#couldnt fit all of em in here.. frowns
mizodorito · 1 year
wanted 2 post these somewhere.. heres some murder drones gifs ive been making for a little while!!! some being requests while others were all just what i felt like making :3
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rpreaperperson · 1 year
Bonus: First Interrogation and Hassan thought
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Warn: None, just a lil snip of Claw past
The first he heard of the Hybrid is from the Russian informant, There is a Lab facility that holds them somewhere then the creature is sent to be a war tool.
Another poor soul who just entangled in that American war mess
Then he saw it...more like..her seemingly young girl with a wide blue eyes
‘They dare! Send a girl, a young girl into a war?!’ He frowns at the thought, as the task force and shadow catch him they went into the dessert where no one could find him ,perfect place to interrogate him.
One of them escorted him out of the jeep and forced him into his knee
The Hybrid hopped out of the jeep following her Master, when they removed the sack from his head, his gaze turned to the Hybrid instead
“Hello there!” she waved innocently then the Mohawk man beside her raised his eyebrow and nudge her arm as she mouthed ‘what’ to him and he just shook his head, Hasan just nodded at her pursing his mouth downwards
‘How petty of them sending a girl into a war!’ Not to mention the hybrid existence is deeply rare WHY in the name of God would they give her in the military?!
“you speak arabic?” ask Hassan to Graves, Just about Graves opens his mouth Claw raises her arm like a student who wants to answer the question from her teacher
“I do!~ although just a little”
 “This why I dont want her get off from the jeep” skull masked man sigh tiredly
“LT c’mon..” Soap tried to reason with him
“She not fitted for interigation”
“its her first time LT..”
“Hrghhh...”Ghost groans, while Claw just stares at them confused, then Graves takes his laptop
“Now first rule of interrogation ,Claw!” Graves walked over to the van with laptop on his hand he pointed a finger up
“Be mean and dont polite at them”
“Number two! Don't be intimidated by ‘em we’re the ones who Interrogation them, not the way around”
“Yes Master!”
While Graves gives a lecture to Claw, the others just patiently wait until the lecturer is done including Hassan who observes Claw her fluffy ears and her long black fluffy tails, wondering how she maintains them so well when she works in a dirt and dust like this
Done with the lecture Graves opens his laptop connecting to Laswell and Shepherd, Claw muttering every word that Graves taught her
“be mean..don polite and dont be intimidate by them” her tails swishing, then she heard Laswell voice from the laptop
“Miss Laswell!” she beamed as her ears perked up, Soap automatically pat her head
“Stay and behave” He mumbles his face unusually stoic
“Y-yes Master” she obey him, and listen to the bickering from Graves and Hassan
“I’m a hostage here. This is illegal”
“You are a prisoner of war.”
“Iran is not at war with Mexico. I’ve broken no laws. These men and their commanders are the law-breakers.” Hassan then gazes at Claw full of sympathy
“You even brought a young girl to be your war tool..” then he stare at the men with full of disgust and disdain, Claw freeze at his words
“Shame to all of you...”
Claw look down avoiding everyone eyes, fidgeting her nails
The word that out from Hassan mouth reminds her when she still at the lab
“You and your beloved General Ghorbani broke every –“ Soap speak but got cut off
“DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME! You executed him and you will pay for your crimes…” Claw flinch at Hassan outbrust
 ‘Ghor..bani...? seems like I’ve hears that name...but where..’ Claw tried to remember that she couldnt hear Shepherd calling out her from the laptop
“Claw!”Ghost snaped
“Hu? A..Y-yes Master?!”
“Sheperd wants your suggestion..”
 “What about..?”
He point to Hassan
‘Wait? Why is Sir Sheperd ask me about this?!’
 the stare from the other making her go all nervous thinking that she may do something bad, the Hassan snort
“you all cornering her, its making her uncomfortable” hearing that they all averted their eyes
“W-well..I think it is a risk if we took him now even killing him eheh...but if we have any proof then...” Claw gesturing her hand into a fist and bump it
“he go to jail..maybe?”
“Unfortunally we got no proof of it, killing Hassan is an act of war, keeping him is illegal. Right now like Claw says, he is too hot to hold” Laswell piped explain it to Shepherd
“So without proof, we need to turn him loose. See where he leads us...” Shepherd sighed leaning on his chair as Hassan chuckled knowing that they had no other choice but to let him go, Soap argued approaching the laptop
“He’s right here. You can’t be serious”
“Im afraid I am, son..” Shepherd frown clearly frustated about the condition, Claw pursing her lips
“What about his phone, did we get anything at least?” Claw point at Hassan phone in Ghost hands
“Affirmative. We got a hit” Laswell stated
“Good.Now, take him back and let him go” command Shepherd
“And Claw...”
“Yes sir?”
“..Keep up the good job”
Claw beamed and salute him through the laptop
“Y-Yes Sir!”
The others stare at her amused, Ghost huff shaking his head as Alejandro puts the sack back on Hassan's head he slips the phone back into Hassan's pocket when they pass him
Claw's mood became insanely grew the words that Hassan told completely forgotten her tails swishing in delight
‘Eheheh...I get praised by Sir Shepherd~’ she cupping her cheeks with both of her hands
“C’mon Bonnie..” Soap slung his burly arm around her shoulder, As both of them got into the van the same Hassan was, the next words coming from his mouth made Claw freeze
“You’re free..you’re never a tool” although the others don’t know what it means because he said it in Arabic and thought that it was another threat, but Claw knows…
She gaping at him
The words that the same when she was in Lab, someone motive her when she at her low.
Ghost silently observe her, narrowing his gaze at Hassan
'As I thought she shouldn't come out from the van'
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boytouya · 3 years
Warning: Parenting
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Dabi was supposed to pick you up to go out, but it seemed the universe had different plans. When you first met, Dabi’s introduction to you had changed his expectations for everyone else. A single father of two children, twins, with the most energy he’s ever seen. Dabi was never one for children, but something about seeing you kneel down to pick them up or give them piggyback rides made his chest warm with something he didn’t want to explain. You were the standard. You were his standard, and everyone should strive to be like you.
He knocks on your apartment door once, twice, a shocking third time, before swinging his arm back down to his side. Dabi wasn’t the type of man to worry about if his outfits fit any type of occasion, but was a leather jacket with ripped jeans too casual? What about his piercings? Should he have taken out his gauges? Or his eyebrow piercing? Fuck. He’s been to your house multiple times and yet he’s still nervous. Fuck.
The door creaks open in front of him only slightly, and there you are, in all your glory. He can only see half of your face, watching you peek out and speak through the door with a frown on your face.
“I’m sorry, just a second,” You shut the door with an apologetic smile, leaving Dabi in your hallway. It’d be a shame if someone walked out and saw him. The villain presses his ear to your hardwood door, listening to you scold someone with the softest voice he’s ever heard. He straightens himself up once he hears your footsteps returning, clearing his throat as you open the door. Wide this time. “The babysitter cancelled on me last minute, but I was hoping you’d still want to have a date here instead?”
“Sounds like you’re asking yourself that.” Dabi masks his nervousness before you can deny his response, striding into your clean (besides crayons and ‘experiments’ from your children) apartment and being swarmed by your kids.
“Thing One,” Dabi pats the top of your daughter’s head. “And Thing Two. How’re my favorite ankle biters?”
“Don’t call them that!” You laugh, shutting your apartment door and enveloping your children in a hug as they argue over who exactly gets to be Thing One. You don’t even think they understand the reference.
Dabi makes himself comfortable on your couch, plopping down and resting his free arm on the top of it like he owns the place. His manspread and smug smirk makes him look undeniably cliché, and you don’t hesitate to take a seat next to him, your kids following behind. They manage to squeeze right between you and Dabi, your son placing his finger through Dabi’s gauge until you tell him to stop.
“I’m bored, can we watch a movie? Oh, Oh! And can we get pizza?!” Your kids turn to Dabi instead of you. You want to interject, explain that it’s rude to interrupt two adults when they’re speaking, but the way your children are so comfortable around Dabi makes you fall silent. When you first met they were afraid of him, whispering to you about how his burns and staples were scary. Since then you paid extra attention to telling them it was never okay to think about people that way, and the more they spoke with the villain, the more they liked him.
“You gotta ask the Boss, buddy. But if it were up to me, you could watch all the movies you want.” There’s a glint in his eye as he looks over at you with a wink.
“And eat all the junk food we want too?!”
“More than you could ever imagine.”
“Dabi!” You swat his palm, watching him flex his hand into the position of a claw at you. His press against his rings. The sight of them makes you smile, he gave your son one of his rings the first time he commented on them. The clawed hand holds onto your wrist and snakes upwards, settling to lazily hold your hand as you squeeze it back. You missed having a relationship like this, but something tells you it’s different because it’s Dabi. “Stop lying to my kids.”
They groan, your daughter pulling out the remote to the TV from God knows where, surfing through channels and Apps until she settles for something scary, once again looking at Dabi for approval. You’re too busy scrolling through a delivery service to notice Dabi squeezing your hand, but your head perks up when the movie starts.
“What did you put on?” You ask after confirming your order.
“Paranormal activity.” Your daughter says simply, but you can tell she’s holding back a laugh.
“You know your brother is scared of scary movies!” As if on queue, your son starts screaming before anything even happens, pushing his face into your chest and flailing his arms around. It sends your daughter into a hysterical fit of laughter.
“Oh, no… Would hate to tell ‘em it’s all real.” Dabi snickers, your daughter giggling wildly as your son screams into your arm.
Your doorbell rings, the sound vibrating against the walls and into your ears. It sends your son into a fit of screams, he throws himself at Dabi, who’s laughing louder than you’ve ever heard him laugh.
You make a show of tiptoeing over to the door, placing a finger over your lips and opening it cautiously. It’s just a box of pizza with two bags of chinese food on top, but it sends your children into a fit of dramatic screams.
“The ghost left a gift for us.” Dabi smirks.
“The house is haunted!” Your daughter grabs a pillow and shields her face from the emptiness of the doorway.
“We’re all gonna die!” Your son screams as he pulls Dabi away from the door.
“No one’s dying,” You chuckle, shutting the door with your foot and moving over to the coffee table. You can hear Dabi groan at what you say next. “Well, maybe your hunger.”
You set up plates of food for your children, throwing a small bag of egg rolls to Dabi, who’s perked up on the couch. He pats the spot next to him, watching you move over to him with heavy plates occupying your hands.
“Daddy, can Dabi sleep over tonight?” Your children say in unison, their heads turning to face you as they chew loudly. You can tell they’ve been rehearsing the question, your son is bouncing in his seat as thrumming his fingers against the table. Dabi looks at you with just as much anticipation, slowly chewing along with the buzzing background of Paranormal Activity.
“Only if you two promise not to stay up too late.”
A smile spreads across Dabi’s face as he pulls you by his side, his staples pulling against his cheeks as your children rejoice and run to Dabi’s side. This must be was family truly feels like.
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starrysence · 5 years
the thunderstorm fic
heyooo i am back kind of with a lil ralbert piece to get back into the writing spirit! hope u enjoy! the fic will be under the keep reading link :D word count is somewhere around 1k and i didnt proofread this bc we die like men. also its a modern au cause i can 
tw for astraphobia (fear of thunderstorms) bc thats what this fic is centered around. 
the searing white flash of lightning that makes the rapidly falling raindrops visible is enough to alert race as to what will come next; he’ll never admit it, but he immediately begins to tremble, using every ounce of his energy not to move his hands up to cover his ears and muffle the rumble of thunder. albert, who’s been sitting beside him for the better part of four hours to work on a project they’re partners for, takes notice of race’s sudden shaking and frowns.
“you alright, racer?”
race looks at him; albert, albie, al, his best friend, the guy he’s in love with (even though he’s still a little hesitant about admitting that part), and even though the answer to the question is initially no, looking at him does make race feel a little alright. just a little. he thinks about how this - his fear of thunder - is the only thing he’s never told albert about. it’s the one thing he feels too ashamed of to share with albert, but he’s always figured it’s not a big deal; albert wouldn’t ever have to know, right?
well, considering their current circumstances… maybe race has to rethink that one.
“yeah,” he croaks, almost flinching at how small his voice sounds. “yeah, al, i’m good.”
albert raises an eyebrow, and race knows he’s already lost this one.
“you sure? you don’t sound too sure of yourself an’ you’re, like, shaking right now.”
“dammit, albie.” race chuckles, attempting to downplay just how scared he really feels. the attempt fails as his voice quivers about halfway through the first word, and he wants to cry. but he doesn’t. “why d’you have to be so observant?”
“i’m not observant, tonio,” albert responds with a soft smile. “you’re my best friend, of course i’ll know when something’s up with you. i’ve known you long enough to notice when you’re not bein’ totally honest with me about somethin’. now, what’s the matter?”
race falls silent. he knows there’s no escaping this conversation, but he wants to try and avoid it for as long as he can. 
he sighs in defeat. he managed to successfully avoid it for a total of less than two minutes.
"promise you won't make fun of me," race says; he tries his hardest to make his voice firm and steady, but it comes out as a shaky, scared whisper. he feels weak. vulnerable. afraid. he doesn't think his shaking can get any worse but in that moment it does and it makes him feel so pathetic and helpless and suddenly he's trying to make sure his breathing is steady and his vision is clear.
in a second albert is by his side, gripping his hand and wrapping an arm around his shoulder, holding him close. he knows race likes the touch, and race is so glad he just knows because he thinks that if he had to speak another word he would start crying. 
"of course i promise not to make fun of you… whatever's got you scared this bad ain't somethin' i'll ever make fun of you for, tonio. you know, i'm sorry for pushing in the first place… you don't have to tell me if it's too hard for you." albert's voice is soft, his tone sincere, and race wonders how he got lucky enough to have a best friend like this.
"i wanna tell you, it's just… hard." race's voice softens more and more as he speaks, ending up as a whisper. 
albert nods. "i get that, racer. just… tell me when you're ready."
"yeah… yeah. thanks, al."
a silence falls among the rather small bedroom, but neither of them really mind; it’s that same, familiar comfortable silence that occurs in the few moments when they don’t have anything to talk about.
“do you remember when we met for the first time?”
race looks up at albert, surprised, and blinks. “i guess, yeah… what about it?”
“i just think it’s crazy, you know...” a small smile starts to form on albert’s face, and race can’t help thinking about how much he wants to see that smile all the time every day, how much he wants to kiss those lips. “how it all began, i mean, and then there’s where we are now. when you sat down next to me on the first day of school in second grade and started rambling on and on about how cool you thought stars were, i immediately wanted you to be one of my friends forever. you were the first person to talk to me that year, which was huge to me ‘cause-”
“you’d just moved into the area,” race interrupts softly. the storm is still going on outside, and it shows no signs of quieting down any time soon, and race still feels himself trembling, but this helps; talking helps. touch helps. he helps. albert helps. 
“yeah.” there’s a full smile on albert’s face now, and it makes race want to smile, too, but all he can manage is a small upturn of his lips. “and now we’re here, and i love how it is and i love you and i wouldn’t trade this for- for anything in the world.”
the world seems to still in that moment. time stops, noise quiets, everything fades away until it’s just the two of them. race is aware of how cheesy this all sounds in his head, but he can’t bring himself to care.
it was those three words, he knows it was. they've been saying those words to each other for so long; in quick, fleeting moments, in long, heartfelt talks. 
"can you stay the night?" race whispers. 
"'course i can," albert responds in a soft tone. 
“thank you, albie. i love you.”
“and i love you, tonio. always.”
i wanted to fit race telling al abt why he’s scared into this but i couldnt find a way to do that without rewriting basically the whole thing, and i love what i have so i didnt want to do that.
long story short… anyone want a lil part 2? :)
-sanj <3
tag list:
@one-candy-cane-please | @suddenly-im-respecsable | @intoomanyfandomstopickaname | @be-more-chill-evan-hansen | @aw-jus-let-em-try | @getchapapes | @well-the-kids-do-too | @auspicioustarantula | @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn | @have-we-got-news-for-you | @not-a-scab | @pineappapizza | @andthewoildwillknow | @concrete--donuts | @stopthe-presses | @thomasbeingthomas | @i-love-loki-and-sherlock | @maxvanna | @spot-me50-papes | @and-i-lostmy-shoe | @i-got-no-clue-what-im-doing | @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog | @backgroundensemble | @ridin-in-style | @sunshine-e-cigarettes | @macaroni-0verlord | @probablyeunoia | @thebroadwayaesthetic | @how-bout-a-crookedpolitician | @fellthroughableedingtrapdoor | @awkwardstranger98 | @bxnesof92 | @papesdontsellthemselves
[if you want to be added to my tag list, please shoot me an ask or a message letting me know! i’d be happy to add you!]
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captain039 · 6 years
Cayde 6 x reader
Summary: an imagine i thought of
Warnings: none really
Honestly in this world it was difficult to find a true mate someone to love you spend your life with. No gaurdian or non-gaurdian had a mate seemed impossible with Gaul around. The traveler granted you that special feeling of a connection with someone it gave it to everyone even those with out the light had that un-spoken bond with someone. You had just been woken up your ghost floating around you leading you to the city you felt different in-human you couldn't shake it as you boarded a ship heading back to the tower.
Maybe it was immortality now? The fear of no death knowing you could come back to life with your ghost? You didn't knoe you were a normal human not Exo or awoken just human. Landing on the stone floor you looked around gaurdians grabbing their gear before heading off to fight. You frowned looking down at your ragged clothes as you sighed heading to where you ghost led. Amanda holiday a nice beta giving you a nice do over on your ship and some proper hunter clothes. Hunter huh wild and free you thought but then again are we truly free?
You snapped out of it heading to the armory no doubt you saw it glisten calling you the hand cannon. You touched it grabbing it craefully spinning it around it felt right you slid it into your holster grabbing a niper aswell before heading to get them painted. Black and gold seemed fitting a diamond from cards on it you smiled thanking the woman before heading to the vangaurds your coat swishing behind you. You grew nervous suddenly all the sounds being blurred into one your senses on fire as you gripped the wall.
"Guardian?" Your ghost asked as you nodded to him.
"Im fine" you mumbled getting up and heading to them. You froze though suddenly a ridgid back a few meters away from you the famous Ikora rey and Zavala looking confused at their hunter.
"She's here" the hunter said making them frown turning to the human.
"I can uh go" you coughed a feeling flowing through you, it couldnt be could it?
The figure turned around his optics focussing on you as you froze again.
"Cayde?" Ikora asked the hunter as he stared not answering.
"Cayde-6" Zavala huffed as the Exo turned around babbling sorrys.
"Hunter come here" you stepped forward to the warlock who glared at the Exo.
"I was uh told to be here" you muttered as she nodded.
"Well, Cayde?" She asked annoyed.
"Uh yep on it right over no where oh boy ok um" he rambled looking at the map.
"Roght here fallen doing stuff yeah shoot em" he said nervously laughing as Zavala sighed face palming.
"What he means to say gaurdian is that a fallen captain has taken captive of a civilian find it kill it and bring her back safely" you nodded at the titan slowly walking off. You went to mars finding the captain killing it when someone joined you.
"Cayde?" Your ghost questioned.
"Ok ok shhhh im not meant to be here i uh" he sighed.
"You feel it right i know im crazy an all but do you feel it? You nodded to him as he sighed in relief.
"Ok seriously i was scared i was going mad like sheesh" he said making you laugh.
"Whats your name?" He asked.
"Y/n" you answered your ghost backing away.
"A guardian who speaks wow even better" you smiled at his comment as he sighed.
"Cayde, Cayde-6 nicknamed ace" you nodded you knew.
"Which you already knee because everyone knows hah" he sighed rubbing his head.
"Ok this is really weird but do you wanna get ramen sometime i know this amazing ramen place in the city it is to die for even though we come back and blah blah" he stammered as you smiled again at his cuteness.
"Yes Cayde id would love to get ramen" he lit up.
"Really?" You nodded as he smiled fist pumping.
"Ah thats, thats amazing" he sighed making you giggle.
"I swear i already love you" you froze as did he.
"I mean like not literal sense ya know like more lime i like you but what isnt to like haha" he gave up hanging his head as you walked closer lifting his chin up giving his cheek a kiss. He stood frozen his eye bright as he picked you up hugging you. You smiled laughing at his behaviour as he let you down.
"Can't believe i found you" he whispered.
"Me neither" you felt whole.
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