lorillee · 9 months
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100 hats . i wish they stacked even more
LITERALLY i would get so many if they let me i would get infinite straw hats. will the live action show be good? to be honest no probably not. but im glad it exists for this marketing scheme
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pleckthaniel · 11 months
what'd you think of atsv ? :3
It fucked SOOOOOOO hard oh my god. Hobie is the character of all time and so is Miles and so is Gwen and so is Pavitr, and the FORESHADOWING, you can really tell that these guys polished all 3 scripts to perfection before they even really started on the first movie because My God, and this isn't even getting into the animation. Not to mention the most explicit theme of the whole movie was FUCK COPS they said it with their whole chest and I LOVE that for them
also. WHY did they keep playing the Prowler theme for Miguel, what's up with his vampire powers, what really destroyed his dimension, what does it ALL MEAN
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gatertots · 2 years
omg hiiii welcome back 🦡🌿🌈
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hi!! i hope you like them!
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barn-dawg · 4 months
numba 1 number 7 (music asks)
for this ask game
A song you like with a colour in the title
The World Looks Red by Heaven Pierce Her (off the Ultrakill soundtrack)
I'm going to Restrain myself and say I really love the level this track is from (7-1, Garden of Forking Paths) and it's a really unique track, being a really invocative track with varied instrumentation - the drums are really nice and I like the weird rattling accompanying them, reminds me of bones
2. A song to drive to
weirdly tough because I normally put on a whole album or two while I'm driving to/from work, but I'd have to say It's Alive! by Ratboys
I dunno, as much as I love hardcore and metal, something a little more chill feels more right to drive to I guess and bands like Big Nothing, SLaughter Beach Dog, and Ratboys are perfect bands for that
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crocobae · 4 months
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Hey guys. So it sounds this blog is a scammer. @my-little-archives reached out to me with some extra good tips on researching if a donation post might be a scam.
The scammer dm'd me with their story and the donation link post. I reblogged the original post out of good will but did not personally donate anything due to hesitation. Try to do some research on these sorts of donation causes before you give, and definitely consider, instead, give to reputable organizations such as careforgaza on xitter, or see this link: https://www.tumblr.com/cottonspotten/740167276824756224/im-sorry-if-youre-tired-of-thinking-about-ofmd?source=share
Some signs that gave me pause were:
a) The blog's oldest post was (at the time of reblogging) 4 days old. All of the rest of the posts were reblogs in support of Gaza and Rafah, so I gave them benefit of the doubt.
b) Personal information was scarce and didn't match up. Of course, no one is obligated to post their personal information for anyone to see on the internet, but the bits I did see didn't quite match up. For example, the blog calls themself a 23 year old young man, but the profile picture apeears to be of two women. There's room for doubt, (what if they're his family?) so again I did not donate and just reblogged.
c) They dm'd me. I have no recollection or cause to know why they reached out to me specifically, what post did I reblog or what post I liked, and I have no knowledge of a link between me and this person.
I apologize for reblogging a scam. I really hate that scammers try to prey on those of us trying to genuinely do good.
Again, links to some more reputable donation causes for Gaza:
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 years
Transmasc dovewing makes transfem tigerheartstar feel so complete.. LIKE THEY'RE LITERALLY TRANS AND MARRIED,,,
All honesty you just made dovewing my favorite character
YESSSS @cottonspotten WE GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!!
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turtle-tail-s · 3 years
oh sapphic dovewing maybe ? :]
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here ya go!
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I LOVE TRANS CATRA HEADCANONS!!!!!!!!!! ive seen them more nd more in the fandom and they makes me so happy!!!!!! i hc her as a transwoman but transmasc catra is soooo so good also <3 :)
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need1etail · 3 years
u are so cool and talented!!!! ur one of my fav mutuals. i love your ideas, ur soo creative :) if you feel like it pls tell me some headcanons for ur fav characters
Thank you so much 🥺 legit made me cry holy fuck fjwjsiqjd. Uuhh let's see if I can scrape up a few fav characters who I don't talk about often. Get ready for some angst lmao
- Snowfur's favorite flower is, of course, the snowdrop, which she swears she was named after. She'd have it tucked behind her ear and sometimes her and Thistleclaw would be matching when he'd put thistles behind his. Whitestorm put snowdrops on his mother's grave every moon until he was buried beside her.
- Dawnpelt was a strict ass mother (probably one of the reasons her kits ended up Like That) and would often scold Crowfrost when he was too lenient on the kits. In StarClan, Crow has to promise it wasn't her fault what happened.
- Cloverfoot and Berryheart are VERY close. Cloverfoot loves her niblings so much and spends as much time as she can with them. Even as warriors, she sort of coddles them.
- Mosskit took an immediate liking to Stonefur when he joined her in StarClan. Like, she follows him EVERYWHERE. She used to be Oakheart's shadow but as soon as her brother came along she hopped right over to him. Bluestar and Oakheart find it very cute.
I can't think of anymore favs and my head's starting to ache so I think I'll leave this here lol. Thank you again I'm already feeling better <3
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lemonebee--warriors · 3 years
umm wht abt dovewing.... shes my fave :) i love ur style
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when she’s focused on hearing her eye does the second version it’s really cool and neat
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lorillee · 2 years
what is this bday thibg. jan 29
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you share a birthday with kin'emon! this is actually a really good one you got lucky. hes a samurai who also got chopped completely in half on like two separate occasions. but dont worry hes okay
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
dont worry scout i dont think many people follow you because they think youre normal (said w love)
Fair enough.
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imbibite · 2 years
"#COMPLETELY agree i think she should outlive everybody out of spite" you are my only trustworthy mutual left. if nobody got me i know whale lorillee got me (amen)
we are the only ones that understand each other 😌✨
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mallowstep · 3 years
handshake meme. me 🤝 you. dovewing my beloved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the-dumbest-po3-au · 3 years
"#cottonspotten got me thinkin abt cinderheart in the dumbest po3 au again...girl i want to pick this au up again so bad" you are welcome dumbest po3 au enthusiasts!
SHDGFGSKDFHSDJFHLK no but for real it has been WAY too long since we've done anything with this au but looking back on old notes... we were literally SO FUNNY
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gatertots · 4 years
h. henlo.... 🐢🌈🌿
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theyve got some daylight warrior vibe HSHSFHDG
hope u like em!!!
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