#could get reallll silly
angelpuns · 1 year
Me: I'm only gonna add a sprinkle of religous trauma stuff to TMNT:HME
Me looking at my villain roster rn: hm now I COULD get silly with the catholicism
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haysprite · 2 years
question: what do you think frank and Julie's relationship is like?
Oh my goodness, okay, Anon, I hope you know I've spent the whole time mulling over this as I've tried to figure out how to put everything into words lmao. I have so much I wanna talk about with them, but I'm gonna try and limit myself here cause some shit just needs to be drawn instead. Once again, might be disorganized, but it's fine as long as I get the idea across haha. Also, disclaimer to everyone, pls remember THIS IS JUST MY OPINION AND INTERPRETATION ! I'm workin with what we got so far, and while I'm excited to see what the comic will bring in terms of these two, this is what I personally believe at this current moment in time lmao. Alrighty, with that outta the way, let's dive in.
First things first, I just wanna get it out that I believe they are a fucking POWER couple. These two are able to read each other like an open book due to how close they are. They tell each other everything, know each other's boundaries super well (as well as respect them), and are honestly pretty inseparable. It would take a LOT to break them apart. They get in fights, ofc, like any young couple, but they always make up in the end cause they don't like being mad at each other and can't stand being apart.
It didn't take them long to grow close after they first met! They hit it off really well from the beginning, but I wouldn't say it was a love at first sight kinda thing? More like, besties at first sight (seeing as how Julie was immediately intrigued by Frank), and then fall in love later cause of how close they become. I feel like after the first party that Frank showed up to, that's just how they'd spend every one of Julie's parties together. They'd join in on the fun at first, but then sneak away to just be alone.
They love to spend hours talking to each other, just the two of them discussing whatever topic comes to mind first. They'll take long walks together, or stay up all night just holding each other, never wanting to let go. Some nights they'll go wreck havoc together, with or without Joey and Susie, feeling like they're unstoppable when with the other.
You can't convince me that they don't show a lot of PDA either lmaoo. Hand holding, kissing, cuddling, you name it! They want everyone to know that they're together, and that their partner is THEIR'S. Julie loves to sit on Frank's lap a lot and get piggy back rides from him. She just loves to be held in his arms, feeling safe and protected by him. They fall asleep together a lot, and sometimes Julie will wake up being suffocated by Frank cause he's holding her super tightly.
When it came to them actually admitting their feelings toward one another, I feel like it honestly came pretty naturally. There wasn't any big confession scene or whatever, they just kinda realized they liked each other due to their constant "friendly" flirting, kissed, and then moved forward from there lmao. I will say tho, before this happened, Julie was constantly talking to Susie, asking her whether or not she thought Frank liked her. Susie had to stifle a laugh every damn time cause she thought it was pretty obvious, but she's not one to speak cause of her and Joey. Frank, on the other hand, never said a damn thing to Joey, but Joey knew. He could sense it. Also Joey and Susie probably made bets on who would confess first let's be reallll.
Friendly bickering/bullying would play a huge part in their relationship as well. They'd both bug each other by doing harmless stuff that they knew the other would get annoyed or pissy about. They would never take it too far, though, since they never wanted to actually hurt the other. They just wanted to have fun and be silly. Lotta fun pranks and all that jazz. Most of the time they'd cause shit together on other people, though. One of their favorite pass times is probably seeing who could steal the most valuable shit in a short amount of time from shops or houses, just a little game they'd play. Neither of them would try too hard to impress each other as well.
In, short, they fucking love each other. Frank and Julie are each other's ride or die, and they would never do anything to hurt the other. They cause a lot of mayhem, and overall enjoy each other's company. They're in love and you can't convince me otherwise. Thank you for coming to my DBD Talk 🤭💞
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Which is better? Hs harutaka or POST STR harutaka?
why is this written in a funny font. am i the only one seeing the font. i feel so intimidated. like damn bro ill answer put the gun down
anyways neither of them is better or worse i ❤️ both. One cannot exist without the other. both are good they're just a little different dynamics 🙏🙏🙏 like one is awkward cringe teenager crush and the other is married era. you know. how do u compare. like both are good?? its just in one theyre younger and in the other theyre older (= yet to be traumatized vs traumatized)
personally i do like seeing post str content a little more just because ITS THE HAPPY ENDING YKNOW..and its haruka&takane finding their way back to each other after everything and i i i i i *descent into madness* also i think there's generally a lot more fan content set in the hs days so i sigh longingly abt post str content everyday. but cringy hs harutaka has to exist to give place to cringy older harutaka you know!! they can be like oh my gooood our ocs. we were so cringe. anyways our wedding rings should say player 1 and player 2. that is so not cringe like we used to be :333 like theyre still very much cringe you know. but they think they arent. they're like we're GROWN now we aren't LIKE THAT anyway asterisks nuzzles&kisses asterisks... :3 xddddd!!! because they compare to how they used to be and the bar is low and also theyre so happy that theyre together that they kinda. cant see how fucking embarrassing they are. thats what live shintaro reaction is good for 🙏
like im sorry im all for blushing mess takane and stuff like yeahyeahyeah i get it but girl.... i hate when ppl make it like she totally reverts back to how she used to be. like u cannotttt miss the point so badly. takane never thought she'd see haruka again her ass IS NOT wasting her chance being that embarrassed now. that's a huge pet peeve i have with fan content like both in hs/str settings where takane can't behave like a normal person around haruka like that's SOOOO untrue. they're best friends she's totally normal to him even if she gets silly sometimes. like there are so many examples but my favorite is in the sixth novel when takane calls haruka on the phone and she's kinda like OMGGG IF U WERENT BUSY ID TOOOTALLY WOULD'VE TAKEN U SOMEWHERE YOU WOULD'VE LOOOOVED... and haruka's like UM HEHE next time ok!! and takanes like NOT GONNA HAPPENNNN❤️❤️❤️ stupid fucking cringe ass flirting sorry like. sorry. not only is she able to speak normally but she cringely flirts with him. and when ppl make it like she can't speak while around him or is just grumpy 1000% of the time it makes me sick. LIKE haruka describes her as easily excitable and like a gentle girl and i ugh *BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE* SHE'S SO INSANELY MISUNDERSTOOD BC PEOPLE WANNA PUT HER IN THE TSUNDERE BOX SO BAD
also COME ON what i love abt her is that as soon as she figures out she likes him she makes a run for it and despite she's terrified she wants to tell him?? and none of her thoughts are abt OHH BUT WHAT IF HE DOESNT LIKE ME BACK like TAKANE NEVER EVER wonders if haruka likes her back once she figures it out. only ayano's lesbian ass says anything abt haruka reciprocating or not. she's not worried abt being rejected... or she dies before she could worry LMAOOOO but she's just terrified she cannot tell him how much he means to her. and then she really CANT tell him, and she has to live with that regret for what she thinks is gonna be forever, but then she DOES see him again. she IS able to tell him. sorry. she would be so insanely cringely embarrassingly happy that she doesnt give a fuck abt being all blushing COME ON. ofc she would get embarrassed but no more or less than haruka lol. and haruka is like WHAA??? MEEEE??? NO WAY....MEEEE??? OMG...HEHE... WAIT MEEEE??? FOR REALLLL??? HEHEH....WAIT LIKE MEEEE!?!?!?!?! the sillies *goes crazy* theyre so cringe and gross kissing together but good for them
and i KNOW how in their chapter together in the eighth novel takane's kinda grumpy but listen. i will defend her here. they LOST. novel route is not a good ending. and takane HATES LOSING‼️‼️‼️ haruka literally comments it, like he says takane hates losing. like am i forever mad jin robbed us of seeing them actually reunite and we only get a short as hell little moment between them that compared to everyone else's moments feels slapped on last minute? yeah a little. is it still well written and a rly solid harutaka moment? yes🙏 like not only the bit abt haruka saying he loved takane's snippy attitude but also ene's high energy and etcetc but like. ausnfknxoenxkeix GOD i love at the end when takane smirks and then haruka thinks abt how easily influenced he's always been by her and also smirks and theyre just kinda smirking to each other like HEH HEH HEH.. YEAH NEXT TIME WE WILL WIN. fuckingidiots smiling like that ABOUT THE FACT THEIR REALITY IS ABOUT TO BE RESET AND ESSENTIALLY ARE ABOUT TO DIE ONLY TO MEET AGAIN NEXT TIME AND GO THROUGH EVERYTHING AGAIN. BUT THEIR ASSES ARE LIKE >:3!! LITERALLY SO SILLY. sorry. i love them. i excuse takane grumpiness for this reason like it was NOT an ideal happy ending so ofc she wasn't super into it 💔
i need to explode. or whatever. My dumbass thinking this was gonna be a short reply
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im not letting you ask about iris freely and i demand lapiputri (or cosmos if you'd like!!) in return give me like 3 facts about them that you can think of right NAOW
uggh FIIINE /lh
I think Putri would try her best to win soft toys for Lapis at those carnival games y'know the ones? She's really good at the guessing / luck-based ones, but when it comes to skill (like the shooting range, maybe the ring toss) I think Lapis's fencing experience comes in handy :D (discipline, knowing her own strength etc.)
LapiPutri date outfits are matching like 90% of the time <3 they're so in luv and they want other people to know that they're with their other half! Sometimes they have the same-patterned shirt, sometimes it's one of them wearing a shirt with the pattern while the other wears bottoms with that same pattern :D oh man actually it'd be really cute if they also had like.. matching jewelry that they can wear with any outfit bc it means they'd still be matching even in school
OH MY GOD CAN U IMAGINE like yea theyre still students rn but like could u imagine if both of them ended up teaching in NRC when they grow up? and to putri's students she's the professor who's hopelessly in love with her wife and they hear alllll about her and some of them are like "man, her wife must be so lucky". meanwhile no one hears a peep from prof lapis so they figure she's single or not interested in anyone atm.
only for one day like, at a school fair / sport fest it's some silly teachers-only race and the students see the two of them "shit-talking" each other (it's flirting. it's reallll bad flirting like intentionally embarrassing middle-school lvl flirting like "i bet i can run faster than you" 'oh YEAH? i bet i can.. uh... pass the baton better than you!" [is this even flirting atp]) and the students put 2 and 2 together and theyre like ?!?!?!?! PROF PUTRI IS MARRIED TO PROF LAPIS???
later during the festival putri tries to get lapis to fall in the dunk tank when it's lapis's turn to be the target //no
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c-nstellati-ns · 2 years
in response to that anon—
i'd much rather simp for vampires that are 2x my size, than a twink that's a whole foot shorter than me (no offense to the short kings). don't get me wrong, i love twinks, but if i had to choose between all the characters in GI, and three giant vampires, i'd pick the vampires. even if i could only choose one of the vampires, versus all genshin characters, i'd still choose a big buff vampire.
also, as someone who used to (still kinda does) gamble, betting for something and not getting it is one of the most frustrating things in life.
FOR REALLLL, quality over quantity right??? plus hoyoverse as a company fucking sucks ass and i feel guilty even having the game downloaded on my ipad so. don’t gamble and waste thousands of dollars on this silly game y’all, so many have fallen for the gacha game addiction ☹️☹️
plus im more of a big man liker than anything else in the world so…..💖💖💖
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bothering my folks by playing them the audio clip of jeremy telling me goodnight and then giggling and acting shy about it
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
omg becca PLEASE write more stepdad!steve or bucky i literally don’t care who it is i just need to read more about a stepdad au because your last stepdad!steve x reader was AMAZING you wrote that (and everything you write) so well!!!😩
I have a reallll soft spot for the stepdad stuff with a daddy kink, it's just so delightfully filthy
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But the thought of just you and Steve being home alone and you decide to make the most of the alone time. Maybe you strip, lying naked in the centre of your bed, playing with the little shitty vibrator you've been hiding from him. It's not great by any stretch of the imagination but with a lot of concentration, it eventually gets the job done.
You really ramp your moans up though. So much so that he can hear you as he walks up the hall. The fact you kept your door open didn't help keep your secret either.
He stands in the doorway for a second, watching you get lost in a kind of mediocre, underwhelming pleasure. You'd taken your focus off listening for him in favour of keeping yourself tuned in to buzzing of the toy between your legs, giving your body what it needs to get just a little more worked up.
You look stunning like this, naked and lost in the freedom of knowing your own body. There's a confidence to the way you roll the toy against your own glistening cunt, a confidence that he finds so sexy because he loves that you know what you need and you don't hesitate to take it.
"Does that feel good, bunny?" He asks after a couple of minutes, his throbbing dick getting the better of him.
"Oh God, daddy. It's so good." You whine, your eyes opening again, now fixed on him. You're not sure how long he's been there but this was your aim all along.
The title makes his jaw clench. It's going to be one of those fucks.
"That's bullshit, honey." He smirks, stepping inside your room, letting you keep playing with yourself while he stalks to the end of your bed. "That thing isn't worth it's weight in shit. You know how I can tell?"
You shake your head, tugging your bottom lip between your own teeth because the toy feels somewhat better now that Steve is here.
"Because you know as well as I do that you would've cum for daddy already. The fact it hasn't got you off in all the time I've been watching tells me it's not enough for you anymore. What's wrong? Has daddy ruined your pretty pussy for anyone else? Can't even cum for yourself anymore?" Your skin was already hot but now it felt like it was burning with embarrassment.
You nod slowly, gasping when you roll the toy particularly nicely against your body. "You ruined me, daddy. I can only cum when I think of you. I-It's hard to cum without you now. It's n-not fair." You sound so pathetic, he almost feels sorry for you.
"I'd tell you I'm sorry but sweetheart, I warned you. I told you that I'd ruin you. You didn't listen. The only thought in your silly little head was how badly you wanted to bounce on daddy's big dick and now you can't get off unless I'm stuffed inside you." He was right, he did warn you and you didn't care. You still don't.
"Daddy please, I need you." You half sob, rutting your hips gently against the useless toy in your hand, not wanting to lose the stimulation but needing more than it could offer.
"You'll have me, princess. But right now, daddy wants to watch how desperate you get. I want to see how long it takes you to get so frustrated, you sob your little heart out. Then I'll give you what you need." That sounds awful but you know he'll enjoy every second. The way he rolls up his sleeves and sits at the end of your bed shouldn't turn you on but at least you have the promise of a real orgasm tonight.
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adamcoled · 6 years
just friends | kyle o’reilly
college au kyle o’reilly x reader
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summary: sharing an apartment with kyle has, understandably, caused some feelings to develop. yet, you’re still hellbent on convincing everyone you’re just friends.
word count: 1,855
a/n: the inspiration for this came out of nowhere, so i just quickly typed it up and rolled with it. (aka i’ll probably revisit this sometime and completely rewrite it)
tag friends: @reigns420 @thirstiswet @xfirespritex @earthtwojess @notlikemostlunatics​ @mysteryoflovve​ @organicmillie​ @rollins-princess214​ @scuzmunkie​
With each fleeting glance at the clock in the corner of your laptop screen, you felt your motivation deplete and your exhaustion grow. The only thing preventing you from passing out right there on that uncomfortable chair was the brightness from the screen in front of you and the considerable amount of coffee you’d consumed earlier to avoid this very moment. As the moon sat in the sky above, summoning most people to bed – not you, a stressed college student, of course – it pulled on your eyelids much like it pulls the tides, trying relentlessly to lure you into sleep. But you couldn’t sleep, not yet, not when you were cramming for an exam you really couldn’t afford to fail; it was common knowledge that taking an exam after a sleepless night tends to lead to a less-than-amazing grade, but you assumed it’d balance out with all the studying. Or maybe cancel out – PEMDAS, right?
The gentle lo-fi music in the background was no longer doing much to improve your focus, instead creating a wonderfully serene atmosphere perfect for sleep, complete with Kyle’s light snores in the background.
Kyle. You’d forgotten he was even in the room with how deep into your cramming you were, and when you turned around from your desk – which could hardly be distinguished as a desk with the incredible amount of papers and books sprawled across it – you found him sleeping rather soundly on his bed, face pressed against the pillow and arm nearly dangling off. His face was towards you and you silently wished he was turned the other way because you hated how cute you found him right now.
You’d never thought you would be sharing an apartment with him, but when your hunt for a roommate was growing exceptionally bleak, one of your friends mentioned his similar roommate search and at that point, you were desperate for anyone to split the rent with.
So, that’s how you came to share a roommate with Kyle O’Reilly – and how you grew to become best friends, even if you wanted something more, even if your friends swore there was something more. Each time they made that silly remark, you’d wave your hand and brush them off, and then Kyle would sneak up behind you and talk about the movie he’d picked out for the two of you to watch that night. Then, he’d walk off, tossing a goodbye over his shoulder, unaware that he would become the topic of interest between you and your friends.
“Just friends, right?” Nia joked, mocking your words from every previous conversation involving Kyle. You rolled your eyes as everyone else at the table snickered at Nia’s joke, a symbol of their agreement.
“Just friends,” you repeated, slowly for emphasis, “we watch movies together. Like friends.”
“And what occurs during these friendly movie nights?” Bayley inquired, resting her chin on folded hands.
“Arguments over who the best character is,” you answered, fully aware they didn’t believe your honest answer by the looks they all gave each other. “Reallll romantic.”
Deeply engrossed in that memory, you hadn’t even noticed one of Kyle’s eyes crack open, a lazy smile plastered on his face as he realized you were turned towards him.
“Hey, kiddo,” he spoke, voice muffled with his face still planted on the pillow. “You’re still up?”
“I told you I really need to pass this exam,” you sighed, spinning around in the chair so you were facing your laptop and books once more. You heard the sound of sheets rustling behind you and then felt Kyle’s chin resting on your shoulder.
“And you will,” he assured, reaching forward to close the open book you had been trying to read for fifteen minutes – it wasn’t going very well since your brain was clouding with the desire to sleep.
“Kyle! I don’t even remember what page I was on,” you groaned, attempting to open the book once more before his hand halted your movements. You moved your heard only slightly so that you could actually see his face, and when you did, you found him with the most serious expression he could muster.
“I’m not letting you stay up all night killing your brain cells for an exam you’re already going to do great on.”
A rebuttal was just about to drip off your tongue – one about how you still had so much more content to cover that would certainly make an appearance on the exam – but before you could get the words out, Kyle’s arms came around your frame and lifted you from the seat. Rather than dropping you onto your bed, he placed you onto his and climbed into it as well, depriving you of any explanation.
You sat on the edge of the bed for a few seconds, watching as Kyle returned to his previous position with the blankets draped over him. He had yet to say anything else, though he held the blanket up for you to settle in as well.
“Why’d you carry me to your bed?” you finally questioned, grateful for the darkness of the room because the tendrils of red that had settled into your cheeks because of the situation. You weren’t even sure what was happening, but regardless, your heart was beating erratically.
“So I’ll know if you try to get up again,” he said, patting the empty space beside him. While you wanted nothing more than to crawl over to the spot and lay next to him, you worried what the consequences would be – getting your heart broken when you realized it was Kyle being purely platonic, only trying to be a good best friend and roommate? Kyle figuring out your hidden feelings when he felt how fast your heart was beating?
Neither of those outcomes seemed pleasant, yet you climbed into the empty spot and released a heavy breath when he pulled you towards him. He probably had no idea what he was doing to you, or maybe he did. Maybe he was basking in the effect he had on you, goosebumps erupting on any skin his fingers brushed across. His arm was draped across your side, and you tried to fall asleep, but the thoughts rampaging through your mind kept you wide awake. Just minutes ago, you felt like you could succumb to sleep at any moment. Finally, exhaustion washed over you completely, tugging you into the dream world.
When your eyes fluttered open the next morning, all you saw was the white fabric of Kyle’s shirt. Confusedly, you blinked several times to determine what you were seeing, until you came to and realized the position the two of you had gotten tangled in through the night. Your head was on Kyle’s chest and his arm was wrapped around the top of your back; you immediately felt your cheeks heat up yet again, and you shot up quickly, waking him up in the process.
“Good morning,” he grinned lopsidedly, unaware of the more-than-friendly position you’d waken up to.
“Morning,” you replied, throwing off the blankets and beginning your morning routine much faster than usual. Honestly, you just wanted to escape the room, filled with a plethora of thoughts and emotions after the events that had transpired.
Kyle watched from his bed as you tossed things into your bag, picked out an outfit in .7 seconds, and gulped down a water bottle all without even sparing him a single glance. He couldn’t help but chuckle at your actions, but then he figured there must be a reason for your newfound haste.
“What’s with the Sonic speed?” he questioned, joining you in the bathroom to brush his teeth in the second sink.
“You mean supersonic speed,” you corrected, brushing through your hair one more time before exiting the bathroom a few seconds after he’d come in. Now he could clearly tell you were avoiding him; you hadn’t even met his eyes since you’d waken up.
“No, no,” he shook his head, making his way to stand in front of you, “I mean Sonic, you know, the hedgehog.”
He grinned, hoping he’d get a laugh or anything out of you, and of course you couldn’t stifle your giggle. Mentally, he felt like he could breathe again now that you’d broken your tensity.
“Dork,” you commented, and Kyle knew you were the only person he’d ever like calling him dork so much. It’d become your thing, and somewhere along the way you learned that was your term of endearment.
“You never answered my question though.”
You’d hoped you could wiggle out of this conversation, but you knew Kyle well enough to know he wouldn’t let up without an answer. “I just don’t want to be late.”
“You have a whole hour – you won’t be late.”
“Well, I want to go do some last-minute studying.”
“You only ever study in the apartment, otherwise you get distracted.”
This back-and-forth between you and Kyle told you that Kyle paid more attention to you than you even thought, and any excuse you gave him he would be able to disprove.
“I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship, so I’m not going to answer, okay?” you finally admitted. “Don’t worry about it, Kyle. We’re all good.”
With that, you hoisted your bag onto your shoulders and made for the door, but before you could get any farther, Kyle’s voice stopped you.
“Would it be jeopardizing our friendship if I said I wish we had more than just friendship?”
You weren’t really sure if you heard him right, so you laughed a bit as you turned around. “What are you talking about?”
“Your friends always tease you about us, right?” he asked, and you nodded, verifying. “Adam, Bobby, and Roddy do the same to me. Did you ever think that maybe there was some truth to their claims?”
Kyle was being more serious than you had ever seen him, yet you still wondered if he was joking about the whole thing; you never thought this conversation would happen, though you always secretly wished it would.
“I – no, isn’t it just them messing with us?”
“Or, maybe it’s them pointing out what we’ve been too blind to see,” he suggested, eyes hopeful. He was setting himself up for rejection, but he held onto the words his friends told him about the two of you. “I hope that’s what it is.”
It was such a surprise hearing these words from Kyle – words that you had come to accept he would never utter – that you ran towards him and threw your arms around him in a second, feeling his shock when he froze for a moment. His arms came around you, hugging you to him even tighter, and you buried your head into his shoulder. When you pulled back what felt like minutes later, the both of you were smiling wider than you’d ever seen each other smile, and then you were slowly eliminating the space between your bodies. Slowly, slowly, until your lips finally met and everything seemed right in the world.
“Just friends?” you joked, mocking your words from countless conversations regarding Kyle.
“Not at all.”
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sarohara · 3 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like friends.
You: heyy
Stranger: heyyy
You: haha how you doin?
Stranger: good
You: oh great!
You: where r u from?
Stranger: your basement
Stranger: please let me out
You: I don't have one haha
You: got u
Stranger: can you come get me
Stranger: I'm scared
You: get outta there
You: yourself
Stranger: :(
You: ok fine
You: you're free
Stranger: thank youuuu
You: you're very welcome
Stranger: ❤️❤️
Stranger: love youuu
You: I love you too
You: I mean, I know you do
Stranger: Awwwww
Stranger: i know
Stranger: call me han solo cuz i know
You: lmao han solo
Stranger: 🤌🤌
Stranger: han solo
Stranger: he's hot
You: he really is
Stranger: wow that's kinda gay innit
You: is it?
You: don't think so
Stranger: nah it defo is
Stranger: he's a guy
You: if you say so!
Stranger: i think
You: well I'm not
Stranger: so you're an f1 race car ?
You: I guess I am
Stranger: well that settles it then
You: definitely
You: what's ur name gal?
Stranger: Who said i was a gal 🤬
You: I'm assuming
You: God did
You: jk lmao
Stranger: wellll you shouldn't 😭
You: aren't u a girl tho? hahaha
Stranger: i might not be a gal
Stranger: it depends
You: i know u are
You: I can feel the energy
Stranger: you can feel the feministic energy from within me ?
You: or maybe not
You: but ya
You: kinda
Stranger: hmmmm
You: c'mon
Stranger: maybe your assumption is er5ong 🤷
Stranger: wrong***
You: yeah that's a maybe
You: but who knows
You: I mean u do
Stranger: i know 😼
You: exactly
Stranger: EXACTLY
You: you're whatever u want
You: totally free
You: hehehe
Stranger: Woooowww
Stranger: so liberal
Stranger: i like it
You: Ikr??
Stranger: i love it actually
Stranger: Maybe i wanna be an f1 car too then
Stranger: 🤷
You: I'm dying
Stranger: :(
Stranger: do don't
You: f1 car is just awesome
Stranger: f1 car is kinda sexy 😼
You: I mean it's funny
You: Imma use this term from now on
Stranger: it is indeed verr funny
Stranger: f1 car go vrooooom
You: Hahahahaha honestly so silly but funny
Stranger: you should introduce this term to your very extensive vocabulary
Stranger: it will definitely broaden your linguistic knowledge
You: Yes!! I should! tysm for this term
Stranger: no worrriiiessss
Stranger: the pleasure is mine 😼
You: always
Stranger: soooo
Stranger: tell me something
You: something
You: jk
Stranger: hmmm
You: what do u want to know?
Stranger: what is thy name ?
You: Sarah
Stranger: sarah well i must say that is indeed an amazing name
Stranger: especially since it's sarah and not sara
Stranger: Sarah is 10x better than Sara
Stranger: just sayin'
You: aw thank you <3 that's sweet
You: what's urs?
Stranger: my name isss
Stranger: drum rollllll
Stranger: Aimár
You: suspense
You: I can tell if that's a..um like a female or male name but it doesn't matter cuz it's such a nice name
Stranger: ahahahha thank youuu sarah
You: I can't spell that honestly
You: Aimár, sounds fancy tho
Stranger: it's an unusual name so i can't blame you
You: you defo can't
Stranger: thank youu
Stranger: it's spelt
Stranger: Eye-m-are
Stranger: idk if that made sense 😼😼
You: ohhh I was right then
Stranger: yess you proabbly were
Stranger: you probably nailed it
You: nice meeting you eye-m-are
Stranger: looll
You: it reminds me of Neymar
Stranger: nice meeting you Sarah with an H
Stranger: well lemme tell you that ain't the first time
Stranger: I've heard it
You: Hahahahaha
You: you get that a lot?
Stranger: yeeeaahhh i do
Stranger: whenever i meet new people that's one of the first things they say
Stranger: I'm sure Neymar gets it a lot too
Stranger: just with my name 🤷
You: Hahahaha I bet he does!!!
Stranger: soooo
Stranger: tell me something again
You: what now?
Stranger: what year was thy brought into this world ?
You: Take a guess
Stranger: ehh 2003 ?
You: closeee
Stranger: 2004
You: yes!
Stranger: waaiiiiittt
Stranger: are you for reallll ?
You: whaaaatttt
You: yesss
Stranger: me toooo wth
You: ohhh that's so cool
Stranger: yeahhhh it's super duper cool 😎
You: when are u turning 17?
Stranger: November
Stranger: you ?
You: September
You: I'm older hehe
Stranger: wooowww
Stranger: yeaahhh a couple month smh
You: Heheheh still older
Stranger: yeaahhhh ig
Stranger: you'll have to be my plug when you get old enough
Stranger: 😭
You: your plug? hahahahaha
Stranger: a person to buy alcohol for someone else
Stranger: lol
You: Yeah but I won't do that hehe
Stranger: lol that's good
Stranger: i was just making a shit joke
Stranger: it was better in my head
Stranger: i swear 😼
You: I'm just kidding silly
You: I don't drink so I can buy for u if u want
You: I bet it was better in your head indeed
You: hehe
Stranger: you don't drink ?
You: nope
Stranger: cuz you're 16 or cuz of someth else
Stranger: cuz i don't
You: no it's a trauma thing
Stranger: ohh gotcha
Stranger: won't talk about it then
You: not really
Stranger: where u from ?
You: your basement
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: a lil uno reverse
Stranger: i see
Stranger: i do have a basement actually
You: Hahahahahaha
You: yes well I know I'm from your basement
Stranger: ohhh well that explains the weird sounds coming for there
You: Oops
Stranger: can you try and keep it quiet please ??
You: Yes I'll try, I promise
Stranger: thank youuuu
Stranger: that's very sweet of you
Stranger: it's been annoying me
You: Hahahaha :)
You: I'm so sorry I didn't know you could hear that sound
Stranger: nah don't worryyy bout it
Stranger: I'm curious what you were doing down there tho
You: none of your business sir
Stranger: welllll okayyyy then ma'm
You: or miss
Stranger: no need to be rude 🤬
You: No I mean, sir or miss
You: Hahahahahah
Stranger: you can call me sir
You: oh so you're a sir?
You: ohhh
You: I was so wrong
Stranger: i am of the oposite gender
You: I see I see
Stranger: you was indeed very mistaken
Stranger: i told you tho
Stranger: 🤷
You: You did?
You: I'm slow
Stranger: I'm pretty sure i kinda did
You: a bit low
Stranger: you're an f1 car tho
Stranger: so you're not slow
Stranger: in fact
You: ironic, innit?
Stranger: you're really fast
Stranger: yeah ironic i suppose
You: haha now for real
You: where r u from?
Stranger: innit
You: again
Stranger: guess
You: not my basement
You: how am I supposed to do that lmaoo
Stranger: welll i had to guess your age
Stranger: so it's only fair
You: there are like 200 countries around the world
Stranger: 🤷
Stranger: welll I'm not from sirgisistan
Stranger: I'll tell you that
You: Or less than that, wait lemme google it
Stranger: Only 199 left
Stranger: 293
Stranger: or someth
Stranger: i believe
You: oh whoa I thought it was like 196
Stranger: wait lol
Stranger: i might be stupid
You: 195!!! I was so close
Stranger: it ends with with 90 someth
Stranger: that i know
Stranger: oh wow
Stranger: I'm stupid then
You: Yes you are
Stranger: it's cause you're 2 months older
You: Jk sir you're adorable
Stranger: so you have more experience
Stranger: i suppose
You: Yeah, right that's the reason why I know a bit more than you
Stranger: yeah it's only logical
You: yeah of course
You: sirgisistan?
Stranger: what
Stranger: about
Stranger: it
You: what is that
You: sirgisistan
Stranger: I'm pretty sure that's a country
You: I've never of that
Stranger: or i might hsve just made it up
Stranger: idk
You: Yes of course you did!!
Stranger: well you should google it
Stranger: find out if it is
You: it doesn't exist
Stranger: really ?
You: wait lemme check
You: i'm assuming
Stranger: kirgistan
Stranger: maybe that was the one i was thinking of
You: kyrgyzstan, that one does exist
Stranger: yeahhh
Stranger: okayy then i was indeed capping
Stranger: but I'll tell you know I'm not from there
You: obsviouly you were lmao
Stranger: yeah i might be
Stranger: I'm ffom a basement in kirgisistan
You: nah seriously hahahaha
Stranger: okayy guess the continent at least
You: can i have a tip sir?
Stranger: yess
Stranger: there are only 6 of them
Stranger: there you go
You: no kidding genius
Stranger: :))
You: oh cmon
Stranger: Why thank you
Stranger: come oooonnn
You: Asia?
You: Europe?
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Not asia
Stranger: europe perhaps
You: yes you're from europe
You: where in europe tho
Stranger: what do you think ?
Stranger: north, south, or east
You: i have no clue
You: italy?
You: portugal?
You: france?
You: norway?
Stranger: wow
Stranger: hold up
Stranger: one of em
Stranger: is correct
You: oh come on
You: ohhh really?
Stranger: yess
Stranger: really
You: do not tell me you're from portugal
Stranger: why not
You: are u????
Stranger: noo sorryy
You: oh shoot
You: it's ok
Stranger: are you ?
You: nope
Stranger: oh okayy then
You: but i kinda do speak their language
Stranger: oh you speak protugese ?
You: not protugese
Stranger: whaaa
Stranger: do they not speak Portuguese
Stranger: in portugal ???
You: but ya I do speak portuguese
You: I'm just messing with u
Stranger: oohh okay
Stranger: lol
Stranger: brazil then ?
You: cuz u said protugese instead of portuguese
You: yuuup
You: damn it
Stranger: lol
Stranger: gotcha
You: you weren't supposed to know that so quickly
Stranger: I'm too good at this game
Stranger: you said you speak Portuguese
Stranger: it's the biggest clue ever
You: well I could be from Africa
Stranger: ehhh yeah sure
Stranger: a bit of a stretch but sure
Stranger: what country in africa speaks Portuguese ?
You: I'm not sure
You: Nigeria?
Stranger: i don't think so lol
You: wait wait wait
Stranger: I'm waiting
You: I don't remember :(
You: but I did know the answer
Stranger: okkkayyy then i believe youuu 🤷
You: mozambique!!
Stranger: ohhh really
You: there are more tho
Stranger: that's awwesome
Stranger: did not know they spoke protugese
You: yes they do!!
Stranger: that's really cool
You: yupp
You: lemme procede to find out where you're from
Stranger: yesss
Stranger: you almost had it
You: france?
You: I don't think so..
Stranger: why not France
You: I mean I don't know
Stranger: well you're assumption is correct
You: so you're not?
Stranger: nope
You: oh good
You: I mean
Stranger: ahaha
You: idk anyways
You: italy??
Stranger: hmmm
You: I feel like you are
Stranger: i will tell you one thing
Stranger: i am 1/4 italian
You: oh come on now
Stranger: but i am not from italy
Stranger: lol
Stranger: it's true
You: no fking way you're from norway
You: that's my fav country in the whole world
Stranger: noo fucking wayy norway was one of your guesses
Stranger: waittt actually ???
You: yesssssss
You: what the heck
You: wow!!!
Stranger: I'm just so incredibly shocked you guessed so quickly
Stranger: like it's the tiniest country ever
You: well I didn't actually guessed that quickly but ok hahaha
Stranger: well out of the five european countries you chose of
Stranger: norway was one of em
Stranger: quite impressive
You: Cuz I love this country!!!
You: that's why
Stranger: that's amazing
Stranger: thank youu
Stranger: have you ever been here ?
You: you're very welcome!!!
You: not yet!!!
Stranger: you should, you'll love it
You: I already do! Norway is absolutely beautiful
You: Everything's just perfect over there
Stranger: aww , lemme know when you visit norway
Stranger: I'll show you around haha
You: okay!!!! I'm already looking forward
Stranger: it's gonna be greattt
You: I'm sure it will :)
Stranger: what time is it in brazil ?
You: It's 19:22 right now
You: what about norway?
Stranger: 00:22
You: pretty late huh
Stranger: so i should probably sleep soon yeah
You: aren't u sleepy?
You: ohh ya
Stranger: a little yeah
You: ok got it, do you have any social media?
Stranger: I've got snap
Stranger: You ?
You: no shoot I don't :/
Stranger: :((
You: only snap?
Stranger: uhh I've got instagram too
You: oh sweet!! what's ur @?
Stranger: aimar.chirico
You: hold on a sec
Stranger: alrighttt i willl
You: found ya!
Stranger: awesommee !
Stranger: got the notification
You: you better follow me back sir!!
You: hehe jk
Stranger: ohhh i did 😅
You: great! :) now you can get your sleep hehe
Stranger: yess haha
Stranger: now i can rest easy
You: goodnight then :)
You: it was really nice talking to u btw!
Stranger: thank youuu
Stranger: it was truly great talking to you as well :)
Stranger: goood nighttt
You: aww!
You: see yaaa
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subconfessions · 4 years
Day 10
Ok it’s been a long time since I’ve updated this blog hehe so this is gonna be a long post. I’ve got about an hour to have it posted as well so we’ll see how that goes. As of today I have edged 975 times in the 17 days since my last orgasm.
To pick up from my last post, I had woken up that next morning in the bathroom. That night was definitely not comfortable but I was surprised with how easy it was for me to fall asleep in my little nest of blankets and pillows, thankfully I was able to snuggle with toothless and I had my collar on which made me super happy and I felt very little and submissive the whole night. I remember after I had bugged Daddy for a bit he told me he was going to go back to sleep for a bit and he told me to stay. And just oh my, those one-word commands really get me. So, I stayed like a good girl. One more time he had me stay, but not for long and I was able to get up and go make coffee.
I had some gardening to do that day, and after that I saw that I had a package. I had almost forgotten about the new toy I’d bought. It was a remote controlled vibrator that connects to an app, it’s really fun cause Daddy can play with it with me hehe
After charging it up a bit and figuring out how to connect to it, me and Daddy skyped for a little bit while he controlled the vibe, and it felt sooo good. Especially since using my wand has been a rare treat, but just not having control over the setting or the pattern or whether it’s even on was so hot. Such a direct way to really lose control. I even got a lil treat at the end of our skype call hehe Daddy put a plug in and let me watch him cum, and I got reallll close to cumming myself. It’s fun watching Daddy play with toys that I usually use, it’s always a bit of a surprise because I never really think about the toys Daddy has.
But then Daddy told me he was almost going to let me cum that day. But then remembered how much he wants to deprive me of it. I was so saaaad I wanted to cum so bad. But that’s nothing compared to now… but I’ll get to that. I got my 111 edges that I had somehow negotiated for myself up from 61 but at 30 Daddy told me that my blog made him really happy and that I could stoop at 61 and be all caught up with my edges.
And with that I got ready for bed and sent my goodnight video, apparently my best one yet hehe
The next morning was pretty relaxed. Daddy and I chatted for a bit, and I wore my clamps as I played games, but then I took off to hang out with some friends for a bit, of course using that good communication I’ve been learning heh and then Daddy let me know that this weekend he was going to be going on a fishing trip, which sounded like lots of fun, but I knew he wouldn’t be able to talk and play as much which was a little sad. But Daddy had a plan to keep me busy
Once I got home from friends Daddy told me tonight was the night for my special fantasy blog, and told me to go smoke my weed. I flew to my basement, I was nervous because I still didn’t really know what to write about, and I knew I was going to be writing it in a first person format, so I couldn’t be as general and open as I would usually be, I needed to be specific and actually think more in depth about the fantasy. But I would have to do that with my wand relentlessly tied to my clit. Tying the vibe on my clit was worlds different to when I taped it the first time. It was more secure, and was pretty locked in place and pressed tight up against my clit. It was impossible to escape this one without untying it. Daddy watched as I wrote and kept buggin me while I did hehe and made the deal that every time I had to turn the vibe off to keep from cumming, there would be a price to pay to Daddy. It was impossible to not have to turn it off, especially while thinking about a fantasy that I was extremely turned on by. Occasionally it would feel like the setting would get turned up on the vibe, and I was just so desperate, knowing I just had to keep writing or this torment would not stop. Finally after turning it off three times I was able to finish my story. I posted it and Daddy told me what I had to do for turning off the vibe.
Each stop was a snap with a rubber band on my clit.
And after alllll that time with the vibe my clit was already soo sensitive, I remember getting out the rubber band and holding it there. It took so many tries for me to finally get the courage to let go of the rubber band. I knew the faster I did it the quicker it would be over, but my hand would just not cooperate and let go of the rubber band. And my god when I did, ooowww I don’t think anything stings so much. But after finishing all three I felt slightly accomplished after, having finished some daunting tasks. But it was a lot of fun getting to smoke and play with my toys and Daddy.
Daddy assigned me some tasks for the next day, and asked if he could plan my Sunday out, and come up with a nice long list of things for me to do while he was on his trip. I was really excited for this, I had at least five hours worth of tasks I had to accomplish, and knowing my procrastinating track record this would be a little bit of a challenge heh but a fun one at that.
Then Daddy told me he was tucking me in and oh did that make me feel nice and little, telling me I had to go to bed. I sent my goodnight video and like a good girl went right to sleep.
The next morning I had gotten up and was running errands and gave Daddy the chance to sleep in a bit, but then decided he’d take that opportunity to make me really work for my coffee. I sent him a little video tantrum and got my coffee hehe.
After that Daddy told me that Toothless would be able to go to my friends house!! I was really excited because that meant I was just a step closer to getting him back full time, but I was a little sad that I wouldn’t be able to have those little moments when Daddy says I could take him outta the box for a little bit. Daddy sent me out with my remote controlled vibe in my pussy and had me connect when I got there.
My friend as far as I know had no idea that I had the vibe on, it was so hard to concentrate on our conversation, especially when Daddy put the vibe on a high setting, but thankfully he dropped it down to the lower setting so I could focus a bit more. No matter, it was still difficult to focus on anything except the vibration on my clit and in my pussy.
Sadly, but also thankfully the vibe died, I was nervous I was going to start edging in front of my friend haha I was slowly coming up with ways to keep myself from cumming because I wasn’t able to escape the vibrations.
Daddy sent me to show him how wet I was, and then asked to talk with my friend. He wanted to borrow one of her corners for 10 minutes. I was embarrassed but I knew how little it would make me feel, so I obliged and handed my phone to my friend, who of course agreed that I could use one of her corners, and of course into the corner I went. Corner time is always a love hate thing for me, I really love how little it makes me feel and that time it gives me to think and kind of ground myself, but I also hate just having to sit there nice and still and quiet. And it was especially hard when my best friend was giggling and talking with my dom about who knew what behind by baaack.
She started teasing me and I couldn’t help myself but throw a small mean look her way before snapping my head back around, I knew I wasn’t supposed to be moving but I couldn’t help myself that time. And then I was given anotherrrr ten minutes on top of that!!! I was certainly pouting in the corner now. After my corner time was done I was given the choice to redo the corner time or take a secret unknown punishment. I picked secret at first but daddy said I would probably want to pick the other one, and would let me choose corner time if I did it topless. I picked corner time toplessss. Hmmph..
Back into the corner I went and I gave my friend my phone again. She took another picture to send to my dom and kept chattin with him. Then suddenllyyyy she was messing with my bra and it took everything I had to keep from moving or telling her to stop. She had successfully unhooked my bra and just let it there hanging and if I thought I was pouting before now I was really pouting. I couldn’t believe she betrayed me like this. First extending my corner time, and now succumbing to my Daddy’s silly jokessss ugh. How could she?
But I finished my corner time, and eventually went home with a good report from my friend. I finished my art and working out that Daddy had assigned for me, and got moving on my edges. And sent Daddy a goodnight video, and turned in a bit early that night.
Till next timeee
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