#cowboy crab
evolutionsvoid · 9 months
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Name: Tozoku Hizogan
Title: Flintlock Crab
Species: Carapaceon
Element: None
Ailments: Blast
A carapaceon that dwells in deserts and other arid areas, the Tozoku Hizogan is a monster that is difficult to find when in hiding but impossible to ignore when it finally emerges. They spend a lot of their time buried beneath the sand, using their tall head to pop their eye stalks out from time to time to survey their surroundings. They hide themselves like this to avoid the worst of the day's heat, but also to stay hidden from stronger monsters. These carapaceons may not be the most powerful species that prowls the desert, but they are not pushovers. When they finally emerge from the sand, they do so with guns blazing. The Tozoku Hizogan sports a pair of specialized claws that are capable of creating and storing blast powder within them. When buried, the carapaceon gathers sand and small stones in these hollow claws, and uses a fast hardening secretion within to form them into spherical ammunition. When fighting, it will "load" its claws with these hardened spheres, surrounding them with internal blast powder. With a snap of its sparking dactyl, it will ignite the blast powder and shoot out these bullets. For smaller monsters, these shots can be deadly, as they pierce hide and flesh. For the larger beasts and apexes, these bullets still have a sting to them and can be enough to keep them away so the crab has time to flee. 
When hunting for food, the Tozoku Hizogan has two options. They are capable of downing their own prey, using their gun claws to riddle them with holes. They typically target smaller monsters, like apceros, using the blast of their bullets to pierce their hide and shells. However, these carapaceons have a tendency to steal their food from other monsters. They hide themselves beneath the sand, watching and listening for signs of a hunt. When another monster succeeds in bringing down its prey, the crab will be quick to take advantage of the opportunity. Having fought or chased its prey to this point, the other monster will surely be tired or distracted, which the Tozoku Hizogan capitalizes on. They will sneak close from their buried vantage point, then burst from the sand in a loud, explosive display. Their gun claws will be firing off loud shots, but in truth there is no bite to this bang. These shots will be blanks, just pockets of blast powder ignited by its dactyl to make loud noises to scare predators off their kill. Some believe their tall silhouettes also serve to make them look bigger, and thus a more imposing threat. Rushing in with its bursting claws can be enough to push the victor off their spoils, and if they don't leave, a few real shots may convince them to abandon the goods. When their loud performance gives them an opening, they grab hold of the carcass and vanish beneath the sands. Their stolen prize will be consumed down here, where others cannot easily take what they rightfully stole. 
While the Tozoku Hizogan is a loud and flashy monster when on the surface, many folk know it to be mostly show. They do not view humans or wyverians as prey, nor do they have any reason to outright attack people. However, they do often show interest in beasts of burden who haul caravans across the desert sands. A hungry Tozoku Hizogan may see them as prey, and decide to pull an attack on a trade line. In other cases, they may see hunters bringing down other monsters and decide to rob them of their victory. Bounties for this carapaceon are typically put out by traders who keep losing their animals, or frustrated hunters who keep having their kills yanked beneath the sands before they can carve.
While the Tozoku Hizogan is not a high level threat, they are still a dangerous species to hunt. Their gun claws can do serious damage to hunters, and can pack enough punch to knock back shield wielders. With their bullets, they can take out hunters from afar with precise shots, or unleash a flailing spray of ammo to force their attackers to take cover. Even if one gets up close, they aren't safe. Their claws have sharp spikes on them, and they will slice and bash hunters with these appendages if things to get too close for comfort. They may also burrow beneath the sand and fire off bursts of blast powder from below, looking to blow hunters off their feet. When they are enraged, their gun claws become even more dangerous. Their angered state makes their ammo production sloppy and rushed, which results in bullets that are poorly held together and infused with blast powder. This results in explosive rounds and wide sprays of shrapnel, as the agitated crab fires wildly at foes. Flash bombs are advised for the fight, to ruin their aim but to also flush them from their burrowed state when their eye stalks are exposed. Pitfall traps should be avoided, as their flailing about to get free results in wild shots that can pick off hunters who blindly rush in to take advantage.
I have done fan monsters before for MH, but they were all Piscine Wyverns! Nothing but Piscines! Seems a bit odd to just focus purely on one monster class. So lets do that with carapaceons now! Nothing but crabs! YEEEEEESSS CRAAAAAAABS! It's high tide, cowboy! Yeehaw!
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l0st-creat1v1ty · 2 years
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the-broccodile · 2 years
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Beta design’s of a dragon version of my dog, official desing following right after
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myteaisgettingcold · 2 months
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More doodles
Doodles, hethorne markers, studio gel pens (black, sparkly, tie dye), sketchbook
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devil-alien · 5 months
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Petit dessin simple ce matin !
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iamshmolphrog · 8 months
It's sunday! you made it through another week! time to post cowboy crab!
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there he is! this rootin tootin bad guy shootin crustacean thinks you're doing great! have a wonderful week my darling crab enjoyers
(tag your mutals to spread the joy of cowboy crab @magical-bear-dubin @snailcheeserulz @a-mushroom-wizard)
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ungoliantschilde · 1 year
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Geof Darrow
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bellpeppersand-beef · 5 months
shinichiro watanabe: you now have an emotional attachment to this twink
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me: ok shinichiro watanabe: do u promise to love him me: yes of course shinichiro watanabe:
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me: 😭
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guiron · 1 year
Listen all i want in a video game is the ability to wear insect/crustacean based armor and also a cowboy hat
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plaguedocboi · 10 months
You need to put a funny hat on the moon snail
He wore the hermit crab as a hat today, does that count?
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sketchinfun · 9 months
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I wanna be a cowboy babyyyyyyyy
My disaster boi joined the Freestar Rangers, but is still a total mess and Neon crate rat
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crehador · 1 year
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trigun stampede ✧ episode 6 ✧ once upon a time in hopeland
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thepastelcrab · 10 days
Yee Claw Pardner
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minickycups · 2 years
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Saw something by @meeks-just-wants-to-scroll about Eridians being like deep sea crabs and I love that idea SO much!
Don’t know where Rocky got the hat or the sweater, but let’s assume they and/or Ryland picked up some hobbies!
Reference pic:
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
It's been four months since I found out about him and yet your yeehaw man is still taking up space in my brain Dunno how you did that but in light of this I will be drawing Lucky again in an undisclosed amount of time
Anywho on a different note I really love ur artstyle!! Even if I'm not all that into stuff like Deltarune I still really enjoy seeing ur stuff when it pops up
it's because he's just so charming, obviously 🥴 he's an asshole who likes to bang at my brain door at 2am requesting attention when i'm trying to do shop work lmao
but thank you!! it's always nice when people can still enjoy my work even if they don't know the media it's from or if it's not from something to their personal liking, really makes me feel like my art has value on it's own and i appreciate that too. take a yeehaw for your troubles.
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