#couple mixte
aurorelabab · 2 months
La kissCam đŸ„°đŸ–€đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
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moxxdark · 8 months
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Differents by moxx
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admireforever · 8 months
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fantomette22 · 1 month
A little something about the students dress
Alright so I was looking at references (to draw a character) and ended up doing a bit of research on academic dresses & graduations uniforms! I only find a couple of things so if someone have more infos I will be very interest!
So in Bloodborne we got those dear uniforms :
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The one with the robes is very classic of what people in old classic university still wear for big events and graduations such as in the U.S.A or UK. A decades/century ago they did wore those uniforms of course way more often. Now we wear mostly casual clothes.
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(This image always made me think of Byrgenwerth. With the balcony and all. That remind me of a post I made a while ago I have still no clue what those balcony were use for!!!)
At first, I discovered that between a bachelor/licence degree, master degree and phd/doctorate you aren't going to get the same clothes. Plus, colours can differ depending of : the level of the degree, the school or the field you graduate in (can differ depending the countries as well).
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Bachelor outfits are the most simple ones with not a lot of colours for most of them. Sometimes they don't have hoods but depends. Sometimes they seems to have very large selves like the Byrgenwerth one. The master ones have a bit more colours and I read generally long sleeves but that depends? Then the phd/doctorate ones are generally very colourful! And like the last sources below v They even had even more beautiful outfit for very important members (so I guess Willem pope outfit still make sense XD)
As for the colors it really depends the country etc but I read red is often associated with medicine and surgery (what a coincidence!). White / purple or even red is for theology and blue could be for sciences (Byrgenwerth/willem researches seems to be quite a mixt with theology/sciences so make sense).
(@katyspersonal we did talk a while back on colours on clothes meaning but hey it had have academic significations that fit well too! So in the end, drawing Laurence with white & red clothes is even more accurate now! XD) Oh I wanna draw him in an entire red academic dress now...Future drawing idea ).
Also I forgot to mentions that there's the hat/trencher that's part of it as well. It's not part of the set in the game but ennemies have it.
Also little side note: some dress have stripes or ermine bands on the clothes that represents their grades and also "academic curiosity, academic honesty, and academic courage."
So i suppose the garb Micolash, Damian & co have would look more similar to a master degree one? I guess?
But I won't throw any rocks at Fromsoftware even if the ones we got might not be too much detailed/ accurate because they sure did their homeworks to find and design those clothes. They aren't historians and they probably found a lot more things than I here (plus Japan don't have those dresses too). They're not going to design like 5 different outfits in the game too XD. (Yes I want more details for my story bc making things way more complicated is way more accurate I guess...) We don't know how exactly those types of institutions fonctions in Bloodborne universe too. And it's a fantasy world after all. So it's free real estate
I dunno if you guys @pyro-madder @karnaca78 @secteel or others could know more about it đŸ€”
But for now it's all!
Sources :
PS : I found this piece of medieval scholar dress and it really look like the same as the guy in the cainhurst painting and cut content Beltran!
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They are probably wearing a "simarre". Some magistrate/ university professor / religious clothes people would wear. So pretty oblivious and what we thought @heraldofcrow
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winmance · 7 months
Hi guys!
It’s been a long (long, long) time since I’ve been active here, and the reason is that I’ve spent the last couple of years working on my own book!
This story is a mixte of everything I love reading about: brotherly love, arranged marriage, fantasy universe, and much more.
Here’s the resume:
« As the King’s third child, Elias was supposed to be the sweetheart of the nation, just as the media in every country had claimed before his birth.
That should have been the case, but a twist of fate had him born without any abilities, unlike all the citizens of his country.
Although the information was kept secret, his father had locked him up in their castle, forbidding him from leaving the premises.
Elias had made up his mind that his whole life would be this way; going from one room to another, with only a few people to talk to. But his father’s death changed everything : now, in order to keep him safe from a potential war between mutants and non-mutants, his brother, now King, has no choice but to marry him off in order to send him to a non-mutant country.
After spending his entire life locked away, Elias discovers the real world and all the beauty that comes with it, while navigating his new relationship with the stranger chosen by his brother to be his husband. But security is only an illusion and Elias will have to learn who he can trust in order to survive. »
Thanks to Abby, who edited it and helped me along the process, you can finally buy it on Amazon here!
(Btw, I’m also on Instagram if you want to come and say hi)
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drawnecromancy · 6 months
Wahoo i got tagged by @logarithmicpanda
Last song I listened to : ur just horny by GAYLE (spotify link)
Last book I read : Life in a Medieval Castle, by Joseph and Frances Gies, 1974. For HĂ©lianthe and Atropa reasons.
Last movie I watched : A Better Tomorrow by John Woo. It was fun ! Randomly sat through it bc my dad put it on the TV while i was at his and mom's house.
Last TV show I watched : uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh i have no idea. The last time I mentioned watching a TV show in Mal's DMs was apparently that one time I watched a couple episodes of Mixte, a France 2 TV show, when I was at a friend's place. Which was a couple months ago by now. Idk, i don't watch shows.
Last thing I googled : "pride and prejudice movie costumes" (i wanted to check what the era it's supposed to be set in is called because idk shit about england's cutting of history regarding costumes)
Last thing I ate : Chocolate eggs
Amount of sleep : Generally 8 hours ? Sometimes 10 if i am very tired AND have been properly taking my ADHD meds.
Sweet, savory, or spicy : It's a tossup between sweet and savory tbh, depends on my mood
Currently reading : Life in a Medieval Village, by Joseph and Frances Gies, 1990. Also for HĂ©lianthe and Atropa reasons lol
Tagging : uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh @nerdlemons @strawberry-possum @isabellebissonrouthier but like no pressure lmfao
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riaraa · 7 months
hi hi!! i love your ao3 fanfic so much. the way your explore the characters is just *chefs kiss* i am very excited, but also a bit sad to see the ending of no angels! i also wanted to share my appreciation of animating sideline characters like jean. i LOVE when authors do this. i was wondering if you had any interest in writing more mixte stories in the near future? even with another couple (josele #1 ofc đŸ€­) or in a royalty or victorian era au? i am so curious how that would play out and how sideline characters from the show would become more dimensional, main characters! anyway, i just wanted to extend my gratitude and admiration for your work! amazing talent!
Hello! ❀ (I am honestly putting off writing the last chapter of No Angels because I am sad to see the ending, too!)
Michùle, Joseph, and Jean-Pierre are very intertwined so I knew Josùle couldn’t have a happy ending unless they were all on the same page! And to do that, Jean-Pierre needed some character development and I loved writing it! Commentating on the sexism and misogyny that was rampant at that school and in that time, was something I wanted to explore in Josùle’s love story and I hope I did it justice.
After Vassili posted on Instagram of him in character for one of his movies taking place in the Victorian era (sadly, he has taken the post down now), I had many thoughts about a JosĂšle story set in that time. But, nothing has solidified. So, for right now, I have no other Mixte stories planned, but I am glad the fandom is growing and I hope we continue to see more stories posted. :)
Thank you for stopping by and sending in this wonderful message đŸ˜­đŸ„°â€ïž
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alexablissfrance · 1 year
Alexa Bliss & Ryan Cabrera révÚlent le genre de leur premier enfant.
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Les fĂ©licitations sont de rigueur ! Ryan Cabrera et Alexa Bliss ont dĂ©couvert s'ils avaient un garçon ou une fille lors d'une grande fĂȘte de rĂ©vĂ©lation de genre. Entertainment Tonight Ă©tait Ă  la cĂ©lĂ©bration, qui s'est tenue rĂ©cemment Ă  Common Ground Ă  New York, et les camĂ©ras tournaient alors que le grand moment arrivait.
Le futur pĂšre a ouvert une guitare dĂ©corative pour rĂ©pondre Ă  la question brĂ»lante - et a couvert les fĂȘtards d'un nuage de poudre rose - cela signifie qu'une petite fille est en route pour l'heureux couple.
Il s'avĂšre que le couple n'essayait pas vraiment d'avoir un enfant. Cependant, malgrĂ© tous les efforts, les choses se sont dĂ©roulĂ©es diffĂ©remment de ce Ă  quoi ils s'attendaient. Cependant – comme Ryan l'a expliquĂ© – il lui a fallu sept tests de grossesse au total pour finalement croire qu'ils n'Ă©taient pas tous de faux positifs. Cependant, juste parce qu'ils n'en avaient pas l'intention, Alexa a dit que c'Ă©tait "le meilleur moment".
Maintenant, avec Ryan embrassant avec joie son futur rĂŽle de "fille papa", le couple se prĂ©pare pour les choses importantes – comme l'installation et la dĂ©coration de leur chambre d'enfant (avec le thĂšme Disney bien-aimĂ© du couple). "Disney, bien sĂ»r, est Ă©norme dans nos vies", a dĂ©clarĂ© Ryan. "Nous allons recrĂ©er tout un truc de Peter Pan." "Nous sommes tellement fans de Disney... Et en plus la date d'accouchement estimĂ©e du bĂ©bĂ© est l'anniversaire de Walt Disney", a ajoutĂ© Alexa, laissant entendre que le couple pourrait accueillir leur petite fille vers le 5 dĂ©cembre.
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À la suite de leur soirĂ©e amusante de rĂ©vĂ©lation de genre, Ryan dit que le couple "prĂ©voit dĂ©jĂ " les festivitĂ©s amusantes pour leur baby shower mixte. "Nous aimons divertir les gens", a-t-il partagĂ©. "C'est juste une bonne raison de rĂ©unir les gens dans la mĂȘme piĂšce, juste une piĂšce pleine d'amour. Et c'est aussi ce que sera la baby shower." FĂ©licitations Ă  l'heureux couple !
Traduction de l’article par Alexa Bliss France.
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crown-of-serpents · 11 months
Les Enfants des Vergers
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TW : mention de consommation de stupéfiants Botanomancie : plantes, bois, terre Zoomancie : métamorphose et communication, télépathie
FĂȘtes et Coutumes
Anniversaire de mariage des dirigeants actuels : Anniversaire de mariage des dirigeants actuels. CĂ©lĂ©brĂ© selon le dĂ©sir des chefs. 8 avril : NUITS ANIMALES. Lors de la premiĂšre nouvelle lune de printemps, les Enfants des Vergers passent la nuit Ă  la belle Ă©toile Ă  Ă©couter et communier avec la faune nocturne. Cela leur permet de recharger leur Ă©nergie. 4 mai : FÊTE DES ROSES. Les bĂątiments de Green Bank se parent de roses de toutes les couleurs. Un grand mĂąt est plantĂ© au milieu du quartier et les jeunes Enfants des Vergers, aprĂšs avoir bu un thĂ© altĂ©rant leur perception du monde, se mettent Ă  danser en rondes de diffĂ©rentes tailles autour de celui-ci jusqu'Ă  ce qu'un.e seul.e reste encore debout. Iel est alors revĂȘtu.e d'une tenue faite de roses et est Ă©lu.e Roi ou Reine des Roses ce qui est considĂ©rĂ© comme une bĂ©nĂ©diction. Cette fĂȘte est ouverte aux jeunes de tous les covens et chacun peut y assister. 19 aoĂ»t: OFFRANDE DES RÉCOLTES. Les Enfants des Vergers font dons des prĂ©mices de la terre, c'est Ă  dire des premiĂšres rĂ©coltes animales et vĂ©gĂ©tales de la saison, sur un autel en hommage Ă  Anthearia et Zoia. Les membres du Coven se repaissent ensuite d'un grand festin. Rappel : Les Enfants des Vergers cĂ©lĂšbrent Ă©galement le premier jour de chaque saison (en particulier le printemps), le Nouvel An et l'Honneur aux AncĂȘtres.
Les unions mixtes (un.e botanomancien.ne, un.e zoomancien.ne) sont trĂšs courante dans ce coven. Elles favorisent l'entente entre les diffĂ©rent.e.s sorcier.Ăšre.s, et forment une base solide au coven. A la naissance d'un enfant, la tradition veut que les parents botanomanciens accrochent une couronne de fleurs Ă  la porte tandis que les zoomanciens font passer le message Ă  travers les animaux, souvent des oiseaux. Les voisins et amis viennent ainsi fĂ©liciter la famille. Pour les couples mixtes, les deux traditions sont observĂ©es. Beaucoup d'entre elleux sont vĂ©gĂ©tarien.e.s ou vegan, par respect pour les animaux qui les entourent au quotidien. Iels ont Ă©galement tendance Ă  manger uniquement des lĂ©gumes de saison pour ne pas forcer la nature Ă  s'adapter Ă  leurs goĂ»ts. Il est courant que les botanomancien.ne.s prĂ©parent des potions aux vertus hallucinogĂšnes pour communier spirituellement avec l'esprit de la nature. Iels partagent ensuite leurs expĂ©riences dans des soirĂ©es autour d'un feu de camp, ou d'une cheminĂ©e en cas de mĂ©tĂ©o dĂ©favorable. Lorsque lea zoomancien.ne a environ dix ans, iel doit suivre un rite de passage trĂšs particulier qui lui permet de ne faire plus qu'un avec son coven et de dĂ©velopper sa perception du monde animal. A l'aube, iel se rend au coeur de la forĂȘt, pour s'asseoir prĂšs d'un Ă©norme rocher. Iel restera ainsi sans bouger jusqu'au crĂ©puscule, en attendant que les animaux du coin s'habituent Ă  sa prĂ©sence. L'Ă©preuve est rĂ©ussie si l'enfant parvient Ă  apprivoiser au moins un animal. Cette Ă©preuve a gĂ©nĂ©ralement lieu en Ă©tĂ©, et les familiers ne sont pas autorisĂ©s. Il est possible en cas d'Ă©chec de recommencer autant de fois qu'iel le souhaite, jusqu'Ă  ce qu'iel atteigne le Palier 2 de sa magie. Auquel cas, l'Ă©preuve ne lui est plus accessible.
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chromaticbabylon · 1 year
the 2̶2̶ 23th birthday letter
well, hello.
it is july 5th and you've finished you university degree. congratulations.
you've worked hard (and not that hard) for a couple of years. it has been a source of joy, distress and support, and you've finally made it out through.
you will be wondering why there wasn't a 22th bday letter. the reason is quite simple: i didn't felt like it. there was too much exhaustion and changes going around to sit and talk so definitively, to speak about an immovable period of time.
things have changed a lot. you included. and nothing much has been going on. you included.
last summer was, in so many ways, a closure of a chapter. you know that when covid hit, it felt like youth was over. little did i know, it's been quite recently that i learned that i wasn't to forward, i was late. this realization is quite funny, considering that in my favorite song i say "i'm gonna be late but i don't care". i've been late all along and i was caught up too much in the teenage mentality. recently i found out that aurea mediocritas was me opening the door, and i think i've just crossed to the other side and i'm closing that door forever. maybe i'm not locking it and maybe i'm going to keep the key very close to my heart.
you've fallen in and out of love. you've immersed yourself in knowledge (you know, knowledge heals disappointment), you've gone out more and more, explored your self-expression a lot more, met great people and had a great time. i know you think the only thing you do is to overthink in your bed, but you've kept yourself so fucking busy that you're impression is caused by the blurriness of so many experiences happening in so little time. recollection is a funny thing.
i strongly believe that the greatest lesson in this two years has been loyalty. to familiy, to friends, to time and place, to affection, to values, to emotions, to possible lovers... i think what i'm about to say is always been in me (and that's why i've felt and loved so passionately): you aren't at fault of how others treat your kindness or your love and you are not a fool for loving or caring, it's everyone else's choice to pay tribute and respect it. and if that's not the case, i don't want it. and that's the thing: i've learned to be loyal to myself.
obviously, for loyalty to be the lesson there has had to be a surprise, an appearance of an unexpected obstacle, of treason. and that's come with a lot of mixed feelings, that come to haunt me and every trace of trust in my life. and that's come with a lot of alone time, that has been put into use. i feel like i'm finally in a path of taking care of myself though the things that i do and devote myself to. and, most probably, that's a good thing, but the possible downturn of it isn't lost on me. it's just me, i'm on my own. i think a new me is peaking in, and i'm excited to meet him.
most of these days, i'm thinking a lot about how each day it is more impossible to relate to love. it's been to many thoughts in this two years to be said in this letter. maybe it's best to not write it so i'm not able to remember it when i read this in the future when i don't feel so miserable about it. i suck, love doesn't; so love will not happen to me. if it makes you feel better, i don't feel that bad about it anymore. as i've said before, it is my fate. it's just that now i've sort of come to terms with it, i'm somewhat at peace with that.
the solace of (self-produced and self-fulfilled) prophecies will have to be enough until i really feel like i can have a life of my own. we both know that's what we need the most right now. i wonder if it will enhance my tendency towards quiet and hidden reckless foolishness or redirect myself into the most strict and abstract form of self-centeredness.
it's july 5th, just like the last letter that i've just read and it is so crazy to me that i'm writing this one on the same day. i was just about to release my first ep and now i'm working on finishing up the first mixtape. so weird how time and its loops always has a way to give meaning to everything i do. like all these letters.
either way, it feels like this is the time that you proclaimed to be happening three years ago. you just needed to grow up a little bit, to find yourself a little bit more and live trough a couple of more rough experiences. now, new experiences and opportunities and heartaches and trips and waits and meetings and jobs and friendships and emotions are so ready to be happening to you. you're (remotely) ready to be an adult, even tough no one really is. maybe it's best to say then, that the time to be a young adult has finally come. good luck, kid.
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subiysu-chan · 1 year
Bellatrix Lestrange has a daughter who befriends Harry AU
Well, Rodolphus and Bellatrix conceive a child on the order of Voldemort. Since Voldemort wants to live forever, he keeps in mind that his army would need an eventual replacement. And if Bellatrix is willing to spend so much time in Azkaban for Voldemort, than surely motherhood is less extreme than 14 years of torture. Plus, if they are unable to perform, well, Voldemort can always cast Impero. 
I think the couple would still end up in Azkaban, Voldemort would still diseappear and the Longbottoms are here also. Also, I headcanon that they were fed some pain-relief cancelling potions by Rabastan who spiked their tea. A potion that blocks the body’s natural soothing reflexes, thus making the brain overflow with cortisol to the point of nerve damage. And it makes more sense then just the Crucio thing, because I try to be more scientific than J.K Rowling. 
Now, in terms of name, the Lestrange family seems to be, for the British branch, have latinized Germanic names inspired by scavenging animals, and the French branche has Latin names based of creepy animals and concepts (although the girls seem to have perfectly normal names, if a bit rare). The Black family seemed to all have constellation names, mostly Greek and Latin.  However, we all know J.K Rowling loves name symbolisme. Peonies, in French flower language are associated with bashful love (especially pink ones), apology (especially white peonies), shame (french expression: rouge comme une pivoine), compassion, wealth, passion (especially red ones) and remorse. In british flower language, it can symbolize unluck and luck, while for Americans it can represent wealth and marital bliss. In China, it can mean honor, beauty, luck and wealth, and in Japan, it can symbolize honor and bravery. The peony plant is mildly toxic, but have been used historically as a pain killer in small doses. 
So for a character who tries to do good, and wash herself of the family shame to do what is right, the Peony seems right. So Peony Lestrange she is. 
Now, by who she will be raised. There are multiple possibilities, including: grandparents and aunt, Andromeda and Ted Tonks, the Malfoys, and Walden Macnair and his wife (who’s probably a psycho, because if he’s a walking stereotype and a more competant version of Jack Ketch, than he can be also married to a stereotypical Bourrelle, because why not pile up stereotypes at this point) or the Muggle foster system. I think the Muggle foster system would make her a bit to angsty for something like Harry Potter, but she can live with her grandparents and aunt, with maybe some cousins (I already made two OCs for this). Now, Andromeda and Ted Tonks would probably find it very strange having to raise the daughter from the family that disowned her, so that may not happen. Narcissa would probably welcome her niece with open arms, but Lucius, I don’t think he would want the attention of raising the daughter of the two most infamous Death Eaters when he tries to distance himself, although he could just as well craft a story of socializing her into becoming a “respectable young lady”, and Macnair might become responsable for the children of Azkaban thanks to some obscure law.  I think getting her raised by the Malfoys, and have regular contact with her grandparents and cousins, plus Macnair, would give her a nice “framework”. 
In terms of looks, none of the HP main characters are describes as particularly “hot”, mostly normal teenagers. However, many purebloods, at least from the “evil” families, are shown as good looking, but sickly. We can have a slight mixt of the two by having her get a pale, ashy complexion and reddish dark, intense circles (if snakes can blink, Harry have magical hair and Snape have pitch-black eyes, she can have a slightly unrealistic complexion, plus it’s not that flattering to current beauty standards) giving her a shadowy stare. 
And why would she rebel against her family. I think she would be someone who grows up feeling incredibly lonely, plus let’s not forget the casual relationships many pureblood wizards have with violence, and that’s already a very bad mixt. Plus, I think she would be genetically pre-disposed to enjoy the thrill of the chase, both as predator and as prey. So, Peony would grow up a very depressed child, subconsciously desiring real relationship. Also, might have reoccurring nightmares from living under the same roof as a sadist, even if they don’t harm her directly. Now, she would still be a proud pureblood used to grow up in an odd mixture of wealth and outcast hood, and be quite proud, and be hugely impulsive. Now, Lucius Malfoy is a sadist, it’s basically canon. Macnair is also a sadist (who tries to contend himself with animals, but is more than happy to move onto human victims), and Snape has some sadistic tendencies, but mostly show as verbal bullying and is not a serious threat. But I think her rebellion would be slow, and she would probably want, in the beginning at least, to still have warm relationships. Also, since the only reason she was born in the first place is to be groomed into becoming a death eater, so yeah, that’s also something to consider. Also, living in such a social environment, would require if she lacks cunning, a great deal of bravery. So, for her to be into Gryffindor were she would have more opportunities to befriend Harry, she will have to be a little dumb dumb, and frankly quite clueless, especially with social life.
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aurevoirmonty · 2 years
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Voici un livre indispensable pour comprendre l’évolution mortifĂšre de notre sociĂ©tĂ© occidentale : avec la sociĂ©tĂ© de propagande (Ă©ditions La Nouvelle Librairie) Jean-Yves Le Gallou frappe juste, et fort.
Si la propagande est un mot aujourd’hui difficilement assumable, cĂ©dant la place au terme poli de « communication », elle n’en demeure pas moins un des leviers de pouvoir les plus importants pour assurer l’unitĂ© et la cohĂ©sion des sociĂ©tĂ©s modernes. Ne disposant pas des mĂȘmes moyens de coercition que les totalitarismes du XXe siĂšcle, la sociĂ©tĂ© post-moderne doit assurer sa cohĂ©sion au moyen de dispositifs idĂ©ologiques de plus en plus efficaces, d’une propagande totale qui touche tous les aspects de la vie, du berceau au tombeau, à travers l’actualitĂ©, la publicitĂ©, les films, les sĂ©ries, les jeux vidĂ©o, les spectacles sportifs, les programmes scolaires, les fĂȘtes officielles ou associatives, l’enseignement, etc.
La sociĂ©tĂ© occidentale contemporaine peut Ă  bon droit ĂȘtre qualifiĂ©e de « sociĂ©tĂ© de propagande », une sociĂ©tĂ© oĂč la propagande est massive et se trouve ĂȘtre le premier dĂ©terminant de contrĂŽle du comportement social. Ce livre s’attache Ă  examiner ce goulag mental imposĂ© aux EuropĂ©ens afin d’y rĂ©sister.
Et pour introduire votre future lecture..nous avons interrogé Jean-Yves Le Gallou
Breizh-info.com : Vous Ă©voquez dans votre nouvel ouvrage le fait que nous vivons aujourd’hui dans une sociĂ©tĂ© de propagande totale, globale et mondiale. Quels exemples avez-vous de cette propagande gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Pensez Ă  la journĂ©e normale d’un de nos concitoyens : il se lĂšve et branche la radio ou la tĂ©lĂ©vision, 95% chances sur 100 pour qu’il tombe sur un mĂ©dia de grand chemin : ceux qui ne distinguent pas le vrai du faux mais prĂ©tendent nous dire oĂč est le bien oĂč est le mal. Il, elle, « iel », part au boulot : en voiture ou en transport en commun, et le, la, voilĂ  exposĂ©, Ă©-Ă©e, Ă  des messages publicitaires qui l’incitent Ă  consommer toujours plus et qui promeuvent l’homo festivus et le mĂ©tissage : plus de 30% des publicitĂ©s faisant figurer des couples sont ethniquement mixtes avec une nette prĂ©fĂ©rence pour l’homme noir et la femme blanche.
Dans les trains et les mĂ©tros il sera de surcroit saturĂ© de messages vocaux effrayants : « attention aux picks-pockets », « tout bagage abandonnĂ© sera dĂ©truit », « portez le masque », etc. ArrivĂ© dans son entreprise – surtout s’il s’agit d’une multinationale – il devra respecter sa « charte Ă©thique », veiller Ă  « l’inclusivité » et adopter un comportement « éco-responsable ». Pendant la pause du dĂ©jeuner, il lui faudra tourner sept fois sa langue dans sa poche pour Ă©viter toute blague « stigmatisante » qui pourrait le conduire devant le conseil de discipline. En rentrant chez lui il ingurgitera de nouveaux messages de propagande, avant d’aller faire ses courses dans un supermarchĂ© oĂč il sera incitĂ© Ă  « sauver la planĂšte » dans le choix de ses yaourts ou du papier hygiĂ©nique. A la maison, les enfants de retour de l’école, pourront Ă©voquer les cours reçus sur la tolĂ©rance envers les exigences de la communautĂ© LGBT, le choix de leur orientation sexuelle, les bienfaits de la « diversité » ou les crimes de l’esclavage et de la colonisation. L’école ce n’est plus le grand enseignement c’est le grand endoctrinement. Enfin, petite soirĂ©e dĂ©tente devant une sĂ©rie oĂč le roi Arthur est noir et le wokisme en HD. Pour ĂȘtre complet je pourrai aussi Ă©voquer la littĂ©rature, le sport spectacle et le thĂ©Ăątre judiciaire. Jamais Ă  aucun moment de l’histoire les hommes n’ont eu la tĂȘte aussi gavĂ©e de propagande !
Breizh-info.com : Vous parlez d’un systĂšme qui s’emploie notamment Ă  tout « simplifier » dans le but de crĂ©er un ennemi unique. LĂ  encore, qu’entendez-vous par lĂ  ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Une des rĂšgles de la propagande c’est la simplification et l’ennemi unique. L’ennemi des oligarques qui contrĂŽlent les maĂźtres de la propagande est clairement dĂ©fini : c’est l’homme fidĂšle Ă  ses racines ethniques, culturelles, historiques, religieuses ; c’est le national, l’identitaire, le patriote, le catholique, celui qui est attachĂ© aux permanences anthropologiques, aux valeurs traditionnelles et Ă  son terroir. Et le mĂȘme message de diabolisation est rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©e, dupliquĂ©e, orchestrĂ©e par tous les canaux possibles.
Breizh-info.com : Parmi les grandes armes de la propagande, la publicitĂ©. En quoi celle-ci est-elle employĂ©e, aujourd’hui, Ă  des fins de destruction de l’homme EuropĂ©en ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : La publicitĂ© – 2% du PIB, une paille ! – est par nature rĂ©ductrice : il s’agit de centrer l’homme sur l’acte d’achat. Mais publicitĂ© et propagande sont aussi intimement liĂ©es. La publicitĂ© est une arme au service du politiquement correct. Une arme Ă  double dĂ©tente : par les messages qu’elle dĂ©livre, par les mĂ©dias qu’elle choisit de financer ou non. Un seul bĂ©nĂ©ficiaire Ă  tout cela : l’idĂ©ologie progressiste, l’idĂ©ologie arc-en-ciel.
L’arc en ciel du drapeau sud-africain sur la « diversité »,
L’arc en ciel du drapeau LGBT,
L’arc en ciel de Greenpeace pour l’alarmisme climatique.
Breizh-info.com : Lorsque Chomsky et Herman ont rĂ©digĂ© le livre « La Fabrication du consentement » en 1988, il semblerait qu’ils Ă©taient encore loin d’imaginer tous les aspects de la propagande mĂ©diatique en dĂ©mocratie. Que n’avaient-ils pas vu Ă©merger ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Ce que j’essaie de montrer dans La sociĂ©tĂ© de propagande c’est que nous avons affaire Ă  une propagande mondiale, Ă  une propagande totale, Ă  une propagande globale, qui va bien au-delĂ  des seuls mĂ©dias. Des scientifiques, des experts, des statisticiens, des sondeurs sont arraisonnĂ©s par l’idĂ©ologie dominante. La littĂ©rature – du Nobel au polar – est mise au service des minoritĂ©s activistes. Les procĂšs-spectacles – regardez ceux du Bataclan ou de l’attentat de Nice – ne sont plus utilisĂ©s pour faire Ă©merger la vĂ©ritĂ© mais pour conditionner l’opinion. C’est fascinant.
Breizh-info.com : En quoi ce consentement fabriquĂ© au sein de l’opinion est-il bien plus dangereux et pernicieux que les idĂ©ologies totalitaires du 20Ăšme siĂšcle ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Goebbels et Boukharine Ă©taient des amateurs (ou des copieurs) ! Le vrai maĂźtre de la propagande c’est l’amĂ©ricain Edward Bernays, neveu de Freud et auteur du maitre ouvrage Propaganda. Ses travaux sont antĂ©rieurs aux exercices des propagandistes des rĂ©gimes nazis et communistes. C’est lui qui les a inspirĂ©s. Et surtout qui leur a survĂ©cu : ce sont ses mĂ©thodes d’influence qui continuent de gouverner nos esprits. On nous vend la guerre en Ukraine comme Bernays avait vendu l’entrĂ©e en guerre des États-Unis en 1917.
Un point important Ă  signaler : le temps disponible en dehors des contraintes du travail extĂ©rieur ou domestique n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© aussi important qu’à notre Ă©poque. Ce temps consacrĂ© au divertissement n’est pas du « temps libre » mais du temps disponible pour le conditionnement. Le Grand Conditionnement.
Breizh-info.com : Pour faire face Ă  ce dĂ©ferlement, vous en appelez, vous aussi, Ă  la SĂ©cession et Ă  la ReconquĂȘte. De quels outils puissants disposons-nous aujourd’hui pour se faire ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : La sĂ©cession doit ĂȘtre mĂ©diatique, territoriale, Ă©ducative, politique. Pour cela l’essentiel c’est le dĂ©veloppement de notre esprit critique pour prendre du recul sur les lubies progressistes et les manipulations des mĂ©dias comme des industries culturelles et de divertissement, L’esprit critique c’est la membrane protectrice du temps disponible de notre cerveau, assiĂ©gĂ© par la propagande.
La reconquĂȘte ? C’est la reconquĂȘte de notre identitĂ© par le retour Ă  la lecture et aux humanitĂ©s.
Breizh-info.com : Qu’est-ce que la fenĂȘtre d’Overton et en quoi est-il indispensable de la dĂ©placer sur notre droite ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : La fenĂȘtre d’Overton, du nom d’un juriste et politologue amĂ©ricain conservateur, explicite le champ des positions politiques dicibles dans l’opinion publique : Ce cadre se dĂ©place – ou plutĂŽt est dĂ©placĂ© – par ceux qui dĂ©finissent le domaine des idĂ©es autorisĂ©es. C’est ainsi qu’au cours des trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies des idĂ©es impensables sont progressivement devenues d’abord radicales, puis envisageables, acceptables, raisonnables, populaires, sinon obligatoires. Pendant que des idĂ©es initialement Ă©videntes sont progressivement devenues critiquables, contestables, radicales, sinon extrĂ©mistes, voire interdites.
Breizh-info.com : Avez-vous un exemple ?
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : Oui, la libertĂ© d’expression ! Nous sommes passĂ©s de « il est interdit d’interdire » Ă  « la libertĂ© d’expression, c’est liberticide, il faut la rĂ©guler ». « RĂ©guler » ? C’est-Ă -dire censurer !
Il faut inverser le mouvement pendulaire de la fenĂȘtre d’Overton et la ramener Ă  droite toute !
Breizh-info.com : Les nations d’Europe centrale, dont la sortie de la sociĂ©tĂ© de propagande communiste est encore fraiche, doivent-elles ĂȘtre des boussoles pour les EuropĂ©ens de l’Ouest ? 
Jean-Yves Le Gallou : La glaciation communiste a Ă©tĂ© un conservatoire et c’est ce qui explique que les valeurs conservatrices ont encore leur place en Hongrie, en Pologne et, plus Ă  l’est en Russie. Mais il faut rester vigilant la propagande progressiste et wokiste s’invite dans les grandes mĂ©tropoles. Avec l’appui de l’État profond amĂ©ricain et du parti dĂ©mocrate qui ont fait la peau de Trump en 2020. RĂ©sistons !
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nataventures · 2 years
[ LAOS - Muang Ngoi Neua ]
Mardi 18 octobre : Muang Ngoi
Le matin, je prends le bateau avec Greg (avec qui j'ai partagĂ© le trek), Laura et Simon (rencontrĂ©s la veille). Les bateaux sont des pirogues dans lesquels ils ont mis des siĂšges de bus pour plus de confort! Original et ingĂ©nieux! Nous arrivons Ă  Muang Ngoi, ce tout petit village en bord de MĂ©kong ! Je n'avais pas rĂ©servĂ© de chambre, ici, les gens disent qu'il vaut mieux aller sur place, c'est souvent moins cher que par Booking. A l'arrivĂ©e, plusieurs personnes sont postĂ©es pour guetter les clients. Je vais dans la premiĂšre guesthouse a cĂŽtĂ© du port, un vieux petit monsieur nommĂ© Saylom, qui tient cet Ă©tablissement avec sa femme. La chambre vue MĂ©kong, tout est propre, moustiquaire, ventilateur... Pour la modique somme de 4€. Un cafĂ© allongĂ© a Paris. Je demande mĂȘme un hamac et Saylom grimpe sur le balcon pour m'en accrocher un! Dans ma tĂȘte, je prie trĂšs fort pour qu'il ne bascule pas dans le vide et je culpabilise un peu de lui avoir demandĂ© !
On dĂ©jeune chez Penny, une laotienne qui tient un resto et une guesthouse avec son mari Gabriel, un suĂ©dois (enfin un couple mixte du mĂȘme Ăąge! Il faut dire qu'ici, une quantitĂ© de français se marient avec des nanas de 30 ans de moins et ont des gamins a 65 balais. Ça me dĂ©goĂ»te vraiment. Sans aucune jugement ! 😅).
Nous trainons au resto, Penny convainc Laura et Simon de rester une nuit de plus puis nous nous lançons dans l'ascension pour le Viewpoint Phanoi. Sportif mais court! Des bambous en guise de barriÚre, parfois des cordes pour aider à l'ascension tellement les "marches" ou les rochers sont peu accessibles. Ici le soleil se couche à 17h50 et il fait nuit noire a 18h15. Nous descendons dans le noir en mode expédition !
Le soir, nous mangeons... Chez Penny!
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admireforever · 7 months
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fantomette22 · 5 months
Ok, let’s hear about your favorite Gehrman and Maria happy AU!!
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With pleasure!!!! :D
Ok so for context yesterday I refound this post :
And I was like "hey guys in my happy AU Gehrman could totally get or make something like this for Maria!" And then it spiralled into "oh I completely forgot to explain my bloodborne "happy ending AU" so there it is finally I guess. I think I only share to a couple of persons so far XD (I have a few others many different AU and darker but it isn't for today).
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I already did a few drawings in link with it : here, here, here and there. Yeah with the gehrmaria ship involve so pass your way if that isn't your thing.
I did end up making the cottage house of the AU in Minecraft since a few months ago by the way XD I even have a tanner, hunter and a freaking cleric villager who now took possession of the house 😂😭 even Laurence decided to live here now I can't. I would need to redo it I kinda screw up proportions I think. Sadly Minecraft bedrock doesn't offer to put many details. I guess it would be better in the sims? If someone knows a good game to built house (and 19th century one) I'm taking it!
So now about the AU it's kinda an AU of my fic verse who can be consider like an AU as well I suppose (even if I tried to stay as canon complaint as possible in this one). Like you can guess from the name Yharnam doesn't became hell on earth and most people don't end up dying horribly. I will copy paste below the summary so you I can explain it better.
Bloodborne happy/good ending AU Summary :
Basically after bloodborne game event (in my fic verse interpretation) our dear baby squid good hunter decided it was rewind time and give everyone a 2nd chance. Don't ask me how
Then it's not clear but either the souls of everyone were taken and yet back in their old self, decades earlier of if people from the past dreamed of the future or a weird mixt of both. But it's what happened. Decades before the game invent (Byrgenwerth era) people started wake up and remember events that haven't happen yet + message from the new great one that they were giving a 2nd chance to make things right etc. It feels like a very strange dream but they knew it was real. Some people remember more than other and they especially remember their own future and they lived/are gonna live+ a couple of other things in game event for exemple.
Now it's up to them to not make the same mistakes and make things right.
So imagine it’s like 2-3am at Byrgenwerth, everyone wake up from well this dream/ nightmare and they basically remember everything that happened to them. So you haven hundreds of people outside in their pyjama. Crying, hugging, and some almost throwing hands with others 💀 quite emotional. I know it’s pretty crazy (i don’t have everything settle yet)
*Yeah you have people who were basically bestie at the time almost punching each other because one betrayed the other years later lol and people who didn’t like each other at Byrgen but become friends way later are hugging and crying. Some people were really confused xD like the one who die earlier on the timeline or weren't very important or just leave this mess early.
So of course you have Laurence & Gehrman crying and holding each other in pyjama in the middle of the dark campus. Then Maria show up in the distance đŸ‘ïžđŸ‘ïžÂ  it’s even more of an emotional reunion.
So you have this 2 idiots then Maria show up in the distance, they’re stunned and then Laurence tells him « what the hell you’re waiting for just go!!!» so he runs extremely fast (maria too) and they stop a few meters away from each other just staring. Then he tried to apologize says he’s sorry for everything. « YOU’RE SORRY?! » she’s kinda mad and sad about everything that happened she kinda hit him but he is surprise it’s not that hard then she hugs him and they hug each other and cry. (Yeah the Doll is discuss a bit later it's all good)
At some point Laurence try to eclipse himself and Maria’s like « you fucking stay here! » because she have things to say to this dumbass too.
So everyone reunite and all. With Caryll/ Rom/ Ludwig etc.They are hugging and all and then you have like Damian trying to kick Mico’s ass and nobody stopping him XD
Also Charles and Laurence threw hands 💀it’s a mess.
*People who’re not suppose to be very friends at this era are in each other arms and some bff are like throwing hands.
Then Willem show up and tell everyone to shut up and calm down 😂
Charles and Maria later go to Cainhurst to hug all their family who slightly remember all the shit too. And so it don’t cause a war again as well 😂 because they're kinda salty about their nightmares were the church + executioners killed them.
Anyway they all kinda calm down and some times later they’re all reuniting by Willem & Laurence because we need to talk about what the hell happened. « Yep that was real » now time to change it. 
After this mess and discussing what the hell happened and « we need to changed things! » they need to make a big plan how to avoid the fishing hamlet pb and save the orphan. they also can't just not use blood because it does save lives so it's quite complex.
So years later (because the beginning of it during like Maria, Ludwig, Caryll & Rom's hm 3rd of 4th years of university) they manage to make sure the hamlet don't became fishmen, and help Kos give birth (she isn't dead yet but her physical body do die afterwards). And baby orphan is fine and taking care off 👍
Then it's party time 😎 Well they still have things to take care of but I didn't thought of all the details yet. So Maria & Gehrman officially get together 🎉 (never really happened in my main interpret, it's complicated) and some times later travel between Yharnam and other places to help people around (to put it shortly).
THEN they buy a house next to a forest and a small village and live there for some time, maybe start a family etc (see the drawing with the baby!! I won't get into all the family detail today through). So they got the cottage/country house ✹
How they found it? Well funny story one day old hunters were on the mission (not the happy au but fic verse) and the mayor leave the house to them so they could sleep for a few nights and Gehrman really liked the house and even made a deposit for it for a few years if one day he wanted to buy it XD
Then after some time they accidentally adopt a lil dog too (before the huge white wolfhound years later) XD
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Something like this. Need to find a name for this lil guy.
And recently I've been thinking a cat could be cool too. A really fluffy one
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I made those 2 other sketches last year in link with the AU as well. I never share those so there it is.
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And I have a fic planned (1-2 chap max for now), an entire summary, a chapter plan and even a few sentences written for this AU in particular. But idk when I could write it. And I could even have 2 versions depending the rating @_@ so maybe one day...
So yeah it's a bit messy but it's all the fluff & some other things I need. And that's it for now!
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priyarao-01 · 14 days
Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Recycling Market: Insights for 2024-2032
According to Triton Market Research, the global fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) recycling market report is segmented into Product Type (Glass-Fiber Reinforced Plastic, Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic), Recycling Technique (Thermal/Chemical Recycling, Incineration and Co-incineration), Mechanical Recycling [Size Reduction]),     End-User (Industrial, Transportation, Building and Construction, Sports, Other End-Users), and Regional Outlook (Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, North America, Latin America).
The report highlights the Market Summary, Industry Outlook, Impact Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Market Maturity Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis, Key Market Strategies, Market Drivers, Challenges, Opportunities, Analyst Perspective, Competitive Landscape, Research Methodology and scope, Global Market Size, Forecasts & Analysis (2024-2032).
Triton Market Research report states that the global market for fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) recycling is deemed to witness growth at a compound annual growth rate of 8.04% in revenue and 7.46% in volume during the forecast period 2024-2032.
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Fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) recycling involves collecting, sorting, and reprocessing waste materials made from composites of polymers reinforced with fibers like glass, carbon, or aramid. These materials commonly come from products such as boats, automotive parts, aerospace components, and construction materials.
Factors such as growth in products made from recycled fiber-reinforced plastics, innovations in composite recycling, and a rise in R&D efforts create opportunities for the FRP recycling market. Innovations in composite recycling are unlocking significant opportunities for the studied market by addressing long-standing challenges in processing these complex materials. Traditional FRP composites, which are widely used in industries like aerospace, automotive, and construction, have historically been difficult to recycle due to their reinforced fibers and durable resin matrix. However, advancements in technologies such as chemical recycling, thermal recovery, and mechanical processes allow for the efficient separation and recovery of valuable fibers, reducing waste and environmental impact.
On the contrary, limited recycling techniques for CFRP and the complex process of FRP recycling, coupled with a lack of awareness, hampers the expansion of the FRP recycling market.
Globally, North America is expected to become the fastest-growing region in the fiber-reinforced plastic recycling market. The region’s gradual growth is propelled by increasing environmental concerns and regulatory pressures to adopt sustainable waste management practices. Industries such as automotive, aerospace, and construction heavily utilize FRPs for their high strength-to-weight ratios, leading to a significant accumulation of composite waste. Advancements in recycling technologies—like mechanical grinding, pyrolysis, and chemical processes—are being explored to overcome these hurdles associated with FRP recycling.
The leading companies in the FRP recycling market are Global Fiberglass Solutions, Carbon Conversions, Aeron Composite Pvt Ltd, Conenor Ltd, Carbon Fiber Recycling, Gen 2 Carbon Limited, Carbon Fiber Recycle Industry Co Ltd, Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation, NeoComp GmbH, Vartega Inc, Toray Industries Inc, UComposites AS, and MCR Mixt Composites Recyclables.
The FRP recycling market presents moderate barriers for new entrants. While advanced mechanical and chemical recycling technologies can be costly, strict government regulations and growing environmental awareness fuel market expansion, making it appealing for newcomers. Achieving economies of scale is challenging, as higher capacity is often needed to ensure cost efficiency and profitability. Despite this, limited product differentiation makes it easier for new competitors to enter the market. As a result, the overall threat of new entrants remains moderate.
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