#cosy and hopper
eljackinton · 6 months
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And so as the month comes to a close, we finish up with Connor B's hopeless lesbians Cozy & Hopper. It's always fun to see their funny little doodles and I would love to see a proper comic about them and their adventures.
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connordraws · 7 months
could you draw cosy and hopper doing that thing where one person lights a ciggarette in thier mouth with the other person's already lit cig?
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hehe fun fact: that was the first comic i did of em
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louloulemons-posts · 10 months
Eddie X fem!hopper!reader
Summary : You and Eddie had been so careful, so how on earth did you end up with a positive pregnancy test?
Word count : 2.9k
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Warnings : Teen pregnancy, pregnancy in general, vomiting, talks of abortion, pregnancy fears, birth, probably incorrect medical talk, sweating, brief mentions of sex, minute angst, MAJOR fluff, dad eddie, use of Y/N, use of petnames, not proofread and wrote at 4am.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You were fucked. Absolutely fucked. It was normal to sometimes have a late period or even miss it, due to stress, you could be anaemic, things like that happened to a lot of people.
But this was something else. After vomiting a few times you decided you’d rather be safe and just check. With a positive test in hand, you almost screamed and said every foul word that came to mind.
What were you going to do? You’d been so safe, how did this even happen. Sitting down on the closed lid of the toilet you sighed. Ultimately you got keep it or get rid of it.
You were 19 years old, you didn’t know what to do. What would people think? What would Eddie, you ever so sweet boyfriend, think? Your dad? Your sister? Oh god you were going to vomit again.
A sharp knock on the door cut that idea short, “Babe, you okay? You’ve been in there a while?” Eddie spoke to you.
“Uh .. Y-yeah, I’ll just be a minute Eds.”
“Okay babe, hurry though, dinners getting cold.”
Shoving the test into a draw, you ran your hands under some cold water, splashing your face. You were pregnant. And now you had to decide what to do.
Walking out into the lounge you found Eddie stretched out comfortably on the sofa, dressed in a wore metallic tee and some sweats. Pizza boxes lay on the table, you thought you’d have a cosy, stay at home date night.
Sitting next to him, you smiled. “Tuck in babe, it’s so good,” he said, taking another slice of pizza. Taking one for you self, you munched happily, that was until you reached a piece of pepperoni.
You heaved and dropped the food, running to the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. “Baby!” Eddie shouted in alarm, getting up quickly, following you. “Hey you okay?” he asked, carefully rubbing your back, and pulling falling strands of hair back.
“Yeah I’m okay. Sorry Eds.”
“It’s okay, let’s get you in to bed.”
“Just let me brush my teeth first,” he hummed and helped you up off the floor, flushing the toilet whilst you put toothpaste on the brush.
Helping you to bed, Eddie couldn’t help but be concerned, you hadn’t been yourself for a few days now. “I’m going to get you some water and a cold compress for you head, you look flushed. Get some pyjamas on okay?”
“Mhm, okay,” you mumbled to him as he left the room. Your body felt heavy and horrible.. You were so annoyed, you’d be looking forward to this pizza all day, and this little parasite just says no I don’t want that. How fucking rude.
A few minutes later you were lay in bed, under a blanket, eyes closed, trying to keep the nausea at bay. “Hey Sweetheart I’m back.” Eddie came and sat next to you, “Drink some of this.” He passed you the glass of water.
Taking a few slow slips, you felt the cold liquid soothe you straight away. “Rest you head baby,” he said, putting the cold compress on your forehead. “How you feeling?”
“Better now.”
“Good I’m glad.”
“I don’t know what’s happening to me.”
“Might be something to do with this,” you opened your eyes, to see the test in his hand.
“Shit Eds.”
“Hm. I’m assuming that’s what you were doing in the bathroom?” You nodded slowly.
“So um … what are you gonna do?” he asked.
“Well it’s up to both of us.”
“Not really. You’ll be carrying it, you have to deal with stuff like this. It’s up to you babe, no matter what you choose I’ll be right here,” he said softly, brushing your hair off the washcloth.
“I don’t know what to do. We’re basically kids ourselves Eds, we haven’t got a home, I’m only in my second year at college, we don’t have money. God Eddie I don’t know what to do. We were so careful!”
“I know Sweetheart, I know. It’s okay. How about we just think about it for a few days? I’ll call a doctor and get an appointment booked okay, we have time. Sound good.”
“Yeah. Thanks Eds.”
“Don’t need to thank me, this is basically my fault,” he chuckled.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Sat in the doctors office, you leg was bouncing, anxiety filling your veins. Eddie squeezed your hand softly, in a comforting manner. “It’ll be okay Sweetheart, no matter what happens. You got this, and I’ve got you.”
“Y/L/N,” you heard a voice call, standing up you saw a woman on the shorter side, a soft smile on her face, dark hair flecked with grey. “If you’d like to come in,” she said, motioning into the room behind her.
Eddie squeezed your hand again, and the pair of you entered. Shutting the door behind her, she began talking, “So you had a positive pregnancy test?”
“Yes, three days ago.”
“Well okay then, it’s very rare to get a false positive, but we will know for sure today. I’m going to have to run some bloods and a urine sample. Find out how far along you are,” she said softly, obviously noticing you weren’t as thrilled as you assumed most women expecting a child are.
“It’s okay to be worried, both of you. You’re young. Once we find out everything we need to know, I’ll give you some leaflets for different things. For if you decide to carry on with the pregnancy, or go down the other path. Either one is fine and completely your choice.”
The pair of you nodded at her, “Okay so I’ll take your bloods first if that’s okay?” You slid off your jacket and rolled up one of your sleeves, soon enough she had what she needed and was passing you a small bottle.
In the bathroom you sighed, this was really happening. You knew you wanted kids, and kids with Eddie for sure. You just didn’t expect it so soon, and she was right, you had other options. But what if you wanted this kid, you knew this child would be loved.
Even if your dad would be royally pissed off for a while, he’d love the kid. You had Wayne, El, all the kids, Joyce, Nancy, Steve, Robin. And most importantly, you had Eddie, you knew this child would be loved by him. By you.
Maybe love was enough.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Lay on a bed with your shirt pulled up just under your breasts. You inhaled sharply as cold gel was put on your growing bump. “Sorry sweetie,” the nurse chuckled.
Soon enough a small image appeared on screen. Your little pickle, or so Eddie had been calling them as that’s been your main craving for the past 20 weeks.
He smiled softly, squeezing your hand, unable to take his eyes off the screen. “Baby’s looking very good. Nice and healthy. Here is their head,” The nurse said, pointing out little parts of your baby.
“So one of my biggest questions for you today is, would you like to find out what you’re having?” she asked. You and Eddie didn’t really mind, you’d loved them no matter what, but you both knew you were too impatient to wait.
“Yes please.”
“Okay then, let’s see,” moving the probe around your bump. “Ah here we are, they’re very compliant,” she complimented, “Most little ones like to hide away at this point, make it difficult for me to find out.”
You and Eddie let out a laugh at that, this whole experience so far has been incredible. Minus the vomiting and feeling tired. Feeling your baby kick for the first time had been surreal.
“Okay so, you’re having a very happy and healthy baby girl. Congratulations.” You looked at Eddie, his eyes glassy, “Our little pickle is a little lady,” his voice broke.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Eds go, have fun. We both need a night with our friends.”
“Yes I know I know, but you’re just so close to having our pickle. I get worried if you go and pee alone.”
You laughed, “I did realise that.” Running your hands in his curls, you smiled. “We’ll be fine, and if anything happens, I’ll get the girls to call okay?”
He kissed your bump and then your forehead. “I love you.”
“We love you too.”
Soon enough Eddie had left, and Max, Nancy, Robin and El had appeared. You’d wanted a girly night, kind of like a relaxed baby shower. “I can’t believe I’ll be an auntie soon,” El clapped her hands together.
“You’ll be the best auntie,” you smiled, hand on your very large bump. You were due in a few weeks and boy were you ready. Swollen breast, feet, aching back, stretched skin. You’d forced Eddie to stand and lift your stomach for a good few minutes a few days back just to help your spine.
Your little one had also taken a liking to kicking your bladder. Sitting besides Nancy, you picked at some potato chips, humming at the salty flavour.
“Thank you guys for coming, this feels like the first normal night I’ve had in like … 8 months.”
“Of course, and I brought movies,” Robin said, pulling a selection out of her bag.
“So are you prepared for this little lady making her appearance?” Nancy asked, motioning to your tummy. “I think so. We’ve had the bag packed for like a week, but I don’t think we’ll really know until she’s here.”
“I’m excited. When she’s big enough can I teach her to skate?”
“Course Max, I was hoping you would.” The red head hummed in contentment, pulling a a bowl of popcorn towards you and El.
A lot had changed in the last few months, Hopper and El had moved in with Joyce, leaving the cabin vacant. Bursting into tears when your dad handed you the keys, you blamed it on hormones. It’d be strange living without your dad, sister and Wayne, but they had visited regularly.
The cabin was now your home, you and Eddie painting Els old room a pale purple. A rocking chair, crib, cupboards filled with clothes and toys. Of course she’d spend the first few months in with you and Eddie.
Everyone had been so great, Steve and Jonathan had helped Eddie build the crib. Will painted the walls carefully, making it look beautiful. The other three boys, Mike, Lucas and Dustin had worked together to make a dragon mobile for above their crib.
You’d never felt so much love, Joyce had been around a lot too. Her being one of the few mothers you knew, comforting you when you were stressed and tired and laughing with you when you were happy.
Then there was El, Max, Nancy and Robin. Those girls were your saviours. Constantly keeping you company, making you smile, getting you emergency pickles at 1am.
Your dad surprisingly wasn’t annoyed at all, he was happy for you. He was over the moon, couldn’t wait to be a grandpa. Similarly to Wayne, who of course would also take that title.
And then of course there was your Eddie. He’s been your rock. When you’d cried out of discomfort, or fear or just cried for the sake of crying. When you needed, hugs or massages … or other things …
He’d been perfect. He was always perfect. He was going to be the best dad.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“I’ll be back in a minute ladies, little miss wants me to go to the bathroom again,” you laughed, pushing up from the sofa and waddled to the bathroom.
You couldn’t wait to stop doing that, Eddie teased that you were becoming a duck. Quacking as you walked. Rubbing your stomach softly, you smiled, you couldn’t wait to meet her.
A sharp pain shot through you. “Oh fuck, ow,” you exclaimed. You looked down, that wasn’t pee.
Shit. Your waters had just broke.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Hello, Harrington residence,” Steve spoke.
“It’s Robin, put Eddie on.”
“Munson it’s for you.”
“It’s Robin.”
“Hey Robs, what’s up?”
“Okay, so like, don’t panic or anything. Y/Ns gone into labour, Nancys driving her to the hospital right now. So you should go there. Like right now.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Fuck it hurts,” you cried, clinging on to Eddies hand. “I know baby I know. But guess what, soon it’ll be all over, and you’ll be holding our little baby.”
“I don’t think I can do this Eds, ow,” you screamed as another contraction went through you. “You can. I know you can, you are the strongest girl I know. You can do this.”
“Just a few more pushes and she’ll be here,” a doctor spoke. “Hear that Sweetheart, you’re almost there. Just a few more, you squeeze me okay.”
“Okay,” you cried, gritting your teeth as you pushed again. “There we go, one more push and we’ll have her head!”
“Go on Sweetheart, big push,” Eddie said, kissing your sweaty forehead. You screamed in agony as you pushed again. The room went silent, you body felt numb. Soon a loud wail pierced the silence.
You let out a sob, she was here. Your baby girl was here.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It was 3am and you were sat with your baby in your arms. 7 pounds exactly. Head already coated with her fathers crazy curls. Beautiful eyes.
She was now clean and wrapped up in her jammies and a blanket. Snoozing away happily, having just finished a feed from you.
After being passed for the nurses she settle quickly on your chest, not fussing much after the initial cries when she first arrived. A soft coo here and there.
The room was dark and quiet, you and Eddie just admiring her. “She’s so perfect,” he spoke softly. “Course she is, she’s ours.”
You’d had a few visitors, Eddie didn’t want to overwhelm you. So Grandpa Hop, Grandpa Wayne, Auntie El and Grandma Joyce had been in. All of them unable to stop smiling at the sight of your little family.
“I think I know what we should call her,” you said. “Hm?” Eddie questioned.
“Well you know how you called her pickle?”
“Babe we can’t call her pickle!” he laughed.
You did so too, shushing her as she whined softly at your chest’s movement. “Pepper.”
“Like picked peppers.”
“I love it.”
“Our little pickled pepper,” he smiled, kissing both of your heads softly.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It’d been the first time you’d been away without your baby girl. It was frightening to say the least, but you and Eds were told by your family that you deserved it.
They’d paid for you to go on a weekend trip to Chicago for a getaway. It was great, you and Eddie went exploring and stayed up late. You caught up on sleep and other activities that had been hard to do whilst an inquisitive two year old was around.
You had to admit though you were both buzzing to see her. However, that excitement would have to wait for the morning, as the traffic had made you arrive after her bedtime.
Walking into your fathers home, Eddie called out quietly, “Hello?”
“Hey you two, did you have a nice time?” Joyce smiled. “It’s was great. Sorry we’re later than expected.”
“It’s fine, she’s been golden. You too deserved the break.” Soon enough Hopper appeared, a sleeping girl on his shoulder.
“Hey dad,” you smiled. He leant forward and kissed your cheek, then turned to Eddie to hand your daughter over.
“Eddie,” he smiled at the curly haired boy, whilst your own baby, with his exact hair snuggled into her dads neck. “I’ve missed her so much,” he laughed.
“She’s staying in our bed tonight, we’ve missed out on two days of cuddles,” you said. The older adults laughed, handing your her bag, and stuffed dragon. You were on your way home.
Placing her down in bed she stretched out on the large surface. She spent most nights in her own room, only joining you if she had a nightmare or there was a storm, or if mom and dad really needed a cuddle. It was one of those nights.
“I loved this weekend, but I’m so glad we’re home,” you spoke to Eddie.
“Me too, we should take her with us next time. She’d love the pizza.”
“She would, shockingly,” you thought back to your pregnancy, and how you couldn’t stomach it, but she loved it.
Similarly, even-though she was still your little pickle, she couldn’t even stand the smell of them. Laying down on the bed, Eddie pull her and you onto his chest.
She hummed, “Daddy?”
“It’s okay my love, mommy and daddy are here. Go to sleep.” She sighed, head resting comfortably over Eddies heart. Her curls tickling his nose.
You kissed him softly. “I love you Eds.”
“I love you Sweetheart.”
The three of you drifted off into a deep slumber, what a perfect little trio you were.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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Some softish wedding vibes for the lovely @flowercrowngods sorry this took all day
The wedding was beautiful. A cosy little affair in the forest surrounding the Byers-Hopper cabin, just The Party and their immediate family. The guests had a myriad of mismatched chairs decorated with pretty tulle bows, the aisle strewn with wildflower petals collected by the kids, fairy lights strung from the trees casting a warm glow over the dusk ceremony.
The older teens of the party had been on decorating duty and they’d done a great job, even if Steve did say so himself.
Joyce looked stunning in her simple, lace summer gown, Hop beaming and wiping tears from his eyes as Jon walked his mum down the aisle.
Claudia sobbed loudly, Dustin tutting but handing her tissues, shhing her every now and again, making everyone hide a smile behind their hands when she'd wailed "it's just so beautifulllllll!"
Murray had officiated, dressed in ceremonial robes and actually on his best behaviour for a change. Will was Joyce's man of honour, El was Hop's best woman, Steve had never seen either of them look more radiant.
Steve had been roped into dress shopping by El and Max because although she was doing much better, Max's eyesight wasn't what it once was and Steve was apparently the only one with any fashion sense. He was glad he'd gone with them because the three of them had had so much fun, both girls had picked beautiful dresses without really needing his help at all, not that it stopped him smiling to himself as they spun happily in front of the floor length mirror, letting the skirts flow around them, or from taking them both for new records and ice cream, that Dustin had thrown a two hour fit for missing out on.
Then somehow the mum's had talked him into taking all the boys to hire tuxedos, not that he'd minded but Eddie had tagged along when he heard from Dustin that it was going to be a fun road trip with new records and ice cream, and seeing him spin out of the dressing room, all high on life from being with the kids and out of Hawkins, his hair tied up in a messy bun had taken Steve's breath away. Luckily he'd managed to cover it up with a laugh when Dustin had popped out next dressed in a white tux, strutting around because he thought he looked like Elvis.
So they all looked gorgeous and it was all just very sweet and picturesque and romantic.
Although Steve could've done without Mike snarking in his ear at every opportunity, snapping his name like his nanny used to when he was misbehaving, except Steve wasn't doing anything wrong. In fact the first time he'd been told off he'd been up a ladder hanging lights, the second time he'd only walked out the cabin, now dressed in his suit, trying and failing to get his tie perfect. The third time he'd been stuffing cake in his mouth in a rush because his and Max's song had just come on but he was torn between moving and eating, so he'd sloppily thrown the cake in his mouth, frosting pouring out the edges of his lips. Steve didn't get his reaction, yeah it was a little gross but Max was laughing so who cared.
So as soon as the song ended and El came back to dance with Max, Steve grabbed Mike by the collar and dragged him into the cabin.
"Okay, what's your problem? You've been at me all day!" Steve demanded to know, hands on his hips.
Mike spluttered and grouched incoherently, something about Eddie, him being a person, which was just perplexingly obvious. And for someone who'd had a lot to say all day, he suddenly wasn't saying anything, but Steve knew if he just waited Mike out, he'd eventually get his thoughts out in a coherent sentence. Except Will came dashing into the cabin, eye's lighting up when they landed on Mike, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him back out into the party, before he ever had a chance.
Steve sighed rejoining the reception, mingling and chatting and trying not to be too obvious as he watched Eddie, maybe he'd said something to Mike, maybe he'd noticed the way Steve hadn't really been able to keep his eyes to himself, since, well since forever really but he'd definitely been more consciously aware of his lingering gazes since he'd woken up in the hospital with a joke and a groan, and they'd only become more incessant since he'd first seen him in that damn tux. Christ, Steve get a hold of yourself!
He just hopes he wasn't making Eddie uncomfortable, he didn't think he was because every time Eddie glanced over, it was always with a big smile, the one that started soft but grew until his dimples were showing when Steve smiled back, so he was almost sure that probably wasn't it, surely he'd look away like Robin did when men letched over her.
The next time Mike snapped at him, he was only dancing with Robin, not closely and certainly not well. Dancing In The Moonlight by King Harvest was playing, it was a song they all knew and loved and listened to whenever they all hung out. Robin had dragged him to his feet, just as he'd sat down with Wayne to chat about next weekend's game, and forced him to dance, waggling his arms around and doing all the silly moves until he couldn't help but join in.
Steve's eyes immediately snapped to Eddie, who was sitting by the edge of the makeshift dance floor, looking more miserable than Steve had ever seen him, even when he was a wanted man and on the run. Steve handed Robin to Mike, who protested about being forced to dance, but Robin had had a few glasses of wine and didn't seem too fussed about who she was dancing with, so long as she had a dance partner.
Wayne had his arm slung over the back of Eddie's chair but Eddie was slouched forward head in his hands forlornly watching everyone dance instead of joining like he usually would. Wayne and Steve shared a smile as he headed towards them, Wayne jumping up with a mumbled excuse, disappearing over to the buffet table to chat with Claudia.
Steve loved how he never needed words with Wayne, it was like he could read Steve like a book, had since their first meeting in Eddie's hospital room, he'd just given Steve a hard stare and for a second he thought he was about to get a smack or at least thrown out but Wayne had just given him a soft smile and pulled out another uncomfortable plastic chair for Steve to sit with him at Eddie's bedside.
They'd been fast friends, bonding over stories of Eddie, sports and an adoration of cheese of all things. Wayne even called him son, like he did with Eddie but that was probably just because there hadn't been a weekend since Eddie left the hospital, where Steve hadn't been at their new government bought apartment, screaming at the tv or the radio with Wayne, Eddie huffing and rolling his eyes and bemoaning that he was being forced to put up with two sports fanatics.
But Steve quickly learned the easiest way to settle Eddie was through his stomach, staying after the game to make fresh pizza or four cheese gnocchi or manicotti, from recipes he'd stolen from an old trunk in his attic, watching with pride as both Munson's wolfed down his food, was the easiest way to make Eddie beam at him.
Eddie hadn't noticed Steve coming over, didn't even perceive his presence until there was nothing but a pair of legs directly in his eyeline, forcing Eddie to look up at him.
"Hi," Steve said tentatively, Eddie's smile settling quickly back into place but not quite meeting his eyes.
"Stevie," Eddie greeted, aiming for normality but just the fact that he hadn't drawn out the e gave him away, "nice moves," he teased, sounding a bit too grouchy to be playful.
Steve adored that about their dynamic, the playful mocking, the poking and tickling and doing whatever they could to make the other bite back or laugh hysterically or both but it felt less like their playful banter and more like a defense mechanism, like maybe Eddie was mad with him.
And maybe it was something about the soft warm lighting or the giant strawberry moon peering down on them or the fact that they were at a wedding but something felt bigger, heavier but at the same time incredibly delicate like one wrong move could destroy them both.
"Dance with me," Steve murmured instead of teasing him back, holding his hand out for Eddie to take. Eddie furrowed his brows and blinked owlishly at him, Steve couldn't help thinking he looked adorable but if he let his introspection go on too long, he'd be lost for the night. Steve wafted his hand impatiently, trying to snap Eddie into the present but he only blinked slowly at his outstretched hand too.
"Aren't you dancing with Robin?" Eddie eventually asked hesitantly, which confused the living bejesus out of Steve because surely he couldn't mean…
Steve shook his head vigorously trying to send that mental image back to the pits of hell where it belonged, glancing purposefully over to the dance floor, he could see Robin'd got her arms around Nancy's neck blushing deeply as she babbled constantly. He knew she hadn't quite been able to look at Nancy the same way since they'd visited Creel together but Nancy had her arms securely around Robin's waist, listening intently and grinning and maybe, just maybe…
"I think she's content with her new partner," Steve mumbled, knowing full well that Eddie knew Robin almost as closely as he did, knew that Eddie could see what he saw and that whatever he was doing was some kind of avoidance technique, "dance with me."
They'd danced before, alone and in front of the party, there was no reason for Eddie to be nervous, didn't stop him looking anxiously around Steve's legs at the dancefloor, "There's people," Eddie muttered dejectedly.
Steve glanced over his shoulder and then back to Eddie, with a confused frown, "You mean all the people who love and care about us?" he asked affectionately.
Eddie snorted and huffed, "You," he corrected shortly.
Steve's brows furrowed deeply, "Huh?"
Eddie sighed, rolling his eyes, "All the people who care about you," he clarified grumpily.
Oh no, he's gone down the rabbit hole.
Steve sighed heavily, "Okay, that's not even close to the truth, but for the sake of not arguing, if they care about me, they have to care about you," he informed him.
Eddie sniggered, "Why, you gonna beat 'em up if they don't?" Eddie tried to tease but it came out too flat.
"No," Steve sighed, hooking his finger under Eddie's chin and forcing him to look at him, "anyone who doesn't care about you, doesn't get to care about me. These people are my family but if it came down to a choice of them or you, I'd pick you every time," Steve admitted sincerely.
Eddie's breath hitched but he didn't say anything, looked like he might cry if he did.
Steve decided it was time to just use his trump card, "Dance with me. Please."
And just like that Eddie jumped to his feet dragging Steve onto the dancefloor, because Eddie never denied Steve anything when he said please, not that Eddie ever denied him anything really but it was like a little button that overpowered all Eddie's apprehension and theatrics.
"Can I stay with you please?"
"C'mon Eddie, up, Owens says it'll be good for you to go for a little walk. No? Please?"
"Could you just keep talking until I fall asleep please?"
"Can you pick Dustin up tonight please?"
"Could you bring milk when you come over please?"
"What's wrong Eds? Talk to me, please."
They got situated just as the song changed to a much slower one, At Last by Etta James. Appropriate, Steve thought gleefully. Eddie just stood there, a little shell-shocked and unsure but not running away so Steve gently took his hands and put them on his waist, circling his own around Eddie's neck, except Eddie had his arms perfectly straight keeping a space between them.
"What're you doing?" Steve asked, fond amusement in his voice, it wasn't like they'd never been close before.
"Leaving room for Jesus," Eddie replied, Steve recognised it as an autopilot response, Eddie long lost to his mind, but Steve couldn't help it, the bubble of laughter just burst right out of him. Sometimes Eddie was just inadvertently funny and when Steve laughed he'd stand there like he was replaying the conversation until Eddie was laughing too at his own comment but Eddie's face crumbled, trying to pull away but Steve just held on tighter.
"Hey, no, Eds. I wasn't laughing at you, just maybe we're a bit old for Jesus to need to dance with us. C'mere," Steve said, pulling Eddie closer, wrapping his arms more tightly around him, swaying slowly to the music.
The look in Eddie's eyes as they listened to the song told Steve all he needed to know about why Eddie had been avoiding him, why he was only looking his way when he thought Steve wasn't looking, why he was being so evasive, how he'd managed to spiral so far that he thought he and Robin, ugh, Steve can't even think it.
Even Mike's snapping made a whole lot more sense, "Stop messing with Eddie," boy really needs to learn to stop grumbling, "he's a person, he has feelings!" Mike could see Eddie pining and had taken it on himself to try to stop Steve doing whatever mundane task that had Eddie yearning.
It was probably the sweetest thing Steve had ever seen Mike do for someone who wasn't El or Will, even if it pissed Steve off that he'd always be a cad in Mike's eyes, that he just assumed that Steve was a bad guy (when he's done nothing but throw himself in front of him and his friends time and again to protect them) that he was purposefully leading Eddie on, being intentionally enticing just to hurt him.
Not that it mattered what Mike thought, he could only hope that it was all his biases and not that Eddie hadn't been venting to the kids, all that mattered was that that wasn't what Eddie thought of him.
The whole atmosphere of the night had changed, everyone had slowed and quietened, couples solely focused on the person in their arms. But Steve felt the ground under his feet change, drew from Captain Steve the guy who'd thrown the first punch at Billy to protect his kids, felt Sir Steve crawl up his throat, the Knight who'd gone into battle against an all-powerful beast and brought his comrades out of the pits of hell because he'd seen now, seen clearly for the first time in god knows how long and he couldn't just go back to pretending, not without giving this is best shot. And thank god for Etta James because she was going to help him, because he could do this, he could be brave and fight for what he wanted for a change.
He had a horrible singing voice but Eddie already knew that, told him so often and in many imaginative ways.
"I found a dream that I could speak to, a dream that I can call my own," he sang quietly, trying to copy Wayne's looking into your soul look, trying to let Eddie see that his feelings are reciprocated, classing it as a win when Eddie grins, blushing deeply and mushes his face into Steve's neck.
"I've found a thrill to press my cheek to, a thrill that I've never known," he continued, nuzzling further into Eddie's neck because now he was this close it was like he couldn't get close enough.
"You smiled," Steve murmured against his skin, unable to wipe the lovesick smile off of his face. He and Eddie had always been close but they both knew this was different.
Originally it started with helping him limp around when he'd refuse to use his crutches, then when Wayne had to go back to work Steve started staying the night so Eddie could sleep without having to worry about waking up alone after a nightmare, he'd only spent the first few hours on the sofa before Eddie woke up screaming, sweaty and shaking, Steve hadn't even thought about it just clambered in behind Eddie pulling him flush against him, shhing him and running his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face, he didn't bother with the sofa again after that, they just shared Eddie's bed, soothing both their nightmares with the others presence.
But they've had time and distance from their trauma since then, most of them have been to therapy and they're all doing better, they can sleep in their own houses, in their own beds, they can all actually sleep for eight hours and wake up well rested. But he and Eddie stayed as close as ever, it's rare that they're never not touching, if Eddie's tired he'll attach himself to Steve like a backpack. They hug, they hold hands, Eddie even kissed him on the cheek one time, Steve's pretty sure it was an accident but he'd been so busy trying to hide the blush that'd sprung to his cheeks to really read the situation, maybe if he had they might've got here sooner because looking back Steve's not really sure how he missed all the signs, Eddie sits in his lap on movie nights for god sake.
"You smiled," Steve sang, pulling back to look at Eddie, to look at the adorable endeared grin and the pretty blush he can't hide because his hair's all tied up, still neat as a pin, showing just how much hairspray Claudia had used to hold it in place.
"And then the spell was cast," he crooned, because it was, from all the way back in school when Eddie would taunt the other jocks but there was never any bite in it when it came to Steve, his teasing came with a smile he never saw directed at anyone else, and he still remembers how it would make him preen a little and how he'd always feel a little peppier for the rest of the day.
But it felt like magic when they met for real, not the king and the jester but Steve and Eddie, battling the unknown side by side, Eddie smiling real smiles, teeth and dimples, all for Steve, because of Steve. And then of course he'd just had to be the hero and Steve had swore at him the whole way to the hospital because he'd been so mad but after days at his bedside, the first time he woke up and smiled at Steve, he knew from that moment on he was done for.
He'd just never thought they could have this, never dreamed Eddie would feel the same way so he buried that feeling deep down, enjoyed his friendship, relished being someone Eddie could rely on, being his confidant and still even when Eddie said "don't punch me but…" Steve had been too scared to rock the boat, didn't want to lose what they had because just because Eddie was interested in men didn't mean he was interested in him.
Who'd've thought Mike Wheeler would've been the one to make Steve see what was right on the end of his nose.
"And here we are in heaven," Steve trilled, resting his forehead against Eddie's trying to calm his heart before it beats right out of his chest, because there's butterflies taking flight and Steve's never in his life been nervous about a kiss but this one feels monumental and he can feel it coming and he wants it now and he also wants to wait and let this moment last forever.
"For you are mine," Eddie crooned, sounding more like a question. And as much as Steve always melts whenever Eddie sings, the fact that Eddie's still questioning his intentions, after he declared that Eddie's the most important person in his life, after what they're currently doing, just makes Steve realise how long Eddie's been his, how blind they've both been, how they've both been so wrapped up in what they can't have neither of them noticed it was right there for the taking.
Steve beams at him, let's Eddie see the way he makes him feel, the way he's always made him feel, nods like he's agreeing to a marriage proposal, deliriously happy and tear streaked.
"At last," Etta sings into the moonlit evening, as the boys seal their promise with a kiss.
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heyhopperart · 5 months
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@cosmiconix and I were chatting about the snow and how we both love cosy puffers and warm blankies in the winter ❄️💕
Onix brought over one of her coziest weighted blankets she has, and offered to share it with Hopper as the two friends sit near the furnace..
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Watching Mi and Chagatai in another loving disagreement..
Its snowing heavily outside the yurt, and everyone is excitedly waiting for the warm stew. Chagatai wants to head outside to grab a few more ingredients, but his loving wife won't let him without first putting on something warmer!
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(Chagatai Naranbaatar.. Baba of the year award for 'good' role model.. )
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usernoneexistent · 6 months
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November's outfit
Finally we have Ellie Hopper @thatravenpuffwitch and she is so cute! I got to play with so much texture and brushes and have fun with her. The skirt very much screams Weasley with the patchwork and the cosy fashion works so well with her.
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the-cooler-kira · 2 years
When Worlds Collide || Eddie Munson x Reader
cw: female reader that is hopper's daughter, period mention, death mention, overprotective father, swearing, unedited
summary: eddie finds out why you insist on hanging out at his place rather than yours (set during s3)
a/n: i read a fic where y/n was a hopper and I love the idea :,)
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You have a pretty good life. Granted, you’ve been through things that your friends haven’t and wouldn’t understand. But they were always there for you. When you were scared of moving up to high school, when you got your first period, when you lost both your sister and mother. They were always there.
That’s how you got roped into the Upside Down business, but it was inevitable considering you were friends with Steve. As well as your father being chief of police, Jim Hopper, himself. He, like your friends, has always been there for you and always will be. 
When El came into the picture, she was frightened at the sudden change in circumstances but it grateful to have you as her new older sister. You would look out for each other, play pranks on your poor old dad, and you even helped with her English.
Then, in the summer of ‘85, boys came into the picture. She was constantly with Mike, you were glad it was a boy you knew and was the first to find her in the woods, and your dad knew about their relationship. One thing your dad didn’t know was that you were seeing Eddie Munson: he was your boyfriend and has been since last summer. The only reason El knew was because she saw you at the mall with him, when she went with Max for the first time. 
You both agreed that neither of you would snitch as long as the other doesn’t. 
Max and El were the only ones to know about you and Eddie: anyone else would have gone straight to your father, and you would never be allowed out of the house ever again. You assumed. 
“I’m going to hang out with Steve and Robin,” is what you told your dad on the way out as he lounged on the beaten-up armchair.
“Aren’t they working?” He questioned, whipping his head around to immediately interrogate you.
“Yeah, I’m just going to make their shift less miserable,” you joked. To be fair, you did do that but only on occasion.
“Alright, well, just don’t distract them from their work too much.”
“I won’t.”
“See ya later, kid!” He called after you as you walked out.
“Bye, dad!” You yelled back as you made your way to your car.
Thankfully, the mall was on the way to Eddie’s trailer.
A couple hours later, you were cosy at your boyfriend’s side on his bed and listening to whatever vinyl he had put on. The two of you often spent your days cuddled up like this. It may seem boring to others, but it was nice having some sort of normalcy in your life. 
Eddie didn’t know of anything that had happened with the Upside Down (yet). You didn’t talk much about your family, either. All he knew is that your mother was gone. Any rare time you mentioned El, he assumed she was your biological sister and that her name was short for something like ‘Eleanor’.
And the only thing he knew about your father was that you described him as overprotective. 
Just as you were starting to zone out, you noticed Eddie staring at you with a subtle smile that only grew when you finally looked over at him. “What are you smiling at, you dork?” 
“Dork?” He echoed, “you think I’m a dork now, princess?” He poked at your side with every word.
“Maybe,” you snickered as he continued poking you.
“What’s wrong?” He continued.
“Nothing, huh?”
“So if it’s nothing,” he began as you were trying to slowly get out of his grasp. “You won’t mind if I just... keep doing this!?”
“Eddie!” You laughed at the weird sensation.
“Y/N!” He mocked.
You tried rolling out of his grasp instead, and you were fast, but not fast enough. The metalhead climbed on top of you and straddled you. You tried to move, but to no avail. It’s not like it was a bad thing he was right above you. Certainly isn’t the first or last time.
“Do you still think I’m a dork?” He looked all too amused at your current predicament.
“Shut up,” you sighed lovingly, fully giving up in your effort to escape.
“That doesn’t answer my question, sweetheart.”
“If I said no, would you believe me?” 
“Probably not.”
“Good.” You smiled up at him.
“Now who’s the dork?” He commented before leaning in to kiss you. 
It started slow and sweet, showing each other that this really was fun and games despite your remarks and comments. Naturally, the pace picked up and the kisses became faster; needier. You couldn’t do much with his uncle in the other room, especially due to the thin walls, and you didn't want to make him uncomfortable in his own home.
"Still a dork, Munson." You commented when you finally stopped for oxygen.
"Whatever, you know you love- wait." He interrupted himself in the middle of his confident response.
"I've just realised," he began. "After all these months, you've never told me your last name."
Oh shit. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Maybe you should tell him? You know, to prepare him; to make sure he knows the severity of the situation.
You looked up at him, stunned, not sure where to begin. Before you could respond, he continued.
"Do you have one?"
"Yeah..?" why would he ask that?
"Shame, I was going to ask if you wanted mine."
Your eyes blew wide in shock and you felt a warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest as your heart sped up. How could he be so casual about that? Does he really want a future with you? Or was he joking?
"Eddie Munson, you are one smooth motherfu-"
Knock! Knock!
He ever-so-gracefully swung his leg over your body so he could get off you, but he ended up falling off the bed entirely.
"Well done," you laughed.
"Thanks." He deadpanned, his voice muffled from the floor.
As he slowly got up, the door slowly opened and his uncle emerged. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything kids." He gestured to his nephew that awkwardly sat on the side of his bed.
"No, what's up?" Eddie asked.
"A murder or something happened a few trailers down," Wayne stated. "The police are just here to see where everyone was at the time. I've already been questioned."
"Shit, ok." You said and looked at your now nervous boyfriend.
Eddie made sure his black, metal lunchbox was well-hidden before walking out and you trailed after him.
"You said your nephew has a girlfriend?" You heard an oddly familiar voice.
"Yes sir." Wayne responded. You heard two or three voices laugh. Assholes. The horrible assumptions about Eddie went further than bullies in high school for some reason. People really like to gossip, especially judgemental parents.
"I don't see why that's hard to believe," you commented as you walked into the main room after your boyfriend.
You have never felt regret so quickly.
"You're telling me she is his boyfriend?"
None other than Jim Hopper stood there, seething, with his arms folded across his chest and his back straightened to appear even taller than he was, all while staring right at you.
"Yes sir." Wayne repeated, proud of his nephew but oblivious to your dilemma. Eddie wasn't the only one who didn't know your last name.
"Yeah, she is." Eddie added, feeling oddly confident. Of all times.
"Mhm. I'm talking to you first." He pointed at the not-so-confident-anymore metalhead, who was visibly startled. "Outside, now." He shot you a very quick nervous glance before following your father out of the trailer.
The officers that accompanied him simply chuckled as they knew exactly who you were, leaving poor Wayne out of the loop who was taken aback at the sudden force from the chief of police.
After interrogating him on the basic things like where he was at the time, if he knew the deceased and any possible suspects, and any other key information, Jim interrogated Eddie on other matters.
"Do you know who I am?" His question only confused Eddie further..
"Uh, yeah? The chief of police, right?" He tried to seem as nice and non-threatening as possible.
"Do you know who Y/N is?"
"She's not a criminal if that's what you're getting at." Eddie narrowed his eyes at the weird question.
"I would sure hope not," Jim sighed. "You and your uncle say that's your girlfriend, yeah?"
"Have you been taking care of her?"
"I don't see how that's relevant."
"Answer the question, Munson." He knew exactly what he was doing.
"Of course I have!"
"What do you do with her?"
"Okay, man. What kind of interrogation is this!?" He stood up, patience running thin. He played right into the officer's hands. "Listen. I don't know why you want to know, it's a little creepy if you ask me. We just hang out, go see movies, listen to music, talk for hours. What more do you want to know!?"
Jim stayed silent as Eddie kept talking.
"I love her to pieces, and I love spending time with her. I'd do anything for her. I swear on my life, if anything happened to her I would never forgive myself. Is that it? Or do you wanna hear about how even I'm confused as to how I got her to love me back? How I'm scared I'm going to lose her? How I'm constantly reminded by those popular assholes I'm not good enough for her? Huh? Is that it!?"
Eddie was fuming, and in the process accidentally revealed his true feelings. Neither of them expected this.
"Shit, man." He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," he apologised as he finally turned to fully face Jim.
A beat of silence and an unreadable expression.
The police officer slowly stood up and stalked his way over to the anxious metalhead, keeping his unreadable expression.
"Don't be." He stared down his nose at Eddie, who didn't reply. "You don't know her last name, do you?"
"No, sir." Eddie looked everywhere else except the glare of Jim.
"Have you met her father? Or any of her family?"
"No, sir. I'd like to."
"Well, now you have."
"Huh!?" It was now his turn for his eyes to blow wide in shock. "What do you mean?"
Jim didn't respond and simply walked back inside, feeling entirely too proud of himself. Eddie followed behind him. The poor guy had never been more confused, and he was even more confused when they didn't interrogate you.
The chief turned to Eddie, putting a stern hand on his shoulder, and whispered, "if you break her heart or do anything, and I mean anything, to hurt her... God forbid, I will hide the body myself. Is that understood?"
A quick "yes, sir" was squeaked out before he turned to you. You still couldn't be more scared.
"We'll talk about this when you get home, Y/N."
He gave you a look that was unrecognisable to Wayne and Eddie.
"Okay, dad." You sighed.
Then, he gave you a smile that indicated you weren't entirely in trouble but you definitely needed to talk. The police thanked the three of you for your time before leaving to continue their investigation.
"Jim Hopper is your dad!?"
"Oh my- so your last name is Hopper?"
You didn't know about their conversation, while Eddie didn't know about the secret voice recorder Jim used during their entire conversation.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Mechanic! Eddie Munson x Hopper! Reader
Summary; Eddie is settling into life after the defeat of Vecna and the upside down, he survived the demobat attack and is now working as a mechanic.
When Hopper's niece came to town he fell for her hard.
Y/n doesn't expect much to happen in Hawkins, she doesn't know about all the supernatural shit that has went down, she settles into life with her mother and uncle and meets a very handsome mechanic Eddie.
Warnings; Fluff, little bit angst, smut, 18+, minors dni.
likes, comments and especially reblogs are always appreciated. I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
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It had been a few months since the battle with Vecna and the defeat of The Upside Down.
Eddie had survived the demobats attack and was thankful for that. Newly reinstated chief of police Jim Hopper managed to get the untrue murder charges due to Vecna's reign of terror dropped and he was so grateful.
He kept his head down and worked hard, helping his uncle find a new place for them to live ( due to the earthquake that happened after Vecna's death and The Upside Down's destruction) that had destroyed his uncle's trailer.
He threw himself into Hellfire Club and still acted as a leader for the club even though he had finally graduated (third time lucky) and he had a job working as a mechanic which made him good money and kept him busy.
Nightmares plagued him about the demo bat attack and he would wake in a sweat at all hours feeling sick to his stomach and suffering from panic attacks.
Sometimes it was hard to get out of the black hole he was in due to the anxiety, sometimes he didn't see light at the end of the tunnel.
Then he met y/n.
Y/n had moved with her mother to Hawkins to be with her her mother's brother and her uncle Hopper.
Hawkins was nice. It was a small town so everyone knew each other. She had made friends with Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington and had got a job working with them working in Family Video.
That's when she first met Eddie. He had come into Family Video and was covered in grease, tight jeans, a fitted whist vest that showed off his many tattoos and his curly brown hair in a loose bun.
His brown eyes were beautiful, his smile made her melt and she swore she had never seen a more beautiful man in her life.
Eddie stares at her too, a blush creeping up his cheeks and he smiles.
"Munson you better not be getting grease all over the floor". Steve tells him and Robin is grinning looking between them.
"This is y/n Hopper Eddie. She's Hopper's niece and y/n this is Eddie Munson, he's our friend and he works as a mechanic". Robin nudges her to speak to him and she holds her hand out, he brings her hand to his mouth gently kissing it.
"Hello, sweetheart, it's so nice to meet you". She feels her heart race and she begins to like Hawkins even more because she has met this gorgeous man.
Eddie had never been in love, bar a few hookups from time to time his self named cynical heart and nature made him not believe in the concept.
He didn't think he would find anyone who he would fall for deeply.
Until he met y/n. Since their first meeting in Family video, he was smitten and made his feelings very clear.
They were dating and had been for the last fortnight.
Currently, she was with him in his uncle's new trailer, they had rented a movie and had spent most of it locked in intense kisses.
He had never felt like this before, this fierce sense of longing, fiery heated need, the sex was mindblowing and he was falling for y/n more and more every day.
He took her to band practice, they would make out when he wasn't busy at work, he would hang out with her at family video.
Movie nights were his favourite though and on this quiet, cosy night he was falling for this sweet woman more and more.
Hopper kinda scared him at first but once he assured Hopper he would never ever hurt his precious niece they got on well.
Now he just had to tell y/n he was in love with her.
She walks into the shop and locks the door, Eddie is under his van tinkering with it and she calls to him slipping off the jacket.
"Eddie?". He pops his head out at the side of the van, sees what she is wearing and gapes.
"Jesus H Christ". He moans and chambers out as she toys with the straps of the little slip she's wearing.
"I wanted to surprise you, baby, do you like". He swallows and looks her up and down and licks his lips.
"Very, very much sweetheart". His hands caress her sides and he kisses her deeply. He removes the strap of her slip and groans at her bra and panties, matching with little white and pink bows.
He opens the back of his van and their moans fill the room as he shrugs out of his overalls and presses her close to his body, his erection straining against her stomach and she drops to her knees taking him in her mouth.
His hands fist into her hair and she loves as he comes apart moaning loudly.
"Fuck baby, you are so fucking incredible". She smirks and he meets her gaze.
"I want to come inside you princess, she nods and turns her attention to his lower stomach teasing him with kisses and little bites along his body, rolling her tongue up to his chest, her breasts pushing up against his cock and he whimpers in pleasure.
"Fuck, that feels good princess".
He takes charge then and she's on her feet and he orders her to lay across the vans floor which she obeys greedy for him, he notices and kisses her.
"My greedy girl, want me to fill you up don't you princess?". She whimpers and nods as he joins her on the van floor teasing her with his lips, kissing and sucking, leaving little lovebites over her body, her breasts, her stomach to her hips while his fingers slide into her, the friction and movement building her orgasm and he grins.
"Patience sweetheart, patience". He replaced his fingers with his cock and she mewls in ecstasy gripping onto his shoulders as he sheaths inside her, keeping up relentless thrusts and she clenches around him sending them both almost over the edge, groaning.
"Fuck baby you feel so good. So tight. Mine". He growls and she wraps her legs around his waist so he can move deeper and he moves faster and faster.
When she comes it is mindblowing, Eddie follows and comes inside her, filling her up and she moans stroking his hair.
"That was mindblowing". Eddie says stroking her cheek awed. "How does it get so much more incredible every time". She agrees her body rocked with more spasms of pleasure.
"I'm closing up sweetheart and we are going home and I am going to fuck you sensless". She grins and quickly gets dressed as does Eddie.
Eddie has his girl in his arms, it's early autumn and the wind is howling, he's desperate to tell her how he feels, what she means to him and he tilts her cheek up and kisses her softly.
"I'm in love with you princess". Her eyes light up, a warm smile on her face and she beams.
"I love you too Eddie". The thunderstorm rages outside, and the rain battering on the windows and y/n stroking his hair.
He's with the girl he loves and wants to be with for the rest of his life.
That very happy thought lulls him to sleep and for the first time in a long time he has no nightmares.
He sleeps well.
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delehosies · 2 years
hopper taking y/n home with him because she has no place to stay, and he gets her all tucked up in his bed because he’s not having her sleeping on the uncomfortable cabin couch – but when he goes to leave y/n in his bedroom she turns to him with the sweetest pout, pleading for him to “stay with me… please?” and who is hopper to say no to the prettiest girl, tucked up all cosy under his blankets?
“alright kid.” so he gives y/n a smile as he slips into the bed besides her, doing his best to keep his distance so he doesn’t make her uncomfortable… but y/n just edges closer and closer to him until she falls into the clutches of sleep.
but hopper can’t sleep like this – too hyper aware of every sound and move which y/n makes. when he’s finally half asleep, eyes fluttering closed, y/n begins to toss and turn in her sleep, small frightened whines falling from her lips. she sounds genuinely scared, which breaks his heart.
and this time he doesn’t hesitate to move closer to y/n, allowing his strong arms to wrap around her and pull her in closer. “c’mere, sweetheart. i’ve got you… i’ve got you.” he coos, allowing her to relax into his touch. “you’re safe. promise.”
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fluffansmut-old · 2 years
The Sweater
December 4 - The Sweater
12 fics of christmas part 2 - masterlist 
Summary: Eddie has refused to wear a knitted jumper... until now. 
Content warnings: Fluff cutesy stuff, Wayne, Joyce, Will and El is in it, reader has some experiences in knitting- (yes I know its more or less impossible to knit a sweater that quickly but for the sake of the story, go with it.) 
Word count: 1899
* Fic is also posted on Ao3* 
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You had decided to do it. Even if it would consume you entirely.
It had started with Steve, whom had pulled a goofy-looking Christmas sweater out from his bag when he was about to leave your place, for his family’s stupid (his words) get-together.
“I mean each to their own but I wouldn’t be caught dead in that” Eddie said to you as Steve closed the door behind him.
“Aren’t it a little cosy though? Imagine walking through town in a knitted sweater,” You said, imagining exactly how soft Eddie would look in one.
“Baby I would walk through town with you anytime but did you see his sweater? The reindeer had a massive pom pom nose” Eddie said.
“And you walk around with a devil on your shirt, about 80% of the time” you said, defending your love for knitted sweaters a bit. (Even though you agreed with him, Steve’s sweater was ridiculous.)
“Don’t bring Hellfire into this, that’s different and you know it” he said.
You slumped down beside him.
“I suppose so,” you said. “Still I think knitted would look good on you.”
“It’s you who looks good…in anything” Eddie said, before smirking. “And nothing”
He leant in and kissed you, you smiled against his lips before returning the kiss.
                                                A few days later you were walking around town with Will and El in tow.
You had briefly mentioned going shopping when you returned this bag you had borrowed from Joyce, and both of them had instantly begged to join.
Will dragged both you and his sister into the craft-supplies store, claiming that he absolutely needed a few colours to complete the painting he was going to give to his mom and Hopper.
He pretty much disappeared into the paint aisle as soon as you entered.
“This can take a while..” El muttered, watching her brother compare pre-made swatches of colours that to her looked practically the same.
“We’ll better occupy ourselves then” you said. The younger girl smiled at you and you disappeared down the aisle next to Will’s.
El was looking at this tiny “paint your own ornaments” set, when you saw it, soft yarn in a deep red colour.
As so as you had laid eyes on it you couldn't stop thinking about how absolutely gorgeous Eddie would look in that colour.
Right then a clerk came up to your side of the store and said:
“Can I help you with anything today?”
A quick “nope” was heard from both the teenagers you had with you. You smiled apologetically towards the clerk.
“Actually how much yarn do you reckon I need to make a sweater?”
“I know that it should be in here somewhere?” Joyce said, already head deep in a bedroom closet.
“Joyce honestly, it’s fine, I’m sure I can find a book on it from the library” you said, not wanting Joyce to go through too much trouble just for you.
“You got my teenagers out of the house,” she said without looking up. “I owe you”
You were about to protest, saying that the kids actually were the ones to suggest joining, but before you could you heard;
“I’ve got it!”
Joyce pulled out the thin document file containing knitting patterns.
The first one looked simple enough, and it actually looked pretty too.
“Do you think I can do this one?” You asked, showing Joyce the pattern.
“Sure you can, I’ll help you get started” Joyce said and that’s how you ended up on the Hopper-Byers sofa for 4 hours, knitting away.
You had the half-finished knitting-project in your bag when you returned to the trailer. Eddie, who had been away with Wayne during the whole day to find the right parts to repair his van, was excited to see you.
You were excited to see him too, but more so you were excited to finish the surprise you had for him.
The two of you had dinner with Wayne and then you remerged back to his room.
“Imagine when we’ll have our own place” Eddie said dreamily as he flopped down onto the bed.
You dreamt of it too, and you had a job, but not too many places were up for sale, and Eddie probably should finish high school first.
“Yeah, that’s gonna be amazing” you replied, laying down beside him, your head on his outstretched arm.
“We won’t have to wait until my Uncle leaves before we have sex.” Eddie said.
It sent you into a fit of giggles,you turned to him and pressed a kiss to his temple.
“Is that really the only perk you see of us moving in together somewhere else?” You asked.
Eddie contemplated for a second before he smirked at you.
“Not just that, but it’s in the top five, for sure” he said.
You threw a pillow at him, before smiling wildly.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Munson”.
Usually when cuddling on the bed, you were the first one to be lulled to sleep.
But today, after the day he had, digging through car parts and arguing prices with grumpy old men, Eddie was knackered.
The tape in the record player, rang out it’s last tunes when you noticed that his breathing was evening out and he began snoring slightly.
You careful removed the duvet from your bottom half and eased yourself out of bed, to not wake the beautiful man sleeping beside you.
As if it was a miracle he stayed asleep when you got up.
“He really must be tried” you muttered to yourself, used to Eddie stirring awake as soon as you moved.
You emerged from the room, on you way to retrieve the knitting project from your bag when you ran into Wayne.
“Are you guys still up? It got awfully quiet in there for a moment.” He asked.
“Eddie’s asleep” you explained with a smile to the older man as you opened up the bag.
“And you’re not? That’s new” he said with a fond chuckle.
He reminded himself of all the times he heard the record player long after hours and had knocked on the door twice before cracking it slightly open only to find you and Eddie tangled up in each other’s arms, fast asleep.
He usually tiptoed in and turned off the music before leaving again.
“Yeah, well I started this thing earlier and I’ve been itching to finish it” you admitted Wayne as you pulled out the knitwork.
“And you couldn’t do it when Eddie was awake because?” asked Wayne as he plucked two mugs from his collection, walking towards the stove.
“It’s for him,” you said. “I’m making him a sweater”
“Really?” Wayne asked, eyebrows raised in genuine surprise. “That boy does not deserve you, that’s for sure.”
“It’s I, who doesn’t deserve him ” you said, sounding slightly more defensive than you had hoped too.
“Believe me, he doesn’t know that he scored solid gold with you,” he said, “ hot chocolate?”
Wayne chuckled.
“You really are giving me too much credit here,” you said. Before quickly adding a “yes, please” to the hot chocolate question.
Wayne started heating up the stove whilst you sat down and turned the tv on, flipping through the channels.
“How do you feel about one magic Christmas?” You asked Wayne.
“Sounds good to me.”
He arrived with the mugs about a minute later putting one down in front of you.
You sat in comfortable silence with Wayne, knitting in the light from the tv.
Wayne went to bed when the movie ended. You stayed up about two hours after that, finishing up the sleeves. When it was finished you folded it up and put it in a gift bag.
Eddie stirred awake when you tiptoed back to bed.
“Sweetheart?” He mumbled barely awake.
“I’m fine” you reassured him.
“Sure you’re not anxious?” Eddie asked, eyes still closed.
Your heart swelled at the question, the thoughtfulness coming from him, even when he was half asleep was proof of just what you told Wayne earlier, that Eddie was too good for you.
“I’m sure” you said and kissed his nose. “I’ve just been to the bathroom”
The last part was a lie, but you could spoil the surprise by telling him.
“Mkay then,” he mumbled. His head relaxing into the pillow. “Cuddles?” He said and raised his arm, inviting you in.
“I was just about to ask.” You said as you sank into his embrace.
The next morning you awoke to a cold bedroom. You shivered and pulled the duvet closer around you and Eddie.
The metal head beside you fluttered his eyes open and looked at you with soft brown eyes.
“It must have snowed during the night” he mumbles and pulled you closer to his t-shirt clad chest.
Can I plan or what? You thought as you remembered the sweater you finished.
“Shall we go get breakfast?” You asked. Eddie nodded.
“Have you got anything warm to wear?” He asked you, you replied with a small “yeah”, thinking of how nice that fleece lined jumper would be right about now.
“Have you?” You then asked as you got out of bed shivering.
“Not really, but I’ll manage” he said, but you noticed just how cold his hands were when you took one of them to pull him out of bed.
He pulled out oats of the cabinet with a shaky hand when you couldn’t take it anymore.
You were stood in pj bottoms and your red jumper, vintage Christmas card print on the front, and he had a black sabbath t-shirt on, there were goosebumps along his arms.
“Babe” you said and wrapped your arms around his waist. “I’ve got something for you.”
“For me?” Eddie asked and turned around and kissed your forehead.
“Yeah” you said and smiled, “now I’ve worked hard on it so please like it?”
You held up the gift bag in front of him.
He quickly grabbed it from you and you smiled shyly, now starting to doubt yourself.
“You made this?!” Eddie asked, sounding both genuinely surprised and excited.
“Yeah” you smiled, letting out a small breath you hadn’t realised that you were holding. “So it’s not too corny? Like Steve’s?”
Eddie laughed at the memory of Steve’s sweater.
“Absolutely not baby, it’s stunning” he said as he pulled it over his head.
“I’m glad you like it” you said and kissed his cheek.
“Holy shit it’s so soft” he said as he pulled it over his head. “Thank you, I love it, and you”
“I love you too,” you replied.
Wayne found you on top of Eddie on the couch with empty bowls on the table in front of you.
“I guess you finished it” he said and smiled at you.
“Yeah I did” you said, thinking about the state the sweater was in when Wayne went to bed.
“Now boy how come when I go out and spend my well earned money on sweaters for you, then you force me to return then cause they itch, but when your girl knits one then you wear from the get go?” Wayne asked.
Both you and Eddie laughed at the question.
“They were all itchy, feel it, it’s so fucking soft” Eddie said and held out his arm towards his Uncle.
“I know what’s soft,” Wayne said, hitting Eddie on the head playfully with a magazine. “It’s you, for her
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connordraws · 7 months
Do Hopper and Cosy have siblings? Cosy seems like the type to be the eldest sister while Hopper has the vibe of having two older brothers
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hopper actually is part of a triplet! cozy is an only child and works with her ma
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natlovessoup · 2 years
On My Way - Jim Hopper x Single Mom!Reader
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Pairing: Jim Hopper x (Single-ish)Mom!Reader
Featuring: You and your daughter Willow are running away, trying to catch the train in time. :)
Summary: Together with her daughter Willow, Y/N tries to get away from her abusive husband. Running away from home, she takes shelter in her sister Joyce's house a few towns over. Here Y/N tries to build a better life for herself and her daughter, she meets Jim and Eleven and becomes a better aunt to her nephews, Will and Jonathan.
But what happens when her husband comes back into their lives, trying to make it a living hell? Will he pull apart the stable base she has created for her and her daughter?
TW: trauma, abuse mentions, (i'll update as the fic is progressing)
A/N: the prologue is here! i hope you'll enjoy this fic as much as i am excited to write this!
Find the masterlist, here! Or find the fic on AO3 here!
last chapter < current > next chapter
The twigs and leaves on the ground made a snapping and crunching sound every time the little girl put her foot down to make a step. In her mind, she was pointing out all the things she saw around her. There were many trees and bushes, leaves and branches. She tried to name every colour she saw, even though she knew so little of them. The girl loved how autumn had the power to change every colour from bright, happy colours to cosy ones such as gold, red and brown. She loved watching the sunset, how the sun said goodnight by showing a painting of colours the little girl had never seen in her short period of life. 
With a bright smile on her face, she glanced up to look at the blissful look on her mother's face. They’d been walking for a while now, and the girl had no idea where they were going, all she knew was that she enjoyed the time she got to spend with her mother. Gently tugging at the coat of her mother's coat to grab her attention, they stopped walking and her mother asked what was going on.
“I’m thirsty.” The girl answered. Her mother smiled and crouched down onto her knees, taking the big backpack from her back and rummaging through the contents. She found a juice box, opened the flaps on the top so her daughter could hold it better and inserted the straw before handing it over. 
“Here you go, baby.” She muttered and went through the contents of the backpack again to find a can of soda. “We’ll have a little break before continuing, okay? We need to catch the train before night falls and it will arrive fast.” She said while looking at her watch. They still needed to walk a mile, which would take around ten minutes. The train would leave in twenty-five minutes so they could afford a little break before finishing up the last part. The girl nodded and sat down next to her mother. They both looked into the path in front of them. It didn’t seem to end, as if this path was endlessly surrounded by nature. The girl sighed out of relief, her feet were beginning to hurt a little. Of course, her mother carried her most of the way, but when her mom mentioned they were almost there and when the girl asked if she could walk the rest of the way she agreed. Even though they left home suddenly and unprepared, they still had enough time. 
“Mom?” The child asked. Her mother only hummed in response. 
“Why have we been walking so long?”
It took a moment for her mother to formulate a response. What was there to say? A lot actually, but the girl didn’t need to know all of that. She didn’t need to be made to understand the reality of the situation despite having experienced it. How could she explain that the reason they have been walking so much is because they are running away? How she packed her backpack with their most important stuff, leaving everything behind? How her daughter never will be able to see her father again? 
She sighed and looked at her daughter's face. She’s lucky to see her own eyes staring back at her, that her daughter is a mini-version of herself, instead of the man they’re running away from. She smiles sadly, reaching out to put a string of hair behind the girl's ear. 
“Do you remember the story about the Willow tree?”
The girl nodded, gently resting her head in the hand palm of her mother which was resting on the girl's cheek. “That’s the story about how I got my name, right?”
The mother’s smile got wider and she chuckled. 
“That’s right honey. In the story a girl and I used to spend hours upon hours under this tree, chatting and drawing and playing games. This was the time in my life when I was grateful for nature, for the sun and for the freedom we could experience. It might have been the second most happy moment in my life.”
The girl tilted her head a little to the right, making a face that reminded her mother of a puppy begging for some food. She snickered, tapped the girl's nose and said: “You being born was obviously my number one most happy moment in my life.” Of course, that made the little girl giggle a lot. 
While checking her watch, she realized they had stayed for way too long and they needed to hurry if they were to catch the train. She packed up the empty juice box and soda can, stood up and made herself ready for the last mile.
“Come on, love bug. Hop up and we’ll race to the train! If we get there before it leaves, I’ll buy you an ice cream at the next stop. Yeah?” She tried to make her voice as excited as she could, so her daughter would try to stay awake and not be cranky for the last part of the trip. The girl jumped up and clung on for dear life around her mother's waist. Singing songs, telling jokes and quite literally racing the last part, they reached the train station in time.
The train stopped with loud whistles and screeching from the brakes and with cracking noises, the doors opened. Together the mother and daughter stood there, in front of a door that would take them into a new chapter of their lives, leaving the old one behind. A start of a clean slate. A new beginning. 
The mother looked at her daughter's face, holding her hand steady and with a deep sigh she said: “Let’s go see your aunt.”
And they stepped onto the train, taking them to their next destination.
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Your Russian Crush ~ part 1
Minors do not read!
Dimitri + Female reader
18+ ~includes smut, language and drinking ~
You, Joyce and Murray help Hopper escape the Russian prison he’s been in months with the help of a Russian friend. On the drive to safety some fun is had but it’s not all as seems. You now face sharing a safe house with the beautiful blue eyed man you now know as Dmitri. ~ You are Joyce’s neighbour and best friend so you know all about what’s been going on with the upside down - not mentioned ~
~ Didn’t wanna give too much away! ~
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You have just managed to escape your way out of the Russian prison that has kept Hopper captive for the last 8 months. With some help from a handsome Russian man you’ve known as Enzo who is actually Dmitri Antonov. You, Joyce and Murray knew you had to help Hopper escape as soon as Joyce received that weird Russian doll. Murray hopped on the next plane and you all came up with a plan.
Now ~
Murray is driving whilst Dmitri is giving him directions to a safe place to lay down low. Hopper and Joyce are sat cuddled next to one another, you can see how happy they are to be finally united. But that means you have the lovely seat buddy of Yuri, that one who betrayed you all. Instead of putting yourself through listening to the annoying conversation the man was trying to start you find your eyes starting to close, you’ve been awake for days so naturally you fall into a nice deep sleep.
You’re back home in your bed, you nice big cosy bed. You have missed this soooo much. You wake up in your bed but as you roll over you notice you are not alone. Half asleep you don’t register who it is next to you until you hear the thick Russian accent you have come to adore so much. ‘Morning красивый’ (beautiful) He moves closer and nuzzles into you. Your all are still in disbelief that the man you have fantasied about is next to you. His hand slowly comes up and starts stroking your bare thigh, sending tingles through your body. He starts to kiss along your neck, slowly trailing down your body to meet your collarbone and give you a little nibble. This makes you moan to him, you can feel his lips twitching into a smile. ‘I haven’t even touched you yet and you already moan for me. So sexy.’ As Dmitri continues to kiss down your body his hand moves higher up to your now wet and needy pussy. He moves his finger slowly into your folds and moves the slick around, quickly finding you clit and making slow and agonising circles. His lips attach to your now hardened nipples giving them a gentle bit then sucking them causing your hand to move into this hair and pull it. He moans into your nipple. ‘You are so perfect’ he whispers and his lips go slowly down along to your stomach. His fingers making faster movements on your clit, making your legs shake and your pussy clench around nothing. ‘Please Dmitri’ you moan to him. His body moves down so his face is now facing your bare and glistening pussy. His fingers have stopped moving circling your clit and moved down to your aching hole. He inserts his finger and brings pumping in and out of you and then his tongue meets your clit making your head already spin. ‘Oooh Dmitri’ you moan as he starts to go faster, adding anoth-
To your surprise you are being elbowed in the ribs, confused and dazed you open your eyes. To be met by some questionable looks from the others you are still in the van with. ‘What?’ You question as you sit up and yawn. ‘You sound like you having very nice dream there, oooh Dmitri’ Yuri says with a laugh. You now have put two and two together and realise you were dreaming. A sex dream. About Dmitri. Who is sitting in the front of the van. Looking at you with a shy smirk. ‘Told you Jim, you owe me $20.’ Murray chirps up from the front. You look over to Hopper who quickly avoids your eye contact and then to Joyce who gives you a small smile. Yuri is just laughing to himself. You have never felt so embarrassed in your life. Safe to safe the rest of the trip is a tad awkward, considering Dmitri is no longer looking at you and avoiding eye contact. Doesn’t help the fact that you are now extremely horny from that very real dream.
What you don’t know is Dmitri is trying to sit comfortably but having a hard time, literally. He tried to adjust his boner without being noticed but of course Murray does. He does not say a word but looks over at Dmitri and raises his eyebrows followed by a wink. ‘Oh shut up’ Dimitri mutters to himself.
What seems like forever since leaving the prison you finally arrive at your destination. It’s not much, what looks like a small cabin hidden away, kind of like Hoppers old place. You each get out of the van and wonder up to the door. ‘It’s not much but it’s got what we need’ Dmitri tells to you all as he looks under the rock for the key to unlock the door. As he unlocks it you can still feel the slight tension in the air but you decide to ignore it. When the door is opening you all make your way in, Dimitri being the gentleman he is letting you go in first, his hand lingering on the bottom of your back. You think to yourself, my god is this man trying to kill me! You hope the heat of your cheeks goes unnoticed. As you all are in you take a look around. It’s not much like Dmitri said but it’s got what you need. There’s two sofas in the living room, a table, a small TV, books and what you think is a pack of cards. There’s a kitchen with the basics and to your surprised working water in the taps. The fridge empty but the cupboards have tinned food that appear to be in date. There’s a bathroom with a working toilet, sink and shower much to your relief, you can not wait to wash your body and feel clean. There are two bedrooms by the looks of it and closer examination one has a double bed and the other a single.
As you all take a seat on the sofas you see the empty spot left for you is next to Dmitri. You smile shyly and go to sit next to him. But of course with Yuri being the oh so fun guy he is he thinks it’s hilarious to trip you up on your way so you land right upon Dmirti’s lap. No one else finds it funny in the slightest, Yuri is laughing proudly. ‘There you go Y/N, have a seat there since you are so-‘ He is quickly cut off but Hopper, ‘if you want to keep that tongue of yours and not have it cut off I suggest you stop with this bullshit!’ Yuri gulps visibly and you can tell Hopper means what he said, he’s been through enough for this man to carry on. ‘Okay okay I stop, sorry Y/N’ Yuri holds his hands up in surrender. Joyce quickly distracts everyone but offering to make some food, with that Murray sees what he can put on the TV and Hopper take a wonder to the shower and I think it’s fair he needs one first. Yuri sits twiddling his thumbs quietly. As all this happens you are still on Dmitri's lap having not moved. ‘Are you okay?’ He asks in a low voice with sorry looking eyes. You compose yourself and look into those beautiful blue eyes and nod slowly. His arms are around your waist holding you so close to him, you can feel the electricity between you. Joyce clears her throat and you both look up, ‘there’s some food ready for you’ she says. You compose yourself and get off Dmitri's lap, even though you really didn’t want to you know your body needed fuel. Hopper was out of the shower now all fresh, Dmitri had gone to get some clothes out for you all. As Hopper went to the bedroom to get changed, Murray found some Russian movie and put it on.
As the afternoon falls into evening everyone but you and Dmitri have showered, Yuri of course takes his long sweet ass time. At least everyone has now full bellies thanks to Joyce. Finally it is your turn to shower. You see what clothes are left in the pile, to your surprise they are what appears to be woman’s clothes. Well at least woman’s shorts. You take those and an oversized top as you don’t want to leave Dmitri with the shorts, even though you wouldn’t mind seeing him wearing them. You make your way to the shower and strip off your sweaty and dirty clothes. You start to shower and step in feeling the water hit your skin, to your surprise it’s still warm. Even if four other people have used it before you. You can finally wash your hair and body and my god it feels amazing. You’ve only been feeling disgusting a few days where as poor Hopper and Dmitri a lot longer. Your mind wonders back to your dream. The feeling of is body being so close, his breathe on your neck, his lips on your- knock knock - ‘Y/N?’ It’s Dmitri, you stop the water and pull the curtain back so your head can poke out. ‘Yeah?’ You asked rather confused. ‘You left your towel, can I come in?’ Dmitri asks you in a hushed tone. ‘Oh, thanks I didn’t realise, errm yeah you can’ you reply. He opens the door slowly and closes it behind him.
Theres a moment of silence before either one of you speaks. ‘I’m sorry’ Dmitri says before you can open your mouth. You looked at him confused. ‘For what Yuri did, I’m sorry that asshole embarrassed you today. I - I am flattered. I mean about what happened in the van. It’s not everyday that I have a beautiful woman say my name like that. It’s been a very long time since my name has been said like that.’ He says to you, you are shell shocked to hear this. He clears his throat, ‘anyway, here’s the towel, I’ll leave it here’ he puts the towel on top of the sink and before you can reply he leaves the room. You stand in the shower speechless. You do not move for a good few minutes till you realise you’re shivering. You get out of the shower and get dressed, your brain still not processing what has been said to you.
You leave the bathroom and head over to the others, to your amusement it seems Murray found a couple of bottles of vodka and has started making shots for everyone. ‘Y/N just in time!’ He says to you clearly have had a few shots already. You take a seat on the sofa next to Murray as he passes a shot to you, you shrug your shoulder and down the shot, making everyone cheer. Dmitri makes his way to the shower and you all continue drinking. Whilst Dmitri is in the shower Hopper takes the pack of cards from the shelf and decide to play game. ‘What shall we play, black Jack?’ Hopper asks the group. ‘I don’t know how to play that one’ you say. ‘Okay, what do you know how to play?’ He asks, as you think you see Dmitri come out of the bathroom, hair still damp with the towel just around his waist as it appears he forgot his clothes. The water runs down his glistening wet chest, you can’t help but linger on his body. He notices you looking as you reach his face, he winks and walks back to the bathroom to get dressed. ‘Hello??’ Hoppers waving his hands in your face, it appears no one else noticed Dmitri come out practically naked, you are rather grateful for that. ‘Sorry I was thinking, I errrm’ you are unsure of what to say, Dmitri comes back fully clothed (much to your disappointment) and the first things that come to your mind, ‘the only card games I know is strip poker or drinking games like never have I ever.’ Everyone looks up to you quite surprised by what you have just announced to the group. ‘I am not playing strip poker, this body does not come out for anybody here, sorry’ Murray says. ‘However I like the idea of a drinking game.’ Everyone else agrees to play never have I ever, you explain the rules to Dmitri and Yuri and the game begins.
At first is all light hearted stuff like, never have I ever cheated on a test, never have I ever ran a red light, never have I ever smoked weed. As more never have I never were said the more everyone was drinking. Everyone got quite tipsy quite quickly. That’s when the questions became a lot more, shall we say interesting. To your surprise Joyce was the first one to ask! ‘Never have I ever had sex in public.’ Everyone was shocked to hear that sentence come out of her mouth but everyone carried on playing and much to your surprise everyone drank. ‘Okay now I’m curious, where?!’ You asked openly to everyone. Yuri was the first one to answer, ‘my plane of course. It really gets the woman going, if you know what I mean’ he elbowed Hopper and winked. He just rolls his eyes and says, ‘In the woods.’ ‘In the back of the store’ Joyce answered. ‘Underwater. Do not ask how. It was not enjoyable’ Muarry answered sweeping his answer under the rug. ‘Mines a public toilet, I was drunk okay’ you say putting your hands up in your defence. You turn to Dmitri, ‘mine was at church, I’m not a religious man but I was thanking god’ he said as he downed his shot. ‘Okay my turn, never have I ever had a dirty dream about someone in this room’ Yuri said smirking at you. You were past caring anymore. Of course you drank as well as Hopper and Joyce. Surprised to see that Dmitri also had a shot eyes always on you, that made your heart race a little more. Everyone exchanged glances at one another but never said anything. The game continued, you were surprised how much Murray and Joyce drank. You knew about Hoppers past so wasn’t much of a surprise. And well Yuri is just Yuri. You and Dimitri seemed not as drunk as everyone else but you both had drank a fair amount. After a while Yuri and Murray past out on the sofas, Joyce and Hopper went to the bedroom, the one with the double bed. That left you and Dmitri.
‘I can sleep in here don’t worry’ Dmitri said to you. You looked at the sofas and there wasn’t any room left and he’s not sleeping on the floor after being stuck in the cell. ‘No you can’t, there’s no room, I don’t mind sharing - only if that’s okay with you?’ You asked shyly. Dmitri nodded and stood up making his way to the bedroom. ‘I’ll be through in a minute, I’m just going to the toilet.’ You go up quickly and raced to the toilet, you looked around and surprising found an unused spray deodorant and some unopened mouthwash. You thought why not, can’t be too careful. You applied deodorant and swigged the mouthwash. You even decided to shimmy the shorts off, more comfy to sleep you told yourself not for any other reason at all nope. You looked at yourself at the mirror and took a few deep breaths before going to the bedroom. You didn’t bother knocking, when you came in Dimitri was shirtless and in the process of taking off his jogging bottoms off. You inhaled quickly at the sight of his toned but bruised back, he had large arm muscles and large calves. You were feeling a little flustered. ‘Hope you don’t mind, I get too hot at night.’ Dmitri said turning around, you gazed upon his bare chest, your eyes lingering all the way down his line of hair that led down to… you composed yourself as you realised you were just staring at him and he was waiting for you to reply. ‘No no I don’t mind, don’t want you all sweaty on me’ you chuckled awkwardly and wanted to palm yourself in the face. Dmitri laughed and got into the bed, oh yes, the single bed, you completely forgot it wasn’t really going to fit both of you. He scooted closely to the wall and pulled the covers back so you could lay down. You climbed into the bed turning out the light, you facing away from Dmitri, you knew if you looked into this eyes you’d melt. ‘Goodnight ангел (angel) Dmitri whispered into your ear, feeling his hot breath against you made you tingle. Too taken back by his words you didn’t ask what it meant all you could do was reply in a whisper, ‘good night Dmitri.’
Somehow you managed to doze off for a while, your not sure how long as when your awoken it’s still dark in the room and for a minute you forget where you are until you feel a hot breathe on your neck and gentle snoring in your ear. You slowly turn and see Dmitri softly asleep his bare chest on your back. His arm has now draped over you and he is holding you by your waist just under your bare chest. (You’ve still got your top on for now;) You could feel something on the lower part of your back, something very hard and very big and oh. You know what the is now. You blush and your heart races. Butterflies spread out all across your body. Just when you think that was it you head a moan in your ear, ‘Y/N’ you freeze. He says it again, ‘Y/N, ебня’ (fuck) He moves his hand from your waist higher up, he’s cupping your breast. You let out a high pitch squeak as it’s a surprise. That startled him and wakes him from his sleepy dreams. ‘Y/N?’ Dmitri asks clearly still tired and confused. ‘Yes?’ You answer. It takes him a minute to realise the position he’s in, what he’s doing to you. ‘гадить (shit) Y/N I’m so sorry!’ He tried to move away but he’s stuck between you and the wall, with his movements he ends up moving his dick covered boxers lower down and pressed bow against your bum. You moan as you feel his hard dick press against your bare bottom. Without any words you wiggle your bottom more onto his dick, he hissed and moans in your ear. His hand still on your top gropes your breast more hard. No words are needed for what is going to happen.
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hawkwidows · 10 months
hi friends!! I’m ev (and I’m comfy with you calling me that 🤗)
🌹 mid-20s • she/her • australian • latina • bi
🌹 I draw and my art blog is @solisevart (I’m trying to be consistent I promise *sweats*) insta
🌹 I love a bit of everything pop culture but my main fandoms are stranger things, mcu, star wars and scooby doo (you heard me). though rn it’s 99% ST and staying strong
🌹 my byler brainrot specialties: exploring the byhop family in-laws (mike & jon/joyce/hopper, will & nancy/holly/karen etc), medieval royalty/fantasy au, adult byler & the Party, domestic/slice of life content
🌹 I love creating art, I’m a film lover and I am definitely the duality of deeply enjoying the horror genre and its aesthetics but if you wave soft cosy pretty things in front of me I chase after those too lmao
🌹 I love making friends, talking to people, and gushing about my ships so my inbox and DMs are always open I don’t bite!! unless—
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sterek-su · 1 year
My 2022 top Fanfics. A silly little thing but these are the fics I found myself coming back to time and time again.
This is your home. These are your people. [T] 21k - Oases (Steve/Eddie) “Your heart’s racing,” Steve noted, quietly. Eddie laughed. It was more of a shaky exhale, lashes fluttering as he struggled to keep his composure. “Stevie,” he whispered, fingers cradling Steve’s side like he was precious. “Yeah, no fucking shit.” OR: Ma Henderson & Wayne Munson get cosy, Dustin makes an off-hand remark, and Steve spirals. It works out in the end. A special little shout out to Rionaa for getting me hooked on this one and helping me discover Oases. One of the first podficcers in this community I found.
Paradise by the dashboard light. [T] 154k - Oases (Steve/Eddie) Things were weird in Hawkins. The fields were rotting, there was something in the woods, and Steve Harrington's Beemer had a new problem every week.
The most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that its you [E] 34k - greatunironic (Steve/Eddie) Sixteen years after the world didn't end for the last time, Max Mayfield showed up on Steve’s doorstep and said, “You gonna walk me down the aisle in May or what?” Or, it’s 2002 and Steve Harrington attends a wedding, a funeral, and a birth.
Wouldn’t it be nice (if we could wake up) [E] 130k - kissesforcas (Steve/Eddie) Steve finds his pulse. He carries Eddie out of the Upside Down, he keeps his heart beating until they get to the hospital. And then the government intervenes, that shady part of the government? With Sullivan? And he and Eddie wind up locked up, together, in a cell. There's one bed, and glass walls, and it turns out that he and Eddie? Might need each other more than either of them thought they might.
What love is [T] 23k - kissesforcas (Steve/Eddie) Steve is incapable of not taking care of the people he cares about. And against all odds, he cares about Eddie. Eddie has never been taken care of. Not like that. Or: Eddie & Steve fall in love, before Christmas but not too fast.
Steve Harrington’s unwilling time loop saga (Series) - badpancake (Steve/Eddie) A series following Steve Harrington as he unknowingly, unwillingly, loops time to save the ones he loves (and maybe realises that he can ask for help, is deserving of love, before, after, and during). 1. The One in Which a Time Loop is Fucking Exhausting. [NA] 41k When anything and everything goes wrong in 1986, Steve realises that he can fix things, and maybe falls in love, along the way. 2. Steve Harrington's Deaths (And The Times He Maybe Saved The World). [NA] 38k After the events of '86, after everything has settled down, and everything is calm, people start to remember. The pieces start to slot together, and nobody likes the picture it creates.
Blooms of the darkest garden [T] 12k - tminuseternity (Steve/Eddie)) Steve is going to die. And because this is Hawkins, a town with an alternate dimension right up its asscrack, he isn't going to die in a normal way. No, instead he's going to die because he can't stop coughing up the most disgusting combination of Upside Down gunk and...flower petals? What the fuck is happening to him?
If I stare too long [E] 191k- Brawls (Brawlite) & Toastranger (Steve/Billy/Eddie) After the end of the world, Billy Hargrove is a mess. But at least he has company.
Paper rings [E] 9k- mediwitch3 (Steve/Billy) Dustin bets Steve he can't get a date for Mike's wedding. AKA the What's Your Number au nobody asked for
Nightcall [T] 6k - pprfaith (Steve&Billy) Billy expects to roll into town and fuck shit up, hurt himself and others, make something bleed. He doesn't expect Stevie Harrington.
We Slip And Slide [NR] 6k - CallieB (Steve/Billy) Pure indulgent post-S3 fluff, including but not limited to the discussed concepts of: - Billy moving in with Joyce - The Jonathan/Billy friendship we all need - Grouchy Hopper - Jonathan and Billy smoking weed together and arguing about music. Because punk and metal are two different things. BUT they unite against Steve’s taste - Robin and Jonathan being excellent wing-persons - Hop and Billy teaming up against Mike to protect El - Shovel talks all round - Robin being clever and eating popcorn - The you rule/you suck board
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our world- harringrove
My contribution to @harringroveweek July 29th! I decided to mix two of the prompts, Harringrove Lake House and Summer Vacation to make a part 2 for halfway up the stairs, although it counts as a stand alone fic as well! It can be read here on AO3 as well.
summary: “But at least you have your man beside you, huh? The world cannot shake you from him.” Steve genuinely doesn’t know what to say to that. Sure, he thinks Billy’s going to be be his side. It’s not like he can imagine otherwise, not with how engrained Billy is into his life, his daily routines. Where would he be without Billy making fun of his movie choices but watching them anyways? Or Billy himself making Steve watch the most sappy romcoms he can find, just because he knows how Steve secretly loves them.
“You’ve got that look in your eye, topolino. Billy really has your heart, doesn’t he? Tucked away somewhere, and you have that look like you don’t want it back.”
tags: steve harrington is a good babysitter, domestic fluff, summer vacation, herrington lake house, established relationship, happy billy hargrove, billy is an asshole and we love him for it
warnings: smoking, neil hargrove, implied/mentions homophobia, steve’s parents being terrible people, mentions of anxiety, light cursing
translations: “ Il buongiorno si vede dal mattino” - a good day starts in the morning
“hanno una casa adeguata?” - are they from good homes?
“l'amore non è bello se non è litigarello.” - love is not beautiful if it is not a fight.
“Ringrazia le stelle per te." - thank the stars for you
“Già cosi cresciuto." - grown up already
“Senza senso.” - none sense
“non essere timido” - do not be shy
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“When night lays sad upon you
Go watch a simple sunrise
Love can open your eyes
In our world .”
There aren’t a lot of things Steve’s parents are good for. They leave the power off when they forget that Steve is going to be home while they’re away somewhere. They send him away to camps during the summer or insist he gets a job to keep him out of the house, where he can’t cause any noise, which apparently is a flaw of his. They kick him out of the house for having a boyfriend his senior year, and ironically, force him to move in with his boyfriend. Not that they could have known Billy was also going to be kicked out, but hey, he’s not one to complain. Except that it was an all together shitty time for the both of them. He was basically given extra time to spend with Billy, working around being high-school students supporting themselves with help from Joyce and Hopper, of course.
The one thing his parents are still good for, though, is this. The only connection he still has to his family, his Nonna. She’s a true force of nature, an unrelenting presence of joy and comfort, even when she’s hundreds of miles away. When Steve got kicked out, she was the first one to call him, the only one in his family to reach out at all, and she’s never wavered in her love for him. Not once.
Steve wasn’t sure how it would be, brining Billy into this world of his. Italy is definitely different than Hawkins, especially when someone stays for two weeks at their boyfriend’s grandma’s villa on the lake. There’s only so much of Steve’s past Billy can take on before he flies off. Or so Steve thought.
Turns out, there was never anything to worry about in the first place. Billy gets on with Nonna like he’s known her his whole life, spends the most evenings with her in the kitchen learning from someone who actually has the patience and care to teach him how to do things he never got taught. Steve knows Billy didn’t ever get anything like this with his family. His dad preferred to remain distant to any of his family, and his mom’s family ignores the fact that he exists, an unwelcome blemish to remind them that their daughter wasn’t perfect.
Nonna is the last of Steves family that speaks to him, but she’s the only semblance of family that Billy even has. There’s no one Billy talks to besides Steve, Max, and the hordes of children that come along with them as a package deal.
All of this contemplation, which Steve usually saves for late nights when he can’t sleep, occurs in the early hours of the morning, when he’s half awake and debating whether or not to fall back asleep. It just feels so nice, so safe, to be here with Billy in a place he grew up in.
Nonna’s house has always been home. During holidays, he would come here while his parents went on some cruise, and he would spend evenings counting the stars with Nonna on a checkered blanket and coloring on the kitchen table while Nonna made bread.
A very distant memory shows his Nonno, with his kind eyes and horrible sense of humor. A man Steve remembers to have always worn a worn down leather cap and a smile, who he only got to see for the first few years of his life.
Nonno’s death, when Steve was ten, didn’t impact him like it did the rest of his family. For some reason, he found it easy to escape the feelings of grief and anxiety because he was just happy to be with his family. That was before his parents decided he wasn’t worth the effort, before they let go all his tutors and left him to suffer on his own. He was happy then, to run around and try to make as many people smile as he could, giving out hugs and doing what little kids do best.
Nonna held onto his hand during the funeral. She didn’t let go all of the car ride home and into dinner. When she did, his hand was red and sore, but he wore it like a secret prize, a testimony to show how he helped.
As he got older, he came to Nonna’s fewer and fewer. The beautiful house became less of a home to him and just a place he went sometimes. A brief escape from his real home, which also wasn’t much of a home.
Then he had Billy, who is as much his family as anyone else. From the standard Steve’s actual family set, he’s much better. Steve is almost positive that all those lost homes of his past were just him saving up his energy for Billy later on in life because maybe he’s a little superstitious sometimes. Who isn’t?
Especially with someone like Billy. He’s supportive while being utterly, ridiculously antagonistic and the sweetest asshole Steve knows.
An asshole whose currently laying almost completely on top of him, his arms and legs sprawled out across the bed.
Steve’s just thinking about falling back asleep and letting go of the march down memory road when their door is shoved open and Nonna comes in.
“Rise and shine, sleepyheads. Il buongiorno si vede dal mattino. You won’t get anything done from that bed .”
“I can think of a few things we could do,” mutters Billy. “And I don’t even know what the other part you’re of what you’re saying means, so I can ignore it all I want.”
Nonna doesn’t waste a second and pulls the blanket off of their bed, jolting Steve wide awake from the cool morning air. “It means it cannot be a good day if you waste it in bed. Come now, hurry up. We have a lot to do to get ready.”
“What would she have done if we weren’t wearing any clothes when she tore the cover off?” muses Billy, running and hand through his hair and sitting up.
“Why would you share that thought with me? I don’t want to think about my grandma finding us in- well-“
“Uncomfortable circumstances?” Billy’s suggestion is coupled with a glint in his eye that Steve knows could mean he should prepare for something vile to come out of Billy’s mouth. “Well, uncomfortable for her. Probably quite comfortable for us .”
“You’re disgusting.”
“That’s why you like me,” answers Billy. They shuffle around the room, getting dressed and trying not to bump into each other. Steve has a strange tendency to run into things in the morning, including but not limited to walls, doorframes, animals, sleeping children on the floor, and most commonly, Billy.
“Yeah, I like you for your personality.”
“I have an excellent personality. You should know better than anyone how charming and polite I can be, baby. How else would I have gotten a golden boy like you?” Billy sidles up behind Steve and wraps his arms around his waist, tugging him tight to his chest.
“Lots and lots of flirting and cigarette breaks.” Steve leans into Billy’s touch, a sensation he can’t deny himself, ever. They do have to hurry, though. He should tell Billy to let go. Right. Right? But Billy is so warm, so inviting, especially when he fits so perfectly against Steve. His better angels win and he reluctantly turns around to face Billy. “We have to get ready.”
“You have to get ready. I still have time before the rugrats get here. Get to it, pretty boy, you don’t want to keep Nonna waiting.” With that, Billy waltzes back into bed.
“You’re so fucking mean,” whines Steve, ruffling through his bag for a shirt. To return the favor, he adds, “I’m pretty sure she said your name too.”
“Maybe. But she’ll just text me what I need to do and I’ll do it. See, Steve, I’m smart and decided to take the job that let me do the same amount of work but talk to less people and go to less airports.” Billy’s voice is muffled by the pillow and his hair is scattered everywhere in wild curls. Steve takes his phone out and snaps a picture, saving it to the photo album called “ asshole that i love. ”
“By her texting me, you mean she’ll tell me to text you in her phone because all she knows how to do is the voice command thing.” Steve choses not to respond to the second part.
“Yep,” says Billy, popping the ‘p.’ “Now go away and let me sleep. Your favorite mug is in the sink, I cleaned it last night for you. Oh, and we’re out of that honey you like in your tea, but I’m going to get some today.” Steve is struck by the sheer adoration he has for Billy, in a moment when he’s being his usual difficult self. But he also cared for Steve, last night, before Steve even knew he would need it. He noticed how Steve pours a mountain of honey in his tea and even knows which brand he likes. He’s going to the grocery store, for christ’s sake. Steve didn’t think there was much that could get Billy to willingly go to a grocery store, but apparently running out of Steve’s honey does the trick.
“Okay, thanks, Billy. I’ll see you later, love you.”
“I love you too,” Billy mumbles, probably half asleep already.
Nonna’s voice rings through the house. “Steve, topolino, hurry up. We have to be at the airport in an hour and I need to tell Billy how to set up.”
For Billy’s sake, Steve chooses not to yell across the house. Nonna is waiting for him in the kitchen, a mug of coffee in one hand and another one for Steve in the others.
“Billy fell back asleep, but I’m ready.”
“That boy always looks like he needs a good nap,” comments Nonna. “I wrote out instructions for him to have on the fridge. It shouldn’t be too hard, but I know he wants to get things ready for his sister.” She hands Steve his mug and motions for him to sit in the barstool across from her by the counter.
“Yeah, she hasn’t traveled a lot out of the country. None of them have, actually. I hope they make it without any problems. I don’t know how well they could handle anything going wrong, most of them are prone to not handling some things well.”
“I’m sure they are going to be fine, but I know that won’t help you feel better. You can’t help but worry about them,” consoles Nonna.
“I was the same way about my child, and then worse with you. There’s nothing in the world that can stop you from worrying about them, credo. They’re yours as much as they’re anyone else’s.” Nonna doesn’t give him a chance to respond to that; she turns around and rinses her mug and heads towards the car. It’s just like her, to only speak when she needs to, when someone else needs her to. Steve dutifully follows behind her, sliding into the passengers seat.
Nonna’s car is beautiful. It’s partly where Steve got his love for his own car, which Billy has kindly nicknamed “piece of shit,” but Billy doesn’t have much ground to stand on. Billy loves his Camaro way too much to complain about Steve’s own car dedication.
Nonna’s is a brilliant deep green, vintage convertible that Nonno, when he was alive, carefully took care of, waxing it often and taking it out every night for a ride around the lakes. When he died, Nonna learned how to do the same and has kept up with it ever since. She says it gives her something to do, but Steve knows it’s more than that.
Obviously, though, it’s not big enough to fit all six of the kids, so they have a cab to meet them at the airport. A shame, really, that they won’t all get to experience to joy of this car, not that they would care in the slightest.
“I cannot wait to meet the children. How many are there again? Steve, hanno una casa adeguata? Or are they ones I need to send Christmas presents to?“ She worries, fixing her scarf around her neck and going through the motions of checking the mirrors, even though she’s the only one who drives it.
“They have good homes, Nonna. Joyce and Hopper, who I’ve told you about, they take care of most of them. Billy and I help out as much as we can, too, when there are rough nights.” The engine rises to life with an honest to God purr, and they pull gracefully out of the driveway. Green forrest’s and glimpses of blue waters blur by from outside the window.
“Good, good. I always knew you would be kind. My little Stevie, growing up and getting too old too fast.”
“I’m not grown, Nonna,” laughs Steve. “There are still a lot of things I need to figure out first. A lot that I don’t know.”
Nonna brushes the thoughts away with a flick of her hand. “No one knows everything they think they should know. Ever. It’s not a condition of living.”
“Since when did you get all philosophical?” Steve jokes. “I was just talking about the fact that Billy and I happen to almost set fire to the kitchen once a month and routinely forget to pay our bills.”
“Those are bad too,” agrees Nonna. “But at least you have your man beside you, huh? The world cannot shake you from him.” For emphasis, she grabs his arm tightly, assumedly the worlds behalf. Steve genuinely doesn’t know what to say to that. Sure, he thinks Billy’s going to be be his side. It’s not like he can imagine otherwise, not with how engrained Billy is into his life, his daily routines. Where would he be without Billy making fun of his movie choices but watching them anyways? Or Billy himself making Steve watch the most sappy romcoms he can find, just because he knows how Steve secretly loves them.
“You’ve got that look in your eye, topolino . Billy really has your heart, doesn’t he? Tucked away somewhere, and you have that look like you don’t want it back. You know, I used to have that look in my eyes. No, don’t scoff, it’s true. Your grandfather was quite the charmer. Very pretty too. Green eyes that made me think of the ocean and hair like yours, except he brushed it sometimes. The first night we were together he took me dancing. Imagine that? Me, with my books and my glasses, getting dressed up to dance with a boy. The whole town was shocked, of course, that I said yes. He was encantevole. I knew the moment he took my hand and we waltzed to that old song about the flowers that I wasn’t getting my heart back anytime soon.”
“I know the feeling,” mumbles Steve. Nonna smiles at him and pats his hand lovingly.
“The first months together were absolute bliss. Of course, we had our fights. But you know they saying: l'amore non è bello se non è litigarello. Fighting is healthy. It made us stronger. I’m sure you know that.”
“Billy and I used to fight a lot,” admits Steve quietly. It’s strange, because he never talks about this. They kind of just…ignore it, like it never happened, like it isn’t how they met or how they fell in love. “I used to hate him. The way he would walk around like he was better than everyone else, like there was something superior about him that no one else had or even knew. Now I know that it wasn’t that he actually thought he was better than anyone at all, he was just trying to hide the fact that he assumed there was something wrong with him. He was told for a long time that there was something wrong with him, so he believed it and took it out on everyone else. If he was mean, no one could see that he was hurting, was bleeding his heart out and drowning in Neil’s anger. He was fighting fire with fire, just in two separate places. Max is the only who who kind of knows what it was like for him. But as far as Billy’s told me, he tried to keep it hidden from her. Maybe to protect her. Like I said, he doesn’t talk about it.” Steve breaks off, looking out the window. It’s not exactly his favorite topic, but it’s nice to discuss it with someone.
“You were talking about how you used to fight,” prompts Nonna gently.
“Right. We played basketball together in high-school, and that was the worst point. One night I was sitting for the Byers because Jonathan was off with Nance, and Max was over there too. Apparently she didn’t tell Neil or her mom, so Billy went looking and found me there with her, in a house full of teenager boys. It didn’t look good, and he made some fair assumptions about what was happening. It was…bad. Both of us probably should have ended up arrested, or at least in the hospital afterwards. Naturally, things got worse between us after that, and I think things got worse with Max too. I’m not exactly sure, I was a little out of it for a while. Trying to figure out why I cared so much that Billy wouldn’t look at me in the halls, why it mattered at all that he stopped coming to basketball. Somehow, Max was the one to piece it together. She basically locked us in a room and told us to get along or beat each other out of hatred. We chose to try and get along, which turned into what it is now.”
“Just like that?” Nonna asks.
“No,” laughs Steve. “I wish it was that easy, but it really wasn’t. It started with small things, like smoking by the quarry together or scheduling drop offs and pickups around each other’s schedules. Then, it became more over time, slowly. We still fought, but nothing past petty arguments and self-depreciation. Being with him became easy, and he was the one I wanted to talk to about things. I don’t think I realized what it was until one night when we were sitting outside by my pool in the middle of the fucking winter, wearing sweatshirts and sweaters and swim shorts for when we would get into the hot tub. It reminded me so much of that night with Nancy, when I knew I loved her. And I did. Love her, I mean. Billy was smoking and I was just watching him do that stupid thing he does where he blows smoke into your face when you’re sitting next to him. Annoying as hell. He probably hasn’t done it to you, though. Anyway, he was doing that, and I just thought to myself, “Man, I really love him.””
“My Steve, such a romantic. Who would have known? I always thought you were going to be a heartbreaker, but here you are, with your high school love, coming for a summer visit. Staying home with me most nights and playing card games. How lucky am I? Ringrazia le stelle per te.” Nonna reaches over the dashboard and rests her hand on top of Steve’s, patting it gently.
“Thank the stars for me? Nonna, you’re practically the only reason I ever though I could even be with Billy.”
“You would be with him anyway. You are soulmates. Anima Gemella. Twin souls, like your Nonno and me. I do have one question, though.”
“Ask away.” He would tell her anything in the world right now, sitting in this car soaked with memories of summer nights and deep talks.
“Why did you ever fight? I mean, yes, boys at that age are stupid and difficult, your father taught me that much, but why fight? Why not treat him like any of the others that got in your way?”
“I guess because, to me, he was reckless and dangerous most of the time, and not in the way any high-schoolers from Hawkins ever were. There was something just a little too short about him.”
“Weren’t you?” Nonna questions softly. “Weren’t you reckless and dangerous, going out in the nights.”
“Not then. It was after Nancy, so I had calmed down. And I was never the way he was, not that that makes me better or anything. He had a shit ton on his shoulders. It wasn’t till he opened up so painfully to me that I could appreciate what he had been through. It takes strength, you know, to live like he did and still have a good heart left underneath.”
“He has that strength and much more,” observes Nonna. “We are lucky to have him in our family now.” Steve’s face fills with warmth at the idea that Billy is his, his family’s, something that will stay with him forever. It’s not the first time he’s entertained the idea, but to hear his Nonna suggest it is entirely different. Coming from someone else, it seems more realistic, like it could actually happen.
He stares out of the window for the rest of the car ride, green scenery fading into urban areas and eventually the chaotic roads and twisting terminals of the airport. Waiting for him and Nonna on the pickup/drop off platform is Dustin, Lucas, El, Mike, Will, and Max, each carrying bags of luggage and looking around sheepishly.
Steve gets out of the car as quickly as Nonna turns off the engine and practically trips over himself to get to them. They all seem to be in one piece, so that’s good.
“Harrington!” Steve collides with Dustin, hugging him tightly. He hates to admit how much he’s grown to care about Dusin, how much his strange but undeniably comforting presence is missed.
Nonna comes over to inspect them, introducing herself to each of them with a smile. “When you said children, I assumed you meant actual children. Steve, these are practically adults. Già così cresciuto.”
“Wheeler, don’t look so happy about that,” warns Steve, but there’s no malice in his voice. He forgets a lot of the time how they’re growing up just like he is. To him, they’re still children, but really, they’re adults like he is. Sure, most of them still live in Hawkins for now and have him around to “take care of them” when they need it, but that doesn’t mean he’s really needed. They’re all graduated now, they’ve all moved to bigger things. This is their last summer as kids in Hawkins before they go off to grand places and become who they’re supposed to be. Steve isn’t ready to let them go quite yet, and he knows that time won’t come anytime soon.
The next hug he gets is from El, who holds him just as tight as he holds her. Steve is well aware that it isn’t easy for her to be so far away from home, from Hopper, from the only place she’s ever felt safe. “How’re you doing, kiddo?”
“I’m glad to see you,” she mumbles into his sweater. “And I miss my dad.”
“Yeah, I’m sure he misses you a whole lot too. How was the flight?” He looks her in the eyes, holding her at arms length but not letting go. He knows El, so he knows she’ll let him know when she’s ready.
“High up in the air,” she answers truthfully.
“That seems about right.” He goes through the line, hugging some of them and just saying hi to others, until he reaches the last one.
“Where’s Billy?”
“It’s nice to see you too, Max.” She begrudgingly gives into his waiting arms and gives him a hug. “He’s at the house.”
“Is he okay?” she whispers into his ear, still in his arms.
“Yeah, he is,” Steve assures, pulling away to look Max in the eye. “He wanted to make sure everything was ready for you. Got your favorite fruits at this local market, made sure to have lots of sunscreen for you to swim. Many brotherly things while he complained about always having to take care of your, his words, scrawny ass.” Max rolls her eyes and flips him off.
“Start the tally, I’ve got one bird in the air so far,” announces Steve. “Dustin, help me with the luggage, will you?” Dustin nods and comes over to Steve, hauling bags into the backseat of the trunk.
“What’s it’s looking like out there? Any drama or panic I need to know about?” Steve asks. Now, normally, he knows it’s not his place. Sure, he’s their babysitter, but he’s also their friend, which he takes just as seriously. If they want to tell him something, they will. But this seems different, somehow. This is his home, his family, his world. They don’t have their usual support systems out here, which could be hard, even if it’s only for a little while.
“A little on the plane because it was louder than Will thought it would be and El didn’t like that there was nowhere else to go, but Mike was able to calm both of them down. Max has been worried about Billy a lot, though. She says he doesn’t usually have good experiences with new places or family members, and this was a lot of both, so…”
“He’s been good. Great, actually. She’ll see, he fits right in here. He even made a friend without fighting them first.”
“I don’t believe you,” Dustin immediately replies. “He doesn’t know the difference between saying hello and punching someone in the arm.” The trunk slams shut and Steve gets into the Taxi with Dustin, Max, and Lucas. The other three are in the car with Nonna and probably learning a whole lot about why Steve is the way that he is.
“Not fair, he only did that once. He really has a friend, though. Her name is Maria and she’s like four or something.”
“Your brothers only other friend here is a four year old,” snickers Lucas. Max elbows him, but there isn’t enough room and Dustin ends up with an elbow in his ribs.
“Jesus, save the fighting for the house, yeah? She might be five. But yes, that and my Nonna. Good thing his besties are all here now, though. Right, Max?” Steve turns around to look at the less-than-thrilled occupants of the backseat.
“I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just say that,” deadpans Max.
“I’m just trying to be hip like you cool kids.”
“You can start by not saying hip,” supplies Dustin helpfully. Steve hopes that his death glare shows his appreciation properly.
“Thank you for that, Henderson.”
“Anytime.” For the rest of the car ride, Steve chimes in on the conversations from the front seat whenever he feels like it, but otherwise let’s them do what they want. He’s just happy they’re here and relatively okay.
When they get close to the house, Steve turns around as subtly as he can to watch their reactions. The backseat has gone quiet suddenly, three pairs of eyes drinking in the scenery greedily.
“This is Nonna’s house,” Steve explains quietly, not wanting to interrupt their observations. It’s not often that there isn’t constant chatter between them. “Welcome to your week long home.”
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” whispers Max. “No fucking way this is a real place.” Steve can’t help but agree. With the sun shining directly above them, the house gleams a brilliant blue, the flowers blooming and preening in the sunlight. The barest glimpse of the lake behind the house is visible, almost blending into the sky.
“Steve, you idiot, why haven’t we been coming here every summer?” Dustin demands. “This is a place that deserves to be shared.”
“It’s not mine to share, for one. And, in case you don’t remember, I had a job last summer that was very demanding.” His response is met with snickers and not-so-secret glances.
“Scoops Ahoy barely counts as a job,” Lucas points out. “Your legal contract said that you could be paid in ice-cream if you wanted. That doesn’t sound like a career to me.”
“The only good thing to come out of that shit was Robin,” Max adds. “And all the ice-cream we got for free from inside sources.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re welcome. I’ll take my thanks in the form of ice-cream payment. I’m thinking of starting a whole new currency.”
“It’s too bad Robin couldn’t be here. Someone needs to keep your ego in check, and none of us can do it as good as her.” For good measure, Max kicks the back of Steve’s seat to get the message across.
“Thanks for that, Max. As much as Robin would love to be here with you idiots, she’s doing that band program thing for college. Showing the incoming freshmen around or something, I don’t really know what they do in band.”
“Start cults,” suggests Lucas.
“No, that’s basketball.” Dustin’s comment starts a whole other mini-argument between Lucas and Dustin about whether or not sports count as a cult. Steve knows whatever he says will be used as “ brainwashed jock propaganda, ” as Dustin puts it, so he’s content to listen for the last few second of the drive before they make it up the driveway.
The car slows to a stop and the kids stumble out, tripping over each other like they’ve never gotten out of a car before. It’s almost endearing. Almost.
The first thing Steve does when he gets out is tip the driver heavily. He turns around and is met with a sight that makes him want to curl into a ball and cry out of pure pride in Billy and Max.
Max must have run towards Billy as soon as he came out of the house, because she’s already up the front door, her luggage abandoned by the car. Everyone except Steve and Lucas is pretending not to watch them, but Steve can’t seem to look away. He assumes Lucas can’t for the same reason.
Billy and Max have come a long way since he got away from Neil. They saw each other less, which meant they had time to take a step back and reflect on all the shitty things that happened to them. Billy could finally breathe safely without constant threat of abuse in his own home, so he cooled down a little, got to place his anger to the side.
They figured out how to heal together, how to relearn what they are to each other. It was-still is-a hard process, one that takes time and a whole lot of effort. But they finally reached where they are now, a sort of “I love you but I don’t know how to show it other than constantly making fun of you” way. Which doesn’t work well when they both obviously just want to reach out and make sure the other is actually there.
Steve is surprised when Billy reaches out and roughly pulls Max into a bear hug. It’s clear that everyone else is just as shocked as he is, but they all look away when Steve catches them staring. He himself looks away too, out of respect. Billy, as touch starved as he’s proved to be, doesn’t let himself get close to people like that. Truthfully, Steve is the only one he knows of that Billy gets near usually, besides occasional arm punches and hair ruffles just to annoy Max. He wishes Billy would allow himself more, but he knows it’s a process, albeit a slow and long one. Pushing Billy at a pace he doesn’t want to go at is one of the last things Steve wants to do.
Billy and Max break off their hug at some point and join the rest of them.
“Fancy seeing you guys here,” Billy drawls, draping an arm around Steve. “Hello, nerds and children my boyfriend has adopted. Welcome to Nonna’s house. Steve and I will not be helping you carry your luggage up the stairs or to your rooms because you’ve stolen him from me all day and I have tales to tell of the grocery store cat lady. Off you go, have fun with that duffel bag that looks like it’s full of bricks, Henderson.” Steve is honestly happy to see that Billy’s back to being his usual rude self after his moment with Max. It would be a lot more concerning if he had said hello, like anyone else would.
“Right, so room assignments: Max and El, you’re together. Boys, you can divide yourselves however you want, I cannot stress how much I don’t care. I would recommend two and two, though, unless you want to all be in the same room. Again, I don’t care at all. Guys, don’t give me those looks, you’re not sharing rooms.”
“You and Billy are sharing,” points out Max. As soon as she realizes what that means, she’s going to regret it, Steve thinks.
“We’re eighteen, legally we can do what we want,” adds Dustin.
“Congratulations. I don’t even know why you care about who shares rooms, Henderson, and I don’t want to get into it either. El, Hopper would literally kill me if he found out you and Mike shared a room here, and I know he would find out cause he has ears and eyes everywhere. And as for Billy and I—actually, I don’t need to explain that to you. It doesn’t matter what Billy and I do because—well—because I say so.”
“You have never been less cool than you are right now,” Mike informs him. “Don’t you want to be cool?”
“I want to be alive. Now go away. And if you think I’m not checking later, you’re probably right because I won’t, but I do want you to think about if it’s worth losing my trust.” Steve looks at them pointedly until they decide it’s not worth it and haul their luggage up the porch and stairs one at a time.
“That was the lamest thing you could of said,” laughs Billy. “Very hot of you, baby.”
“Fuck off,” complains Steve. “You try and get them to do anything without sounding like a mother.”
Billy laughs and kisses Steve’s cheek, drawing him into the kitchen. “What, I said it was hot. I mean it, seeing you give the kids that evil eye that Joyce gives them really gets me going.”
“You’re about to go spend the night on the couch,” warns Steve, but there’s absolutely no way he’s making that threat come true. Billy just keeps grinning and pulling Steve closer. Steve is absolutely and happily helpless to say no.
“Bullshit,” calls Billy. “You’ve only ever made me sleep on the couch once, and that was when I actually did something wrong. I’m pretty sure you’re used to me being an asshole, baby. Don’t pretend it’s not why you love me now.”
Steve hums in agreement and lets Billy maneuver him to where he’s sitting on the counter, Billy in between his legs. “So, tell me about the cat lady. Did she ask you what color cat you were this time?”
“She did. I told her I’m a tabby. Then I told her my boyfriend is one of those squished-face ones with beady eyes with the personality of one that hates everyone.”
“Damn, that’s so sweet of you. You might earn your spot on our bed back if you keep that up,” says Steve dryly.
“Good. I can’t imagine what I would do without you taking up the whole bed.” Steve eyes Billy through slanted lids, accusation on his lips.
“You’re fucking joking. Billy, you’re the most octopus-limbed sleeper I’ve ever seen.”
“I don’t hear you complaining at night.”
“That’s because you snore.” For that comment, Billy pinches Steve’s side, right where Billy knows he’s the most ticklish. Steve shrieks and clamps a hand over his mouth, falling back against the counter and hitting his head. This, of course, only makes him laugh harder, causing Billy to join in as well. Every time Steve almost is able to stop, he meets Billy’s eyes and starts up again, the cycle going on and on. Eventually, Nonna comes over to see what’s going on, which just makes them laugh harder. By the time they’ve finally calmed down, the kids have all dropped their luggage off and are downstairs in the living room, pointedly ignore Billy and Steve losing their minds.
“Do you regret letting me invite them yet?” Steve asks, gesturing to the other room.
“Not at all. I always said I wanted a big family,” Nonna explains, rustling around then kitchen for food.
“Why do you think I brought them here? It can’t be that I actually enjoy their company.”
“Oh, silenzio. I know you have dreams of your own family. Someday you’re going to miss them.” Steve ignores the eyebrow raise he gets from Billy, filing it in a “conversations for later” folder in his mind. “Steve, I don’t know why you would ever have to babysit them. These kids are practically angels,” comments Nonna, gesturing to the living room where they’re all playing cards together. Mid-game, Will made up some rules that Steve definitely doesn’t understand, so there’s a lot of general yelling about who’s cards could beat who’s in a fight. Especially because they’re just using regular playing cards.
“I can’t believe you would say that. Betrayal from my own grandmother. Do you know how many times I’ve caught them doing something vaguely illegal or completely life-threatening with absolutely no adult supervision? They are far from angels.”
“Senza senso. You cannot convince me that these children are anything less that perfect.”
“Little shits never get along when we’re at home,” grumbles Steve. “Billy, go start a fight, please.”
“I’m afraid I’m a little past those days, baby. Sorry to disappoint.” Steve sighs exaggeratedly and leans his hands on the counter.
“Go do some of your world class babysitting, Steve. Your boy and I have some cooking to finish up.” Nonna pushes a laughing Steve out of the kitchen while Billy shrugs innocently and blows a kiss at Steve.
“Steve, do you want to play?” asks El as soon as Steve is in sight. “You can be on my time.”
“Sure. As long as none of you try to explain the rules.” At that, Mike and Dustin launch into an explanation that Steve tunes out on instinct.
“Got it?” asks Mike. Steve just nods and sits down on the floor next to El.
Turns out he doesn’t actually need to understand the rules at all. The game, if it can even be called that, is utter chaos. Steve doesn’t know if him and El have 10 points or -127 jewels, or if those cancel each other out. He doesn’t even know how they got jewels or points.
After the fifth consecutive time losing, Steve suggest that they play another game. “Come on, anything else. This game is shit and obviously rigged.”
“You’re just a sore loser,” accuses Mike. He’s completely correct, of course, but he doesn’t need to know that. Luckily, Steve doesn’t have to come up with a response, because Nonna comes in and tells them that it’s time to clean up for dinner.
“Got it. Everyone, go wash your hands. Don’t give me those looks, I’m not letting your sticky kid fingers touch all of my food. Shoo.” Steve sends them off to the different bathrooms downstairs and starts setting the table in the dining room.
They file in one by one, making a show of shoving their hands in Steve’s face to make sure they’re clean enough. He didn’t even ask them to do that, and somehow they all have the same idea and do it anyway, just to spite him.
When they finally take their seats, Lucas says, “You think losing in almost all of your basketball games would make you better at losing.”
“Jesus, you guys don’t let anything go, do you? I thought we finished this conversation.”
“This conversation will never be finished because it’s hilarious and you suck,” explains Mike kindly.
“Are we playing the game where we try to embarrass Steve?” ask Billy, coming to the table with a bowl stacked high with bread. “I love this game.”
“That’s not a game,” insists Steve.
“Oh, we are playing a game? What are the rules?” Nonna comes into the room with the steaming pot of pasta, bringing the aroma of spices and tomato with her.
“I’m so glad you asked.” Dustin gives a brief explanation of the game, which doesn’t take long at all because the only rule is that it has to be as embarrassing as possible. Lovely.
“Oh my god,” groans Steve. “Do we have to do this right now? Why can’t we just do that thing where everyone goes to their own rooms and east in silence.”
“That’s not what families do, topolino . We are eating together and making fun of you together. It’s bonding.”
“I have an idea,” says Billy. Steve doesn’t trust that look in his eyes at all. “Nonna, why don’t you tell the rest of us why your nickname for Steve is topolino . That’s a good place to start, I think.”
Nonna claps her hands together and grins. “Perfect idea. First, everyone get food, and then I will tell you all about little Steve’s childhood obsession.”
“Why did I invite any of you?”
“You didn’t, I did,” says Nonna cheerily. “And I am so glad they are so that I can fill up my table again. Just as you should fill up your plates. Non essere timido.” Billy takes that as his cue and starts filling up his plate, leading the others to follow.
“I believe we were promised a story,” Will reminds Nonna, smiling mischievously.
“Of course. Well, when Steve here was just a little ragazzo, he had quite a strange habit. God knows where it came from, but little Steve always did have a few things about him we never quite figured out. Anyway, one time Steve was staying with me for a while. I think he was around two or three years old, if I’m not mistaken. Well, every night Steve would come up to my room and shake me awake then ask me for some cheese. I have absolutely no idea why, and he never offered an explanation either. He would simply, routinely ask for cheese in the middle of the night. Topolino, his nickname, means little mouse. I’m sure you can figure out the connection there.”
“He still does that, you know,” informs Billy. Steve barely resists the urge to kick him under the table.
“I definitely do not do that, just so we’re all clear.” No one looks convinced by his words. “Billy, tell them I don’t still eat cheese in the middle of the night.”
“Not every night,” Billy says, hiding a smirk underneath his hand. “Only on some occasions.”
“You’re a dick,” Steve complains. “I don’t do that anymore, and I only ever did for like…a few months, but don’t ask me why. I, like the rest of you, have no idea what went on in my younger years.”
“No one did, Steve.” Steve sends a fake glare in Dustin’s direction and changes the topic as quickly as he can.
The rest of dinner passes in a similar fashion, with the line of fire switching from Steve to Billy to then going around the table and telling embarrassing stories about everyone. It’s surprisingly domestic and so easy to be with them like this. Like they’ve been a family all along.
Nonna puts the kids on washing duty and tells all of them goodnight. “Usually I would stay up later and party with you young people, but I’m feeling old today. I’ll see you in the morning whenever you come down. There will be some sort of breakfast. Buonanotte, amori miei.” A chorus of goodnights follow her up the stairs, a tired smile on her weathered face.
Billy takes this as a perfect opportunity to pull Steve outside the the ivy-covered stone courtyard. They sit on the stairs, looking up at the stars above them, Billy a step higher than Steve in order to serve as a backrest. The cold stone soaks through the material of Steve’s sweater, a balm to his tension.
“So how are you really doing? Don’t give me the bullshit you give everyone else.”
“I’m tired,” Steve answers honestly. “I’ve been running around all afternoon making sure everyone is okay. El doesn’t like traveling, for good reason, and Will isn’t great with being so far away with his family, so Mike is trying to help both of them while Max tells Lucas how Ericka is going to steal all his shit, which she might actually do, and Dustin just wants to help everyone else out, so it’s a whole mess.”
“Little shits,” Billy says fondly. “They’re glad to be here, though. You just see the bad parts right now because you’re busy playing mother hen, but it’s going better than you think. I haven’t seen Max smile this much in a while. And El, she’s practically in wonderland with all these new things for her to see. Mike has that sour look of his face, and Will gets to be with his friends for a week straight, which is all he ever wants. Lucas is just happy to be with Max and his friends too, and Dustin still can’t believe you even invited him at all. Baby, you being here alone brings us together.” Billy’s voice is so passionate, so earnest, that Steve can’t help but believe him a little, as much as his doubts don’t want him to.
“Thanks for helping Nonna in the kitchen today. I know she likes having someone beside her. Most of the time she doesn’t nowadays, so it’s nice of you to be there, even if you’re just trying to get away from the noise.” Steve leans against Billy, going lax against him. “Don’t give me that face, I know when they get too much for you. It’s okay, they’re too much for me too sometimes. It’s nice to have a gentle presence like Nonna to reset yourself sometimes. I don’t blame you. And if you think I don’t know when you need to take a break, you’re fucking wrong. Why do you think I told you to help her?”
“Way to smoothly change the conversation, baby. And I didn’t know you could be so subtle about taking care of someone.” Billy runs his hands over Steve’s arms lightly, soothingly.
“I have my gifts,” says Steve. “Really, though. Thanks for sticking with me, crazy attachments and all. Most people don��t stick around their partners when they accidentally adopt six children.” Steve can feel the heartbreak in the way Billy tightens around him.
“You don’t have to thank me for sticking around, it’s not a chore. And, well, unfortunately for you, I’m going to love you forever. At least, until you die tragically and I’m forced to marry a rich person who buys me everything I want and talks to me once a week.”
“Billy, I mean this with the most level of love that I can, but please for the love of god shut the fuck up. You were being nice for like two seconds.”
“I will not,” says Billy happily. “Not until you realize that this isn’t something I take lightly. You got six anxiety prone, incredibly difficult children passports and permission from their also incredibly difficult parents, not that that’s a bad trait for parent to have, to come to your family home. In Italy. That’s not nothing, baby. Give yourself a little credit.”
“It’s just that this isn’t mine to take credit for. You’re the one who was calm and collected while I was practically having a breakdown over convincing Joyce and Hopper. It’s Nonna’s house, not mine, and it’s only because of her that we’re here at all. If anything, I just made things more difficult by cutting out my parents from the middle and losing contact for so long.”
“Hey, Steve, no. That’s not fair to yourself at all. Not a single one of them gives a shit whether or not you had a breakdown setting it up or if your dad was involved. I’m fairly positive, actually, that they’re relieved you didn’t have to deal with him. Everyone here knows what it’s like to have hard times, and them not a single fucking person should ever blame you for letting go of a harmful environment. They kicked you out of the house, so you don’t let them back in your life. And who cares that it’s Nonna’s house? With the amount of dumb shit she tells me you buy for her to put here, it’s basically yours.”
“That was surprisingly coherent,” Steve admits. “And really sweet.”
“Don’t expect it often,” warns Billy, but Steve can’t seem to believe it with the way Billy’s holding him like he won’t ever let go. “Even if this place isn’t yours, we’ll always have our shitty apartment back at home. Sure, the sink runs red sometimes for undisclosed reasons and the shower turns cold randomly, but it’s a place that’s ours. And, unfortunately, at this point, it’s theirs too. Maybe they don’t live there, but where do they go when they want movie nights? Or when someone has a bad day that they don’t feel like talking to their parents about? I’m sure it’s more for you than me, because last time I tried to talk to El I think I scared her more than anything else, but that doesn’t change the fact that wherever we are, they’re going to need you. Baby, look at me.” Billy tilts Steve chin up and backwards so he can look into Billy’s ocean eyes. “Just because they’re growing up doesn’t meant they won’t need you, which I’m pretty sure is the real reason for some of this insecurity. Those kids couldn’t get through 12 hours of us leaving before they texted and asked for help. I know we aren’t the best examples because both of us don’t rely on our parents for shit, but we have Joyce and Hopper who take care of us now. There’s no point in growing up like you don’t need people to help you out. That’s not something you outgrow, and I would know, because I tried. Look how much I failed. Those little shits don’t stand a chance. I’m afraid you’re stuck with them too.”
There’s a familiar tightness in Steve’s throat that he chooses willfully to ignore in favor of sinking further against Billy, if that’s possible.
There are a lot of times when Steve is overwhelmed by the world. Days when it feels like all the gears align perfectly to make him break.
But he never does. Sure, he has setbacks, has moments when he wants to cower under the covers and steal Billy’s day away for him. He has times like when he was younger, where he’s moving backwards and everything else is moving forwards. But why shouldn’t he be able to move backwards sometimes, live in memories of easy days or happy moments?
Steve bends to hard times like a resistant blade of grass, pushed back and forth but never uprooted. If he’s a blade of grass, then Billy is an oak tree protecting him at the right angle to save him from some of the wind and standing strong and unmoved through the ages, growing deeper with time.
Those moments pass as shadows of times like this, though. Moments when the world seems like it belongs to him and the people he loves. When all that he can see and hear are things that give him comfort, make him happy. Like the sound of El’s laughter from the kitchen and Will insisting to a very confused Lucas that the best way to wash the dishes is without soap. There’s the soft light from Nonna’s room, the billowing cotton curtains piercing white against the dark courtyard.
And there’s Billy behind him. Billy, who takes Steve’s burdens on his back without complaint, just shoulders forcefully through navigating the troubled seas of their lives. Billy, who holds Steve close like he is now, in a way that says he’s never going to let go first. Billy, who’s such an asshole ninety percent of the time, but has incredible capability for kindness that’s unrivaled by any other Steve knows.
Billy makes it feel like the world is made for them specially, each stone step and precious laugh. And who knows, maybe it is.
Maybe it can be.
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