#thanks for the ask bestie <3
dio-without-an-s · 15 days
What video game protagonist do you want to see as a pop princess? One that the gays would even call an ✨icon✨ perhaps
Arthur Morgan from red dead redemption for sure. Pop princess but make it a hot himbo sensitive cowboy. Imagine the Orville Peck collab
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federfleisch · 27 days
2 + 28
2. Show us a picture of your handwriting?
Tumblr media
Written in sharpie on the back of work papers while sitting at the dog park so excuse the sloppiness
28. Do you collect anything?
I collect crow feathers and fangoria magazines!! I used to collect Webkinz but ran out of room so I had to stop </3
I might start collecting dice too, there are some really pretty sets out there and as a rogue I'm consistently rolling a shit ton of dice
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cilil · 25 days
9, 17 and 24 for latest fic writing ask game 😍
Start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
Pretty sure the last thing I shared was one of my drabbles. Those take me, on average, 6-11 minutes to complete when I'm focused.
Talk about your writing and editing process
Well first I go to the mind cinema, have a seat, let it all play out, watch and take notes alongside it. Sometimes I listen to music too. Just really taking in the vibes and getting as much info written down as I can. And after that - or usually later - I write it all down. Add some stuff, go through things mentally again. Level of details vary between projects. Once I'm done, I put the piece aside and let it rest for a while, then I come back for editing. The break in-between is important for a fresh perspective. Thankfully I write a bit slower in favor of being careful with everything the first time around so with shorter pieces especially I end up having to do very few edits.
Sometimes I wonder what I could achieve if I bothered to edit properly
How do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
Hmmm... I never feel not creative in the sense that I don't have ideas or anything to talk or think about. What does happen is that I don't feel like writing as much on some days which often leads to me writing anyway, just shorter stuff/not as much. When I give myself a break I do so by sleeping, listening to music and watching videos, current faves are space and science, speedrunning and Ace Attorney.
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bella-caecilia · 11 months
Cobert (of course! lol) & hold/ held for the drabble challenge please :)
Even though the first day of their journey to France was nearly over, they still had a bulk of the way in front of them. They had just boarded the next train, and for the first time since they left Downton, exhaustion seemed to overtake Cora. Robert sat beside her and felt her head roll onto his shoulder. She jerked when her head sunk too low. Robert moved to put his arm around her and hold her securely through the nap she needed.
"This will be a great holiday for us," he whispered into her hair.
Cora had dozed off.
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malhare-archive · 2 months
30 + 33
30. Name an album you really love that you haven’t listened to in awhile
Through the Trees by The Handsome Family. It's such a beautiful album but I have a hard time listening to it these days.
33. Do you wear a lot of band t-shirts? if so, do you like it when strangers comment on them?
YES, my wardrobe is honestly 75% band shirts, 20%, horror shirts, 5% other stuff. I do like it when strangers comment on them, it makes my day honestly! I mostly get comments on the metal t-shirts and my battle jacket (numerous times someone has honked their horn to get my attention while driving just to flash me the horns and nod in approval 💀) but I've also gotten a lot of comments on my Skinny Puppy shirt because Skinny Puppy fans are usually ecstatic to find a fellow fan. (I think my favorite though was when an older guy was like "Skinny Puppy? I haven't heard that name since the 80s!!" LOL)
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four-white-trees · 5 months
if the fic writer ask game still relevant, then: 3, 10, and 15!
Of course!
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
After all this time it's still Send Your Child Unto Me. I don't even think it's close to my best writing, as it's eleven years old, but I'm still so proud of this fic. It was the first fic that I delved into some deeplore for and I loved writing little easter eggs into the plot.
Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Account of a Roman Citizen has gotten a lot more attention than I expected for a fic marked "original work". It's historical RPF and extremely niche, yet it has a decent number of hits and kudos. I just didn't expect anyone to read it, especially since I didn't really promote it or anything.
How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
Usually it's be an image that's significant to the fic. Recent examples are Steam (set in an onsen), Three Rounds (about boxing), Office with a View (about getting fucked against a window in an office). Sometimes I'll use a line of poetry (Three in One Cup) or song lyrics (So Innocent Were The Days) that are relevant to the fic's themes.
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grassbreads · 3 months
do you have a non-temperature related long-sleeve/short sleeve preference?
I'm such a short sleeves girl. I just don't wear long sleeves unless it's a sweater.
Even with my button-ups for work, I just roll the sleeves up :p
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mountinez · 1 year
♫ neymessi
♫ kunessi
i had to send 2 i just know your opinion would be perfect i couldn’t miss out <33
well, well, well bestie! double trouble haha
for the neymessi, since i've already answered before and did share my playlist for them, i'm going to pick a song for a particular era. so let's get a bit angsty 😭 "flaco" by mon laferte. i think it could describe leo's feelings when ney left barca somehow:
as for kunessi, i see their relationship as something pure and young. they make me think about promises to keep for life, and all that cute stuff of "first love" that we already know. so, i'd say "ojitos caramelo" by gala nell describe them very well:
about this ask game
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This post is brought to you by the Sky Airlines phone line that has had me on hold for over an hour (though to be fair, that's just what happens when over a day of flights are cancelled):
Alastair was sweating. It took him hours to fall asleep to be woken by nightmares. In the darkness, he could see them: the people he’d abandoned. Charles. Coward, he said. He was angry. His father. A ghost, abandoned by his son at the moment he needed him most. Thomas. He was silent, but there was sadness in his eyes. The latest letter was on Alastair’s desk. His letters weren’t like Charles’, frequent and demanding. They were gentle, raw, honest. But Thomas would grow tired of him. So Alastair wrote. Dear Thomas, It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.
the last time & better man | begin again
send me a TS song and I'll write a drabble!
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pardonmydelays · 10 months
How many liked songs you have
3. how many liked songs do you have?
only 109 at the moment but i deleted some of them lately cause i wasn't listening to them anyway.
spotify asks
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late to send this but 👀 💘 🤩
👀fic I love a normal amount: this was so hard to choose so I just went with two of the fics that I find myself rereading the most often. Thunder and Good Son
💘fic I couldnt stop reading once I started: I read this one last week and the only reason I didn’t read it in one setting was because I had to start college smh. And in My Soul Am Free
🤩fic that made me slam the subscribe button: I suck at remembering to subscribe to authors I like, but this series reminded me to actually do it lol. Post-Vacuum Calamity
And of course you know that Oil in the Lungs fits all these categories too…
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zariacore · 1 year
31: Does somebody love you? (ME OBVIOUSLY)
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
07: What did you last eat?
08: Played any sports?
09: Do you bite your nails?
03: Do you regret anything?
04: Are you insecure?
31: Does somebody love you? - hehe yes you, and i should hope so yeah
32: What is your favourite color? - PURPLE ALL SHADES but violet is my fav
33: Do you have trust issues? - uh yeah, kinda
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? - nostalgic for something i've never had
07: What did you last eat? - paneer
08: Played any sports? - i used to play badminton till grade 9
09: Do you bite your nails? - nope, used to tho
03: Do you regret anything? - where do i begin.
04: Are you insecure? - again, where do i begin.
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anelimjolie · 2 years
if between S2/S3 of euphoria they brought back the special episodes, which 2 characters would you like them to highlight and what would you want the episodes to focus on?
Oh great question anon! I mean it goes without saying - I would die for a fexi special episode BUT I would love to see one about Lexi and Cassie, which should focus on their shared trauma concerning their father, as well as Cassie’s trauma with the abortion. I would also love to see some healthy sister bonding there. But what I would love to see even more is a special episode focusing on Lesley and Gia, how they are dealing with Rue’s addiction and in how far this is influencing and even traumatizing them!
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belfryprepz · 2 years
what’s going on in the mh would uhhhhh toralei dolls have been released and 6pqck sports/cheer dolls were released and now Draculaura has a song!! (She pronounces her own name as Draculara so boo but it’s actually pretty good!)
oh also I found a shit ton of monster high concept designs or like the design process and I’m posting them to my mh lore tumblr but akhdhhsj thwyre SO COOL!!!
~ca-cupid <3
Hi cupid !!!
Ugh I think I saw those 😭 long haired toralei <<< .... they literally made her a prep
I like the sports packs actually cuz I really wish we had got the sports pack back in gen 1, I know I've got the pics of the prototypes somewhere
I saw part of the draculaura video? And it just doesn't feel like her to me </3 also the weird pronunciation of her name isn't helping
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malhare-archive · 5 months
6 + 40
6. What are their perks?
I'm not gonna list all of em, but some noteworthy ones are: Confirmed Bachelor and Lady Killer (gotta be bisexual of course), Cannibal (because of course), Animal Friend, Night Person, Terrifying Presence, Khan Trick and Legion Assault (from his time training with both factions).
40. In conversation, are they kind? gentle? sarcastic? rude? do they speak warmly and openly with people, or are they more guarded? do they talk a lot?
Rowan has pretty good people skills from his time negotiating drug deals and running packages as a courier, he's pretty good at gauging what others want to hear or how to interact with them but he has to want something that they have/want a certain outcome from the interaction. When he's being himself he tends to be a bit more blunt and unintentionally nosy, he's very curious about the people he meets on his travels but he's more guarded when speaking about himself. He prefers to listen, but if someone spends enough time around him he'll eventually start opening up and sharing his own stories as well.
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bunny-kisser · 1 year
2, 7, 13, 14 for whoever you want!
Answering for SCP-049 since he's my newest f/o and I'm thinking about him a lot (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
2) What kind of outfit would your f/o pick for you, if they had to?
Something adjacent to the time period that he originates from, but functional and comfortable rather than the typical gaudy renaissance garb. Something pretty similar to what he himself wears, but maybe a bit more lightweight. Dark clothing and a cloak, likely.
7) What song would your f/o say reminds them of you?
"Doctor" by Jack Stauber PFFFF
More serious answer: "Pink Bullets" by The Shins
13) How do other people see/describe your f/o? What’s the difference in their perception of them and yours?
A majority of the other researchers and doctors see 049 as, well obviously, a dangerous anomaly. The few who even do regard him as having autonomy and personhood still view him as nonsensical and even frustrating to deal with. My self insert, on the other hand, sees 049's humanity: His desire to help others (however misguided), his moments of kindness, and his general agreeableness. They're also admittedly pretty fascinated and enamored by him <3
14) Does your f/o have good vibes?
Strangely, genuinely, yes. 049 may kind of sort of kill the people he's trying to "cure" but he does have good intentions and is very affable and kind
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