eeveeliciousrp · 2 years
@count-v-dracula Stripper/Soulmate AU
The weekend was for the boys, and Gabriel’s gang chose to head out to the strip club tonight rather than just going out to the sports bar like usual. The collage hunk was not  interested in getting a lap dance, atleast not from the girls his friends picked out to entertain their private booth. Gabriel had long knew he had been gay, but with his catholic upbringing and private schools he had kept his sexuality tightly under wraps even as going far as taking girlfriends occasionally to keep those who knew him from getting suspicious.
Tonight though, it was tough trying to fake interest. He’d much rather just get drunk than watch a girl shake her ass in his face. Though the occult theme of the club was rather interesting and the skimpy gothic outfits were interesting. As he looked around the club Gabriel’s attention was drawn to the main stage where a male dancer with a vampire theme was really working it. Now this was what got him worked up.
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paleddeath · 2 years
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@count-v-dracula​  confessed  :  ❛  damn, if being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged.  ❜ [ hello! sorry the muse is just 👀 he's impossible ]
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                “You’d  better  arrest  me  then,  eh?  Before  I  TURN  ANY  MORE  HEADS….”  Copia  chuckles  lightly,  the  sound  far  more  awkward  than  he  feels  as  he  twirls  around  a  bit,  looking  down  at  the  slim  fit  of  his  pants.  Papa  could  be  called  many  things…but  fashionista  is  a  new  one!  He  hasn’t  always  been  so  ‘fashion  forward’,  preferring  something  classy  and  mildly  unremarkable  to  fill  the  background  of  the  conversations  of  the  clergy.  Nowadays,  it’s  all  glamor.  That  comes  with  the  job!  He’s  dressed  to  catch  the  eyes  of  the  crowd…and  he  has  his  audience  now,  doesn’t  he?  The  bold  sapphire  suit  jacket  shimmers  as  he  shifts,  throwing  dancing  flecks  of  light  across  every  surrounding  surface.  
                                                                  “You  don’t  think  the  pants  are  a  bit  too–much,  eh?  They’re  getting  tighter  each  time…”  He  may  or  may  not  have  given  his  hips  permission  to  wiggle...but  not  too  much.  Copia  has  to  keep  the  vampire  on  the  hook,  after  all.  
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
✿ [ for Eris ]
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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maliignant · 2 years
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@count-v-dracula​ asked:  ❛   I imagine what you see and learn touches everything else in your mind.   ❜        MEME.
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FINGERS TRACED OVER THE CARDS BEFORE HER, delicate and soft, each one filling her head with some form of premonition. Curious, eyes dazzled as she took in his words, head canting to the side. She hummed, fingers now hovering with a slight shiver. ❝ What I see...goes beyond the mind. Like whispers, they are invading. Aggressive. Yet at times, pensive. Never can tell. I don't always like what I see. Other times, it can be quite intoxicatin'. ❞
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bridesofhorror · 2 years
@count-v-dracula​ asked:  ❝   You insist on describing the torments of love when you know NOTHING about them. ❞ [ for the wife ofc ]
  “And what is love to you? Strictly between lovers? Is the pain I feel for our lifeless children nothing?” Verona chided Dracula with pensive dark eyes searing into her husband. The state of their children was a considerably sensitive topic for the bride; creating an enormous family became their dream that they watched time and time again fail to enter reality. All they were left with pods of their spawn still and comatose. Depressing reminders that haunted her with each passing day. The suffering tormented her and Dracula needed to know her pain. They had to devise a solution to bring their offspring into their world of darkness. 
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  “I am a childless mother and I am reminded every time I give birth and they do not break free! How can I love them and be their mother when I can’t even hold them? Look into their eyes, Mio Marito!” She continued as she slinked closer to him. She wanted an answer, a plan to solve the mystery. Was it a curse to taunt her for transforming into Dracula’s bride, a creature of the night that feasted on blood? She willingly took lives and now she would never create them from her own womb? This wasn’t the future he promised her when she was still human. 
  Verona fell to her knees, hugging her stomach with the knowledge she would lay another lifeless sack soon. Another crack added to her heart. She knew her undead life would came at a cost but this suffering needed to end. For as long as she remembered in her human life she wanted her own family and that desire only grew as a vampire. Desperate. Unrelenting.
  Her eyes stared at her lower body before they peered back up at Dracula piercing with fear and agony. Her body trembled and longed for understanding and a promise to reverse this curse that burdened them. “I can not bear this sorrow any longer. Please...we must find a way to give them life. Anything! I will do anything...will you? Or does your heart ignore my greatest suffering? Do you even feel pain at all?” 
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wingsandcoffins · 2 years
SWEET [ from here ]
Drabble meme.
It had been a few years since the adoptive father/daughter duo had found each other once more, and in those years, a lot had changed.
Before, Rayne was attending college while juggling 3 jobs with little to no sleep. Her personality, mental health and appearance had been slowly on the mend, but only the latter would be the thing that improved, if not just for the façade of a 'new' life. She had many things in the bleak parts of her mind she wished to keep there, not wanting to weigh anything further into his shoulders.
After being reunited with Vlad, she was able to focus more on classes and more importantly, taking care of herself. With one job, sleep slowly becoming a thing once more and managing to make the dean's list, this was a critical turning point.
And she couldn't have done it without her Papa. Ray wanted to give back to the man who was able to get her out of the darkest part of her life, but there was one problem... what do you do for the man who had everything he wanted, or ever could get it in a snap, for that matter...
She couldn't make anything for him to eat: vampires didn't need to, and some couldn't... There was nothing she knew he wanted... There was really one thing she knew of that would make him happier than anything... It worked once, long ago, so she was sure it would work again.
Clutching an old, worn book in her hands, she slowly made her way to his room. Knocking softly, she would enter, smiling sweetly to him.
"Papa? Would you read me a story?" She asked, holding up the book of Muma Pădurii.
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snake-eyes-11 · 2 years
"Oogie! What are your plans for Halloween? I must know for I intend to have a splendorous party of my own and I only wish you to come if it does not disrupt your own plans."
A smile tugged at the corner of Oogie's lips. "Aside from bein' stuck down here?" he queried, gesturing all around him with a swipe of his hand. "I ain't goin' nowhere."
At the mention of a party, his green eyes glimmered in intrigue. "A party, ya say? Well, you can count me in! Can't have a party without li'l' old me, can ya?" He let out a cackle.
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esotericjerks · 2 years
049. a garden bountiful with flowers . [ Carmilla ]
Setting Starter Prompts
Carmilla had always found the garden soothing. Some nebulous, distant memory made its way to the surface: walking with her mother in the springtime, the scent of gardenias, the warm caress of sunshine on her cheek, birdsong. Her mother had long ago gone to rest in the Karnstein mausoleum. The sun was a stranger now—its warmth traded for moonlight and shadow and the chill night. The occasional owl screeching in the dark hardly passed for a song.
But she still had the flowers. Daffodil, tulip, lilac, poppy: a veritable rainbow grew under her attention. (Odd, perhaps, that an undying creature would care for such fragile, fleeting things.)
She crouched in the damp soil, tutting over a budding rose bush. It was in want of a trim—dead and overcrowded branches would strangle the young blooms. Without turning away from the shrub, she pointed toward the small table settled beneath the willow tree, her gardening basket atop it.
"Would you be so kind as to hand me the pruning shears?" Carmilla asked. She knew he could hear her. Surely her tenebrous visitor would oblige a lady's polite request.
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symphonyofmalice · 2 years
❛  i  just  want  to  feel  something .  ❜ [ from here ]
"While I often feel too much" Nicolas replied. "Most of it miserable. I couldn't in good conscience recommend my feelings. But I do understand how even pain, even fury, even hatred can be better than numbness."
Would it even help, if they were to swap hearts? Would the count enjoy the motions of Nicolas' roiling inner storm? Would Nicolas find some peace in borrowing Vladislaus' emotional death? Or would they just make each other worse?
Could either of them really get any worse?
"Do you want to try...?" he asked softly, turning up his wrist to present the blue vein where it pulsed through inhumanly pale skin. The question was hesitant- it was a bold proposition, and quite forward of him. Mortal love paled in comparison to the intimacy of shared blood.
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vyrulent · 2 years
[ COSTUME  SHOPPING ]:   receiver  helps  sender  pick  out  a  sexy  costume. [ Lucy 80s rockstar verse ]
meme || @count-v-dracula
From within the intimate changing room, Lucy held the corset close to her, though she’d struggled with the clasps. It seemed cliche to dress up as something vampiric -- especially now that it had hit the headlines that the rockstar was seeing someone. She’d not wanted to give up her own self to appease some vampiric loving fans. Little Bo Peep seemed different -- it could easily be made sexy. 
“Vlad,” words called out and she slowly poked her head out. The pink truffles of the skirt peeped out  from the door for only the briefest of moments. Blush pulled upon her cheeks. “I need some help with this.”
With the door propped open, she turned her bare back towards the door to be exposed to him. Smile spread upon her lips as she heard the footfalls of an approach. Red curls fell down her exposed back in beautiful ringlets as she waited, hoping to feel that chilly touch of his hand. 
“I’ve never worn a corset before. I don’t even know how this thing works.”
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eeveeliciousrp · 2 years
@count-v-dracula First Kiss
Bodies littered the dessert and stained the golden sands red being soaked in blood. Both armies fought brutally, but were evenly matched that both sides were almost completely wiped out. One blood soaked warrior was still standing, Gabriel of the romani army that he had led into battle with their prince Vlad. But said prince was not at his side. 
He screamed that echoed across the corpse covered land. Panic evident on his blood splattered face as he hurriedly stepped over bodies, searching for his dear friend. Gabriel’s head whipped back and forth, searching for any sign that the prince still lived. 
The heavenly warrior continued to shout and search. Then in the near distance he saw a hand raise up in the air. Gabriel spotted him and ran to the prince, nearly tripping multiple times by the bodied that littered the battle field. When he got to Vlad his heart stopped and his eyes went wide with horror.
“No... no no no. Vlad...”
Gabriel’s voice cracked seeing Vlad run through with a sword. He dropped to his knees at the other’s side, hands shaking from the shock as he couldn’t process this was happening. Vlad can’t die, he just can’t. Gabriel’s breathing was panicked and uneven as he reached out to push back the bloodied dark locks from the other’s face. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t protect you, I should’ve been with you... It’s going to be okay, though. I can save you. This is going to hurt...”
He did his best to comfort Vlad who already looked like he was dead, pale as a corpse from the loss of blood. Before he could do anything he had to get the sword out. Gabriel gripped the hilt of the sword and once Vlad was ready he swiftly yanked the blade our and tossed it. He quickly covered the wound with a hand and reached to cup the back of Vlad’s head to cradle.
“All my life, I never knew love. It was not something I was allowed to have, nor did I think I’d ever find it. You changed that Vlad. I found love with you and I wont let you die.”
Gabriel’s voice fell to a whisper as he rested their foreheads together. With his promise to life his eyes glowed gold with heavenly light as he closed the small space between their lips with a soft kiss. He used the last bit of his angelic powers to heal Vlad’s injuries.
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Vlad, upon hearing the dreadful magic worked on his James and the form he is to take for a week's time, descends with black wings outstretched as he lowers himself onto a perch. He cackles in bird (specifically, raven) before preening James' temporary feathers.
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Feathers ruffled at the laughter directed at him, the sea bird scoffed and flapped in annoyance before settling to (somehow ) pout at Vlad.  /I find absolutely nothing humorous about this/ He complains, though allows the preening without fuss.
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v-thinks-on · 5 months
Count Dracula, sequestered away from society for his unconventional lifestyle.
Jonathan Harker, terrified of temptation.
Lucy Westenra, overflowing with the flush of life and love for all her suitors.
Mina Murray Harker, tainted by a single intimate encounter.
R.M. Renfield, seduced and thought mad.
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maliignant · 2 years
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@count-v-dracula​​ asked:  ❛ Killing must feel good to God, too… He does it all the time, and are we not created in His image? ❜
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GOD HAD BEEN A SORE SUBJECT for Drusilla, an entity to which she had devoted her entire human existence worshipping and trusting only to be betrayed and sacrilege for reasons still unknown. He had done nothing for her or her family, so the very name now left a bad taste in her mouth and on all those who spoke it. Her eyes narrowing, jaw clenched, head shaking as if in silent response at first. Though his words seemed true, she couldn't help but feel that sense of contempt when in regards to Him. ❝ Are we? ❞ Her face transformed then into her true mask ; a demon, the monster He had allowed her to become with eyes yellow and teeth as sharp as a razor. ❝ God kills indescribably... with sweet lullabies to lull us to sleep. Dreams, like memories, foreva' tainted. Was this the image he wanted? ❞
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cascadiums · 2 years
"Euthanasia" is an excellent and a comforting word! I am grateful to whoever invented it.
Once again feeling buckwild about the way Dracula talks about how language works. Un-Dead, a compound adjective to exclude the Count from death and life, Mina ambiguously calling him a Thing to separate him from any other being, the unbelievable power of writing things down. And now Seward makes it so blatant. Words are tools. Positioning yourself as the moral party, staying incorruptible in the fight and walking away successful is just a matter of choosing the right ones. Conquering the immortal evil of vampirism is a matter of linguistics, as much as stakes and kukris and bribes.
I'm tallying this alongside the other 'ancient vs modern', 'rational vs supernatural' stuff we've seen so far. Seward believes that if he uses educated, sophisticated language alongside his modern, sophisticated phonograph, he will be right. And strangely, the Count is following him on this. Moving to London, studying English and getting to grips with the train timetable were an attempt to catch up, led by the same rationalism despite its conflict with his own nature. Right now, the ones most tied to the mystical and the metaphysical are the Harkers. Mina has decided her semi-vampirism is a mission from God, being led by faith, and Jonathan is being led only by passion, regardless of where it takes him.
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ladymisteria · 2 years
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Let's see:
Morally questionable ✅
Prone to murder/crime ✅
Having a cleverly hidden but still recognizable human side ✅
Fiercely bound to his partner/impossible love ✅
Dressed in black/dark colors ✅
Dangerous ✅
Powerful ✅
Vengeful ✅
Charismatic ✅
Yep, I definitely have a type... 😂😂😂
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