#couldn't decide between blonde n pink
hells-wasabii · 8 months
here’s a thing you could try doing (if you want to) the Hazbin hotel gang with seraphim child reader who somehow appeared in hell after the ep 8 battle.
the gang now has to look and protect this child since others could use them for their own means with the power the kid has and for some reason they can’t go to heaven… almost like they have a purpose here in hell
A/N: This is probably going to get a part 2, I'm a little invested in where this could go! It's probably gonna get turned into a little series with a plot.
With a child seraphim i really don't see one knowing what hell even is yet. Sure, they would tell them about it, but definitely wouldn't know what it is. Or alcohol, or curse words or anything vulgar really. I hope you enjoy!
Character: General
Type: Fic (Nonromantic, Plot-centric,Hotel staff/residents with seraphim child!reader, General)
It was an honest mistake. You really hadn't meant to, but Emily and Sera were starting to argue again, something that had been happening often since that nice Charlie girl you had met at the zoo came and gone. So you had snuck away. You hated when they argued, they were your family. Family shouldn't fight, ever, you had decided early on.
Curious, you continue on towards the portal. You investigated, peering through to see a strange place bathed in red, you saw a broken building, something that reminded you of something one your brothers had shown you from the human world. War, you thought it was called. Something horrible that humans thought up to hurt each other.
You hated when people were hurt. You wanted to get closer and help anyone who might be hurt, even if your powers hadn't fully come in yet.
Then an idea came to your mind! You could ask your brothers to help! They would know exactly what to do! With this in mind, you attempted to return back through the portal, only to be pushed back by some invisible force.
Wait... What? Why wouldn't it let you back in?
Then it happened. You were still a young Seraphim, your wings weren't super strong yet, and as you peered down at the red place your wings gave out. Luckily, your brothers and sisters had trained you in case something like that happened! You were able to slow your descent, at least enough for it not to hurt when you finally landed.
So you started to make your way to the pretty, large building on the hill with a sign that read Hazbin Hotel. Though the building didn't seem quite finished yet, it was still really pretty. Odd, hadn't it just been all broken?
As you pushed your way in through the heavy doors, you saw three people over at a tall counter: A cat man with wings cleaning a really small glass, an angel, but she didn't have her wings out, and- Oh no! She seemed to have misplaced her halo, too! That wasn't good! And a pretty pink and white spider-man that was sipping on a pretty looking juice
The pretty spider-man looked over at you and did a spit-take, nearly choking on his juice.
"What the fuck is a kid doing here?" He exclaimed, gesturing at you, fuck? What kind of word was that? No one had taught it to you, and you couldn't remember any of your fellow Seraphim using such a word, either. This seemed to get the other two's attention as they turned to look at you, shocked expressions on their faces.
"What does 'fuck' mean?" You asked, head tilted in confusion looking between each of the strangers. The pretty spider-man looked like he was going to start laughing but the angel next to him hit him hard in the shoulder, only serving to confuse you more.
"Charlie!" Excited, you ran forward, using your wings to jump higher than you would have otherwise, right into her arms. The blonde non-angel caught you with ease.
The princess of hell's eyes widened looking up to find her companions looking just as confused and shocked as she felt.
This wasn't good, not one bit.
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Your friends, like the whole school, don't like Eddie Munson. You, on the other hand, think you'd like to get to know him but that's probably never going to happen. Until you find yourself locked up with him in the school library.
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The parking lot was crowded, filled with students arriving and getting ready for another day at Hawkings Highschool as you walked alongside your two friends through the sea of ​​people.
"Is this jacket new?" Debby asked as she approached you with her nose, as if to sniff it, with an almost disgusted expression painted on her face.
You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes, it wasn't the first time Debby complained about the way you dressed, among the many faults she seemed to find in you every time.
"Um, yeah." You raised your eyebrows not understanding what she was getting at.
"It's leather." She stated as if the fact were a crime. "Leather stinks."
"Debby, it's not even real leather, it can't stink. I bought it for ten dollars at the flea market."
"Oh. So that's why it stinks."
"Debby, I swear I-"
"Hey, hey" Jess interrupted you "no one stinks in here, okay? Look, Y/N... Debbs and I were planning on going out tomorrow night. Maybe to the movies or something?"
"I'm sorry..."
"Ugh, what you have to do again?" Jess rolled her eyes, smoothing her perfect cheerleading skirt with her hands.
Jess was one of the most popular girls in school, perhaps second only to Chrissy Cunningham and a few other cheerleaders who became known through their jocks boyfriends.
"You know I work almost every day after school. Does the new record store sound familiar?"
"Oh c'mon, why do you have to work so much?" Jess snorted.
"Because I need money?" It was something between an answer and a question, you had never thought anyone would ask you why you decided making your own money was a good idea.
"Hey, it's okay. We'll do it another time okay?" Debby concluded, as you finally entered the school and Jess saw her boyfriend in the distance, talking to other jocks, all in their sparkly green and white school uniforms.
"Hey Beck!" She raised a hand to get the boy's attention and waved at him at the same time, trotting towards him and instantly forgetting you.
"God, she's so in love with him." Debby commented dreamily still by your side, looking at her friend from afar.
You saw the possessive way Beck kissed his girlfriend and then put his arm around her and held her close as he continued to talk to his friends, his hand was basically on her ass. "Mh, i guess she is. I really don't like that guy, anyway."
"How couldn't you? The whole school is as in love with Beck as they are with Jason." She waved at the blond boy who was now laughing at something a member of the basketball team had just said.
"Yeah, I don't like Jason either." You shrugged.
"That's impossible. He's one of the hottest guys I've ever seen."
"Debs, I'm not talking about his physical appearance. I don't like him as a person. I don't like how he behaves and how he treats people around him."
Debby looked at you for a moment with a slight smile on her lips as if she expected me to suddenly tell her you were joking.
"See you later in class, okay?"
You shook your head, thinking it was almost pointless to voice your opinion to people like her.
"Sure, see you later."
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Biology class was silent as the teacher explained the reproduction of cells through mitosis.
From your desk almost at the back of the room, you could see that Jess and Beck had no idea what the the tracher was talking about and kept exchanging notes probably filled with hearts and written in pink marker, you could see that the quiet boy at the first desk was just pretending to listen and that his gaze often fell on the window, probably fantasizing about what he saw outside, and finally, to your surprise, you could see that Eddie Munson, for the first time, had a pen in his hand he seemed to be writing.
Eddie Munson was a guy you never quite understood, both before you had a few classes together and after.
He didn't seem to be very interested in school, his grades or the way he responded to the teachers but it was already the second time he was repeating his last year of high school, proving that deep down, maybe, he didn't want to dropout.
He seemed to like to make all Hawkings think he was the mean and scary cultist people already thought he was yet he spent his free time playing a fantasy board game with freshmen, making them feel accepted in a school in which if you were considered even remotely different you could consider yourself doomed.
Eddie Munson was unusual and one of those people you wanted to get to know and understand what he was really like just because seen from an outside point of view, he seemed like an enigma.
"Well well well, what do we have here, Mr Munson?"
Mr. Walker's voice pulled you out of your thoughts and your head, like that of all your classmates, snapped towards Eddie.
That was the moment you realized that the whole time, Eddie wasn't taking notes but he was drawing something that you couldn't quite see from where you were.
"Oh-oh, someone's in trouble." You heard someone chuckle.
The teacher took the paper from Eddie's hands and looked at it with a wicked smile on his lips. "And what is this supposed to be?"
A slight smirk appeared on Eddie's lips. "Shouldn't you know? You studied animals and that stuff, right?"
The teacher chuckled as he crumpled up the paper and walked over to the bin next to his desk, dropping it among the day's other rubbish.
"I bet the freak will repeat the year for the third time." You hear Beck whisper and Jess laugh right after.
"I won't send you to detention again because I really want this year to be your last." The teacher continued, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at Eddie with a severe look. "But if you still don't pay attention to the lessons, you won't give us any other choice. Okay?"
"Okay." Eddie replied after a moment of silence, the way he said it vaguely recalled the professor's tone and you were sure he did it to make fun of him, the smirk on his lips was still there.
After one last glare Mr.Walker sat down again behind his desk and continued reading from the book.
The last laughs faded and the last gazes on Eddie returned to the notebooks, except yours.
You saw how his cocky expression gave way in less than a second when he thought no one was paying attention to him anymore, you saw how he closed his eyes for a moment, huffing as if the existence of the possibility of repeating the year for the third time suddently hit him, while passing a hand over his face with a tired expression.
The look in his eyes was far from the one they had when he teased jocks or made speeches on top of the cafeteria tables.
He had just dropped his facade and no one had even noticed.
You can't deny that for the rest of the lesson you kept eyeing him, only to find him propped up on his elbows on his desk, playing with the rings on his fingers.
When the bell rang Eddie was the first to get up, he grabbed his jacket and darted out of the classroom without once looking back.
You, on the other hand, were the last to leave, after placing your books back in your bag, but as soon as you stepped out the door an idea crossed your mind.
Maybe it was stupid, maybe it was even useless. You didn't even know why you were doing it.
You went back to class for a brief moment, grabbed Eddie's drawing from the bin, folded it quickly without even having time to look at it, stuffed it in your pocket and headed off to the next class.
You told yourself you'd probably never even get the chance to give it back to him.
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"You'll be at the match later, right?" Jess asked as she walked down the hallway next to you after the last bell of the day had rung.
"Mh, maybe." You murmured, thinking of a possible excuse to come up with.
"What do you mean with 'maybe'? What do you have to do this time? Debby said she'll be there."
"Actually, not much, I just gotta go the library to get some books."
"Okay, it won't take a lot. The game starts in half an hour so you have plenty of time." She smiled.
"Yeah, sure. Then I guess I'll be there." You said as you stopped in front of the school library.
"Kay, see you later!" She waved at you before heading towards the gym.
"Good morning Miss Cooper." You greeted the lady behind the desk as soon as you entered the library.
"Hi dear, I close in about fifteen minutes. You know, with the match and everything I don't think many students will come here."
You looked around, the only people who seemed to be there were two girls sitting in the corner and a teacher putting down some books he had borrowed.
"Then I'll try to make it quick." You said before disappearing among the shelves.
The school library was bigger than any student who had never set foot inside could have imagined. You often had found the right books to complete a history or literature honework, and many more times you found books that you enjoyed reading in your spare time, while waiting for customers at the record store where you worked or during boring classes.
Yeah, Eddie Munson wasn't the only one who didn't always pay attention to what the teachers were saying.
While you were there, between the fantasy and horror sections (which were right at the back of the library, almost in the dark, as if whoever had put those books there had wanted to hide them) your thoughts returned to Eddie and you remembered that his drawing was still in your jeans back pocket and you hadn't seen it yet.
You put your bag down on the floor and took the paper out of your back pocket.
It was an animal, that was why he had made that joke to the biology teacher.
The creature looked like a lion but it had a second head that looked like a goat and its tail was a snake. You knew what a chimera was and that drawing looked like it came straight out of a mythology book.
You didn't know Eddie could draw so well and you were sorry Mr. Walker hadn't thought before crumpling it up and throwing him in the bin like it was trash.
A sudden noise made you jump.
Boom. Again.
You quickly put the drawing in your bag and walked towards the source of the noise but what you saw was one of the last things you ever expected.
You peeped over a shelf to observe the scene.
Eddie Munson slammed his fists on the closed library door before trying to pull the handle down and failing to open.
"Hello? Is anyone out there? Is this a prank or what?" He asked to whoever was on the other side of the door.
He slammed his hands on the door one last time. "Awesome, really, really awesome." He snorted talking to himself and probably thinking he was alone, then he turned around.
His gaze fell on you. "Jesus Christ." He put a hand to his chest like you scared the shit out of him and you couldn't help but chuckle. "What are you doing here?" he asked, his tone was kinder.
"What people usually do in libraries. I was looking for books."
"Oh, I think you'll have enough time to read a lot of books, we're stuck here."
You walked to the door as Eddie took off his jacket and left it on Miss. Cooper's desk, revealing his Metallica shirt. Then he sat on it, after moving a pen holder, dangling his legs.
You tried to open the door three times and when you realized there was no hope to go out you gave up and sat down in one of the chairs, facing Eddie.
"Oh my god." You whispered.
"It's okay, don't panic. Someone will notice you're missing and they'll come looking for you." You noticed the way he said "you" as if there was no way anyone would notice he was missing.
"I'm not panicking. I just found an excuse not to go to the game!" You smiled a little too enthusiastically.
"Excuse me, what?" Eddie shook his head as if he was sure he had misunderstood ehat you had said and his curls bounced on his shoulders.
"I've been trying to find an excuse not to go to that stupid match all day. Now I can say I've been stuck in the library."
Eddie made a sound that was somewhere between a snort and a laugh, amazed at your reaction. "You know, not to judge, but it's really weird that you're happy to be locked in a room with Eddie "the freak" Munson."
"Well... are you gonna sacrifice me to the devil?" You asked with a slight raise of your eyebrows and the ghost of a smile on your lips; Eddie was surprised for the second time: you were joking with him.
"Mh, no?"
"Okay, then we're good."
Eddie chuckled, ducking his head as if to hide his smile and you found yourself wishing he didn't do it anymore.
"What did you come for?" You asked then.
"For what people usually do in libraries. I was looking for books." He repeated your words with a smirk.
"Ah-ah" your laugh was far from genuine but the corners of Eddie's lips curled up anyway. "Has anyone ever told you that you're really funny?" You asked ironically.
"It may surprise you, but I think you have the honor of being the first." Eddie followed your movements with his eyes as you stood up from your chair and took a few steps between the shelves. Soon the sun would go down and you wouldn't even see the titles of books anymore without the sunbeams filtering through the windows.
"Are you coming or not?" You turned back to him, as if it was obvious you wanted him to come with you.
"Where?" He asked as he jumped off the desk reluctantly.
"To find the perfect book for you."
"Oh, I don't think that-"
"Fantasy and horror are in the back."
The smile you were starting to like returned on his lips. "Lead the way."
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"Where the fuck is she?" Jess asked Debby during the first break of the game, placing her pom-poms on the bench next to her.
"I don't know, she said she would come. You were the last one to see her."
"She said she had to do something really quick and then she'd come. Tomorrow she will come up with a stupid excuse like always."
"She's been getting a lot weird lately, I don't know what's going on with her."
"Yeah, I thought so too."
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Your laughter once again filled the library as the patter of the incessant rain that had been falling for almost an hour continued.
You never thought you'd spend so much time with Eddie one day, but apparently you were wrong. You enjoyed staying there with him.
"I swear it's a good one."
Eddie put all the books you convinced him to take on Miss Cooper's desk.
"It talks about a girl." He commented, as if that was all it took to not be a good book.
"Who has superpowers! Trust me, it's a good book. Near the end there's a lot of blood and stuff."
"Oh well, if 'there's a lot of blood and stuff' then I really should read it."
"Stop making fun me!" You hit his shoulder.
"I didn't hurt you."
"Yes, you did."
You rolled your eyes. "Read that damn book. Then tell me if you liked it."
"Well well well, do you wanna keep talking to me when we'll get out of here? Won't you pretend you don't know me?" He questioned, trying to figure out if you were lying.
"Why should I? Are you..." You hesitated "You're cool, I like you."
Eddie studied you for a moment. "You know, Y/N, I think you're a bit of a freak too."
You laughed, glancing at the books leaning on the desk. A weird creature caught your eye and you remembered Eddie's drawing.
"God, I almost forgot!" You took your bag in your hands, looking for the page. "I hope you don't think it's weird. I…I saved your drawing from the bin."
You handed him the paper, it was still a lot wrinkled but it was certainly in a better condition than when the teacher had thrown it in the trash.
Eddie stared at you.
He always had that way of looking at you with his big brown eyes that looked a lot like an animal that doesn't want to show that it's scared but is still reluctant to approach anyone.
He grabbed it slowly. "Why did you save it?"
"I wanted to see what you were drawing. It turned out to be worth it. It's really good."
"It turned out I was right."
You looked at him questioningly.
"You're a bit of a freak too. You put your hands in the trash to get a drawing of someone you didn't even know." He laughed again and you did the same.
You realized you liked the dimples that formed on his face when he smiled.
He took one last look at the drawing before carefully folding it and putting it in his pocket.
"Thank you." He finally said, sincere.
Eddie's gaze fell on something behind you.
You turned around but didn't see anything different from moments before.
"The window, Y/N, the window!" The excitement in his voice didn't even let you realize it was the first time he'd called you by your name.
"The window what?"
"We can get out through the window!" It seemed that at any moment he might start jumping from one side of the room to another.
You walked to the window where the rain continued to beat while Eddie looked behind you for something. "Looks quite high."
"And that's why we're going to need this." When you turned around Eddie was already setting up the ladder under the window after quickly putting on his jacket again.
"God, where did you find that?"
"I saw it earlier in the romance section."
"Were you checking the romance section?" You smirked.
"I walked past it, okay?" He rolled her eyes as he climbed the first rung of the ladder.
"Wait, should I go first?" He asked before going up.
"Go. Don't kill yourself when you jump to the other side."
"Who would care if I die?" He joked. Or you hoped he was.
"I would care! If they found me with your corpse who would they think sacrificed to the devil who?"
Eddie laughed again, shaking his head then opened the window. Lots of raindrops started falling on the library floor.
He sat on the edge before jumping over to the other side.
"Shit, are you okay?" Your words left your mouth too quickly, your tone far too concerned about someone you've only known for a few hours.
No reply.
"Eddie, I swear-" You said starting up the ladder, the raindrops that passed through the open window falling on your face and in your hair.
"I'm fine!" He laughed.
"Thanks for your quick response." You commented ironically, not before breathing a sigh of relief.
"Aw, were you scared I was hurt?" You sat on the edge, now you could see his smirk as he looked up at you.
Most of his curls had gotten wet and stuck to his forehead and neck.
He was still pretty.
"Shut up."
"You were scared I was hurt!" He exclaimed, laughing, this time he was sure.
"Are you going to keep teasing me or are you going to help me get down from here?"
"Right, sorry." He reached out a hand and helped you jump. His fingers were warm, and having his palm against yours, even if only for a moment, gave you an indescribable feeling of security and safety.
"You okay?" He asked when you both finally got your feet on the ground.
"Yeah." His hand was still holding yours.
"STAY FUCKING AWAY FROM HER!" Voices from behind you instantly made you turn around and before you know it Beck and Jason were pushing Eddie away from you. His hand slipped away from yours.
It seemed like the game was over.
"Are you okay? What happened?" Jess and Debby asked you, claiming you by the arm. "Did he hurt you?" Their tone was concerned and almost frightened.
"Hey, hey okay!" You tried to calm everyone down. "Eddie and I got locked in the library and went out the window, that's all."
You noticed that Jason's hands were still gripping Eddie's shirt, like he was ready to bail on him and beat him until he couldn't even remember his name at any moment.
The rain continued to fall incessantly on you, somewhere in the distance a thunder rumbled.
"Jason, leave him."
"Did he-"
"NO! STOP FUCKING ASKING!" You placed a hand on Jason's chest and pushed him away.
For a moment no one spoke. Like everyone was amazed that you didn't seem bothered by Eddie or that he hadn't done you anything wrong in the hours you'd spent locked in the library with him.
They were all looking at you with shocked expressions painted on their faces.
"Could you give me a lift home, please?" You turned to Eddie and this time he seemed to be the shocked one.
He pushed a strand of wet hair away from his eyes. "Yeah. Yes, of course I can."
"Okay, thank you." You kindly placed a hand on his back, as if urging him to leave. "Let's go."
You didn't say goodbye to any of the four students who watched you leave with Eddie "the freak" Munson and you didn't turn once as you walked beside him to his van.
You didn't know exactly how many friends you had just lost but you certainly knew you had a new one.
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Part 2
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat @michaelfuckinglangdon
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readychilledwine · 7 months
Small World Pt 2
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Summary - After discovering you and Azriel share much more than a mating bond, your relationship grows stronger as tensions between you and your aunt seem to grow higher.
Warnings - implied emotional and mental abuse, second child syndrome in a not good way, we find out Nyx is an asshole, unrequited love, slight smut, use of daddy
A/n - a potentially cliff hanger ending because I haven't decided 100% how this ends
Peep Part 1 Here 💙
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Azriel stared at the dress box sitting on Rhysand's desk and nicely folded Illyrian leathers. He couldn't remember the last time he had worn them. The last time he had used a siphon. The leathers were fitted for 7, something Azriel immediately knew would no longer work.
His powers after removing the precious stones had gone wild. His shadows were different now. They were more aware, able to span wider distances, and able to recruit more shadows into his network to join them.
He had spent 5 years alone meditating and learning even more control over them, over what they could do, over how deadly they actually could be.
7 siphons would not be enough.
And he didn't understand how Rhysand did not see that.
He finally spoke, gesturing to the box. "What is this?"
Rhys was settled in his chair, trying to maintain his composure as Cassian stood near the bookshelf to mediate if needed. "We're going to the Court of Nightmares. My daughter's engagement has spread like wildfire, and dear Keir wants to host a party in her honor."
A breathy chuckle left Azriel's lips before he could stop it. "So my fiancée will be dressed like a goddess while I am in leathers at a party to mock us?"
Cassian shifted slightly. "We've always worn leathers to Hewn City, Az. It's to honor our heritage." Rhys just inclined his head to Cassian and nodded. "Y/n wears leathers."
"She has never worn a single set in the 2 years we've been together. There isn't even a set in her closet."
"There's several sets in her closet here," Rhys said quietly. "All set up for pink siphons. 14 of them." Cassian and Azriel couldn't help their chuckles. "Imagine a blonde Illyrian with pink siphons, Azriel, its quite the sight." Rhys smiled fondly, eyes glimmering with pride despite everything. "She's-" he looked up, searching for the perfect word for his daughter. "She's my everything. And I've done a horrible job showing her that."
Azriel sucked in a deep breath. "I won't mediate this, Rhys. This is a you two thing. Not an us three thing."
Azriel knew now why you were estranged from your family. Nyx was their golden child. Constantly praised, admired, in the spotlight. He was, and still is, their reminder of how they had almost died to pass along their love. He could do no wrong, never be wrong, and was treated as such.
You, on the other hand, were the second child. The significantly younger one Nyx learned to plant blame on and watch as you were scolded and seen as "the problem" as you had told him you were now addressed as in Hewn City and Illyria. You had been raised by Ness more than Feyre and Rhys, passed off to them until your powers bloomed at 16, and suddenly your father found you interesting again. With a lack of a spymaster, he exploited you, forcing you to touch people and feel their emotions, when they lied, their stories. Forcing you to live trauma over and over of females clipped in the mountains, of tortured traitors in dungeons, of Nesta's dark phase.
You locked your powers so far away one day, so deep inside you that even you hardly could access them unless you actually wanted to. It had been just before your 18th birthday that happened. And then the fight that sealed the casket happened. Rhys had verbally lashed you. Attacked you for refusing to let him use your "one worth" to keeping his family and court safe.
Your father had said he saw you as useless, and everyone else just stood by watching.
Like they had with Nesta.
Only you were just a child. Not a head strong warrior, a goddess in fae form.
You packed the basics and spent the night on the streets in a dark alley.
Even if you and Rhys magically fixed things, even if you forgave but not forgot, Azriel would never. How you were raised, how you've been treated, it forever will taint his vision of Rhys, Feyre, and Nyx. The abuse they unleashed on you, they'd never make up for.
Rhys nodded, eyes glancing to the doorway as footsteps approached. "I would never ask you to fix my relationship with her when I need to fix my relationship with you as well. I just need you to know I love her. That she will always be my girl."
"You have an odd way of showing her your lo-"
The door opened, and you stepped in, immediately going to Azriel's side and eyeing the box. "Dad. Cassian." You opened the lid and nodded. "Well. At least it's sparkly."
Rhys cocked his head. "You don't like it?"
Azriel watched as you paused. The bond flared with conflicting emotions. Anger, hurt, longing. How long had it been since Rhys held you? Since he told you he loved you without you having to earn it. "No, I like it. I just know what this means. You never give me nice things unless Hewn City is involved." The last sentence trailed off quietly, and pain flooded the bond.
Rhys looked down, nodding as he scratched the stubble growing on his face. "I am sorry. I just-"
"Please don't. You never mean it." You grabbed the box. "I will wear it and find jewelry." You turned to Azriel. "Elain would like to speak with you. She said something about a garden you two planned together and how I'll never understand the love you two share. How it breaks bonds and shakes worlds."
The relationship between you and Azriel had been messy since dinner two weeks ago. You two had your first fight over, of course, Elain and her rekindled love, lust, whichever felt appropriate at the moment for Azriel. He ignored the constant letters, the random headache powders, the message coded flowers.
He had reached out to Lucien, asking the male what had happened. According to the new Lord of Day, Elain and he had tried for 5 years, but the damage had been done. Lucien didn't trust Elain, Elain spent most of their time comparing the two of them, and nothing Lucien gave her was enough. He had been the one to reject the bond, and after 7 years, he had found himself heavily involved in a relationship with a now fully fae Vassa and Jurian.
Rhys and Cassian both gave him gentle looks of concern as he held your hand, preventing you from walking away. He stared Rhys in the eyes, doing something he felt Rhysand had never done to prove a point. "I'd rather go home with you, so if you were planning on winnowing, we might as well go together." He picked you.
They watched as all tension left your body, as security eased into your face. "Then let's go home." Azriel grabbed the leathers, nodding to Rhys and Cassian before following you.
Azriel's elbow locked around your neck, hand squeezing your hip as he pinned you below him and continued taking you from behind. You both had no interest in heading to Hewn City, so you had distracted him, walking into your shared bedroom in just a pretty blue silk night gown offering to give your body to him for what he had done, the message he had sent.
You were supposed to be getting ready, but instead, Azriel was growling above you, pumping into you carelessly. Your toes curled at how deep he was hitting, at how good he felt, how good he felt every time. "So close," you whispered. "So fucking close-" You were moaning his name when the knock on the door came.
A shadow rushed to him, curling his ear as he paused. "It's Elain," he muttered. "She's relentless." You whined below him, hips wiggling to get friction back. "Baby,"
"Please," you begged. "It's been weeks, I've been so good, please, daddy."
Azriel felt his cock twitch at the use of the name. He'd longed for a moment to erase the memory of what happened, and you had just given it to him. He felt you moving your hips, doing the best you could while pinned to the mattress to fuck yourself on his cock.
You were his focus, the rest of the world melting away as he heard your moans turning into screams of his name. You sounded so pretty coming for him, crying for him, begging for more for less for everything as oversensitivity took over. You especially looked pretty dripping his seed when he pulled out of you. Once again, he had chosen you.
You two laid there, holding each other until claws came for both of you. Scratching angerly as your mental shields and causing you to bury your head into Azriel's chest. "We need to get ready unless you want him showing up here next," Azriel played with your hair, scratching your scalp lightly. "Let's see how many siphons I blow through."
After 2 sets of siphons being destroyed, you were currently dragging Azriel down the streets of Velaris and to your brother and father's tailor. You knew she'd be able to fit and dress him in seconds and that he'd look every bit handsome as he deserved. You were pissed when you saw he had been gifted Illyrian leathers and not a suit. Your father was out of touch with Azriel. With you.
"Helena," you smiled at the older female. "We need help."
Azriel felt stiff. Staring at the doors of Heen City as a shocked page boy ran to inform Rhys and Feyre of the late arrival. You two were about to upstage them in their own court. The guests of honor arriving late and being introduced after the Lord and his Lady.
You would have upstaged them by yourself anyway, though. Azriel admired you one more time. Rhys had picked well, though you both would never admit it. The dress had a see-through bodice of black lace and floral applicates with thin straps. It led to a satin skirt that was tight and then flared out to your hips. The left leg had a high slit, showing the toned beautiful skin Azriel was begging to cover in his kisses. You had picked a simple necklace, a single tear drop shaped sapphire with matching earring and a matching bracelet. Your ring sat on manicured nails painted a soft shade of pink to white coffin head tips. Heels graced your feet, the red underside flashing when you walked. "Gods, you are stunning," he finally whispered out in a hoarse voice.
"And all yours," you looked at him, adjusting the lapel of his jacket. "Forever." Your mask slipped on as the doors opened, a collective gasp ringing through the room over who was on your arm followed by whispers.
Azriel knew this song and dance, walking you into one thousand eyes staring and gawking. He hated seeing you like this as you were ushered to the dance floor. The first dance of the night had been delayed, and the fae were restless.
Once you were centered on the floor, you turned facing him, eyes cold and distant as you disassociated from this place. He placed a hand on your hip, leaving his other to his side where both of your sat.
It was unfair of Feyre and Rhysand to expect you to do this traditional waltz, but you followed Azriel's steps as the music began, that first note echoing in your bones and soul. Your parents had claimed your first dance with your mate. The first true dance you two would ever share, and it had to be done in front of hundreds of fae who spat your direction when the Lord and Lady were busy.
Azriel had decided he hated this side of you. He was studying you like a project. You were a different female down here. Cold, uncaring, forced into this role of the High Lord's daughter.
Did these fae know you took far too much creamer in your coffee?
That you were afraid of storms?
That you only ate fruit pastries because you found chocolate too bitter?
You were Rhysand through and through with that mask on. But inside, inside Azriel knew you carried the very light of what your grandfather built. You were a true dreamer, and you could rattle the very stars themselves if your father would just give you the chance.
If Rhysand would just believe in you.
Azriel decided in that moment what the answer to your happiness was. He'd take you tonight and you two would leave.
Fuck expectations.
Fuck the rules.
Fuck your family.
Azriel would pick you for the third time today, and you two would leave.
He just had to get you through this visit at Hewn City first, and as he watched Elain shatter a champagne flute in her hands, he knew that was going to be a mission all on its own.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish
Small World Taglist-
@amara-moonlight @iimichie @acourtofbatboydreams @justasillylittlegoofyguy @janesalvarerelochanarcheron @hungryforbatboys @sidthedollface2 @hunt1bryce
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beomie3 · 1 year
pretty in pink - choi soobin
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pairing: boyfriend!soobin x fem!reader
word count: 2.5k
summary: your boyfriend soobin treats you on national gf day <3 but what he doesn't know is that you have a small surprise for him as well; showcasing your new lacy pink lingerie set ;)
content/warnings: established relationship, fluff, smut, reader surprises soobin with lingerie, heavy kissing, riding, nudity, cursing.
a/n: i wrote this on a bit of a whim, just thinking about cute & cuddly bf soobin that treats you like the princess you are <3 enjoy! ^_^
soundtrack ♫ what would i do? - strawberry guy ♫ pink bubblegum - lavi kou
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national girlfriends day was arguably one of soobin's favorite days. in theory, it was kind of tied between today and your birthday because they both excited him to no end; getting to plan out the perfect day that you deserved more than ever, filled with little presents and treats left and right.
and with that you awoke to the scent of pancakes and maple syrup, aware of the door pushed open by his shoulder as he walked in with a wooden tray, displaying three different colorful plates and a tall glass of orange juice.
you kissed the soft skin of his bicep when he set the tray on your lap, still groggy under the warm sheets. you thanked him for the beautiful array of fruits and the most delicious-looking plate of pancakes and bacon that you just couldn't wait to dig into.
when he came back in to take your dishes, he also surprised you with the prettiest bouquet of pink roses, making you jump up onto your feet on the bed, wrapping your arms around his neck in a big hug, smothering his adorable face with kisses.
after some soft morning cuddles and unplanned wrestling matches with soobin, you readied yourself for the day, dressing in a cute pink outfit that matched with the bubblegum pink of your boyfriend's sweater.
you couldn't help but fawn over the way his blonde hair and clear-framed glasses complimented him so well, along with the soft fuzzy sweater you would probably be wearing if he didn't currently have it on.
before leaving the house, you pressed your lips to his cheek as he sneaked in a mirror picture to capture the cute moment, his large hand around your waist as he adorably smiled at the camera with a scrunched nose. what a cute couple you two were; his gigantic stature almost too tall for the mirror by the front door, which he set at the perfect height for you to check your outfit every day. 
it was a sunny and special afternoon. soobin took you out without you having a single idea of where you were going, surprised to arrive at a small jeweler's shop. he let you pick out the cutest dainty necklace with a small diamond heart, one that you decided symbolized your diamond love for him. he made sure to save just enough money for this day, happy just to spend it all on you.
your fingers were interlaced with his the entire day, like always, so freaking proud to walk next to such an amazing man like him as he gazed down at you fondly, a gentle smile on his lips the entire time. 
the day seemed it couldn't get any better until he treated you to a romantic dinner that outlooked the beautiful view of your town, watching the clouds together and pointing at one that looked like a bunny, telling him how much it reminded you of him.
he smiled, his eyes creasing into half moons, almost shut like always when he grins, his adorable teeth glimmering in the light. your stomach rushed with the swirl of butterflies, absolutely mesmerized with the way he shyly laughed, but how he also loosened up throughout the night and became progressively goofier. 
although it was girlfriends day to him, it was nothing boyfriend day in your heart because of how much you were reminded of his love, falling even deeper for him. 
after a long, fun day, you returned home to find the last of his presents; a big box of your favorite candies on the bed with a sweet note in the handwriting you so loved, a small drawing of a bunny decorating the outside of it.
what soobin didn't know was that you also had a small surprise for him; showcasing the new lacy pink lingerie set you bought, and what better time to show him than now? it was the cherry on top to such a perfect day. and he definitely deserved it after making your life so wonderful.
he lay on the bed, sprawled out across white sheets just scrolling on his phone, dropping it immediately when he saw your figure emerge from the bathroom.
"hi binnie," you gently leaned on the doorframe, a small smile on your rosy cheeks as you sucked on one of the lollipops he gifted you; sensing his gentle eyes travel everywhere imaginable.
his lips parted, simply speechless at the sight of you looking drop-dead gorgeous in the light pink, sheer lingerie that hugged your body so beautifully, biting his lip at the way your nipples were visible through the lace.
"oh wow- hi," he pretty much mumbled, eyes wide as he stared in awe, a pink tinge warming his cheeks. he burried half of his face in a pillow as he got more and more flustered the longer you stood there. "so beautiful," came out muffled from under the pillow.
you walked over to him, reaching to touch his feather-soft hair that was slightly disheveled from the sheets. your stomach twirled with the thought of your fingers intertwined in his hair; tugging at it as his name left your lips, wanting to melt at the sheer thought of his skin on yours.
he looked up from the pillow, his cheeks so flushed under his now crooked glasses that you gently pulled off to reveal his glimmering eyes, slowly tugging up into a pretty smile as he melted into your soft hand on his cheek. 
he situated himself to sit up on the bed, back against the headboard as you crawled over him, taking a seat on his thighs as you straddled him.
taking the lollipop out of your mouth, you slowly lowered it to his mouth and he took it, never taking his eyes off of yours as he enjoyed the bubblegum flavor. his long fingers immediately found their way to the pink lace of your waist, thumbs soft over the thin material and paying mind to your body heat seeping past the fabric. 
he searched your eyes, trailing down to your lips and then to your neck and chest, admiring the way one strap hung loosely off of your shoulder.
you slowly removed the stick from his mouth, abandoning it on the bedside table as you pressed your lips to his in a gentle kiss, gliding your tongue over his bottom lip to taste your favorite strawberry chapstick he always wore; also enjoying the subtle bubblegum flavor of his tongue.
he couldn't help the deep noise that escaped his throat as you shifted around on his hips, the rock-hard tent in his sweats obvious through the thin material of your panties. he brought his hand to your hair, softly petting the strands as he settled it to the nape of your neck, deepening the kiss. you ground on him with a subtle pace now, inviting small moans to escape your throat as his boner felt amazing against your now throbbing clit.
"soobin...you feel so good," you whispered against the shell of his ear, making him practically melt at the praise and sound of his name in one sentence. he hummed, pressing small butterfly kisses around your neck as he settled his hands to your waist, guiding your hips to rock back and forth against himself.
he was absolutely overtaken by pleasure, not knowing how he would possibly be able to contain himself when he’s actually inside of you. he rested his head on the headboard, simply looking up at you in awe, eyelids half closed as his mouth fell slightly agape; his hot breath fanning on your chin.
you slipped your fingers past the elastic of his sweatpants, using it as his cue to slightly lift his hips up as you helped undress him; skin growing hotter the moment his sweatpants landed on the floor and he could feel your wetness squishing against his bareness; even through your underwear.
you tugged his shirt over his head, the last article of clothing before he was completely naked under you. skin hot and utterly delectable under your touch. you just wanted to kiss and lick every square inch of his body, give yourself to him completely; because you knew he always took amazing care of you, your body, and it's needs. 
your make-out became so messy that you had to come up for breaths with how you practically devoured one another's lips, strings of saliva connecting the two of you with every breath.
"i need you so bad," he practically begged against your neck, licking and sucking love bites on the soft skin. and with that you lifted off of him, moving your panties to the side with the help of his two fingers, infatuated with the wetness that coated them when he lightly brushed them along your folds. 
you both watched his tip slowly disappear into you as you slowly lowered down onto his throbbing hardness, wincing at the sheer stretch.
"you're taking me so well angel," he cooed, rubbing slow circles into your clit as you bit your lip at the pleasure and slight discomfort as you sunk down even more, eyes locked as he watched you in awe.
your warmth now engulfed him as you sat down entirely, your bottom flush against his thighs, his breath husky as he grunted against your neck. you were already a moaning mess before you could even begin to ride him, still adjusting to his size through a whimpering, messy makeout.
soobin always had the utmost patience with you, he never ever rushed you and always let you take it at your own pace. what mattered to him most was that you were getting the pleasure you wanted, needed, and deserved.
he kissed down to the soft material over your nipple, licking your hardened bud that prodded through the lace, your skin buzzing at the heat of his tongue seeping through to your skin. your moans echoed through the bedroom as you began to slightly pick up your pace, a subtle burn in your thighs as you kept a slow and steady up-and-down motion.
he couldn't help but fiddle with the loose strap on your shoulder as your boobs began to bounce in his face, fingers drawn to gently tug at the elastic. you reached down, helping the other strap off of your shoulder so that your top hung loosely.
he peeled the lace over your chest, watching attentively like he was opening a present as your bare tits became exposed to him in all of their beauty. although he had seen them countless times, something about seeing them through the pink lace of lingerie had his heart doing cartwheels.
he took your nipple into his mouth as you rode him, increasing your pace at the overwhelming pleasure of his warm mouth on the sensitive skin of your chest, the fullness of his cock inside of you, and his fingers perfectly circling your clit.
he knew your body so well that you felt you wanted to explode any second at the brain-melting pleasure he provided. his gentleness and sweetness outshined everything, though, always treating you like a princess and nothing less. 
he almost wanted to drool at the sight of you enjoying yourself, teeth digging into your bottom lip as you bounced on him, hands on his chest to keep your balance. what got him was the sound of his name repeatedly leaving your lips, mixed with some profanities and lewd noises, telling him how good he was making you feel, how fucking perfect he is.
your praise always meant the world to him, making his face heat up as a small smile grew on his lips. "you're perfect," he whispered into the thick air, making your lips tug at each corner, uniting your lips with his.
suddenly, you reached back to grab a hold of his calves, perching up on your feet so that you could have more precision with your movements. he licked his lips through a deep moan because in this position he got the best view of himself disappearing in and out of you, watching the way you stretch over him and how your clit throbs when his tip hits your g-spot. such a lewd sight, he could almost come on the spot. but he wanted to last as long as possible for you, holding back his urge for as long as he physically could.
you gasped when he began to circle your clit quickly with his thumb, throwing your head back at the warm tingles that darted across your spine, your stomach tightening with an oncoming orgasm, just wanting to come undone.
"right there soob- i'm right there," you moaned through a clenched jaw, tears pricking your eyes as your legs began to give out with how tired they were. he helped guide your hips with one hand, circling your clit with the other.
suddenly, he began rubbing your clit up and down because he knew the slight change of motion would push you right over the edge, and it did. he sent you spiraling into what felt another dimension as you unraveled completely around his bareness, feeling him lift your hips up as he shot his warm fluid all over your stomach, accidentally getting some on your new set.
"oh no!" he gasped out of breath, a hand over his mouth; worried he may have ruined the delicate lace with the fluids he didn't think twice about releasing all over you. 
you laughed, appreciating his concern, but not giving a care in the world; it was always bound to get a little messy. you cupped his face in your hands, kissing him sweetly before rubbing your nose against his.
"its okay, soobie," you reassured him with a grin, all of his worries melting away at the sight of your pearly smile, finding one of his own form on his face instinctively. you two sat there for a moment, foreheads pressed to one another's as you caught your breaths. 
he suddenly wrapped his hands around your waist, picking you up and gently laying you on the soft bed, tugging your lingerie off of you. he was determined to go to the bathroom and scrub it clean, making you giggle at his silliness when he jogged over to the bathroom in a hurry. deep down he didn't want it ruined because of how perfect it looked on you, wanting to see it on you again, over and over. every night, if he could.
"i'm running a bath for my beautiful girlfriend!" his voice echoed through the bathroom which made you laugh, your chest undeniably filling with warmth at his kindness. yet you also buried your burning face in a pillow, knowing damn well you would probably fuck again the moment you entered the tub together. and then cuddle the night away, simply enjoying one another's warm skin and smiles. 
your cheeks burned with how much you smiled, so, so happy to be his girlfriend. so much so that you began plotting boyfriend day, wanting to also give him the best day ever. you already planned on getting another set of lingerie because of how much he loved it. one that would make him melt even more.
“have i ever told you you look so pretty in pink?” his voice rings out from the bathroom again as he’s busy washing the pretty lace.
“not as pretty as you!” you reply, burying your head back under the pillow. you don’t know what was more pink, your flushed cheeks or the hearts that floated around you with the love you had for choi soobin.
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a/n: thank you sm for 300 followers!!! <3 i hope you enjoyed <3 ^_^ remember that you always deserve someone as caring as soob!! :) love u all!
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princessmaybank · 4 months
Never Have I Ever
Pairings: Rudy x Fem!Co-star!Reader
Warnings: Dual POV, Surprise kiss, alcohol, handjob, oral (both), unprotected p in v, etc.
Summary: You play Never Have I Ever in an interview and secrets get revealed.
Authors Note: This is my first Rudy fic and my first fic in a long time! Should I do more Rudy Fics in the future? Not proof-read and sorry it's so long! Let me know what you think!
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"Hello and welcome back! I'm here with some of the cast of Outer Banks, not everyone was able to make it tonight, but we are happy to have all of you!" The TV host announced to the camera.
"Please go around the couch and introduce yourselves!" They said extremely excited. "Sup, I'm JD, I play Pope." "Hey, I'm Chase, I play John B." "Hi, I'm Rudy Pankow, I get to play JJ Maybank." "Hi guys! I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N! I play Harper!" "Heyyyyy everybodyyyyy I'm Carlacia Grant, I play Cleo!" "And I'm Drew Starkey, I play Rafe Cameron."
Everyone in the audience clapped when the cast was done with their introductions.
"We asked you, the audience, which game you'd like to see them play, and the answer that came out on top was *drum rolls with their fingers on the desk* Never Have I Ever!" The audience cheers, clearly excited to get all the juicy details.
"Now you guys can't get mad at me! These questions were asked by the viewers." The host lets out a laugh. "Sure, we all know these are the spicy questions you want the answer to." JD teases causing the host and audience to laugh.
"Let's get started! You each get a paddle with Have and Have Not on it. You'll turn the paddle depending on your answer, seem simple enough?" The host smiles. "You sure we can't do anything else with the paddle?" Chase smirked with a giggle, which made everyone start laughing. "Dirty mind Chase!" The host announced. "I never said what for!" Chase turned to Rudy and hit him on the arm with the paddle. Rudy didn't even say ow, he just began to pretend to cry.
The audience was loving everything they were hearing from you all. So far the cast has admitted to pranking people on set, forgetting lines, showing up late, improvising lines, things about childhood, some more explicit questions, etc. It was down to the last few questions at this point. Everyone was having fun just sitting and answering these questions, they all learned a bit more about each other.
Y/N's POV:
I can't stand the anxiety I felt when I heard the next question. I didn't want to lie because I'm not a good liar, but I also didn't want anyone to know. "Never Have I Ever had a crush on-set!" The host smiled, waiting for the drama that will ensue with this question.
One by one everyone changed their paddles.
Drew: Never
Carlacia: Never
Chase: I Have
JD: Never
Me: I Have
Rudy: I Have
My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw Rudy's paddle flip, but I tried to hide my reaction.
Rudy's POV:
She flipped her paddle to 'I Have'...I don't know if I should be hurt or excited about this. I wonder if she knows. I looked over to Y/N to make sure I wasn't seeing things and her eyes were already on me. I watched as she quickly changed her gaze to something different, it seems like she was flustered or embarrassed.
Y/N's POV:
After our interview was over, we all decided to go grab some dinner together. JD, Chase, and Rudy sat across from Drew, Carlacia and I. After we all ordered we just started a casual conversation about wrapping up filming.
As I reached for my drink I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked up and immediately spotted Rudy looking at me, he seemed kind of nervous and quickly looked away. I couldn't stop my wandering thoughts. My eyes traveled to his hair, his beautiful, soft, blonde hair that looked so tuggable. I looked at his lips, those plush pink lips, I'd love to feel them on every inch of my body. My teeth bit the inside of my lip as I started feeling a wetness pool between my legs.
I excused myself from the table so I could use the restroom and get my thoughts in order. As I walked out of the bathroom I almost bumped into someone. Without looking up I say sorry. Before I could react I was slammed against the hallway wall with lips pressed against mine. My eyes widened as I realized who has me pinned against the wall.
Rudy's POV:
I couldn't keep myself contained anymore. I said I had to go to the bathroom a few minutes after she left, just so I could have a private moment with her. I just needed to talk. I needed to reveal my true feelings for her, I've sat back in silence for far too long. I thought I would have more time to think about what I would say, but instead she came out of the bathroom almost immediately after I got to the hallway. I panicked, I had no idea what to do so I grabbed her and pinned her to the wall, attached my lips to hers. We both moaned into the kiss and that's when we realized the kiss lasted longer than expected.
The two of us pulled away and stared at each other in shock. "We'll talk later." Is what she whispered to me before heading to the table. I hid in the bathroom for a few minutes before heading back to the others.
Y/N's POV:
'What the hell just happened?' Is what I kept asking myself. It came out of nowhere. When I sat back down Carlacia looked at me with a smirk. I give her a look that says 'what?'. She responded with a whisper in my ear. "Your lipstick is all smudged." She giggled and handed me a compact mirror. I hurry to grab it from her and inspect my makeup.
I felt someone's eyes on me and looked up. Rudy's mouth was covered in red lipstick. Carlacia was the only one to notice and you could easily tell by her face that she was shocked. So were we. Before he could make it to the table I pulled him back to that same hallway as before. "Woah- what'd I do now?" He questioned. I only held the mirror up to his face in response. "You didn't look in the mirror before coming back out?!" I whisper shouted. He only shrugged to my question.
I decided to check the women's restroom and realized no one was in there. I hurriedly pulled him in and towards the sinks after I shut and locked the entrance. I grabbed some paper towels and wet them so he could take off the makeup. "Can you take it off for meee?" He asked so sweetly with those gorgeous, enchanting, blue, puppy dog eyes. I smile and get close to him, inspecting his mouth. His hands found my hips and held me close. My hand with the paper towel found his face and I was going so slow, I didn't want this to end. In fact I wanted to grab him by the face and do it a thousand more times. Those perfect lips.. and I was able to feel them on one part that I needed him tonight, how lucky am I? Gotta get those lips everywhere else next.
We locked eyes for a moment. Rudy looked hungry for more. Before I could ask him anything, he backed me up against the wall as his lips attacked mine again. My hand dropped the paper towel from the sudden jolt. Our eyes were closed but I felt his hands wandering my body. As his fingers inched closer to where I needed him most he pulled away but his arms trapped me against the wall.
"It's me right...it was about me?" He asked with a slight amount of pain in his voice. I looked at him confused. "w-wha-" Before I could even finish my question he interrupted me. "Don't play dumb, you're a smart girl. The game. Your answer to the last question..." He stated with hurt riddling his face. I realized he was talking about the game of never have I ever back at the interview. "Rudy...who else would it be about??" I questioned. He shrugged his shoulders and looked a little insecure in the moment. "I've seen how you look at Drew, and I can't handle the back and forth Y/N." I look at him like he's crazy. "What do you mean how I look at Drew??" I was louder and sounded upset now. "You look at him like you want to marry him or ya know, like at least fuck him.." My eyes nearly popped out of my head when Rudy spoke. "Rudy. I don't like Drew like that! He's always been just a friend and more like a brother!" I take a moment to look into his eyes and it looks like they flash for a second. "I've only liked one person on set this entire time and that's you Rudy." He paints a sad smile on his face before speaking. "I'm sorry I assumed." His head drops along with his arms. I'm not sure what to say, so I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close. My head rested on his chest and we just held each other.
Our moment didn't last much longer. We heard a knock on the bathroom door and I remembered the door was locked. I pushed Rudy into a stall and told him not to come out. I finally opened the door and I have to say Carlacia was the last person I expected to see at the moment.
"Are you okay? You've been over here a long time, JD is checking on Rudy too." My eyes go wide as she says Rudy's name. "Oh - I uhm I'm sure he's fine." Almost on cue JD runs over. "He's not in there and he's not picking up his phone!" He rushed, freaking out about his best friend. "I'm sure he's okay." I smiled but that made Carlacia give me a squint. "Let me in." She sounded firm, I just shook my head no as she continued to repeat her statement. "Y/N. I'm getting in there one way or another. I suggest the easier way." When the word 'no' left my lips she immediately pushed past me, followed by JD with his hands over his eyes.
"Rudyyyy, ya in here buddy?" JD asked from behind his hands. Carlacia moved his hands and pointed to the closed stall that had some nice dress shoes sitting at the bottom. "Just give it up, come on out.." I said slowly. He made his way out and we were immediately questioned. We told them everything besides the kissing and that we are deeply in love, but I don't think it's important information anyway. He came up with the brilliant idea of saying my lips bumped into his and that's why he had the lipstick on him. Note my sarcasm when I said brilliant.
They could tell we were lying and hiding information but they just let it be as we walked back to Drew and Chase.
It didn't take long for us to pack up and leave. Rudy and I decided to just take our food to go so we wouldn't be a burden to the others. Drew drove here and Chase lived nearby so he took him home. Carlacia also drove here and as I pleaded for her to let me get a ride home, she pulled JD into her car. "Enjoy your ride." She winked and looked at Rudy, causing a blush to run to my cheeks. Before I could say anything else she drove off. "I'll drive you home." Rudy smiled at me. I nodded to him as a thank you before getting in his car.
The ride was silent up until now, well except for the radio, but we had been trapped in a sexual tension that felt tighter any time one of us tried to talk. Rudy was the one to break it of course, I never would've had the balls to do it. "You're a damn good kisser.." he smirked. "but next time, don't smear your lipstick all over my face." He glanced over to me with a sultry smile. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips when I heard him. The response I had stopped halfway up my throat when I realized he said 'next time'. There was a next time??? Thank fuck. My heart nearly exploded as I played his words over in my head.
The car came to a stop before I could get myself too soaked from the memories. "Welcome home." He said gesturing to my house. But when I turned my head to look at my house I saw that it in fact was not mine. "This is your house Rudy..." He only nodded in response before he got out and helped me out of his car. Rudy somehow persuaded me to come in for a little while to hang out or talk or something. It honestly didn't take much, I'm whipped for this man.
I was sat on his couch when Rudy came up behind me, handing a glass of wine to me. Before he came around the couch to sit with me, his hand lingered on my shoulder, squeezing a few times. His arm wrapped around my shoulders as he sipped on his drink I could only assume it was some type of whiskey.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked with a hint of liquid courage running through my veins. He nodded as he placed his lips on his glass once again. "How long have you liked me?" He let out some air he was holding in and set his drink on the table in front of us. "Well..." He started, snuggling closer to me. "it hasn't been too long...just since the second week of filming this season." That was nearly a year ago. Not too long my ass. "Why didn't you say anything?" I pried. "Why didn't you?" His crystal blue orbs finally stared back into mine. His lips were formed into a teasing smirk but when neither of us decided to break the silence, his face fell. Rudy's eyes never strayed from mine, in fact as I stared back into his, I noticed they only got darker when he began looking between my eyes and my lips.
Before we both knew it, Rudy's hand cupped my cheek and pulled my lips to meet his. Fireworks started to explode in my chest as our little kiss suddenly got more heated. He pulled me onto his lap and our bodies started to work together to create the friction we both desperately craved.
"Ah shit-" He pulled us apart. "how far ya wanna take this baby..?" He heaved out as my heart fluttered from the nickname. Without saying anything I slid off of his lap while his head was thrown back, gasping in air, trying to catch his breath. My knees touched the ground while my hands ran up and down his thighs.
"Before I continue...is this okay?" I ask with a squeeze to his thighs. "Yes.." He said so quietly I barely heard him. My hands spread his legs farther apart and my lips pressed to the zipper holding back his erection. I peppered kisses all around his bulge and thighs. "M-more please.." He begged, caressing my cheek.
My fingers laced around his belt buckle and tore the accessory from his body. While I was tossing it to the side, Rudy slid his dress pants down. I removed them from his ankles and threw them over with the belt. "These too.." I tugged on the waistband of his briefs.
He happily and eagerly obliged. When his cock sprung free from his fabric-jail, my eyes grew wider. Rudy was big, and I don't just mean 'big' to boost his ego, I mean I am actually scared this man will hurt me with his size.
Rudy must've noticed my stare and concern based on his reply. "It will fit.. I'll make it fit baby." He chuckled lightly. A redness rushed to my cheeks as I heard him call me that nickname again.
Before I could waste anymore time, I wrapped my hand around the base of his thick cock. He immediately grunted from the contact and threw his head back. Rudy only met my eyes after he heard me spit and felt my saliva running down his length. I quickly moved my hand to spread the wetness around, followed by a few more spits to completely cover him. His breathing was heavy, I could tell by how his chest was rising and falling.
Rudy's eyes met mine when my hand began moving for his pleasure. A small moan escaped his throat as I continued slowly. "f-fuck...fas-faster baby..." I pumped him a few more times then slid my mouth around him. This took him by surprise but he wasn't complaining. His hand met the back of my head, he wasn't pushing me, only rested it there, making sure I didn't stop. My head bobbed up and down as I gagged on his dick. Our eyes met, mine full of tears, his full of pleasure.
His thumbs pressed to my cheeks and wiped away stray tears, that I tried so hard to not let slip out. "Don't stop..please baby.." There were those butterflies in my stomach. He reached out and helped me go up and down on him.
Now he was forcing my head down and thrusting into my mouth and down my throat. "Ah..fuck..so good, so fuckin' good." He hissed. My eyes were closed, somehow helping with the blissful abuse I was receiving. "Such a good fuckin' girl for me...c'mon take my cum baby.." He groaned. His hips spasmed as his load shot down my throat.
I swallowed it all down and left his dick with a 'pop' sound. My lips licked at the fluids daring to escape. We both sat back for a moment and caught our breath. With a small smirk and light laugh Rudy stared at me. "What?" I chuckled. "I'm gonna fuck you so good..I haven't came that hard since high school." He said in amazement. All I could do was smile at his promise.
Rudy's POV:
She looked so good on her knees for me. Her hair is a mess no thanks to me. Also lipstick smeared, mascara running down her cheeks, a mix of cum and spit slipping from her swollen lips, once again all me. I saw her catch her breath and lick her lips, swallowing the mixture. She is so beautiful, I couldn't help but let out a giggle while watching her. "What?" She let her own giggle slip out. "I'm gonna fuck you so good..I haven't came that hard since high school." I meant it too. Every word. Her smile was enough to let me know she was happy about my statement.
We took a few more breaths before I pulled her up onto my lap. I held her close and captured her lips with my own. My hands cupped her ass and squeezed every time her hips grinded into me.
Y/N was desperate to get my shirt off. I sat there naked, with a pretty girl, clothed, in my lap. My hands wandered under her shirt, and she helped me remove it from her body. She whined every time our lips were pulled away from each other, which made my dick twitch under her.
When our lips found the others again, we kissed with much hunger and even more passion. What I said in the car came back to me. Something about not smearing her lipstick on me next time. Too fuckin' late. It's true we did like each other, and I'm mentally kicking myself for having sex with her before taking her on a date first. Though we both agreed to this, I feel bad that this is how it's starting. I promised myself to definitely take her out for a nice dinner or whatever the hell she wants to do, after this.
I was thrown out of my overthinking when she left my lap. "What's wrong?" Oh no. Could she hear my thoughts? I squinted and began to think of random things, testing out the telekinesis.
Super Mario Bros.
Her perfect tits.
Her plump ass.
Her stripping in front of me.
Her stripping in front of me?!
I was pulled back in, again. This time she was standing in front of me, giving me a strip tease. Y/N wiggled her ass in my face while she was bent over and shimmying out of her pants. My dick was standing at attention, waiting to get fondled. I couldn't help myself. My right hand found my dick and slowly pumped, I was still a little sensitive but I overall didn't give a shit. My left hand reached out and slapped her ass. She hadn't expected it based on her little jump. That only excited me more when I saw it jiggle. Her delicate fingers found her pretty lace thong and tugged down slowly. My jaw nearly dropped when I saw her dripping wet cunt.
Once again I couldn't contain myself. I let go of my cock and spread her legs. My hands squeezed her ass at the same time my tongue played with her perfect pussy. She tipped forward and placed her hands on the coffee table, trying to steady her shaky legs. I felt like I could bust again just from her moans alone. They were so small and precious, my eyes rolled back from the mix of her moans and the taste of her pussy.
Next I shoved my tongue inside her tight hole, swirling it around, making sure I reached every spot I possibly could. Like the needy little girl she is..she started pushing back onto my tongue. Y/N was fucking herself with my tongue. I could only ever dream of this moment.
"Fuck- I'm gonna cum.." She whined. Her legs were shaking as my tongue only quickened its movements. My fingers found her clit, and moved in harsh circles in hopes of tipping her over the edge. My other arm wrapped around her waist to support her when she releases.
"Oh Rudy, fuck-!" She humped my tongue again as her liquid poured out of her juicy pussy and onto my tongue. I swallowed every drop before I turned her around and pulled her onto my lap again.
Y/N took my head in her hands and our mouths made a mess together. Her hands pulled on my golden locks while my hands snaked between us. I grabbed my cock and teased her entrance with my tip. "Please.." She begged, gasping for air. "Please what baby? Use your words." I teased. "Mmm please fuck me.." She whined rolling her head back.
I didn't waste anymore time teasing. My dick slipped right inside of her. We both let out a hiss as she slid down onto my cock. "Mmm.. so good.." She whimpered while my hips rocked softly back and forth. Y/N gently grinded down on my dick, simply being needy. "C'mon Rudy... please..." She whined some more.
I couldn't handle it anymore, so I flipped our position, she was laying on the couch with me on top of her. My dick never slipped out of her either. Before I moved inside of her, I brought my lips to hers. Our moans consumed each other as my hips slapped against hers. "Oh fuck mmm...Y/N..." I grunted into her mouth. Her eyes rolled back and I quickened my pace. "Hard-harder..." She breathed out. What my girl wants, she gets, so I pounded harder against her. I felt her sweet little pussy start to clench around me and I knew she was almost there. I felt her nails start digging into my back which was almost enough to throw me over. "I'm gonna cum Rudy- I'm gonna cum..." Y/N panted. Never thought I'd hear those words come from her perfect pink lips, but I'm glad they came out. "Me too baby, mmm cum with me.." I said grunting as I pulled myself from her pussy. Her fingers found her clit and she screamed my name. That was enough for me as I fisted my cock. My cum shot out onto her, covering almost every part of her. Some hit her face, a good bit landed on her tits, and the rest spilled onto her stomach. We were riding out our highs together, catching our breaths.
We both let out a loving laugh when we came back down. "Can't believe that just happened.." She giggled. "In a good way or bad way?" I questioned. She rolled her eyes and told me good obviously. Just wanted to hear her say it. "So where does our relationship stand?" She asked sheepishly. "Where do you want it to stand? I'm happy to throw a label on this baby." I pointed my first finger back and forth between us. "I wanna be with you..." She said while twiddling her fingers. I could feel my heart nearly burst out of my chest from her confession. I nodded and pulled her onto me so we were cuddling. "I want the same thing baby." I pressed a small kiss to her lips. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked, praying that she wasn't playing with my feelings. "It would be an honor." She smiled and kissed my lips with a bit of passion. "Wanna go again?" Y/N asked, full of eagerness. She bit her lip as she awaited my response. I bit my lip and nodded. She came closer before I pulled her down to kiss me again. Never have I ever thought of a better way to end my night.
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rilakeila · 4 months
intro: we challenge you!
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host club au! jjk x fem!reader x ohshc
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club on an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
a/n: incredibly self-indulgent. i cant decide to do an entire series or collection of one-shots. however, even if i do a series, i'm always open to do an au within au !! lmk if y'all have any ideas and hope you enjoy this one! also it's def ouran vibes with how the scenes work out like nonsensical manners with the petal entrances and random objects appearing out of nowhere
(y/n) was already tired.
she knew the exchange event would triple her work as manager for her dear beloved buffoons and their work as hosts, but she foolishly accepted their offer to go anyway. between scheduling their events, accepting payments for various fan meetings, and then coordinating with both schools to confirm times and clothing - she was ready to retire. pension required and isolation from known society appreciated. at least distance away from the menaces called gojo satoru and itadori sukuna.
for once, to their credit, they weren't fighting each other. damages would be at minimal cost. good for her and jujutsu academy's reputation. although these two were never very concerned about the school's reputation.
and that's why they were about to duke it out with an intensely frivolous blonde-haired second year and what looked to be a very feral set of twins in their first year.
"they look so hot but so scary," murmurs surrounded the two groups.
(y/n) couldn't help but sigh, attention always seemed to follow them as they go. satoru naturally reeled in the girls, which would lead into the rest of the boys and shoko being noticed, ultimately turning it into a free fan-meeting for new potential customers. she wondered how she came to this predicament anyways.
"well, i'll be back. i just need to confirm some things with the head of the event," (y/n) flipped through her clipboard of papers, signing some things off.
"do you need me to come with you?" kento questioned, adjusting his uniform.
she shook her head, "no, i'll be okay. what i need you to do is watch over these buffoons."
both looked at the buffoons in question. haibara and shoko were already taking pictures in front of the flowers. these two that were least likely needed to be watched.
"this place looks so old," satoru complained a little too loud, earning a head shake of disapproval from nanami and (y/n).
"not too loud, satoru. you really should be more polite and humble, even if it looks garish," geto stretched his arms out before placing it behind his head.
"there's no places for shade," sukuna grumbled.
(y/n) pressed her lips together, pulled a parasol out and covered the pink-haired host, "okay, i'll be back. no funny business, kento is in charge."
"who put you in charge? do you have no respect for your president?" satoru seated his head on the top of (y/n)'s head, arms wrapped around her. she can practically see and feel the pout on his face, rolling her eyes.
she grabbed sukuna's free hand, placing the parasol in his hand to hold ("hmph."). she charged her head up, injuring the prince's chin to free herself from his grasp, "well, mr. president, i suppose you would like to go over some paperwork for the event."
"mommaaa, she hit me," he cried to suguru, who just hit the backside of his head.
"we'll make sure to behave, princess. come back safe," suguru waved her off. (y/n) looked at kento who just nodded, knowing that he was the only one she could fully trust. both throwing a thumbs up to each other.
after (y/n) leaving, the rest of the host club wandered around the grounds of ouran. there were multitude of yellow dresses and blue blazers directing other schools and vendors. kento was leading the group, watching yu and ieiri to ensure that they didn't get lost as they indulged in the small events that the ouran students were hosting. he trusted sukuna would keep suguru and satoru in check, mostly satoru.
kento paused in his tracks, hearing squeals behind him, 'there goes the president again.'
"he's so hot!"
"take your glasses off!"
"alright, alright, ladies. there's enough of me to go around," the dramatic movement just to take his glasses off was enough for kento to sweatdrop. the squealing increased tenfold. typically, suguru would line up the girls at their school for uniformity for their president. however, it looked he was preoccupied with his own set of girls. then, sukuna. and there is yet another group of girls.
"honestly, that took a lot longer than i thought," yu said, standing next to kento.
"that was inevitable, girls always fall for them, somehow, someway," shoko twirled her hair around her finger.
"hmm... as long as they aren't causing too much of a ruckus. we should be fine," kento huffed, shaking his head when yu offered him the snack bag that the ouran students were handing out as "freebies." what a word to have.
though, their heads snapped to a sharp gasp next to them.
a blonde with his jaw snapped wide open fainting backwards, only for a pair of orange-haired twins to catch him as he fell back. "boss!"
other than the blonde and the twins, there seemed to be a middle schooler and a taller man. another had glasses, and well, one looked ambigious, feminine-leaning perhaps.
"doesn't the blonde remind you of someone?" yu whispered to them.
"yeah, someone that we know... can't seem to think of who it is" ieiri questioned with yu, thought bubbles practically seen above their heads as they thought long and hard.
"what happened to him, kyoya-senpai?" the feminine-looking one asked.
"it may be due to the fact that his customers have been stolen," the glasses one answered. kento recognized him, kyoya ootori, as his parents frequently invited the ootori family to the quarterly nanami galas as a thanks to the partnership of two families.
"my princesses! how dare they look at another man," the blonde immediately rose from the ground in a familiar way to kento, yu, and ieiri. a dramatic point was directed to satoru, "you, white haired student! have you come to steal my customers?"
"that should be our cue to go to them," kento lightly tapped ieiri and yu's shoulders, signalling them to head towards their members.
the chattering from the female ouran students silenced. it was also as if the red sea parted, a direct showdown line between the two groups.
this is how (y/n) ended up, almost crossing down the half. luckily, she looked up in time to stand with her club, sweatdropping in between. she eyed kento with a 'i thought you had it controlled,' which was responded with a head shake and shrug.
"customers? you called these beautiful ladies customers? what a shame. would never think that you were their prince. who might you be?" satoru pushed his sunglasses back onto his face, causing "aww's" of disappointment from the crowd.
"excuse you, i'm tamaki, the prince of the finest club of this school. the ouran host club, of course," he offered his princely smile and a rose to one of the female student bystander, who squealed and seemed to almost pass out.
"i got it, they're one of the same," (y/n) perked her ears up to ieiri and haibara whispering to each other, raising an eyebrow.
"host club? must have fooled me, there's an entire child in your group," suguru laughed as he directed the attention to the small child with the bunny in his arms, only to raise an eyebrow once he saw the taller one behind him straighten up.
"i assumed these ladies wanted someone mature, refined," sukuna showed his signature smirk to the ladies to his left, some fainting and some reaching for him.
"we are refined, right? men?" tamaki questioned with certainty in his voice.
"well, we offer brotherly love and boy lolita, i'm not too sure if that exactly counts as refined and mature, senpai," the feminine-looking one said.
"additionally, we have female hosts to those who are interested," it felt like lights highlighted (y/n) and ieiri when suguru mentioned their female host services.
"well, we technically also-" the twins' mouth seemed to be tied up by tamaki with a sheepish smile.
"so, really, what is the point of this? we have a whiny prince on our hands that can't accept the fact his ladies are talking to actual elite people, well in terms of taste," sukuna scoffed.
"you're right, kuna, why waste time with this nonsense of a host club when we can entertain the ladies here on the way to our next activity. manager princess, lead the way to where we have to go," satoru winked at the ouran host club before allowing (y/n) to take the reigns as she normally does.
she was too far lost other than knowing if ouran's host club is anything like the one she is in, their pride was certainly on the line. the last thing she saw before she turned around was a defeated tamaki with the twins fanning him, where had she seen that scene before?
"wait, we'll challenge you during this exchange event with whatever there is to offer to see who's the better host club," tamaki called out to them, still kneeling on the ground
gasps were heard from their audience. the jujutsu academy host club (more so the guys, ieiri and (y/n) could care less about a hurt pride) turned and eyed each other, reaching a consensus.
"hmm.. we never back down from a challenge. when and where can we discuss the terms?"
"music room #3, 3 p.m. sharp."
"we'll see you there."
(y/n) surely didn't know what she was getting herself into during this exchange event. everyday was already interesting enough with her own club. though, let's see what happens.
till next time !
intro completed.
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beth-yeet365 · 12 days
"I just wanna be close to you" - JJ Maybank
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Routledge!Fem!Reader
Summary: To celebrate the group graduating high school, the Routledge siblings go the bonfire party on the beach and Y/N Routledge decides to confront her long time crush and best friend, JJ Maybank.
Word count: 5.3k
Warnings: Alcohol consumption (underage) and some deep pining (which may lead to some mild angst and a fight but it ends well).
Author's notes and disclaimers: Yay, my first JJ Maybank fic! In this one, the reader is a year younger than the rest of the group. This is a lyric based fic based on Close to you by Gracie Abrams because I feel like it's so JJ coded. Hope you like it.
requests are open / my masterlists / obx masterlist
Stay beautiful xx
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I don't got a single problem with provocative See the bodies how they burn it's just the way it is
You and the rest of the pogues are at a bonfire party on the back to celebrate the high school graduation and everybody was having a great time. Everybody but you. The rest of your friend group are off finding love for the night with either their respective significant others or a stranger while you are stuck on the sidelines feeling lonely, sad, and heartbroken you couldn't be with the boy you like.
John B is off mackin' on Sarah. They are getting very serious all of a sudden and you are so happy for them. You had all been through so much together as a group and their relationship had definitely suffered. Now that things had calmed down they seemed to be going steady and stable. You can almost hear the wedding bells.
Pope and Cleo are cuddling by the bonfire, Kiara chatting it up with some random touron, and JJ was back to his old ways. Everybody seems to be happy with how things are. Everyone except you.
You are standing outside, looking in at the party. Especially at that blonde haired boy who had stolen your heart but now it feels like he is stomping on it with the way he is smiling and smirking at all the girls who are fawning around him. They are probably all hoping they can be the lucky one to go home with him tonight. He certainly looks like he is considering the pretty brunette who is practically undressing him with her eyes.
The worst part about the whole ordeal is that they are gonna be in JJ's room at the Chateau which means you'll be able to hear them.
After all, the walls are very thin.
It's not like anything will happen between you guys. He is not only your brother's best friend but yours too. You and John B have always been very close since there is only a year between you, you being the younger one. Because of this, it meant his friends became your friends and his best friend was your best friend. The best friend being JJ Maybank.
No, you were forever stuck on the sidelines admiring him from afar.
Smoky, dark, crowded room, I need nothing Under pink light in June I was so cool but then, all of a sudden You saw me look at you
The sight of JJ with all those girls makes you lose all desire to party. You don't want to go and damper the moods of everyone else so you stuck to yourself. You decide to get yourself a beer though you don't need it. Your feelings so confusing you feel disoriented enough.
You go back to your old look-out. You notice the sunset turning the sky a lovely pink colour. Watching the party before you, the silhouettes of people dancing and talking in the smoke from the bonfire.
You hear a familiar laugh making you turn your gaze back onto the blonde haired boy. He is laughing at something the brunette girl said. Ignoring the pang in your heart, you can't help but feel a flutter in your stomach whenever he smiles. Even if it is directed at another girl. His laugh is always so melodious and makes you weak in the knees. The pink light from the setting sun making him even more beautiful as if that is even possible.
JJ thought he could feel someone's gaze on him. He knew straight away who it was. He turns around to lock eyes with you.
Oh, no. You're caught. You must've been staring for a while. You can feel your heart start to race and your entire body heating up. The girl is gone and he is all alone. He flashes you one of his genuine smiles. It's one of the rare times he actually smiles and you can't help but smile back, though it doesn't quite reach your eyes the same way his does. He gives you a quizzicial look as if to ask what's wrong?. You continue to stare at each other from across the beach until the pretty brunette appears again making any semblance of a smile disappear and you avert your gaze. You move away from your spot so you're not in direct sight of him. You find an old, fallen tree trunk and sit down.
You huff in disappointment and down the rest of the beer, adding to the bitter taste in your mouth.
I burn for you And you don't even know my name If you asked me to I'd give up everything
Sarah can tell something is up with you whenever she looks over at where you're sitting. You always love a good party on the beach but you've had this constant frown on your face the whole time. Going to the party was your idea after all.
John B and Sarah have joined Pope and Cleo by the bonfire and are talking and laughing something or other but Sarah can't help but look at you. You look so sad and she already knows why. Everyone can see it but them. The rest of the group talk about when neither of you are around.
"Hey, I gonna get something to drink. Anybody want anything?" she asked the group.
"Uh, sure, a beer could be nice, babe." John B said and kissed her cheek.
"Pope, Cleo, you guys want anything?"
"No, thanks Sarah." Pope politely declined.
"I'll help ya, Sarah, I want something too." Cleo said and they both stand up and leave to go to the drinks table. They pour their drinks and on the way back to the guys Sarah sees you again and stops Cleo.
"Actually I'll join you guys in a bit. I'm gonna go talk to Y/N she looks so sad." Sarah says. "Can you take John B's drink back to him?"
"Yeah, sure, is it the JJ thing again?" Cleo asks her. Sarah hands her John B's drink and she accepts it with her empty hand.
"I think so. I think she just needs someone to talk and I can't bear to look at her sad face."
Cleo nods in agreement and promises to come over later. They split and Sarah approaches you. You hear steps coming closer and turn and find Sarah. You give her a small smile before turning back around watching the scene before you.
"Is it JJ again?" She asks you gently, not beating around the bush.
"No! You tell her a little too quickly. She gives you a knowing look. "Yes..." you saying, having turned sheepish under her look.
"You do know he likes you too?"
"No, I don't know! I just- I just like him but it's clear nothing will ever happen when things are the way they are."
"Oof, Mini Routledge, that sounds like some angsty boy trouble you got yourself there." Cleo says as she appears as if from out of nowhere, giving you the biggest fright. "It's obvious to everyone that you're both pining for each other so do something about it so we can all be happy."
"Everyone but that brunette gettin' ready to pounce any second now." You sulk. The groups of bodies have moved so JJ and girl is back in in your direct line of sight. "Sorry, girls, I don't wanna damper the mood. You're supposed to be celebrating! You've graduated... and left me behind in that god forsaken school."
"Hey, chin up, JJ will realise what's in front of him, okay?" Sarah assures you, rubbing your back. "You just need to knock some sense into him if he won't do it himself."
"Sure, right, I'll go do that if he can even remember my name with how much he's been drinking."
"No, Y/N, he hasn't even touched a drop of alcohol," Sarah tells you off. "Stop your moping and do something about things if you want to change." She has a veyr maternal tone and you almost shrink at the sound of it. Sarah has become like a big sister since she and John B got together. Well, it took some getting used at first since she was the kook princess of the island but you became fast friends and she is practically your sister-in-law now.
"Hey!" Your big brother shouts, grabbing your attention as he approaches your little group with Pope right behind him. "What's up with the frowns? We're supposed to have fun!"
He slings an arm around your shoulder, making him spill his beer on your shoes. Nice one, JB.
"Nothing, just not feeling in the mood to party." You tell him.
"But it was your idea! C'mon, Y/N/N, lighten up for your big brother, please?" He begs you, his breath smelling like beer.
"No, JB, just- just leave me alone okay?" You ask him and shrug off his arm and remove yourself from the group.
They watch as you walk away from the party altogether and sit down in the sand. You pull your knees up to your chest and take out your phone from the backpocket of your shorts.
And now your mouth is moving, cinematic timing You pull me in and touch my neck and now I'm dying
"They were askin' for it, John B!" JJ shouts at your brother.
"They're always asking for it JJ! But if you don't learn how to control yourself there won't be any jobs left because you got fired from every single on of them. Did you ever think about that?"
Typical JB, always trying to knock some sense into JJ. It's common knowledge that JJ's a hothead and tends to turn to violence which more often than not lands him in trouble. Most often than not with the law.
You can't hear the rest of the conversation. You have just woken up from a nap in the hammock after a hard day at work. Your boss is always on your ass about something even though you work even harder than your co-workers to prove that you deserve the job despite being from The Cut.
The hot and humid sun is hitting your face just right, making you wanna close your eyes again. You were about to fall asleep again when the screen door bursts open, slamming against the wall and makes you almost fall out of the hammock. JJ stops in his tracks when he sees you.
"Oh, hi, Y/N. Sorry if I woke ya." He scratches his neck and stands in front of you awkwardly.
"It's okay. Can't sleep the whole day away anyway. Get fired form another job?"
"Yeah, it's nothing. The boss was a jerk anyway." He brushes it off.
"That black eye and split lip don't look like nothing." You tell him and sit up and pat the space next to you. "Sit down, will ya?"
He does what you ask but avoids your eyes, suddenly very bashful.
"I know a little something about jerks for bosses." You tell him.
"Oh, yeah? Your boss on your ass again? Think you're too young to have trouble with your boss." He tries to lighten the mood.
"I think we're all too young to have these problems." You sigh. There's a beat of silence. He doesn't know how to respond to that but he knows it's true.
"John B's only looking out for you, you know?" You speak again. "You're his best friend, J. Ever since Dad went missing he's just been so angry at everything and everyone."
JJ gets a soft look in his eyes. It's not a topic that comes up often. With Big John gone lots of things have changed and tension has risen within the group.
"How're you doing with all of that?" He asks you.
"Meh," you shrug. "I try to be there for JB but he's just in this pissy mood all the time and it doesn't help that we have the DCS on our asses."
"And who's there to look after you, huh? I don't like the idea of you carrying the weight of it all by yourself." You look him in the eyes. He's gotten very serious all of a sudden. You almost never see JJ this serious. Not even when he talks about his dad. "You can always talk to me, Y/N." He says sincerely and grabs your hand with his. "I promise to try to cheer you up. You can even hit me if you're real angry, I can take it. Jus' so you don't end up hitting your boss or John B when they piss you off. I give you full permission."
That makes you laugh and he laughs with you, happy to make you smile again.
"Now there's that smile, Mini Routledge." He smirks at you, already knowing the reaction he'll get out of you.
"Ugh, you know I hate that name, JJ!" You repimand him and slap his shoulder.
"Sorry, I just couldn't resist but good God, woman! Your slaps are lethal." He says and rubs his shoulder with a giggle and you can't help but giggle with him,
"I didn't slap you that hard." You say and shake your head at him. "You're just a drama queen."
"Oh, yeah? Tell that to the now permanent hand print I'm gonna have on my shoulder for all of eternity."
You look into each other's eyes, the only sound around you the crickets and cicadas. When the eye contact gets a little too intense you look away and fan your face saying something about the heat and the sun.
"Here, let me help you." He says. He gathers your hair in his hands and moves it away from your neck and over to your shoulder. One of his hands lingers by your neck though making your do these weird palpitations and your stomach feel like a swarm of butterflies have been let loose. You could've died happily in that moment. You look up into his eyes again and you both start to lean in until...
"JJ! Could you come here for a sec?!" Your lovely big brother shouts from inside the house, interrupting the moment.
JJ moves away and sighs. He gets up without so much as looking back at you while you try to calm your racing heart and shaky hands.
That was the time you realised you had a crush on JJ.
Little did you know you were gonna end up falling in love with him...
You should be mine for life, I'll be signing Every dotted line Chemical override, ultraviolet You could be mine tonight
John B excuses himself from the group you left to go and talk to you. He dumps the rest of his cup on the way, figuring he doesn't need anymore alcohol in his system for the conversation you're about to have. He isn't blind. He can clearly see the affection and attraction you hold for each other. The whole best friend and little sister mackin' on each other might be a weird thought but it's one he can get over. He never gave the talk to JJ or Pope about staying away from you. You are your own person and can make decisions for yourself which he deeply respects. He only wants you to be happy and find someone who makes you just as happy as Sarah makes him. Even if it is JJ.
He plops down beside you. You turn off your phone in acknowledgement and rest your head on your knees and stare out at the ocean.
"So," he starts, filling the silence between you. You're sitting far enough away from the party that the music was significantly lower and you guys talk at a normal volume. "You ready to talk about it?"
"Talk about what?" You mumble. You can feel him looking at you but you continue to stare at the waved crashing up on the shore and rolling back out.
"What happened back there, your sulky mood, or your love for JJ Maybank? Take your pick." He says, leaving you stunned. "Though, they're all jus' a chain reaction of you loving him and doing nothing about it."
"You know?!"
"Of course, I know, Y/N!" He answers, exasperated at your ignorance. "I wasn't born yesterday. Don't think you can it from me. I'm your big brother. Everybody knows it's so damn obvious."
"Everybody knows? Even JJ?" You ask him quietly, wanting the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
"On some level maybe," he shrugs. "But he certainly loves you too, squirt."
"He does?" You get this hopeful look in your eye at his statement.
"Definitely!" He almost shouts. "He may not have said it to me because, you know, I am your big brother and he's my best friend, but the way he looks at you just gives it away."
You're silent for a minute, mulling it all over, but then the same thoughts roll back into your mind. You get frustrated again with all of your reservations about starting a relationship with him and your insecurities.
"But it'll never work, John B."
"Why not, Y/N?" He tries but he is getting tired of your persistence on the matter.
"Bec- because..." You stutter but are interrupted by your brother.
"Because what?!" He asks in frustration. "Y/N, you'll never know until you try." He tells you, his voice softer this time around. You lean your head against his shoulder and he leans his on top of yours.
"It's just..." You start and sigh before you continue. "He's your best friend. He's my best friend. I just don't want to mess anything with the group or our friendship up. And your friendship too. Ugh, it's just too complicated." You finish and he lifts his head at this.
"Let me tell you one thing and I want you to look at me." He tells you and you do as he says. "Don't worry about the rest of us. Do what you wanna do and be with who you wanna be. I don't want to stand in the way of you neither does the rest of the group. You make your own decision we will just have to roll with it and if it doesn't work, well, so what? At least you tried and got some good memories out of it." He smiles and wipes some hair away that got in your eyes. "That doesn't mean it won't be weird to see my best friend who's older than my baby sister kissing and being all cute and couple-y together but I will just have to deal."
You smile at his words. He raised you most of the time. With your mum gone and your dad being sort of absent, it was left to John B to do most of the raising. Luckily, he didn't turn out so bad. You lean your head back on his shoulder and he throws an arm around yours as you fall into another beat of silence.
"I'll marry him one day, JB" you tell him honestly, his head flipping back up you swear it looked like he got whiplash.
"Geez, squirt, you're a bit young to think about that, aren't you?"
"Well you unofficially married Sarah while stuck on a boat after we thought you were dead."
"Touché, Y/n, touché." He admires your retort.
He stands up and offers his hands to help you up as well. You dust off the sand on your shorts and give him the biggest hug which he returns. You release each other after a while. He's got a big dopey smile on his face either from the alcohol in his system or the feeling of cheering up his little sister and helping two of his favourite people get together. Or maybe a mixture of both.
"You're the best big brother in the world, you know that?" You tell him.
"I'm your only brother." He deadpans.
"Well, I have no one to compare you to so you'll always be the best in my book." You reply and give him another hug and he kisses your temple.
"Go get him." He says as he releases you and sends you off.
Adrenaline overrides all rational thoughts that were holding you back and walk over to him. It's more like a march because you're so determined. After all, you've had a crush on him for a year and a half now, and maybe more. You tap his shoulder three times and he turns around but he is not so surprised that it's you, your lovely and alluring perfume that makes him weak in the knees alerting him of your presence.
"Hey J, can we talk?" you ask him. Voice slightly shaking from the adrenaline in your system. You clear your throat and avoid his gaze.
"Sure thing, Mini Routledge, what do you wanna talk about?" he says with the a small smile and that amused look in his eyes.
"You ready to go home, Maybank?" The pretty brunette emerges again with a seductive look in her eyes.
You feel your stomach drop, all of the confidence that had been building up on the way over here vanished into thin air.
"Forget it, JJ, seems like you have enough on your plate already." You say to him, angry at him but even more angry at yourself because you thought you could finally tell him how you felt and even angrier that you thought you could actually be together. You turn and march away from the pair.
"Y/Nn wait!" JJ shouts after you but you ignore him.
He decides to leave the girl and follow you...
I burn for you And you don't even know my name If you asked me to I'd give you everything
"Stupid, stupid, stupid," you reprimand yourself. "Of course, nothing could ever happen."
You weave through the dancing bodies and continue walking even though you've managed to escape the group of people. You walk as fast as you can in the sand which isn't that fast. You can hear JJ's frantic shouts but you just wanna get away.
"Y/N, stop!" He shouts. "Please just slow down. Tell what's wrong!" He pleads with you.
You shake your head, all your insecurities filling your mind making you feel awful all over again.
Somehow, JJ manages to catch with you. He grabs your wrist in an attempt to get you to slow down and talk to him. You shake his hand off and turn around to face him.
"Just leave me alone, okay?!" You all but shout at him.
"No, not until you tell me what's wrong!" He says which makes you turn back around again.
"Well, that's not happening anytime soon so you can go back to your new girl of the night and do what you always do because then you'll finally leave me alone." You tell him with a bitter tone in your voice.
"Hey, that's none of your business!" He replies, getting mad now.
"It is when we live in the same place with very thin walls so we can all hear just how good you'll be making that girl feel." You spit your venom at him, making him stop in his tracks while you continue your walk away from him. You're not sure why you're so angry at him. You were the one who decided to go and talk to him which left you with this empty pit in your stomach.
"C'mon, that's not fair, Y/N," He tells you, close to giving up now. "What's this all about?"
"Well, clearly there's a reason 'cause you'd never say that sorta stuff normally. We're best friends." He waves his arms around as he says this. This makes you stop up. You turn around and walk back towards him until you're right in front of him.
"I like you, okay?!" You shout in his face, stunning him. "I. Like. You. But it seems like I just missed my chance so excuse me if I'm not really in a chatty mood and just wanna be left alone."
He doesn't say anything. In all honesty, he doesn't know what to say. You shake your head at him and walk away again. You don't get very far again because he shouts after you.
"So what you like me? I like you too!" He shouts. You walk back towards him so you're face to face and stare into his beautiful crystal blue eyes.
"No, JJ, I burn for you, okay?! I'd drop everything for you, I'd give you everything and more if I could but I'd never meet the standards of those girls." You tell him honestly, getting to the root of all your insecurities. "I'll forever be Mini Routledge and that's fine, it's cool you don't need to worry about me I'll just go home and leave you alone with her."
You try to walk away again but he grabs your wrist and this time you can't shake him loose. He swings you back around so you're chest to chest, yours still heaving from your rant.
"You're so much more than just Mini Routledge to me, Y/N. You always seem to brighten my day even when it seems to be the darkest and all you have to do is smile at me. You could break my heart a million times or start the biggest forest fire there ever was and I'd defend you till the end of time. You're everything to me, okay? I don't want to lose you so don't-..." He sighs. He releases your wrist and pushes your hair away from your face. You look into his eyes, the amused look gone and replaced by a determined one.
"Just don't push me away." He begs.
And then, he kissed you.
To be close to you Pull the trigger on the gun I gave you when me met I wanna be close to you Break my heart and start a fire you got me overnight Just let me be close to you
Like pulling the trigger on a gun, the tension was between you and JJ was released and replaced with something else. Passion. You've been waiting for this moment longer than you realise because like pulling the trigger on a gun, the tension was between you and JJ was released and replaced with something else. Passion. JJ was kissing you and you loved every second of it. You were so shocked that you didn't know what to do with your hands. His hands moved from your hair down to your waist and yours found their place on his chest. You both got lost in the feel of it. The feel of JJ's lips on yours, the feel of JJ giving your bottom lip a salacious bite to open your mouth and welcome his tongue. The feel of JJ liking you back.
You pulled away when you both ran out of air. He wraps his arms around your waist to pull you in for a hug while your arms wrap around his neck, one of your hands getting lost in his blonde locks. His head dips down to where your shoulder meets your neck and starts kissing your skin, lightly sucking and licking which is definitely not helping to slow your heart and breathing.
"I want to be close to you..." You almost whisper, still out of breath. "I just want you, J."
"Well, I'm right here." He pauses his kisses to reply. "You have me now and I'm all yours." He continues his lovely attack on your neck, finding a spot that makes you weak and a sound you've never heard come out of your mouth before. That's when he stops, making you want to whine in protest but he kisses your lips again. This time slower, and it isn't filled with the same tension as before. It isn't the same makeout session as before but sweeter and filled with affection. You pull away from him this time.
"What do ya say... Wanna get outta here?" You ask him.
"Geez, Mini Routledge, way to make this freaky." He jokes and you slap his chest, unable to wipe that goofy smile off your face. He smiles with you. He loves being the reason of your smile.
"By the way, if you wanna have sex with me, you gotta stop calling me Mini Routledge." You warn him albeit with the same smile.
"Can't make no promises since I just love to see that annoyed look on your face. It's so cute." He teases, the same amused glint in his eyes he always has. "But yes, I'd love to get out of here."
"Great, I'll tell John B and meet you back here." You tell him and almost run back to the group you abandoned earlier. You approach John B specifically, knowing if you didn't say you were leaving without letting him know he would launch a whole search party.
"Hey, we're gonna split." You tell and kiss his cheek in goodbye. "I'll see you at home."
"So I take it everything worked out between you two?" He asks.
"How'd you know?!" You gasp.
"Well you did say we're," he starts but a knowing, amused grin works onto his face. "But also the red spot on your neck right about there," he prods a finger at the sensitive spot. "Which I think will most likely turn into a nice blue and purple hickey during the night." He laughs at your mortified expression as you grip your neck where he pointed before. "Tell JJ I'll talk to him tomorrow. Love ya, sis."
"Love you too, bro." Tell him and walk away with a smile on your face until John B shouts.
"I better find you in separate rooms when I get home!" To which you respond with flipping him off and Sarah is no doubt slapping his chest and scolding him.
When you reach JJ, he throws an arm around your shoulder and you walk away from the party happening behind you.
"John B wants to talk to you tomorrow." You tell him.
"Oh no, what did you say to him?" He whines, making you giggle.
"Nothing I swear!" You reply, but can't help the smile creeping onto your face.
"Oh, you swear, huh?" He grins, and pokes at your waist. Your most ticklish place. "That smile says different."
"No, I swear, JJ!" You can't help but giggle from his tickles, trying to get out of the hold his arm has around your shoulder.
"Guess I'm gonna have to tickle it outta ya then." He says as he continues his attack on your waist.
"Well, you'll have to catch me first!" You laugh and finally wiggle free from his hold and run away from him.
"Oh, you're on, Mini Routledge!" He shouts and speeds after you.
You race each other back to the Chateau. There, you embrace again in a heated kiss and tumble inside. You disobeyed John B's half-serious order and went straight for your bed. He added some extra hickies to the one he left on the beach though some of them would be naturally covered up by your clothes. You even left some on him.
The night was filled with love and ecstasy and when you woke up in the morning to sun beaming in through the curtains and a shirtless JJ in your bed with an arm around your waist you couldn't help the silly grin that etched its way onto your face.
You let out a quiet giggle, so happy you couldn't help it. You turn around in JJ's arms and realise he's only half sleeping.
"What's so funny?" He asks in a deep, groggy morning voice that sends chills down your spine despite the warmth of the sun.
"Nothing, J." You sigh in contentment. "Everything's perfect." You tell and kiss his forehead.
"Good," he says and kisses your lips. "Now go back to sleep."
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frailstateofhealy · 6 months
babe, you look so cool - matty x reader
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a/n: hi, this is my first fic!! i've never really written something and put it out into the world so i hope you guys enjoy! so sorry if this is hard to follow but hopefully my writing improves! i'm going to label this as 18+ just because it's angsty and has mature themes! also let me know if you want a part 2! xx
warnings: angst, cursing, depiction of anger issues, toxic love and brief mention of blood
summary: you're in a toxic relationship with the lead singer of an up-and-coming band in your small town. he's damaged and so are you but two negatives make a positive right?
word count: 2.4k !!
wilmslow. a small town in england where your family had decided to relocate to a few weeks ago from london to get away from the chaos of the city.
you were eighteen years old and this would be your final year of school. you were nervous about moving to a town where you wouldn't know anyone until you met a guy called adam who was nice enough to invite you into his friend group and introduce you to them.
you would never fit in with the popular girls because you weren't a cute preppy blonde that everyone liked. you had brown curly hair and your favourite colour wasn't pink like the other girls. it was black and that was the colour you wore every day.
one day during lunch adam invited you to the table where he sat with his friends every single day. as you approached the table you saw a tall guy with blonde hair and another with short brown hair who seemed a bit shy. then finally, you saw the one who was laughing obnoxiously at something the taller blonde one had said to him. the obnoxious guy's smile faded from when he saw you standing there in front of him like he was almost in a trance at the sight of you.
adam stood up from his seat and walked over to you. "hey boys, this is y/n. she's new here and i wanted to welcome her into our group." you smiled and looked at each one of the three boys sitting in front of you but your eyes traveled back to the loud one. he was so visually appealing to you and there was something enticing about him.
adam started "this is george, he's massive. this is ro-" adam was abruptly cut off when the obnoxious one stood up in front of you. "fuck off ross! i'm matty." he said with a smile while letting his eyes linger on you for a few moments before he forced himself to look away.
you looked at matty, he was beautiful. people would often argue that men couldn't be beautiful which you always believed to be true until you met matty.
george's deep raspy voice knocked you out of your trance "shit, matty just fell in love at first sight." george joked that day but he was right and he usually was right when it came to things like that. george and matty seemed to be the closest of the four, they told each other everything. they hardly ever had secrets between them and george knew exactly when his best friend fancied someone, especially from the way matty looked at you. he looked at you as if you were the most beautiful piece of art hanging in a museum, one that he couldn't take his eyes off of.
you began to ask adam some questions about his friend matty during the class you two had together. you knew you had to get to know him and you wouldn't rest until you did. something about him really intrigued you.
matthew healy. nineteen years old. he had spent one extra year in school because he got held back from not paying attention in class or skipping. when he was asked why he didn't show up to class he told the teachers that school "got in the way of his visionary genius" he had long curly brown hair that just barely touched his neck. he sometimes wore his hair up in a bun which matty preferred you called a "man bun." his normal attire was black, ripped skinny jeans, and any shirt he could find in his closet. adam really didn't go into much detail but apparently matty had a rough home life. his parents were always working and had to babysit his little brother often. matty had beautiful brown eyes, the kind you could easily get lost in without even trying. he was shorter than adam, ross, and george and they often teased him about this which he got quite defensive over. all four of them were in a band they called themselves 'big sleep' because matty chose the name after something he enjoyed doing.
they invited you to their band practices in matty's basement every time they had one because they could use constructive criticism which is what adam said. but, you knew it was just because matty wanted to look at you. george played the drums, and ross and adam both played guitar. matty was the lead singer which wasn't surprising for his flamboyant and loud personality. you knew they would be famous one day especially matty. he was the perfect frontman for a rock band, you could just tell.
you and matty had a thing. you wouldn't know what to call it although labels weren't always important. you two would catch each other staring a little more than it should be between two friends. the other guys always knew there was something more between you and matty but they didn't seem to mind. they just seemed to be happy that matty was excited about and that you motivated him to keep showing up to school. ross told you he hadn't seen matty this happy in awhile.
you sat there with your legs crossed and watched the guys in front of you tuning their instruments and getting ready for today's band rehearsal. they were in the initial stages of their band so up to this point they only really sang covers of their favourite alternative songs, most of which matty chose.
"so, we wrote this song the other night when you had that thing come up with your dad." matty spoke into the microphone and he seemed quite nervous by way his voice was shaky. the mere mention of your father felt like a punch in the stomach.
matty looked over nervously to his left where adam stood with the guitar pick in his hand. adam gave him a slight nod to calm matty's nerves a bit as if saying it was okay. matty put his head down for a moment "let's do this boys." your eyes traveled to adam as he played the first few chords of their first original song. it was a slower song, it started with just four simple chords and it remained pretty consistent throughout the song. matty started to sing effortlessly while staring at you.
"she had a face straight out of a magazine"
you looked at adam, ross, and george who all seemed to get lost in the music surrounding them. you nodded your head to the beat of the music while also paying close attention to the lyrics that matty sang. you were impressed, you knew they were good but not to this degree. you could tell by the covers that they would sing that they had something special but this just further proved it to be true. the music started to build as the guys started playing faster and with more passion. you loved seeing all four of them get lost in the music that they played. you noticed that adam gave matty another nod as if telling him to do something.
"but if you just take off your mask, you'd find out everything's gone wrong"
matty sang out as he started walking towards you. he grabbed your hand and pulled you hard off the piece of furniture you were sitting on.
"what are you doing?" you asked but you didn't get an answer, well at least not the one you thought you'd get. matty took a break from singing with the pause of the instruments behind him.
"i fucking love you." he muttered as he grabbed you roughly by the back of the neck and pulled you closer to him before you even had a chance to respond. before you knew it, matty crashed his lips against yours in what was a passionate kiss. you felt chills run through your body as he let his lips linger on yours for a few moments before pulling away. when he pulled away from the kiss he reached his hand out for yours as if he didn't want to pull away but he knew he had to. you glanced up at saw george and ross smirking at each other.
they finished the rest of the song and you just stood there dumbfounded. you had no idea what just happened, you weren't upset but you were just surprised. matty nervously looked at the guys and george gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder when all the guys stepped away from their instruments and went into the other room to give you two privacy.
matty finally approached you once again and you immediately spoke "the song was absolutely amazing but why did you kiss me?" matty stared into your eyes as he started to softly twirl the hair that was hanging in his face. you knew him enough to know that he only twisted his curls when he was nervous about something.
"fucking hell!" he finally said as he started pacing in front of you. "matty, what's wrong?" you asked in a concerned voice. you could tell by his body language that something was bothering him.
"i can't stop looking at you. i can't stop thinking about you and it's bloody frustrating. i'm not supposed to be in love with you but i can't help it." he walks back and forth in front of you at a faster pace as his voice grows louder.
"i can't even fucking go to sleep without thinking about how i feel about you. even when i do sleep, you show up in my dreams. it's just-" he pauses for a moment while you just stand there staring at him.
"it's fucking impossible. i need to be your boyfriend. i'll fucking do anything." he trails off while noticing that you're just standing there looking at him. he probably thought you were judging him but you just didn't want to interrupt him.
"shit! are you even listening to me right now?"
you could tell that he was starting to get pissed off. you knew it wasn't with you but it seemed he was very frustrated with himself. he got closer to you, so much so that you could feel his warm breath on your face.
"i need you to be mine. i need you to be my girlfriend and i need you to fucking fall in love with me or something. fuck!" at this point he was raising his voice in frustration. he bit his lip and walked over to the wall and punched his fist right through it. he fell to his knees on the ground, not from the pain of punching the wall but from the pain he was feeling in his chest. at this point, his breathing was fast and he had his head in his hands while he kneeled there on the ground.
without hesitation, you rushed over to him and got onto your knees. you instantly took his now bloody hand into your hands.
"look at me matty, breathe, okay?" you said in a calm tone while staring into his brown eyes which seemed to be darker than usual at this moment.
"i just, i can't..." he paused to gasp for air.
"i can't get you off my mind is all." he said with tears forming in his eyes. he wasn't upset from sadness though. you knew it was from the overwhelming feeling of passion he was experiencing at this moment. when matty had his mind set on something, it was nearly impossible to change his mind or get him to think of something else.
"matty, what makes you think i don't want the same thing? what makes you think i'm not in love with you because i am." you saw his face turn from a pained expression into an almost bright one. his breathing instantly slowed down now that you spoke. "really?" he asked. you looked down as you noticed a bruise starting to form as well as blood trickling it's way down his hand.
you started to cry, you couldn't bear the sight of him in pain. he cupped your face with his hurt hand, letting out a hitched breath while wincing in pain. he extended his fingers to wipe the mascara filled tears that fell down your cheeks.
"i love you so fucking much, darling." he said almost as he felt relief despite all the pain he must have been in. he wasn't in much pain though, at least not right now when he was looking into the eyes of the girl he loved.
he pressed his lips against yours. only this time it was a gentle kiss that sent shivers through your body. you had dreamt of this moment since you first laid your eyes on him when adam introduced you to him.
you felt helpless right now, you knew he wouldn't have punched the wall if you just spoke up when he was talking. what if him being in pain right now was your fault?
"george!!" you yelled out which was the first name that came to your mind besides Matty's. he was only in the other room so he came rushing in based solely on of the distress in your voice.
"what hap-" he stopped when he saw his friend on the floor next to you. george immediately crouched down onto the floor next to the both of you.
"shit, not again mate." george said he helped his best friend by grabbing a nearby towel and wrapping it around his injured hand.
"he told me he was in love with me but he got frustrated and then that happened." you gestured towards the hole in the wall.
"he does this a lot. he'll be okay." george reassured while grabbing the ice from ross that he had brought in as if each of them already knew what to do.
"what did you say?" george asked as if matty wasn't sitting there right in front of him.
matty looked up at george with a genuine smile. matty didn't smile much unless he was telling a lame joke and even then it faded pretty fast. this one though was already lasting longer than any joke that he thought was hilarious.
"she said you she feels the same mate! she actually feels the same. can you fucking believe that?" matty spoke with a smile.
"i fucking told you you she would. hurt your hand for nothing you wanker!" george teased as he playfully ran his hand through matty's messy brunette curls.
"i got the girl." the curly-haired rocker said with a growing smile.
george smirked and kneeled off of the ground. "yeah, let's see if you can keep this one."
you looked at them both with a raised eyebrow and repeated what george said in your head.
this one? what the fuck does that mean?
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littlemissshoei · 2 months
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﹒୨𝑒 ゚ ˖ ⠀content warning: unrequited love, light angst, osamu is pining after atsumu's crush, friends to lovers, angst w comfort, happy ending.
A/N: This one is dedicated to Aerin!! I hope you enjoy it heh
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Love has its peculiar ways of entering ones life. Ways that aren't always pleasant, such as now. It was strange really, the aching feeling in his chest whenever his mind wandered back to your heartwarming smile, the way your nose crinkled slightly as melodic laughs rolled off your tongue. He has never felt the way he did for anyone; anyone except for you.
Osamu knew better though, you were the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, off limits, meant to be admired from a distance. So close, yet so far away. No matter how much he craved you, how lonely his heart felt without your warmth, he couldn't bring himself to let you know. After all, he wasn't the only one that felt the way he did.
A girl like you is like a precious treasure, so no wonder Atsumu had his eyes on you too. He made it very obvious too, from his public flirting acts to bragging about courting you to his friends, he made his intentions clear, and Osamu knew that there was nothing he could do.
Yet the boy couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be yours, to wake up in your arms, the warmth of your skin seeping into his own as you mumble a "good morning", fingers combing through his ashen grey hair as he smiles up at you. He couldn't stop his aching heart from wishing for a happy little ending, a life by your side.
You were downright perfect, from head to toes. Osamu happily recalls when you two first met, the way your lips curled into a smile as you shook his hand, eyes nervously darting around as a hue of pink adorned your cheeks when he complimented your looks. He recalls all the times you spent together, hours on the phone, talking about everything that could cross ones mind. And he recalls the way your lips felt pressed against each others when you decided to give him your very first kiss.
You were so close, so dangerously close to crossing the thin line between friends and something more, but with Atsumu's sudden interest he couldn't help but distance himself, not wanting to take away the source of his brother's happiness.
He thought everything would be better off this way. After all, you were just friends. You could easily stay that way. That was what he thought, atleast.
Osamu failed to notice the subtle shift in your behaviour, how your eyes lingered onto his form, hoping to resume the earlier eye contact. How you'd try to revive certain topics knowing he enjoyed talking about them, and how your smile faltered every time he walked away to give you and Atsumu some space. The boy believed things would work out this way. He could bottle up his feelings and let his brother do the magic. The perfect plan.
That was until something caught his attention. Instead of eating his lunch with you, the blonde settled down next to his brother, chewing on his food in silence.
"Yo, 'Tsumu. What's up? Weren't you gonna spend lunch break with [name] like you always do?" He asked, eyebrows scrunching in confusion. His brother swallowed the food and shook his head. "Nah. I need to give her some space man, I think I've been getting on her nerves a little. She was polite about it but y'know." The blonde resumed eating, not paying much attention to the puzzled expression on Osamu's face. "What do you mean?" "Well, I asked her on a date today, but she told me couldn't see me as something more than a friend. She told me she tried to communicate it but it seems like I didn't really catch the signs."
He scratched the back of his head and he smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry. I bet you're really bummed out right now." "Nah, I'm good. I should've realised from the start." "Realized what." "That her heart belonged to someone else from the moment I tried to win it over."
Silence. Osamu could feel his heart beating out of his chest, a strange, dizzying feeling overwhelming his as he looked Atsumu in the eyes. "Go. I think she's outside."
The boy didn't even bother replying to his brother anymore as he stood up and rushed outside, eyes frantically searching for you in the dozens of groups. Finally, he spotted you, sitting underneath the tree where the two of you shared your first kiss. He approached you nervously, hands trembling as he stopped in front of you.
You looked up, eyes widened slightly as you noticed the flushed expression on the boy's face. "Huh? 'Samu, you alright? You look a little red."
As you stood up to check his forehead, his hand took yours and gently placed it on his cheek, pressing it with his own. You could feel your face warming up, his eyes staring right through your soul.
"You rejected Atsumu huh?" "I had to. I cannot be with someone when my heart belongs to someone else."
And that was when he whispered those sweet words you had been anticipating for so long:
"I love you, [name]"
And you made sure to let him know just how much you loved him too by pulling him into a heartfelt kiss, tears rolling down your face as he pulled you closer.
"I love you too, 'Samu. So much.."
His heart was overjoyed, this felt like a dream. Osamu slowly pulled away, resting his forehead against yours as his hands cupped your face.
"Thank you for allowing me into your heart, I will cherish you forever."
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coryothesub · 7 months
Peacekeeper Boy
So I decided to do a little experiment and put a sub twist on Coryo's peacekeeper era. 
!!! Warning: slight mentions of sexual abuse
nsfw / mdni / pk!sub!coryo / district!dom!reader
“Do you know what the penalty is for attacking a peacekeeper?” Coryo spoke through gritted teeth, holding his hand to the back of his head, feeling a nasty bump forming there.
He was sitting on the floor, leaning against your front door, primal rage burning in his icy blue eyes.
“I didn't attack you. You were trespassing,” you answered in a calm voice, putting the pan back on the stove.
“Those are my rights given by the law,” the boy snarled.
“I'm gonna report you to my commander! You are gonna pay for this, you stupid district slut!”
You approached him and slapped him across the face, the sound echoing in the walls of your tiny shack.
“Didn't your mama teach you how to speak to a lady?” you grabbed his face in a rough grip making him flinch in pain. You noticed a glimpse of fear in his eyes. As much as he saw district people as inferior, he was terrified at the thought of finding himself at the direct mercy of their savage nature.
You let the boy go and gave him a sarcastic smile.
“Looks like I put some color in those pale cheeks. I’ve noticed you around. You're the prettiest of them all. Do they pass you around at the barracks?”
“W-what?” the young man stuttered. Considering his barely there sexual experience he didn't quite understand the implications. But something about your tone was telling him that he was being mocked.
You smiled at him again, your expression much softer this time. His cluelessness was kinda adorable.
“I mean do the other peacekeepers use you for satisfying their… Needs?” you brushed your thumb over his pink luscious lips. They would look so fine wrapped around someone's fat cock.
“No!” the boy turned his face away from you, looking terrified and disgusted at the thought.
“We are here to serve the country.”
“Oh yeah?” you chuckled.
“All the folks around here know exactly how you're serving your country. However, maybe we could find a way for you to serve your country really well if you behaved.”
The blonde boy looked at you with a genuine confusion in his eyes. He was so pretty like that.
“What's your name, peacekeeper boy?”
“Coriolanus Snow.”
“Oh, that's very fancy. Sounds like we have a little Capitol ratling here. Do your friends also call you Coriolanus Snow?”
Coriolanus swallowed thickly.
“No, they call me Coryo. I don't think you and I are friends though.”
“Oh, Coryo,” you moved your hips making your skirt flutter in the air so that the boy would notice that you were wearing no panties. 
“We can fix that any time. You only have to promise me you'll be a good boy.”
Coryo’s breath hitched at the sight of your bare pussy, he froze in place looking up at you with big dumb blue eyes. It seemed like you had broken his brain.
“What’s the matter?” you let your thumb caress his cheek, as your bare foot found the growing bulge between his thighs. You pressed against it gently, causing him to let out a little whimper.
“Didn’t you come here for this? To take what's yours by law and order?” you couldn't help but mock him again, reciting the lines that other peacekeepers had said to your friends during such unexpected nighttime visits.
“N-no…” Coryo tried to lie but the deep blush that filled his cheeks told you everything you needed to know.
He felt extremely embarrassed by how helpless and aroused he felt being just an inch away from crying and begging you to do whatever you wanted to him.
“Oh, you’re such a liar, Coryo,” you sighed, pressing your foot against his hardening dick so hard it hurt.
“I won't lie, I’ll behave, I promise,” Coryo blurted out, feeling a lump in his throat. He was about to burst out in tears.
“You’ll be a good boy for me?”
Coryo nodded.
“Use your words!”
His voice was soft and broken. You felt warmth building up in your lower abdomen. It was his compliance that made you impossibly wet.
You removed your foot from his groin and put it on his shoulder, revealing your wet cunt right before his eyes.
“Lick it!” you instructed.
Coryo moved closer and sat on his knees for better access. He started licking between your folds as if he was trying to lap up your juices. The boy was clearly clueless of what he was doing.
“Higher!” you gave another command.
Coryo moved up a few millimeters and the tip of his nose bumped against your swollen clit, making you shiver. He noticed your movement and repeated the same drill a few more times.
Hearing a soft moan escaping your lips, Coryo started making small circles around your sweet spot using his tongue.
“Oh, Coryo!” you moaned above him. He took it as encouragement and wrapped his lips around your clit. He sucked hungrily, then let his tongue dance around it for a moment.
You let out sharp gasps each time the tip of his tongue touched your sensitive bud. You could feel your juices dripping down your inner thigh already. This little Capitol basterd was making you feel so good.
“You're a fast learner, peacekeeper boy,” you praised him as he looked up at you with the prettiest puppy eyes you'd ever seen.
“Now, why don't you put those slender fingers to use.”
Coryo stopped and looked at his hand in slight confusion.
“Did I tell you to stop?” you grabbed his head, making him whine as you touched the bump from your previous altercation and shoved his face back between your thighs.
Coryo kept working his tongue against your clit, pushing one finger inside you carefully.
“Good boy!” you exclaimed ecstatically, almost as if you were singing.
Feeling reassured, Coryo added another finger and started moving them in and out at a steady pace. 
“Fuck,” he hummed against your clit as your leaking pussy sucked in his digits so easily. 
A series of lewd moans filled the room as Coryo kept exploring your slit, curling his fingers just every time he reached anything that seemed like a sensitive spot.
You threw your head back, panting and cursing, fucking yourself against his fingers.
“Fucking hell, Coriolanus Snow, you’re so damn good at this!”
The sounds you were making went straight to Coryo's dick which was now aching with arousal within the confines of his pants.
You tightened your grip on his buzzed head making him fight for air as his face was completely buried in your pussy.
“I’m so close,” you whispered under your breath as Coryo's fingers kept fucking you relentlessly.
A few moments later you came all over his face and fingers, drenching the boy in your warm juices.
He looked up at you, completely pussy drunk, his face glistening from your cum, his eyes bleary and his cock impossibly hard in his pants. 
“You look delightful,” you said, caressing his cheek. 
“And you did so well… Pretty talented for a Capitol boy, huh! C'mere!” you grabbed him by his dog tags and pulled him up on his feet.
“Will you let me kiss you?” he pleaded adorably.
You nodded and he cupped your face, meeting your lips in a gentle kiss that tasted like your orgasm. You were floating in blissful dizziness as you were still coming down from your heights.
Coryo felt your hand pressing against his crotch, which made him flinch.
“Relax, baby,” you whispered against his lips, palming him through the thick fabric of his pants. He felt so big and hard underneath.
You exchanged kisses that were occasionally interrupted by his cute little moans. 
Your pace sped up as Coryo started thrusting his hips against your hand syncing with your movements.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “I think I’m going to…”
The sentence was cut off by a loud moan as he climaxed, shooting his load inside his pants.
“Now, look at the mess you made,” you giggled, pointing at the wet spot forming in the crotch area of his pants.
Coryo gave you the most confused and embarrassed look letting you bask in his shame one more time.
“I'm messing with you,” you pressed a little kiss to the tip of his nose and he smiled at you sheepishly.
“You did good, peacekeeper boy.”
“It was amazing,” he whispered, unable to get the stupid smile off his face.
You opened the door.
“I think you were about to go and have a chat with your commander about me.”
“No, I am not going to report you,” Coryo shook his head.
“Good,” you winked at him. 
“In that case next time you might be allowed to cum outside your pants.”
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chipsinsalsa · 1 year
Pretty Boy 🖤
Sub Peeta x Fem! Reader
Plot: After a month of no intimacy with Peeta you decided to give him a punishment.
AN: As promised for the winner of the poll! I’ll be doing another poll later to see what the next one will be about! Once again disclaimer for any typos or mistakes. And thank you all for the support it means a lot 🥹! I am taking requests so feel free to do so 🤘
contains: smut, sub Peeta , dom fem reader!,character aged up, handcuffs, overstimulation, no katniss
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It was a rainy day when you decided that your boredom just needed to be cured.
You and Peeta had been living together as a couple ever since he came home from the games. It had been great between the both of you. Every day you would wake up to freshly cooked pastries from your boyfriend, and at night you both had incredible chemistry.
That is to say that as of recently the both of you had been going on for about a month without any sexual intimacy. And today you decided you had had enough. You went up to Peeta who was per usual making something in the kitchen. It kept his mind occupied and off of the memories he held onto from his experience in the games.
He noticed you coming towards him with a serious look in your eyes. Immediately putting his stuff away sitting down ready to hear you out. “Yes, darling?” He spoke questioning as you began to sit down as well.
“Peeta it’s been a month”
He furrowed his eyebrows giving you a confused look. “A month? Of what? Did I miss our anniversary?”
You looked at the blonde-haired boy questioning whether he was playing coi or he genuinely didn’t know what you were saying.
“You know what never mind.” You said as you rolled your eyes turning away from him.
Peeta shook his head, still looking confused. "Know what y/n? You haven't told me anything yet," he said gently.
You took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eyes. "It's been a month since we've been intimate, Peeta," you said, trying to keep your voice steady. “Did I do something wrong?” You asked expecting the worst.
He began to shake his head “No no no, I just-” He paused. “I wasn't sure if you wanted to-”
Now you gave him a confused look. “What?”
“I didn't want to force you into anything”
You felt a warmth spread throughout your body at his words. It was sweet of him to be so considerate, but it wasn't what you wanted. "Peeta, I want to. I've been wanting to. I just didn't know how to bring it up, but do you know how long a month is?”
Peeta chuckled, understanding your frustration. "I know, y/n. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you."
“Oh, you're going to make it up to me, now!” You grabbed his hand dragging him to the bedroom immediately throwing him onto the bed and locking the door.
“Hey now slow down beautiful what's happening.” He said propping himself up.
“I’ll show you what's happening-” You walked over to the drawer next to the bed. As you opened it you dug through it looking for the one item you never thought you would use. Yet here you were pulling out a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs.
You dangled them in front of Peeta, his expression turning into that of fear. “Your not actually going to use those on me, right?” Before he could utter another word you walked over to him straddling him making sure he wouldn't move. You placed the handcuffs on him placing his hands to be above his head.
And you couldn't lie, the angle, seeing Peeta so…vulnerable made you want to do unspeakable things.
“Is this what you want?” He asked his eyes filled with fear.
“It's what you deserve.”
You heard him gulp as he struggled to verbalize. “I’m- why dont we take things slow maybe– fuck.” Was all he said as you took his clothed member into your hands. You could feel his desperation to be released already as he bucked his hips in the air. “Please-”
“Pleading already?” You cooed as you began to untie his belt taking off his pants.
His precum already showing through his boxers. You looked up at him. His cheeks flushed red. You knew he felt exposed and you loved it. “Such a pretty boy”
You slid his boxers off as his cock sprung out. His body shivering from the release.
You couldn't help but smile at his reaction. His body was so responsive to your touch, and it made you feel powerful. You leaned down and took him into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip before taking him deeper .“God fuck-” Peeta moaned and his body arched, the handcuffs preventing him from moving.
You continued to work your mouth on him, feeling him twitch and throb inside you. You used your hand to stroke him as you sucked, alternating between soft licks and deep sucks. Peeta's breathing became ragged and his moans becoming into desperate whines of pleasure. “I think I'm going-” With a pop, you took your mouth off his cock wiping your lips.
“Why'd you stop-” He spoke panting.
You smirked at Peeta's frustration, enjoying the power you had over him. "Not yet," you replied, crawling up his body to straddle him again. You leaned in to kiss him deeply, tasting yourself on his tongue. Your hands roamed over his chest.
“I need you-” He spoke between the kiss, his body writhing beneath you. You scoffed.
“Now you do.”
You broke the kiss, trailing your lips down his neck and chest, stopping to suck and bite at his skin. "Please," he begged, his hands pulling at the handcuffs above him.
"Please what?" you teased, trailing your fingers down his stomach towards his hard cock. You could feel the heat between your legs growing, and you knew you needed him just as badly as he needed you.
"Pl-Please... let me touch you," Peeta begged, his eyes pleading with you.
"I don't know, Peeta," you said, teasing him. "I kind of like having you all to myself." You smirked as you decided it was time for one final punishment. You opened the drawer one more time grabbing a condom and placing it carefully onto his shaft. You slid your clothes off positioning your entrance onto him.
“You ready pretty boy?”
Peeta's eyes widened with anticipation as he nodded, unable to form words. You lowered yourself onto him, feeling his hardness fill you completely. You began to move, riding him slowly at first, savoring the feeling of him inside you.
Peeta's moans grew louder, his hips bucking up to meet yours. "F-faster," he stuttered, his body shivering from the contact.
You picked up the pace, bouncing on his cock harder. Peeta's moans turning into whimpers, and his body shaking with overstimulation. "I-I can't- ah- I'm gonna-"
You didn't stop as he came, determined to push him over the edge. "Not until I'm done" you demanded, riding him harder and faster, feeling your orgasm building.
Peeta's body was now shivering uncontrollably, his eyes squeezed shut, and his breathing erratic. "P-Please," he whimpered, "I can't take it anymore. I'm a good boy, remember? You can't do this to me."
You smirked at his plea, loving the way he begged for release. "Oh, but I can," you replied, slowing down your movements to tease him. "I'm going to make you come again and again until you're completely and utterly wasted. And I'm finished."
The poor boy's eyes filled with a mixture of pleasure and fear as you resumed your movements, pushing him towards his second orgasm. "L-let me make you cum, P-Please I’ll do anything. Just let me touch you," he begged unable to moan anymore as only desperate whines came out of him.
You could feel your climax building, but you were determined to make him beg for release. "Tell me how much of a pretty boy you are and how badly you need me to come."
"I'm a pretty boy," Peeta stuttered, his words barely coherent. "I'm such a pretty fucking boy-"
You could feel his body tensing beneath you, and with one final push, he exploded into the condom with a loud cry. Peeta's body convulsed beneath you.
You collapsed onto his chest, feeling your own body shake with the intensity of your orgasm.
You felt his chest panting as he managed to stutter out only a few words. "T-that was- I-I-"
You leaned up to kiss him, a gentle smile on your face. "Shh, it's okay," you said, stroking his hair. "I know."
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fl3shm4id3n · 6 months
Hello so I heard ur requests is open and I don’t think u remember me but I was the person that asked you how na’vi people would react to Melanie Martinez character (a.k.a the creature) and I just wanted to know if you would like to write about that since you were also asking for suggestions
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝
ᴏᴍᴀᴛɪᴄᴀʏᴀ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ꜰᴏʀᴇꜱᴛ ɴʏᴍᴘʜ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ), ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜʟʟʏ'ꜱ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ꜰᴏʀᴇꜱᴛ ɴʏᴍᴘʜ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ)
Tw: Mentions of human experimenting, rebirth? mentions of the first movie,
A/N: I hope ya don't mind me referring to reader as a forest nymph, based on the song Nymphology.
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You were once a human, except, you were used for human experimenting. The whole purpose of the experiment was so that you could be the first human to be immune to the toxic environment of Pandora. They'd be constant serums injected to you and even exposing you to the toxic are to see if it'll work. It went on for years.
Until the war between humans and na'vi, you had managed to escape. But during your escape you had fallen into a huge hole and fell to your demise. You hoped and begged that you wouldn't die lie this, you wished for a second chance of some kind. Then you began to be wrapped in some kind of flesh like cocoon, filling with water.
Years later, the so called cocoon still remained in the hole. Then the cocoon proceeded to open up slowly. Then you had emerged from the now shell like cocoon. Except, you weren't exactly human. Your skin is pink, your hair was no longer a natural color. But a mixture between blonde, green, a purplish grey, pink and so on.
Not only that, but you had more than just two eyes, making them four in total. The last thing you didn't expect was to have a literal pair of wings. If it wasn't obvious, you weren't human anymore. You had no idea what you had become, but you knew that you weren't human not one bit.
After moments of realization, you had to get out of that hole you been in the last couple of years. First you crawled out by climbing the dirt wall. But you were stopped by something that had been attached to you. Looking down, you saw that it was some sort of ambilocal cord attached to you, so you decided to pull it. At first it didn't do nothing, then you pulled much harder, then finally the cord tore off.
Once you were out of that hole, you decided to try and find someone or people to help you. After hours of roaming around in the woods, you had came across the na'vi. Well, group of na'vi kids and a human boy. At first they freaked out because they're never seen a creature like you, but had finally calmed down after some time.
You then explained everything that has happened to you and how you ended up the way that you did. They got curious. They'd ask question after question, such as. Why is your skin pink? Why is your hair multiple colors? Why do you have wings? What's up with your four eyes?
You had no answers to their questions, the only answer you gave them was that you had been 'asleep' for many years and just woke up. They then thought about taking you to meet their father and mother, maybe even grandmother.
When you arrived at the high camp, just like them, their parents. Mainly their father freaked out. Their mother didn't seem to freaked out. When the kids explained to them about your whole or most of your situation. Their father seemed to understand where you were coming from.
As for the mother, she thought of you as a forest creature that had just been born. Sounded normal to her.
Since then on, you'd be around the Sully's. You got to learn their names. Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, and Tuk. Spider was the family friend of the Sully kids.
Quickly after, the rest of the Omaticaya took notice of you. Since you were always around the Sully's. They had grown curious because they've never seen a creature like you, ever. They didn't seem to really mind your presence, but they couldn't help but often stare. In a curious way.
They'd be times where you'd interact with others other then the Sully kids. They were pretty touchy, often touching your multi colored hair, your wings, your hands and even ears. You didn't mind since they were curious in trying to figure out what you were.
Mainly the children, ever since Tuk had introduced you to her friends. They couldn't help but be around you constantly. They'd ask you question, almost similar to the ones that you were asked and different questions. Like. Can you fly like the ikran? Why is your hair constantly changing color? Why are you pink? Is there more like you?
Almost every day other day you'd get asked a different question by the kids and adult. As much as you wanted to answer them properly, you just couldn't. Hopefully later on you'd be able to answer them all.
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artemisrogers · 2 months
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And Justice for All Jason Newsted x reader ( bathroom sex, public play, roughness, and jealousy)
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You decide to go on tour with Jason to keep him company for the Justice tour. Of course when things got a little bit heated between you and James. Jason shows you a different side to him.
I was fixing my hair trying to look cute for Jason. I knew he was going to be needy at some point, the little submissive he is. I felt two large hands on both my hips and felt nuzzling. I smile softly when I looked over and see long curly brown hair on my shoulder.
"Hi baby."
"Hey Jas missed me already?" I tease pulling him into an embrace. I was the only one that he allowed to call him that nickname.
He smiled his adorable smile at me making my heart melt. I kissed him on his pink lips once before there was a knock on the door. Of course James walked in dressed in a misfits sleeveless shirt and blue jeans, blonde hair all fuzzy. The show was going to start in five minutes.
"Hey Jason why don't you go check your bass tunings one more time before we head on?" James said.
That left me and James in Jason's dressing room. I was about to head out before James gently grabbed my arm. I don't know what James was trying to do, so I shot him with a smile. I noticed his cheeks were pink and he was kinda acting shy around me. I realized what was going on and didn't like it.
"Um Y/N I kinda wanted to ask you this for a while now. I know you and Jason are a thing, but I wanted to ask you out you know on a date maybe?"
"You know I can't do that James, I'm not gonna hurt Jason like that." I said a hint of annoyance in my voice.
That's when he walked closer backing me into a wall, his breath hot. I felt my heart fluttered. James is known to be the type to get what he wants no matter the cost. I really hoped that Jason didn't walk in because this was gonna be bad on my end.
"Why be with a bass player when you can have the frontman? I mean that isn't boring to you?" James said lifting my chin up smirking.
He leaned in and smashed his lips against mine. Jesus he was rough and I kissed him back out of habit from the kisses with Jason. I felt eyes boring into the back of my head when, James pulled away. I saw Jason standing there his eyes normal blue. I tried to say something to him, my cheeks red with embarrassment but of course that's the worst time he had to go on stage.
I watched Jason and the other perform and it was awesome as usual. That's when I noticed Jason kept glaring daggers at James. He shot me a look that I couldn't read. I picked up that he was playing the bass more aggressively than usual and when he did his back up vocals, it overpowered James' own voice. I felt like a dick thanks to James' dirty move on me.
When the show ended I walked back to the dressing room hoping not to run into James again. I jumped when I felt a hard grip on my arm, and turned to look at Jas. His eyes were bright blue.
"Come with me babe?"
"Ok." I said a little bit nervous as he had a completely different energy about him from his usual one. Before we even got into the bathroom I felt him grab my throat roughly and smash his lips against mine. A moan escaped me at his roughness.
"You goddamn slut! Kissing any man you can aren't you?"
"J-Jas I didn't expect James to do that!"
"Don't lie, you like it didn't you?" He said his eyes, full of dominance as he released my throat as his hands traveled down to my jeans as he rubbed my clothes pussy hard.
"Ahh Jas."
"Good girl let everyone know who owns you. Now get in the bathroom." Jason said smirking.
I felt myself pulsing badly as I went in the bathroom, him behind me following me. Once inside that's when he pushed me against the wall and kissed me passionately his tounge seeking entrance to my mouth. I allowed him our youngest swirling against each other. I felt myself submit to this dominant Jason. I moaned softly reaching to grab his strong arms only to get my hands smacked away.
"Oh no you don't. You have to earn the privilege to touch me baby."
"Jason." I whined my pussy soaking my panties in my jeans. I never seen him so dominant before and I craved it like he was nicotine.
That's when Jason bent me over pulling down my jeans exposing my black thong to his eyes. A growl in the back of his throat he smacked my ass once hard. I moaned in pleasure my brain getting mushy with arousal. Another smack to my ass and he pulled my thing down to my ankles to join my jeans. I was breathing quickly.
"I guess I have to teach you who owns this sexy body don't I?" He said teasing my tight hole with his fingers.
I moaned loudly when I felt him lick a stripe down my slit. I really wasn't able to think straight at this point. When I heard him unbuckle his belt and his jeans fall to the floor, he grabbed my hair with one hand and forced me to look in the mirror at myself and him.
"I want you to watch as I fuck your tight little ass. I'm going to make sure you're screaming my name little girl." Jason said as he slammed his cock into my hole making me moan loudly.
His hip snapped as he gripped my hip to the point of bruising with his free hand. His other hand kept my head up and he would tug on it when he saw my eyes look down. I felt that knot in my stomach as I got closer to orgasm. I moan his name over and over again as he grunted.
"Jas! Jas please let me cum!"
"Not yet you still have yet to earn that." He said pulling out and letting go of my hair to flip me around, propping me onto the counter and spreading my legs open. My pussy was soaked with arousal and my clit was swollen.
I gripped his hair tightly when felt him sick on my clit tears welding in my eyes from the intense pleasure. Jason growled as he stood up lining his red and precum leaking tip with my pussy. Slamming into my entrance I gasped for air my whimpers and moans grew more desperate and loud each thrust.
"Fuck yes just like that! Such a good girl for me. Ngh fuck gonna cum all inside that tight pretty pussy baby. Yes yes yes!" Jason said as he thrusted deeply emptying his load inside me.That's when I lost it and screamed his name, my own orgasm hitting me hard.
Both of us were panting and soaked in sweat. Still connected we heard a knock and Lars whiny voice about wanting to use the bathroom outside. Jason chuckled softly pulling out and pulling up his pants again. I knew I was going to see this side of him more often now.
Of course I needed both sides and more of Jas in my life.
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pezberrywhoreee · 2 months
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pairing: dom!quinn fabray x sub!rachel berry
words: 6,712
content warming: domishskank!quinn, subish!rachel, bdsm, light d/s dynamic, power play, switching, non-binary quinn, she/they quinn, tboy quinn, hrt (testosterone), tdick, increased libido, packer, grinding and frottage, oral sex, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, sex toys, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, squirting, domestic bdsm??, they're in love
summary: how are you gonna talk about hormones when you can't even make that whore moan? or quinn just did her t-shot and settles into a newfound feeling
a/n: before anyone comes for me, why on earth would a cis person write this? this one is for my fellow bitches that want to start t because bottom growth :D
Under the bleachers, right now.
Rachel lightly furrowed her brows at the text that she just received from Quinn. After the initial confusion a little smirk grew on her lips.
I'm having lunch with the glee club, Quinn.
Right now.
She quirked a brow at the firmness of the text, intrigued at what was so urgent that Quinn was acting more demanding than usual.
Rachel packed her lunch away and excused herself, wishing the group a good rest of their day before making her way towards the field.
As she neared the known location of the Skanks, she slightly slowed down just in case she was intruding on something. She peaked her head and only saw her pink and blonde haired partner taking a drag of a cigarette.
She took in their form, marvelling at it as per usual. She loved the way the pink ends of her hair peaked out of her beanie, how her distressed shirt showed off her toned arms, how they purposefully pulled their floor length skirt below their pelvic bone.
Quinn smirked unabashedly at how obvious the brunette was in her staring before quickly dropping their cigarette and stomping it out. She was nowhere near finishing it but her girlfriend had made it clear that she dislikes that habit of hers and the blonde was more than willing to compromise.
They decided that Quinn should limit her smoking around the brunette because she was afraid that the smoke would damage her voice, which the blonde thought was hilarious.
"Are you gonna come here or keep staring?". Quinn teased as she took in the girl, scanning over her form. Her outfit was very on brand - a simple white shirt with frilled sleeves and a staple plaid skirt and white socks along with some loafers to complete the look.
Something about it was so true to self and the blonde couldn't help but be turned on.
"Oh sorry". Rachel apologised with a nervous giggle, making her way towards the pink haired person. Their aura often intimidated the brunette.
Quinn closed the space between them expertly, pulling Rachel by the lower back and pressing their lips together in a heated kiss.
The blonde hummed into the kiss, groping at Rachel's ass. The brunette smiled as they pulled their lips away
"Oh, is that why you needed to see me?". Rachel taunted them lightly. She pushed into the blonde's grasp on her rear.
"I did my T shot yesterday— and I can really feel it". Quinn said between kisses, her hands slowly wandering around the girls body.
Quinn had recently started taking a lower dosage of the hormone and was in the early stages of change to her body and mind. They had very clearly noticed that their bottom growth was coming in nice and strong. This had made her distractingly horny and sensitive.
"Oh, I see~". Rachel drawled, a smirk curling onto her face. She let her eyes flutter shut as the taller person ducked her head and pressed firm kisses to her jaw and neck.
"My boxers keep rubbing against me and I can't take it". Quinn whined into Rachel's skin, pulling their bodies flush together at the waist.
The brunette tried to hide the smug grin that was fighting to show on her face at the combination of the blondes unexpected whininess, and that they were having a battle with their hips that were aching to rut against Rachel's thigh.
"Aww, you poor thing. That must be really hard". Rachel mocked lightly, pressing her thigh closer between Quinn's legs.
The shorter girl opened her eyes and pulled away from Quinn's lips that were starting to get lazy at the distracting feeling against their core.
Instead, Rachel placed one of her hands on Quinn's nape and pressed her lips all over their pale neck. She smirked at the whimper that fell from their lips.
"How dare you talk to me like that?". The blonde whispered, starting to sound a little breathless.
"Something tells me that you love it". The brunette teased once more, caressing at their nape.
Although Quinn would probably not admit it - or maybe it would just take some time and self acceptance - she did have times since starting T that she has felt more desperate and in turn more submissive than usual.
This doesn't necessarily mean that she would want to let go of control everytime they had sex, but she was definitely more open to being treated the way they treat Rachel - and they have made this clear to the brunette.
Quinn sighed when she heard the bell signaling the end of lunch, reluctantly pulling away from Rachel. They straightened their beanie and tried to compose themselves.
"How about you come over later? My dads are out for a few days". The brunette offered, taking in Quinn's blushing features.
The blonde smirked and gave a nod in response, her mind already swimming with ideas of what may occur later that day.
Quinn practically sped home as the final bell rang. They took their time showering and picking out a comfortable but showy outfit, wanting to impress her girlfriend. She went with a more masc look this time. She paired a sideless band tee that showed off their trans tape with some baggy jeans.
They slightly whimpered as they put their packer into place, trying to repress any desire that was bubbling in her stomach.
With that, she grabbed a couple of essentials and drove herself to the Berry household.
Rachel opened the door at took in the delicious sight of the blonde leaning against her door frame. They fidgeted with the carabiner that hung from one of their belt loops.
"Aren't you a sight for these sore eyes?". The pink haired one purred as their eyes ran up and down the brunette's body, her outfit the same as earlier except it was more wrinkled and less pristine.
Rachel blushed and giggled at the cheesy line before grabbing Quinn by their waistband and pulling them inside.
Quinn felt like that was the perfect invitation for a make out session, so they initiated it with much fervour. She let Rachel slam her against the now shut door and connect their lips eagerly.
The blonde licked inside Rachel's mouth within minutes, aching to feel the wetness of her tongue against theirs. Their hands grabbed at the brunette's hips, groping at them for now but battling the urge to press them against her own.
Rachel internally shivered at the breaths and moans that escaped the blonde. She was quite impressed at how well they were holding it together considering that they've been worked up for hours now.
Quinn sucked at Rachel's bottom lip, biting at it as she pulled back to allow them to catch their breath.
The pair of eyes connected for a moment longer than usual which sparked laughter from both parties. Rachel rolled her eyes at the smirk that the blonde gave her after the giggles dulled.
Rachel directed her attention towards Quinn's neck, mouthing at it thoroughly. "May I— touch your chest?", she asked in between kisses.
The blonde felt their heart flutter a little bit. Rachel was really good with being mindful of Quinn's dysphoric spots but it was still forever endearing to the blonde.
"Please do, thank you for asking". Quinn hummed as they welcomed the tongue that was brushing over their sensitive spots.
With the permission, Rachel ran her hands along the girls flat chest and stomach. She left a few light scratches over the fabric as she attacked their neck.
She reconnected their lips, both of their eyes falling shut softly with her hands exploring their torso. The brunette marvelled at how the tone of the persons abdomen was able to be felt, granted they were wearing a lightweight shirt.
Rachel quicky let a hand palm over the prominent bulge in Quinn's jeans. She had been aching to touch it the moment she saw it sitting all pretty against the blonde's crotch.
A small whimper was heard from the taller girl at both the attention to their erogenous zone and the teasing at her dick.
Another smirk pulled on Rachel's face as she tried to refrain from putting too much pressure too soon onto the very sensitive area.
A part of her wanted to see just how much borderline torture (being teasing, but they both knew how dramatic Quinn can be) the skank could handle, but on the other extreme, the brunette wanted to use that heightened sense to her advantage.
The brunette dragged her hand from the blonde's bulge to their thigh, gripping at it possessively.
"You look so good, baby". Rachel mumbled against Quinn's jaw as she felt at their body. The simple compliment was elevated by the deeper tone of the girl's voice which awakened a new sense of arousal in the blonde.
"Thank you~", the blonde slurred, trying her best to not push her hips forward as to not look as desperate as they actually were.
They grabbed Rachel's face firmly and pulled her into a deep kiss as a way to momentarily distract herself from the lack of stimulation at her dick. Quinn lost her ferocity as she felt the small hand palm and then apply pressure back over her packer.
The brunette giggled against their lips at how abruptly their kisses got softer.
"Let go, Quinn. Tonight is about you". She hummed warmly, smiling into their lips. Rachel saw the physical impact of the sentiment as Quinn relaxed against the door and her body slacked to a more comfortable state.
"Push those lovely hips into my hand... I know you want to". The brunette whispered with a giggle. It was almost as if the skank forgot how to kiss effectively as they started to softly hump into Rachel's palm.
The blonde had pulled away from Rachel's lips to release some sharp breaths as a result of the insistence on her sensitive cock.
Rachel dragged her tongue all over Quinn's neck once again, smirking smugly at the whimpers falling from their lips. Waves of arousal pooled at her core as they rolled their hips into her palm, needy.
"Feels good, huh?". The brunette grinned into their neck which got a whine in response.
Quinn stole a heated kiss from the shorter girl before patting the back of her thighs, indicating her to jump into her grasp and wrap her legs around the blonde's waist.
The brunette did as instructed, holding onto Quinn's back for extra support as they started carrying her upstairs and towards her bedroom. She pressed a few lazy kisses to the blonde's face, earning her a big grin.
Once they entered the room, Quinn headed straight for the bright pink bed and fell onto it backwards, the brunette in their arms. A few groans left them both at the impact but the sound of chuckles softened the situation.
They perfectly fell into a position where Rachel was conveniently straddling the blonde and this allowed them to continue with their eager kissing.
There had always been something so simply erotic about making out to both of them. Something about it was very deeply gartifying to the point where they have both gotten off just from that. Quinn still can't wrap their mind around how incredibly sexually compatible they were.
Lips were enveloped with urgency, nothing was trivial about the actions of either person - almost as if the other would disintegrate if they didn't touch them with enough fervour.
Quinn's hands roamed and groped all around the back of the girl's thighs, to her ass and tightly at the hips as they moaned into one another's mouth.
Their movements naturally led them into a push and pull motion as they grabbed at each other. Soon enough the blonde attempted to gain friction on her dick by pushing her hips up desperately.
The skank blushed after they heard their own effort sounds which resembled whines. The cooing in response from Rachel did nothing to help her circumstance.
To convince herself that she maintained any control, the blonde forced Rachel's hips down to be flush against theirs, making it so that her core was pressed up to Quinn's bulge.
The brunette couldn't have stifled the whimper that pushed past her now rosey lips. This sound fuelled Quinn's growing ego and they felt a burst of renewed confidence, pushing up the front of Rachel's skirt and pulling her back - the soft material of her damp underwear making contact with their denim covered bulge.
Quinn quickly noticed some of Rachel's resolve drop and a comfortable submission start dancing around her.
Rachel broke their lips apart as she felt her breathing pick up along with the blonde's. She hid her face into Quinn's shoulder, occasionally biting when certain amounts of pleasure ran through her.
"Oh god~". The brunette whined, not having realised how wet she actually was which was accentuated by the rough material and frantic movements rubbing into her.
The dual frottage was already starting to overwhelm the Skank as every rut from Rachel was so motivated that their packer ground against their sensitive cock perfectly.
Quinn's sounds mostly consisted of thick breaths that throaty whines penetrated once in a while. They mentally scolded themself as she felt a pit forming in her lower stomach.
They knew that Rachel didn't have an issue with it taking less effort to make them come (she probably thought that it was admirable, knowing her). Nonetheless, they felt more needy recently and she wasn't sure of how the other girl would react.
"Rachel— stop I'm gonna come". Quinn husked in a rush. Although, their words contradicted their hips which picked up their pace and the hands firmly guiding the hips on top of hers.
The brunette turned her head, freely moaning into Quinn's ear. "We certainly are worked up today, aren't we?". She mocked, further fueling the fire. Rachel added to the blonde's efforts by grinding in their preferred pace.
Rachel attacked their neck as soon as they conveniently tipped their head back in pleasure. Every push of their hips sent the blonde closer, the lips on her throat contributing greatly.
Quick breaths and interrupted moans signaled Quinn's impeding orgasm which the brunette needed to observe. She pulled her head back to look down at the girl - bottom lip between her teeth - giving them a last few enthusiastic rolls of her hips.
They tumbled over the edge, mumbling the brunette names. Quinn felt her breathing stop as she felt something akin to a second release. Her lack of breath was broken by an out of character, high pitched whimper as they felt a short rush of liquid release from their cunt.
Soft mewls sounded from her. Rachel stopped grinding, giving them time to collect themselves from the clearly intense prolonged orgasm.
"Oh my god— that has been happening so much recently". The blonde said, trying to catch their breath. Though Rachel couldn't hear or feel Quinn squirt, she put the pieces together as soon as she saw a small patch of wetness that managed to soak through their jeans. The brunettes arousal heightened significantly at the immense pleasure that she just witnessed.
Rachel smiled down at the skank with darkened eyes as they somewhat came down from their high, traces of want still bubbling inside them. She leaned down and peppered a few kisses on their face which was well received as Quinn giggled and pushed into the touch.
"How are you feeling?", The brunette asked genuinely after reconnecting their eyes. All of her features were soft accept her dark eyes that had a lot of mischief in them.
"Really good. That was intense, huh?". Quinn breathed out, finishing her question with a small scoff. Rachel only responded with a giggle before lovingly stroking the blonde's blushing face and moving to lie next to them.
They lay together momentarily before Quinn manoeuvres out of their jeans, throwing it to the end of Rachel's large bed. The brunette scanned her body after she reclined; watching how their breathing evened out, the remaining trembles that shoot through their thighs.
Rachel kneeled in between Quinn's slightly spread legs, an urge to shower the blonde with loving kisses rushing over her. She lay her lips from a toned abdomen, over wet boxers and clenching thighs. Deeply satisfied by the content sighs from above her.
She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of Quinn's boxer. "May I?" she asked excitedly, looking up at them to gauge their reaction. The blonde nodded happily.
As Rachel pulled the garment down it got caught a couple times over the bulge underneath it. She carefully reached inside and grabbed the now damp object - making sure not to press it against Quinn's sensitive area - and gently placed it near their discarded jeans.
A pleasant chuckle was heard from further up the bed. "You're so gentle with it", their smile was audible through their words. Rachel swung her head around to the girl as she chortled. "Well I don't want it to get hurt", she mused.
Quinn shook her head with a scoff at the silly comment, endeared. They willingly lifted their hips to aid the brunette in pulling down their boxers which were also discarded like the others.
Rachel's eyes followed the path of the newer hair that the blonde had grown, which further defined their beautiful body. Her eyes scanned from the smattering of dirty blonde curls on their mound and and up her exposed happy trail. The brunette loved how it chiseled their navel.
The low key staring was broken as Rachel climbed up her body and pressed their lips together in a heated kiss, moaning into the others mouth. As Quinn was encouraging the kiss to get deeper, the girl pulled away. They furrowed their brows but quickly changed her expression at the beaming excitement displayed on Rachel's face.
The brunette was nearly bouncing. "I have a surprise for you!". She tried to contain her exhilaration but obviously failed. The grin on Quinn's face made her feel supported and warm inside. "Oh~?", the blonde purred, engrossed.
Rachel hopped off the bed to go and retrieve something from her near by dresser. She felt eyes burning into her ass, knowing that it was partially visible as her skirt was thoroughly disheveled. The girl swayed her hips wordlessly letting Quinn know that she knew she was staring and that she liked it.
The mysterious object was hidden behind her back as she made her way back to her bed. She re-took her position on top of the Skank's hips, smiling down at her.
Rachel presented the item and waited for Quinn's response. Said person's eyes widened for a second at the new toy as they inspected it from top to bottom.
It was some kind of phallus that had a smaller and thicker one on the end where it bent into a sixty degree angle. On the shorter shaft it featured a clitoral stimulator in the shape of rabbit ears. Quinn smiled at the gorgeous forest green that painted the toy, scoffing at Rachel's attention to detail as it was her favourite colour.
"Is that—?". Quinn asked with a smirk. "Yeah! It's a insertable strap on in your favourite colour! And it's adjustable!". Rachel exclaimed as she bent the long shaft to all of its potential positions.
"Wow, Rach— that's really cool! Thank you". The blonde stuttered out, feeling a rush of arousal pool in their stomach. "Aren't those expensive?" they asked with a breathy laugh.
"Oh don't worry about that, honey. It's going to be so worth it". Rachel reassured, her expression instantly turning seductive with a smirk.
"Is that right?". Quinn asked with a villainous smile, her eyes half lidded as they looked up at their girlfriend. The brunette nodded with her bottom lip between her teeth.
Before Quinn could give her snarky response, she had leaned closer to their torso and ran her tongue along the insertive shaft in a swipe. The brunette held eye contact as she continued teasing the blonde like that. As she began to suckle around the tip of the toy, she made sure that she had Quinn's undivided attention.
Rachel lathered the shaft with her saliva, eventually taking the whole length into her mouth. The blonde gaped at the expert way her girlfriend ran her tongue around the toy, their hips bucking at the sight - which resulted in a beautiful smirk from Rachel.
The sucking wet sounds that emitted from the girl made Quinn let out a shaky breath as a wave of pleasure settled in her core. With one last kiss to the head of the shaft, Rachel pulled the toy away from her face - impressed with the show that she put on.
The brunette scooted backwards towards Quinn's legs before settling in between them once more. She nudged their legs further apart, stroking their inner thigh with her thumb. Her slightly red lip found its way between teeth as she finally saw the girl's swollen cunt.
The thumb at their thigh inched inwards, pulling a puffy lip to the side and staring in awe at the amount of slick she produced. She could see their dick visibly pulsing which nearly took her breath away.
Rachel looked up at the skank to see that her chest was heaving, their eyes connecting for a moment in a heated glare.
Quinn felt the underside of the wet toy press against their dick and dragged along their leaking folds. A hearty whimper exited her as the brunette lined up the head with their entrance.
"May I?". Rachel asked softly. "Please". Quinn replied simply with a slight desperation to her voice. At that, the brunette slowly pushed the shaft past their entrance and deep into their cunt.
Quinn watched it enter her, a powerful breath knocked out of her which resulted in their head falling back as it bottomed out.
The bunny ear shaped silicon at their dick was already starting to drive them crazy due to its obvious presences but lack of enough pressure.
Rachel pulled back and squinted at the toy as if examining if something was even. Her smile turned into a smirk and her eyes softened, looking up at Quinn who saw the desire in her eyes.
As they stared at each other, Quinn eventually smiled, repressing a laugh before sitting up and grabbing the girl by the waist. The skank tackled Rachel so that she was on her back with Quinn hovering over her. They muffled a groan as the toy pressed deeper into her during the shift.
Their lips met, the kiss laced with a newfound animalistic edge especially from the blonde. As soon as the kiss began, it ended with Quinn's hands reaching for the waistband of both the brunette skirt and underwear. They were expertly pulled down and discarded.
"Smooth". Rachel commented with a grin. Quinn shook her head with a scoff.
Rachel's legs naturally came together at the knees which Quinn was having none of. They spread her legs and unabashedly zeroed in on her glistening cunt. Rachel's chest heaved almost theatrically as she was appreciated like a painting.
"God~". The skank sighed as she took in the girl's half naked body. Rachel giggled in response and further distressed Quinn by pulling the last offending piece of clothing off of herself, leaving her completely naked.
A pained sounding sigh left the blonde at the beautiful sight. Rachel couldn't help but show off her ear to ear smile at each little reaction she got out of her partner by merely existing.
Quinn wasted no time and layed in between the girls legs, her soft thighs framing their face. Their hands instantly reached up to toy with her breasts which was very well received as a content moan left the brunette. Said girl rested her restless hands in blonde and pink hair.
Quinn's current angle was almost overstimulating in the best was possible. Their face was inches away from what she'd been craving for the past two days. Not to mention that the L shaped toy inside of her bottomed out to a new depth, with the bunny ears pressing roughly into her sensitive dick.
The skank brought a hand up to catch a drop of fresh slick on her finger. She additionally pushed that finger into Rachel to collect more of her wetness. They reveled in the way it took her breath away momentarily.
"I love my effect on you. Taste it". Quinn husked as they reached up and pushed their finger past the girl's plump lips. The already present smirk pulled to be more prominent at the breathy moan that slipped around her fingers.
Each drop of arousal burned into Rachel's tongue, knowing that Quinn had caused the delicious flavour.
Quinn was drawn in to lay their tongue flat against her folds. Their eyes fluttered at her taste which encouraged her to start slowly lapping at the girl. She slipped her finger from Rachel's mouth and brought it back down.
Nails initially scratched lightly at her hips, the Skank tracing her name on her skin. A whimper sounded as Quinn slowly pushed her middle and ring finger into Rachel's entrance.
"Oh Quinn". The brunettes whole being heated up at the intrusion as well as from the firm look in the blonde's eyes that were staring up at her. They set a regular pace as they toyed with the girls swollen clit using her tongue and teeth.
It was as if each lap of their tongue blurred everything else in existence beside Rachel's essence and the sounds falling from her. Quinn let their eyes roll back and close as she started to drive their hips into the mattress.
Rachel gasped at the electrifying feeling of how the Skank's groans were running through her and intensifying her pleasure. She reveled in the desperate whimpers that climbed up Quinn's throat.
It was clear that Quinn preferred topping and Rachel loved that, but she would be lying if she said that she didn't enjoy Quinn being needier and more submissives recently. There was something about the way their hormones were helping them start to be comfortable in themselves and begin to let go a little.
The way in which they were silently moaning as they drove their hips into the pink bed, was a great example. Rachel grinned down at the focused girl, feeling the utmost love from them.
Now, Rachel didn't think that she was going to be throwing the blonde around and dominating them any time soon, there was something about this new side of Quinn that she found unexpectedly really arousing. Although she still was quite aware of her place and she wouldn't dare act otherwise.
"Oh good girl. You feel so good for me". The brunette teased, trying to hide the smirk emerging on her blushing face. Quinn dragged their hand down from the girls chest and left a resounding smack on her thigh, fucking their fingers into her harder. The sensation sent a moan up Rachel's throat, the smirk on her face disappearing much to Quinn's amusement.
"If that's what I get— for being hilarious, then maybe—i should do it more— fuck—often". The brunette mused breathily.
"You wouldn't dare, I taught you far better than that". The blonde dismissed, their tone - physically and metaphorically - thick with lust, throat coated with her girlfriends arousal.
"You're right", Rachel whimpered, still very conscious that the blonde was rotating between sucking at her clit and lapping at it, while slowly fucking into her.
"Say that again", Quinn purred, their eyes rolling at the ego boosting words.
"You're right, Quinn", the brunette gasped once more, rolling her hips up into the blonde's touch in addition. A deep groan rumbled into the girls cunt in response.
The Skank gave her a few more desperate licks, lapping up as much as they could to keep the taste of her in their mouth the whole night. Rachel managed to peel her eyes open and the only thing she thought was how starving her girlfriend looked, as if she depraved her sexually.
Rachel's hands slid from Quinn's hair to their jaw, slowly easing them away from her body. A wide grin spread on her face at the sight of their blushing lips which they licked, making sure that not one drop of Rachel went to waste.
Quinn's eyes slowly opened until the brunette was in their line of sight, giving her that dazed, half lidded glare that she loved.
The blonde returned to a kneeling position which the other girl mimicked, though not without a dramatic whine at having to move so soon after feeling so good.
Quinn looked up and down between Rachel's eyes and lips. Up, down and up again before grabbing at the girls waist and connecting their lips.
"How are you holding up, baby?" Rachel asked, her voice more even and soft. She snaked her hand down in between Quinn's legs, lightly stroking the toy protruding from her folds.
The painfully slow rubbing and thrusting caused their mouth to drop open in a silent moan. Rachel felt as the blonde's forehead connected with her own, their eyes fluttering - giving her the answer.
"Gr—great. I need you.", the blonde said, practically breathless as they restrained themselves from humping into the brunette's hand.
Rachel smirked and with that, she reached a little further down the shaft just before the insertable end and pushed a button.
The blonde honestly thought that she was going to come instantly but was able to hold off, their jaw hanging with air trapped in their lungs and the most ecstacy filled eye roll Rachel had ever seen.
The internal and external vibration was almost too overstimulating for them, almost, but not enough to stop them from seeking more. Conveniently, the pair were close enough to enable Quinn to push her hips up, essentially ruting against Rachel's stomach.
"Does that feel good, baby?~", Rachel dragged, her voice slightly mocking which the blonde did not pick up on as they were too busy ascending from all the stimulation.
The brunette pulled her face back, a hand flying up to support the pink haired lolling head. She was quite aware that they were an eye roller (and she found it painfully attractive) but the intensity of the ones from tonight set her body on fire. It was as if Quinn's eyes were permanently stuck back there, her lip between her teeth in a firm bite.
All the moans and whimpers wanting to escape the blonde were strangled as if they didn't have the strength or power to be fully formed sounds.
Quinn thought that the intrusion was intense but was strongly mistaken when she delivered the first few shallow thrusts. She fought her eyes rolling as her thumbs pried open Rachel's soft ass cheeks, heavy breaths escaping their chest.
The feeling of Rachel's lips traveling on their face brought them back, their eyes momentarily dropping back into place before another strong wave sent them back. "Right— right there. Oh my god". The words couldn't even be classed as words, more so unintelligible mumbles of raw desire.
Quinn regained enough power to pull the girl closer to her hips, making her thrusts shallower but faster. Their dick was aching for another release that they were once again fiercely chasing.
Once Rachel's kisses shifted to behind her ear, she felt the build of her climax. Short breaths, whinier moans, slurrings of Rachel's name. With a final kiss, they reached the peak of another trembling and shaking climax.
A thought went throughout Quinn's head - that there was no way that their knees were going to hold them vertical for the duration of their orgasm. This thought was proven as they collapsed on top of the shorter girl who chuckled when she hit the soft sheets. Softly groaning at the impact of the skank on top of her.
"You're super sensitive today, huh?" Rachel asked with a hint of mischief in her voice. Her hand naturally draping over Quinn's clothed back and stroking it comfortingly.
"Looks like it", the blonde scoffed, a smile on their face at being so physically close. Their dazed eyes took in the girls face which they were forever in love with.
"How many times do you think you'll come for me?". Rachel teased half seriously, biting her lip in a smile in anticipation. Quinn scoffed shaking their head at the girls excitement.
"I don't know, maybe— a few more times depending on how soon you'll let me— fuck you". Quinn purred, pausing periodically as the vibrations were still very much present. Rachel still was not used to how high their sex drive was since they started T, but it definitely was not an unpleasant surprise.
"Yeah?", Rachel lightly challenged, her tone shifting higher on the inflection.
The blonde nodded in response, giving her a pointed look, hinting her to move. She lightly rolled her hips, dulling that ache in her cunt.
"How do you want me, baby?", Rachel purred, her tone filled with lust.
Quinn smiled at the slight reminder of the power dynamic between the two. "Face in the— pillows, ass up and back—arched. Go". The command sent a shiver up Rachel's spine.
As the brunette went to push herself up, Quinn similarly moved backwards giving her space to turn around. A shaky breath left the blonde at the sight of how the girl's delicious neck transitioned into her smooth back that arched, pushing her ass out.
Quinn scooted forward leaning over Rachel's back, pushing their hips into her ass. Their face just about reached the brunettes defined shoulder blades which they pressed open mouthed kisses to.
"Have I ever told you how much I love your back?" Quinn groaned into her skin, mesmerised by the smooth plane. "How much?" Rachel mumbled into the pillows, her voice seductive.
Quinn responded with more groans, making the brunette giggle, a sound that Quinn reveled in.
Once they were done worshiping the plane, they moved off of her back, kneeling behind her once more. The urge to grope at her ass was driving Quinn insane and was not made easier when Rachel teasingly wiggled her ass in invitation.
"The day you give me— the privilege to take your ass is the day— that I die" Quinn whispered brokenly to herself, hoping that the girl would hear as she gave in and massaged her ass.
"Is that right?", The brunette teased. Quinn hummed affirmingly in response, laying a few hungry kisses on the girl's behind. Rachel made sure to store that piece of information safely in her brain.
Quinn straightend their back, letting a thumb gently rub through Rachel's folds and collecting some slick from pushing inside her entrance shallowly. They lined up the head of the toy, guiding it in as they slowly pushed their hips until they were flush with the brunette's ass.
A hearty groan made itself known from the skank, the vibrations against her becoming higher in pressure as the girl's cunt sucked her in. Rachel let out a series of whimpers at the deepness of the intrusion caused by the angle of her body.
They drove into the brunette, all of their weight pushing down against her lithe body and groaning as helpless muffled moans spilled from her lips.
The sight and feeling of how the girl's cunt pulled around the length of the strap as they pulled out, a beautiful sheen covering the silicone, was already inviting that feeling in their stomach that they already felt twice that afternoon.
"Oh my god—you're—gripping so hard" Their "words" came out as a collection of breaths with whines that could barely be classed as coherent words. They almost instantly ascended, as if they could feel her cunt through the strap.
The brunette whined at the sensation of blunt nails digging into her hips, the sheer force of the blonde's grip almost drawing blood. Consequently, Rachel pushed her ass back against Quinn who let out a choked moan.
Quinn moved their grip to push down against the girl's lower back, forcing the arch in her back to deepen and her ass to push out further, intensifying the pressure of the toy fucking inside of her.
Quinn collapsed against the other tired girl, both spent as their exhausted breaths mingled.
"Let me hear you, baby—" the blonde purred as she grabbed Rachel's hair by the root and forced her to turn her head to the side, the sounds escaping her becoming clearer as her breathing laboured. "This is what you wanted, right?" Quinn continued to taunt as that familiar control came over her once again.
Rachel whined in response, eagerly pushing back against the girl as she continued to play her little power game, doing everything she could to throw the skank off.
The brunette fought the rolling of her eyes as the harsh pressure returned to her back, feeling herself be physically forced into the same exact overpowered place that Quinn always managed to get her into with very little effort.
The blonde's moans shifted into heavy breaths as she squeezed her eyes shut, hyper focused on the insistence of the toy against her increasingly sensitive dick, each thrust abusing them closer to another release.
"Take it" the skank growled through gritted teeth as they teasingly slowed down their pace, bringing their hips down in a heavy, slow assault.
Rachel felt one of her hands being pulled between her legs, instantly catching on that Quinn wanted her to touch herself, making her whimper in the back of her throat.
She gently rubbed at her own clit as the girl behind her relentlessly pushed into her, her thrusts becoming inconsiderate and rough.
The blonde reveled in the sensation of her muscles straining, the way their abs were flexing as she drove into the small girl. A low consistent growl resounded in their chest that they barely took notice of, this regained power eliciting the deep animalistic part of her being.
The skank's jaw fell open as they felt their thighs begin to shake once again, a particularly punishing thrust against their dick sending them tumbling into another overwhelming orgasm. Rachel felt a strong wave of arousal settle in her cunt as she heard the agonised groans leaving the blonde.
She muffled her own sounds momentarily to clearly hear the new sounds that left the girl, the hearty groans ripping up her throat being something that she's never heard during previous scenes.
Rachel couldn't help the smirk that grew on her flushed face as she felt liquid hit her thighs, whimpering at how Quinn's hips shallowly trembled against her.
The brunette felt her head completely slack as the blonde very quickly started pushing back into her at their previous pace and intensity. Only short breaths and gasps were heard behind her, feeling the bed shake underneath them at how much Quinn residually twitched.
They felt a trance like state circling their mind as their jaw continued to slack, moans mindlessly spilling out of her, completely motivated by the whines that escaped the small girl in her grip.
"Fuck—you're gonna make me come again" the skank mumbled, her hips steadily pumping into the brunette who continued to rutt against her own hand as she found a rhythm of fucking herself against the toy.
Quiet curses left the small girl's lips as she also felt that similar building in her core, her ears only attuned to Quinn's sounds as she focused on hitting that spot inside herself every time.
The sudden heightened sensations in her body knocking the breath out of her, her body begged to finally let go after such teasing.
A final cry from above her sent her falling over the brink of orgasm, her eyes rolling as the blonde eagerly fucked her through the intense climax.
The skank doubled over against the brunettes back, groaning into ear as she felt that overpowering clench in her core, her hips stuttering through the release.
The skank lightly giggled against Rachel's head "Did you keep count or was I supposed to?" they hummed as they wrapped their arms around the small girl and pulling her into a satisfied embrace.
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love--t · 2 years
Love From Italy | Part One
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Pairing: Seonghwa X Reader
Genere: Fluff, love at first sight, Strangers to lovers.
Warnings: mentions of smoking, Indications that reader is Female
Word count: 2255K
a/n: Hello everyone! i hope you're doing amazing. This story is set in italy, i am not italian so i'm sorry if the language is not accurate or the setting but i did make sure to do my research.
Please like and reblog. feed back is high appreciated, thank you for reading :)
Love from Italy | Part Two
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Park Seonghwa ran his hands through his freshly cut blonde hair. A cigarette resting between his pink plush lips as he leaned against the glass balcony door of his small apartment, he took in the dark, breathing out a sigh of relief.
The streets of his rome neighborhood were quiet except for the loud muffled music and the hectic shouting of his friends fighting over UNO coming from his living room.
Don't get the man wrong, he loves his friends, but, he sometimes needs to recharge his social batteries alone and with that, he lit the cigarette and leaned against the railing of his balcony, exhaling the smoke through his nose and letting his body relax.
The quietness of the night is suddenly disturbed by the sound of a melodious laugh ringing out through the night and the barking of an all familiar dog.
Seonghwa snaps his attention to the figure on the street in front of him cooing at the dog he has seen for years roaming around the neighborhood. The scenery brought a small smile to his lips and a beat to his "cold" heart  for the first time in years.
His hard gaze softened when he was met with the most exquisite pair of eyes.
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Your laughter rang out through the starry night as you made your way back to the house you're staying at.
It had been your dream since you were a child to come to the city of Rome and when your best friend had decided to have her wedding in italy you obviously couldn't shy away at her offer of paying for your ticket.
After a round of drinks with friends that live in the beautiful city , it was time for you to go home, but on your way you were joined by a dog trying to bite the flowing trail of your dress.
"Let's go!" you shouted to the stray dog as you ran down the cobble road for it to chase you.
The small dog ran after you, its tail wagging wildly from side to side ,barking from happiness as the dog caught up to you.
"Aww you caught me!" You squealed as the dog jumped and laid his paws on your waist as if it were hugging you.
You smiled down at the dog as it panted from happiness, sitting down in front of the K9, you scratched at the base of its ear making the animal flutter its eyes shut leaning into your touch, you cooed at the action and squealed when he started moving his paw.
"Carina" A deep smooth voice Spoke loudly.
You gasped in fright, scrambling to get to your feet, as you searched around for the voice, but a deep blush decorated your cheeks when you were met with the dark eyes of a stranger.
You stared up at the handsome man in front of you, watching as his muscular arms flexed, as he slowly stood to his full height, his sharp eyes not once leaving yours, he let out a chuckle of disbelief at what was happening.
It wasn't possible that Seonghwa had fallen in love at first sight. He didn't believe when his parents told him their story and he definitely didn't believe when his best friends Wooyoung and san spoke about how they fell in love when their eyes locked.
To him the thought of falling in love was a lie, his heart once being broken by the person he thought he would marry only for it to end.
But the way his body is reacting made him believe that maybe just maybe it was true, that maybe all the shit San spewed about destiny and soulmates was real.
A Strange feeling washed over you as your heart started beating faster, palms sweating and stomach squeezing from butterflies flying rapidly.
Little did you know the stranger in front of you was feeling the exact same way, he couldn't see or hear anything but you, he grabbed onto the railing, knuckles turning white from the force of his grip, making sure not to fall to his knees from the faintness that washed over him.
A few moments passed till you chuckled, snapping the man out of his daze.
You looked behind you, scratching your head, looking at anything but him, you let out a soft cough as you mustered up the courage to look back at his captivating eyes.
"um... i'm sorry i don't speak italian"
Seonghwa tensed at the sound of your voice.
"I said Cute," he replied in a deep english voice while taking a drag of the cigarette.
You blushed at his words and looked down at the dog who was now lying on his back. You hummed in reply to his words, bending down as you spoke out.
"Do you say that to all of the stray dogs?"
"No," He answered "only to cute strangers that like to play with dogs"
You stopped caressing the dog, your whole body freezing as a flush of warmth coursed through your body.
Clearing your throat, you gave the dog one last pat and got back to your feet.
A few moments of silence passed as you shyly glanced back at the stranger, only to realize he had already been looking at you, red covering both of your faces at being caught making eyes.
"Well" you started, "it was nice meeting you but it's getting late and i have to go"
You didn't want the night to end but you had to go back to your reality, you'd be leaving in a few days and you'd never see him again.
"Wait!" the boy exclaimed "let me walk you home"
"No, No it's literally just - " You protested, but before you could finish  he had already put out the bud of his cigarette and made his way into his home.
A few seconds of silence passed when all of a sudden  chanting  could be heard through the open door, causing giggles to erupt from you.
A smaller boy with a big smile walked out onto the balcony, leaning against the railing to get a better look at you.
"Guys!" he Screeched looking behind him "she's real!" You stared up at the boy with wide eyes.
"Wooyoung get back in here!" came another voice, belonging to a blonde cat eyed boy. He grabbed his boyfriend by the ear and apologized for his actions while he dragged him back into the living room, the boy known as wooyoung, Whining to whoever else was in the apartment about how pretty you are.
Suddenly a door opens and there is Seonghwa in all of his glory, now sporting a black leather jacket.
"Hi" He Whispers as he stops in front of you.
" Hello" you whisper back, a small smile forming onto your face.
"You know, your friends are quite something" You said, your gaze slowly trailing up to his balcony.
The blonde boy looked at you confused, his eyes landing on the group of 7 boys looking down at both of you with amused smiles on their faces.
"I swear to god if you guys don't go back into the living room i'm making you clean the house for a month." Seonghwa threatened jokingly, making the boys scramble back into the house, not wanting to feel the wrath of the eldest.
"Are they always like that?" you questioned, your gaze scanning his side profile.
He sighed, placing his hands on his hips and throwing his head back.
"Annoying? yeah"
You chuckled at his response, making the boy smile, showing his pearly white teeth.
"Lead the way" He said, letting you walk in front of him.
You both walked side by side down the streets at a slow pace, Conversation coming easy as if you were friends seeing each other again after years apart and hearts feeling fuller than ever.
During the walk you both sat down on a park bench, in front of the house you're staying at.
"So," He started, "What brings you to rome?"
You glanced up at the night, hands by your side on the bench "I'm here for a wedding, my best friend is getting married".
He hummed at your answer, his hand slowly inching its way towards you  "Congratulations to her, when's the big day?"
"A week from now"  you smiled at the thought of seeing your friend get her happy ending.
Seonghwas chest swelled with happiness at your smile, he barely even knew you but he already knew he wanted to see that smile everyday.
“You’re boyfriend is one lucky man to be taking you to the wedding”
You glanced back at the boy who was waiting eagerly for your next words. "It's just  me," you replied, moving your hand to push away a strand of her, making the boy pull his hand away without you noticing. “No boyfriend or anyone” you whispered the last few words.
You heard him let out a sigh of relief, making you raise your eyebrow, a small smirk gracing your face, you shook your head at the thought of the beautiful man wanting to take you to the wedding, remembering that you are strangers.
"Thank you for walking me home"
"The pleasure was mine," he replied with a smile.
Silently you both got up, hands brushing against each other. Timidly you wrapped your pinky with his, both of your breaths hitching at the  feeling of electricity.
Once at your door he let go of your pinky, letting you fish out your keys.
"Carina" He whispered, Leaning in and giving you a soft peck on the cheek.
"May we meet again" He trailed his hand down your shoulder, to your forearm and last to your hand where he gripped it tightly before sliding his own down your finger tips as he walked backwards from you leaving both of your hands in the air for a second as you both brought it down slowly, eyes not once leaving till he turned around and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
You opened the door wish shaky hands, taking deep breaths as you closed it softly, making sure to not wake up your bestfriend and her fiance as they slept on the second floor
You leaned against the closed door, trying to get your  racing heart to slow down, what had this man done to you?
you ran up the stairs to the room you're using and opened the balcony door slowly.
Only to see the blond still standing there with a big smile on his face.when suddenly  threw his fist up in the air and did a little dance that made you chuckle.
You shook your head and closed the door, throwing yourself to your bed, When suddenly a feeling of pain blossomed in your chest at the thought of the man.
You forgot to ask his name.
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Come on y/n! make a wish" Screamed your friend over the sound of bustling tourists and street music floating around the center of rome.
You sighed, turning your gaze to the perfectly carved statue of Neptune that sat above the  waters of the infamous Trevi Fountain.
"You know i don't believe in that," you rolled your eyes, staring back at your hopeful friend, holding up a  golden coin to you.
"Please?" She pouted, making bambi eyes at you.
You huffed out and snatched the coin from her awaiting hand, making her jump up and down from happiness.
"You know they say that if you throw two coins you will find love in Rome"
The girl slid another golden coin into your hands, giving you a little smile and a pat on your shoulder, walking away to her fiance who was taking a photo of the fountain. With a hint of sadness in your eyes  you watched as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, making you caress your own at the thought of the soft lips that were there just a few hours ago.
You turned your back to the fountain, took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
What do I even wish for?
You wracked your brain for the most barbaric thing you could ask for just to prove once and for all to the universe that you weren't their favorite child.
You chuckled loudly to yourself once your thoughts landed on the blonde mysterious man from last night. You thought about the way he made you feel from just one look.
Maybe, just maybe if the gods granted you this one wish, you might just believe in love again.
You felt the wait of the second coin in your left hand, deciding to bring both coins into your right hand. You whispered your wish to yourself, kissed the coins and threw it over your left shoulder. Waiting for the sounds of the coins plopping into the water never came.  You slowly opened your eyes, only for your breath to hitch, a big smile forming onto your face at the sight in front of you.
"Carina" Seonghwa smiled, taking off his sunglasses as he made his way towards.
"I'm Seonghwa"
He held his hand out for you to shake.
You stared into his eyes, searching for something in them, only to see a future full of love.
"I'm Y/N"
He smiled big at your name, leaning in he whispered lowly into your ear, making you shiver.
"I guess we have the Universe to thank for this moment”
He pulled away slightly, only to kiss your cheek once again.
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a/n: This story was meant to be long but i decided to just write up to here. If anyone wants me to keep going, i'll make this into a mini series. Please remember that Tumblr works off of reblogs and please send in messages, it means alot to us writers.
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chosos-mascara · 2 years
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Dad's Best Friend- Kento Nanami
cw: age gap (kento is 40, reader is in 20s), blowjob, reader is called 'good girl' at one point, alcohol but neither are drunk
You decide to take action on your attraction to Kento.
minors+ageless dni. 2.3k words
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"Will he be there tonight?" Your friend, Maki questioned as you fiddled with your thumbs beneath the table, watching her scribble words onto the pad before her. You shrugged, letting out a sigh as your lecturer had entered the hall.  "I think so, my dad mentioned beers." You flattened out the pages on the desk, pen in hand. Glancing between the smirk on Maki's lips and the presentation being cast onto the wall, you wondered if tonight, you'd have the confidence. 
Nanami and your father were close friends, the blonde often sharing dinner with the pair of you, coming over after work for lighthearted laughs, despite his hardened exterior. When you'd first met him, he'd immediately caught your eye, body heating up as he'd side eyed you through his glasses, a short introduction via your father. If he'd have asked for your name directly, you were sure you would have stumbled over words, unable to use your brain as your eyes met with his. Maki was immediately called, having to listen to you gush over the male your father had brought home; her initial reaction had been disgust, but after she'd visited, she had to agree with you. He was insanely attractive. 
Nanami's closed off personality added to his alluring demeanor, a mystery of composed modesty. Every time your father had mentioned his friend's past and you'd tried to push a little for more information, but even he hadn't known the extent. Nanami had even left the job a year ago, and neither of you were entirely sure what the new career path was, something to do with a highschool. But with the amount of overtime he'd had to do, you'd wondered what sort of position he'd held - and how he'd managed to become an important role with only a history of office work. 
Sure enough, as you'd set your bag down following dinner at Maki's, your father and his friend had been sat around the table, laughing. The warmth of your home had encapsulated you in contrast to the cool winter air outside, face feeling flush as your skin had contradicted the environment around you, an itch from heat on icy flesh. 
 You'd walked through to the kitchen, laying your eyes upon the beer bottles between the males, walking to the fridge to grab a can of soda before you'd retreat to your room and leave the men to talk.  "Wanna drink with us, y/n?" Your dad's jolly voice pierced your ears, stomach churning as you watched not only his, but Nanami's eyes fall onto you. You shyly shook your head, hoping to avert the attention elsewhere. "Come on, you're old enough to have a bottle with your old man." He pulled the seat from beside him, patting on the worn out cushion. If it hadn't been for the warm smile he'd presented, a gleam of hope in his eye, you'd have declined the invitation - only due to the company you'd held, but instead you found yourself sitting beside him. He popped a cap from one of the beverages before you, and you'd taken it from his hands. 
They kept conversation casual as you'd sipped, asking about university, Kento inquiring about the details of the subject you'd chosen, your father spouting on about how intelligent you'd grown to be. It was a wholesome encounter, an enjoyable way to spend the remaining evening. You couldn't deny the way your heart raced every time Nanami's eyes had landed to meet your own, the soft pink tint across his cheeks as he'd felt the alcohol in his system, maybe a little tipsy. 
Your father had decided to end the night, stumbling up the stairs to his bedroom, while you and Kento had carried a conversation. You'd asked about his job, as to which he gave a vague description of being a teacher, mentioning some form of martial arts - it had been confusing to you but you'd nodded along nonetheless, a bashful smile across your cheeks as you'd listened to his voice, allowing it to caress the insides of your ears, your brain going somewhat fuzzy from having an actual conversation with the man you'd silently admired for the past year. 
He spoke with intellect, composed through each of his words, despite the liquid courage bringing forward more slip-ups on information he'd previously keep to himself, like a recent break up he'd gone through. The mention of romance had your chest fluttering.  "So, you're single now?" You questioned, fighting to maintain eye contact through your own trepidation. He nodded, a smirk swiping across his skin.  "Why, you interested?" It was a joke, one he had said without thinking - you were the daughter of his closest friend after-all. He went to apologise, but you'd beat him to it.  "What if I said I was?" Your tone had been teasing, almost unable to believe the opportunity had arisen in the conversation so casually. Something you'd imagined you'd have to push for had fallen right into your hands. 
Nanami had been too stunned to reply, jaw tensing as he'd watched over your expression. Leaning forward, you planted a kiss on the hardened cheek, hands trailing over the disheveled shirt that had been left untucked from his trousers, stopping at the belt he'd worn. You unclasped it, undoing the button and fly to slip your hand over the fabric, lightly squeezing the area. His hips had pushed into you a little, though concern had been written across his face at your actions. 
You smiled in attempts to ease his doubts, palming the growing bulge in his trousers, dropping to your knees. You hooked your fingers around the beige trousers, pulling down a little. He shifted to allow his garment's movement, cock springing from the fabric. You traced over the hardened member with your fingers, bringing forward to your lips as you took him into your mouth. 
He groaned, bucking hips upward as he'd felt the warmth of your mouth encapsulate him, wet saliva coating his shaft with a flick of your tongue; bob of your head. As you massaged him within your cheeks, he brought a hand to entangle through your hair, guiding your movements half-heatedly through his gratification. It hadn't been controlling, more of a place to rest his hands, a way to feel a little more of you as you'd pleased his aching member. 
Nanami tilted his head backward, closing his eyes as soft groans had grumbled through his broad chest, lightly squeezing his hand within your locks as he'd hit the back of your throat, of hollowed out your cheeks. You'd brought your hand to work at his shaft as you'd flicked your tongue over the head of his cock, pumping over him to bring him closer to orgasm. 
"F-fuck, good girl." His encouraging words had brought a ripple through you, tightening your thighs as your body had shifted, hoping to give yourself a little friction as you'd felt your arousal spike, hips rolling. You'd gotten into more of a rhythm, drool rolling down to meet your hand. His groans had grown a little louder, but you were confident with the amount beer your father had put back, he would sleep through anything the pair of you had done within the confides of the kitchen. 
He hadn't given warning, as he'd been oblivious to how close he'd been, abruptly thrusting forward with a sigh as you'd felt the salty liquid pour into your mouth, maintaining the tempo you'd been going at until you felt his hand tremble against your head, the man heaving for oxygen at the orgasm you'd gifted so eagerly to him. 
You removed your lips, wiping over your face with the back of your hand, looking up to watch the disarranged male lull back into reality. 
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