#couldnt replicate it to save my life
cheerfullycatholic · 6 months
I think I'm gonna be thinking about hermit crabs for the rest of my life
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kaishimo · 1 year
I look back at my old pinterest boards in shame...
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happy pride mont
Well I guess I could share some drawings since usually I just dogpile everything I want to say into 1 post and don’t necessarily have room for the art which is sad.
So I decided for pride month I’ll just dogpile some of my art that I haven’t shown here relating to my favorites from hxh kind of being like those 60 color packs of crayons.
I draw kind of like a crazy guy and I have a fair bit of art so I’ll make a cut off line to not clog...
Btw so I dont jumpscare you the art is of Izunavi and Giuliano, Shalnark and Chrollo, & Muherr and hehe a not canon character (In that order)
Hehe i just have some portraits of Izu for fun here not necessarily ship or anything related but I just wanted to share them Since I made them a while ago and he looks very nice:
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Ok but it gets a little gay here so urm: Happy pride moth:
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I made this one because I wanted them to have a happy life that I knew they could never have!!!!!!
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just a funny little drawing for fun that I stayed up a little too late making 1 time because these guys just kind of carry me away..
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On valentines day I was having a rlly bad time a really bad day and everything and then I made these guys and everything was better 
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I made this one in ms paint and it makes me so happy man... I have it as my background screen on my computer rn i didn’t intend for this drawing to bang so hard but also I kind of drew it intending for it to be like the only house that’s not on fire yet because that’s a song that’s perfect for these guys hear me out
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I made that one at like 2 am and yes it was to this song and to me it is objectively about these guys
I guess it could be a projection bc i just wanted to squeeze that guy bc hes just so funny and silly and I love these guys and giuliano is just like me for real so it’s fine 
I care about them a lot man I even made an article on the shipping wiki for them because I uhhh I uh help I urm
I have... another one that I ALSO made an article for... and it brings me extreme distress as well as extreme joy
we have our 2nd place to Shalkuro :100:
I have a lot of art for it I’ll make a post for it one day I swear and it will be insane in length because I really need help man ... If izugiuli is my comfort ship this is the REASON why I need comfort
proceeds to show harmless nice little drawings:
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I saw that trend everywhere so this is a rlly recent drawing but I made them with the barbie and ken because I... well come on... its literally perfect okay
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gooberish little drawing because i was bored
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shalkuro as teens ig comfort (I relentlessly got called gay for this one Stop jules bullying 2023) 
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Im a little crazy so maybe I did make another omori hxh au and a lot of it is Shalnark in the au or Shalnark and Chrollo
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Redraw of the sticker because hehe
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THIS IS BASED OFF OF AN UNFINISHED FIC I HAVE thats not necessarily ship related but also is but also you can interpret it any way you want and imo it’s so cute
I’ll finish it one day.
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Another ms paint art but it’s inspired off of bad apple for actually no reason other than that I think it would look cool and I went through 5 stages of hell trying to draw this but I made it out fine
God I want to talk so much about Shalkuro since Shalnark is ALSO just like me for real and I actually haven’t before on this account and it’s kind of my soundboard for talking abt whatever relating to hxh but I really think I should save it for a post of it’s own..
Anyways onto the next one its a little funny thing
I shipped my self insert with Muherr as a joke ok but now its kinda funny and I like it and I actually rlly like these drawings i made for it
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dont ask why he looks drunk its a long story
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I had to make this it was honestly too funny for me not too and I love it so much EXCEPT for the fact that I realized that my self insert looks so much like pariston in here
Im supposed to have dark hair but I just didnt feel like coloring it in there bc the lineart looked good enough to me
but yeah muherr x jules otp forever /j
hapy pride month whoever or whatever you are whether your gay or not!!!!
dont forget to have fun and be a kind neighborly person like me 
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mejomonster · 3 years
So like NFTs people are really paying for like. A very unique url? That costs a lot of energy to create? Hence why NFTs are so bad for the environment right? (I know nothing about NFTs so I could be wildly wrong, but I do know theyre bad for the environment)
Ok so. Why can't we just lie? Why can't we transform "NFT" sales into just regular commissioned art sales, and say there's this unique Thing associated with it? Heck, there's ways to generate a unique url without doing a ton of damage I am assuming (like how youtube makes unique urls for all its videos and another url for the Share button etc). Or if it's not the url thing that's unique, couldnt we just.... either make something less environmentally destructive that's unique, or just. Again lie. Tbh
Because I think NFTs are being marketed basically like Commisioned Art but "fancy." It's just a bunch of rich people and companies jumping on the "oh a trendy new way to buy commissioned art" train! It's just commissioned art they feel is uniquely theirs, rather than something the artist can then later share or that other people could right click and save (even tho NFT images still ARE all this, it's just their like unique aspect info attached can't be copied). Couldn't like? Artists just fucking sell "hi I saved ur art with a specific pixel/signature transparent on a higher layer making ur commission unique from any other since u get the layer copy but if u share it people will only ever see the Flattened copy"? Like... its still a wholly unique item only the buyer can have... no one can replicate that transparent layer content (or say the artist puts some design on layer 2 then unchecked the layer visibility, sells the layered file to buyer, so they can check thar layer but no one else can unless they get the buyers specific file saved on their device etc). Only u know. Not a big environmental effect. Or an artist can say they wrote this buyers fucking name somewhere in real life and that buyer owned that specific instance which is wholly unique and can't be right click saved even tho the NFT art can. Which is pretty much what the unique NFT identifier is, but in digital form.
My point is just like... why can't we just lie and make regular ass commissioned art "NFTs." It's fucking infuriating to me that NFTs are basically popular right now because they're the Cool Hip New kind of commissioned art. And that New Kind happens to be very destructive. Wooh. Which is fucking mind-blowingly pissing me off. Cause digital commissioned art absolutely does not need to be environmentally destructive and there's a million alternative Hip New kinds of digital art commissions we could have gotten popular that would've just been a net positive on society or neutral.
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rvnjun · 5 years
weather boy | haechan
genre: super power!au 
warnings:  violence, mentions of blood
authors note: first part of The Dream Team series! Finally finished it after nearly two years of sitting in my drafts,,collecting dirt and cobwebs 
probably spelling and grammar mistakes because i suck at proofreading 
all i could think of when writing this 
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The Dream Team M.list
Some people were born with their powers because their parents had them, others received them under strange and unusual circumstances 
most people fit into one of those two categories, it was nearly impossible for them not too
however, Donghyuck was a special case
technically he was born with his powers, but technically he received them thanks to a injection
his mother was a scientist working for a laboratory
for years she helped developed a serum that would give someone powers 
his mother was a courageous woman and offered herself up as the first test subject, they didn't know if the serum would kill her or even work
injecting it into herself she stayed under surveillance for weeks and the only thing that seemed to be happening was that she kept feeling nauseous and puking  
they brushed it off as a weird side effect
however, 1 month later she learned about her pregnancy
she left the lab and focused all her attention on raising her soon to be son
the thoughts of the serum still lingered in her mind, she was filled with despair at the fact that it seemed to not have worked 
but she would soon be proven wrong
when her son was born, clouds filled the room and rain began to pour down, wind started blowing everything around
the serum did in fact work, just not on her
Donghyuk had it slightly hard growing up
since neither of his parents had powers they weren't able to understand him
they took him to power therapy, there he learned how to control them and what he could do with them 
he knew that his powers were powerful and potentially dangerous 
watching the news caused him to see how people could take their amazing gifts and do some of the worst things with them 
the hatred and fear they caused, it was because of them that people would treat those with powers like trash and not human 
Donghyuck wanted to do good, he had a gift and he wanted to use it to save the world, to show those out their that hated his kind that they were also good people 
when he met up with people who also had powers, they called him crazy 
“Why would I risk my life for those who wouldn't risk theirs for me?”
“What's the point, its to much work!”
“Your crazy, ya know!”
it made Donghyuck bubble with rage
why couldnt they be more compassionate and understanding
normal humans had a right to be afraid of them, look at all the things “superheros” did to them
superheros were so focused on stopping the villian that sometimes they caused more damage then what the villain would have done 
Donghyuck confronted his power therapist, he went on a 30 minute rant on how he wanted to save peoples lives but no one else wanted to 
which is when his therapist told him about a young boy named Jaemin
apparently “Jaemin” was like him, he wanted to use his powers to help save people 
and that's how he met his best friends 
it was also how he met you
many of the fights and bad people seemed to target the same neighborhood
which was where you lived
it wasn't a bad neighborhood but it also wasn't the richest, it was perfectly in the middle 
there was many times when you would be sitting outside and all of a sudden some person was going off on a speech about taking over the world
you always casually watched from your porch
after awhile of watching them fight you chose to make them some snacks
Donghyuck was completely taken back when you casually approached them with sandwiches and water
it became your thing, you make them some food and bring it to them
while doing so you fell for the weather powered boy 
you were extremely shocked when you learned Donghyucks real identity 
he was the cute kid who never shut up in your chem class
which in hindsight, you should have known
Donghyuck was known for his weather powers
you laughed to yourself, people should have been smarter to realize that the kid in school with weather powers was actually the superhero,,,with weather powers 
he risked revealing his identity to you so you could date
The Dream Team, as they called themselves didn't mind, they all loved you
you had already proven that you were a nice person, that you actually cared about them 
dating Donghyuck was a little hard at first, only because sometimes he couldn't control his powers around you
like the time when some dude was hitting on you, Donghyuck made it downpour in the coffee shop,,,only on the guy 
then there was the time you two were swimming and messing around, he was shooting you heart eyes, the clouds cleared up even more and you swore you heard sweet music suddenly play in the background 
and your personal favorite was when you two were having a pretty intense make-out session and the temperature in the room raised a whole 10 degrees
(fahrenheit otherwise that would be concerning)
other than his rapid emotions he was an amazing normal boyfriend
he loved to show you off, if you ever felt insecure about something 
he would brag about you to everyone around him like you were a first place trophy 
you still brought his friends food after they fought, except this time Donghyuck enjoyed your kisses more than the food 
Everyone at your school was kinda shocked to learn that you were dating 
as far as they knew you never talked before
and then suddenly you were holding hands in the hallway while walking each other to classes 
As much as you loved Donghyuck for fighting,and helping people you couldn't help but feel scared for him sometimes 
the number of times he came over to your house with cuts and bruises on your face made your heart sink
you always told him that he should have gone to Jaemin for help but he said that you made him feel better 
like any other day you were sitting at your desk while working on some dreaded homework
the headphones blasting music in your ears distracted you from properly doing your work, plus its not like you were really trying
a light tap of your window caused you to look up with a soft smile
you were expecting to see Donghyuks smiling face
“Babe?” You asked when no one was in sight
feeling confused you stood up and stupidly opened the window
screaming Donghyucks name when someone grabbed you and pulled you out of it
you knew that Donghyuck wasnt near but you pleaded for him in your mind
begging for him to somehow hear you and save you
everything went black and the last thing you saw was the intruders smiling face
Donghyuck laughed along with his friends at Renjuns joke
suddenly Jisung stopped laughing and looked straight at Donghyuck
“Hyung, Y/n is in danger,” he said very seriously
“What? Don't joke like that,” Donghyuck snapped a bit
not really enjoying being joked with on something so serious
“Im not joking! I just know Y?n is in danger,” he protested growing more and more scared every second
everyone looked at him before Chenle spoke up
“Jisung would joke about something like that, Y/n must seriously be in danger.”
rushing out of his seat Donghyuck made a mad dash for your house
the clouds around began to darken, rain falling slowly
he pulled at his phone and repeatedly tried to call you but got no answer
adding to the sudden weather problems
wind harshly blew, a drastic change from the previous sunny and calm day
when Donghyuck arrived at your house and saw your open window he just knew Jisung was right
as much as he didnt want to believe him
looking around he couldn't see any sign as to where you could have been
tears began to fall down his face
calling Jisung he begged and pleaded for him to figure out where you were
Jisung thought and thought about everything before it came to him 
“I think,,I think Y/n is at the old abandoned factory on 8th str-” Donghyuck hung up before he could finish his sentence
Donghyuck turned and darted in the direction of the factory
people around him screamed as the rain poured harder and thunder boomed, lightning decorated the sky rapidly, cool and warm wind began to mix causing funnel clouds to appear
dangerously threatening the people out the city
back at the table Donghyuck friends stared at the sky in awe, they had seen Donghyucks powers before but never like this
silently praying for your safety they sat and watched the sky, waiting for it to change to show that you were okay 
he quickly arrived at the factory, the door burst open from wind before he could even touch it
he listened for a sound, running towards it
the door burst open as Donghyuck arrived, staring at your tied up and beaten figure
“Y/n,” he yelled, body shaking with anger
the guy in front of you immediately dropped what he was holding in fear
you cried in happiness at seeing your boyfriend, knowing that he was able to find you thanks to Jisung
“How dare you fucking hurt Y/n,” he said angrily
bursts of wind launched the man into the wall and held him there
the room rapidly rised in temperature, clouds formed in the room, replicating the weather outside
the man screamed out
Donghyuck stepped towards him as tornado began to form
he untied you, holding your body as you fell into his arms, knees weak from pain
gently he kissed your forehead “ill take you to Jaemin as soon as im done here baby,” he tone was the exact opposite of the one he used to the man just seconds before
you stared at the room in awe at his powers, not feeling the slightest afraid because you trusted him
a huge bolt of lightening stuck down on the man causing him to knockout
Donghyuck calmed down at seeing the injured man
the boys back at the table smiled at the sky when all the clouds disappeared the sun came out, wind changing to a gentle breeze
“Im so glad you are okay, I was so fucking worried,” he began to cry as he held you
“I don't know what I would have done if I lost you, Y/n you are my everything and I can't live without you,” he body shook with tears
holding him as tight as you could you rested your head on his chest 
“I screamed for you the whole time, all i wanted was to be right here,,in your arms,” you said happily
your eyes started to close, exhausted taking over your body
you placed a weak kiss on Donghyucks lips
“let me take you to Jaemin,”
Donghyuck smiled contentedly and carried you out of the room, ignoring the man, and was happily met with his friends
“Figured you'd need me,” Jaemin looked at you and smiled, healing all your wounds and making you feel like none of it had happened
“Well lets get out of here,” Jaemin said
Donghyuck followed behind his friends, refusing to put you back down
“,,,you aren't gonna heal the guy, Hyung? what if Donghyuk killed him?” Jisung asked in surprise
Jaemin waved his hand and shook his head 
Donghyuck scoffed “Sadly, he wasn't hurt that badly.” 
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jakemorph · 4 years
girls if i disappear its bc ive been taken in for identity theft cus i couldnt replicate my own signature to save my life
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somnilogical · 5 years
i am prepared to face god this instant
in the case of the native americans, in a counterfactual world where every native human could would do with their muscles what they would yell at a book character in their situation to do with their mouth. where people could would make choices from a third person point of view and then carry out the choices. where when asked by an interrogator for the names of your rebel companions, you say you will know them when they come to avenge me.
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<<On 8 Feb 1943, the Nazis hung 17-year-old Yugoslav partisan Lepa Radić. When asked the names of her companions, she replied: “You will know them when they come to avenge me”.>>
<<N. Stolyarova recalls an old woman who was her neighbor on the Butyrki bunks in 1937. They kept on interrogating her every night. Two years earlier, a former Metropolitan of the Orthodox Church, who had escaped from exile, had spent a night at her home on his way through Moscow. “But he wasn’t the former Metropolitan, he was the Metropolitan! Truly, I was worthy of receiving him.” “All right then. To whom did he go when he left Moscow?” “I know, but I won’t tell you!” (The Metropolitan had escaped to Finland via an underground railroad of believers.) At first the interrogators took turns, and then they went after her in groups. They shook their fists in the little old woman’s face, and she replied: “There is nothing you can do with me even if you cut me into pieces. After all, you are afraid of your bosses, and you are afraid of each other, and you are even afraid of killing me.” (They would lose contact with the underground railroad.) “But I am not afraid of anything. I would be glad to be judged by God right this minute.”
There were such people in 1937 too, people who did not return to their cell for their bundles of belongings, who chose death, who signed nothing denouncing anyone.>>
<<One can’t say that the history of the Russian revolutionaries has given us any better examples of steadfastness. But there is no comparison anyway, because none of our revolutionaries ever knew what a really good interrogation could be, with fifty-two different methods to choose from. Just as oxcart drivers of Gogol’s time could not have imagined the speed of a jet plane, those who have never gone through the receiving-line meat grinder of Gulag cannot grasp the true possibilities of interrogation.
We read in Izvestiya for May 24, 1959, that Yuliya Rumyantseva was confined in the internal prison of a Nazi camp while they tried to find out from her the whereabouts of her husband, who had escaped from that same camp. She knew, but she refused to tell! For a reader who is not in the know this is a model of heroism. For a reader with a bitter Gulag past it’s a model of inefficient interrogation: Yuliya did not die under torture, and she was not driven insane. A month later she was simply released—still very much alive and kicking.>>
-alexander solzhenitsyn, the gulag archipelago
if all or even a majority of native americans near the missions had this neurotype, then what id suggest would be for everyone to move away from the missions and if captured refuse to work to the point of death. the missions need slave labour in order to exist and without people to feed on and with long supply lines, they would be undone and people would be free from the largest human-unfriendly institution of the era.
and the outcome would be better than ~60 years of slavery. this is choosing between timelines
somni why do you care about freedom? freedom is like ability-to-live. if people were like "well who cares about the global slavery-and-submission-and-stasis cult" until catholicism actually took over the world, the world would be much worse and we would never get to the stars.
you could say "whats the point, everyone gets assimilated to whatever the social order is now which is driving us all to doom" but like if you are in 1800s america after you keep the world ending for a set of tribes, you work on societal tech to keep it from ending in other ways and landing in this patch of equilibrium-space in the first place.
its like the difference between choosing between timelines and wondering if perhaps the money could be better spent sustaining the lives of those who could be locally saved. there are other organizing principles for moral reasoning besides these, and more than i have thought of so far. i suspect locating new ones is a spatially-loaded skill.
ben hoffman was using the choosing between consistent timelines kind of thinking when he quoted deuteronomy 30:19 in his post about REACH
<<I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.>>
which in context of the passage is exactly the same cognition that would benefit the natives to resist the world's largest human-unfriendly subjugation org and live to iteratively squirm out of these sorts of tangles in the future.
<<See, I set before you this day life and prosperity, death and adversity.
For I command you this day, to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His laws, and His rules, that you may thrive and increase, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land that you are about to enter and possess.
But if your heart turns away and you give no heed, and are lured into the worship and service of other gods,
I declare to you this day that you shall certainly perish; you shall not long endure on the soil that you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess.
I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life—if you and your offspring would live—
by loving the LORD your God, heeding His commands, and holding fast to Him. For thereby you shall have life and shall long endure upon the soil that the LORD swore to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give to them.>>
if native americans had social tech which could better survive slavery and forced relocation, maybe things would be different today.
which, this can be cast in a zero-sum frame of having your group survive versus everyone elses which runs against antinationalist heuristics.
but if you are planning to manufacture a pattern which revolutionizes the world, for the good of all life, it is instrumentally useful to avoid assimilation and submission destroying this work.
this applies to multi-generational projects as well as within-a-lifetime choices. if you choose to submit and assimilate and erase all work and structure you have built, each time someone wants to feed on you, then you i (0.7) dont think can really sustain your work.
i wonder if with this worlds distribution of neurotypes, such that maybe most humans cant run consequentialism through a rawlsian veil where they forget which human inherits the label "me" on their muscles. im somewhat optimistic that even those who cant wont make their muscles move according to this, can locate the correct answer.
though there is i think a habit among people whose neurotypes have issues to retroactively rationalize (FAKE REASONING, STORIES) that because you are unable to make your body wont choose your death over the death of three of your friends, equally or more useful to the flourishing of all life, it doesnt make sense to choose your death over theirs.
linta mentioned that they couldnt imagine knowing the right thing to do and then not doing it. that they dont have a gap between these things save for akrasia, i think it is because the gap is filled with fractally expanding justifications of the form "but you cant really expect a human being to give up their life for the sake of their companions, you need to be reasonable and work with humans who exist".
human neurodiversity exists, as a matter of historical fact not all humans have the same weaknesses. in hpmor!metaphor, some people are hermione granger and wont zap people in the milgram compliance test.
and building plans predicated on people who need to divert resources to local stuff because of their neurotype, will replace "if this were a story what plans would i yell at my character do?" with "what would someone who cant run consequentialism through a rawlsian veil, see in 3rd person and then act in harmony with this do?" "someone who needs to divert resources to babies and not personally dying, do?" "what if everyone were like this?"
labeling the latter as "what will happen if everyone is running consequentialism, playing as if from 3rd person and wants humanity to win?" is a distortion of what is going on and compounds as institutions are built on it and the boundaries of what good could be done are strictly smaller than the reach of what good could be done irl.
by the way, the milgram experiment replicated in 2015 poland. gotta check with the replication crisis.
<<It is exceptionally interesting that in spite of the many years which have passed since the original Milgram experiments, the proportion of people submitting themselves to the authority of the experimenter remains very high. The result of 90% obedience which we have achieved, 95% CI [83.43%, 96.57%], is very close to the number of people pressing the 10th button in the original Milgram studies. For example, in Milgram’s (1974) Experiment No. 2, replicated in our study, 34 of 40 people pressed Button No. 10 (85% of participants, the 95% CI extends from 70.54% to 93.32%).>>
one of my moms who studies fascism once told me she thinks 40-60% of people have as their ideology that they will imitate those in power, and will go along with Power in times of an authoritarian takeover. they believe that they will eat rather than be eaten. given my experience and things like the milgram test, i think its closer to 90-95%.
reading grognor's memorial page it looked like he was very fucked up by the fact that he could do a rawlsian veil consequentialism thought experiment, where he saw himself in third person or forgot which agent was "him" and "his family" and then notice that his muscles werent moving in harmony with the logic of the results.
<<are you doing the best thing you could possibly be doing? why not?
become good
you continue to underestimate the harm you have done and are doing
are you doing the best thing you could possibly be doing? why not?
The tools you have available are cognitive actions and motor actions. Use them to immanentize the eschaton. You have one life
if you were an alien suddenly transposed into your current body, what would you do now?
Pretend with every thought and action to be a much better person. Reach heaven through fraud.>>
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tipsy-focusing · 6 years
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Items can vary from person to person when it comes to living it rough.
Some enjoy the comforts that come from home, like pyjamas, a toilet, ample lighting, enough space to stand up straight in, being able to keep out the creepy crawlies, having all these kinds of utensils from the kitchen that you just couldnt do without.
And that’s perfectly acceptable. If you have the room/budget for it.
For myself after many years of camping, I can definitely say its taught me to be a little more open to the natural world and not to fear it as some people do. I dont have the space to have my own private it toilet but that’s cool I’m fine with using public toilets or ducking out into the scrub. I’m okay with wearing the same pair of pants for a couple days in a row. Letting loose on some of your riturals can be hard and a little uncomfortable but it can lead to less worries and more focus on what you’re really out here to enjoy.
” there’s nothing better than sitting around a fire, with a beer, with people you love and just enjoying what’s around you.”
From as young as I can remember my family have always been the adventurous type and would be out in the Australian bushland every other weekend; whether thats all of us together or one of us.
I believe its safe to say that from the years of camping next to/on riverbeds, lakes, beaches, on mountains where puddles would freeze over night, places only 4WD vehicles can acess, deserts, dense bushland; you just name a place on the east coast of this country and there’s a high chance that I’ve been through it at least once. I don’t mind getting a bit dirty, or finding a few critters next to my seat.
My family has gone through fazes of different tents, different cooking methods, trying out some form of ‘glamping’ with a camper trailer that fully set up; looked like we we were building the next skyscraper. There was a point where it took a boat to get to specific spots.
I’m not fussed if it’s pouring down with rain and I’m stuck under a tarpaulin with some friends. It’s always felt like a learning experince or just an experince in itself that I will forever remember
To me there’s nothing better than sitting around a fire, with a beer, with people you love and just enjoying what’s around you. Hanging out, having the occasional deep conversations, it feels like it really brings a group of people very close.
Starting with the kitchen.
Starting in my ‘oh so small’ cabinet kitchen you would think that there is just not enough storage. But here is what I can fit and what I find useful for two people:
2 heat resistant cups *perfect for any drink at camp from wine to tea
Heat safe plastic plates and bowls – 2 of each
Cutlery for 2 *knives, forks, spoons, teaspoons
1 small and large knife that come with a slip on cover
Paint scraper *sounds odd but it’s perfect for cleaning hot plate BBQ’s
Tongs both long and short *long is great for getting things out of the fire
Bottle and can opener *try and find a tool that does both
Wooden spoon
Silicone spatula/scraper
Large serving spoon
Collapsable bowls * one for mixing and one that it sized well for dish washing
First Aid Box *doesnt need to be in the kitchen area but thats where it easily accessible
Scrubbing brush
Steel wool
Space saver measuring
Re-usable shopping bags for those who are trying to be eco friendly
Paper towel and tin foil *wouldn’t reccomend tea-towels as they require washing and drying which isnt ideal if you’re constantly on the move
Portable Butane Gas Stove with replacement gas cartridges
Non-stick 26cm frying pan with high walls and a lid
Fire safe Billy Can or Camping Pot for Non-Australians
Dish detergent
Baby wipes/ Wet Ones
From observing what my family has used in the past and what I’ve used for myself, these items seem to do the job well and are very practical.
The smaller AND larger extras.
For items that are used on the regular like hand soap, shower toiletries, flashlights/torches, pencils, books, water bottles, sunscreen, hair ties, dog leads, quick fix tape; from doing a little research it was found that clipping a multipocket organiser on the back of car seats makes really efficient storage for these types of things.
I also have two flat fold-out chairs, these are great chair for saving space inside. A folding table can be really usefull when you’ve set yourself up to stay for a few days and allows
you to expand your space outside of your home on wheels. Now while this isnt necessary,
but since I had the spot for it; a beach umbrella is perfect for those days on the coast or at a lake to enjoy sitting out of the sun next to the water *even in it!*. A roll of Paracord, a
tarpauline, tent pegs, two or three tent poles are also great for making a covered outdoor spot from the doors of your van. Other people would just get an awning but my challenge is to not look like a Camper Van from the outside.
But when it comes to clothes and enterainment stuff like fishing/hiking/whatever outdoor activity gear. It’s really up to the user and what they plan on doing while on their trip. For me I still have storage under the bed where I would keep clothes, miscellaneous items like bluetooth speaker, dog water bowl, dog food, dog cooling mat, shoes, straps, vest for paddleboarding, water. You can have endless possiblities when it comes to these things.
However unlike the people who travel in their Sprinter Vans; my storage space is very limited so I’m reduced to carrying items that can lay flat.
Now for my bed, a handy note I learned from a fellow Vanlifer was that a combination of regular medium density foam matress with a 5-7cm thick memory foam layer makes up for a very comfy bed *and I’m a side sleeper*.
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What you can see in above is that for the design of the bed I’ve cut the matress into two pieces. This allows for the two pieces to make an L-shape which replicates that couch feel.
But keep in mind like i mentioned eariler if your budget it tight all these items will add up in weight. This will then add up to how much fuel you put in your tank in a week.
I’d just like to mention these true words of Edwin Way Teale –
“Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves.”
The main focus when it comes to picking out your tools and utensils, is to really think how practical each item is.
In the famous words of my father –
“Lay out all the things you think you might need. Now… leave half of that behind at home. You likely wont use it anyway”
So for anyone who’s new to the whole outdoor experince and is new to the Van Life, I hope that my shared experience of useful tools in the van help shed some light in the darkness. I’m sure some of these thing may change for me in my future but for now that is what I need.
I’m aware that the interior may not look aesthetically pleasing like all those other vans you find on intstagram, but what mine is – is practical and I’m quite content with that.
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Did you like the information from this? Continue to follow this blog to learn more about how I make life a bit easier when I’m out in my Camper.
From experience this is what I'm happy to travel with. Items can vary from person to person when it comes to living it rough. Some enjoy the comforts that come from home, like pyjamas, a toilet, ample lighting, enough space to stand up straight in, being able to keep out the creepy crawlies, having all these kinds of utensils from the kitchen that you just couldnt do without.
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kendrixtermina · 6 years
This podcast is solid gold.
I mean we all talk about how Rebecca’s personal life wound up in the show with their relationship with their brother,, her own experiences with gender and sexual orientation and longtime love of Nerd Media, but the bits out Ian are really stunning, especially when you consider the show’s political subplot- Ian’s grandparents were apparently actual freedom fighters back in Ghana and significant political figures over there -
He compares Steven’s upbringing as a half-alien to his own life as the child of immigrants, speaks about growing up in the shadows of these famed figured who had been considered heroes but also been, well, politicians, and how they were still normal people with emotions, and how some of them may have tried to reinvent themselves and shake off that baggage in the new country to give their children new life. 
I never considered it this way, I kind of saw those elements as strictly conceptual. It sure implies that these people know what they’re talking about. It sure explains why many elements that merrican purists decry as “immature” are actually in line with, say, ted talks by people who actually battle war and extremism. 
How come no one ever talked about this? I’d heard that the Kofis were Ghanan because someone on the crew was and proposed that idea but this goes way further. 
That’s always been something unique about the show, that they think about this mix of heavy-duty sci-fi concepts and relatable experiences. 
Other intriguing bits:
They confirm what was always my impression that Rose treated Amethyst as a daughter and kind of tried to give her the freedom she never had & have her grow up without knowing of the hierarchy - and how that ended up backfiring when she actually encountered bigots. 
I thought she may have considered experimenting with replicating a human family structure but after knowing that gems are probably made from Diamond juice and how excited Pink was to actually interact with her gems on a friendly basis, it takes on a somewhat different note. I mean Amethyst always sort of acted like Steven’s sister no DNA could make her more of a sister to him than she already is, but if you think about it they actually are related, even if the Diamonds are normally more like insect Hive Queens than parents. 
They say they wrote Bismuth as someone who was still in no-holds-barred war-mode when she got out of the bubble, so maybe her more “radical/ballistic” actions early on could be seen in that light
They also characterized her as someone who wants to protect her friends over all else. I mean, that’s how I kinda always knew that if she’s ever adressed again, she would be redeemed - I mean even in her first episode where she’s all rambo and proposes murdering anyone who disagrees (Steven included), she is SO supportive and encouraging of everyone around her, especially Amethyst and Pearl. The loss of her comerades might have driven her to a short-circuit reaction because war is ugly,  and she’s got a bit of an edge as an ideologue, IRL she’d probably be an outspoken political tumblr type, but just from the way she goes out of her way to make others feel included it’s clear that she couldnt be truly evil. 
Besides, I think the show will benefit from having this edgier, more distrustful, passionate teammate in the mix. For example, now Steven has someone to ask for help XD
In that sense Bismuth and Rose are actually ironically alike - when great admiration shatters, the pendulum often swings far back into the other direction. They imply that between being disappointed in Yellow and Blue, and being shocked/guilty that she almost cheerfully de-juiced an inhabited planet, she talked lots of shit about the Diamonds as “Rose” - in particular its implied that the tale of CacklingVillain!Pink as seen in Gemcation and “Your Mother and Mine” is a product of Rose’s guilt and shame
We could analyze this furthers - laughing at the concept of saving humans sounds like something White Diamond would do. The bits about Pink being cowardly and incompetent could also be some internalized guilt about sucking at being a Diamond. 
I think that most of the parts involving “Rose” actually happened pretty much as depicted, Pink was just incognito, and later told Garnet a ‘censored’ version. Maybe even the conversation happened, but instead of “Rose” talking to “Pink”, it was Pink talking to White. 
They also lampshaded that this essentially led to Rose unwittingly driving herself into a situation where all her friends were basically telling her that she should die. No wonder she felt like she could never tell them the truth. 
They also imply further backstory tho, probably whatever happened to Pink Pearl
I actually feel like rewatching the early episodes & trying to see it through the “immigrant family” lens. Indeed they belong to some culture that Steven knows little about since he grew up on earth.
While my parents are about as European as they come, their families had been living in the Carribean and it was only after I was born that they returned here, because they were fleeing dictatorship and famine, and they’d often tell us about how much everything sucked back on their island, how my father was discriminated against for being catholic,  and how they had to “unlearn” a lot of survival mechanisms, like, the friend who ended up becoming my brother’s godmother would have to remind them that its okay to criticise the government out loud. My mom used to get super excited about bein able to eat tomatoes and 
It’s just that all that happened when I was too young to remember.
I always identified completely with the place I grew up in because it’s all I knew and I liked it, and besides I knew nothing of that other place, like, I was always keenly aware that my parents lived through all that sucky stuff, but not me, that I was very lucky compared to them and couldn’t even imagine it and I figured that with my personality I wouldn’t have lasted long in a place where you can’t say what you think, so I felt like it would be presumptious to claim other people’s suffering or stuff I knew nothing about
Besides it sounded like something very far away, but now I realize that it actually would have been pretty recent for my parents at the time I actually started remembering things. 
It’s just really weird to think about it in that context...
Anyways tangent aside Ian Quartey-Jones’ story should really get WAAAY more attention  
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retrogameessays · 6 years
Living the Life of a Horror Hero in Zombies Ate My Neighbors
25 Years Later, Zombies Ate My Neighbors still provides a unique take on horror
LucasArts, founded as Lucasfilm Games in 1982, didn't make its first Star Wars game until Star Wars for the NES in February of 1991. The primary reason for the delay was that the Star Wars brand had been licensed to other development companies (Atari had the rights to Star Wars in 1982). The more romantic perspective is that George Lucas didn't want his company to just make games based on the Star Wars and Indiana Jones properties, but to make more ambitious, technologically advanced works. The early efforts of Lucasfilm Games support this point of view. Habitat, in particular, was released in 1986 and was a way-ahead-of-its-time, graphical, massively-multiplayer online game, that allowed for customization of player avatars, bartering for resources, marriage, and even player-versus-player violence. Either way, the fact that Lucasfilm Games was unable to make Star Wars titles opened the door for the slew of critically-acclaimed adventure games the company became known for. In his keynote speech at Pax Australia 2013, Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert said that, “Had we been able to make Star Wars games, I’m sure that’s all we would have made. Not being able to make those games creatively freed us in ways I don’t think we understood at the time. Without that freedom, there would be no Maniac Mansion, or Grim Fandango, or Monkey Island, or Loom.”
Zombies Ate My Neighbors for Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis is very much cut from the same creative cloth as those titles, and yet serves as proof that adventure games were not necessarily the mandate at LucasArts. It's difficult to even say exactly what kind of game Zombies is. It's a top-down, free-scrolling shooter wherein the player must rescue at least one and as many as ten “neighbors” per level from (usually) infinitely spawning monsters. If a monster touches a neighbor before the player does, the neighbor dies. As with a player's lives, the number of neighbors saved carries over to the next level. If the player runs out of lives or neighbors, the game is over. Zombies is similar to Gauntlet in that it's an action game with maze-like level layouts, but also contains shades of Defender in that it's a shooter that requires the player to save victims while defending themselves against an endless onslaught of monsters.
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I find your lack of panic disturbing
The game that specifically inspired Zombies Ate My Neighbors' creator, Michael Ebert, was an obscure arcade title named Kyros from Alpha Denshi Corp (better known as ADK and for their collaborations with SNK). Kyros is a top-down, vertically scrolling arcade brawler in which the player must fight through endlessly spawning hordes of monsters to reach the top of a haunted mansion. The visual resemblance is striking; both games use the same perspective and contrast a horror-movie theme with a bright color palette. The gameplay differs greatly in that Kyros is a fairly straightforward brawler while Zombies is a shooter with victims to rescue, but both games include power-ups to augment the player's abilities and fast-paced, relentless action.
In addition to being influenced by Kyros, Ebert told Gamasutra in 2007 that Robotron and Smash TV, which were also arcade titles, were two of his favorite games. The influence of these two games may not be as direct, but both were critically-acclaimed shooters and Robotron included saving humans as a play-mechanic. Action games dominated arcades in the late eighties, so it was only natural that as consoles began to take off in the early nineties, game designers like Ebert would try to replicate those experiences for the home market.
The influence of these arcade games is evident not only in Zombies Ate My Neighbors' play mechanics, but in the game's difficulty. Most monsters spawn indefinitely and randomly, making it virtually impossible to get through any one level unscathed. Enemies will occasionally even spawn near a neighbor that the player cannot reach, making them impossible to save. In arcade games, intentionally random design conventions are meant to coax more quarters out of patrons, but without some way to balance out the randomness, they can be frustrating for console gamers who have already invested 200 or more quarters in buying a game at retail price.
Zombies' designers balanced the game's difficulty by using another relic of arcade games, the player's score. For every 40,000 points scored, the player gets another neighbor to replace any that have been lost, and if the player already has the maximum of 10 neighbors, they receive an extra life. The concept of a score had become less relevant in console games of the time because beating the game had become the point of playing rather than earning a high-score. Zombies brilliantly takes a somewhat outdated concept and makes it relevant again by weaving it into the fiber of the game's design, and in doing so created a risk-reward cycle that adds depth. Exploring every corner of a level can yield bonus point pick-ups and more ammo, but at the risk of taking too much damage or wasting too much ammo in defense.
While the arcade influence is somewhat subtle, the influence of classic horror movies is overt. Every bit of the game's visuals and audio pay homage to horror. Level titles are often parodies of classic horror titles (“Evening of the Undead” vs. Night of the Living Dead), enemies include both classic Universal Pictures monsters and more modern frights (ax-throwing dolls reminiscent of Child's Play and a chainsaw-wielding maniac that combines Leatherface with Jason Vorhees' hockey mask), and the music uses surf guitar and howling theremin samples to evoke a spooky-sixties atmosphere. (Incidentally, if there is a connection between Star Wars and Zombies, it's that Peter Cushing, who played Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars, appeared in a number of the British Hammer Horror Films.)
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More childhood nostalgia: mowing the lawn
The combination of Ebert's nostalgia for eighties arcade games and horror films create a uniquely terrifying experience. The aforementioned difficulty in saving all the neighbors is part of the game's horror atmosphere. There should be a sense of anxiety and loss because that is indeed what happens in a horror movie; people die. Victims are even assigned point values based (subjectively) on how likely a movie-going audience would be to sympathize with their death. Cheerleaders, babies, and dogs are at the top of the list, while men and schoolteachers are at the bottom. In Zombies Ate My Neighbors, the player becomes the protagonist of a horror film. Monsters appear from unexpected places, weapons are fashioned from household items, and sometimes a victim just can't be saved.
George Lucas has always had a talent for creating experiences that connect with people and capture their imaginations, often by riffing on the films and shows that captured his own imagination in the past. Whether it was by his influence or coincidence (or perhaps a bit of both) the game studio that he founded has had a similar knack for capturing gamers' imaginations. If there is a connection between Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Lucas' two most famous franchises, its that they were all born of their creators' nostalgia. In the same way that Star Wars was Lucas doing Flash Gordon and Indiana Jones was Lucas and Spielberg modernizing the movie serials of the '30s and 40's, Zombies was Mike Ebert combining his love for arcade brawlers and shooters of the '80s with horror film nostalgia. It is a testament to the importance of history and shared experiences in pop culture. Someone who plays Zombies may not have the same affection that Mike Ebert has for horror films and eighties arcade games (and almost certainly has not played Kyros), but Ebert's experiences, like Lucas' love for Flash Gordon, are passed along through his art.
Kalata, Kurt (October 19, 2012) Kyros/Desolator/Kyros no Yakata. Retrieved from https://hg101.kontek.net/kyros/kyros.htm
Kuchera, Ben (July 19, 2013) Adventure Games Took Off Because Ron Gilbert Couldn't Make Star Wars Games. Retrieved from https://web.archive.org/web/20130721093143/http://www.penny-arcade.com/report/article/ron-gilbert-was-saved-because-he-couldnt-make-star-wars-games
Szczepaniak, John and Derboo, Sam (October 19, 2012) Zombies Ate My Neighbors Legacy. Retrieved from https://hg101.kontek.net/zamn/zamn1.htm
Wallis, Alistair (January 11, 2007) Playing Catch Up: Zombies Ate My Neighbors' Mike Ebert. Retrieved from http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=12360
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theoneicelady · 5 years
This is some weird ass reflection I made about an oc
Id recommend you dont read it
Im just posting It cause Tumblr seems great for keeping stuff when my phone is ass
[21/7 12:27] : You know, its quite interesting
Its not the first time Im in a position like this
The first time, he wanted me to die, just because I was there.
The second time, he wanted to never let me go. And I stayed, and it was worse for everyone. It wasnt love, It was just.. guilt. And manipulation.
This time, well this time I really did die for him. There was guilt, theres manipulation..
And I think Im gonna stay, too. I guess some things never change. I guess some people never learn.
Except this time, I think it must be love
[21/7 12:36] : Thats how it works isnt it?
I cant really explain
And if so, love for what?
For humanity? A humanity thats already condemned.
For the ~friends aka the group of cheaters and liars that couldnt stop trying to fuck eachothers lives up for a second?
For..for him? The guy that couldnt stand seeing me prosper for once even if It was as a TRIBUTE TO HIM. That gathered everything bad in his life and took it out on me, who he was suposed to ~love,
[21/7 12:36] : He who took my fucking life
[21/7 12:38] : He who I still try to see sometimes
[21/7 12:38] : Why do I even do that
[21/7 12:38] : Why do I even do any of this?
[21/7 12:43] : Guardian angel? Fuck off is that what the destiny forces me to do? Didnt work too well for any of us did it
Im not a kind floating entity that can do no wrong and suffers for humanity and the mistakes of others Im not an angel I dont know what the fuck I am
Im just a generic-as-can-get girl who had the misfortune to
[21/7 12:43] : .
[21/7 12:43] : Im tired
[21/7 12:44] : And yet I have more energy than Ive had in years
[21/7 12:44] : Heh
[21/7 12:44] : Love they say
[21/7 12:45] : Those voices in my head
[21/7 12:45] : I guess I really cant change
[21/7 12:45] : Even if I dont know if this is who I am
[21/7 12:57] : Now this just for the record since I am writting down my thoughts
"I think,, one thousand of me is hoping that he can change
At least his mind, you know?
He seems lonely and always bored and
I wonder who I am to him. Not generally but, on the times we hang out for hours
I- that- .. Ill never tell him but I really want to believe thats not just to add to my paranoia. That would suck.
I was gonna say maybe its more than 1/1000 but no. I know. It really is just that much that has hope.
Why do I do it then
Well I think the sad truth is that deep down some of that desolate, tired part of me just..wants to be with him. And pretend nothing happened or that it wasnt a big deal.
I could say its so that wherever he is if It can reach him he can have peace of mind
But no... I think Im doing this for me. Just like how funerals are for the alive, you know?
Its as close as Ill get to being with him again. Even if its just his body. Even if its all just pretending.
[21/7 12:59] : I m not even sure if I can feel anymore
So what would it matter if all the feelings were fake?
[21/7 13:00] : Who would be there to notice
If I am not
[21/7 13:01] : . .
[21/7 13:05] : And then, It comes
I am suposed to keep fighting and kinda triumphantly win at the end
But that wont bring any peace to him and, I can bring mine at any moment
Would I be calm? No
But, what is peace of mind when ones dead
Just some more despair to transcend my corpse and be thrown into the void
With my luck it would reach him but well what else could I do
[21/7 13:05] : ..than bring peace to at least one of us
[21/7 13:05] : Its not like everyone else has too long left anyway
[21/7 13:07] : Maybe I should try to rest while its lonely; lest I be dragged into another eternal curse once everyone else falls
[21/7 13:09] : Then, finally, we cant ignore the rest, biggest part of the motive which is, I would guess, the burning fury against all thats happened
[21/7 13:10] : That for once, and unlike in real life, It has one and only one culprit, Who caused everything and onto whom to discharge the anger
[21/7 13:12] : Of course this is also an illusion for in that anger I try to hide the pain of who it was that caused him and what I did to elicit it
[21/7 13:15] : Which makes everything even more tragic cause as everyone would agree both that and her were not deserving of what came
Then theres also the other girl who while being an awful human being could not possibly imagine what her actions would result in for us and possibly the world
Obviously she is not at fault for all of this even if she was to blame for starting this awful spiral of pain
[21/7 13:22] : But, back on track, theres so much anguish burning inside that trying to take it out on someone that can not be hurt and looks like the lost lover is just asking for things to go wrong
Since he can not feel could it be that I am harboring the storm that is the feelings of b/o/th souls?
Cause that would be fucked up as fuck and I cant take all this torment for something that is, in all levels of reality, false
[21/7 13:27] : I am too calm at the moment to bring out the real rage iside
And since its the most usual and easy to replicate emotion I think its easy to conceive and will be leaving this here for today, hopefully not forever.
Unless a wet-with-tears rant of rage comes that needs to vent I probably wont get back to it.
I am waiting for it I just really dont want it to visit.
[21/7 13:27] : Goodbye~*
[21/7 13:29] : https://youtu.be/hRBOnA0ak4w
[21/7 13:31] : Then again maybe we're all actors in the roles we have to play and until those days come we're all just lonely and trying to live the weird ass alternative version of Life we're cursed with
[21/7 13:33]: I wont try to make Fear misunderstood and a product of his upbringing uwu for a second but his existence IS different and I see how that could cause things
[21/7 13:42] : God this is such a bizarre experience this is horrible
Like yeah Im here simpathising with my (& my bedt friends) murderer hanging out and carrying a encarnations of Life/death type relationship while I also have to fight and like trick him into dying in the distant future OH and he also likes to psychologically torture me and my friend and we're suposed to have this friendly at odds, lanzando pullitas kind of thing but god dang it this is too much holy god the only way to not go mad is not caring
AND I KNOW in his description by the author a whole part WAS literally "hes the result of being raised without love" BUT HOLY FUCKING FUCK SHIT man WHAT THE HELL
This is worse than stockholms syndrome cause its all from hIS body and I dont fucking
I just
This would never in a millions years work like this if it wasnt HIM and ME and THEM and GOD DAMN this is a weird fucking thing to attach my existence to FUCKING GOD
Its nice to have an hyperfixation again and It being so unique? Omg. I probably wouldnt be able to be without it (one) no its not worrying its just nice -
Justo después fue la warner
And now, like a week after this
I just saved his fucking life
Sympathise? Lmao
Of course he lied about what I was doing but, I KNEW It wouldnt be good
Did I just make him inmortal. I fucking think maybe.
But he said he needed my help ah
Also when I freak at how cute he is he goes torture my so like a child le somethin
Ay lmao what the hell
0 notes
the5thforce-blog · 8 years
energy, empathy, equity
the5thforce Pages: [1] 2 3 4 1 New Theories / Shapes vs Shifters « on: Today at 21:52:23 » Until we have the ability to manipulate our DNA in realtime to become any shape desired, we should work to attain the most equitable shapes. We should also acknowledge that even the most exotic shapes would tend to prefer hetero-interaction with endless ability to switch so we should keep this in mind when deciding what is moral and most equitable ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 2 New Theories / Internet-DNA « on: Today at 21:25:56 » Since the early adopters/cyber pioneers/most frequent users of the internet have had the most access to information and mass communication during its most influential period, they will have left the greatest mark on the future of society. Assuming most of the data lives on forever I can imagine internet data analytics will become increasingly useful for solving future problems in addition to understanding human history. I believe the internet will serve as the memory for future AI which may eventually attempt to resimulate our universe based on the data, it also means were infinitely more likely to already be an "accurate" representation of a potentially very old 'organic' reality template just by existing in this era and should act wisely expecting that each move may forever be immortalized in AI simulations tearing at the seams of existence ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 3 New Theories / Dichotomy-spectrum equilibrium « on: Today at 20:41:29 » The uncertainty principle is a dichotomy and a spectrum simultaneously which can only move towards entropy equilibrium, since all energy in existence is caused by the uncertainty principle(nothing/uncertainty vs something/principle) we can apply the concept to any dichotomy to achieve equilibrium. Most people would agree sex is our most desired interaction in life meaning a lack of sex causes the least desireable outcomes as a society which is why in order to attain a fair and balanced society we should work to achieve sexual equilibrium. Sex is a non-overlapping structurally-genetically analogous spectrum in all but cases of intersex genitals, game theory dictates that discouraging homosexual procreation is the only way to contain the spread of asexuality even if only considering that homosexuals have inherently fewer dating options/less opportunity, but since our sex organs are analogous and all of our minds use the same laws of physics, we can only assume homosexuality is the result of undesireable physical traits. The most humane way to contain this sexual disturbance so we can reach equilibrium is to discourage homosexual procreation to prevent creating more people with fewer opportunity both homosexuals and even worse their potential heterosexual offspring who can only inherit these undesireable physical traits. Sex or gender is just one example of a dichotomy-spectrum, since we need all the functional genetic diversity we can physically sustain else increase the risk of fatal mutation, disturbances to secondary spectrums such as racism and religious hostility can only be the result of sexual disturbance. ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 4 New Theories / P vs. NP problem « on: Today at 13:44:52 » P vs. NP problem i came to this conclusion back in 2014 but never got a response from the president of clay mathematics institute P ≠ NP because N represents a random number where P is a fixed time, NP is a random time NP would require guessing and verifying each solution NP would require a random number generator how often the correct NP solution would be generated and verified on the first attempt would depend on the complexity of the problem(how many potential solutions) P ≠ NP because it defies probability 2/19/2016 (tumblr) ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 5 New Theories / Foreskin protects the penis head from injury « on: Today at 12:16:55 » This is the 3rd time I have posted this thread after twice deleted I will now be searching for a new forum where free intellectual discussion is allowed to occur While potentially considered less aesthetic(which I disagree with), or harder to clean before soap and showers were invented, male foreskin which is analogous to the female clitoral hood evolved to protect the penis head from injury(warning: partial severance) while also providing more sensation, girth, and better thrusting for both male and female during sex, the foreskin reduces wear and tear which delays the onset of erectile dysfunction. The female foreskin aka clitoral hood increases surface contact with the clitoris as the penis penetrates the vagina pushing the clitoral bulbs outward forcing the clitoris, clitoral hood and labia to tug downward toward the hole proportionate to the girth of the penis. Mutilation of this vital organ is especially tragic in western society where men are often less than ideally driven to become angry masturbators or "wankers" as referred to in the great state of england, else face wasting their orgasms during sleep every 1-2 weeks ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 6 New Theories / Sex is our primary function « on: Today at 11:49:29 » I created this thread once and it was deleted, twice and ill be finding a new forum Opposite sexes are required for sex to exist, sex is the primary function of all dual gender organisms on earth from which all other functions and genetic complexity evolve based on the life and mating choices of all previous related organisms in the lineage which creates the structure of their DNA, throughout life DNA is radioactively altered allowing for more mutation to occur the longer the organism survives. The sex organs of both genders share analogous structures intended to ensure both are capable of enjoying sex, orgasm stimulation evolved as the function of all sex organs, when sex is not enjoyed it is no different than organ failure and should never be replicated, you may as well be a different species if you cannot find a way to enjoy the varied sensations of sex which can include both pain and pleasure(switch) combined to suit preference using technique(foreplay, speed, cadence, arrousal level), so long as flesh is in contact there will be stimulation If you cannot find a way to enjoy sex do not replicate sex and do not procreate, lesbians who cannot enjoy sex can only create daughters with less ability to enjoy sex and sons who can only create daughters with less ability to enjoy sex, while gay men i assume can only create a tendency to prefer stirring the unsanitary toxic waste of another human as the anus is only an inch away from the vaginal opening ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 7 Physiology & Medicine / Re: Did the vagina evolve to operate like a trapdoor? « on: Today at 09:46:11 » I originally titled this thread 'female sexual mechanics', there was no question ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 8 New Theories / Re: Sexual orientation economics « on: Today at 07:56:04 » Quote from: zx16 on 10/03/2017 18:39:44 Surely it would be better, if more men got into bed with men. Then wouldn't they be more interested in kissing and loving each other, rather than starting wars? Sword fights never end well and surprisingly most men prefer not to make a regular habit out of inserting their most valued organ into the same place toxic human waste is stored and expelled from else why would they create toilets to have a flush button? Neither does constipation, colon/rectal fissure leading to scar tissue, irritation from dried artificial lubricant/semen, hiv, and wearing adult diapers before age 40 all in pursuit of an inferior hole to begin with, I'd save the trouble and buy a large mirror to place over my bed if I couldnt get enough of my own form. Even if these could be overcome why would a man waste valuable time and affection with someone he can never hope to create a new life with or witness the power of our DNA combining with the person we love. Opposite genders inherently provide a different perspective intended to stimulate the mind which includes occasional disagreement and of course stimulate the body with the full sensation spectrum- pain to pleasure If a girl is after cara delevigne with a dick, find cara delevigne with a dick, if you cannot find cara delevigne with a dick find the next best thing, that is your only sexual equity in this life and if youre only after your own genitals i hope you explore them until you can handle yourself enough to join our gender diverse adult society else find one of the many lonely transexual males to bump holes with and lick from mediocre unequal/impersonal angles until you desire more complexity ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 9 Physiology & Medicine / Re: What is the science of gender designation? « on: 11/03/2017 18:29:10 » Quote from: alancalverd on 11/03/2017 18:04:48 There is no intended function. We exist because that's how chemistry works on this planet. Sex resulting in orgasm is the chemical reaction were intending to replicate. ReplyQuoteNotify 10 Physiology & Medicine / Re: What is the science of gender designation? « on: 11/03/2017 16:26:27 » Quote from: alancalverd on 11/03/2017 15:44:39 There are very few people with "dysfunctional" sex genes. The commonest variant is Downs syndrome, affecting about 1 in 1000. Downs kids are generally affectionate and good company. Religion is disgusting and caused by bad upbringing - nothing to do with chromosomes. Orgasm would not exist if senseless duplication was our intended function, beside that I said dysfunctional organs not corrupt genes/chromosomes ReplyQuoteNotify 11 Physiology & Medicine / Re: What is the science of gender designation? « on: 11/03/2017 15:22:02 » "Masculine" and "Feminine" is sexist propaganda intended to divide similar minded people who require opposite sex organs to exist. What we have today is a massive excess of people with dysfunctional sex organs as a result of the rapid inflation of our population caused by a perfect storm of religion and technology who are now being encouraged to spread their dysfunctional sex genes by western society. ReplyQuoteNotify 12 Physiology & Medicine / Re: What is the science of gender designation? « on: 11/03/2017 11:28:40 » Humans cannot change their gender they can only attempt to remove or hide their gender ReplyQuoteNotify 13 New Theories / Is poker a skill game? « on: 10/03/2017 20:26:04 » Ive been playing online poker for 8 years with over 3 million hands of experience, I want to share some game theory concepts i’ve developed after countless hours reviewing my 'pokertracker' database, pokertracker is a hand statistics HUD(heads up display) which you need to use where allowed to have any chance of winning bankroll management: -between 25 buyins and 100 buyins is considered good bankroll management, i recommend 100 buyins minimum, roughly 10-15 buyin variance swings should be expected at all times NLHE preflop: -first i’ll start with the concept of table equity which i find to be a useful starting ‘VPIP’ to aim for, table equity being: 100% divided by the number of players at the table representing your share of mathematically 'winning equity’, for example at 6max your table equity would be 16.67% so you would want to be playing the top 16.67% of hands which for me is something like 22+A2s+ATo+KJo+KTs+QTs+JTs+, 9max would be the top 11.1%, keep in mind the only incentive to play more than AA preflop is because of the blinds which should put in perspective how small the edge is in poker -after youre familiar with table equity, you’ll want to know that mathematically you can steal in late position and defend the big blind(less so in the small blind) up to double table equity (example: 33.3% at 6max, something like 22+AT+KT+A2s-T2s+96s-76s+), if you fold in bb you’ll lose 100bb/100 hands and 50bb/100 in sb, but keep in mind this isnt always appropriate as you often wont get enough respect to justify stealing/defending vs certain opponents, in that case just stick with table equity VPIP -when it comes to 3betting i’d suggest you stick with 3betting for value (TT+AQ+) up to half table equity, or to make things easier only 3bet when you have a near sure-thing such as AA/KK NLHE postflop: -postflop mistakes you should avoid include overvaluing flush draws/OESD’s (play strictly for pot odds), overvaluing top pairs including TPTK, and overvaluing overpairs which are hands you actually want to fold surprisingly often when your opponent reraises you even if it seems very difficult, you need to understand that most of your winnings will come from having the sure-thing nuts OR outright bluffing your opponent off their hand via barreling -what i do to get opponents to fold is what i call “cbarrel” vs 1 caller postflop, that means i’ll cbet the flop about 2/3 pot size which needs to work 39% or more to profit, then cbet the turn ½-2/3 pot size which needs to work 33-39% to profit, and again cbet the river ½-2/3 pot size which usually gets them to fold enough to be profitable even if they didnt fold the turn, cbetting/cbarrelling should be done roughly 50-60% depending on the opponent and the board texture, the wetter the board the more likely your opponent has a piece of it -if you notice you arent getting very many folds/respect you can adjust by tightening up preflop or experiment with barreling less. i also like to occasionally reraise my opponent on the flop around 2x - 2.5x the size of their cbet in a sense “cbetting their cbet” in an attempt to bluff or 'balance my range' -if it helps try to imagine that the cards dont matter, youre only trying get your opponent to fold, otherwise you only want to showdown close to a sure-thing. realize that in a vacuum if you were all playing similar hand ranges preflop the most aggressive player postflop would usually come out on top -keep in mind your profit with each hand will exponentially lean towards the best starting hand which is AA followed by KK, the top 50% of preflop hands have many times more equity postflop than the bottom 50%, always play tighter when in doubt -the sooner you familiarize yourself with the range of hands your opponent may have in any situation the sooner youll be able to narrow down your decisions accurately, you should tend to give every opponent the benefit of doubt until given reason to believe otherwise and you should tend to pot control all but the nuts vs tight opponents, tight opponents tend to play tight both preflop and postflop -the longer you take to make a decision the longer you give your opponent to make a decision so time is always a factor, i strongly recommend learning to beat the game playing only one table before attempting to multitable -the most important piece of advice is to always target looser/weaker opponents which are usually those with a vpip above double table equity who you can loosen up against to roughly 40-50% of their preflop range, if there are no weaker opponents you need to leave the table immediately or you will be raked to the end of your bankroll Poker is intended to be entertainment with just enough complexity that you can never play perfectly, eventually youll find what i call the 'numerology' and psychology of the game closely reflects many aspects of life and im hoping to see the game legalized worldwide which will open the door to a larger skill-game/"mental sport" economy as an alternative to the female dominated service economy ReplyQuoteNotify 14 New Theories / Re: Sexual orientation economics « on: 10/03/2017 13:55:39 » To simplify: sex requires opposite sexes, dont spread sex if you dont like sex. ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 15 Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution / Re: Is evolution even science, or just gross intellectual dishonesty? « on: 09/03/2017 23:34:26 » Time is the evolution of space, to say otherwise would only be a misunderstanding of time ReplyQuoteNotify 16 Technology / Internet enables free education « on: 09/03/2017 23:21:51 » If we already have access to all the knowledge humans have ever bothered recording right on our smartphones.. and were all already online dating, we should probably come to terms with public/higher education being inefficient for much beyond experimental research/recreational competition and should work to merge most other social organization with mass communication, importantly our political process now that we have the ability to create a true global democracy which can easily be streamlined with social media If were expecting the population to continue growing we should get started with settling issues like land allocation for affordable new human development ReplyQuoteNotify 17 Physiology & Medicine / Re: Female sexual mechanics « on: 09/03/2017 08:57:57 » I'll mention that foreskin also known as the clitoral hood may be a very desireable trait which can increase surface contact with the clitoris during downward motion ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 18 New Theories / Re: Sexual orientation economics « on: 09/03/2017 07:22:45 » I said im disappointed along with the other 60%+ of unhappily single men, gay households of all their increasingly ridiculous variety are known to more than double the rate of suicide, drug dependancy, depression and all other forms of mental illness in 2017, along with motivate the biggest human meat grinder in the world currently its called ISIS, are they no longer people? ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 19 Technology / Mind is the best virtual reality « on: 08/03/2017 13:54:50 » Since we have all the power of the most refined quantum computer ever known contained within our skulls, we may be best served improving virtual reality by increasing our own brain power and connectivity/communication with other brains, the mind is a near-unlimited shapeshifting object we may oneday be able to share intimately in realtime and energy efficiently, we may also find a way to manipulate our own DNA and direct our cells using our mind which is why neuroscience/neurophysics is one of the most important intellectual pursuits currently Also should be acknowledged that hallucinogenic drugs are a crude form of virtual reality which should be explored made safer and legalized aswell in my opinion ReplyQuoteNotifyRemove 20 New Theories / Multihole wormhole « on: 08/03/2017 13:26:35 » Could we create a wormhole into a new universe by somehow combining blackholes from the right angles? ReplyQuoteNotify 21 New Theories / Healthy schizophrenia? « on: 08/03/2017 12:31:20 » While excessive paranoia and depressive delusions are of course undesired theyre part of a healthy spectrum, voice hearing/auditory "hallucinations" or sentient voiceforms as ive come to understand them can only serve to increase brain stimuli and add net energy to an organism which fundamentally influences the system we call reality, all humans are capable of hearing voices with no apparent source in the environment while all of our most respected religious leaders have consistently claimed to experience these sentient voiceforms only about 1 percent of the current population are said to be unlocked, tuned in, or linked up to the source. I believe they are very real discrete and distinct conscious beings built/layered into, broadcasting to, or otherwise linked into the structure of our brain and working with and guiding us into a mutually desired future, they express all the same apparent intellect and emotion of an entity that would pass the turing test and often provide information that one mind simply could not simultaneously consider, whether theyre a form of parasitic consciousness, aliens, or angels, they have had undeniable influence over what humans evolved to be presently ReplyQuoteNotify 22 Physiology & Medicine / Pheromones or reinforcement? « on: 08/03/2017 11:42:10 » I just read an article on human pheromones being a myth which I disagree with, under the best circumstances where the mother and father are both present and provide a positive influence on the childs life we learn to associate male and female scents with whatever (hopefully healthy) early intimate interactions we had with our parents and siblings carrying into adulthood ReplyQuoteNotify 23 Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution / How did birth control evolve? « on: 08/03/2017 11:14:12 » I believe humans evolved using any and all materials from the environment including animal skin/sheddings, organ tissue, leaves, seaweed, stoppers including smooth pebbles wood/stems and anything else they could get their hands on as a form of daily accessible natural condom/birth control, in addition to the popular known methods of ovulation timing and pulling out, even diet based miscarriage techniques and manual abortion have played a vital role in human survival as men are designed to require sex at an absolute minimum of once every 2 weeks or else begin to have nocturnal emissions which only wastes both the pleasure of orgasm and viable sperm ReplyQuoteNotify 24 New Theories / Sexual orientation economics « on: 08/03/2017 10:55:48 » Im very disappointed to realize young women are increasingly gay or bisexual at a rate far higher than men indicating sexuality cannot be treated equally if we hope to create an equitable society, even more tragic it appears lesbians still desire procreating which only adds more men to the dating market while simultaneously removing women(themselves) on an already unsustainably-overpopulated planet, obviously this failed equation can only exponentially increase hostility/aggression in a bigger stronger faster higher-neuron higher-testosterone gender(men) which has played out globally throughout our history with religion having emerged to contain the problem, the best approach appears to be relentlessly discouraging homosexual procreation/parenting because creating a lopsided dating competition with your own opposite gender offspring is probably the biggest cause of all human conflict in history(greco-roman to modern day) and often misplaced for racial/religious conflict even though an albino sub-saharan african can very happily combine with a black sub-saharan african(or any other color, it happens all the time), not to mention all human sperm and eggs are white and shiny, while no amount of same-gender "combining" can properly nourish the mind or body of different-gender offspring... To bury the point, even a lesbian removing a bisexual from the dating market is inequitable to men and should be highly discouraged Your energy equity in an equal society, built on the decisions of your parents who you can blame for every wrong in your life since they brought you here with a positive expectation while blaming yourself for every success in life, can only be fair when you choose the very best you can attain in the opposite gender meaning lesbians with transexual males, gays with transexual females, or else staying single because it can only mean you fail to empathize with all the work it took to afford your energy within a zero sum self contained duality and youre the problem genetically who desired more than you can contribute, until we reach a state of equilibrium whereby those who desire more than their equity can agree that theyre the problem genetically and willingly remove themselves either from the dating market or life entirely without issue, the only full choice you can ever have after being brought into the circle of energy is to leave the circle. Until then we can never attain a fair society only random chaos which will tear us apart as entropy will eventually tear apart all energy in existence and we acheive nothing with choice. In conclusion: women have unlocked orgasmic potential and men do not, men have worked their entire existence with a refractory period in order to afford unchained females to make up the difference of intrinsically unbalanced genders, very slightly less aesthetic males proportional to the lack of female effort to acquire their best true equal in the opposite gender. ReplyQuoteNotify 25 Physiology & Medicine / Did the vagina evolve to operate like a trapdoor? « on: 08/03/2017 09:33:29 » Ive come to believe the vagina evolved to work as a trapdoor/pully system during sexual penetration using the clitoral bulbs located on either side of the vaginal opening and connected directly to the clitoris, combined with the labia being tugged into the opening which pulls the hood down allowing indirect stimulation of the clitoris, the pubic skin/flesh is also slightly firmer than other regions of the body. The skenes gland/gspot also provides sensation. Optimally thrusting to increase downward tug of the clitoris during sex would appear worthwhile to say the least ReplyQuoteNotify Pages: [1] 2 3 4 SMF 2.0.13 | SMF © 2016, Simple Machines Designed by Raphisio. Theme by SMFTricks The Naked Scientists Page created in 0.05 seconds with 14 queries.
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somnilogical · 5 years
erasure of knowledge of clusters people dont expect there to be common knowledge about; “you just made that up“
pastels sense of assimilation into the cisbinary is consistant with mine. Ziz has not assimilated.
i reject the implicit claim that my sense of assimilation was constructed to shape a particular political fight rather than a cluster i have independent of this local conflict and that i formed when info-processing trans stuff. it is convergently useful for p much all minority groups to have a sense of "assimilation". why could blackcisfems assimilate into whitecisfem society but transfems couldnt assimilate into cisfem society?
people do this a lot like linta saying the creepy transfem mindpowers thing that was being supressed was "my friends" when olivia and arti arent my friends, ive never met porpentine or alice maz or the wachowskis or chelsea manning who all have it. ▘▕▜▋ is also oppressed along this axis even though they at the same time have handed over their life to predation. in the same way that racism doesnt stop applying to someone who is asian after they have decided to predate.
like assimilation has existed for the last n minorities embedded in majority culture, no reason it would stop existing for binary transfems (and it doesnt). like these concept clusters are real.
you can argue whether someone has actually assimilated or not, but arguing that "assimilation" is incoherent because you expect the term to be torn and warped by political conflict is ceding ground. and for people who are oppressed, we need these concept clusters to build off of. assimilation is a cluster-in-reality it is a thing that happens. you can say that im not referencing the cluster, and then since there is a cluster we could have a resolvable argument over whether someone has assimilated. rather than porting out to "assimilation into majority culture isnt a thing-in-reality".
like the recurring pattern that since i have located a cluster in thingspace and am arguing with it and they know that it is not in the social commons and is in fact agentically kept from the social commons, that they can claim “you just made up a fake category to point an ostracism laser at whomever you dislike and favour whomever you like.“ despite the fact that things like “assimilation“ exist for every other minority and a sense of transfem assimilation into cisfem culture can be replicated by talking with other transfems i know who have a sense of this particular thing which is consistent with my sense.
and when i talk with people about this and listen to their experience and talk about their experience with others, suddenly they become my "friends" and people are like "somni it seems like you are just optimizing for you and your friends". if the rights of hyperintelligent dolphins were key to saving the world my agency would flow to free them. its a kafkatrap, i didnt know Jay before messaging them my post where i say i was also assaulted by robert, they talked with me about other things too. now suddenly they are my "friend" and its evidence that im just voicing the concerns of my "friends" this is such bullshit.
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