#cowancalf writes
cowandcalf · 5 years
Author Asks Game
Rules: answer these questions and tag five other fic writers to do the same.
I’ve been tagged by three people and three outstanding authors. Guys, you are my friends and I thank you so much for thinking of me.
Many thanks goes to @stephmcx. Your point of view on a scene or a moment always astonishes me. I’m in awe how you create gems in your very special way, babe.
Many thanks goes to @sussexualtension-blog. You’re my idol and I love your a/b/o writing and the way you treat swear words with sexiness. I would have never thought of getting tagged by DorisNancyGrey. Damn, love.
Many thanks goes to @space-ace--ravenclaw-demigod We share a soul bond. Your light shines in my heart and your beautiful mind matches mine with being crazy and kinky. You’re a rare flower and I’ve found you, babe.
(Sometimes I get all sappy and I need to pour some love over your heads. Bear with me, babes.)
Author name: cowandcalf (CowandCalf on AO3)
Fandoms you write for: At the moment, it’s exclusively for H50 and almost entirely for McDanno. I’m very loyal and if I have found a place and an OTP that fills my soul with love I settle down and I stay for years. I’ve written for the Suits fandom (Marvey) and for the TWD (Rickyl) fandom but nothing really has set my heart and my soul on fire like Steve and Danny have done and still do. I watch SEAL TEAM with spirit and a pounding heart. I love Sonny and Clay, and Jason and the whole Bravo Team but I just feel happy to spend time with the guys and to learn morn about being a SEAL because I need this for my understanding of Steve McGarrett. I can’t write for different fandoms. I can’t switch from one pairing to another. I tried this once and it fucks me up and my brain goes all mushy and I lose the deeper connection for the pairing I write for.
Where you post: I only post on AO3. I’ve discovered the fandom world late. I read tons of fics on FF.net and fanfiktion.de but I’ve never created an account on those websites. I've never found out how, to be very honest. LJ is great but so complex that I only read stories there, tons of stories and I created my first account but never posted anything there. I’ve discovered AO3 and that’s where the home of my stories is.
Most popular one-shot: It’s Chest Porn. I wrote a one-shot and some readers demanded a second chapter that I delivered some months later. But it has the most hits and Kudos. It’s actually my very first McDanno fic ever and it happened because Steve changes a shirt in front of Danny and Danny can’t stop roaming his eyes all over Steve’s bare chest.
Most popular mulit-chapter story: This is Skilled Hands. It was my second multi-chapter fic and it’s unbetaed. It’s still waiting to be worked to get rid of all the terrible typos but I haven’t taken the time yet. I love this story. It’s based on my background as a therapist. I just had this idea and even if it’s not that well-done (as some readers pointed out) I’m proud of myself that I’ve managed to pull through. It’s about love and McDanno.
Favorite story you wrote: That’s a difficult question. The most recent stories have totally a different energy as the ones I wrote one year ago. My beloved monster Eyes As Blue As The Ocean is a mind baby I protect with my heart. I love that piece of my mind so much. But when I have to choose then it’s my latest Werewolf AU because this feral stuff does something to me and awakes dark desires and old cravings and writing that stuff is damn intense. 'īlio hae me 'elua 'uhane
Story you were nervous to post: I’m always about to have a stroke before I post. Posting makes me shoot adrenaline in all direction and I end up jittery and nervous. I’m always so afraid my stupid computer eats my stuff. Jesus. I’m always nervous but my latest update, the character study on Steve, made me a bit anxious if it’s okay to put it on AO3 because It’s not a story. And I imagined all my readers who subscribed to me, all disappointed because...damn, why is she posting this crap? So, yeah, I was nervous to post Meta On Steve aka "Smooth Dog" – a Short Character Study.
How do you pick your titles: I love choosing a title. It happens mostly that I have a title before I even start with the story. The title is like a compass and it’s always well-chosen, mirroring a lot of the story. Titles come as a feeling and I wait, until I hear a song, I hear a word or I feel the story I want to write. I need this echo in my title. It’s easy for me to choose titles and it’s an important part of my writing and my creativity. A title is like a promise.
Do you outline? Yes, I’ve learned to do that. Multi-chapter fics with an arch over a special period of time need outlining. I’ve never done it until I realized I can’t go on like this. I will forget important details. It helps me to focus. I have the main arch, break it down into chunks of chapters until everything is broken down to little pieces and how to move on. Outlining takes off the pressure to keep everything in mind. I kind of forget what I have written in the previous chapter because I’m so hyper focused on the chapter I’m working on.
How many of your stories are complete? All of them. I really can’t stand it to have a WIP uploaded. I have some WIP on my hard drive. But my uploaded stories are all complete. Some are series and there will be more parts but the first part is finished and complete.
In-progress: Second part of my huge HS AU Eyes As Blue As The Ocean. I’m on it. I needed this time and only now the flow is coming back and I feel the story, the scenes and the beginning. The next thing I’ll upload is again a meta on Steve. I need this to put on AO3 and then I’m back on my second part. Then my Werewolf Series will be continued. I don’t know when but I have the story in my mind and I need to wait until my muse wants to punch out the second part. Until then I’ll write my sequel to my HS AU.
Coming Soon: Another Steve meta. I’ve posted in already on Tumblr. But I’ve discovered recently that this post has been flagged and has been hidden for everyone to see. I hate stuff like this. I’ll upload it on AO3. It’s fanish work. All the rest will take a lot of time to finish.
Do you accept prompts? No. It causes too much pressure. I’ve had a time where I answered anon asks with a little drabble and I still have one prompt from that time that I should turn into a short one-short. But I didn’t feel like writing it. I have so many ideas on my own, prompts just interrupt my flow of creativity because the one who prompted wants a response and this is pressuring me. I don’t like this.
Upcoming story you’re the most excited for? The sequel to my beloved monster (Eyes As Blue As The Ocean). The title will be “My Soul Is Calling You Home” I feel how it should be. It’s going to be long, it’s going to take me months to finish it, it’s going to be intense and challenging and it’s an urge, a deep-rooted need to finish this. I have no idea where I will end once I’ve started but I’m excited and I’m nervous.
So many writers have already been tagged and I’ve chosen you and I hope you’re okay with it. Skip it if you don’t feel like doing it. I’m tagging @ireneclaire @indiepjones46 @stellarm @jonibeloni @love2hulksmash
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