coated lips. He cups your cheek and sighs through his nose. "Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?"
A rush of water hits your ears as Joel turns the shower faucet. You stand behind him like a child waiting for their next instruction before he turns back to you with a slight smile.
"Up and over. That's it," Joel says, ensuring you don't bump your elbows as he removes your shirt, folds it, and places it on your vanity. He helps you step into the shower before he sits on the toilet lid and watches you through the clear plastic curtain. 
Silence falls over the tiny bathroom as he lets you take solace under the stream.
You melt in the warmth. It eases your aches and dulls your overwrought senses. You stay there until your skin prunes and icy cold water pours from the tap.
He helps you step out of the tub, ensuring you're on solid ground before grabbing a towel hanging on the wall and wrapping you in the soft cotton. 
"You'll stay with me until your debt is paid," he said, resting his hands on your shoulders; the weight keeps you grounded as your world turns upside down.
"You won't have to worry about anythin'," he continues, carefully drying your body with a tenderness you didn't expect. "I'll pay your rent, so you still have this place when our transaction is complete." 
You know you should be upset. A screaming, raging mess but seeing such a dangerous man on his knees drying water droplets from your body makes you lightheaded with alarming power.
He stands when you don't outwardly react. His lips are pressed into a worried, hard line, his hands are perched on his hips, and a sharp brow wrinkles his forehead. "Okay?"
The vexation that laces his tone snaps you out of the dumbstruck fog. You knew there was only one right answer.
“Yes,” you rasp, defeated. 
He smirks, softly chuckling under his breath at your submission.
"I'll be back in a few hours," he says, cupping your jaw like he's drinking from a stream; God knows what brutality those hands have dealt out. "I trust you'll still be here when I get back." 
You nod quickly under his grave stare. 
He plants a searing kiss on your lips, making you gasp. It's dominating and possessive, like he's christening the start of your new life together by licking into your mouth and claiming you. 
He breaks the kiss with a grunt and nudges your nose with his own. "Thatta girl." 
He holds your gaze as he slowly walks backward out of the room. "Pack enough for the next week. I'll swing by later to get the rest," he instructs before turning and walking out your door.
You're left standing in your tiny bathroom, panting like a newborn fawn. Your legs wobble as you move to sit on the toilet lid and clutch the towel tighter to your chest; heart smashing against your ribs.
Joel was right. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into.
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feel free to scream at me -> 💌
*if you'd like to read more about Joel and reader's new life together, please invade my inbox about them! it helps motivate me!*
->reblogs & comments are extremely appreciated!<-
follow @ozzieslibrary for new fic updates!
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Thoughtful and heartfelt article written by Lacy Baugher about the cancellation of Dead Boy Detectives, and why the decision just doesn’t make sense for Netflix.
I could literally quote the whole thing. Instead, I’ll leave you with these three (lengthy) quotes and encourage you to read the article in its entirety. And you totally should. It’s worth the read.
Quotes Below:
“On paper, the Dead Boy Detectives has all the ingredients to succeed. Its cast is charming; its vibes are fun and accessible. It features a genuine connection to an established and successful genre property, but not one so deep that new viewers would find themselves overwhelmed by lore. Perhaps most importantly, it has so, so much heart.”
“The pieces were in place for the series to run multiple seasons with rich character dynamics between the core quartet and a template that allowed for all sorts of adventures for the living and the dead. If this had been a show introduced during the heyday of The CW, it probably would have run for the better part of a decade. Alas, that's almost never a possibility in today's streaming landscape. Even the most successful series tend to come with a built-in expiration date. (Five years, max.)
Netflix has something of a history when it comes to cutting promising genre shows off at the knees. In recent years it has unceremoniously dumped all sorts of series, from fantasy (Shadow and Bone, Warrior Nun), and supernatural (Lockwood and Co., First Kill, The Midnight Club) to sci-fi (The OA, 1899). Dead Boy Detectives is certainly joining a good company. But the fact that its main characters were part of the same universe as The Sandman makes the show's cancellation even more galling. What streamer doesn't want a franchise to call its own? The Sandman is still one of the most popular comic series ever, and Netflix is currently gearing up to drop the second season of its successful TV adaptation.”
“That Dead Boy Detectives wasn't given more time to build an audience — or a bigger promotional budget to let viewers know of its existence — feels particularly criminal because Sandman's second season would have almost certainly given the drama a needed awareness boost.”
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dstryvampres · 3 months
Come On Baby(Light My Fire) - Neil Lewis x Reader
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inspired by this song.(Light my fire by the doors)
Pairing: Neil Lewis x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: weed use, smut, p in v, unprotected sex, sex while high, reader likes the doors sorry I forced that on you
Summary: Neil always comes after his shift to visit you on your late night shift, today he decides to bite the bullet and finally buy a CD from the store, and also ask you out I guess.
A/N: I've been on a huge doors kick recently and I really just wanted to force it onto you guys, and also neil because I love him. love my two male wives neil lewis and Jim Morrison xoxo
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Exactly on time, 9:06pm, is when Neil Lewis prances into your store. The ding of the bell on top of the store’s door, every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, close to the exact same time of 9:00pm to 9:10pm, was always Neil Lewis. He got off earlier on those days, having one of his friends and co-workers able to cover the last three hours until midnight that Gumshoe was open. You, unfortunately, were stuck until past midnight at your family owned music store, which Neil seemed to take advantage of as much as possible.
“Hello,” Neil greeted you coyly, walking up to the cash register where you stationed yourself for the night.
“Can I help you with anything?” You ask Neil, knowing you absolutely cannot.
“Nope.” Same answer as always.
Neil seemed to have no interest in music at all. Possibly only ever coming in here for a brief chat with you, then a quick stop by the soundtrack area of the store, then the discount area, all while still trying to hold a conversation with you. He would leave around 10 to 10:30pm, only to be back again the next day he could. Sometimes, you enjoyed his company, the jokes he cracked were funny, and he understood your struggles of working at a very niche sector of business. Other times, you wanted to beg him to get out of the store as soon as he came in. Possibly the latter is the case tonight, his big ass head is blocking your view of The Doors: Live at the Bowl ‘68 currently playing on the TV.
“How’s work been going for you?” Neil asks.
“Slow.” Tonight you’ll entertain his presence.
“Really? It was quite busy for a Monday at Gumshoe,” Neil gloats, smiling to himself, far too pleased that his store was doing better than yours.
“Oh yeah? All five of the movie nerds in the city came over today?” You tease, rolling your eyes at Neil’s gloating.
“Actually, it was mostly new people today,” Neil says, turning around to look at the TV now.
“Oh great, just what this world needs, more Gumshoe regulars.”
“You say that like anyone who frequents this store is any better. All that TV plays is music for pretentious losers, like yourself.” Neil glares at you from the corner of his eye, annoyed, but the smile on his face makes his expression more teasing.
“Atleast people know The Doors. Everytime I walk into your store the TV’s always playing something no one’s heard about,” you retort, going back to focusing on the performance instead of Neil.
“I’ll have you know every movie I play at Gumshoe holds importance, and is something everyone should know, even if they don’t,” Neil sighs, “I’m looking to educate the public.”
“How noble.”
Neil scoffs at your comment before walking off to the discount section of the store, leaving you to watch the TV alone. Even on your busier days the store seemed to slow down at this time. Usually it is just you and Neil when he comes in, maybe an additional straggler present who came into the store knowing what they wanted already. Now that Neil’s at the discount section, you know he’ll be busy for a little bit and decide to step out from the cash register to do some cleaning for the night. Mindless work to help you go home quicker when the store finally closes its doors to the public at 12am. Your boots thump on the concrete floor as you walk around the store to put everything back to normal. Letting Neil do his rounds around the store.
Turning around to the noise, you find Neil smiling in front of the cash register. Tonight, he’s finally buying something. You never thought the day would come. Neil, a paying customer, and not just a window shopper. You rush over to the cash register to ring him up, excited to see what he finally thought was good enough to buy here.
“Woah! Slow down, you’re acting like I’m robbing you instead of buying from you,” Neil laughs, putting the CD down onto the counter.
It’s The Doors self titled album. You look at him with a quirked eyebrow.
“The performance on the TV persuaded me,” he smiles, looking away from your gaze.
“You always striked me as a vinyl guy,” you take the CD in your hands and open it, making sure the CD isn’t scratched before scanning it.
“I am, I just wanted to listen to it in my car. I was actually hoping that – uh – you’d come listen to it with me after your shift ends,” Neil gulps, wringing his hands out.
“Sure. Why not?” You hand him the CD, “That’ll be 20 dollars and 65 cents by the way.”
“Really? I mean– great. What time do you get off?” Neil slides you the money, you can feel how sweaty his palms are just from the money.
“12:30am, sorry for the wait,” you respond, now leaving the change on the counter to avoid another sweaty palmed encounter with Neil.
“No problem at all! I’ll see you at 12:30 then!” Neil exclaimed, waving a quick goodbye to you, CD and change in hand, before exiting with a huge smile on his face.
The last three hours of your shift went quite smoothly, a lack of customers allowing you to do most of your closing tasks before the store actually closed and at your own pace. You couldn’t tell if you it was because closing was so easy today or because you were seeing Neil after your shift, but your body felt weirdly tingly with excitement. Neil’s car was parked right outside of the front door of the shop, it was hard to miss because of this, and also because Neil rolled down his window and as soon as you stepped out of the shop he yelled your name and then motioned over. Quickly you lock the door to the shop and open the door to Neil’s car, sliding into the front passenger seat.
“Thanks again for coming out tonight,” Neil said, giving you a soft smile. He then reaches over to the glove box to pull out the CD he just bought and hands it to you. “Will you do the honours?”
“Of course,” you open up the CD’s jewel case and carefully slide the CD into the cars slot.
Neil started driving as the CD whirled around without any noise, before finally the sound of the soft percussion started the album off. You let the song settle into the car staring out the window as Neil drives around, seeming to drive around aimlessly.
“You want to go anywhere in specific?” Neil asks. He had let it get to the second song of the album before saying anything.
“Not really no…” you muse, biting your lip in thought for a couple seconds, “you know for my first time experiencing this album fully, I was high. If you’re not into that it’s no big deal, but, if you are, I have some pot back at home.”
“Yeah, that’d be good,” Neil sighs out, “Lead me there.”
You lead Neil through a stream of winding roads and suburb strips until you guys reach your apartment complex. Allowing Neil to park in a guest spot, he pops out the CD and puts it back into the jewel case. You lead him into the building, and up the elevator. Fiddling around with your keys at your door, before pushing it into the lock and letting the both of you in.
“It’s a little messy, didn’t know I’d have a visiter tonight,” you apologized, closing the front door behind you with your foot and putting the keys on the wall.
“Oh, it’s no worries. You should see my place,” Neil jokes, kickings off his shoes waiting for you to lead the way.
After working off your shoes you lead Neil to your kitchen. Squating down and rummaging through the back of a bottom cupboard until you find your stash in an air tight container. You pull it out of the cupboard, a couple prerolls and some edibles sit in the clear container. Good enough for tonight.
“Shall we?” you ask, standing up and grabbing your lighter.
“Take me away,” Neil says, you take his hand and lead him out to your small balcony.
Your CD player is still out here from last night, you were in a rush to get to the store after sleeping in and forgot to put it back inside. Luckily it didn’t rain and the player is in the same condition it was as before. Neil hands you the CD and you pop it into the player, in return you hand him a joint.
“Let me tell you, this album is amazing sober, but I dare say it’s even better high.” You light his blunt before lighting your own.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” Neil says, settling into the lawn chair.
The album starts up once again, ringing out between the two nof you. This time, you feel ths silence is less awkward.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while,” Neil admits, out of the blue.
“Really? How long?” You look over at him, a blunt in his hand as he stares out into the city.
“Yeah, about half a year now. I don’t come into that store because I like music, y’know?” Neil looks at you now, only you.
The lighting from inside your apartment behind him lights up his beautiful bone structure, the light of the fire of the blunt lights up his eyes, and the brief light from the city allows you to catch all the high points of his face. You didn’t realise just how beautiful Neil was until now.
“I mean I could tell you didn’t care for the music, but I just thought you were bored,” you take another hit.
“I mean the first couple of times sure, but I don’t know, there was just something about you that intrigued me. You’re funny, and hot, and so unique,” Neil admits, his eyes not leaving yours.
“Thank you.”
“I mean it,” he blinks slowly and then looks bacl out at the city, continuing, “What don you like about this album?”
“I don’t know,” you admit, laughing, “I had a weird Doors phase at some point in highschool and, I guess, the album stuck through even afterwards. What, do you not like it?”
“No, it’s great. I just want to get to know you better,” Neil says, shaking his head.
“Well, what music do you like?” you ask.
“Soundtracks, but you know that one. I really liked grunge in high school, I guess that stuck with me too a little bit,” Neil purses his lips together, coughing a little.
“Never pegged you as a grunge fan,” you say, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m full of surprises,” Neil jokes, sending you both into a fit of laughter. Something like that usually wouldn’t set you off like that, but for some reason, it was the funniest thing tonight.
The winding chords to Light My Fire started to hit when you both calmed down from the laughter, and when you’ve both started to reach the end of the rolls.
Neil reaches out his hand to you, “Want to dance?”
You nod and take his hand, putting out your blunt as you stand. You both push the chairs off to the side, before setting off into a weird unnatural dance together. It was barely together, the only thing connecting you is the brief stints in which you guys hold hands, maybe Neil spins you around when your hands come together. At some point you guys get so close that when you look up to Neil your face to face with him. He looks at you for a couple seconds before slowly kissing you on the lips, it’s soft and welcoming, allowing for you to reciprocate. Both of you break away quite quickly, another beat, your lips are pressed together again with his. This time the kiss is hungrier, you bite at his lips softly, and he slips his tongue into your mouth. 
“Do you, uh– Want to take this further?” Neil asks, breaking away from the kiss. His pupils are huge, and his hair is messy.
“Yeah,” you respond, before going back into the kiss.
Both of you stumble through the apartment and into your bedroom while kissing. You feel the back of your knees hit your mattress before Neil gently pushes you backwards onto the bed. You look up at him, he’s breathing heavily, blue eyes scanning over your body hungerily. His lips are on yours again, tongue searching your mouth, he fondles your breasts through your shirt. You could feel wetness pool in your panties as Neil started to drag his kisses down to your neck. His fingers grazed your clothed stomach before coming to toy with the hem of your shirt teasing pushing it up slowly, fingers ghosting over your stomach making you whine out. You lightly grab at his hair, tugging it to edge him on to take off your shirt already. Neil takes the hint and pushes you shirt upwards exposing your breasts to him.
Neil smiles looking up at you before taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking the bud and rolling his tongue over it. You moan out at the sensation, staring up at the ceiling, focusing on the pleasure Neil is providing you at the moment. Your body is hot, you want him to hurry up and fuck you. Alas, Neil takes his time with your breasts, toying with both of them using his mouth and fingers. It’s both agonizing and feels so good. He watches you the whole time, taking pleasure in watching your face contort in pleasure and frustration. 
Finally, Neil captures you in a heated kiss again, before breaking off and taking his own shirt off. He places your hands on his chest, allowing you to feel his body’s heat as well as his heartbeat. His heartbeat is fast, mimicking the rise and fall of his chest. You run your hands over his chest and down his arms to his hands, placing them at the top of your jeans, basically begging him to take them off. He unbuttons your jeans, slowly, like he’s done almost everything tonight. Pulling them down with your help to expose your panties, soiled with you wetness. He stares at the wet patch on your panties for a second. Grinning the whole time.
“You flatter me,” Neil says, sliding his own pants down his legs, erection glaringly present. He lets them fall into the pool of pants at the edge of them bed.
Sliding a finger up and down your clothed heat, Neil climbs back into bed with you. Diving back in to kiss you. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms are his neck. His erection presses up against your heat, and he grinds against you. He only lasts about a minute teasing you this way before he’s discarding your panties and positioning his fingers outside your cunt.
“Please,” you whimper out, and within the same breathe his fingers have entered you.
It’s slow at first, a rhythmic in and out pace, stretching you out as best and he can, but your moans fuel him to move his fingers faster. Soon enough your gripping the sheets just at his fingers as they push on your gummy walls deliciously and feverishly. His other hand rubs up and down your thigh, watching as you twitch and moan on his fingers, watching as your pussy takes his fingers in so easily. You clench around his fingers, back arching at his work, and all the sudde his fingers are gone. You look at him with a look of betrayal, which is quickly settled when you see him slide his underwear off, exposing his cock.
“Can I fuck you?” Neil asks, like his swollen tip isn’t already pressed against your entrance.
“Yes please.”
It’s all Neil needs before he’s sliding into you, stretching you out so nicely as he pushes in. When he bottoms out he’s pressed up against that sweet spot inside of you, almost like his cock is made just for you. Both of you sigh of as Neil stays still for a few seconds before pulling out of you slowly. 
“Oh baby, your pussy ‘s so good,” Neil slurs, pushing back into you.
His hands find your waist as he pushes in and out of your pussy. With each thrust Neil’s speed increases, his once calculated and rhythmic thrusts becoming wild and irregular as he continues to fuck you. You scratch his back as he fucks into, moaning as your eyes roll back.
Who knew movie nerds were such good fucks?
“Can I flip you around baby?” Neil pants out, his grip on your waist tightened.
You nod and he slips out of you, allowing you to get on all fours before pushing back into you. He’s hitting further back in this position, stretching out and reaching parts of you that you forgot felt so good.
“Fuck, baby, you look so good, you feel so good,” Neil babbles as he resumes his pace.
You don’t think you can last much longer in this position, with Neil fucking a specific spot in you consistently. He reaches over a hand and starts toying with your nipple again, and thats when you feel the slip happening.
“I’m gon’ cum, Neil, gonna cum,” you whine, arms giving out and face getting shoved into a pillow by Neil’s thrusts.
“Oh– fuck, me neither, cum all over my cock for me, fuck please baby, god please, cum all over my cock,” Neil speeds up his thrusts, reaching his hand down from your boob to your clit.
Neil rubs quick fast circles into your clit. Steadily, but roughly fucking you into your own mattress.
For a moment everything goes black as all you can feel is the knot in your stomach come undone and a shiver run up your body. 
When you return Neil is slumped over beside you, both of you laying down beside eachother. He strokes your hair softly before kissing your forehead.
“Thank you,” Neil whispers, bringing you into his chest.
You decide to stay like this for the night, too tired to move. Neil covers up the both of you letting you fall asleep in his arms.
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rizsu · 1 year
loverboys. kaveh, tighnari, cyno, scaramouche.
sum. short drabbles abt your love with him
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if you zoom into sumeru's city, you can see two young adults exiting the grand bazaar. the lanky male talks, hands moving everywhere to add exaggeration in his speech. beside him stands a girl, though she holds a bored expression, she's listening to all the details from him.
“i'm telling you even if i DIE i won't say i was wrong!” kaveh finishes, holding up a finger and sliding it across his neck to mimick a decapitation. he rolls his eyes, immediately sour at the thought of the altercation earlier.
surprisingly, kaveh's argument did not include alhaitham but on the not-so-surprisingly note, he got himself involved in another argument that he totally didn't instigate. you see.. his problem is unconciously saying his thoughts out loud which gets him places—places that are sometimes good (results may vary).
focusing on your lollipop, you nod your head for the umpteenth time at whatever he's going on about. you lost interest ever since you guys reached the adventurer's booth. melting into the sugary flavour, you close your eyes with a little smile—that is until someone boldly yanks your lollipop.
“well, excuse me kaveh?!” looking at him, you make sure your expression shows what you think about his sheer audacity. how can he just confiscate your snack like that?!
“you focused on this thing more than you did with me!” as if it's illegal, he dangles the lollipop in front your face to inject guilt into your system (not like it'll work..)
all it took was one simple glare from you tells kaveh that he needs to run before he becomes a punching bag. gearing up his long legs and holding a secure grip on your lollipop, kaveh runs through random directions in the city. with a childish grin on his face, he looks back at you and taunts, “catch me if you can!”
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nothing's worse than suffering a migraine at the ass crack of midnight after a long day at work. you're practically dragging your body against the wall for support as you walk home. since your home's a small distance from work you walk but god, you should've taken up your co-worker's offer to drive you home.
groaning again, you move your hand up to support your head. with the intense pain that blurs your vision, your let out a line of curses but stops once you see a pharmacy in the distance. as if an angel heard you, the pharmacy's opened twenty-four hours all week and it's just two steps away—maybe even four..!
pushing open the door, your steps stutter until you reach the counter. slapping your palm on the platform, you hurridly request for painkillers before your migraine can get the best of you, “can i get something for a migraine? preferably something strong. thanks.”
blinking twice, tighnari accepts your request and slides two packets of pills, “here you go. they're both drowsy pills.”
muttering a “thank you” you give him the amount of cash needed and pop out two pills from its packet. seconds before you can swallow it, tighnari speaks up, “there's a vending machine with water. you can take one.”
turning slightly so you can see the vending machine, your lips shape into an ‘o’. walking to collect your bottled water, you turn to smile at tighnari before leaving.
like destiny once again, both shared the same thought, “how cute.”
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hot, sweaty and tired: three words to describe what you feel right now. for whatever reason needed, cyno convinced you to come on a some “business adventure” with him out in the desert—specifically, around king deshret's mausoleum. apparently it's for a report/investigation but who cares? you don't. you never listened to a word he said other than “come with me.”
you look at cyno who doesn't seem affected. in fact, he looks like he can move on and traverse the other two areas left in the desert. furrowing your eyebrows, your intertwine your hand with his and lean your head on his back.
“can we rest? sorry, i'm tired.” “mhm, let's go to an oasis.”
pulling you to his side, cyno wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you in closer to his shoulder. he feels guiltly, he knows you're not that heat resistant yet bothered you to come with him.
after what felt like eons, you guys finally reached the oasis and cyno sits down first. dusting off his pants, he gently pulls you down to sit on him and snakes one hand over your waist as the other positions itself to shade you from the sun.
“feeling better?” “yeah, thank you cyno.”
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strapped down, scaramouche feels a cold substance splatter on his face. fear lingers down his body as the substance spreads further. against his will he's having all these things happen to him.
“stop moving your face!” “let me go, woman.”
twisting and turning, scaramouche doesn't care if he gets the pillow stained with it. he wants it off his face. it's a foreign feeling that does not mix with him.
and what's the substance you might ask? a skincare mask—a peel off mask to be exact. it's a sleepover night and you're bored until the idea of skincare night with your boyfriend. he didn't agree and even called it a “stupid idea” so you strapped him down with random clothes and took control.
squinting his eyes at you, scaramouche feigns annoyance but in reality, he's all giddy inside. lighthearted stuff like this makes him blush like a seven year old boy falling in love at first sight.
but scaramouche's never going to admit that. he has a reputation he needs to keep up with and he will do it—even if you already know he's just faking.
“can it come off yet?” “no, it's barely been two minutes.”
scaramouche groans, his lips forming a pout as he looks at the line of skincare products on your desk. it's going to be a long night for him.
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vintageshanny · 5 months
Taste of the Ocean
Content: A somewhat dejected Elvis invites his girlfriend on a vacation to cheer him up after filming Blue Hawaii. Smut ensues. (Please suspend disbelief that some of these actions might not be practical in the ocean, and you will enjoy this a lot more 😉). Written in response to the request below. 18+
Hi. May I request an early 60s Elvis in which he is with female reader at Hawaii for vacation and he is like very horny for her, even though she doesn't provoke him. Very detailed and passionate smut please and thank you.
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April 1961
“This was a nice idea, honey,” Elvis said as he stared up at the crescent moon casting a glow over the water. “I’m glad ya talked me into a midnight swim.”
“Me too,” you smiled. “It’s nice that you decided to stay a few days after filming for a vacation. Thanks for inviting me.”
Elvis turned his gaze from the moon back to your face, looking slightly surprised. “Of course, baby. Y-y-y’know how much I missed ya.”
You actually were never really sure how much he missed you, if at all. He always seemed to enjoy your time together in Memphis, and he said all the right things, things that you were fairly certain he believed in the moment when he said them. The first time you’d heard rumors of him and a co-star, he’d insisted that the studio put these stories out to get people talking about the movie. You wanted to believe that was true, but you weren’t so naive as to think he would never be tempted to seek the comfort of another woman when he was gone on these movie shoots. Especially after everything he’d been through these last few years. You’d made a conscious decision to trust his words to you over any rumors and give him all the comfort and support you could in the moments when you were together. He always gave so much of himself, it only seemed right that he deserved this in return.
In his uncanny way of reading your thoughts, Elvis smiled sheepishly as he brushed a wet lock of hair off your shoulder. “Thanks for always bein’ here when I need ya, baby. It’s been a really stressful shoot,” he added with a sigh. “Each movie I make seems ta get worse.”
“You know what helps with stress? Floating on your back,” you said with a smile.
“Is that right?” Elvis smirked. “This isn’t jus’ you tryin’ ta get a better view of me in these tiny swim shorts I swiped from the set?” he teased.
“What? I would never!” you giggled, feigning innocence, glad that your blushing face was at least partially obscured by the cover of night. “I’ll even demonstrate for you.” You leaned back, letting your body float on the water, rocked by its gentle movements. “See? All the stress is just melting away,” you announced with a grin.
Elvis looked down at the peaceful expression on your face, your beauty seeming to glow in the moonlight. His eyes moved down to where your breasts swayed up and down in time with the water, barely covered by your white bikini top, then continued over the curve of your hips to that spot he knew was just for him. He could feel his swim shorts growing even tighter as he took note of the curly little hairs escaping from your swimsuit bottom.
“This is a nice bathing suit, honey,” he murmured as he fiddled with the strings that tied at your hips, a warmth continuing to consume him.
“Thanks,” you whispered, smiling a little bit. You didn’t normally wear such a risque suit, but you’d wanted to make sure you’d get his attention back from…wherever it might have wandered in the last couple months. “Why don’t you try floating?”
“Baby, I’m floatin’ on cloud nine jus’ lookin’ at how beautiful you are.” Elvis slowly started to pull on the strings that he’d been playing with. “There’s really only one thing that could make me feel even better.”
Your eyes popped open as you realized that Elvis had deftly untied and removed your bikini bottom. “What are you doing? Elvis, someone might see!”
“Shh, honey, it’s dark and ain’t nobody out here but us.” He tucked your suit bottom into the front of his shorts, his hardened dick having created a convenient little tent for it. “Lemme show ya how much I’ve missed ya.” You shivered a little as Elvis’ fingertips ghosted over your fuzzy mound and pushed your legs open, letting the moonlight bathe your throbbing pussy. “Damn honey, look atcha all wet for me already,” he groaned, spreading your lips and running a finger through your soft folds.
“It’s, it’s cuz we’re in the ocean,” you sputtered out, trying your best to stay still and keep floating.
Elvis leaned down and licked right down your center with his thick tongue before pulling back with that big goofy grin. “Nah, baby, that ain’t the ocean, that’s the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted. Ya been savin’ that sweet cream for me?”
You nodded, moaning with pleasure as Elvis dove back between your thighs. As you started writhing with pleasure, he used one strong hand to support your back so you wouldn’t sink under the water. The other one wrapped around one of your thighs and kept you firmly pressed against his face, his tongue dancing over your clit, alternately flicking and sucking it. Elvis continued lapping at you, the saltiness of the ocean mixing with the sweet and tangy flavor of your arousal. By the time his tongue pushed its way into your tight little opening, his nose rubbing against your sensitive clit, you were ready to explode with desire. All you could do was hope that your intense moans didn’t carry too far through the warm Hawaiian breeze.
After licking up every last drop of you, Elvis gently released his hold on you, your legs sinking down onto somewhat solid ground, your toes burrowing into the sandy ocean floor.
“Is that the kind of stress relief ya had in mind while floatin’ on your back?” Elvis’ breath tickled your ear as he pulled you close. You could feel under the water that he desperately needed some relief of his own.
“Better than anything I could imagine,” you whispered back. “Now it’s your turn.” You reached for his waistband, letting your fingers trail over his bulge, his body giving an involuntary little shudder.
“Oh, honey, ya ain’t gotta do that out here,” he protested weakly.
“I want to,” you insisted softly. “I missed you too, y’know.”
“Oh yeah?” he smiled. “What did ya miss the most about me?”
“Well, for one thing, I had no one to make me laugh like you do.” You tugged the tiny swim shorts down his legs and helped him step out of them, gripping them in your hand so they wouldn’t float away.
“And seeing me naked is gonna help with that?” Elvis’ mouth twitched as he tried not to laugh at his own joke. He leaned back and allowed his body to float to the surface, his pulsing dick on full display.
“No baby,” you teased back, wrapping your hand around him. Your insides tingled at the way the brown hairs at his base seemed to float around in the water. “This is no laughing matter. You could injure someone with this. It’s dangerous.” Elvis’ loud burst of laughter quickly turned to a moan as you took him in your mouth, your tongue caressing every inch of him. You could feel his sensitive tip graze the back of your throat as you took him in as deep as you could. As his body started thrashing about from the pleasure, you tried to support his back the way he had done with you, but before you could get a good grip on him, the force of his movements had pulled you both under the water.
“Wh-wh-what are ya tryin’ ta do, mama? Drown me?” He came up spitting out water and laughing so hard he could barely breathe.
You giggled too and spit out the salty water that had filled your mouth. “I’m sorry, you were moving around too much!”
“Well what do ya expect honey? Ya takin’ me all the way to the base makes me feel some kinda way. I-I can’t control it.”
“Hmm, maybe we’ll have to find a different way to relieve your stress,” you purred in his ear, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“I think I know jus’ the thing, baby,” he growled softly, giving your ear a nibble as he reach down and lined himself up with you under the water.
“Oh, God,” you moaned out as he pushed inside of you, stretching your opening around his thickness.
“It’s jus me, baby, but ya ain’t been the first ta get us confused,” he teased as he held your body down on his cock.
“Ha,” you tried to laugh at his joke, but the feeling of him deep inside of you had you in some kind of alternate reality where all you could experience was pleasure.
“Ohh, baby,” Elvis groaned as he gently lifted you and brought you back down on him. He could feel his dick twitching inside of you, releasing all the tension and stress that had built up inside of him. “Oh, shit, uhh, that feels so good honey.” With one last thrust upward, he stilled his movements and just hugged you tightly to him, burying his face in your neck, his soft lips pressed against your skin.
“How do you feel now?” you whispered, stroking his wet hair, feeling his chest heave up and down with the release of emotion.
“The best back float I’ve ever done,” he said, looking up at you with a smile. He tried to ignore the thought that popped into his brain next. You’ve had your moment of freedom in the ocean. Now on to the next crappy movie. Instead he squeezed your hand and asked, “Ya ready ta go inside?” You nodded and held his swimsuit out to him. “Gonna be fun tryin’ ta put these wet shorts back on in the water,” he chuckled.
“Wait, where’s the bottom to my suit?” you asked in a panic.
“Uh oh, it was wrapped up in my shorts, honey, and it ain’t there no more.” You could see Elvis trying to stifle a laugh.
“It’s not funny! How am I supposed to get out now?” you yelped.
“Hmm, I guess we’re jus’ stuck out here forever,” he smiled, pulling you in for a hug. “But at least we have these flotation devices.” He sneakily started to untie your top as well. “Might as well take this off too,” he murmured as he flung it to the side and wrapped his lips around one of your bare nipples, grazing it gently with his teeth.
“Mmm,” you moaned, holding tightly to him. “I think I’d love being stuck here with you.” You could feel his arousal growing again.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @whositmcwhatsit @missmaywemeetagain @lookingforrainbows @thatbanditqueen @be-my-ally @ellie-24 @from-memphis-with-love @arrolyn1114
111 notes · View notes
zeltqz · 1 year
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pairing. ex!ran x fem!reader
word count. 5.4k
series synopsis. bonten is forming and in the midst of it all, you find yourself caught in the sticky webs of your ex boyfriend and current bonten executive, haitani ran.
content. NSFW!!! prositution work, reader has a gun put to her head, minor violence
a/n: finally dropping some hints about dona and reader heehheehhehehe
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The music was loud but unfortunately wasn’t loud enough to drown out the sounds of Haruchiyo’s boyish laughter and incessant chattering about topics Takeomi or Mikey couldn’t care less about. Takeomi took a long drag of his cigarette, his head tipped back and he held the smoke in his lungs for several seconds before exhaling. In all honesty, he was bored. The whores working tonight weren’t of his style, too underdressed for his taste so he had to ignore every one that tried to approach him.
It was Sanzu’s idea to come here tonight for reasons unknown to both Omi and Manjiro. Takeomi’s eyes were slipping shut, fighting back sleep as the clock ticked closer and closer to midnight before he was violently nudged awake by the harsh elbow of Haruchiyo.
“Don’t sleep yet!” Sanzu grabbed Takeomi’s face and directed it towards Manjiro across the table. His eyes were shut, not a single thought floating through his mind as he let himself go and enjoyed the sensual massage he was receiving from the topless prostitute behind him.
 “Have you ever seen him so relaxed?” Haruchiyo continued. Takeomi honestly didn’t care and expressed just as much with a grunt before slapping Sanzu’s hands off his face. 
Sanzu leaned back into the booth, kicking his shoes up onto the table with a thud and knocking over a bottle of vodka onto the table.
“Jeez Sanzu, you’re a mess.” Kakucho clicked his tongue and grabbed the bottle before it could spill any more of its contents and began wiping down the table.
“You’re such a mom Kaku. You worry too much,” Sanzu waved his hand away in Kakucho’s direction. 
Kakucho rolled his eyes and began packing the empty bottles into the trash bag at the same time another woman strode towards him, placing her arms on his shoulders after catching a glimpse of Mikey and her co-worker. “Do you need a massage too? You look stressed.”
“Well can you blame me? Being around this idiot all day.” He nodded over towards Sanzu who only grinned widely. “But no thank you, really. I’m fine.” He gently shook his head and gently rolled his shoulders to nudge her hands off, letting her down as politely as he could be. He smiled at her, short, sweet and precise before walking off to empty the trash bag outside.
The woman pouted and slumped her shoulders.
“Hey baby, baby, c’mere.” Sanzu held his hand out and she grabbed it, humming and plopped herself onto his lap. “I need you to do me a favour, okay?”
“Yes Haru. Whaddya need?” she giggled softly when he pressed a kiss to the column of her throat, his hands wandering to her waist to keep her upright on his lap. 
“Need you to seduce someone for me. You can do that for me, can’t you?” He made sure his voice was husky in her ear, the vibrations sending a shiver down her spine as she nodded her head slowly.
Sanzu gently shifted her off his lap and walked her over the balcony. The area they were sitting in was three floors above the rest of the club, the height giving them a clear view of everybody down below. Haruchiyo held onto her chin and redirected her face towards the bar. 
“You see that man with curly black hair?” he asked and she nodded. “He’s an information broker and I need him to find information for me but I can’t ask him myself. He’s mad at me.”
“What did you do?” Hesitantly she looked up at Sanzu who was grinning wide enough to stretch his scars in a way that made her uneasy. “Nevermind. I don’t want to know.”
“The less you know the better. So can you do it for me?”
“What’s in it for me?” she asked playfully, her breath catching in her throat when Sanzu pulled her close enough to whisper in her ear.
“I’ll hook you up with your favourites.” Sanzu rubbed circles on her hips and lower back as he watched her slowly take in the offer before finally nodding her head. “Go down there and tell him Sanzu asked for his package. If he tries to act clueless that’s when you come in. Got it?”
“Got it,” she said confidently before fixing her outfit straps then sauntered down the steps to the bar. Sanzu waited until he saw her approach him before walking back over to the booth.
Mikey cracked an eye open the second he sat down. “What are you up to?”
“Boss! I thought you were asleep!”
Mikey shrugged the woman’s hands off his shoulders and told her to go away. She frowned and walked off without hesitation. Mikey narrowed his eyes at Sanzu who was smiling nervously in his seat. “Answer my question.”
“I’m not up to anything. Can a guy not get information anymore?” Sanzu gave him a smile as Mikey leaned forward in his seat and propped his elbows on the counter, glaring.
“You wanted to come here tonight without a reason, now you're getting a whore to seduce an information broker. What are you up to?" Mikey asked sternly, making Sanzu grin.
"If I tell you, you'll be mad."
"Go ahead."
"It's about Naoto." Mikey groaned but Sanzu simply gave him a look and kept going. "I know you told me to drop it! But I think I figured out a way to take him down without you know..."
"I know?" Mikey asked, confused. Sanzu sighed and made a gun with his hands and pointed at his head, imitating a shooting sound.
"What the fuck Sanzu?"
"Just trust me on this. Okay?!" Sanzu leaned back into the booth chair and crossed his arms over his chest as Mikey glared at him.
Mikey took a moment to mull it over before looking over at Takeomi who was already tired of this conversation by the look on his face. "Should I trust him, Omi?"
Takeomi took a drag of his cigarette, the white tip glowing in the dark bar before exhaling smoke. "Remember what happened the last time you trusted him?"
Sanzu rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh. "That was one time! And it never happened again! I got the money back, didn't I?"
Kakucho returned back in time to join in the conversation. "We went through hell to get that money back Sanzu. Don't forget that."
Sanzu stared at him incredulously about to open his mouth and speak before Omi groaned and covered his face with his hands. “Shut up Sanzu. Just...shut up.”
"I didn't even say anything..." Sanzu protested as Omi snapped his fingers and the waitress appeared behind them.
“Get us two bottles of tequila, on me.” Omi said quickly, handing over a few bills. "Can't stand to have a conversation with this idiot sober," he pointed over at Sanzu with his thumb who was grinning like an idiot.
The waitress left to fetch the drinks and Sanzu huffed. "God damn it, Omi. Fuck all of you. Just wait until that whore comes back with the information I need to prove all you sons of bitches wrong." He grumbled under his breath and glared around the room.
Kakucho tapped his finger on the table top, listening to Sanzu rant about how unfair he was being treated, while taking a sip of his own drink. The woman returned with an envelope , placing it down on the table between them. She cleared her throat and then leaned closer to speak softly.
“I got it. Where's my pills?"
Sanzu snatched the envelope up, eyeing it closely before flipping it open and inspecting the documents inside. After confirming it was legit, Sanzu reached into his pocket and handed the woman a small handful of pills. "Here ya go babe." He winked at her. "That was really quick though."
The women grinned as she opened the baggy of pills, putting some in her palm and popping them into her mouth. "He didn't last very long."
Sanzu cackled as he laughed loudly. "Fucking virgins man. Anyway go enjoy yourself baby. You earned it." She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek before walking away.
Sanzu slouched in his seat, opening the envelope. "You wanna see what I found?" He asked , waving the papers around as he pulled them out and slid them across the table to Mikey.
Mikey grabbed the papers and read through them carefully. After what felt like minutes of switching through picture after picture of some random woman, Mikey looked up at Sanzu with a bored expression. "Who is this?"
"Prepare to get your mind blown," Sanzu said smugly, laughing slightly, placing his palms on the table. "His. Fiancée."
Omi blinked slowly, taking a second to process what Sanzu had just said before covering his mouth and laughing so hard. "You're joking, right? Please tell me you're joking."
Sanzu sighed dramatically. "Oh no, Omi. Not kidding."
"You made us wait all this time and all we get is his fiancée? What the fuck are we supposed to do with this?" Mikey groaned, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor.
Sanzu pinched his temples and sighed again. "This information could change everything. Am I the only one that realises this?! Do I have to spell everything out for you?"
""Just say the goddamn plan," Takeomi grumbled, relighting his cigarette and holding it in his mouth.
"Fine. So here's the plan. Imagine how sick it'd be if we got his own wife to turn against him?" Sanzu shrugged nonchalantly, grabbing the pictures from Mikey and looked at them again. "And she's pretty hot too. Could get myself a piece of that if I wanted to."
Mikey shook his head. "You're not fucking his wife."
"Sorry Mikey but you kill people and sell out whores. You don't get to have a moral high ground right now," Takeomi said.
Mikey laughed a bit, leaning back in his chair as Sanzu pulled the pictures closer. "Alright alright, okay. But still. No."
Sanzu rubbed his chin in thought. "What if I get her addicted to some substances, so she can't rely on anybody but me?" Kakucho immediately shook his head and Sanzu shrugged. "It's possible!"
"And fucking risky," Kakucho responded, folding his arms over his chest. "She's marrying a goddamn cop. She obviously won't snort pills like you do."
"She doesn't but..." Sanzu pulled out a photo from the envelope, one he had been saving for the final reveal and slid it onto the table. All eyes turned to the photo in confusion. It was a picture of Mira in high school, outside of a dance studio posed next to two other girls.
"Is that Dona?" Kakucho asked, grabbing the photo and examining it further.
Sanzu nodded and pointed at the girl next to Dona and Mira. "Since Dona and Mira aren't on speaking terms, we need this girl right here to do it."
He slid another picture across the table, showing the same group without Dona but this time, they were standing in front of a beach house with smiles on their faces.
"That girl is closer to Mira. Now we just need to find her and get her to trick Mira into making some sort of arrangement deal with us. Blackmail or something. Once she's indebted to us, we will make her do stuff like leak Naoto's connections in the Police Department or something," Sanzu explained, looking from person to person.
"Wow," Kakucho said, looking over at Sanzu. "I'm actually impressed."
Sanzu made a show of bowing dramatically before Takeomi hit him on the head. "Stop being such a fucking drama queen. This plan has so many holes. How do we even know she has connections?"
"Or if Mira even speaks to the girl in the photo anymore?" Mikey interjected. "Do you even know her name?"
"I'll find out. Relaxxxx," Sanzu waved off all their concerns. "And c'mon now. She's engaged to the head of the police. Of course she has connections."
Mikey considered it. "Okay fine. I'll trust you on this one."
Sanzu grinned wickedly, clapping his hands together in glee. "Good. Now just trust me on this." With that, Sanzu stood up and left the room, bringing out his phone to contact Tamura.
"Yo! Tam-Tam. I need a favour right now. Come down to Club Platinum as soon as you can. Actually, I changed my mind. You have ten minutes to get here. Bye bye!" Sanzu hung up before Tamura could even respond.
Tamura managed to arrive in nine minutes, only getting stopped by security outside the club door because he did not have any identification.
"I swear I know Sanzu man! He called me himself. Just lemme in!"
"No can do," the bouncer replied flatly. "Need ID before you can enter."
"Listen. I get my fresh looks make me look ten years younger but I'm clearly over 21. Take those goddamn sunglasses off and let me in."
The bouncer stood still and shook his head before Tamura groaned loudly, checking his phone timer. He had under thirty seconds left before Sanzu would do god knows what to him. He pulled out his phone and dialled the number of Sanzu's burner, putting it on speaker and flaunted it in front of the bouncer.
Sanzu answered on the third ring. "You have twelve seconds left, Tam-Tam," he couldn't help but laugh as he said it.
"Sanzu I'm outside but your fucking bouncers won't lemme in!"
"Give him the phone." Sanzu ordered. Tamura handed the phone to the guard who cleared his throat before talking.
"Let him through."
The bouncer looked over at Tamura who had a smug grin on his face. He looked at the number on his phone again but didn't recognise the number. "I'm sorry but I need verification proof that this is Mr.Haruchiyo I'm speaking to right now."
Tamura groaned and rolled his eyes.
"I mean sure, I can come downstairs and show you that I'm Sanzu. But you'll end up with a bullet between your eyes before the day ends. Is that acceptable to you?"
The guard looked back at Tamura, seeing him stick his tongue out at him and shook his head. "No sir. I'll let him inside right now."
"Yay!" Sanzu cheered, mood switching like a light switch. "I'll be waiting." The phone hung up and the bouncer handed Tamura back his phone, letting him inside the building.
"Thank you," Tamura said gratefully, nodding towards the guard as he walked past. He stepped into the VIP balcony and found Sanzu standing with his arms crossed, watching him carefully.
"Took you long enough."
"You need to fire your security." Tamura grumbled as Sanzu laughed, slapping a hand onto Tamura's back hard enough to make him yelp.
"I need you to do me a favour."
"What favour?" Tamura asked hesitatingly, watching as Sanzu pulled out a picture of you, Mira and Dona in high school. He pointed at you. "You seen this girl before?"
Tamura grabbed the photo and scanned it. "Yeah. I recognise her. I drove her the other day for Rindou."
"Cool." Sanzu snatched back the photo. "Find her and bring her to us. Conscious, unconscious I don't care."
Tamura stammered as Sanzu began to walk out of the balcony. "Wait! Sanzu, sir." Sanzu stopped in his tracks and looked at Tamura with a raised eyebrow. "How am I supposed to find her in this big city?"
Sanzu shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that I gave you an order, now you have to complete it."
Sanzu sighed. "If you find her before tommorow, I'll take away 368784 yen away from your debt."
Tamura crossed his arms over his chest. "That's a strangely specific amount but hell, fuck it. I'll do it."
Sanzu patted him on the shoulder before leaving the balcony. Tamura called his friend Kimi over to help him figure out how to find your location. They ended up driving back to Hiro’s house before seeing the damage done to the place from the break in, then drove to the hospital where they asked a nurse for your whereabouts. 
The nurse refused to give them any information on patients that weren’t friends or family. Defeated, they were about to give up when another nurse overheard the conversation and said if they buy him some food to eat for the rest of his shift, he would give them information. 
Luck was on their side as they arrived at the pizza place and before they were about to order, they heard your name being called from one of the delivery drivers ready to drive it back to yours. They asked the delivery guy to see the address but naturally he refused until they bribed him with money. He handed them the food as well as the location. 
When they arrived at the house, they knocked on the door, waiting a couple seconds before they heard your voice coming from inside. You grabbed the money from your wallet and opened the door, freezing when you saw who was behind it.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You crossed your arms across your chest, glaring at Tamura. Honestly, you had no clue who the girl on his right was, but you just assumed she was also part of Bonten. "Did Rindou ask you to deliver my pizzas now too?"
"Haha," Tamura laughed, shaking his head. "This is my day job and you just happened to be my customer."
"Funny," you responded with a deadpan face and grabbed the pizza box, handing him the money. You said no more as you shut the door, only to find his foot blocking the door from fully closing.
"Wait, I'm not done talking to you yet," Tamura said.
"What?" you groaned, not having the patience for this.
"I just wanna talk, you know? I really enjoyed our conversation in the car—"
"We spoke about farts..." you said slowly, raising your eyebrows.
Tamura paused, scratching his chin as he thought of a response. Kimi snorted, interrupting his train of thought. "No but seriously. I wanna get to know you better. We're actually going to this club right now. Do you wanna join?" he finished, feeling ultimately proud of his excuse. It made perfect sense, the perfect plan to get you out of the house and into the hands of Sanzu without too much thought.
All confidence he had in his answer began to fade slowly when you shook your head. "No. Sorry. You seem nice but you're affiliated with Bonten and I want nothing to do with them."
Tamura quickly shook his head, grabbing the door handle before you could close the door again. "This has nothing to do with Bonten. Promise. Just us hanging out, getting to know each other." When you still look unconvinced, balancing between yes or no, he continued. "It's just not often I find someone I entertaining in this type of industry. Please?"
"I dunno..."
"Drinks are on me," Kimi interrupted you from behind Tamura.
You paused and turned to look at her. "Forreal?"
"Fine." You stepped aside to put the pizza box in the kitchen before stepping out the house with them. "Lead the way."
Restaurants were always Shion's favourite places to go to. They were always so warm and inviting and the atmosphere always made him feel like he was home. This particular restaurant however, exceeded his expectations. In the middle of the venue, tables covered in white tablecloths lined the entire centre, giving it a very clean and elegant look.
"Didn't think you could afford a restaurant like this," Dona said, looking around impressed at the interior design.
"I can't. You're paying."
Dona rolled her eyes, pulling a chair out to sit down. "Didn't expect anything less from a guy working a below minimum wage job," she scoffed.
Shion only shrugged. "Had to keep a low radar. The last thing I want is Mikey on my ass." He thanked the waiter for handing him the menu and began to look through it, missing the way Dona's face scowled at him.
"It's Sano to you. You lost the right to say his full name after what you did. In fact if I was seen with you right now I'd probably get killed. So let's make this quick. Did it work?"
Shion slid the tape recorder across the table. "Listen to it for yourself."
Dona pocketed it. "I'll do it later. But I'll take your word for it now. How do I know she isn't lying though?"
"She's not. You should've seen the way she was crying. I haven't seen her that sad since the actual break up years ago. It's legit."
"Hm," Dona hummed, tapping her fingers on the table. "I guess that settles it then." She stood up, ready to leave before Shion stopped her.
"Where're you going?"
"To a meeting. Sanzu texted me earlier saying something important was happening."
"Oh. Have fun I guess."
Dona chuckled, walking past him to exit the restaurant. By the time she made it to the club, she received another message from Sanzu, telling her the exact room to wait in. When she got there, every other executive minus Ran and Rindou were there, waiting.
"Where is Sanzu?" she asked Kakucho as he looked through his folder. "He said something big was going down."
Takeomi jerked his head to the room down the hall, currently locked. "Some girl is in there with Mikey and Sanzu."
"Doing what?"
Takeomi shrugged again and continued rolling his eyes. "Who knows."
In the meeting room, you glared at Tamura who was standing in the corner of the room, looking apologetic for tricking you into coming here but no matter how hard he explained it had to be done, you refused to listen to his excuses.
You looked away from Tamura and looked over at Sanzu instead as he dragged a chair and moved to sit in front of you.
"Is there a reason I'm here?" you asked coldly, your tone echoing throughout the room.
Sanzu ignored your question, staring at you with his deep green eyes. His hair was tied back in a ponytail while a stern expression was set on his face, but all of it seemed to vanish as soon as his lips curved into a smile, his demeanour softening considerably. "I need a favour from you."
You deadpanned at him, your eyes dropping down to the tattoo on his forearm. Since Ran and Rindou have that exact same tattoo, you deduced he might also be high up in Bonten. You narrowed your eyes at him. "And what on earth could that be?"
"Your friend, Mira. We need something from her but can't get into contact with her."
"That's not my problem."
Mikey sighed from the far end of the table. "What do you want? Money? Sex? Drugs? Name it and we'll get it for you. Payment for helping us."
"Wow this is so pathetic," you remarked, rolling your eyes. "Big ass corporation like this and you're just using sleazy tactics to get things done."
In all honesty, you regretted the words the second they left your mouth, but you were too far in to take them back now. If you died here so be it, you were past caring now. You watched Mikey look at you with a straight face and it was bone chilling the way the smile on Sanzu's face slowly dropped, his eyes darkening ever so slightly as he inched forward to glare at you harder.
"You're so lucky I can't shoot you right now," he threatened.
But it wasn't even a threat anymore. The gun was already out of its holster, held firmly in Sanzu's hand, pointed directly at you.
You froze. No longer angry, no longer sad, not even feeling scared anymore. All you felt was an overwhelming feeling of dread as you noticed everyone in the room's gaze turning away from you. Except for Sanzu, whose focus remained firmly on you.
"Sanzu put the damn gun down. You were just ranting about how important she is, now you wanna take her out?" Mikey said calmly, sighing again.
Sanzu only pressed the gun harder against your forehead and turned to look at his boss. "I don't like her attitude."
"I don't care. Put the fucking gun down."
You squeezed your eyes shut, readying yourself for death. What you didn't realise is Sanzu's arm had suddenly dropped. His grip on the gun loosened until it was no longer pointing at you anymore, tucked safely back into his pants. You exhaled deeply, relaxing once you realised he wasn't going to kill you.
"I'm not playing around anymore," Sanzu said, leaning closer towards you, his eyes still glued to yours. "I was gonna be nice and give you the benefit of the doubt but now I'm done with that. Do the damn favour for us. I'm not asking anymore."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "What exactly do you need her for anyway?"
Sanzu shook his head, not wanting to divulge any information. "You'll see when the time comes. For now, just trust me."
The two of you looked at each other silently for a few moments before you finally agreed. "I'm going to need you to do something for me too though."
Sanzu's smile widened. "Of course. Go ahead."
"Free my brother's debt."
Sanzu's eyebrows furrowed. "What debt? Who is he?"
"His name is Hiro. He's my younger brother."
Sanzu turned to look back at Mikey. "Have you heard of this?" Mikey shook his head.
"I'll ask Kokonoi later." Mikey turned to look back at you. "How much does he owe?"
"Uh like maybe 500 million yen—"
"Fuck that," Sanzu laughed loudly. "Not worth it."
"What?! Why?!" you protested,
"Because," he smiled widely, saying nothing more after that.
"Because what?!"
Sanzu was having a great time just toying with your emotions, Mikey noticed and deadpanned at Sanzu.
"Aw c'mon boss, don't look at me like that. You know we can't afford to just lose that much money right now. Especially with the police on our asses every second. If you just let me shoot Naoto then he won't be a proble—"
"No one is shooting Naoto," Mikey interrupted. "Take his debt off. We will find the money another way."
"500 MILLION YEN!" Sanzu yelled angrily. "How the fuck are we supposed to find that much money another way?!"
"I'm not arguing with you about this Sanzu. Tell Koko to release his debt." Mikey ended the conversation with that, turning to look back at you. You looked relieved but Mikey quickly shut that down. "It won't be easy though. With every amount of information you get from Mira the more money gets released. If you do a good enough job for us by the end of our deal, your brother goes off scot-free."
"Fine. Just stop sending people to beat him up. It's sickening."
"Who's doing that?" Mikey asked, looking at Sanzu. "Did you do that?"
Sanzu shook his head, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Wasn't on my orders."
"How do you guys not know whats going on in your own company?" you asked angrily.
"Who says we don't?" Sanzu questioned.
"The fact that you both don't know the idiots that sent out the order to break into my brother's house and beat him half to death!" you exclaimed, glaring daggers at Sanzu.
"I'll look into it," Mikey said softly, trying to calm you down.
"Thanks," you mumbled, standing up. "Now, are we done here?"
"Wait." Mikey slid a phone box across the table towards you. "Use this to contact me about anything. Never text or call me on your actual phone. Especially since you're going to be working next to a police officer, I don't want anything traced. Got it?"
"Got it," you replied, taking the phone. "Just one more thing."
Sanzu's eyebrow twitched. "What?"
"What exactly am I supposed to get...? Information wise. I still don't know what you're asking of me."
"Just get Mira to come to this club. We will do the rest. Got it?"
"Yeah. You got it."
Sanzu and Mikey left the room, leaving only you and Tamura in the room.
"To my defence I had no clue this was going to happen." He held his hands up defensively.
"Oh whatever." You waved him off, headed towards the door when you were stopped by the presence of Dona. She was at the end of the hallway talking to Sanzu who was probably updating her on the situation. After he left, her eyes flashed towards you and a frown crossed her face.
She walked towards you, grabbing your wrist to stop you from leaving. "Don't take the deal."
"Why not?" You pulled your wrist from her grip.
"Your reckless brother racked up millions of debt in our name. We need that goddamn money."
"Well maybe you can find some more easily with all the illegal shit you guys are doing anyway. Shouldn't be that hard, huh? That's how you got your people to scam and ruin Hiro's life. You know he got beat up by your fucking lackeys right? Like this is goddamn middle school." Dona stayed quiet at your rant, letting you continue your speech uninterrupted. "Oh wait you probably knew that, didn't you? Or you probably did and just didn't care about him. Won't be a surprise there."
"Why would I care about him?" Dona asked quietly.
You blinked. "Hello? You slept with him for god's sake."
Her eyes widened. "How did you know?"
"Because he told me! You slept with him, then ghosted him. This is exactly what I mean, Dona. You don't care for anyone but yourself."
"Says you! Oh my god! You abandoned your friends and family to leave the goddamn country on such short notice. What kind of mentally sane person does that?!" Dona's voice was pitching higher and higher with each word.
"I needed a break," you said simply, calmly. From the corner of your eye, you noticed how some other men were starting to look in your direction from all the yelling.
"A break? From what? Your 'oh so' perfect life?" Dona spat.
Her words made you snap your eyes away from the lingering eyes back onto her. "You know better than anybody else my life isn't perfect. You have some goddamn obsession with throwing that back in my face and for what? Because I actually got the guy you wanted?"
Dona's jaw hung open at your statement. For a few seconds she just stood there staring at you in shock.
"What?" you asked. "Didn't think I noticed?"
"You sound like such a cliché right now," Dona muttered, embarrassed under her breath. Her words caught the attention of one of the other people in the hallway who had been listening to the whole thing.
"Coming from you that's actually fucking hilarious."
"Notice how you're still making things about Ran. Jesus you're so obsessed."
"I'm obsessed? Me? The only reason why we fell out is because you were obsessed with him. But you know what it doesn't matter. Move out of my way." You pushed past her, ignoring all the eyes on you as you made your way to the stairs.
"You know Mikey assigned me to work with you in gaining Mira's trust right?" Dona called out to you before you opened the door.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me. No one is going to believe that we're friends. Yet alone Mira."
"I faked it once I can do it again," Dona said and you felt your shoulders slump slightly at the thought.
"That's not the flex you think it is, Dona. Unlike you I genuinely considered you my friend. Sorry for not being a total sociopath like you." You stepped outside and slammed the door behind you.
The moment you set foot outside of the building, you felt tears well up in your eyes. Even after everything you'd said, you still felt guilty for your words, no matter how justifiable your emotions were. Dona was someone you considered a true friend but after tonight's encounter, you couldn't help but feel like you'd mistaken all those years of friendship. It was honestly scary how someone that didn't give a total shit about you could make you feel so happy.
How good of a liar someone must be to manipulate a friend like that... you wondered, swallowing thickly. You bit your lip hard, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over at any given moment.
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RAN FANART + taglist masterlist
TAGLIST: @escafhwiluv @lyniana @haitanifxn @rindougf03 @mvteria @hisan-na @luvhaitani @yuma404 @sleeplessreader @shinichirolover @illusorysmut @obsessedwreiner @insayninthamembrayn @reihimbo @l0velikethis @lollevi @danasaan @tenjikusstuff4 @midoriapologist @asp7n @thebrownemo @levstar777 @sanaukii @yumidepain @jesjesboo @pink-sugar-rush @mizukikyong @suckonlimes @xngelsau @lonnie19 @yanfei-kisser @hayeoyeon @christmassugarcookies @minimari415 @rinshoe @taihjj @ezri261 @secretanimesimp @https-sonshine @nil-eena @weebausarus @secretxchive @getosmybeloved @kakuchosbff @atarathegreat @erenwifey @nyanglock @tsumudrip @notdyl4n @strawberryshorcakee3 @satoruloaf
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nortism · 3 months
Nor's Les Mis Fic Recommendations
I've been scouring les mis ao3 for a few months now so here are my fav fics I've found. I've tried my best to tag tumblrs where I can but let me know if you are the author of any of these and I'll tag you!
Three Days (or The One Where Javert and Valjean Take a Road Trip Through France and Raise a Child) by zamwessel
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Javert calls what he thinks is Valjean's bluff about needing three days to find the child Cosette and intercede for her. The Inspector comes along for the ride -- and gets much more than he bargained for, in the process.
Notes: First Les Mis fic I ever read and its an absolute banger. It's pretty much exactly what it says on the tin and I'm a sucker for a kid fic so I absolutely adored it.
A Change of Bizarre Kind by M_Moonshade
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
Six months ago, Doctor Henry Jekyll sought to escape the dramatics of London by coming to M-sur-M. Tonight his murderer pays a visit to the Mayor Madeline. (Being the Curious Case of Inspector Javert and Mister Hyde)
Notes: Criminally underrated. Jekyll and Hyde AU but I went in knowing very little about that book and I could understand what was going on. Each chapter contains bits from the past and present day until the timelines eventually add up which makes the main mystery all the more compelling. Also Fantine is alive and well which is always nice.
Our Souls Still in Fetters by Cinaed
Rating: E
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After Javert is assigned to discover a blackmailer within a public-house that caters to men who prefer other men, Valjean is unexpectedly drawn into the case. Together they must stop the blackmailer before any lives can be ruined...including their own.
Notes: This author has so many great Valvert fics but this one is probably my favourite. There's the classic "undercover as a couple" trope as well as old timey gay bars. Also a huge fan of how this author portrays Cosette and Valjean's relationship.
In Defiance of all Geometry by idiopathicsmile
Rating: T
Ships: Combeferre/Enjolras/Grantaire
Amis House might not be the biggest student co-op, or the fanciest, but it's got something all its own. Specifically, smoke damage on the kitchen ceiling from that time Courfeyrac lit a political pamphlet on fire. In which there are secrets, pining, pancakes, and revelations, and sometimes the shortest distance between three points is not a triangle but a circle.
Notes: I love a good poly fic and this is one of the best. Also just a generally fun and wholesome friendship fic. Definitely a nice comforting read after all the old man angst I've got on here.
Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by Need_To_Comment_Rising (@aromantic-enjolras)
Rating: T
Ships: Courfeyrac/Enjolras, Combeferre/Courfeyrac (Its complicated)
Enjolras takes a swig of his drink with everyone else, and then smirks at Courfeyrac over the rim of his glass. "You didn't seem to mind much me being bossy yesterday night when I had you in my bed..." At his side, Grantaire chokes on his drink and starts coughing. But how did we get here, you might ask? Well, let’s rewind. ------- Enjolras and Courfeyrac have had a friends with benefits arrangement for a while. But when Coureyrac starts dating Combeferre, Enjolras is left with the question of where he fits in the new status quo...
Notes: Another poly fic with aromantic!Enjolras. I love fics with unconventional relationship dynamics as well as people actually communciating with each other (though not before there's been some hijinks ofc). Criminally underrated.
How Marius (Painstakingly) Won the Hand of Mlle. Fauchelevent by writingsyrup (@syrupsyche)
Rating: G
Ships: Cosette/Marius
When setting out to woo his beloved Cosette, Marius had never imagined that it would bring him to this: sitting at a dining table next to her grim-faced father, and staring at the marble that was Enjolras picking at his peas. Or; Enjolras and Cosette are siblings in 19th century France. Marius has to deal with the consequences of this.
Notes: Probably the best Marius characterisation I've ever read, he's just so awkward and weird bless him. I love a good awkward "meeting the parents" and this filled that hole in my heart. Is part of a wider series but can be read as a standalone.
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit by Apathy and saltedpin
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean, Cosette/Marius Pontmercy
Valjean's panting breath does not belong to him. He scrambles out of the bed and stumbles on too-light feet to the mirror in the corner, although he already knows what he will see. Peering back at him from behind a curtain of dark hair, wide-eyed, is Éponine Thénardier. Jean Valjean awakens one morning from uneasy dreams to find that something quite unexpected has happened during the night.
Notes: Cosette and Javert get bodyswapped and Marius is weirdly into it, if that's not enough to convince you to read this fic then idk how to help you. Not normally a huge body swap fan but this was absolutely hilarious as well as having some genuinely sweet moments. Also Theodule is there which means something to some people.
It's Not the Same Anymore by ShameDumpster (@shamedumpster)
Rating: T
Ships: Enjolras/Grantaire
Grantaire is a bookstore clerk in his late twenties, and to everyone’s eternal disbelief, a father. It’s been years since he’s seen anyone from his former group of friends, after a falling out cleaved him from the ABC, but everything changes when Enjolras walks into his bookstore. Can they rekindle their friendship, or something more, while they both come to terms with how their lives have changed over the past decade?
Notes: SO SO GOODDD!! Top tier slowburn kid fic, I could wax poetic about it for days. Had me gripped from start to finish.
Acts of Mercy by cruisedirector and Dementordelta
Rating: M
Ships: Javert/Jean Valjean
After witnessing and reporting a murder, Javert is dismissed from the police and takes a job protecting the women in a brothel, where many of his long-held ideas about justice are challenged.
Notes: Breaking, man from the 1800s finds out that life for women is hard. Such a solid redemption arc fic with some really memorable ocs.
Lynx's Claws and Wolf's Mane by Kaleran
Rating: T
Ships: None
When he is older, when he is a prison guard, he thinks back to his childhood and realizes he had been considerably fortunate. "Prison is no place for a girl like you," his mother told him often, usually fussing with what rags they could use for clothing. "Forgive me for this, draga mea." And so, instead of a daughter, she pretended to have a son.
Notes: Completely canon compliant except Javert is trans and the impact that has on the story really adds an extra layer to his character that I find really compelling. Warning, it is very depressing bc canon.
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insanityclause · 6 months
Tom Hiddleston Says Revisiting Loki Was ‘An Honor,’ Thanks Co-Stars for ‘Chemistry and Inspiration’
Ahead of accepting Variety’s Virtuoso Award at the Miami Film Festival, Hiddleston reflects on previous roles and impactful creative collaboration.
By Jenelle Riley
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Tom Hiddleston knows “Miami.” That is, all the words to the Will Smith song titled after the famous city — a video of him reciting the lyrics once broke the Internet (not an unusual occurrence for the actor.) That was in 2012 when he was doing press for “The Avengers,” the movie that would change his life and career. It was also the same tour that last brought him to the city — but that was a whirlwind two days of press. “I do recall promoting ‘Avengers’ in Spanish and the city had a great, unique energy,” he says. “I’m really excited to be back as an explorer.”
The British actor will be returning on April 9 to the Miami Film Festival to accept Variety’s Virtuoso Award for his career achievements and will participate in a Q&A at the Adrienne Arsht Center – Knight Concert Hall. Tickets are available here.
And while Miami is known for its food and culture, the actor has one thing on his mind. “What will the weather be like?” he queries of the town’s famously balmy temperatures. “Because I’m coming from the wettest February on record in London’s history.”
Hiddleston admits it’s somewhat ironic to be receiving the Virtuoso Award there, because “when somebody says ‘virtuoso,’ I think of a dazzling soloist in an orchestra, and I feel about as far from that image as it’s possible to imagine.”
He continues: “I am the opposite of a soloist, actually. I always feel like I’m at my strongest in a team. What we do is a collective creative act and the joy of it is in the shared imagination.”
This might explain why his resume is filled with standout ensemble pieces in every genre. Hiddleston’s worked on stage — he earned a Tony nomination for his 2019 Broadway debut in “Betrayal” — the SAG Award-nominated ensemble of “Midnight in Paris,” up through his most current turn as the God of Mischief in Season 2 of the Disney+ series “Loki.”
The second season’s finale, “Glorious Purpose,” remains the highest-rated episode ever in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and brought a conclusion to an epic character arc that has spanned 14 years of Hiddleston’s life. The actor, who also served as producer on both seasons, says it would have been impossible without his “deep bench” of castmates, which includes Owen Wilson, Sophia Di Martino and Season 2 addition Ke Huy Quan, Oscar-winner for “Everything Everywhere All at Once.”
“I don’t know who said it, but there’s the phrase: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together,’” he notes. “And it’s never been truer than for this show.”
Community and collaboration are perhaps his favorite aspects of the work. “I truly find the most interesting work I have discovered happens between people. You show up and ready and prepared, but you take that preparation onto the dance floor and see what there is between you. If I’ve done anything of value, it’s because of that chemistry and inspiration I receive from another actor.”
Hiddleston says that team spirit extends to his next project, “The Life of Chuck,” a big-screen adaptation of the Stephen King novella that also stars Karen Gillan, Mark Hamill and Chewitel Ejiofor. “I’m a lifelong tennis fan and I feel like being on set is like playing tennis,” Hiddleston notes. “It’s all about who you’re playing opposite and the energy back and forth between you. And I have some great partners on ‘The Life of Chuck.'”
As for continuing Loki’s story in a third season, it’s a question Hiddleston is asked pretty much every day — several times. “I truthfully don’t know,” he says. “I am so proud of where we landed in Season 2. To go from this lost, broken soul in Asgaard, and be given a second chance and learn so much about life that he actually gives himself to protect other people, has been such an honor.” For tickets to the conversation and Variety Virtuoso Award Presentation to Tom Hiddleston, visit here.
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tokiwarcube · 4 months
Anything with Charles and a male s/o if you would be so inclined? Please I love him so much
Charles Nation has arrived! I'd be lying if I said it didn't set my heart aflutter thinking about the smaller details of this scenario. Many of my Charles thoughts revolve around little moments like this, frankly, and I think it's real sweet. Thank you for your patience! Enjoy!
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The moon is full, but your glass has been bordering on empty for what feels like hours now. Kept half-full not to savor the taste of the scotch, but to distract your tongue with its richness, lest you start to wonder about sweeter options. You swirl the amber liquid around in the glass, gazing over its marbled rim at the man across from you.
Hair tussled and glasses cast aside, Charles leans back in his chair, engaged in easy conversation. The soft light of his desk lamp bounces off his form, giving him an almost air-brushed look — a dreamlike sight, despite the ever-growing dark-circles under his eyes from years of stress and work. You’d like to blame the longing it sparks within you on the alcohol, but you’ve been here far too many times to truly believe that by now.
You’re not sure when the lines started to blur — when you went from a co-manager, to a friend, to… this. Mountains of paperwork gave rise to shared drinks and lingering glances so tender that it’s hard to ascribe it to forced proximity alone.
You cherish the grogginess in his voice, imprinting it into memory before you fire back with a quip of your own about the day. He grins, raising his own glass to his lips soon after. It’s a familiar move, one that you’ve seen dozens of times by now, and yet it never fails to make your heart flutter. The familiar sight takes you back to just a few short months ago, caught in a similar position to the one you’re in now — moon high, glasses low, and work delegated as a problem for tomorrow.
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Working in tandem in his office became a habit at some point or another, first out of necessity, and then out of enjoyment once you discovered how easy it was to talk together… when you’re not being hounded by the boys, that is. He chuckles quietly into his glass at a joke you’ve long-since forgotten, before falling into a comfortable silence. It’s not until the chime from the grandfather clock rings through the air that the silence is broken — midnight. He looks towards the offending object with a thinly-veiled sigh.
“Well, I suppose I should let you get home,” he says, exchanging his glass for a pen, “I’m sure you have someone waiting for you.” Disappointment has always been hard to read on Charles — likely a holdover from the business he practices, you’d assume — but it’s become easier to pick up on through the months you’ve spent working together. This is one of the few times it shines through, and you find yourself a bit more than flattered that he enjoys your shared time enough to let it be known. But alas, work never truly ends.
You take the hint, polishing off the last of your drink and setting it against the desk with a thud. “Ah, I wish,” you jest, and rise to your feet. Had you not looked up when you did, you would have missed the brief look of bewilderment cross his face, just barely perceptible. You halt your movements, raising an eyebrow in question.
“What?” You prod.
He locks eyes with you for a moment, as though startled by your attention. As though he wasn’t expecting to be caught, or perhaps didn’t expect a response. The look doesn’t last long enough for you to fully decipher however, gone just as quick as it came. He hums. Swirls his glass. Sips. Swallows.
“Nothing,” he says, “just surprised is all.” He pauses yet again, seemingly gauging your reaction before continuing. “You’re a fantastic conversational partner. Handsome.”
His Adam’s apple bobs just after he finishes his sentence, and perhaps that would have been the time to say something, anything, but he clears his throat before you can even consider interjecting, instead reaching to unlock his laptop.
“Although I am surprised that I would have overlooked such a fact. We can have you moved into Mordhaus tomorrow morning, if you’re amenable to such an arrangement. Would likely be safer, regardless. You know how fans are.”
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The memory is sweet on your tongue, and when the clock strikes midnight yet again tonight, it goes unheard by the both of you. Perhaps you’ll take that last step someday, but for now, you’re content to take the moments as they come.
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 5 months
66 and 84🥹?
Hi anon! i hope its satifsying to get your prompt answered after a week, i just didnt like this and didnt know how to end it but ive accepted that im not going to make it any better and here you go!
84. Show me what’s behind your back + 66. How could I ever forget about you?
Ian held out for so, so long, he’d like that on the record. 
He didn't know about it until they moved into the westside apartment. His alarm bells started going off when he noticed Mickey being careful with something. It was unusual for Mickey, who usually threw his shit around without a care and it made Ian’s Mickey specific senses prick up. 
He’d subtly tracked Mickey’s movements as they unpacked, knowing that if Mickey was bothering to try to hide something, there was no point in asking from the jump because he wouldn’t get answer. 
And Ian trusted his husband, and was making a point to show that, so if Mickey wanted to hide the little unlabeled tin somewhere Ian wouldn’t find it (in the hollowed out contents of a book and buried in his nightstand, Ian wasn’t a saint and there was no logical explanation for Mickey owning a book that big) Ian would let him have that, it’s not like the contents of that tin would be life or death, right?
That’s what Ian kept telling himself when Mickey disappeared one night. He was supposed to be with Sandy and back in time for dinner, but there Ian was at midnight, wondering where the hell his husband was. 
He’d exhausted, his options; calling Mickey, calling Sandy, calling Debbie and Lip, and finally calling the hospital. Nothing. No one was answering.
So Ian stretched his mind to what kind of trouble his husband could be getting into, and it kept going back to that little mystery tin. 
Fuck it. Ian creeped down the hallway, keeping his footsteps light from nerves even though he was the only one home. Once he finally rifled through Mickey’s nightstand, searching through miscellaneous pens and notebooks and half eaten protein bars Ian told him to throw away weeks ago, he found the big heavy book tucked all the way in the back. 
Smoothing his thumb over the cover, Ian tried to make out what it originally said. Maybe cigars? Or bullets, knowing Mickey. It was bigger than a mint tin but smaller than a lunchbox and rusting lightly around some of the corners. 
Cautiously lifting the lid, Ian peered in curiously, all thoughts of it possibly holding the secret to Mickey’s location fading away as he took in the contents. 
It had Mickey’s birth certificate, for one. Mikhalio Aleksander Milkovich. August 10th 1994. Cook County, born at 3:36 am. There was a white lighter, which didn’t have any gas left in it, but Ian kind of recognized it from when they were kids. There was a photo of a woman with dark hair, standing unsmilingly in front of a white wall. A little green army man, like the ones that littered Ian’s childhood bedroom, and a photo of Mickey and Mandy that must’ve been taken on Mandy’s first phone, judging from the quality. 
An old strip of paper with a phone number, a GED with Mickey’s name on it which made Ian’s eyebrows raise. An ID with a photo of younger Mickey that listed him as Casimir Bukowski. And finally, a very, very old photo of Ian, with a beanie and a smirk, flipping off the camera like he thought he was the shit. 
There were a couple of water stains, and places where the shitty inkjet paper was faded nearly white, but it was obviously him. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” 
Ian whipped around and closed the tin behind him as he faced his husband.
“Nothing,” he defended immediately. “What the fuck are you doing back so late? I was worried.”
“Got fucking trashed with Sandy” Mickey said. “Had to listen to her fucking dyke drama.”
“You should have called me!” Ian insisted angrily. 
“What’re are you hiding?” Mickey slurred curiously. 
“I am not-” Ian started indignantly, cheeks heating up.
“Show me what’s behind your back” Mickey ordered.
“Your mystery box” Ian admitted, throwing the tin onto their comforter. 
Mickey snorted inelegantly, walking over to join Ian and sitting on his side of the bed, stumbling slightly. 
Pulling the box into his lap, Mickey shuffled through the contents halfheartedly “it’s not a mystery, it’s just my shit.”
“You don’t have to hide it,” Ian said quietly, sitting next to him. 
“Force of habit” Mickey explained away.
Chewing his lip, Ian debated how to bring up the photo that shocked him the most “that’s a really old picture, you can have a new one.”
“I’ve had it for a while,” Mickey said unhelpfully, like that explained it.
“How’d you even get it?”
“Mandy printed it out, I guess she took it” Ian tried to think back and vaguely remembered Mandy pointing a shitty snapshot camera at him before she made him take photos of her. “I stole it after you left, for the army.”
Mickey was looking at the photo now, rubbing his thumb over the worn paper. “I wanted to see you, I guess,” he admitted quietly. 
“I thought you forgot about me,” Ian said honestly.
“How could I forget about you?” Mickey asked honestly, finally looking up to meet Ian’s eyes with a wide, unfocused look. 
“I don’t know” Ian said, not really understanding his own motivations entirely, looking back. But also not ready to admit he assumed everyone forgot about him, even his own family. 
“Thought about you every day,” Mickey said quietly. 
But now he thought about Mickey sitting alone and looking at a photo of him in between moments of pretending, hiding in his own house from the wife he didn’t want and a father who despised him. 
“You really love me, huh?” Ian asked, peering curiously over at his husbands face. 
Mickey finally looked up, meeting his gaze with a smirk. “’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Gallagher.”
For a second, Ian was so overwhelmed with emotion he couldn’t stand to look at him, so Ian bumped his shoulder against Mickey’s, smiling bashfully as he over corrected and nearly fell off the bed.
“You’re fucking trashed” Ian accused. 
“Been drinking around you losers too much” Mickey defended tiredly, rubbing absentmindedly at his face.
“Yeah?” Ian asked sweetly, amusedly watching his husband fade into sleep in real time.
“M’yeah” Mickey agreed.
Ian kissed his head for a second before getting up and kneeling in front of him.
“Oh, I love you Ian, but there’s no way I’m gonna’ be able to do that” Mickey mumbled, blinking slowly down at him.
Ian just grinned and started unlacing his boots, knowing that Mickey was about fifteen seconds away from curling up on their clean comforter with dirty shoes. 
“You want some leftovers?” Ian asked once he finished taking off his husbands shoes. 
“I thought I wasn’t allowed to eat in the bed,” Mickey said tauntingly, digging his sock covered toes into Ian’s thigh. 
Ian fixed him with a glare until Mickey shook his head. Ian shrugged and helped Mickey out of his jacket and jeans, and rolled him into the center of the bed before he padded quietly into their bathroom to take his nighttime meds. 
When he got back into the bedroom, Mickey was sound asleep, snoring and drooling slightly against Ian’s pillow in the dim yellow light.
thanks for asking!
writers ask game
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scotianostra · 16 days
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On September 8th 1912, Alexander MacKendrick, the US born Scottish film director, screenwriter and teacher was born.
I’ve said it before, just because you weren’t actually born in Scotland it doesn’t make you any less Scottish than others. Many things can attribute to you being Scottish and Proud, people like Elsie Inglis or Eric Liddell, neither of whom were born, or indeed died here are both celebrated and championed as Scottish.
In my opinion Alexander MacKendrick falls into the same category, his parents had emigrated to the US and after the death of his father his mother reluctantly gave up custody of the seven year old Alexander to his Grandfather, who took him back to Glasgow, where he grew up. attended Hillhead High School from 1919 to 1926 and then went on to spend three years at the Glasgow School of Art.
MacKendrick’s first work was in animation, and got work in London working on ads for the cinema, he wrote his first film with fellow Scot, playwright, and his cousin, Roger MacDougall, Midnight Menace was released in 1937, it was a minor hit, but it got them noticed, although the war years saw him shooting numerous short documentaries and propaganda films.
After the war he found work with the famous Ealing studios and in 1948 made his directing debut with a film that would endear him to Scots the world over, Whisky Galore. Amongst the films that he wrote were The Maggie, about an American businessman in Scotland is conned into shipping a valuable load of cargo to a Scottish island on a Clyde Puffer, MacKendrick took inspiration for this story from Neil Munro’s stories about Para Handy and The Vital Spark, like Whisky Galore beforehand, Ealing studios filmed most of the film on location in Scotland, this time on Islay.
MacKendrick teamed up with his cousin, MacDougall and John Dighton for one of my favourite films of the post war, black & white era, The Man in the White Suit, which was also a big hit and one of the most popular films of its time.
Hollywood came calling and in 1957 he directed and co-wrote the screenplay for Sweet Smell of Success, a vehicle for the highly popular Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis. He was praised for his directing and the film is still popular nowadays, a film site I read often, Rotten Tomatoes, gives it a 98%, few films on the site get that high a rating.
After just three more films, he was offered an academic job as the Dean of the Film Department of the California Institute of the Arts, which he accepted and held from 1969, Alexander MacKendrick suffered from emphysema for many years and this stopped him returning home to Scotland, he died of pneumonia in 1993, aged 81.
Alexander Mackendrick may have been born and died in the USA, but I think he deserves his place as one of the many others not actually born here, who we would would use the term, Scottish & Proud.
Pics include Mackendrick on the set of The Sweet Smell of Success with Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis and on the set of The Maggie, set in Glasgow.
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buddiekinard · 3 months
okay @treasurehuntbuck tagged me for the seven sentences sunday BUT all of my wips are just hand written notes so here’s 7 sentences of something from my head that’s a scene from my next Big project. its rough but here goes.
Buck blinks awake to the sound of whirs and beeps and for a moment forgets that the last thing he felt before he fell asleep was the weight of an entire fire truck on his leg. There’s a hand holding his own and he thinks it must be Maddie. It’s definitely a woman.
He turns his head as much as he can and it’s not Maddie —
“Shannon?” He blinks a few times, thinking he must be asleep, in a coma, maybe.
He hasn’t seen Shannon Diaz since high school. She wasn’t Shannon Diaz then, and she was one of his best friends.
Slowly panic bubbles in his chest.
“What are you - is Eddie - “
Not gonna tag anyone cos it’s just after midnight and I don’t rly know anyone who hasn’t already done it!!
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breealtair · 1 year
Okay so I've read a fanfic once upon a time where Steve was dragged to a school performance of Rocky Horror Picture Show by his gremlins who are attending to support Eddie who is playing Dr. Frank'n Furter and Steve has his bisexual awakening seeing Eddie in fishnets and a corset. And it was fantastic.
Imagine if maybe Steve was in the production. Hear me out. In a world where Steve and Robin became friends before he graduated (or maybe it's a midnight shadow cast at the local drive in), Robin has been cast as Riff Raff.
(listen the the theatre department at my college has a tradition of putting on a shadow cast every year and we have always cast a female presenting queer person as riff raff and its literally the hottest riff raff can possibly be and Robin has the same vibes of the people I've seen in the role she would totally rock it)
Anyways, Robin is cast as riff raff and she some how drags Steve into being in the show. I'm imagining either they didn't have someone to fill the role OR Nancy was cast as Janet and it was a poor attempt at trying to get her best friend back together with his ex.
And of course there is Eddie as Frank'n Furter and working with him in such a way throws Steve into the deep end of his bisexual awakening (plus the two gross close together)
Now here's the thing. I'm torn between Brad and Rocky for the Role that Steve would be cast in.
Because on one hand, Steve being Brad while Nancy is Janet would be great because of the the bedroom scene and the parallel of Brad and Steve both having their bisexual awakening while trying to maintain the heteronormative expectation of staying with Nancy/Janet.
But on the other hand! Steve as Rocky is both hilarious and so great. For one, I had the joy of co directing a shadow cast and we cast a himbo football player who had no idea what Rocky Horror Picture Show was. His gay friend in the department told him he had to audition and he did so no questions asked. His LIP SYNC audition was Tequila by the Champs which only has one word in the whole song and he basically stipped down to his underwear (without our prompting) and shimmied around the room for the whole song. So I know the joys of having a jock himbo cast as Rocky. It's a delight. His football friends came to see the show and were scandalized. He was so confused by everything that Rocky Horror is. He really bonded with my best friend who is gender queer as fuck and played Frank'n Furter. I saw him discover some stuff about himself. He rocked that corset. A himbo jock as Rocky is top tier (only to be out done by the time we cast a female cosplayer who had just taken a weight lifting class and was able to dead lift a man twice her size). So imagining Steve as Rocky also fits just as well and still lends to the "trying to set Steve up with Nancy" bit because, you know, touch a touch me exists.
Some more food for thought is the time that my school cast two gay best friends as Janet and Brad except they cast the lesbian as Brad and the gay boy as Janet. The chemistry between the two of them and the way they were able to truly performe a peak satire of gender norms from a crossdressing perspective was truly amazing. That was truly a fantastic time and I could totally see a fic where Robin was cast as Brad and Steve as Janet.
Basically what it comes down to is that, I've seen a couple of fics in which Eddie is Frank'n Furter and Steve watches the show, but I have yet to see a fic where Steve somehow winds up in the show and has to face his bi awakening in the most tactile and face to face way possible.
So I need help.
One, which role would be the best role for Steve? (One plays into the jock himbo vibes, the other into the hetero facing his bisexual awakening, and the last plays into the platonic with a capital P soul mates vibe)
Two I need someone to actually write this fic (or all three versions of it honestly.
(Honestly. I feel like Steve would play Janet with Robin as his Brad only after he had been in the show once and felt more comfortable with the show and himself. I also think that him as Rocky would make sense because it would be the role that all his friends who were familiar with the show would push him towards. Meanwhile, maybe Nancy and Jonathan are cast as Janet and Brad and the whole "rocky stealing Janet away from Brad" thing would be part of the "get your girlfriend back scheme" on Robin's part.)
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headfulloflettuce · 2 months
The Human Who Fooled all of Prythian
10. Get Me the Hell Out of Here
The recent death of a human girl who washed the dishes snapped Cosette out of the weird trance-like state she had been in. It was like a fog had cleared within her mind, allowing her to see clearly for the first time in the past half a year. Tragically, the woman’s death was the perfect brutal reminder of the danger she was in. Of course, Cosette wasn't about to show the faes around her that she was no longer a walking zombie. It would be more advantageous if they kept underestimating her.
Soon there was to be a ball. A ball that involved all of the nobility of the Autumn Court. An event so important there would be heightened security and yet everyone would be too busy getting drunk to notice her slip away. Cosette knew the idea of escape was risky. If she was caught she would probably be executed, but she was willing to try anything. Anything at all to escape this hell.
The plan she had cooked up was not one any sane mortal would choose to attempt on a regular Friday. Luckily Cosette was desperate enough to throw common logic aside for the chance at freedom.
Humans were used as kitchen workers or servers throughout the evening at such gatherings. Although she was tasked with kitchen duties, due to her length of stay at the palace she had also been assigned to delivering food to the guards in the dungeons at midnight. Except the guards would never get their dinner. Cosette was going to sneak away to the stables instead of going to the guards. After all, no fae was planning on leaving the rager of a ball in the middle of its climax, so why properly tend to the horses? There she would steal a horse and head north to Winter Court alo-No.
 A nagging feeling stopped that train of scheming.
Cosette didn't know if the fae was still alive, but she very well could be. She was potentially still trapped in her cell. The woman who basically saved her life, and kept her sane down there. No…Cosette could not just leave her. She would save her too, just as she promised.
Cosette was also faced with another issue. Money. She knew if they got out that would do little to help them if they had no money. Independence was key and if they simply escaped they could end up in the exact same position but under the ownership of some worse, even more cruel and sadistic bastard. So, she had gotten much better at stealing. Apart from the knife that she had pocketed for the hunt, Cosette got good at blending in with the background, searching her co-workers' packs while they were gone or busy. The fae were so cocky, despite their wariness and unease around her, they didn't think she had the potential to go snooping at this point.
Ironic truly, first they frame her and now she lives up to the title of ‘thief’ unbeknownst to them. She had begun stealing jewelry and small change several weeks leading up to the event, with minor complaints slipping through of change going missing. The fae were too busy preparing for the ball to care for anything else. Everything was going according to plan.
“Fern, do the dishes.”
“Fern, prepare the vegetables.”
“Fern, skin the fish.”
Cosette gritted her teeth and smiled as Isabella bossed her around. The nobility had long arrived, with some of the fae servants, who were permitted to deliver food and drinks, gossiping about how handsome everyone looked. How beautiful Eris was. How perfect his damn hounds were. How regal Beron looked.
She wanted nothing more than to march over and slap these women. How dense did you have to be to fall head over heels for them? Eris? Beautiful? Sure he had good features but the man was a sadist. His father was even worse! 
You all need to get your eyes checked. Gingers in this world have no soul. Except Lucien, Lucien could have Cosette’s sou-
“Fern, clean the floor!” Isabella yelled, checking on the dishes about to be carried out. The floor was stained red from wine that got spilled by servants rushing in and out of the kitchen.
Cosette completed all tasks with a swift nod and a “yes ma'am”. Efficiently and well, keeping an eye on the clock as midnight drew nearer. Hour by hour, minute by minute. Taking all the abuse and insults in stride and a respectful bow.
Just a little bit longer.
Cosette had to force herself to not jump from joy when the clock showed 11:45pm. Time to deliver food. She quickly grabbed the appropriate tray rushing for the door
“Fern, wait.”
Her heart dropped at Isabella's voice, turning to face the fae slowly.
“Yes ma'am.” She hated how scared her voice came out.
The fae smirked, clearly sensing her fear, sauntering over to lean in, “You forgot the crackers for the soup.” She placed a bowl of crackers onto the tray, watching Cosette intently.
“My apologies for the oversight. Thank you for correcting me.” Cosette quickly replied.
“Are you alright? You look…distracted.” Isabella tilted her head, the movement unnaturally smooth and calculated.
Fae really were freaks.
Cosette cringed at her false concern, nodding, “I am, there’s just so much to get done due to the ball that I am in a bit of a frenzy.”
Isabella hummed, eventually dismissing her with a nod. Cosette practically ran out of the kitchen, letting out a relieved sigh.
Now…the hard part of the plan. Cosette needed to distract the guards in front of the dungeons to get Ophelia out, as well as the guard inside. She stopped. 
Wait…how do I distract the guards outside?
Cosette face palmed at her own lack of foresight. 
Seriously, at this rate the fae would be proved right about us humans being-
She stopped walking down the hallway, music interrupting her thoughts. Following the  music, Cosette quietly approached a servant door that led to the grand hall, peeking inside. Decorations of red and gold. Food being served on silver platters. Faes spinning and twirling across the dance floor. From her position she could see Eris chatting with a group of noble women, Beron laughing over steak, his wife silently by his side.
She quickly pulled away.
It would do no good to get angry now.
Cosette’s grip on the tray tightened. 
I am angry enough as it is. Don’t let this distract you.
She wanted nothing more than to throw the tray in Eris’s face, to beat him until any handsome features were covered in blood and gore. 
His father is the real problem.
She forced herself to take a deep breath, relaxing her hold on the food tray, forcing those violent thoughts into the back of her mind.
One step at time Cosette. One day you’ll make them pay.
Cosette permitted some nervousness and worry on her face as she approached the two guards standing on either side of the doors to the dungeons; she had come up with a plan.
“Excuse me..?” She asked timidly, “I am here to deliver food for the guard inside on duty.”
The two barely acknowledged her, a simple flicker of their eyes was her signal to go in.
‘Disgusting human… Unworthy of even my gaze.’ Beron's voice echoed in her mind, the image of him vividly beating a fellow human flashing before her eyes.
 Shaking her head she tried to suppress such thoughts. 
Not now.
She paused, playing up her glance back over her shoulder for effect. That caught one of guard’s attention.
“What is it, human? Go inside already.” he narrowed his eyes.
“There's a situation sir.” She looked at him with wide eyes, hoping her act would work. She couldn't screw up now. 
Feed their ego. Feed their violent impulses.
“What do you mean?” the guard looked at her.
“Some of the nobles are fighting in the foyer. It's quite ugly.” She said. Noticing no reaction she continued, “They didn't look like children from very important families, yet they were bad mouthing royalty…” She muttered, loud enough for them to hear.
She practically screamed from joy, watching the two guards rush off to go check on a fake conflict. The guards of this palace loved showing off whenever they could. They were forced to bow to Beron and his sons, but they could take out their frustrations on lower nobles under the guise of protecting the royal family and civil peace. 
That or they genuinely cared about public safety. Truthfully, Cosette didn’t care for such details.
She rushed inside the dungeon, approaching the guard sitting on his chair, drinking.
Talk about lack of security during such an important event. Did Beron and his people really think they had nothing to fear? 
Cosette shrugged internally; it was true to some extent, no court wanted war right now. Not after Hybern.
“Sir, I have your meal.”
“Damn right you do, took you long enough.” He muttered, grabbing at the tray. Cosette restrained a smile as she didn't let go of the tray when she should have, spilling some of the hot soup and tea onto the guard. If only he was properly geared up, perhaps he wouldn't be yelling in pain now.
Wow, since when had she become so desensitized to other people's pain?
“You bitch! How dare you?” The guard slapped her, the strength of it making her fall to the ground. She touched her cheek, the nerves on fire.
It felt good.
He grabbed her by the hair, slamming her back into the wall, making her see stars.
Ow, okay. Less good.
Cosette clung to her conscious mind. She had to stay awake right now.
Fight through the pain 
“Shit it hurts.” The man pulled off the shirt, staring at his burnt chest. “I'll be right back.” He grabbed her chin, “You stay right there.” His growl did little to intimidate her.
Any man who growled in her book was immediately considered a dog. A pathetic one at that.
The man stomped away to some office within the dungeons, rummaging through a desk for bandages and ointment. Cosette was hopeful he’d find a new shirt while he was at it as well.
She quickly grabbed the keys laying on top of his armor and equipment, rushing over to Ophelia's cell.
A part of her felt guilty for not freeing all the prisoners but she knew she couldn't. It was much easier to escape with just two rather than a stampede. Besides, some of them actually belonged here or had long gone crazy. Cosette wasn't willing to risk her own and Ophelia’s wellbeing over these strangers.
Quickly rummaging through the various keys she tried different ones, selecting the ones that looked the most similar. Her panic began to grow when the fifth key didn't work.
He will come back soon, work dammit!
Suddenly a small click sounded, and she managed to open the door.
“Ophelia?” Cosette asked tentatively, her expression full of hope.
Ophelia looked up at her from her corner, her eyes widened. 
“Fern?” She whispered in astonishment, her voice raspy.
Cosette nodded, urging her to move, “Yes, it's me, now move, we need to go before the guard comes back.”
Ophelia staggered towards the open cell door. 
“This isn’t real.” she murmured, staring back at her cell, “I am dreaming.”
Cosette couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips, grabbing Ophelia’s hand, leading her out of the dungeons. They probably only had ten to fifteen more minutes before the guard would raise the alarm.
The two quickly ran through the palace hallways, keeping out of sight of passing nobles or servants, human and fae alike.
An autumn breeze ruffled Cosette's hair, her footsteps softened by the grass. Sounds of cheer and merry came from the front door of the stables, where some fae were drinking and playing games. A human servant stared at the ground as he was used as a footstool and a table for drinks. Any twitch of his body that caused drinks to fall over or disturb a fae’s precious legs would result in a kick to his stomach.
Cosette’s face scrunched in disgust at the scene before her, Ophelia pulling her behind some bushes, leading the two of them to the back entrance of the stables.
Horses stood inside the building, munching peacefully on hay or sleeping. Cosette rushed over to one, a black horse with small white splotches. She unlocked the gate to his pen. The horse looked up at her with beady black eyes, still chewing its hay.
She gently grabbed the reins, leading him out slowly but surely, making sure the horse stepped on hay to make no sounds that could alert the stable boys. Ophelia did the same, her horse being a dark brown color.
They froze when the floor creaked right before the door leading into the grounds. The workers quieted. 
“What was that?”
Cosette was certain they could hear her heartbeat. 
“I don’t know…but I know that I need another drink! Night is still young and we can relax till dawn!” a drunk fae slurred his words, breaking a glass. The men laughed, returning to their drinks.
 Ophelia and Cosette exchanged a glance of fear and relief. Ophelia led her horse outside onto the grass, mounting her horse, waiting for Cosette. Cosette mounted her horse too, trying to imitate Ophelia's movements as she had never ridden a horse before. 
Huh. Maybe I should have thought about that earlier as well…
The horse bucked, sensing her lack of confidence. Ophelia's eyes widened, quickly trotting over, trying to soothe the stallion, murmuring something to him. She glanced at Cosette, adjusting her grip on the horse’s reins, and led the way into the forest at a medium pace to not make too much sound.
Cosette carefully followed, her steed seemingly calmed by Ophelia’s presence - more than willing to follow.
Once inside the forest, far away from the ball, the two urged on their horses, galloping through the Northern forest. The oak tree branches closed in as if trying to trap them. Various animals darted through the bushes beneath them. Several lesser faes cackled, watching them from the darkness between trees. Fireworks in the distance sounded more like gunshots. Neither woman looked back or spoke, pushing their horses to continue. The leaves on trees slowly fell away, the ground and surroundings losing their reddish tint.
It was when she breathed in the crisp air of winter that Cosette knew she was free.
Next: Chapter 11 - Up-And-Coming Actress
Back: Chapter 9 - Happy Birthday Fern!
Tag list: @rcarbo1
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