#courtesy of threeminutesoflife
navybrat817 · 2 years
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Some people do, nonnie! It's like nonnies that harp on me for writing about Scott Huffman or Hal Carter. I don't care if my Max fics don't gain traction because the feedback I have received has been wonderful. I have a Masterlist full of other characters and stories.
I love what I'm writing and who I'm writing for. Don't like, don't read. You take care.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Not a kink/trope/AU you like? Don't read.
Not your favorite character or ship? Don't read.
Not a genre for you? Don't read.
Don't like? Don't read.
Don't hate on writers for sharing their creativity.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Friendly reminder that just because people can produce content doesn't mean they have to. And while some have the capacity to consistently produce, others do not. There are more than enough free fics to be consumed while waiting for more. So, please, do not try to guilt anyone to create.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
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A lot to unpack here, nonnie. Where to begin?
Why do I have fics on hiatus?
Many reasons. Time. My muse. I don't want to half-ass finish my stories simply for the sake of finishing them. When I return to them, I want them to be 100%.
I don't give you what you want.
I write what and who I want. Not every fic on my blog will be for you. When you go to a store, do you want every single item? No, you don't. You pick and choose. I'd like to think there's something here for each of my followers to pick and choose as well.
Bad Drabbles and people who suck?
I'm assuming that word is "suck". My writing may pale in comparison to some, but I love what I share. It isn't bad to me and that's what matters. As far as people who suck, again, I write who I want. I love Bucky and Steve and writing for them, but there are also thousands of fics out there for them. Maybe you're not a Scott fan or overlook Hal, but I have readers who appreciate that I write for them.
No wonder they tanked.
No, they didn't, nonnie. If a fic, imagine, anything of mine doesn't soar in terms of notes, sure. It may look like a failure. But reading the comments, even if they are few, they didn't fail in the slightest. They made someone happy or feel something. That's a win. Try looking at it from a different perspective before you tell me what's considered a win or a loss.
You love me, but I need to get it together.
Is this ask meant to portray love? I'm not feeling it. And get what together exactly? This is a hobby that I do for free. I write between working and raising my kids. My time is limited. Hell, I have mutuals and servers that I haven't talked to or interacted with in days or weeks because of lack of time and energy. This is on top of family emergencies that have happened this year. I'm trying my best.
Did that cover everything?
Frankly, I don't owe you an explanation, but I gave you one. This is my blog and a safe space to write when I can, thirst, support and have fun. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing!
To the lovelies who read my fics, interact with them and are patiently waiting for things, I appreciate you more than you know. ❤️ And, nonnie, try showing a writer or creator some actual love or check on them. Insulting them won't make them create any faster.
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navybrat817 · 3 years
A few things, nonnie.
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1. I did not treat anyone like shit. I got back to back to back anons simply stating they wanted more Nick fics. Not a "hello", "thank you", nothing and that's more than fine. So I responded with a funny thread.
2. I'm thankful for every single one of my readers, thank you very much. And "continue to flop"? I don't judge my fics on my note numbers, so they are not flops in my eyes.
3. I have shared 9 Nick fics so far, one before the film came out. I write around a full time job and kids. So a little patience is all I ask.
So judge me behind an anon button if you will and enjoy the rest of your day.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Lovelies, since the message isn't sinking in for some (or one in particular), I don't have any plans to write baker!Bucky at this time and any asks or requests will be deleted. Other blogs write for him and I'm sure they'd love questions about him.
Nonnie, stop trying to goad me. You won't get what you want. Have a nice day.
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