#cosmetic store in London
cosmatsuk · 2 years
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ukrfeminism · 7 months
A social worker turned interior designer is tackling furniture poverty by transforming the homes of social housing tenants through her charity.
Emily Wheeler, founder of Furnishing Futures, says the need for her charity is not just cosmetic design - domestic abuse survivors are often driven back to their perpetrators after being given empty social housing with no beds for their children.
When families escaping domestic violence are rehoused by their local council, properties are often stripped of all white goods, furniture, and flooring for health and safety reasons.
Having left their old homes suddenly without any of their belongings, families often end up in a flat or house with nowhere to cook or store food and no beds to sleep in, Emily Wheeler, founder of the charity Furnishing Futures, tells Sky News.
"There are no curtains at the windows, there's no oven, no fridge, no washing machine," she says. "Children are expected to sleep on concrete floors with no beds or bedding.
"Mothers may have experienced economic abuse or coercion and might not have access to their money and find themselves having to start again.
"So you can understand why some women think 'this is actually no better for my children than going back to my previous situation'."
Emily has been a frontline social worker in east London for more than 20 years. During a career break, during which she had her two children, she retrained as an interior designer.
When she returned to social work in 2014, she says austerity meant council budgets were being cut and previously available grants for social housing tenants were no longer funded.
"I've always seen furniture poverty throughout my career, but it had got worse," she says.
"I was meeting families living in these conditions without furniture and without access to support.
"When you look at the amount of stuff councils have to spend money on just to keep people safe, furniture isn't the priority."
Moved into empty flat two days after giving birth
Laura, not her real name, moved between different emergency accommodations while she was pregnant with her first child after being abused by her ex-partner.
She says she was offered a council flat two days after giving birth.
"When I first moved in it was all dirty, there was no furniture, no carpet, no cooker, fridge, or washing machine.
"I had to take out an emergency loan from Universal Credit to get away from my partner, so I didn't have any money left when my baby was born. The first couple of nights I could only eat takeaway food because there was nothing to cook with.
"It had concrete floors. I'd get up in the middle of the night to make my baby a bottle and it would be freezing, so I had to put blankets all over the floor."
Chief executive of the National Housing Federation Kate Henderson says: "In social housing, carpets have historically been removed as standard practice for practical reasons, to ensure hygiene between lets and to prevent any possible contamination.
"In some cases, housing associations provide new flooring as standard when a home is re-let, or in other cases they may provide decorating vouchers to new tenants, which can be used for flooring of their choice."
According to a 2021 study by the campaign group End Furniture Poverty, only 1% of social housing properties are furnished.
Councils under 'no legal obligation' 
The Housing Act 1985 states that a local authority "may fit out, furnish and supply a house provided by them with all requisite furniture, fittings and conveniences".
But Emily says this means there is no legal obligation to do so.
"Councils are fulfilling their duty by providing housing, so in the eyes of the law they're not doing anything wrong.
"But having an empty shell of concrete is not a home - just because you're not on the streets."
Having seen the problem on a wider scale when she began chairing multi-agency child protection conferences, she decided to combine her skills as a designer and social worker - and create a charity to help bridge the gap.
Furnishing Futures was set up in 2019. Emily and her team refloor, paint, and furnish empty properties given to trauma and domestic abuse survivors by councils.
She uses her industry connections, which include Soho House, DFS, Dunelm, and others, to source donated furniture, and fundraises for the rest.
She believes it is the only charity of its kind in the UK.
So far they have furnished more than 80 homes across east London, and a pilot scheme with Waltham Forest council and housing association Peabody will see another three completed there.
But with thousands of families on social housing waiting lists in each of the capital's 32 boroughs alone, she wants to expand nationally.
"The hardest thing about my job is having to say no to people because we don't have the capacity," she says.
"Every day we get inquiries from women, midwives, health visitors, other local authorities, domestic abuse agencies - but we're just a small team and the demand is huge."
The charity has a 4,000-square-foot warehouse, a team of five full-time staff, and a group of regular volunteers who help with flooring, painting, and assembling furniture.
As situations are often urgent, work is usually done in just one day.
Empty homes are form of 'revictimisation'
Jen Cirone, director of services at Solace Women's Aid, one of the charity's partners, says being housed in an empty home and having to start again is a form of "revictimisation".
But she says of the charity: "It's not only the practicalities of having a beautiful space to live in but also demonstrates that others care.
"Together, Furnishing Futures is able to complete the road to recovery that work with Solace has put them on."
Hannah, not her real name, is another of Emily's clients.
She was homeless after leaving her ex-partner and given emergency accommodation a day before she was due to give birth to her first child.
"I felt extremely stressed and vulnerable," she says. "As a victim of domestic violence and heavily pregnant, I already felt alone and unsupported.
"This empty space didn't feel like 'home' and it certainly wasn't suitable for baby."
As a type one diabetic she also had nowhere to store her insulin injections, she adds.
"I ended up staying in hospital for some time due to an emergency C-section and during that time Emily turned my empty, scary space into a home for me and my child."
Emily says that although COVID and the cost-of-living crisis have opened the conversation about poverty and how it affects domestic abuse survivors, the situation is "worse than ever".
"We're not just talking about poverty now, we're talking about destitution," she says.
"People need safe and comfortable homes. You won't be able to recover from trauma, rebuild your life, and be a productive part of society if you don't have your basic needs met."
A Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities spokesperson said: "Domestic abuse survivors deserve a safe home and we are grateful to Furnishing Futures for the work they do to help these families rebuild their lives.
"We expect social housing providers to play their part and provide homes that are of a decent quality, if tenants are unhappy, we encourage them to speak to their landlords.
"Our Social Housing Regulation Act is also driving up standards and strengthened the role of the Ombudsman so that it is easier for tenants to raise complaints."
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
It’s mistlefoe season… we need some spicy Thenamesh holiday content
Sersi smiled at Gil admiring the snow falling with his nose practically pressing his nose to her window. "It's been a while since you've seen it, I suppose."
"Don't know how many years," he murmured as he admired the gentle snowfall beginning to blanket London. "And it definitely wasn't with all the lights and stuff."
Sersi laughed faintly, "it actually is quite lovely. Dane loves the holiday season."
Gil turned away from the window and nodded, slipping his hands into his pockets, "does he have family traditions and stuff?"
"Dane has," Sersi paused smiling faintly, "interesting family lineage. But he does enjoy the usual human things--making cookies, gingerbread houses, themed films."
"Have fun," Gil waved to his sister as she waved to him on her way out. She had left him and Thena her flat while they were visiting, stating that it was no trouble since she stayed with Dane most nights these days anyway.
Dane had made the mistake of asking if they would like to use his flat's guestroom, to which Thena had told him directly that she preferred her own space should they wish to 'exercise physical intimacy'. Dane had gone rather red while Sersi had admonished Thena for deliberately embarrassing for her own amusement.
But having their own space was what they were used to, after all. Gil stepped away from Sersi's window and slowly moved towards her bedroom. Thena had immediately said her goodbye to Sersi and headed right to the bedroom.
She needed to prepare something, she said.
Gil drifted to the door and knocked gently, "you okay, hon? Can I come in?"
Gilgamesh opened the door, ready to jump on the nice big bed and cuddle his wife after a nice day of visiting. He stopped short at the door, his hand dropping off the handle and his jaw opening. "Holy shit."
"It is customary to give gifts," Thena declared completely seriously from her place on the bed, sitting up with her legs curled in front of her and her hair twisted over her shoulder. "But we require nothing."
"Uh," Gil swallowed dryly, eyeing the long legs on the green duvet. "Y-Yeah."
"But when Sersi was in a cosmetics store," Thena continued in her borderline scientific explanation as he practically floated over to her. "They were saying that a man would appreciate most something...physical."
Gil just nodded, eyeing his wife's naked body with a ribbon tied around it. It was a wide, red thing, long and wound around her several times.
"This was what I purchased," she concluded, gesturing to the ribbon, and where it was attempting to bind and support her breasts like a mummy wrapping.
"I love it," Gil murmured completely dumbstruck, crawling onto the bed. "I love you."
Thena finally smiled, leaning forward only slightly to kiss him, letting him clamber over her in the centre of the bed and its many, many pillows. She laughed as they landed backwards, Gilgamesh kissing her loudly and hungrily. "Does this gift satisfy you?"
He pulled away to grin at her, touching the tip of his nose to hers before reaching for the end of the bow under her ribs. "Satisfies me every time, hon."
Thena received more of his kissing, as well as his tongue seeking out hers. "Eager."
"For you?" he grinned at her again, finally undoing the fine, silky ribbon and replacing its touch on her skin with his hands. "For this?--always."
Thena purred as he ran his hands down her waist and to her hips, helping her shimmy out of the remainder of the ribbon until she was completely exposed.
Gil nearly howled as he pulled it away, catching some evidence of her own eagerness sticking to the ribbon. He brought it to his lips, "I should unwrap it properly."
Thena leaned back against their many pillows, her hair tumbling around her as he parted her knees around his shoulder and licked up her thigh. "Gil."
He listened to her sighs become moans as he latched onto her, letting his tongue explore her as if for the first time, and not one of thousands upon thousands. He always liked to explore her body like it was a gift--he was well practised for this 'gifting season'.
"Gil," Thena panted, her back arching and her hips squirming as he pushed his tongue into her. She moved her hips against him as well, but his strength helped him keep her from bucking him away. "Gil, yes!"
He always liked to have a taste of her before the main course. She thought it was ridiculous that he would apply flavour analogies to their lovemaking. But it was his nature, and it was what he loved! And surely using his perfect palette on what he loved most in the world - her - was the best way to utilise it.
"Gil!" Thena arched her back up higher, lifting her hips to meet him more aggressively. "There, right there!"
He repeated exactly what she asked. His Warrior Eternal knew what she desired, and he liked that she took exactly that. He pushed his lips harder against her clit.
He liked it when she cursed, too. They sounded sexier when she did it.
Thena purred, shimmying around on top of the cotton sheets, her thighs trembling as he helped her lie more comfortably, her knees folding passively.
Gil leaned over her, kissing her again. "You good?"
"Hm," she responded in the affirmative. He pulled her into his embrace, letting her feel the weight of his chest against hers. She went to the trouble of rolling her head forward again to look at him. "Satisfied?"
"Very," he chuckled, kissing her again. "And I can't wait for us both to have the finisher."
Thena rolled her eyes at him calling the act of physical intercourse a 'finisher' to a 'tasting menu' again.
He kissed her again instead. He had torn his clothes off while she was recovering from her orgasm, not needing much time to throw them all away and leave him as bare as her.
Thena moaned against his lips, the sound travelling through them both as he pushed into her in the same breath. Her legs made room for him, her foot dragging up the back of his leg. She dragged her hands up his back, digging into the meat of his shoulders briefly before sinking into his hair.
Gil pushed his elbows into some of the many pillows around them to change his angle. Thena whined, changing the angle of her hips as well. "How long?"
"Hm?" she blinked, having had her eyes closed in bliss (which he always considered him doing a good job).
"How long?" he repeated, thrusting into her. He grasped the ribbon that was still stuck under them, pressing it between his thumb and knuckle. "When did you buy this? Were you really carrying it around all day?"
Thena merely nodded, not feeling the need to explain herself. Especially not her plan to seduce him with her naked body using ribbon from a craft store. "Hours."
He buried his face in her neck, nipping and then licking down to the dip of her clavicle. "Maybe it's good you didn't tell me. I'd have taken you into some changing room or something."
Thena grinned like a devil, "again."
Sersi had been so mortified that she had refused to exit the mall at the same time as them lest she be associated by witnesses. Thena had stated that the door was locked, so they were technically not indecent had they not 'called the authorities'.
"It was fun, though," he also smirked as he started moving faster. "Hey, we're on vacation."
"Honeymoon number...?" Thena prompted before letting her head fall back again, her hands linked behind his neck.
"Can't remember," he chuckled, picking up speed again. He bent his legs, helping him lean up so he could grasp her hips and really thrust hard and fast. "I'm thinking of other things--fuck!"
"Yes, almost, almost," she panted and gasped, digging her nails into him again. "Fuck me."
He loved it when she said that. "You comin' with me, sweetheart?"
Thena arched her back all the way off the bad, her toes spreading out and then curling. "Gil!"
She loved it when he called her sweetheart.
Gil followed her swiftly, needing only a few more moves to fall over the edge with her. He leaned over her again, letting their bodies writhe together, all the softness, all the hardness, all parts knocking into each other beautiful and ungracefully. "Fuck!"
Thena was happy to grind their hips together as they both rode out their highs. She undulated around him lazily, her hands drifting over him as she luxuriated in the sheer warmth of him.
He panted into the side of her cheek, her hair pillowing his head. He lifted his head to kiss under her jaw, "you good?"
Then he had accomplished his mission. He nuzzled her again before leaning up. Thena wasn't going to bother moving at all unless he moved her himself.
She did whine faintly as he pulled away from her, bringing her legs together as he slipped out of her. "And where are you going?"
"We're not at home, Thena," he chuckled, retrieving a towel to dab at her sheening skin.
"And?" she sighed with a smile, letting him run it over her skin the way a cat would allow itself to be petted.
"And I'll make us something to eat too," he promised as a reward for enduring the bore that was aftercare. He wrapped her up in the duvet and pulled her up into his arms. "Sersi stocked the kitchen for me. I should make use of it, shouldn't I?"
"Very well," she sighed, letting him carry her with him for sustenance. "Shall we be returning after our meal break, then?"
If she wanted to, they could go all night. He kissed her forehead, "the gift that keeps on giving, right?"
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kitclock · 1 year
Interview with Christi Haydon-Wilson - 10/26/14 (source)
Early Work With Ron and Russell Mael
Monte: How did you come to work with Sparks?
Christi: I was working in Bullock’s Department Store in Los Angeles, which is no longer in existence. This was 1986. I was working at the Estee Lauder cosmetics counter. The other girls who worked at the cosmetics counter would always ask me, “have you noticed that the singer from Sparks is always coming in here?” I knew who he was, but I never saw him!
One day I came back to work after a day off and one of the girls said, “oh my god, the singer from Sparks left a package for you.” It was a 45 record, Music That You Can Dance To, and Russell just said, “I really like your looks. Please give me a call.” I gave him a call, and we ended up on the phone for two hours, we hit it off really well. He and Ron were looking for a female singer, or perhaps a girl group to produce, and we started working on music together with them writing for me, and it turned into a really long friendship with the guys. We’re still really good friends now.
Monte: I was going to ask whether you still stayed in touch with them…
Christi: I do. When I gave birth to my daughter there were only three people that we invited to the hospital and they were two of them. They were also at Autry’s first birthday party, her fourth birthday party…they’re two of the nicest guys I've ever met.
Monte: That’s what a lot of the people I've talked to say. Not all, but the majority.
Christi: They mainly want to be known for their music, and the stories that go with the music. The stories I have about time with them aren't at all embarrassing, they’re really charming. But a big part of our (friendship) is mutual trust. They know I won’t be telling embarrassing stories about them. They really just want to be known for their music.
Monte: It must have been a productive period. Katherine Hepburn – what a great song! Did you have higher hopes for that? Were there additional recordings made that they produced?
Christi: Yeah, we did some recordings and we shopped it around. I got in the door with Simon Fuller, who manages Annie Lennox among other cool people. I got in the room with some really cool record labels in England. As a matter of fact the first trip to England I took by myself, Ron and Russell paid for me to go. I remember literally Russell typed out a sheet of paper for me and said, “these are all your meetings! You’ll do great!” So now the Mael brothers shipped me off to London to start meeting with record labels.
It’s unfortunate (though), it was kind of a “lose-lose” situation because what happened was, doors were opening obviously, because people knew that Sparks produced me, but if Sparks had written for me like they wrote for themselves, there was no way I was going to get a record deal. I mean THEY have had times when it was hard to get a record deal, because they are just so ahead of their time. So people would hear what they had written for me and it actually sounded fairly commercial. It was still interesting, had a lot of musical integrity, but way more palatable than anything they would do for themselves. And people hear that, and I know it was a disappointment to them. The feedback we would keep getting was, “it’s too commercial.” So what does that mean? Too radio-friendly? Too hit-like?
It was too commercial for Sparks, but I wasn't supposed to be Sparks. But if it wasn't avant-garde like Sparks are supposed to be, there’s no way people were going to go for it.
Monte: When you performed as a member of Sparks, you were playing percussion, along with the electronic pre-recorded music on stage. How did that work? Did you have any freedom with your parts?
Christi: I had no freedom! It was pretty stressful. Sparks’ songs are very precise, and not a lot of room for improvisation. They know what they want to have happen.
So, the States, you had to have a musician on stage to represent every instrument. The nice thing about England (at that time), I guess because of the dance music craze at the time, it seemed like as long as you were honest about it, if some of your stuff was coming off the computer, that was fine. As long as the audience could see that, it wasn't communicated as bogus. So we had a fourth member on stage, and that was the computer.
I covered a lot of percussion, but there was no way I could cover all of it.
We did MTV Most Wanted live, and we did six or seven songs, and all these faxes were coming in while we were performing. We’d take breaks during commercials, and they would come and read some of the faxes to us. For every fax where they mentioned me and said something great, there would be that fax that said, you know, “where’s Dinky Diamond?”
I don’t have a problem with that. I totally get that. It’s either going to be their thing, or they’ll accept it or they won’t accept it. I mean, I was a chick in a ballroom gown, and I was covering percussive parts but I wasn't covering every drum part. I didn't have a kick drum, I wasn't doing big-ass drum solos.
Monte: Did you have formal training as a percussionist?
Christi: I was literally groomed to play the parts. They were producing me as a singer. The thing I love about them is that they just have these cool ideas and try to make them happen. I had always wanted to learn to play the drums. I’m a rhythmic person and I just thought, what a cool thing to be able to do so I jumped all over it.
I did have training. I was trained by a really great drum coach in Los Angeles. A lot of money was spent on getting me those lessons. They wanted me to be good. They hadn't performed in a long time, so this was a pretty big deal – who is in the band? What do they look like? So there was a lot of pressure.
It was a funny way to be trained. I literally knew their stuff. That was my training.
Monte: You were trained on the spot.
Christi: My drum instructor had never heard of Sparks before. He had no idea who they were. He’d look at me sometimes and it was like, “how am I going to teach you to play this stuff?”
Monte: So it wasn't a matter of learning the rudiments of drumming and moving on from there, it was more a matter of, “here’s the song; what do I do?”
Christi: Yeah. It was tricky because I was only using my hands. I didn't have the luxury of four limbs covering a bunch of beats; it was two limbs covering a lot of beats – a lot of unusual beats.
One of the hardest songs for me to learn was At Home, At Work, At Play. Just listening to that song is a little bit challenging! It’s a wonderful song, but there’s a lot going on.
Monte: What were others that were a challenge?
Christi: Number One Song In Heaven and Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth (which they performed as a medley) were challenging, at least how we performed them live. They were extremely repetitive and I’m pretty sure they lasted 12 minutes. My wrists were almost killing me and we had only gotten one song into the show!
Monte: So you enjoyed being in Sparks, but you ended up going in a different direction.
Christi: The main thing that puts the brakes on was deciding I wanted to have a child. It didn't take a lot of thought. I always wanted to have at least one child. It seemed like it was the right time. I fell in love and got married.
They would have continued having me in the band. We weren't even working on stuff for me at that point, it was more about me being in Sparks. We had taken a break from demo stuff with me and it was all about recording Gratuitous Sax and Senseless Violins (1994). They had a gold record in Germany so we were supporting the record. We were taking a break for the holidays, it was Christmas 1995, and I got married on December 2nd, 1995. I realized it was just hard for me to get excited about (Sparks stuff). It had nothing to do with the guys at all. It wasn't an easy decision but it was the right decision. Sometimes doing the right thing isn't easy.
I couldn't get a record deal, but I could get pregnant!
Monte: Well, it was only a short time that you toured with them, but you won a lot of people over. People seem to have a soft spot in their heart for you.
Christi: Why do you think that is the case?
Monte: They hadn't toured for a while, and they came up with this very new presentation without a band, and they had a new vision and you were a big part of it. You helped make that happen. You were musically making a lot of great contributions. You had a very striking appearance, and then you had a great song. They performed Katherine Hepburn on their last tour.
Christi: It was a great song. I think all that translated – a lot of people had a built-up romance, especially in Germany, where both of our videos (from Gratuitous Sax) were shown there – When I Kiss You (I Hear Charlie Parker Playing) and When Do I Get To Sing My Way. Both of them have a running theme where Ron is getting left out – Russell is getting the girl and I’m the girl. People had a lot of fun with that, I think, wondering “oh is there something going on with these three?” and also, because I felt so grateful and joyful to be part of Sparks, I think that translated. That can be contagious, when you know someone is enjoying their job.
Monte: The My Way video is my favorite Sparks video. It’s so well done – maybe that’s another reason people have that soft spot in their heart.
Christi: I love that video too. Sophie Muller is an amazing director – she’s so good, a hoot to work with. I remember that little boy in the video – he hated my kissing on him! At one point I said to him, “listen kid, someday you’re going to think you’re the luckiest guy on the planet!” But he was like, ahh, a woman kissing on me!
Mai The Psychic Girl
Monte: I believe you were involved in the Mai the Psychic Girl project (this was Ron and Russell’s film adaptation of the eponymous Japanese anime comic which never came to fruition – despite years of effort by Ron and Russell).
Christi: I was Mai The Psychic Girl (for the demos). We’re talking two hours of music. That movie was going to be wall-to-wall sound. It was literally going to be all music and spoken dialogue with music, and breaking into song as well. It went through a lot of incarnations. A lot of big directors were attached but it just never saw the light of day. We had Francis Ford Coppola, we had Tim Burton…
Monte: I never knew about Coppola.
Christi: We never met with Coppola, but the higher-ups at Zoetrope were the ones meeting with us and speaking on his behalf. The intent was for Francis to direct, but they were saying that even if he didn't direct, it would still be with (Coppola's studio) Zoetrope, and they would help get a director attached.
Then there was Darrell Roodt, the South African director who directed Saraphina!, he was very interested in directing. That one (also) fell through.
Monte: Do you think it will ever see the light of day? It seems like they are still interested in it.
Christi: I could see it happening. I’d be kind of shocked if it happened, but we all cared about that project so passionately that there will always be a push there, I think. Even now, if you heard the music, there’s no way it sounds dated. It is so unique. It’s crazy, I’m not sure they still have the rights to that comic book. Larry (Wilson, husband and oft-time collaborator with Tim Burton) put 10 grand up every couple years, to keep the rights to that comic book. He finally let it go.
But you know what’s interesting on the demos, Jane Wiedlin is on them, and Lance Loud – he’s so funny. A good friend of ours. He was an amazing guy. A great writer and a great musician. He was with The Mumps…a real character and a lot of fun to be around. Everything his character was supposed to say – he was playing a snot-nosed German kid – and everything coming out of his mouth was hysterical.
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harryfeatgaga · 4 months
I feel like I'm violating the intimacy of our relationship but I'll give you guy the tea. Harry is wild experimental but tender lover. I rarely ask for anything because literally every need I have is met. Clothes, shoes, Pleasing and Penhaligon's fragrance collection check. Top of the line skincare and cosmetics and toiletries check, vacations, homes and cars. All of it. Plus he's is there to laugh and cry with me and go on walks. He does this adorable thing where he stores my voicemals and little voice notes and walks around London listening to them with his ear buds. He recently bought me a King Charles Spaniel we named Darcy Anne. Gemma always brings her little nugget over and wants to know when she's gonna be an auntie. I told her maybe after he gives birth to his fourth which we affectionately call HS4. She's gonna be gorgeous BTW. We recently went through a rough patch you may have seen him walking around with her but even though he never publicly admitted it we all saw the pics.nThe last time it happened he bought me a $300k sports car the day after it ended so I mean at least I got something out of it. At night we cuddle and giggle and laugh as we fall asleep. So that's how everything goes here in the Styles household. Hope you enjoyed this little look bts
To all you young girls thirsting after my hubs I get it I really do. I never thought this could happen to me but here I am killing it. And the reason for the cheating was I literally could not give that man enough sex. He had to quit his damn job so he could pound into me 24/7. Jesus he's insatiable. Like his doctors asked if he just walked around with a hard-on 24/7 and he said yeah if I think about her, touch her, hear her voice literally anything and everything she does gets me going. But things are better and we're going strong again. God I love this man. Welp thats it for now have a good day kids.
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A box for storing cosmetics belonging to Mrs. Toto, the wife of the writer, Annie. Made of wood, and it was found in western Thebes. The box contains the wife’s cosmetics, including a mirror, kohl tools, and her sandal. On display at the British Museum in London source https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid03BgZsLwuZMXfovBKTDMJmUL3ZPgXmz8cbmdre4nqrUmjBAcZdj78tjTCPqYY5163l&id=100078626975407&mibextid=Nif5oz صندوق لحفظ أدوات التجميل خاص بالسيدة "توتو" زوجة الكاتب "اني" مصنوع من الخشب ، وتم العثور عليه بغرب طيبة ، الصندوق يحتوي على ادوات الزينة الخاصة بالزوجة من مرٱة وادوات التكحيل والصندل الخاص بها يعرض في المتحف البريطاني في لندن #platedaccessories #silver925 #necklace #earrings #bracelets #bangles #online_shopping #jewellery #jewels #jewel #shopping #fashion #trendy #accessories #beautiful #style #fashionista #accessory #stylish #fashionjewelry (at British Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpK666hs1-9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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camillia-station · 19 days
The Eden Perfumes Masterpost
I get asked frequently where I buy cruelty free and vegan perfumes. If you aren't aware, the majority, if not all, of the luxury fragrance brands test on animals. Though vivisection is technically banned in many countries, many still haven't banned it, or even require it by law. Therefore cosmetics companies that still trade in countries where it is required by law are not considered cruelty free.
My main is Eden Perfumes. As far as I know they only ship within the UK due to shipping laws, sadly. They have a few shops, two in Brighton and one on Portobello Road in Notting Hill. I'm a filthy Northerner so have only had the chance to visit the Notting Hill shop when I was in London doing Suede stuff, but the staff were impeccably friendly and helpful! They specialise in dupes of all the fragrances we know and love, but without the suffering of all those poor animals and without the hefty price tag. I know many dupes lack the silage and longevity of the originals but, trust me when I say, these are wonderful, especially for the price. You see, the formulations are similar if not the same with the exceptions of a few which contain animal derivitives (musk and honey notes come to mind), and when you buy, say for example, Miss Dior, you're more paying for the Dior name than you are the formula. Eden's fragrances on the other hand range from around £18 to £25 for a 30ml bottle, and they come in 30, 50 or 100ml. Their bottles are reusable too, simply pop into their shop or send them their bottles back to be refilled. I usually get sample boxes of 5 10ml bottles for around £39. The only one I have a full size of is my absolute holy grail which you'll see below, but I'm likely to get a few more once the samples run out (the sample of that one got confiscated at a gig. Boo.)
So, below the cut is my current collection, mostly 10ml samples, which is fast growing, as well as my wishlist! For reference I mostly gravitate towards very sweet gourmands with musky notes.
Mainly for my own reference. I usually treat myself to a set of five samples when I've accomplished something or other.
No.43: My Hypnotic Poison : Dior Hypnotic Poison
Picked this rec up today when looking for fragrances that a vampire would wear. Most of the recs were more classic, so this being a sweet vanilla gourmand really intregued me.
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No. 666: Devi's Share : Angel's Share by kilian
Unsure about the powdery note in this, but whenever I've sampled a kilian fragrance in store or, see below, gotten the Eden dupes, I've been absolutely in love. It's sweet with vanilla though, and I'd love to give it a try for that alone! It's unisex too and my choices usually lean either entirely unisex or very hyper feminine.
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No. 568: The Lost Cherry : Tom Ford Lost Cherry
I was in Eighth Day (very well established vegetarian co-op shop in Manchester, I believe one of the first of its kind when it opened in the 70s) last time I was there and they had a bunch of Eden samples. Tried this one out, it reminded me so much of Cursed Fragrance's Pretty As Poison only without the boozy note. The almond is very strong. Cursed were likely inspired by the Tom Ford one (it's often said cyanide smells like almonds, so the name Pretty as Poison adds up!). And whilst I adore Cursed, their full size bottles are way out of my price range. This would make a great affordable alternative.
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No. 608 : Julie's Gun Not A Fragrance : Juliette Has A Gun Not A Perfume.
Now, THIS is interesting. Supposedly this is really subtle and smells like your natural body scent but better, is the impression I get from reviews. I want this one to satisfy my curiosity more than anything.
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No.280 : Vegan Tuscan Leather : Tom Ford Tuscan Leather
Not my usual fragrance profile, but I've heard a lot of people swear down that this smells like c0caine. That's a bold statement, I reckon. Anyway, it leans more masculine, and I'd like to start exploring more masculine fragrances aside from the ancient bottle of CK One I got when I was 15. It apparently smells better on women. I present fairly feminine so I always get a kick out of a more masculine fragrance. The animalic note is very appealing to me, too. More on that later when we get to my all time holy grail perfume.
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No. 527: Funking Fabulous : Tom Ford Fucking Fabulous
Another one I only popped on my list today actually, after once again looking for vampiric perfumes and someone said Lestat being a dramatic bitch would absolutely wear this, lol. Again vanilla, almond, sweet and animalic notes sound heavenly but I'm not sure about the aromatic or powdery.
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Okay, now to my favourite part, my current small but growing collection and reccomendations! Starting with my favourites and heading downwards towards the ones I still love but not quite as much as the others, they can't all be favourites.
No. 574 : Don't Be Shy Love : Love, Don't Be Shy by kilian
My absolute, complete, all time, holy grail, BURY ME WEARING THIS, favourite perfume. It hits you with an animalic, musky sexiness right off the bat. It's quite flirty but in an assertive way. It's almost a little dirty. It can sometimes straight up smell like sex, but lovely, fun sex. I was expecting something sickly sweet and it may be that to some, but to me, it just makes me feel so sexy and powerful. Not to be worn to work. I work from home, but I still reserve this one for weekends and especially for gigs or going out. When I'm able to get down the gym, I love spraying this after my shower as I leave and deliberately walking past all the lads with their girlfriends on the free weights. I always get such a cheeky kick out of it. Apparently Rihanna wears this one. I personally don't smell the powdery notes, which I'm usually not partial to. To me, this is perfection. I can't wear it too often because I'm scared I'll go noseblind to it, but that doesn't stop me slathering it on. I had it on when I went out last week and when I gave a few people a whiff of it on my wrist they couldn't stop sniffing it. It just reacts so well to my body chemistry. It's a magnet for both men and women. Absolute perfection, to me.
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No.582 : Black Is Back : Back To Black by kilian
This is like Love's big sister. I like mixing the two. It has similar vibes, but it's more mature. It makes me think of a wine bar rather than a house party. It's almost gothic, but warm and cosy and inviting rather than cold and icy. It's a little dry, which is why I like to mix it with Love especially, but it's another favourite to wear to gigs and to just feel powerful. I assume the name is from the Amy Winehouse song and it's something I can definitely imagine Amy wearing. Where Love is flirty in a "fancy coming back to my hotel?" way, Black is straight assertive. It's an "on your knees, boy". It's unisex too, but I think skews more feminine.
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No. 664: My Midnight Poison : Dior Midnight Poison
The original Dior fragrance was discontinued, but Eden's got you. This is a gorgeously addictive patchouli fragrance, giving some 80s goth vibes, especially combined with the rose. This smells the way I imagine an early 80s goth club in Leeds (pre-Batcave) without all the cigarettes and snakebite and black. It's heavier on the floral to my nose compared to my other favourites, and there's a definite earthiness that evokes something distinctly witchy. If some perfumes are vampiric, this is most definitely witchy.
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No.46 : Purple Aliens : Mugler Alien
Alien is an absolute staple and is almost a cliche, but absolutely for all the right reasons. There aren't many notes to it, so it's simplicty is what makes Alien so sublime to me. It's my go-to rainy day fragrance and living in England we get plenty of them! It does remind me a little of a So...EDT I got for Christmas when I was like 12 but I think that says more for how nice that EDT was! I think it's one you can't go wrong with, it mixes with everyone's body chemistry so well.
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No. 470 : Tobacco Vanilla Spices : Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille.
Reportedly favoured by Harry Styles. Good, strong masculine fragrance, this is a favourite when I'm working, it makes me feel very capable. The spiciness comes through above all, I think. I don't really get the fruity or sweetness. It smells like Christmas.
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No. 552 : Portrait Of A Woman : Frederic Malle Portrait Of A Lady
First got a whiff of this one on a friend actually, the original at least, and it stopped me in my tracks and HAD to ask him what it was. I've never had to do that before. I think this actually smells best on men, and It's one I spray on my cuddle pillow often cos...I can imagine this being the sort of thing Neil from Suede would wear honestly. It's how he smells in my head. That's embarrassing. It's another that comes up frequently in threads about vampiric fragrances. I don't wear it myself too much as it's quite classic, though still modern. I think it suits over 40's best, and I'm only mid twenties, so I can't pull it off all that well. Also I went to a gig recently and this woman who is my sworn enemy was wearing it (because the silage is absolutely HUGE) and it genuinely made me angry, lol. Kind of ruined the whole spraying it on my pillow thing. The rose notes are strongest in this, I think, and the dupe is completely identical, though the longevity suffers on my skin, but not on my pillow oddly.
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No. 002: Angel : Mugler Angel
Another classic. This to me smells just pure 1990s. I don't get the gourmand-ness, but I can imagine at the time this came out in 1992 very little smelled like it. It's for some reason my go-to to spray after a shower if I'm a little drunk (I usually slap on a cheap Superdrug fragrance after a shower) and my mum always spends all night complimenting it. The sweetness is almost chemical but in a very fun way. It, for some reason, makes me think of a 90s supermodel. I think it's as it's more fruity than anything, I can't get the other gourmand notes off it. I don't get any chocolate or caramel from it. The patchouli is pretty strong too and compliments the sweetness surprisingly well.
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No.540 : Blanc De Soleil : Tom Ford Soleil Blanc
Oh, Tuberose!!! That's what I mainly get from this, but aside from that, it does smell rather like expensive suntan lotion. I got a sample due to my need for a summery fragrance because all mine are very wintery? If that makes sense. Honestly, I love this, but it doesn't compliment my vibes very well so I don't wear it out and if I do I mix it with either Love, or my Sol De Janeiro Cheriosa 62 mist. It's very nice, but a bit clinical and sexless.
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batchmastererp · 1 month
How Cosmetics ERP Software Can Transform Your Business 
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Imagine walking down Oxford Street, surrounded by a myriad of cosmetic stores, each trying to capture the attention of beauty enthusiasts. In the heart of the UK's bustling retail scene, where trends shift as quickly as the London weather, the cosmetics industry faces unique challenges like complying with stringent national and international regulations, managing the complex supply chains, and more.  
Enter Cosmetics ERP software – a transformative solution designed to navigate these complexities.  Let’s explore how adopting an ERP software in UK and Europe can give your business the competitive edge it needs in the vibrant and ever-evolving UK beauty market. 
New product development- A cosmetic ERP facilitates New Product Development. It manages entire lifecycle of a new product by:  
Gathering requirements 
Conducting R & D 
Creating lab batch for sample production 
Procuring necessary raw materials 
Performing cost and profit analysis 
 Better Inventory management- Get real time inventory visibility and control over the inventory across the supply chain as the software: 
Handles multiple warehouse and bins 
Allows inventory classification 
Updates inventory cost and quantity after every action  
Helps in inter-location moves and transfers 
Allows cycle and physical count 
Manages expiration date and shelf life 
Compliance Adherence- Compliance adherence is a nightmare for many cosmetic companies as it involves various complex guidelines. Cosmetics ERP comes to a rescue for such manufacturers. ERP software like BatchMaster ERP, follows various regulatory compliances like EMA, BRC, IFRA, GHS etc., and follows cGMP norms.  
Formulation - Formula is lifeline of process industry. The formulation module of Cosmetic ERP helps manufacturers to:  
Develop new formula according to the market trends   
Store, manage, control, secure formulas  
Control versions, size and resize formulas automatically 
Substitute materials 
Compare various formulas side-by-side 
Calculate by-product and co-product 
Analyse yield  
Procurement- Procuring raw material at the right time, in right quantity and quality is necessary for cosmetic manufacturers. Excess raw materials can increase inventory cost and lead to wastage whereas dearth of raw material can result in missed opportunity. ERP for cosmetics strikes a perfect balance with various features like MPS, MRP, Automated replenishment, Economic order quantity. These features not only procure adequate raw materials but also save cost.     
Quality Check- Cosmetic ERP system can help in applying QC at every stage of supply chain. Hence from procurement to production to packing/picking and to delivery, every stage can ensure that materials travelling in the supply chain meet quality standards. This surety enhances consumer’s’ trust over the brand and increases their affinity towards it.   
Production- Changing consumer demands, various size specification, and adhering to regulatory norms increase complexity of cosmetic production. With cosmetic manufacturing ERP software at their side, production comes easy to cosmetic manufacturers. ERP software for cosmetics:  
Allows full and partial closing of batch for immediate shipment of urgent orders 
Sizes and resizes batches basis available materials 
Identifies critical materials 
Order management- The order management with a ERP solution becomes a cakewalk for manufacturers because the software:  
Creates orders quickly 
Maintains prospects/customer/sales-person information 
Handles returns efficiently 
Makes sales kit by bundling various products 
Generates invoices, pick list, packing slips, bill of lading 
  Costing- There are multiple factors at play while calculating the costing of a product. Without a cosmetics ERP software, calculating a cost is very challenging. The software makes the task easier by:  
Helping to calculate material cost, overhead costs, labor, loss and more by precisely monitoring all product cost factors  
Allowing to perform what-if analysis 
Analysing expected vs actual costs 
Helping to calculate cost basis last, standard, average or market price 
Helping to identify market viable yet profitable cost of a product 
A ERP for personal care and cosmetics is an essential tool for any cosmetic manufacturer to take the business to the next level. But not all ERPs can help. Only a few with adequate industry specific functionalities and experience, like BatchMaster cosmetic ERP, can really be a game changer for your industry.  
So, if you are a cosmetic manufacturer and looking for an cloud based ERP Software in UK, mail us on [email protected] to know how BatchMaster can be a partner in your growth.  
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anoyms · 2 months
An Elegant and Practical Solution for Storing and Presenting Organic Kajal: Brass Kajal Dani
Introduction to Brass Kajal Dani:-
A beautiful combination of history and practicality, the Brass Kajal Dani goes by more names than just that. This elegant brass storage box is perfect for storing organic kajal and will keep your kajal in pristine condition for a long time to come. You may take advantage of this lovely and functional item wherever you are thanks to our global service offerings, which include locations in the United States, Canada, and London.
Features of Brass Kajal Dani:-
Brass Kajal Dani is unlike anything other on the market because of its creative design and practical, visually appealing characteristics. First and foremost, the kajal storage box's classic and timeless appeal is given by the material itself brass. Because of the metal's reputation for durability and longevity, your Brass Kajal Dani will last you a very long time. It is a work of art in and of itself due to the elaborate patterns that are frequently carved or impressed onto the box. Plus, the Brass Kajal Dani is small and lightweight, so it won't take up much room in your purse or luggage. Despite its small size, it offers sufficient room to accommodate a substantial quantity of organic kajal.
How Brass Kajal Dani can help you:-
Keeping your kajal in pristine condition is one of the main advantages of utilizing a Brass Kajal Dani. Because it is not a reactive metal, brass will not react with the kajal's organic ingredients. In the long run, this helps the kajal stay fresh and effective. Further defense against bacterial contamination is provided by the natural antibacterial properties of brass.
Another way to keep the old-fashioned feel of kajal application alive is to use a metal storage box. Because of their inherent cooling capabilities, brass pots have long been utilized in various civilizations as containers for cosmetics. In keeping with this long-standing practice, the Brass Kajal Dani keeps your kajal cold and calming for your eyes.
The attractive addition of a Brass Kajal Dani to your vanity set is also another major perk. More than just a storage box, it becomes a statement piece with its elaborate design and vintage appeal. If you want your makeup collection to seem more put-together and advanced, this is a great way to do it.
Also, a Brass Kajal Dani is an investment that will last a long time because brass is durable. Keep your kajal in perfect condition for as long as possible because to brass's inherent durability, in contrast to artificial materials like plastic.
Lastly, the Brass Kajal Dani doesn't harm the environment. You may help the environment and cut down on plastic waste by switching to a brass storage box instead of plastic ones. If you're concerned about your impact on the environment, the Brass Kajal Dani is a good option because this simple adjustment can make a big difference.
Ideal for any occasion and a great present:-
Impressively adaptable is the Brass Kajal Dani. Its principal purpose is as a container for organic kajal, but it has many other potential uses, such as storing various miniature cosmetics or even jewelry. Its small stature and sophisticated style make it an indispensable part of many parts of your everyday life.
The Brass Kajal Dani is also an excellent present, particularly for women in your life. It would be the perfect present for any occasion thanks to its classic style and functional features, such as birthdays and anniversaries. An expression of taste and heritage, the Brass Kajal Dani is sure to be treasured and appreciated much more than its monetary value.
 Worldwide availability:-
Our Brass Kajal Dani is something we're pleased to provide to clients all across the world. Whether you're in the USA, Canada, or London, this classic brass storage box is here to serve you well. With our reliable international shipping services, your Brass Kajal Dani will arrive in excellent condition, ready for use or as a thoughtful present.
To sum up, the Brass Kajal Dani combines history, style, and functionality into one exquisite container. Its many practical purposes and attractive design make it a must-have accessory for style-conscious individuals. The Brass Kajal Dani is an enduring accessory that will elevate your beauty schedule, whether you're using it yourself or buying it as a present for someone special. -An gorgeous brass storage box, available worldwide, is at your doorstep, prepared to provide history and elegance.
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semixfenz · 2 months
Managing Wedding Dress Stains Knowing When to Seek Professional Help
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In the case of an exigency wardrobe malfunction on your marriage day, an at- home treatment may be your only critical result. Still, it's critical to fete factors in which trying to remove a stain on your own could worsen the problem. However, it's stylish to seek expert cleaning services, If the defiled spot reaches one inch in size. Likewise, if your marriage gown has complex detailing or fragile fabrics like lattice or mesh, trying DIY stain junking is a serious threat.
B X Dry Cleaner guarantees that any remaining stains or damages are completely treated, keeping the perfect appearance of your favorite garment. Professional marriage dress washing and preservation give colorful benefits, including guarding one of a bridegroom's most important and memorable recollections.
Despite their emotional worth and significant expenditure, marriage gowns constantly face harsh treatment on the big day. Whether it's the hemline dragging over different shells or an unanticipated champagne slip, the gown might defy colorful problems, some of which act disasters. This highlights the necessity of matrimonial gown conservation and professed washing services.
When Professional Cleaning Services Are Necessary for Wedding Dress Stains
● Avoid sew Fraying
Marriage gowns contain multiple small aches that are precisely made to the bridegroom's exact specifications. They constantly have complex decorations like as sequins, lace, jewels, and lists, all attached with numerous bitsy aches. Some of these aches degrade more snappily than others. Professional Wedding Dress Cleaning Harrow procedures help thread fraying, keeping seams stable and cosmetic details complete.
● Saves time and relieves stress
Planning the ideal marriage is no easy task, and the fate may last for months. From the extended honeymoon to returning to work and social conditioning, time is generally limited. Unfortunately, in the middle of these scores, numerous women forget about maintaining and storing their marriage dresses. Seeking professional help is explosively recommended. Professional Wedding Dress Cleaning St Albans services are especially useful after a marriage when the party has left a mess. By leaving your gown to pros, you may save time and energy while assuring its life.
● precluding yellowing and Fading with Treatment
Your marriage gown is sensitive to environmental variables, so cover it from humidity, dust, and direct sun exposure. Exposure to sun or rain can beget fabric colors to run or fade, while extended exposure to light, dust, and humidity can precipitously deteriorate indeed the most luxuriant accoutrements used in marriage gowns. Dry Cleaner Watford entails treating the fabric with a technical result to help yellowing and fading over time.
Summing Up!
The bridegroom's dress is the most important part of the marriage day. Unfortunately, extended storehouse causes garments to lose their form and luster. Still, this is averted with Professional Wedding Dress Cleaning London. To save fresh difficulty, shoot your apparel to a professional preservation service. Rain, slush, and sun may fluently damage clothes, so it's critical to cover them from the rainfall. Use a preservation treatment to cover your fabric from yellowing or fading over time. B X Dry Cleaner Pay specific attention to the hemline of the dress, which is especially vulnerable to damage after the fests.
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teamcelebsta · 4 months
Jo Horgan: Pioneering Beauty Empowerment with Mecca Brands
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In the world of cosmetics, Jo Horgan stands as a beacon of inspiration and innovation. As the founder and CEO of Mecca Brands, her journey embodies the essence of entrepreneurship, resilience, and empowerment. From her early days in London to the establishment of Mecca Brands in Melbourne, Jo's trajectory has been marked by determination and vision.
With a passion for cosmetics ignited during her tenure at L'Oreal, she ventured into the entrepreneurial realm in 1997, laying the foundation for what would become one of Australia's most successful beauty empires. Jo's commitment to empowering women extends far beyond the realm of beauty.
Through Mecca Brands, she has not only redefined the standards of the cosmetics industry but has also championed causes close to her heart. From philanthropic endeavors supporting women's and children's welfare to her advocacy for ending poverty, Jo's impact transcends business boundaries.
Under her leadership, Mecca Brands has flourished into a global phenomenon, with a presence that resonates across continents. With over 25,000 employees and a network of 98 stores in Australia alone, Jo's entrepreneurial spirit continues to drive Mecca's expansion and success.
In an industry often defined by trends and fleeting fads, Jo Horgan's legacy stands as a testament to the enduring power of passion, purpose, and perseverance. Through Mecca Brands, she not only beautifies but empowers, leaving an indelible mark on the world of beauty and beyond.
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guerrerense · 5 months
KWVR Haworth West Yorkshire 26th September 1976
KWVR Haworth West Yorkshire 26th September 1976 por loose_grip_99 Por Flickr: Three more from the LNER Society rail tour from London St Pancras to Keighley for a visit to the KWVR. Immaculate in BR green livery on shed at Haworth is Waggon und Maschinenbau diesel Railbus 79962. Purchased by the KWVR in 1966 it ran regularly into the 1990s. Following withdrawal it languished in store until 2014 when it was purchased by the Vintage Carriage Trust. It has been cosmetically restored.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National No Makeup Day
National No Makeup Day is observed every year on April 26 by women all over the world. Women are encouraged to go bare-faced for one day to appreciate their natural beauty. The event appears to have begun in 2017, when the hashtag “No Makeup” became popular on social media, though its true origins are unknown.
Celebrities such as Cindy Crawford, Lady Gaga, and Alicia Keys have all endorsed the no-makeup trend, with the latter stating that she “doesn’t want to hide anymore” and has been makeup-free since 2016. Makeup means different things for different people. Some people use it to hide their fears, express themselves, or simply feel more put-together and confident in public.
Not wearing makeup means different things to different people. Makeup may help us conceal our flaws, express our personalities, or just make us feel more put-together and confident while we’re out and about. These are all excellent reasons to wear makeup, and we applaud them! On National No Makeup Day, all women are encouraged to go bare-faced for 24 hours in order to express and liberate their natural beauty. For many of us, going makeup-free might be intimidating, so we’ve compiled a list of tips and methods to help you feel more at ease in your own skin.
This one-of-a-kind day was discovered on April 25, 2015, and it became a social media sensation in 2017. Over 13 million Instagram posts have used the hashtag #NoMakeup, with many of them coming from influencers and celebrities with thousands of impressionable followers. However, when they use these bare-faced photos as a comparison tool, the flaws in this trend become clear. Despite not wearing makeup, many of these influential figures have micro-bladed eyebrows, eyelash extensions, and fillers in their cheeks, lips, jaw, and other areas.
This creates a social divide because people who can look this amazing without makeup have the time and money to devote to expensive skincare routines and invisible beauty treatments, which are not available to everyone. We could argue that the “no-makeup makeup” trend is equally damaging to our self-esteem as concealing our flaws with cosmetics: neither allows us to enjoy our skin. One of the central ideas behind the No Makeup Day movement is that it demonstrates ‘real’ beauty, though for some people, this is easier to achieve with makeup than without. Embrace the version of yourself that makes you feel the most free, whether or not you’re wearing makeup.
Beauty Is Pain
The pale, sun-untouched complexion is all the rage among 15th-century women and if a lady isn’t born with a porcelain complexion, she’ll do anything, including use leeches for blood-letting.
First Industrial Deodorants
The first industrial deodorants and Colgate’s tube toothpaste are introduced to the ‌public.
Original Greasepaint Formula
Max Factor, a London-based cosmetics company that still exists today, takes on the original greasepaint formula and creates a semi-liquid version that can be stored in jars.
Mascara From Petroleum Jelly
Cosmetics brand Maybelline makes her first appearance with a petroleum jelly and coal dust mascara created by Thomas Williams for his sister Maybel.
What is the benefit of No Makeup Day?
A makeup-free day is good for skin health, according to Skin Therapist, since it allows the skin to readjust.
What is the No Makeup movement?
No Makeup Day is a global campaign led by women all over the world to effect positive change in the beauty business.
What is considered No Makeup Day?
It simply implies that you can walk outside without wearing makeup for a whole day.
A fun method to show off your personality: People can tell your personality not only by your makeup but also by your no-makeup look! Take a day off from your makeup look and go all-natural to celebrate National No Makeup Day.
Go take a selfie: It's a rare day when you don't wear make-up outside, so show off your confidence by snapping a photo! Make the rest of the world aware of your natural beauty!
Share it on social media: Instagram and YouTube are brimming with instructional videos that offer tips and tricks for improving your beauty routine. Why not share one of your own, tagging No Makeup Day and using the hashtag #NationalNoMakeupDay?
Makeup used to be against the law: "Lex Oppia" was Roman legislation that prohibited not only a woman's money but also her displays of luxury, such as expensive cosmetics and scents imported from places like China and Germany.
Neon nail polish is illegal: Because the F.D.A. has not formally certified neon colors, true neon nail paint is illegal in the United States.
Lipsticks were made from crushed jewels: According to legend, semi-precious stones were crushed and used to adorn the lips of ancient Mesopotamian ladies.
Golden skin was unintentional: Coco Chanel, a fashion designer, got a sunburn while visiting the French Riviera; by the time she returned home, the sunburn had faded into a tan.
Red lipstick denoted class: Throughout the Middle Ages, lipstick was used to distinguish social classes in Europe.
Do it for the sake of self-love: The main goal of National No Makeup Day is to show our true selves. On this day, we can celebrate being completely honest and sincere about all aspects of life, beginning with our natural attractiveness.
Save your time: By not wearing makeup for a day or longer, you can add 15 to 45 minutes to your day! After all, No Makeup Day is a holiday, so enjoy the extra time you won't be spending on your makeup routine.
Express our natural beauty: Your cheeks have a natural blush-like color, but your skin is as smooth as glass... Isn't this what we're all after? It is preferable to have naturally healthy-looking skin rather than skin that requires constant makeup to conceal flaws.
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sheltiemomma · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BNWT Eyes,Lips & Fragrance(6 likes).
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marketinsight1234 · 6 months
Indonesia Vegetable Oil Market Analysis, Competitive Landscape & Regional Growth Forecast by 2030
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The Vegetable Oil is Expected to Grow at a Significant Growth Rate, and the Forecast Period is 2023-2030, Considering the Base Year as 2022.
Edible oil that comes from different plant sources is called vegetable oil, and it is a vital part of human diets and a necessary ingredient in cooking and food preparation. These oils are derived from a variety of plant parts, including seeds, fruits, and other sections. They have different tastes, nutritional profiles, and applications in cooking.
Soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, palm oil, and coconut oil are the most widely used vegetable oils. Every variety of vegetable oil has special attributes that suit various cooking techniques and culinary styles. Rich in unsaturated fats—which are thought to be healthier than saturated fats—vegetable oils offer a concentrated supply of energy and key fatty acids that are necessary for the body to function properly.
Vegetable oils are used extensively in the food business for purposes other than cooking; they are used as ingredients in processed foods, baked goods, salad dressings, margarine, and a variety of snacks. They are also utilized in non-food industries including the manufacturing of biodiesel and cosmetics and personal hygiene items. Vegetable oils continue to be an essential component of modern diets and play a vital role in global food systems because of their adaptability, accessibility, and nutritional value.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
Updated Version 2024 is available our Sample Report May Includes the:
Scope For 2024
Brief Introduction to the research report.
Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)
Top players in the market
Research framework (structure of the report)
Research methodology adopted by Worldwide Market Reports
Leading players involved in the Indonesia Vegetable Oil Market include:
Wilmar International Limited (Singapore), Golden Agri-Resources Ltd (GAR) (Singapore), Astra Agro Lestari (Indonesia), Indofood Agri Resources Ltd (Indonesia), Musim Mas Group (Singapore), Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk (Indonesia), Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food (Indonesia), London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (Indonesia), Sime Darby Plantation Indonesia (Indonesia), Cargill Indonesia (United States), Bumitama Agri Ltd (Indonesia), First Resources Ltd (Singapore), Darmex Agro Group (Indonesia), Triputra Agro Persada (Indonesia), Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk (Indonesia), Asian Agri Group (Indonesia), Pacific Inter-Link (Singapore) and Other Major Players 
Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. 
If You Have Any Query Indonesia Vegetable Oil Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Indonesia Vegetable Oil Market:
By Type
Palm Oil
Soybean Oil
Rapeseed Oil
Sunflower Oil
Olive Oil
By Nature
By Packaging Type
By Application
Food Industry
Cosmetics & Personal
Animal Feed
By Distribution Channels
Convenience Stores
Online Retail
Wholesale Distributors
Specialty Stores
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
Highlights from the report:
Market Study: It includes key market segments, key manufacturers covered, product range offered in the years considered, Global Indonesia Vegetable Oil Market, and research objectives. It also covers segmentation study provided in the report based on product type and application.
Market Executive Summary: This section highlights key studies, market growth rates, competitive landscape, market drivers, trends, and issues in addition to macro indicators.
Market Production by Region: The report provides data related to imports and exports, revenue, production and key players of all the studied regional markets are covered in this section.
Indonesia Vegetable Oil Market Profiles of Top Key Competitors: Analysis of each profiled Roll Hardness Tester market player is detailed in this section. This segment also provides SWOT analysis of individual players, products, production, value, capacity, and other important factors.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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About Us:
We are technocratic market research and consulting company that provides comprehensive and data-driven market insights. We hold the expertise in demand analysis and estimation of multidomain industries with encyclopedic competitive and landscape analysis. Also, our in-depth macro-economic analysis gives a bird's eye view of a market to our esteemed client. Our team at Pristine Intelligence focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Pristine Intelligence's extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
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Right Bhusari Colony,
Kothrud, Pune,
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