#couldn't figure out how to start and how to finish so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ibijau · 1 year
xisang time travel except the older ones have drifted apart you say 👀....... would you say more, please 💟
oh yeah sure! I think I had posted bits of that a while back, and I haven't really worked on it since, but here's what I got
"Gege, that means we're still together when we're old!" young Huaisang exclaimed.
That took Nie Huaisang out of his fit of crying to instead glare at the boys.
"Who's old? I'm only thirty five, you little brat!" 
"That's older than shufu," Lan Huan carefully remarked, his tone and expression making it clear he believed that meant Nie Huaisang was little more than a living ancestor. "I'm glad," he added, turning to young Huaisang with a soft smile. "Everyone says two men never stay long together because they can't marry, but I knew we were different." 
Nie Huaisang couldn't refrain a slight grimace at that comment, and dared a glance at Lan Xichen, still glacially silent. At the same time Lan Xichen also looked his way and their eyes met, which appeared to  startle the older man out of his shock. 
"We are no longer a couple," Lan Xichen coldly informed the two teenagers. "Because he decided I wasn't worth trusting after all." 
Young Huaisang whimpered and pressed himself closer against Lan Huan's side, clinging at his lover's robes like a frightened child. Lan Huan for his part appeared nearly unaffected by the news. 
"I don't believe you," Lan Huan just told Lan Xichen. "We tell each other everything."
It had been true, Nie Huaisang remembered. He used to tell Lan Xichen even things for which Lan rules dictated he ought to have been punished. And Lan Xichen used to be just as open with him, freely sharing his thoughts and worries, until… 
Until the Cloud Recesses burned, forcing Lan Xichen to run for his life. He'd been different after he'd returned. Suddenly, those weeks on the run had become the first thing they couldn't talk about. The first one, but not the last. They also couldn't talk about the war, not while it was ongoing and certainly not after. They couldn't talk about what had happened in Nightless City when Nie Mingjue had been captured by Wen Ruohan and saved by his two sworn brothers. They couldn't talk bout why Jin Guangyao often came to play music for Nie Mingjue. 
It wasn't Nie Huaisang who had first started hiding secrets. 
"Some day he will stop trusting you," Lan Xichen predicted, looking at the boys with a mix of pity and contempt. "You won't know for a very long time, but someday he'll say he loves you and no longer mean it." 
"Even if it were true, that's rich coming from you!" Nie Huaisang exploded, a few new tears spilling on his cheeks. He turned to the boys, looking at his young self right in the eyes. "He's going to fall for someone else," he warned. "But he couldn't have that man, while you were right there, and he'd rather be with someone he had moved on from rather than to be alone."
"I did not love Jin Guangyao!" Lan Xichen retorted. "If you can't even believe me about that…" 
"Isn't it worse then, if you loved me and still kept choosing him over me?" 
"Every time I knew there was a choice to be made, I chose you! What more was I supposed to do? I killed him for you, Huaisang. How isn't that enough?" 
Nie Huaisang stared at the man he loved, taken aback by that question. He still wasn't sure what more he might have wanted Lan Xichen to do, just that there ought to have been more. 
"I don't think you're us after all," young Huaisang sniffled, staring at the two adults with open terror. "I would never want Xichen-gege to kill anyone! You're just monsters, you're not us!" 
Lan Huan nodded, pale and just as worried as the boy he loved, while Lan Xichen startled at being called a monster, as if it were something he had thought as well. 
For his part, Nie Huaisang merely thought that his young self wasn't wrong. They just weren't the same people. Life had changed them. Life, and the choices they'd made. He could barely remember being that boy in front of him, so sure of being loved by his brother and his lover. And young Huaisang just wasn't capable of imagining what horror laid in wait for him, how lonely he would get, how he would turn into a parody of himself until he would forget what was real and what was an act. 
What a blessing it was that these two boys couldn't understand them. They truly were monsters, and they truly shouldn't have been twisted into these mangled mockeries of themselves. 
Seeing the terror on those two young faces, Nie Huaisang felt an impulse he thought he was no longer capable of. 
He felt the need to be kind. 
"It wasn't always awful," he told the boys. "You will be there for each other when loss would have destroyed you. At least, I felt that way," he corrected, looking at Lan Huan. "I don't know what good I was to you, but I tried my best." 
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spring-demonx · 4 months
Made it Through Charade Maniacs (finally)
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I think it might be due to the repetative-ness of the prologue and having to skip a bunch just to get to the route, or maybe the route order I followed (Iochi>Banjo>Akase>Ebana>Futami>Chigasaki>Gyobu>Dazai>Haiji)
I started losing motivation to play and just wanted to move on to the next game I wanted to play. Maybe because I was only really interested in 2 or 3 of all the LI's? I genuinely couldn't care as much for the rest, but also wanted to know the truth what was going on, so I tried pushing through regardless〒▽〒 I couldn't buy into some of the romances either since it just felt too much of an afterthought in some cases on how to handle it? I don't blame though, the main plot really is to investigate and figure out how to make it out, really. But still;;
The true end didn't start as I feel it usually goes, with players having to start again from the menu once more. It was new and I didn't know what to expect, and I only realised that was the true end/The Truth™️ until I had finished everything, lol. I love how they gave valid points as to how each cast member is suspicious, and showing darker and more serious sides to them. Really kept mel guessing who the Producer and Sponsor were!
Ebana's route I couldn't care for because I just didn't like his character enough to even pay attention and just skipped majority tbh. Though, I did manage to read some key info anyways.
WTF EVEN WAS THIS?? That was a dumpsterfire, and I was SO relieved that even Iochi was fed up with the MC, bc even for how naive or overly-trusting she is, she was absolute stupid and in denial even after everything that happened right in front of her. I'm glad it showed he wasn't willing to change through to the end, but I still hated and cringed at the "romantic" scenes bc I just personally could not get into it. Futami fans, you can gladly have himXD
Honestly thought I was going to enjoy this since sucker for childhood friend trope, but this was not it for me
Dude literally forced himself on her (thank gods MC actually did smth and slapped him, much deserved)
I can do obsessive and yandere type characters, but this was just annoying and made me so frustrated for many reasons
Enjoyed the storyline, didn't see the twist coming
The intimate/romantic scenes were very nice and had me blushing kjfksd
I love they never got answers or tried to categorise or make focus of Iochi's gender. It was very refreshing for these characters
the epilogue had me going "That's it?!" though, bc it rlly just feels like they skip a bunch just to exposition dump in these epislogues sometimes
I knew I'd love him, I was right. I loved him even MORE in his route, even in Dazai's (was that guy even present at all in his route?)
I loved his design most besides Iochi's. WE WERE ROBBED OF MORE PONYTAIL
He's so cute when he becomes all bashful
actually considers and works with (on equal stance) with MC and respects that she wants to trust others. "You do the trusting. Leave me the doubting". Other LI's tend to really chastise her (I don't entirely blame them, but they tend to completely shut her down)
I love his dynamic with MC, love that he's the multi-faceted characters who goes after the truth solo
I like his moto that 'the more you doubt, the more trustworthy you are' type thing
Where to start? It felt like he wasn't around the heroine much in his own route. Gyobu appeared more and it made me miss him ToT
I get what they were trying to do, with the "we already had a pre-established (non-romantic) relationship together" thing, but there was just so few moments of bonding or anything to buy into
Was interested in seeing why he seems to be fan fav, he might just not be my cup of tea bc it was just...ok¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WHAT IS WITH THE STUPID GOLDFISH THING😭 That felt like that was supposed to be the most emotional bond moment for them, but it just felt so weak (and silly. like, "WHY should I care?") imo
Please actually SHOW there's emotional connection in these scenes? It's like, I know there's supposed to be because that's what's being told. But I felt none and it was practically only the same moment they kept bringing up over and over again, like they didn't anything else.
I would have liked to see more of Dazai's unrequited love, build more reason for me to care about the stakes and get invested in the pair
Kinda obvious he wasn't actually kid bc they kept bringing up the whole "he looks too old to be" to not have any importance
I did not expect the direction it went
This was a sweet route, I was interested in the character and why he's so apologetic and what exactly he feels guilty for
I slightly spoiled myselt from r/otomegames, liked how it went regardless
I want to give this man a hug. He needs it, and deserves them all
Voiced by Saito Soma, how can you dislike?
I liked his energy
Felt a little OOC in a route or two
I honestly can't remember much from his route atm
His love for family and stuff very sweet
Really felt his hatred and anger w/ said family situation
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
ik you made valentines day headcanons a few months ago but it's coming soon... reonsemishira velntines day p2 ?
Who doesn't love some good Valentine's Day hcs yk? 👀
Gonna make them older in this one hehe 🤭
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- Valentines Day...YUCKY
- I could go on about how salty I am but alas, this isn't about me 😮‍💨
- And I talk about them a lot so lol
- So RnSmSra are pretty STRESSED tbh
- They're all in college, living in one apartment, RnSm have jobs, Shirabu's a med student which already sounds like death, and yeah
- So they don't have a lot of time on their hands if you couldn't tell
- Good thing Shirabu's got something planned 👀
- His fiancés are super stressed and he wants to put them at ease
- And Valentine's day just happens to be the perfect opportunity 🤭‼️
- But first he's gotta know
- "So,, what's Tuesday looking like for you both?"
- "Gotta work"
- 🧍
- Stupid work
- He tries his very best, despite all the stupid med school work, to make plan this out
- They leave for work at about 8, they'll probably be home at a fair time cuz neither of them works at restaurants
- Mission take care of fiancés cuz they're stressed and deserve it, is a go 😎‼️
- It starts off simple
- Reon and Semi are just waking up when Shirabu opens the door to the bedroom
- Something smells good 👀
- Good ole classic breakfast in bed‼️
- Who doesn't love it?
- If you don't,, uh.. idk what to tell you
- RnSm are very 👁👁 yk, surprised
- They didn't expect all this on Tuesday 🧍
- They're not complainin tho
- They obvi thank Shirabu and they all eat together,,it's all cutesy
- RnSm eventually have to get ready for work, EW 😪
- It's not high school anymore so Shira doesn't have to deal with a bunch of people actively seeking out his boyfriends
- They're still hot tho so he makes sure to leave lipstick marks on both their cheeks
- They're his ladies, back off ✋️🙄
- Once he waves them off, he's ready to prepare everything 🤭
- He's finished all his work for today over the weekend and did extra on Monday so he's all set‼️
- Ngl, at work, RnSm are both hella confused 🧍
- They figured he was just in a good mood...
- Untilllll...they checked the date and alarm bells started going off in their head
- They forgot about Valentine's Day 💀
- They both figure that they'll get each other and Shira a card and flowers after work with some sweets
- They're simple men 💀 I don't blame them
- But still, they feel like dicks cuz they wanted to get their boyfriends something more special but yk 😪 wtv ¯\(ツ)/¯
- Meanwhile, Shirabu's got almost everything done and ready
- What can I say? He's good at stuff like this lol
- Once they get off, it's about 4pm
- The sun isn't smack in the middle of the sky so it's perfect 🤭‼️
- RnSm get a text from Shirabu, telling them to meet him somewhere
- Interesting 👀
- They both pull up to a random park..?
- Sus
- They see each other in the parking lot and just shrug before starting to look around for Shira
- Ofc they find him not long after and he drags them over to a cute little gazebo with blankets and some food 🫶
- They're all sweet and mushy 🤭 tired from work and preparing but happy now that they're all together
- Shirabu got RnSm pretty flowers and they got him some in return
- Plus, they can tell a lot of care was put into the food choices and making 😪
- They're feeling ✨️romantical✨️
- They end up staying there for a long time
- Other couples pass and they even saw a goose chasing a traumatized looking child bit nothing can break them out of the trance they've got each other in 🫶
- They stay till it gets dark so they can flip over in the grass and look at the stars 😭
- Semi's asking questions about stars every 5 seconds and right about now Reon would be dragging Shirabu off of Semi
- But nope,, they're just being all cute and shit
- I'm so jealous, wtf 😪
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so-many-crushes · 2 months
Howdy Khourey ♡!!! I LOVE your Sakura picrew, what a pretty design!!! Please tell me about this s/i??? I'd love to know everything :D!!!
Salem @tex-treasures
Hi Sunny! @tex-treasures
Thank you so much for the ask! Sakura (they/she) is my s/i for my hero academia! this ask couldn't have been timed better as I just finished reading the leaks for the last chapter ever and am pretty emotional rn
I haven't figured out their childhood (and might never ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) But Sakura met Hizashi and Oboro during her first year at UA, and Shōta during their second year after he transfers into their class. After graduating high school (in addition to becoming an underground Pro Hero) she becomes a kindergarten teacher/Quirk counselor. After 10(ish) years she decides to work at UA and is assigned as the co-homeroom teacher with Shōta! (Her first year as homeroom teacher starts with the series)
Yapping about her powers below!
Her Quirk is called Fear (she's also known as "Horror Hero: Nightmare" bc she honestly couldn't think of a different name)
By simply touching someone, Sakura’s Quirk gives them the ability to force the target to experience severe psychosis (think of it like Scarecrow's fear toxin from Batman!). As a child they didn't have much control on activating her Quirk (which is why young Sakura is wearing gloves in the picrew). After training, Sakura can control the level of fear and how long the effect lasts, but cannot control what the target sees. If the effect lasts long enough, the target’s heart will stop. Sakura also has the ability to travel through shadows (I might retcon that part tho).
While powerful, this ability has many drawbacks:
Nightmares/Night Terrors
To combat these effects, Sakura often refuses to sleep- staying up for days straight, usually resulting in them straight up passing out. She also relies heavily on sedative medication given to her by the Commission, however, she only receives said medication by assisting the Commission by using her Quirk on people they need to interrogate
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pickabetterusername · 2 years
Stupid Games, Stupid Prizes
pairing: female!villain reader X Katuski Bakugo
word Count: 2K
summary: an all too familiar villain shows up during Bakugo and Midoriya's fight after Kamino.
warnings: mature content, it got kinda dark idk, characters aged up for soon-to-be obvious reasons, lewd speech, pregnancy mention, angsty as fuck, villain!reader X Katsuki have a past
a/n: originally wrote this in 3rd POV, but am reposting in 2nd POV b/c the other got ~no hits~ .SO. experiment time! :)
 this idea hit me like a ton of bricks. literally couldn't stop writing til it was finished. it's a snippet in the middle of a story not yet constructed. i won't give much background in case i decide to do something more with it, so feel free to speculate, but it's a hero-gone-bad type beat. ENJOY
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٩(˘◡˘)۶ (◑́_◑᷅ ) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait," you stuttered before your eyebrows furrowed. "You were quirkless?"
Your hand slowly raised, lazily pointing at Midoriya.
"Y/N? No, I—you misheard!" His eyes were wide, seeing you walk out from the alley. It was dark, and you weren't supposed to be there, and now you knew too much. Once upon a time, he supposed it wouldn't have mattered, but too much had changed.
Bakugo was a little wide-eyed as well, though not in a panicked way. He only looked the way he always did, angry with a hint of something in the eyes. You liked that about him. You always knew what he was feeling. Right now, those red eyes reflected fear.
You weren't supposed to know about One For All. Bakugo wasn't supposed to know, but he had figured it out. Now you got to walk in on that information bombshell out of nowhere? After all the stunts you pulled? No.
Well, Bakugo thought, you wouldn't know for long.
The hothead stepped forward, hands tingling with heat. With a snarl on his face, he growled, "What are you doin' here."
"Funny," you nonchalantly cocked your head. "One minute you're causing poor Midoriya harm, the next you’re protecting him from it. Never took you for a switch, Katsuki."
Bakugo growled, shaking his head in distaste. "You seemed pretty confident I would switch sides and team up with you."
"Yeah, so there was some misjudgment in our plan, at least I can admit it." You clicked your tongue and shook your head, getting right back to the harassment, "So which one gets you off? You always were kind of rough."
It was much too easy to make the blowtorch cause a scene.
With a yell, he ran at you. You dodged the first blow, smacking his arm to the side. Swing after swing, you effortlessly dodged them all, not bothering to hit back. Finally, Bakugo backed off.
"How the hell are you doing that!?" he roared.
The edge of your lip pulled into a smirk. You shrugged, tilting your head to one shoulder. "So I may have picked up a few more skills," you responded simply. "His name was Nightwatch, I think- no, that's from Game of Thrones. Nightseek? No- you know—" you shrugged in dismissal, waving a hand, "—I'm not sure! He was dying anyway. He didn't need the quirk."
Bakugo's brows furrowed, red eyes narrowing. He'd heard about the battle against the Yakuza. The one that killed Nighteye, the one he wasn't a part of. Maybe if he'd just picked a different agency...
The heat from his palms crackled now, letting off little explosions. Had you planned that from the start? How could you have? He was being paranoid, but you’d do anything presented an opportunity.
Before he could attack again you looked past him.
"Oh hey, Midoriya,” you spoke casually. “I don’t really care about your quirk thing in case you were wondering. Just means we’re more alike than I thought.”
Bakugo glanced back to see Midoriya frozen in place. The idiot. He squinted, seeing only the whites of his eyes. It looked...familiar.
The Sports Festival.
So you’ve got multiple new quirks? How many can you hold? Surely your body can't handle that. Bakugo found himself worrying more than he should have, more than he wanted.
“Oh.” You bit your lip, leaning in to get a better look. “We doin’ okay over there, little guy?" you asked, feigning concern. “You’re a bit of a trial run.”
Turning over his shoulder to glare at you, Bakugo let out a hot breath. "How'd you get the extra's quirk?"
You smiled, clapping your hands once, lacing them together. "You're a quick one, Katsuki. People should really give you more credit. They think you're all brawn and mouthy, but you sure are full of brains, aren't you? Ugh, I just know you so well...don't I?"
Bakugo was grinding his teeth. His brain ran in circles, trying to think if he answered one of your questions.
Just keep talking, Midoriya will snap out of it. "You don't know me at all, you bitch. Now answer the question," he snarled.
You let out a laugh. "Oh, but I do know you so well. Every single inch of you if I can recall."
You did know him, better than he'd ever admit. More than well enough to taunt him. He'd throw the first punch if you wanted it, if you lured him into it.
Heat simmered too close to the surface of Bakugo's skin and you could see it. His jaw was clenched, fists held tight at his sides. If you wanted to freeze him, you would've done it by now. It was a fight you wanted.
Bakugo's lip curled up, baring his teeth. "Is this a game to you!" It wasn't a question. He already knew the answer.
Your hands laced together and pressed against the spot just below your naval. His eyes dropped to them, a weird feeling swirling in his gut. Bakugo ignored it, blasting toward you at full force. As soon as he landed, his body went heavy, locking in place.
He could still see you, but everything was foggy. Straining, he tried to throw a punch, but his body wouldn't listen, wouldn't activate. Racking his brain he—
You don't know me at all.
Goddamnit! He answered your fucking question. Stupid! Stupid! You made him into a moron.
"It's a game I think I'm winning, actually," you spoke, a forced smile on your face. "I'll bet you hate that...”
He watched you through blurry vision, unable to respond or yell or scream. It was like floating in a void within his own body, caged yet intangible, fuzzy at the edges.
"I wonder if our child will like winning too," you spoke a little lower as if shy.
Bakugo's eyes fell to your hands still resting on your lower stomach.
"That's all I came to tell you," you sighed out, stepping forward and swiping the back of your fingers across his temple.
Your touch made him shiver. He wanted to lean into it. Closing his eyes, he leaned into his anger instead. No, what he wanted was to grab you by the throat and squeeze until you admitted you were a liar.
"Huh," you pouted, shaking your head. You could only guess the turmoil sloshing around Bakugo's skull. "It's the truth, I promise." 
You just barely rubbed your lower belly the way he’d seen new moms do so often.
The hand against Bakugo's face fell to his wrist. You squeezed it gently as your free hand pulled up your shirt.
Bakugo wanted to puke.
"I've got your little girl in here," you spoke softly, in the voice he remembered so well.
Then you moved his hand to lay flat against your skin, his thumb slipping beneath your waistband. You were so warm to the touch he wanted to flinch away, as if your skin could burn his palm.
"Can't you feel her?" your voice was so small, so frail. Bakugo focused on your eyes, swore he could see the way they glossed over. His own tears collected but none would fall. The pressure was almost too much, his vision getting blurrier and blurrier.
If he wasn't locked in place, he would've been trembling. Not the kind where his hands would shake and he'd hide it with clenched fists, but the whole body kind. The kind where he's scared shitless and his heart pumps so hard he can hear the blood rushing in his ears.
That's when Bakugo felt it. Just a small thing, but with so much force.
A little kick.
Emotions flooded his body like a tsunami. Head to toe, feelings leaked out everywhere. It was like his muscles ripped apart and reformed just to do it all over again. His shattered bones dusted the floor. Bakugo wanted to scream, level buildings until he short-circuited his arms, passed out and became part of the rubble. He wanted to pick you up and spin you around and kiss your face and, and—
He couldn't do any of that.
The glossy, frightened eyes looking up at him weren't the ones he remembered. They weren't yours.
He hated the way that made him want to cry. No, not cry. That wasn't the right word for it. Bakugo hated the way it made him want to sob. The way it tightened his chest and squeezed until there was nothing left. There was a hole in him, the shape of you, and nothing else quite fit.
A tear ran down your cheek, a remnant of who you used to be, but you wiped it away quickly, taking a step back. His hand unwillingly fell back to his side, cold.
Your eyes rolled back, looking at the sky in an attempt to rid yourself of the emotions betraying your cool demeanor. "Tch," you scoffed.
All Bakugo wanted was to scream for you to come back, to stop playing stupid games. Stupid games win stupid prizes and he couldn't bear to think of what that could mean. You could work things out. You weren’t too far gone. Not yet. He could still see you.
"Kacchan!" a shrill voice called from behind.
Your eyes trailed off to the side where Midoriya was breaking out of your hold. Then they trained on Bakugo. You stepped closer, raising your hands to cup each side of his face, looking him in the eye.
"Well," your voice was still soft, still familiar. "Now you know, sweet boy."
Reaching up on your toes, you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, dragging a thumb across them as you pulled away. A tear finally broke through, running down his frozen cheek. You wiped it away, lightly kissing where the trail stopped.
Just as Bakugo heard Midoriya running at them, full cowling, you stepped away.
"I'll see you again," you said, a small frown on your face as your body melted into brown sludge.
As soon as you were gone, Bakugo's body lurched forward. Nausea slit open the pit of his stomach and he fell to his hands and knees, retching out whatever was left of dinner.
"Kacchan..." Midoriya started, moving a gentle hand to Bakugo's shoulder.
He was quick to shrug it off, his hair falling in front of his eyes. "Get off me! And shut up! Just...shut up!” his broken voice barked.
Midoriya backed off, staring wide-eyed at his friend.
The tears fell freely now, watering the soil Bakugo clenched in his fists.
"Dammnit!" he cried, banging his fists against the ground.
"Dammnit!" He left small craters behind.
"Agh!" his growl was high-pitched, like an animal being skinned alive. He punched into the earth with every word. "Dammnit! Dammnit! God-dammnit! Aghh! I don’t know what to do!”
Midoriya didn't dare say a thing, didn't dare move a muscle. After everything he just heard...
For a moment Bakugo stilled, his chest heaving. Silence filled the air until he flung himself off the ground, turning to Midoriya. He stalked toward the green-haired hero, using a blast to blow them against the building, hand around his throat. With a finger in Midoriya's face, he growled out, "You're not gonna tell a single soul about this. You understand me, Deku!? This night never happened."
Midoriya shrunk back against the wall. Tears streaked Bakugo's face and his eyes were wild in a way Midoriya had never seen before, red-rimmed and puffy. He'd been the victim of Bakugo's temper one too many times, but this was nothing of the sort. He wasn't mad or losing control, he was terrified.
"Do you understand me, Izuku!?" Bakugo yelled again, his voice breaking. He pulled the poor hero away from the wall and weakly slammed him back into it.
"Yes!" Midoriya squeaked out, "yes, I won't tell anyone, Kacchan! You can let me go now!"
Bakugo followed suit and released Midoriya, turning away.
"Kacchan, we should talk about this," Midoriya spoke softly, wishing he could make this better for his friend in any way possible.
"Don't follow me," Bakugo huffed out low and gravely, whatever gruffness necessary to conceal the tremble in his voice. He shoved his hands in his pockets, clenched them into fists, and walked off.
Nothing could make this better.
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write4tomorrow · 3 years
IMAGINE - Sith!Obi-Wan protecting Senator!Reader(F) from afar
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A/N: I had this stuck in my head for a while and missed writing Sith!Obi-Wan. IDK if I'll turn this into a series because I feel like there's so much more to this story but I don’t know how these two will get their happy ending ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There were whispers of your skill, even Darth Dominus had heard them. For a senator, you were known to be clever and ruthless for your cause. The only problem was that you and Dominus were fighting for opposite causes.
As you left the senate chamber, arm in arm with Senator Amadala, you smiled and talked with your friend. Wearing a dress of black and gold followed by an elegant cape, you looked like a dark queen from a fairytale. Dominus allowed himself to look over your figure for a moment, noticing a small blaster on your hip. That was new. His brows furrowed as he brought his attention back to your face. Had something happened recently that he didn't know about?
No, Dominus shook his head. He was worried for nothing. If something had happened, he would know immediately. Despite knowing that, he couldn't ignore that the circles under your eyes were darker now and your lips were often pressed into a hard line, making you seem even more formidable.
However, tonight your lips parted into a smile and a laugh escaped you. From his hiding place just a little farther down the grand marble hall, Darth Dominus closed his eyes as the laughter reached his ears. The sound brought to mind the memory of your first meeting a few years ago.
You were new to the senate and Dominus was still Obi-Wan Kenobi. Through the force he could feel warmth cascading from you in welcoming waves. That warmth extended to him as you met his eye for the first time. Dominus will never forget the way you smiled at him that day. You were walking to your new office after addressing the senate floor for the first time. A smart blue dress trailed behind you as you walked, data pad in hand and a confused look on your face. You just finished making a powerful, compassionate speech.
After your moving but polarizing speech, the Jedi order knew you were going to need protection so they assigned their best negotiator and politically minded Jedi Master to the task. Obi-Wan was going to be in charge of your protection detail for a while.
“Oh,” you said, noticing Obi-Wan. You came to a gentle halt a few steps in front of him. You opened and closed your mouth once or twice before giving a nervous laugh. Your eyes were fixed on his face, your body refusing to move in the slightest.
“Senator,” Obi-Wan bowed with a smile, “I’m Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I’m in charge of your protection detail for the foreseeable future.”
“Perfect,” you sighed with a little smile, “I seem to be lost so you’re just in time to be my knight in shining armor.” Obi-Wan felt a blush rise in his cheeks upon hearing your words. With a few words you had made him feel like a young boy again. Your honeyed voice was so genuine that Obi-Wan found himself immediately taking a liking to you.
With a warm laugh, Obi-Wan offered his arm to you and guided you to your office.
That was a year and a half ago. He was only your knight in shining armor for three days before he turned his back on the Jedi order. Still, he had never turned his back on you. Becoming Darth Dominus didn’t mean that he would abandon his role as your protector. From afar, Dominus had foiled a few assassination attempts and even some kidnapping plans that nefarious forces had in store for you.
As it turned out, you didn’t always need it. During the time that Dominus had left your side, you had become a formidable force. And apparently you had started carrying your own blaster recently. Gone was the girl that charmed her way into his heart. Instead, Dominus had heard how ruthless and cunning you became as a senator.
And he liked this version of you for so many different reasons. Some fragile part of you seemed to have been abandoned. You were now a tireless crusader for the republic and quick as a whip according to rumor. However, you were beginning to become a problem for Dominus’ plans.
“I’ll see you soon, princess,” Dominus muttered under his breath. He watched you disappear from view before he left his hiding place.
Unbeknownst to him, the reason you had grown into such a hardened senator was due to heartache. The most charming and kind man you had ever met, died at the hands of a Sith. That’s what the Jedi order told you, anyway.
You were going to make the Sith and the Separatists pay for taking Obi-Wan Kenobi from you.
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floatingcerials · 4 years
enola holmes // a brief review ?
so i watched enola holmes some days ago,
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i watched the movie dreadfully with much insistent from friends claiming it's good and coercing me to finish when i didn't the first time i tried watching because the 4th wall breaking was taking me out of it just with the first 2 minutes of the film.
and so i couldn't sleep one night and figured maybe i should finally finish what i started,
and well, i guess it's fine?
quite, frankly i don't have much to say? i wasn't really a fan of how the movie was presented. and although the mystery was good and probably the only reason i kept watching,
the 4th wall breaking was a little too much for me.
there were times, when things have been getting quite serious and then suddenly enola would be facing the camera as if "talking" to me and i just couldn't get into it, and quite honestly it was more than a little too uncomfortable on my part for some reason.
another thing was, the "instalove" or the relationship aspect of the two main characters. honestly, i think it would have been much better if right off the bat enola just went and fell for tewkesbury.
although i get it, enola is supposed to be an independent person, i think she even said so herself that she didn't need men in her life(?), much in influence by her mother's belief(?)
but then not even much much later after insinuating she's fine by her own self, she goes and says "i miss him" and then immediately getting comfortable and chummy with him when the only interaction they've had as of yet was getting targeted by tewkesbury's assailant (and getting attacked later on by drowning for knowing who tewkesbury was and where he might be).
i don't 'bout you but if i ever had such encounter, i'd just stay the fuck away and never wanna meet each other again ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
and although i liked how enola's mother's disappearance correlated with tewkesbury's disappearance as well, it just felt like his case took over much of the plot and her mother's taking a backseat and wasn't explored as much, which would have been much cooler to see. especially finding out what they were actually planning on doing with all those explosives they have and what the other locations were for.
i just felt like the plot diverted from finding her mother to suddenly focusing on tewkesbury's a lot more, which although also good, was something that i was not hoping to see.
or it could be netflix is setting up a plot for a sequel potentially? 🤔🤔🤔
and the reveal of her mother at end, although very endearing, felt a little lacking? like it wasn't earned at all? like a lot of things happened that seemingly unrelated (but actually related?) and then she appears and it wasn't as satisfying as it should've been?? idk anymore man
but that asidee, i did like the ending sequence of the film. the fight scene (although far too dark in some parts imo) was good and the twist of it being the "friendly grandma" as the mastermind was good and something i did not expect (although it might have also been because i wasn't exactly paying attention towards the middle of it, she did seem pretty sus from the beginning tho 🤔)
i also really liked the olden age, historical europe setting (im biased i get it lol)
also i just think the movie poster alluded to something different than what the movie turned out to be or i don't know just my opinion, don't take my word for it ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
in conclusion, it was an interesting film
if you like mystery, historical-themed and with a sprinkle of romance in it then give it a go, i guess ?
if i have to, i would rate it 6.8/10, ig
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