#bloodborne happy ending au
fantomette22 · 17 days
Ok, let’s hear about your favorite Gehrman and Maria happy AU!!
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With pleasure!!!! :D
Ok so for context yesterday I refound this post :
And I was like "hey guys in my happy AU Gehrman could totally get or make something like this for Maria!" And then it spiralled into "oh I completely forgot to explain my bloodborne "happy ending AU" so there it is finally I guess. I think I only share to a couple of persons so far XD (I have a few others many different AU and darker but it isn't for today).
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I already did a few drawings in link with it : here, here, here and there. Yeah with the gehrmaria ship involve so pass your way if that isn't your thing.
I did end up making the cottage house of the AU in Minecraft since a few months ago by the way XD I even have a tanner, hunter and a freaking cleric villager who now took possession of the house 😂😭 even Laurence decided to live here now I can't. I would need to redo it I kinda screw up proportions I think. Sadly Minecraft bedrock doesn't offer to put many details. I guess it would be better in the sims? If someone knows a good game to built house (and 19th century one) I'm taking it!
So now about the AU it's kinda an AU of my fic verse who can be consider like an AU as well I suppose (even if I tried to stay as canon complaint as possible in this one). Like you can guess from the name Yharnam doesn't became hell on earth and most people don't end up dying horribly. I will copy paste below the summary so you I can explain it better.
Bloodborne happy/good ending AU Summary :
Basically after bloodborne game event (in my fic verse interpretation) our dear baby squid good hunter decided it was rewind time and give everyone a 2nd chance. Don't ask me how
Then it's not clear but either the souls of everyone were taken and yet back in their old self, decades earlier of if people from the past dreamed of the future or a weird mixt of both. But it's what happened. Decades before the game invent (Byrgenwerth era) people started wake up and remember events that haven't happen yet + message from the new great one that they were giving a 2nd chance to make things right etc. It feels like a very strange dream but they knew it was real. Some people remember more than other and they especially remember their own future and they lived/are gonna live+ a couple of other things in game event for exemple.
Now it's up to them to not make the same mistakes and make things right.
So imagine it’s like 2-3am at Byrgenwerth, everyone wake up from well this dream/ nightmare and they basically remember everything that happened to them. So you haven hundreds of people outside in their pyjama. Crying, hugging, and some almost throwing hands with others 💀 quite emotional. I know it’s pretty crazy (i don’t have everything settle yet)
*Yeah you have people who were basically bestie at the time almost punching each other because one betrayed the other years later lol and people who didn’t like each other at Byrgen but become friends way later are hugging and crying. Some people were really confused xD like the one who die earlier on the timeline or weren't very important or just leave this mess early.
So of course you have Laurence & Gehrman crying and holding each other in pyjama in the middle of the dark campus. Then Maria show up in the distance 👁️👁️  it’s even more of an emotional reunion.
So you have this 2 idiots then Maria show up in the distance, they’re stunned and then Laurence tells him « what the hell you’re waiting for just go!!!» so he runs extremely fast (maria too) and they stop a few meters away from each other just staring. Then he tried to apologize says he’s sorry for everything. « YOU’RE SORRY?! » she’s kinda mad and sad about everything that happened she kinda hit him but he is surprise it’s not that hard then she hugs him and they hug each other and cry. (Yeah the Doll is discuss a bit later it's all good)
At some point Laurence try to eclipse himself and Maria’s like « you fucking stay here! » because she have things to say to this dumbass too.
So everyone reunite and all. With Caryll/ Rom/ Ludwig etc.They are hugging and all and then you have like Damian trying to kick Mico’s ass and nobody stopping him XD
Also Charles and Laurence threw hands 💀it’s a mess.
*People who’re not suppose to be very friends at this era are in each other arms and some bff are like throwing hands.
Then Willem show up and tell everyone to shut up and calm down 😂
Charles and Maria later go to Cainhurst to hug all their family who slightly remember all the shit too. And so it don’t cause a war again as well 😂 because they're kinda salty about their nightmares were the church + executioners killed them.
Anyway they all kinda calm down and some times later they’re all reuniting by Willem & Laurence because we need to talk about what the hell happened. « Yep that was real » now time to change it. 
After this mess and discussing what the hell happened and « we need to changed things! » they need to make a big plan how to avoid the fishing hamlet pb and save the orphan. they also can't just not use blood because it does save lives so it's quite complex.
So years later (because the beginning of it during like Maria, Ludwig, Caryll & Rom's hm 3rd of 4th years of university) they manage to make sure the hamlet don't became fishmen, and help Kos give birth (she isn't dead yet but her physical body do die afterwards). And baby orphan is fine and taking care off 👍
Then it's party time 😎 Well they still have things to take care of but I didn't thought of all the details yet. So Maria & Gehrman officially get together 🎉 (never really happened in my main interpret, it's complicated) and some times later travel between Yharnam and other places to help people around (to put it shortly).
THEN they buy a house next to a forest and a small village and live there for some time, maybe start a family etc (see the drawing with the baby!! I won't get into all the family detail today through). So they got the cottage/country house ✨
How they found it? Well funny story one day old hunters were on the mission (not the happy au but fic verse) and the mayor leave the house to them so they could sleep for a few nights and Gehrman really liked the house and even made a deposit for it for a few years if one day he wanted to buy it XD
Then after some time they accidentally adopt a lil dog too (before the huge white wolfhound years later) XD
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Something like this. Need to find a name for this lil guy.
And recently I've been thinking a cat could be cool too. A really fluffy one
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I made those 2 other sketches last year in link with the AU as well. I never share those so there it is.
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And I have a fic planned (1-2 chap max for now), an entire summary, a chapter plan and even a few sentences written for this AU in particular. But idk when I could write it. And I could even have 2 versions depending the rating @_@ so maybe one day...
So yeah it's a bit messy but it's all the fluff & some other things I need. And that's it for now!
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katyahina · 1 year
Paleblood Hunter could be Laurence’s reincarnation?
Or how things look different if you use cut content!
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I received an ask from @marchioness-of-the-flowers-blog on my other blog that made me dive into a small bit of cute dialogue.. and then dive into an ABYSS of potential because I am unhinged fdshfhd Okay, so I presumed that you was referring to this cut dialogue:
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There are different ways to go about it, yeah! The simplest way to interpret it is him 'speaking with a person that isn't here' thing - so he doesn't really call US Laurence, but just clings to the memory of him. Like, you know, same vein as the guy accomplishing something and casting arms to the sky all like 'Father I did this, do you see???' meanwhile 'father' is many years ago dead. You get the point!
But, heck, the version that he does start to confuse us for Laurence (whether because of going insane, or us looking similar, or both) is more interesting! I doubt that intention was within appearance because Souls-like games feature custom playable character in their trademark style! Sekiro is more 'a From's game' than it is 'a Souls-like game' after all.  So it is probably Gehrman's mind just falling apart!
However, there is another possibility. It could be that the paleblood hunter is a reincarnation of Laurence, or at least was intended to be such in beta version!
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We can conclude that the Paleblood Hunter arrived in Yharnam already being aware of 'paleblood' - and even of the risk of losing their memory after blood transfusion! The bit about the very first note being written in your own handwriting is lost in translation so as always I am using excerpts from the lifesaving Last Protagonist's document ( x ).
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Also, interestingly, with the context it seems like the Hunter chosen to arrive in the hood intentionally - as if knowing in advance that Yharnam would be hostile to foreigners from somewhere already. For one reason or another, Hunter was informed of what to expect and what they were looking for - be it some divine omens, dreams, them reading about it somewhere, some other character informing them, etc. Arriving in the city to potentially seek the red moon deity behind the Hunt and the Dream is... already very interesting. And very risky task because as gameplay choices show us - without memory it is easy to fail the quest. Not enough cords, not choosing to fight Gehrman...
But also, a detail often missed is that Paleblood Hunter is already not as simple! Here is the invitation in Cainhurst that you can find after imposter doctor invades Iosefka's clinic and takes her place, if you sneak from the secret cave through the woods. It is found in the exact same room where you start the game and where that first note about 'Seek paleblood to transcend the hunt' is!
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Easily, she brought it! She, or Iosefka herself right after we left the room - they are most likely twins because devs aren't even subtle about them looking the same.
I talked more about the theory of Laurence having roots in Cainhurst in this ( x ) post, but the key point -  a portrait on the Cainhurst has both gold pendant and a necklace Church Servants wear. Can't imagine a more FAT hint, haha. Laurence was the one responsible for creating Hunter's Dream and associating with the paleblood / moon presence, and in that cut dialogue with Gehrman you see he mentions - "The way we've always said we'd end it, you recall".
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So, perhaps Laurence could vaguely (or fully) predict what was to come - his impending early death included. Iosefka and the imposter are both in the Healing Church (and very likely both with Cainhurst roots as well - don't forget that Imposter Doctor can prepare the Numbing Mists that are "secret recipe from Cainhurst" and comments on us having scent 'of the moon' - with the only other character saying the same being Annalise). It is a possibility he entrusted one or both of them with the letter. Maybe name of Paleblood Hunter was known many years prior, or maybe they were instructed to write the invitation as soon as they spot a suspicious person seeking paleblood without being a Yharnamite... because that person WILL be important.
Alternatively - maybe the note written in Hunter’s handwriting was not written BY them, but their handwriting matches Laurence’s, so it seems like their! And the note was by Laurence as he knew where the future self would awaken. Then, maybe rather than one of the doctors bringing Cainhurst invitation, it was something along the lines of imposter Iosefka just fumbling around the place, finding this letter tucked somewhere and discarding it - letter he left? And maybe the reason him being reborn was apparent because of strange Cainhurst heritage transcending death as concept - or him having one favour from the Moon Presece for giving her a surrogate child (old man)? There are so many interpretations that choosing only one is already a hassle!
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Laurence also lays idly as a beast, yet for some reason his human skull happens to exist in the Nightmare realm, but can't return his memories. So like... If you follow the reincarnation idea - would not that explain why his reaction upon receiving the skull he so desperately wanted is to turn hostile and attack us? Yeah, in the final game most likely he goes erratic when it doesn't help. But if it just so happens that Laurence is full beast, without any 'human but corrupted' sentiment left to him... would not that make sense why he attacks us? Because his actual soul is within HUNTER and now he realizes, and the way to actually return THE Laurence is to kill and consume the hunter.
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And on the brink of the end of the night of the hunt, Gehrman just knows. He just can sense that even reborn as new person - this is merely Laurence's next reincarnation, and speaks hoping this part within the Hunter just... understands.
How is this interpretation?
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Yeah, this is possible that it is a bit of a stretch, but that would explain some things. Especially the mystery of Cainhurst invitation and why the hunter specifically arrives to solve mystery of paleblood. Such a long time passed that Laurence found Gehrman again as a reincarnation - but he still arrived to at least free him.
Heh... worth a notice that in the cut dialogue, Gehrman sounds like the burning of the Hunter's Dream will destroy it for good, as opposed to the actual game where it seems to be merely a reset. Anyway, thank you for the ask, this was really fun to think about!
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
Sin I cannot emphasize enough that I have not stopped thinking about your latest drawing, specifically how unbearably cute Ruza's face is,,,I love her expression so much I can't even contain it. Where did those scars come from!! I'm almost afraid to ask because I feel like I might know!!!!
Hey there!! Omg I'm so happy you enjoyed the latest piece! It was just a silly idea but I had a lot of fun making it, especially with rendering dear Ruza's lovestruck face, so good to know you enjoy it as much as I do lmao 😂 In general though, I'm honestly delighted you like her and think about her so much!!! I seriously didn't count on people having so much affection for her, but I am beyond grateful that you and a handful of others indeed do 💙✨️
But anyways!!! You and a couple of others asked the same question, and I am more than happy to answer! I think I can imagine what your guess might be as to the origin of Ruza's new scars, and you might be half right, at least. The one on her lip came from a certain church-goer's blade after the blood moon rises, with no thanks to Ruza's ailing heart making her hesitate in the conflict. Ordinarily, a regular person couldn't hope to land a blow on a seasoned hunter so easily, but it was certainly not an ordinary situation. The fact that her outfit has changed and the badge of her creed from her scarf is now missing are also both consequences of that same, sad state of affairs.
But the scars on Ruza's eye were actually not acquired until her second hunt, and the cause of which was a lot more mundane, for a hunter at least.
She was unable to leave the dream the first time after completing her hunt, despite asking to and wanting quite dreadfully to be set free, and was thus dragged right back to square one to start all over again. This time around, she took her first foray into the Hunter's Nightmare, which to be frank was a little more dangerous than she had initially prepared for; and while trying to acquire her Beasthunter Saif, she was ambushed by a beastclaw hunter. It was something of a challenging fight for her, particularly because she had no more vials at her disposal and was already worn down from the road she took to get there. Lucky for her, she is still a force to be reckoned with. Unlucky for her, she suffered a blow to the face among several other injuries in the process of taking that hunter down, the scars of which still remain! However, she was aided by a ✨️mysterious cooperator✨️ that was drawn to the skirmish and who ends up being revealed to be extremely important later on. So while the cause of these scars were mundane, the aftermath definitely was not!
Have a bonus sketch while I'm here lmao thank you for enabling my Ruza brainrot 💝
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lazyroseart · 9 months
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No more hunts.
No more nightmares.
No more bloodshed.
No more beast.
Free to be happy and domestic with a happy healthy little girl who brought sunlight into the two hunters dark skies.
Bloody Crow and Eleanor with their daughter Anna <3
Also yes Anna is holding a crow shaped stuff animal
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fareehaandspaniards · 10 months
I want so much draw something about future of Yharnam. Since my hunter became deity, he will watch carefully over this land and wait for people he once knew to get a new life.
Again college, again talented young people, but now they won't fall into madness, because Deity doesn't want them to find ancient labyrinths, to discover Great Ones. And so same people, same place, same mistakes, but completely different time, its modern Yharnam
Great One, former hunter, who knew them all, all yharnamites, will now let them live peaceful, joyful life
"Do the gods love their creations?"
Yes, they do
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Gascoigne x Oc comic.
Because he deserves happiness and someone who will help him to heal. Also his daughters need someone since Gascoigne is blind. Still kicking assss. Just can't do some things due no eyesight 😔
Oc's name is Lily. She's another hunter who managed to smack some sense in Jumbo sized sad dad's brain after he lost wife (I believe in Yharnamite theory, who took Viola's life and he chopped that guy with an axe as we see in cutscene)
There's some comic of them when they just started courting.
P. S. Gascoigne with freckles headcanon slaps. He's jumbo sized Irish man after all. He looks cute with freckles.
Also Headcanon of him being extremely affectionate and once Lily helped him overcome and beat beasthood, he became more sensible in hunts and didn't go overboard. He stuck around her when she needed assistance
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It's low effort comic since I have little next to no talent, but I had to get it finished. Won't stop drawing regardless.
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danphantom · 3 months
if ur curious abt the dans that i mentioned here's a post explaining them yippee
split core is an au sort of based in the doppelganger au--its a branch-off of it really--where clockwork wasnt happy with dan's progression and decided to teach him a lesson by splitting his core into the vlad and danny halves--red and green. however, a third core had formed over time--the dark core--and a third dan came out with them who was just the personification of all his bitterness and hatred. they looked like this (and forgive the old art i need to draw them again soon)
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and yall know doppelganger dan. hes just the redeemed dan from my doppelganger au/comic lol. he came back for revenge after TUE's events, but he was captured and (forcefully) rehabilitated by the fentons, mostly jazz. then his timeline's vlad showed up thanks to danny and threw him for a loop, but it ended up being what he needed to truly get better! also then later valerie showed up and things got complicated lol. this is him in case youve forgotten
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i mentioned "apprentice dan" and that was basically an au where dan was clockwork's apprentice! it was a way for clockwork to look after him without having him interfere with timelines by being part of them. i didnt develop this au a lot, i kind of only had a design and one shitpost comic, but i look back on it fondly. here's the art (also very old now)
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and finally, my attempt at a post-agit dan... i settled with just having him be in the clone vessel FOR NOW, because i kinda vibe(d?) with the idea of him being in the vessel to be anchored to the timeline but when he goes ghost he turns into his usual ghost form! here's the vessel design i landed on
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i actually just remembered i DO have two more dans from crossover aus i made in the past. how the hell did i forget saiyan dan and phantomborne dan. ESPECIALLY phantomborne dan.
here's saiyan dan first--it was a dragon ball z crossover where jack was a saiyan with amnesia which made danny a half saiyan. i cant remember exactly how i handled dan in this, but i THINK i made dan some time travel situation where he came to the past to make danny an evil saiyan (theyre both half saiyans in the au). this was him
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finally...phantomborne. this was my baby au that i was kind of obsessed with for a hot minute so i absolutely cannot believe i forgot about it until now. but it was my bloodborne crossover au where danny was a half beast due to a failed blood transfusion experiment and he could transform at will. dan, however, was a full beast, and he was still danny from the future--there was time travel that i implemented using the au version of clockwork, who kind of acted as a less creepy gehrman with time powers. i think i made him responsible for the reason hunters wake up from the hunter's dream and everything has respawned, like they want back in time??? idk lol. but yeah dan is a full beast in the future bc he was never cured of his beasthood + gave into his beastly urges. he's pretty sick and uses the beast cutter weapon. here's a pic of him with danny
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ok i think thats for real all of my dans now thank you for coming to my ted talk and apologies for the longass post. i hope yall had that post cutter thing turned on lol. i know i could have used a readmore but i didnt want to <3
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p1nkwitch · 5 months
Alright end of the year fic rec list of my works from this year before i forget about it. All lonelyeyes themed of course.
Choke and swallow down my heart A hanahaki fic mixed with a different flavor of soulmate tattoos. Its a bit of an urban fantasy but it covers the canon story of the podcast. Had a lot of fun with that one, a lot of flower meaning with it too.
Who is that that i see? Peter suffers from Prosopagnosia and cannot recognize faces. Quite the ordeal for a relationship when you never mention it to your husband.
Tower of sins You know how its Jon and Martin who walk through the apocalypse in season 5? Well what if the eye did not reward Elias at all and he was forced to move through the wasteland with a Peter. Alternate take of events of s5, mind the tags.
Take me to Church My Big Bang fic! A TMA x Bloodborne fusion, i am very proud of that one and the art i got for it was lovely!!! Really mind the tags here. No need of previous Bloodborne knoweldge to understand i made sure its all self explanatory but still you probably will catch some references. Peter is a hunter having the worst time of his life with Elias the demon along for the ride.
Heat haze days Timeloop fic where Elias just cant stop dying and Peter has to repeat the same years over and over again trying to fix it while having a constant mental breakdown.
Repair my heart Afterlife fic with Peter waiting on Elias while fixing a house. The house is a bit of a metaphor. Kind of bittersweet but with a happy ending.
I want to break free Good Omens Au! An angel and a demon lose the antichrist and pine for each other for 6000 years now with Tma characters.
Buttons and Keys A Coraline Au with Jonah as the main character. It has two sequels covering Paranorman and Labyrinth if you like the verse. A personal favourite of mine because Coraline is one of my favourite movies.
They are only human The Magnus archives but with supernatural creatures hiding in plain sight, turns out Gerry was wrong and there are more creatures than just the fears going around. Peter is very aware of it, unfortunately Elias is not.
God damn you got me in love again Urban Fantasy somewhere else. Peter is a witch and Elias is demon working on a flowershop and tatto shop respectively.
There are a lot of more i could mention but these are some fics i really love.
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apotelesmaa · 3 months
HELLO .WAIT. do you have more thoughts on wxs soul eater au i never considered combining the two even thiugh i am off the walls crazy about the,m
Oh I have. So many thoughts. You asking abt it even made me get up off my ass and draw again. Putting everything under the cut to avoid having a mile long post.
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When I first had the idea I really struggled on who was a weapon/meister but after deciding on wanting to pair ruikasa/emunene up I was like tsukasa and emu need to be the meisters bc 1) it fits with them being the founding duo of wxs 2) I really wanted nene to be a gun 3) fitting tsukasa’s goals into the SE universe worked better if he was a meister. I elected to make rui a whip first and then I realized I could fit a bloodborne reference in there and reference becoming potatoes with the cane. I’m not entirely satisfied w the first pass at designs for the universe (not super close to the SE aesthetic, I cannot draw guns, I’m not very good at character design, etc) but i kind of tried to pull inspiration from:
- tsukasa and emu’s happy Phoenix costumes (split colors on tsukasa’s coat, tsukasa’s boots, the corset/bell sleeves/little cape thingie for emu)
- for tsukasa specifically: piano (b&w colors and stupid long coat tails), his second wxs costume
- emu: bc I drew her last and it was getting late I did less searching and more winging it but I did try to combine the style of her wxs costumes (shoes, dress, striped socks) & general darker Lolita (for lack of a better word) fashion.
- nene: her gaming event card (weird energy ball device thing? Which I would imagine functions similar to dtk’s shooting soul wave lengths thru the thompsons)
- rui: his ugly ass coat (fond) he wears as his first wxs costume. Also becoming potatoes cane handle thing. Him being a trick weapon (bloodborne term, essentially a weapon that can switch between two forms) also kind of lines up w him being a tech genius.
Ok done talking abt the designs onto the in universe stuff
- not basing any au story off the soul eater plot bc it didn’t work out very well (too many pjsk characters) (going with the main story wxs plot w a soul eater spin. Kinda. Gonna have to think abt that a bit.) but if I did mafuyu > crona, miku & the kagamines > dtk and the thompsons. Would that make cfm lord death. Emu would fill a similar role to maka with mafuyu in that situation but in general (besides the surface level similarities btwn tsukasa and black star) nene is too different from soul, emu is way too different from maka, and rui is literally NOTHING like tsubaki so I can’t justify just swapping out emunene/tsukasa with soul&maka/black star&tsubaki. No equivalent to that fucking cat in this universe. & the pjsk characters get to wear clothes when they’re in the weird place weapons’s bodies go when they’re transformed.
- idk maybe the regular soul eater plot is happening/will happen/has happened but this is the Japan branch (oceania branch in canon?).
- vocaloids are professors (not the kagamines. Forever babies.) but if there needs to be a lord death equivalent making that miku would be so funny. Also the normal vocaloid personalities and not the WXS ones for conveniences sake. Uhhh first thoughts for M/W would be meister miku, weapon meiko, meister kaito, luka can go either way tbh, kagamines are both weapons but are each other’s meister.
- similar to how rui did shows on his own for a really long time I think he was his own meister for a while (like Justin Law was). He doesn’t have many souls bc dwma in this universe at least pretends to give a fuck abt student safety so they don’t want to send him out alone on anything dangerous (despite his talent) and he can’t resonate soul wave lengths with most ppl bc they don’t get him. He ended up giving up on finding a meister when he was younger bc of this & just worked really hard on his own. He experiences a similar isolation from his peers that dtk did (ppl find him intimidating/envy at his skill/etc).
- equivalent of him transferring in to kamikou (? Spelling) second year is the kamishiros spending ~10 years in America. He’s still childhood friends w nene he just moved away after they drifted apart and then came back. Mizuki probably did something similar just 2 keep the mizuki & rui connection still there.
- tsukasa’s SE universe goal is to be the best meister - he wants to protect & help people (inspired by saki. I’ll get to that) but the equivalent of tsukasa forgetting he wanted to make ppl smile & believing he just wanted fame would be tsukasa believing he wants to be the best meister for fame/power.
- saki’s chronic illness is a result of black blood due to an incident w a kishin egg monster when she was younger. I think she would be a weapon but along with the canon typical chronic illness symptoms (not erasing those) she struggles for a long time w controlling her ability to change in and out of weapon form. Tsukasa & her *could* have been a m/w pair & have compatible soul wave lengths but 1) he’s overprotective and I think he realized he would not be able to fight without being too scared of getting her hurt 2) saki’s illness means she can’t really enroll in the dwma (yet. She gets there eventually.)
- nene was in the not classes before the plot picks up bc she didn’t think she had what it took to be a weapon. In universe equivalent to her forgetting her lines would maybe be freezing when she was supposed to transform during an important test when she was younger? Not baby age like in canon (bc I know the DWMA likes child soldiers but 7ish is a bit much even for them) but old enough to be taking classes & old enough to be put into not classes as a result. Im not reading SE NOT! to understand how those classes work though so thank god she gets out of those classes
- nene *is* a really powerful weapon she just lacks the confidence and struggles to resonate with people (& unlike rui she can’t wield herself)
- on that note emu can resonate with just about anyone but she hasn’t found anyone that felt right yet, and Tsukasa needs someone who can keep up w the intensity of his soul wave length and hasn’t found anyone who can do that yet.
- ^ similar to tsukasa being a piano prodigy or whatever in canon tsukasa *is* a really good meister, he just needs a really good weapon. Bc his peers would need more training to get to that level
- I toyed with making emu dtk adjacent (daughter of death) (bc PXL -> DWMA) but that would be too complicated with her brothers/dad/grandpa so I disregarded it. Maybe I’ll come back to it. I think it would make more sense for emu to come from a long line of really talented meisters so she grew up training for the job and running around the dwma.
- emu approaches tsukasa and is like we should work together!!! We’ll do better on missions and be able to take down harder kishin & maybe witches!! & he’s like sure why not every star needs a sidekick (obnoxious laugh) even though emu could kick his ass without breaking a sweat (in line with canon). & like the angel she is emu is like (ignores his pre main story dickheadedness) wonderhoy!! (Deathhoy?) okie dokie we need to find weapon partners then!! (bodily drags him to class)
- tsukasa sees rui training on his own and is like wow he’s really talented! Fitting for a future star like me! & approaches him to ask if they can pair up. Rui is like on the condition that you can find my friend a partner in your class (wants nene out of the not classes bc he thinks she’s far beyond that skill level). Emu jumps on the idea and is introduced to nene who is placed in the higher level courses to accommodate this partnership. Idc if that can’t happen in SE canon I think the Otoris have a lot of sway and any potential issues w nene being less powerful (not the case but it’s the assumption made abt not students) can be made up by emu’s skill.
- emu is instantly very taken with nene and they resonate well. I know what u are dot jpg. Rui & tsukasa can resonate but struggle to unlock their full potential (similar to soul and maka struggling with using the witch hunter form) bc tsukasa needs to realize what his real motivations are.
- tsukasa assumes nene has a low skill level at first (similar to his issues w nenerobo. God I wish I could think of a way to fit nenerobo in this au. sorry nenerobo) but is proven wrong when emu wields her.
- equivalent to the climax of the wxs main story in this is nene freezing again during an important mission and the group losing an important target -> tsukasa gets mad and yells at her -> rui fights w tsukasa over this and tells him that he’ll never be a good meister if he cares more about fame and power than people.
- tsukasa chats w the death scythe kaito & realizes the Error Of His Ways -> emu is considering dropping out bc she feels that she fucked up all of their futures as weapons/meisters by putting this into motion but tsukasa has the heart to heart with emu and they agree to continue being a team -> emu and nene partner back up -> they approach rui who has gone back to working solo and he refuses to partner back up w tsukasa
- idk what a good equivalent to the lonely alchemist show would be. Tsukasa and rui need to resonate & work together to help emunene because they’re in peril or something? & rui through the resonance realizes that tsukasa is genuine? Some sort of hand wavey plot device is used to resolve everything.
- I think that emu & rui and nene & tsukasa are also able to resonate and they do occasionally switch it up just for funsies. Emu and rui bc they just get along very well and nene & tsukasa argue with each other but can still function as a team.
- I don’t think that rui & nene can resonate because. Put down the pitchforks please. *Because* similar to their dynamic in pjsk despite their bond and their care for each other there’s a lot of baggage that needs to be worked through. Too many things left unsaid. Etc. they could probably achieve resonance later on but there’s not really a need to given that they’re both weapons and both have meisters.
- Rui thinks it’s a great training exercise to fight tsukasa “how do you expect to get better if you don’t try fighting against a weapon without a weapon… I’m just trying to help you… (fake crying)” “I’m already good at fighting without a weapon!! This is never going to be relevant knowledge anyways!!! You just want to fight me because you think it’s fun!!!!!!” “(switching manipulation tactics) Someone who wants to be a star would want to be prepared for any situation no matter how small the chance is of it happening” “hm…that’s true… ok let’s do it!!”
- cut to them in the nurses office. This is a weekly occurrence.
- emu also thinks it’s good practice to use tsukasa as moving target practice but this is less dangerous and more just continuing tsukasa’s never ending torment (he is a willing participant in said torment mind you)
- like in canon emu pulls nene out of her shell and hypes her up constantly which is huge in getting nene to have more confidence in herself and her abilities. It’s also incredibly helpful to have a meister who will never judge her for freezing and will always meet her halfway.
- also like in canon nene is very helpful with reeling emu in. She’s a very helpful voice of reason/impulse control but one that understands that even if emu’s ideas are unconventional they still have merit (even if they need to be refined a little)
- similar to the soul eater main cast having the self preservation skills of very small stupid suicidal animals hell bent on getting themselves injured or killed (Liz excluded), emu and Tsukasa are very prone to charging in to a situation w/out thinking. Tsukasa is more reasonable but unfortunately his weapon parter is not and rui usually cajoles tsukasa into doing stupid shit. Nene is suffering.
- maybe someday I’ll design rui & nene if I ever go back and refine these designs but I’m really lazy.
- not really sure how I would go around incorporating the wxs arcs into the soul eater universe with regards to PXL selling out and stuff. Making peace with the witches maybe? Something will probably come to me eventually.
- unlike atsushi ohkubo I’m not a terminally horny freak so there’s zero weird shit in this au.
- initial thoughts on the other units: minori(w)/haruka(weapon that chooses to be a meister) + airi(m)/shizuku(w), kohane(m)/an(w) + toya(weapon who was trained as a meister before deciding to be a weapon)/akito(m), mafuyu(m)/kanade(weapon… don’t make her exercise) + mizuki(w)/ena(m), leoneed swaps pairs frequently but shiho & izuka are meisters + saki and honami are weapons. Open to debate for most of these I haven’t given them much thought.
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rubylarkspur22 · 5 months
I have an idea for the name of Tsukihime´s sword (which I stole from the videogame Bloodborne): Chikage, which when spelled like this 血影 translates to Blood Shodow (according to both the Bloodborne community and Google Translate).
Side note, Chikage is a also a Japanese female name (usualy spelled like this: 千景). This 千景 spelling can also be translated as thousand views (at least according to Bloodborne community and Translate), which I feel could work as a reference to the character Nezuko/Tsukihime is replacing (Kokushibou).
Sorry for throwing several asks at you, at once, I recnetly read Waning Moonlight and I just got inspired.
Oh, don't feel sorry! I'm happy to have provided some inspiration!
I have to say, I love your idea. I hadn't considered a name for Nezuko/Tsukihime's sword, so I may end up using this! I do like making canon references in my AUs, even if they're small.
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fantomette22 · 11 months
Tumblr media
Heartbeat Lullaby
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yolowritter · 22 days
Tag game! nine people you'd like to know better
I was tagged by the most universally amazing, awe-inspiring, metaphysically fascinating and biologically impossible critter to ever exist on this wonderful website, @nicodemoon! Thanks buddy, I appreciate you! So, first time doing one of these but here goes nothing!
Last Song: No One Will Save You - Aviators
Favorite Color: Great question! It's mostly a roulette wheel, because it honestly depends on what symbolism/metaphor I can pull out of Color Theory that week! Uh...red? Sure, it's say red!
Currently Watching: Miraculous Ladybug! Obviously, what else would I be doing with my free time? Productivity? Never heard of her! But yeah considering I'm working on two very long Miraculous AUs...I need to re-watch the show.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sweets! I love sweets! They're awesome! Tbh my favorite, but Savory is a really close second! I don't do spicy food tho. My taste buds and stomach vehemently resist any and all attempts.
Relationship Status: Maidenless. Meaning painfully single. Imagine overflowing with love and being unable to share any of that. Tbh I'd be happy to settle with a close best friend, it's more abt the emotional connection for me than the romance itself.
Current Obsession: Bloodborne. Without any semblence of a singular doubt, it has to be Bloodborne. It's a perfect mix of gothic and cosmic horror, the atmosphere is breathtaking when you first walk into the city of Yharnam, and it was the second Souls game I played right after Elden Ring. Bloodborne does everything story and lore related right. Chilling tones, gruelling questlines, every major progression is a punch to the gut held back only by the player's own ability to pointedly ignore the consequences of their actions. The themes of it's storyline are incredibly twisted, in the best way possible. Every moment is a fight for survival, and not only to avoid the "You Died" screen FromSoftware are so famous for. Yharnam is a phenomenal setting, and from the get-go it's obvious that whatever civilization once thrived here cannot be saved. There is no "good ending", only kill or be killed. I love Bloodborne, and it will always be my obsession. Also it's Victorian Era, so that's another major plus!
Last thing I Googled: Word definitions. That's literally it. I'm an Ao3 Author, what do you expect? The vibe of words comes naturally as breathing, right along with the urge to double-check if it actually means what I think it does before putting it in a fic. There is no escape from this process, believe me it will get you as it always gets me...
Tagging a few people I don't know very well, because I admire their work and wanna learn more: @coffeebanana @buggachat @bigfatbreak @zoe-oneesama @generalluxun @gabrielagresteofficial @hartwign @visenyathedarksister and @jedi-starbird You guys don't have to answer, it's completely voluntary! Have fun!
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maryjanewatson · 1 month
🎁 💕 💡 🎨
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
oh boy. uh…so many. for the purposes of this question though i’ll share a bit that i have not been able to stop thinking about since i wrote it. now if only i could finish the thing it’s in…
“I heard you had a wife back in England,” Gyro says, pausing in the middle of his sentence to lick his fingers. “You miss her?”
He can’t believe what he’s hearing. He blinks, head still swimming. “She’s dead.”
“That isn’t what I asked!”
“It was a stupid question.”
“Did you like her? Or was it one of those arranged ones?”
“It suited our purposes. I don’t—“
“What the hell kind of answer is that?! You were married! Swore an oath to each other! And that’s all you have to say about it?”
Gyro’s eyes are huge, opened too wide. He’d paused in the middle of cleaning his fingers, the smallest one still glistening with spit. His lipstick’s almost entirely gone, only a faint smudge of hideous green at the corners of his mouth. This close, Diego can see the hairs he’d missed shaving, the shadow of a mustache growing after a day without a razor. Traces of slickness still cling to his chin, his cheeks.
He’s ugly like this, Diego thinks.
“You’ve never married,” Diego says.
they’re so gross. they’re so…gross…and i’m so obsessed with the concept of this conversation i have to spend 900 years thinking about it.
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
honestly it’s this elden ring one
i really enjoyed writing it and i still think the d-rogier situation is SO entertaining. i really like the vibe that i managed to capture with this one and feel like it’s tonally consistent and fitting with the style of the setting, it maintains that fun fromsoft ambiguity and i just am really happy with it! yeah!
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
uhhh. i’ve got…3 diegyro oneshots at various stages of progress, a separate document full of potential diegyro oneshot wip ideas, then i’ve got the two…three. three longfics (technically collaborations with per!) that are extensively bulletpointed and i think about them often but are likely to never be finished. one day maybe…i would love to bring at least 2 of them into reality. one is just kind of a steel ball run retelling/au situation that doesn’t have much to do with shipping, the second is a plot-heavy sequel to that retelling and it’s kind of a diegyro manifesto in a way. and the third is a diegyro “bad end” au that turns out…not so bad? it just takes years to get to that point.
i also keep thinking about writing a bloodborne au but that’s in the oneshots folder. i just started a bodyswap fic…sigh.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
oh jeez. i think rogier taking off the gloves or d trying to cover the armor’s eyes from the elden ring one would be fun. there’s some bits from some of my diegyro wips that i would loveeeee to see fanart of but they’d have to be finished in order for that to happen…anything to do with the corpse eyes and the doubling is always awesome though i get so excited. ugh or the diegyro nasty woundcare situation i’ve got cooking in a wip…or ok this isn’t my fic it’s one of per’s but the scene with dream gyro kneeling down to kiss diego and also take his head is one i’ve wanted to draw for YEARSSSSS but haven’t managed to yet.
thank you for asking this was fun. i hope you enjoy diego gyro hour
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lazyroseart · 9 months
Crow had to convince Eleanor to name their daughter Annalise. However neither knew that they were gonna have a girl but Crow still begged.
It took some time but Crow got his wish in naming their baby girl Annalise when she was born. They call her Anna for short lol.
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callsignbaphomet · 2 months
Don't know if I'm portraying his trauma correctly or if I'm even making the other characters approach him and his trauma correctly. I'm going with what feels right/how I would want others to handle it and copious amounts of research (my favorite part of writing tbh).
Am I focusing too much on his trauma? Personally I don't think so but I did say I was using him as a vehicle to work some shit out so maybe. At one point I was gonna have him killed (suicide) but no way.
1. I did that in a previous and outdated Bloodborne AU and regretted it so badly.
2. While the idea of causing Loke infinite amounts of grief and pain is temptingly delicious it would split the group because Angelus would have no reason to stick around if Jelani's dead. Jela's his only anchor to the group and I don't want to split them.
3. I'm currently sitting on the darkest parts of this AU but it has a happy ending. No, Jelani will never be the same person he was but he'll slowly (slowly because let's be real here, he went through some messed up shit and as much as I've talked about it I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of what happened that night and the creepy and unhinged shit Chris was saying/doing days prior to the incident. Haven't even elaborated on the details of what went down that night and the horrible shit Chris said while he did what he did) heal and learn to cope mostly thanks to his family helping him. So it's not just torturing a character for the sake of torturing a character.
But for now I'm just focusing on the dark parts of it all as well as exploring how he and Angelus kind of combine and honestly it's enjoyable in a weird way.
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I wanna yell about my Reaper!Kiyo AU because I have a lot of brainrot over it
WARNING - it deals with happenings in the current patch, so don't read if you haven't finished it
So basically Kiyo's reaper AU is an Eorzea that lost against Golbez and his takeover of the source, so the lands end up getting ravaged by the voidsent that come pouring in from the 13th. Kiyo ends up completely bonding with her voidsent partner to the point where it's hard to tell where one begins and one ends, and there are even times where she'll even let Facade just take the reigns of her body for a while much like a DRK does with their Esteem
She's still a WHM and a healer, but now she has no qualms about taking other's lives, especially if they're consorting and making deals with the voidsent she's constantly hunting down and killing. She sees it as Halone's will and a mercy to kill these sorts of people and the fiends that prey on the innocent. As I've mentioned in another post, I've coined this new class as Exorcist, though I'm still trying to figure out the mechanics of it
I at least have her LB3 figured out - Afflatus Penance: a whole garden of her lilies springs to life in the area around her, entangling her enemies within their vines. Raising her scythe, she slays them all in a single swing, their very blood and life energy being taken and passed onto any allies near her to revive them and heal their wounds
This Eorzea is much more dark and somber; you'd be hard-pressed to find any happy places within it, though there are little pockets here and there. While Kiyo is still referred to as the "warrior of light", her ruthlessness and endless hunt for the demons that prey on the innocent earn her new titles - Fiend Slayer, Shadowkiller, The Hand of Halone/Halone's Hand (this one is mostly used by Ishgardians)
Yeah this is more or less just me going "what if Bloodborne and FFXIV had a baby?"
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