#could talk about them for hourssss
delicris · 9 months
ohhh, bolts and nuts! a very curious title, i'm intrigued 👀
wolfstar, explicit, CZECH REMUS
this one is a modern au that takes place in my home country czechia!! it's a v bittersweet story of many first and last times. a lot of czech culture and references to it, i took the title itself from a czech song called šrouby a matice. the whole thing is written retrospectively (and from remus' pov), which is a choice i made to show that the story has already been told and there is nothing u can do to change it... right?
some of the tags include: gasps AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED, slice of life, trans sirius black and comfort (a huge motif, i love writing about different types of comfort and the additional feelings it brings)
aaand a lil snippet for u. featuring remus's gay panic and sirius acting out a train:
“Oh, um… I’m sorry? I don’t speak a word of Czech and I do realize that’s like one of the rudest fucking things ever — I can’t even say ‘thank you’, how did I think I was going to do this? Anyways, point is… You speak any English?”
Now it’s Remus’s turn to stare because one, it’s too early for this, as we’ve established a billion and one times before, and two, how the fuck did he watch this guy and didn’t catch the English swearing… And before he can even properly blink his shock away, the stranger is talking yet again.
“Fuck, okay… I,” he starts, fumbling a little and pointing at himself, “ticket, um… fuck. Train, uh… shoo shoo,” he tries to vocalize and act out a train. And Remus just fucking loses it, laughing so earnestly, surprising both the man in front of him and himself as he brings the attention of the entire three other people who are standing at the station with them towards the two of them. He doesn’t mind it a single bit and chokes out: “I know English, but now I wish I kept that going for a little longer.” Which might be a rude thing to say to someone you’ve met literally seconds ago, but he can’t bring himself to care all that much as he tries to catch his breath and regain at least some leftover dignity. And, to his delight, this whole thing actually makes the guy in front of him laugh. Oh, he’s so fucking beautiful.
Now he can make out the finer details of… everything. His earrings are stacked on both of his ears, a mix of silver and gold which is present in every piece of jewellery he’s wearing. Under the leather jacket is hiding a flowy white shirt with way too many buttons opened, making room for the chest tattoos — all in all, Remus is fucked. But he can’t let himself get embarrassed, so as soon as the man starts talking, he stops staring like a kid in a candy store.
“Now that you’re done laughing at my piss poor attempts at acting out a train,” he starts, tone playful and a smile spreading across his cheeks, “I’d really appreciate if you’d help me out with this fucking thing. Need to buy a ticket to Budapest and this fucker isn’t doing its job.”
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
A very interesting AU concept would be swapping Sanji and Pudding, hear me out:
It starts with 9 year old Sanji at G€rma. In one way or another, his modifications partially activate. He is still weaker than his siblings, but its enough for J@dge to not imprison him even after Sora's death. (He still gets berated tho) Living like this slowly makes Sanji lose his emotions. He doesn't have a will to to live, yet he can't die.
Meanwhile, at Tottoland Big Mom is furios at a 6 year old Pudding because she just can't awaje her 3rd eye. She calls her a failure, punishes her for nothing, and tells her that she isn't her favourite daughter anymore. Hearthbroken, Pudding decides to run away like her big sister Lola did by hiding in the hold of a ship. She ends up in the east blue and after the ship wrecks, she meets Zeff. They are both stuck on an island fir 80 days, but he sacrifised his leg because he could never let a lady go hungry, its just wrong. Later they are saved and end up opening the Baratie.
Zeff raises Pudding as his precious daughter. She is already great at baking, but he teacges her how to make other dishes and cuisine. Everybody loves her, and anyone who even lays a finger on her will die.
Then Luffy arrives. While Pudding's real dream is to learn about the 3 eye tribe, she tells everybody that is to find the All Blue for her old man (she still covers her eye, Zeff is the only person who has seen it). After the events of the Baratie arc, she joins the crew as the cook.
The rest of the story would be similar. Pudding is now a pirate who uses her leg fighting skills and smarts to get by. (As well as an idden power thats connected to her 3rd eye) The marines gave her the epithet "chocolate leg Pudding". Im not sure if she already has the memo-memo no mi... I'm gonna assume she does and its very useful for her.
The first change in the plot is at Thriller Brak. Pudding notices her sister, but she is scared to face her at first, since that woukd mean telling her friends about her true lineage. For most if the arc, she deribetaly tries to hide herself and even wears a disguise. In a final moment in the arc, she asks Lola to talk to her privately. We don't see what happens yet, but we will one day.
The rest of the story is the same, until Whole Cake Island. When she is kidnapped by the Big Mom pirates. When her bounty poster is changed to "only alive". When the invitation to the wedfing of the 3rd son of the V!nsm@ke family and the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family are handed out. When Big Mom decides to claim her disowned child to give her up in an arranged marriage as part of a coup. Threattening to hurt Zeff and her friends if she doesn't comply.
I love this so damn much you don't even know-- I've always been saying that Pudding's story is basically Sanji's but like, with the bad ending because she never got to escape when she was little but Sanji did. And now that you mention this AU, it's just perfect to show their similarities but also to turn the stories around and,,, It's amazing.
Starting with Sanji, I adore that the approach here is that he's emotionless. I don't think he'd be like his brothers in a narcissistic, egocentric way. I think that after being abused constantly he just loses all will to leave and shuts down completely even if there is still empathy within him. The whole thing with the Vinsmokes is that they were all raised to be powerful killing machines and that's why they act like this, not because they actually are emotionless. And Sanji in this context isn't either, he just seems like he is because he just... Gives up. So I imagine a black-haired Sanji with some blond, completely shut down and just taking the abuse and living with it and serving the family without anything else.
But there is still some type of connection in him to like, animals and women, I think. It's small but it's there. He's not our sweetest boy but he won't harm women the way Niji does and he will help and feed animals because he is strangely attached to them and cooking. But Judge doesn't really say anything about it anymore because at least the kid gets the job done and doesn't seem like he's going to rebel or anything. He's kind of like in a Reiju position? Where he understands their situation and has his own emotions but just shuts down? Except that he's well, extremely depressed and mean and she's concerned for him. I think she still protects him though, she's the only one Sanji doesn't push away. Typical "they sit in silence and she hugs him and even though he stays expressionless it's obvious that he likes it with her".
And Pudding... I love that she gets her happy ending here. I've been saying Zeff has girldad energy and it just makes sense that he'd be extremely protective of her while teaching her to cook and fight on her own!! He raised the most gorgeous, sweetest, and yet ruthless cook of all seas! I think he'd be such a great dad for her because he would help her stand up for herself and also take care of her in their early years together when she is still having trouble adapting to a new, healthy environment. Of course, she still has nightmares and trauma responses when she grows up, and he helps her anyway, but she gets better at some point.
I love that he's the only one who sees her third eye!!! That'd be like, such a good plot point too for her to join the strawhats... Also, her dynamic with Luffy would be hilarious because despite being sweet, I wanna desperately keep her mean personality and she would be SOOO done with Luffy. Their relationship would kind of resemble Lusan's a lot, imo. And Nami would be sooo happy to have another girl in the crew so early!!! I also think she'd hate Zoro but not because of like, parallels with Zosan or anything, I just think their personalities clash too much-- And she'd have a soft spot for Usopp but that's because, you know, everyone does. Also, I like having a girl in the crew that isn't part of the coward trio. She actively fights and I love it. Then Vivi and Robin join them and y'know, I am starting to think another girl in the crew would be literally amazing hahahaha (I've been saying this for so long). So I am guessing everything stays the same except that during Thriller Bark she reunites with Lola but yeah, she doesn't tell the others about it. Because that's what WCI is for!
Then WCI happens... And I am losing it because I really, really, really want her to have the biggest breakdown about it and sacrifice herself Sanji-style (don't you just love how you don't even have to change the plot because they're literally parallels??? I will never understand how some people can hate Pudding lmfao she's literally Sanji). So she's forced to do the exact same thing she does in canon if she wants to save the ones she loves, but she doesn't want to kill Sanji?? Like at all?? And then you have Sanji who literally gives zero fucks about what's going on. I think he'd be forced to act politely and like a gentleman when he literally doesn't care about all of this-- And probably Pudding finds out and he's mean to her, yadda yadda yadda.
And y'know I would absolutely love if Sanji knew they're going to kill him but couldn't care less about it because perhaps dying is better than whatever life he's living, and when Pudding realizes what's going on she makes him want to live just... A little bit. Something awakens inside Sanji and suddenly he's scared and he doesn't want to do this. Sanji sees Pudding's third eye... Pudding finds out about Sanji's mother... They actually won't stop arguing at first, Pride & Prejudice style, and then Sanji sees her with a different perspective and all of a sudden he starts acting more protectively and sweet to her? So she's confused as hell and still tries to argue but uhhhh complicated relationship they've got there, but at least they help each other out.
And idk perhaps we have the Viinsmoke sibs having the same scene they have in canon and helping Sanji out but the crucial part is Reiju paralleling the original scene in which she helps Sanji escape. And he finally does and he leaves with the strawhats because I need them to have a happy ending. So he's still dealing with, you know, trying to express his emotions and wanting to live but he'll get there someday because at least now he's safe. Nobody kisses and forgets anybody because I will not allow a sad ending here, thank you.
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For the character ask thingey, Legend with 2, 7, 13, and 25? And/or those with Ravi, you said you were thinking about the pasta(ravioli) little guys so I’m asking about them! :D
Legend ;
2 ; i like...him hair...and his fit in general...pure gender goals over there
7 ; LOVE that u will rarely find someone makin this man cishet, and when u do its always the weirdly religious. love that everyone looked at legend and went "Oh yeah this man is some form of queer."
13 ; you know those bunny / rabbit kaomojis? yeah legend would use those so often. like. look at them. ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₍ ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ . legend coded.
25 ; we honestly didnt think we were going to like him but now if we see someone insulting his character / wildly misinterpreting him as a bad person, its on SIGHT.
Ravio ;
2 ; god hes canonically such a little idiot and i adore him. he fell over because the bag he was carrying was too heavy. he broke into ur home and pays u with a terrible bracelet that smells like wet dog. he sees no problem with it.
7 ; everyone who makes him have little scars,,,and stretch marks,,,i love u,,,bonus points for him being black (this also applies to legend, but more people do it with ravi)
13 ; he would also use the rabbit kaomojis but i also think he would use default emojis. he would overuse emojis to the point of it looking like one of those bad Facebook Mom posts. it looks like a copypasta but hes being so genuine. he doesnt emote in real life and makes up for it over text.
25 ; i loved him the moment i saw that stupid rabbit hood and we still adore him. hes the best character in the entire zelda franchise and i will fight anyone who disagrees w us. hes the better merchant, beedle can suck my dick. he could never be ravio.
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astrologydayz · 11 months
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Venus in 12th house, or 5th/8th house ruler in 12th house can get into "love" affairs while being on vacations/retreats/In foreign countries/while they're in a hospital/psych ward, and even in prison
Mars square/quincunx MC makes u so damn fine! U can carry yourself a bit "rougher" tho/look unapproachable = "people being intimidated by u", & u being a little "what the fuck u staring at", and we love it💋🤣. People with Venus conjunct/trine/quintile Eros asteroid - 433) r really sexual individuals. But they most of the time need a "personal connection" of some kind, before jumping in2 bed with someone. They ooze sexual confidence tho, because they know what they want&need sexually🤤🫦. Casanova asteroid - 7328) in Libra/7th house/aspecting Jupiter can “stray" away from their partner, quite easily. They can quickly find somebody else, that they find more "fascinating". They get bored fast! But this mostly applies 2men tho💻📓.
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Inner planets in earth signs = very sexual beings, so idk what the fuck people r on about. We just don't fuck the 1st John we c on the street🤷‍♀️. Really picky when choosing a sexual/romantic partner, and we also need 2 know that you're trustworthy 1st. But when you finally pull through, we'll show u what freaky means😘.
Scorpio Mars in/8th/12 house in a MAN'S chart can go 4 hourssss 😵‍💫😵‍💫🫠🫠. Unless Mars is afflicted by other planets, like Saturn, or Jupiter. Saturn ruled people got piercings almost always - body/head/genitals🫦👅). Saturn rules piercings, (restriction, and Steel). Add a little pain 2 the mix, &😍.
Pluto conjunct Mars in a MAN'S chart = some serious sex appeal. They're so fucking smooth2, and have no problem with showing their dominant side. They can easily steal yo girl⚠🍆🔮. Everyone wants a piece💦🙄🤣👄.
Venus/Mars/Pluto in 3rd house likes 2 talk during sex. "U like that baby?" "tell me how much u want it", "yeah I like it, when u got your mouth full🍆🍑". They also get off on how much u can "out smart them" - Book smart or Street smart, either way🧏🤭🤓.
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Sun opposite Black Moon Lilith can look for sexual partners that looks, or reminds them of their dad🤷‍♀️(Daddy issues).
Funny how people say that Mars/Venus in 8th/8th house in Scorpio people gets more interested, if u make us jealous??? I will literally erase u🫠🧐. If we wanted to share a person, we would have gone 2 a strip club instead.
Venus square Jupiter does not mean that the individual is "addicted 2 sex", unless anything else shows so.
Jupiter in 9th house/Jupiter aspecting 9th house can show that u have big hips/big thighs/long legs💛👅.
Asteroid Varuna (20000) conjunct/trine your 7th house means that your sexual partners makes u famous, "worldwide attention" because of who u date/have close relationships with✨. If it's in Gemini (example), then u could date famous singers, actors, motivational speakers, things like that.
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POF conjunct 5th house can cause the individual 2 be very experienced in the department of love, by the end of their lives. They've dated a lot of different people most of the time, and have had all kinds of relationships - polyamorous with some, monogamous with others - examples.
Records asteroid - 30718) conjunct/opposite Mars in a MAN'S chart, can show that he "enchants" people (usually worldwide) with his sex appeal🤤🫠. The opposition shows a "complication", when it comes 2 this = wanting 2 break records for your talent/s/work, & not only4sex appeal👽.
U don't have 2 have Venus/Mars aspecting each other 2 be fine af/gain a lot of attraction from others bc of your looks/sex appeal. Look at Zac Efron - when he was young, Jungkook - BTS, Tupac🤤, Jackson Wang, Hyunjin from Skz, Rihanna, Marilyn, Austin Butler, Justin Bieber - I don't think he's hot, but some people do - I could keep going.
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Women with Mars/Venus conjunct/in 8th house = typically sexually attracted2 "misunderstood individuals" - "someone who's bad, &only good4her" kind of thing. She needs an EVERYTHING BUDDY! A loyal lover/best friend/partner in crime! someone who will never doubt her, but challenge her/someone who brings a healthy amount of “competition"/sexy bantering. She also want someone who's REALLY ready2dominate the fuck out of her, bc she's so used2 dominating people on a daily basis💁‍♀️.
Eros - (433) conjunct 11th house = being sexually attracted 2friends/finding fwb relationships 2be the perfect "arrangement"🎉💃.
Mars conjunct/trine "Dominiona" asteroid - 24899) in a MAN'S chart = a VERY sexually dominant man😤👅. "Big daddy takes little daddy energy" - they can command 10 men like that🤌. Won't let anyone try2run up on em, at any time🫠🤤. Masters at dominating "brats"2, they'll put yo ass in place babe💋.
Venus quincunx Eros asteroid - 433) shows us that an individual typically feels like they're not as sexually "appealing" as people say they r/they won't believe others words. They won't "realise" that they're sexy as hell! They let their insecurities speak4them a lot. But once they start getting that “self assurance/self confidence” = they'll quickly realise that they're the shit, when it comes 2 "seducing" - "enticing" others❤️🍒.
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ithildinwrites · 23 days
bachisagi make me feel insane okay
like truly i could talk about them for HOURSSSS
isagi never being able to play his full potential at ichinan bc of th whole one for all all for one thingy and it stunted his growth and he wasnt able to grow as a proper / true striker VS bachira who DID do that and was kinda alienated by his teammates and played how he wanted and he was bullied (MY SON D:) and he didnt have friends and was alone before blue lock happened
THEN THEY MET AND BACHIRA JUST INSTANTLY KNEW TO PASS TO ISAGI like thats soulmate shit right there come ON
isagi being the first friend bachira made and they were so dependant on each other but then had to separate and grow and find themselves and then REUNITED!!!!
plus healthy competition???? their bond??? 10/10
let's not even get started on the whole u-20 match that was bachisagi central UGH I LOVE THEM! bachira's mother saying shes never seen bachira so happy playing football before its like they want me DEAD
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orbot5 · 2 months
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please make them interact.please. two of my favorite things ever please. (if anyone knows about mst3k i will bawl my eyes out of happyienss!!!^_^please i could talk abt this show for hourssss……maybe try to draw them later idk) (crow and Tom me and pookie) i love you Mst3k and muppets………
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iamthecomet · 9 months
IM BACKKKK😇😇😇😇 thinking about phantom/aeon again WEHEHEHE....
a few things:
this boy gets pussy drunk i swear. he could eat someone out for hourssss and when you pull his face up he's all woozy and doe eyed and he'll whine to be let go so he can continue
subtop 5ever😇😇 just imagining him desperately fucking up into someone- "please, please, let me cum inside you, i need it, i can't hold it-" GAHHHH
peepee boy. that's all i'll say on the matter
SUCHHHH A LITTLE VOYEUR FREAK!!!! do NOT zerk off around this man because HE WILL WATCH!!!! probably a bit of an exhibitionist too.... waltzing around like normal with a plug in his ass, rutting against a pillow while everyone watches a movie together....
he is just so sensitive and curious and it is so so caute❤️ i love him
Oh Aeon. What a devoted little freak, we love him. Don't think about Aeon, on the floor between Cirrus' legs. Face turned up. Tongue pressed deep into her folds. Curling around her clit. Purring as he does it. Savoring every second she allows him to taste her. And if she tosses her leg over his shoulder, he'll brace a hand against her back, hold her steady, lap even deeper. For as long as she wants. And when she's had her fill he'll whine for more. Even as she pulls him away by the horns, mouth slick and swollen, eyes hazy and gone. And don't think about Rain riding him. Aeon thrusting up to meet each thrust. Trying to drive as deep as he can. Starting out grunting and groaning, ending up whimpering and begging to cum. Begging to breed. And it really depends on Rain's mood whether or not he's going to head Aeon's pleas. And we're not going to talk about the amount of time he's found Swiss' door cracked up--just a little. Just enough for Aeon to peak through. To see Swiss splayed out naked on his bed--on display, hand working his cock until he cums, messy, all over his own stomach. Or how Aeon leaves his door open too, just enough to catch a glimpse. To hear the muffled sound of his voice as he touches himself. Also, half othe pillows on the common room couch have cumstains on them now and it's (mostly) Aeon's fault.
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Okay so how about some more Suchin headcanons and/or Kenshi/Suchin headcanons? Some wholesome stuff maybe. 🥺 Please and thank you. 🙏
I could talk about these guys for hourssss
I'm basing these off my au where Suchin is a vigilante/mercenary.
Brief backstory is her father was a retired Red Dragon member who after her mother's death turned to gambling, taking out several loans from the Red Dragon to afford it. Unable to pay the debt he killed himself, transferring the debt to a 19 year old Suchin who took to traveling around Asia. Hunting Red Dragon members and taking less than savory jobs to survive with the goal of destroying them/getting rid of the debt and returning to civilian life. She also has a danger sense causing her to be very paranoid.
Eventually she ended up in Japan on a lead where she met Kenshi who is still in the yakuza and, at the time, has his eyes (I'm blatantly mashing his backstories together)
Suchin, before the whole criminal thing, worked as a chef. When she realized Kenshi isn't that good of a cook and eats mostly takeout she decided to start making food for him.
It sounds sweet, but she's not normal about it (11 years on the run wrecks your social skills). She just starts to hand Kenshi bentos/tupperware at random times and doesn't comment on it. Also breaking into his apartment to use his kitchen, Kenshi doesn't know what's happening or why it started but he's not complaining.
Suchin doesn't like silence because her thoughts start to wander and it cranks up her paranoia so she talks to herself a lot. Mostly just mindless things like taking a verbal note of what she needs to do that day. And having one-sided conversations with people she's fighting.
She's thrilled when Kenshi starts to engage in her mindless chatter with his own two cents. Even more so when he gets comfortable enough to start the conversations. They've lost track of time doing nothing but talking for hours.
They cuddle a lot, even when they were still just friends and before they developed/realized they had feelings for the other. They started to share Kenshi's bed when Suchin moved in because they're both cheapskates and didn't want to buy another one.
When Suchin doesn't take photos and avoids cameras but she bought a small one to take pictures of animals she saw to show Kenshi.
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confessions-sm · 3 months
Kevin x Lila is so JSBDNDJSJZN /pos
I love them both so much aaaghhh I could talk about why I think I could actually see it happening in Canon and why I think they have so much chemistry for hourssss
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lcvclywon · 5 months
closest moots on blr?
eeee oh i can think of a few!
@wonfilms - ofc i had to include my elle! she’s my literal twin flame and the universe separated us by oceans bc they knew we would be too powerful together >,< she’s my literal twin for everything and i feel like i’m with an old childhood friend whenever i talk to her ^^ i can yap with her for hourssss
@cupidhoons - pookie is on hiatus rn and i miss her interactions on blr ㅠㅠ but my liz is so funny and i’m doubled over laughing everytime i talk to her !! she so sweet and fun and the best person to simp over enha with 😝
@nwjws - mimi!! my first moot ever!!!!! ofc i had to include her she’s been my actual day one ☝️ she’s also on hiatus rn ㅠㅠ but everytime i speak with her i get so happy bc she’s the absolute sweetest and most amazing girl!
@bywons - sru sru sru >,< so fun to talk to and literally so funny !!! we share sm of the same humour and she’s so relatable! also my twin jungwon simp for life ^^ i love all the edits she sends me ! we’re academic victims tgt </3
@hyeinism - via is the absolute sweetest person on tumblr i swear to u ! she’s always brightening up my day with her asks and seeing her in my inbox makes me so happy all the time !!!! my lovely via is the best
@flwrstqr - daninini !! she was one of my earlier moots and i love interacting with her sm >< her works make me giggle and squeal and she’s the absolute sweetest and kindest girl ever
@jlheon - pengie >< again one of my earlier moots and she’s legit so funny like all her little posts have me giggling i love everything she yaps about fr ! we’re literally the more iconic heewon duo ever so how could i not include her
@i2ycat - lyn lyn lyn lyn ^^ oh my lyn is so funny and sweet !! seeing her on my dash makes me squeal and giggle ily so much !! always with the kindest and most helpful feedback too ><
@itjengirl - juju lay >,< my chit chit my a thae lone my pookie !! my first bamar moot on this app and it’s so fun to have someone to fan girl over enha with ^^
ackk i tagged a lot of people sHsbfjfje i hope this isn’t bothering them
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anulithots · 3 months
We need to be more positive. brain. be more positive brain you like things… talk about those more.
LIKE CLOUDS. I like clouds. Alll the clouds they are soooo whimsical. And I could ramble about them in poetry for hourssss but I’ve already done that with ANuli soo….
IDK I like clouds a lot.
Also starrrrrrsssssssssssss. I reallly want to go stargazing with @celstialsun123 at some point if she wants to. They are sooo calming and there’s tons of them where we live. But if I could find the best place to look at stars that would be wonderous. LIke where the sky becomes those paintings of colors and lights. Those would be wonderous.
(is it obvious I’m an indoorsy person trying to go outside more?)
Wasps may still scare me sometimes but they seem like the ‘intelligent companions’ of the bug world. then they go ‘bonk’ on the windows. they’re silly.
Okay the cicadas at night are crazyyyy. Like it’s the ‘surround sound’ and it’s sooooo loud. Like ridicuously loud. ANd I’m not sure whether I find the sound tolerable or not. It’s ear-ringing levels of loud.
I’m so normal about them.
I got a tiny money tree and it is my new child. They will soon learn how I dehydrate my plants and dehydrate myself more.
But thee tinnyyyy. I have a larger money tree that I was… not prepared to care for. (My mom is an impulsive buyer and I randomly oogled over this plant shop. We got… so many plants.). FUN FACT! Money trees are multiple trees braided into each other. SO my larger money tree has three dead trees and two alive trees that are flourishing now that I put it outside. So. That’s fun.
But kladfskjlasd my plants are so nice to me. They are still aliveeeee (most of them are.. I think I’ve had three casualties in the past three years. The bonsais. they are haarrrddd.)
RUBBER PLANTS THEY AKDFLKSDFKJSDKJ SAME with the aloeee verrraaa. SO nice and it grew a tiny and now the grandchild grows in my parent’s room. The tiny is sooo big nowww.
THE PINEAPPLE. THE GRANDCHILD IS BIGGER THAN IT”S PARENT. YET THE ORGINAL PLANT (thier name is poke) IS STILLL ALIVEE HOWWWW there’s this shamrock plant that is still alive. How. I got it a year or two ago I think. It seems sad then I give it water and it’s like ‘I SHALL NOW MAKE PRETTY white flowersskdfjsdlkfjsdkl’
from one child I have like six because one of them overstuffed the pot.
Then I didn’t water one of them for like… months… AND IT”S STILL ALIVE>
The Zanzibar is recovering from my neglect. I’m sorryyyyyy.
Like they started drooping during one of my spirals in which I had trouble watering everyone. Really bad drooping. Like dying drooping.
…. I have to water the money plant propigation wait akskadfskdsfkjfsdjk
very easy to grow. Reccomend. THey have purpleee leavess at firsttt heheheheheh
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svnflowermoon · 4 months
☕talk about ur best friend! what're they like? what do u love about them? <3
OMG YAY OK i could talk about my best friends for HOURSSSS (i have a few best friends so i'll talk abt all of them <333)
ok so first there's 🐀 (emoji is an inside joke i made her a felted stripper rat for her birthday) i don't think she knows she's my best friend but idk?? genuinely one of my fav people ever she's literally the funniest person on earth and i love her so much, we've known each other for like 6 years now which is insane to me. on all of our school holidays we have sleepovers where we watch the cringiest movies we can find and make cursed cakes (if you want more context send me an ask lmao 😭) and honestly it's so fun. we wore matching fairy costumes last year on halloween (i was blue, she was green) bc of the whole ✨she was a fairy✨ audio it was so funny and we're gonna do a transition from those outfits into our formal dresses at the end of the year in the same colours hehe (which i helped her pick literally two days ago). also been accused of being madly in love with her which is how you know the friendship is real lmaooo
then there's 🐟(she would HATE me for this emoji LMAOOOO) and she's literally one of my favourite people in the world and ive known her for a year????? like there is a massive part of my heart that is molded perfectly for her and we only met last year??? it's insane to me honestly she's irreplaceable idk what I'd do without her i adore her with my whole heart. literally one of my favourite memories from last year is with her from the eras tour movie like it was a core memory that will live in my heart forever we sung and danced together and at that point we'd known each other for like 6 months??? crazy to me that she's so important to me after so little time like it feels like I've known her my whole life and those kinds of connections are so important to me. but anyway she's so funny and the sweetest person ever and she got me a birthday present 2 months ago??? my birthday's in june 😭😭😭 i love her endlesslyyyy and we have plans to run away to italy together to escape maths. it's so funny as well bc we've been friends for just a year and literally everyone associates us together like "oh you're ___'s lucy!!" and im like hell yeah we've known each other forever- and then it's one year
okayyy and then there's 💐 and ugh she's so sweet we've known each other for like 2 years and we bonded over music and she's literally an angel on earth im so lucky to know her. she's the sweetest, kindest person i know i genuinely cannot express how much she means to me. we go thrifting together and gossip a bunch and we have plans to go to concerts together and ugh she's my pinterest spotify soulmate she's sooo sweet you have no idea <333 cannot express how much she means to me
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blowflyfag · 11 months
since we're talking about tag teams today - who are your top favourite tag teams? could be a top 3 or a top 10, however many you want to list :-) just think they always deserve more love!
Tag teams are some of my favorite wrestling ! It’s like look at my guys go! I’m gonna read more this cause this gets long and I ramble so.
Some of my favorite tag teams are
The Rockers of course
Kane and X-Pac ( I could go on about their relationship for hourssss)
Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Master Sexay (their so silly to me.)
I also really like the Godwinns (of course before they started wearing confederate flags. Fucking hate how wrestling makes any redneck character a racist when they’re not like that most of the time.)
the Miz and John Morrison are also ones I really like but mostly because when I watch wrestling with Reprobate we say they’re us :)
also loved Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston together!
There’s also two local tag teams i like a lot from K.S.W.A the Freek show and Manchild and Apex! Freek Show and Manchild have this dark carnival aesthetic to them that I love… I love anything carnival related honestly. And Apex are these incredible High flyers! They’re some of the best technical wrestlers in their leauge
Another local league with a tag team I love from Enjoy Wrestling, the Production with Ziggy Haim and Derek Dillinger. They’re such heels??? Like they work the crowd just incredibly. Also!!! Ziggy Haim was super nice to me when I gave them the bracelets I made for their group
Also I know they’re not a tag team technically… but Diamond Dallas Page and the Diamond Studd make me really happy. It’s hard to make a list of my tops because I like these all for different reasons.
The Rockers are incredible, every match with them is excellent and their bond is almost unmatched. Their ability to wrestle in sync is just so incredible. Also Marty is a cutie (twirls hair.)
With Kane and X-Pac I am compelled by the story. Someone who has never been loved, and someone with something to prove. They grew together. And X-PAC’s betrayal of Kane. Someone who so blindly protected and thought they were ok, believed they would’ve friends (or lovers) till the end, gets told he isn’t needed anymore. That he was never needed. It’s so… real? Human? I don’t know.
I think if I’d had to pick the Rockers and Kane and X-Pac would be my tops. But I don’t know for sure. There’s always more wrestling for me to discover you know?
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vmkore · 2 years
what about sasaki and miyano gaming streamers au……lots of projecting here so ofc they primarily play genshin impact, a little valorant and miyano likes horror games and otome games, and sasaki will try anything but he’s mostly known as a genshin streamer (he gives me big lore player vibes)
they would meet through hirano who’s a more lowkey gaming streamer, plays valorant and horror games with miyano, and genshin sometimes with sasaki if he’s really bored. other than that he joins his friends calls on streams so everyone just kinda knows him. he’d probably be on a call with miyano once, playing phasmophobia and ask if he could bring a friend on, and ofc it’s sasaki. chaos ensues between the three of them and they play for hourssss. literally sasamiya hit it off so well (why wouldn’t they) and hirano almost feels like a third wheel.
“so do you play other games, mya-chan?” sasaki would ask.
“of course i do. i like a lot of different types, but mostly genshin.”
“oh same! we should co-op later.”
from then on, there’s rarely a time where they’re both streaming and not playing together, or at least in each other’s streams. miyano gets sasaki to try otome and bl games (and manga), and sasaki gets miyano to join his genshin lore streams, just talking about theories and how deep it goes (if you know you know). off stream, they def video call a lot, and they play casually together, and watch movies.
i could say so much more this is just stream of consciousness i need to make this
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navysealt4t · 2 years
Give me Navy Seals for 1, 2, and 10 plzzzzzzz
NAVYSEAL !!!!!!!!! vibrating
1. What’s their love languages?
ooooo man . gillion’s is 100% acts of services and physical affection!!! that man would do absolutely anything to help jay out! also can we just. gillion has probably been soso touch starved his entire life because i’m willing to bet that the elders didn’t give out many hugs. also, i don’t think jays family was very touchy-felt either. they both are so new to simple things like holding hands and cuddles and kisses and their slowly just exploring all that stuff together :)
i think jay’s love language is words of affirmation. she needs a lot of reassurance and. man :(( it’s hard for her to get how people feel about her unless they say it upfront. she needs to hear that gillion cares and loves her and doesn’t resent her for anything in her past (or the block). and she’s a TERRIBLE liar so that definitely translates into her love too. she’s always complimenting gillion and telling him she loves her and hill just stands there super flustered like “??YES!???”
2. Do they have a dynamic trope? (enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
hmmm. i don’t really think they have a specific trope? besides like friends to lovers. maybe like “traumatized and also traumatized” LMAO
hmmm idk if this is a thing but like “very similar upbringings that turned them into very different people” because MAN i could talk about their parallels and similarities and differences for HOURSSSS you don’t wanna get me going
10. Who drives and who picks out the music?
i think jay would drive. 1 she is the navigator and 2. she would NOT trust gillion at the wheel. gillion usually plays the same 5 songs on repeat and it annoys jay to death hehe :]
this was super fun to do now i can’t stop thinking about it…..
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covenofwives · 2 years
Mannnnnn there are so so so many things that like i keep wanting to dive all the way into even tho I know you can't say anything because there's more fics coming soon aklsdfhjladf. Like rn the thing that has got my head absolutely spinning is the extent of XD and Dream's relationship.
It is SO complicated and already c!dream as a character is already so deep in canon so it's like i wanna know so much about how much it affects in this au. Like what exactly are the feelings XD has over what Dream's been doing. There's bits and pieces here in there we get to see but I so badly wanna know just how it's effecting them, what they think.
How different is Dream in this au to in canon. What is Dream's reasoning in this universe if it's different to what was revealed in the finale of dsmp? Like what is Dream's reasoning compared to what XD THINKS he's doing it for. The estranged relationship between them once Dream is actually out of prison!! Already now, at least in canon, george never visited, and Sapnap literally hates him and has threatened to kill him. i know it's gotta be so freaking interesting and i would literally listen/read about it for hourssss.
idk how much you'd even be willing to share but if you ever do you can make it as long and in depth as you want to go asdjhflkaf. im so freaking excited about everything hhehehaasjdfasfhg
This is gonna be a LONG one I think, so i'll put it under the cut for ease of reading (though I don't know if that helps or not haha)
I'll start out by giving a very basic timeline to XD and Dream's realtionship.
So XD came to the Overworld with Dream and Drista to give them a better future. Suddenly going from near no one to interact with to a whole world of people, Dream became overwhelmed with excitement. He wanted to explore and travel and see and meet everyone but XD and Drista were fine to keep their circle small.
Eventually, as Dream gets older, he does get more distant from his siblings. He meets others, wants to spend time with them and talk. He really only came home to sleep and then was out again with friends the next morning. XD could see Dream’s distance was caused by these new friends and experiences and didn’t want to sour Dream’s exploration. He gave Dream space but would still ask for his brother to come home or spend time with the family which Dream always waved off as he was busy with friends. Dream became old enough to move out, Drista then decided she wanted to stay in the Godly Realm and XD stayed on the Overworld but would visit Drista often. With each attempt XD had trying to talk/spend time with Dream being brushed off, XD accepted his fate as always being Dream’s brother, but never being close to him which hurt XD. XD resided himself to be a God/Overseer of things on the Overworld, specifically at the DSMP area. He’d try and keep a Godly distance with it though so his judgement was never swayed so he made no friends and tired to keep out of the DSMP’s business.
Eventually, Dream realised XD was no longer checking in on him or asking him to spend time. Even though Dream always rejected it before, he still noticed when he wouldn’t be asked and believed XD was starting to distance himself because he didn’t want to see Dream anyone. Anytime they did interact, it would be awkward and distant so Dream believed that’s what XD wanted. A classic misunderstanding.
I tried to keep Dream close to canon as possible but that’s just so hard lol especially when we had so little info to work on for years. Basically the reasoning for Dream’s action is still control. He liked being in control of this community he grew with his friends and he liked it when people looked up to him for it. He didn’t like people making their own parties and governments and elections. He wants control because he thinks that’s the only way he can keep his friends safe. He wants to keep things close to him to protect them. He sews seeds of chaos to swoop in for control but it obviously goes wrong. As for XD’s thoughts on it, he tries not to think about it. He’s trying so hard to keep his Godly, distant relationship to anything but it was rapidly failing. He was beginning to develop a friendship for George and slowly talking with Dream again, and getting to know others on the server with helping/saving them. He keeps himself out of the hard stuff going on even though it kills him to do so. He hates seeing Dream act like this and hates hearing stories from people who despise his brother. He wants to keep his brother away for safety but he also wants to let Dream make his own decisions. I imagine XD has probably asked Dream why he is acting like this and Dream wouldn’t have answered him. Just vague “it’s what’s right” or “I have a plan that’ll work” answers. XD was probably close to acting on it when he found out that Dream was thrown into prison which of course killed XD to hear but he agreed to the laws of the DSMP and wouldn’t interfere (even though it pulls him further from Dream and George)
George still didn’t visit Dream and Sapnap is still sworn on revenge in the AU. As for how XD feels about Dream’s escape that will be seen/explored in the next part of the AU fics. What I can say, and is super obvious, is that XD is frantically looking for Dream just like everyone else on the sever. Which is weird right? Because a powerful God should be able to find one mortal. His brother especially. But somehow, Dream keeps evading him. Weird right :)
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