#cos like there is so much already going on in thedas and now this
Not saying im worried that between the prominence of kirkwall and now a poweful ancient tevinter blood-magic fueled artefact being on the loose the enigma of kirkwall might get relevant again but. yknow.
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sulky-valkyrie · 10 months
Val! Can I get "there’s nothing you could have done." for Fenris/Anders?
You know it 💜 Honorable mention to @shardsof-stars because she'd requested a wee bit of Fenders on the run after the boom, and these two ideas ended up all tangled and muddied together and it doesn't quite use the dialogue and it doesn't quite have them on the run, but I'd like to think it fits the spirit (heh, Jsutice pun) of both thoughts
for @dadrunkwriting
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Kirkwall was burning, and Meredith had gone mad.  Or maybe Meredith's madness was why Kirkwall was burning.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.  No, that wasn't right.  It hadn't been supposed to keep going after this.  No, that wasn't right either.  He wasn't supposed to keep going.  
Boom, Justice and I are free.
It was supposed to be a symbol, a spark to light the fires of the world, to force Thedas to confront its prejudices, and to remind mages they could fight back.  And fight back they had, but Anders had never expected it like this.  A summary execution should’ve been his fate, or a show trial and a chance for him to make his case for the end of the Circles before being sentenced to death.
He hadn't accounted for Meredith's paranoia.  Well, he hadn't accounted for it enough.  Or her hatred.  Bloody knickerweasels, he'd confessed to her damn face, and she'd still blamed the whole of the Gallows and called for an Annulment.
Granted, he might still die today.  Orsino had nearly turned himself into a fucking abomination in a futile act of defiance and despair.  He shuddered.  If not for Merrill and her own demon, things would've been so much worse.  And it was bad enough already.
Meredith's sword sang with an oily discordant wrongness, jangling at his nerves and setting Justice on edge as she cut down her own people.  Even half an hour ago, the sight of Templars losing their guts and screaming would’ve given him grim satisfaction, but now, it was simply grim.  They fought against her as fiercely as they'd fought with her, and died just as easily.
He threw every spell he could, even healing fucking Cullen when the statues came to life and one batted him across the courtyard, but it still wasn't enough.  Over a dozen people stood against her, but they were starting to tire, and Meredith seemed unstoppable.  At least the rest of the Gallows mages made it out through the tunnels.
A whistle caught his attention, bright and piercing as it cut through the clatter of battle.  A whistle that sounded like -
"Ancestors balls, we can't leave you alone for one minute, can we?"
He glanced down and smiled, even as his heart clenched in fear.  "Siggy, babe, you're in the wrong place."
"Nah, we've been tracking that shit –" she waved a dagger toward Meredith "– for years. Good job making her show it."
"Is that what I did?" Anders asked sarcastically.  "Jolly good for me then."
A volley of fiery boulders rained down from the sky, battering Meredith to the ground. Velanna's work, no doubt.  
The new threat was apparently enough to send Meredith over the edge.  She looked as deranged as a blood mage as she climbed to her feet and shouted, “I will not be defeated!”
As she thrust her sword in the air, the horrible jangling feeling ramped up, like it was trying to crush his skull and burst it open from the inside at the same time, Sigrun winced and gritted her teeth. Interesting.  He'd assumed it had something to do with being a mage, or Justice's sensitivity to lyrium, but Sigrun was neither mage nor possessed.  
Interesting, but a question for a later time.  Even if he’d had the time to think about it, the pressure on his mind made everything blank with pain, as bad as what he remembered of the Joining, and when he started to worry that it might actually kill him, the damn sword exploded.
Shards of red lyrium flew out, but, for once, Templars actually came in handy.  What they didn’t block with their shields they blocked with their bodies, however unintentionally, leaving Hawke and the rest of Anders’ former-comrades unscathed.  At least they’ll be alive to hate me.
"Come on, we need to get you out of here."  Sigrun's hand caught his and she started to pull him away.  
Not how any of this was supposed to happen.  He resisted on reflex, but she was a Warden too, and built like bronto.  A small one, but a bronto nonetheless, full of densely packed muscle and maddening persistence.  
"Mage!"  Suddenly Fenris was there, tearing him from Sigrun's grasp and snarling, "You won't take him!"
His vehemence was a shock.  Fenris had barely spoken two sentences to him since the Chantry had exploded, but here he was, defending him again. Fruitlessly.  Anders had always known death would be the only escape from the Wardens.  "Fenris, there's nothing you can do," he sighed.
"Venhedis!”  He put his arm across Anders’ chest and glared at Sigrun.  “You won’t take him,” he repeated.
Sigrun held up her hands, not quite in surrender, but an obvious gesture of goodwill and grinned.  “Stones, Anders, you’ve been making friends again, haven’t you?”
“Er… in a way?”  He pushed Fenris’ arm down gently.  “What do you want with me?”
Before she could answer the paving stones shattered as a tangled mass of roots forced its way up next to her and Velanna stepped out, face pinched in even more irritation than usual.  “What are you standing around for, let’s go!”
Fenris reached for his sword.  “He goes nowhere he doesn’t wish to.”
“Oh for the Maker’s sake, Fenris, please,” Anders said before turning back to Velanna.  “Where are we going?”
She rolled her eyes.  “Where do you think?  The Chantry will be baying for your blood any moment now!  You know as well as I do that the Deep Roads are the safest place for you.”
He shuddered at the suggestion, but couldn’t find a fault in her logic.  I should’ve planned for this better.  He glanced back at Hawke, still arguing with Varric.  Probably about him.  He inhaled slowly and rubbed at his face.  “Let’s go.”
Sigrun and Velanna nodded, then headed toward the docks.  As Anders moved to follow them, Fenris fell in step behind him.  “You may be a fool, but you're my fool.”  His voice was soft, but challenging.  Daring Anders to argue with him, just like old times, yet nothing like them at all.
Debate wouldn’t solve this.  He was a fool.  Foolish to believe Meredith would blame the right man.
“I’m sorry.”  Once the apology fell from his mouth, the words wouldn’t stop, a rush of everything he’d wanted to say since he’d started planning this.  “I should’ve - I’m not sorry I did it, but I wish it hadn’t come to it, and I’m sorry she made it worse, but there was nothing you could’ve done.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, or Hawke - sorry that I used you, that I lied about –”
Fenris pushed him to the wall and cupped his chin.  “Hush, mage.  You think there was nothing I could’ve done?  You asked for explosives: saltpeter and flammable stone.  You asked for help distracting the Grand Cleric.  Nothing I could’ve done?”  He kissed him softly.  “Anders, I did everything, not nothing, and I’m not leaving you for this or anything else, and there’s nothing you can do about that.”
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cityandking · 7 months
3, 8, 21, 30, 39, 45 for bran/sabine & vesper/cullen 🥰
thanks tabby!! // send me a ship
3. Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
BRAN/SABINE — yeah!! maybe not the Most open given sabine's general disinterest in disclosing any personal information to anyone, but bran's got that greedy possessive edge and even if she's not announcing it in so many words, she likes to leave her mark. she's also very happy to engage in PDA, but she'll take her cues from sabine about how public (or affectionate) said displays are VESPER/CULLEN — they're pretty private about it, but once they're settled in they don't go out of their way to hide it. vesper definitely has a quiet word with the war council to let them know what's going on (both josephine and leliana already knew; cassandra's reaction was about a 50/50 split between "wow romance" and "really? cullen??" which is valid of her). vesper isn't big on PDA (the battlements kisses are NOT canon in her playthru sorry), but that won't stop them from exchanging small touches or glances.
8. What do the like best about their partner?
BRAN/SABINE — her wife is a bitch and bran loves her so much. she likes sabine's sharp tongue and her wit and her willingness to stand her ground on things and how scrappy she can be. she also like when sabine sheathes her claws and lets branwen get close. it's about being the exception to the rule. VESPER/CULLEN — vesper likes how steady he is and also his sense of humor. it's just as dry and tired as hers, and one of the first things he ever did was make her laugh. that means a lot to her. (she also really likes his shoulders.) cullen likes her patience and her mercy and the iron in her spine; he respects the hell out of her
21. Do they share any interests or hobbies?
BRAN/SABINE — they're both adrenaline junkies to a degree. sabine's more a fan of a fight and bran loves a thrill but they really egg each other on. bran's also interested in sabine's art and will try out the wheel if invited, though she's not into it the way sabine is. VESPER/CULLEN — does keeping southern thedas from burning itself down count? they're both lowkey farm kids—cullen much more recently, but vesper's family raised dogs and horses before her father inherited the bann title. vesper's also more of a tactician than she realized pre-inquisition, and they both enjoy chess and puzzles and the satisfaction of building a well-oiled machine. real nerd4nerd relationship tbh
30. Could they manage a long distance relationship?
BRAN/SABINE — definitely. they're both a little transient to begin with (one of the other things they have in common) and they'd be able to handle long distance. not that they'd want to, but given bran's need to go every now and then, it's kind of inevitable. VESPER/CULLEN — they could manage extended trips (honestly that's pretty much canon given how often the inquisitor is out in the field) but I think they'd have trouble with real long distance. not because of commitment but because they're both so prone to digging themselves into work and not being able to dig back out. one of the reasons they work so well together is the co-working situation they've got going on.
39. Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
BRAN/SABINE — bran, but it was a casual thing for a while, or at least they were pretending it was a casual thing for a while. it took some time to settle into the shape of an actual relationship. the exact moment bran realized it was Love varies 'verse to 'verse, but it definitely involved Sabine getting into a fight. VESPER/CULLEN — vesper. she initiated, she kissed him first. she's slow to open up and he's incredibly respectful of her boundaries, and despite the crush he spent months and months nursing, he waited for her to make the first move. (she knew she loved him before she kissed him but she doesn't remember when exactly she realized. in the middle before she knew it had begun etc etc. he knew when she came limping out of the ruins of haven and the relief nearly brought him to his knees.)
45. Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
BRAN/SABINE — I don't think there's anything particularly special they're dreaming of. they're both pretty chill about their relationship, which is maybe a surprise given what they're like as individuals. definitely there are some AUs (dark au, star wars au) that involve more heartbreak and regret than others, but I think in the grand scheme of things they're pretty okay. VESPER/CULLEN — making it through the war was a pretty big goal for both of them, and after that it took some time to figure out what they wanted more long term. cullen's goal to get and stay clean is also pretty important for both of them. they both have personal regrets, but there's little heartbreak or regret in the relationship itself
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electricshoebox · 3 years
writing tag
Tagged by the lovely @adventuresofmeghatron, thank you!
Tagging: @junemermaid, @molliehaswords, @desynchimminent, @valkyriejack, and @mercurymiscellany​, if you’d like to do it!
1.  How many works do you have on AO3? 
39. Holy shit. 
2.  What’s your total AO3 word count?
533,274 words. Holy shit.
3. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
How to Share a Bed Without Killing Each Other: a Love Story (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, 5 Chapters, Complete) The trials and tribulations of literally sleeping together.
Rivers in the Sand (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, Oneshot, Complete) The Hissing Wastes unsettles Bull’s memories, and when he and Dorian are trapped together by a fallen pillar, Dorian helps him deal.
a soft place to land (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, Oneshot, Complete) When a letter from his father sets him off, Dorian turns to Bull for a distraction.
Always Good at Bad Ideas  (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, Oneshot, Complete) Bull gets injured fighting a dragon, which leaves Dorian frantic enough to blurt out the one thing he was trying to keep to himself.
Flashpoint (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dorian/Iron Bull, Oneshot, Complete) “One time he got so excited he set the curtains on fire.”
4. Do you respond to comments?  Why or why not? 
Yes, always! I’ve seen various opinions on whether authors should, but to me, engaging with and getting excited with readers is half the fun and half the point. I also just really want people to know how much it means to me not only that they read, but that they take the time to leave a comment. Comments are hard to write. I completely sympathize with that, sometimes you just don’t know what to say or how to say it, and I absolutely don’t begrudge anyone that doesn’t. It just means a lot to me when people do, even when it’s literally just “This was cool!” or something, and I want them to know that it’s appreciated!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. I guess that sort of depends on your definition of angsty. None of them have directly tragic endings, it’s just not in me to write that way, but I have one or two with open or less definitely, obviously happy endings. The rarepair DA2 oneshot I wrote for Merrill/Orana, Counting the Cost, has the most open ending, left completely up to interpretation. The Inception AU DAI fic I wrote for Dorian/Bull, In the Shadow of Dreams, has what I think of as an optimistic ending, and less a happy one. I tried to end that one with more romance, but it just didn’t fit the tone of the rest of the fic, so a quiet ending that signals a road to recovery was what I chose instead.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most all of my oneshots have pretty happy endings. I guess I’m tempted say A Line in the Sand, my Deacon/MacCready start-from-scratch slow burn novel, just because it goes from antagonists to lovers and has the longest road with the most earned happy ending. I feel like the long struggle to get there makes it feel happier. 
7. Do you write crossovers?  If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really. Instead I’m sometimes tempted into AUs based on other media, but not full blown crossovers with actual different characters meeting. Even then, I’m really picky in what I enjoy. I’ve only written one, the Inception AU for Dragon Age that I mentioned above. Honestly, it requires no knowledge of Inception at all. I really just stole a bunch of concepts from it and then made my own modernized Thedas around them.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully no! I’ve received one or two kind of odd comments, but otherwise I’ve been very lucky and everyone’s been really nice.
9.  Do you write smut?  If so, what kind?
Hell yeah! I’ve written many kinds, really, whatever I feel like or whatever fits the fic. I’ve done plenty of your typical smut. I branched out into light BDSM with several of my Dorian/Bull fics, as well as waxplay and praise kink. I’ve also done some roleplay in the vein of “established relationship pretending to be strangers meeting at a bar” for Deacon/MacCready with By Any Other Name.
10.  Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. 
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Two of my Dorian/Bull fics, Wishing Stars and No Patron Saint of Silent Restraint, both by the same lovely person: landanding on AO3. I don’t think I stopped flailing for a solid day when I got the request for permission either time.
12.  Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not since pre-AO3 days, beyond collaborating in a tabletop setting. I’m not completely opposed to the idea but it would have to be someone I felt really, really comfortable with and with whom I have really good communication. I’m really particular about my writing, and I’d need to know someone’s emotional comfort level with trading and changing and even eliminating ideas.
13.  What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh god that’s honestly really hard. I’ve written the most for Dorian/Bull and that ship will always have a special place in my heart. But I did write my first full-length novel for Deacon/MacCready, and they’ve already got me in the middle of my second. So they’re the ship that taught me I could do that, and they’re my beloved rarepair. There are a few more I absolutely love, but I think those are my top two right now.
14.  What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Definitely Uprising. It was the first time I tried longform fic, and it was meant to be an entire retelling of DA2 with Velanna as the Justice-bearing character, rather than Anders, because after learning the developers almost took DA2 in that direction, I couldn’t get it out of my head. I had a lot of plans for it, for how Justice might develop differently, for what it might have looked like if elves had been more of the battleground issue instead of mages vs. templars, for some angsty bittersweet long distance Nathaniel/Velanna and some complicated Fenris/Hawke and Merrill/Orana. But I drifted away from Dragon Age fandom in interest a long time ago, and I’m not sure I’ll ever get the steam back for it. I’m proud of how far I did get, though.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I feel pretty confident with dialogue, I can usually make a scene flow with it pretty well and I spend a lot of time trying to be meticulous about character voice. I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback on my descriptions, which I appreciate and wouldn’t have considered a strength, but my readers have been kind. I think I’m pretty good at including body language, too, though maybe to a fault.
16.  What are you writing weaknesses?
Much as people have been kind on the feedback, I really feel like action scenes are a weakness for me. I don’t enjoy writing them and I struggle a lot to make them feel like they’re flowing over just bulletpointing. I also feel like I struggle to make them exciting. I feel like I struggle with exposition scenes as well, and keeping them interesting over info-dumping. 
17.  What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m generally in favor of including them, but with the caution of doing thorough research if it’s not a language I speak. I shy away from it if I can’t be completely sure it’s accurate, because I don’t want to risk putting off a native speaker reader, or saying/doing something offensive. I’d expand that to include anything about another culture, really. For example, I’ve been slowly picking away at writing a Fallout fic for my Sole Survivor Anthony and Preston, and part of what has been slow going is just making sure I’m getting Anthony’s culture right. His parents immigrated from Vietnam, and I want his experiences with them and with his culture to be as accurate and respectful as possible, not falling into any stereotypes but also being allowed to be complicated. 
18.  What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Depends on what we’re measuring. The first fandom I ever wrote fic for of any kind was Sailor Moon. The first fandom I actually put fic on the internet for was Lord of the Rings, on good old fanfiction.net. The first fandom I published on AO3 for was Dragon Age.
19.  What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
God this is such a hard question to answer, my feelings on my writing change so often. I think it’s hard for A Line in the Sand not to be my favorite for the reasons I’ve already mentioned, it’s my first successful novel-length fic, I accomplished a lot with it and learned a lot from it, and it’s a rarepair I got to kind of develop from scratch in my own way. 
But if I look back at my whole repertoire so far, just to branch out from the usual answer, I’d say I’m also really fond of To Have and to Hold, which was the first time I ever participated in a minibang, or really any kind of writing challenge. It’s a Dorian/Bull established relationship fic set during Trespasser, and it’s kind of a meditation on Dorian’s past and present and how they’ve shaped his feelings on love and commitment and marriage, all while he’s trying to decide his future. I’m proud of how it came out, and I think my Dorian voice still holds up okay. Plus I had two incredible artists working with me who put together stunning work for it, and how could I not be super grateful for that? 
It’s funny, most of the top ones up there for kudos are ones that I don’t personally think are my best, it’s a lot of my very early offerings for Dorian/Bull that I think I could improve on a lot of if I tackled them now. I’m grateful people like them but I feel like they’re more an accident of timing, being published early in the ship’s popularity. 
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virlath · 4 years
DA4 speculation on red lyrium
Yes I have even more thoughts on those three images, what of it. 
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So, we know from DAO that lyrium grows in the fade. It even manifests in reality in the circle tower quest, on the third level no less, because the veil is thin (well close to non existent there).
Knowing what we know now, this seems to be some pretty dark foreshadowing for DA4.
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In DAI, we encounter a lot of red lyrium in the fade. I know many people have suggested the red lyrium is a manifestation, but I disagree. I think it’s real and it is growing far worse in the fade unchecked, possibly because the corruption dates back to a time when the elven empire was dependent on lyrium to sustain itself.
Is it not strange that most of the red lyrium we find in the physical world has been intentionally grown and reproduced (eg. Emprise Du Lion and the Storm Coast) or where there has been death (thus affecting the veil)? 
The only place we see an abundance of red lyrium without much human intervention is at the Temple of Sacred Ashes.This is significant because this is where the breach was first opened. 
When you first get to the temple in DAI, Varric is confused as to how the red lyrium got there:
“You know that stuff is red lyrium, Seeker"
“I see it, Varric”
“But what’s it doing here?” 
“Magic could have drawn on lyrium beneath the temple, corrupting it..”
The temple is on a mountain, which could indicate a titan and abundance of normal lyrium, so Solas may still be correct (also note he suggests it was magic from the anchor that caused the corruption!!!) However, I think the main reason why the temple is so overrun with red lyrium is because the corruption came through the breach.
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The temple features some pretty massive lyrium veins close in size and shape to the ones from the fade. It’s also interesting to note the rocks at the temple glow green like the fade as well (similar to the crossroads too, incidentally) - right alongside these shards of red lyrium.
I think the simple fact that lyrium can manifest from the fade in reality is significant, because if the veil was destroyed by Solas in DA4 (looking very likely at this point), it means red lyrium from the fade could easily manifest into the physical world.
This could explain why we see an abundance of red corruption above ground in the teaser images- because red lyrium has manifested from the fade into the physical world (not the other way round).
The veil is seemingly destroyed (see the green in the sky), and the flesh sacs are eerily similar to the demon growths we saw in DAO’s circle tower quest, indicating demons and abominations to come.
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This is why I’m hesitant to believe that pulsating mass we saw in that DA4 teaser is in fact a titan heart. Not only is the corruption and mass above ground inside a castle, the flesh sacs all lead to this central, pulsating mass that looks corrupted, scorched, and molten (like it’s been through a fire?). Those red tendrils in the teaser may look like deep mushrooms, but they also look like the lyrium veins we see in DAO.
Considering the fact demons and abominations arose from similar fleshy growths in DAO, the fact so much red corruption is found in the fade, and the fact these growths lead to the “heart”, it seems to me like the pulsing mass is actually the precursor to a super demon or corrupted being about to emerge into the physical world.
The mass has a likeness to the red lyrium idol as well, which we know is integral to Solas’ plans (based off TN). Could this be what Solas has been planning all along or is this something else, maybe a mage’s ritual gone wrong? 
It’s worrying enough that Solas is dabbling with the idol in itself, but he’s also clearly got limited options with his orb destroyed (he is a means to an ends kinda person after all).
I don’t believe the idol even forms a part of his veil destruction plans, because from TN we see that he has already started the ritual and it will take several years to complete. Rather, I think the idol has more to do with his plans for the imprisoned gods, of which we are still completely in the dark as to what he intends.
I wrote in a previous post about some potential symbolism with Mythal and demons from DAO in the circle tower. Knowing Bioware planned a whole lotta stuff in DAO for future games, and the fact that Mythal herself says she *and* the world were betrayed, what are the chances she has a personal stake in the blight itself?
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Often in stories, especially fantasy (think LOTR which DA is heavily inspired by), the hero needs to defeat evil with something that is in direct opposition to it- something to cleanse and purify/nullify. What if in this case the scenario was reversed? 
We already know Dagna was able to nullify Samson’s red lyrium armour using red lyrium fashioned into a rune.
What if Solas intends to harness this very same corruption, something he clearly abhors, in an attempt to stop the blight / deal with the false gods for good, thereby losing himself in the process?
The imagery of him in the mural and even his tarot cards show him with red eyes...which is foreboding in itself.
I just have so many questions.
If red lyrium is growing out of control in the fade, how long has it been spreading and what triggered it’s growth in the first place? Keep in mind no one even noticed this variant of lyrium for thousands of years in the physical world, up until Hawke and co. found the idol. Then after the breach, pockets of red lyrium began appearing everywhere.
Is this why Solas has finally decided to act after observing world events for so long- because the idol is out in the wild? Or is it that his home, the fade which he loves so much, is increasingly being overrun by red lyrium and will soon be entirely blighted if he doesn’t take action?
The circular logic is what gets me about Solas’ plans - they’re clearly genocidal, but he also says in TN he is “saving the world”. If he hadn’t given his orb to Corypheus, would there still be red lyrium everywhere in Thedas? Or does his personal responsibility go back to ancient elvhenan, when he personally helped control a lyrium mine which was eventually collapsed due to the “evanuris’ greed”?
Is this why he feels like he must do what he “must” - because he is in part responsible for the blight? Or because he has the best chance of stopping it- before the world falls to it?
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greenjudy · 3 years
Inquisitor Ask Meme
Reposting this for fun.
Anyone else want to take a crack? What kind of Inky would you be?
@allsortsoflicorice? @tyramir ? Bueller?
1. Race:
2. Class/Specialization:
Rift mage.
3. Your homeland?
The Free Marches. Wycome, to be precise. 
4. Your family?
Keep my family out of this; they have things to do besides die.
5. Who were you before?
A Circle Mage of some skill and much fear. Given my personality, the Circle would probably not cater to my strengths. It would make me more nervous and paranoid than I already am. The Inquisition would force me out of my comfort zone and give me some resilience I would never otherwise develop. Left to my own devices, I’d fall prey to obsession, and possibly possession by a Pride demon.  
6. Would you be religious?
I’ve read a lot of books by Brother Genitivi and Philliam! A Bard; I’m actually using my clout as Inquisitor to gather whatever is known about the Black City. You might say I’m an originist, I want to know where we came from; Andraste is kind of late on the scene for my interests. 
Post-Trespasser, this quest will more or less eat my brain.
Short answer: obsessed with “religious” subject matter, not religious per se. 
7. Do you have a mabari?
Nope. But I spoil Cullen’s baby. 
8. Your opinion on other races?
Raised to “not be racist” (as far as that goes) in cosmopolitan, edgy, free-wheeling Wycome; family with a ton of Dwarven trading connections. Angry about the elves. Knew loads of elven enchanters in the Circle, but I have awkward awareness of human privilege around the Dalish. 
Fascinated by the Shaperate. Wish all Thedas had those. Can you imagine? 
Worried about the Qun, but deeply impressed with the handful of Qunari I’ve met in person. Not mindless drones at all. Disciplined. Community first has some virtues, must say. 
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be?
10. What would your tarot card look like?
The High Priestess: an older, abbess-looking chick standing at a scriptorium, surrounded by magical paraphrenalia and a gorgeous view out my high window. Raven (with message) standing on the windowsill.
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold?
My bespoke mage tower, if I’m not in the Undercroft picking Dagna’s brain. Do a little weeding in the herb garden from time to time; we’re growing some fascinating things in there. 
After Solas leaves, I’d go spend time in the destroyed holding cells, watching the water fall.  
12. What would you do for fun?
Study. Knit. Paint. Visit my horses; the smell of horses is very comforting. 
I’d have highly technical arguments with Dorian and spend a lot, a lot, a lot of time talking to Solas.
13. What armor would you wear?
Cutting-edge tactical enchanted fabric. Light, layered, tweedy, enchanted.
I’d probably get sucked into magical materials research, specifically, making improvements to armor base-layers. I’m obsessed with armor. I have a whole research group (headed by Dagna, Cullen consulting) devoted to armor improvement.
14. What would your room look like?
Given the state of my current room, a chaotic mess of books, papers, research tools, letters from colleagues, blueprints, schematics, dirty dishes, orchids, and automata (Josie and I would be doll-geeks together).
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold?
I try to make sure that the Inner Circle understands how much I appreciate them as a general rule. 
As for friends: 
Cassandra is one of the great ones. Just about the best person I know. Never met anyone so ready to acknowledge her mistakes. I’d trust her to be the next Divine. 
Dorian is a dear. One of the best sounding-boards. Somebody peel that man a grape. 
Cullen and Josephine are terrific advisors, couldn’t ask for better, their own problems of course, we’re all doing our best. I’d like to know Cullen better—suspect we have things, Circle things, to talk about. In another life, maybe. 
I’d get on with Varric—everyone gets on with Varric, come on—but I find him ultimately very armored, hard to know. Hid his best friend, didn’t he? Never talks about the lady he loves. 
Sera is actually easy to understand. Raw genius with a bow, one of the best to have along, out in the field. Not exactly my friend. So down on the Dalish. It’s her business, though. She and Dagna are adorable together. She makes Dagna happy, that’s good enough for me. 
I have a bit of a GP for the Iron Bull. (He had me at “front-line bodyguard.”) Never acted on it, though.
Solas is my… see… well, see below. 
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition?
I’d have the Thedas version of LinkedIn comrades in Antiva, Nevarra, and Orlais—researchers all. Plus one brilliant friend who’s a materials mage based out of Denerim, working with Sandal on woven metal enchantments; call her my “knitting buddy.”
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with?
Leliana would trouble me. Don’t like having someone this emotional and vindictive managing our intel networks. It’s bad juju, Ambassador; can’t trust her judgment, can you? And that feels like a loose end. Put us in a tight spot someday. Couldn’t we ask Varric…? No, I quite see that. Still. 
I’d understand Vivienne, and try to maintain a cordial relationship because I think most of her head is in the right place, even though she is entirely too power-oriented for a real friendship. 
Blackwall’s “find Darkspawn, kill them, repeat” approach would bother me. When I found out the truth about him, it would confirm my feeling that you need to lie to yourself, a lot, to just have enemies and kill them without compunction. I would also find myself highly influenced by Solas’s take on the Wardens. 
18. Who would you romance?
I’m a Circle mage who’s watched close friends be tormented by romantic love. Demonic possession and Tranquility. Babies taken away. This is not the kind of conditioning that disappears just because you take me out of a Circle. In my youth I worked it out by restricting myself to impossible love objects—there was this one Templar, very stern, very disciplined…he’d barely speak to me… Well. That was many years ago. 
That said, the best impossible love object I’ve ever encountered in my life is Solas. 
What does it matter, really? Bonds of friendship, don’t you know; romantic love leads to envy demons. I’m old now, at any rate. Inquisigeezer not exactly a romanceable character. 
19. Would you do pranks with Sera?
Probably not. Too busy. Too tired. Feel too much sympathy for her innocent victims. 
But I would do operations with Sera, with pleasure. 
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)?
My front-line bodyguard? Get on with you. It would get too complicated—for me, I mean, not him. 
21. Would you keep Cole around?
Yes. And I’d agonize about what would be the best path for him to take, and probably make him a spirit.
22. Can you play the game (politics)?
Yes. I’m better at it the more distant it is. If you’re talking about what to say at a party, I’ve developed a persona for that sort of thing. Stakes are high. Can’t be fooling around. A mage, remember? This guard drops, I get possessed; lose my temper, might incinerate you, can’t have that. 
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)?
“The world fell apart on my watch.”
24. Who would you recruit to seal the breach?
Mages. I understand mages. Their leadership’s been simply awful. Not sure what Fiona did with her spine. Without decent leadership, it’s mages running amok, trying to protect themselves, doing awful things out of fear; can’t have that, they’ll pull their own house down. Get them out of the weeds, stick ‘em in the Inquisition, give them a chance to show what they can do for the right cause. 
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars?
It’s all about training, though, isn’t it? Templars and mages both need much, much better training. Without training, without a penetrating education with a solid grasp of magical theory, history, ethics—co-train the mages and templars, make ‘em take core courses together. Make them work together in strike teams; I’ve been doing that since we recruited ‘em, they actually partner well, as long as you’re not, you know, mad.
I would become obsessed (do you see the recurrence of this word) with the idea that mages could be Seeker-trained to resist possession and mind control, obviating the need for Tranquility. These disciplined (another key word) and trustworthy mages could be placed in a position of joint authority with properly educated Templars to create a College of Magi with research cells all over Thedas…
Yeah. We’ll see how that works out.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why?
Celine and Briala. Celine is the one with the right temperament, and for some reason I viscerally understand Briala. I’m all about reparations and integrating elven populations and something something protect the Dalish (can’t we actually give them the Dirth?).
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers?
I couldn’t.
28. Would you go after Blackwall?
Oh, yes. And I’d keep him on, as Thom Rainier. 
29. Would you drink from the well?
Knowing me? Not knowing the implications except for those vague warnings? Yes, I would, and it would affect me for the rest of my life. 
I’d spend what’s left of myself using whatever insight and connections the Well gave me to work on Solas. 
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded?
Under ordinary circumstances, the College. Daresay they’d want me to do something draining and administrative because of my being the (ex)Inquisitor; I’d look for a research niche but probably not get to keep it. 
Solas is not ordinary circumstances. I’d dedicate the rest of my life to that problem. 
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god? 
I’d naively and arrogantly imagine that I could—if we could just get enough time to sit down together—he must understand what he’s likely to bring about, he needs people to talk to, dammit—
He would be the death of me, I’m afraid.
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Genuinely asking here bc maybe I've missed/forgotten some stuff but... when homo- and transphobic stuff is said in DA, it's addressed in game as being bad, isn't it? Like Dorian's first personal quest is about his dad acknowleding his homophobia and apologizing to Dorian. And with Krem, Krem and Bull both correct the Inquisitor pretty sternly if you misgender him, and Bull explains how gender identity is respected under the Qun. Not trying to fight you on this, nor do I think DA is by any means perfect, I just don't recall seeing homophobia or transphobia that isn't quickly shut down by the player or other characters. Don't feel pressured to answer tho, I know it's not your job to pull receipts for every shitty thing in a video game lol
Well first off thanks for being so polite and nice in this message, I appreciate it. I'm gonna try and cover the stuff that I've seen myself and have had pointed out to me by other people but keep in mind that I'm not trans, most of what I'll say here on the transphobia issue is me parroting other trans fans who've said this sort of thing before. I am gay though, so I guess we're clear on that front. It's also been a while since i played any of the games so if i get stuff wrong, I'm sorry. This is gonna be long so sorry for that in advance.
So homophobia and transphobia in our world. Why is it a thing? A combination of humanity hating and fearing what it doesn't understand (which Dragon Age also has) and religion, specifically in my experience Christianity (which Dragon Age does not have). Yes the Chantry and Andrastianism is heavily based off of Christianity and Catholicism but it doesn't have any of the bullshit about sexuality and gender that Christianity does. Neither in it's holy texts or it's teachings. The in universe writing about sexuality, a codex by Brother Genitivi, is also kinda homophobic and doesn't explain why this is a thing in Thedas at all. Queer relations and relationships are aparently viewed by most of Southern Thedas as 'peculiar' but no explanation is given as to why. Now I'm gonna go into specific instances. 
First off, let's look at some of the stuff you've mentioned. Dorian and his dad. Yeah that whole situation hit me pretty close to home as a queer person who's pretty much accepted at this point that my dad will never accept who I am and my mother died still not having accepted me. What Halward did is definitely portrayed as a bad thing, that is correct. The narrative kind of subtly pushing the reconciliation being the good option is a bit iffy. What Halward tried to do to Dorian is straight up abuse and I really don't like plotlines that push making nice with the abuser and forgiving them as a good resolution. This is kind of more personal feelings than straight from the script fact but I wanted to say it anyway. 
Second issue: Krem's treatment. So many trans people have talked about this before me, if you want some more in depth analysis of this you should go check out some of their stuff, it won't be hard to find. The basics though: Krem is voiced by a cis woman. This immediately sets a shitty precedent on the side of the devs lending proof to the theory that they don't care about uplifting trans people, just making money off them. Krem should have been voiced by a trans actor. In the actual conversation with Iron Bull you get the opportunity to be extremely transphobic. And if you do this you get told off, and that's kind of it. The fact that your character even has the option to do that is a) gross from an out of character writing perspective, and b) makes no sense in character. Why would your character have these views? There is no in lore reason for any of the potential groups your character comes from to be transphobic. Also, and this is just my opinion, but if you're transphobic to Krem (even though it makes no sense in universe) the Iron Bull's reaction shouldn't be a bit of disapproval, he should send you through the fucking wall. Seems more in character. Also, gender roles under the Qun also have a lot of potential to be transphobic, they are by no means an improvement on ours imo. Under the Qun your gender is essentially decided by your role. So if you're a fighter you're male. If you care for children you're female. Not only is that pretty hella sexist and reliant on our dumb ideas of gender roles (that again aren't supposed to be a thing in Thedas) it also has potential to be hell for trans people. Yes it would work for someone like Krem, but for someone who was AMAB and good at fighting but they were a woman? Being shoved into male gender roles and treated as a man would not be good. If the writer's intent was to create a society with an entirely different concept of and approach to gender they've done it wrong because of how much of it is reliant on the audience's perception of gender which (going by general gaming demographics) is pretty cis and het normative. 
Now I'm gonna talk about the transphobia that doesn't get challenged. Sera makes a couple transphobic comments throughout the game I believe, the one I can remember in detail is in the Winter Palace when she says someone presenting a certain way isn't actually that. And without any further context the only way the audience can really interpret that is that the writers decided to take a cheap shot at someone cross dressing in a bad attempt at comedy. 
Sera's writing in general is super homophobic because she was written by a homophobe. I'm not gonna go into all of that in this cos this is already too long and I could write essays about it. Other people already have! But basically, she's the only out and out lesbian romance we have in the series, and her writing in that respect is really not good. 
So how about the other games? Well. In origins you can hire sex workers at a brothel. The 'special' on offer is a very masc presenting dwarf in a poorly fitting dress. This was a very transphobic attempt at humour. Zevran, much as I love him dearly, is a walking bisexual stereotype, made worse by feeding into the 'sexy Latine' stereotype on top of that, which isn't an in universe problem so much as it is proof that the writers are guilty of prejudices whether they know it or not. I suspect there's more instances in origins but I can't remember right now. 
In Dragon Age 2 Seneschal Bran has a relationship of some kind with a sex worker named Serendipity, a feminine presenting elf with a very deep voice. This is played as something that Bran should be ashamed of. At least I think so, it could be that he's ashamed of having a relationship with a sex worker. Not that far fetched considering Aveline's weaponisation of the word 'whore' against Isabela. But this is also something that doesn't make sense honestly. Why is sex work taboo in thedas? Christianity isn't around to make it so and Andrastianism doesn't have purity culture going except for their clergy ( which also is never explained why and makes no sense.) Additionally, Uncle Gamlen is super homophobic. Why? There is no reason culturally or religiously for him to be that way? Yes he's an asshole but why is he an asshole in that manner? And you don't even get to challenge him on it! It's passive dialogue that you trigger when walking into his house and you don't immediately get the option to fucking fight him about it? Why put it in then?! 
A good amount of this is off topic from the actual question so sorry about that but TLDR there's a lot of in universe homophobia and transphobia, most of it is not handled well in or out of universe. I do believe that they're trying to do better in this respect, inquisition was a step up from previous games it just wasn't enough of one. 
If you want more stuff like this go check out @dalishious cos they have a ton of very good meta on subjects related to this.
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fandomn00blr · 4 years
for morrigan/alistair- e, 6, 15 ; and fenhander - 1-10, and also the rest if you want (or only the first 5 if you don't wanna do that much work, I just want to hear about themm)
I’ll start with the Fenhanders twins, Malcolm and Leand(e)ra...
1. Who do the kids enjoy playing with the most?
Definitely Anders when he joins the family,* because he lets them get away with the most. Then Fenris. Bonus if they get both of them at the same time. Hawke is...less patient when it comes to playing games with her children (“There should be rules...that make sense! And Leandera shouldn’t always just get to declare herself the winner!”), but Malcolm is very content just to be in the same room as her, playing or reading or practicing his magic.
2. Who gets carried away with the baby proofing?
Fenris. Anders frets over silly things like “what if the roof caves in or we run out of elfroot?” (they have soooo much elfroot), but Fenris gets out the power tools and installs the baby gates and the childproof locks and the bumpers on the coffee tables and makes sure all the furniture is attached to the walls (these are all things we never did for Spawn...because I am Hawke, who thinks babyproofing is some kind of birth control).
3. Who does the baby follow around more?
Leandera definitely follows Fenris around more, though she has always been rather independent (and gets in trouble for going off and doing things on her own that she isn’t supposed to…). Malcolm is like Hawke’s shadow (he spent the entire first year of his life strapped to her).
4. Who is the one the kids call out to when they’re looking for something?
Fenris. Lol. He’s the only real adult parent who knows where anything is.
5. Who’s constantly up checking on the baby in the middle of the night (even when the baby is sound asleep)? 
If Anders had been there when they were infants, he would’ve been up all night just staring at them, panicking if they made any kind of noise, then panicking if they weren’t making enough noise. But Fenris definitely was the wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-suddenly-wondering-if-your-children-are-okay type who would go in and check on Leandera. Hawke kept Malcolm with her co-sleeping until he was old enough to demand his own space.
6. Who has their kids’ favorite movie nearly memorized on account of how frequently they request to watch it?
Anders. Because it’s his favorite, too. ;)
7. Who trails behind the baby to make sure they don’t fall? (And then has to console them once they inevitably do.)
Fenris when they were younger, then Anders. Hawke usually just laughed if they fell, and then helped them up. She’s not a bad mom, I swear. But kids are funny, ok?
8. Who knows to cut off the crust from the sandwiches?
Fenris, definitely.
9. Who started taking photos of the baby as soon as they were born?
Bethany? Merrill? Neither Fenris nor Hawke strike me as the photo-taking type (I mean, theoretically…), plus, they were sort of like, fugitives at the time.
10. Who doesn’t let the kids go out in the cold until they’re bundled in layers?
Anders, definitely. Also, he enchants all their outerwear and shoves health potions in all their pockets.
*Anders was, errr...indisposed (presumed dead? chillin’ in the Fade...y’know, as one does after blowing up the Chantry) for the first few years of the twins’ lives until someone used their weird magical connection to the Fade to bring him back.
Now, for Morristair and Kieran...
I answered BONUS! E here.
6. Who has their kids’ favorite movie nearly memorized on account on how frequently they request to watch it?
Definitely Morrigan. And I bet Kieran’s favorite movie (or story? play?) as a little kid would be like, IDK, the Thedas equivalent of Some Like It Hot or something totally random and old…ok, now I need to figure this one out. It’d have to be some weird Orlesian fairy tale...
15. Who is better at comforting the kids when they’re scared?
Both of them...Morrigan usually keeps a more even head and calming presence while reassuring Kieran, but Alistair gives really great hugs.
These are so fun. Thanks for all the asks...I may take you up on answering them all someday. ;) Omg...what if Stroghainoff adopted a kiddo? Wait...they already have, haven’t they? And his name is Nathaniel...
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jackdawyt · 5 years
Following Jason Schreier's continued BioWare story, we have direct insight from many BioWare employees regarding the initial Dragon Age 4 BioWare were going to create code named 'Joplin' and envisioned by Mike Laidlaw, against the now in production Dragon Age project that has been code named 'Morrison'.  
Last time we talked about both projects - Joplin and Morrison, equally named after their respected music artists who died at the age of 27, but were both known for revolutionizing their respected industry.
This latest report examines everything that Joplin was going to be regarding the future of the next Dragon Age title.
Let's now delve into the potential game that Dragon Age 4 initially was going to be, before it was rebooted for Anthem and Andromeda's developments.
As I quote:
The plan for Joplin was exciting, say people who worked on it. First and foremost, they already had many tools and production pipelines in place after Inquisition, ones that they hoped to improve and continue using for this new project.
They committed to prototyping ideas early and often, testing as quickly as possible rather than waiting until everything was on fire, as they had done the last time thanks to the glut of people and Frostbite’s difficulties.
“Everyone in project leadership agreed that we couldn’t do that again, and worked to avoid the kind of things that had led to problems,” said one person who worked on the project, explaining that some of the big changes included:
1) Laying down a clear vision as early as possible.
2) Maintaining regular on-boarding documents and procedures so new team members could get up to speed fast; and
3) A decision-making mentality where “we acknowledged that making the second-best choice was far, far better than not deciding and letting ambiguity stick around while people waited for a decision.”
(That person, like all of the sources for this story, spoke under condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about their experiences.)
Prepare the tears for this next quote guys....
Another former BioWare developer who worked on Joplin called it “some of the best work experiences” they’d ever had. “We were working towards something very cool, a hugely reactive game, smaller in scope than Dragon Age: Inquisition but much larger in player choice, followers, reactivity, and depth,” they said. “I’m sad that game will never get made.”
You’d play as a group of spies in Tevinter Imperium, a wizard-ruled country on the north end of Dragon Age’s main continent, Thedas. The goal was to focus as much as possible on choice and consequence, with smaller areas and fewer fetch quests than Dragon Age: Inquisition.
(In other words, they wanted Joplin to be the opposite of the Hinterlands.) There was an emphasis on “repeat play,” one developer said, noting that they wanted to make areas that changed over time and missions that branched in interesting ways based on your decisions, to the point where you could even get “non-standard game overs” if you followed certain paths.
A large chunk of Joplin would center on heists. The developers talked about building systemic narrative mechanics, allowing the player to perform actions like persuading or extorting guards without the writers having to hand-craft every scene.
It was all very ambitious and very early, and would have no doubt changed drastically once Joplin entered production, but members of the team say they were thrilled about the possibilities.
The first big hiccup came in late 2016, when BioWare put Joplin on hold and moved the entire team onto the troubled Mass Effect: Andromeda, which needed as many hands as possible during its final months of development.
The Joplin team expanded with people who were rolling off Andromeda and kept working, prototyping, and designing the game. After spending months of their lives helping finish a Mass Effect that didn’t excite a ton of people, it was nice to return to Dragon Age.
One thing that wasn’t discussed much on Joplin was multiplayer, according to a few people who worked on the project, which is perhaps why the project couldn’t last.
By the latter half of 2017, Anthem was in real trouble, and there was concern that it might never be finished unless the studio did something drastic.
In October of 2017, not long after veteran Mass Effect director Casey Hudson returned to the studio to take over as general manager, EA and BioWare took that drastic action, canceling Joplin and moving the bulk of its staff, including executive producer Mark Darrah, onto Anthem.
A tiny team stuck around to work on a brand new Dragon Age 4, code-named Morrison, that would be built on Anthem’s tools and code base. It’s the game being made now. Unlike Joplin, this new version of the fourth Dragon Age is planned with a live service component, built for long-term gameplay and revenue.
One promise from management, according to a developer, was that in EA’s balance sheet, they’d be starting from scratch and not burdened with the two years of money that Joplin had already spent. Question was, how many of those ideas and prototypes would they use?
It’s not clear how much of Joplin’s vision will shape Morrison (at least some of it will, says one person on the game), but shortly after the reboot, creative director Mike Laidlaw left, as did some other veteran Dragon Agestaff.
Matt Goldman, art director on Dragon Age: Inquisition and then Joplin, took over as creative director for Morrison, while Darrah remained executive producer on both that project and Anthem.
In early 2018, when I first reported that BioWare had rebooted the next Dragon Age and that its replacement would be a live service game, studio GM Casey Hudson responded on Twitter.
“Reading lots of feedback regarding Dragon Age, and I think you’ll be relieved to see what the team is working on. Story & character focused. Too early to talk details, but when we talk about ‘live’ it just means designing a game for continued storytelling after the main story.”
The game is still very early in development and could evolve based on the negative reception to Anthem. Rumor among BioWare circles for the past year has been that Morrison is “Anthem with dragons”—a snarky label conveyed to me by several people—but a couple of current BioWare employees have waved me off that description.
“The idea was that Anthem would be the online game and that Dragon Age and Mass Effect, while they may experiment with online portions, that’s not what defines them as franchises,” said one. “I don’t think you’ll see us completely change those franchises.”
When asked, a few BioWare developers agreed that it’d be technically possible for a game built on Anthem’s codebase to also have an offline branch, but it’s not yet clear whether Morrison will take that approach. If it does turn out to be an online game, which seems likely, it would be shocking if you couldn’t play the bulk of it by yourself.
(Diablo III, for example, is online-only on PC yet can be played entirely solo.)
One person close to the game told me this week that Morrison’s critical path, or main story, would be designed for single-player and that goal of the multiplayer elements would be to keep people engaged so that they would actually stick with post-launch content.
Single-player downloadable content like Dragon Age: Inquisition’s Trespasser, while often excellent, typically sells only a fraction of the main game, according to developers from BioWare and elsewhere across the industry.
Yet this wouldn’t be a “live service” game if it was a repeat of Dragon Age: Inquisition, which compartmentalized its single- and multiplayer modes.
Fans in the past have grown outraged at the idea of BioWare putting a lot of emphasis on multiplayer gaming, but there are ways in which a service-heavy Dragon Age 4 could be ambitious and impressive.
For example, some ideas I’ve heard floated for Morrison’s multiplayer include companions that can be controlled by multiple players via drop-in/drop-out co-op, similar to old-school BioWare RPGs like Baldur’s Gate, and quests that could change based not just on one player’s decisions, but on the choices of players across the globe.
Maybe in two or three years, Morrison will look completely different. It’s not like Dragon Age hasn’t changed drastically in the past. In the office, BioWare developers often refer to Mark Darrah’s Dragon Age team as a pirate ship, one that will eventually wind up at its destination, but not before meandering from port to port, drinking as much rum as possible along the way.
His is a team that, in the past, has iterated and changed direction constantly—something that they hoped to cut down for Joplin, but has always been part of their DNA (and, it should be noted, heavy iteration is common in all game development).
One BioWare employee summed it up well as we talked about the future of BioWare’s fantasy franchise. “Keep in mind,” they said, “Dragon Age games shift more than other games.
”Said another current BioWare employee about Morrison: “They have a lot of unanswered questions. Plus I know it’s going to change like five times in the next two years.”
There are other questions remaining, too: With BioWare’s Austin office gradually taking over Anthem going forward, when will the bulk of employees at the company’s Edmonton HQ move to the Morrison team?
Will Morrison be able to avoid following the lead of Dragon Age: Inquisition, which took on too many people too early and wound up suffering as a result?
And, most important, will BioWare work to prevent the burnout that has led to dozens of developers leaving over the past two years, with so many citing stress, depression, and anxiety?
End of article, so my thoughts on this, of course, I have my worries especially regarding the multiplayer part, it was to my knowledge that there is a separate Dragon Age team working on the multiplayer component completely estranged from the core team.
I hope that this is still the case, however, it's EA that're the ones who plaque BioWare to incorporate multiplayer and live-service.  
Honestly the biggest concern here is how much of Joplin's original vision and resources are going to be put into Morrison's production, because the description of Joplin is everything I've wanted in a Dragon Age game following from Inquisition.
To hear that this initial game has been canned is heart-wrenching, any signs of Joplin's ashes in Morrison is all I can hope for.
Hope is all we really have right now regarding the future of Dragon Age, and don't forget Mass Effect, which is also going to affected by this too.
Of course, I have my worries. But I am hopeful for what the Dragon Age team can do, and I feel to fear when we still haven't seen the game yet is a little blind-sighted. Who knows when we will see or hear anything, I imagine we may see something on EA Play's live-streams next June, just before E3, but honestly, I'm not sure!
The next Dragon Age project is expected to release within 2-3 years from now, all we can hope for next is a reveal of some-sorts, like a title or development update.
It would be incredible if BioWare could come out and share some insight on what the heck is going on with the next Dragon Age, like a development diary which they did with Mass Effect: Andromeda.
To get a glimpse of this next game and the vision for it is what we in the BioWare fandom all need right now. To know what is going on with the next Dragon Age and how true it will stick to Joplin's original vision.
But until we do hear something, like always, you're already in the right place...
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himluv · 5 years
Oof. This is my last one. And, uh... it hurts. Solavellan for Dragon 4ge Day, for the prompt “Endings”.
I’m sorry...
TW: Major Character Death
Also: This is my interpretation/expectations for where we’re headed as a ship. I’m going down with this ship y’all, and where I’m going, there won’t be enough tissues in the world to dry my tears. Buckle up.
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This wasn’t how it was supposed to end. Why did his plans always veer so tragically far off course? He was meant to be the savior of Thedas, of Arlathan, of the People. He would right his wrongs and reset the course of history, restoring order and balance to a world impossibly off-kilter. He was meant to be the martyr, the sacrifice to atone for sins he had not foreseen.
But, yet again, his foresight proved faulty.
He knew the Inquisitor would find him. Knew there was nothing he could do to keep her from doing all she could to stop him. Despite it all, his proclamations, his obvious intent, his pleas that she leave him to his dark endeavors, she still believed she could win. She still believed she could convince him to abandon his purpose.
He just hadn’t realized the lengths to which she would go to save him. How could he? In all his years, the millennia spread out behind him was a tapestry of judgement, foolish pride, and betrayal. He could never have fathomed that someone could care for him with such depth, with a devotion so pure it proved reckless.
Fatal, even.
Her hand on his cheek pulled him from those thoughts. Her eyes, wide and wet with pain, anchored him in this terrible moment.
“Vhenan,” she said. The word struck him deep enough that he flinched. She rarely used the term, preferring to simply use his name. Now she said it with regret for all the times she didn’t. All the times she wouldn’t.
His arms tightened around her, pulling her closer against him as he rocked her. “What have I done?”
She shook her head, but it was a feeble gesture. She was losing strength quickly. “You don’t get credit for this one.” She smiled and it fractured into a wince. “You carry enough guilt without borrowing mine.”
“Riallan.” He stroked her hair, searching for words but all of them turned to ash in his mouth, weightless. Impotence, cloying and clinging, boiled up in him until his shock turned to anger. “That blow was meant for me.” He closed his eyes, unable to look into the vibrant green of hers any longer. “I could have withstood it.” He didn’t know if that was true, but it was far more likely that he would survive the attack than she would.
As ever, she saw through him. “Perhaps,” she said. Her voice grew frail, the words like glass on her lips. “But I could not withstand watching you die.” She shrugged and hissed with pain. Like it was so simple a thing, the decision to sacrifice herself in order to save him.
Around them, the Crossroads were a blur of chaos. The Agents of Fen’Harel fought against the remaining forces of the Inquisition, a stalling tactic on his part. A distraction on the part of the Inquisition. Busy the troops so that Riallan and her team could get close enough to stop him.
He supposed it had worked, though he hoped to every spirit in the Fade that this had not been her plan all along.
Throughout the Crossroads the Eluvians flared and roiled, the magic within them snapping and crackling, demanding release. He was so close. All he had to do was steal that gathered power, take it into himself and then step through the Veil and into the Fade. The Seal would be there, and behind it all the ‘Gods’ he’d locked away. The Eluvians’ power would eat him up, much like his mark had gnawed at the Inquisitor, but he would release it. Bring it all forth to bear on the Seal and release those Old Gods on the world. They would ravage and remake it, bloody and terrible and new.
The time had come. All his planning led to this moment. He simply had to go to the nearest Eluvian, put his hand to its glass, and absorb the magic. The fight was over. He had won. All he had to do was let go of his vhenan and finish what he had started.
Her hand was still on his cheek, her thumb brushing against his cheekbone to wipe at his tears. With what little breath she had left, his vhenan sang to him, her voice hitched and shaking.
“Melava inan enansal, ir su aravel tu elvaral u na emma abelas.”
It was not the first time he’d heard her sing. She’d done it often in the early mornings, soft and sweet in their tent when she thought he still slept. But, he had never heard this song before.
“In elgar sa vir mana, in tu setheneran din emma na.”
She might as well have written it for him alone. A fresh wave of grief rolled through him, washing away his anger and leaving him powerless. He could no sooner leave her now than he could have stopped Corypheus all those years ago.
“Tel’dan’latha, vhenan.” She brushed away his tears even as she shed her own. “Ame dirthem ane, var lath vir suledin.”
He nodded, and pressed his lips to her forehead. “And so it did.”
The blood blossomed crimson on the emerald fabric of her Keeper’s Robes, and though his strength had returned, it was spread too thin. He could not heal her with his power alone, not while the Eluvians seethed around them.
The Eluvians…
He blinked, surprised at his own sudden inspiration. He looked down at her, at the waxy pallid skin around her eyes, and the too red color of her lips. But, despite the feverish shine to her eyes, she still saw him. She hadn’t left him yet.
“You’re right, vhenan,” he said. The words poured from him, confessions he’d hidden from for too long. “I was wrong. Again. Still.” He shook his head. “I see that now.” He kissed her and he was surprised at the force with which she returned his affections. “I know what I have to do.”
“Solas?” Her eyes widened, panicked as he gently moved her off of his lap. “What are you doing?”
“Saving you. The only way I can.” He knelt over her and pressed a hand to her cheek. “Ar lath ma, vhenan. Never doubt that.”
She hissed in pain but nodded. “Ar lath ma, Solas. I never have.”
He smiled at that, and somewhere in the expression she saw his plan. By the time she called after him to stop, he had already strode away from her. He reached the Eluvian, tall and furious with glacial blue light boiling in the frame. All he had to do was put a single finger to it, and he would consume the magic that connected them.
It would be enough.
He pressed his palm to the pane and hundreds of magical mirrors fell silent simultaneously. The Eluvians glowed, but the roiling energy calmed once more. The sudden change brought the fighting to a halt as confused Inquisition Agents and his own forces turned to look at him. But he hardly noticed.
Solas’ entire awareness shrank to where his palm trembled on the Eluvian. He screamed, the sound shattering the unnatural calm, as impossible amounts of power flowed into him. It burned, like the fires of Elgar’nan himself, up his arm and into his chest, consuming and overwhelming his own well of magic. Then it froze, icy and sharp, at first blissfuly numb and then aching. Then lightning, crackling and shocking, explosive in his veins.
Every sort of magic the Evanuris had used, pooled together to forge the Eluvians in the early days of Arlathan roared through him, scorching and searing and sundering him from the inside out.
He expected it to fade once he’d absorbed it all. Instead the Eluvians just shut down, going dark and leaving the Crossroads lit by the pale, preternatural light of the Fade. The Eluvian he touched fell dormant and repulsed him with a shock so violent he was knocked to his knees.
Still no one moved.
He stood, blue smoke curling up from his skin as he turned to look at Riallan. She wasn’t moving, the stillness clenching at his heart. Was he too late?
His eyes glowed with power, the fury of the contained magical forces a hurricane within him. Every moment he held that power was agony, each step a unique misery, like a thousand giants were pulling him apart and crushing him at the same time.
But he took those faltering, torturous steps to fall on his knees beside her. Dimly he noticed she spoke to him, her lips barely moving, but he couldn’t hear her over the roar of energy that thrummed in his ears. He knew her well enough that he didn’t need to hear her words.
“It’s the only way, vhenan,” he said.
She winced away from him while around them soldiers and agents flinched and covered their ears. Even as the power ate away at him, he marveled at the fact his voice had rendered his foes useless, until her hand found his face. Her touch was a balm to the feverish heat of his skin, sweet relief that he leaned into.
“Forgive me,” he whispered. Her brow furrowed, her green eyes wide and frightened. Not for herself, but for him. Her adversary, Fen’Harel, the Dread Wolf. Solas.
Because in the end, that was who he was to her. In the end, it was her refusal to see him as anyone or anything else that saved Thedas.
He pressed his hands to her abdomen, ignoring the warm, sticky sensation of her robes. Though the magic clamored to be released, he only let a trickle pour through his fingers and into the Inquisitor’s failing body. He feared that too much at once would destroy her, just as surely as it was destroying him.
It was slow, excruciating work, holding the magic back and forcing it to do his will. The original plan had only called for him to gather the energy and then unleash it upon the Seal. This… this was harder.
He grit his teeth, fought to keep his hands steady, and still sweat beaded on his brow. But color returned to the Inquisitor’s cheeks and her breathing came easier beneath his palms. He watched as his vhenan revived at his efforts, and knew that the pain and struggle would be worth it. For once in his life, he’d managed to do something right.
He took a step back from her, putting distance between them, committing her shocked and relieved, face to his memories. Just in case he would still have them wherever his spirit would roam. It would be no small comfort to see her face, alive and proud and shining with love, for the rest of his eternity.
Then he released the remaining power of the Eluvians. First came the lightning, streaking through his blood and into the air, colliding back into mirrors across the Crossroads. Then the glacial cold, fogging his breath and threatening to bring him to his knees once more. Last came the fire, hot and burning like a sun behind his eyelids as the power soared back to its home. There was more screaming, his again, before he collapsed and the Crossroads burst into action.
“Solas!” Riallan’s arms caught him before he hit the hard ground. She sank down with him, her voice blessedly strong in his ears. Whole. Her hand on his face again, anchoring him as his focus dwindled. “Stay with me, vhenan,” she said. She cradled him, their roles suddenly reversed.
He smiled. “Say it again.” His voice was his own once more. The pain from a moment before was gone, and the nothingness that followed it was perfection. On some level he knew he should be concerned, but she was alive, holding him again, so he couldn’t quite manage it.
“Dorian! Help me!” She looked down at him, new tears filling her eyes. “Say what again? Vhenan?”
He nodded.
“I’ll never use your name again, if you’ll just stay with me, vhenan.”
He chuckled at that. He felt light, thin in her arms. There was no more guilt to weigh him down, and nothing hurt. For the first time since before he entered Uthenera Solas was at peace. It’d been so long he almost didn’t recognize the sensation.
Dorian appeared in his line of sight, the mage checking his vitals. He gave Riallan a confused look. “Nothing seems wrong.”
Because nothing was, Solas thought. He recalled her face at the moment she realized he’d healed her, brought her back from what should have been guaranteed death. That he chose her life over the rebirth of the world. How awed she’d looked. How pleased and scared and proud of him she’d been. When was the last time someone had been proud of him?
“Dirth ma, vhenan,” she said, calling him back to the present. “What’s happening?”
He had to think about it, which he noted should also be troubling. What was happening? Right, the Eluvians. “I used the gathered strength of the Evanuris to save you,” he said.
“The Eluvians?”
He nodded. “I was going to use it to release them and the Old Gods but,” he tried to adjust in her arms, but found he couldn’t move. That was concerning. He swallowed back the fear, for her sake. “You made me see.”
She glanced at Dorian, who shrugged. “See what, vhenan?”
“That, despite all my worst efforts, this world was better than anything I could have made.” He blinked, the numb nothingness turning to an uncomfortable chill. He was running out of time. “You cared more for this world than anyone in Arlathan ever did.” He swallowed at the emotion caught in his throat. “You cared more for me, as well.”
She bit back a sob. “But what’s happening to you?”
He cleared his throat, his voice going frail on his tongue. “The power is too much for any one being to contain. Even one such as me. There is a cost, one I am happy to pay.”
Her hand tightened around his, and he was glad he could still feel it. “The Eluvians took your power,” she said.
He smiled. “Clever, vhenan. Always so clever.”
“So, you’re mortal now?” Dorian asked.
Solas tried to shake his head, but couldn’t. “No,” he said. “It’s not like severing a connection to the Fade. My magic was sacrificed. Removed. Without it, my spirit cannot remain.”
His breath came shallow, his lungs failing as his body died around him. They were out of time.
“Vhenan,” he said. “Go to Skyhold. I sent,” he gasped, “a gift. Explains everything.” He gave her a shaky smile. “Just in case.”
She made a sound, somewhere between a laugh and a sob, and held him close. “Ar lath ma, vhenan,” she chanted, rocking him as he had rocked her only moments ago.
He looked up at her, unwilling and unable to look anywhere else. That her face would be the last thing he saw, he arms the last he felt, her voice and those words the last he ever heard soothed his soul.
The last thing Solas did was smile.
He did not die alone.
Elvhen Translations: Melava inan enansal  ir su aravel tu elvaral u na emma abelas in elgar sa vir mana in tu setheneran din emma na Time was once a blessing but long journeys are made longer when alone within. Take spirit from the long ago but do not dwell in lands no longer yours.  (From the Elvhen song “Suledin”) Tel’dan’latha, vhenan Do not grieve/weep, vhenan Ane dirthem ame, var lath vir suledin I told you, our love will endure/last/survive Ar lath ma I love you
Dirth ma Speak to/tell me (lit. Speak you)
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Writober 16 - In Canon
Setting: Dragon Age Origin, That Actor AU
Summary: Merin Lavellan’s got the part! Now he just needs his coworker’s phone number... for work purposes, of course. Remi Saint-Laurent is a good guy... and apparently he’s a fucking nerd too? Life just got interesting... and frustrating. Man, Merin’s gay.
Even in Denerim, a tree was a tree. And this tree was a good one.
Merin Lavellan stretched out on the large branch he had climbed up to an hour prior. Up above his head, the canopy shaded everything around him in countless emerald hues. If he looked down below, he could watch the people going about their business, unaware someone was aware of them. It was quite the reversal of his latest fate, to say the least.
“Still can't believe I'm here.”
He laid back on the branch, hands behind his head and one leg crossed over the other. His head still spun with the details. It was official: he was going to be playing the legendary Cahel Mahariel in DTV's newest drama, Blight. From what he had heard, this was going to be the most accurate retelling of the story since it had actually happened all those ages ago, based off of journals and stories left behind by those who lived it.
And he was playing the damn elf who killed the Archdemon himself.
“Shit... it's real.” He would have rolled around, but then he would have fallen out of the tree – not a smart move. He might land on someone. So Merin settled for a quick wave of his hands, a huge grin splitting his face.
Wait til he got to tell his mothers about this...
“Someone looks happy. Can I come up?”
At first, Merin thought he was dreaming when he heard that soft, Orlesian accented voice. Yet when he looked down, there he was. Remi Saint-Laurent, Orlais' most eligible bachelor, top idol, now his costar and the soon to be bastard king of Ferelden. He didn't look much like Alistair yet with his dark hair and modern clothes... but the face was there.
The face was definitely there... oh boy.
Merin had to remember how to work his tongue. “O-oh, uh... it's kind of high up. You have to-”
Remi didn't let him finish. With a surprising amount of grace, the idol grabbed a tree branch and pulled himself up. Then he moved again and was soon sitting on the same branch that his costar had picked out. It forced the elf to sit up, but the payoff was pretty decent.
Shit... he was so close.
Shit. He was a coworker now – get it together, Merin. Though the elf knew he could tell himself that til he was blue in the face. A hot guy was a hot guy, and if he happened to sing like an angel and wink like a demon... well, all the better. Or maybe it was all the worse. It was kind of hard to think around the Orlesian.
“I almost didn't see you up here. You're very good at making yourself hidden.” Remi was all smiles as he swung one foot back and forth. “Enjoying the view?”
Yes. Especially where Remi's shirt was just slightly unbuttoned enough that he got a glimpse of the man's collarbone and -
Merin shook the thought from his head. “Yeah. I've never been to Denerim before and I wanted to check it out. They weren't kidding when they said it still had the Dragon Age layout.”
He would have been lost if not for a working memory of some journals and the ever trusty google maps. Technology: what couldn't it do? Besides help him talk to a really hot guy, anyway. Even magic couldn't do that.
“I've not spent a lot of time around it myself. It's not hard to imagine the last days of the Blight taking place in the street below us.” Remi pointed with his foot. “Like over there. Isn't that where the Warden forces split? You can still kind of see where the gate used to be.”
Well, now Merin was speechless for a completely different reason. “You remembered that?”
Remi flashed him a smile as he continued to swing his foot. “I've been studying the journals. Cherche wrote a particularly memorable piece there. It's probably better in the original elvhen, though. The translation is a little... not good.”
His tone had gone flat at that point, in a good natured way. The sudden shift was enough to earn a few chuckles from Merin. Not good was... putting it mildly. He would have suggested utterly abysmal or filled with chantry bullshit depending on the translation, but the day was young. If they were talking canon, he could go all day.
Maybe not in a tree, though. He tended to get animated.
“Let's go with not good. I think I have a better translation at home that I can lend you if you want; it misses some of the sarcasm of the original, but it's still pretty decent.”
The idol nodded enthusiastically, and all Merin could think of was that somehow, the fact Remi Saint-Laurent was a giant fucking history nerd had gone undetected. Variety shows would have killed to have him – at the very least, it would dispel people calling him an air-headed pretty boy.
What, he read blogs. Wasn't a lot to do some days.
“I'd like that, thanks. It's hard to get a good feel for Alistair even with everything I've read.” He looked over at his costar. “What's your take on good king Theirin?”
Merin shrugged his shoulder. “I read Cahel's journals first, so I'm kind of biased. He seems like a good guy. Kind of a fucking dork, mind you, but a good guy. Definitely more competent than most people give him credit for – he did keep Ferelden running. Besides, he had to be doing something right – they had his elven child on the throne after him.”
Much to his surprise, Remi nodded. “That's what I thought as well. In some of the later writings about him it seems like he blossomed into ruling. I guess he'd have to; the alternative wasn't exactly pretty.”
Yeah, nobody wanted Anora MacTir to stage a coup. It was bad for business.
The idol kept talking, though. “I'm glad you're playing Cahel. It's beyond time he should be played correctly.”
Yeah... for some reason, chantry lead passion plays tended to leave out the Hero of Ferelden was a gay, transgender elf with a chip on his shoulder and an eye for a good ass. Merin couldn't imagine why, especially since he'd read the man's journal multiple times. Seemed easy to him. Then again... he didn't wear shoes, his face was tattooed, and he was sitting in a tree. He was willing to admit he wasn't the most middle of the road guy.
But hey, that's why they picked him.
He chuckled at that. “Sure, you say that now. Just wait until I'm stuck getting my vallaslin covered up. I'm going to be a real bear in the morning.”
“Oh, I don't think you'll be-” Remi stopped short as he examined his co-star's face. His expression twitched for a second. “Ah... yes you might be there for a while.”
What, Elgar'nan was the all father. It was a good tribute.
Merin was still smiling as he leaned back on the branch. Filming didn't start for at least a week, so they had some time to themselves. His plans had mostly been to hide in his apartment and try not to completely lose his shit. Now... well... fuck it, he was willing to try.
“So uh... you free any time before we begin filming?” He quickly added. “Just to like, learn lines and stuff. Unless you're busy or something.”
Remi grabbed his phone out of his pocket while Merin stumbled his way through the invite. He scrolled through, face unreadable. He finally smiled, however, when he found something in particular. Then he turned to the elf in question, holding it out.
“Looks like I have some free time this Wednesday if you wanted to practice.”
Merin's heart thudded in his chest. “Oh, cool. I'm pretty sure I'm free that day too. Where do you want to meet up?”
Well... probably somewhere private. While he wasn't exactly well known, Remi WAS one of the most attractive men in Orlais. He probably couldn't go anywhere without fans bothering him. How he managed it all was a marvel.
Maybe Merin could get some tips one day...
“How about my place? I'm working on a song before then.” Remi was already typing instructions into his phone. “I don't think I have your phone number... can you text it to me so I can send you directions?”
You know, if someone had told him a year ago that he was going to be getting Remi's phone number, he would have asked if they were high. Yet the only high one was Merin as he handed over his number quick as lightning. Before long, there was Remi's text- along with the directions to get to his apartment and the time they were meeting. Solid proof this was actually happening and not just a really weird dream, all there in the palm of his hand.
Reality was a wonderful, weird thing.
“Thanks.” Remi looked down at the ground. “I better get going, I have an interview later. See you Wednesday?”
Merin nodded, still holding his phone like it was his firstborn child. “Yeah... see you then. Good luck at your interview.”
“Thanks. It's with Eye on Thedas. You know how they are.” The idol rolled his eyes, but he smiled. “Take care, Merin. I'll text you later!”
And then he jumped, landing on the pavement below. Merin watched him go, heart thudding out of his chest. It was only when the idol was gone that he allowed himself to fall back on the branch, face a mixture of red and purple.
“What the fuck just happened?”
No, seriously... what the fuck had just happened?
It was a wonderful what the fuck regardless – Merin's heart felt like it was about to burst as he lay there on that tree branch, staring up at the sky through the canopy of leaves. Life was about to get a lot more interesting thanks to his new job, no doubt about it. So he tried to savor those last few moments before things went to a whole different kind of strange hell in a hand basket.
Plus... didn't hurt he had Remi's phone number. That was definitely a perk.
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spectres-n-knights · 7 years
Starborn Saviour - Prologue
Title: Starborn Saviour Crossover: Mass Effect/Dragon Age Genre: Adventure/Romance Pairing(s): Shepard (M)/Josephine M (main) Aeducan/Morrigan (featured) Hawke (M)/Fenris (featured) Shepard(M)/Ashley W (mentioned) Shepard(M)/Miranda L (hinted) Author: Spectres'n'Knights Disclaimer: Mass Effect universe and Dragon Age universe © BioWare Any character you haven’t heard of © me
Summary: Cassandra had been baffled when some of the Inquisition’s soldiers had brought in a warrior wearing the most unusual set of armour that she’d ever seen, with bizarre objects attached - somehow - to said armour. The man also had numerous injuries that should have been fatal, as if he had survived an explosion he had been in the centre of. Novelisation of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Shepard Inquisitor. Default MShep/Josephine
Location: Serpent Nebula / Andraste System / Thedas / Base of the Frostback Mountains 21 years and 11 months after the end of the Reaper War
Master Dennet was just over seeing the last of his horses when Shepard and Josephine arrived at the stables.
“Master Dennet.” The marine greeted the Fereldan man as they drew level. “These the last of your charges?”
“They are, Your Worship. Lady Montilyet, your carriage is waiting for you. I didn’t want to leave until I was sure that you were away first.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Shepard apologised, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Not blaming you, Your Worship. With what you’ve been through, I figure you’ve got the right to be a little slow.”
“Hey, where are you going? Get back here!” one of Dennet’s hands suddenly called out, drawing Shepard’s attention away from the horse master. Stepping to the side, the vanguard saw his Brecilian Sure-Foot mount, Josmaël, striding towards him with the incensed stable hand chasing after him.
“Hey, bud,” Shepard softly greeted the Hart when the beast came to a stop in front of him. Reaching his remaining hand up, he stroked the majestic animal’s head. “I’m afraid that you won’t fit in where I’m headed. You’re better off sticking with Master Dennet.” Reaching to one of the Hart’s ears, he began to scratch the skin under it. Within moments, Josmaël had closed his eyes and had tilted his head to further the point of contact.
Man and beast stayed that way for a little while until Shepard drew back, catching the Hart’s lead rope as he moved and led him over to the hand.
“He should behave himself now.” Shepard told the stable hand as he handed off Josmaël’s lead rope. The teenager stared at the Spectre, wide eyed. “I may have spoiled him a bit. Just give him a carrot or two when he starts to play up, that should make him amenable.”
“T-thank you, Your Worship,” The young lad stammered a little as he gripped the rope, and Shepard saw that he was fighting to stop himself from dropping his gaze to the former Inquisitor’s missing forearm. “And I will.”
Shepard turned back to Dennet as the Hart was led away, offering the older man his hand. “I can’t thank you enough for supporting the Inquisition, Master Dennet.”
Dennet took the offered hand and shook it. “I was proud to help, Your Worship. And may I say something? You might not have been born here, but with what you did for us, I dare say I can speak for us all when I say you’re one of us now.”
Shepard could only nod, the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat keeping him from talking.
Josephine seemed to know what he was planning to say next and she spoke his line for him, “Safe travels back to your farm, Master Dennet.”
“The same to you, Lady Montilyet,” Dennet returned graciously before taking his leave of the pair.
“Shall we, Milady?” Shepard gestured to the coach once his ability to speak had returned.
Josephine nodded her head and took his arm as they walked towards their ride. Their gear had been brought down from Skyhold much earlier in the day, so all the pair had to do was board and they would be on their way.
As they neared, the coach hand opened the door and the Spectre helped Josephine into the carriage before turning to address the coach driver. “There’s a small forest with a clearing in the middle a couple of kilometres south of here,” Shepard told the man - he’d seen the spot countless times during his travels to and from Skyhold and had advised his XO, Miranda Lawson, to send the shuttle there for extraction. “Take us there first.”
Though the coachman looked perplexed at the order, as it took them away from their intended route to Jader, the man acknowledged the instruction with a nod of his head. “At your order, Your Worship.”
Nodding his own head, Shepard climbed in - slightly struggling without a second hand to grab onto things with - to join Josephine. After the door was closed and the coach hand had taken his place by the driver, they lurched briefly as the horses moved off.
<::::::::{}==[] ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ []=={}::::::::>
The pair spoke of old and familiar topics during the first part of the journey to try and keep their minds off of what was about to happen for just a little while longer. But Shepard didn’t fail to notice that despite their mutual distraction attempts, the closer they got to their destination the more Josephine’s lower lip began to tremble.
When the first tear rolled down the Antivan’s cheek the marine put his arm around her shoulders and drew her close to him. She went without a struggle, burying her face into the crook of his neck.
The rest of the journey was spent in silence.
<::::::::{}==[] ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ []=={}::::::::>
When they arrived, Shepard stepped out of the carriage first, his eyes scanning his environs to see if there was anything amiss. Seeing no signs of danger or - more importantly - cloaking distortions, the Spectre sighed. Miranda had given him a general ETA for the shuttle’s arrival, but the marine knew that that was bound to change if EDI detected any movement in the area that wasn’t the Normandy’s CO.
And the last of Dennet’s plant of horses definitely counted as movement.
Part of him had been hoping and praying that the horse master would be well past the area by the time he and Josephine got there.
While having to say goodbye immediately would have been hard, akin to ripping off a band-aid, it would be over and done quickly and they could be on their respective ways. But waiting? It was going to be nine shades of hell to get through. Josephine was already in an emotional state and that was only going to get worse with time to fret. And as she became more distressed, Shepard knew that he wouldn’t be far behind her.
“Any sign?” Josephine asked as she stepped out of the coach once he had let her know that the coast was clear.
Shepard shook his head as he turned back to face her. “EDI would have alerted Miranda to Master Dennet’s movements through the AO. So no shuttle.”
“And how long before she deems it safe enough?”
“An hour or so, most likely. Miranda knows my stance on over exposing Thedas, so she’ll only send the Kodiak once she’s absolutely certain that things are quiet down here.”
“We wait?” Josephine asked as she looped her arms around his remaining one.
“We wait.” He confirmed.
<::::::::{}==[] ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ []=={}::::::::>
With time to kill, Shepard’s mind had begun to wander to what Thedas was about to face.
The marine didn’t know if Solas was expecting this move from him, but he had no choice. He would need to be at a hundred percent if he had any chance of turning the Elvhen Rebel away from his destructive path - hopefully without resorting to violence, but he would need to be prepared if the hedge mage left him no choice - and protect Thedas from the untold horrors that could rip its lands apart.
But leaving to get the necessary treatments to fix and replace his missing forearm as well as the various implants and eezo nodules throughout the affected area meant that he would have to say goodbye to the woman that was currently clinging to him like a second skin: Lady Josephine Montilyet; eldest child of the noble Montilyet family from Antiva. Former Ambassador and chief Diplomat for the Inquisition, she was an eminent figure in diplomacy, forging relations with grace, charm and careful favors. She had worked for years as chief ambassador from Antiva to Orlais prior to the Inquisition’s rebirth. But when the unrest in Thedas had hit boiling point she had been asked to join the Inquisition, where she had tirelessly played her part in restoring the ancient organization to its former glory.
And she was also the love of his life.
Funny how a man has to go to a completely unknown planet to find the one for him. The Lord truly does work in mysterious ways, the vanguard couldn’t help but think with a slight smile.
But he couldn’t muster any more happiness then that, not with Josephine’s face once again nestled in the crook of his neck. He could feel her tears as they trickled down his skin, feel her petite form tremble against his every time she heard what she thought was the Kodiak’s engines, heralding the shuttle’s arrival.
She had been this way ever since he had announced his intention to return to his world once the Inquisition’s disbandment was complete.
As her family’s heir apparent, he knew that she had an obligation to her family and he also knew that she did not take her responsibilities lightly. But he was the man that she loved and he’d just gone through something terrible and she’d made it plain that she wanted to be there for him and support him throughout his recovery.
But he, knowing that what he was about to undergo would not be pretty, hadn’t wanted her to see him that way. It was only after promising - truly, making him repeat his vow many, many times promising - that he would return, that he had managed to convince her that her family needed her more then he did at that moment that she’d accepted it.
But she had made it quite clear to him that she would still hate seeing him go.
And damn if she wasn’t true to her word, the marine thought as he did his best to comfort her.
Suddenly his radio crackled to life, and Shepard tilted his head to mask the movement of his remaining hand to cover his ear so he could hear the communiqué.
“Shepard-Commander, this is Ghost. Are you receiving this transmission?”
“I copy, Ghost. Go ahead,” Shepard replied in a soft voice so that only Josephine could hear his side of the exchange.
“The Kodiak has landed. I am en-route to your position.”
“Affirmative,” the geth Hunter responded.
“Where are you coming from?”
“I am currently north-east of your beacon.”
“There’s a clump of three trees, on the edge of the forest, due south and about two hundred meters away from where I’m standing. Stay there, I’ll come to you,” Shepard told the synthetic.
“Understood, Shepard-Commander. I will wait for you at the designated area.”
As Shepard lowered his arm, Josephine drew back a little.
“This is really it?” she asked, her voice wavering.
“It is,” he confirmed.
Josephine’s face crumpled, and she buried herself against him again.
Hating to see her this way, the Spectre began to stroke her ebony hair, mindful of not mussing up her hairdo, as he softly started to sing to her.
~We read the wind and the sky When the sun is high We sail the length of the sea On the ocean breeze At night we name every star We know where we are We know who we are, who we are~
He had sung this song countless times whilst he’d been here, staring up at the night sky, hoping and praying that the Normandy would find him.
But now, his perspective had changed and as he began to sing the next verse, he pulled back a little ways so that he could make eye contact with her in order to stress the message he was trying to get across.
~Aue, aue, We set a course to find A brand new island everywhere we row Aue, aue, We keep our island in our mind And when it’s time to find home We know the way~
You’re my island now, my home, and I’ll be back by your side just as soon as I’m able.
The song and his silent vow seemed to settle her a little, but he knew it wouldn’t take long before she was openly weeping again.
Also knowing that it wouldn’t take Ghost long to reach them and that it was time for them to go their separate ways, Shepard raised his hand to her chin and tipped her head up as he lowered his. Their lips met, and as the marine focused on pouring every ounce of emotion he possessed into the kiss to reassure Josephine, her hands were moving also, one gripping the front of his armor while the other went to the back of his skull, her fingers threading through his short sable locks as she returned his emotion and passion ten-fold.
Eventually, however, the need to breathe forced the couple to part.
Shepard rested his forehead against hers and they remained wrapped in each other for a time before he, reluctantly, stepped away from her.
“Here.” With a slight struggle, the Spectre removed his long coat and placed it over Josephine’s shoulders. “Not exactly matching fashion, I know. But you’ll need it more than I do.”
The act brought on a fresh wave of tears and she wrapped herself around him again.
“I will be back, Ke aloha, you have my word,” Shepard vowed to her, his voice slightly gruff as he fought not to cry himself.
“I know you will. It’s just…” she trailed off.
“I know,” he murmured as he gently ran his hand up and down her back.
And he did.
Saying goodbye to Cassandra, Varric, Dorian, Bull and all of the others had been hard enough. Saying goodbye to Josephine - even temporarily - was a hundred times worse.
To try and make things light again, Shepard suddenly spoke up. “Y'know, I know you said I can be irresistible, but this has got to be a new record or something. I mean, you’ve hardly taken your hands off of me since we got here.”
The comment, out of place as it was, got the desired effect and Josephine began to smile as she lightly smacked his chest plate in response. Shepard could still see the lingering sadness in her eyes, but she seemed to understand what he was trying to do and was grateful for it if the giggle she let out was anything to go by.
He took a step back and bowed deeply before her, offering his remaining arm to her - the action a replica of his actions at the Winter Palace three years prior, “Your carriage awaits, Lady Josephine.”
She took his hand. “Thank you, Captain Shepard,” came her gracious response as he straightened up and chauffeured her to the carriage.
As he helped Josephine get back into the coach, Shepard’s eyes drank in the sight of the woman he loved, doing his absolute best to commit every last detail of her appearance to memory for the long months of separation that lay ahead. She was dressed as someone who was used to finery and yet her outfit was not ostentatious or overstated. Her bodice was a deep royal purple that was surrounded by draped and pleated satin. Often in Skyhold, he had been enthralled when the yellow fabric would catch the light from the candle on her ever present clipboard, making it shine like gold and turning molten whenever she moved. More than once she had caught him staring and had blushed in response at the attention.
Once she was in and seated, he went to step back, but Josephine grabbed his hand to stop him.
“Te amo. Voy a extrañarte tanto.” Josephine murmured to him in her native tongue as a few tears rolled down her cheek.
“Eres el amor de mi vida, querido. Yo regresare. Te prometo,” he responded without hesitation as he reached out to wipe away her tears with his thumb before cupping her cheek.
She smiled warmly at him before she closed her eyes and leaned into the caress.
“Beg your pardon, Your Worship,” the driver hesitantly spoke up, breaking the couple’s moment. “But we need to get going if Lady Montilyet is to catch her boat back to Antiva.”
Josephine just let out a sigh in lieu of words.
“Don’t think of it as goodbye, just ‘see you around,’” Shepard offered as he lowered his hand.
“I know. I just can’t help but worry that the Citadel Council will-”
“I’m not going to turn my back on Thedas,” the Spectre cut her off, his tone hard. Realising that his anger was starting to get the best of him - and that it was flaring because of Josephine’s distress at their impending separation - he stopped and took a few calming breaths before he continued. “I won’t. I can’t. Not now. And anyone who knows a thing about me knows I don’t make those types of vows lightly. And as for the Council,” Shepard shrugged, “well, them being displeased with the decisions I make isn’t exactly anything new. Nor is my reaction and response to them trying to shut me down. I’ll be back. Rain, hail or shine.” At her look of disapproval, however, he quickly added, “But the Council aren’t stupid. They know that I know Thedas’ culture and am a respected individual within these lands. There’s no better person suited to an ambassadorship to bridge relations between them and a nearby planet that, until now, they had no idea was even there. Thedas may not be space-fairing yet, but the planet is still unique and may have mining resources that are valuable to the Council.”
Though he could see she was still worried, and she gave a smile at the later part of his speech, she seemed to choose to let it go so that their departure was on a more positive note and simply offered, “Take care.”
“I will. And I’ll be back before you even know that I’m missing.”
Josephine gave him a half smile. “If only that were true.”
With a final nod of his head and a brief peck to Josephine’s lips, Shepard shut the coach door before stepping back to where his bags were.
“Safe journey,” the marine offered to the driver.
“The same to you, Your Worship,” came the man’s reply as he flicked the reins to get the horse team moving. The carriage circled around him, allowing him to blow a final kiss to Josephine, before returning to the road and setting off for Jader.
It wasn’t long before Shepard could hardly see the coach in the distance. He continued to stand there, however, long after the carriage had vanished from sight, just watching the road and softly singing to himself.
~Down the way where the nights are gay And the sun shines daily on the mountain top I took a trip on a navy spaceship And when I reached Thedosa I made a stop
But I’m sad to say I’m on my way Won’t be back for many a day My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave my lady-love in Antiva town
Sounds of laughter everywhere And the dancing girls sway to and fro I must declare my heart is there Though I’ve been from Sol to Galactic Core
But I’m sad to say I’m on my way Won’t be back for many a day My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave my lady-love in Antiva town
Sad to say I’m on my way Won’t be back for many a day My heart is down, my head is turning around I had to leave my lady-love in Antiva town~
After what felt like twenty minutes or so his radio sprang to life once again. “Shepard-Commander-”
“I know, Ghost,” Shepard cut the synthetic off. “Just… give me a minute.”
After a few more minutes, Shepard snapped out of his funk and picked up his bag, hoisting it onto his good shoulder before turning and striding to where the Hunter was waiting.
“Are you alright, Shepard-Commander?” Ghost asked the human as Shepard came to a stop beside it.
Even though the geth was cloaked, Shepard could still just make out through the distortions that the flaps around the Hunter’s optic were posed to make it look curious about what it had just observed.
“Not really, Ghost,” the Spectre admitted as he tried to fight off some of his melancholy. “But that’s for me to deal with. Do a lap around the perimeter, check that there’s no one close.”
“Understood, Shepard-Commander. Executing command.”
With barely perceptible foot falls, the geth left to attend to its task.
Following Ghost’s example, Shepard set off towards the clearing.
<::::::::{}==[] ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ []=={}::::::::>
Ten minutes later, Shepard entered the clearing where the shuttle was parked.
After putting his luggage down, the Spectre had practically fallen into one of the shuttle’s seats, grateful to be out of the hot sun as his heavy plate was practically cooking him alive.
“You okay, Captain?” Hawthorne asked, watching Shepard as he tried to get comfortable, the scale mail the marine was wearing making that near impossible as it dug into his skin despite the cotton undershirt he was wearing. But while the sight of seeing Shepard in such old-fashion armour should have kept Hawthorne’s attention, the shuttle co-pilot’s gaze kept falling to the Spectre’s missing forearm.
Shepard noticed his eyes roving and sighed. “I’m fine, Lieutenant. These kinds of injuries might not happen that often nowadays, but they still do happen. Wounds of war and all that.”
“That’s not what I…” Hawthorne started to say but then trailed off.
“Ghost reported that you… ah… were with someone when he got a visual lock on you…” Cortez took up the line of questioning.
Shepard raised an eyebrow at the bold question. “Prying, Lieutenant?”
“Uh…” the shuttle pilot looked down sheepishly at his CO’s penetrating stare.
“I’m fine, Cortez. And this isn’t - wasn’t - goodbye,” Shepard clarified, dropping his steely facade. “Just 'see you later.’”
“You’re coming back? After what’s happened?” Cortez asked, his head jerking back up at the revelation, his surprise at his CO’s decision evident in the look on his face and in his tone of voice, though he kept his eyes squarely on Shepard’s face and not the tied up scale mail. Hawthorne also showed a similar look of shock.
“I don’t have much choice.”
Cortez tilted his head in a 'please explain’ gesture when Shepard didn’t continue.
Shepard sighed, not really in the mood for conversation as his mind was still preoccupied by Josephine, but he spoke anyway. “There are events that have been put into motion here that will cause untold death and suffering if I don’t at least try to guide the one responsible away from his chosen path.”
“Another seemingly impossible task?”
Shepard gave a humourless smile. “It must be a curse.”
To stop any further questions, Shepard raised his remaining hand to his ear. “Ghost?”
“Yes, Shepard-Commander?”
“What’s your report?”
“The Area of Operation is clear of any organics that would be startled or alarmed by the Kodiak’s departure.”
“Good. Egress back to the shuttle. We’ll leave as soon as you’re back on board.”
“Understood, Shepard-Commander. Executing order.”
Shepard sighed tiredly as he let his head fall back against the shuttle wall.
I can only imagine the tongue lashing that Chakwas has in store for me once she sees me. Of all the insane and idiotic things I’ve ever done, this has to be the worst. And this is only the start of something that could be ten-fold worse then what I’ve just been through.
“I am back, Cortez-Lieutenant,” Ghost reported a few minutes later as it’s Tactical Cloak deactivated, revealing the navy-coloured geth sitting in the seat to Shepard’s left.
“Alright, closing the hatch. Next stop; Normandy,”
As he felt the Kodiak leave the ground, Shepard couldn’t help but let his mind wander to all that he’d been through over the last four and three quarter years.
Just another routine mission that turned into something else entirely.
Translations: “I love you. I am going to miss you so much.” “You’re the love of my life, beloved. I will return. I promise”
Songs Used: “We Know The Way” from Disney’s Moana © Disney “Jamaica Farwell” by Harry Belafonte - a few changes made to make it world/galaxy appropriate
Authors Notes: So here I go with another AU novelisation.
Unlike Invictus however, this Shepard is default faced.
For those curious, his name is Jonas-Jeremiah, but he goes by Jon or JJ. He’s Earthborn/War Hero/Soldier-turned-Vanguard. He’s a mostly Paragon Paragade who went the Paragon route with the major decision in the games. He romanced Ash in ME and stayed faithful to her in 2, but broke up with her after the Coup because of her lack of trust in his loyalties and he didn’t romance anyone in 3
As for the Dragon Age side of things; my Warden was Bhartol Aeducan who romanced Morrigan and disappeared with his mysteriously magical lover at the end of Witch Hunt. My Hawke was named Daemon, a - mostly - diplomatic mage who supported his ilk and friendship romanced Fenris despite their differences.
If anyone wants to read both Worldstates to know my various decisions in both franchises, just drop me a line.
As for they story itself, Starborn is Part One of the Starborn saga that will encase DAI, the interim time between the games and - hopefully - DA4.
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heartslogos · 7 years
newfragile yellows [59]
The Iron Bull’s flower is proudly on display - it’s a simple thing that blooms brightly against his skin, just over his shoulder at the edge of his tattoos.
He doesn’t hide it, and its petals calmly spread out over his skin in a vibrant patch of violet and white.
“Aren’t you afraid that someone will hit it on accident?” Dorian had asked him once, when the two were on slightly better terms.
Dorian’s own flower presses flat against his ribs, underneath his clothes and below his heart. The missing sleeve isn’t necessarily a fashion choice - not as much as he likes to pretend it is to make everyone gawp over, anyway.
“Who’s tall enough?” Bull replies, “It’s a pain either way.”
The deep purple dahlia never seems to fully open or fully close - it just lies against his skin, silent and mysterious.
Lavellan had once asked him if him being so open and nonchalant about displaying his soul-flower was something part of the Qun.
The Iron Bull had pointed out the spray of asphodels Solas proudly displayed running down his right arm.
“Ah,” Lavellan had replied, “But that’s hahren. He likes to make jokes and prove points that no one will ever understand.
Vivienne’s own spider lilies run around the back of her head, a startling red against the gold and cream of her high collar and hat.
Sometimes the color of your soul makes a point - one that you wish to flaunt.
The Iron Bull and his dahlia flaunt nothing.
Lavellan, in contrast - keeps her flower hidden. Whatever it is.
“Most would say that it is unfair that you’ve seen the colors of everyone else’s souls, and yet have not divulged your own,” Dorian tells her, once.
“Ah, but you are not most,” Lavellan pointed out.
“Too true, so I won’t say, but I will give you a look over my book that tells you how deeply and morbidly curious I am,” Dorian replied, and he indeed gave her that look. “Is it poisonous?”
“All things are poisonous - especially the color and texture of a person’s soul,” Lavellan had replied, “I could be lying - you wouldn’t know if I was telling the truth, either way.”
“Too true,” Dorian had mused, shifting enough to adjust the fall of his tunic to allow for the faintest, smallest hint of purple crocus to get a breath of fresh air.
Lavellan smiled, then.
Years later, the edges of the Iron Bull’s flower have abruptly begun to wither and silently curl in on themselves. Vivienne’s spider lilies shiver, their color fading. Dorian’s crocus begin to dry and shrink.
Everyone’s flowers are fading.
Solas - though no one there bears witness, except Lavellan - even, has a lost petal or two. And yet his asphodels remain, for the most part, vibrant.
Lavellan survives. Lavellan always survives.
And her flower spills out - dormant for so long - through her survival.
“She always loses, always the loser, never the one who leaves, always the one who is left, the one who remains, the one who is placed down and turned back on,” Cole murmured, gently parting her dark hair to reveal a thin strand of dark red.
Vivienne and Dorian had both risen abruptly - blood?
Within days dark red, wine red, flowers push out from her hair, heavy and haunting.
“Amaranthus,” Bull said, when she finally woke up - and he was the one lucky enough to be at her side.
“I never do learn,” Lavellan replied, raising her arms slowly. He doesn’t stop her. Lavellan stares at the ceiling, the one arm left. “You’d think that after so much heartbreak - I would finally be left with nothing to hurt.”
“It’s a good thing,” Bull said, slowly rising to sit at the edge of her bed, turned to angle his back towards her. The dahlia, weakened, is already showing signs of recovery.
“Mine only blooms when I feel too full of heartbreak to bear it,” Lavellan said, capable of only reaching his lower back. “The rest of yours bloom when you’re happy or just feel good. I wish mine were so pleasant.”
“They’re pretty,” The Iron Bull said.
“If only they felt that way,” Lavellan said, eyes closing, she commanded, “Stay.”
“Alright,” Bull said, taking her hand and holding it in his, not looking at her - giving her his back as he stared into a corner of the room.
In her hand are two asphodel petals.
It is a good thing, to love. It is a painful thing to love. It is a brave thing, to love.
The dahlia on his back pushes itself open, dark purple flushing and renewing itself in the petals.
It is a hard thing, to love.
“I think,” Lavellan says, sitting next to Sera, “That they think that if they put all of us together in one prison that we’ll scare each other straight.”
“Gross,” Sera says, picking her ear, “You figure this out now? And how’s that going? Any less of a criminal?”
“I still have pointy ears, so no,” Lavellan replied. “Think about it, no other prison in Thedas is co-ed like ours is. Or co-race. Also, we’re supposedly the highest threats.”
“The Iron Bull? I agree. Pentaghast? I agree. Leliana? I agree. Maxwell? Kaaras? Varric? Merrill? Aveline? Ogden? Not so much.”
“I’m going to point out that Kaaras and Merrill are here for the same reason that we’re here and that’s race,” Lavellan says. “In any case, they put us all together in this one little jail fortress thingy and put us together with other so-called criminals - “
“Fenris actively hunted people.”
“Tevinter slavers aren’t people, they’re disgusting wastes of air.”
“And that is why most would argue that you belong here, continue.”
“ - in the hopes that we’d kill each other and prove to the world that we’re monsters at the same time doing their jobs for them,” Lavellan says. “Case in point - I overheard some guards talking about how long it’ll take for the Iron Bull to make me his prison bitch. Joke’s on them, he’s a gentleman locked up in here for all the wrong reasons.”
“Yeah, I think we all kind of knew that,” Sera flicks dirt out from underneath her nail, “So how long did they give? You two’ve shared a cell since Solas was transferred to solitary in the basement and then they lost him. Idiots. The only really fucking dangerous one around here they lost staring at us like sideshow freaks.”
“Well, they keep saying it’s only a matter of time, but it’s been like - four years since I got put here and the Iron Bull’s been here forever. Anyway, I overheard that they’re transferring Josephine to Herah’s cell block. Either Herah got one of the guards to break - again - or Josephine’s pulled a Josephine.”
“When’s Josephine going to pull a Josephine to get them to transfer Cole out of my cellblock? Bring Rocky back, Rocky was the shit.”
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wyrdsistersofthedas · 8 years
Happy First Day to All
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With the new year, we thought it would be fun to mark Thedas’ holidays alongside our own calendar.  To do so, we needed to figure out Thedas’ deceptively simple calendar and track it alongside our own. Both have 365 days, but they meter those days out differently.  Looking through the fandom, there seems to be some confusion as to how closely Thedas’ calendar system mirrors our own.  Is it pretty much the same, with the holidays even being similar to our holidays?  Is it inverted since Thedas is a continent in a southern hemisphere?  Does it follow a similar layout to the really ancient Roman calendar that actually started in March?  All good questions, so we thought we would sit down and sort through the possibilities.
Click here for a larger version of the calendar.
Premise the First: Keep it simple, stupid.
One of the first ideas we came to was, if you are going to create a fictional world with a massively complicated lore that can be extremely difficult even for the creators/developers to keep track of, you don’t want things like the calendar system to be convoluted nightmares to figure out.  The writers and developers need to be able to quickly ‘translate’ Thedas’ months into a frame of reference that tells them about the season, temperatures, weather, holidays, etc that would be happening at that time of the year in Dragon Age.  An easy way to do this would be to base the Thedas’ chronology on your own calendar.
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The Gregorian Calendar has been adopted by most countries as their secular calendar system.  The Gregorian Calendar has 365 days divided into twelve months.  So far so good.  The two systems match up...to a point.  If you really look at the Gregorian Calendar system is a bit of a mess.  It is a good place to start, but you may want to tidy it up a bit.
Premise the Second: Don’t reinvent the wheel.
Dragon Age, like all fictional worlds, involves elements from our own histories, mythologies, philosophies, and cultures.  The same is probably true of the calendar system.  Like we said before you probably want it to match up pretty nicely with the calendar system you already use, but the Gregorian Calendar is messy, mostly due to shenanigans of the people who created the system it was based on: the Julian Calendar.  (I had a bunch of awesome stories about where the names of each month, and how many days were in them, came from when I was teaching an introductory course to western languages from my Latin background.)  So if you smooth out the bumps in the Gregorian Calendar, what do you get?  12 months of 30 days with 5 left over.  And what should you do with those extra five days?  The obvious answer: holidays!  Hey!  That sounds exactly like Thedas’ calendar!  In this way you end up with a calendar system that looks mostly like your own, but with enough differences to make it feel just a bit other worldly.
In creating this post I experimented with several ways of representing Thedas’ calendar in a way that I could superimpose our own calendar over it so that it would be easy to figure out which days are which in each calendar system.  My first attempt at this resulted in this calendar wheel, which I thought would work since there are perpetual calendar discs that we use in our own world (one of which happens to be on my key ring), but now is clearly problematic.  (Also, can you tell I have been on holiday with lots of time on my hands to do completely ridiculous meticulous fandom work yet?)
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Although this alignment didn’t work like I thought it would, it did make me think of something.  Said I to myself as I looked at the placement of the holidays, “That looks like the Celtic Calendar”.  A quick google image search confirmed my thought...and provided excellent evidence of why the extra five days in the Thedas Calendar are where they are:
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The holidays of Yule, Imbolg, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain match up perfectly with the placement of First Day, Wintersend, Summerday, All Soul’s Day, and Satinalia.   It seems highly likely that the Wheel of the Year served as the inspiration for Thedas’ holiday system.
Premise the Third: Mix things up just a bit.
While most of Thedas’ calendar can clearly be show to match up with the Celtic Calendar, there are some important differences that through off most of the fans, including me.  I want Satinalia to match up with Yule/Christmas and All Soul’s Day to be Samhain/Halloween, but seasonal timings don’t actually align.
Satinalia, according to the calendar placement would take place closer to Halloween than to Christmas.  It’s a harvest festival.  The descriptions of the the holiday make it sound like a combination of Halloween and Christmas.  In the Feastday DLC, Satinalia is said to be “marked by sumptuous feasts, wild celebration, and naming the town fool as ruler for a day. Amid the feasting, it is customary for friends, lovers, and traveling companions to exchange gifts and pranks.”  The description of the holiday on the Bioware website and in World of Thedas, Vol. 1 adds: “Once dedicated to the Old Goddess of Freedom, Zazikel—but now attributed more to the second moon, Satina—this holiday is ...[celebrated with] the wearing of masks.... In Antiva, Satinalia lasts for a week or more, while a week of fasting follows. In more pious areas, large feasts and the giving of gifts mark the holiday. Satinalia is celebrated at the beginning of Umbralis.” (emphasis added) So basically it is the last big bash before settling down for the bleak winter months.  Sensible.
First Day, on the other hand, reads much more like a combination of New Year’s and Thanksgiving: “The traditional start of the year, this holiday involves visits to neighbors and family (in remote areas, this was once an annual check to ensure everyone was alive), as well as a town gathering to commemorate the year past, accompanied by drinking and merriment.”   (emphasis added)
Wintersend is not placed at a holiday that is typically celebrated in the Gregorian Calendar, but coincides with the Celtic holiday Imbolc (St. Brigid’s Day having taken its place in the Christian Calendar).  In Thedas, Wintersend was “Once called “Urthalis” and dedicated to Urthemiel, the Old God of Beauty, this holiday has now become a celebration of the Maker. It stands for the end of winter in many lands and coincides with tourneys and contests at the Proving Grounds in Minrathous. In southern lands, this holiday has become a day of gathering for trade, theater, and, in some areas, the arrangement of marriages. It is celebrated at the beginning of Pluitanis.”  I think it is fascinating that the Dragon Age Calendar incorporates similar themes to those found in our calendar system.  Many Christian holidays took the place of earlier Pagan celebrations, and the same seems to be true in Thedas.  The Chantry co-opted the Tevinter holidays that were dedicated to the Old Gods, which had probably replaced ancient Elven holidays given that Tevinter’s Calendar is said to have been based on the elven system (according to the Prima Guide).
Summerday sounds a lot like a traditional May Day celebration, which is associated with the Celtic festival of Beltane.  World of Thedas, Vol. 1 notes that Summerday was “Once called “Andoralis” and dedicated to Andoral, the Old God of Unity, this holiday is universally celebrated as the beginning of summer, a time for joy and, commonly, marriage. Boys and girls ready to come of age don white tunics and gowns. They then join a grand procession that crosses the settlement to the local Chantry, where they are taught the responsibilities of adulthood. Summerday is a particularly holy occasion in Orlais. It is celebrated at the beginning of Molioris.”
It is harder to match All Soul’s Day with its seasonal partner in our calendar, Lughnasadh, which was a start of the harvest celebration.  According to the wikipedia article, Lughnasadh “involved great gatherings that included religious ceremonies, ritual athletic contests (most notably the Tailteann Games, feasting, matchmaking and trading. There were also visits to holy wells... and religious rites included an offering of the 'first fruits', a feast of the new food and of bilberries, the sacrifice of a bull and a ritual dance-play in which [the Celtic god] Lugh seizes the harvest for mankind and defeats the powers of blight.  Much of the activities would have taken place on top of hills and mountains.” (emphasis added)  This sounds more like the description of Thedas’ Wintersend than All Soul’s Day, other than the harvest trappings.  
So where did the inspiration for All Soul’s Day come from if not from Lughnasadh?  Probably the next Celtic holiday, Samhain, with a bit of influence from Bonfire Night.  In Thedas, All Soul’s Day “was once dedicated to the Old God of Silence, Dumat. However, since Dumat’s rise during the First Blight, Thedosians turn a blind eye to any old ties between the day and the dragon. The holiday is now known across Thedas as All Soul’s Day and spent in somber remembrance of the dead. In some northern lands, the people dress as spirits and walk the streets in parade after midnight. The Chantry uses the holiday to remember the death of Andraste, with public fires that mark her immolation and plays that depict her death. It is celebrated at the beginning of Matrinalis.”  This definitely reads much more like the traditional Celtic celebration of the end of harvest and the coming of Winter (symbolizing death) even though it falls at the beginning of Fall in Thedas’ calendar wheel.
This correlation leads some DA fans to complicate Thedas’s calendar.  I can overthink things with the best of us, but I really doubt that the developers (who live in Canada) are going to over convoluted things much.   Think of the hassle it would be to figure out what the seasons would be or the month if they had inverted Thedas’ seasons because it is a continent in the southern hemisphere of the planet.  Or if they had shifted the start of the new year to March, ala the ancient Romans, then all of the holidays would match our holidays more closely.  That would make the Thedas’ calendar system convoluted and unwieldy to manage on a day to day basis.  Plus these two tweets from Bioware seems to confirm that Summerday near the beginning of May for us (They place it on May 2, while my calculations say it should be the 3rd.  Meh, can’t be perfect, right?).  So, unless we get future information that changes everything, I think we can safely keep Thedas’ Calendar in line with our Calendar for now.
So there it is, dear fellow fans, a Thedas Calendar that we can all use to keep track of how their dates would correspond to ours.  We are also working on an astrology system that would integrate our astrology with Thedas’.  Because, of course, they have astrology in Thedas!  [At least the Wyrd Sisters like to think so...but then we are weird like that. ;-) ]
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(I mean, look at how similar Thedas’ Constellation chart is to ours!  But that is a post for another day...)
Happy First Day to all!!  May the coming year be filled with more joy than sorrow (and hopefully an announcement that DA4 is on its way!)!!
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fandomn00blr · 5 years
I’m writing this Alistair and Morrigan co-parenting situation in reverse order. Like most things I write.
Here’s a thing I just wrote today because I guess I needed a good cry...
During Awakening, when King Alistair comes to visit Vigil’s Keep to give his “approval” of the Warden operations...he actually has another reason for visiting.
“You have a son,” Solona whispered, motioning for Alistair to come and see for himself as Anders pushed his way out of the little room, looking a bit miffed.
“Don’t get his hopes up...” Morrigan muttered, ignoring Alistair so she could glare suspiciously at Anders on his way out.
Alistair, on the other hand, was beaming. “We have a son?!”
Morrigan nodded slowly, trying hard to hide the relief that still flooded through her now that the effort of labor was past. She looked up at him with a hesitant fondness, and Solona smiled to herself before ducking back out of the room to give them a few moments alone and to speak with Anders.
He was waiting impatiently outside and he shook his head as soon as the door was shut behind her. "She says she doesn't need my 'Chantry magic'...I tried to explain to her that I am also an apostate, not some extension of the church, but --"
"But everything is well…?" Solona asked, unsurprised that Morrigan would refuse his attention or care. He was a stranger to her, after all. And the fewer people who knew about her and her child, the better, in her mind.
"As far as I can tell, mother and baby seem quite healthy. But the child has an odd...aura to him? He barely cried at all."
"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about!" Solona said cheerfully.
Far too cheerfully. It wasn't like her at all, and Anders raised his eyebrows in question. He knew she was hiding something.
The whole situation had been bizarre. The way she’d been hidden away below the Keep under cover of night. The way he’d been sworn to secrecy, “no matter what you see…” as though she’d been expecting something horrific to burst out of this woman’s womb. And now the newly-annointed King of Ferelden showing up for a visit, claiming to be the father. He knew Solona and her companions had been through some shit during the Blight, but he couldn’t imagine what all of the fuss could’ve been about if two of them had simply produced a child. Kings had bastards all the time. It was now public knowledge that this King was one himself.
"Morrigan is a rather old soul herself…" she added quickly as some kind of explanation, before shooing him along the tunnel that led back up to the Keep. “And a witch, so I’m sure she’s got everything from here…thank you! And remember...no blabbing about this to anyone.”
“You must think so little of me, Sol. Patient confidentiality is something I hold to be sacred.”
“I know you love to gossip.”
“Would you like to hold the child?” Morrigan asked as Alistair stood staring in awe at them like he’d just walked in on something he shouldn’t have. He’d been invited, he had to keep reminding himself. She’d wanted him to come.
“Can I…?” He already looked completely smitten with the son he was not to have any part in raising.
“If you can resist growing too attached to him.”
Too late, he thought, but didn’t dare to say it aloud, for fear she’d rescind the offer.
“As soon as I have recovered, I will be leaving this place. Solona has been generous in offering us this temporary sanctuary, but we cannot linger. Her healer already senses that there is something unique about him.”
"I have a Templar in my company who would happily deal with the mage for us,” Alistair laughed, only half-joking, as Morrigan passed the little bundle carefully into his arms. “Just to keep you both safe…" he cooed as the baby squirmed, sensing his apprehensions through the sarcasm.
But he fit so naturally into the crook of his elbow that Alistair’s fears and anxieties about the well-being of this child quickly gave way to something far more powerful. As he dared to look down at him, he was certain he was the most miraculous, perfect, wonderful, precious thing he’d ever seen.
“What shall we call you, little one?” he asked the baby. “Alistair, Jr.?”
Morrigan groaned. “He shall not be named after a Fereldan dog lord.”
“Of course not," Alistair chuckled. "There will be bigger and better things for you…”
“His name is Kieran.”
“Do you not approve?”
“No. I mean, yes. I -- it’s a good name...I like it.” He peered at the infant and smiled. And his heart nearly broke at the thought of ever letting go of him. Stroking the knuckle of his pinky gently down his cheek, he whispered, “Kieran…”
The baby turned toward his finger, his tiny mouth searching hungrily for a nipple.
“He wishes to feed.”
Alistair sighed heavily. He knew this very well could be the last time he would ever get to see his son. Morrigan had said she would write, but visits were an unlikely possibility. Still, at least she’d allowed him to see him this once. He should be grateful for this moment. He didn’t dare to allow himself to hope...
He handed the baby reluctantly back to his mother and decided to give them some privacy as Morrigan pulled her shawl down off her shoulder and allowed the baby to find her breast. As soon as he was out the door, he felt ridiculous about it, and had half a mind to march right back into the room and crawl into bed with them, refusing to leave. But Solona was waiting for him outside, her own brows furrowed in concern.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes. I think so."
She tilted her head. She knew him better than this.
"No, of course not! But I suppose I will have to be."
“Are you happy you came?”
“Yes. He’s...perfect. I just...”
“He is pretty fucking cute,” she laughed. “Almost makes me want to have one someday…but Sweens will have to do for now.”
Alistair shook his head sadly, refusing to look up into her eyes. “I don’t know how I can go back and just pretend he doesn’t exist. I can't even hate her for this. Because she's right. Please don't ever tell her I said that...but --”
“I’m sorry, Alistair…”
“She promised she would write.”
“I’ll remind her of that.”
“And if she doesn’t...will you…? I mean, I know she’s not going to stay here with you, but I imagine she’ll keep in touch with you, if nothing else.”
Solona nodded. “I will.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you…” she started. “Without this…”
“I don’t even want to think about that. We are all somehow alive. That’s all that matters. He is healthy and he is beautiful. And Solona...”
He finally looked up at her. “I have a son!"
It was then that the tears he'd been trying so hard to keep in check finally began to flow.
She could barely stand to see him like this. It was a brutal reminder of how young he was...how young they all were...and to have been through so much already. So much responsibility foisted upon them. And now this...
She pulled him into her arms and he buried his face in her neck. Like he used to on the really hard nights. But on those nights, at least she’d had Leliana with her to help comfort him. Or to comfort her. She somehow always knew what to say. What to do. To make everything seem less hopeless. And Wynne. And Zevran. And Shale. And even Sten.
She realized how alone all of them were, scattered across Thedas, each of them doing their part to save the world that refused to stay fixed. She actually longed for the days of the Blight, when they could at least all still be together at camp. Sobbing, and laughing, and eating and drinking, and taking turns comforting one another in the darkness.
"I love you…" he sobbed. "But I don't know if I can ever forgive you for this."
"I know. But saving you was worth it," she murmured into the top of his head, squeezing him tight as his fingers dug into her mail and clenched at desperate fistfuls of silverite. “Even if you hate me.”
"I...have to go," he sniffed, pulling away from her.
"Yes. It was good of you to check in on us here in Amaranthine, your Highness…” she winced. Even though she’d meant it as a joke, she knew it was still painful for him to hear the title that had been mostly forced upon him. Especially coming from her.
"I want to stay here.”
"I know."
"But I can't."
"She knows, too, by the way." Solona tried to assure him, though she didn’t really know if this was a comfort to him. “She doesn’t hate you, either.”
"What about Kieran?"
"He'll grow up knowing his father wanted very much to be a part of his life."
"How do you know that?"
"The same way you know…"
He wiped the rest of his tears on the sleeve of his royal furs and turned to go without another word.
Solona slumped back against the cold stone wall, wrestling her own sobs back into her throat.
She had some new recruits who had yet to undergo the Joining waiting for her now that they’d received the King’s approval of their operations here. Anders, obviously, she’d known since she was a child, and Nathaniel Howe, who had initially come seeking vengeance for the death of his despicable father, and somehow been convinced to join their cause instead. But she hadn’t even bothered to learn the others’ names. No point, really, until they’d survived the ritual. A dwarf from the Legion of the Dead, a Dalish witch, a corpse inhabited by a spirit of Justice...at least he was already dead, she supposed, with a shrug as she smoothed out her mail and steeled her expression before heading up to the Keep to prepare the Darkspawn blood she’d sent them out to retrieve with Oghren as their guide. Just as Duncan had done. Her job, she realized with a shaky sigh, now that she'd stopped a Blight, and made Alistair King, and sent Leliana to serve the Divine, and wished the others well on their own personal quests for atonement and absolution, would be to carry on where Duncan had left off.
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kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
The 35 Best PC Games to Play Right Now (2020)
Consoles make up a large portion of the video game market, but they are not the only way to play them.
There are mobile and PC games, some of which can be played on both consoles and PC. There have been endless debates about whether consoles or PCs are better for gaming.
This article doesn't address this debate, but it will provide you with solid options for gameplay that will help you settle the dispute for yourself.
Here's the list of 35 of the best PC games.
The 35 Best PC Games to Play Right Now
Ever wondered what it would be like to be a psychically powered agent of a secret government agency?
Even if you've never had that particular Fantasy, Control is definitely worth playing. Players get to play, Jesse, a young woman looking for her brother. Her search takes her to the Bureau of Control and its headquarters, The Oldest House.
As Jesse explores the building, she encounters more mysteries, enemies, and gains new psychic powers. This is a fantastic game, with a unique and riveting storyline.
The Witcher 3
The Witcher is one of the most popular video game series ever.
The adventures of Geralt are legendary! Between the books, the Netflix series, and the games themselves, few people haven't at least heard of the series. Enjoy all the things you love about high Fantasy in this epic game.
Grand Theft Auto 5
Grand Theft Auto 5 is one of the most popular Grand Theft Auto games out there.
The game is expansive and allows players to explore some of the best things about the series.
A massive open world and the kind of storyline GTA is known for gives this game instant classic status.
When Fortnite came out, it took the world by storm. The game remains wildly popular to this day, with significant features like a Star Wars reveal and a Deadpool cameo, it is no wonder why.
Players can spend hours running around this battle royale style game. The ability to strategize and build custom forts are the hallmarks of this game and offer players an endless array of battle possibilities.
Overwatch is a team-based, first-person shooter, which focuses on avatars (aka heroes), each with a specific skill and fighting style.
There is a sequel to this game in the works and is supposed to feature new heroes, new powers, new skins, and all-new settings.
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls is a monolith in the high fantasy video game genre. This series is one of the most expansive open-world RPGs of all time. Magic, elves, dragons, and epic quests are the hallmarks of this series.
Regardless of which game in the series you choose to play, players will be guaranteed weeks of fun and adventure.
Minecraft is a game unlike anything else on the market. It has completely shaped a generation. Its name recognition is off the charts.
This pixelated build your world is perfect for endless fun. There's always something new to try or explore in the marvelous world of Minecraft.
Disco Elysium
Ever wanted to be an amnesiac who solves murders? Yeah, I didn't know I wanted to be one until I played Disco Elysium.
This game is one-of-a-kind. It has no combat whatsoever. The game progression is determined by a player skill tree development and dialogue choices. The game offers true mind games.
The Elite series is one of the longest-running series in video game history. This space adventure has always been iconic.
There are multiple games in this franchise, and each one of them is worth the playthrough. Battle aliens and travel through space in this exciting out-of-this-world series.
League of Legends
League of Legends is a significant player in MMOs.
It is a classic multiplayer online battle arena (aka MOBA). Team battles are the name of the game here, and League of Legends does the game very well. There have been plenty of expansions on this already comprehensive platform, and it is definitely a fun game to play.
Half-Life is a dystopian post-alien invasion survival series.
It even has a VR title, Half-Life: Alyx, which is the most recently released game in the series. The titles focus on the struggles of working outside the law in a post-apocalyptic society.
This game is good for gritty sci-fi fun.
DOTA 2 is the perfect game for fans of League of Legends, just, you know, free (mostly anyway). The game is a multiplayer online battle arena (aka MOBA). It features a battle between two teams of five.
Players get to control a powerful hero, each with its unique abilities. FYI, the free version doesn't offer heroes, but the paid version does. Either way, the game is loads of fun and is excellent for those looking to enjoy a good team battle.
World of Warcraft
One question: Horde or Alliance? World of Warcraft is another open-world RPG derived from a high fantasy background.
Play solo, join a guild, or team up to hit dungeons. WoW is always adding new content, and players can enjoy an increasingly expanding world with endless quests. Either way, WoW is an excellent addition to any video game library.
BioShock: The Collection
BioShock: The Collection is actually a remastered version of all three BioShock games. These three games are all first-person shooters.
The first two games are set in the underwater city of Rapture. The third is a prequel. The games all feature custom weaponry and a passing critique of politics. What's not to love?
Doom Eternal
Doom is retro video games at their finest. The game is a first-person shooter that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. Gamers get to play the Doom Slayer, a demon hunter looking to eradicate the demons that have taken over.
Doom Eternal is the newest installment in the Doom series, and it is loads of fun. It is well worth playing, even for those of us who aren't the best at first-person shooters.
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 is loads of fun. Fulfill all of your cowboy fantasies, ride around on your horse, track down criminals, and explore the Old West.
The game is an RPG, but it feels refreshing, given its historically realistic take on historic America. Red Dead Redemption 2 is perfect for RPG fans who want to focus on an open world without high fantasy aspects.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a gorgeous computer game. The graphics are stunning, and the story is both uplifting and heartbreaking.
The cute little forest spirit character is absolutely charming, and the score is haunting. This is a beautiful game, and everyone should try it at least once.
Call of Duty
Call of Duty is yet another team-based first-person shooter, although this one is meant to be based in realism. This means that the weapons, ammo, abilities of the players, and the environment are based on the weapons, ammo, abilities of actual humans, and environment found in real life.
The newest addition to this series is called, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Grab some friends and raid some ammo caches, Call of Duty has a version for everyone.
The Sims
The Sims have been around forever. It is a completely unique RPG, and when it came out, it was one-of-a-kind. Operate a completely customized avatar and create a customized setting from a city to a neighborhood to a house. The Sims offers tons of options, so there's always something to do there. It's a great game, and if you like Minecraft or Animal Crossing, there are probably elements of The Sims that will excite you as well.
Apex Legends
Apex Legends is a battle royale game set in the same universe as Titanfall. Sixty players are divided into 20 teams and set loose on each other. The exciting thing about Apex Legends is the way it lets players communicate. The ping system is rather unique and very useful. If you like battle-royale games, then you'll like Apex Legends.
Outer Wilds
Players looking for a real challenge can check out the Outer Wilds. This game is a real challenge. The game starts with an astronaut stranded on a planet where the sun is about to go supernova.
Gamers get 22 minutes to discover everything they can about the world they're on, why the sun is going supernova, who the natives are. After 22 minutes, the supernova occurs, and the game starts from the beginning, with players getting to use the information from their previous playthrough to further their progress. It is nail-biting, satisfying fun.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical shooter game. Players get to play a spec-ops anti-terrorism unit. The unit takes various missions such as diffusing bombs, rescuing hostages, taking on terrorists.
This is an excellent esports, multiplayer game. Fans of military tactical games are sure to love this game.
Divinity is a turn-based fantasy RPG. The series is dark and action-packed, making it a fan-favorite. The game offers a one-of-a-kind situation where gamers can operate two avatars in single-player mode and one avatar a piece in co-op mode.
PvP and PvE games are all the rage, and few games capitalize on their popularity more than the Destiny franchise. This first-person shooter is one wild adventure. Given how much fun the game is to play, it is little wonder that it was named Game of the Year back in 2014.
All three expansions are worth playing.
Mass Effect
Mass Effect is a military sci-fi MMORPG set in space. This trilogy is fantastic, despite criticisms of the third installment (the first and second games are universally loved). The games are classic MMORPGs.
Intriguing dialogue and dynamic characters make Mass Effect a series for the ages. Mass Effect is an absolute delight with hours of gameplay for players to indulge.
Dragon Age
Dragon Age is a favorite fan, MMORPG. It is another high fantasy powerhouse, known for its complex plots, and in-depth lore. The series has three games released thus far, but news of a fourth installment is already out.
Each game is fantastic; the characters are engaging; the plot is riveting, and the setting of Thedas is beautiful. There is absolutely no reason why fans of fantasy games shouldn't love this series.
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: The Old Republic is a wildly popular free RPG and for a good reason. The game has been around for ages, and there are few games as massive as this one. The game takes all the best things about Star Wars and puts them at players' fingertips.
Join the Jedi or the Dark Side and explore the galaxy. May the force be with you.
Dishonored is a gritty industrial action-adventure series. This first-person shooter is perfect for fans of action-strategy RPGs. Players get to enjoy the challenge of infiltrating target locations and gaining magical abilities.
Uncover the truth behind those who betrayed you and clear your name. With a star-studded cast and gorgeously rendered recreations of major global cities, Dishonored is a great series, and everyone should play it at least once.
Portal is a fascinating puzzle game. It features a cute stick figure named Chell, who uses a special device called, “the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device”. The device creates portals between two flat planes.
The puzzles in this game are loads of fun, and they're great for hours of fun. Battle the evil AI, GLaDOS (aka Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System), and reward yourself with cake!
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy is an iconic series. The characters and storyline are beloved the world over. The series has over 15 games in the main storyline alone, and even though not all of them are available on PC, the ones that are, are amazing.
The games aren't light on playthrough times either, with the average game requiring 30+ hours to complete the main questline. Final Fantasy is a fantastic franchise, and all of its games are worth playing.
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate is a unique RPG with an interesting origin. The game gets its start from the popular tabletop RPG, Dungeons & Dragons. The major races and settings are pulled from the Forgotten Realms, which is a particular ‘world' within D&D.
It is a delightful cross-section between the tabletop world and video games. Explore the world of D&D like never before in Baldur's Gate.
Bayonetta is a sleek, cool video game that hails from Japan. It features a wickedly powerful witch whose name is, you guessed it, Bayonetta. Bayonetta is an angel-slaying, demon-summoning, gun-slinging enchantress.
This game is all about style, the flashier the fight, the more rewards you get. Players will get to up their noir fantasy game with Bayonetta.
Left 4 Dead
Who doesn't love a good zombie apocalypse survival challenge? Left 4 Dead has all the hallmarks of an excellent survival horror series. It is a first-person shooter with its twist on the historical genre.
There are four protagonists, and the game requires no small amount of teamwork to succeed. It is an excellent game with a unique take on a favorite fan subject.
Ah, the old school mafia. Who wouldn't want to play an old fashioned mafia member, from the golden age of the rat pack? The whole series is engaging and worth every minute of gameplay.
The gameplay is fun, and the dialogue hearkens back to all of those mafia movies we all saw as children. Nostalgia with a dash of chaotic evil anyone?
Tetris Effect
Tetris is a true OG in computer games. It even comes pre-loaded on some of them. Recently, Tetris was given a facelift called the Tetris Effect. This reboot is even more addictive than the original.
The game has psychedelic backgrounds and a track tailor-made for the rhythms of this puzzle game. This game rockets up the nostalgia and ups the fun of this truly timeless classic PC game.
Bonus: Horizon Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn started as a PS4 exclusive, and it remains one of the most popular PS4 games to date. However, it was announced recently that the game would come to PC in the summer of 2020. If the game is half as popular on PC as it is on PS4, then it will be one for the ages.
The Bottom Line
Any one of these games is perfect for days of immersive fun. With the right PC and graphics package, players can take some of their favorite console games to a whole new level. Fans of games from all across the spectrum will find something enjoyable on this list. Whether you're a PC purist or a console addict, any one of these games is guaranteed to entertain.
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